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The Berbice Gazette

View original eS SOs Ooo
Berbice, 12th May, 814.
CASH wanted for three Government Bills, of £200
each, at SO days sight.
Tenders in Priplicate, marked, “Tenders for bills,’
for the whole or any of then, will be received at this
Office, util 10 o'clock on Monday morning the Qod
JOUN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
LL ———
View original RECEIVER GEN’s OFFICE.
LITTLE attention being paid by those indebted
toths Oltice, for Taxes due in all last’ month.— —
Noticcis hereby civen that a list of Defaulters willbe
banded over to the Deurwaarder on the [Sch inst.
D. ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
i rbiec, May 7.
This is to inform the Public, that the following per-
sons intend quilting this Colony.
Geo. Bagot, family, and 4 slaves, will quit) the co-
lony Berbice by the first opportunity.
Wilkon Taylor with the next convoy.
A. larieger with the first convoy.
Rk. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original —_—<$—— $e
NOEIWH és hercby given, thata month after date the
follozing Transports and Morfgases will be passed,
23 Apr. G. Goon, will (ransport to Demerary six
negroe staves, named) Bachus, Mentor, Ed-
mond, London, Mars, and Samba.
— Wenery and ‘Baylor ‘will transport to TL. B.
McRae, £0 rods of land, more or less, of the
eastern halfiof lot No. IS< counnencing trom the
new road, north side.
May 7. The Excecutors tothe Willof Robt. W ade,
dec. will transport: fo Sasin Vintos, 7 roods of
Jand of dot No. 6, with the buildings thereon.
May IJ, David Carnegie will (ransport to Geo, Ba-
got, the western balf of fof No. 96, west Coren-
tyn coast, known there as Plantation Nurney.
— Geo. Bagot will esport to Ph. Wade, the
western half of lot No. 20, west C orentine coast
known there as Pln . Namney.
——Thomas Wade will pass a mortgage for the pur-
chase money of Pln. Nurney, or western halt
of lot No. 26, west Corentine coast, to be vest-
edoon the said estate Nurne ‘Vy as alsin onS Ne-
erocs, named Change, Prince, Adam, John,
Hlowe ; Cato, Litthe Prince ; Little Prese itl, ana
furthera sccnnl Morteace in favor af (en. a.
got, to be vesied on 32 Negroes, names to be
seca at this Ollice.
View original LL a a ST A
On Wednesday the Ith inst. will be sold at. the
Vendue Office, by order of A. Simpson, sq. Exe-
culor to the Estate of the late Win, Duncan, besq.
sundry articles of houschold furniture, aimone which
are an elegant side board, two hadsome sophas,
chairs, dining tables, two beds with inatresses, bolster
and pillows complete, counterpains, a night chair,
knives and forks, glass and earthen ware, assorted :
plated candlesticks, do. (ea, coffee, and milk pots,
sugar bason, bed and table linen, saddles and bridles,
Also the house on lot No. 3, as at present occupied
by Ths. Chapman, Esq. three slaves, excellent
domestics, a good saddle horse, coffee and colton
bageing, Madeira wine in bottles, bhds. and Pipes,
a few dozen claret and port Wine, two silver watch-
@s, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
ee ——
@On Thursday the 19th Instant, will be sold an
assortment of goods imported in the Simon Cock and
Alpha, consisting in dry coods, provisions, beer and
orter in botiles, two new chaises, 20a 80 thds. of
best London brown stout, 5 dozen Strong ale, boots
and shoes of the Jatest fashion, carpenters tools, nails
assorted, cotton and coffee bagging, hard ware as-
sorted, a few boxes of candles and soa ).
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. benduc Master.
View original On Wednesday the 25th inst. will be sold, by or-
der of the Weeshamer, the Effects of the late Soest,
de Vadder, and P. Thomson, consisting in wearing
apparel furniture, and carpenters tools.
By order of Dr. van Merzel, 3 large cases of fresh
medicines, imported in the Simon Cock, from Lon-
On the same day, dry goods, provisions, beer,
porter, O negroes, &c.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
mS eee ~~ lll — «a7 4 (S23 22° EE Ue
————_ 7 - ee
Tite undersiened beive about to leave the colony,
begs leave, by desire of several of the Subscribers to
the Quarterly Balls, fo reqaest a Meeting of Sub-
scribers, at Mr. Binxina’s ‘Tavern, on the 3th of
June next, for the purpose of entering into arrange-
ments for continuing the same, and of appointing a
Treasurer in his room. GLO. BAGOT,
la May. ‘Treasurer.
View original CORN FOR SALE,
AT the rate of (en guilders per thousand ears, or
at cight guilders per thousand by taking a quantity
of 10,000.—Apply to G. PAUEKTS,
l4 May. oral Pln. Ma Retraite.
View original FOR SALE
Pease & barley, jelue & white salempores,
Refined sugar, Musquitto lawns,
Marscilla wine, Printed calicoes,
Salt, Purniture chintz,
Windsor chairs, (rine bams,
Bark, rhubarb & Epsom!) Musquitto lawn,
salts, Pullicate, Bandana. Ma-
Mustard, dras, Brlesore, and poc-
Tobacco, het handkerehi ts,
Corks, Plain, spotted, striped, la-
Paints & oil, pet, & tamboured mus-
Hoops & revets, lins,
Soop & candles, iJoans & corded dimity.
Gentlemen’s & ladies hats, White cottons,
boots & shoes, Blue, yelluw, co white nan-
Blacking, liquid for boot, keens,
tops, Plitillis & checks,
Negro jackets & laps, ‘ciianma & cotton shirling
Green table covers, Mable cloths & naphins,
Sewing twine, Varscilles,
Osnaburgs, ilass, tin, & hardware,
lrish sheeting & linen, “tatlonary.,
Poble & brown linen, (lozery,
Thread & tape, Sadlery,
Coliee & colton bagging,’ Pernsiumery, &e.
View original —_——_——--————
Tue. fast sailing Pilot Sloop, copper bottem’d and
in good order.—It not sold by the first June, will be
put upat Vendue,
View original POR SALE OR HIRE,
A Negro man, who understands. in perfect order
the Baking profession.—enquire at this Otlice.
May 1,
eee *
TEN bales of good clean cotton, from plantation
Fy risu, for cash or approved bills of exchange on
delivery, to pay current expences; ‘Tenders tor the
same will be received at the residence of the Sub-
scriber on lot No. 20, until the Ist of June next.
Tus. PL LAY EIELD, for himselfand
7 May. Jno. FRASER, Sequestrators
View original NOTICE
Tue creditors of plantation Clifton, and of Huai
B. InGuas, are hereby informed, that there will be
20 a 25 bales cotton to be sold amongst them, at 12
o'clock on Thursday the 26th inst. at the house of
Mr. McBean, at the late Vendue office.
