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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
—— $$
View original cee ee
BY virtue ofanappointinent froin the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of the colony Berbice, under
date of 16th May, 18!4, ona petition presented by
the undersigned in their capacity as Curators to the
Lstate of the late M. ©. Wuxsenrrt.
Notice is herchy given: —hat the cotton planta-
tion BENGAL, with ailitsSlaves, and other appurt-
enances and dependencies, will be Sold at Public
Vendue within the colony Berbice, tn the month of
Apvil, 1815.
Terms and contitions wiil be publicly made known
tivo months previous to the day of sale, or by ap-.
plication to J. vay pew BROEKK, Curat
._—_—_-+ -———_——_——_- -- er ----sakRaerere_ _— LL
View original <_< + 0 CO OO 0
Notice to Creditors!
Tirn Creditors of Plantation FYRISH and Rosr.
Dovcras, are hereby informed, that on Tridzy the
€th of July, there will be put up amongst them, 20
bales of gcod clean cotton from said Estate ; And for
the accommodation of the smaller creditors, there
will be at same (ime put up the value of 10 bales of
cotton in colony paper money froin three to five joes
each respective lot. ‘The sale to take place at_ the
honse of Tue. F. Layriein, Esq. No. 20, New
Ar:sterdaim, at }20’clock in the forenoon ; each cre-
ditor is requested fo come provided with such vou-
chers as they respect vely hold,
Berbice, 11th June, 18i4.
View original NOTICE.
Wiirreac Mr. Jones Pule, bas unwarrantably
given a piss loa nearo virl named sosic, the pro-
perty of the undersigued, by which she was em ibled
0 go at large : this isto rcouest should she be seen
onany gentlermon’s este'c, sie wall be taken up, ond
the stim of two joes wil be paid to any person lod-
ging her in the colony barracks.
Pt Jeane, vow. DERRICK.
Nv. If see willrcturn of her own «accord, she will
be fo. jiven.
View original VE ACGOP.
Den onderectekende presenteerd uit de hand te
koop deczells concessie, met de daaropstaande ge-
bouwen, ineenof twee pereelen, zcer wel gelegen
voor cen Drozist, san de middenweg, aaneen gegor-
de kooper cy 3, 6, 12, en 18 maanden, alles te wel
beker! om verdes aan te presenteren.— Verders bied
hy te koap een fraay Orin, met 5 rollers, spelende
£0 didciente stukjes zoo wel marschen als danzen ;
Ken zeor clegant zilver hofly en thee servies ; Teen
elastafel met zyn_ loebehoren.—Dy de kwantitet,
verkoopt by bet glauber salt voor / 1.— het pound.
i] Juny. I]. SNEEViCN.
a LL
View original me
Fro the waterside of lot No. 20, New Amster-
dam, about ten days ago, a small Punt, with planta-
tion Fyrish printed on the stern, Whoever may
have picked it wp and willl return it to the subscri-
ber, shall receive the asual reward.
1] June. Vas. FP. LAYIFIELD.
—e — aw. —— - —
ae ~~» o-- o>
Berbice, 2d June, 1814.
Casu wanted for the following Government Bills,
viz No. 529—£100.2 o29
No. 9305 4'150.% —m)
for which Tenders vill be received at this Office.
Hf. HENDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen.
———<—<————— On —
View original ——— — CFCS — —————
TWO or three days after the arrival of the next
eCuiana Packet, will be disposed of by Tenders of
Bills, togethor amounting to & 900 Sterling, to such
amounts, as will be required, at 90 days sight on Z.
Macauray, Esq. the Secretary to the Commissioners
for the Crown Property in South America, drawa by
by.Mr. A. A. DE La Court, Principal Agent for the
said Property. ‘The time for Tendering will be fixed
after the Packet’s arrival, and stuck up at the Post
Office. The Tenders to be sent to Mr. A. A. pELA
Covurr.—Berbice, 2th May, 1814.
View original
View original VENDUE OFLICE.
ladies dresses, Ke.
Also by order of * essts. C. C. Swaving, and
H. Staal, qq. the isiate or... Swaviag, dec. a
collection of Dutch and diatin jo.
Lhe sale will comtuence at bio ck precisely.
De CG. CAwW ALON, DD: cadue Shuster.
—————— Ow eee
On Monday tho i. be sold on plan-
tation Clverstony, er of William
Dodgson, Esq., trom 40 . / catth , amongst
which are some dal Oxon, © 4 ~heep, a chaise
and harness, Q ch: Vise I _ J ouschold furni-
ture, comsisitiaz of bed » curtains, feather
beds, attresee ‘sound ¢ sell ot dining
tables, car’ per Dros Hs Ov a lady’s”
joelette wi drawers, ) / 9, 4 pairsotas,
chairs, a burcau, wok mer sett of
ware, & Chains & ase! "oy desert and
tea spouns, a fish x” plate and
glassware, glan> | j - d knives and
forks, bason stan -s s, 2 chamber
do., aliqnoress , isuets, a col-
lection of boots
The Sale wit! ‘a precisely,
D. co. /Cudue , Alaster.
On Wednesda | will be sold on
the premises. “ No. 10, vy or-
der of Messss. d. be. t Lon on brown
stout in hhds., rl ss, rw b suttable
burde Ty fresh Saurcacir > inal paint oll ;
eentlemen cloathin. ry s ‘es, avap, Cane
dles, Osnaburgs, Wu roe biankets,
sheeting, &c. all whic! / LOULTUSELVe.
Also by order ot ff. ; , (he Estate of
J. £. Tieboe!, dec., a 5 « tong, by 9 teet
broad, a6 our’d tent coyi.., 52, she cloth coats,
View original aie nnn endian aaa
On Thursday the bot ies au: be sold at the
Vendue Ofhee, an assortiu nl 3 mported by
the last artvals; cousistiuss ¢ * porter an
bottles, best London vrows ! lantation
tovis, grind stones, maris, : »y ladies
dresses, soap, can ides, gus 4 iy pr. vallon,
sheeting, Lnonysta woury,
On the sane day, yy ote pcr, 20 roads
of land, exceeding - oa towards tbe
middle road, boing he bo. halt lot No. 4,
vith the rizht o. a ven. wade dau, i lots
lo suit purchasers.
On the same cay, vo ’ berrels of her-
rings and 20 bari is of our
Also by order ot the Curacors, () the Estite of the
late 1. Barry, esq. a piece of lana, part of lot No. 3,
fronting the waddle nocd. aud jciamyg the premises
laicly the property of Siossis bvaiw Angus Fraser.
Also on the same day, wit! be sold at the Vendue
Office, a handsome carricle and a pair of horses, 2
cows of a supertor breed, sundry articles of household
ftirrmiture, the property ofa genUcinen abuut to leave
the colony.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mastr.
On Wednesday the 29d imstant, will be sold by
order of Messrs. G. Bone & Co., London brown
stout in hbds., Madeira wine in bottles and pipes,
potatocs in hampers, mould candles, and a few bar-
rets of flour.
