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The Berbice Gazette

View original We this day lay before our Readers, a few
more abstracts of the happy events that has
taken place in Eurepe, particularly m Hol-
land—the Speech of ilis Royal Highness the
Prince Regent in Parliament—the late opera.
tions of Lord Wellington, in Spatn—and the
complaints of Bonaparte to the French Nation
against England.
Lendon, Nov. 3.—Yesterday the Speech with which
the Prince Regent will to-morrow open the Session of
Parliament was formally submitted to His Royal High.
vess in Counci!, and finally adopted by him. We under-
stavd (hat the following points will constitute the leading
topics of the Speech. [lis Royal Lighness will commence
with av expression of his deep concern at finding himself
again compelladt to announce the continuance of his Ma-
jesty’s laincuted indisposition, The intercsting and extra.
ordinary sifuation of Europe, at (he present moment, will
then be alluded to, as sugses ing fo his Royal Highness
the measure of callius Parliament together thus early to
resume their labours. Vhe mcaus which their liberality
supplied, to ena’ste him chectually to assist the Alited Po-
wers compmiticd against Irance in a struggle for (heir ine
dependence, have not been vainly bestowed 5 and his Roy -
al Highness is persuaded they will bearlily share with him
in the high satisfaction the events which have recently
taken place on the Coprtinent are calcutated (o afiord,
With him they will resoice to see the mighty comtest care
ricd on by the allics wih now means and increasing ho, es,
to the disappointnicnt and discomficure of the con mon
enemy. ‘Phe vatour andintee, tits isola cd by hie Sine
Jesty’s furces in the Posinsula have rescucd nearly tre
whole of Portucal and Spam from the domimation oi
France. ‘Pie brillicnt vielory of Vitto..a tas been fol-
lowed up by successes not toss splencidpand doeisive, By
the consummate skill and yalour of PFicid-Marshal the
Marquis of Wellington, the principal theatre of war has
been trausferred to the cnemy’s countries, and the french
governinentat lenght sces the means collected to support
agsression insufictent to repel juvation, Phe confidence
of his Royal Highness will be expressed, that they will
goernlially unite to continue every aid to the cause of the
Pournsala which cireumeteuccs may require, ino order to
bring the contest to a speedy termination, ‘The perfeet
concert, confidence, and friendship, which unites England
with Russia, Prussia, and Sweden, will be announced,
together with the accession of Austriaand Bavaria tu the
cause of independence. The enthusiastic valour of Rus-
sia, which was last vear gloriously triumphant in its own
defence, is now seen victorious on the banks of the Saale,
magnaninously contending for the liberties of Europe in
Germany. ‘The then principal allies and dependants of
France, emancipated from her rule, are now arayce againtt
her, and presenta formidable barricr to the ambition of
her ruler; anda confident hope may be expressed that
the general rising of the German States will be crowned
with success commensurate with the zeal by which they
@ré auimated, and that their efforts will finally place their
own independence on a firm basis. and restore the Sover-
eigns of Europe to their ancient rights. ‘he continuance
of the war between this country and the United States of
America will no doubt be alluded to. Constantly actu-
ated by the sincerest desire to reestablish the relations of
peace and amity between the two countrics, no exertions
on our part have been wanting to adjust the existing dif.
ferences. ‘The pretensions of the American government
have hitherto made it impossible for his anxious efforts to
View original
View original succeed, in accomplishing that desircable object. Their
hostile attempts on Uppér Canade have continued to prove
abortive, and their troops have repeatedly been defeated
with considerable loss, while the operations of his Majes-
ty’s combined naval and military forces in that quarter,
directed against their coasts, have been gencrally crowned
with the most complete success. It is most consoling to
know that the bluw directed against our commerce has
failed of doing this country any material injary, and has
recoiled on the encmy. Our improving trade isa subject
of higit satisfaction. A great portion of that commerce
formerly conducted through the medium of America, is
now carried on in British bottoms, with additional benefit
(o the merchants and manufacturers of this country. The
effects of this cannot but bo felt severely in the Unitad
States. Ifis Royal Highness will express his reliance on
the cordial support of Parliament, to enable him to perse-
vere in the measures adopted to oppose the designs of the
enemy, in the hope that the vigorous prosecution of the
war will Jead to the attainment of a peace, consistent with
the honor and maritime rights of Great Britain, The es-
timates of the services for the ensuing year will be laid be-
fore the ITouse of Commons, and reliance will be placed
on their readiness to furnish such supplies as shall appear
necessary to enable his Royal Mishness to put forth those
cmergics nthe great canse ot Lurope, which the magnitude
of the struggle demands, and which will atYurd the best
prospect of bring the contest in which his Majesty is ens
gaged toa successful issue, The tiaportance of possessing
at this juncture a powerful disposable force, it wiil be
unnecessary tu cndvavour to impress; and the wisdom of
Partiament will enable his Royal dlighness largely to avaii
lusoclf of the military resources of the country. It is
probable that his Royal Highuess will recommend to their
carly Consideration such messures as may enable him to
aidord the most effectual assistauce to the allied powers on
(necontinent in the grand contest in which dhey are euga-
aed, andia che result of which this country must neces.
sacily feel itself so deeply interested. Tu the loyalty of
the people, and in’ Che wisdom of Parliament, his Royal
Uizlness reposes the fullest confidences, satistied that that
consabcy aud iirmness which has so lung attacked the
ediniraQou of all burope, wil: experience uo diminution
in this, the crisis of its fate; and that, with the blessiug
of Divine Providence, Chey will triumph over every dif.
The address, as we have already stated, will be moved
in the Lords by the Earl of Clare, and seconded by the
arlof Cardigan; that inv the C oumonus will be moved by
Lord Compton, any seconded by Mr. Charles Grant, all
in matden speeches. Wehave not heacd that say amend.
ment Co the Address will be moyed ie Gther ILouse, ngr is
itvery likely that there will be one.
