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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOTIFICATION.
BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri-
minal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
THE PROPRIETORS of Lots, within the First
and Second Empolders, of the ‘Town of New Am-
sterdam, are requested to attend a MEETING, to
be held at the Sccretary’s Ollice, on Saturday the
17th April, 1813, before Commissaries of the [o-
norable Court, for the purpose of choosing a Com-
mittee for the futurorsuperintendance of the Town of
New Amsterdam, which Committee is to consist in
three Proprictors of lots from the firstempolder, and
three from the second empolder of the Town, witha
President, and other special business thereunto rela-
Secretary's Office, Sth April, 1813.
By command of the Court.
FROM Plantation C/ifton, from 80a S35 bales of
Cotton, for which ‘Tenders will be received at Messrs.
EE. & A. Prasen’s, till Wednesday the lath inst
when the highest offer, ifapproved, will be accept-
ec. A. FRASER, for self and
10 April. Ti. ROBSON, Seq’rs.
THE Negro Francis, which was sent to the bar-
racks on the 13th of March i812, will be sold at pu-
blic Verndue on Wednesday the 2Ist inst. precisely
at one o’cloch in the afternoon,
10 April. J. A. DELINERT, Under-Sheriff.
ee eC
\ 4: ee
To be disposed of
Kither by Private or Public Sale, and iomediate
possession with Tronsport) given—those ostensive
and very valuable Premises, on lot Nowy: the town
of New Amsterdam, consisting of va excell ot Owel-
ling House, Out-Buildines, and Stores, all betely pure
in complete repair, ala considerable expence. The
eligibility of the situation, for cither a store, ship.
ping, or public establishment, crn be oxtieded by
none; and no Building could be bottey caloulased tor
acommodious and good Hotel, witli Sisbling, &e.
‘so much wanted in this colony. ‘Veras will be made
easy to an approved purchaser. Apply to Wien!
AM Duncan, or
Should the buildings not lye sold by private bar-
pains betwixt and the 30th May next, they will then
e disposed of by public sale, in such loty as pur-
chasers may wicline. Produce will be takenin pay-
mnent. '
gen, by gelegenheid van hun vertrek naar Kuropa,
hunne hartelyke Dank voor alle Vriendschap en
Gunstbewyzingen van alle Ingezetenen in *t generaal
genooten. Voor meer dan 43 jaren met deze holonie
bekend zynde, heeft hy allyd in dezelve die goede
genegenheid, tot bevordering yan zyn bestaan, zoo
van meerderen oly minderen ondervonden, waaraan
hy altyd met gevoel zal gedenken, en wenschen doen
voeden die tot hunlieder aller geluk en welvaart mo-
gen contribuéren. Berbice, 10 April.
Mr. and Mrs. PORTIER, in leaving this co-
lony, feels themselves indebted forthe protection and
good will of all elasses of Inhabitants bestowed on
them ta her business. More than 43 years being ac-
quainted with this colony, he has continually expe-
rienced the same kindness and favors. which remem-
brance they ever shall gratify together with all good
wishes for the prosperity of the Inhabitants.
Berbice, 10th April.
OVERLEDE N—op de Plantaadje Maria Ifen-
drietta, de nagelatene Weduwe yan wylen. ..Hart-
man, inden ouderdom van 68 jaren en 16 dagen, aan
een uitteerende ziekte met verval yan krachten, na
eene bedlegering van 3 maanden.
10 April. W.H. Harrmay.
View original SATURDAY, the 10th of Apr
View original Commissariat Office
Berbice, 10th April, 1818.
CASIT wanted for the following Bill of Exchange
drawn by Josepu But tock, Esq. Commissary Ge-
neral, on the Cominissary in Chief, London, at 30
days sight, viz.
No. 247—€ 150 Sterling.
For which Tenders, in Triplicate, marked * Tenders
for Bills,” will be received at this Office until th
23d inst. at 10 o'dlock in the morning, when they
will be opened, and the highest offer, if approved,
JAMES B. BUILOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
PS. As Mr. Bunor erpects to leave this colony
shortley, all persons having any demands agains!
the Commissariat, are requested lo render in their
accounts in due form, on or before the 23th of the
present month.
i t~snastes
View original FOR SALE.
A piece of Land of lot No. 11, containing 14
roods, situate at the south side of the backdam—ap-
ply to this Office. 10 April.
View original Rec’. Gen". Office.
THE different Accounts are all made out and rea-
dy for delivery at this Office for the year IS12, and
which are payable this month, Defaulters will be
dealt with according to Law.
Berbice, Ist April 1813.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
View original LLOYDS.
THE undersigned hereby gives notice to the Pu-
blic, that he is appointed Agent in this Colony, for
Lloyds Committee, London. ‘To whom all persons
having Demands against the ship Specu/ator, or her
Cargo, since she stranded on the East Coast of this
Colony, are requested to render them in Certified, as
customary, at his Ollice on Lot No. 16.
April. Hf. STAA la
——— —— _
View original Secrelary’s Office.
Word veadeerteerd, dati This is to inform the Pu.
le volgende personen voor. blic, that the Jollowing per-
nemens yn ult dese Koloniv sons intend guidling this Co-
fe verlrvkhen, funy
J. Rawlinson per Westbury, from Feb. 8.
Th. Harvey in G weeks tron Feb. 4,
Win. Henery in G weeks frou Feb. 20,
John MeRae in 6 weeks from Feb. 13.
Th. Welch with the April convoy.
Th. Robson by the first opportunity.
[,. Hintzen in 6 weeks from Feb, 97.
John Croft with the April convoy.
A. Corbin in 6 weeks from March 6.
I’ A. Mentz in 6 weeks from March 6.
i. J. Portier and family per brig Westbury.