May 7.
rU\Ginray i”
View original rit! Subscribe requests Chose 7 lO
claims against the Estate of the late Wy
lisq.., C(O render (hem in LO Vir. Cus. KK rib: to whom
— ; | | wl Seen ; , ‘ l- 4 . *4) ‘
ail LOG ‘fg ATC FegGuested lO make payrbent without
delay, he being authorised to vive receipts for the
have any
7 NT
‘ NLL YF \ SIMI ON, | el. Executor
View original FOR LONDON.
ae Tue Ship ELISABETH.
sole Tuos. LaNGenick, Master,
Is ready to receive her cargo, and will sail with
the first convoy, for freight apply to
23 April. A. A. peta COURT.
View original wl SE Tie Brig MINERVA,
S2e2 Is ready t4 4ake in her cargo, and will posi-
lively sail with he f/st convoy, for freight apply to
23 April. A. A. pe LA COLRT.
View original FOR GLASGOW,
tks Tie Brig ALPHA.
atc ihe D. McCornnick, Master.
To sail with the June convoy ; for {freight or passage
apply to
Who have received by the above vessel, beef and
pork in barrels, butler in’ half’ firkins, W estphalia
hams, Edam, pine, and Dutch commyn cheese,
herrings in ke gs, gentlemen and ladies’ boots and
shoes, beer and porter, soap, tallow and spermaccti
candles, pearl bar'y, oatmeal, split pease in jars, gare
Jenseed assorted, w hite, y cllow, and green paint and
paint ofl, spirit (urpentine, port wine, tin, glass, and
crockery ware, negro clothing, Knives and forks,
lrish linen, cotton shirting, calicoes, Osnabrugs cot-
tou and collce bagging, hoes, shovels, cutlasses, gun
powder and shot; pickles and fish sauces assorted,
house brooms, &c.
As a Clerk, at a moderate Salary, A young man
who wriles a tolerable hand.—Address to this Olflice.
7 May.
View original CO
ALLE de genen dic enige pretentien mogte heb-
ben lasten den Heer W. Stier, gclieven dezelyen
inteleveren, Voor examinatic, aan den ondergetec-
SO April. J. L. KIP.
Turre young Negroes, custome to work in flown,
pulling a boat &e. For which Tenders will be re-
ceived at the sfore of J. TI. Scuna Ritorst, Esquire,
per ycar—the ofler approved of, will be accepted.
Pln. Deutichem, J. VAN DEN BROLK,
30th April. P.B. BENDER,
Guardians of Karns StoKKeEr.
View original MARSHAL's OFFICE.
BY virtue of an appointment from Tlis Excell: ncy
il. W. Be NTINCK, L’squire, Lieutenant-Governor
ot Hie colony Ber! bice and its Dependencie s,&c. &c.
Upona pelition of R. C.D, wner, as the Attorney of
Wm. King, together with P. 1 benjanin, appointed
Curators to the Estate of }, ynoc, dee., ve rsus, the
Plantation Lewis Manor,
Notice is hereby give that I the undersiened,
Iirst Marshal of the Courts of (|
hts Colony, will S. I,
at Public execution Sale. in the month of June IS 5
the precise day hereafter to be notified throug
l the
Caazette of this colony,
The Cotton Plantation Lewis
Manor, situate on
the Least SEQa eCOasl
of thi s colony, wth all its
cullivation, slaves, buil Lines, &¢
Whoever should thin]
‘ to h; aveany right, action or
riterest, On aboven
amed planta tion Lewis M; anor,
Ishes to Oppose the Exe ‘uuion Sale there of, let suc h
oe sons address themselyes to the Marshal's ‘0 thee of
this ¢ olony, declaring their reasons lor so doing in
due time and for. a lhereby « rive notice, that I will
receive Opposition from eye; y ¢ ne there unto quali-
fied, appoint them a day to have his or her « ‘Ladin
he ard before the Court, and further act (herein as
the law directs.
This Qnd proclamation published as eu lomary.-
Berbice, Sth Ov IS]-f.
‘ ‘Tr IAT v7 7 ; ,
ly. AA. ~YWUAATLULN {i f Marsh
View original ST IMON nv LOICT.
BY virtue ofan ipomfinent from the Tonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, ranted upona
petition, preset | by the Board for Orphans and
unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th Novem-
ber I813. Pthe underst@ned, at the request ofafore-
sail Board, do hereby Summon be edict :—All per-
sons havinzgor pretending to have any claim or right
on the Estate of the late Robert Mitchell, to appear
hefore the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at
their session ta the month of duly, (in the year one
thousanc be hondred and fourteen,) say 1814, for
the Dury Ose 2 there a TiVerine 11) Cher ( Med WS, SCC
the same objected to, should it be necessary, and to
witness. after the fourth Ldictal) Summon, the
Conrt’s decision as to (he preferent and concurrent
nicht of ciaimants, on pain fo sneh as remaim in de-
Piudt Gf peing fol cy i debarred ther recht of clatm.
.) } r:
i ] ptide !) \ EuCtl ! bivaach I | wn to the public
by beat of dru from the Court dbeuce ol (his colony.
ts ° : e ’ 9 ; 2 \
and envdher dealé with according to custom
DBeibice Use l.
eo -
View original —_——— + —__ =
BY vitae ofan appointment from the Honorable
Courtof Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
efition, presented by Thomas Fryer Layfield and
Ros u VosiKns os Carators to the Estate of John
Rares cl te a iho! flames Sinelatyy as Curator to ihe
f°. ct te of dotin Sinclai ir, dec., under date of 29th Ja-
peoary IStb. TP the undersigned. at the request of
proresuid Curnoc, do hereby Stunion by Ndtet:—
Por sho tower tine ex superaband lant, afl creditors
oo chiiqnunts on the bite fiem of Ross and Sinclair, or
petit the News sifie feo within Cais colony, or on
the separate Pstrtes oe oo and dames Sinclair,
1 give i: ttheireh inst persona, or by proxy, before
the Bir of the Corner ot Cpe] Mistiew at (heir session
Which will be boll ia the amoenth of July TSh4, there
y> bear the eblectou made thereto, re necessaiy, and
further to procee.t occording to Law, om pain to all
such who remain tefialy, of being tor ever debar-
red there right of boii
Piles Serimon be tdict, made known to the public
by Dead of drut Goethe Court House of this colony,
andl fuocher heute vue according to custuin.
Bervice, the tuck bebrovry, Ts tf.
K.P ROANCKEN, Pérst Varsahl.
- —— te
View original 4~~ ’ . | T . ’
BY virlac ofan apnominent from the Tonorable
ourt of Civil Justice of this colony, ranted upona
etitian, presented by the board for Orphans and
nan Mod Ptates, boarimrge date the 16d, Novein-
ber S13. Pthe undersigned, at the request of afore:
suid 3 ir toddo hes Hy Sarma day f ict: AY per-
sons having, or prele dure to fiave ai \ Cloimorrioht
oy ihe Estate or Aloxander Touston and Uneh Hous.
COM © mdi (lion it state TON other ee
mir MUpCes, TO Nye ir | Hope (1 Courter Civil Jas.
tice of this colony. at ther sosstonm in Che month of
July. Cin Os v* (1) ys | {yt I; imdred and
fourfeen,) sav taid, corthe purpose of there deliver.
iag in their cians, see the sime obsected to, should
it be neeessnry, ord fo wetness. alter the fourth
Bidietale Summon, tt mrs Meedst Has to the pre-
ferent and concurrent ticatol Claimants, on pain te
sti¢ " al rer Vil ( clan. O1 bes le for eVer dk barred
thetr rie htat « lain.
' !