View original rr —
The Hague, Nov. 17.—To-day the following no-
tification was published :
**As adissolution of Government has taken place,
and as, were it to last only a few days, the musi
dreadful concequences in plunder and bloodshed
might be anticipated, therefore, we have deemed it
our duty to summom without delay a meeting of the
principal Members and Ministers of the old Govern-
ment, as it subsisted in 1794 and 1795. The >mecting
will take place to-morow at 12 o'clock, at the house
of Mr. Gysbert Carel van Hogendorp, at the Kneu-
(Signed) G.van per Duyn van MAaspan.
. G. K. van HoGenponp.
O, Reeevaer VAN Drie.
View original J. F. van HoGENpoRpe.
T. C. psp Jone.
The Leyden Courant of the 19th November, con-
tains a similar notification from the Major stating,
that he had invited certain respectable citizens, whom
he names, to assist him in preserving (he peace of
the city, during existing circumstances.
Forcign Office, November, 21. 1813.
he Baron Perponcherand Mr. James Fagel have
arrived this day from Hfolland, deputed by the Pros
visional Government, which has been established in
that country, to inform his Itoyal Highness the Prince
Regent and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange,
that a Counter-revolution broke out in part of the
United Provinces on Monday last, the 15th instant,
when the people of Amsterdam rose in a body, pro-
claiming the [louse of Orange with the old cry of
Orange boven, and universally putting up the Orange
colours. —This example was immediately followed
by the other towns of the Provinces of Holland and
Utrecht, as Haarlem, Leyden, Utrecht, the Hague,
Rotterdam, &c.
The French Authorities were dismissed, and a
temporary Government established and proclaimed,
in the name of the Prince of Oranec, and until his
Serene Highne’s arrival, composed of the most res-
pectable Members of (he old Government, and chiefly
of those not employed under the French.
Amsterdam, Nov. 16.—The events of last night
have shewn the necessity of appointing, without de-
lay, an Adininistration in this great city, which, in
ifs form and composition, may ensure the confiden®
of the good cilizens ; in consequence, the Officers of
the Schuttery (armed Burghers,) have agreed to un-
dertake the establishment of such an Administration,
anda number of the most respectable inhabitants have
been called out and invited by them to take upon
themselves, at so critical a moment, the honourable
and interesting task of effecting every thing that cae
contribute to prevent or stop the incalculable evils of
anarchy. .
The folowing Gentlemen have been this day ape
pointed, desired and authorised to regulate and div-
ide among themsélves the functions, in the manner
they will judge most expedient :—
Mr. J. C. van per Hoop.
Mr. P. A. van BoetzeELAEr.
Mr. D. W. Evras.
J.P. Cirarve.
J. Huypexoper van MAARSEVEEN (absent.)
W. Bonreen (absent.)
J.N. van Lys (absent. )
Mr. C. van ver OuDERMEULEN.
Mr. van Loon JANszeN.
Mr. D. J. van Lenyep.
J. Honsnon (excused )
Mr. D. Hoort (absent. )
A. Menpes pe Leom.
J. AL Winnina.
J.J. Teyvsser (excused.)
M. W. F. Moace Muitman (excused. }
J.J. May.
Mr. P. A. BrucMans.
Mr. J. D. Meyser.
Mr. O. W. J. Bere (excused)
Mr. J. S. van pe Pott, and
Mr. A. A. Derwz van AsSENDELFT.
The Colonel and Chief of the Municipale Guards,
who has the great satisfaction oj acquainting the
View original Public with the above circomstances, cannot pass
,- , , . . . . -
this opporlnnitv, without admonishing his fellow-
he most earnest manner to behave with
citizens in
temper and moderation; and at the same time, mani-
festing his expeetation and wishes that the joy which
will be excited by these events, may not induce or
mistead the inhabitants to improper Behaviuor (o-
wards any person whatsoever, or to pillage or plun-
derany private or public buildings, since the oflicers,
and all the members composing the Municipal Guard,
are siitctly resolved to repel, with all the powers of
which they are in possession, all and any trespasses
which may be committed, to the end that the per-
pecrators receive due punishment for their offences.
(Signed) The Celonel and Chief of the Municipal Cuard,
Inthe Name of his Serene Highness the Prince of
Orange Lropoin, Count of Linburg Stieum,
Governor of the Hague.
As the blessed restoration is fast approaching,
cive notice to all the inhabitants of the Hague, that
their wishes will soon be fulfisled, and thata Provi-
sional Government will immediately be established,
to provide for every thing, until lis Serene Highness
shall appear amome us.
fn the mean time | iavite all eood citizens to wateb
for the preservation of peace and order. — 1 promise
to the lowest a day of rejotching at the public ex-
pence; and di warm every one who would pillage and
plunder, that the heaviest penalties will be inflicted
upen them.
- (Circulate this.)
Holland is free !—The Allies advance upon Ut-
recht.—The English are invited. —The Fiench fly on
all sides. —The sea is open.— Trade revives. —Party
spirit has céased.—W hat has been suffered is for-
given and torgotten.— Men of consequence and con-
sideration are called to the Government.—The Go-
vermment iavites the Prince to the Sovereignty.—
We join the Alhes, and force the enemy to sue for
peace. —The people are to have a day of rejoiching,
at the public expence, without being allowed to
plunder, or to commit any excess-—every one ren-
(Nd times are returned.
ders thanks to God.
@ JLuondon, Nov. 22.--'The Counter-revolution in
Tolland, which has given another ally to (his coun-
try, asd another enemy to the enemy of the human
race, was effected with all the steadiness and resolu-
tion of the Dutch character, and with less bloodshed
than coull have been expected, considering the op-
presston under which the Dutch have groaned for so
Inany years.
