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The Berbice Gazette

View original By order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of
the Colony Berbice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Ordinary
Session of the Court of Civil Justice, which was to
take place on Monday the 19th July, is postponed
until Monday the 16th August, 1813, and following
days.—The previous Courts of Rolls being fixed for
Monday the 19th July and 2d August, ISIS. .
The Marshals and all others, are desired to attend
to this Notification and govern themselves accord-
ingly in the Summonses to be issued for the Court of
Justice. Court Llouse, Berbics. 25th June 1815.
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original BY Wis Ilonor Major James Grant, Acting
Governor in and over the Colony of Berbice
and ils Dependencies, Sc. &e. Ne.
To all to whom these Presents may or shall come,
or Concern: .
WHEREAS circumstances have rendered if ex-
pedient more fully to notify to the Inhabitants of the
colony Berbice, the commands’ of His Royal High-
ness the Prince Regent, with respect to the Appoint-
ment of Agents to Administer and have conduct over
the Crown Property within the said colony.
These are therefore by command of His Royal
Highness the Prince Regent, officially to notify to
the Public, that Mr. Alexander Allart de la Court,
has been appointed Agent for the Crown Property,
within the colony of Berbice, comprehendihg the
late so named colonial Estates and) Winkel Depart-
ment, and that Mr. A. A. dela Court has been re-
ceived and admitted by us in that capac ty.
~ And we do hereoy order and require all the Sub-
jects of this Government to acknowledge Mr. A. A.
de la Court, or such perron or persons as may be ap-
ointed to act under him by virtue of his commission
In that capacity.
To prevent ignorance whereof, this our Procla-
mation shall be made through the Berbice Gazette.
Given under our Hand and Seal at Arms, at the
King’s House, New Arsterdsain, Berbice, this
Sth day of June, ISLS.
Js. GRANT, Set. Governor.
hy Command.
Thos. C. EMERY, Gov. Scc’y.
a - —_— OO -—_ ——
— —
View original . Les ’ * Wie
Commissarial Office
a © 7e
Berhicee, Vth June.
ANY person willing to supply about Tie/eve thou-
sand pounds of Rice, or any part thereol, to be de-
livered in quantities of about 5000 ths. per month,
should the whole not be ready for delivery at once,
are requested to send in Tenders to this Office, mark-
ed Tenders for Rice, until Monday morning the 2s
inst. at 10 o’clock, when they will be opened, and
the offer or oflers, most advantageous to Govern-
ment, will be accepted. :
Payment lo be made on delivery.
JAMES B. BOHOT, Dep. Assist. Com. Gen
NB Mr. Buhot will be thankful to reeeive any
communication relative to the quantity that may
be procured, and the price at which this article
could be furnished between now and the end of
the year.
ON reasonable ‘Terms, the front southern quarter
of Lot No. 24, and the back northern quarter of the
same,—lor further particulars apply to
96 June. H. STAAL.
View original 7
ALL those who have any Demands against the un-
dersigned. the Ship Spec ulator, or any other con-
cern wherein he is interested, please render in their
accounts after the Ist of July next, for liquidation
and payment.—26 June. H. STAAL.
View original FOR SALE,
For Cash, Thirty square bales of Cotton, from
Pin. Kendall’s, to pay current expences of said Es-
tate, for which ‘Tenders will be received at the store
ot Mr. WV. Croft, until Monday 5th July, when the
highest offer, if approved of will be accepted.
26 June. ! Jno. McCAMON.
View original SATURDAY, the 26th of June
View original SIGNORARISI, Rope Dancer.
Intending to depart hence for Demerary, begs
leave to return his most grateful thanks to his Ex-
cellency Governor Gordon, as also to his Excellency
Governor Murray, while Acting Governor, for their
protection of htm and his company, and with grati-
tude acknowledges the favors and encouragement re-
ceived by him trom the Public in general.—26 June
DiN ondergeteekeinde verzockt mits dezen aanal-
le de genen die cnige pretentien, ’t zy uit hoofde van
acceptaticn, openstaande rekeningen, als anderzints,
ten zynen lasten hebbende, zulks zoo spoedig docn-
lyk inteleveren aan en ter woonstede van den Heer
L’. A. Rodenbroek.