Riis Summon by Edict, mace known to the onblic
by beat of Cram trom the Court House of Chis eclony,
ail further dealt wit) secordiae to custom, :
Berbies, the lath February, ISH.
KN. PRANCKIEEN, Peret JTarshal.
BV virtue ofan appointment from the TTonorable
Court ot Civil dastice of this colony, eranted pon a
per Sat My eA ath bled as appointed Curator tothe
ey ot dodina Bonaltdscon, dee... dated 26th Janu-
ary ISU4. bite nedersiened, at the request of afore-
i { Crrat ‘ clo hereby Udon by Iedict — All
knuwnand ughnown eredilors of the Estate of the late
fg : - . . oF . ‘
John Donaldson, var before the Bar of
lee. (ooany
the Court of Civil dusiice ot this colony, at their
session Which wall be held ie the month Oelober of
the present year iS]
witness the Court's ¢
concurrent rieht of claimants, and further to proceed
according to Law, on pain of betne for ever debarred
(heir right ofelaiun.
This Sainmon by Ecict, made known to the public
by beat of dram from the Court House of (his colony,
aut farther dealt with accordine to custom. ,
Berbice, the loth February, ISt-4.
K. FRANCK EN, First Varshal.
— — —_ ——
$, there fo verity their clanms and
pose, _
lecision as to the preferent and
BY virtue of an appotatnent from the Tonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
petilion, presented by Javves Sinclutr, as appointed
‘ 4 ' ,’ YY
Curator to the ksta
’ - ° _/ sa oy Fan : c ,) ’ . q
> Ad Gach 4 ice... Wuue©r date Os Poth Ve alllls y « Is! tL»
e and sieects of the late John
View original I the nadersiencd, at the request of aforeeaid Curator.
do hereby Summon by Edict, ad eaves curiae :—All
creditors or claimants on the Estate of the late John
Sinclair, to appear in person, er by proxy, belore
the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
session which will be held inthe month of January,
(in the year one thousand eight hundred and _ fif-
(cen,) say, 1815, there. to render in their claims, to
verily the same, and further to proceed according to
Law, on pain of being for ever debarred (heir reht of
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with accordine to custom.
Berbice, the 16th February, IS14.
h. FRANCKEN, Férs¢ Marshal,
View original —_w wea eee ee ss oe
=D 6-)- 0 Se
Saturday, May 14, 1814.
TT ee
Ry the arvivel of our Dispatch Boat from Barlados,
this weck, we are favored xith a sight of English Pa-
pers to the S\st of March.—Tne Hero of Spain, Mar-
quis of Wellington, aficr complete defeating Soull, with
(he loss of GOOO men kitled, ccounded, and prisoners, en-
fercd on the \Qth of March Borrdeauc—Nothing oyicial
appears tn those papers from the Grand Allicd Armies tn
Prance—a report says, that Blacher on the 9th, \Oth,
and \th of March, has defeated Bonaparte-—this, ce
hope, he may has done on the 9th, as on the 10th fresh
propositions for negotiatiuns, are made to the Frenc.
by the Allies, which, by Lord Castlereagh’s last official
J ’ a Ss
feller, still were gone on, on the 27th, althu’ there were
’ = ’ )
no hopes of success for a peace of them. Great disturb-
ances, tt ts also sail, has brokin out in the South of
Irrance, in favor of the Bour cons.
Our Dispatch Boat wi lsail from here to Barbadcs, to
mOTTUw mMuritisy, ul 0 w'clock proeisely.
View original eer OD eC
Merch 23.—The celerity of Lord Wellington’s oper-
aftons has hept pace with the must ordent hopes of his ad.
iniring aud grateful couvtry 5; and the British standard,
after a lapse of Nearly four centurics, is again hoisted an
the iirs¢ commercial city In France. It was reserved for
Out iliustrious couutrywain to replace, what even to the
most cuthusiastic mind, must have appeared rouautic but
a short year since the English ilag ina place where it had
not waved since the vear 1J50. Bourdcaux was on Sa-
Curday scenmight ia tis possession of the a licd troops
aad what we consider a most important addition to. thi
gratifying eventrs the ascertained fact, that they were ree
ceived by the Constituted Authorities, (he pried) al me
habitants, and the whole of the population, not as cou.
querers, but delivercrs and fricuds. This was yesterda,
wotming Communicated to Government by Ale. Courvor
Sier, the Messenger, whoarrived at tarl Bathurst's Oflice
wita dispatches teom Lord Weluagton tothe loth ist.
The folowing Bull Ga was iseaucd frou Dewungstrect,
betwee i and 2 o'clock :—
© Dosnngsercel, March 22, 1814.
“Dispatches uave becn received frou. Lo:d Wellingtoa, dated Aire,
Ith taseant,
“Phe uncosunoaly severe rains, and (ye movements of Soult’s army
towards ‘Tarb.e,tad aduced Lord \Weiltagton to halt the main body
ole Allied i urees between Pau (wiich is occupied by apart of sur
Re bills curps)and Mire 3 bathis Lordship detached a body of troops,
under Maishal Werestord, to Bourdeaua, which city he entered upon
the P2thinscant.
“The Allied truops were received with every expression of joy and
The insigna of the existing Government were torn down by the in-
habitants, who universally mounted the white cockade,and loudly and
spontaneously declared their desire to support the House of Bourbon.”
March 25.—We have the pleasure of stating the arrival
at Falmouth, on Tuesday, of his Majesty’s cutter Laad-
raid, Lieut. Till, from the Garonne, with two f’rcnch
Messengers, wearing the white cockade, on board. Licut.
Hill left Bourdeaux last Friday, at which time the whole
population of that part of the country had declared them-
vives favour of Lonis XVILL.; and the noble spirit of
loyalty and devotion to their ancient monarchs was spread.
ing itself with extraordinary rapidity through the adjoin.
ing provinces. Ams and leaders for the destruction of
Bonaparte’s tyranny and the restoration of their legitimate
Princes, was the universal and enthusiastic cry through.
out Guienne, Gascony, and a considerable part of Lan-
enedoc. It is added, that the Constituted Authorities at
Thoulouse had been deposed, and that the inhabitants had
risen ev masse in favour of Louis XVILL. ‘The streets of
Bourdeaux were strewed with laure!, and the houses de.
corated with tapestry, to welcome and ¢o do honor to
Sacsbal Beresford. Phe entrance of tho Grith troops
View original info (hat city was marked with all the signs and character.
istics of a triumphant procession,
Phe coronation of the Sovereign Prince of the Nether.
lands will take place on the 28th inst. (Monday next,) at
Amsterdam, ‘The preparations for this advice} from
Lord Clancarty reached Government. The StadHouse is
to be spleadidly decorated, and a grand procession of the
Nobility, the Burghers, and the Doputies from the differ.
ent cities and (owns of Iullaud, wiil conduct the Sovereign
Prince attended by the Connuctl of State to the Great Hall,
where te ceremonies of the coronation are to be performed.
