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The Berbice Gazette

View original BERLICE.
King’s ITouse, 2nd April, 1SlA.
NOTICE is hereby given unto the Planters and
Merchants, that His Majesty’s Ship the Gu/atea,
commanded by Capt. Losacu, passed the River
yesterday, in his way to anchor off De merary, for
the protection of i ‘Trade, and it is desired, that
the vessels ready for the convoy, will join hin on the
20th instant, as on Cie day following he will leave
By command
Pr. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
View original NOTIFICATION.
C BY Ifis Pacclleay Wenry Witrtas Den tinck,
E:guire, Licutenaunt-Governor of the Colony Ber-
bice, Se. Sc. SC.
And the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of said Colony.
W EREAS we have perceived with great displeas-
ure, that the privilege allowed by us to the Slaves,
within this colony, of publicly and privately Dan-
cing on Estates and other places, at stated periods,
has been perverted by them to purposes of the most
dangerous nature.
We have therefore thought fit, to withdraw. the
permission, for, mercly sanctioned by our different
Ordinances, with regard to the Dancing of Slaves
upon Estates and other places, at certain appointed
times, and to forbid, as We do hereby Forsip and
prohibit, under any pretence whatsoever, ‘*day and
all Dancing, on any E’states, or in any place within
the jurisdiction of this Government, from hence forth
until the year WSS, or until our further pleacure
and licence be made known.”
And we warn and caution all Proprietors, Mana-
gers, and others, having charge of Slaves, to prev-
ent any Dancing on Estates or other places, strictly
forbidding on Estates or other placcea within this co-
ony, all Assemblies for Wakes, Peasts, Pestivals, or
Dancing at Burials, on any pretence whatsoever, on
pain of our severe displeasure, and further of being
rigourously punished.
The Fiscal and the Burgher Officers in their res-
pective jurisdictions, being required and enjoined by
us to keep a vigilant eye on the Negroes comuniit(ted
to their charge, that (bis our Order be strictly obcy-
Given in our Court of Policy and Criminal Justice
of the coleny Berbice, the Sth of March, 1814.——
Present, His Excellency Governor Bentinck, and
the Honorable Members I. C. Abbensets, J. MeCa-
mon, Js. Fraser, P. Pairbairn, A. J. Glasius and G.
Munro.—And published on the same day.
By command of the Cowt.
R C. DOWNER, Sccy. S
(Second time of publishing. )
View original King’s House, 29d March, 1814.
8 Tre Licutenant-Governor has dirccted the fol-
} cine be b« publishe: l for gen ral mjormat On.
By His Excellen ys command,
. ke. W HITE, Cov. Sec.
At the Court at Carlton-Housc,, [4th January IS14.
Present, His Royal Ilis ghness the Prince Regent
in Council.
WHEREAS In consequence of the successes which
have attend his Majesty’s arms, divers ports and pla-
ces in France have been, and may be placed in the
military occupation, or under the protection of his
Majesty ; and it Is expedient that the same be open
to the trade of all nations, not being at war with bis
Majesty, or any of the Allied Powers; Lis Royal
© —— -
View original Highness the Prince Regent is pleased, in the name
and on the behalf of his Majesty, and by and with
the advice of his Majesty’s Privy Council, to order,
and it is hereby ordered, that all such ports and pla-
ces as aforesaid, after the same shall have been de-
clared by the Commander of his Majesty’s Forces in
those parts, to be so far under the protection of his
Majesty, as that British subjects may safely trade
thereat, shall be forthwith released from the restrict-
tons of blockade heretofore imposed thereon as parts
of France; and that it shall be lawful for his Majes-
ty’s subjects, and other persons as aforesaid, to trade
thereat. subject to such reg ulitions as shall be i im po-
sed thereon by his Majesty, or by the Commander ot
his Majesty’s Forces in those parts. And the Right
Honorable the Lords Commisstoners of his Ma Ljesty s
Treasury, his Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State
the Lords Commissioners of the Adiniralt y, the Judge
of the High Court of Adimiralty, and the Judges of
the Courts of Vice-Adiniralty, are to take the neces-
sary measures lhercin, as to them may respectively
appertain. JAMES BULLER.
View original King’s House, Berbice, isth March, 1st.
THE Lieutenant-Governor has directed the fol-
lowing to be published for general information,
By Llis Eecellenciys nt
lk. Will i, (rov. See.
Venerable, Charlisle Bay, Barbados, 9th Feb. 1811.
HAVING relieved Rear Admiral Sir Francis
Larorry, Bart. in the command of [is Majesty’s
ships and vessels, at the Leeward [slands.
lL have the honor to aqnaint your texcclleney for
the information of the planters and merchants of the
colony, unc er your Excelleucy’s Goverment, that
the convoy’s for the present year ae arrancved to sail
trom Berbice, inthe nonthys of April, June, and duly,
in which montis avessel of war will call ott the river
Berbice, at the full moon, to protect cbe sips while
compleating their lading, and take them thence to
Cirenada, from whence they Wil forwarded to the
place of general rendezvous. T have the honor to be,
Sin, your Execcllency’s most obedicnt hinuble serve.
P. GC. DURHAM, Rear Admiral.
His Excellency H. W. DBentincn, Losqr.,
&e. Ac. &c. Berbice.
— a ee Se S- S-
Mr. Wo. Scott being about to leave the colony,
[ have appointed instead of him as Commissary tor
the Winkel-Department Mr. FP. Nicotay, who will
nheep the Oflice of the Department at Mis house, lot
No. 3. first cmpolder, where he will receive written
orders for work to be pertormed, tor cash payment.
Berbice, 2d April, Ist.
A.A. pe na COURT, Agent.
HiT kwart Rrf No. 16, gelcegen in de cerste Pol-
der dezer stede Nicuw Amsterdam, aan de middel-
weg, met het daarop staande woonhuis, onlangs
eeheel nieuw gelimmerd, van de beste amaterialen
gebouwd en bewerkt, zynde lane 38 en breed 16 voe-
(en, benevens ecn gaandery van 10 vocten, rondom
met Jalosién en ain de windzyde met glasramen voor-
zien, zynde {ft verdieping, met een pakhuis onder
het woonhuis, van 6 yoet hoog, benevens nicuwe
zygebouwen en alles wat yerder tot gemak aan cen
Kleine famielje noodzalclyk is; te bevragen by
View original ———
Mr. Smaucey returns his thanks, to the Ladies
and Gentlemen of Berbice, for the encouragement he
has received, and inform them, that on Monday the
[lth April he intends (for the last time in the town of
New Amsterdam,) Singing a variclty of comic and
other new Songs, acc ompanied on the grand Piano-
Forto.—Tickets may be hadat Mr. Binning’ s Rooms,
price Muollars. ; Od April.