John Forsyth in 6 weeks from April 10. ~
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
el pee SO , 3e:
View original ~~ —
WORDT hiermede bekends NOTICE is here Yy given,
gemaakt, dat cen maand na\that a month ajter date the
dato de volgende Transpor- following Transports and
fen en Hipotheeken sullen Mortgages will be passed,
verleden worden,
March6. J. A. Leisner will transfer lot No. 49, Qnd_
empolder New Amsterdam, with the buildings
thereon, to J. E. Tieboel.
John Croft will transport to Wm. Croft, the
south front of lot no. 12, with the buildings
thereon, being 29 roods, or less,—And Wn.
Croft will pass a mortgage on the same, favor
John Croft.
March 13. J. J. van der Stoop, will transport to J.
Griffith Jones, the upper balf of lot. no. Al,
second empolder.
View original | Payable in advance.
View original March 20. John Barnwell will transport to Demera-
ry 51 Slaves, from plantation Perseverance,
names to be seen at this office.
L. C. Abbensets will pass a mortgage on. 10
Slaves, in favor of J. A. Hicken qq. the boe-
dle Wohlers, names to be seen at this office.
_+—— Chs. McIntosh will pass a Deed donatis in-
ter vivos, to Mary Greenand her children wtth
remainder, as is to be seen in the Secretary’s
oflice, of the southern half of lot No. 22 and
the buildings thercon.
——— H. Staal will transport to A. F. Ficher qq.
10 roods of land of Lot No. 13 first empolder,
adjoining the new centre road.
Elizabeth Lyall will pass a mortgage in fa-
vor of Clas. Kyte, vested on the southern qrt.
of lot No. and buildings thereon, appertain-
ing unto her.
March 27. Wm. Croft will passa mortgage on 6 ne-
groes, names to be seen at this ollice, in javor
of John Croft.
April 10. A. Fleury will transport to Susannah Ge-
orge, 146 fect of the northern front quarter of
Lot 22, 2d empolder of this town, also 50 feets
of land on the north side of the same lot ad-
~ joining the aforementioned 146 feet, the width
of the quarter of said lot 22.
Susannah George will transport to A. Fleu-
ry, the quarter lot and buildings thereon pos-
sessed by her, beinga part of lot 37, in the
2d empolder of this town.
-— Widow H. J. Buse will transport to Thomas
Robson, part of lot No. 1. first empolier.
Th. Robson will transport to J. Broderick,
part of said lot No. |.
—_—- er
View original NOTICE is hereby given to the Public ;,—TVhat
the Executors of the late Wn». TURELFALL, will
contihue the business of the Vendue Office, for the
benefit of his Estate, but entirely destinckt from all
former concerns of that Oflice—and they further ac-
quaint the Community, Mr. Georce Bone is duly
authorised and empowered by them to receive all mo-
nies due the Vendue Office, and give receipts in
their name.— Berbice, 13th March.
View original —_——
ALL persons holding demands against Pln. Brit-
annia, situate on the west coast of this colony, are
requested to render in writing a note of such claims
to the undersigned.—27 March.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
es GE ee ee
View original SE oe
ALL those who have any demands against the Es-
tate of the late Andreas Schliipfer, or his plantation
Te Vreden, in Canje, or are indebted thereunto, are
requested to render in their accounts, and make pay-
ment, at the farthest within 6 weeks, to his Executor
J. A. Hicken, on Pin. Standvastigheid, or to J, G.
I. Tuiensma, in New Amsterdam.—97 March.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
AI.LE de genen die iets te pretenderen hebben
van, of verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel van wylen
den Heer Andreas Schliipfer, ofte deszelfs plantaad-
je Te Vreden, in Canje; gelieven daarvan ten spoe-
digsten, uiterlyk binnen den tyd van zes weken, na
dato dezes, opgaven en betaling te doen aan den Heer
J. A. Hicken op Pln. Standvastigheid alhier, als
festamentaire Executeur, of aan den Heer J. G. EF.
THIENSMA, aan deze stad. —27 Maart.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
Tue next Meeting of this Socicty will be held at
Plantation Kélcoy, on Wednesday the 14th April.
John Fraser—Wm. Cort—Robt, Douglas.
Berbice, 3d April.
—. ¥ x. A eee
View original ——
a esses
DIED on the 29th inst. at her place called Jn-
oust the free mulatto woman Juliana Brandes.
Il those having any demands against the hstate
of the abovenamed Juliana, are requested to deliver
them ‘n to the undersigned.
April 3d. H. STAAL.
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday 14th inst. will be sold at the Ven-
due Office, by order of R. C. Downer, Esq. Griffier,
anegroman, 10 head of cattle, wearing apparel, &c
By order of the Sequesters of Plant’a. Vreede en
Vriendschap, by authority obtained from the Hon.
Court, Silver, tin, earthen, & glasware, a coffce
mill nearly new.
By order of HT. Staal, Esq. Agent for Lloyds
Committee, London, the guns and a few fathoms of
cable, belonging to the condemned ship Specu/ator,
payable in 8 days, in cash.
By order J. Obermuller, Esq. a few head of cattl
y ’ q .
among which are milk cows, and 2 horses.
On the same day by the Act. Dep. Vendue Master
in commission,—
A variety of dry goods, provisions, Encyclopedia
parthensis, & Johnson’s lives of the-pocts.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr.
View original On the 19th inst. by order and at the house of J.
