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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1Slb.)
View original —~+- -——
Twelve dollars p. annum.
View original ————————
Berbice, 10th January, 1815.
Rice, Corrre, Muscovano Sucar, VINEGAR,
uci Woon, Caxours, Lampe ois,
and Cotton Wick.
PIE? SANS desirous of entering info Contracts,
from the 25 h January instant, to the 2tth December
following, fOr supplying any or all of the above arti-
cls, of th: best quality, and insuch quantitics as may
frou time (otime be required, subject to the apprev-
al of a Voard of Sarvey, on delivery, at the Coin-
ty). sriat or Quarter. and Barrack-Stores, Fort St.
ocr, are hereby informed, that Tenders, in Tri-
oales wil. be reecived at this Office until Monday
hires. at 10 0’oloch in the morning; ‘The pri-
ihe Yo
ces to be stated in Sterling money ; all packages con-
sidered the property of Government and‘ no allow-
ance nate for them, Mode of payment, cash or a
Government billat 4 | Ssterl. per dollar, at: the op-
tion of the Subscribers two Securides to be named in
the Tendor, Mainay be necessary to observe, that
should the colony during the above period cerse to
be under British dominion, Uae contracts will be an-
TW. WENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen.
View original
Berbice, 10th Jauuury, Isto.
SUCH persons as may be willing to enter to
Foutracts, for the same period, and on the same
terms as those specified in the above Advertisement,
to furnish Six able bodicd Negroes and a Cooper, for
the Commissariat Department, are informed, that
Sealed Teoaders, in) Priplicate, will be received at
this Oiler. votil Monday the 23d tust. at 10 o'clock
inthe mormon. The names of two persons as Secu.
Tities for the one performance of the contract, to be
siated in the Souder.
H. WENDY, Dep. Aet. Com. Gen.
-—_ @&- —we-—----— =
Derbice, “13th Fanuary, IS15.
WANTED sor the Use of lis Majesty s ‘Troops,
in this colony,
eo) Pouneds of Coffee, and
4 QO Pound's of Sucor,
Tenders forthe soppy of which, will be received at
this Office, natit Thursday next the 19th inst. at 10
o'clock in the morrnioe.
HW. EN OYV, Den. Assist. Com. Gen,
. oe eww -- ee «0 ee
——_— - -
View original aaa ame F
@ oo —
By the subseiib
of the following fresh Dutch
PFoVis.ous, lately ae port d, for cash :—
New berr nein kegs,
Dotlrer in ditto,
Swoctrolh eleese in boxes,
Lanner difto,
Potatoes tin firge hampers.
White wine Vinegar in jugs,
Choice Rhine-wire in boxes containg 24 boitles,
Smoke Vebrcco in sniall eases
Very g e oud eree a
14 Jan. Ji, TH SNSMA.
View original Tis | , O ¢ OP
By denon dere etec ken de de volgen ide onlangs
anneebrachte versche Iollandsche provisien,
voor cussa:i—
Nieuwe haring in vaatjes,
Boater in dito,
Zoete melhsche Kaas in kisjesy
Mdaramer dito,
Zceuwsche en Vricsche aardappelen
in eroote mande ny
Foor coece wille w ynazyn in pullen,
Beste R hynsehe wyn in kisten van Q4 hotte Is,
Extra gocde gchorvene rook ‘Tabak in kisjes,
En zeer goede groene thee
“NOTICE.—The undersigned requests his
LTriends and the different Shippers, who have enga-
ged Room in the Brig Jairy, to send their Produce
alongside with as little delay as possible, in order
fhat no doubt may be entertained of her not being
able to leave here with the first convoy.
34 Jan. duo. SINCLAIR.
View original ~
View original SATURDAY. JANUARY 1
View original TENDERS
FOR 40 squire bales of clean Cotton, from Plant.
Kendall’s, will be received by the Subscribers, at
Mr. Jno. CrofUs, New Atmsterdam, until Wednes-
day the 25th January, when the highest, if approv-
ed of, will be accepted.
J. TAPIN, for self and
I+ Jan.
IPPON, Sequesters.
i I
View original ae
IS hereby, that Mr. A. Worschner has past his ge-
neral power of \tlorney on the Subseriber, to col-
leet all outstanding debts as Goods and Open Ac-
counts jor delivered bread aad biscuit, Gherelore Che
Subscriber informs to all eboney entice ry to eume
forwards wih payment, being otherwise ta the me-
cessity to sus dor the same; and further le tarouns
that Mr. Kerschner not) eau give donger credit: ivr
bread, &e. as to be paid every month.
14 Jan. F. b. ADER, qq.
— ———»_ oe el
ON Briday the 27th jostant with be dle poset )!
among the (rcditers ot Plontuicon Oi flow and 6.7 or
RB. Inglis, at the Louse of Som, Pras ory Beg. in New
Aimsterdam, 20a 20 bales Co tog. AXadatals . ae
fine, by Order of fo Toone: ot rrrbor Cived otis.
Lee, tine Creditors of said Pesta rac NT. I>. laoth.
will Choose two a
tives, dari the
TENDERS for £0 to Quod ponnds firs
quality Coffee, the gros th ot boston aolloraae
willbe reeeived at the Scer (uy ty Qince, or diy coe
omy yg antil Phinasday the PO: ast. wit attoe lowest
offer, inp) proved of, wilh bs 9 epic’) mye t fo be
made in cash, and the colle to be dcetiyvercd on th.
estate. G. PAUERS, ? See
14 Jan. Jovan vuy BRON QO
ee Me Gr” SS oe oe lle
one Coins ay ter e€e@) rescits.
i usieeship. i | e thle
View original wae oi eo” BD
Berhice, Bist December, ISI.
Biank Returns, tor /lead and (righ Nice Ys
to be made in the ensuing month by Plantations oad
fadividuals, are now rei ly for delivery. Notice is
hereby given: that no Returns for eaber will be re-
ceived, but those that ave issued from this Office.
DANIELALLT, Dep. Ree. Gen.
