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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOW READY
And for Sale at thts Office,
PRICE f3.—
Sheet Almanacks
For the year 1814, for this Colony,
Vhans ter dezer Drukkery te behomen, vour hassa,
Prvs fo.
Een Plak- Almanak.
Berekend voor deze Wolonic, voor den jare ISLA.
View original OES) SE
Berbice, 23th Dec. 1813.
REQUIRED for the Quarter- and Barrack Master
General’s-Departinent, subject to the approval of Cie
Assistant Quarter- and Barrack-Master- General, and
deliverable at Fort St. Andrew.
7? Cub'e feet hardwood for framing,
5290 feet Linch crab boards, to serve as baords
or Clapboards
5O Jobs. [Mdy. nails,
JOO Lbs. dy do.
60 Lbs. Oy. do.
2 Borrels Tar,
150 Lbs. red ochre,
A Paint brushes,
A93 Days carpenter labor.
For which ‘Tenders in’ Triplicate, for the whole
orany part thereof, will be received at this Office,
marked,’**’Peyder for Reprirs, a il Monday morn-
ing Sq Januge ¥,HS14, at 10 acl x
‘ OUN Ss. WIL it, Commissariat.
> Derlice, 31st Decenhery 1818.
REQUIRED for the use of this Department—
90 Barrels Flour.
For which Tenders ta triplicate, for (he wale or any
put thereoS, marked, ‘Pender for Flour,” with be
received at this Oihtee, until Paes iy morning the
Arhof Jauuary, Ist 1, at [Oo eloek ——The Ploar
to be of the first guility, and subject to a - ard of
JONES S. W ILSON, Conimissariat.
—_——_— ——_— —- —--__ — __
Ser bice, Sls! Decerber, IIS.
e REQUIRED forthe use of the Quarter. and Par-
@ rack- Master General’s Depurtment, subject to the: I}
proval of the Assistant Quarter Master General, aud
© deliverable at his Stores in Fort St. Andrew.
2500 Bricks,
2 Hoeshead lime,
2 Punt loads § Surely
950 Cubic tect Hardwood for franyis Zz,
5dL6 Feet one inch crab boards,
65 Lbs. 10dy Nails. _°
90 Do. Sdy. do.
85 Do. Ody. do.
45 Do. 4dy. do. ? *°
6750 Watllaba shingles,
A Large paint brushes,
} Rorrcl ‘Var,
G5 Lbs. red ocre,
&8 Days Masons labour,
S04 Days cerpenters labour,
The whole to be delivered at Fort: Meyers, and for
which-purpose (wo days notice will be given when
For which tenders in Triplicate, for the whole or
any part thereof, marked ‘Tender for Materials,’
will be received at this Office, until Monday morn-
ing the 9th January, 1814, at 10 o'clock.
JOHN 8S. WILSON, Commissarial.
View original FOR SALE.
ON Wednesday the 19th inst. “will be sold from
Plantation No. 11, Correntyn coast, 20 bales of good
clean cotton, for which the highest offer, by ‘Tender,
will be accepted, payable in cash on delivery, at the
store of Messrs. DouGuas Rein & Co.
W. LAWSON for self,
1 Jan. IS14. and W. KATZ.
View original
View original SALE OF COTTON.
ON Wednesday the 19th inst. 50 ba'es of Cotton
from Plantations Bloomfield and Letterkenny, will
be sold to the highest bidders amongst the creditors
of these estates, at the store of Messrs. DouGrias
Rei & Co.—And at the same time Tenders will be
received_for 20 to 25 bales of cotton, to meet the cur-
rent expences of said estates,—payment to be made
in Cash on delivery. W. LAWSON.
Trustees of Pln’s Bloomfield and Letterkenny.
1 Jan. ISH4.
—_— —~— —————
— -—_
ee a ee oe ee - --

THE lower half of No. 79, in Courantyn River,
with a Plantain Walk in full bearing, and a canal
(thro? the centre of the lot, adjoining plantation Car-
rol, the other or upper half of lot No. 79 the -pro-
perty of Win. Gorvon, Esq. It has excellent
posturage in front of the cultivation, and is well ad-
apted for any of the woodcullters.—W ll be suld re-
asonable for cash, produce, ‘or bills of Exchange at
extended sights; and if not privately disposed of in
three months from this date, will then be sold at pu-
blic Vendue.—For particulars apply to the subscri-
ber, who gives the public notice, that all the Plan-
fains delivered from said property since the ILth
August, 1815, must be settied for with him, °
] Jan. Isi4. Vir. I. LA y FIELD.
FROM 1 to 15,000 ponnds good qua'i.y and bro-
ken coflve, trom Plantation d’ Eduard,—Penders for
(he whole or half thereof, will be received at the
house of Mr. W. Fraser, in New Amsterdam, un-
til Wednesday the 12th January, 1Std, at LP o'clock
in the forenoon, when the hiehet olor will be ac-
cepted; payment to be made in cash ; samples to
be seen at Mr. Fraser’s, the collie to be delivered ip
hew bags of 150 Ibs. for which also payment in cash
inust be made at f 2-10. per bag.
L.C. ABBENSETS, for self and
I Jan. ISts. NM. RADER, Sequestrators.
_— - -ekeS ee
Verzvcht nogmaats die genen aan hem verschal-
digadzyn betahng te komen docn, anders zich ge-
noodzatht vind de pretention in handen van een Prak
iivyn te steliens reierere zich ook aan het adverten-
Qe in Ge Berbice Gazette Nu. 425,
thet voor agste yedeelte van et Lert No. 27, met des-
sls gcbuuwen, alsmede cen quart ert zonder gebou-
wen Van hetzelide lot.—Verders de volgende goede.
fon, aangebragl met de laatste schepen, aly :—La-
aciiny hasimicr, extra fyue satyn, flanel, lionen, bout,
clits en hatoen, naai syde en garen, zwart zyde lint,
wt band, hemde hnopen, handschocnen, mans schoe-
hen en mutlen, vrouwe cn kinder schoenen, katoene
nwangeimatten met scheerlyaeu eh louweny, speceryen,
eyepen en harawatzen, aruid, bagel en vuurstenen,
vrille, visch hochen, viags visch en slag ly nen, tafel
mosschen yorken, pen messen, plete sveps ect. en
-ce-lepels, tictanta dito, linne schotels, ouwelen en
peunen, roskaniven en andere dite, dubbelde en en-
selde hang sloten, kamer bezems en slollers, eer en
verf hwasten, schoen- en tand schuyers, labak, py-
pen, kopere en blikke lampen, houte bak ken, en bor-
Jen, tuinzaad, bruin en witaauwewerk, tyne en {-
e scharen, tuin d to, scheermessen, piano f en
fivol snarea, kinder speel goed, horlogic glazen, sleu-
tels, sponsen, schilderyen, Kaarsey en zeep, witlood,
bruinen en zwarte vert en olie, lamp zwart, molen
sneer, cen party bokke goederen, en meer andere
gocderen. » Idan. 18)4.
