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The Berbice Gazette

View original
View original Rec’. Gen. Office.
TIE different <a are all made out and rea.
dy for delivery at this Oflice for the year 1812, and
which are payable dhis month, Detaulters will be
dealt with according to Law.
Berbice, Ist April 1813.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
View original LLOYDS.
TITE undersigned here by gives notice to the Pu-
blic, that he is appointed Agent i this Colony, for
7, low ds (; dete , Lordon, "To whom all persons
haviee Demands ayainst the ship Speculator, or her
Cargo, since slic stranded.on the Ea Y Coast of this
Golony, are requested to render them in Certified, as
customary, at his Ollice on Lot No. 16.
1 April. H. STAAL.
(¢° Berescr AcricenroraL
SOCIETY... — *
Tir next Mevting of this Society will be held at
Plantation Kileoy, on Wedoesdiy the Hth April.
John Praser—Ilhia. Cort— Robt. Douglas.
Berbice, Sd April.
View original NOVICE
Pilot and Uarb wr Master.
INFORMS the Masters of Vessels in the River,
that he keeps bis Office at the house next the Ven-
due Office, where they are requested to call aad pay
their Pees, prewious to leaving the river. —9 April.
TIVE Sale of Cotton, alvertived to take place on
the 25th inst. tothe Creditors of AZ, Dealoe ond oJ.
Me. Mc Donnld, is postponed until he Sth of April,
in consequence of the heavy rain prevertting ify being
scent to towu.—27 March.
; W. LAWSON for s Ifane
C. DOUGLAS, Sequestr.
TENDERS for about £0 bates Cotten, from Pin.
Titchfield, will be received uncil the Loh ef April,
a‘ the hea of Messrs. Douglas Tid & Co., wher
the highest offur will be acce ptled—peymen’t, cosh
on delivery. M. RADEP, for seltand
C., DOUGLAS, and
97 Maortt. J. DAY 1b Séq’r.
THE underiened, begs leave to inform their
Fricndsand the PubWe, that their oftiee is removed
to the house of the sccond undersiened on lot No. 1
New Amsterdam. J.T. MATHEWS, none.
27 Mare!. H. STRAL.
View original
View original
View original Le a ee ae oe > eee
Rerlice, March 20.
WTIEREAS several Deb‘ors to this Utlice, not
having poid any the least attention to wormer adver-
Hisec:ment trom the undersigaced, to settle their respec-
Hive ACCONIS, (sone vl tuem very old), and in order
to obtun payment by toree of Law, ant ae ignorance
cae be pretended, the undersigned, Receiver, is in
fhe ceoessdtyto tisect the following List of Deviors till
Junuiiy Ist ISlo.
John Webeoaune J. UV. UT yimeyer.
Soha hicch Hes * Jvhit fs. hiule,
Win. Douesont, VF. Walahis ch,
Charis Senson, Rehara iberris.
Jus, c dohtay. Vik mas VW. leh.
bsvedte Gaus don. - c. Schollevanger, .
Koewle tb. Brown.: F. A. Rouenbrock.
J. Slewurl. Ao. Caliner.,
John beaning. 4 I. haner.
Princess Lhunguion. i m, brease r. ° do,
Junn toss Win. Uawkesvcorth.
hows weikea. ( iutcher)
All accounts, (for the smallest suas not xeepted),
concerning the abovementioned persons, not on
or before the 4th of April next, @ill be given up to.
Suing, fur the ensuing Sessions of the Court of Civil
B. LOUMAN, Rec. of Petty Duties.
View original ; Y s ‘
secretary's Office.
Wordt geudvertocrd, dat This is to inform the Pu.
fe volgende personen voor. blic, thal the follucing per.
acomens tyn wa dese Kolmic sons intend guidling this Ce.
te verivekken, lony
J Ra\vlinson per Westbury, from Feb. 8.
Ph. Harvey in G weeks trom Fh, 4.
Win. Hen ry in 6 weeks from Peb. 2°”).
Sohn Melae in 6 weeks from Pb. 19.
Th. Waleh with the Ypril convoy.
Ch. Robson hy the first Opporlu ily.
L.. Hintzen inG weeks from Peh. o7.
JohoeCrott with the Apr Leonvey.
, Corbin in 6 wecks fram March 6.
PA. Mentz inG weeks floar March 6.
Med. Portion and family por brig WW etbury.
R.C. DOW NEY “ery.
' ~.
CAND heer nene beh nu NUileut: : MePCOY BP LCON,
remanl, det con meaana ne\hal a month ajter dale thy
Glu dev leonde trausror. Jolloximg Zi auspar fs ann
Lneer WMinth chen sullen Wurlgages will be passed.
Serleden wordea,
March 6. J. A. Leisner will transSerlot No. 49, And
empolder New Amsterdain, with the buithdings
thereon, tod. &, Tieboot,
—— _Jobn Croft will taansport to Win. Croft, the
sou htront of fot me. 12, vith the building:
thereon, being © raud > Orless—— And Wim.
Croft will pass a morta sc on the sume, lavur
Jolin Croft.
March 15. 4.4. van der Stoop, will fransport to J.
Geiflith Jones, the upper halt'of lot no. Al,
sceond empolder,
March 20. John Baruy cl will frinsport to Demera-
ry SP Slaves, from pianation Pers Vcrauce,
bun s tobe seen at this olce. :
—-——__ 1. ©. Abbensets will hiss a morteage on 16
Sieves, in favor ot J. AL Hicken qq. the bde-
dle Wohlers, names to be seen at his ollice,
~—— Chs. Mclatosh will pass a Lecd denatis ine
ter vivos, lo Mary CGreenaud herchildren wtih
remainder, as is tu be seen in the Secretary's
* Oflice, of the southern half of lot No. 22 and
the bnthlings thereon, —
Hl. S'aal will transport to A. FE. Picher
10 roods of land of Lot No. 13 firste
adjoining the new centre road,
Phizabeth Lyall will pass a mortgage in fae
vor of Clis. Kyte, vested on the southern qrt.
of lot No. and buihiings thereon, tppertaing
, Ing unto her.
March 27. Win. Croft will passa mortgace on 6 ne-
£roes, names to be seen at this vilice, in lavor
of Jolin Croit.
View original [ Payable in advance.
