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The Berbice Gazette

View original ———— eee eee ee
Of the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice.
GLQUESTRATION of Pith. Srafteld.
Tdem of — Meow.
Tlem of — Poertanta.
Jiem of — de Fd.sard.
Vem of — Onvereret, (half).
Tlem of — FKihnorack.
Tlem of — Ceanics.
Vlem of — Kortheraad
ADMINISTRATION forthe Weir of the Widow
ro AL Ph. Belle, deceased.
Tlem Patate of Nani 1 Ro bousy.
[len Tstate of J. A. Balk.
CURATORSHTP Retote of the late J. Stobie, dec.
Idem Estate of P. Hagens, deceased,
Woarrrac hy an Order of Mis Pxectoney
Pentincel, Lientesant-Governor, bearing date the
88th October instant, the Neceunts of the persons
hereafter named, having been referred to us, viz.
Blerx. Simpeon and Je, Priser, Sequestritore of Plantition Seaficld,
J. Vapin aud J. ae ainon, Se qrestra uweors of Pliatation Nigg.
P. Paidiim and \V sfane rcquestriters af Phin, Brittaoia.
}..C. Abbens°ts ant. . R ve r Sequestvator. of Plant. de P Award.
W. Ka zand J. Downers. quesirators of milfof Plo. Onverw ov.
Wem Gorton for sell wail otuers Sequestriton of Pin. Ril norack,
Wo. Gortun for s Maid Alex. Houston Seq rs of PIn, Qeanies,
G. Paarl. and J.vanden Broek 8 questrators of Pla, Rortbora id,
H.C. Wintzea Adviinistratur for the ticirs of tue Widew F A. Ph.
D. Geen and C.Wosos Adiaboistrators of the Pstate of Danie) Bo>-
b mney, Arce jard.
D. Leen and ttiobo. for che Minor Frederick Legates, of the late
JA, Balk, decensed,
Woke ciard Wot ascr Curatcrs of the Bstate of the late J. Stobi-,
G.Mebns forse’? ind others, Curators of the Vstate of the late P.
Ilagens, deccased.
Notrer is hereby given fo all persons tntereste!
thercin, thitatrendanee will be civoaat the Veeoun.
tints Co Cy hold uf thre house of ‘he S?CCON ) 1") Yor.
gsncd, or VMondoys, Wednestave., and Protays,
froin noon until Soelock ta othe averioon, for tac
tern of one month fram the d te terse’) in erder to
entble snel person to iusncet etd Acconnts, an!
state therrobreetions or ebsoryvetions inoowvritiinsy at
the expiray moolhwheh tomes the reantre ] report
will be made in the abovement@oucd motors, and of
which (Gf require), the portics may obtenan aomce
copy, af thetr own expences, taoorder shrontd they
deem if expedicn!, fo attend the Thon hye the ‘Or
of Civil Juetice anth day ml ointed for he aring sail
Report, and coritest the confine ation thereof,
Berbice > Oth October, IS!4.
T. \\ ry ‘ 8
CP ire ‘me of p? PIP Taper. )
bee 8 OE wT ay
Trae Creditors of Pose and Sirelery and of Plan-
tation Vier, ore reauested to atiomd a Meeting, to
be heh on Wend yvothe Gt of Noveaber aext.
af he house of the fi stunderstered, inorder to con-
sider and adopt, joi. ty wei the Cuevors. neh men.
sures, as mov be niost contuctve ta the fh ad tiauida-
tion of said concer... HW. LU RUBRS for sclfand
99 Oct. Fase SINCL ATI
oo -- - --- - + -- ?r’>-rere=nn eae _- -~--—
Those indebted to the rate reigned, up 40 ultimo
Aueust, ISl4, are requested to ni speedy pays
ment before the Ist of Janie rv Ox ty othe TW Ese all
accounts &c. unpaid, will be piven up fo the Dour.
waarder.—29 Oct. . R. BARNES,
THE next Meetias ot the J) Adst Club will be on
Tuesday the Ist November, next. 29 Oct,
—$<<— —_____—__——-
View original FOR SALE,
Old and new Rum,
Jiolland’s Gin, and
Cognine Brandy.
Madeira wine in pipes or per dozen.
29 Oct. Win. HENERY
per pipe or 5 gallons.
Berbice, Vith Oct. IST.
~* sce Visas is : (ha. YM, » irre
THE pressing Gemands dearastthis Ofhee, requires
Immediate payment of the Taxes, now due, for
Weigh Moncey and old Arrears.—Jhe undersigned
theretore gives notice, that mt will oot be in his power
to grant any indulgence a ferthe dst of next month,
DANILLALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE.
This isto inform the Public, that the following per-
vons tntend quitding this Colony,
Donald M'Leod in 6 weeks from Oct. 29.
Q. W. Lantsheer in 6 weeks frou Oct. 22.
Win. S. Owens, for Barbados.
Hon. John WCamon will quit this colony by the
first opportunity, Ot. 29.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.

View original —_—
NOT Ces hereby gicen, Uiala month after date the
ais Transports and) Mortgages wll be passed.
R. Barnes will transport (o Polly (ill, 9 part
lo No.7, New Amst. adjoining the centre
92,4. Bakkerand C C. Swaving aq. W.Steen-
bergen, will pass a morivage ii favor ol Edw
vin Harthils, London, on Plontition Hoorn and
Noor roll ind, with all the Negroes, buildings,
and furthey appurtenances thereof.
Yet. QO... HW. Schlarhorst willtransport fa TT. ©. Du.
thers S15 tect of land, of lot No. 16. N. Amst.
facing the middie col
~C. DOWNER, Sery.
View original PUBLIC VENDUES.
On Tharsday Sd. Nov. will be soldat the Vendue
Cihce, by order of G. Robertsov, besa. Executor to
the fstate of the late John Poblasan, viz., wearing
apparel, a writing desk, (ranks, rings, a gold wateb.
Byortoro Wd. Gb. Manrconbrecher, Esq. Planta-
tion Cheristtin’’s Lusty situate OP yesite Plantation Lust
tot Rust. erst bank of the river Cerbice,
On the sume chy, wilh be sold without reserve, an
assorfivent of diy woods. tla ware, sadles, br les,
mustiis, Osmibure’s, sugar in barrels, sali ia ditto,
beet, pork, Xe.
By the Vendue Master in commission, asad dle and
Cliiss horse, warranted: sound and gentle, O year
old, also a capitel saddle hose and mute, warranted
sound, and 3 er GO prune mileh cows, of a supertor
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original Qn Monday the Ptthof November next, will be
sold by order of the Curators of plantufion Nice, 40
'o OO head of horned cate, anda flock ot about GO
D.C. CAMERON, Den. Vendue Master.
—_——— —— — — - --C
On Monday @8th Nov. will be sold, by order of
» PE xcentors of the lite Mr. Phos. Thoruburm, at
he Vendue Miice, 5 prime carpenter newrocsy a case
D pistols, carpenter tools, wearing apparel, wriung
hos k . AC.
On the same doy by the Vendue Master in com.
Mission, a aesarcnent of dry goods, provistoas, &c.