B. Rule, Esq., part of his household furniture, con-
sisting of an elegant mah. side board with cellerets,
a set of do. dining tables with D ends, 2 card do. a
Jarge sopha with G elbows, chairs & cushings to match
a mah. bedstead with matrasses & curtains a painted
floor cloth 20 feet by 22, ado., a stair & passage do.
a green carpet for bed room, an clegant blue dining
service, a desert do., a tea ilo., 2 dozen silver table
spoons & forks, 2 do. desert do, 2 do. tea urns, 2.
grecian shades with brown stands, 2 large looking
glasses, 2 chamber do, glass, & carthenware, and a
valuable collection of books. ~
G. BONE, det. Dep. Vendue Master.
Onthe 20th inst. and following day-, by order of
FV. Staal, Esq. Agent for Lloyds Commiltce, Lon-
don, for account of those concerned, the abandoned
carga of the condemned ship Speculator, consisting
of 155 ronad & square bales of cotton, 228 casks, &
1907 bags coffee, a parcel of mora plank—payable
n6 week in cash, or approved bills of exchange, at
90 days sight.—'The sale to commence precisely at
1] o’clock, at the stere of J. B. Rule, Esq.
Those who are wishful of purchasing, will please,
attend provided with the required security.
G. BONE, det. Dep. Venduemr.
View original a
On Wednesilay the 28th inst, by order of Robt.
Taitl, esq. the remaining buildings, &c. of the Saw
Mill, in Corentyn river, with various pieces of iron
and mill work.
G. BONE, Act. Dap. Vendue Master.
SS ee alee
View original BihitNDMAKING.
DEN ondereeteekende aaneesteld hebbende als
zyne generale Gemachtigdens, zoo in zyn prive als
voor den hicer N Volierts, de heeren C. RULACH
en KX. FP RANCKEN, Verzocat vriendelyk aan de gvenen
van dew the iy guedjes, aceeplatien, of andere pre-
tention te vorderen heelt, zulks aan genoemde zyne
Genachtigdens ten spoedigsten te willen voldoen,
zullende by frute van dicey, middelen van rechten ge-
pruikt worden hi. J. PORTIER,: en qq.
10 April N. VOLKERTS.
View original NOLICE.
THE Subscriber having appointed Messrs. Ru-
Lach & FRrancken as his general Attornies in his
prive and for N. Votkerts—all those indebted to him,
ether by notes of hand, or otherwise, to come for-
ward with payment, ifnot, to recourse to law shall
be the consequence. K.J. PORTIER, & qq.
10 April. N. VOLKERTS.
View original NOTICE
Pilot and Harbour Master.
INFORMS the Masters of Vessels in the River,
that he Keeps lis Othce at the house next the Ven-
due Ollice, where they are requested to call and pay
their ees, previous to leaving the river.—3 A pril.
View original THOSE indebted to the Printing Office of Nic.
VorKkerts, (toult June 1812), are requested to
make payment to the undersigned, before the 12th of
April next, otherwise, gs without regard to persons,
will be given over to the Deurwaarder.
27 March. W. SCHULZ, qq.

DI verschuldigd zyn aan de Drukkery van Nic.
VoLkKeErts, (vp lotull Juny 1812), worden verzogt
met b taling opiekomen, voor den 12 April aanstaan-
dv, zullende anders op diendatum, ¢> zonder onder-
scheid van persvon, in hauden van den Deurwaarder
worden gesteld.
27 Maart. W. SCHULZ; gq.
View original By Permission of [is Excellency the Gozernor.
Has the honor to inform the Public that, notwith-
standing he has announced that his Performances
would terminate in this Colony, henow, by a further
permission of [His Excellency the Governor, will
continue in his Amusements; and will perform on
Monday the 12th inst. (if good weather), every thing
that is agreable and bold, on the
Tight Rope
Slack Rope
Tumbling &c.
Promising that every «ndcazour will be used to give
satisfaction, for as his company is enlarged with two
persons more.
Montpossino will throw a Somerset forward off
the rope, without a balance pole, and will alight up-
on the stige.
The African boy will do the same backwards.
The Maltese Lady will dance a Minuet, with the
introduction of various Steps, for the first time in this
colony. 7
Mr. Arisi will dance between 12 Tour Swords,
will balance himself on a Drum, and other feats of
Montpossino will perform the Roasting Pig,
the Ecarou Cascade.
And will conclude with a Pantomime called
Prices 3 dollars, Children ] dollar.
View original THE undersigned begs leave to inform their
Friends and the Public, that their office is removed
to the house of the second undersigned on lot No. 16
New Amsterdam. J.T. MATHEWS, wv...
27 March. H. STAAL.
_- CO? e- S er CTC ———- —— CUCU
Z WDE —\
NEW AMSTERDAM, April 10th 1813.
_—_ —— -—
We have received this week Barbados Papers con-
taining Londou news to the 25th Keb. of which the
following, in haste, are some extracts of them.
Bridge-Town, March 27.
The first Mail for I'cbruary was received here on the
25th inst. by His Majesty’s brig Pedccan, from Falmouth.
Phe London Papers enclosed in the Mail were ouly to the
16th of the month, but we have been favoured with two
uf later date, the 20th and 25.h; the latter of which is im.
portant, for it, conveys to us information of the rapid and
victorious progress of the Russians, who have gained pus.
session of Konigsberg, by the reducion of which the enenty
lust 1300 men prisoners, besides 8000 of Ins troops that
were compelicd to remain in that city, owing to the er.
hausted state to which they were reduced. Sume accounts
state that Dantzic had also surrendered, but of this seme
doubts were cotertained; at any rate, it is knowh that
the Russian armies had closely invested it, and although
the garrisou may be well supplied, and the number of
(roups extensive, yet the disasters that have closely fol.
lowed the french of late, will operate very powerfully in
deciding the siege. This once eliccted, the whole line ot
the Baltic will be secured fur the admission of British ma.
nefactures and the produce of her colonies, which are in
@ cat demand throughout the whole of that Coutinent,—
Accounts have been received from the Marquis Welling.
fon, which state him to be still at Preynada; but should:
the enemy remain much longer in, of which there appears
to be an opinion that they will not (and indeed, some
persons go to the lenght of asserting, that they are al.
ready withdrawing), operations upon a more extensive
scale will shortly Le commenced.