On the same day, linen, bkfs., checks, Osnaburghs,
coffee and cotton bagging, tea in canisters, loaf sugar,
beer and porter pr. dozen, beef and pork in half bar-
rels, a few crates of earthenware, coflee bags—also
O tierces of salt, &c.
Also on the same day, will sold at the Vendue
Office, by order of Sarah Craan, the premises bclong-
Ing to her Children, being 6 roods of lot No. 8. situ-
ated between the house of Mrs. Bakker, and Miss.
Phibe Butcher, with the buildings thereon, in goed
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
— - — _
View original ED
A young Barbadian Negro, a complete Tailor ; for
parliculars apply to Mr. A. Srewart, in New Am-
sterdam, or to the subscriber.
View original
View original SECRETARY's OFFICE.
—_— =_. —
This ts to inform the Public, that the following pere
sons tntend quitting thrs Colony.
A. Krieger wiih the June or July convoy.
(©. Molenaar in6 weeks from 25 May.
J. C. Schollevanger for Barbados by the first opporte
W. Dodgson, family and one servant, with the June
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
-_- ~— i a — ---oe
NOTICE ts hereby given, that a month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be pussci.
June 4. W. Lobban, will transport to M. Jaffray, the
negroes: George, Tancred, Sam, Sandy, and
Harry, and the said M. Jatlray, will at the sare
time execute a first morigage in favor of the 1
W. Lobban, on the negroes above namec,
on the following negroes, viz. George. Willian,
Ben, James, and John.
—— W Schulz will transport to Thos. C. Emery,
two half lots of land, in the 2! emp older of this
town, from the middie roal to the backdam,
known as No. 33 and No. 34.
June 11. Geo. Bagot will transport to Demerary 69
negro slaves, names to be seen at this office.
R. ©. DAXSV NER Soe,
—— = -
View original NOTICE.
An persons who may havaany claims or demands
of whatever kind, against the late Firm of
Ancus lTaser & Co.
Evan & Anaus Frasen & Co.
TPraser CambBeiys & Co.
or against
Evan & Ancus Frasen,
Ancus Fraser, deccased, or
Evan Fraser.
Ave hereby required, at the instance of the aforesaid
Evan Fraser, Partner of the above i‘irms, for him-
self, and representing bis deceased Brother Angus
Fraser, to turnish him with statements thereof wi:{)-
out delay, in ordery that they may be Immediately
settled. Berbice, 25th May.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS the following person has addressed
herself to the Hon. Court of Policy, of this colony’,
for Letters of Manumission :
‘The mulatto woman Catuarine Ricuarps
sisted by A. F. Ficuer, for herself.
_ Notice whereot is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppuse the graut
of said Letters of Manumission, that they may ad.
dress themselves in writing to the Secretary of ihe
colony, previous to the next Sessions of the Hon’bie
Court, woen a final disposition will be made on tue
aforesaid Petition.
Secretary Office, Berbice, May 28.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
OO ——<—<—<—<—<$<$—$————————————
9 ise
View original Ser ee
ALL those who are indebted to the Subscriber,
‘are requested to come forward with immediate pay-
ment. —1]1 June. A. McBAIN.
View original ALLAN STEWART & Co.
Offer for Sale at their Store, adjoining that of
Messrs. Hencry and Taylor, the following Goods
on moderate lerins, for unimediate payment.
SCOTCH and pearl barley, Bristol tripe, mus-
tard, pickles assorted, Hessian boots, jockey ditto,
planters shoes, dress do., ladies slippers, silk, beaver,
and willow hats, stationary assorted, gentlemen cote
ton hose, ladics do., blue and green bordered tabli-
cours, supperfine broad cloths, Welch flannel, Lrish
linen, cotton rugs for negroes, Indian shades, becr
and wine glasses, decanters and rummers, buttons
assorted, Britania metal tea and coffee pots, Japaned
do., tea caddys, Japaned waiters, plated candle-
sticks, snuffers and trays, knives and forks, decanter
stands, scissars, pocket books, iron pots, pale ale in
bottles, dryed ox tongues, &c.—4th June.
View original FOR SALE
AN excellent and handsome chesnut Mare, she is
a pleasant riding animal, and pertectly steady in
harness , price 30 Joes.x——Enquire of the Psinter
A June. i
View original
View original 7 2 eee see were ew ao. Sse ew Se
View original =
— - —
ee 99 - OE
SavTunvay, JuNE 11, 1814.
The great cocnts, mentioned in our Extra Gazelle of
Tuesday last, we now continue at large—The formal re-
cal of Lovis XVII to the Throne of France by the
Provisional Goverami.—a yearly allowance of six milli-
ons of francs (nearly £240,000 sterling. )—The instal-
lation of his Royal MHighness the Prince of Grange as So-
vereign of the Netherlands, and the delivering of the
New Constitution to that Nationa,
Our Gov@nment Boal came in here yesterday from
Barbados, via Demerary-—brings no mnexs, and will de-
part from hence on Atonday evening, the Voth insé,
London Gazette Extraordinary.
Foneiex-Orrick, aprtr, 9,1814. 9 p. Mt.
Dispaiches, of which the following are copies, have
been received from his Excellency General Visconnt
Catcheart, and Licutenant-General the Honorable
sir Charles Stesvart, addressed to Viscount Castle-
My Loro— The Fmperor Alexander, with the King
of Prussia marched inta Pacis this morning, where they
were received by all ranke of the population with the
Warme. ( acclamatious,
‘The windows cl the best houses were filled by well
dressed persons waving white handkerciefs and clapping
their hands 5 the populace, intermixed with many of a
superior Class, were im the strects pressing forward to sec
the Emperor, aud to endeavour to touch his horse. The
general ery was, ‘* Vive ’Mmperor Alexandre,” “Vive
Notre Lheroteur,? ** Vive le Roi de Prusse.”
yveoy inany peroons appeared with white cockades, and
fhe,@ wes a constderable cry of ‘*Vive Louis » Vill.”
© Vive los Bourbous.’? which gradually increased.
ee e J
oir Tmoecataud Royal Majesties proceeded to the
yo Foysees, where a@ great part of the army passed
viroviow before thom, and as usual, in the most exact order.
His Linrow i sisyesty is lodged in the house of M. Talley
rund. Pa.ace of Bennuevente.
fc is iopossible (0 describe the scenes of this day in the
sf a depatch; the most stricking were, the na.
boual guard in thoe uniforom ard armed, Clearing the
ayvoyees for (he tvooos of the Allies passing through, in
ali the pomp of pe iary parade, the day after a severe ac-
Con: the peuple of Paris whose y olitical sentiments have
atal dinscS Deen mauticsicd by the Strongest incication,
unamiious i) their ery for peace, and a change of dy nas-
ty, eujoytog the spectacle of the clitcy into the caniial of
France of an invadine err iv, asa blessing and a deliver.
ance. A rope placcd round the neck of thestatue of Na-
poleon, ca the Ce’onne Ge ‘a Grande Armee, and the
people atoused with puiltng itand crying 4a bas le Ly rau!”