View original TH subscriber requests all those who have any
Claims against him, whatsoever, to render the same
in properly, to and at the house of Mr. F. A. Ro-
denbroek, in New Amsterdam.
View original NOTICE.
THE subscriber finding no attention whatsoever
has been paid to his former advertisement, or repeat-
ed application for payment of debts, due to himself
or to the late Firm ot A/ceGrath & Taylor, finds him-
self under the necessity of putting such accounts and
notes of hand into the hands of his Attorney, to be
sued tor by the next courts.
View original
THE Subscribers to the Quarterly Balls, are in-
tormed, that the First Ball will be given at the house
of #. Harris, Esq. on Pin. No. 11, Corentyn coast,
on ‘Tuesday the 29th inst.
By the request of the Stewards,
19 June. G. BAGO?L, Treasurer.
_—— he — ———
James Caple
INFORMS the Gentlemen of this colony, he in-
fends next month to commence Sail Making at f 25.
per bolt, and that he has sent for the necessary imate-
rials for ytting colonial craft, cheap. 12 June.
The Subscriber has received per: Ship Sanerr
Braddick, via Demcrary, the following goods,
which he offers for Sale cheap, for cash.
Prime mess beef in half barrels.
Cumberland hams & Glouchester cheese.
Loaf sugar, beer & porter.
W hile, green, brown & black paints & oil.
Irish linens, ladies & gentlemen’s stockings,
Super fine black, blue, green, & mixten coats.
Black silk vests, silk & beaver hats,
Piauters and half dress shoes,
Negro cloathing assorted.
Falling axes, pruning knives, & nails.
Cordage & sadlery assorted.
Soap & candles in halt boxes,
Glass, and crockery ware assorted.
12 June. Wa. CROFT.
For Cash.
THIRTEEN bales and a pocket, clean Cotton,
from Bengalen Estate, for which Tenders will be re-
ceived at the Store of J. 4. Schlarhorst, Esq. till
Monday the 28th inst. when the highest offir, ifap-
proved, will be accepted-
J. van pen BROEK and
12 June. A. KRIEGER.
Curators to the Estate of the late M. S.
re ee
View original ALL persons having Demands against the Estates
Schumacherslust, Rotterdam, an Geiderland, are
requested to render their accounts to
12 June. G. PAUELS.
Att. of said Estates.
Where Plantains may be had at moderate prices.
View original FOR HIRE
SIX able field Negroes—for particulars apply to
this Office. I? June.
View original | Payable in advance.
View original Secretary's Office.
Wordt geadverteerd, dat This is io inform the Pu-
de volgende personen voor- \blic, that the following per-
nemens zyn uit deze Kolonie sons intend quilling this Co-
fe vertrekken. lony$
Donald McPherson in 6 wecks from 12 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bekend| NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand na\that a month after date the
dato de volgende Transpor-| following Transports and
fen en Hipotheeken zullen| Mortgages will be pussed.
verleden worden.
May 15. Peter Mathews will transport will transport
to Mary Macdonald 12 roods of land, on the
south side of lot No. 42, second empolder in
New Amsterdam, fronting the middle road.
May 22. John McCamon qq. James Blair, will trans-
J dt ae Ne os
port to John ‘Papin, all the right and title of
the said James Blair to Lot 50, Corentyn c.
John Davies, in quality of Attorney to Coloncl
Sheldrake, will pass a mortgage in favor of
J.T. & A. Douglas & Co., vested on Plant.
Warren, east coast, Berbice, and 114 Slaves.
May 29. The Attornies of EF. J. Portier, will trans-
portto J. G. F. Thiensma, ». wv. a part of
the southern quart of Lot No. 7, in New Am-
sterdam, with the buildings thereon.
—— II. Staal willtransport to J. J. van der Stoop
the front halfof No. 13, in New Amsterdam,
with the buildings thereon.