FOR the wse of the Civ Commissary Department,
Tico Fundecd and Foity Rrnches Plantains
weekivy for further poartentirs, sy pltesfion to be
made at the Govercuont Secor tery ’s Office,
beibre Cy cist Doce yeis.
mM TES Noting Com,
SS Pinte - s => am *
Tl © OF twelve { fren that ps verse Ky first Qe ality cot
fee. trom Plantation a’ ldwerd, for y biel ‘Renders
willbe received tul the 2¢nd January next, ato the
house of Win. Fraser, Ese, where a semple of the
same may be seen; the coffee to be received by the
purchaser, on the Estate, and payment to be nad
in colony inoney.
IL. C. ADBENSETS for sclfand
7 Jan. M. RADER, Sequestrators.
View original i eee one
TH Creditors of) plantation 7. cthorken: ty, are
hereby invorined, that CO bales of rood clean Cotton,
will be sold amongst them, at the Store of Messrs.
Douglas Reid & Co. on the 25th I anuaryy, Next.
SI Dee. C. DOU hag rustces.
THER TY bales of good clean Cotton, will be sold

fo the Credttors of Plantation Poon ficld, on the 25th
January next, al the Store of Sfessrs. Pouglas Reid
& Co, WwW. TAAVSON. a .
St Dec. C. DOUGLAS § Trustees.
—_—_ —
SIXTY bales of gocd clean Cotton, will be sold
amongst the cr <ditors of plontation Past Lothian,
on the 24th J anuary, at the Store of Messrs. Dou-
glas Reid & Co, S. KENDALL, dp ,
31 Dec. C. DOUGLAS, g *tUstees-
View original (No. 533.
am. a=W
View original oa
eo —————— ———$$——_—_ —
[ Payabie € an a keanre e.
View original TENDERS
Frow 20 or 30 bales of good clean cotton, from
Plantation Palmyra, will be received at the house
of Dr. Jeffery, in New Amsterdam, until Fridey the
20th instant, when they will be opened, and the
highest offer, if approved of, be accented,
7 Jan. - Bo JRPPERY,
THIRTY thousand pounds. first quality Coffe,
orin quantities not less than 10,000 lbs. from Pla: -
‘ation Augsburo, will be received at the house of J.
Go. Phiensma, Psq. were asvnpleis tobe seen,
ttil the 8th of this month, when the highest Pen-
derwitll, ifapy oved of, accepled.—pzynient to be
mode ticolony currency.
7 Jan, C.D. TORT, Seriba.
—_ ___
Pi ondergeteckenden, zoo wel tn privé als voor
de Vina von Dehnert and Zimmerm ao, author seerd
ea volmaotiod by dezea, den beer Po ae Goes, om
AN ue stig te pretention Infeworderen: en dav voor
enifantie te passeren, zttlende zulls bes: bouwd wore
denalsdeor temzcive rene rod,
JLAL DOH N GRP, privé, en qq.
7 Aon, Pet ot & Zyromernian
—_- Ss —- a
View original FOR. SALE
— Pathe § subse rile
Long leat tobacco f 9-1 per Ib.
Negro rum f I-10 per gailon.
St.iped Negro blan' ets £48. per dozen.
Negro hats f° 22. per dozen.
Negro lined jackets fSt. per dozen.
Two gallon juss print ol f 16-10.
Keys White lead 28 Ibs. f 16-10.
Florence oi perbottle ft.
Lenershire hams f 1-5. per {b.
Hung beet f 1-5. per tb.
Potatoes per homer (9. &e.
. Boxes ling-fish f 16-10.
7 Jan. Jno. WULFFE.
———— ee
cr: —_——
View original lh i
TOE Lottery of Mr. A. Fleury, will hike plice
on the 22d of January next, at the New Town Lae
vern, at 2 o'clock in the aiternoon,
7 lan. A. FLEURY,
View original ————
TWO hundred thousand Ears of Corn, to be sold
reasomibly y On plantation Merville, hast Cuast.
[' Pee,
View original SECRETARY's OFFICE.
This is to inform the Public, that the following pere
sons tatond quitting this Coletin,
Yi. Manvhkiin O weeks from Dec. $.
Mverhbardus ten Bosch in do. from do.
ureen Samuels in ditto from ditto.
If. Ge kman and Servants, in 6 weeks from Dec. 2§,
J. U. TPilkemeger, in 6 weeks from do.
_ R. C. DOWNER, Seer.
View original (LO rs i
ad (1) kK
7 ¥ >
Cle a .
rita ul ( ' l (
’ f - = i 7

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View original
View original eae — — — —_
a 4
Coir trosut G?aiicee,
berd a) ie il Sar. IS] °
N } rsoyry ! m4 ( ( { id. ! ) { mylyret
»° ‘ ; ‘ [. (
fro al yroaoaet Who bap ty ye bet Di “ol 4 Vent, fo fuse
,. ) YY ,. . ‘ -- ff } - :
? Poo acl ; ! 9 for {fre i y! {, . j vo
tee ’ yey . ‘al .
Pubateety vi hooaled Penloss ta Pris eet te
' mo . . - . ’, : 4 ‘
Tris 4 aa Log (1) ‘ " y mae oot my t. uf LQ) 4 ) I
. , . . . e
By Che ono. wml fly ids
perday. I}. Lia NADY, : ‘ i). 4 Cl. ( . s eae
rbicem annoy three ner len
View original LS ST I ED LT,
On a sects ae 4 wolf! fog ; * th « ‘7 a7... °°
Cae Othce the toll oT Spat i avpaater's a
[rosy ah coy phere in Legs,

Presi Of pucamdstWor rok ay i
} rot al \ \ : { cl e £0)" 7) / ( 5
Vv iol a? | | \ ! | 1 rym | ‘ - | 7
boo. bres shoes en I)
£ os! ( fo . ; | : ly: vy | K,
dy ) , | . Se Lh rary
Jute hes 1
( , \ . + 9 barry
sfraw | nf i! ( c | the
a teak sen vies yore Tote eR TESSOb Onperay!