Much wasp es.d in the crowd, of their wish for the ree
slora’:on oe. aMaecibie resations with Great Britain.
Lhe occupation of Lyons and of Bourdeaux was known
toarlie peo ole, a al (he crecumstances of (he declara.
fie neat tie letter plac: ia favor of Louise the XVID. and
(ie di play of the white cockade; but not the tadcpen-
dence of tioltana.
Vhe events wiich have led to the occupation of Paris,
will be underttocd from the following recavitalation,
Since the bate of Peienne, on the Lst Feb. the enemy
has shewnpo inclination to fight a general Latcle ayainst
the amieted force of the Aches, Lut has used the utniost ac.
lirrty to attach all doiachiments,
fu the dacterend of Feb. Piclds-Marshal Dlucher crossed
the Marne, aud tiowdupon Mpernay 5 Suissous, and (aon.
fo Meet end to uniie with the Coips iwoviny from the
nocthernacny, wud those which had Geen relived from the
blocka Je Of for eresse® near flie Lohuine. ‘Lhic gellant aud
well fund? acaons which took place between Soissons,
Paony aid fehciins, hase been detaiied in the reports by
Col. Lowe, aid other officers.
During those operations on the right, the Marshal Prince
Schwarvenverg drew back the corps whiich remained with
him on the tele, and detached to reinforce the army be-
tecen Dijon, Lyons, and Geneva, recelving at the same
time, and distributing Cic Velites from Hungary and other
Austrian reinforcements 5 his army, which had occupied
the country between Seine and Yonne, with posts at
Auverre, Pontainoleau, Melun, and Marmont, and which
had patroled into the suburbs of Orleans, (near which
ety Gen. Serlacini tvuok some hundred prisoncrs, ) having
fallen bock tothe Aube, wherethe battle of Baresur-Aube
took piace on the 13th.
Arter this affate the Putnce Field. Marshal rcsoccupied
Troyes, Auxerre, Sens, and Poot-sur-Seine.
oe '
Napoleon havin: wed ayelcralaction, which Field.
Moirshel Biucher rey tedly OGered near Laon, returned
to the left bank oi the \barae, aud indicated an intention
of resuting oFensive Operaudons againet the grand army.
‘fre conferences at Chaiillon were terminated on the
19th wistant, and ow that day the French aruiy moved
upon Aros, behind which the corps commanded by [icld-
Marshes] Couset Wrede was Osted,
‘Lie Alicg, under the Prince Schwartzenberg, viz. the
3d, 10h, and Oth corps, under the Prince Royal of Wir-
temberg, and the Sth under Field Marshal Wrede, with
the whole reserve, were concentrated an the A ube, near
Pongy and \rcis, anda vcneral attack was made by the
Aljivs oi the 20ui, in wich the enemy was defeated at
View original all points, with creat loss, and Arcis wes retaken.
At this juncture, Napyleon formed the des); »rate and
extraordinary plan of passing between the armics of the
Allies, and of stricking at theic comimunications with the
thine, intending at the same time to liberate the garrison
of Metz.
For this purpose he moved by Chelonson Vitry and St.
Dizier, his head-quarteis being on the 22d at Obcomte,
between the two latter places. Vitry wae held by a small
Prussian garrison, which refused to surrender.
The extent and nature of this project was fully ascer-
tained onthe 23d. A movement was immediately resolved
upon Vilry, to secure that place, and to endeavour to
cut off the corps of Marsltal Macdonald, said to be on
the left bank of the, between Chalons and Vitry,
to operate a junction with the troops uader Gen. Win
zingcrode, which had moved upon Chalons, and to unite
both armies.
Their Majesties the Emp. or of Russia and the King of
Prussia left Preoyes the Q0:h, and their he l-quarters at
Pougy. The Emperor of Austria moved his quarters on
the 10th to Bar-sus-Sine, with all the Cabinet Ministers,
and came the 21s tu Bar-sur-A abe.
Lord Cathcart here gives an account of those move.
ments which had already been officially detailed, and which
preceded the attack uj; ou the French army outside the walls
of Paris.
The enemy had improved the defences which the ground
aflorded on Montmartre, and in front of it, by réduubts
and batteries, and had a considerable force of reyelar
troops near the villages Pantio, Romainvisle, and Belle
Ville. The navigable caval, the woods and houses, to-
Jether with some ground, se dcep as tu bs nearly limpas.
sable for horses, afforded considerable means of resistance.
\ disposition for a general attack having been made on
the SOth, the 6." corps, supported by the grenadiers aud
reservc, wasengaged af an cirly hour to prevent the en-
ely fromholding Pautin. ‘The remainder of the (roo;
under the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg was to turn the
enemy on his aight, and to push on, to occupy in sic.
cession, al! the hizhte on the jeff road to Bele Ville ine
clusive. The diy was considerably advanecd before the
troops reached (ueir several positions, and ths enemy Liade
a determined resigtan e, ecpectally at the village of Pantin:
the whole of bis force was commanded eo the Duke 9]
Treviso, the right wing by the Duke of Rarusa. A mes.
sage had been sent on che 20th, (o deprecate resistance
and toexplain that it must be vain as the whole army was
present, bud the messenger was not received. To the oven.
ing of the Buth. Couut Nesselrode was admitted within the
barrivrs of laris; aid at the same time one of the hm.
peror’s Aide-de-Canip was ¢ent to Marsha! Miarmoint,
Who agree that all firing ehou'd cease in half an hour, W
the Aliied Sovercizns would cons ‘Mt, thatno pare of the
army shou.d pase the barrier of Paris that night. This
was conseuted (uv, and the enemy withdrew from Mont.
martre witnia the town. The adsanced corps bivonaked
within pistul-shot af the towa. ‘The Emperor returned
'0 Bondi with the Fic!d- Marshal, and at fourin the morn.
ny the Deputics of ebe city arrived. Seventy cannon,
three colour, aad tve boudred men were faken, the
ined and wounded of the enclny was very con.
iderable, bul ‘his victory was not gained without som
loss on the pare of the Alhess J have the honor to
be. &e, (signed) CaTHcart.
Viscount Casiicreagh, &ce. oc. Ke,
number of
Paris, April 1, 1814.
My Lorp—T have the honor to annea herewith a copy
of the capitulation ef the city of Paris. JT feel it impos.
sible to convey to your lordship an accurate idea, ora
Just desceipnon of the scene that pscsented itself yesterday
in this capital, when bis Imperial Majesty the Emperor
of Russia, the King of Pruesia, and Prince Schwartzen)y Ig
made their entry at the head of the Allicd froops. The
cuthusiasm and exultation that was exhibited must have
very far exceeded what the most Sanguine and devoted
friend of the ancient dy hasty of I’rance could have pictum.
ed tu his own mind, aud those who are less personally in.
terested but equally acdent in that cause could ne longer
hesitate ia pronouncing that the restoration of their legiti-
mate King, the downfa!l of GBouaparte, and the desire of
peace, has become the firstand dearest wish of the Parisi-
ans, who have by the events of the last two days bee
emancipated from a System of terrer and dispotism impos.