On Monday, the 14th, when the rising was deter-
mined upon, one of the leading Patriots proceeded to
the residence of Le Bran, the Dake of Placentia, the
the Governor of {lolland. Ue had the Orange coc-
kade in his hat and on his breast, be addressed Le
Brun as follows :—* You may easily guess by these
‘colours for what purpose [ am come, and what
“ovents are about lo take place. You, who are now
“ihe weakest, know that we are the strongest. You
‘twilldo wisely and prudently to take your departure
“with all possille speed, and the sooner you do it,
“the less you will expose yourself to insult, and,
“possibly, to danger.”? To this address Le Brun
replied, ‘I have, Sir, for some time expected such
‘‘a message, and I very willing accede to your pro-
‘position, to take my departure immediately.” ‘In
“that case,” satd the Patriot. ‘1 will see you into
“your coach without loss of time.” This was accord-
ingly done. But by this time the people had assem-
bled and surrounded the coach, with loud cries of
Orange boven, up, Orange,—down Buonaparte.—
Lhe Patriotaccompanied him in the coach out of the
town, and no violence was offered him except that he
was obliged by the people to cry out, long live the
Prince of Orange! and to wear the Orange cockade
metoo Lappy, no doubt, to get off so well. IIaving
wha: 2D. os
View original (hus sent him off, the yoople lald bald of all the
Iiench Donaniers and threw them into the river.
All the watch-houses of the Pouaniers and three of
their vessels were burat. We have not heard of any
bloodshed in any other place except at Utrecht.
There the garrison made come resistance to the Pa-
(riots. But the latter fired upon them, and some 10
or 12 were killed on each side. The earrison then
laid down ther arms, and were permitted (o depart.
I¥ was Friday last at four in the afternoon that the
Orange Flag was hoisted with great solemnity at
Rotterdam. There was a vast concourse of people
ofall ranks, who greeted tne Ensign of Liberty with
unanimous and heartfelt acclamations. The preced-
ing day, about noon, the French General Bouvet
marched out the Hague at the head of 200 soldiers,
mostly Germans, in concequence of a sort of capitu-
lation with the inhabitants. No sooner, however,
had he rached Ysselmonde, about 12 miles from
the Hague than his troops hoisted the Orange coc-
kade, dispatched him, and joined the Patriots. At
Leyden a Provisional Goycrnment was appointed,
consisting of the Baron van Boetzelaer, J. van Bom-
mel, and W. van Kluit. At Rotlerdam the Patriots
nominated Mssrs. van Hogendorp and d’Leuiy to
the chief command. Such was the alarm of the
French, that they evacuated every strong place ex-
ceplGorcam. Bergen op Zoom, Bred, Nimeguen,
were occupied by the Patriots; but the gates of
Maastricht had been shut by the Burghers, who had
declined to admit any stranger, wheather of the
Orange parfy or French.
The first (hing naturally thauchi after the Counter-
revolution was, (o restore the freedom of the Press.
The Hague Courant was iminediately restored with
the arms and other symbols of the old Government.
We have reeieved the first number printed last Pri-
day. It details the proceedings that had taken place
there and in other parts of Holland. Leyden Gazette
has also been revived. Creat anxiety was mani-
fested in all the ports forthe arrival of (he Aflies from
the Nastward, and ofa navaland military force from
this couutry. ‘The Crown Prince wis expected
Utrecht last Saturday or Sunday, and as he was cer-
tainly at Cassel on the Ist, he mieht casily reach Ut-
recht by the 19th or 20th. But we can hardly see
the necesstty of the Allies entering Holland in creat
force. The French have no longer any hold of the
country. ‘There are not likely to be any ExCcsses
commilled. The Duteh are unanimous for the res-
oration of their old Government. We should be
glad to find the Crown Prinee direct his Steps to-
wards the Necherlands, and take \nowerp from the
land side. The existence of the Dutch Republic as
an independent Staite, depends upon the Netherlands
being wrested from France. We have tire authority
even of Buonaparte for saying this, ‘the union of
Hollind to France was the nece ssary Consequence of
the unton to Belginm. The disunion of Belgium
from France must follow the disunion of Holland from
Mrance. Of the necessity of this measure, the Allies,
we believe, are firmly persuaded.
dhic greatest activity prevails in the different de-
partments to send of troops and ships to our new Ally,
the Dutch Republic. The force intended to be sent
will amount to nearer 10,000 men than 5000. All
the non-commissioned officers and privates belonging
lo the three regiments of Foot Guards, quartered in
Westminster and the barracks in its vicinity, assem-
bled yesterday morning at 9 o ‘clock, on the parade
in St. James’s Park, and marched to the barracks
on the South side of the Park, for the purpose of
being inspected, previous to their embarkation.
They had afterwards all their marching necessaries ;
coats, trowsers, &c. delivered. Carts, waggons, and
other means of conveyance were pressed for their
conveyance from London. For the first time, two
militia regiments did duty at the Palaces, the Not-
tingham and the Stafford. The different regular
regiments proceed from the following places to Har-
wich and Yarmouth.
View original Ist Cuards. )
Of do. -~Frem London, about ].350:
Od do.

35th foot from Portsmouth.
oTth de. from Hastings
Aith do. from Steyning.
528d do. from Hythe.
5oth do. from Windsor.
56th do. from Horsham,
69th do. from Woodbridge.
95th do. from Shoracliff.
Ist Veteran Battalion from Languard Fort.
These will amount to about 5000 men, besides
Which there will be about an equal militia force.
The Militia Service Bill was read a second time
last night in the House of Lords, and, under the
present circumstanees of Europe, both sides of the
Houses agreed in the propriety of losing no time in
lorwarding its progress, and accordingly the com-
initment was dispensed with, and (he Bill was order-
ed to be read a third time this day.
Mr. Pagel, the Aid-de-Camp to the Prince of
Orange, Icit town yesterday for Tolland, to make
preparations for the reception of hisSerene Highness
His Serene [lighness expected to set off to-morrow.
‘fe was yesterday at the Foreign and Colonial Ofi-
ces wilh Mr Fagel, the Conunissioner, making ar-
rangements for his departure.