Q? tn) \ »- ‘ r oN et veil i» ‘y Ire Vass
r= Vey moi i! ( 1)
View original
View original
View original —_—S rs aaa oe oe Oe >
FOR SALE by the undersi ened, new Cod
fishin Gand s quintal casks, fine sult in tierces and
barrels, erabwood lumber, &c.
]4 Jan. G. DONE & Co.
——_———_—S— CO
View original (-° G. PAU SLS presenteerd te Koon, CCl
Koty Order, Inidende alduss—"De Directeur van
Plantae Bases Lest, eelieve atleleveren aan den
Heer G. Panels, of Order, Vier daicend ponden Lof-
Jy. zynde tnrestitutie van Vebt duizend ponden door
Comelde Heer Paucls ecleend aan de Plantagie Ba-
ses Lust, op een Order van dato 1a December IS12,,
msde de prvs dor hoffy thins zoo veel hoger, waar-
om hetop de hellte is eestcld,.
berbice, 1S Aueustus, ISI.
(eeteekeid) LL. van ROSSUM.
oo _——_- -—-_. lr + or ili
NOViCL ts hereby givea to all those who
no y Deanclined do purchase from Georee Paucly Che
Coltee Order tor 4000 pounds 5 Chiat the sane wis
nero and wiven by the ualessigacd to tie sald Geo.
Panei, dona fide, and insupposidon tint his Ae-
stats oy Curafoe to tle Goedcot Buse wore correct:
thatou careluliv: Eexuminine ihe suid Goo. Powel "s
Accouns, the undersjened teund several S.crors,
and: Omissinas. A Statement whereoly be Che une
dersigaed, has alrendy submitted toad ts iow bes
lore Wie Lbonorable the Court of Civil dastice tor de-
cision, “Phatttas to be hoped tiation possum wah
yield Gr. Panets any facilicy ta aewociatuss, the une
cersigned’s Ouder, obwweed as ares J, as au or
nis pudle notice, the underieind shale cousider
htoscit entitled and in duty bouud to Contest the va-
tity of (ee satd Order dor the want of ec Cele
deri.dior, —l[d aun. L. VAN RO - L M, “de
TO all le ions ft 4 COMCE, lly l id Poe: “or 1 Vea
‘Ir. Joan Picdeute Gbermuliers, bav.ce 6 ote red hi
Cod rChOn ats my clostscant Veent, fb bave tho bow
proper fo Weeent Ol Tae sme, ba Conse pace o.
eli ty Chat si€lttatiud ds prove toncdly vaeuut.
oi Dee. Ao AL per ra COL RR,
Scent ciown Property.
-_—_—— ...._
--—~ + ~—
4 . hae - . a
i ae bie stoi iD wi.
Par CoP tneptiy ot AP Snlosh Carscron & Co,
sduy crosclvea by mutual couccnt. Person
PO iP CVU SD ES ihe STINE, MPO TO py cihutly lc-
qaosfoa te becder the same tor COUR LOR dad yp ly-
ie tie sy atat! Chose tndeived Co (ae Cones LN Wath ve as
pry Choir despective accounts, to cither uf Wie Lub-
SCfibuir. Aliawd. © LULRON,
D.C. CSM GON, dorselfand as
Sl ce. precueet bo Che Lestate of
‘| . Mlitosh, dee.
gene . : ’ ‘8 -°
2p" NOceTwwecT I yao ds wel | CTSOMS holaine De-
wa rdmscuie hale Chades ot hatosh. ot this co-
Ky eee TG Gre fo ta as Caely as: possbie :
e . :
wid bats bmeenoied to tris 23 Late, (oO Colne torwark
mace peey Cub as early ads Convert ae
° -
LD l. boxe if.
eo -2s —~-—- —
_~_--- an OO ee eee Oe =e + Se — - =
View original AbDSUON Prep
Fro plintation vior, No IG, Corr mfyars fie
nero Pom, be ts shout o fecrO ines, well aeale.
peaks rather heavy yanud asa neark on one al ties
cheehs 5) as Le tsa elevordoutman, it is stron I ste
cpecfed Chat he ts em, ! vod as such. — Woon ine
theretowe is edven fond) Siasteas of vess Us ancdeth Ts,
aol to emp! . or barbeur the satd ne: TO. Sy dn Closet
vase, the haw wilh be strie ly enforced against Mhe Or:
louderss; aresard of Jooo Jocs will i given to aay
on who shall aporchend and lodve the above
vied negro Lon, inthe Bartachs , or deliver hit to
ddr. TE. Ludhers in New Amsterdam. 31 Dec
View original -_——_—e—eeeoo— ee et
. a? ° \ . .?
Ps. AVOVW Ve ady al (lis ( Mice, a Sheet Alu
for this Colony, for the year IS15,
OM. te Eee Ee,
(ar A New Peper has been established in Deme-
rary, enlilled, © tue Guiana Curonicne avp
Grorce Town Gazerre,” by Mr. A. Stevenson.
The First Number was issued on the Qt instant. It
is published every Monday and hriday, afternoon—
Subscriptions to the above Paper, will be received at
this Ollice, as also for the
Lesvegicbe & Denerary,
and Loyal Gazchtes
View original
View original ———J]J =
=” 0 X- 8 Se
JANUARY Lt, 1818.
-—— YY fo
No arrivals in our Portthis wock either from Bus
rope or the Islands.
_-_<——F. =
Tuc Sprecn of Tiis Royal Thizhness the
Prince of WALES, REGEN’, in the
Naine and on Behalfof His MAJESTY.
os Oe.
View original Ay Lords, and Gentlemen,
thy iswith deep Regret that Tam again obliged te
eunounce the continuance of His Mijesty’s lamented
Tt would have given me great satisfaction to have
been enabled to communicate to you the termination
of the woe between this country and the United
Slates of Mracriea.
Althoveh this war originated in the most UNProve,
veeression on fire part of the Government ol the Unie
led) Stiles, and was calenlated= to promote the des
sizus ofthe common cacmy of Lurope agains! the
rthifs amd pach
pendence of all other Nations, T nes
yor ave coised to chfertian a sincere desire to Liing
foe couciesion on just aud honorable termy.