We are enabled to state that. the Nupitials of the Tere.
ditary Prince of Orange and Princess Charlotte of Wales
will not be deferred bey ond the month of May. ‘The ar.
rangements made with respect to this interesting union will
be submitted to Parliament Uecfore the end of next month,
It way last night asserted, on the authority of private
advices from Amsterdam of the 2lst, that the negociations
had been broken off, and that Lord Castlereagh was exe
pected in that city,
Half past One 0? Clock p. m.—Lieut. Hill, and the (wo
French Messengers whom we have noticed, bave reachad
town, ‘They bring the most pressing invitation to Louis
XVIII. to visit his people, who declare themselyes ready
to dic or conquer in his cause. The accounts exceed the
most sanguine expectations entertained by the fricuds of
the Bourbons in this country. We have now only time
fo congratulate our readers on the glorious news, and hope
shortly to communicate more important intelligence.
March 30.—An extraordinary degree of activity is ma.
nifested by Government in sending of arms and amunition
to the Royalists, Several transports, each cat rying 10.000
Stands of arms, have sailed for Bourdeaux and other points
of the coast of France. Tt is believed in the Ministerial
circles that the passage of nu sseagers between this country
aud Chatillon, by the way of Boulouge and Calais, is
completely stopped.
Second Edttion:
The most gratify ing and glorious intelligence of the suce
cessful progress of the cause of the Bourbons has reach.
ed us, and we hasten to Jay ie before the public. A
Mrench Officer arcived in town this morning, with dispat.
ches from Nlousicur, at Vesoul, to his Majesty Louis
XVITE. An express was immediately dispatched by the
Count de la Chatee, (o communicate their conteuts to the
Mrench King at Hartwell,
A Deputation, consisting of all the principal inhabitants
of Nancy with the Magistrates, had waited on Monsieur,
at Vesoul, with the most earnest solicitation that he would
put himeclf at their head, ‘Phe greatest enthusiasm pre.
vailed iu favour of the Bourbons, and Nancy presented a
picture like that recently exhibited at Bourdeaux. The
White Cuckady was (riumphanily hoisted ; on all sides were
heard acclamations of dive de Roi! Vive Louis XVI!
Vivent les bourbons! No partizan of Napoleon dared
tu raise a voice im his favour. ‘Phe people of Nancy are
merely a specimen of the general feeling which pervades
the Bast of France. Asa proof of connection between
the Royalists in dillerent parts, we can state that these
demoustrations of popular fecling were in consequence of
a prior Correspondence with the south of France.
Horse Guards, March 4.—The Commander in Chief
commends to be notified to thearmy, that it has some time
since been declared to the French and American Governe
nents, that his Majesty’s Government will not recognise
or rauify any agreement for exchange of prisoners made aé
sea, between individuals of the respective nations,
Ihis Royal Highness directs this communication to be
made to thearay, in order (hat the ofhicers may be aware,
that the event of their being captured atsea, they are not,
on any account, to give their paroles, until they are land.
ed on [french or American territory, and that paroles
given at sea are null and void. Any ofiicer, who, after
this communication, may euter into any such agreement
with the enemy, will be guilty of a breach of discipline,
for which he will be held personally responsible.
By command of his Royal Liighness the Commander
in Chief.
Harry Carvert, Adjutant-General,
Duke of St. Carlos, my Cousin,—Desiring that hosti-
lities may cease, and to concur to the re-establishment of
a solid and durable peace between Spain and France, and
the Emperor of France and King of Italy having made to
me propositions of peace, from the intimate confidence
which I have in your fidelity, E gave you full and absolute
power, and especially charge you, that in our name you
treat, conclude, and sign with the Plenipotentiary ap-
pointed for that purpose by his Imperial and Royal Ma.
jesty the Emperor of France and King of Italy, such
‘Treaties, Articles, Conventions, or other acts which you
shall judge convenient; promising punctually to fulfil
and execute all that you, as Plenipotentiary, promise and
sign, in virtue of this power, and to expedite the ratifica-
tions in due form, in orde: that they may be exchanged
at the time appointed. .
Valencey, Dec. 4, 1813. FERDINAND,
The Duke of St. Carlos.
View original Ilis Catholic Majesty, and his Majesty the Emperor
of the French, King of Italy, Protector, Mediator, &c.
both desirous of peace, have concluded a definitive Treaty
between the two Powers, having named as Plenipetenti-
aries for this purpose, the former J. M. de Cabayal,
Duke of St. Carlor, &c. &c. and the latter M.A. b. C.
Mathurin, Count of La Forest. These two plenipoten-
tiaries, after exchanging their respective powers, agreed
on the following articles :—
Art. 1. there shall be perpetual peace and friendship
after the ratification of this Treaty, between his Majesty
King Ferdinand and his Successors, and his Majesty the
Emperor and King, and his Successors.
Art. 2. All hostilities, whether by land or sea, between
the two Nations, shall cease in the Continental possessi-
ons, immediatcly after the ratification of the Treaty ; fif-
teen days afterwards on the seas which wash the cuasts of
Europe and Africa, on this side the Equator; forty-one
days afterwards in the seas of Africa and America, on the
other side the Equator; and three mouths afterwards in
the countries and seas to the cast of the Cape of Good
Art. 3. His Majesty the Emperor and King acknow-
ledges Ferdinand and his Successors, according to the law
of succession as established in Spain, to be King of Spain
and the Indies.
Art. 4. His Majesty the Emperor and King acknow.
ledges the integrity of the Spanish territory, as it existed
before the war.
Art. 5. ‘Khe provinces and places occu pied by the
French trooys shal! be delivered up tu their present state
to the Spanish Governors, and troops ordered by the
King to take possession of them.
Art. 6. His Majesty Ising Ferdinand bind himself to
maintain the integrity of Spain, also of his islands and de-
pendencies adjacent, especially Mahon and Ceuta, Ile
also binds himself to procure the evacuation of the pro-
vinces, towns and territories, occupicd by the agents of
England and the British ariny.
Art. 7. A Commission shail be appointed, consisting of
a Frenchman and a Spaniard, in order that the evacuati-
on of the Spanish provinces, occupied by the French and
English, may be simullancous.
Art. 8. His Catholic Majesty, and his Majesty the km-
peror and King, mutually engage to mnaintain their mari-
time rights as stipulated in the (realy of Utrecht, and as
both nations have maintained them since 1792.
Art. 9, All the Spantards attached to King Joseph,
who have been invested with civil and military employ -
ments, and who have followed bin, shall retain ¢heir hon.
ours, rights, and prerogatives, and the property of which
they have been deprived shall be restored. Those of them
who wish to reside out of Spain shall be allowed ten years
‘to dispose of their property 5 the same rizbts of successi-
on shall remain with them, and on (he alienation of such
property, they shall not be Hable to teachequer duties, or
any other deduction.
Art. 19. All property, moveable or immoveable, in
Spain, belonging to either Freuchor Italians, shall be res-
tored, in the state in watch it was before the wae; and in
the same manner property belonging to Spaniards, seques-
trated or confiscated in d'rance or Htaly, shall be restored,
For this purpose Commissioncrs shall b appointed to ap-
propriate the eilects to Frenchinen, Italians, aud Spant-
ards, and whether the claim be on elects before or since
the war,
Art. 11. All prisoners on cach side shall be delivered
wp, excepting such as shall signify their wish to enter the
Service of the country in which they have been contined,
Art. 12. ‘he same conditions shal apply to (he prison.
ers in the power of the English, whether in Spain or sent
to America.