Mr. Gevers, the Deputy from Rotterdam, whose
arrival we announced yesterday, isa Member of the
vncient Government. Soon after his arrival, he paid
his respects to the Pitice of Orange (the Stadtholder
we may now call bim,) and had also interviews with
Lord Castlereagh and Melville t and in the evening
he again took his deprrture, charged with an im-
portant mission to bis countrymen,
By a Dutch fishing vessel which brought over from
Nordwick yesterday afternooi three seamen, belong
ing to the Jdamer brie, we levrn that the Texel eet
is in possesion of the Datch Patriots, who are anxi-
ous for Cie arrival ofour squadron off the Dutch coast.
+ —— -
Downing-strect, November 24.
The Marquis of Worcester has arrived with a dis-
patch, of which the following is a copy, addressed to
(he Parl Bathurst by the Marquis of Wellington,
My Lorn, St. Pe, Novo. 18, 1813.
The enemy have, since the beginning of August,
occupied a position with their right upon the sea, in
front of St. Jean de Juz, and on the left of the Nivel-
le, their centre on La Petite La Rhune in Sarre, and
onthe heights behind the village, ard their left, con-
sisting of two divisions of infantry, under Comte
@Ierlon, on the right of that river, ona strong height
in rear of Anhoue, and oa the mountain of Moadarin,
which protected the approach to that village: they
had one division under Gen. Foy at St. Jean Pied de
Port, which was joined by one of the army of Arra-
gon, under Gen. Paris, at the time the left of the al-
licd army crossed the Bidassoa on 7th October; Ge-
neral Foy’s division joined those on the heights be-
hind Anhoue, when Licut.-Gen. Sir R. Hill moved
into the valley of Bastan.
The enemy, not satisfied with the natural streneth
of this position, had the whole of it fortified, and their
right, in particular, had been made so strong, that
[ did not deem it expedient to attack it in front.
Pamplona having surrendered on the Slst of Oct.
and the right of the army having been disengaged
from covering the blockade of that place, I moved
Licut.-Gen. Sir Rowlond Hill, onthe 6th and 7th,
into the valley of Bastan, as soon as the slate of the
roads, after the recent rains, would permit intending
to altack the enemy on the Sth instant ; but the raim
which fell on the 7th inst. having again rendered the
roads impracticable, 1 was oblived to defer the attack
till the 10th, when we completely succeeded in car-
rying all the positions on the enemy’s left and centre,
in separating the former from the latter, and by these
means turning the enemy’s strong positions occupied
by their right on the Lower Nivelle, which they
were obliged to evacuate during the night, having
taken 51 pieces of cannon, and 1400 prisoners.
View original
View original Ths object of the attack being to force the enemy's
centre and toestablish our a rmy in rear of thetr right,
the attack was made in columns of divisions, each led
by the Generdl Olficer commanding it, and each
forming Ws own reserve. TLient.-Gen. Sir Rowland
Hill directed the movement of the right, consisting of
the Yd Division, under Lieut.-Gen. the Ton. Sir
William Stewart, the 6th Division, under Lieut.-
Gen. Str TH. Clinton, a Portuguese division, under
Lieut.-CGren. Sir John Tanalfon, and a Spanish divi-
sion, under Gen. Morilloy and Col. Grant’s” brigade
ot cavalry. anda brivade of Portucuese artillery, un-
der Lieut.-Colonel Pullohand three mountain UIUIS,
under Lieut. Robe, which attaeked the positions of
the enemy behind Anhoue.
Marshal Sir W. Beresford directed the movements
of the vielt of the centre, consisting of the Sd divisi-
on wader Major-Gen. the Hon. Charles Colville, the
7th diviston under Muarisealde Campo Le Cor, and
the 4th division under Lieut.-Gen. the Elon. Sir
Lowry Cole. ‘Phe bitter attacked the redoubls in
front of Sarre, that village and the heights behing it,
supporled on their left by the arms of reserve of An-
dalusia, under the conanand ef the Marisealde Cam-
po Don Pedivo Giron, whieh attacked the enemy's
Gsitions on their right of Serre. on the slopes af Ta
Petite La Rhune, and the heichts beyona the villaee,
on the left of the 4th division. Major-Gen. Charles
Baron Alten, attacked with the lieht division aid
(sen. | onva 'S Spanish liv ts lO. the enemy’s posit IONS
on La Petite Ca khune, ail) having carried them,
co-operated with herieht of the centre on the allack
of the herehts behiod Sarre.
Gen. Afen’s brivade of cavalry, under the direc-
tion of Lieut.-Gen. Sip St plefon Cotton, followed the
movements of fhe centre, and there were three. brie-
ades of British artillery with this part of the army,
and three mountain cuns with Gen. Giron, and three
wth Sfsjor-Gen. Chas. Alten,
Pacul.-Gen. Don Manuel lrevre moved in two co-
Jniins, from the heights of Mandale towards Ascain,
in order (to tuhe advantaee of anv movenrents the
enemy mehtiake from the rieht of his position to-
watds bis centre: and Lieut.-Gen. Sir Jolm Hope,
With the tef of the army, drove in the enemy's out.
posts in front of (heir entrenchments on the Lover
Nivelle, carried the redoubt above Orogne, and esta-
blished btrosclt on the heiehts fimediatel
\" Opposite
, readiness to take advantaye of any Moye.
ment made yy thee en Ly * rivlt.
The eitaci began at day-light, and Tient.-Gen.
the Elon. Si Lowry gle having obliced the enemy
tu evacuate the redorbt ou their right, in front 6f
Sarre, by a cannhonade, and that in front of the left of
the vilinge having been likewise evacuated on the
approach of the 7th divisions under Gen. Te Cor, to
attack wy Licut.-Gen. Sis Lowry Cole attacked and
possessed bhitansc lool Ghe vill arg? Wifes
Nowas farmed,
on its leit, by Cae Sd Civisions ance: “TagoreGen. the
Jlon. Chrarhes Colville, madd on Ibs, di shy yy the PCSCEVG
of Andalusia, under Doo Pedro Giron. and Magor-
Gen. Chartes Baron Aiton cary,
edo the positions on
La Petite La Rhune.