—— _I.. C. Abbensets will tiansport to the free
Negro woman Francientje and her mulatto
children, 90 square roods of the front land of
his Mstate Voorburg, in Canje, adjoining PI.
de Vryheid.
June 26. H Smithson qq. the Estate of Susannah
Adye, will transport to Kitty Hall 25 roods of
the northern back quart of lot No. 41 front the
new centre road.
—— John Cameron qq. Walves, will transport
to St. Vincent 26 Negro Slaves, names to be
scen at this Office.
-~—— J. vanden Broek qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel
will transport to W. Alves, and to the Assig-
nics of G. Baillie, lot No. 5, in Canje.
——— J. van den Broek qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel
will transport to J. Fraser Lot No. 6 in Canje.
John Tapin will transport to James Fraser,
the Lot of land No. 14, situate in the east sea
coast canal.
—— John Tapin will transport to W. Alves and
the Assignees of G. Baillie, Lot No. 14, on
the east sea coast canal.
View original TILE subscriber intending to reside in Corentine
river, offers his place, adjoining plantation Silver
Fleece (upper east coast Corentyn),- to any person
wishful of retiring to a commodious country seat, for
one, two, or three years. There is on it a very com-
fortable dwelling, with outbuildings, such as Negro
houses, kitchen, stockhouse, horse stable, &c., also
a kitchen. garden, a large fresh water tank, and a
plantane walk, besides an impolder ready for more
plantanes, and a large field for cotton.—The terms
will be made easy to an approved persor.
12 June. J. G. FFLOYD.
View original RUNAWAY.
FROM the Subscriber, a young Negress, named
Sophia, she is well known in this colony, having
huckstered about it some time.—She absented her-
self about Easter. A ny person delivering her to the
Subscriber, or lodging her in the barracks, will re-
ceive TWO JOES Reward, and any found secreting
her, after this notice, will be prosecuted.
NB. The above Negress has very lately been seen at
the Fort, witb a forged pass.
View original NOTIFICATION,
His Excellency Robert Gordon, Esq. Governor
General of the Colony Berbice, being obliged thre’
indisposition to quit the said colony—the Civil Go-
vernment thereof has, in conformity of the commands
of His Royal Highness the Ptince Regent, been as-
suined by James Granf, Esq. Major in His Majes-
ty’s 60th Regt. commanding the ‘Troops in Berbice;
and Hfis Honor having been sworn in as Acting Go-
vernor.—This is by command publicly to notify the
same to the end, that all persons within this colony,
may pay due obedience to His Lonor Major Grant,
in his capacity as Acting Governor of the colony
aforesaid.— Aing’s louse, Berbice, 12th June.
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sccy.
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday the SOth inst. will be sold by the
Vendue Master in commission—T'wo prime Slaves,
one a good house boy, the other a washer woman,—
Fine Irish shisting & sheeting, calicoes, Osnaburgs,
stationary, cutlery, candles, soap, beef, herrings,
Madeira in qrt. cashs, &e.
G. BONL, det, Dap. Vendue Master.
View original On Friday the 9th July, will be sold, for public
Sale, on Pin. Britannia, being lot No. 32 west coast,
from §0 to 100 head of black cattle, selected from
sundry Estates, amongst which are milk cows with
their calves, fine fat oxen, heifers, a few fine young
bulls, and upwards of 100 head of sheep.—The sale
to begin precisely at 10 o'clock forenoon—Retlresh-
ments will be provided at the place of Sale.
On the same or following day will be sold by order
of the Curators of the Jate Wm. Threllall, a number
of fine milk cows with their calves, oxen and heifers
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr
View original ~
On Monday the lth July will be sold at the Ven-
due Ofice, hy ordcrof J. A. Lichen, Esq. Executor
to the Mstate of A. Schlipfter, dec. the plantation
situated in Canje creck, with Slaves, (82 in number)
enltivation & buildings, in excellent o der,—cattle,
furniture, plate. an elegant organ, {nglish, French,
and Dutch hooks &e.
Also the planiation Don Carlos, in Canje creck, of
500 acres land.