View original IN custody, at the ‘Town Manager’s, a blac!
brownish Ox — — W hici will be exposed at pi
Yylic sale to defray th Xpences, < ter the usual time
of publication, if not released within that time, co
Vr! ble to th lourts i yUIOn
:, . Y racy Mannge
M lar 48) L 3 U Loa ] ) D Nana gt [
View original NOTICE
Tue following Letters will be returned to Europe by
the first Pachgt, if not forthzith claimed.
Blair) Miss Mary
Blackmore) Mr. Philip
Balfour) Dr. James
Burmeester) A. G. Esq.
Butler) Mr. Joseph
Batten) Mrs. Ann
Barnets) Mr. James
iarton) Mrs. Mary Ann
Barrett) Capt. Wilkiam
Braver) Mr. David
Buchanan) Mr. John
beau) Sam, Tesq.
Cox) \tiss Grace
Conyers) Capt. “Phomas
Cinines) Henry Dsq.
Christie) Win. Esq.
Cummings) Jobn sq.
Conally) Capt. John
Corsis) de Hleer Ff. EL.
Clapham) John Esq.
Daffort) Mr. ‘b. LT.
Dove) Mr. Sam.
Podson) Robt. Esq.
Phoral) Mr. Charles
Msmond) AMfiss Catharine
Flashman) Mr. Derrick.
Floyd) Dr. John
hteischiman) Mr. Geo. S.
Iraser) Alex.
Iraser) Vir. Wim.
Gallic) Mr. James
Crrantersel) lvsq.
Crraval) Hf. M.
Graham) Mr. Francis
(roring) Dr.
fost) de Heer G. yan
liance) de Heer
(Tall) Joseph Esq.
[lewitt) John Lsq.
Johan) Jacob Lsq.
Jones) Capt.
Joncs) Miss S. Green
ining) Mr. W.C.,
inetter) Miss Caroline
Kammer) Il. J. F-
Leen) Daniel [sq.
Lone) Thos. C.
Luff & Bender) Mesrs.
Leeuwen) (Hr Z. yaa
Leghton) W.C.
Laurence) W. Esq.
Berbice, 2d April.
—_—— rn a a 6 20990 nn . ea
Lanrence) Miss Flar’t.
Lines) Mr.
Lewis Manor) Attorn-
eys of Pln.
Leisner) J. A. Esq.
McFarlen) MissJannet
Melenbere) Mr. Jong.
McLeod) Mr. Hugh
Milligan) James Esq.
Mchimmie) Alex.
MeIntosh) Miss Eliz.
Merrett) Miss Eliz.
McIntosh) Mr. Charl.
McFarlane) Charles
McRea) Mr. John
Murray) Mr. Alex.
McDonald) John Esq,
Nietsch) If. W. Esqr.
the Icxecutors ot
Nicholson) Mr. Geo.
Oakey) Mr. J. HES.
Proctor) Mz. Robert
Peachy) Miss Diana
Pickering) John Esq.
Phillips) Geo. T.
Rose) Hugh sq.
Reuthel) de Heer J.
Roster) Mr. W.
Roederer) T. J. Esq.
Ross) Mr. Andrew
Read) Geo. [sq.
Rose) Mr. Wim.
Sharp) Miss Eliz.
Smith) Mrs. M. T.
Small & Threlfall) M.
Sandison) Mr. John
Shanks) A. Esq.
Suttle) de Piza Mr. R
Schwartz) Mr. G.
Sinclair) Jam. Esq.
Stewart) Mr. Jas.
Sall) Mr. Alex.
Tocl) Mr. Charles
Taylor) Mr. Wilson
White) Mr. Geo.
Wolward) Miss Ann
Watt) Alex. Esq.
Wade) Miss Provy
Westerveldt) G. Esq
Walrond) G. Esq.
Wells) Mr. W. H.
ue ES i em ee ee oe
View original ———
Tne next Mecting of this Society, will be held on
Monday the 4th of April next, at Plantation Bohe-
W. Kalz, John Taping W. Kewley.
NEW Foundland Fish in 4 & 6 quintal casks and
by the 100 Ibs. weight, prime mess beet & pork in
Whole & half barrels, salmon; kegs herrings, Cum-
berland hams, needs torgues, potatoes, pine & Glaus-
ler Cheese, an assortment ot pickles & fish sauses,
black pepper, small loats refincd sugar, hyson tea,
Madeira Wine in }, } & whole pipes, tobacco, ne-
gro ptpes, &c. Ac.
26 March.
View original THE. undersignest intending to leave this colony
for Europe, by the April convoy ;* requests alk per-
sons Who have any demands against him to present
their respective accounts ; and those indebted, to
come torward with immediate payment.
March 19. J. RAWLINSON,
—_— ——_____
View original
View original BERBICE:.
King’s Flouse, 2nd April, \8l4.
. ° .
Militia General Orders.
Major Scuwiers, will Muster on W ednesday next,
at 6 o’clock in the morning, and all Burghers resi-
dent in the District, from which the Battalion is
formed, not appearing in due time on the usual
Parade Ground, or previously shewing good cause of
exemption from service, will be dealt with according
to.the Burgher Regulations.
By Command,
EF. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
a EL
View original NOTICE.
ALL persons having demands against Plantation
Lewis Manor, during the Administration of the un-
dersigned, will please render them in to Wim. Kew-
ley, Esq. “ Wau LEACH for selfand
G. WALROND, Seqtr’s
2 April. to Pln. Lewis Manor.
== © (0 oe
Sururnbay, Aprit 2, 1814,
As we hive no arrivals this week, we can only furnish
our Readrs with a few abstracts frum those papers we
Gre in possesston of.