Art. 13. His Majesty King Ferdinand undertakes to
pay to King Charles LV. an annual revenue of thirty mil-
lions of rials, in quarterly payments. On the death ol!
the King, the dowry of the w idow shall be two millions of
franks. All the Spaniards in their service shall be allow-
ed to reside without the kingdom, as loug as their Majes-
ties please.
Art. 14. A Treaty of Commerce shall be concluded be-
tween the two Powers, on the footing of that of 1792.
Art. 15. The ratification of the Treaty shall be made
fo Paris, within a mouth, or sooner if possible.
Duke of ST. CARLOS.
Count of LA FOREST.
Valencey, 11th December, 1813.
Dispatch from Commodore Rodgers to the Secretary
of the Amertcan Navy.
~ “United States’ Frigate, President,Sandy Hook Bay,
Iebruary 26, 1514.
Sir—I have to acquaint you, that I arrived at my pre-
gent anchorage last evening, after a cruise of 73 days, and
pow have the honor to detail to your the particulars.
In pursuance of your directions, IT failed from Provi-
dence on the 5th Dec. and, although I expected to run the
gauntlet through the enemy’s squadron that was reported
toe cruising between Block Island and Gayhead, for the
purpose of intercepting the President, [ had the good luck
to avoid them. ‘The day after leaving Providence, I re-
captured the American schooner Commet, of and bound
to New York, with a cargo of cotton from Savannah,
which had been captured by the Rajnelies and Lotre, aad
was in their possession about forty-eight hours. In atew
hours after re-capturing the Commed,'a sail was dicover-.
ed to the eastward, which I had felt inclined to avoid, from
the circumstance of the weather being hazy, and knowing
that I was in the neighbourhood of the cnemy’s squadron,
from an advantage of wind, she was enabled, however, to
gain our lec beam at a distance of three or four miles, ow.
View original ing to which I was induced to shorten sail, with the inten-
tion of offering her battle in the morning, should nothing
else be in sight, and she not bea slip ol the line.
The wheater becoming more obscure at 2 o'clock, pre-
vented oursecing her until day-light, when she stood from
us to the N. EK. although the President was hove to, to
let her come up. From this date unul the 25th, we did
nut see a single sail, except the Recovery [a brig belong-
ing and bound to Penobsco, from St. Bartholomew, In
ballast] until after reaching Long. 25. Lat. 19. being car-
ried that far eastward by a severe 5. W. gale, accompanicd
by such heavy sea as to render heaving to impracticable
without infinite risk, when two large sails were discovered
standing to the northward, and to w hich 1 gave chase,
belicfing, as well from the situation in which they were
discovered, as the manifest disposition they afterwards
shewed to avoid a separation, that one was a frizate and
the other an Indiaman under hes convoy : iv this twas
mistaken, fur a nearer approach L could discover the head
most was a frigate with seven ports abalt her gangway , and
the other a ship of epual or little inferior furce: on dis.
covering their decided superiority, aud supposing to be
encmy ’s ships, L endeavou red, during the succeeding miglhit
(o separate them by stecring different cources, and occa.
sionly shewing a light; but was unable tu succeed, fur the
the headmost at one time was su near that she fired a shot
over us, whilst her consort was but a hundred yards astern
of her. Lnow directed our course to be altered, made sail
and continued the remainder of the night to shew them a
light occasionly, but to no eilect, as at day-light they
were discovered to be in a situation to unite there force.
After this I shaped a course to reach a position to wind-
ward of Barbados, on a parailel of longitude with Cayenne
and did not meet another vessel ill the SOth, whea faling
in with a Portuguese brig, and receiving infornarion that
she had been boarded 96 hours before by to two British
store ships, bound to the West Indies with 5350 tranps on
board, 1 crowded sail to the west ward in the hope «i
overtaking them; in this I was again diappotuted, aud,
after a pursuit of four days, hauled further south ward to
gain the latitude of Barbados: in that situation, aud ©
the 5th of Jan. captured the ship Jhandrer, of 7 guns and
16 men, from London bound to Jamica, party loaded
with plantation stores, and after taking from her such th
articles as were of most valuc, sunk her. Tn the sans
position on the7th, [fell in’ with the British mercnant
ship Prince George, in the character of a cartel with pie
suners, which, with four other British vessels, diad been
captured by two French 44 gun frigates, the Medusa aud
Nymph, the same ships I had fal cnn ith }-foays belore.
On board of the Prince George Lecnt the prisoiers cap.
tured in the WVanderer, tu Barvadous ot parole,
On the 19th of Jan. while sil to wind waid of Barba.
dos, Acaptured the ship Badzcard, of six guvs abd ai
men, fom London bound to La guira, i ballast—winen
vessel L also sunk. Ifaving learnt from the master of tic
Edward as well as those of the WWaderer and Prince Gc-
orge, that they had been separated in the Bay of Biscay
from their convoy, consisting of the Queccn 74, Wo Irigate:
and two fluops of war, 1 was induced, owing tu a behel
that the convoy was still to the eastward ol Barbados,
uudl the Gth of January, when finding they oiust have
passed, I changed my ground ran off Cayenne, and from
thence down the coast of Suriname, Berbice, and Decme-
rary, through between ‘Tobago and Grenade, thence
throgh the Charibbiau sea, along the south-cast side ol
Porto Rico, through the Mona passage, down the north
side of Jamaica and other Leeward Island without meet.
ing a single vessel of the enemy, or any other Spauish
droghers aud one Sweedish ship, until L got near the Ma-
villa Reef, near which, after capturing and sinking the
British schooner Jonathan, loaded with rum and dry goods
[the most valluaLle part 1 took on board |, L hauled over
the Florida shore and sruck soundings ol St. Augustine,
avd from thenche run on soundings as far as Charleston,
Passing within 4 or 5 miles of Columbia Island and as near
to Savannah as the wheather aud dept of water would
allow, without mecling a fingle vessel except a Spanish
ship from Llavannah bound to Spain, but steering fur Sa-
vannah in consequence of having sprung a leak.
Arriving olf Charleston [which was on the 11th ins, ] 1
Stretched close in with the var, and made the private sig-
nal of the day to two schoovers lying in the Rebellion
Roads, and which, from their appearance, I believed to
be public vessels. = After remaining all day off the bar
with colours hoisted, and the beture-meutioned figna!
displayed, without being able to communicate with the
schooners. I stood to the northward, and at 7 o'clock the
next morning, discovered and chached a ship to the south.
ward, which pursuing 8 or 9 miles, led me to a second
sail [a brig under her topsails with her topgallant masts
housed and flying jib-boom rigged in, ] and from thenche
to a discovery of a third sail, represented from the mast
head to be a large frigate, on discovery of the third sail,
added to the maucuvres of the firstand second, I was in.
duced to believe them part of an enemy’s squadron, and
accordingly hauled up and stood for the former, to as-
certain her character; and after making hee from the
deck, perceived she was a frigate as reported, Ll now tack.
ed and shortned sail, believing that towards the might I
might be enabled to cut oll the ships [which was cither a
small frigate or a large sloop of war] aud a brig, from the
third or largest sail, at this time 9 or 10 miles to wind-
ward; in this however, L was not able to effect my pur-
pose, owing tothe weather sail (between sun sect and dark )
bearing down for the others. Judging now from the ma-
nauveres, that after daik they would chase, I stood to
the eastward under short sail; believing that in the morn.
ing Lmight find them insome disorder; at day-light, how-
ever, owing to the haziness of the weather, they were not
ta be seen; cousequcutly L wore and stood back to the
View original westward to make them again, and ic a few minutes diss
covered (wo (one od the lee, the other on the weather
bow), to which I gave chase, but after chasing them for
half an hour, the weather becoming more cicar, and two
Jarge ships making their appearance, | changed my course
to the eastward, when the four immediately crowded sail
in pursuit; but owing to the weather, assisted by the en-
emy’s manner of chasing, I was enabled to get clear of
them without difficulty ina few hours. From this 1 pur-
sued a course to 18 fathoms water off the Delaware, where
in a fog, I fell in with a large vessel, apparently a man
of war, shortened sail to topsails, and cleared ship for
action, butshe suddenly disappeared in a few minutes.