By orterot Dr. Win. Gordon, 8 pipes of particu.
tor Madeira wine, 2 of which are ipwards of 1S
months in thts colony.—Alo by the Vendauce Master
in commission, 3 negroe men, teld people, and a
washer woman warranted sound,
D.C. CAMERON Dop, Vendue Master,
———————————— ew oc <5 ==
a <M —a—— ——wee eee ee oe ee
SEX thousand ponnds first quality coffee, the pro-
dnee of Pla. Goedl mdy will be received at the honse
of (he second undersiencd, till Monday the Olst ine
stant, and at approved vl, acccpfed—payinent to be
made iu Cali. GG. Po van POLST.
AANde Fvangclische Luthersche Gemeente dezer
kKolonie, wordt by dezen bekend gemaakt, als dat in-
eevolee het Artikel van het Reglement, op Dingsdag
den Isten November, door de Regenten vande plan-
tagie Augsburg, de jaarlyksche rekening en verant-
woording 24 worden gedaan ten huize van de VTEC
Lucia, te Nteuw veterans
15 Oct. ~dD. TORT, Seriha
View original a SSS
THE undersigned finding (hat very little attention
has been paid to his former Advertisement, ATO SO-
licits those indebted to him, to come forward with
payment before the time expires for sueing at the
next Commissary Court, as all accounts tl unpid
will be put into the hands of hits Attorney Aste tor.
Healso informs the public, that for the future, he
will collect his accounts hims® consequently the
receiptof Benmamin Young "Will not be vatid after
this dale. —22 Oct. BoJLITLKY.
View original ~—e— hl El
mo, —
The following Letters, if not forthwith elaimed, will
be returned lo Europe by the first Packeti—
Bartrum (E,
oartrum (Alf, D,
' Surmosca (J.
Blake (sy.
bell T.
beer (J.
_ Surton (Mary Ana,
buird iW °
Chalsuers (J.
Chapimnan (H.W,
carkle (dang.
Cause (Jd.
Cori P.-L.
Colcbeek (Je
Dunn Ww,
Lodson (R,
WUD (os,
. borale Cy
Floyd (Dr.
tiaser I.
t racer (.!
Locaing (CC.
baiity li,
rol mnua 1 WH,
abson (G,
rame (.),
raviliil. M.
{all iJ.
slope KR,
Wall iC.
tleaale lL ier’,
Janon /.C,.
Jausun iJ.
Irvine RR,
Kempton (J,
Kickin oC,
veatipy | Mire.
Krieg. A iA.
WKecuae Mer.
Berbice, 15th Octoher, IS81!.
LHONZIT, Act. Dep. Post Master Ces,
as Oveorsecrs on coffee Es states,
Srx while persons,
Kummer (F,
cacy (Ge
Lewin (C.
Lewis Manor (the Attoraey oF
‘orant (C,
id ligan( ye
lathews (Th.
iackiviosl (Chg.
WLeod (IL.
wacdonall J,
Moleoaur(C. Je
‘labler (D.
“Worison (J.
l hee. F.
sorouurne (Capt.
yed Jd.
Pac, ( D
vllaloLe (L. Fe
Lobertson (BP,
(. Yurnz (Po
lauke (A,
wart (J at.
iNdion (J.
ita dure. Al. T.
suall (T.
mal (J.
aitand ITollingswert&,
‘hom oa (iLobi.
sill W,
Vray (Je
Wade (J.
‘Vil-on ((leo,
Watt (Alex,
Vollard | Ana,
Vade (Tha.
Write (‘ eo.
Vade (Dr.
under the Aftforneyship of the undersigned. Any
person ou Witied to fill
lL such = situation, may obtain
enploymeuton application to CG. PACERS and
OI Oet.
ee O° Oe eS OO
— — oS ee h
BY the subscriber, brown stout, poorter pr. dozen
and pr. puncheon, Madeira wine in pipes, quartce
casks, and pr. dozen, Dutch sweet milk cheese, [Hye
son ten, refined loaf sugar, beef ia barrels, suap and
candles, &c.—also aiew puncheuns new rum,
15 Oct.
View original KOR SALE,
By the Subscriber,
15 Pancheons Rum,
25 Proof—to 7 bills per gallon.
29 0c. Jno. WULF,
View original Tuose indebted, inthis colony, to the Priuting Or
fice of Mr. Ie. J . ener, Demerary, are requested
ftomakespeedy payment to this Otfce.—And th se
indebled to the Printing Office of Messrs. AULERT
and Stevenson, Demerary, wil cake payment to
Mrok. FRANCKBN. 22 Oct,
View original i ca ea =e Oe
= - od
BY virtue ofan Order en oS Eaccllency the
Governor, dated 25th Oct S!4, given Upo t
femorial presented by i, in, “Gorden, M.D. Plaine
ter and Inhabitant of this colony
Notice ts hereby given f the Public: That the
Sale of Plantation de Voedster, cttm annexis, situate
in Canje ereech, which was advertised lo take plice
on Wednesday the 29d November next, ts pos! pone d
until the Sth ot fancuas y next ensuing,
Berbice, 27th October, IST4
K.P RANCKEN. Terst Marsha’.
BY virthe ofan Order trom ts Execclleney the
Governor, given upon a Potition pres nto by I!.
Luthers, for self and Re Donelas, Curators to the
state of Jolin Rass dece ny dy and James Sinclate,
Curator the Estate of John Sinclar, deceased, said
Order bearing dafe the 10th Octobe r IS14.
Notice is hereby civen to the Publie, that Planta.
tion Nie, the property of the late Firnvot Ress ard
Sinclair, has been this A: y released from Pxecotiona
and Seq yicstracion. —Perbiee, [9th October, 12 t4.
h. FRANCHEN, Furs stacsous
View original 4
View original SALE ny EXECUTION,
BY virtue ofan appotntinent from His Excellenes
H.W. Bostives, Esquire, Licutenant-Governo:
ofthe colon » Be hic : nin! its Dep news, &e, ke. &e.
Civen upeona peu lon presented by Py Ta. Masset,
versus PA. Padeubioek, said appointment bearing
di Ory Ply. S14.
Notice is here] yewiven to the Pablice, that T the
un lorie dd oten bo Sloat Public Execeution Sale
I then seace aftywe ine lors Come tssartes and
thers ccutucy oa Wen s lay (he Oro Nov. IS 1-4,
atthe Cott ioe e of hia ct lony,y at TL o'clock in
toot booty pte Py:
Yay Vecoypy ONT, Fischer, dated Ist Sept.
PS), for Poe, with int restoon Chat sum) from
the Pst Sepr lolol dl pah—_A DSO an Interlocuto-
ry Sentone. ea lavoro. Pb. OAL Rodenbroek, versus,
Ca ditied Le paooriting in eapital to ff 100
Gated the [0 Lb avy isl4.— Said doc iments being
eirrendercd in Execntion by J.C) Schollevan: SCT,
for and in the name oi said PL A. Rodenbroek.
Whoever Should (hick to have any riglt. netion.
Or tiferest on to alboresatl Lece ‘prance and Sent mee,
andl wishes to opnoe the Execution Sale On reot, -
auch porsonor pcrseos address themselves to dhe one
Cersi shed, Geetor ur their reason tor such an oppo-
sition induce tine aad fo ring as Thereby give notice,
Mit Pwill receive opposition trom eve ry intermediate
yersan, appotnt thom adayy, ifneed, to have his oi:
qe Claim heard b-fore the Court, and lurtier act
élbereon as the bow dincects.
Dis Gd Prechuration puvlished as custumary.
Berbice, Q2n! Oct. ISI.