The ship I'Vora, from Bermuda, arrived in Demerary
on the 25th March, after a passage of 12 days; and the
sch. Catherine ou the 26th, from the Oronoque, whence
she sated the 20th.—W hereof we learn the follow ing:
The Snap Dragon, American privateer, left the Oro-
noque about the 20th, having repaired the damage she
sustained in the action with the Liverpool.
The Trepsichore French frigate arrived at Bermuda on
the 4th, prize to Ilis Majesty’s ship Mejestic. ‘The Ma-
gestic fell in with the Trepséchore, in company with the
Atalante, another French frigate, on the 2d February,
and captured the furmer, after a chase of a few hours :
she making little or no resistance. She is a very fine
frigate of 44 guns and 320 men; was 23 days out from
POrient The Terpsichore had 2 men killid and 2 wounde
ed, since dead 5 and had his salis and sigging much injured
by the Majestic’s fire durins the chase. Much credit is
duc to Capt. Hayes for the promptitude with which he
bore up to engace three shipsy apparently frigates, anda
brig: and we are fully convinced that had not the crip.
pled state of the Zerpstcnore demanded his undivided at.
tention, which enabled the Alalante to cfiect her escape,
he would have given an equally good account of her. ‘The
other ship in company was supposed to be an Indiaman.
These frigates captured a Spanish vessel from Lima, the
day previous, with specie aad a valuable cargo.
Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane, K. B. arrived
at Bermuda on the 4th, in the Asia, 74, and the Superb,
74, in companany.
The Barossa frigate, we are happy to learn, has ar-
rived at Portsinouth, from Jamaica, with half a million
sterling on board.
An Officer, who arrived at Plymouth, States, that Soult
and the Marquis of Wellington have lately had an inter.
view ou a spot of ground between the two armies. ‘The
Officers call it the ‘‘neutral ground.
It was reported, that Bonaparte having ordered Suchet
to evacuate Catalonic with all his force, Suchet, in obe.
dience to his orders, proceeded towards Lyons, which he
hoped to reach before the Allies; but that the latter, re-
ceiving intelligence of his intention, quickned their march
to that city, andenteredit, after some slight opposition.
It is stated, that upon the advance of the Allies into
France, the removal of British prisoners from Biche and
other fortresses, was considered by the French Govern.
ment as indispensible; and a proposal was made to ex.
change them, man against man,
The Embargo Act, of which some doubts, were enter-
tained, bas passed in Awéricga—this does not shew a very
View original “pactic disposition on the part of Mr. Madison—the Em-
barge commenced on the 17th vf Dec. last, and is to con-
(inue for 12 months.
By letters from the Hague to the 24th we Icara, that
the Prince of Orange, in his new character of Sovercign of
the Netherlands, has appointed M. Changuion, late Com-
missary General in Holland, Minister Plenipotentiary to
the United States of America, This appointment, we are
informed, has excited much interest among the Dutch, who
cagerly anticipate the benefits to be derived from a renewal
of their commercial intercourse with North America.
It was reported yesterday that 20,000 Cossacks had en-
tered Paris. ‘Che report is premature.
Letters from the South of Europe state, that Murat lias
exchanged his iugdom for a Dukedom in Carinthia, with
The following GenUemen haye been appointed, by the
Dutch Government, to act as their Vice-Consuls, at our
Out-ports, viz.—
John Hawker, Esq. at Plymouth.
Joseph Barfield, Ivsq. at Falmouth.
John Minet Fector, Esq. at Dover.
Edward Spencer Curling, Esq. at Ramsgate and Deal.
F. W. Cobb, sq. at Margate.
D. Willinck, Esq. at Portsmouth and Southampton.
John Le Marchant, Esq. at Guernsey,
Edward Jameson, Esq. at Cork.
George Aitcheson, Esq. at Leith.
Leyden, Jan, 29.—Letters from Vesoul, of the 14th,
and from Basle of the 17th, entirely confirm the reports
of the happy progress of the allicd arms in the interior of
france. The Mmperor Alexander has already quitted
Basle to repair to the head-quarters of Prince von Schwart.
zenberg, at Vesoul. The reserve, under the command of
Gen, Barclay de Tolly, about 10,000 men stroug, was
likewise on its way thither, and it was expected, that im.
mediately after its arrivalin the vicinity of the head-quar-.
ters, the forces which the cnemy had collected in the neivh.
bourhood of Langres, would be attacked and driven aw ay.
The garrison of Besancon, which was estimated at S000,
has been defeated by a part of the corps under the Prince
of Tlesse, the other part taking its route through Auxon.
ne to Dijon. Gen. Bubna was at Bourg-en-Bresse, and
his advanced posts were penetrating the vicinities of Lyous.
—After garrisoning the posts at Martigny on the Simplon,
the St. Bernard, &c. not only the inhabitants of the Va-
lais had taken np arms to make a strong opposition to the
enemy, in case he should wish to return that w ay, but
even a deputation from the inhabitants of Savoy had ap-
peared at the head-quarters of the Prince of Schwartzen.
berg, and had been sent by that General to Prince Met-
fernich, to consult in what manner that country should
provisionally be governed, after haying shaken off the
French yoke, and rendered useful in serving the general
cause of Nrrope,
Frankfort, Jan. 15.—Lord Castlereagh arrived this
Inorning ju this town,
Jan. 17.—A Courier, who yesterday evening passed
through this town, brought intelligence of a viclory gaiu.
ed near St. Avold, by Ficld Marshal Blucher, over Mar-
shal Marmont, who left, on this occasion, between 3 and
{000 prisoners and ZO picces of cannon. We have also
to-day received an account, that in consequence of (his ad-
vantage, Gen. Blucher’s army, after having successively)
entered Metz and Nancy, had occupied Luneville.
Bremen, Jan. 25.—We are assured, that after having
been informed of the conclusion of peace between Denmark
and the allied Powers, the Prince of Eckmubl requested
to be permitted to capitulate; and that his request was re.
fused, except on condition of surrendering himself and ar.
my prisovers of war,
The Lord Chancellor’s first attendance on the Prince
Regent, since his Lordship’s severe indisposition, at Carle.
lon-house, we understand, was upon the measum® of Iis
Royal Highness’s intended message (o Parliament, res.
pecting the proposed matrimonial union between the Prin.
cess Charlotte of Wales and the Hereditary Prince of
Orange. The nuptials are expected to be solemnized im-
mediatcly after the Prince Regent’s proposal has received
that Legislative sanction which the Constitution requires.
