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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1815.)
2 ee ee ee ee
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View original —_———_—_. —— eee
— — —
CORN for Sale, at Plantation Hersiclder,
ai f Li. the thousand cats. 1 July
View original
View original
View original
View original No. 568
View original
View original
View original me — _ TT mc tt apa
— i
® \D ; ' - ’ .
rOR 14, Choice London particular Via-
deira wine fseacs and quarter cask rei 1s
Ltt Wi. Sy
va 4 y> : + _
LO JOBBEERS.—Wanted ona cofte *<-
fale, not lars Pp the river, a. Ct Wilih Os '
thirty abl ‘“SrTocs, Tu ctr ons f . att
clean the sioall dra mista § rial tial
further ThE Ll ates 7
>. ’ ;
weidliil € tf 7 ’
View original : ‘ TR. icT From bie RP. aredcr af Re Vinwloe ox
: (or rof Ciyit Justice bc, af the Co.
srcnevrary, 27 may JSI5.
‘AND it was resolved by way of amplification of
the Regulations, enacted by this Court for tHe Acs
COUBYANTS orricn, that. the foliowing rules (As THE
OF TIE SWORN ACCOUNTANTS) be adopted by the
eed Acconuatants and others; and that the presont
muplifivation be communicated to the Public in the
CURD Mary Memner,
*© i>. "That the Accountants shall furnish the Secre-
lary of the Court with a Listof the Reports they in-
teal to Make, rive weeks vpRevious ww cach Ordi-
Session of the Court.
Phat the S-cretary, on receiving the same; shall
” * Hid such List, as bei ‘ing set down for hearing the
THE ShasioNn, in Order that the Persons interested may
wpQ§mar at the Barand contest the confirmation of the
Accoumlauts Report, ifthey should deem it requisite.
© By Command of the Court.
—— —— ow rr -——
oor .
Of the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice.
ereu Meal ra of I” Tanta ftom Goede oop,
lem of Pl. 1") sperance,
oe ‘mot PI. No. 40 & Al,
ldein of Pi. Palmyva, from 10 Jan. to 24
, Sept. IS]4.
Idem Pl. Palmyra, from 2f Sept. 1814, to
2 Keb. IS1o
idem Pl.. Graubunderland en Zorg doch
met Vergenoegen,
Idem of PI. Hope,
Idem of 2-3ds. of No. 11 Coreutyn coast
hdem of Pl. Profit,
Administration of Pl. Zwdwyk,
Jdemm of Pl. Buzeslust,
Idein of Pl. Benfield Mstates,
Crratorship ot Pl. Planters Lust,
Idem of the Estate of C. Focking,
Jele on —— -—--————R.. Barry,
Idem ————- ——wyn Jones,
om ——_—_e—_—L. Ziceler,
Pe ny—— ——— —— Hey wood & ‘Taylor,
dom—-—————- ay Croft,
jem —_———_————-_J. H.C. Satzinger,
{ eun-—-—_-—_—_—— M.. FE. F. Treurniet,
Dativeratiog Executors to the Estate of R. Barry.
Wirravas the Honorable the Court of Civil Jus-
tice by On ler ( baving referred fo us the Accounts
rt the prisons he reatlet nained, viz.
Wo. Lawson and J.C. Spangenberg, Seq. to Planta-.
tation Gioale Hoop
d HH. 1... Manienbrecher and B. J. Schwiers, Seq. of
; i. i. asym raawce’.,
Tames Viator avd Lewis Cameron, Seq. No. 40 & 41.
M. fe ve otiom 10 Jan, to 24 Sept. 1814, Seq. Pl.
Rookery and Y. Brittlebank, from ©{ Sept. 1814,
180 Feb. IS15, Seq. Pl. Palmyra.
J. Spungs enbere and J. Downer, Seq. to Pl. Gran-
boeds hand en Zorg doch met Vergenoegen.