The whole then Co-onerated ino the attack of the
enemy's atid position behind the yill mre. "Phe fd
and Tih divistons immediately carricd the recotnbets
on the left of the ene By Ss tre, and the Li. ht cdivi-
sion those on the rivht, while the 4h divisions with
the rescrve of Andtlasia on the leit, alfached
posthions tn their centre, By these atticks,
my were obliged to sbandon their strong 4)
witich they had fortified with much eare and labour:
and they leit in the priucipal redoabt on the hotel,
the Ist battalion SSth reghucnut, which
(he ene-
wiry Ss
bamediatel y
VW hile these onerations Wer
T had the pleasure of seeing the 6th division, under
Juicut.-Gen,. Sir Henry Clinton, after having crossed
the Nivelle, and having driven in the
quefs on both banks, and bay Ing covered the passare
ofthe Portnguese division. under Lieut.-Gen. Sir
John Hamilton, on its right, make a most handsome
altace upon the right of the enemy’s postion behind
Anhoue, and oa the right of the Nivelle, and carry
all the intrenchments, and the redoabt on that flank
Dacut.-Gen. Sir John Hamilton. supported with the
Portuguese division, the 6th division on its right,
and both co-operated in the attack of the second re.
doabt, which was immediately carried,
Major-Gen. Pringle’s brigade of the second divisi-
on, under Lieut.-Gen. the Honourable Sir W. Ste-
wart, drove in the enemy’s picquets on the Nivelle
und in front of Anhoue, and then Major.-Gen, Byng’s
drigace of the 2d division carried the intrenchments
and a redoubt further on the enemies lett, in whieh
attack the Major-Gen. and these troops distinguish-
ed theinselves. Major-Gen. Morilo covered the ad-
vance of the whole to the heights behind Anhoue, by
attacking the enemy’s posts on the slopes of Monda-
‘rin, and following them towards Itzatee. The troops
on the heights behind Anhoue were, by these oper-
aiions, under the direction of Lieut. Gen. Sir Row-
land Pill, foreed to retire towards the bridge of
Camby, on the Nive, with the exception of the divi-
re voing on inthe centre,
eneny’s pic-
View original
View original sion in Mondarin, which, by the march of a part of
the QU division, under Lt. Gen Sir W. Stewart, was
pushed into the meuntains towards Bayeory.
As soon as the heiehts were carried en both banks
of the Nivelle, I directed the Sd and 7th division,
being the right of our centre, to move by the left of
that river upon St. Pe, and the Gth division by the
nieht of that river, on the same place, while the
fourth and light divisions and General Ciron’s re-
serve, held the heights alove Ascain, and covered
this movement on that side, and Lieutenant Geaeral
Sir Rowland Hill, covered it on the other. A part
of the enemy’s troops had retired from their centre,
and had crossed the Nivelle at St. Pe: and as soon
as the 6th division approached the third division,
under Major General the Honourable Charles Col-
ville, and the 7th division under General Le Cor,
crossed that river and attacked, and immediately
gained possession of the hights beyond it.
We are thus established in the rear of the enemy’s
night: butso mueh of the day was now spent, that it
was Impossible to make any further movement: and
[ was obliged to defer our further operations tll the
following morning.
The enemy evacuated Ascain in the afternoon, of
which village Lieutenant General Don Manuel Mreyre
look possession : and quitted all their works and posi-
tons in front of St. Jean de Laz during the night,
and retired upon Pedart, destroying all the bridges
onthe Lower Niville. Licutenant-CGleneral the Ton.
Sir Jolin Hope followed them with the left of the ar-
my, as soon as he coukl cross the river: and Marshal
Sir Win. Beresford moved the eentre of the ary as
faras the state of the roads after a violent tall of rain
world allow: and the enesy retired again on (he
night of the 1th, into an entrenched cup iia front
of Bayonne.
In the course of the operations of which T have
given your Lordship an outline, in which we have
driven the enemy from positions which they had been
fortifving with ereat labour and cure for three months
In which we have taken 5) pieces of cannon, six
(umbrils ofammunition, and 1,400 prisoneis, T have
creat satisfaction ta reporling the good conduct of all
(he officers and troops. ‘The report tiself will shew
how much reasen Thad to be satisfied with the cone
duct of Marshal Sir Win. Beresford, and of Lieut.-
General Sir Rowland Uhl, who directed) the attack
of (he céntre and righi of Che army; and with Lieut.-
General the Hon. Sir G. L. Cole, the tfon. Sir
Won. Stewart, Sir John Hamilton. and Sir Henry
Clinton; and) Major Gen. the Llon. ©, Colville,
Ch. Baron Alten, Mariscal De Campo, P. L. Le Cor,
and Mariscal De Campo Pon Pablo Mrillo, com-
manding the reserve of Andalusia, and all the ofiicers
of my personal Staff} afd his Serene LLignoss (he
Prince of Oranze.
Our loss, althoueht severe, has not been so creat as
might have been expected, considering the Sfreno ll
of the positions attacked. and the leneht of time(from
day-lehbt till dark) durine which the (roops were en-
gaged ; but Tain concerned to add, that Col. Rare
nard, -of the 93th, has been severely, though hope
not dangeronsly wounded + and that we have lost, in
Prent.-Colonel Lloyd, of the Osth, an officer who
hed) frequently distinguished himself, and was of
The artillery which was in the field was of great
tous: and | cannot sufactently acknowledge the
infellivenee andactivity with which it: was broneht
‘othe point of attack, under the direction of Col.
Dickson, over the bad roads throu
at this season of the year,
P send this dispatch by my Aide-de-Camp, Ticut.
Marquis of Worcester, whom I beg leave to recom.
veh the mountains,
mend to your Lordship. I hav, &e.