Dismay stil! emvecd in oe for tlits purposes
PSUCCESS GE Leu ait » howey CT, depend on my
USpostiion lene met with coor sponding pentibucnls
rive — ONE tg ee
ANC OPE GUS Ot sls Adijesty’s LOFCES Ivy eon 8 J
tad mathe Cheapeale in the course of the prescnt
rear, ave been attended with the most bristiant and
successtul re Boi 7
Pho {| reer Lol i: C Ci} yt rie Patuxent l VS heer
hos royed., oh, ay, lefeat of their laud Lo.ces
CMLL Pan le tac hin rent of Llts Mejesty’s arny to loke
posession oe the eily of Washinetons and the spirit
vfonterodze vihieh has characterised all the moves
ments in ihat qnarter, has prodaced on the inhabie
(bts ae spend seostble inpression of the calamie
tes ofa warin which they lave been so wantonly
nT vol . od,
The oxy oditon dlrected from MTalifix tothe norlhe
race. stot the United States, has terminated in a
masner pot bess ati clorv. ‘Phe sucecssful course
Ge this Operation has bec vellow od Dy tie amediate
suDaiission of (heextensive acd up. band district,
cast oF the PB. nobscot ris Vy {ofits ‘hag isty’s Qrins.
In advcrting fo (hese events, Lan confident yoe
Wil be disposed to render fall gustice to the valour
vid Ciscipline which have distinguished His Mujes-
tv's Tind ord sca forces 5 aad you will rezrct withine
the severe foss the conntry has sustained oy the fall
Gite callint Comman lor of ts Majesty’s (roops in
upon Laltinore.
Payload mysel of the earliest op pportunity afford.
by the State of affairs in lar a to detach a cones
wicraviciilitary force fo the river St. Liwrence;
val Usarrivatcoukl not possibly take place tllan
advanced period of the eampaign.
Notwithstanding the reverse whieh appears tohave
occurred on Lake Chamypliin, [entertain the most
coufldent expectation, as well from the amount
from the description of the British force now serving
in Canada, that the Ascendancy of His Majesty’ arms
Chronghout that part of North America will be cece
tually established. ~
"Phe opening of the Congress at Vienna has been
retarded, from unavoidable causes, to a later period
than had been expected.
It will be my carnest endeavour, in the Nezocias
tions which are now tn progress, to promote such are
rangemen(s as may tend to consolidate that Peace,
which, in conjunction with His Majesty’s Allics,
have had (uc happiness of conclading ; and to re-ege
View original tablish that j1. equilibrium amongst the different
Powers, which wlll afford the best prospect of per-
manent Tranguility to Europe.
Gentlem: of the Houseof Comimons,
T have directed the Estimates for the ensuing ycar
to be laid before you.
Tam happy to be able to inform you that the Re-
venue and Commerce of the United Kurgdom are in
tho most flourishing condition,
Tregret the necessity of the Iarze Expenditure
which we must be prepared to mect in the course of
the ensuing year; but the circumstances ander which
the long and ardonus contest in Prope has been care
ried on and concluded, have univoidably Ted to teege
arrears, for which you will see (he necesst’y of pro-
viding; and the war still subsisting with America,
renders the continuance of great excrGous mdispen-
Aly Lords, a’? t Cer rf NCI,
The pcculicy cheracter of the Ife war, aswell as
the extriorlinery loath of fs daratton, enust have
materially eft | ec iiternal stlavtion of all the
comnfries emer in ty as ou (he commercial
relations which fornaerty subsisted botveen them,
Under (hese civctr Gees. Darn cer Stent youn will
see theexpedicecy or proces ting with ane caution tn
the adoption arsuch regud ios as may be necesstiy
f. ] 1 7 . rc Ni ¢ iy ' "yy yf ’ ‘
or (he purpose ou extending our Coates and securing
our present advantages, and you may rely on ins
cordial co-operation and assistence in every measure
which is culculated fo contribute to the prosperity
and wolfire of His Majesty’s Dominious.
~-]< ee
By a Tate Order in Council, it was permitted to
vessels of fricndly States to enter the Cape of Good
Hope, for he purposeof repairs and refreshment, and
. . : ° ° ’ ,
to dispose of soomuch of their careces as small defray
the EXPENSE ¢ fhe saimes and also to Inport ticles
of provision ander tae Governors license. This Or-
der farther peradfs a trade to and fron the parts fo
the eastward ul tie Cape with the ports ob that {tle
ment, and from the liver te the poits of the Cnited
Kingdom in Sister Past Iadia built ves hoainall
articl ‘ bya fe ; Wit ‘net Pi VI ) b. 4 (! Crov.
ficm the Cope to this conary i ost) didn pa
duction shall not be cured on in y ls of loss bim-
den than 2350.
-—. eee ee “we --soooeo
View original eer PE ee
The Netherlands are to be made a Wingdam, to
whic lh De leiam IN ar me xX as a | Vee, al NSO.
vercign Prince will ino tuture oo osname the tite
Kine of (ne Netherbuics TD leita.
——a Py
At the meeting of the Ficuch Tnstitate, held a
Ist October, for the distribution of prizes, the Dude
of Wellington honored the sitting with his presence.
His Grace alwivs goes habitel Ina plata blue frock
coat; he bas ranch the appearance of an Lnatish
yeoman or somdeman farmer. When ne presented
bimecl at the door of Uhe Listitute he had not a te.
ket, and, in order to obtain admission, was oblized
to inirexd ice Linmselfto the ? femnmber who attended (he
. : . . . ‘
( pbveswveng, “ VWousteas je srs Pudmbassadenr
’ ° , . , vv’. * : '
fire « BIS Weil, vid ieee Tr. Neh, after iC
’ ' ‘ »° ' : oy »-
hiv 1, ‘ e ( i ( } cil ! ~QQISCTIOC hiraselt, cr oth T-
vise these who did not know him would take him
fora wroom.