——— eee
View original Whereas the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Cri vinal
Justice of the colony Berbieg, at their session of the
4th and Sth January 1813, wor Letters of Manumis-
ston :—
O.W.Lantsurer for the Mulatto girl Polly
Lexa Muucer, free mulatto, for the Sambo girl
The mulatto woman Kitty IHaut, assisted by A.
G. Cauwver, for herseli.
Notice thereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant.
ing Of the satd Letters of Manumission, that they
my address themselves in writing to th» unde sirne
ed, Sceretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing
Session of the Hon, Court, when a final dispostion
will be made on the afuresaid condition.
Berbice, 6th January, 1813.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
i ell al
NOG is hereby given lo the Pubhe—ilnt
the Executors of the lic Wo. Turecvarr, will
continue the business of the Vendie Ofer, for the
benefit of his Estate, but entirely destinckt trom all
former concerns of that Otice—and they turther acs
quaint the Community, Me. Georer Bone is duly
vat horised anbempowered by them to receive al ince
vies duc the Veintue Ollice, and give receiggs i
their nune.— Berbice, 19! March.
ar ®
ALL persons holding demands against Pin. Brite
ania, situate on the west coast of this colony, are
requested tor nder in writing a note of such claims
ty the undersigned. —27 March.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original SL
ALI, those whe have any demands against the Ese
tite of the late Andreas Schlipfer, or Wis plontation
fe Vreacn, in Canje, or are indebted thereunto, are
requested to render in their accounts, and make pay
mronts at the farthest within 6 weeks, to his Lxceucor
A.A. Wrekin, on Pin. Standvastigheid, or tod. G.
i. Purensua, ia New Amsterdin.—927 March.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
ce em
ALLE de geneu die iets te pretenderen hcbber
van, of verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel yan wylen
op Heer Andreas Schlipfer, otte desaclfs jlantaale
j* Te VPicden, in Canje: gelicven daary
Hesten, uiterlyk binnen den tyd v
lato du zes, opgaven en betsling te doen aan den Heer
S.A. Hicken op Pla. Standvastioheid alhier, als
Vestamentaire Ex. cuteur, of aan den Heer J. G.F.
Puiensma, dan deze stad.—27 Maart.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
an ten spoce
an zs weken, na
> : be . &
View original Dir ondergeteckendens van hier haar buropa VcTe
‘rehhenle positivelyk, met de vloot die zeilen zal in
de maand April aanstaande, daarom worlt een icder
verzout die ietste pretenderen he -tt yan hun, vole
loening te: komen onlvangen, cn dic verschuldied
syn betaling komen doen, op dat zy by het athalen
hunner prssen niet mogen verhinderd worden,
6G Maart. FE. J. PORTIER.,
View original TITE undersigned positively intend to deport tor
Europe with the next convey, for whieh they ree
questing ev ry persons to come forward with pay
ment, and those how have any claims against then
to call for the same, because they may not be disap-
pointed with their passes.
6 March. E. J. PORTIFR.
View original TH Subscriber intending to leave this colony,
with next convoy, requests that all demands against
him may be rendered for examination and payment,
and those indebted eome forward with payment in all
this month.—6 March. JOHN CROP PR -
TEE ee _
View original =
Loacing at Demerary,
To sail with the April convoy.
saz The well known’Ship Aurora,
M. McDOUGAL; Master,
For freight or passage apply to
6 Marca. LVAN & ANG Us FRASER.
View original BY order of Tis Excellency the Governor, No-
Lice is her "y viven: That the next ordtary Sessions
of the Hon. Court of Civil Justi ce, appointed » be
held on Monday the 19th April, is, onaecount of thre
intervening [oli lays, prorogued and) appointed tu
take place on Mor lov the IGth April.
King’ s livuse; Rerhice, r Sih heh.
Ry a L rcellency’s command.
TH. iE MER me (ioe. See.
Pith) Publie ave requested to take Notice, that the
Convoys, (or Che present year, are arran: red Lu *sail
from Dewerary at the following periods ¢
April atthe Full Moon.
Sune atthe Lull AToon.
July at the lull Aloon.
ao pas from Deme rary will he joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Idan ly from whence they will
Rocerd tothe place of ve dc yal rendez vous.
» a
View original « .
Vendue Office.
y “
IS hereby civen to all those indebted to this Office,
that untess the y come forward with payment of their
respective Necouits, before Monday the 3th April
evsuine, they will on that day be pat into the hands
Of the Marshal, without respect to persons.
27 March. G. BONE, 9¢.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday the 7th inst. will be sold af the
Vem!'ue OMee, by order of //. Staa!, I?.q. Agent
for Lloyds Conmitte ey London, for sccount of Chos:
concerned, po yable in S days, in cash, of approved
bills of oxAhange. of 0 dags sight:
The Ship Speculator,
Condemned by a Boord of Survey, with masts, spars
sills, rigging, anchors, cables, suns, and every thing
belonging to the same—the masts, &c. will be sold in
seper@e lots. . .
— On the same day by the Act. Dep. Vendue Master
1 CoMMitssion,—
* Russia sheetiny, horse nets, counterpanes, braces,
gentlemens stockings, socks, & shirts, red herrings,
Bristol tripe, savo, pearl barley, salad oil, afew ca-
Sts Martinique tiqtors. ,
G. LONE,. Act. Dep. Vendue Muastr.
On the 8th A til, by ordorof EL J. Portier, Esq. on
lot No. 10, the whole of his houschokd furniture, 2 ie
Sros, one a loyd carpenter, the othera sawyer.
By arderof L.C Ablxusets, Pla. Planters Welvaren,
in Canj-, without the buildings,
Tasupoer haliot tof No. 39 second empo der.
The lower hill do. (lo.
And, C. Nbo-ascts, 9g —bouts and other small crafts
Idein, an Coumession, a negress a good Washoe & hotise
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Master.
On We lacsday the sth inst, by order of Poh,
Tait?, Ysa. the remaining buildines, &e. of the Saw
Moly in Corentyn river, with various pieces of iron
aint mill work.
: G. RONE, Act. Dap. Vendue Master.
(6:0; ————————
View original FOR SALE.
PUGH T prinie Pitld Negroes— apply to the sub-
scriber, whe will take in paym ont cash, produce,
or apr ved bills of Exchange.
§ Meareh. ° Wa. INNES, qa.