She, or some other vessel near, being heard to fire sigaal
guns, I stood to the norti.ward, from a belief I was near
another squadron. From the Delaware Ll saw nothing
until [ made Sandy Hook, when J again fell in wi h ano-
ther of the enemy’s Squadrons, and, by some unaccount.
able cause, was permitted to enter the Bay, although in
(he presence of a decidedly superior force, afler having
been obliged to remain outside seven hours and a half
waiting fur the tide.—I1 am, Sir, your’s, &c.
Extract of a Letter from Ilalifar, Nova Scotia, dated
January 22, 18i4.
““Many people in England are, no doubt, informed that
several 74 guu ships aud frigates are building in the U.
States; but the extraordinary size of these vesscls (in res
ference to their nominal rates) may not be so generally
known, The opportunity 1 had last summer of viewlog
the Nammouth 74, and a frigate building at Philadelphia,
chables me to give the lenght of the (read of their keel, by
which their full dimensions may be tulcrably estimated ;
the keel of the 74 is 173 fect 5 inehes; this 74 proceeds
very slowly, for want of materials, having in Oct. last€
vuly a few of her floor Goibers laid down: it wasexpect-
cd she would mot be ready for launching until May or
June 1815; and even that would depend on the vigilance
vf our ships inthe Delaware ; in cutling off thetr sup-y-tieg
of tinber; her lower deck guns are to be Jong 32 poun-
ders, and she is to mount at least 96 guns. ‘The keel of
the frigate 160 feet 6) inches, 16 ports on a side on her
main deck, will carry lon, 32-pounder on her main deck,
aid is to mount 62 guns; she was nearly planked up in
October last, and it was expected would be launched in
Apiior May ucat. Phe ships building at Baltimore, aud
(othe Mastward, are all, | understand, of nearly the same
dimcusions as tne two at Philadelphia, but much further
advaaccd, especially the 47’s one or two of which, is exe
pecied, will be at sea carly in the ensuing summer. The
frigate United States is now equipped with 8 long 32-poun.
ders on each side her main deck, in lieu of the same num.
ber of 24's, which have been transferred to the Mace.
donian. ‘There is a story hawked about the States, and
which is cast in every Englishman’s teeth the moment the
acrecable subject of our late defeat is brought upon the
Capiss it is, that the late Captain of our late Macedonian,
when dising on board Captain Decatur’s ship, before the
war, seriously declared, that 18-pounders are as good as
Ys, and that he preferred his ship to the United States.
Whether or not he had soine reason to change his opinion,
may be seen by reading his official letter ; written after the
neat interview he had with his friend.”
Frenchmen !—Sutler uot yourselves to be deccived Ly
calumnious reports, disseminated by malevolence, Ce
hold, in the armies of the Allied Sovereigns, only the ar-
mies of humanity, who have no other eneimes but the ene-
mies of peace. Your relatives, your frieads, your bro-
thers, your children, prisoners in a foreign Land, unite
their wishes with ours for peace; the first benefit of which
to them will be, their speedy return to the bosom of their

Frenchmen !—At the command of my King I have ta
ken up arms for the purpose of defending the rights of the
Swedish people. After having revenged the insults which
they had suffered, and assisted in cXecting the liberation
of Germany, | have passed the Rhine. At the moment
when IL again sce this river, on the borders of which I have
so often aud so successfully fought for you, I feel the ne.
cessity of again apprising you of my sentiments. The
Government under which you hyve has continually had in
view to treat you with contempt, in order that it might de.
base you; it is high time that this state of things uaderge
an alteration. Allenlightened peop'eexpress their wishes
for the welfare of France, but they, atthe same time, wish
that she may no longer be the scourge of the carth. The
Allied Mouarchs have not united them, to make war Up.
on the people, but to force your Government to ackuowe
ledge the independence of other States; (A’s 7s their sole
motive and aim, and 1 will pledge myself for the integrity
of their sentiments, Adopted son of Charles the 13th,
and placed by the choice of a free people at the foot of
the throne of the Guostaves, f can henceforward be ani-
mated with no other ambition than that of securmyg the
happiness of the Scandinavian Peuinsula 5 and, at the same
time, my principal happiness will consist (after having
fulfilled this sacred duty towards my adopted country )y
in securing the future happiness of my former Cuuitty -
Given at my Ilead-quarters, Heulen, Feb. 14, 1814.
Ciarres Jran,
(DIED) on Thursday morning las!, at 6u'chock, J.
I. Viebocl, Esq. much lamented by hiiy Jirieuds and ace
View original
The importanee of the islands of Jc erscy and Guernsey
to this countes has ota ways boo duly appreciated, dn
time of war, thoiv situation atiords the mostedvecual meas
of Alt. yy BCE fo tic sl sof the CNen) ) and of pr otection
to those of Bn gaad. ‘Phe eifeets of their hostilit ty were
so severey bet by the parliamentarians inthe 17th centu.
rv, that, da tue ticn tals presented by the Loudon mer.
cnt: fo governinoul * protection wer alnst those active
Gefen tors of Cae tino vas chy » they declared that trade could
Kot exist. ifait wore mot scoured avait the depredations
of the *S Jersey pirates.’ Tu the American war, when the
comtaerce of Our choide excited the ardor of enterprise,
upwards Of 70 privateers, Catryiny J.500 men, Were scent
to cea from the isfiads, exclusive of Che numbers employ.
edn tie nave. Darig more tut seven centuries, since
Pogtand was conquercd by their ancestors, they have ma.
Difested the most hero ec aod in llexible attachinent to this
coumtry, Whica thes rogarded as their parcut state, since
the reduction of Normandy to a province of Fiance
They havo repelled every attack, to which their situation
exposes Thoin, th the words of tdward JD S¢with firm.
Hessand ner cnanarite.? fhey will maintain their aflece
tronate loyatry tu the crown of Nogland to the last gasp
of thelr oxist mee.
Seu ihle of this di pa ition, many of the English mo-
narchs have weaned hem el aruers (or the protection ol
(hor riahts and imniaities, and forthe secarity of thie
ecmoaerctal adyvaite cs. ‘Phese privileges have been SINCE
the vevulotion raGilcd by parhament, in order, in the
words ef ag Act of che Jd, of George IT. Sto encourage
tie Sas abbabeline’s to colnune that steady and firin luy -
alfy to Che crown ol Cereal Biitainy which Chey have for.
merly steadfastly snowa fu the crown of Euglaod, aud
for fuels better support.”