(Signed) WE®. LINGTON. T inclose a retuim of killed and wouraled.
Since the returns ofthe enemy’s toss were received.
we have taken 100 more prisoners, and 100 wounded.

Paris Nov. 20—Tis Majesty yesterday presided
ata Council of State at St. Cloud: he decreed at it
(he creation of two armies of 100,000 men each :
one shall be formed at Turin, the othe
rat Bourdeaux.
Nov. 21.—-Yesterday evening were presented to
fake the vath, by his Excellency the Prince Arch-
Chancellor of the Knspire :—
Count Mole, appointed Grand Judge Minister of
Justice ;
The Duke of Bassano, inquality of Minister Se
lary of State ;
The Dake of Vicenza, in quality of Minister for
Foreign Affairs :
Count Daru, in quality of Minister for the Admi-
nistration of War: and.
Baron Costas, in quality of Director General of
Bridges and Roads.
His Majesty has appointed Ministers of State, the
Duke of Massa and Count de Cessac -
anc expressed
to them the satisfaction their services bad aflurded
View original him, and the desire which he had that they should
continue to assist him with their advice and gool
counsel, the state of health of those Ministers haying
been the only reason of their retiring.
His Majesty appointed General Count Bertrand
Grand Marshal of the Palace: Macshal the Duke of
Albufera, to the place of Colonel General of the
Guard, vacant by the Death of the Duke of Istria:
the Generals of Division Count Regnier, Count La-
bord, Count Charpentier, Baron Curial, and Lara
Maison, Graud Crosses of the Luperial Order of the
Amsterdam, Nov. 15.—The troops of the 17th di-
Vision are animated with the best spirits a great part
of them have been concentrated near the frontier to
guarantee the territory.
The interior tranquillity is confided to the National
The Amsterdam National Guard has for sone days
performed the interior duty : it distinguished its: Lf
by a spirit of order, which has gained it the esteem
of all the citizens.
Strashurg, Nov. 16.—The neiehbourhood of the
fort of eh] is guarded in such a manner as to leave
no fear on that side.
The [thine separates, between Mentz and our town,
the belligerent troops. Hitherto the enemy have re-
mained very tranguil upon the opposite bank. Our
side iy well furnished with troops. They have re-
doubled at Cologne their preparations tor defence.
The fortresss of Weseland that of Dusseldort have
been placed in the best state of defence. We have
here, as well as in our neighbourhood, many troops,
Several detachinents trom the Qd resiment of the
Cruards of Honour have also just arrived.
Paris, Nov. 21.—A nation equally generous as
enlightened, and so powerfulas the French nation,
need only be faithiu. to itself, and second the wishes
of its Government, te preserve its rank among nati-
ons, and conround the projects of its enemies. — Efis-
tory is filled with remarkable facts, which prove that
dangers have raised her courage, and that she has
always proved herself superior to events,
‘Ve mast now vive fo our descendants that exam-
ple which we hase received from our fo etather.
The hereditary glory of the Freuch people must ne-
ver be tarnished.
Should there be hearts frozen by egotism capable
of regarding with indifference the dangers of the
country, let the sentiments of their o vninteret rouse
(hem. All thatihey now hold in social socicty,— the
salvation of individuals—depenids upon the salvation
ofall, ‘Phe humiliating yoke of a foreigner would
insult,—pitlage would bear on all heads, on all tor-
Gunes; and bitter ucavatline regrets would inn edi-
ately follow Inactivity, Or want oO! zeal in citi ecs.
Tiis England which is before us: Eneland is in
our enemy’s camps :—il is for her.—it is to SUISiV
her mextinguishable hatred against Mrance, that the
aations of the North liave been retin motion, THa-
(red against France is the patriotism of kuelishmen,
Who ts the Frenchman that at this tlea isto read
to seize his arms, andexclaim ; no! never shal France
bend her neck to England.
This noble sentiment is in the heart oevery Frerch-
man, i we may form our judement of it by the act-
vity of the brave men destined to defend our frontiers,
and proceed tothe post of honour. A praise-worthy
emulation animates the departments ; and we think it
i duty to particularise those who distinguish them-
selves by their zeal, and by their energy. We shall
say of them, that they have deserved well of theic
On Saturday the 29th inst. will be sold at the Ber-
bice Ferry, by authority obtained from the Hon.
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, by P. Fairbairn
and J. ©. Spangenberg, Esqrs. as Scquestrators of
Pin. Tope, west coast—from 30 to 40 head ol cattle,
consisting ofmilk cows wiht their calves, youny hei-
fers and 12 a J+ full erown oxen :—terms of sale,
those purchasing six bundered guilders or upwir ‘sy
payable in three and six months, under that sum, in
thiee months.
1). C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
nk shellac
THLE undersigned requests all those who have any
Claims or Demands, against Plantation Palmyra, to
render them to him without delay.
1 Jan. B. JEFFERY, qq. Pin. Palmyra,
View original f ‘ ‘ ‘ oS : —
TIT undersigned havine formerly contracted to
keep that part of the public road in order which
between plantations Giebhroeders and Lav/uchs
» Situate
within (he river Berbice, aquaints those whom it may
concern, (hat his contract has expired: and that he
will not be responsible for the future state of tl
and bridges between the
and affer the present date.
Berbice Ist January 18.4.
J. van pen BROEK
le reads
alore sata plantations from
View original kw fT j
Non Onyerwaot
' tT
q)] v r | '
} } —
Clay the eV 84
I rece!
iT] CX
: ,
l (me hiv
View original eee
BY the undersigned, reasonable, for cash. the
following articles, tinported in the dian, Capt.