— ee - rrrOOOmmnma ——_—-:.000—0—O"@So SS
View original i
A tieht four oar t Tent) Boat, with mast and. sail
complete: pecaltaly adapted for the river—enqnire
13 Marcle of JOUN BERESFORD.
— —_—_-
View original NOTICE.
ABSCONOED from Pln. Rose Tall, Canje, a
Negro, muned Dich —the customary reward will be
paid to todsing him in the barracks—and any per-
son found herbouring him, will be prosecuted as the
Law directs.
I March. | | Jno. MACDONAL
View original FOR SALE.
THE House and quarter Lot No.3 in this fown,
In excellent condition, hardwood frame, 45 feet long
and 20 broad, a story and a half hei¢h, raised on
blocks 3 tect high, with a new side building, GL fect
long and Va broad, hardwood frame, boarded) with
crab planks, covered with wallaba shingles, divided
in several apartments lo serve as out otlices, 2 large
water vats, latcly built, garden, &c., railed in with
$labs.— Terms of payment will be made casy to an
approved purchaser—for further particulars apply
O11 aloresaid lot to ils proprietor.
6 March. A.G. CALMER.
View original SOND
— SSB“
NEW AMSTERDAM, April Sd 1813.
By an arrival yesterday trom Surinam, we wnder-
Jand, the Guiana Packet with the February Mail,
ris sposen Off Saranmeca river on her way up to
Surinam, we have therefore lair hope to be in posses-
sion of intelligence by her about Wednesday next.
Reports have reached us trom Demerary, that Lord
Amelius leauccrl, with 6 sail of the line, had taken
10 sailof American merchantnen, in the mouth of
the Deliware river, and that two frizates in that ri-
ver had made their escape from our squadron; but
from another account if appears the Constitution fri-
gate had got sate into New York, after cluding one
of oursquadion, the flag-ship of which came within
sicht of her just as she was entircly in New Yorh
Roads, .
[lis Majesty’s ship Coquette, Capt. Simpson, has
been olf this harbour since Wednesday last; she pro-
ceeds to windward this day to afford protection toth,
Packet.—The Coguetic fell in with the General Arm
strong privateer on the Tlth of last month to wind-
ward of Surinam, but thro’ superior sailing the pri-
vateer effected his escape, but not without suffering
material damage from the Coquette.
The Lond n Gazette of the 2d Jan. contains a very
Wp artovt Order in Counc, vated, Dec. 9, de Charing hat
He Ovders im Cgpacil of tue tgeb January, 1Bu7, ava
29th Novediocr, 1807, respecting Vossely under the lag
vl Mechesvurgu, Oidenburgn, bappenburga, Naipheu.
sen, and Taube ck, to be mutl aud of bu chect. Netine p
Mereiny However, ty catoud ly capluies prive to the above
COV ele. M ENT
(Prom the Traveller of the 12th Jan.)
A repor(as | reva.cnt Giat Me ekists g dad cences between
vdinsters and the Court of Direclors aro on iin wil
CorGtuily Hot of final adjustinent, bat of adjourn’ ¢
a distant day. “Pits, we wagors. aud frou ducwoeres Wests
ly fespeclavle, ts vlily hely to be cueetea by a beni wa.
of Che Charter ou the preseat lerins ius a suet Jtituu,
Wathout pledging gurselves to ad cidca oLisctow on tics
side vl this (ru y interesting subject, we cau but obscas
tidal Che geucral, and we botany sdmiit, the just aaa aie
cuutfoveribie arguments Usd ag vases mUNO, OS, UO Nol
apply to the actual question jesus vet woo Govcrinci.
dea Che Mast india Companys boo atlas dot uudemable,
(hat dbus ers du not jfopuse Ue extinccou, bul lie es.
éelision of the MONOPOly, Dy adi Guy ad lew Putts uly,
WHelher HWWe OF sid, .0 Cle ehjoymeht Ol like Uhaue 5 AA.
arauinenl, then, thal gocs lo tic extinciuon of Muily oly
WW general, | coves too wuch in (his particular cise, aie
tHe Question, warrowed as it hay beeu by the Board v1
cuollroul, is a qiestion of property, uot of princiyte.
Tae question OI Charter or ty Charter. Monopuly vt tho
Monopoly, would myvive a gemeral princi le, me the Ges.
Cussion arising out of which, te Com; aus Would be com.
nated asdvist the Governinent and Gag Country at iarge,
if st coud be supposed by- either for the benent of tie
Country to putan end to the Charter. But as the cass
How stands, itis as much agaist Gie interest of the grea
uvrcauGle community of the City of London, aud all thes
vitics ard towns to woich the rede as not eateadeoa, as ol
the Com, ary, that the partial openmg vi tne trade pro.
posed shuula take place.
A Court of Couanon Council will be held on Saturday ,
for the purpose of takseg inte Considciation «lie IMporiant
question between Government and the bast fndia Compa.
ty, ay i bidy aliect the several iitcrests of the port and
City of Loudon, As cvery suurce of imormation uj on:
ius great National topic must be gratily ng to Coe Country
tt large, we insert the Resolutions of the (ourt of Com.
mon Council agreed tu the Grin of May, 1812.
Resolved unanimously,
That this Court views with the deepest concern the in-
timation of his Majesty's Ministers, that in suboutuag to
Parhament @ proposition respecting the renewal of the
ast Ludia Company’s Charter, itis their intention not to
conline the Bast India trade to the port of Londya, frum
whence it has been carried on for two cohturics,
That Loudon has hitherto been vot only the seat of
Government, but also the principal depositury of merchan.
dize, and, cousequently, the gencral resort of furcigners,
who have frequented it for the purpose of su pply ing then.
selves with goods suitable to their particular markets and
That the metropo’is has thus been enabled to give to
nearly ouesteuth of the population of the kingdom occu.
pation aud support; alforded to the Goverument at once
View original easy, Secure, and cxpeditivus means of collecting tho im-
pert revenues, which bear amost important pro, ection to
(he annual buctheus, and upheld the eredit: honou ry and
character of the mercantile part of these realms.
That in the atfainment of these great national objects,
the limitation of Mast India Trade to the pagt of London
has been found essentially uselul, by the os@juishment cf
spactous docks, considerable mauulactories, archouses,
sturchouses, and other necessary and commodivus build.
ings, by the constant employ ment, even during a long core
fintanee of war, of many thousand of workmen, arth.