Sible to describe, while they have been kept in an ign.
nherance, by the arts of falsehood and deceit, incredible
for an clighteued people, and incomprehensible to the
rellicting part of mankind,
The cavalry, under his Imperial} Highness the Grand
Arch-Duke Constantine, and the guards of al] the differ.
cnt Allied forecs were formed in columns early in the
morning on the road from Bondi to Paris. The Emperor
of Russia with all his Stati, his Genere!s and their Suites
present, proceeded to Pantin, where the Kiog of Prusia
Joined him with a similar cortage; these Sovereigns, sure
rounded by all the Princes in the army, together with the
Prince Fields-Marshal, and the Austrian Ntat Major, pas.
sed through the Fauxbourg St. Martin, and entered the
barricr of Paris about 11 o’clock, the Cossacks of the
guard forming the advance of the march. Already was
the crowd so enormous, as weil as the acclamatiuns so
great, that it was dilicult to move forward, but before
the Monarchs reached the Porte de St. Martin, to turn
on the Boulevards, there was a mora! Impossibility of
procecdivg, all Paris seemed to be assembled and concen.
trated in une spot; one animus, orspring evidently direct.
ed all their movements, they thronged in such masses round
the Emperor and the King, that with all thet condescend-
ing and gracious fumilarity, extending their hands on al!
sides, it was iM vain to aitempt to satisfy the populace.
View original Tisey were nosilircry eaten tp amidst the erivs of Vive
Pr imperor Alexandre,” ** Vive le Roi de Prusse,’’ “*Vive
nos Itberateurs,’’ nor did the air alone resound with these
pexls ; for with louder acclamations, if possible they were
mingled with those of *Vive le Roi,’ **Vive Louie X VILL?
‘Vive les: Bourbons ;”? ‘‘a bas le Tyran.” ‘Ihe white
cockade appeared very generally ; many of the national
guards, whom i saw, wore them. The clamorous Ape
plause of the multitude was seconded by a similar demon.
stration from all the houses along the line to the Champs
Ilisées, and bandkorchiefs, as well as the fair hands that
waved them, scemed in continued requisition. In short,
My Lord, to have an idea of such a manifestation of elec.
tric feeling as Paris displayed, it must have been witnes-
sed; my humble description caunot make you conceive it,
The Sovereigns halted in the Champs Elisées, where the
troops defiled before them in the most admirable order,
and the head-quarters were establishid at Paris.
I have the honor to annex the Declaration of the Eme
Peror Alexander. Bowaparte, it now appears, moved his
army from Troyes by Sens, towards Fontaiubleau, where,
J suppose, the debris of Marshal Morticy and Marmont’s
corps wiii join him, He arrived at I'romont the day be-
fore yesterday and would have been in the possession of
the Allies; on hearing what had occured, he retired to
Corbeil, and from thence has probably coilected his army
in the nighbourhood of Fontainbleau, which cannot ainvant
(o more than forty or jfty thousand men. ‘That he nay
make a desperate aitempt I think probable, if his army
stands by him, which will be questionable, if the Senate
and nation pronounces itself, ‘The Allied armies mareh
to-morrow (with the exception of the guards and rese rves,
who remain here.) towards Fontainbleau, and will take
up position, or he regulated by the movement of Bona-
parte. IT have the honor to be, &c
(Signed) C. Stewart, Licnt.-Gen,
Viscount Castlereagh, &c.
Cur itulation of the City of Paris.
The four hours armistice which had been agrced upon
for the purpose of retreating of the conditions relative to
the occupation of the city of Paris and to the retreat of
the French corps therein, having Ied to an arrany oment to
(hat effect, the undersigned, after being duly authoriscd
by the respective Commanders of the opposcd forcus, have
adjusted and signed the following articles.—
Art. 1. The corps of the Marshals Dukes of T'reviso
aud Ragura, shall evacuate the city of Paris on the 31st
of Maich, at 7 o’clock in the morning, ,
2. They shall take with them all the appurtenances of
their corps Varmee.
3. Hostilities shall not recommence until two hours after
the evacuation of the city, that is to szy on the 3ist of
March, at 9 o’cluck in the morning.
4. All the arsenals, military establishments, workshops,
and magazines, shall be left in the same state tha they
were previous te the present car itulation being rroroscd,
5. Phe national o¢ city guard isentirely separated from
the troops of the line. Jt is-cither to be key t on foot,
or disarmed, according to the ulterior dis) usitions of the
ailicd powers,
6. The corps of the Municipal gendarmerie shall, in
every respect, share the fate of the national guard.
7. The wounded and the stragglers remaining in Paris
after 7 o’clock, shall be prisoners of war.
8. ‘Ihe city of Paris is recommended te the generosity
of the High Allied Powers.
Dove at Paris,on the 31st of March, 1814.
(Signed) Colonel Onrovr, Aide-de-Camp of His Majesty
tue Loiperor of all the Russians.
Colouel Count Paar, Aide-de-Camp-Gen. of
Marshal Prince Schwartzenberg.
(Six ned) Colvasl Baroy Farrier, attache to the Piat
Major of his Eacellency the Marshal Duke
of Rayuea,
Colunel Joyres, First Aide-de-Camp of his
Lacelleucy the Marshal Duke of Ragusa.
[ Ifere follows the Declaration of the Emperor Alexander,
for which, see our Extraordinary Gazette of Tuesday
Dispatches have been this day received at this Office,
from General Lord Cathcart, K. T. anouncing the abdi-
cation of the Crown of rence and Italy, by Napoleon
Bonaparte, in terms of which the following is a translation :
‘*'bhe Alicd Powers having proclaimed that the Emperor
Napoleon was the only obstacle to the re-establishment of
the Peace of Europe, the Emperor Napoleon, faitful to his
Oath, declares, that he renounces for Himself and his Heirs
the Throne of France and Ltaly, and that there is no per.
sonal sacrilice, even that of life, which he is not ready to
wake to the interest of France.
Doueat the Palace of Fontainbleau, April 1814.
FOREIGN OFFICE, Arnit 9, 1814.
Colonel Lowe arrived last night at this Oflice, with
dispatches from Lord Viscouut bu ghersh, of which the
following are copies ;—
Paris, April, 7, 1814.
My Lorp,—The great events which have of late oc.
cured in this capital will be best detailed to you by his
Wlajesty’s Ministers assembled at this place.