View original COTTON FOR SALE.
FROM 15 to 20 bales of goud clean Cotton, from
Plantation 7'yrish, for which ‘Venders will be receiy-
ed ull the 12th of January ensuing, at the Store of
Messrs. DouGtas Reap & Co. and the highest offer
in Cash, if approved, will be accepted.
View original
View original re
THE undersigned having mutually-@mrecd to dis
continue their Copartnership, aniler the Firm of?
Matuews & Straar; hereby fotify tothe Public,
that said copartnership will be dissolved on the Ist
of January, 1814.—The second undersigned being
duly authorised to dfrange all outstanding Accounts,
&c. due to or by said Firm, and to deliver the Pa-
pers.—The pending eauses will still be conducted by
them toa final close. J. THI? OU MATHEWS.
25 Dec. H. STAAL.
View original NOTICE,
TIE undersigned intending to continue, the Taw
busines, as formerly, informs the Public, that his
office is kept on lot No. 21, where he sollicits the
continuance of the public favor, and will attend from
six to eight, and ten to three every day. .
Translations erecuted with dispatch and fidelity.
nn 698 OO SS 99 OO =
Tie next Mecting of this Society will be held on
Thursday the 6th January next, at Mr. Harniy’s,
No. 11, Corentine corst.
S. Mouwrant, Fk. Coit, J. G. C. de Nicuwerlerk.
FROM 40 to 50 bales Cotton, from Plantation J7
morack, Tenders, payable in cash, will be received
for the same, till the 11th of January next,* by the
Scquestrators of said Estate, at Wi. Scorr’s, Esq.
New Amsterdam,, where the highest offer, if ap-
prove l, will be accepted. 25 Dee.
TWENTY five bales of Cotton, from Plantation
(reanies, tor cash on delivering,—Tenders for which
will be received by the’ undersigned at «Mr. Joun
Dow ven’s, until Mohdaythe Sd January next, when
the highest otter, if approved, will be accepted.
THIRTY -two bales of clean and oue bale of yel-
ow cotton.— Tenders for the above quantity, the
yroduce of plantation J/ope, willbe received at the
louse of Mr Il. Lutuenrs, on lot No. 43, until:
Monday the 2d of January, 1814, and the highest
{ler accepted—pay ment to be meade in cash.
J.C. SPANGENBERG, for self and
IS Dec. P. FAIRBAIRN, Scquestrators.
—— — "OOOO ees
View original ~ $$
THE Commissaries of the East coast Public Roads
five notice, that they are ready to engage the side
inc road between No. 4 and 6, and Canal bridge,
‘or one year to be kept in order, agreable to Law,
ind the bridve filled up and made convenient for pAs-
scngers fo the approbation of the said Comuuissaries,
—For which ‘Tenders will be received at the Secrce-
lary’s Office, until Monday the LOth January, I[S14,
when the lowest offer, it approved, Will be acc pled
f, Jno. McC.\ MON, Commissar:
25 Dec. S. KENDALL, § a bs.
THE Creditors of Plantation AY
formed, that 50 bales of Cotton will
said plantation, on January the uated on the Co-
ment of the debts Tenders ation, slaves, build-
bales, will be received bYices thereto belonging.
in liquidation, and opens have any right, interest
on said plantation, wheatantn, Clifton, and wish-
cepted of. thereof, let such person
Also 10 to 20 bale tyes to me the first Marsi@,
for CUITCOE EXPCNCE. for such opposiliod in ‘due
cby give notice thgy# I will
* 4 eveTy one thereydlo quali-
95 Dec.
~~ DRIF™ to have his her claim
_ ‘"* art, and further &ct thereon ae
J: ROM the >» °
person who ca
1, sake place on the spot.
be rewardes! “Berbice, 4th December, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal
View original - 9 Y r , v7? ’ Y ’ r\
BVordlt geadverteerd, dat, This ts to inform the Pu.
volgende personen voor. blic, that the following per
mens syn uildese holonic sons intend quitling this Co-
€ verltrekken. lony
John Davies with the
Chs. Lawton in 6 weeks from Lith Dec.
Alex. Fraser in 6 weeks from IIth Dec.
Huch Bethune in 6 weeks from Dec. 25.
Th. She pherd in 14 days from do. or with the Janua-
Janu ry cenvoy.
ry convoy.
Donald McQueen in 6 weeks from do. for Demerary
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORD TD eigrvnede bekend) NOTICE ts hereby given,
gemaakt, dat cen imaand na\that a month after date the
datuv de volgende. Transpor-| following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken zullen| Mortgages will be passed.
verleden worden.
Dec. 4. R. Warper, nx. v. will transport to the free
George Thomas, 5 roods of land of lot No.
A, between the centre road and back dam.
—_— J. van den Broek qq. the [Heirs of A. Don-
vel, will transport to Wm. Munro and Geo.
Munro. the Corentine coast lot No. 4.
——— Wm. Munro and Geo. will transport to John
Fraser the westhern half of said lot, and to
the Heirs of Is. Chesney, the eastern half.
-——— The Attornics of L. Lowrie, will (ransport
15 Negro men slaves, 0 Demerary, names to
be seen at the Sceretary’s Ollice, ‘
Dec. 11. A. Krieger and G. Paucls qq. C.J. Meyen
and W. E. C. Meyen born van Staden, will
transport to J. vanden Broek, their right and
title to a second mortgage on plantation Ruim-
Dec. 18. D. Macqueen will (ransport to Demerary,
the following Negroes, Hope, Commodore,
Abouki, Sam, Skelton, Montrose, Fortune,
George, dane, Lena, Charlotte, and four chil-
dren Francis, Sophia, Sarah and flenry.
Dec. 25. EH. Staal will transport to Henrietta Mnder-
min, the northern back quart of lot No. 16,
in New Aimsterdem, extending from the new
centre road to the back dam.
Wri. and Geo. Munro will transport to Robt.
Douglas, lot No. 4, situate on the west coren-
tyn coast.
Jan. J. Bb. Theobald qq. Fayle Read, will transport
Yo P.O. berery, 20 roods of land, more or
Jess, with the buildings thereon, situated on
the southern quacter of lot No. 10, New Am-
sterdam, exteuding from the middle road to-
wards the back dam.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original TT
ALT persons having any claim or demand against
lantation RiTPREAY, sitnate on the west sea coast;
of this colony, are requested to deliver ina note of
the same to the undersigned, on or betore the 4th of
January next. Secretary’s Office, 11th Dec.