KR. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virfne of aappotntment from Cis Excellency
WW. W. hhevtiscnk.acg. Licutonant-Governorof the
eolony erty “y and us Dependencies, &e. &e. &e.
Dated Q1st8 epl fed iy eiven upon a petition pre-
ecntod by fewis Cameron aad TT. Praser, as together
with tis now .osent: Joba Cameron, Attor: les ty
WV lraser, >| Coulbac ete County | faverne Ss Nort]
Britain, and part pr mer tor of Plantation € yon,
West coast, tersrs, the is ccutoror | sealers, Ree
yresentative or Rep sCutalives. of the léstate of I.
Con lon, Oi Plant: MLiOd hLorlum Al; d of Dratics, UN
Zcoth: id.
Notice i s hercby viven to the Public, that I the
wndersizned inte nd fy Se Uy at Public bxccution Sale,
in the presence of two Councellors Commissarics wand
their S: CTOULEY in the month of November, is LJ
Che precise day atlerwards nociticd Gare’ the Gaactte
@t ibis exlony).
The Cotton Fstute called BORT, UM,
gituafean the boast ser coust of thie colony ys “ there
known under No. S7, with all its cultivation, build.
Ings, Slaves, and further appurtenances thereto be-
Jonving, ancdofwhiehan lave: mlory is to be seen at
the Marsbal’s Olliece di Urtige Che hours of duty. Said
Vistate being the property ‘of the Estate of R. Gor-
don atoresuid.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
er interest on the aforenamed Plantation Borlum
cum annexis, awd wishes to oppose the Execution
Sale thereor, let) such person address himself to the
Marshal’s Oilice » declaring thetr reason tor so doing
a dus tune aad fori, av L beicby give uolicc, (hal J
View original }
View original —_—_—_—_—_—__——_————S
Ss. aD
FOR SALE: by the subscriber, a few casks af dry
Cod-fich, part oc the cargo os the £/ fbernia, direct
from Newtoundland,
92 (ct, Cils. KRY TE.
View original LL Sn tees
— oor = ————
prprlse dauday after Vi inity.—
1 |Novewcee.—All Saints,
ViOuke of ent born 1767.—All Souls.
510° | Princess Soodia bora 1777,
Jo" Last Qearter $1. 1M. Afternoou.—Neap Tidce.
Als (Gun Powder plot, 1605.
View original ee
——™® ©) S32 ee
Sarcroar, Orrenrr 29, 1814,
_——=—2 SP —
By ancetract from an London P per of the 2d Sept.
cc oosrree, Chat it was cengral ycicibited, that the Colo.
ute? Demerary and Berbi.c, had been cod db by the So-
reign Prince of the Noticrlunds to Creat Britan, and
that NSurina ty Curdacoa, St. Bo faltis, und all othr
Adds h [/Y ss. daly 1S 97 lite hI cal lui SLi lo Le wy Ce
ad ty delecrod over ly the Dutch Gov ramconb— Th
Vegi tulé ins Carrying @n belxcon Greet britain and =
me Vted wore ceery prosrcct that the Caisline di lere HOS
eh the baller power, would be s) cedt/y accemmudated.
Defween his Royal Micthuess the Prince Roval of Sweden,
Inthe wame of the King of Swed Wy ON Choone party at
the Norwe ora Grove rument eh Chie othe: I 1cl, CONCEAL
at Moss, August If.
Article 1. Tis Royal Uighness Prince Chrietiao shall tc YON AS jN--
ble, convoke the state ceues Potthe Hingdo sof Noor / Pe |.
log tot tavde preeerto do by the evin Cousciudien, | Vy
hall be ope ed chutuve litad ( Ps of at this be luprac-
(1 Jo, Walkin ( fi ( 1” (CGivso ‘lad.
Hie Valest ihe Kos fSwecdeu stil communicite ci “tl
\ Duet b = ar more C ise. mm. Woon ne ell appou
. J (\ t hoo Ch promisce to acceput C une.
(ite ' ( * | Ppt Lt ~ 2) tt wawold., ilies May
‘ Y Cilet.d v1) euie ce Fy (oO C4 uniouw of the
{ r SOUS, AH OT bee LO Maa DONC Ol r but in coacert wikis
{ wr
Pie pro vtes of his Streit) Ms t., ond of the Prince Rov al.
footie Neiwe ran poople, itl bo steed fulalled, aud contrmed .
\ Viale lu Lite NOFW ton if
J. Tue Dict us ( Cheistionia
6, J ) t svedei ives, (hat no person shall
VE Mallee ¢ ir e% ri Ctl. ton ( OomIONs Leretofore C.
) ae | 1. (QO lie t ln Ol Cie ok j 6. Cie Norwest
val and bidary tte metios ar ‘yor (oo vic daare forei_ vers, hell b
t'e..ted \ Nore von fend courie-y. None of Giews bbe hariusced
Lor iis one bon. | Wicd) Deeathiec Co meu } Chews CIVIC’ bhcdd Ot
posal dia rding to the ldvws of the ¢ (Ty.
Te Uliy Mejests tre Ring of Su hots dd ploy his good otlice.
Mita ity VMateats tue Wa wt Denmark, top Cube Cle Fevoe i. tome |g
srt dane @ at eu prurculyuted since Pammary bd, dS) ¥) wordnet
(ue puke budedonorics, and ch Ai gdomol Norw 1y IN Peweoral,
Bone at N Mop. da, lold.
Detween the Swedieh and Norwe ian froops, concluded at
Article To. Ha cilities sh Wee seb seaend tind between the Swe-
Cie Norwegtn troops anid
U | Mo ocrl iron ty ( “prosent conyeuttn, cud
Oavs aeler lhe ed Mi : uf lie Die » Will days hovucatiena beyond
(hot tive,
%. the blockade of the Ng rywectan Ports shall ber bs “, from the
dav of sti og the resents, Joaportition
Ne Cxporlidiion shall be
Frees teogaird betue bod tot Norwe ica
(siV” ia na] Ne
Whats Got already e¢ pitulated, it
th Wobe te ome Col surre: dered. with the Works hereunto belongs.
Meg. bie troops of tt rede Majesty. The garrison shall march
OulOot the forties swith arm, brggage. and Albroilitary bouwours. The
Ole sfaadl be pe hottre Co ro wi “over Chey (hiok Ploper: the sul-
tet snadl retuua Co their ho ces. Pols “JI promise aot acai to
SCTVEG avrulbsl the tro) ~uol, Is . edisit Moje ly,
Pando, Viroe> citucles trace the line o! iureations stipulate that
the No: wegiun national (raops sogih be dish vaded, and return lo their
Cspective prosimecs 3 thatouly fourre
lery sie dl be mah. li dd.