Put those privileges ref rredto the commodities of their
Own oroythand mauutacture, te the impertaion of tie
: ° . ’
hoe ssortes of fey and ofa certain quanily at woot, Muu
{y. co, thete ecxlornal Cotneecece was Clad] ed by Naily”
eavrcivtty he Paetol J rey was contined to the New.
Poundlord tsheses; cua Coaernsey became the emporium
of contraband crtic!cs, voor leg to catend the limits of
Choir lecal . » (ie laws pouconed, im 1785, for per.
mission to trade tothe west bt adlies, and other ants of the
British empire, irk proper security to the revenuc. ‘This
perme: loa Wusdgo aed by A minister, for a reason, which
Usolyy ola ren uesbes iustance of caution and prudence,
Shea it mi cht lead oo co isequchces, Which he could
Nolal toa thee foresce!l? Waat added to the mortiicate
OWol re tsteds was, tact laey had lately seen a proposal
Py pace scat, Coast tue Aaacricans, alicns as they were,
to regia vie f. 2 chat trade which was denied ty
Mien. ON Tire tf occ tatrouuced by Mr. Pitt, which,
acrogdins Co Uie ext ression of Lord Sheiheld, ‘Shad ut
pesdtiotoadlove world fave attected our must. essential
Ste vrei ce of comuiecres, and in every part
af the workl: « have aoorwed of Choir CHiCAcCy Our
Navivation lias. a0 ov nocd the whole navel power of
Britain’? dbepoity Chis cid was rejected in COMSEUIEUCE
Of anevent, wicca the (aco cl parties had made necessac
CY 5 the concn ct (wo beat statesmen, who were assatle
ed by al! th vee - ul Gureyuvy because, fo use the
words of etchant Wliteee *'they had abjyaced their mus
- { } ‘ é
i, i| ee Ct Al ve i a wal Vee Mids iOl (ibe Cullsell Ou the pub-
] th - 7 f,) / r
In time of war, the chaanels of Che commercial resoure
Esso Jury ate obs vircked 3 bul trios of Guernsey still
con red eocel ted dors ww (oc .dinanistration cifec.
edadiy cio ed Chem. VVeTh Cuaces OF Wat Were seul ty
Cruise turod (oe dst aa, ta pagubit: the Importation of
those foram aorices; wlio were suugelod inte bengland,
‘I'} i; 2 Vue ‘ ! 1 | J ’ . ‘ .-
Phise ry evvalbene bad becom sugesestes to Lord North. to
Air. Pic, aud sie. Sons butab ry saw Chat ait would villy
rain the islands ot Git nner and Alderney, whose prose
PorE yy TKO ta Ls ‘eral wealth ef che: “uaptre, and trans.
Suv Grr aly aes ol Chat Grade to Gar enemies. dts
Cee . ae Con at Ce YG and (he stages tea Now rey tins tu
Garou ot bae reach COasty W herehe is rereterd Will)
Gem atias., teat aoether tabscinevous ca MSCQUCnes thas
MQdea to our id cuits os. Contraband articles WCrC matt
Jor in Cerroscy,yparta in Bank of Buy and notes ana
Mado vis of evenouie, and partly in ieritish uauuface
tooos ss Dutoow motnng canbe receiy ed by the Frenel but
eeths dbs cou erusc of no small maguitude of tae depres
Chg sol pur rroney. As sau as this tranfer wasinad
fiom Cauecuss, to Che french Coast, woiness began to bear
A pies oe to shuliogs on tae astern coust of Eng.
Jas.d blur Cre use ol the Su ugyeter.
In the yoor 1788, a Comriitee of the English Catholics
watted ga dic. Pilly vespecting their application for the
renoal of the Ponat Laws.— be requested to be furnished
wit 2uthoutic evidoace of the opinions of the Roman Ca.
tholic Cluigvy an the Loman Catholic Universitics abroad,
‘fon the matotence and Batent of the Pope's dispensing
Power. a bree questions were accordion aly framed and
scat lo (houniversities of Paris, Louvain, Alcala, Douay,
Saiawacca, and Valladolid, lor (eit Opluiuns., “Lhe ques.
tluns proposed to thom were.
1. Has the pope, or cardinals, or any body of men, or
any tudividual of Che churchof lwome, any civil authority,
jucisdiciion, power. or preeemineice, Whalsoever, Within
the rcalm of keneland ?
2. Can tae pore, or cardinals, or any body of men, or
aiy tadividua!l of the church of Rome, aus solve or dispense
with Jfis M ajesty’s subjects from their oath of allegiance,
Wr ehoany pretert whaisocver ?
$. ds there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic
feu, by wales Caihy.ics are justified iu not keeping faith
View original _. 1 . ; . ° e
CS, OF Olner persons Ciffering from them in re.
ligiots Opinions, aun auy transaction, cither of a public or
Private uature ?
with hereé
Anstract rrom tin ANSWER oF TIT SACRFA Facunty
ov Diviniry oe Paris, ro THE ABOVE QUERIES.
After an introduction, according to the usnal forms of
the University, they auswer the tirst query by declaring,
Neither the pope, wor the cardinals. nor any body ol
men, nor any Oller person of the church of Rome, have
any civil authority . civil power, Civil Jurisdiction, Or Cle
vil preeeminence Natsvever, in any kingdoms; and, con.
sequently, nenein the kingdom of England, by reason ot
virtue of auy authority, power, Jurisdiction, or pre-cmine
ence by divine instiiution inhereutin, or granted. or by
ay other means belonging to the pope or the church of
Rome. ‘This doctrine, the sacced faculty of divinity of
Paris, has always held, and pon every occasion maintain.
ed, and upon every Occasion has rigidly proscribed the
contrary doctrines from her schools,
Auswer to thesecond query.— Neither the pope, nor the
cirdinals, nor any body of men, nor any person of the
church of Rome, can, by virtue of the keys, absolve or
Iree the subjects of the King of England from their oath
of alleviance,
This and the firs¢ query are so intimately connected,
that the answer to the first Immediately aud gaturally ap.
hes to the sceoud, XC,
Auswer to the thicd query.—There is no tenet in the
Catholic church, by which Catholics are justified in not
keeping fait with heoretes, or Giose whodilier from them
in matters Gf rolicion, Phe ten ty that it is lawful to
beeak faith with heretics, is so repugnant to common ho.
nesty and the opinions of Catholics, that there is aothing
firith asarust
DP, lestants, leve co Hplamved nore heavily, than the Mae
Pe tygee! . Athos (Cathet
ofwhich (hose, who have defeaded the Cathuli
liceand caleutty of their adversarics iu Impultis this tenet
fo them, we. &c. Ac.
Ata Meeting of the Faculty of Divinity of the University
of Doway, &c. &e,
To the first and second querics, the sacred facntty an.
sweis— Liat nu power Wadsvever, am civil or bemporal
CONCEINs, Was given by the Alinghty either to the Pope,
the cardinals, or the churen Derscily and con “qgacatly,
that kines aud suverciznys are pot LeGipural COnCcris, sub.