R. CG. DOW NE Ry, Sery.
eee eee See eo ee
View original ee er ee eee
THE undersigned requests all those who haye any
Claims or Demands, a sainst Plantation Palmyra, to
render (hem to hin without delay.
1 Jan. B. J EEFEERY, qq. Pin. Palmyra,
View original o_—--=-
On Thursday 6th Jan. ISt4, willbe sold at the
Vendue Ollice, payable in 3 months,—beef, pork,
rose butter, toagues, bottled pale ale and) London
porter, draught porter and pale ale in barrels, sheet-
ine, linen, dowlas, ninslins, &e.—An excellent new
feather bed complete, a saddle horse warranted good
2aegro mena carpenter and field negro,
By order of the Curators Estat® El. W. Brandes,
a negro woman, payable in 6 months,
I. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original is, On Friday the 14th January, 1814, will be sold by
id trom. of Joseph Tall & A. Nrieger Esqrs. as Cura-
‘lasses. rue Estate of the late J. Sawyer, dec. By
axes, Whip-‘aned from the Hon. Court of Civil
ited dishes with eo Oct. IS13, Con the spot) one
d paint oils, brushes,g Courrantyne river, with all the
s, pistols, fishing and chairtenances, as will be seen en
us, Osnabures, pease, barléy as well as the terms of
pes, spirilious liquors, Macdeitue Oflice.
' . ’ y r
iret wines, noyeau, lea, &c. ¥, Dep. Vendue Master.
IS Dec. Hoo, SOT

A LL P SONS (hat have claims on! be sold at tlie \ en-
e Dr. Fraxces Jerrery, are rcutors of the late Dr.
satementot the sane to the unc’le, uegroes, a chaise
tle delay as possible. p . . ;
Those persons that are indebted?’ Jeffery, [’squire,
ars ISOS anda 1812, are hereby Infopueg toes, amongst
ys paymentis made pre vious to last Ded’ @sber women,
esc accounts, noles, &e., will be placemths credit.
inds of a Law yer, in order to entorce pay mene aster.
ec most summary and legal manner, /
8 Dee. W. KATZ, Executor.
View original at CR 5 EP @ wee ee wo
= 9 Lee
TITE EDITORS of this Paper, informs their Sub
scrtbers lo the same, that unless they not sent Notice for
the discontinuance of their Subscription, they witl be
considered ag lo continue for the year 1814.
They also friendly requests those indebted to the Prin-
ling Ojfice, from Ist July, 1812, to ullimo December.
1813, well come forward with payment, to assist in the
heavy expences made since that time.
DE UITGEVERS van dit Weekblad, informeren
hunne Inteekenaren op h.tzelve, dat zy de genen dic geen
afschryving doen met continuering der Inteekening op
gemcld’ blad, zullen beschouwen te blyven voorl gaan met
hetzelve, voor den jare 181141.—Te gelyker tyd vriendelyk
verzoekende aan allen, om betaling te doen ter dezer
Drukkery, van \ July 1812, tot ulto. Deeember 1813,
fer goedmaking voor zrware ecdane onkosten, zints die fyd.
I a
View original TP
We this week lay before our Readers a few ab-
stracts from Barbados Papers, by which it appears
that a misunderstanding exists between Lord Wel-
lingfon and the Spanish Minister, owing to the re-
moval of Gen. Castanos and other Spanish Officers,
in Whom Lord Wellington reposed confidence, and
which has given rise (oa very spirited letter on the
partof My Lord Wellington to the Spanish War
A proclamation has been issued by Gen. Prevost,
by order of His Royal Highness the Prince Revent,
oceastoned by the imprisonment of 93° Enelish sol-
ders, as‘hostages for the fate of the same number of
men taken by us in one o* our encounters with the
American army, who appearing to be Englishmen,
have been seat home for trial.—Both letter and pro-
clamation will be touad ina subsequent part of our
— eee is
The action on the29th of August, near Dontzic, was
only the prelude to one still more important at Langefuhr
and New Scotland, on the 2d September. Duke Alex-
ander of Wirtenberg, whowas determined to harass the
garrison of Dantzic and Gen, Rapp by incessaut attacks,
aud in particular (o punish the latter for his gascowades,
resolved not only to take the corps of troops in Langefulir,
but also to gain possession of the posts of Schellemuhl and
New Scotand, and to drive the enemy out of them,.—TLo
accomp ish Chis object the attack was fixed for the 2d, and
the hour of fivean the afternoou, when Gen, Rapp is ac-
customed to indulge in the pleasures of the table, was
chosen for the purpose, ‘The attack took place in four
columns, and dispositions were made with a view that not
only Langcfubrand he important works and bluck-huuses
there might be turned all at once, but that the cuemy
night be repulsed at all poimts at once, and not be able to
maintain his ground any where,
The success answered, and indeed surpassed all expecta.
lion, Not only Langetuhr, New Scotland, and Scheile-
muhl, as also the enemy’s fortifications there, with all the
(ruops, were completely surprised and taken, but all the
columns sent (o their succour were totally destroyed, so
that the ficld of battle was covered with dead.— This sur-
prise was so complete, that at Langefuhr many Officers
were made prisoners at the cotfee-table, or while taking
their afternoon's nap.—As toGen, Rapp, who was com-
fortably seated at diuner at the commencement of the at.
tack, he immediately Jumped up, when he heard the first
discharge ofartillery, and ran into the street with the nap.
k iin his hand, calling for his horse, but arrived on th®
held of battle only just in time to witness the discomfiture
of his troops, and to see the farm of Schellemuhl, belong.
ing to his chere amé@, enveloped in flames.
The two block-houses at Langefuhr were the only once
that made an obstinate defence; but they were taken by
the brave combined troops, the one in the night, and the
larger in the morning.—This action, so extremely disastrous
for the garrison of Dantzic, has had a powerful influence
on the sentiments of those troops, and is an infallible sign
of the spirit which animates the blockading corps. In this
attach there was not the least check, nor the smallest degree
of confusion, though the ground there is much broken.
The troops in Dantzic are now very nearly annihilated.
Upon the whole, this day cost the enemy 1800 men, in
killed, wounded, and prisoners. Since the renewal of hos-
tilitics, the French have indisputably Jost upwards of
3,500 men, for not a night passes but the garrison of
Dantzic is alarmed by the combiued troops, su that it is.