UO. Only two Swedisu divi ions, with a pre
orthlory shall reste ana NulWay
reluin to Sweden,
T. ‘The part of the Norwegian army remaining under arms, shall
retire witsin the line of demarcation iIntWwOdays, Tne Sy edisb ar-
Iny Ve juraing wim, sball commence its mo
Blaculs aud a brigade of arul-
portion of cavalry and
- Phe rest ol the Swedish ariny shall
rements is svon as pus-
Sand rovide forthe reciprocal restoration of i irmony between
the (wot le? for the discontinuance of conlributions and requlsi-
Gions; and for the liberation of prisones
1U. Stipulates, Nv ith W (oO the freedom of deliberation at the
Diet, iy! neither lie Sy. edi@e hor tie Nou Next (Nn WUUL§ aba ap-
PECaCE NLA ee didlue OL Las place of ie aiiting,
Pe — ae ee
View original 11. To prevent anv farther effussion of bt
tice stall be instamtly sic acd,
bv. Khe Nory ‘plan Las to b
l ratify the pu cat Convection, cid seigg with pleasure this uns
Opporuunels oO! shyt ga prool of WMby scala ees (aya ly the s,UrWwees
Giau ballou Jil wliuy. ’
. (Si-ned) *CHARLIS JEAN,
=. --——
The following letter presents such a view of the prace
lices Of the Cust MHelouse at (he port of Loudon, Nv |e 8
than at the on , rts, a we belleve theiuland public is bug
Letle ; Cyo@iiled with. Such
ond,a pravistanal armise
© Tespected the continuation of the
jrocecdiugs as these are the
Cl’Isc tial sy many people have been dissatis id with the
roverniun atunder which they live. Weare picased with
he @mocrate manner in which the Lords ef his Majesty's
Vreast ry reprimand the Commissioners of Customs: but
we Crust tagt something of the fordiler in re will follow
the suaciver in modo: aud Parlicucarly, that shal Board
1 Customs, whieh could recom nd some
( ’ 1
fu an Glicer, lor huving made what the
sUITCY OF ( ; lreae
iry do thenise ves call **a mest WEISEL seizure? ¥ til be
bronsht to account, We Icler lo the feur(a Cxaniply ia
he flo lowty | fler.
We world also take the Wh rty of submitting to the
Consideration of the Lioide of his May “ty's ircasury,
low many coo laints of the vitevurt ¢ "slomeohonses tire
Ver roach (hed Loerdships s Hut ace enly daid b
fore the
Como tsigners
Ul | fonis 4 lLaondon, as the nitimate
. ¢
aco Of Tedros§y-—tha isy Defons asset of up Qn, who could
. j / e
Cal Coon own oficee sitio vlel y Onis fed to A $altse
Me ACK )| ] >» PO PRAC rr.
fa la (at which 4 \\\eare
(othe Lerus of (he Licasury fo / sce ad mosl ur gust S66 US
TRIAASURY Cia BERS, Avc.11, 1814.
Gentlemen,—V am commanded by the Lords Commis.
Stoners of bis Moajesty’s Vreas ty to tuform you, that
(hey Fave recently had under thet: consideration represcne
tations trom vasious inerchants, eomplainins of 1 NPUSt Sete
ZUt x and veadlious detentions hy the olucers of your de.
Huy some of these cases my Lerds have ot served, that the
Precise totter of Acts of Parliament
: . ¢
AlOlIN time oO] joer
sanred Many ycars
*y dud of mere circumscribed coy Merce,
mecocou ty aoptiod an idst all the difliculties im.
dent to war. aad accinst the manatee bpiiil of
Nery e been
the Acts
ecselyes, the pemaltics of which were Cirectcd for the
Gotishment of Fravd or culpable Neglizence, and nut foe
rch tal OV trival « i S1Ots,
I for a) howil sorve as exvamnics of many
Others, bai cous ed toads wyour special acteneign:—
The hh bs ouhe Seavure of iwon vy hos] Cs of @noar
@ifered wil the mask 1S instead of Ros, : Chose hogsy
heade were seized by the ofcers of your de
artthacut, ag
a tort, merely hor Cie onssion of the stnall gut ryeou
MOK y aba ad waitisfaction las been demauded for (ke reve
ora dom of cach cash of ome gine,
POs quite man. fc ty from all the circumstanecs of thig
Ctsey Chat no fiand could have been intended. To grane
fd Salistuc yom. TCI fur ‘5 tO {)) , Sclving ollicer could lend
vlly COencorrise india
A ' ( 1 1 | was?) ities 2
roeiznecs for tiilli 8 irregularities s
and. tucreror
ety Lords cannot suuction the payment ~@
the seming olhcor ofa ysrti-factton w Natewer, but dizect
the toca diate rostoratigu of the eoods,
Another sauce atthe po.tot Bri tol, which has parti.
evlary attracted Cheit bordsiiy 9? Observation, is that of
two hogshcads of st kar dim orted in the ship ituch, in the
mouth of Al i , aid la ut) hie ollcer, ay he di cl ircd for
Deine ar excess ulon the rey ort of the charg ', avainst the
he Care € renioustrance of the OWNErs, w liu contended
Hho t che Cargo entirely Correspond do with the report,
Vitor nearly four months? detoution, aad various reports
abd Corres sondewce the owners were ceuabled, from the
coldest cnecunstanee ofive parlol (he cargo having been
od unt the whole was do liwcred, to prove that there “a5
no ground whatever foe the seizure, and the very irreztie
larity which was the pretence for the scizure was traced
ty the officer latscl f,
A thicd case at the port of Bristol, is that of the sugar
importcd iw the Ana Mosvm, a part of which has beea
i2ed because the maths do not entirely correspond with
the report; butas the wnole contents of the Cargo, as ree
orted and delivered. agree, (here is nu ground to suspect
ny fraud, and the irre culccity is not of an extent to call
forany penalty. My Lerds, therefore, desire that the
sugacinay be ferthwith restored, witout aly satisfaction
A fourth cae, now hefore their Lordships, is that of
the Perseverance, in the port of Loudon, which vessel
and her cargo lave been seized auder circumstances so ex.
(rdurdinary, as Co demand (heir Louidships immediate ite
It appears that this ship brought some cases of Sugar
from Gibraltar, and, under the existing laws, wH not lic
able to scizure, but the owners were at liberty to send the
vessel and cargo again from this country, ‘They applied,
however, to thcir Lordships for leave to Jaed and Warce
house the carzo 3 and whilst this application was under
consideration, your olllcers cunstraing such application
info an intention to laud the goods for warchousing, scized
the vessel and cargo,
Theapplication to their Lordshis for permission to wares
house being refused, the momorialist then applied for an
order to tranship the cargo into another Vessel, for Gibra}e
tar, °Sthe peditioner being subject to heavy demurrage for
detaining (he vessel :’? to this request their Lodshipe were
Pleased to accede, and your Board were appriscd thereo&
on the Oth ult., aud deswed to B'Ve imuediate directions
fei (hat purpers,
View original The vessel Persererance avd cargo having, however,
been seized by your officers ay above stated, yuu lave ree
quested their Lordetips’ divections, subsalting "ct
should their Lordships be pleased ty order the delivery oi
the goods and ve sel, ae seizing olucer inight, ace ain,
tou the practice, bo entitled too aa faction 5 but you be
tosubmithow far thor Lordships, undor (he cicum lanes,
miav tunk be basa Vy Claiin to lie same.
Accord 1g to (he view woich my Lords at present take
of this case, the orzimal sci ite ao, cabs C0 Nave Ueon m0.
wajust; and any preefice which would enGile tue ollices
to satief clhou caunot be (vo much censured, or tuy cvun
abolish d.
fn cise Uke this, my Lords expect, from the discria ina.