Cers, artisans, and labourers, in these establishineuts, bu b
m the City of London, and on tae banks of the river
Thames, upon whose occupation depends the suvsistence
vl a Vast any! inercasing opuladen, and by the bui ding
and cquipanent of ships and vessels, communicating til
and tumediate celief to very numerous elasses of persous
ensaged an diiterent Capacities and pursuits,
Phat this Court, sulemuly disc.auming all selfish consie
derations and narrow jealousies, in Consequence of (ie ine
Hindted extension of the Trade to and frou badia to toe
Out-ports, dovs not o pose such extension ou the ground
ot Withholding Wwhatin other respects woud de truly dee
‘rable, the fair means of ho oueadle enterprize aid wscn
Com, ettion, but from the cortain convictois that were
the port of Loudou deprived of the prnal ges which at at
presentenjou,s with respect to tie Bast inaia |] ride, ihe
Cousequences would be botli disadvantagcous to themselves,
and 1 ijuctous to the interests of the coun ry at large.
That while the port of London has eny nyed certain prie
Vileges, wineh have produced most essential benelirs to the
common steeugth and revenue of the hinpire, full and suf.
Hcieut liberty tas not becn withheld from othcr cites and
fuwts i the kingdom tocmploy their capitals, and direct
there trading | Wisuils to points capable of allosd ng umple
felurns and remuneration.
That with r gard to the cities and towns, until the late
unfortunate state of aflairs in the mereantiie world, their
‘vertions have been crowned with success, with the ex.
cepted of the communication opened with the Spanish
ind Portuguese settenents in America, a circumstance
Which whilst it involved many of the adventurers in severe
distresS oe complete ruin, eannot but hold out convince’: g
re isons dur great reserve and caution in embracing new
suurcos for spcculation.
Phat although the quantity of tonnage a> propriated by
the Bast Indva Compary to the private tradccs of the
United Wingdom (independently of their usual ao vance
fo thairown ollie rs) lus, during the tast IX) CAPS, di Ute
ed to 63,000 Cons 5 thay ascertained that of Uiat quanay
(O,24U 'o+s oul) have been employed, of which 7000 ‘tons
uave Cohtsisted of wine and beer leaving a surolus of lit le
lure than GUOU Cons, or 1500 tons anneaily, forall kinds
vi stores and beriteh manufactures.
‘Phat the exp. ctation cutertained dy several branches ‘of
the manulacturing interest throughout thy Country, of tho
Steal cents bhely to fesult to hem, from an increas: d
‘NY, orlation to Tndia, appears erroneous and dclusiwe, im se
euch as iis mcontroverably established by the eXperh CO
the fast stn years, (oat the market of Lidia is alluge der
ea, able of extending the consuim) tion of British manu.
lactuies beyond the j ros ut demand,
Phat at appearing impracticable, in any material degree,
9 Werease the wiport of )rofitable commodities -trom, of
(O dusmient the export of British © anulactures to Inuia,
Wliletore tha vtestenth of the alowed quantity of tone
mide toe the private tradee i these manufactures having
col iy loy ed, necessarily follows, Giatin neither ine
rance Canany Deneidicial extension of commerce be re.
viaed 5 add that all new adventurers who may engage in
Thoin wiust, teeven successful, merely enjoy a share or
ortiow of that which isalready carri.d on—a resuit whic h,
Without Coummbunmicatiag any additional advantages to tue
country, without iny gorating national industry, or ree
warding ta@ s,irit of commercial enterprize, must split
HuC inte parts and fractious, whichis now conducted and
volecutrated as a whole, and terminate in iy fransfer
From one set of hands to another, woth incalculable disad.
Vallldxes, aud, perhaps, with total ruin,
That the viedonm, if not the uceessity, of limiting to
vne point for exportation, the various artieles drawn from
very distinct and distant parts of the interior, which com.
vse The Comparauvely small quantity of British manuface
tures sent to fadiay appears undeniable.
That the removai trom the purt of London of the trade
(0 aud trofi India would tend to the iojury Of that excel.
lent nursery of our seamen, the coasting trade, alfect the
land navication of the hiagdom, and lead to the deteric
oration of che Guality of the dilverent articles now imported
from Tudia and China, ard disposed of at regular sale.
That as a subject of finance, to which the port of Lon.
dou has so very largely contributed, the revenue deriving
im the single article of tea the yearly average amount of
wearly four me lions in the last five years, this Court cane
not view the proposed catension to the Outeports of East
ludia Trade without the most alarming apprehensions, as,
from the very extensive scale of ports throughout the
United Kingdom, smugg!ing would be more easily curricd
on, aud the revenue defrauded, te the injury of the public
interests, and the detriment of the fair trader,
That the increased facility thus afforded to smuggling
would, by the introduction of prohibited gouds, deprecie
ate our own manufactures, and defeat the very ends which
the recent resolutions and applications of the manufacturers
fur the extension of the East India Trade to the Outports,
under the fallacious hope of augmented cousumption, pro.
lvssed tu have in view.
Resolved unanimously, that humble petitions be pre.
sented (o both Houses of Parliament, setting forth these
reasons, and praying that they may take into their serious
Consideration the connexion actually existing between tho
View original Fast India Trade and the port cf London, and ahopt such
measures as to thor wisdom may seem incet, in order tu
prevent the extension of the said Trade to the Out-ports
of the United Kingdon.
, — ee :
; a
It having been represented to Lord Macdonald, that
great commercial advanteges would result to the Western
Isles, and to Ure opposite coast of the main land of Scot.
land, and that facilities would be derived from the
Baltic trade, and to various other maritime pursuits, from
the establishment of atown at Kyleakin, in the Isle of
Skye, which ts the nest centrical situation for the Westeru
Fisheries, and isinv the dircet track of the vessels engaged
in the Baltic trade; he is determined to give every encour.
agomentia his ae er jowards the accom; olishmeist of this
important object.
[°or this purpose he is resolved to grant fues in perpe.
tuity upon moderate terms, A plan of a town bas been
pre, arcd, the streets lined off, and plans and elevations of
houses for dificrent classes of people have been made out.