One quarter of lot No. £3, from the front to the
middle dam.
The balf of sane lot, from the middle to the back
dam. .
By the Vendie Master in commimnission, : 14 roods of
Jand of lot No. 1) south side, at the back dam.
On the sameday by onder of the Attornics of Ro-
bert Lowrie, 6 ptin e carpenter Necroes, sold for no
fault whatsoever, payable in S,6, and 9 months, in
By order of Tt. Lowrie & Co. a Punt nearly new,
30 tect keel and 9 feet beam.
G. BONE, Act. D. Venduinr.
View original sss
On Wednesday Mth July next, will be sold, on
the spol, by onder of A. Krieger and Jos. Hall, Cu-
rators to the Estate of J. Sawyer, dee.—The two
Thirdsof Lat No. 71, Corentine, with Slaves and
all and every thing thereunto belonging.
Ga. LONE, A. D. Vend. Mr.
—- -.—_.
On Wednesday he 4th August, will be sold, by
order of the Curstors of the late W. Threlfall, the
premen on lot No. 7, known as the Vendue Ofiice,
Negroes, furniture, and what further may appear on
the dayvuf sale.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Venduemr.
— On Wednesday the Ist Sept. and following days,
will be sold by orlerof Robt. Taitt, and Wm. Kew-
ley, Esqrs. in their capacity as Curators to the Es-
tate of the late Richard Barry, dec.—The western
halfof Plantation Newlandhall, being one-third of
Lot No. 2U, Corentyn coast.
The southern half of Plantation /Tarriet, being half
Lot No. 76 Correntyn, together with buildings, and
slaves, stock and all and every thing thereunto be-
Jonging—Inventories of which to be seen at the Ven-
due office.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Master.
View original SS
Mrs. COVLINGE, at the house of her Brother
in Law, Mr. A. Freury, Lot No. 22, informs the
Public, that she undertakes embroidery and Needle
W ork in all its branches, and will engage to take in
Learners, at a moderate prices 5 June.
View original To Brigadier General Mur @ Y.
Berbice, May 19th 1813.
The sudden manner in which you were cal-
led away to Demerary, prevented our-fulfilling the
commission intrusted to us, of presenting, on the eve
of your departure, the enclosed Addres of the Inha-
bitants of this colony.
We now beg leave to take this methode of presen-
ting it to you, and have the honor to you,
Sir, Your most obedt. humble servants.
Signed, G. Bacor.
J. ‘Papin and
To Brigadier General Murray.
Having understood the probability of your
early departure from us. We conceive it a mark of
attention, due to your meritorious conduct in ihe ad-
tuinistration of this Government during the short pe-
riod you have held it, to express our sentiments there-
on, we therefore beg leave to offer you our most
grateful acknowledgements for your zealous and up-
right discharge of the high and important duties of
Chief Magistrate of this colony, whilst intrusted to
your care.
In thus expressing our sentiments ef your public
conduct, we cannot refrain from mentioning the re-
eret, with which we view your departure from us,
as a Member of Society.
Be assured, Sir, the urbanity and ready attention
shewn to all who have had oceasion to address them-
sclyes to you, will long ensure you our sincere regard
and best wishes for your prosperity.
Permit usas a small, but lasung token of our grate-
ful remembrance to request your acceptance of a
Sworn, of the value of One hundred Guincas, and
wishing you many years to wear it with honor and
advantage to yoursel! and country.
We have the honor to be,
Sir, Your most obedt. hnamble servants.
King’s House, Demerary, 26th May, 1815.
I am honored with your Letter of
the 17th inst. inclusing an Address irom the Inhabi-
tants of Berbice.
I rejoice to find, that my endeavours to perform
with impartiality the important Dtties, which in
that colony devolve upon its Chief Magistrate, should
by the Loyal and enlightened Inhabitants be deemed
worthy of so distinguishing a marh of their regard.
The approbation of virtuous men is the most valu-
able enjoyment of life, it iss therefore highly satis-
factory to ime, to find, in the signatures tu this honor-
able lesiimonuiml, so very large a portion of the worth
aud of the inlependent spirit of the colony.