Asamark ofespecial favour, antl in discharge of a
’ s
debt of gratitude Cuc to (he Marquis of Buckingham,
for the nable be ‘| iManity shewn iy him and his family
to the French Royal Punily durtag their residence in
this couniry, Louis NVITE has conferred upon the
Officers of the first Provisional Battalion, commanded
by the Noble Marguis, the decoration of ie Fleur de
Lys, andthe Prince Regent has given them perniis-
sion fo wear tt.
Bonaparte, according to report, has not yet given
any established Religion to the Island of Elbe; but
is considering what system will be dhe most 1 olitical
for himtoadopt. Like the Commissioners of 1! ack-
View original ney Coaches tn Londun, he seems retolved to do
What it is yet, I know not.”
Several Gentlemen, who have lately visiled Trance
asser{, that the agriculture of the country does not
appear to have suffered very materially, frown its long
continued revoluttonary and disorganised state.
The gallant Blucher, who was always called by
his troops ‘‘the General J orward."—A certain Gen.
af present, claims the same tide but ‘*General Back-
A letter from Vienna assures us, that the Congress
will definitively setile the fate of Bonaparte.
According to a German Newspaper, dhe country
between the Meuse and the Rhine will be added to
Hfoland, and not to Prussia, as was reported.
By private letters, itis said, that the fate of these
Colonies ty decided by the Congress, but not permit-
ted fo be made hnown.
An Address ef the People of Belgium, (preparad
bya French Minister) to Louis NVITI. “The his-
tory of this Address is short. A aneeticg of the inha-
bitants of the cites, towns, and districts of the Ne-
therlands wes heh at Liste, consisting of persons un-
friendly to the new order of thirgs to the number of
~) CON
zal vu
» They had been summoned | by circulars dis-
oatehed by confidential inessecngers, and addressed
lo those who were known tu be inimical fo the incor-
poration of theie country with Plotlind. dhe Ad-

dress was unanimously asrreed tos crd las be cn since
actualy pres: dito Che wig ot Priace, not indeed
(oro? his Ministers than otheteb mercer. ber usual
Ww: vy thetany private petiou ini wht be placedia the
ryt Tacvan l,
othe Address however, was nat permitted (oli une
noticed inthe Royal Closet: itwas prircd, only at
this moment, copies of it are cireahited opealy ia
Paris, and privately throaeh the Neherands. We
Understand that O00 COl tes Pave been sent Gor
dis wibuti oii Germaiy, and mess puticular at
y Jenna.
The Address is written wit cone oi ble elognence,
and expresses sentiments which wow oli kuow to lave
rem tong prevvent inthe Netherworld: as well as ain
bronce., Otallthe coaquests giverup by the ‘Lreaty
of Paris, notone was ca much regretted by the f cench
ws Belgium. Phe Belo ians, however, cam serrecly
MUP oc thatan, Address ean produce much effect tu
. . , . . .
lovor ol their wishes. ates their provwitees have been
by asolcnin treaty, to whicn Louise) LE has
Pssome recentexperiinents made by M. Bertrand,
tpnears that charcoal possesses (ie power of coun-
fcractiag (he fatcleffects of the mineral potsons on the
minal body. EHeenun: rafosseveral experiineats to
cove this tact, the (hind of which was made on him-
Ihe OAC hall past seven o'clock in the morning,”
he states, ST swallowed, fisting, five grains of arsenic
powder dn dialta pies imixtare of charcoal.
Ata quirter before cizht o'clock, | perceived a pain-
ful sensation of beat In the stomach, with creat
drowth. J tchendrank another eliss of the mixture
of charcoal. At halfipast nine the oppressive pain
ceased in the stomach, and was followed by an ua-
easy sensatton ia the atestines. Bein very thirsty.
[drank severaleups ofan invasion oforues Lowers,
and ata quarter past tea f was completely well. At
noon PT dined as usual, without incovenience, and
could perceive no firiher derangement in (he dise-
stive functions.” Phe same experiment was made
with corrosize sublimate of mercury,, with the same
result. As we bave hitherto been unacquainted with
any article capable of rendering the mineral poisons
ert, (he cummunitcation of M. Bertrand of the iesult
of his experunents is of considerable importance,
Vaccination his proved so beneficial in Sweden in
(he prevention of small-pox, that it appears by the
report of Dr. F. Thedin, first physician to the Kine,
that this destructive pestilence is so completely ex-
tirpated, that it can never become epidemic in that
country again.
M. Hildebrandt has lately made some interestine
and curtous experimeats on the preservation of meat
View original in different airs. In the susphureous acid girs the
flesh soon lost its natural red colour, ant: red Chat
of boiled meat. It did not underzo any other apya-
rent allernation, and the air of (ae vessclowas nei
diminished nor increased in quantity. At the endo
seventy-six days the flesh becaine harder and drier
than roasted meat, and was scarcely trained with any
sniell of sulphureous acid. After exposing it four
days fothe atmosphere, it became more firm and
compact without putrifying, and did not change co-
lour, merely losing the weak s nell of the acid wiih
ut acquiring any other. In the flouric acid eas the
results were inevery resnect similar: bat in the am-
monical was ttexhibited a'ferattons very dill rent, the
air being tolally absorbed by if. The colour became
ofa florid red, and preserved a fresh appearance for
seventy-six days. It was much softer than in the
foregoing experiments, without smel yand taving the
colour and consisfence of fresli meat. When expose
ed to the openair it did not putety s it however lost
its red colour, became brown, diicd up, and hidia
hind of varnished surfs
Heat, being the anuniting pripciple of all niture,
the source of ifs prodnetion da the aarvnal body has.
been long a subject of wreat tnterest ari speculation
Py the experiments of Mr. Brodie, ii pear. that it
is produced hy the brain, and not by respiriiion i the
“inew. Dr. Pale, who has repeated the exnerinrenuts
! .) a! -) . . ' . ; v, .?