The intended site of this town is beautifully pieturesque ;
the harbour is exfeusive, and one of the most secure in
the kingdom. The excellence of the anchormg groand Is
well known to all mariners—the beach is entirely clear of
rock, and the water so deep, that vessels of 900 tons
might ride in safely within SO yards of the shore. Ky-
leakin is contiguous to the main roads of communication
between the Western [sles and the continent of Scotland ;
the situation allords a command of water for machinery
of all d-scriptious; there are pasture grounds, and abun.
dince of woss for fuel, within a convenicnt distance of
the place. Amongst the advantages of this situation, there
issullicioney of excellent building stone on the spot, and an
inexhaustible store of lime withiu six miles, where it may
be had either in the shell or slacked, ata moderate price,
and from whence ic may be transported by water.
Mr. ‘Voford, the engineer employed by Government,
who has surveyed allthe harbours on the western coast,
was sosteuck with the superior advantages of the position
of Kybalin, that he has recommended to Goverument Co
cuntribute towards the ereetion of a pier at Giat place,
On the 29th of Dec the Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo at.
tended a Congress of the Cortes, accompanied by adepu.
tation of the Seanish General Staite was dressed in
the ful uniform of a Spanish Captain General, wearing
the collar of the Military Order of San Fernando. Hav.
ing taken his scat ia the Congress between the Deputies,
he made a formal obcisance, and remaining standing afew
Dioments, after which he read Che folowing Address :
“Srenon,—l should not have resotved Co solicit: permis.
sion to voller personally my respect to this August Con.
gress, if I had not been Cheouraged by the honor you did
me on the 27¢h tot. by sending acdepotation to congratu.
late me on my artival in this city ; a distinction which
can only attribute to the favor, and, if LT may so speak,
to the partiality with whieh, on all ovcasions, you have
received the services which jortune has cnabled me to ren.
der tv the Spanish nation. You wall then, Senor, per.
mitme to capress my gratitude fur this honor, and for
the diferent marks of favor ayd coutidence which I have
received frem the Cortes; aud to assure you, that all nry
efforts shall be excried in support of the yast and import.
ant cause which $; ain is now defending. bt will not detain
you with new protestations, nor Gihe up te time of a
Congress, on whose wise, prudent, and tirm conducts de-
pends, with the assistance of Divine Providence, the hap.
piest issue to all our endeavours, Notonuly, Senor, have
all Spantards their cyes fixed upon you, but the whole
world must feel the importance of a successful termina.
tion to your vigorous strugyle Co saves; ain from ruin and
general destruciion, and to establish in that Monarchy a
system founded on just principles, which may promote
and secure the prosperity of al the citizens, and the gran.
deur of the Spanish nation ’—(.spplauscs and acclama-
The President answered by expressing the satisfaction
of the Cortes, enumerating the great actions of the Mar-
quis in the course of the present war, especially in having
published at Madi, in consequence of his triuinphs, the
sacred code of the Coustitution; and concluded with say~
ing, that the Cortes trusted, that under so great a perso.
nage, hep should not only drive the legions of ,the tyrant
to the other side of the Py rences, bu that the allied arms
would (should it be necessary ) carry the war to the banks
of the Scine, waere, in other times, the Spanish Lion had
before humbled the Lilies of Braincl Pi Allinet). The
Duke retired, accompantd by the deputation; and, at
his leaving the hall, the acclamaUous were repeated,
The gallant trait recorded in the following article will
be admired and imitated, notwithstandmg its fatal conse.
quences. _‘The article is extracted from Cork Phoenix, of
the 2d January—‘*Amongst fhe deeply lamented deaths
of our brave countrymen, who have so gloriously ended
their days in the Peninsula, we are much concerned to
perceive that of Capt. W. White, of the 12th Portuguese
Regiment, eldest sun of J. White, Esq. of Rock Castle,
in this country ; he received his mortal wound at the siege
of Burgos, and haying lingered for some time, departed
this life at Almeida on the 20th of Noy. Jast, in the 25th
ear of his age. The closing scene of his life will shely
to all who read it, that in him were fully combined, the
brave soldier and the benevolent Christian. His wound
was received (says the letter which brought the mournful
View original intelligence) in an act of the pst laudable kindness ; he
-orgered a soldier to take one f his comrades, who had
been wounded, from where he lay ; several refused; he
therefore shewed them, he never required a command of
his to be obeyed which would expose tiem more to,the
enemy than he was himself; he went to the assistance of
his fellowssoldier, and, in the act of sto jing down, re-
ceived that fatal shot which deprived his ; arents of a most
excellent soa, England of a hero, and all his acquaint-
ance of an inestimable friend.”
Alicant, Nov. 2.—On the evening of the 31st of Octo.
ber, a Spanish officer, quartered in this city, had lost at
the game of billiards 3000 doliars, to Licut. Foley, of
the 58th regiment — Linmediately afterwards, the cowardly
Spaniard meditated the perpetration of the foulest crime
that man is capable of committiing, and having resolyed on
the execution of his murderous design, he withdrew, ap-
sarently in good humour, and concealed himself in a dark
passage leading from the villiard-radm to the street. Licut —
I oley shortly after was returning home to his apartments,
and on his going through the passage where the Spanish
uflicer had concealed himself, the murderous assassin stab.
Led him through the heart with a stiletto. Of this mortai
wound the brave Lrishman instantly expired, and his mur-
derer effected his escape.—Licut Foley was born at Killar-
ney, and wdsa young officer of great promise—he particu.
larly distinguished himselfin Egypt, and inseveral engage.
ments in the Peninsula; he was universaily esteemed by
his brother officers, who have been so highly incensed at
the manner in which their brave fellow soldier was bascly
slain, that they otfered a reward of 5000). for the appre.
hension of his murderer — It was generally supposed that
the ruflian had deserted to the French army, aud in order,
if possible, tu detect tum, a tiag of truce was sent to thes
camp. The French officers holding in abhorreuce so foui
a deed, tendered to the English every possible assistance
that might lead to the discovery of the assassin, who has as
yet cluded the vigilance of their search,
Constantinople, Nov. 24.—The Ministers of the Porte
have, during the last fortnight, had meetings extcaordina-
rily frequent, and sometimes at the house of the Mufti,
sometimes at the house of the Caimacan, to deliberate up-
on the situation of the empire. Hitherto nothing has trans.