Qos julsmert of your Board, tue piouspt aud vigorous
executio. of Cie powers vootd ba you Ly Jaw 5 and you
may co dently Poy, WHIT Ne Gelay ob Previgus Pelee
ence fo their Joordsnips, which is dail a hoavy punish.
meoy to the merchant, mpon (or Joavdstia, >’ huil SUP LOnl
in whatever Measeres may be nee ssary fur (he punts hiaeus
of oppressive of Coutunmaciwus olheer. This, iy Lords
fe. | (oy bo due to the wicrest of the fair mercaaiwi, and to
th: character ofthe Govermmuicut, bothot which are ethect.
ec! by such tiansaetiors as thi -a.verted tu im this letter.
Already my Looras have amstineted youu ty enol your
efficers to rtlean from achay uoomany new Consteucduas
of law con'rary to the jasc peacticor, and to rover all saci
doubts, in the uesCaunstuies, to your board: and in case
of great importance or dunewly, you will apply for Creir
Dor I~ hips’ determinadot Wo (ae petalGies Coudsaned an
the various Jews cf Cussoms were aitended for tie pu.
Hishment ef fraud, and not of accidemal or trivial Onde
Bions, the GMcers Of the Custou e® uust cease tu consider
such mistahee as Sources of advantage (yu chenselves 5 ton
mv Lords ave Gotermined bereatter (olmark witli their dee
eid Gd dtisolh abu.e ere ry d (cution that suai dp pees Co diate
becn pradeuron such vexaGous protcuces,
Ln order to remove every douctof them Lordships’ in.
fontion wpon tlas subjecdy b baveatdn cout ng bo desire,
thatitupor the deavocy of ca gocs oe vessels it sll a))-
J ir tut any pechaces wine may be crroacuusly Marke
ed. du in substance and conutouis correspond with (he re-
Porta Pihe iamilost, netmweorsnel Zuuds oF vess ‘Ts shall
be decuied bbduae tu SEL]UFE Oli ACCYOU A! ol such crror,
1 al. (, thoen,
Your obcdicut ecrvant,
Goimc.issioncrs Customs. (sigacd) S. ik. LUsuJINGTON,.
_—_——<- =
An arrangement befweea Creat Britain and Jlolland
Bas been signed, on the part olf the foraer by the Pome
Regent, and was scntou on Suwd y lest (.A0g 25) to
Brus els, to reecive thes Tu tlre of the Patuce Sovererzt
ee’ ‘
wo! (he Ne th rl i ) c bie O ka sd ad | et, Deowarac

Feseqnebo, and Berbicoy a PD ceblumed by (his Cou.
try. batarin. and all Cae rest of the ashands aud) | lace ,
&s Surinain, Curacor, aud ast, Moslatiay cougieved tious
tne Dutch (| bebe Lid Wal. av - el tv be resloicd ny
the treaty. Ceylony of eo I Mabds WIE USS ay dk was
Coded tu Great (a tain before they ar. ‘Bue value of Cue
Fitcua Pst. dons pares dbo be aiuen diinielcd by
the oocnness af cue (Othe Sata traits foe whicu
Mrey forur ely served as tio g. ataepots toe urupedu Cone
Cravan! vouds,
‘ . *s 9 : . .
A stvarge and iver did’: rovoré was Spread yesterday
tironch the tou 1, eo STP SIS ye lothers uf the Yoin
from (Gi ra'lor:—'l |r eg pee (uel Ghe Goovernincut of
Bain hal by a culls onder exetodod all Brench ves tis
Leiring the white tlre from 1 peols;au, Phe votive
mS iden rr Cordbvet sud tao be thes Who given UL \
J XVII. tothe . the a
‘Hie NVjoid. fu llc ¢€ alms Oo 4 @y. ou the Hrone
oe puny, \\ e bar y Chink if ) vr lO WOT? Coie rue
bioue. a! (dl the MOnlba tbo ber ut wise VU alldachi is ali
@rdut lo wt ourselves,
The Doteh wait of ferday (Ang. OC) presents severna
Orcs of tute igenes sy Whey ab ot moo. te sae y+
Interesting oo oamodog., OP rouse budcody sometitirg vt oie
Vy aratifyiaginthe power ” thou oc ot UN ab ( gcbblea } /y Cl14
prace, of she ite i Vy r 4 t ) GY West lbaths U
Of surrommdiig winds Wester g ces ad Or Exciting
Jealousy. T Oe Pine yover boababa. Gobet Dewees hel
hisboen invested with Gio Odor of the east Fy and ihe
Veocedit try Perines, Ins so, wit thatot cae dati | “Pae
Ecremonuies took ofrce at be ts Uic seal oh all that ay
g4y in the Low Countries, probably the fature seat o:
emoire aio for the dbo seol Nassua Ovange. dbere tie
Dake of Weirton i y lookin at the stare of detouce an
wh ch the gp trricu xd fowa acon the bicaash fronts {
and this, weaoorehood, miav be dove witiout Bivine Just
@.use for dissitistac iva fo any one An eapire which
has acquircd anow frontier, woud of Cuuts 9 (Ved) Chine,
ef the profoundest peace, havea barrier Girown around. it.
The towns boty cen Namur and the Nod Sea ace those
an general which forned the bavcier in the rica of Queen
Anne. Lovis XIV. was most anvious tu tetai Pournay
in his hétds, but was dot adowed yet the Allios of ihuse
days uover catered Paris, thouch lord Gone browe Say $
that projects of (hat nature wore da Contemptmuon. bie
French barsicr line will of Course consist of ergues, Cas.
@cl, St. Venant, Lie, St Amand, Maubeuges tothe fore
Gfications of which th ‘y WHE no doubt ationd, aud yet,
We presume, Wilhyul any capeetation of au attack in tat
The Government of the Prince Soverciin, if such as
Wescribed in the Dutch mol, is poliGe and conciliating,
The employment of naive subjocts in otices of state
throughout the Belgie provinces, is pecuharly proper.
His Highness wil! recollect enonga of the early lisiory of
his own country’s independcuce, to be aware that the
Grst fecling of disgust which 5, cing up in the minds of
@e Dutch, was exciied by the uuuber os Spaniasds whe
View original ‘Surrounded Philip 17. during his stay among them, and
enzrussed all the imeratic othccs.
ft is the intention of the Admiralty, in consequence of
the numerous Captures made by the Awcricans, lo be ex.
tremely etrict with Captaris who quit (aeir cunsoy at Sea,
ut who, coutrary ty orders, Sail without cousey. Pro.
secuGuius of Masters oF shtps tar neglect ot tias desceriy.
iO, have already commenced, a3 will be seenby thesub-
jy9bivd calract of @ letter s—
‘Lloyds, August 31, 1814.
*SThe Lords Commissioners of the Adintralty have been
Neascd to infocus the Canmittee, that th y Nave given
dire (ions to their Sulctor to prosecute the Masters of
che lollow ily vessels, bid, tml Swart ol iae Wru bel “ly
Hal ly aréived at Liv rovul from St. Domingo, did
Jamaica, for saihug without convoy; and Nr. iondeli,
ihaster of the Neve [re lerich, tion NJ aita to Hull, lor dee
CHUM (Ae iboet winder Co voy vl lis sad yest) 7a shy) ale ble
Jord, in Jame last.”