View original oblized to be continually under arms,
SOIC lo Se
ait . Wave
Cen, Rapp has formed cight battalio .@ fy,
men, and given them the appellation G.. Pa!
Lkoi de Rome.” Our lossin this lNporte aa
at most to. JCO men.—The tk Mpestuous Weer O
tu prevented the floGila off Dantzic from acrw\
thing of consequence agiinst the enemy. A rom as the
requisite artilleryemen and sappers have arrived before
Dantzic the siege will commence without ¢ lay.
‘*'lhLe emperor Napolcon, in ae rsoll, Ov the (7th S | {.
attacked the post of Nollendorfyin the narrow passes of
uerals Colloredo and Mcerfeld, with the loss of seven can.
non, one standard, 4000 prisoners, and the Gen. of Bri.
wade Arenzer, who was taken. The united army of the
Bohemia: but was repulsed ly (he Austrian corps of Gee
North of Germany has takeo more than 28,000 prisoners
since the truce ended.—From the 17th August to the 18th
Sept there have passed throagh Berlin, as prisoners of
war, 18,257 soldiers and 299 QOilicers, and upwards of
2000 men were on the road to tha’ city ; from 2 to 30090
have remained behind sick, in the hospitals of Juterbock,
Truenbetzen, Beizey, and Brandenburg; and the COrps
Warmee of Count Walimoden, which sends its prisoners to
Stralsund, has moie than JOOO of them. If weadd to this
number that of tie killed. wonhded, and missing, we may
reckon the total loss of the ariny Opposed to Chat of the
army of the North of Germany, at not Jess than 45,060
men since the }7th of August. ‘The prisoners taken by
the army under Gen. Boucher, and the grand army of
Bohemia, amount to J0,0Q00.—We may, therefore, with.
Out exaggeration, estimate the ene my’s loss, since the re.
commencement of hostilities, al more than 100,000 mea
and 250 picces of cannon.
View original GENERAL ORDERS.
HH. Q. Montreal, 27th Oct. 1813.
His Excellency the Governor General and Commander
of the Forces, having transmitted to His Majesty’s Goserne
ment, aletter from) Major-Gen. Dearborn, stating that
the American Conrmiss try of Prisoners in London had
nade it Known to his Governinent, that 23 Suldiers of the
Ist, 6th, and 13th mgiment of United States’ Iwlantry,
made pri-oners had been scat to Eng'and and held in cluse
confinement as British Subjects, and that Major-General
Dearborn had received instructions from his Governnn nt,
(to pulinto close confinement 23 British Soldicrs to be ke pt
as hostages for the safe heey ing and restoration in ecchange
of the soldiers, of the United St ites, Who had been sentas
above steted to iMugland -—in obedicnce to which instruc.
tions he had put 23 Uritish soldiers into elose confinement,
'o be kept as hostages; and the persons referred to in
Vajor-Gen, Deirbora’s letter, being soldifis sc rying in
the American ary, taken prisoners at Queens-tow h, who
had declared themsclves to be British) bora subjects, and
were held iu custudy in Buglaud there to undergo a legal
His Mxcellency the Commander of the Forces kas re.
cleved the commands of fis Royal lightness the Prince
Regent, through the K.ghe dfonourable the Earl Bathurst,
Seeretary of State, to lose no time in communicating to
Major-Gen. Dearborn, that he has transmitted the Copy
of his Letter, and that he is in consequence instructed, diss
tinctly to state to Majoie-Gen, Dearborn, that his Kacele
lency has received the Commands of [lis Royal Highness
the Prince Reogeut, forthwith to put in close confinement
16 American Ollicers aud Non-Commissioued Officers, to
be held as hostages for the safe Keeping of the tw euty three
British Soldicrs stated (o have been put in close confine.
ment, by the Amencan Government,
And heis at the same tine to apprise him, that if any of
the said British Soldiers shall sutler death, by reason that
the Soldiers now under confinement in /ngland have been
found guilty, and that the kuown Law, not only of Graet.
Britain, but of every Independent Statein similar circum.
stances has been instructed to select, out of the American
vflicers and non-commissioned oflicers, put into confines
ment asmany as may double the number of British Soldiers
Who shall have been so unw arrautably put to death, and
cause such officers and nouecommissioned officers to suffer
death immediately.
And His l:Xcellency- is farther instructed to notify to
Major-Gen, Dearboin that the Commanders of His Ma.
Jesty’s Armies, and Fleets on the Coast of America, have
received instructions to prosecute the war with unmitigated
severity againstall Cities, Towns, and Villages, belonging
to the United States, and against the Inhabitants thereof
if after this communication shall have been duly made to
Major-Gen. Dearborn, and a reasonable time given for
its being transmitted to the American Government, that
Government shall unhappily not be deterred from putting
to death any of the soldicrs who now are, or who may
hereafter be kept as hostages for the purposes stated in
the letter from Major-Gen. Dearborn,
His Excellency the Commander of the Forces, in an.
nouncing to the ‘Troops the commands of Ilis Royal High.
néss the Prince Regent, is confident that they will fecl
sensible of the paternal solicitude which his Royal High.
ness has evinced for the protection of the persons and ho-
nor of the British Soldiers, thus outraged, in contempt of
justice, humanity, and the Law of Nations, in the persons
of 23 Soldiers placed in close confinement, as hostages for
an equal number of Traitors, who have been guilty of the
base and unnatural crimes of raising their parricidal arms
against that Country which gave them birth, and who had
been delivered over for legal trial, to the just Laws of their
offeuded Country.
The British Soldiers ve this unprincipled-outrage,
added to the galligg insu@Sand cruel barbarities that are
daily wantonly ted on many of bis unfortunate com.
View original _vemy’s hands, as additiona
IS8]4 ) crintned resolution never to resiz!
e . . , . .
~. his Lite, tu a foe so regardless ol a!
vi honor, jity ‘ices and rights of war.
Keowarnd Baynes.
Adj.-Gen. Beitish North Amer“?
‘ . ’
According to A ,crican accounts, Sir John Bo Tarren
had sailed from fiauasax for the coast of the Unite 2s 5
from whouce it willbe g that2Qmething
> 7
eadifying to learn,
P conseyucuce has beew achieved by our lare
In that quarter,
Tecumseh, Chicf of the body of Lodi-t§ attached to
Gen. Proctor’s division of the British AYs Was killed am
the action that terminated in the defeat-"4 capture of our
troops ; —the was allowed to be the wltat Coimimander of
tuat description of warriors in Cana ~Cien, Proctor was
enemy im that unlore
the only one who escaped from th
tunite discomfiture of oue trove 8! Ue eer l hames,
The Presidiné frigate, we piderstand, Wats in readiness
for sea, and had dropped fren Newport to aa viet
nient anchorage, near (he “a, CO avai hersell of the first
favourable opportunity @ escape.