! should be uaworthy of the unyaricd hospitable
and polite atteution | experienced in Berbice, were
I not equally alive to the kind expression of private
feeling contained in this Address. Should it be our
lot to mect no more, I shall not cease to indulge the
pleasing expectation, that even time, will not soon
subdue, those reciprocal sentiments in which I make
no doubt we should have continued to live.
The Sword | accept with pride‘asa sacred trust.
Jtis particularly flattering to mark your approbation
of my conduct in the discharge of one public duty,
by confiding to my hand the instrument of a more
glorious destiny: which, in common with every
British Soldier, I look forward to be one day called
on to fulfil, such a day would forcibly bring you all
to my recollection,
I thank you Gentlemen Individualy for transmit-
ling the Address to me, and beg you to convey this
reply, assure the Honorable body who deputed you
how highly | value-the distinction and how sincere-
ly | wish them every earthly blessing.
I have the honor to be, Gentlemen,
Your faithful obedient servant,
Jno. M .
The Hon. John Tapin. URRAY
The Hon. Sam. Kendal).
Geo. Bagot, Esq.
View original —_—_——_— CC ti—”
NEW AMSTERDAM, June 26th 1813.
——_ -—
No arrivals this week either from the Islands or Eu.
From the late -nglish Papers.
a —_——
Corunna, April 2.—The accounts of the evacuation of
I.eon have proved correct ; it touk place on the morning
of the 27th ult.
Santiago, April 2.,—When the French evacuated Leon,
they carried with them all the grain they could, and that
which they were not able to take was sold, and the inhas
bitants obliged to give the highest price for it.
Rio Junciro, Dec. 1812.—The Prince Regent of Por.
tugal has created the title of Duke of Victoria for the il-
lustrious Lord Wellington, and fur Marshal Beresford
that of Marquis of Campo Mayor.
Valladolid, March 19.—It is said that the Army of
Portugal is now reduced to five divisions, as the others
have been united to them, and that part of them have
marched towards Burgos. Every thing proves, and they
themselves confess, that they are going. to retire to the
Ciudad Rodrigo, March 30.—At a moment when the
enemy’s troops belunging to the armies of the South, the
Centre, and of Portugal, are in movement, we cannot, with
certainty, point oul their Crue situation; nevertheless we
can say something which may satisfy the curiosity of our
The army of Portugal has changed many of its garrisons,
withdrawing its hospitals and some magazines from between
the Turmes and the Douro. The garrisons of Alva, Sala.
inanca, and Ledesma still exist, and in the rear of these
are others in various places in the direction of Toro and
Medina. In this town, in Arevalo, Olmedo, and other
places in their vicinity, there are likewise garrisons of ine
fantry and cavalry.—l*rom this army some regiments have
proceeded towards the North of Spain. In Zamora, Toro,
and to Leon and Palencia, garrisons are maintained, In
Pordesilias an& Puente Douro there are also garrisons ;
and on marching from Simancas, the troops of the 2d di.
vision, who were there, set fire to the Archives, and burnt
i part of the building and many documents.
General Reijle’s head-quarters contiuue in Valladolid,
although it is supposed he will change them, on account
of Josaph’s arrival, on the 23d. With the great convoy
uf cloathing, ammunition, money, and articles of com-
merece, which came from France and entered Valladolid on
the 8th, there have arrived from 4 to 5,000 men belonging
to various corps. In its Journey through Burgos, a eon.
siderable quantity of powder was left in that fortress, up-
on the reparation and augmentation of which they labour
incessant ly ;
‘*The Russian forces with which the campaign will
open, cannot be less than 220,000 men.
‘The Prussian 70,000.
‘Swedish and Pomeranian 50,000.
‘6A grand total of 340,000 men.
‘To this must be added the force which Hanover, and
Hesse, and Brunswick, and the Hanse Towns, and, per
haps Saxony, may furnish.”