(sianed) “JOUN BENNETT, Jun”
We have secna list of Avoericun captures published vn
the Lith of J a ) from wae. te al Aopedlrs Chal urdu s cA:
Secund yoar of che war Uaey aia vatcd ty nv sess Guat 325
Vesselsy matty Of WC Were valuabic prass,
the wacant Reed Rabands are conforeed oa Lieut. Gen.
soe HW. Clinton wud Admiral We. Young,
A Couatteeol bicuca ime. chants base, wehoar, waite
cdl YY) Ubiivislers Co FOE CSc tal to Cocha lie Utley ol Wilile
drawing the igi dudics ou Grerinan and dvulch Jinecus

WV AIich wc belrey . ‘ adDoul is } ¢ ‘hel At Wit > alcd by
Hem Chat duidscrgus sabps, whlle Cabguesy beoud tne dha
Valill I da (| CT se vfi Tr. bare LOE lo ued Indlly LOC datvcta
> 9
lt U ng My Frac leaole (O olelacd Ulvein fives NCW UW Qoa
Chic diosa ai (avis OF Cie Cu ook $4,011 buubi-usts, ald (il
7 1a pu tdce has b Poiby Lies LEN Cow sshd S dhd tie oe
Ciro shaved -@olyod into force hards. luce dttiower tiaue
Oy Che Miuister Was, de We wie Mifueiiod, bial We dy pee
becily seve Lie of fag hone bi gi ide belorCu tise, Dub Cirat
(ale Julics On lincits ave beVicG sh aC Cou. ded wauik LO Lave
Weaiufactures ol liclaca.
y ta lis reeent treatise a? the wealth,
POWer, alt rebuurces of Cs beiliow Ci litey dbty thie bu.
aac. Co! puaous
lows StaleMenl Othe Nulbioe ob pau peds.—" aAecurd-
bids fo cir rerurn nade lu i iCi.dtly ity aul tlae jar we) pS,
(he number of individuals who tecaved palbocusai Feud tn
Wogtand and Wales, @i.euuled to vbe tigom dualy thou.
sdlba adil seVvVectblech., dl | lells ON a OV, Aids Qt (4ccurdins
(oad return mide lo Par janet two yess bobore ) which)
a WV mvt valy {ovo iW ict Llas sadihs Lesie abode alla fo ‘) -
(ueee Cho vsand.??
ogy . e - v ’
Poe ipauk-aulesin circulation J aly $,1813, amounted to
3.344 s Jf. 5 on July lo Vy Sdi.i y ary locd Yl y-isud,
Afi Cae Chi adliV 24 dn rs Boi, 23 ,vJ hiv Oe. alld Url Cae
Dili July tostant 29.552 Go 004,
a Od Uber blde dec .—il N \ Or * 1s, America, on the
Joh wf Nyoru lust. died \) ° ls rhe Goliima, bas Peliadlli,
i cu 7! yeas, ana one ol Cie Gidyot Waive tihabilaats of
thal Cul. banding himsell dices osea de toe widdle of (he
Hie Wy de se dad dda, Women go dle yldSy, Who, an (WO IDL.
(bu sSd.ilel dcoehli ve tie | lbh S@ Ud toed beawsimey buss UU lvy Will
YUdtbal a piicu 2b Luk SadL Cc i.lsla it
Mr. Wellesley Pole to be hlaster of the Mint; he is
alse to havea seat in the Calinet,
The fully Wi 2 have Leen ually determined _—
aViw. Canning (U be JAA ad DASSQU UT tu tne Court of Lis-
Nir, Wu-kieson, Privy Councillor, and Survey or of ih
MY Us ath JF Ol sie;
Mr. Biachtoid, a Lord of the Treasury s
Abe. Sturges buarne, 4 baavy Couned vi, and Member
of tuo 4 $204lU 3 A ,
Vee isoa, J. WW. Waed, a Privy Councillor, and a
alae llbtel vob lil bead Ul Cuoitiol.
—>—_ = —
Drussels Aig. 22.—Vhe Prince Sovereizn bas named
Cominissioduesy Wis see ale idy departed tu (awe purses.
SON OF Chal iaioortintioty. Liis ailicmed that the arriva
of Lord Casthor. Ww) Se SOI Ciuladcnges, lt dppears
Cortatbo, Chat the peneral Government ol Belgium wall ex.
(sud Loy ond the Maco, Gut we hnoow uuthow lac the ven
MMets tu react,
The Datca gtrrison of Namur iv strensthened, as the
Below rogimeve hacis organised there is soun to go to
Permouds, Othes troops are to go to Charlerui and the
Whe Prince of Orange and the Duke of Wellington are
expecid back to-morrow from visidng the frontiers.
since the deerve of the Prince Soversign was known, the
number of Belgiau ollicers leaving the French service in.
creases daily.
Loid Castlereach, his Britannic Majesty’s Minister,
has aicived in this city. On his passage through Gheut,
be had an interview with the American Kuvoyss and eve.
ry thing leads us to hope, that peace between england and
(he United Statcs of America will soon be coucluded.
Brussels, Aug. 23,—Lord Castlereagh has takea up
his residence at the hotel of Lord Lynedock. It seems
certain, that since his Lordship had a conferenceaggpith the
Aimerican Aubassadors at Ghent, many difficulffes in the
way of ¢he ucgotiation have been removed, so that a hap.
Py issue may beexpeeted. Letters ftom Ghent say, that
the futendant of the Department of the Sambre gives to-
day amagnificient entertainment ty the Eng inh and Anic-
bcd AW Lassadors,
View original All the Hanoverian troops on their way to the Wezer:
fo come tu Belgium, have reecived orders to hasten hag
march, and wiilariive tu a dew days. “The places they
are ly uccupy arealieady fixed.
Jtisnut to be doubteu, but the abode of Lerd Cast'ee
reagh at liussels, howewer short itiay bey will be disuie
Kiiisaod by tacasu res lushly couducive (yo the imtciest of
iy and protee!s oar country in the most decided mane
Nery audis co sulved tu cmploy ail yp ussibve mans bu eususe
vis de ctidence aud yous) erity.
Peas allirmncd, that a numcrous camp will be formed on
Our tromucrs de (de Degtuming of September. Whe (ru0 6
Will Ve eacreed sovcsal days du perfuriaing grand mide
Brussel, dug. 24.—The following are some interest ag
details respecang the covemony of the investitute of tue
Orders of the Garicor aud tie baih, wliich touk place ow
Che 22d,
‘itis Royal Highness the Prince Sovercign of the Unite
ed Netherlands, having been recouuhy appointed a hiign’
vl th iost novie Order of the Cearter, aud Lis kx wleucy
Lord Castlereagh, and sve Isaac Hoard, Garter wing a6
arivs, taviig doen charsed on the part of his Royal Uighe
Ness Uhe Paice Rosvent of Great Britain, acting in the
name and of the Uotall of the SOVCPLILU, (0 Mveot Cie new
Aight wita the dnsiguia of the order, this CercInOny touk
lice on the 220, in presence of avery cousidciable ave
sembly, Compescd of tue proacipal bunctionaries, the
Chict Ouieors of tne Sati, aad the most cistinzuished ef
vur Glizens of both seves, After the usual forins had
been gous though, Lord Castleveagh, inj erson, attache
cd the garter Co Cie person of the Prince Soveragn, and
ine WDuhe of Cainbsidze decorated his Kuyal liichness with
(he mibodoa ob the order, dud thee gave bins (he salute
prescuibed vy the statutes
Shae roespQon of the Hereditary Prince o° Oranze,
as oinhtod the Q.dor of the | alii, tuk J ace Inedle
dic y diteuwaid . Lurd Castlereagh, ov yrese ting the
d-Curaiton, with Chat Lachey and elociasce whieh chara e
terise lis b,ordsin| ’ addresecd his Ro) al iglitiess bi t
speech which made a Evcly aud agroecable pression on
alwhobourd it. We notice as the most ramarkable | ae
Sages those dn which he mentioned the order of the Lath
> Ge usstmiuiary order of Great Britaing and as being
Miiy eranted tu fis Roy ul Higiiness for his Va'our asa
Wa roi, avd tisconduct foil of dijmty asa Princes the @
In Winch tue Noble Lord alluded to the services pecfornid
to Moglaud oy Gae dlouse of Oranse, in the establishinene
VE Tbert) sia national prospenty 5 aud assured him th €
dimgng the wumerous Peeual) choses Which the fortunate
erents of late moa had called upoa the Prince Regent te
Destuwy there Was tude whicn pave che peo lew wlard
nore sincere SAliabiction than the bo Stowal ol the presen >
andy in Gaey where his Wve tiouey ex: rosscd las eomideney
Chitth + same talents aud brav. ry Witch ielatis tu persons
vi such high distinction is uow befo e the word, and (he
conduct of cach is wow duly appreciated.