Ihe corps of Alarslial Marmont, amounting to twelse
thousand men, vassed in’ the night of the 4th withia the
lines occupied by the Allied troops. ‘Lhis corps has taken
lis Cantonmenis near Versaille:
Marshals Ney and Macdonald, accompanied by Gen.
Caulincourt, arrived at the sanic time, #s bearer of Bo.
vaparte’s proposal, to submit to the decision of the Senate
and the people of France, aud to abdicate in favor of his
View original Thls proposition not having been agreed to, he has now
suyrendered himself to the wishes of the nation.
The Senate have this day announced the adoption of a
Constitution for the Goyernment of France, under the
dominion of thr ancient line of Kings. Vhere secins no
diversity of opibion in the nation. All have obeycd* the
call of the Provisidnal Government. Bovanarte stands
alone and unprotected in acountry where, but afew days
past, he disposed at pleasure of the lives of its inhabitants.
In this concluding scene of the most memorable era
which history records, it isimpossible, iny Lord, 1 should
resist a feeling of public duty, prompted also by a sense
of gratitude and aflection, in calling your attention to the
able and distingnished manner in which Prince Schwart-
zenberg has conducted the operations of this campaign.
Exclusively of the talent which he has maiked when in
the ficld of battle, to the successes which have ever attend.
ad his carcer, the world will still look with almost increase
ed admiration, to the conduct he pursued since his entry
into Paris.
Were conciliation, where every kiud of fecling of the
heart was required to change a system of carnage and de-
svlation to the protection of a people, but of late a most
bitter enemy, the character ef Prince Schwartzenberg se-
cured to him success.
More security, more order never reigned in this capital.
Peace and tranquility, the happy omens, may we hope,
of the future regenerated state of Kurope, exist here anudst
the troops ofevery nation, in spite of fcelings lately of so
great hostiity.
from his great and exalled situation, from the virtues
which adorn his character, the Minperor of Russia has been
ale (o appreciate the merits of Prince Scuwartzenberg.
Jun token of the esteem he beare him, aad in estimation of
his great services, he has decorated him with the Grand
Order of St. Andrew, and has preeented it in diamonds.
JT uave tie honour to be, &e.
Byuaucnersu, Lieut.-Col. 63d Reet.
The Cight Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh, &c.
— Paris, Apris7.
My Lord,—Bonaparte having accepted the conditions
Pruposed to him, Marshals Ney and Macdonald, and Gen,
Caulaincourt, have this day arranged with Prince Schwart.
zenb rg the following Jine of demarcation, to be observed
between the Allied and French arnmics :
From the Mouth ofthe Seine, the Allies will occu y
the right bank of that river, aud in addition the Southern
Iinits of the Departments—
Ist. of the Lower Seine. —2d. of the Oise.—3d. of the
Scine and Oise. —4ih. of the Scineand Marne.— sth, of the
Yonne.—6th, of the Cote d’'Cr.—7ih. of the Saone aid
Loire.— 8th. of the Rhone.—9th. of the Isere as far as
Movat Conis.
On the side of Lord Wellingtow, it has been decided,
that the line of demarcation shall be fixed according to tur
ground occupied by his army, and the ene opposed to jin,
at the moment the couriers now dispatched shull reach
him. $f have the honor to be, &c.
Buncurrsn, Licut..Col. Cod Regs.
The Right Fon, the Viscount Castlereagh.
View original —— eer a
Address of the Provisional Governmen! lathe People.
‘*PropLe or France,
©’ When you came eul of astate of cicil discord, you
chose for your Chief a man who appx eral upon the Stage
ofthe Unitcrse withthe characwr of grandeur: ye S pl Ce
edin himall your hopes. Those hopes were rain. Up.
on the ruins of anarchy he built only despotism.
“He ought at deast from gratitude to hare become
Trench with you. He uever was. Jle never ceased to
widertake, without motive and object, unjust wars, like
au adventurcr who wouid become fasious. In afew years
he has devoured your wealtb and your population,
**Every family is in mourning; all France in teare:
he is deaf toour miseries. Even yet perhaps he dreams of
gigantic designs, though unhea.d of reverses punish 50
pignally the pride and abusc of victory.
“IIe never knew how to reign cither in the national
Interest noreven in the intercst of own despotism. He
has destroyed all that he ought to create, and re-created
all that he ought to destroy. Tle relied only upon force
—force now overwhelms him—just reward of sensless
“At length this unexampled tyranny has ceased. The
Allicd Powers have entered the capital of France.
‘*Napoleon governed us like a King of batbarians:
Alexander, and his magnaniinous Allics, speak only the
Janguage of honor, justice, and humanity, ‘They have
Just reconciled Europe to a braveand unhappy people.
‘*People of France, the Senate has deciared that Na-
poleon forfeited the (throne. The country is no longer
with him. Another order of things can alone saveit. We
have known tbe excesses of popular Jicentiousness avd
absolute power: Jet us restore the real monarchy in li.
miting, by®wise laws, thedilferent powers that compose it.
‘“Let exhausted agriculture re-flourish uuder a pater-
nal throne; Jct commerce, bound in setters, resume her
freedom ; let our youth be no longer cut of by arms be-
fore they have the strength to bear them; Ict the order
of nature be no longer interrupted; and let the old men
hope to die before their children! Men of France, let us
ra'ly ; past calamities are finished, and.peace will put an
end to the subversion of Europe. ‘The august allies have
given their werd—France will rest from her long agitati-
on, and better enlightened by the double proof of anarchy
and despotism, will find happiness in the recurp of a tule.
Jary goverament.”
View original
View original Act of the Provisional Government.
The Provisional Government hearing with gricf that
Obstacles have boon tiad. to the return of the Pope to his
ferritusivy, ard de ie ing ical continuance of insalt which
has so loug OFC i whechuicd ce Courageous Ilead whom the
Chitrcit ema scae, ordre that every obstacle Cease imme.
diatuly, and that all due honors be paid hin on his jour.
Phe Civiland Militvey Authorities are charged with the
execufion of tne ey Sofi Cree.
Given at Paris, Alu 2, 18) 4.
(Sigmea) dian. boner ente—Duke d’ Alberg—
Cie ~ ount de Bournonvitle— pan.
Cosa. vurt—Abbe de Montesquica.
By the Provisivual Gos nats
(Sigteu) iont de Nemours, Secretary.
The Provisioial © i st considering how odious it
ISM dist) are, i Conventions which have
preceded the Gepa, Mujosty the hing of Spain,
tu keep at Por a rte ke intaut Dun Carlos,
Order, tuiat the ies ‘y ductcu aS suon as possible
with all the nur. Oe as rauk, iv the Arst Spanish
lt is ordercd ty. aid Military Authorities to
take the necessa., ') oxecute the present order,
Given at Pass, 2e Bi-l.
The Proc ..vorament Decree.
1. That a!!lth “y phers, and arms which have
characterised +1 - (oi t,onaparte, Shall be sup.
pressed andi cu “a (HOY CXaol.