Uhe illustrious Pair haad scyeral interviews before the
View original Prince went to join his father’s standard io Holland, which,
itis understood, progressively led to that union wf scnti-
nent from which true conjugal felicity may naturally be
expected to flow, The Prince is a handsome military cha-
racter, with an animated countenance, and has more than
once displayed in the field the heroism which has long dis-
(inguished his illustrious House. Suchan union holds out
a prospect highly flattering to the Protestant Succession
of this country.
Copy of a Letter from General M‘Clure, of the Nez-
lork State Troops, tothe Secretary of War.
Head-quarters, Buffalo, Dec. 22, 1813.
Stn—T regret to be under the necessity of announcing
to you the mortifying intelligence of the loss of Fort Nia-
gara. On the morning of the 19th inst. about four o’clock,
tle enemy crossed the river at the Five-mile Meadows in
great force, consisting of regulars and ludians, who made
their way undiscovered to the garrisson, which, from the
most correct information I can collect, was completely
surprised. Our men were nearly all asleep in their tents;
the enemy rushed in, and commenced a most horrid
slaughter. Such as escaped the fury of the first onset, ree.
tired to the old Mess-house, where they kept up.a desy
tructive fire on the enemy, until a waat of ammunitioa
compelled them tuo surrender,—Although our force was
very inferior, and comparatively small indecd, I am in.
duced to think that the disaster is not attributable to any
want of (roops, but to gross neglect in the Commanding
Oilicer of the Fort, Capt. Leonard, in-not preparing,
being ready, and looking out for the expected attack.
[ have not been able to ascertain correctly the number
of killed and wounded. <A British Officer who is taken
prisoners avows that many small children were murdered
by their Indians.
Major Mallory, who was stationed at Schlosser, with
about 40 Canadian yolnntvers, advanced to J.ewiston
Hights, and compelled the advanced guard of the enemy
lo fall back to the foot of the mountain. ‘The Major is
a merilorious Oflicery he fought the enemy two days, and
contested every inch of ground to the Tautawauty creek,
[in these actions Lieut. Lowe, of the 23d regiment of the
United Statesarmy, aud eight of the Canadian volunteers,
were killed, I had myself, three days previous to the
the Niagara, Ieft it with a view of providing
attack on
fue the defence of this place, Black Rock, and the other
Villazes on this fronter.
I came here without troops, and have called out the
miliatia of Gennessec, Niagara, and Chataugue countries
en masse,
This place was then thought to be in imminent danger,
as well as the shipping, but I have no doubt it is now
perfectly secure. Volunteers are coming in, in great
numbers: they are, however, a species of troops that
cannot be expected to continue in service for a long time.
In a few days, 1000 detached militia, lately drafted, will
be ou.—TI have the hononr to be, &e.
Gro. M‘Ciure, Brig.-Gen. Com.
Ilon, J. Armstrong, Secretary of War.
Madrid, Jan. 20.—Very curious things are gradually
coming to light, There is now no doubt, that King Ferdi.
nand and the execrable Corsican have made a treaty, It
consists of 15 articles: among whichare the acknowledge.
muent of the King of Spain, in the person of Ierdinand,
by Bonaparte: the evacuation of the Spanish territory
by the French troops within a definitive period, to be fix.
cd by another Convention: the acknowledgment of tlie
independence and integrity of the Spanish dominions by
Bonaparte (does he think he here confers a favour?) -
King Ferdinand will make the English depart from Spain
(here the Corsican discovers the cloven foot; new diugo-
lical projects to excele distrust among Allics occupy his
thoughts) ; the mutual rostitution of prisoners : King
Ferdinand binds himself to demand of england to restore
to this infernal Corsican the prisoners take in Spain; an
obligation to observe the treaty of Utrecht, as far as res-
pects maritim rights: the renewal of the old treaties of
alliance between Spain and France: the restitution of
their property, the revenues, dignities, employments, pen.
sions, &c. to all the Spaniards who declared against their
country by attaching themselves to the blockhead Joseph
View original nd the atrociovrs Bonaparte, and who are now suffering
n France part vf their punishment for the crime of trea-
ion against their country ; so that the circumstance of
heir having been spurious and traitorous Spaniards, and
nost pernicious to their brethren, is not to cause them the
least harm.—Thus far, as to the contents of this famous
treaty, into which we shall not search further at present ;
gut content our selves with saying Spaniards, be upon
your guard! by fraud Bonaparte oyercome us in 1808 ;
by force af arms he could not subdue us in six years of
‘ontest ; by fraud Bonoparte secks to overcome us again.
With this view he means to avail himself of intrigue, se-
luction, plots, passions, and all other infamous means
ingeested by his infernal policy. Humbled so far as now
0 despair of conquering Spain, and to acknowledge the
infortunate Ferdinand for King, he is obliged to look
ibout him for other objects. We already sce him endeav-
uring to embroil us with our Allies, the English ; and
ve shall soon see him (if we apply no remedy) introduce
liscord and disunion among ourselves. We shall see him
end flattering proposals and offers : as he has already sent
he two Spanish emissaries, the Duke of $. Carlos and
Palofox, we shal perhaps see him sent the Infant Don
Antonio, or even Ferdinand himself—perhaps also Char-
es 1V. and Maria Louisa! ‘The workings of fraud and
ntrigue are about to recomence: it would not be at all
xtraordinary were he to send us King Ferdined, the bet-
er to subdue us at his leisure, surrounding him with per-
ons under French influence, who may give him lessons of
lespotism, and lessons of arbitrary government. More
jigilance is necessary now than ever; more perspicacity
‘o free us from the smartes which the insidious tyrant is
laying for us ; more firmness in our resolutions ; aud more
policy to counteract that of the Corsican.
Genrnant Onpers.
Head-Quarters, Montbelliard, Jan 8.