IM Spewenbers end P. lan, Ss Pi. Hope.
W Maly an! W. Lawson, Seq. 2 -Sds. of No. wh
f Pentine coast. ;
P. Qeim and 1. Cameron, Seq. Pl. Profit.
W. Katz, Acdhiointstrator of Plant. Zudwyk.
FT. van Rossum, Administrator Buzes Lust.
“Kale, Nelministr: ator of Benfield’s Estates.
TOU. Speneenberg and P. Bender, Curators Pl, net's
Panters bauret.
ji Staal @edt. Lathers, Cur. Estate C. Pocking.
* Jaitt iW. Kewley,————R_ Barry.
W. Lawson & hewiey an Jones.
iy iz Dwover: Tes — a |. Lie gler,
. £ raser anal Leach,——————lTh ywood & Tayloi
L.. Thedbald Henry C roft.
a: M. C. Renys, SH.C Satzinger,
Theatnld, ————A]}.1. B. Tredrrtel
(i. Manroand R. Taitt, Deliberating Executors to
the Latate of it. Barry.
Notret is hereby given to all persons interested
Ahevein, that allendance will he given atthe Accoun-
sate Office, held 2t the house of the second under-
sian . on Mondays, Wedneways, and Fridays,
from noon uetil S$ o’clock in the afternoon, for the
ter: wel one mouth from the date hereof, in vert r to
ih such persona to inspect said Accounts, and
»th Iv olyections or observations in writing. af
Ce eaegirate tt of which time, the required report
be iM Ae | in the aboveme sabibncll matters, and of
wig Gif equine J), the parties may obtain an office
eo}y, al Mem owh expence, in order should they
ceyan it epupeclient, to attend the Hon'ble the Court
of Civil Ptistice on (he day appointed for hearing said
gepetl , | noel contest Ubt confirmation thereof.
Busbic: a a Juame, £815.
View original PUBLIC ‘VENDUES.
On Me nday the Sd in at: will be sold by rder of
she Curators «1 bt. E. Smith, without tcserve, the
whole of his eflects, amengst which ate preserved
animals, snakes, insects, birds, &c.
On the same day will be sold, without reserve, an,
assortment of blue painted earthen warc, empty casks
‘cotton and coffee bagging, Irish linen, linen checks,
potatoes, cheese, beer, porter, brandy, and gin, ne-
gro clothing, Ke.
D.C. C. ‘MERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
Wednesday 5 July, will b be sold at the Vendue Of-
fice, at 6, 19, & 18 months credit, Plantation Borlum,
(No. 37.) Kast coast of this colony, consisting of 700
acres of land, 320 aeres prime bearing cotton and 36
acres of plantains, with a capital lovie of hardwood
frame, anda baling press (Braithwaits), and other
convenicnt buildings, and fixtures in the best repair ;
there is a canal 16 teet wide, running thro’ the mid-
dle of this Lstate, from the sea tu the East coast grand
‘This property is too well known as one e of the most
productive in the colony to require further descrip-
tion, the cultivation may be reviewed at any time,
previous to the day of sale, by application to the
Also at the same time a few head of cattle and
On the same day, by order of Mr. T. Thompson,
in commission, part of the cargo of the ship Prince oi
Orange, consisting in barley in barrels, oats in ditto,
ship bread in do. , beer in hhds., vinegar in ditto,
white lead in keos of 100 Ibs. each, paint oil, lime
and lerras, grey and green pease, starch, rolpens, &c.
Ou the eame day, dry goods, provisions, firraiture
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original BARBADOS.
Barbados, 25th May, 1815.
THE Contracts for supplying His Majesty’s
Troops in the Windward and Leeward Islands and
Colonies with Fresu Beer, terminating on the 17th
day of August next, the Subscriber will receive Scal-.
ed ‘Tenders in Triplicate (which must express the
price in Sterling Moncy tn words at length) until the
10th July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from such
persons as may be willing to enter into Contiacts for
supplying the ‘Proops stationed at—
Surinam, Grenada,
Berbice, St. Vincent,
Demerary, St. Lucia,
Barbados, Dominica,
Trinidad, Antigua, and
Tobago, St. Christopher.
Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef, 6f the best
guatity, to be approved of, ifnecessary, by Boards.
of Survey.-——The Contracts to commence in one
month from the date of the notification being receiv-
eof the ‘Tender baving been accepted, and to conti-
nue for six months certain.—Two Securities will be
required, who must be named in the ‘Tender, to be
bound in the sym of #250. Sterling each, tor the
due falfilment of the Contract at each Island.
ayment will be made on the @tth of each month
at the respective Stations, in Government Bills, at
42. Sd. p. Dollar, for the quantities delivered in the
preceding period. JOSEPH BULLOCh,
Any information required may be had on applica-
tien to the Connissariat Officers at (be Islands aud
Colonies. °
CS S 9 os SNS SE ee ee
View original "NOTICE—Those gentlemen who subscri-
bed to Binning’s Rooms and have not paid their sub-
scription, are hereby informed, that if payment is
net inmediately made, the subscriber will be under
the disagreable necessily of publishing their names
thro’ the medium of this Gazette.
‘W7 June. J. BINNING.
—_ Sr —_-.- ——— )
The Subscriber offer for Sale, the following articles.
reasonable, for cash, vtz.— ‘
Dutch beer in casks, sausages in kegs, rolpens in
ditto, sour crout in ditto, Dutch and English pickles,
anchovies- prunes- tigs- Currants- raizius- and al.-
monds in jugs, double cases of brandy & gin, Dutch
and American flour, barley and split pease, soap and
candies, cau de cologne, sallad oil, preserved fruits,
rock salt in tierces, tar, pitch, and turpentine in bar-
rels, salt fish in hegs and boxes, ling fish in boxes,
twnackerel in barrels, paint and lamp oil, while lead,
soda water, tripe, boots and shoes, Dutch pipes, por-
ter and beer in barrels, a large assortment of carthen
ware, duclling, and horse pistols and fowling pieces,
bricks, lime and terrace, hams, English and Dutch
cheese, and hampets potatoes, negro clothing, nails,
&c.—17 Jane. dao. WULIE.
View original ee
TE KOOP, de onverdeelde vierde in de kof:
fy Plantagie Nieuwe Hoop, ygelegen aan de west wal
der rivier Berbice, met alles wat daar toe behoord,
gehouwen, bepooting, beplaating, matcriaalen, en
eénhonderd Neger slaven, zynde den eigendom van
Vrouwe H.A. Kuch, geboren Nietsch, te Peters-
burg.—Teberragen by C. C. SWAVING, qq.
24 June. H. STAAL, qq.
—_- --
View original FOR SALE, the undivided quarter in the
eoffee Estate called Nieuwe Hoop, situate on the
wesetbank of the river Berbice, with all ils cultiva-
tion, buildings, aud further appurtenances, and one
hundred Negroes, the property of Mrs. 11. A. Kuch,
born Nietch, of Petersburg. For further informa-
tion please apply to C. C. SWAVING, qq.
24 June.- H. STAA L,, qq-
View original ee ee
FOR SALE, the lot of Land of No 7, with
the buildings thereon, belonging to the subscriber,
divided in two parcels, all made of colony hard wood,
“strong and neat, with all the out-buildings necessary,
railed in with lats, &c. An exteud credit will be
given toa soliG purchaser. For further particulars
apply on said lot by
24 June. U. SNEEPEL.
View original ADVERTISEMENT.—AIl Persons who
have claims on the late Alex. Simpson, L’'sq. of Sea-
field, are requested to render them in for examination ;
and those indebted to make immediate payment, to
24 June. CHARLESKYTE, ¢ Det. Executors.
View original ADVERTISEMENT.—AII Persons indebt-
el to the Estate of the late Wm. Duncan, or Wm.