Brann, from London,
Rounds of spiced beef, pickled tripe in kees and
Jars, ox toneucs in firkins, cheese, pickled oysters
and muscles in pots, vinegar in Jugs, Frenclr olives,
old Port wine, refined sugar, brown stout, gentlemen
dress, hair dress, and walking shoes, planters strong
do., Hessian boots, gentlemen best patent silk hats,
ladies & gentlemen's fine cotton stocking, stationary
assorted, inoltled soap, mould candles, eun powder,
Also on hand from former imporlalioos :
Bost Trish mess beefand pork in 4 barrels, butter in
Whole and 4 fitkins, pearl barley, split pease, pickles
assorted. ready made and flower of mustard, saga,
rtsins tiboxes, small setts of earthenware in barrels
and crates of ditto, fine old’ Madeira in bottles, brown
stoutin blds. &e.—I]5 Jan. G. BONE & Co.
View original POR SALE,
PRY the Subscriber, on Lot No. 21. for immediate
Payment ia cash or prodiuee, ata very reduced price
— Vow Cod Lish, inSquintal casks & by 30 Ibs., po-
fatocs, neat tongues in hegs, and Archaneel tar.
View original ee
BY the Subscriber, Near Madeira Cod fish, im-
porred via Demerary, in the ship Lune, from New
foun Hand, ind, 6G, and S quintal casks, and by the
hundred weteht, for immediate payment,
8 Jan. Cu. AYTE.
View original —— a
, - % Ptvay Y
Perbice, Wte Jan.
TRNOERS tn Triplicate, marked *Tenders for
SN? willbe reeeived at this Othee until Friday
morning the Vist mst. at 1Oo0’cloek, for two bills of
KK 159. eseh. drawn on the Richt Hon. the Paymias-
ters Coonewal. ar OO days stebt,
JON S. WILSON, Commissariat.
-—_*? fj -—_——_ ay
View original — ot — -
Berbice, \Sth Jan.
_ ANY person holdiag Demands, either ceainst this
Deprardneat, or Deputy Assitant Comuniss: ary Cen,
Benor, are desired to send jaa statement thereof to
the subscriber, on or before the [st Februar ¥ ensuing
afier which day no further notice can be taken of
a a 7
—_—_ — = ——___
~ —___._.».
TUE sheer: Heroes tor Sale a few Cashs
Newtuundland iish,
from the latest arrivals.
View original ~——_a—4s>saams
FOR, Plaotation daesbure, 125° Negro jackets,
125 do. hats. PE barrel tar, 1 do. pitch, J do. barley
and Ldo. brown sugar.—'Tenders for the above arti-
cles. or may part thereat will be reeeived by (he sub-
scriver tl Monday the 24th inst. «f LO 0’cloek tn the
morning, when they will be opened, and the lowest
offer, tor cash, ifapproved of, accepted.
JoJan. J. M.C. REUSS, qq.
eee —D]ae?->a
View original
Till Subscriber, in addition to Medicines receive
ed per the Loi Blantyre, is now landing from on
board the dan, Capt. Brann, from London, the fol-
lowing articves, warranted fresh and genuine.—Pale
and velbow bark powder, concentrated essence bark
new tngland castor, balscin tolv: oxymel of squills
blue galls, Paytherius’s improved Chaltenham salt
powder casearilla, oil of amber rict: arsenic, salt of
Tartar, verdevris, Hoffinan’s anod liq: seveis, spirits
nitre, athier, chamomile flowers in lb. bottles, blist-
ering, gion & mer: platsters, vuueper bornis, gum
tragacanth, rhubarb, jalap powder, pewter bed pans,
wide mouth botiles with glass stoppers from I Ib. to
4 once, avd best blacking, &c.
J5Jau. W. B. LIOT.
View original — — ee
T o Woodcutters and Carpenters.
WANTED a house frame of bullytree wood,
feet long 1) IS feet wide, two stories high, viz.—the
first 12 teet, and the second 9 feet, with a caltory of
10 tect all round the lows r story—also the hinsles.
materials, and worl mianisliiys, required for finishing
the same asa dwelling house.— Any person wi ling
to contract for the same on very reasonable terms.
mnay obtain further Information and see the pl in, by
pplywg to this Printing Ottice. Joth Jan.
View original PROCLAMATION.
DY Wis Ere i: Rey the Governor anid the Te-
noralle Court of Policy and Criminal Justice,
Of the Colony Berbice.
To all bo whom the se presents may or shall cone :
be ik knocon:
ae it has pleased Tis Royal Tighness tha
Prince Recent, inthe name and on behail of
His Majesty the Wing of Great Britain, to Appoint
His Excellency Hexrny Winnias Bexrixex, Es.
quire, to be Lieutenant-Governor of this Colony :—
And His Excellency Licutenant-Governor BENTINCR
having this day received over the Civil Administra-
tion of the Colony Berbice, and Presidency of the
Courts, from = His xecllency Major Grant, and
being duly installed in the Governnent of this Colo-
ny and its Dependencies. —We have deemed it ne-
cessary to give official information thereof to the In-
habitants of Berbice, ordering and enjoinme every
one to regulate themselves accordingly, and to res-
pectandacknowledge THis Excellency Henry Wit-
WAM Benrinex as Lieutenant-Governor of this Co-
Thus done and published at the Court House of
the Colony Berbice, this 3d day of January. ISI:
present, His Excellency Hf. W. Bentinck, Licute
nant Governor, and the Honorable Members LE. €.
\bbensets, J McCamon, James Fiaser, Po Fairbairn
and G. Munro.
By Command of the Court.
R. Cc. DOWNER, Sec.
— ——_ A ____
View original ERBICE,
By Mis Excellency Warxrv Wirriay Dex-
TINCK, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gozernor, and
Commander in Chief in and over the Sell! men
of Berbice with its Di perdencies, and Piesi-
dent in all Courts aud Colh ves wiih the sain ,
Ac. Ac. Ac.