At this moment, when the army is advancing upon the
French territory, LT think it my duty to remind the Com.
nanders of Corps of the orders which preceded that move.
nent, and to enjoin them to redouble their zeal for the
naintenance of order and discipline. They will exact the
ame attention, under a responsibility the most extensive,
‘rom all Cominanders of regiments, battalions, &c. The
roops will make the scourge of war bear as lightly as
yossible upon the inhabitants; ard on no account must
hey exact more Uban the fixed marching allowence. The
onduct and exact discipline of the soldier must fulfil the
vlemn engagement entered into by the Allied Monrchs,
un their Declaration to the French people: and convince
hem that we do not make war upon them, and that we:
trenow in (he midst of them only to conquer peace, and
o enable them to participate in tts blessings. ‘The army,
nh uniting to its well-proved valour the most severe disci.
oline, will fix the admiration of i(s age, and that of gencr-
itions to come,— The Commandants of corps will reneat
o their troops the order that the moot severe punishiict
vill be inflicted on every offender, as due to the honor of
he army which is entrused to my command. They will
Iso every whre announce, that every inhabitant, out of
iniform, taken with arms in his hand, being only to be
onsidered in such case as a malefactor or assussin, shall
io judically condemned as such and punished with death,
—The town, city, or village, the inhabitants of which
hal! oppose any resistance, and commit any acts of hos-
ify, shall be razed, and reduced to ashes.
[renchmen '—Sufier not yourselves to be deceived by
salumnious reports, disseminated by malvolenee. Behold
M@he armies of Allicd Suvercigns only the armies of hu-
manity, who have no other encmies but the enemies of
yeace. Your rclatives, your friends, your brothers, your
hifdren, prisoners in a forcign land, unite their wishes
with ours for peace; the first benefit of which to them
will be, their speedy return to the bossom of their families.

Head-quariers, at hiel, January 17, 1814.
The peace of Denmark with Sweden and England was
signed on the 4th of January. On Sunday the 16th, there
was a grand parade, a solemn 7¢ Deum was chaunted by
View original way of thanksgiving, and numerous salutes of artillery
were fired. The treaty has becn sent to his Majesty the
King of Denmark, and the ratification is expected by
Wednesday next. The whole army is putting ilself in
march for the Rhine. There is no longer any rivalship
among the nations of the North ; they hive acknowledged
that they have the same interests. United for the noblest:
object, they will combat together for the liberty of the
continent, the independence of sovereigns, and of nations.
The nations of the North do not look upon the French
as enemies ; they recognise no other encmy but him who
has done every thing to prevent their union: him who, it
cannot be too often repeated, has wished to enslave all
nations, and to ravish from all their country.
Povtaire, who, with his coadjutors d’ Alembert, Diderot,
and overs, did all they could to bring about a revolution
in France, is well known (o have prophesied that event:
and his jrophesy, published about24 ycars before, is dat-
ed April?,1764. It runs thus:
‘Whatver IL behold, is sowing the seeds of a revolution
which willinfallibly arrive, but which I shall not have
the pleasure to witness. The I'rench arrive at every thing
by slow degwees: but at length they do arrive. Light is
so much sprad abroad among them by gradual approaches,
that on the frst occasion they will break out, and then
there will be i fine dumulf. Young people are fortunate,
for they will se charming things!”
Now, Sir,’ as] do not wish to deprive Voltaire, who was
long the idol, na only of the French, but of all lrenchi-
fied Englishmen, of the honours of a Prophet, instead of
remarking that hs fine dumulé and his charming things
consisted only-o massacres, followed by tyranny and
slavery, 1 beg leave to propose that this nole of hand of
his, which he cerainly could not pay when due, be re-
newed, and the dte altered from 1758-9 ty 1814; and
then we may say,with him, that ‘*Young people are for-
tunate, for they vill see charming things.”
Par’s, Jan. 3.—The French army, commanded by
his Majesty the Eaperor, attached the enemy at St. De-
zicr on the 27th, © 5 o’clock in the murning ; he has been
overthrown, and -¢ have taken some prisoners from him:
the attack of our toops was so brisk, that the eneniy bad
no tine to blow u the bridge.
A great part of he encury’s artillery has got entangled
ina forest, havingaken a bad route from St. Deziter to
Monticrender, Nuey is thus deliverd. The Emperor
continue his movemuts upon the rear of the enemy witha
line and good army
Vhe edvanced gurd of the Ficnch army was, on the
cyening of the O7that Vassy.
The army under te orders of the Duke of Treviso every
ty receives new tinforccments—these details are au.
Phe inhabitants oParis manifest the greatest energy
in the defence of the city, aud the preservation of the
precious Monuments contains.
The wational guards organized, itis composed of land.
holders and citizens, itercsting iu maintaining public or-
Many old troops caing from the South of France are.
rived in Paris, iu a suerb state.
Versailles is crowedwith troops, among which are re-
marked many cavalry. ‘
The Marshal Duke * Treviso daily receives reinforce.
ments—during the lastour days at least 10,000 excellent
troops, and much artilry, have reached Nogent, and we
are informed that the mds from Sens to Troyes are co.
vered with Croops.
We have hada very lilliant affair at the bridge of Fon-
taine, between Bar-suraube and Chaumont—the enemy
lost 5000 men in it—the ounded French are at Nogent.
— Weyesterday announcl the entry of the national guards
from Tourneis and Chahs, in Macon.
Paris Jan. 31.—On e 27th, the Cossacks made an
attack on Arcis-sur-Aul, and were beaten by our troops,
who killed several: theyastily retired, following the re-
treat of their army. Fr hundred Cossacks appeared
before Sens, without infatry. Gceueral Alix, who hada
few troops, barricaded tl gates and streets, and, by a
brisk fire of musketry, kot off the Cossacks, not one of
whom could get into the wn, The Sub-Prefect had left
the place. ‘The Cossacksad some killed, and sent a flag
of truce, which General lix would vot receive. The
Mayor of Arcis was baseiough to write to the Mayor
of Sens to receive the Coscks well, asthey only desired
peace. Unhappily for hur his letter fell into the hands of
General Alix.