2. That tis tas) vo exccuted exclusively
by persons ce wihority of the police, or
Lhe miumicipalicy v¢ Zeal Of individuals assist.
ing IW ito. co
3. Phat no x -ociauation, public journal, or
Private Wa ting PIU T.OUS CAPT es6100$ agaist the
Goverment ov pa, the cause of the country being
(ov nubile tu ade. soc meus !
~r ental Court of Paris.
The Impes. ¢ ourt has adopted the lullowing Decree:
Phe Cou. gal ine value of the eflorts which
have vty ‘viva beauce from 4 tyrannic yoke:
Powstya ‘sci and admirativo for the august
SOvVorei: tne uivucis of disipterestedness and
fete iar profound love for the noble race
Of Niics to Centurics, have constituted the
heopin , aud who, alone, can bring back
peace, y ofeeana country to whicn tne secret
Viste Suct¥or Ceased toinvoke the lawful So.
Docs / y adhere unanimously to the deeree of
dathios . 2 O0a,aite and his family, pronouneed
Vy a deci: ie Sonate of the Qdinst. and that faithful
lu (he tooda s tawsof tne kingdom they desire with
all thir hear | vecarn of the Hfead of the Huuse of
Bouruun to tac nercuttary throne of St. Louis.
Phe Pirst President,
(Sig 3) Seguier, & Duples.
The May or, assistants, and Members of the Municipal!
Council of Versusiies, have addressed to the Provisional
Government a tetier, va which they demand the restora.
(lon of that ancicut dynasty which promises us days of
Justice and hapvingss: they express at the same time their
grantude and thew admiration of the august Sovercigus
of Kurope, who off-r sogeucrously tothe French liberty,
honorable peace, and the heir of our kings.
Government of Paris.
The pubtic is informed, that the audience of his Excel.
leney the Geneealin-Cniel, Military Governor of Paris,
Baron de Sacken, wil henceforth take place only between
9 and 12. —-
Provisional Goverament.
The Provisional G »vernment decrees, that The Moni-
teur is the only offical journal. ;
April 3. jvuux Leboria, Secretary-General.
. -— Paris, Apri 7.
“The Constitution has been presented to the Senate.
Tt was retd twice, and a Commission appointed to consi.
der if.
‘fhe Commission having made its report on the 5th
April at eight o'clock in the evening, tne Constitution was
adopted una ‘imonsly,.
** Louis Stanislaus Xavier is restored to the wishes of
the French by a constitutional Charter, equally advan-
fageous lo the people and the Royal Family destined to
govern them.
‘*Lyons, Bourdeaux, Marseilles, and other towns in
the South have followed the noble example of Paris.
Rouen and Caen are said to have done the same.—VJour-
nal des debuts.
New ConsTirvr1on—INsTaLLATION OF FME So«.
Amsterdam, April\, 1814.
Previous to Saturday, the 27th ult. this city was filled
with an immense concourse of people assembled from all
parts of the States, to witness the delivery of the Consti-
At 9 o’clock on Saturday morning all the preparations
'for the reception of the Sovesvign Princess were complet.
View original
View original od. The Prinoe had arrived two days before in 2 private
carriage. Her Ro al Highness was expected at two, but
did not arrive till 4 o’clock. ‘I'he Landsturm, armed with
pikes, to the number of 11,000, were ranged the whole
length of the Heeregragt and Kalverstraat to the Pa ace,
which was surrounded by numerous bodies of militia and
horse guards. [very house was decorated with garlands
of orange flowers and evergreens, Flags were di-played
from the windows, and the habitations of the [ rincipal
persons of distinction were festouned with silks and cam-
bricks, The effect was beautiful; every house, fromthe
ground to the parapet, was filled with spectators, and in
many places the windows were taken out.
The arrival of her Royal Highness was announdil by
the firing of cannon and ringing of bells; the shouts of
the People were hardly less loud; her carriage wes Nive
ceded by the horse guards of Awsterdam, and tuollowed
by the life guards from the Hague, and the Jager corys
of Prince Frederick ; the whole forming a gurde Chine
nour, Numereus private cacriages were in her sui .
She was every where received with shouts of “orange hoe
ven,’’ At the palace she was nict by the Soversign bei co
the Hereditary Prince, Prince Feederick, and ali tne gist
Officers of State. After receiving their congratulations,
she retired to the apartments provided for ber, but sou
again appeared in the balcony, where she retained sve?
a quarter of an hour, and then retired for ie even.
the souths of the people contending with the hi.
cannon during the whole of this period.
On Menday the Princess Dowayer arrived, the ce,
nies were inevery particular as ov the j.rec: day occas
In the evening ali the family went to the theatre, eve. y
seat and avenue of which was filled by 5 o'clock.
On Tuesday morning the Notables m-t in the N w
Church; the Priuce walked in state from the palace m
superb robes, with the young Princess on each side, et.
presented the Articles-of the Constitution, that hai bee
drawn up by the Council. it was agreed to with 2.
Sentient voices.—-In the evening they went to the de esen
Wednesday, the day appointed for the insta!lytion of
the Prinee as Suvereign, by 7 in the morning ihe wiue
City was in motion, and at 9 o'clock the New Chorca
Was Alled in every corner: 200 guilders were oneru to
tickets the previous evening. At cleven the Prinerss one
fered, accompanied by the Dowager Princess, her Dauy! -
ter, and Ladies of the Court.—Iin twenty minutes
cannon announced the approach of the Fince; ne car
ed in great state, and in fuli robes, hissun. on each
preceded and fu lowed by numerous military aod
officers, heralds, guards Whonneur, wasters of coi
nics, nobles io rich court dresses, pages, Serveuts an
liveries, &c. Vhe church was su) erbly decorit .,
altogether exhibited a graud, regal, andinte cot! 3
tacle. They returned to the Valace ia tac sau.
and appeared on the balcony, from wirenee toe he
proclaimed the Prince, amidst the piost enihe
extravagant acclamations of the people. Now oo
memourating the event, where throwu by hana!
the populace, aud also at the diflerent partsu: *
Where the Prince was again proclaimed. Lith
there was a brilliant illumination, and the stre os — «
thronged till 4 o’clock iu tie neat morning, Dinners an,
balls innumcrable.
Thursday—The Royal Family visited, at one o'clock,
the Feliz Merites, and in the evening attended the A..a-
teur Concert there, which was splendid!y fitted up for
the occasion.
This day there is to be a grand Court held, and in the
evening @ ball, given at the great rooms, will be honored
with the presence of the Royal Family.
Lhe Uague, April.
Magnificent preparations are making here to welcoae
the Royal Family on their return Amsterdam to-
morrow. A triumphal arch has been erected in the Moor.
hout, where booths are now Standing, and on a Slage
which has been elavated opposite the Palace, a grand dis-
play of Gre works will take place. We shall have a yee
neral illimunation.

