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The Berbice Gazette

View original BY order of His Excellency the Governor, No-
fice ishereby given: ‘That the next ordinary Sessions
of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, appointed to be
held on Monday the 19th April, is, on account of the
intervening Holidays, prorogued and appointed to
take place on Monday the 26th April.
King’s House; Berbice, t3th Feb.
By Mis Exvcellency’s command.
Tu. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec.
. ee” nia
Vendue Office. -
IS hereby given lo all those indebted to this Ofice,
that unless they come forward with payment of their
respective Accounts, before Monday the Sth April
ensuing, they will on that day be pnt into the hands
of the Marshal, without respect to persons.
27 March. G. BONE, qq. .
— = -—— —
The Sal of lico thirds of Lot No. 71. Corcalyn,
with the Slaves, “ve. adcertisced lo leke place on the
19th April ne cl, is postponed until further notice.
20 March. G. BONE, qq-
—— =< ————— I,
Public Vendues.
On Thursday the 1st April, will be sold at the Vendue
Office, —Centlcinens coats, waisteoats, paniaioons, bree.
ches, shirfs, ladics & gentlemensdlack stk stockings, do.
glove bs kh, brown, \ green broad ¢ loths, baimbeszets,
Mustins, waistcoals pattcrus, tin ware, buives, forks, desk
mountings, door hooks, brass castors, Ac. Also a few
casks of salt fish, which willbe sold wathont reserve, and
iilote to suit purchasers, -Jvhnsow pucts in 49 vols..
Kocyclopedia 23 vol., adas, &¢. emply puncheons, 2 or
S pipcs old Madeira, Ke.
By orhr of Capt. Brand, getMemens Londoa made
Coats & Miols, bouks, Ac.
Py order of ..C. Atbensels, Plu. Planters Welvaren,
in Canje, with the buikiiegs and further appurtenances
thereuoty belengiug. the upper halt of lot Ny. 39 second
( enipo cer loves ctel leet mail oiafis, & Megtess oud
Washer aud hou vant,
CG. BONL, qa.
On the Sth Ay ul, by erder of U4. Porder, £ }. on
lot No. Mw, the whole of hie household 1 irniiure, 2 Ne.
£roes, Ohe a coud . arpailer, the viher a rwrer,
G. BONE, aq.
ee eee 5. See
View original FOR GLASGOFY,
Loader ot Demerary.
ene . , Pe 4 be "
T aQlmelh the Agred conray,
sate The well known Ship Aurora.
M. McDOUGAL, Master.
Dor freight or passage apply to
THE aacersign © peo stuively intend te depart tor
Burepe with the rest convoy, tor which th» ve.
questing CVETV Perc O come forward with pay.
meat, and those bow beve any claims agaist them
to callh for (hrs Come, Caltys¢ tlre wey neof ‘io a. I
pointed with (iced patsses. 4 —
6 March. Co! PARTIES.
— _—<— a —— ———
Dio ondergetechendens van hier naar Europa ver-
trekkende positively hk, met de vloet die zeilen zal in
de maand April acostaande, Caarom wordt een jeder
verzoyt die tes tc pretendeten bec ven hun, vol-
doening te hanmentontyany oa, en die verschuldigd
zyn betaliny homen doen, op dat zy by bet afhalten
hhuanner passen nie mogea vo. hinderd wordens
THE House and quarter Lot No.3 in this town,
in excellent co ulilion, bherdveod frame, AD ivet long
and 20 broad. a story and a hall beigh, taised on
Mocks 3 feet high, with a new sidé building, @1 feet
long and J>broad. hardwood frame. boarded with
crab planks, covercd with wallaba shingles, divided
in several apartments to serve as oul ollices, 2 lire
vater vals, dately built, wanden, &c., railed in’ with
slabs.— Terns ot payinent will be made casy to an
approved purchaser—for further particulars apply
on aforesaid lot to ifs proprictor. ; ;
6 March. A.G. CAKMER.
= ee en
THE Subscriber intending te leave this colony,
with next convoy, requests that all demands against
him may be rendered forexamination and payment,
and those indebted come forward with payment in all
this month.—6 March. JOUN. CROFT.

- LN
Dir genen dic iets te pretenderen hebben van den
ondergelechende, gelieven hunnae pretenticn intele-
veren by den Heer J. g. Tiesoer, en die verschul-
_ digd betalingen aldaar komen doen, alzoo hy voor-
nemens is Dinngu hort yau hier te verirekken.
6 Maart. PY. A. MENTZ.
View original THE Public are Fetuicgl gyi ke Notic?, that the
Convoys, for the present yA, are arrang
from Demerary al the following periods :
Aprilat the Lull Moon.
Juae at the Full Moon.
July at the Full Moon.
The trade from Demerary will be joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Island, from whence they will
proceed to the place of general rendez vous.
ed to sath
NEW AMSTERDAM, AZarch 20th 1813.
— ES
The Printers grateful tothe Public for favors re-'
ctived, begs their further assistance by the payment
during the present month, of their Accounts of 1812.
View original
View original BOSTON, Feb. 17., 181%.