Paris, Feb. 1.—Aftere taking of St. Dizier, the Em-
peror advanced on the reavfthe enemy, at Brienne, beat
him on the 29th, and tookossession of the town and cas-
(le, after a pretty smart awn with the rear-guard,
Bayonne, Jau, 20.—k from endeavouring to attack
View original us, the enemy appears afraid of being himself attacked
we have here an army of 90,000 men, animated with th
best spirit, and well disposed to dispute the passage of th
Adour, in case the enemy should dare to attempt it. Iti
ceftain that the Spaniards have retired into the rear; on.
ly English and Portuguese are seen inline. Gen. Harisp:
carries on a.destructive war against the bands, which by
stealth scatter themselves over the country ; he daily gain
new advantages. In consequence, weare extremely qaic’
here; andas you havesaid you did not fear the Cossacks
we still less fear the English,
Paris, Jan. 26.—To-day her Majesty the Empres:
Queen and Ktegent received in the usual manner, a Depu.
tation from the OMicers of the National Guard of Paris
Marshal the Duke of Conegliano, speaking in the nam:
of the Deputation, presented to her Majesty the follow.
ing Address :—
‘SMAvame,—His Majesty the Emperor and King ha:
deigned to permit that his faithful subjects; the Officers o)
the National Guards of his good city of Paris, shoulc
place at the foot of the throne, the homage of their love
aud fidelity.
‘‘It is thus, Madame, that they have endeavoured te
express them :—
‘*Sine,—In setting out to place yourself at the heat
of your enemics, your Najesty confides your beloved wil
and son, the hope of the nation, and places the safety, th.
tranquility of the capital, in our laye, our fidelity, an
our courage,
**Sirc, yournoble sentiments have penetrated to the bot.
(om of our hearts. Hlow much it is to ‘be wished they
could have been equally heard at the extremities of france
‘still full of emotions and penetrated with: gratitude
we find it requisite to express to your Majesty the seuti.
ments with which we are aninated.
Sct out, Sire, with security : let no uneasiness respect.
‘Ing the fate of what you have, or what we have, mos
dear, trouble your great thoughts ; go with our children
and our Prethren to repulse the coalesced encinies who ari
ravaging our provinces,
**By the strength of yourarmics, and the power of you
genius, we will unite the force of the public spirit, whic
(he dangers of the country re-animate, the power of th
national pride, which is indignant atthe insolent pride o
Strangers ; and quickly will the enemy acknowledge the im
prucence of their enterprises, and the illusion of their hopes
‘Sire, Fifteen years ago you saved France. You wil
nOW Save it again.
** Your armies, already numerous, willinerease with th
new levies which are flying from all parts to drive the ene.
my from the land of the ancicut Gauls, and maintain the
iategrity of the empire within its natural limits; such a:
tucy have ever been ackuowledged by the enemies them.
‘*I’rance entire shall have for its rallying cry, Delivranc
du Teri tlotre.
‘sin vain, Sire, have the enemy conceived the injuriou
hope of dividing the nation. ‘lo the hatred and animosit
with which the fear of your genius luspires them, you
faitaful subjects will oppose their love and contidence
which the vicissitudes of fortune have not destroyed,
‘Yes, Sirc, (he indissoluble union of the nation and th
Sovercign shall cause the fleeting infidelities of victory t
cvase; aml, collected round you, Freuehmea shall agali
be Viumphane.
**Proud of the august trust which you have confided t.
our faith, the mhabitants of all classes composing the na
tional guards of the good city of Paris, animated with th
samme Spirit, penetrated with the same sentiments, will de.
fend your capital against strangers, aud your throne a
gainstal! the etlorts of all kinds of enemies.
**'lhey are ready to rally wigh their bodies round tha
throne where the free chvuice om: natron has placed you
Majesty aud your dynasty, to The duration of which ar
attached the glory, the salvation, and the repose of France
**In receiving the crown, Sire, you also received ou
oaths; wenow renew them at the feel of your Majesty
at the feet of the revered wife, so w orthy ‘of your love an
our’s, and before the cradle of your august son,
**Madame, we entreat your Majesty to be pleased {
conycy the expression of our sentiments to the foot of th
throne of your august busband.”’
Hiere follows along list of signatures,
Her Majesty the Empress replied—
**Gentlemen, Officers of the National Guard of Paris
I participated the sentiments which the Emperor ev peri
enced when speaking to you; like him Lhave an entir
confidence in your courage, your devotion, and your {i
**T shall give orders for your address being transmitte:
without delay to the Emperor.”
The following instance of female courage is given in th
last krench Papers :—‘*The courage of the troops as
sembled at the Camp of Notre Dame de PEnpine, abou
a league from Lyous, has been greatly animated by th
heroic example of two intrepid Ladics. Near the Cam]
lives a farmer, Named Dabonquet, formerly a Quarter.
master in the Emperor’s hussars* He has five children
one boy, au Officer in a regiment, and four girls: tw
of these girls, the eldest 22 years of age, the other 19
delicate and well educated, have followd, almost on ever:
ocacasion, thedetachments engaged in skirmishes with th
enemy ; they are very brave, march with the men, any
encourage them to detend their country. In several sunar
affairs with the cnemy’s light troops and Cossacks the
have distinguished themselves, and are not only remark.
able for their military spiret, but admired for pradency
and virtue. The soldiers have formed a sincere fricndshij
and respect for these heroines, I often exprese a hop
that their comrades will profit by their cxampte.”
View original SHCRETARY’s OF TICE.
This is to inform the Public, that the following per-
rons intend quilting this Colo iY.
Wm. Croft with the next April convoy.
: Derrick, in S weeks from March 19.
Ss: Taitt and 3 servants.
1 Bb. Rule with the April convoy.
Getty, a free black woman, and 9 children in 6 weeks
Ch. Fraser in 2 wees from 206 March.
4, W ylie i in oO. tom do.
W. Grant with the April convoy.
KR. & DOWNER, , Secy.
a a
—————S S$ —__——.,
View original a
NOTICE is hereby given, thata month after date the
ollowing Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
March 12. Fo Mey will pass a mortgage, on
plantation NKortberaad, cae annects, in favor
of Geo. Pauels.
March 19. W. Munro (coreniine) will transport to
R. Paittde halfof lot 40, crentine, known
nnder the name of Lpsom.—ht. Taitt will pass
amortgage on pln. lepsom, or halt No. 40,
corenting, as also on 20 negroes, to W.Munro
—— IJ. Smithson will pass aimor(gage in favor of
J. & A. Anderson, of London, to be vested on
GS neerocs, appuriatning lo pln. New Forrest
names may be scern at this office.