Ject, Dy the vrdivatuit of Goud, to aly eCclosidsacal power
Wilatlsoever 5 Wellicr Can ther SULJCEls, Dy diy alilaOvdly
granted to the Pype OF lo We Chg. cuts thoi dour De brood
(rom their Obedieace
9 Or al) U.Va lia Val cibois Ou ii ul
Pais is the doctrine which (is doctors and orofessors of
of Uivitli yo thot aoa Loaeclh OU SENOS > abd (ils, all
Gile Calbdadales jor. sbeCo 10 Uivaiticy KidualbCadlh hh liiecia
public Cileses, mE, AE. NE
Po the toi q(ieotiou, the sacccd faculty answers—
That there is ao peructyle of the Cathsae faa, by which
Catholics are jusuucd i not k ‘eping farch with ieredies

Who dither teour Chea iu PEMYiOUS OLlds. Qi the cou.
(rary, it is (ue UNanimmous Goctuine of Cath ol, sy that he
Tespecl due tu the nani of God so called to with 23S, Fe
juires thar che oath be viOlioy Kept, to whomsoever it
io pledged, wikether Chatolic, Heretic, on JuuieldsNe.&e&e,
The faculty of divinity at Lovain, haying been request.
ed to vive ber opimon GQ) ou Che questions above slated,
dues it with readicss—but strack withastonisliment Cia
uch guestous should, at Uae ead of this cightecnth couiury,
be propuscd tu any learned body, Dy tihabitauls Of a
kinsdum that glortes io the talents and discernment of its
Watives, “The faculty being asscurbied fur the above pure
puse, itis asceed, with the uiaarnous assent of all VUICLS,
tu duswer Che lirstaud second queries absoluteiy in ti
the faculty then proceeds to declare, that the sovercigi
power of the state is in nowise (not evendndirectty as ie is
Letaed) subject to, or dependant upou, power, or even
Mloug rit be tostituted sor entornal salvation, &c. &c.
blab Wo ian, OF ad) y dss maby of Wowever cunnent in
Mis taly ata pYUeels HOULLV CU Cae Wh yle DOU y of the Ca-
wale Guaecs Chough dssnuled mu general council, can,
Upomay srounaor pretcuce whatsoever, we-ken the boud
uf uniun betweou cies veroign and the poeple; sall less
Call Chey obsulve or free tue suvjects from their oat of
Proceeding to the third question, the said faculty of
divinity (ia perfeet wouder that such a question should be
Proposed to ler) most positively and unequivocally au.
swers—That there is not, and there never has been, among
(ne Catholics, or in the doctrines of the church of Rome,
any law or principle which makes it lawful for Catholics
to brcak their faith wit heretics, or others of a ditlercut
persuasion from themselves in mallers of religion, either in
public or private concerns.
The faculty declares the doctrine of the Catholics to be,
that the divine and natural law, which makes it a duty to
keep faith and promises, is the same; and is neither shaken
nor duninished, if those, with whom the engagement is
inade, hold erroneous opinions in matters of religion, &e.
To the first question it is answered—That neither pope,
cardinals, nor even a general council, have any civil au.
Chority, power, Jurisdiction, or pre-eminence, directly or
indirectly, inthe kingdom of Great Britain; or over any
ther Kingdom or proyvinced in which they pussess no (ein.
poral doiwiuion.
View original To the second it is answered—Thiat neither Pope, nor
cardinals, nor even a general Council, can absolve the
Subjects of Great Britain from their oaths of allegiance,
or dispense with their obligations.
To the third itis answered—That the oWligation of keep.
ing faith is grounded on the law of natay 's which bind all
men equally, without r ‘spect to their religious opinions ;
and, with regard to Catholics, it is still more cogent, as
iC Is Confirmed by the principles of their religion,
ALD, persons having demands awainst the estate of
the late Mr. N. van Harrew, are requested to rend.
erin theiraccounts; and those indebted to said ese
fale fo come forward with payment without d ‘lay, to
the undersigned, as appointed Executor to the Will
of the said Mr. N. van flatts m, dec.
30 April. J.3. VAN per STOOP,
View original a
THE undersiencd, in’ order to close Sales, offers
the following goods on Sale, at the first costs, (or ime
mediate pryment :—Fresh garden seed well assorte
ed, hams, sweet oil, safnon ins tin boxes, pickles,
porter in hlrts., paints & oil, nails assorted, a few
pteces Osnabrags’, ditto green Diise, CGentlemen’s
ready made cloths, boots & shoes, Ladies & child-
ren diffo, paper hanging & borderine, hyson tea,
blick pepper, foolscap & post paper, ealicoes. Ne.
runs, negro blankets, printed (able cloth & carpent-
Ing, hair seating, Russia duck, saddles & bridles,
sorp & candles, green & white canvas for window
Olinds, Knifes & forks, suallers, cork screws, scissars
pen knives, &c.
May 3. J. 1. KIP & Co.
_ _ > eeeeSSSS—SsSSSSSSeees
View original Fa
Tilt) Subscriber has received by the last arrivals,
sundry articles, mos: ly consisting of hardware, lamps
Standing and hanein + clewantly oraamented, Ladies
and Gentlemen's dressine cases, wark boxes, card
ditto, anda variety of other articles, which will be
sold reasonable, for Caspr.
View original MA ¥
View original _O ee
Dd. OO
I. M.
Ta'l Moon... . 1....6....37..,
Last Quart... 12... 10....49....
Nese Moon... .19....0....381....
Iirsl Quart, .26....3....3
2s 8
View original Psu {od Sunday after Laster. St. Philip & St. Jas.
SV Invention of the Cross.
4 W Spine Tides.
7\* [Patches of Vouk born, 1767.
. ‘ ?
RNu HA Sunday after Laster.
Q| \§ Comulssary Court.
lV) F |Neap Tides.
I5)SJath Sunday after Laster. Rog. Sunday.
leh fp Courtot Civii Pasties,
17) | Priucess of Wales born. 1768.
bo | Queen Charlotte born, 1744. Ascen. Day.
ae | — (Spring ‘Tides
21S) jsunenters Gemini.
2ISu Sunday afler ascen. Day. Princess Elizab
OO} MM |Court of jtolls. (born, 1770.
25) W
96)T |Neap Tides.
29 Su |Vhit-Sunday. wing Charles I]. restored.
30! 8 W hit-Moaday.
SLT IWhit-Puesday.
View original a)
List of Run-a-cay Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of
Berevicr, on the 13th May, 1814.
Names. Proprietors, | By whom brough 7
Namen, hisenaren, ~ Aanbrengers,
Rosa Mn. Onverwagt) {Dehnert >
Ilercules Jo. \McCamon
Larose. Vara. Gouverneur,
Primo ‘hanks (Dem.) — |Costenbader
Murphy Herstelling l“iscaal
Marsh aurentz. Adami ~
Sammy, lewis Manor. Dehnert
Sannie Welgclegen, van den Brock.
Marsh Rice. Prass
CG lasius Bellevue. White
Thomas Mrs. Beresford. |Heytmeijer.
J. A. DEHNERT, Under Sherif.
NS SS eee
View original we eee eel SS Se 2 ee es =<
>I; ’ ’
Published every Saturday at 4 o’cloc
> a , Pr. MM,
see W. Si ULZ WM bv.
2 wiailon (* A% Vary
Le sivilegea CrOVETI tent Pruitcrs

14 May 1814