Ker, are requested to make immediate payment; and
those who have claims, to render them in for exami
nation and settlement, to
%4June. * CHARLES KYTE, . Curators.
0 —
View original | DRIFTED from the Winkel’s boat build-
ing shed, onthe night of Wednesday the 7th June,
a small Pant filled with Reeds for making baskets.
Information respecting the same, is requested to be
sentto Mr. Nicolay, Commissary of the Winkels,
New Amsterdam, who will! pay a reward.—1I7 June.
FOR LIVERPOOL, the well known
Brig tue rainy, Jobn Sinclair, Master,
sails remarkably fast, well armed and manned, and -
will positively take the benefit of the July convoy,
has excellent accomodations for passengers,—for
freight or passage, apply to the Master on board.
New Amst. July 17.
NB. Capt. Sinclair begs leave to inform his Friende
and the Planters in general, who intend shipping pre-
duce on board his vessel, to use as lil(le delay as pos-
sible, the time appointed for sailing being so short.
~ "THE Subseriber informs his Friends and the
Public, that be builds Schooners, Punts, Tent-punts,
Boats, &c. and Repairs, all upon reasonable terms.
24 June. First lot, 21 empolder. —
ee ewes SS Sewn ess we
View original NEW AMSTERDAM,
SaTuRvAY, Jury |, Slo.
. —® 0X6 ee
By an arrival from Barbados, Sunday last, we have
received London Papers to May 13th. Nothing of
‘ftinportance appears in them. Our Packet also came
(o band this week, but brings only papers to the 11th
of May.
A Letter Bag for the Packet will be made up here
and closed on Thursday next, at 6 o’clock in the
_ TheSloop Hermina, Capt. Wychgel, for Am-
sterdam, will close her Letter Bag at the Post Office,
on Wednesday the 5th inst. ‘|
ee ———_—
View original a
Hlis Majesty’s ship Niobe which left this on the
9Sth ult. in company with the Venerable, 74, and
others with troops, returned yesterday, from Marti-
nique, where, on the 5th inst. His Excellency Sir
James Leith, G.C.B. Commander of t orces on
this Station, landed with the greater part of the troops
that had suiled hence for the purpose of protecting
that Island, in the behalf of His Most Christian Ma-
jesty Louis XVIII. King of France and Navarre. It
is said, the command of the British Force will be con-
fided to Major-General Stebelin, an Officer whose
conciliating manners have gained him the esteem of
of this Community, and there can be no doubt but that
he wiil inspire the loyal inhabitants of Martinique
with the same sentiments. The promptitude with
which our force was assembled and conveyed to Mare
tiniqueis heighly creditable tothe arrangcments of the
View original Commanders of the Land and Sea Service; and euch
a generous adherence to the interests of the virtuous
Sovereign of France cannot fail of endearing our Na-'
(ion toall fanks of Frenchmen, however some of them
may beat the present moment, misted by bad men aud
bad passions.—The Freneh sokliers, upon the arival
a Britihs, were removed from Fort Ruyal to Saint
-__ oro ee
View original re eee
In the name of the King,
Pierre-René- Marie, Comte de Vaugiraud, Vice-
Admiral, Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Or-
der of St. Louis, Officer of the Legion of Honor, Gov-
ernor Liut-General of the Island of Martinique and
its Dependencies, &c. &c. &e.