By the especial order of wee Regent, the Royal
Yacht is prepared to convePRLouis the 18th w Kran ;
and with the high taste which marks every act of fis iy.
Highness, he has appointed the Admiral of tne weet, tis
Roya! Highness the Deke of Clarence, to commanu h.s.
New United States’ Frigates.—The Java, rativg 44
guns, to mount on the gun-deck, 30 32-pound gunoades,
and 22 42-pound carronades and 2 long 2}’s ow her soar
deck, isto be launched in April, at Baltimore— The Gyver-
riere, rating 44, to mount 62 guns, is to be launched at
Philadelphia in May. The following United States’ ves-
sels are now at Sea, viz :—the Essex, Constitution, Cone
slellation, Adams, Syren, Frolic, Enterprise, and Rat-
View original — SS
WANTED by the Civil Government of the colo-
ny Berbice, a person qualified to Supertatend the
work of car pente r Negrocs, employed tor colonial
purposes ; such person will be required to give his
own personal assistance
Any one desirous to u nade rtake this ch: arge, may
learn particulars at the colonial Secretar y’s ¢ Vic
where Tenders must be given in on or before the 2 ist
of June next, when the offer, considered most cleyi-
ble to Government, will be accey ‘od of.
June 11. Rf. C. DOWNER, Secy
View original MARSITAL's OFFICE.
Noricr. is hereby given, that the Execution Sale
of some Negro Slaves, advertised to take place on the
15th of Jue next, ts postponed until further order-
Berbice, lUth June, IS1A4. .
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SUMMON sy EDICT. .
BY virtue ofan appointment from the Tonorable
Cow of Civil Justice of his colony, granted upon a
Petitig prosented hy J. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk, qq.
the Estate of the late A.J. van Imbyze van Baten-
burg, deceased, said appointment bearing date che
16th day of May, IS]4.
[ the under igued, First Marshal of the Courts
within (his colony, and at the request of aforesaid J.
G. C. dle Nicuwerkerk, qq.
Summon ey Edict:
All hnownand unknown creditors: or claimants on
the Estate of A. J. van Imbyze van Batenbury, to
exhibit (hcir claims before the Hon. Court of Civil
Justice of (ats colony, at. their session in the month
of January, 1815, to verify the same, witnesss ob-
jections thereunto, ifneed, and further fo proceed
accordine to Law, on pai of being tor ever debar-.
red there right ot chim.
‘This Summon by [diet, made known to the public
by beat of dram from the Court House of this colony,
send to Hollan band Eegland, and further dealt with
according to custom.
Berbice, the 10th June, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of av appointment from the Honorable
Court of Ciil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
Petition prescated by J. G.C. de Nieuwerkerk, as
gy. both to the Petate of the late Marianna Av-
GUSTINA VAN Iunvyze VAN Batensorna, as wellas
tothaicf the Teo Susanna JFANNETTE Deruanr-
DiVA VAN bipyzr van BaTenBuna, satd appoini-
duel y arth - date (he Gh dary of May, 1S | {.
Pie uedorstened, Purst Marshal ot the Conrt
within (he. colony, and at the request of aforesaid J.
C.. ‘ . Svemmerkerk, OF-
Sunenonw bay Edict:
Alli laucown and uidnown erediters or claunants on
the | esol dhe iute M.A. van Tmbyze van baten-
Narcycod ie late S. I. 8. van Tmbyze van oaten-
bore. fo v«eespie their claims before the Too. Court
of Cyyvil Justice of this coleny, at their. sesston in
Mremouth of January, leld, to verify the sem
tucss objections thereunto, dfnesd, and further t
procee Lacearding to law, en pain of being for ever
debarced of thete ot ht ef claim.
This Seorinon by Pict, mace known to the publie
by hertoi drone t. he Conrt [louse of thts colony,
ssad to Wiclaniand Puelaud, and further dealé with
eccooraurwer tio et QIN.
< ‘ .
Berbice, the (Oth fame, ISA,
ho PaANCK ON, First Voursanhl.
__ —_ —_ +— — ed _— ——_—_— - —_—_
BY virtue of on Appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Jnstice of this colo: Vy CVE upon a
Pe Won pres rie | hy W. Ioawson ancl \V. Kewley,
Crhretors do the Petite of the late Gwyn ‘ones, said
appolatmert herring date the 9Ist day of May, IST4.
|} othe uidericae!, Pint Marshal of the Courts
wiiliin this colony, ard at the request of aforesaid
Sessmwan by de novo:
All creditars or chiutmauts on the estate of the late
C wv smd Pott Jan , lo wlVe in theiy claims, in
person or by proxy, b. loggaphe Bar ot the Court. of
Coyal FecGee. af therr sesstHs which will be held in
the monthial October, IS14, to hear objection mad
thereunto. ither lo procecdl according to Law.
On pai fo: ich who remain in default, of being
for ever debarred (heir right of claim.
This Summon by Pdict, de Novo, made known. to
the public by beat ofdrum from the Court House of
this colony, send to Hotfand and England, and ftur-
ther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 4th June, 1814.
IX. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment from. the TTonorable
1 . )
Court of Civil Justice of (is colony. granted upon a
petition, presented by John Papin aad Peter Faire
bairn, in (heir capacity as Sequestrators for Planta-
tion YEOVIL, the late property of Dudley Wade,
shid appointment bearing date 20th January, ISI4.
J the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the instance of aforeaid Se-
Summon by Ecict:
All claimants on the proceeds of plantation Yeovil.
cum amnexis, sold at iExecation Sale.
Toappear before the Court of Civil Justice of dhis
’ . 7 " ge 1 } re . } ] ;
colony, at Uucir session which will be held in tic
_ ——————
View original month of July i@l4, there to exhibit and verify.
their claims, sce the same objceicd to, itnmeed, and
further to procced according to Law.
Whereas after the fourth Sununon by Edict, the
Court will proceed to decide on the preferent: and
concurrent right of claimants, on pain terall suchas
remain in detault to exhibit their claims, of being for
ever debarred of their right of clatn.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony, -
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbicc, euth May, IS14.
hk. FRANCKEN, First Marsha’.
eS COO" ree
View original SUMMON by EDICT.
BY virtne of an appointment from the Flonoralve
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granfed upon a
petition of Deter Fairbairn, as appointed Jnterim Se-
qnestrator tothe Estate of dames Fraser, dec., dated
26th January, ISI4. .
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of aforesaid P.
Fairbairn, qq.
Summon by Edict:
(Tor the fourth time ex super abundanti.)
All creditors or claimants on the Estate of James
Frayer, dec., to give in their respective claims, in
person or by proxy, before the Bar of the Court of
Civil Justice of this colony, at their session which
will be held in the month of July, [S14, to hear ob-
jections made thereunto, ifnecd, aud further to pro-
ceed according (o Law, on pain to all such who re-
main in default, of being tor ever debarred (heir rig ht
of claim.