QO YNCEVC 5 i] ae \ as » We prsca tr) meet Fe thi ile uly
ee . . ,? . —~wT ’ . J -
different from those dctathed by ®fr. Brodie. fi {
of finding that an animal in which ertiactal respirae
tion was kept up, cooled faster Chan one which did not
respire, and thad the lunes much sooner then tie rest
of the body, he fonad that animal. resptriae retamed
their heattongsest, and that the lungs were he hottest
part of theanmmal., The accuracy of Dr. Bale’s exe
e 1 . ‘co . , ,
periments and conclucion tf contirined by the repeated
: c rs yy: ‘ ’
experunent ()) NI. le rallois lots CSITCOMA J Autor
Observos, Chat Mer. Drodic assures us, that all deeapi-
(afed antinals which are kept alive cool as fast as vt
(hey were dead, It is true
(tint (]) ‘y pani willl Caetr
Leatrapidly, but he hasalways found that young cats
cool Tess Chan ol. ones after death. The production
~ | . ' . } -° . \ ) ar .
of heatin (be aatnil bully scem, ta « ead both on
(he nerves and arteries: torrie the priactpil ocrve ef
aliub bedtvided, the part b low the dtviston become
cool. The saine effect follows tho: Npucttion of a
ligature tothe princtoal artery. ‘That Che oxy cot
at(racted by the red particles of blood Curtis respi
rafton is consumed tn the production of heat, there
canbe nodonb', andit is not improoable, ts assert
by alate writer, thatia this process the clectric or
Galvante fluid, seereled by Che brain, and conducted
over (he systein by the nerves, is a principal azcnt.
ya tate communication from a very respeefidle
physician in Paris, thappcars that the Bau medics
wale, the celebrated French remedy for the gout, isa
siturated infussion of the hedge byssop in Rhenish
M. Levrat, a physicien at Chatillon sur Chalaronne
has found the seeds of the vellow waterflag of our
marshes, decosdcated and ro. sted, to approach nearer
to the fliyour of coifee than any oer rowted subs
stance He speaks highly of its sulatary Cflects, is
of opinion that in fevers it invy prove a eo od sub.
stitule for the Peruvian bark. As astomacher, it is
superior to coffee.
MI. Chombon, a physician of Paris, has proposed
astmple and easy planor removing bees into ano‘ lier
hive without risk of being stung. It consists in
having the hive made with a top that will open,
placing ttona glass furnished witha metallic plat:,
under which the smoke may be safely introduce,
Itanempty live be then placed over the Upper aps
perture, (ie smoke will torce the bees to ascend into
tt. Thesame gentlemen has made some CXPcrimen(s
lo ascertain it if was advantageous to cover sheep
with clothes, as (ie ancients did with mach boasted
advantage. Mr. Chambon did vot find, h IWEVET,
(hat the wool was increased cither ia valu: o1 beauty
sous tor pry Lim for the expense of Cie cloths
View original MARSHAMs OFFICER.
By virtue ofan appointinent from the Tonorable
Court ot Civil Justice of this colony, dated 17th De-
cember TS'45 given upon a petition presented by
John Layti ll, its Attorney ol Ehomas Gudgeon, of
Stoke Newington, near London.
Notice ts here by viven tothe Public, that I the un-
dersigned inte: dio sell, at Public Pxeeution Sale, in
tile presence ol two Connectlors Conomissartes and
their Secretury, on the first coming Vonday in the
month of May » ISI, the Cotton state called Nd b-
MORACIS, situatea on the Correntyn coast of this
colony, with all its cullivatiog, buitdines, shives, ar a
furihe rappurlenances ther to belonei ty aliolwh
anctuventory as also te Tern sofsals, are to bs sycen
ai ihe Marshal’s Ollice during the loots relly > sud
dstate being the property oo Stmen Praser,
Whoever should think hunsely entided to opros
the Execution Sale of above Estate Kilmore
sich persons address themselves at the Marshal's
fice, declaring their reasons for so doing, | Inder tine
and form, as 1 hereby give notice, that | the aider-
sivned wilh receive OPpos tion from Very Person
thereunto quclified by law, appoint them» day to
have his or her claua diard before Gre Court, and
further act theretn as the luw directs
Vhis trst Yroclumation publisied as cuss mary.
? er. va |. . ] !
Berbice, Gal (i) e albu rv. re <e
, . ‘ a ] ]
‘ > xT ? or ws
a kERANCHNLN, BUS. iPsilal.
B. She sbove named Sale is to tuke place on
Moe Ssyot,
—_———_—_-—_ —— SC — —_
View original — ———_- - — —- S$ —_ ———
BY virtue ofan Appotrinen from, the Wonarab’
Courtol Cive! ~ustiers of this colons. dated the 17th
December, R44, given apona Pe Aidis On bi sented Dy
&. Franeken, os ke ist Aettrshal, for and in neoane of
WAP (Borehit. ain bree Hey with bkyvan Pgs soa Anes
Fraser, the surviving \Goaies J intiy and acverally
for Dowild SC hee, of Geames, in the County o
Ross, North Brituan.
Notice is hereby given to the Pablo, that T the
wndersigned: tite nd to Selbat Pubiie bxecention | Sale,
in te presence ofivo Counce tlors Cocurissaries ar
theirs cretary. on Wed sday the 1Loo0f March is t3,
firstly, the Cotton bserte called GENTS, situated
onthe Correntyn coast, wethallisculiisadoa, slaves,
buildings, and farcher sy purtenances thereto h Toner
digj—-an tl see ne dy, the lower half of lot vo. 4.,
situate in the ( orrer ty aever, of which tstates
Javentory may be secon, as aso of the Perms of 0
atthe Morstals Cec, during the hours ch cay
sid states betng the property of J.C. Mi Leod i
Jobn Bethune,
Whoever shonkl Gaink hhinselFentiled fo onpose
the [execution Saic of the two abovementioned ts.
tiles, let such person or persons address Cicins Ives
tothe Mars.arvs Olnce, declaring their mason for
so doing, as bher by give neice, Chat J wil becctve
OPposit» mM tron every One (her snitoqualifi Wes by Vay,
appotat them day to have bis or her ela. beard
before (he Cou.c, dnd turtheract thercin as the Law
his Mirst Proclamation published as customary.
Beihice, tr Jiasuary, I815.
K FKANC AKIN, Pirst Marshal.