The schooner Lave, of this Port, which was captured
some time ago by tlfe Saral so pPVivaleer, has been lost
ina gale near Loz Island, America; but her cargo,
which consisted of Wine, rice, pork, butter, &c. had beeu
safely landed. oo
By recent accounts from the Spanish Main, it ts learnt
that the utmost confusion and disorder arc prevalent
throughout those Peovinces, aad that the Republican sy s-
tem may, for the present, be cousidered as established.
Puerto Cavcllo, however, was jo possession of the old
Governmeut so late as the 8th Nov. last, and two armed
vessels Delonuing to that Port (La Solvsaand Egela, of
IR guns) were einploy ed in the blockade of La Guira,
which they so sthictly cenlorced, thal even vessels undei
Biitel colours were fived at; aud very lately, the brig
Haccke, of Glasgow, aud schooner Mary, of Liverpvol,
originaily bound to La Guira, but on arriving at Prine
dad, were nol pormitted fo proceed thither, yet allowed
to depart for Puerto Cavello, had, upou reaching the lat.
ter place, becn seized, their cargoes landed and Jett expos.
ed tothe spoliation of a mob, and the crews placed under
confinement, upon the preteat that they had been cleared
outfrom fireat Beitain fora port at that time in rebe.tioa
against (ie Soanioh Monarchy. Some remonstrances have
ing since been miade, not only respecting the seizure of
these wesscls, but of the itl-treatment of their crews, we
are informed that the Captain and seamen are restored to
liberty :—the case of the vessels aud cas govs had not been
A Spanish fiteate was lying at Puerto Cavello on the
Sthult.; and ia attempung to leave that ancnorage to.
wards night, was find upon by the batteries, by com.
mand of the Goveruor, upou tie plea thathe had not been
made acquainted with her iatondcd departure. Being oul
of the reach of their guns, the wat) os War puisucd her
course for the Mother Country.
—_— — — -
li dd-quarlers, lf (inl y J. ly 2, 1813.
Most Eucell ne SP y—l had the bonor to receive your
Excellcncy’s fetter, dated the botn ult. acquaintirg me
that the Regency had thought proper to remove tae Cape.
tain-General Castanos from the command of the fta are
my, in order that he may occupy the place of Councel-
Jor of State, because he was not at the head ol the dth
army waich the Regency had estrustcd to bans tit Gc.
neral Fieire had been appointed CaptaineGeea. of § .
madura and Castile, and was to command tie }fua
that Gen. Lacy was appointed Captaim-eGen. of Gratis
and to the command of the teoaps of that province \.
dependently of the General of the 40h acuny s and Gone
ral Girow was to transfer his service to (he Ist arn. —
As the Constitution of the Spanish Alonarcly has decla.
red the Nivisters respoustble for acts which are the meas-
ures of Government, [trust | may veuture to asdress
some observations (o your ycelleney on this subjeet.—
Justice towards the character of Geu. Castanos, au ola.
cer who has served his country in close union with ise,
during the last three years, without there having been a
Single diflerence of opimion between us In any matter of
Importance, compels me to remind your Mxcelicncy, that
the local situation of the 4th army, prior to ‘the opening
of the campaign, prevented its being formed into a corps
at the head of which the Captain-General could be placed
with any regard tu propricty, considering the diguity of
the office. Audeven when the umon of the 4th army
would have becn locally practicable, the deplorable state
of the Royal Treasury, and of the resources applicable
to its subsistence, would have prevented that corps from
remaining united for any great length of timne.—Your kx.
cellency well knows, that when money is wantiog for the
Maintenance of troops, it is possible, that io a particulas
district of country, provision may be made for the sub-
sistence of a small number without any pay ; but that is
iinpracticable in regard to a large corps of troops; and
for this reason, and others rclative to the state of disci-
pline and peculiar organization of some corps, 1 did vot
dvem it proper that more troops of the 4th army should
be assembled in one corps, than the two divisions compo-
sing the army of Gallicia, under the command of General
Giron.—I1t would have been unbecoming aud improper,
considering the rank and situation of Gen. Castanos, be-
Sides being inconvenient, to place these two divisions, or
any other portion of the 4th army ; and for this reason,
at my request, he placed his head-quarters with mine aud
those of the Portuguese army.—Not onlythas ) our Exccel-
View original 1) cy not attended to these circumstances, in the measure
hich you have recommended to the Goverument, in re.
vard tu Gen. Castanos, but various other considerations
have been overlooked —Gen, Castanos, besides command.
ing the 4th army, was Capt. General of Estremadura,
Castile, and Gallicia, and in that capacity had to perform
dutics of the greatest importance to the public intercct,
aud particularly to the well-being of the army.—lt was
one of his duties to resestablish the Spanish authorities in
(he-dilfercut districts and cities which the enemy was suc.
cess¥cly evacuating ; and considering the nature of the
operations of the army, and the peculiar line of march
which it pursued; it would have been impossible for him
tody harge that obli.ation, had he been literally at the
head Sf the 4th army, or with the head-quarters, which,
(rom the period of the 24th May, were almost every day
changing place, without ever entering the high road, or
any one capital city, excepting Salamanca, when Gen.
Castanos left them.—It was myself, not Gen, Castanos,
who suggested the idcagthat his Excellency should be em.
ployed in this manner; and it is necessary for me to say,
that considerivg the manner in which Gencral Giron has
commanded in the field the divisions of the army of Galli-
cia, we should have neglected the welfare of the State, had
we not traced out to Gen. Castanos the very line of con-
duct which he has followed, and for which he now finds
himself persecuted aud defamed.—With regard on the ar.
rangements made by your Excellency for the purpose of
filling the ditferent offices held by Gen. Castanos, and the
removal of Gen. Giron (without any complaint alledged,
and even without assigning any motive whatever) from the
post in which he was placed by Get. Castanos at my re-
quests and in which he has conducted himself to my entire
stlistaction, as L have communicated to the Government,
I believe that, besides the inconvenicuces and mischicfs
which result to the service fron this kind of change, es-
pecially during military operations, it caumot be denied
that they are in direct breach of the contract made with
the last Regency, aud confirmed by the preseat ; an agrec.
ment which, as your Bacel.cacy knows, was that which
induced me to take the command uf the Spanish army.—
Your Excellency also knows, that this is not the first mst.
in which that contract, formed with so much solemnity,
and after such mature deliberation, has been violated ; and
no one can be more fully aware than your elf, of the in-
convenicnees which theuce result ¢o the good of the seryiog.