The American ship that was brouglit in on Saturday last
by the Tribune frigate, is the Thomas Penrose, of WPui-
ladelphia, and had been 114 days from Cauton, with a
very valuable cargo consisting of silks, chia ware, tea,
nankeens, vermillion, camphor, &c. &c.—She is estimated
to be worth upwards of £50,000.
His Majesty’s ship Cleopatra and Frolic brig, 12 days
from Bermuda with a convoy of 25 sail, came in on ‘Thurs
day morning. We thus learn, that Commodore Hotham,
in La Hogue, with the Valiant, also a 74, had reinfor.
ced Sir John B. Warren’s squadron, which consisted of
at least 15 of that class, besides a considerable number of
frigates and smaller vessels. ‘They have taken several pri.
vateers, and are daily capturing and destroying American
inerchantmen, of which not less thau 2U0 of deflerent de.
scription have been ascertained from the 16th Sept. 1812,
to the 26th Feb, last ; and it Is supposed that in the har.
bour of Bermuda there are now at least 150 sail. Pro
visions of every species, and other articles, are in the
greatest abundance at that island, aud of course the mare
View original ket is cheap. Information is also thus obtained, that tha
Congress of the United States had recently passed an Act,
by which, after the termination of the existing war, the
employment of foreign seamen in American ships is to be
prohibited, .
The General Armstrang American privateer ‘chooner,
has returned to these seas; as we learn that she‘had lately
been cdased off Surinam by the Crane brig of war; and
on the coast of Demerary was fallen in with by his Ma.
jesty.s ship Coquette, from which she also escaped by su.
perior sailing and iu the chace we are informed she killed
two men and considerably injured the rigging of the Co.
quette, with ghe 42-pounder long gun that she carries on
a traverse
She has since captured the ship William,
bound hither from New Brunswick, with which it Seems
she passed to windward of this Island on Sunday last, and
on the following day put the crew of that vessel on the
Diamond Rock ; and having placed a Prizemaster and men
on board, dispatched here with orders to enter some Brit.
ish port and dispose of the cargo—the former of these
being to represent the Captain of the vessel by assuming
his name, which we have heard was Cunningham—this is
very deep policy, and by being in possession of the ship’s
Papers, itis likely may succeed.
A Swedish brig, laden with flour and rice, from New.
York, came in on Sunday last; aud there is now a ship
beating up from leeward, under Swedish colours, suposed
to be from that port, with acargo of flour.
It is reported by the way of Antigua, that the Dragon,
74, and a frigate, have lately been driven ashore in Lyno.
Haven Bay.—This may have some connexion with the
rumour stated in our last, of some frigates having been
injured in the Chesapeake.

Mr. Whitbread, in the British House of Commons on
the 21th nit. withdrew his intended motion on the Subject
of Peace, which was to have been discussed that day se’
nnight ; but reserved the right of renewing the question,
should he think fit, at any period previous to the termi.
nation of the present Sessiou,
His Majesty’s ship Sceptre, 71, was giving instructions
fo the ships that were lying at Portsmouth on the 19th
ult. destined for the W. I. and it was said to be her ine
tention to sail as soon as the wind proved favorable, with.
out waiting for 12 vessels that were in the Downs in rea-
dines to juin convoy,
We understand that the Prince Regent has determined
to dispose of the Tellership of the Exchequer, vacant by
the death of the Marquis of Buckingliam, in a manner most
hovourable to His Royal Highness’s feelings, and must
creditable to his Government. He has bestowed it upon
the eldest son of his evee to be lamented Minister, Mr.
Perceval, upon the understanding that he relinquishes the
pension of & 1000. a year granted him by Parliamentia
the last Session, and the reversion of another 1000. a
) var which was settled upon him at th: death of his mother:
London, Feb. 8.—The line of battle ships that can be
immediately got ready, are ordered to proceed with all
possible dispatch to the Downs, to watch the motions of
the Freuch fleet in the Scheldt. It is supposed to be the
intention of Bonaparte to remove them to some other port,
on account of the rapid advance of the Russian army.
Some Datch and German Papers have been received,
the former to the 2d inst. ‘They contain a Berlin article
of so late a dateas the 19th ult. which aunounces, on the
authority of the Warsaw Gazette, that Macdonald had
an action at Tapia, on his retreat from ‘Tilsit, and that
Surat, on the 4th, was attacked by the Russians at
Miehlsach, and forced to remove his headsquacters first to
Kibing and next to Maricuwerder.
Feb, 12.)—Paris Papers have been received to the Sih,
and the measures which we couajectured to be in contem.
plation have been adopted — A Regency has been provided
in the event of the death of Bonaparte during the minorily
of his son—The Austrian Princess is to be. the Regent,
and she is to be assisted by a Council. She and her Son
are to be crowned—a spectacle that may amuse the Parisi.
ans fur a day, but will do as much towards consolidating
Bonaparte’s dynasty as his bulletins have done towards
persuading the people that he has not been defeated and
disgraced by the Russians. His power may last during his
life, but the moment the breath is out of his body, all these
laws and regulations aud provisions for ensuring respect
and obedience fo his son will be mere waste paper, the
‘shadow of a shade.”’
There issome news from the North in these Papers,
All the hopes of the French, which, not six months ago,
were to be contented with nothing less than the sabjuga.
tion of Russia, are now fixed upon the successful defence
of one of their own fortresses, Danizic is said to be
garrisoned by upwards of 30.009 men, and capable of
making the most obstinate and vigorous resistance,
Thorn is defended by 6000 men; the Bavarians are be.
tween that towa and Posen ; Schwartzenberg is at Pultusk
and Ostrolenka, Regnier on the right, and the Prussian
corps is re-formed between Stettin and Posen. Stettin,
however, is a cousiderable distance from Posen.
We have some loose and seattered information relative
to the Russians, but no detailed accounts.—They had
crossed the Vistula below Thom, and had advanced to
Bromberg, and even Marienberg: but Ney is said to have
sent Gen. Gerard to Bromberg, who had repulsed them.