A. Thornborrow and J. Wabnsley will trans-
port to P. Quin, pln. Expectation or No. 9
west sea coast-——-2?. Quin will pass a mortgage
thercon on 25 bead cf cattle and 2 negroes, in
faver of A. Vhornborrow tor sccurity of the
purchase money.
March 20. P. Quin will transport (o Messrs. Gordon
andl Marpby, two thirds of pla, Iexpectation,
West sea COust of this colony.
——-- J.B. Rule will fhansport to Polly Harris, 7
roads land of lot No. 6, between the middle
and back dat.
Widow H. Broodman will transport to the
free Waa. Fraser, 106 teet Jand in depth of
the sonth half of lot No. S, New Ainst.
April 2. J. Zimmerman will transport to J.G. Jones
12 roods of Jand, front the northern back qrt.
of No. 19, New Amst.
—— J. B. Rule will transpert to J. G. Jones, 7
roods land of Ne. is, New Amst. adjoining
the beck daa. :
i. C. DOWNER, Sec.
nee SS ss Oe ae Pa SO ee eee
ae gen ee
ON Saturday the Oth April, amone the crediters
FI Co Spangenbers, 2O bales of cotton.—And at
he same ime JO bales cotton, for which the highest
Teader, payable ta eash on delivery, aft the store of
Mar. G. Ziegler, wil be veeepted.— March 19.
Wo. LAWSON, for self
Jovannvrey BROEIS,
oo eee
a —_—
View original ——
ON Fridtty the Sit proximo, from 25 to 30) bales
yf eo Cc le Wy COLO) will be sola anyone the Cc red (Ors
Mo pliuitation hetlerkennmy, at 12 o'clock, at (he store
of Messrs. Douglas Keid & Co. New Ainsterdam.
19 March. C. DOUGLAS, Trustees.
oO —_-
View original SATE RIAKING.
THe subscriber intorms his Frieads and the Pu-
Nic in Berbice, that he has engaged Mr. Geo. Pore
‘ER, Satlmiaker, and Master workinan, for the pui-
pose of Carrying on the Sail-making business in De-
nerary, uuderthe Pirin of Hicks & Porter, where
iny orders to than will be executed with every dis-
datch and on the most reasonable terms.
19 March. JOHN P. HICKS.
eee ee
View original
. The coppered Ship HANNA,
(acorGce Forsrenr, Master,
vill sail hence with the April convoy. This vessel
villleave Demerary for this River on the Ist Pron :,
ind will be ready to commence loading hmediately
fterarrival. Lor treight or passive apply to
26 beb. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
WilO have received, per Betiiisne, from Glas-
row, via Deinerary,—hams, cheese, Planters mess
vecfand pork in half barrels, pease, barley, pota-
oes, herrings in Legs, beer, poiter, Port wine, cor-
lave assorted. canvas. cotton & coflee bagging, cot-
on & linen check, ready made clothes, umbrellas,
‘rish linen, thread, Osnabrug's, carpenter & cooper
ools, stationary, sadlery, nails from 4d to 40, diaper
owelling, table cloths, gauze, hoes, shovels, cutlas-
es, pruning katves, corn mills, negro hats & blan-
cets, about 40 bhds. lime, and 12,000 bricks.
a rtrt—‘is
View original -—-————— ee
weft Tie copper d Ship NEPTT NI.
pie Peter Stupsox, Master.
s now ready to receive her carzo, and will positive-
y sail with the first or April convoy, for treight ap-
sly to William Dungan, or to
~ $$
View original VENDUE OFFICE.
On Monday the 4th April next, and following
day’ s, will bee x posed for sale, at the house #. Croft,
sq., on lot No. 12.—Tongues, tripe, beef, pork,
butter, hams, herrings, pilchards, pickles, pease,
barley, re fined sugar, beer, porter, wine, salt, medi-
cines, tar, cordage, pipes, tobacco, shol, paint and
oil, soap, candles, hats, bonnets, boots, : hoes, black-
ing, ¢ ‘“anvas, negroe cloathing, green table couvers,
seine and sewing twine, Osnabrug’s, sheeting, brown
table and Trish linens, lawns, coffee- and cotton bag-
ing, thread and tapes, musqueto lawns, printed cali-
covs, furniture, chintz, India blue and white salem-
pores, blue, white and yellow nankeen, black pepper,
Bandanna-, Madras-, Pullicat- and Balasore pocket
hkfs., spotted plain lappet* cambric, tambour’d end
joconet muslins, corded dimities, white callicocs,
checks, stripes, platillas, Pritannias, shecting, table
cloths, towels, gu hams , quilting; earthen-, wlass-,
lin- and hard-ware, stationary, hosiery, sadlery, fur-
niture, perfumery, a few pipes of excellent old wine,
brandy, &c.
Also one undivided half of the front of lot No. 19,
formerly the property of Heywood and 'Taybr, with
all the building s, &C.
Also the premise son lot no. 12, occ upied by John
Croft, Esq., which as a comfortable resilence, or
for anextensive mercantile cohcern ts wellknown,
At the same time a few neeroes, men an! women,
(servants and field people) ternis will be mad« fay-
orable to an approved purchaser, and nade known
on the day of sale.
On the same day, by order of J. B. ule, Fsqr.,
his house on lot no. 6, with suitable aat-buildings,
at present occupicd by John Binning, disq. as Sub-
scription Rooris, the ut on of thes: pret alses as a
Tavern, or otherwise, are foo ws I kiown to the pu-
blic to require any thier ‘Tr reconumane ld ton.
Terms of payment, 6, 9, & 12 months.
D. C. CAMERON Dep, Vendue Master.
“On the 14th April next, will be sod at (he Venda
Office, by orderot J. vanden Brock and A. Krieger.
Esqrs., € urators tothe Estate of the ate Al. S. Huin-
bert. dec. an excellent gold wi uch, % ; do- time piece,
wearing apparel, a collection rof boos, &e.
By order of Capt. Br. bi , for accamt of those con-
cerned, a puncheon of hams, Jadiesstraw bonnetts.
books, Holland’s gin, ox tongues—ill be sold with-
Out reserve.
Dp. C. CA LEARN Dep Vendue Master.