Your Excellency is equally well acquainted with my oa.
tural disposition, aud my wishes to consinue to serve the
Spanish nation, as far as my abilities extend: but for.
bearance and submission to tojuries so great have their
limits; and Tavow that I have been treated vy the Spanish
Government, in these matters, ina manner the most im.
proper, even simply as an individual. —It ducs not belong
to my character, nur ain T inclined, to boast of my sere
Vices fo the Spanish Nation ; but bk can at least publicly
declare, that L have never abu-ed the powers with winch
the Cortes and the Government have entrusted me, even
in the most trivialaluirs, noresers mploy ed them towards
any other object than that of promoting the good of the
service. Tn confirmation of this (ruth, L appeal even to
your Excejlency as a witness; and 1 belicve it will be ade
mi(ted, that the circumstances which reudcred necessary
(he turmation of the contract above-mentioned, cqually
reqiice Hs fulfilment, if it is desired that 1 should be able
to retain the command of the army.
May God preserve your Eaceileucy many years.
Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo,
View original LSS
POR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procce-
ings, dc fore the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
ony Voolscap Paper, and blank books ot any size.
——— ee —_
View original uk: FOR LONDON.
To Sail with the First Convoy.
The Fast Sailing Brig EGHAM.
Stand A. 1. at Lloyds,
coppered and copper-fastened, Joun Pavy, Master,
has excellent accommodation tur passengers. For
freight or passage, applay to said Master, on board,
SO Oct. or lod. VAN peN BROEK.
View original Lo sail with the January Convoy,
suk The ship Mullett,
THT. SMITH, Master,
Por Freight or Passage, apply lu said Master, or to
16 Oct. Ww. DU NCAN.
View original FOR LIVERPOOL, —
wah The brig’ Ulysses,
James Brien, Master,
Is now faking on board her homeward cargo, the
Subscriber will be obliged to the shippers in this
vessel, to forward their produce as carly as possible.
View original With the fi ral convoy
pp ame brie W estbury,
J. SINCL AIR, Master.
[las yet room for about 100 Pac Kages. For Freiyht
or Passage apply to the Captain Qn board, orto
January, ISi4. Jno. MCCAMON
View original FOR GLASGOW,
$f he coper'd brig Lord Blantyre
A. McLIEA, Master;
Now on her first voyage, will be dispatched with the
January fleet. For freight or passage apply to
25 Dee. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have imported in said vessel, a general as-
sortment of Plantation and other Stores.
View original THE fine coppered Ship
won Harmony,
Joun Witson, Master,
Will be dispatched with the convoy to sail in Janu-
ary next. Apply to
23 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have received by the above ship, small boats
for colony craft.
wat: The fine new brig TRADER,
Wa. Gevaini, Commander.
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and warranted to
sail with the first convoy.—For treight or passage ap-
plv to Capt. Gemmill, or to
View original Loading at Demerary,
wee The ship NERIUS,
emiiaihe ,
Sam. Paterson, Commander,
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and warranted to
sail with the first convoy. —For fre ‘ight or passige,
ALSO the well known Ship DIANA, Captain
McGeoree, Commander—is now ready fo receive
her carvo, and warranted to sail with the first cons
voy—For Freight or Passage apply to
~Eean & Aneus Fraser.
View original MARSHAL’'s OFFICE.
Summons by Edict.
WILEREAS 1 the undersigned have received
from England the Newspapers containing the adver-
tisement calling upon the Creditors of the Estate of
Henry Crort, dec.—Notice is hereby given, that
the said Creditors are hereby called, to appear bes
fore the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session on Monday the 24th January, 1814, for the
purpose of there rendering their claims, and further
(o proceed according to Law.
Berbice, Slst December, 1813.
: K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original WIIEREAS J the undersigned have received from
England the Newspapers, containing the Advertise-
ment calling upon the Creditors of the Surrendered
[state of Heywood & ‘Taylor, Notice is hereby give
en to the Public, that the said Creditors, by virtue
of an Appointment obtained by W. Leaci and W.
Fraser, Curators to aforesaid Estate, under date of
29th November, 1813, from His Excellency the Go
vernor, are hercby SUMMONED, ‘To appear before
the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday
the 24th January, 1814, and following days, for the
purpose of there rendering th@ir claims against the
said Surrendered Estate of Heywood & Taylor, and
further to proceed according to Law.
Berbice 3d Dec. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Sales by Execution.
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the Ho-
norable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, upon
a petition of Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. as a branch
of Campbells Fraser & Co., under date of 20th Noe
vember, 1813.
Notice is hereby given: That 1 the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Scerctary, by Public Execution Sale, on Tues-
day the Ist day of February, 1814, the Cotton Es-
tate called
(he property of Hugh B. Inglis, situated on the Co-
rentine coast, with all its cultivation, slaves, build-
ings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging.
W hoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim onthe aforesaid Plant’n. Clifton, and wish-
es to eppose the sale thereof, let such person
persons address themselves to me the first Marsi@t,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in ‘due
lime and forin; as | hereby give notice tha I will
receive opposition from evéTy one thereyo quali-
fied, appoint them a day to have his her claim
heard before the Court, and further €ct thereon a¢
the law directs. — - .
The sale is to take place on the spot.
Berbice, 4th December, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal
View original i. O. SEWARD
Will seli the follow ities Articles, of late impor-
tations, at his tisully tow prices, for Cash. or
Berbice Money ;: or fo the Purchesers ot f 300,
payable on delivery, tn best quality Sugar, Cof-
fee, and Cotton, Rum. Molasses. Timber,
Plank, Boards, Staves, Shingles, &e. &e.