This Summon by Mdict, (exsuper ebundanti) made
known to‘he pubhic by beat of drum from the Cort
House of this colony, and further dealt with accorJ-
ing to custoin.
Berbice, the 26th of May, 1874.
K. FRANCK ON, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointusent from Che Henar-
able Camt of Civil Justice of tiris colony, under date
of QIst May, 18!4, given upon a Petition presented
by KK. Francken, First Marchal of (he Coarts withta
hiscolony, forand in name of A. J. Glastus and
Is. J. Schwiers, Segquestecdtors over Plas tation: Vecde
en Vriendschap, aud hall ot Plintsuion Goudinyn,
‘he former situated ta Canje creeks, aad the Jatter up
the river.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
intend to Sellat) Pablic Execution Sale, in presence
of two Councellors Commissarics aid dherr Secretary,
on Wednesday the 27th of July. Jolt, the colice
Estate called Virede & Vriendschap, (ite terms of
which, as also the Inventory, are to be seen at Che
Marshal's Office during the hours of duty.
Andon Wednesday the od of Nugust, ISTA, the
undivided half ol the coffee Estate cailed Grovdmyn,
(the terms of which, as also the Tivenfory, ore lying
at the Morshals Ollice for tie inspection of those
Whom itieey conecrn,
The Sales are to (ike place on the respective spots
W hoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the aforenamed bstates, and wishes to
oppose the Execution sale thereo , let such person
address himself to the vfarshal’s Oftice, declaring
their rearon tor so deing In duc time and form, as t
hereby vive notice, (hat £ will receive opposition trom
any intermediate person, appoint them a day to have
their claims heard bevore the Court, and further act
(hereon as he Law directs.
This first proclhumation published as customary.—
Berbice, 100) June, IST.
AK. ERANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of Pour Appointthents (hereafter to be
specif’ ') sraated against plantation Lewis Afanor.
Not ceisnereby given, Chat 1 the updersigned,
Mirst Marsial of the Courts within this colony, will
Sellat Pablic kxecution Sale, inthe month of June
IS15, (the precise day afterwards notified thro’ tle
Gazette of this colony).
The cotton Estate culled Lewis Manon, situate
on the cast seacoast of this colony, wilh ali ils
cultivation, buildings, slures, &c.
_~ Whoever should think to haveany right, action or
interest, on abovenamed plantation Lewi: Manor,
wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let such
persons address themselves to the Marshal’s Office of
this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing in
dlue time and form, as I hereby give notice, thot J will
receive Opposition from every one thereunto guali-
ficd, appoint them a day to have his or her claiin
heard before the Court, and further act therein as
the law direcis.
‘Pits Qnd proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, June 5, 1814. “
RK. FRANCKEN, First VWarkale.
Specification of the appointments, in favor of Ca-
lin lider, dated 15th Jau. Lsd4; John Walt 19th
View original Feb. ISI; andi. ©. iTintcen, 24st Jan. 1814,——
Granted by His xcellcency H.W. Bentinck, Fsq.
ieutenant-Gr0 veruor of the colon y Berbice and its
De pel lene ICS, WC. cc. &c.
Lnd in favor of Wm. Leach, 27th S ent. J811,—
ranted by hiis Exceile iC V the fete Gov. rnor Robert
Gordoh. Berbice; 29th May, 1814.
View original SALE ey EXECUTION,
BY virtne of two appointinents trom His Excel.
lency R. Goaupon, Captain General, and Governor
in Chief of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies,
Oc, We. sc,
Granted upon two petifions, both presented by
J. Bakker, as one of the Representatives of plan-
taion La fralernite, versus piantation Lewis Manor,
the one appointment, bearing date the 10(h February
IS12, both appointments being renewed on the 23d
April, I81f3.
Notice is hereby given, that T the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts w.thin this colony, will
Sell at Public Execution Sale, in the month of June
ISI5, the precise dey hereatter to be aolified through
the Gazette of this colony.
The colton Estate Lewis Manor, situate onthe
east sea coast of this colony with all its cultitae
tion, slaves, buildines, &e.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest, or aforementioned plantation Lewis Ma-
nor, and Wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such
persons address themselves to the Barshal’s Office,
declaring their reasons for so doing in due time and
teri, ts Thereby give notice, that I will receive op-
position from every one thereunto qualified, appoint
(homaday to have his or her claim heard before the
Court, and further act thereon as the Law directs.
Hhis 2ad Proclamation, published as Customary.
Beibice, the Sth June, IS}4.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
View original SAL’ by ME NECUTION,
BY virtue ofan appointment from Wis Pxcellen-
cy Tl. W. Brextinex, Esquire, iacutenant-Gover-
nor ef the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
in Ga &e.
Uhon a petition of John McCaman, versus, Plan-
tation Lecois Manor, said appointment bearing date
(bth Peb. 1Si4.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersiened,
icst Marshal of the Courts of (is colony, will Sel,
at Public Execution Sale, inthe month of June, 1815,
the precise day hereafter to be notified through the
Gazette of this colony.
The Cotton Estate Lewrs Monor, situate on the
Last coust of this colony, with all its cultivativiy
slaves, buildings, &e.
Whoever should think to have ony richt, ection,
or Interest, on aforesaid plantation Lewis Manor, and
wishes to oppose the Execution Sale thereof, let sneh
persons address themsclves to the Marshal’s Office,
of this colony, declaring their reasons for so doing
in due time and form, as I hercby give notice, that
Lwill receive opposition from every one thereunto
qualified by law, appoint them aday to havchis or
herelaia henrd beiore the Court, and further act
thereon as the law directs.
dhis dh proctunation published as customary.
Beibice, Sth June, IS14.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Or SE wr ee ee ee ow ~)
View original 4.20 www" 2. See
A handsome Carricle and pair of Horses, who are
In complete match, in high condition and prefectly
sound, they are well worth the attention of any
Gentleman, who may be in want of an article of this
descriptton—for furthe? particulars enquire of Lieut.
Downie, at Fort St. Andrew.—28th May.
View original FOR SALE,
LIE Lend and Buildings forming a part of Lot
No. 3, First Linpolder ; for further particulars ape
ply to
28 May. K. FRANCKEN.
FOR sale, a valuable assortment, peculiarly suit.
able to this climate, being of the best quali pre-
parcd aud put up at Apothecaries Hall, Lon&§n, for”
cxportation to Demerary : the same will be sold at
a reasonable adyance for Cash, or Bills of Exchange.
Should un acceptable offer be received earby ;. {
will then be retailed cn such small quantities, as m
accomodate jamitics, or individuals.
_—_— TF
View original ——
FOR a colton Estate, on the west coast of this co-
lony. an Overseer who can be well recommended ;
a diberal salery will be given.—Application to be
made to Mr. R. McKENZIL, in New Amsterdam.
28 May
Pul (ste ud by }} . » . ad ULZ g Co. 2? 2 Jie€ ged P / ene) ‘S.

11 June 1814