pired to the public respecting these deliberations. *
[t is, however, presumed that these conferences have
lad los there proicipal object the afiairs of Servia and ol
Widdin. as well as the troubles of the Gove roment of bag.
dad, where Abdurahman Pacha, who has lately becu dei.
veo from Kurdestan, tas, has, in concert with the Perst-
aus, retewcd hostilities. The Gran. Vier, to judge by
Witat has passed, dues aot intend quichly to quit Sehuer.
ta. Atistruc, that it would be diincult for dim to quit
the capital before the ueguciations with the Serviaus are
terminated, aad order and tranquility in) some way or
other established ia the neizhbourhoou of Widdin,
Prince Demetecous Morousi, and ins you -ger brother,
who were lately executed, were the cause of the impollt
alliance of the Porte with Russia—of the articles of the
treaty relative to Wallachia and Moldavia—of the peace:
concluded with England at the Derdaachles. ‘They made
itmerous attempts to induce the Porte to conclude a tri-
ple alliance agaist Feauee; but the Divan always oppose
them with energy. Lt was as a secompence for the ma.
neeuvres that Demetrious was to have reigned in Thrace,
updo fucuishing 20,000 auxiliary troups to the triple co.
House of Representatives, 2 Jun. 1813.
In the Jlouse of Representatives of the United States,
vu the 2d January, on the question—Shalb the wall ent.
tuled **An Act in addition tu the act to raise an addition.
al Military force and for other purposes,’? be engrossca
for a third reading ?—
Mr. Pearson rose in opposition to the consideration of
the Act aud its amendments, aud directing his arguments
to the inex pedicncy of such a measure, grdunded himself
upon the state of things between Great Britain aud this
country. from various documents he shewed that on
the part of Great Britain, there even vow existed a dis.
position, which, if cultivated with sincerity, and in the
spirit of peace by our Government, would indubitably
end in a perfect reconciliation, and preclude the expence,
the trouble, and the great sutlerimgs to the country, indu.
ced by those extravagant and avsurd measures, which
were, as to real force, so evidently imeticacious, that they
could scarcely have any object reasonably feasible, but:
that vain one of intimidating Great Britain,
**Mr. Calhoun (a member of the Committee of Foreign
Relations) expressed bis surprise that the Gentlemen
View original should recommend to us to rclax in our measures asa
means of succeeding with that proud, high minded power ¢
such advice, he said, coming frou a member of that House
was calculated to render ineitectual the exertion of aimi-
nistration, to form a syilicient force; but he would ime.
form the Hou, Gentlemen for his satisfaction, that the
subject of a negociation with Great Britain had for some
time been under the debate in the Cabinetf and that altho’
he would not pledge himself that the Executive would
make peace; yet, if it could be done, consistently with
the honor of the nation, the war would be over before the
end of the session.”’
In the House of Representatives of the United States,
on the 13th January, the Bill for raising 20,000 aadiiios
nal troops, came before the [louse for a third reading.
Accounts from Canada say that Gen. Rottenberg now
commands a party of our army, near the Ametican lines,
opposite Montreal. By alate regulation, the eldest offi.
cer commanding the troops is to administer the civil go-
vernment in our American colonics, and in case of the
death or absence of Sir George Prevost (which heaven for.
bid), this foreign officer will be Governor of Lower Cas
nada, and Commander of the furces in both Canadas. We
do not state this in disparagement of Gee. Rottenberg,
who may be an able and zealous officer; but at a time
when our Ministers dv not thi.k it safe to permit a Brite
ish or Trish subject of his Majesty to command an army,
and that in the moment when they are actually attacked.
Captain Hotham is appointed first Captain of the fleet
ander Sir John Warren in America, ‘The reiniorc nents
about to sail will proceed under bis d rection, and he is to
hvist a broad pendant as Commaipre. Coyivs of che late
declaration will be sent by Captain Hotham for circulation
in the United States, as also dispatches from Lord Castle.
reagh to Sir Johu Warren,
Thenumerous and well founded complaints of the Mas.
iers of ships for forsaking convoy, have at length attracted”
ihe attention of Guverument, aud have produced the fol
owilly notice :—
othe Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty thave
been pleased (o inform the Commitice of Lhy es, that
in consequence of the Douglus, W. Evans, frum Deme-
rary to Lizerpool, having deserted the fleet under convoy
of the Hh lena Sloop of War, and Capt. Montreser has.
ing parthularly mentioned the great neglet and wse!
dicnce of the Master to his Instructions and orders, they
have given directions to their Proctor to prosecute Me,
Neval Superstition.—Capt. Stewart, who was cut off
in the very bloom of his professional tavents, whew cre
zing off the ttalian coast, had passed several days without
sceing a ship: be learnt that the men aseribed this inau.
spicious circumstance to the Captain’s having taken a
biack cat on board. He immediately called the men alt,
and asked them if it really were so; they, without hesi-
tation, confirmed the report—Overboard with the black
cal !—**Phat,” exclaimed an old seaman, ‘Sis worse still,
~he must be landed.”’—** Then lower away the golly boat”
said the Captain; which having been done, the cat was
landed with much formality. The sailors were doubtless
confirmed in their folly, by the circumstance of their cap.
(uring on that same mght, the best prize which they had
taken in the Mediterranean.
The following (very favorable) were the prices current
of our Produce, at the Liverpool market, on the 23d of
January ,.—
Coffee, from 65s. to 75s.
Sugar »— 80s. to YOs.
Cotton 2s. Old. to 2s. 6d.
Ram —— 4s. 6d. average.
The cotton above-mentioned, is of the Demerary and
Berbice quality—finer, was higher in proportion. The ex.
pected opening of the Baltic, will still have a more favor.
able etiect.
View original DIED on the 29th inst. at her place called Ine
vlugt, the tree mulatto woman Juliana Brandcs.
A those having any demands against the Estate
of the abovenamed Juliana, are requested to deliver
them in to the undersigned.
April Sd. H. STAAL.
View original FOR SABE.
LOT No. 49, situated in the second empolder of
thistown, with the buildings thereon, consisting in
two Dwelling Houses with the necessary out-Build-
ings; the whole being cligibly situated, having a
free prospect over the river. ‘Terms of payment will
be made easy toan app.oved purchaser. For fur-
ther particulars apply to J. EL. Ticsoet, or
6 March. A. G. CALMER.
View original DE genen die iets te pretenderen hebben van den
ondergeteekende, gelieven hunne pretenticn inteles
veren by den licer J.° bE. Tiesocr, en aie verschul-
digd betalingen aldaar komén doen, alzoo hy yoor-
nemens is binnen kort van bier te vertrekken.