The Captain of a merchant vessel that left Corunna so
lately as Sunday last, states, that the French are fast re.
tiring out of Spain, and that they had again evacuated St,
Andero. The utmost exertion is used by the Spaniards
in raising new Icvies. Ut is supposed in afew months the
View original allied armies in the Peninsula will consist of upwards of
250,000 men.
Feb. 16]—The following is the most material informa-
tion brought by the Mail arrived this morning :
Lisbon, Feb. 3.
Extract of an offcial dispatch from Marshal General
the Marquis of Wellington, to His Excellency Senor
Miguel Pereira Forjaz, dated Head-quarters, Frey nada,
Jan. 27 :—
‘+I returned here on the 27th inst. Jt appears that the
enemy has not madeany essential alteration in the position
of his armies during my absence.—The three arinies of
Portugal, the centre and the south, are united in Castile
under King Joseph, whose head-quarters are now at Ma-
drid.— The army of Portugal is under the command of
General Reille, who lately came from the army of the
north, and has his head-quacters in V alladolid.—The army
of the centre is under the orders of Conde d'Erlon, who.
formerly was employed in the Army of the South, and
commanded for a short time the Army of Portugal, after
‘the allies retired from the ‘T'urmes. His head-quarters are
in the vicinity of Madrid ; and the Aviny of the South is
under Marshal Soult’s orders, whose head.quarters are at
Toledo.—The Army of the South was lately drawn towards
the neighbourhood of the Tejo, having moved towards the
place of Toledo the divisions of that army which were in
the Province of Avila, and having them replaced in Avila
by the first division of the army of Portugal.—Il have not
received any recent accounts by Ww hich ] can from an wlea
of the state of afuirsin the North of Spain. Gen, Mina
appears to be actively euiployed against the enemy in
Navarre, and he, as well as Gen. Longa, has caused him
great loss. The latter destroyed GUO men and tuok two
pieces of artillery, in anaction ™ ith cheenemy on the 30th
of November.— My Jast accounts trom Alicant are dated
the latter end of December, at which epoch part of the
reinforcements which were expected from Sicily had ar.
rived, and Lt.-Gen. Joord 1V, Bentinck was ex pected, —
The allicd English and Potuguese armies occupy the same
cantonments in which they were in the beginaing of Dec.
—The Spanish troops are likewise all in cantonments.””
Lisbon, Feb. 6.—The French in Madsid say, that
Soult has been ca!led to France with 30,000 men, of whom
15,000 proceed to Italy. Soult, with his Stail, was still,
on the 24th Jan. in ‘Voleds, with 10,000 infantry, 8000
having anteriorly marched for Cuenca. ‘There appears
no doubt of many French families having taken refuge in
Navarre to avoid the persecution of Bonanarte, as well as
many youths tu avoid the conscription. Gen. Mina, to
whom these unfortunate victims of Corsican tyranny pre-
sented themselves, is said to have applied to the Spanish
Government for instructions how to act.
Lisbon, Feb. 8.—Our troops remain in their winter
quarters. Lord Wellington is in advance at I reynada,
and Gen. Jlill at Coria.—The Northern French Army is
cantoned in Salamanea, Valladolid, and thatline of couutry.
Joseph has left Madrid, aud proceeded to Chenza, Soult
remains at ‘Toledo, from whence he has detached 10,0V00
men to join Suchet, whose force is now 18,000 men, includ.
ing 3000 cavalry, and a fine park of herse-artillery,
Feb. 20.)—Thursday afiernoon a person ariived in
Town who had janded at Dover in a mysterious manner,
from the French coast. It is now uiderstood that. this
Gentleman left Paris on Monday Jast, aad he is said to
be the bearer of the usual annual Nxposce, and of the
Messages and Addresses thereou, but their contents have
not been permilted (o transpire,
We are, however, informed, that immediately after the
rising of the Conservative Sevate, Bonaparte set out from
Paris to Mayence, where he is to bave an inferview with
the Emperor of Austria, The object of this interview is
said to be to prevail upon Francis to be present at the
Coronation of the Empress Louisa and the King of Rome.
LET, LANMORIE, &e. ia Paris.
Mallet had been under arrest for several years, and had
been transferred to a private house for the reception of
state prisoners, at the end of the Rue de St. Antoine,
where the prisoners had somziinic permission to go out in
the evening and see their friends. On the day the conspi-
ration broke out, he proceeded at three in the morning to
the barracks of Popencourt, with a Senatus Consulium,
which announced the death of Bonaparte, and gave hin
the command of Paris. He harrangued the so diers, pro.
mised leave of absence to. those wh destred it, and carried
300 away with him, with whom he proceeded to the pri-
son of La Force, where he exhibited au order for the re-
lease of Generals Lahorie and Guidal, who were in con.
finement there. One of these Generals repaired instantly
to the Hotel of the Minister of Police Savary ; the other
to the Hotel of the Prefect of Police, who were both sent
to the prison of La Force.
General Mallet went himself to the Commandant of Paris,
General Hullen, who making some resistance Mallet pulled
out a pistol! and shot him. The wound, however, was not
mortal. The ball broke his jaw-bone.
General Mallet had written in the morning a not to
_ Doucet, first aid-de-camp of Hullin’s, and replacing him
in his abscence, in which note he informed him, that Bona-
parte being dead he was appointed Commandant of Paris,
and that he. Doucet, was to concert with him the mea.
Buresjto be taken under the existing circumstance ; Doucet,
upon receiving this note, entertained some suspicion, and
sent for a person of the name of La Borde, another aid-
de-camp attached to the etat-major of Paris—Meanuwhile
Mallet entered, after having been to the Commandant’s,
who lives on the Place Vendommc, opposite Doucet’s
lodging, which Plase Mallet crossed on foot with a piquet
View original ‘of men. He shewed Doucet hi Senatus Consultum, but
Doucct immediately replied, ‘*that he should receive no
order from bim ;”? upon which Mallet drew a pistol from
his pocket, but Laborde laid hold of his arm, and in ashort
time afterwards Mallet was arrested by the same soldiers
who were buta short time before under his orders.