Best Cumberland hams, trish May batter in hall
firkins. hees pickled beef and pork, half barrels prime
mess beer, hung beef, prime mess pork in barcels,
Morton’s amd Abbotts London brown stout om hbhds.
fine old Trish port and claret: Gordon, Dutt, Inglis,
and Co.'s fine old Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and
quarter casks. and per doz.: fine old Sercial and
Malnsey, per doz. do. old hock, fine old Antigua
and Jamaica rum, mixed pickles, fish and meat
sauces, while wine pickling vinegsr, soap and candles
revl Russia sheeting bleached ; do. do. and duck hal
bk aehed : do. clo, canvas for boat sills, and brown
canvas for de. 3 to 6) inch cables, small tarred rope,
white baiing rope. broad and narrow cottun bageine
and twilled coltee bav@inie, | ondon-made gin cranks,
frmerand socket chisseb, planes, Plane trons, diaw-
Ine knives, Carpenters? and Coopers’ braces and bits.
brass back tenon saws; hand, x-cut, lock, and com-
pass do. : brass, tron, and stock locks, do. and iron
desk, chest, and drawer locks, best doable and single
bolted padlocks, brassand tron but hinges and screws.
hook and eye and up hinges, window curtain pins,
drawer knobs, cloak and hat plus, door and window
bolts, window hooks and staples, bed screws, sailors’
clasp knives, negro combs, peeket and small tooth
ivory combs, garden rakes, tron tinued inside and
double block tin fish kettles, dripping pans wilh and
without wells, collee biggins end coffee pots, botth
wdanils. bread baskets. Kile (rays, fish hooks, W hite-
chapel needles in boxes, fine white pins im bundle Ss,
brass botUeing and wine cocks, Drass door rappers
and brass handles, cauthing irous, ship and boat sera-
pers, holve hatehets, kitchen Choppets, cambouses,
round and square shouldered capooses with sfeps ol
the best bardensd kind, masons’ towels s Ladies’
fine white and blica shh stockings, large Gamask
Shawls, and blick and: coloured: sith handkerchiets -
Gentlemen’s fine black sulk stockings lamb’s wool and
mvnze worsted do. and worsted hath stoc hings; chil-
ren’s cotton stockings, Ladies’ fine white silk and
hid shopers, Cha dren's ancl Misses shoes, printed
and strip “} cottons tie cotton shirting, platill IS, bri-
tannins and cotton fining, checks, handhercaients,
Frish table Hinen, diaper, huachabuck, long lawns, fine
white dowlts. blee and white sulempores 3 fine wlhiaite
Indian nankeens fone pieces; superfine biack and
co‘beau broad clotis: do black, blue, drab, bull,
and white mixed herseymeres s coats, coatees, round
robbins, and panialoous, black and Lidl superfine kere
seymere watstcorts, coloured) Marseilles do. Striped
hankeen trowsers, ‘Pindenmen’s & Negro hats jackets,
and blankets, flaxen Osnaburghs, drab and mixed
livery cloths and chatse tinting, wilt and plated cot
butlons, flaanel coulees aud diessing owns, buat
cloaks, silver stop via! hes with second hands. do.
table and tea spoons, cuder knives, best London rlat-
ed fish Knoves, Chace thames, candlesticks with patnt-
ed shades, bottle Coasters, spurs, boot hooks. nut
cracker-, tea spoons, sruflers and (rays, extioguish-
ers, While hand bells, chaise aid jockey Whips, spare
bridtes, reins, & head stalls, Moroceo skins & Diasils,
boats ensigns and jicis, bunting, silk and cotton
rnbrellis, toolscap and pot peper, wove and lrid
(hin and Chick letter paper, quills, wafers. ins pow.
der, sealing wax, Ink stands, Moroceo leather pocket
books with clisps aud straps, round rulers, folio and
letter size wrilites eases, black lead peneils, slates and
pencils, bound mvs, Dlank bills of exchange and
bills of loading, hanging paper, and fine gold border-
Also. —A. 10-inch stream cable, very litle used.
and some fiae new wailiba vats trom SOC to 1000 vale
lons each + some of them with greenheart: bot Mis:
mid one very large vat from 2000 to 2500 gall@is, aa
ew dry goods, rum punchcons, and some molasses
casks made wilh red ok staves,
And to close a Cousiznnient—100 pieces of muslin
for musquito nets, £0 yards long each,
will be sold 10 pieces bor f SO.
fyemerary, Nov. 24, 1813.
: yards wide,
by G Bone & Co. in addition to their arti-
~ eles on hand.
PRIME iness beef and pork in half barrels. dou-
ble rose Cork butter, hams, cheese, tripe, barley,
split pease in jugs, Onions, pickles, assorted,
perter and beer, Clirtants, raisins, inexccllent order;
crates of earthen ware, barrels of do. contain} “ conm-
plete dinner services. Also a fresh assortment of
dry goods; Madeira wiae in bottles, 2 Pipes fine old
* Margala wine, and London brown stout in Lhas,
TIT! Lottery of A. Freur Y, will be Drawn on
dhe 17 of January, 1814, at the ‘Tavern of La nose
and Marvin. ls Dec.
View original
The Subscribers laye mncoiled Dy thee:
PLANTER, Capt. Nicnorsoy, from a, _|
a ;
don, the following ecueral assortment
Merchandise, which they will Sell at low
prices, for Cash, Pio luce, Lest Crabwood
Board, and Stayes :-—
ROMAT, and Manchester Madras handkerchiefs
Blue and while salompores. and \ hife joan
White, yellow, and striped nan! cen,
Linen and cotton Britannias. and Irish linen,
Bed sheeting, platillias Royallis and printed calicoes.
Cringhams, dimity, London and Carlisle checks,
Patent and plain cotton shirtife and fancy ci brics,
Wall mustins, table cloths, and towels.
Ladies fashionable morning and evening dresses,
Black- white- and coloured-sarcenet(s, and ribbans,
Velves, saltins, sew ing siiks, twist and threads,
Ladies cambric and fancy buttons, straw and beaver
bonnetts, shoes, gloves, sill and colton stockings,
Sup. fine broad Cloths, flannel, baze and green table
Gentlemen, military jockey and Jfessian bools, Plan-
fers strong and dress Shues,
Silk and beaver hats
Nails from 4 to 40d., parlour door- warehouse- li-
quor- bookcase- and y riding desh-locks, and hing-
Pea (rays, wailers, patent cork screw s, ivory handled
and common knives and lurks, scissars and pen
Gil€and plated spurs, eandle sticks. snuffeis
block tin dish covers,
Window blind anc pump tacks, grid
pats, sad irons,
, best
irons, frying
hoes and shovels with ris cls, mal-
chets and prune hnives,
Carpenter adzes, ates, aad Whip saws,
Patats and paint «
anc tar,
White wine vinegar,
Shoe- table.
Guan powder and patent shot,
Writing desks, dressing cases, back
Chess bowrds with men,
Hy ueals fool do. for harness, pitch
patat- heire and tooth-brusly Ss, and
gamon boxes and
Sash cord, window vlas and pullies,
Petfurmery and stati Mary,
Pease, barley, almonds, raisins, currents, double ze-
fiacd susaryeun powder fea, blech pepper,
Stone blue,
Green gooseberrivs, apricoss, pears, Cherries, green
gages in brandy, preserved Danson’s and ris pber-
Pine apple, Glouchester acd Spilton cheese,
Smoaked and pickled ton CS, and Uripe,
Piciled verkins, anchovic Ss) Capers, Wanuts, olives,
cruliflowers, cusence of anchovics
Prince event, macouba, and Scotch’ soul,
tlegant painted vase lamps, and lanihorns,
Hinner and breaktast services, and wlass ware.