N3B. The Sale of said Estates is to take place on the
respective spots,
IS hereby given, that the Sale of Plantation De
Vocdster is post pon ‘duatil the 25d of January next,
Berbice ) Dist Decembe Ty ISt-4.
In. Prancnren, First Marshal.
BY virtue of anappointnent from [lis Excellency
the povernor, Gal (| Z | ect. ISI4, PIVEN pon a
Petition, prese ted Dy .. Francken, First Marshal.
for and in name of James braser, Planter and Inha-
bitant of this colony.
Notice is bereby given to the Public. that J the
undersigned intend to Scll, at Public Execution Sale,
In the prescnce of two Councellors Conmissaries and
their Secretary, on Wednesday the Ist day of March,
1815, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 41. situate
on the west sea coast of this colony, with all its Cul-
tivation, Buildings, Slaves, &c., all of which an
cys lor) ras also the terms of sale are to be scen at
Marshals Ollice, during the hours of duty: said
fa being {he property of the estates of Patrick
mall, and William ‘Vhreltall, deceased.
Whoever should think limself entitled to oppose
the ILxecution Sale of above estate No. 40 and 4]
West sca Coast, Tet suci CrsONS address then isclyy Ss lo
tne undersiened, declaring th ir reasons for so doing
in duc tune agd sum, ar I hereby give nolicc, that J
View original will receive opposition from every one thereunto qua-
lified by law, appoint them a day to have his or hei
Claim heard before the Court, and further act thereon
as the Law directs.
Phis 4th proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the 8th January, 1815.
Kk. EF RANCKEN, First Marshal.
_— oO eee Sle a - —_ — —_—— —_
View original SUMMONSES psy EDICT.
WHEREAS T the unde ‘rsizned, have received
from Enylind, the Newspapers cont’ ining the Ad-
° rfisenont calling up the Creditors of the Estate ot
~ Don: vk Is: mM, de ‘CEASE “d.
Noties is hereby given to the Public : by virtue of
an ap pointme ne from Eis lexceileaey the Governor,
dated 24 D commer, ra 1.
Phar the Croeastors of the said EMate of J. Donald.
sony dees, are bercby siminoned, to appear betore
he Comtoce Cavit astice, of this colony, on Mon-
diy (1 16th dames GSTS, and fi Nowtng days, fo:
DES PMN cde Oi toe rome ‘ange their ck LIM, fove rity
DT YS wocertt necording: to Law.
Oth wi Le v, I8)5.
I. PRANCKEN, Mirst Marshal,
VE EIEAS T the undersi ned have received from
ot band. the Ne Spec rs containing the Advertise-
mont calli up the Creditors of the ‘insolvent Estate
ot Corncis Locking, decvascd. Notice is hereby
siven tothe Pubticy by virtue ofan Order, obtaincd
from Elis MaxccHene, the Governor, dated Sd De-
ceomber, 1814, by the Curators of said Estate, that
the Creditors or the Ustate of C. Focking, aforesaid,
are hheveby Saumoned 2 Lo appear b sca ihe Hon.
Court or Uivil duscee, of tuts colony, on Mombey
the loth day of January, IS19, ana fstow ine days
orthe purpose of there rendering their Claims, to
very the suney vid further to proces ‘d accuiding to
Law —Bervice, Yili December, ISt4.
WP RANCHIEN, «erst Marshal.
_— -_
a a a
BY virtue of ania opamdient from the Honovable
Court of Civil Justice of vais cotony,, dated esd de
ys S |b ; Riven uy Ow a Pelition precse nled by WW.
Dadusott, (ithe Ropresentvawes inthis cowny ot
Khe foehis ob the lie celosca, deceased. in capaety as
Curators fo tae now aoandonwed destate of Re Mer-
cham, dec.
Pine aadsrsigned, at die request of aforesaid Cu-
Do Iereny Susamon by Edict:
AIL Creditors of the state of tcoderick Merchant,
dec. toappear Gorore the teorof the Court of Civil
Justice ob tis colowy, oa Aoonday the t6th January
bsld) wad wollowiel days, there fo render in thei
Chey os, and turin ¢ fo Kai ecus according to Law,
yo on eda debursed bore nicht of claim,
aod lalbords lay’ my, i thootas CC! as custluinary.
o ie y= al INOY ty 1) f isj4.
we PANN CKEN, berst Marshal.
— ~ — = ~ ~ ~— ~ 7
, virda oo. cts Oncb or froma ti is
ixcellency tle
Gover.ny deed the ia October, Sit, e iven) tts
Ona Peril Cd pews eG yy Phos, ! byer Layfield, Olls
the doxeeutor to the tetieo the hile dtobt. Ware
sony and A\tlornes oF bhoras ens another of Ub
kixecutors auch one on 7 liet.s of satd Rober.
Wilson, waar fi. Star pps nated in the place o
Wom. Duc, au bb lis bee nee trom the COLONY.
Jtheun, 1 Incctedy at the recucst of aforesaid. bye
ecitors, do her Wy Sumyuon bo toaiets
Ail claimants on the proces ‘ls ol Plontation Der-|
milage, Cum annenis, fo render in Choise ciaias before
the Court of Civil . anihiet, of this colony, at their
ordinary Session on Monday the Jorhday of Jauaary
IS15, and following UNS, and surcher to procecad a
cording to Law. On pain, aficr the fourth Kuicta!,
Summons, of being debarced thei right of claim.
This Suipmon by Edict made known to the public:
by beat of drum from the Court House o. this colony,
aud further dealt with according fo custom.
Berbice, Sth November, IS! 4.
WW. FRANCICEN, First Marshal.
Oe DOE - ~ wht 6 ico eae
“_—_ —_ —_——— OO
View original —_ —--—axr-r ih
The Subscriber has Imported in the Brig|
Witviam, from Liverpool the fo low ing Goods,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices by
the Package, at the New Store, belonging tu
W illiain Henery, Esg. on lot No, 17.