6 Maart. . A. MENTZ.
View original SFC t Ie FP rr eae
Departed this lifteon Thursday evening last the Ist
inst. Evan Duncan Fraser, Esq. siucenly regret.
ted by all who kuew bim.
View original Marshal's Office.
Necond Proclamation,
BY virtne of authority obtained from the Monor-
able Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 6th
March ISIS) ona petition of Nacutrs ‘and Firz-
carapp, Merchants of Demerary, as Agents for the
Mercantile House of Laine Turisc & Co of Lon-
Notice is hereby given: That I the undersiened,
First Marshal ot the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of twe Councellors Comimissaries and
ticir Seerctary, by Public Execution Sale,ou Wed-
nesday the 12th May ISIS.
The Cotton Estate naried
situate on the west sea coest of this colony, with all
its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurt-
enanecs and ue ‘pendencies thereto belonging, all econ-
forimable to ou Tn-ventory formed thereof, and lving
at the Marshals Office tor the Inspection ol those
Whom ifiney concern, Said Estate being the pro-
perty of Deonry Wane
Whoever should Uik to have any right, action
or inferesion the abeovementione | Pliotation Yeoos/
Place, ant its depend ucies, and wish $ to oppose
this Sale by bexecutton, let Bi or Chem addres them.
selves to we the undersigned, decliring their reason
for so doing, ina dleval wanner tn w rifting, ast here-
by vive notice that [ will reecive o; pposition from all
infermediite person or persons, apy out thyin a day
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
thes act thereon ce ording to Law.
All persons being tavited to attend at the day of
stile, on Pliuntation Yeovil Place, and make their
proit of the same.
This 2nd Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum,
Lerbice : 2 Mare ih S33.
he. KRANCKEN: First Varshal.
View original SALE sry KALCUTION.
Sco nl Proclamation,
BY virtue ef a Wats of Execution, granted
by Tis Uscetleney Rowerr Gornon, Governor
Ciencrol ie amd ever the ¢ olony of Berbice and ifs
dependencies, Vicer-Admiral, and President of all
Courts and Colleves within the same, &e. &e. &c.
UL pos anetiias pes ated by R. Bares, Attor-
neyol Jha Canch. versus, Wak. Burro, under
dateot bleh Veb. iste.
} the oncdersie id first Marshal of both the Von.
Courts of vis colony, shalt expose and sell,at public
execution sale, in pe sence of (80 Councellors Gom-
missaricss and Chere Scevciary, abthe Court house of
this colony, on Wedorsdiy the Qtst Apal Isis, at
J} o’cloek om the fer weon of that dey :
A qart of Lot No. 10, situated in the first enpolder
of New Amsterdam, wiit the Buildings chercon, say
a Sil: building awla Swelling House, of hardwood
unfinished, the propaty of MA. Burton atoresaid,
Whoever shoald think tohave ary right, interest,
or elum. on Che atorementioned part of Lot No.
1O, (with al the buildings Uhereon), and wishes
to Oppose the sale thereat, let such yCtson, or per
sons, adifress himself to ne Che first Maratal, deela-
ring their reason for such oppesttion in due time and
forma, as E hereby ceive notice that Twill receive Op-
position from every one thereunto quatified, ap porns
then aday to btve his or berclaim heard betore the
Court, and further wet thereon according ty style and
This 2nd Proclamation made known 16 the public
by beatot orga. irom the Courthouse of this colony,
an! further deal! with as custom ry. ‘
Berbice, YS Mareb ISD.
: KR. beaxcwen, First Marshal.
Secotd Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution granted by the
Tlonorable Court of Civil Justice, of this cylony, up-
ona petition presented by J. bk. Tienocr, tora se-
cond Levy, nader date of Gth March (S13, versus
P. J. Roepurer.
Pihe undersigned First Marshal of the Courts o:
this colony, shall expose and sell at public Execu-
lion Sale, athe presence ofsty.o Counccllors. Com-
missartes, wad their Seeretary, on Wednesday the 7th
Avril, IS1S, at the Courthouse of this colony, at 1)
O'clock ty the forchnoonvol that day :
A Negro Gitl named Aearrit, the property of
aforesaul Po. Roederer.
Whoo ver should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the aforementioned Negro Girl, and
wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let sneh Person or
persons address himself to me the first Marshal, de-
claring bis reason for such Opposition, in due time
and form, as Thereby give notice, that I will receive
9) position from every one, thercuuto qualificd, ap.
View original poial them a day to ha IF is oy her claim heafd he-
fore the Court, and furt bs act therein accordiiy to
style and low. -
This 2nd) Proclamation published hy beat ofdrum
as customary. Berbice, 28 March Isis.
KK. Francnren, First Marshal,
Fovrth Proclamation,
BY virtne of a Writ of Execution, g-anted by
His Honor J. J. van per Stroop, Acting Président,
Ne. Ye. ve. inthe colony Berbice.
Granted! upon a petition of A. Thorxrorrow,
Deputy Peceiver General of this colony, versus, the
Proprietor or Proprietors, Representative or Repre-
sentatives of Plantation No. 28, east coast, under
date of 190% March, ISIY. :
P thea tersioned, First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of thas Colony, shall expose and sell, at) pa-
bhe bxceutioa sale, ia presence of two Councellors
Commissut cod ther Sceretary, on Wednesday
the Th Yortl, ISt2) at the Court-hause of this colo-
nveat LP ocloek ty the forenoon of that day :
The abovementioned Lot No. 28, east coast, con-
faining “CO eeres ot Land, without cultivation and
any dwelliig house thereon,
Whoever should think to have any right, interest,
orcloim, on the aforementioned Lot No, 98, east ec.
of Berbice, and wishes to oppose the sale thereof,
let such person address himsett to methe First Mar-
sitl, deciaring his reasou for such opposition, in due
(ime and form, as Thereby give noice that will
receive oppostiion from every one thereunto qualir
hed, appoint thamaday to have bis or ber claim
heard before the Conrt, and tucther att therein ac-
cording to stile and law.