On Tharsd: iy the 20st instant, athe house and hy
order of the Exdeutors of the lite Irs. Busey on tot
No. 15, the remainder of Che furniire, consisting of
bedsteads, beds, clours, tables, Kichen furmiture, a
manele, French water pots, watervats, a variety of
other farniturc—also the lot No.l5, in Chis town,
wilh all the buifdings thereon, sunry other lots in
(own, the house and a number of sat the old town,
Plantations Gee rtruy, old Welgegen aod Gemnis,
in Canje, with all the buildings threou, a unmber of
abandoned Estates, asviny be see by Inventories at
the House of Mr. I. Nicolay, N.anist Phe Istates
Providence and Zeeziet, will co be exposed for
sale ina short Hine, pardiculars owhtel: will appeag
in this Gazette prey ious to the dy of sale,
D. C. CAMERON, Fp. Vendue Master,
; SS OS SO ee a Ee oe 88 er ee ae ee
View original —$—<—————— = —
BY virtue of an appointme! from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this dony. granted upon a
petition of William Innes, asapointed Curator to the
Estate of John Donaldson, cc., dated 26th Janu-
ary ISL4. [the undersignedat the request of afore-
said Curator, do hereby Sunnon by Idict.—All
known and unknown creditorofthe Estate of the late
John Donaldson, dee., to apear before the Bar of
the Court of Civil Justice © this colony, at their
session Which will be held inthe month October. of
the present year ISit, there (verify their claims and
witness the Court’s decisions to the preferent and
concurrent right of claimant and further to proceed
according to Law, on pain obeing for ever debarred
their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, nde known to the public
vy beat of drum from the Curt House of this colony,
and further dealt with accoling to custom.
Berbice, the 15th Februy, 1814.
K. FRNCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SUMMON ¢ EDICT,
BY virtue ofan appointent from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of th coluny, granted upon a
petition, presented by Tomas Fryer Layfield and
Robert Douglas, as Curate to the Estate of John
Ross, dec., and of James inclair, as Curator to the
state of John Sinclair, d@., under date of 29th Ja-
nuary ISI4. I the undeigned, at the request of
aforesaid Curator, do heby Summon by [dict :—
for the igurth tue ex sterabundaut, all creditors
View original y ® a ’ l. . > wT ( ® ¥ ¢.,
or claimants on the late firm of Ross ar™ Sinclair. o
. —+% _ ’ i
planta lO INI. situa Witham thas ony. Or Ol
. 4 ~ 7 . > , ! a . . .
the CX rate Estates of Johu Re and James Sinclair
to give in theirclauns in person, or by proxy, befor
(he Bar of the Court of Civil Justice, at thetr session
which will be held ta tie month ol July 1214, ther
to hear the objection made thereto, if necessary, anc
further fo proceed according to Law, on pain to al
such who remain in default, of being for ever debar
red their right of claim.
This Suminon by Edict, made known to the publir
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony
and further deal! with according to custum. ,
Berbice, the loth February, IS14.
K. FRANCKIEN, Prsé Marshal.
— ——
View original SUMMON by EDICT'
BY virtue ofanappointment from the [onorabl
Court of Civil Justice of thts colony, granted upon,
petition, presented by the Board for Orphans an
unprovided Lstites, bearing date the loth Novem
ber 1815. tthe undersigned, at the request of afore
satd Board, do hereby Summon by dict :—All per
sons having or pretending to have any cla or righ
on the Estate of the late Robert Mitchell, to appea
before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, a
their session in the month of July, (in the year on
(housand eight hundred and fourteen.) say Isl+, fo
(he purpose of there delivering in their claims, se
the same objected to, should it be necessary, and t
witness, atter the fourth Edictal Summon, th
Court's decision as to the preforent and coneurren
nicht of claimants, on pain Co such as remain in de
fault of being for ever debarred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the publi:
by beat of dram from the Court {louse of this colony
and turther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the loth Pebruary, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
_——_—___ $$ ——__ —_
—_—_—————— — — —_—__
View original SUMMON zy EDICT’
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorabh
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted Upon ;
petibion, presented by James Sinclair, as Appointec
Curator to the Estate and Litkeets of the late Joly
Sinclair, doc. under date of 26th January, IS14
L the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Curator
do hereby Summon by Edict, ad valves curiw :—A|
creditors or Claimants on the Estate of the late Joly
Sinchur, to appear in person, or by proxy, befor.
(he Court of Civil’ Justice of this colony, at thei
sess.on Whieb will be held in the month of January
(in (he year one thousand eight hundred and ff
tecni,) say, ISTO, there to render in their claims,
verify the same, aad ftirchee to proceed according t
Law, on pam ol being forever debarred their nehto
This Summon by Edict, made known to the publi
by beat of drum from the Court Elouse of (his colony
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the loth February, IS14.
K. FRANCKEN, Firs¢ Marshal.
View original SUMMON zy EDICT’.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorab!
Court of Civil Justice of (his colony, granted upon.
petition, presented by the Board tor Orphans ani
unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th Novem
ber 1813. LE the undersigned, at the request of afore
said Board, do hereby Summon by Bdict:—AIL per
suns having, or pretending to have any claim or nigh
on (he Estate of Alexander liouston and [] ugh Tfous
ton or plantation Mary’sburg, negroes and other ap
purtenances, to appear betore the Court of Civil Jus
tice of this colony, at their session in the month o
July, (in the year one (housand eight hundred anc
fourteen,) say I814, for the purpose of there deliver
ing in their claims, see the same objected to, shoul
it be necessary, and to witness, alter the fourt!
ldictale Summon, the Court’s decision as to the pre
ferent and concurrent right of claimants, on pain ti
such as remain in default, of being for ever debarre;
(heir right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the publir
by beat of drum from the Court House of this culony:
and further dealt with according to custom. :
Lerbice, the loth February, IS! 4.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marsh®,
View original ee
THE creditors of the late P. Cursney, dec... ar
equested to render in their accounts, properly at
tested, to Uie first subscriber on No. 5 east coast. «
to the last on No. 4 corentine coast, and those indebt
ed are requested to come forward with immediat
payment J ERSKIN t,
19 March. W. ERSKINE
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. x
Privileged Government Priiters

2 April 1814