Lahorie however had taken possession of the Hotel of
the Ministerof Police, from whence he sent ofi dispatches,
having sent for the Clerk and servants, who were informed
that they should all be retained in their several places,
From the dawn of day, Mallct had caused all the posts
to be occupied, and particularly the Treasury.
Doucet, having arrested Ge seral Mallet, had given orders
to rcli#ve the guards, and change the counterfign. He then
procecded to the prison of La Force, to release the Minister
and Prefect of Police, and arrest Cuidal.

The incessant recurrence of the new French titles in all
the reports from France, makes it essential to the readers
of newspapers to have the names as well as titles, ‘To
assist our readérs we give the following :—
King of Naples—Marshal Murat, Prince Joachim Na.
poleon. ;
Queen of Naples—Caroline Bonaparte.
King of Spain—Prince Joseph Napoleon.
King of Westphalia—Prince Jerome Napoleon. ,
Viceroy of Lltaly—Prince Eugene Beauharnois (4th
Princess Borghese—Panlina Bonaparte.
Princess of Baden—Stephanie de Ja Pagerie.
Grand Dutchess of Florence—Elisa Bonaparte.
Grand Duke of Berg—Prince Charles Lewis Napoleon.
Grand Duke of Warsaw—Frederick Augustus. LV.
King and Elector of Saxony,
Archbishop of Lyons—Cardinal Fesche.
Prince of Ponte Corvo—Marshal Bernadotte, Crown
Prince of Sweden.
Prince of Neufchatel—Marshal Berthier, Vice-Con-
Stable of France.
Prince of Essling—Marshal Massena.
Prince of Benevento—Talleyrand, Vice Arch-Chancel.
lor. ,
Prince of Eckmuhl]—Marshal Davoust.
Duke of Abrantes—Marshal Junot.
Duke of Albufera—Marshal Suchet.
Duke of Anerstadt—Marshal Davoust.
Duke of Bassano—Maret, Seerctary of State.
Duke of Belluno—Marshal Victor.
Duke of Cadore—Champagny, Minister of Forcigu Af-
Duke of Castiglione—Marshal Augerean,
Duke of Cornegliano—Marshal Money.
Duke of Dalmatia—Marshal Soult.
Duke of Dantzic—Marshal Lesebvre.
Duke of Elchingen—Marshal Ney.
Grand Duke of Klorence—General Bacchiochi.
Duke of FriulimMarshal Duroe Grand Marshal of the
Duke of Montebello—Marshal Lasnes, killed at Wag-
Duke of Istria—Marshal Bessieres, Commander of the
[mperial Guards.
Duke of Otranto—Fouche, Governor of Rome.
Duke of Padua—Geuceral Arigia.
Duke of Parma—Cambaceres, Arch Chancellor.
Duke of Plaucenza—Marshal Le Brun, Prince Arch.
Duke of Ragusa—Marshal Marmont.
Duke of Reggio— Marshal Oudinot.
Dike of Rovigo—General Savary, Minister of Police.
Duke of ‘Tarento—Marshal Macdouald.
Doke of Treviso—Miarshal Mortier.
Duke of Valmy—Marshal Keilerman.
Duke of Vicenza—General Caulincourt, Grand Cham.
berlain, and Master of Saxony.
Marshal Count Gouvion st. Cyr.
Marshal Brune (supposed to be inurdered).
Marshal Jourdan.
Marshal Perignon.
Marshal Seurrurier.
Borde Soult, Ruard, Valtier, aud
Pajol, Subervie, Denon.
Baraguay de Hilliers.
Du Tailles, Governor of Warsaw.
St. Germain,
Rapp, Governor of Dantzic, and first Aid-deseCamp to
the Emperor.
Vandamme, Commandant of Boulogne.
Linois, Vice- Admiral.
Ilogendorp, Governor of K onigsberg.
‘Hulin, Governor of Paris.
Loison, Governor of the Imperial Palace.
ee we eee eee
View original BY order of His Excellency the Governor, No-
fice ishereby given: That the next ordinary Sessions
of the Ilon. Court of Civil Justice, appointed to be
held on Monday the 19th April, is, on account of the
intervening Holidays, prorogued and appointed to
take place on Monday the 26th April.
King’s House; Berbice, 13th Feb.
By His Excellency’s command.
Tu. C: EMERY, Goo. Sec.
View original FOR SALE.
EIGHT prime Field Negroes— apply to the sub-
iscriber, who will take in payment cash, produce,
or approved bills of Exchange.
13 March. Ww. INNES, qq.
View original FOR. SALE.
A light four oar’d Tent Boat, with mast and sail
complete ; peculiarly adapted for the river—enquire
18 March. of JOHN BERESFORD.
View original TENDERS for about 30 bales Cotton, from Pln.
‘Litchfield, will be received until the 10th of April,
at the honse of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co., when
the highest offer will be scopes eviecmt, Cush
on delivery. M. RADER, tor self and
, C. DOUGLAS, and
27 Maart. J. LAYFIELD,, Seq’rs.
View original THE Public are requested to take Notice, that the
Convoys, for the present year, are arranged to sail
from Demerary at the following periods :
April at the Full Moon.
June at the Full Moon.
July at the Full Moon.
The trade from Demerary will be joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Island, from whence they will
proceed to the place of general rendez vous.
View original THOSE having any Demands against the under
mentioned Sequestrations, are requested to band
statement thereof, betwixt and the 30th instant, to
Messrs. Evan & Ancus Fraser, New Amsterdam,
for examination and Settlement.