On Monday evening, the United States’ frigate Const.
(ution, Commodore Bainbridge, arrived in this harbour,
fron a cruize of about 100 days, in which she captured
awl destroyed the British frigate Java, Capt. Menury Laine
bert, which ia Steele's List is rated $6 guns PLut it is sad
mounted 49.—The following particulars & the fourth
brilliaut achievement of our gallant navy, have been re.
ecived from an oflicer of the Constilution.—
“On the 29th Dee. fast, in lat. 13.6. lone 8s. W,
about ten leagues from the coast of Brazils, the Const/.
tution fell in with and captured his Britanuic Maje ty's
frigate Java, of 49 guns, and manned with upwards of
100 men. g The action continued 1 hour and 55 minutes,
in which time the Java was made a complete wreck, hav.
img her bow sprit aud every mast aud spar shot out of her.
“The Constitution had 9 men Killed amd 25 wounded ;
the Java had 60 killed and 10L wounded, among the lat
fer was Capt. Lambert, a distinguished Oticer, who dicd
of his wounds at St. Salvador, 5 days after the battle.
*-The Java was rated a 38, but mounted 49 guns. She
was just out of dock, aud fitted in the most complete
manner, docarry out Lt. Gen, Hislop, Governor of Bom.
bay, and his suite; wees Capt. Marshall, a Commaadee
in the British navy ; ata amber of naval Otlicers, gue
iug to join the British ships of war in the Past Indics.
**Besides those, and having her own cowplemeut of o
ficers and men complete, she had upwards of Vo.supe
nhumeraries of pelty-oficers, and seamen forthe \dmirgl’s
shin, aud other vesse!s in the Fast India stations. 4:
wsv had dispatehes fiom the LB itish Government for St.
Ufelena, the Cape ef Good Hope, and to every Uritish
Establichavent iW the ose Judie and China Seas 5 and had
copper on board fora 7 deguu slip and 2 stoops of war
building at Bombay—eodatis preewmed, much ofing va.
luables, ail of which were blown up in her on th: sist
Dec. when she was set on fire. “The Constifetion was
considerably cut taspars, rigging, aod sails; but uot so
much wjured buts she: could have cemmenced another ac.
lion immediately after the capture of tae Jawa, which late
ter vessel was inade @ complete unmanageable wreckh—alk
the officers and stamen taken in the Jaca were paroled
by Commodore bambsricge, aud Jandedon the Sd Jan, at
St. Salvador.”
‘The effiecrs of (re Jaca state, (rat the Essex had cap.
turcd asloop of war and four neh y
The orvet whieh sailed in company with the Coustic
futron, was left off St. Salvados, on the Gth Jan. watchimg
a Britihstoop of war, the Bonne Ciloycnne, said vo nave
avove a million of do larson board, Phe lornct haa Cape
turd the schooaer (4:42 trom London for St. Salvador,
ret of the cargo which bb on board tre Constilution—aud
had reeaptured:the Am aead ship Wideem, of Portland,
‘with salty which had been ¢ y tured By the Java, ‘The
William was left at Sv. Salvator. The Jlornet had part.
ed from the Con:titation before the batthe.
The Mon/teur of iM sts t Dee. contains the following
notes on an articie which appeared in au English Paper,
stating, that the Fresch wee nae to evacuate Spain,
and be canfined to Fravce, and (hat Lord Walpole had
arrived at Viacuna,
Ist. $+ Par from evacuating Sy ain, fresh troops are
marching tutther, Our armics have rendered all your
ehurls vam; and yweur pounp and your (reaure are
exhausted in thiv Cont st, disproportion to your popu.
lation, and the wants of your esablicfiments in’ Asia
and Anmuwrica. Spain belonss to the French dynasty ;
nO human eflort cau proven il.
2d. Sthyen Holland, Rome, Tuscany, Piedmont,
Belzium, the county of Nice.” That weald be tine!
But what so much moderation | why stop in so fine a
career? Why not dake advautese of the moment, and
divide France? believe we, that shoaktl you even col.
lect, in a Corps de Nation, Ue 20 er 25 miltiuns of
mony, who are su Near you, you will can danger. See
arate them—again mahea Duke of Bure undy, a Duke
of Aquitaine, a Duke of Normandy, a Duke of Brit.
anny; then only you will have scott '! Do you
remembee the fine times of Charles le Temeraire, and
those of the House of Montfort?) ‘That would be very
fine, would it not? Put whilst you dream of these
wonders, Freland seperates herself from you; your
country is revolutiouized; the Continent is already
without San udence upon your administration; cven
Russia, a t present so de: ir, will not have your mauue
facturad mete aid.ze,
Sd ** Fortunately for the Continent, France and
Austria are inseparable : it was the alitance of 1756,
which created the marine that deliverd AMeric —Sord
Walpole is no longer at Vienna; he was not listened to,
No coutinental Power will separate from France ; all
will be deaf to your intrigues. Besides, forty millions
of Frenchmen fcar nothiog. Woe to you if any weak
cabinet hearken to your councils. You will still) be
cause of increasing the force of Franee : 400,000 men
are actually on foot in the interior of France, without
reckoning the armies in Spain, and the Graud Army,
No fresh assistance of men or money is necessary to
France ; but if they werc—if the destinies of the em.
pire were menaced, know that 300,000 men, and 300
millions are every year forthcoming. Jt will neither
cost the nation men nor money to support its consider.
ation, and the general safety of the empire, of Italy,
rnd the Confederation of the Rhine.