HEREAS His Royal Michne-s the Prince
Recenv, inthe nameand on behalfof His
Majesty, has been pleased to Appoint me Licute-
nant-Governor of this Scdlement.—PRy Virrer. of
the Powers inme vested, [po herehy Order and Di-
rect, that all persons holding or excrelsing any Of-
hee within thisGovernment and possessed of Come
Missions granicd to them by any (ormer Governor or
Othcer Administering the Goverment of this Settles
ment, shall, within Ti Days, from the Pubtication
hereof, exhibitat the Government Sccratary’s Ollice,
their respective Commissions. or other Warrant, by
Which they hold or exercise their said emplovoents.
And moreover that they do continue to exercise. and
enjoy the same, unGiliny further pleasure be made
Given under mv Hand and Seal at A rms, at Go-
vernment House, Berbice, this 7th day of January,
IST4, and Puty loath year of His? hajesty’s Reign,
By Wis Feee"ency’s Command.
B. P. TUCK NISS, Assist. Gov. See.
-__.—__. __.
View original BERBICL. ,
HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has been
pleased to Appoint Praxctis Witte, Esquire, Co-
verament Secretary of this Colony.
Govceriament louse, 7th January, IS14.
By Command,
B. BL PUCKNESS, Assist. Gov. Sec.
oe Pa ; ae
Kine’s flouse, Vth Jan 18)4.
THE Lieutenant-Governor will attend at. the
King’s House, New Amsterdam, for the Dispatch of
Public Business, from Ten o’clock in the MOF,
until Two o'clock in the afternoon, onthe Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, anc fridays, of every
week ; At which time of Attendance, a blag will be
hoisted over the portico of the House.
By His Pacellency’s command.
I’. WHITE, Goy. Sce.
enantio eee
View original Gee soe es 2 ww ewe ss ee See eee 2 ee ve
THI! Planters and Inhabitants are required, (o give
info this Office, areturn of all W hifte, free coloured
Persons, and Slayes.—And the Planters are to make
a Iteturn, on Oath. of al] Produce Sold Shipped,
and delivered from Estates. commencing Ist July
and ending 3ist December. IS13, in the course of
the present month : defaulters will be reported to the
Kiscal.—AIl Accounts due this Oftlice, will be given
over to the Deurwaarder, as the Receiver finds it im-
possible to pay the Demands on the Office
Berbice, Ist January. IS14.
\. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen
View original mY =) Yy ’ yr y r
i 4 [ ( / f 07 j 4
IS] 4
r . M4 / } 1
lye Dov l \¢ ! i} I S bcen picaseca
-~! ‘7 seorcr 4 —_ 4 .
make the follo YT AMNpommients :
Hubert de Salve.
R.€. Downer, and ( I:
Francis White.
lobe THis Excellency’s Aid-de-Camps. with the Co
lonial rank of Liecutenant-Culonels.
Bay Conimas
MWR, Gov. cee
View original MARSHAL’s OFFICE.
WITEREAS 1 the undersigned have recetved
from Eneland the Newspapers containing the adver-
tisement calling upon the Creditors of the Estate of
[lenny Crorr, dec.—Notice is hereby given, that
the said Creditors are hereby called, to appear be-
fore the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session on Monday the 24th January, IS/!, for che
purpose of there rendering their claims, aud further
(o proceed according to Law.
Berbice, SIst December, 1813.
RK. FRANCKEN, First Marsha’.
View original WITEREAS I the undersigned have received (rom
England the Newspapers, containing the Advertise.
ment calling upon the Creditors of the Surrendered
Istate of Heywood & Tsylor, Notice ts hereby giv-
en to the Public, that the said) Creditors, by virl(ne
ofan Appo‘ntinent obtained by W. Leacn and W.
Prasenry, Curators to aforesaid Jistate, under date of
29th November, IS1S, from His Excellency the Go-
vernor, are hercby SUMMONED, To appear before
the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday
(he 24th January, IShi, and following days, for the
purpose ¢f there rendering their claims acainst the
said Surrendered Estate of Heywood & Taylor, and
further to proceed according to Law.
Berbice Sd Dee. IS13.
Kh. PRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original 4 °
Sales by Execution.
BY virtiic of an appointnient, granted by the (To.
norable Court of Civil Justice, of ihe. colony, upon
a petitton of Evan & Angus Fraser & Co. asa branch
of Campbells Fraser & Co., under date of 20¢h No-
vember, ISIS.
Nolice ts hereby given: That Tthe ance rsiened,
First Marshalot the Courts of this colony, will Sel!
tu presence of twe Councellors Commissaries and
retry Seerctary, by Public Eacecution Sale. on Vues.
day the Istday of February, 1814, the Cotton L's.
fate called
the property of Hugh B. Inglis, situated on the Co-
rentine coast, with all ifs cultivation, slaves, build-
Ings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging *
Whoever should drink to have any neht, interest
or Claim onthe atoresaid Plantn. Clifton, and wish-
es to eppose the sale dhereof, lét such person or
persons address themselves to me the first Marshal,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
lime and form; as Lherchy give notice that I will
lecelye Opposition from every one thereunto quali-
ued, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, aud further act. thereon as
the law directs.
he sale is to take place on the spot.
Berbice, 4th December, 1813.
RK, Francxen, First Marshal.
View original NOTICE,
All persons having Claims, of any description,
against ihe late Firmof D. Martin & Ce. are hero-
by for the last time requested, to render in the same
properly attested tothe undersigned within the space
of one month from date of this alvertisment, for set-
tlement ; and those indebted to the aforesaid Firm, to
make speedy payment, as the undersigned must pro-
ceed to harsh and ¢{lectual measures on those, in or-
der to meet the first mentioned claims.
For the late Firm of D. Martin & Co
Sheet Almanacks
For the year 1814, for this Colony,
/ —
eure * * = =
View original Thans ter dezer Drukkery te bekomen, yoo
Prys f3.
Ken Plak-Atmanak,
Berekend voor deze Koloniec, voor den jare 18] 4.
t kassa,
=e a)
View original — a - —_
P, lished CUCT YU Salurday at 4 o’eloc} P. 2
by W. SCHULZ & Co.
Prive eged Government Prin

19 January 1814