20 March. No. 35 Corentyn.
View original FOR GLASGOW.
Loading at Vemerary,
To sail with the April convoy.
gif: The well known Ship Aurora,
M. McDOUGAL, Master.
lor freight or passage apply to
View original DE ondergeteckendens van hier naar Kuropa ver-
trekkende positivelyk, met de vloot die zeilen zal in
‘de maand April aanstaande, daarom wordt een ieder
verzogt die iets te pretenderen heeft van hun, vol-
doening te komen ontvangen, en die verschuldigd
zyn betaling komen doen, op dat zy by het afhalen
lhunner passen nict mogen verbinderd worden.
6G Maart. E. J. PORTIER.
View original —.
‘THE undersigned positively intend to depart for
Europe with the next convoy, for which they re-
questing every persons to come forward with pay-
ment, and those how have any claims against them
to call for the same, because they may not be disap-
pointed with their passes:
G6 March. EE. J. PORTIER.
View original THE Subscriber intending to leave this colony,
with next convoy, requests that all demands against
him may be rendered for examination and payment,
and those indebted come forward with payment in all
this mouth.—6 March. JOHN CROFT.
View original NOTICE.
ABSCONDED from Pin. Rose Fall, Canje, a
Negro, named Dick,—the customary reward will be
paid for lodging him in the barracks—and any per-
son found harbouring him, will be prosecuted as the
Law directs.
13 March. Jno. MACDONALD.
View original FOR SALE.
THE Touse and quarter Lot No.3 in this town,
in excellent condition, hardwood frame, 45 feet long
and 20 broad, a story and a half heigh, raised on
blocks’3 feet high, with a new side building, 61 feet
long and 15broad, bardwood frame, boarded with
crab planks, covered with wallaba shingles, divided
in several apartments to serve as out offices, 2 large
water vats, lately built, garden, &c., railed in with
slabs. —Terms of payment will be made easy to an
approved purchaser—for further particulars apply
on aforesaid lot to its proprietor.
6 March. A.G. CALMER.
View original Marshals Office.
First Proclamation.
BY virtue of an appointment granted by His Ex-
cellency R. Gorvox, Governor-General in and over
the colony Berbice, and its dependencies, Vice-Ad-
miral, and President in all courts and colleges with-
in the same, &e. &e. &e.
Granted upon a petition of H. Sraar and A. G.
Cavmer, as jointly and severally the Constituted
Attornies of James pe Drusina, of London, Mer-
chant, versus, JAN Jacos pe Mry, under date of
15th Feb. ISIS.
_T the undersigned First‘Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, shall expose and sell at public Execu-
tion Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Com-
missaries, and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 21
April, ISIS, af the Courthouse of this colony, at 1]
o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
A quantity of broken and whole coffee, the exact
quantity of said coflee will be made known on the
day of sale, the property of said J.J de Mery.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the aforementioned quantity coffee, and
wishes to oppose the sale thereet, let such person or
persons address himself to me the first Marshal, de-
claring his reason for such opposision, in due time
and form, as Thereby give notice, that | will receive
opposition from every ove, thercunto quatilied, ap-
point (ema day to have his or her claim heard be-
fore the Court, and further act therein according to
stvle and law.
This First Proclamation pubtished by beat ofdram
as cus(vluary. Rerbice, 4 April, !813.
K. Francxen, First Marshal.
View original SALE by EXECUTION.
First Proclamation
WHEREAS T the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony.
Granted upon a petition presented by W. Katz,
under date of 23th Aug. [IS12.—Versus, the Repre-
sentative or Representatives ot the Cotton Plantation
Nieg, situated on the Coreatyn coast; have caused
fo be taken in Execution and Sequestration, the
abovensmed estate Moog.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersizned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
Weeks, trom the ]] Sept. 1812, the said) Plantation
Niews, with all its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings,

and further Appurtenances thereto belonging, and
specificd in the loventory Trying at the Marshal's
Oftice for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cern, in ordertorwcover trom the proceeds of said
sale such sam of money as waerefore the Estate above
mentioned, has been taken in execution,
Thos First proc.aanation pubtishedby beat of drum
as Customary. Gerbice, 4 April, ISIS.
KR FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Lirst Proclamation.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution granted by Tis
Excellency Rosert Gorodox, Governor Genera!
of the colony Berbice aud its Dependencies, Vice.
Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges
within the same, &c. &ec. &e
Onder date of 24th April 1812; as also in further-
ance of a certatn app ottment, given by the Honor-
able Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date of 6th March, IS18. ,
Upona petition presented by H. Burton, versus,
W. W. Kina.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of (is Colony, shall expose and sell, at pu-
blie Execution sale, im presence of two Councellors
Commissarics and their Secretary, on W ednesday
the l4th April, 1S1l, atthe Court-house of this colo-
ny, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
A Neyro Slave named Chance, Alias Trim, and a
Gijto named Jarry, (he property of said W. W.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim, on the above two Negro Slaves, and wishes
to oppose the sale thereof, letsuch person address
himselfto me the First Marshal, declaring his reason
for such opposition, in due time and form, as I here-
by give notice, that I will receive opposition from
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or her claim heard betore the Court, and
further to proceed according to law in such case.
This First proclaniation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 4 April, I813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtuc of authority obtained from the Honor-
View original able Court of Civil Jus\.ce of this colony, dated 6th’
March 1813 ona petifon of Nacuten and Firz-
GERALD, Merchants of Demerary, as Agents for the
Mercantile House of Laing Turina & Co of Lon-
Notice is hereby given: That I the undersiened,
First Marshal ot the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of twe Councellors Commissarics and
their Seeretary, by Public Execution Sale,ou Wed-
nesday the 12th May 1813.