Louis-Franconets da Bue, Knight of the Royal and
Military OrderofS'. Louis, and ot the Legion of Ho-
nor, Intendant of the Island —
To all qwod and loyal subjects of His Majesty. and
to the brave individuals of the Land and Sea [Forces
in this Colony. | ‘ ®
L’rom the commenceinent of that tmportant crisis
when Murope hecaine agen azitated, tuc thoughts of
your King, constantly occupted with the tate ot his
people, however distant they may be from him, have
been employed in union with those of his Allies, to
preserve your from every kind ot Jisaster. ‘
The effects of his powerful interferrence in your
favour have’ speedily manifested themselves. The
British Government, faithful to the Creaties it had en-
tered into, makes no cisteuction between its cause and
tvatufthe Most Christinn King.—Their Lxcellency
Sir James Leith and Charles Durham have ordered
19 join with us in this Archipelago, to secure to the
Crown of Fratce, under the immortal banner of its
Jiwful Monarch, the Sovereignty of ihe Colony of
Chey cone in the name of their Sorvereien, they‘
come in the name of yours, to praserve tothis Isle, so
hichly favoured by Providence, that tranquility
which those Princesan their Allies fad restored to the
yout, and which the world las been wnable to main-
tain .—they come to assist us in protecting from the
scourge of War, your agriculiure, your commerce,
every species of prosperity which your Country is
capable ofenjoying s they come to jin you in sup-
porting in that Country the glory of tie French name,
now inseparable connected with the fortunes of Louis
lo Desivé, aad of his angust Iouse.——you will read
the nobie conditions on which those reaerous auxi-
liariéS approach our shores: they with no other re-
ward for their {aluable services, than the happiness of
baving rendered them to yon. | P
Receive thim with grateful weleome 3. and reflect
that if, on the one hand, the factions of this our day
renitud us oF those of (he league, en the other, the
Sovereign of France and Eneland, mingling thetr
bauners, present us with the gratifying prospect of
the whorty snecéssors of Hlenry and Ulizabeth.
Given at Martinique, the 4th Jane, 1815,
The Comte de Vangiratd.—Du Bee.
Long live the King.
Terms on ehich [propose (0 offird the Assictante of
a British Land Force to uphold the Sovereignty
of lis Most Christian Majesty Louis X VILE.
ever the Island of Martinique :—
Head-quarters, Durbados, May 20, 1815.
1. The entire Sovereigaty of the Island, shall re-
main inthe mame and nnder the flag of Louis X VIII.
King of France and Navarre.
2. The Brittsh troops shall be put in possession of
Fort Royal, Port Bourbon, Baillé Redoubt, and Pi-.
ceon Tsland, and Shail in every respect act as an auxi- )
Jiary force to aid Wis Excellcacy the Comte de Vau-|
giraudl, in carrying on the Governmen 6f kis Sove-
3. The British Troops shall be maintained at the
ex pence ofthe British Monarchy, receiving, however,
every friendly assistance in procuring provisions, tor
which they will pay as is customary. :
4. ‘The Brittsh troops shall be under proper disci-
pline, and any act contrary to good order shall be
promptly punished by the Biitish Military Laws.—
They shall not be subjected to the French Colonial
Laws; a5 on the other han, the British troops will
appeal tothe Government of His Most Christian Ma-
jesty, ifthey should have any cause of complaints
against any of his subjects, whose persons and pro-
perties will be completely respected by the Officers
aud Soldiers of His Britsunic Majesty.
This Stipulations I subscribe in the name of my So-
Verein, and promise to Maintain; being reciprocally
guarraulied by His Excellency the Compte de Vau-
giraud, who is to remain in the full possession and
exercise of the Groverament.
All attempts to raise the tri-coloured flag, or the
alandird vf Bounparte the usurper, being mutually
View original a eee el ae
resisted by arm, and those who would make such af-
tempts being treated as enemics of the Allied Sover-
eigns of Great Britain.
(Signed) Jaurs Leitu. Lt.-Gen. —
Cu ptain-G eneral and Commander of
His Britannic Majesty's Land
Forces, &c. §e. &c.
LONDON, May 18.