Ling fish in boxes, potatoes in hampers, London
brown stoutin bottles and woud, bottled pale ale and
eyder, cherry aml raspberry brandy, split pease and
pearl barley, tripe in hees, herrings in kits, mustard,
pickles and preserves, best bloom raisins ia boxes,
double refined sugar, soap in boxes, fresh garden
seeds, super fine black blue green and brown broad
cloth, super fine cloth coats, fashionable vests, ) anta-
loans and trowsers, planters strong shoves, dress and
hal dress ditto, negro clothing assorted, printed cot-
Consand pocket handkherchiets, jocconet and cambrick
muslin, platillasand Brittannias, Irish linen and sheet-
jug, bedoteads with bais maltresses, volsters and mus-
View original qjurta netis. lin n Wd @ofion che . ladies stra
postard Lc Ise: p papery
id other stattouary, paints
md oil, spirits turpentine, earthen and stone ware Th
iwesand puncheons, black Ae d China, landscape
, purple ditto, an assorts t of beads, a ditto
childrens loys, cordaze from 1 to 3 Ineh, mahogan
portable writting des brass bound and plain
vith secret drawers and dressing box contlemen’s
Ol chests, mahogany chests of drawers, cotton and
coflee bogging, and ay tricty of ot articles
31 Dec. Wau. CROFT.
.L. Win. Croft, hopes that all those » stand ine
debted to hin from former (ransacty :
come for rd with payment without any fur-
View original VOR SALE,
By the Subscriber, imported inthe Brig Wir-
LiAM, Henry Richardson, Master, from Li-
verpool, viz :—
WHITE yellow- black- red- blne- green. and pre
tent yellow-paint, boiled linseed vil, spirits turpen.
tine, patent shot, ‘Turkey fies, French plumbs, ra‘
sins, pickles, preserves, fish sauces, tripe, pouse,
harley, medicine boxes complete, pale bark, pow-
derrbubarh, cream tartar, elix: vitriol, Cheltenham,
psom and Gliuber salis, Florence ot, Purhan
musiard, stone blue, salt in’ barrels, oats, candles,
soap, bottled beer and porter, crates of StaVordshire
ware, fine stuff, plat d and Newro hats, Ladies srw
bonnets, blankets, Weleh flannel, lined an! tntined
jackets, cheehand striped shirts and crows: rey dawns,
Loish linens, sheeting. Maper- droxheda- ond brow Ne
linens, coffee and cotton beevis ps SCin and seve
Ing twine, Osnabure’s and thread. | NUrass sy writing
deshs, sail cinvas; Houses palate shoee clothe lyst
Dinnister- and witite wash-brushes = Gertleme:?
Padies’s and echildren’s+ boots and sliacs. bove cy
beavers tana. fay a- Rade Cotton. uC CMU EE olvy
mehtcap:, men and women stk eladie aod ect on
stockings aud socks, blocks blues aad we cone byoad
cloths, writin tiv CT, qatls, pemetiss pounce boxes,
India rubber, wafers, Blin eaeds, rated “|
books, red and bliek ink powder. vd and bliok
scaline wax, ah stands, bacheraerson toby ‘sy Ches
bowlds and inen, ploytae cards, baie:
sOd ps, pomalumy lavender water shayine powering
Vil, bazor straps and paste, tooth powders end byoshe
es, honcy water. cssences, lpsatve, aromatic vio
i -
Gaye i]
owes tree \’
gar, shelland horn dressing combs, pocket ands i'd
(woth combs, patent pearl- Cora «and lasses Ing
copper cranes, tin boxes with locks, ovens, spitloon ,
fea and teh kettles, turecns, wine m ‘astres, Collce
fllcrers and rouslers watering cans, chair pans, Cire
Sava graters, tin pols, black jacks, tinder boxes, waie
ters, sandwich [rovs, walee plite y funnels, brass ond
Japa patent laups, wine “rainers, hott: stands,
lavle bells, surar boxes ani Nippers Velench s) dish
covers, pudding pans, seales anc weights, hoes and
shovels, GR Cu lasses, Pruning
knives, single and
double Lands jack+ tryin ad dos - lanes anid pline
ay a CTON©S CM eSuWws and
sas files, shrutler Dolls, Oands and cudecarsy hinges,
ylote Valen tricking-cocks,
packing and: boli rape needles, Neuro combs, fish
hooks, Gard fable wud oa spo Mis, tables doscit- care
»CPe Pelie pocacl- end | Newel nive Ny TUSOTS, SCUSS UTS
GECSSt CUdUS, pe Ms Hh Ps set
pis, fool ruies, firoter wind aoortice elise: Is, hoop
drtvers, fool sc. Meds, aba irois. fry pansy curry
and wane Combs, >| Obees ahd brushes, club IXCS,
Joiners. carpenters vad) Coopers ‘olees, nM ess
boot jacks, Cure Cottees ond po ppereinitls, Neeroe
oohtue glasses, sad irons, vat vnc puncheon hoops
and rivets, screw wens, cCarpenter’s tool Chests,
braces and bilis, tind tax, oil stones, rat traps, tron
potts, erind stones, nails 4. a 20 penny; plaine strie
ped and spotted+ preonett, mull and hair cord muse
lins, 6-4 & 9-S coston cambrics, Madras- Pulligate
dalasores and common- pocket handkerchiels, table
cloths, huckaback and diaper towelling, tancy quile
lings, cotton shirting, platilias, Britlanias, colvrains,
jeans, ginghams, printed calicoes and canbricks, hat
covers, silk and cotfon winbrellas and) parasols, sade
dles, bridles, halters, girths, whips, corded dimity,
checks and stripes, salempores, Marsalla, wine ia
pipes, glass ware, &c. &c. ;
Huns, Landes tomate whe
' : f- !
lay’ Dads aod StU pics. ae

Sssctew drivers, cloa
The Manncrs of Proceedings before Uie Court of Civil
Justice, in Knelish and Dateh.
The Charter of the colony Berbice, in English.
The new Dutch Constitution, in Duteh.
Cotiee Certificates, Bills of Lachange and Lading,
All kind of Books, blank and rated, Quills, Pencils,
Ready inade Ink in Bottles, &c.
ee ee aetna cee “—~
View original — —
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. Me
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Priite’s.

14 January 1815