This dth Proclamation made known to the’ Public
by beat or drum from the Courthouse of this colo ly,
and fecther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 28 March, ISty.
K. FIKANCKEN, Ist Marshal.
.< a
fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of + xecution, granted by
Hi. Woner J. dé. VAN pen Stoop, dcling President
OC. AC. ar. in the colony Berbice.
( pon petition presented for that purpose by A.
Taorsponros, Deputy Reeciver General ot Ber-
bice, versus, the Proprietor, or Propriciors, Repre-
sentative or Represcutatives, of planation No. 26,
east coast, under date of 19th Mareh, IST.
the undersigned Virst Marshal ot the Courts of
this colony, shall expose andsell at public exceution
sale, in the presence of two Councellors Comitissa-
ries, and their Secretary, at the Court House of this
colony, on Wednesday the 7th April, IS13, at 1]
o'clock in the forenoon of Hat day :
The abovenamed Lot No. 26, cast coast, contain.
ing S00 acres of Lant, uncultivated, and without
any dwelling house thereon, )
Whaever should think to have any right, interest
or clin, on thaabove Lot No. 296, e. c, and wishe-
to oppose the sale thereot, let such person address
hitmselito me the First Marshal, declaring his reason
focsuch opposition, in due tine and form, as | here.
by vive notice, that T will receive Opposition from
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or ber clatm heard beiore the Court, anc
furtherto procee) according to law in such case.
This 4h proclanation made known to the public
ly beat of drum, from the Ceart lfouse of this colony.
Berbice, 23 March, (sts.
nN. FRANCK EN, First Marshal.
ee a

View original re a
Fourth Proclanation
WITEREAS T the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from Eis Excellency J. Mernay, Brigadier
General, and Acting Governor of the colony Per.
bice ard tts Dependencies, &c. Xe. XC.
Granted upon a petition of W. Karz, in quality
as Attorney of Samuel and Llisabeth Ames, of Bat.
bados, have caused to betaken in’ Execution and
Sequestration, fhe Western Two Thirds ef Lot No.
11 Corentyn coast of this coiony, the property of R,
Harittis, the person against whom abovenaned writ
os. Xccution is granted, under date of 26 November
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in-
tend to Scll, affer the expiration of one year and six
weeks, fromthe 22d of heb. 1813. the abovemen-
fioned (wo western thirds of Lot No. T] Corentyn,
with all its Cultivation (being Cotton), Buildings,
Slaves, and further appurtenanees and dependencies
thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory
laying at the Marshal’s Ollice for the imspection of
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the procecds of said Sale such sum of money as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta-
ken in Execution.
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as Customary. Berbice, 21 March IS 13.
a. PRANCKEN, Lirsl dilershal,
View original SALE BY RAECUTION.
Pourth Prochemation
By virtue of authority obtained from the Toner.
able Court of Civil Justice of this Colony, dated 25th
Jan. ISIS, owa petition of CoumYovcras, in his
quality as substituted Attorney of ¥liex. Siuesoy,
the general and special Attorney of the mercantile
house of Yxranis Binice & Co., of London, the
preseat proprictors by transfer from J.T. & A. Dou
GLAs& Co., of Glaseow, of a certrin morteage vest
edon plintacion Last Lothian, the property of D.
Notice is hereby given, that T the undersigned,
Pirst Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell
in presence of two Councellors Comimissaries, and’
their Secretary, by public Execuuon Sale, on Mon-
day the Sdof May, ISIS.
the Cotton Piantation RAST LOTHIAN.
Siluate on the east coast of this colony, with all the
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further Appnri-
erraces and Dependencies thereto belonging, asree-
thle to Inventory formed thereof, and which lavs it
(he Marshals oliice for the Inspection of (hose whom
may concern.
\V hoever should think to have any ticht, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation J'as¢
Lothian, awd its dependencies, and wish s to oppose
this sule by execution, let him or ther address theme
selves tome the undersigned, declaring their reason
lor so doing, ina legal manner in writing, as Theres
by give notice that Twill reeciy > opposition from all
infermediate person or persons, uppoimnt them ada
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fure
ther act thereon aceordins to law.
All persons bee invited to atiend at the day of
Sale on plrotation Past Lothian, and make the; pros
fit ofthe same.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice , l4eh March, IS13.
K Fraxcken, First Marshal
Summons by Edict:
BY virtiic ofan Appointnent, etven by the Court
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. S12, granted
pon a peliiion presented by B. J. Schieicrs and A,
Thornborrow, in their capacity as the (wo eldes: Ore
phan Masters, (Weesmeesteren), and in that Cape
city Excculors appointed by the Last Will of HM
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Cour’s
of this colony, and at the request: of aforesaid B. J
Schwiers aud A. ‘Phornborrow, in said Capacity.
Summon by dict:
All known and unknown creditors against the ese
fate of Lb. ME. Grau, dee. to tppeaxr iy person or b
Representatives betore the Court of Civil Justice,
at their Session which willbe held in the month Oc.
lober, ISIS, thers lo give in their clainss avainust said
estate, to verily the same, wend further to proceed
according Co law, on pain to all (hose v ho remain in
deiautt, of being tur ever debarred their tighi of
ean, |
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, Sth Feb. iS!g.
Kh. kk ANCKEN, First Marshal.
5 re
View original es
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of ai appointment granted by the Ho.
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at there
Session of the 26th Janay S13, upona petition of
W. Lracu and W. Fraser, in their capacity as
appointed Curators of the estate of J. Srouie, dec.
! the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hlon.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of said VW.
Leach and W. Fraser, in their atoresaid capacily.
Sioamon Ly kdict:
All Known and unknown creditors against the ese
late of John Mobie, deceased, to appear in person,
or by power of atlorney, before the bar of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
hell inthe month of January, in the year one thou.
sandeight hundred and fourteen, (say ISI4), there
to render their claims against said estate of J. Stobic,
dec., to verily the same, and if gieed to hear the ob-
Jections made against such claims, and further to
proceed according to law insuch cases.
‘This summons by edict is published by beat of
drum, as customary. Berbice, 10th Feb
K. FRANCKEN, Lirst Marshal,
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex.
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procees
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Cos
LS eS es
Published every Salurday at 4 o'clock, P.M.

3 April 1813