Lord Apsley, accompanied by Mr. Pegler, the
Messefger, arrived yesterday from Vienna, aud has
brought dispatches, which, we understand, contain
the Ullimatum of the Allied Powers, or the formal
‘Declaration of Waragainst Bonaparic; a Message
upon which subjcet will be sent by the Prince Re-
gentto both Houses of Perliament, tinmediately on
their re-assembling next week. Lord Castlereagh
‘vave notice, that on Thursday néxt he would move
for leave to bring in a Bill to enable the Prince Re-
gentto call out the whole ora part of the Militia of
Great Britain,
From the tst of June the Datch and Belgian troops
coi pose one army. The standing army is to con-
sist of 40 battalions df regular infantry, 8 regiments
of cavally, and 6 battalions of artillery.
Paris Papers to the 10th inst. arrived yesterday.
Bonaparte was still at Paris, and had been joined by
his bsother Lacien, (the new Minister of the Iuteti-
or. One ofthe Minor Journals informs us of the ar-
rival of a courier from Vienna, and of Bonaparte ha-
ving expressed a hope that the peace would not be
interrupted. Private letters from Ostend speak of a
movement in advance having already been made by
thearmy under the Dake of Wellington. All com-
munication between France and the Netherlands be-
ing atanend ; and that numerous deserticns from the
French army continue to take place.
A Bulictin fiom Milan of the 19th states, that in
the action of the 14th near Porli, wetween the Austri-
ans and Neapolitan armies, the latter were totally
defeated with the loss of S000 killed and 4000 priso-
ners. Mufat’s camp equipage was taken. The
Neapolifins retired towards Ancona, where it should
seetn that Murht think to rally his army and venture
a new battle. Should he loss, he will have no other
resource than if possible to em ark, as the mountai-
necrs of Abruzzo who have been ill-treated by his
troops, are all in arms to intercept bis retreat. Mu-
rat is stid to have twice asked an arinestice, and to
have promised, as seon as peace should be made with
bisa, to join the coalition, but all his offers have been

The Prociamation of King Loais XVILI. to his
‘subjee ‘ts, which the laicly arrived Papers had pre-
pared us to expect, is contained in thuse now before ,
‘us :— il
“6 Louis, by the Grace of God, King of France
and Navarre. :
** To all our subjects greeting.
“Franee free and respected, was enjoying, by our
care, the peace and prosperity which had been re-
scored to it, when the escape of Napoleon Bonaparte,
from the Island of Elba, and his appearance on the
French territory, stduced to revolt the greatest pat
of the army.—Supported by this illegal force, he had
made usurpation and tyranny succeed to the equi-
table empire of the laws. The efforts and the indig-
nation of our subjects, the Majesty of the Throne,
and that of the National Represeatation, have yiel!-
ed to the violence of mutinious soldicry, whom trea-
cherous and prejured leaders have seduced by de-
deitful hopes. :
‘* ‘This criminal success having excited in Europe
just alarms, formidable armivs have been put in march
towards France, and all the Powers have deereecd the
destruction of tho tyrant.
View original “ Our first care, as our first duty, has been to cause
a just and necessary distinction to be recognised be-
tween the disturber of peace and the oppressed French
nation. Faithful to the principles which have al-
ways guided them, the Sovereigns, our Allies, have
declared their intention to respect the independence
of France, and to guarantee the integrity oft its terri-
tory. They have fiven us the most solemn assur-
ances, that they will not interfere in the internal vo-
-vernment, and it is on these conditions that we have
resolved to accept their generous assistance.
“The usurper has in vain attempted to sow dise
sensions xmong them, and by a feigned moderation to
disarm their just reseatinent. His whole life has for
ever (leprived him of the power of im 08iINg upon
ood faith. Despairing of the succcasbh his artifices,
e secks for the second tine to precipitate with him-
sclf into the abyss, the nation over which he causcs
terrortoreign. He renews all the departments of
administration, in order to fill them with men sokl to
his tyrannicle projects; he disorganize the national
guard, whose blood he intemds to lavish in a sacrile-
gious war; he begins to abolish rights which have
been long since abolished , he convokes a pretended
Field of Mars to multiply the accompliccs of his usure
pation; he promises té proclaim them ia the midst of
bayonets,a derisory imitation of that constitution
which, after 28 years of disorders and calamities, had
for the first time founded on a solid basis the liberty
and happiness of France. Finally, be has consume
mated the greatest of all crimes towards our subjects,
by altempting to separate them from their Sovercin,
lo tear them away from our family, whose existence
which for so many ages has been indentified with that
of the nation itself, is still at this moment the only
(hing thal can guarantee the stability of the legitimacy
of the Government, the rights and the liberty of the
people, the mutual interests of France and of Eyrope.