4th, Look at the state of your affairs; they ex.
claim moderation, modcration, moderation!
View original
View original
The following document is stated to be a circular sént
by M. Champagny to informers employed by the French
Government, io communicate the state of commerce, of
which there is said to be one in ezery principal port of
Europe and America. Doubts naturally arise of the au.
— <i FS ee lk
View original
View original Marshal's Office.
Iirst’ Proclamation,
BY virtue of authority obtained from the Hénor-
Able Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 6th
March ISI3_ ona petition of Nagutey and Firz-
Geranp, Merchants of Demerary, as Agents for the
Mercantile House of Laing Turinc & Co of Lon-
don. )
Notice is hereby given: That I the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in prescrice of twe Councellors Commissaries and
their Secretary, by Public Eecution Sale,on Wed-
nesday the 12th May Is13.
Lhe Colton Estate named
situate on the west sca coast of this celony, with all
itS cullivation, buildings, slaves, and other appuel-
enances and dependeneies thereto belonging, all con-
furmable (to an In-yentory formed thereof, and lying
atthe Marshal's Office for the inspection of those
whom itmay concern, Said Bstate being the pro-
perly of Duotey Wanpr.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on the abovementioned Plantation ¥eor,/
Mlace, wl its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this Saie by Jvceution, let him or them addres then.
selves to me the undersigaed. declaring their reason
for so doing, tn @ lecwd manuer in wilting, as here.
by give notiee that bNallreceiye opposition from all
Intermediate person or persons, eppoiut them a da
fo have their claims heard before the Couct, and fur-
fher act thereon ace oping to Law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
selec. on Plantetion beovil Place, and saake their
yroftol the seme.
This birst Proclamation published by beat of drum
accordin to custun.
Berbiet, VF March IS)3.
fh. PRANCKUN, Fivet Marshal.
ee er a
: S4A4Lii ry EAECUTION. )
Jirst Pre lamation
BY vittee of a Waits of Uxceution, granted
by His bxectleoey Kornure Gorno»w, Ciovernor
Generalin and over the Colony of Berbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Adiotral, and President of all
Conrts and Colleves within (hie sane’, Nec. XC. &c.
Upon a petition presented by R. Barses, Attor-
newol Joke Church, versus, in. Burtoy, under
date of Tih deb. isi’.
T the wndersicned First Marshal of both the llon.
Courts of this colony, shall cy pose aml selleat public
> eee. —
evecttion sale, in presence of (06 Con wcifors Com-
missaries, amd theic Secretory, al th Court house of
this «louy, on Wednceday dhe @iet Ayal Dt, al
Jl ovelock in the for : of that car
A quart of Lot No. 30, situatedin te rst. nepolder
oOo; Now Anosterdam. weit la 1 Peanih te cs iTre-tee iy
a Side builling anka Dwetitiow House, of Ines ord,
afinished, the property of tik. Bucou aloresnud.
Wimever should think Co biaye wty riety interest,
or Chait, on the a oOreime Rtoned prarl Of boot No.
10, (with al tue buitdiags thereon), and wishes
to oppow the sale thereol, let such petson, or per-
sons, address himselt to me the tiest Marshal, Gccla-
ring their reason for such oppesifien im die Gime and
form, as [ hereby ceive notice that Twill recejye Op-
position from every one (hereunto qualified, Appoiual
thein a dav to have his or her claim beard betorn the
Court, and further act thereun accoiding ty siyle and
Vhis First Proclamation made known fo the public
by beat of drum, fraui Gre Courthouse of tris colony,
al ul further dealt wilh als customary. ’
Benoice, 21 March Isis.
° IW. Peancnen, First Marshal.
cma t *
Livst’ Proclamation,
BY virtuc ofa Writ vf Uxccution granted by the
Flonorabte Court of Civil Jostices of this colony, up-
on a potilion presented by J. Eb. Tirnorn, fora se-
con] Lewy, wuler date of 6th March IS!3, versus,
P.J. Rocnerer.
{ the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, shall expose and sell at public Execu-
tion Sale, ja the presence of two Councelloys Cam-
missaries, and their Secretary, on Wednesday the 7th
April, IS1O, at the Courthouse of this colony, at 1]
o'clock in tie furenoon of Uiat day :
A Negro Ciirl named LLarriet, the property of
aforesaid P. J. Roederer.
W hox ver should think to haye my richt, interest
or claim on the aforementioned Negro Girl, and
Wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address himself to me the first Marshal, de-
waring his reason for such Opposition, in due time
and form, as | hereby give notice, that | will receive
opposition from every one, thereuate qualified, ap-|
View original
View original

27 March 1813