Tis day took place (ae colebs.aige of the birthed iy of
the Prince of Grange. li Ge worning thers was a su; arb
paradean the; ark 5 the Magtish Guacds, the first er aimene
vl Belsic in antry of the Jane, the horse artall Ty,and a
regiioont of Havoc rian Uussarsy were drawn up in dine in
(his vastand iaguificent space. ‘The whole tocmed thg
Must pleasing spectacle, from the finances of the troo.s
and the wiegant diversity of their unifooms., The crowds
a(tiacted tu the spectacle wire so vumerous, that it: was
difticul€ te move. After several discharges ot musketry,
ali the trogps detiled before the bulace of the Prince.
Yports, ilomimations, and fire works, terminated the lose
Gvitics of this day, wich willdoru an epoch in iheannale
vf isruseels. Ali true teiends of thoi Cowhlry must hace
date the era of the renewal of its hap, iness and prosperity.
Ghonl, dug. 22.—Mer. Todd, son inelaw to Presider @
Madison, anu aivdte Scerctary to dir. Gallatin, isariivd
Jt is affirmed that a camp of Fogltish troops will Le
formed between Pournay and Courtray,
By a private letter, of geod authority, iv this colony, it
was uaderstuud that those Colonics, By some arrangement
would be ceded to Great Brivain for five years,
—_—_—————"S OO Ee
View original —_—_————-_- —”
= = -
We percvive by the Dublin Pipers, that the Letter of
Vi Quaraatotti, (rom Rhome, was recewwed By tue Ursa
Domagogues in the mauner chat Inig it be etpected, ‘bue
Oigau of the Faction in, terrified at the pruspec®
of conchation or harwony, says—
ceWe are really goad that Quiarantotti has afforded t@
the people of Ireland an opport toily of repeling the
charge of passive obedicuce and mean subservien ‘y fo the
See of St. Poter.— Lacy vill not obey this Decre .”
And an **drish Priest,” in the same Ld a,Cr, expresses
himself in the folowing elegant manner upon the Subject.
Alter insinuating that Me. Quoarantotti was bribed b
Lord W. Bentinck, he says—** Mr. Quarautott, and hig
must learned Py elafes, were undoubtedly poor at the times
the argumentam ad centrom is very strong every where,
and particularly at ome.”
He then proceeds to call the Pone’s Vicar ‘*a consume
mate blockhead,”’ and coucludes Chias,—
‘ohvery attemnpl to weahkeu the Catholic Church in Ire.
land shall in the end prove fruitless; and as long as the
‘Shamroc so green? shall adern our island, solong shall
the faith delivered to us by St. Patrick prevail, in spite
of Kings, Parliaments, Orangemen, and Quarantottis.”
NP es S73 2S
Disd. | At his pluntation ia Canjey Mr. Scarse
View original By Fis Excellency Hrexry Wrrrraar
Bentrincr, Esquire, Lieut.-Governer
over the colony Berbice and its Depeu-
deiucie., Sc. &c. &c.
And the Tonorable Court of Policy and
Criminal Justice of the said colony.
To all wham these presents may or shall
come, Greeting ! Be it known:
\ , hereas Representation has been
made tous, that ve attention ts not paid to our Or-
dinance of the Lith November, 1310, whereby Slaves
are forlidden to le worked by their Masters on a
In order therefore to censure better observance of
the Peg ulations contamed in our aforesaid Procla-
mation, we have, afler such cmcniation os we hav
deemed necessary, COUS lithe said Ordinance to be
re-published for ecneral information, strictly requc
ring ohedicnce thercunto fiom all the Lahabiants of
his colony.
BY IVis Faccllancy Major General Samuer
Darrnrvuprr, 2cd/re Gorvornor, and the /lo-
noveble Comtof Policy and Criminal Justice
ofthe Coliay Revbice.
To allto who these present may or shae come ;
Ciel) v 7 j eal Lrowen :
Woarernras we have deemcd it of the highest ne-
ecsuiiy for the weliare of the Colony, and tts Enhiabi-
tants and being destrous of making such essential
Ro oenlations, as will promote the Wellare of Negro
Slaves, rad the Pranguinty of the Colony; as also
to comply with Cre wishes of a great majority of the
commenityy Who bayo made representation to ue on
the principle of (he inrdequatcy of the existing law,
for these purposes; fo revise an Lreconsider the Laws
and Ouida cs ofthe Colony at present Mh LOOP Cr.
which having been done by Cs. Wethe Governor
and (Coort of Pol cy in ouncil assehi led, make
kaowa these our Nw \de, ted Regulations, Onder-
furan bentoinowe all (he tobabitames or this Colony,
to obey thei, Peouse Crem Co be obeyed 5 tow that
supose revoking oli fommer Laws and Kegulatiors
mode by Us, taalta ny wise miaitite or Gan be Cons
atrucd to malitote oyaust Uhese our presen Ordiuan-
ces, and /iost/y wills rewtrd ta the puaiabinent of
Negrovs, ot oblicn Sinves, Ghcain.
A i\ i ° i.
That no Owner, Proprictor, Attorney, orany other
descrij (ronoor cliss ©. persons having controul Over
Nevroes or other Slaves, shall, under auy pretence,
whatsoever, on One Day on at One Time, Pontsb any
Slave in adoie soveve manner thanby Fhardy- Nave
Lashes, with a J cer. wha bb Putishment shall not
be inflicted on any olner part than on the Lrecck of
the Slave, so putitoloed such persons who excecd
this our Or luiince. betiy subject tor the peualty of
Three handecd euros. ‘The appheation of which
penalty is to Ge atade oe ticreatler sliall be resolved
on by U's.
° I.
Well aware the! cireunstances cannot fail of ari-
ging at times wit!) the staves thatqaerita more severe
and public ponishinen:, and tho? desirous ov treating
the staves, with such humanity, that Love and nol
Fear may operate, as inotives for (heir good coud
tw tneir Masters. Webhereby Order, that wh iover
a Slave conunits a Cftime ora Pault wittch his Mias-
ter thinks deserving ofseverer Punishment tha thar
ty nine Lashes, (hen, ond tn that case to tiave such
sla ve brought before (he bureher Captain Or Neves
Doursher Gtheer ol the bLeistiset, who as hereby Oi
derea and enjoined to cause a Puntshinent nol ex-
ceedines One hundied I as/re cy to be inflicted ia dis
, reff to such Bureher Oiheer’s dis-
prescnee ; it tyeun ,
cretion, (oO J?u lhauelh Ne roe. ads die biotch lyer-
fore hineas bomoy Chink proper, aby ya witha Che
Jinsited number ot Oye hiunhod Lashes.