> Kttehlup, and
Jewellery, corals, and a vari ty of fancy beads,
baedsteads complete, pembroke table s, aud sophas,
Pin plate baskets, and baskets with uperlures tor bot-
(| S,
An assortment of Negro cloathing and blankets,
Rum, brandy, &c.
A consignmentot brown stout in barrels,
Prime iness beet and pocs in balf barrels, and butter
Vi} i Allis.
BLUE and white silempores, jean, Britannias,
Irish linen, sheeting, calieocs, (urniture chintz, gine-
Lams, dinaty, stripe and furniure chechs, black and
White cambre muslin, table cloths, naphins, towels,
Dlack velvet, thread. ff innel, green baize, green ta-
ble cloths, Planters and dress siioes, silk and beaver
hats, day. todOdy. nails, brads and pump tacks,
locks and binges assorted, tea (rays and watlers, scts-
sars, patent cork screws, ivory handled and common
Kuives and forks, desert ditto, carvers, gilt and pla-
ted spurs, candlesticks and snuflers, tin dish covers,
grid irons, coflee sifs, frying pans, hoes, shovels,
cutlasses, proning knives, Carpenters and cooper ad-
zes, axes, whip- and handsaw files, clecant silver
plated dishes with covers, paint, tar, lamp- blosence
and paint oils, bi ushes gunpowder, shot, tow ling pic.
ces, pistols, fishing and chalk lines, corks, blanwets,
rugs, Osnaburgs, pease, barley, salt, suap, candles,
Pipes, spiritious liquors, Madeira- Port- sherry- and
claret wines, noyeau, tea, &c.
ALL persons that have claims on the Estate of the
late Dr. Frances Jerrer Y, are requested to render
a statement of the sam? to the undersigned, with as
ithe delay as possible.
Those persons that are indebted thereto, for the
years 1808 and 1812, are hereby informed, that, un-
less payment is made previous to last December Isls
these accounts, noles, we., will be placed in the
hanas of a Lawyer, in order to entorce payment in
the most summary and k gal manner,
1s Dec. W. KATZ, Exccutor.
View original IOTTCa ANd
O)) FUCS, ripe,
ly pork, butter.
heese, pilchards,
lerrings, pichles, sauces,
unes, ralsins, spices
pts barley,
.wefined sugar,
ne 5 “sth, potatoes,
i Cr, Peter,
Sicily do.
ww ww
Orl Win
Brandy, ru,
Salt, ouls,
Viedicines, do
Tar, cordage,
Pipes, tobacc O,
Powder, shot,
Paints, oil, turpentine
Soap, candles,
Gentlemen, laclies,
Children hats,
Do, boots & shvues
Mattrasses, canvas,
under arms, .
- Vi‘
un = A bb])Can. )
one, Ayns,
Blacky oluc& creen ec.
Salem pores, & miuisquito
Calicoes & fuurn. chintz,
Pullicat, Wadras, Banda-
na, balisore, & comimon
pocket hhfs.
Damask shawls,
Spotted, plain, & lapett
cammoric mustins,
Striped, plain, tambour-
ed jaconett ouslins.
Corded dimitics, jeanet,
Wot. calicoes,
reayl, tapes & riobons,
ana Cotton & linen checks, &
furniture do...
Plauillas & Drifannias,
Tabs cloth, NX hapkins,
Ginglnains, quilling,
Negro blankets, jackets, Umbretay & parses,
lrowsers, shirts, hats, Marthen- alass- tine and
Wrappers,& petticoats, hardware.
Flannel, green table cloth Stationary ,
Sein & sewing twine, Hozery & sadlery.
Osnabr. & Rus. sheeting Furniture & pettumery,
Colfee & cotton bag vine :
7 Dec
Just arrived, and fur Sale by the Subscriber.
the fol] Inv \iedicines, of the fir t quali-
tv, and on reasonable terms, for cash only,
Yellow bark, calomel, Jalap, rhubarb rood and
powder, saltof mitre, cream ot lartar, refined and
powdered liquo Cl. ltenham- Rochell- I psome
and Glauber salts. Ipccncuhiapa, whites ereen- and
blue virriol, rea pitale, corrosive sublimate, su-
var ol | wd, yell Wand white wilx sult her. sulphuric
an lmurtatie acids, cCunphor, asse-
Cum Guciaedy
ich silver. plat calcined and
Heonry’s magnesia. Dover and antimonial powders,
tocdita and myrrh quik
and diachyliaa
plasters, snake root, santonicum seed ancl powder
nanny, isinglass, lecland moss, chamomile
strenethning adhesive

{love rs,
senna leaves, opium, musk and castor, castor oil,
balsam capivi, aromatic vinegar, eau medicinal, Tur
lingrton’s balsam, Anderson’s and James’ analeptic.
pulls, lavender- rose- honey- and oranee flower wa-
ters, lances, surgeons pocket instruments, phials tow,
pewler, syringes assurted, sago and pewil barley in
bottles. -—1IS Dee. W. B. LIOT.
THE Subscriber has just received from Murope an
elegant assortincent of Leather. of the best quality ;
as he intemes carrying on the Shoemakers business in
allits various branches. and hopes for the continue
ance Of his Friends and the Public in general
—_—— OO — —
View original TS
THE fast sailing schooner Lclleisie, AL tons per
Resister, has lately undergo a thorough repair, aud
Is ea trenely well adopted for (he lumber or any other
25 Dec. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
View original O_O OO Nn— —— — - — -—il—O
BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
loth Nov. 1813, granted upon a Petition presented
by Robert Paittand Watian Kewley, as appointed
Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, dec.
I the undersigned Virst Marshal of the Courts of
this coluny, and at the request of aforesaid Curators,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown Creditors against the Es-
late of R. Barry, dec., ‘To appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their Session which
will be held inthe month ot July, 1814, for the pur-
pose of there exhibiting their demands against said
Listate, to verify the same, and if necessary, to hear
ebjections made against such claims, and further to
proceed according to Law, under pain to those who
remain in default of coming forward with their de-
mands at the appointed period of being for ever de-
barred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict made known to the Publie
as Customary. Berbice, 18th Nov. 1813.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original NOTICE
THEE undersiened being appointed Sworn Book-
keeper, within this colony, recommands his services
in that capacity, to his Friends and the Public, pro-
musing secrecy, accuracy and dispatch.
Ll Dec.
=—_—ez = 5 oS aw. = el ee ee
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p.m.
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
P: iwileged Government Printers.

1 January 1814