The Cotton Estate named
situate on the west sea coast of this colony, with all
its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurt-
enances and dependencies thereto belonging, all con-
formable to an In-ventory formed thereof, and lying
at the Marshal's Office for the inspection of those
whom itmay concern. Said Estate being the pro-
perty of Duptey Wane.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on the abovementioned: Plantation Yeovil
Place, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this Sale by Execution, let him or them addres them-
selves to me the undersigned, declaring their reason
for so doing, ina legal manner in writing, as] here-
by give notice that I will receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
(o have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to Law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
sale, on Plantation Yeovil Place, and make their
profit of the same.
This rd) Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum.
Berbice, 4 April 1819.
Kk. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writs of Execution, granted
by Tlis Excellency Ronert Gorpnon, Governor
General in and over the Colony of Rerbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of a1]
Courts and Colleges within the same, &e. &e. &e.
Upon a petition pres ated by R. Barnes, Attor-
ney oF John Church, versus, Uk. Burton, under
date of 12th Feb. IS/S.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Ton.
Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public
execution sale, in presence of two Councellors Com-
missaries, and their Secretary, at the Court house of
this colony, on Wednesday the 2st Apnl ISIS, at
11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
A gart of Lot No. 10, situated in the first empolder
of New Amsterdam, with the Buiklings thereon, say
a Side building and a Dwelling House, of hardwood,
unfinished, the property of Hk. Burton aforesaid.
Whoever should think to have any right, inferest,
or claim, on the aforementioned part of Lot No.
10, (with al the buildings thereon), and wishes
lo oppose the sale thereot, let such person, or per-
sons, address hinwself to me the first Marshal, decla-
ring their reason for such opposition in due time and
lorm, as [ hereby give notice that J] will receive Op-
position from every one thereunto qualified, appoint
them a day to have his or herclaim heard before the
Court, and further act Uicreon according to style and
This Srd Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Courthouse of this colony,
and further dealt with as customary. .
Berbice, 4 April, IS).
Ik. Francxen, First Marshal.
Pourth Proclamation
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier
General, and Acting Governor of the colony Ber-
bice and ity Dependencies, &e. &e. &c.
Granted upon a petition of W. Karz, in quality
as Altorney of Samuel and Elisabeth Ames, of Bat-
hados, have caused to be taken in’ Execution and
Sequestration, the Western Two Thirds of Lot No.
[lL Corentyn coast of this coiony, the property of R.
Harris, the person against Whom abovenamed writ
of [7xecution is granted, under date of 26 November
S12. \ s
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
wecks, from the 22d of Feb. 1818, the abovemen-
tioned two western thirds of Lot No. 11 Corentyn,
with all its Cultivation (being Cotton), Buildings,
Slaves, and further appurtenances and dependencies
thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory
laying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the proceeds of said Sale such sum of money as’
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta-
ken in Execution,
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 21 March 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marsha.
View original SALE BY EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation
By virtue of authority obtained from the Honors,
able Court of Civil Justice of this golony, dated 25th
Jan. 1813, ona petition of Cony Douacras, in his
quality as substituted Attorney of ALex. Simpson,
the general and special Attorney of the mercantile
house of Ynouis Eunice & Co., of London, the
present proprietors by transfer from J.T. & A. Doy
GUAS & Co., of Glasgow, of a certain mortgage vests
ed on plantation East Lothian, the property of D.
otice is hereby given, that T the undersigned,
lirst Marshal of. the Courts of this colony, will sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries, and
their Secretary, by public Execution Sale, on Mon-
day the 3d of May, ISI3.
The Cotton Plantation EAST LOTHIAN.
Situate on the cast coast of this colony, with all the
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further Appur(-
enances and Dependencies thereto belonging, ATO
able to Inventory formed thereof, and which lays at
the Marshal's oflice fur the inspection of those whom
iL may concern.
W hoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation Ease
I othian, and its dependencies, and wishes to Oppose
this sale by execution, let him or them address them-
selyes to me the undersigned, declaring their reason
lor sodomy, ina legal manner in writing, as I here-
by give notice that T will receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
Sale on plantation East Lothian, and make their pros
fit of the same.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 14th March, ISI3.
K Francwen, First Marshal
— ee ee ete
Smmmons by Edict:
BY yirtue of an Appointment, given by the Court
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. IS12, granted
HWpon a petition presented by Bb. J. Scheiers and A...
Thornhorrow, in their capacily as the two eldest Or-
phan Masters, (Weesmeesteren), and in that Cit pas
cily Executors appointed by the Last Will of 47.47.
Gran. .
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid B. J
Schwiers and A. ‘Thornborrow, in said capacity.
Sununon by dict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
late of HT. M. Gran, dec. to appear in person‘or by
Representatives before the Court of Civil Justice
al their Spssion which willbe held in the month Oc.
lober, 1813, there to give in their claims agaiust said
estate, fo verily the same, and further to proceed
according to law, on pain fo all (hose who remain in
default, of being for ever debarred their right of
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum trom the Court flouse of this colony.
Berbice, 8th Feb. ISIS.
K.. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
—_— ese
View original ———-__—__—_—_—————————————————_—_—___________.
Summons by Edict.
BY virlue of an appointnent granted by the Hon.
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session of the 26th January 1813, upona petition of
OW. Leacu and W. Fraser, in their capacity as
appointed Curators of the estate of J. Srosig, dec,
the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hon,
Courts of this colony, and at the request of said W.
Leach and W. Fraser, in their aforesaid capacity.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es.
late of Jolin Stobie, deceased, to appear in person,
or by power of attorney, befure-the bar of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of January, in the year one thou.
sand cight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate of J. Stobie
dec., to verily the same, and if need to hear the ob-
Jeclions made against such claims, and further to
proceed according to law in such cases,
This summons by edict is published by beat of
drum, as customary. Berbice, 10th Feb.
h. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
—-— — . c — - ———— — ~
View original oe a
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Exe
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
View original SS
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. a.

10 April 1813