All Masters, Quners, ov [livers of Slaves, are bere-
by strict y cry ine’, whenever any shave has com-
mitted any Oflence whieh can be soe tar looked upon
asa Crime, and theresito obemdavainst the Laws ol
the Land, to cause such slave to be brought) before
the Burehor Captain ot the Pistnet, or next Senior
Bargher Gihcer, taatthe Crime laid to the Nesroe’s
Charge, may be looked into, and if fouad of Chat na-
ture, sv as to deserve Severer Panishiment than what
he the Burgher Oltcer hus it in his power to infltet,
to cause the Newrgo OF SLAVE SO offending, lu be sent
forth with to the Fiscal of the Colony, to be dealt with
accuriling to Lay.
Ail persons, Planters, Jnhabilants, and others,
whoimsocver the same inay be, are heraby strictly ene
joined, wader vo pretence whatever, to inflict, or
cause to be lafiieted, any punishment, of any hind,
on the Negro or Slave of another man, or on Slaves
wot theic owa property, or over which (icy have not
Keciscd evulioul, ex bave in hire, save and except
View original ’ ()]
ork inthe J
{ rnclay
pres rVa Ty
Cyril whicl
pro] CTU re
rr) iC 8)
ly Chon
() pol
j e
View original by itts Laccllency Lleney 'han__ram
Bentinck, Lxquire, Licut.-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Dependen-
CICS, &C Xc. Xe,
And the Honorable the Court of Policy
aud Criminal Justice of the said colony.
Lo all to whom these preseitts may or shall
Come, Grecling ! Beit known:
Whereas the late unhappy preme-
ditated disturbances on the West and East Sea Const
of this colony, places us under the necessity to call
upon the Colonists under this Government, to bear
their proportionate quota of the expences necessari-
ly incurred in erushing a plot which endangered the
safety of the colony.
And whereas the proceedings instituted by us for
the detection and punishment of such offenders as
were proven to be concerned in the said premedila-
ted diMurbances, have occasioned severe and heavy
ex pences.—And as by our Ordinance of the L1th of
January, 1814, we are bound to indemnify and make
good tothe Proprictors of (he Slaves so capitally pu-
uished by virtue of our Sentence, the value thereof 5.
We Rave in order to provide for the payment of he
a - es a
View original said just and necessary expences, considered it most
expedient and equitable, that all the Inhabitants of
this colony possessing Slaves, should contribute im
propertion to the number of Slaves possessed by
(hom, towards the repayment of thosexpenses which
the colony has beea put to.
SOUP ES, that we have enacted, as we do hereb
inact, that each and every Inbabitint shall contre
bute and pay unto the Receiver General of the colos
ny Berbice, agreable to the Return for the Capitas
tion ‘Pax, made to the Recciver General’s Office due
ring the month of January, I814, their quota or pros
portion towards the payment of the aforementioned
expenses after the rate of deo guilders per head, tor
cach and every Slave possessed by them at that time,
liable to the Ordiuary Head-simoney or capitation tax.
AND we do turther by these presents, qualify and
authorize the Receiver Greneral of this Colony, alter
(he expiration of the time appointed, hamely the 3
December, IS14, to compeland enforce payment of
the said capitation tax, trom all defantiters, by Suwon
mary Laccmdion, and without Jurther process of
Andin order that no isnorance may be pretended
these presents shall be published, piiated, posted up
and seat rouud the colovy as asual.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Assembly, held in
the Win l’s House, New Atusterdam, Berbice, this oth
day of Qetober, Lo l4.—Present, His Excetlency HW.
Wo. entince, bes j. Licutenun(-Governors; and the
Honorable Vernbers doun Papin, das. Praser, Petee
Puirbataand (reo. Nbuneo ;——-Demptis, the Hou’ble
Micmbers doba Mi Camon and AL db. Glasias,
And puorshed on tae Gth October tullowing, in
ence of this @xcellency the Licutenant-Govere
wy and tue aforesaid Members.
Py command of the Court,
hn. C. DOW NELK, Sec.
(Third tine of publishing.)
—$—— +
BY Wis Evccthucy 1. W. Bentinex, Esq,
Liculenant-Gorernor of (he Colony Berbice
And iis Dy pendcnck > Picsident inallCourts
and Cotleses within ihe same, &c. &e. &e.
\\ hereas Tk lve recetecd the Complutnt of Mere
chants aud hidiathitancs of thes Colony, studing that there
Grea wend of Neer os hucaserors in and about this
Culusigs ane Gre not ocd: ging lo Restdeals, which prace
(eee bs untrcjud and ddrmiculal to the Complainants.—
f have ducrijure thought pt for he Rem uy Und Prevenea
(eum of suth Iiegacardty, to Leelare, and do herely
Notseys haul ecry dhoksler found ietthout my Pose
or Lice ce, siall be (Apel wii (bl Gil i Lodged inthe Uve
tony Jail, acd further halt with according to Lev.
ela Col the said hievcnees may be daly and regularly
<U S$ fur the same ehiusl be obligcd
lo Conithy in wording that the Huchster is ether a fice
fiesuloul, or the Slave bidenging lo an estublihed Rests
dent of (nes Culuny.
Lind Lastly, that his Order may be strictly observed,
[ley llonor the Focal és CAJULNCM bu im jie nthe Trinse
groears as afvresacd, aud pursue them jor such fine
AM COMPSCUTLINM Us by fi hace ts oslablahed,
Geccu under my Mand aud Sea’ at Aris, at the King’s
Live, berlece, dleey Von day of Oct ber, Is da.
By Commani,
Mm. WHITTLE, Gov. See,
(frau tine of publishing.)
Obtain. be he a4] pte ‘
View original aE
Berbice, Sth Oclobcr, 1814.
WHITEREAS it having been represented to thig
Oflice, Ghat colony and otber boats have been, and
are constantly employed, in clandestinely conveying
away the produce o! this colony, as also bringing
Rum and all kind of non-Enumerated Goods, with
oul (either) Entering or Clearing, in dirggt Violation
of the ivevenue Laws and Customs, provided and cse
tablished for the protection of Trade in is Wajesty’s
Anb as the Law requires the Master of every boat
or vessel, being of 15 tons burthen, to report at the
Custos, whether in ballast, or ifotherwise, coming
from another Port, the particular description of hee
Lading, and who consigned to, under certain Penale
(ics directed in the said Act, which penalties will be
daly eutorced in default thereot ; and likewise, that
ho vessel of this description can in future be allowed
to remain atanchor in or about the eatrance of the
canal leading from the east coast or Canje creck,
without making, within 24 hours, after such arrival,
the usual report, required by law, althis Ollice.
Lis. CHAPMAN, Collector.

THE Domicilium Citaudi ct Fxecutandi, of the
subscriber, is atthe house of A. Stewart & Co.
View original Published CT yy Saln | lock. py
hlished every Salurday at 4 o’
see Setuaay at 4 relocky a a
Pp , LUE WY (ya,
rivileged Gosernnent Lrinters
View original

29 October 1814