“* [n these circumstances we relv with entire confi-
dence ona the sentiments of our subjects, who cannot
fail to perceive the dangers and the misserics to which
they are exposed by a man, whom al! Europe has dee
voted to.public venegeance. All the Powers know
the disposition of France. We are assured of theie
amicable views, and of their support.
‘Frenchmen! seize the ineans of deliverance which
are offered to your courage! Rally round your King
your father, the defender of all your rights; hasted
to him to assist him in saving you, to put an end
to a revolt the prolongation of which might become
fatal to our country, and by the punishment of the
author of so many evils, to accelerate the cra of a gee
neral reconeiliation. )
_ Given at Ghent, the 2d day of the month of May
in the year ofour Lord 1815, and in the 20th year of
, (Signed) « LOUIS,”
: RomMF, APRiIt 10.
The following dosument has appeared here, which
we give literally, with all the faulis of sense and lane
guage. ‘The Government disavowed it, and has
canecd it to be withdrawn from circulation. We are
ignorant of the motive which could cause the fabri
cation of such an article.
** Napoleon, Emperor of the French, to all xhow
these presents shall come greeting :—
~— & Led astray formerly by perddious causels, and
dagzied by a seductive prospect we forgot the ways
in which we were the debtors of the Holy See aud the
Sovereign Pontiff.
‘* Remembering the attempt made vpon those rights
by the invasion of the States of the Church in 1809,
and their subjects with regard to the Pontiff.
** We declare, that henceforth the Emperors of
Hrance will be the defenders of the Holy See, in their
quality of eldest Sous of the Church.
*¢ In consequence, considering that it is glorious for
us to repair our errors in the facg of the universe and
of posterity, we decree as follows ;
“Art. 1. The integrality of the Siates of the
Church such as they were in January, 1809, shall be
maintained under the safeguard-of the Freach empire.
2. ‘The preceeding articlo shall form part of the
situation and of (he oath to be taken by our succese
sors, on ascending the lmperial Throne.
**3. [be appointment to all benefices in France
are devoted entirely upon the Holy See.
4. His Holiness Pius VIL. shall be invited to re-
gulate definitively the affairs concerning the Clergy
of the Gallican Church, and all that is connected
with religious affairs, on the subject of the cude and
the Constitution.
** The King of Naples is charged with the execu-
tion of the Ist article of the present Imperial Decree,
and our Minester for Foreign Affuirs, as to what re-
lates to the Holy See. —
Done at Paris, the 20th of March, 1815.
(Signed) ‘*NAPOLEON.”
By the Emperor.
“ Tue Duke of BASSANOQO,”’
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eC A tag By A yearly aztecrcnt (a5 betore with
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is it Hiy Patention, as will be seen in the Mipehise.
ment of Mr. L. @ Atbersets, in December last.
1X grocs wot provylel with a proper pass, from
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“ny stocas. .
dhoge indebted tu Mr. L. C. Abbensets, for ferri-
a5) OF Oherwhe, ate requesttl to metke payinent,
before (he nokt Coupingete prevent coercieve meu.
aus. -
Canje Perry, 37 ne. W.C. WMOURANI).
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Piudtlished eve Y Salurday at & o’eloc: PP M.
3 iV. SC" d! wi & tO,
Lreeueged Gueermnent Printers

1 July 1815