To meet this fu.ce Bonaparte is making the utmost ef-
forts,a demand is made on France for more than 500,000
men; and the whole force we learn is to be distributed as
‘*An Army of 400,000 men on the Elbe, 200,000 men
in Spain, and 200,000 men, partly on the Rhine, partly
on the 32d Military Division, and in Italy.”
Allowing every thing for great exaggeration, no doubt
the forces which Bonaparte will bring into the field will
be very numerous. Should Austria join the consideracy
he will scarcely dare the fortune of war; if she does not
join it, the contest will be severe, but if the allies remain
united we doubt not successful.
Dereat or BeaunaRrnols sy WITTGENSTEIN,
London, April 26.—Itis as we suspected from the con.
tents of the last Paris papers. Beauharnois’s change of
position aud movements across the Saale en the 7th, were
View original the consequence of the defeat experienced’ from General’
Wittgenstein, two days before. This information we have
received officially by the Ieligoland Mail this morning.
General Wittgenstein acquaints us that the Prussian
General Von Borstell had been sent to surround Magde-
burgh on the right hank of the Elbe. On the 2d inst.
however, his force was attacked by avery saperior divi-
sion of the enemy, and he was obliged to fall back to
Nedlitz, and afterwards, on the 5th, to Gloine, on the
road to Gortze. Beauharnois in consequence of this suc.
cess, conceived the project of making an attempt ayainst
Berlin. Of Wittgenstein’s near approach he seems to.
have been iguorant; and, putting himself at the head of
24,000 men, with 49 pieces of artillery, he marched against
the Prussian Generals Von Borstell and Bulow. Witt-
genstein had arranged bis plan for falling with his whole
force upon him. ‘The battle tuok place upon the 5th,
an‘ was obstinately contested ; but the enemy were al
length defeated, and night alone saved them from expe-
riencing a more severe loss than they did ex perience. How.
ever, they lost 2000 in killed and wounded, and 27 Olli-
cers and 900 men made prisoners. Generals Grenier and
Grundler were wounded, On the next morning Witt-
genstcin prepared to follow up his advantage, but Beau-
harnoise had retired in the flight, abandoned the defiles of
Warlitzand Alten Cluss, destroy cd the bridges, and cross-
edthe Elbe. Wittgenstein immediately threw up entrench. Cluss and other parts, to enable General Bulow
to blockade Magdeburg move closely on the right bank of
the Elbe. Wittgenstein’s head-quarters were on the 7th
at Zerbat, midway between Dessan and Magdeburgh,
The eflcet of the defeat of Beauharnois:has been felt in
other parts. Davoust, who had remained at Lunenburgh
till (he Sth, ou Giat day evacuated it in great haste to res
turn to Magdeburgh.
Not less cheering is the aspect of affairs in every other
partof Ceermany. The Saxon troops have separated from
the French, the cavalry retiring to Torgau and the infantry
to Planen, by order of the King of Saxony. This is a
mauifestation of a change of sentiment and policy on the
part of Bouaparte’s hisherto most devoted vassals.
The Prussian army under General Blucher is advancing
to Erfurth in great streugth.
Stettinisnow closely besieged, and Wittenberg is ex-
pected to fall,
The Ranger sloop has carried 150,000 stand of arms
and clothing for 150,000 men to Coldcrg.
A large body of Feeach conscripts ate sad to have re.
fus.d crussiby the Rhine
. Ty a ——
View original a ————$—
Paris April 1.—On Vhursday, Ist April, the Senate
assembled at three clock, under the prosideney of ius
Serene Highugss the Prince Arei Chancciior ol tue Lulide
In conformity with the orders of his Majesty the Mm.
peror aud King, the Prince Arch Chancellos has caused
to be inserted in the Registers of the Sesate the letters pate
tent, sign. in the Blysian Palace on the SUth of Sracch
last, by wach the Emperor confers ou her Majesty the
Enmyress and Qaeen, Marta Louisa, the Utle of it. gent
Speech of His Serone WMighness the Prince Arch
Chane llor, President of the Scnate, in the Siting
of April th.
G entiomen—lHlis Majesty the Emperor and Kiug will put
bimself at the head of his armies.
Yhe Eaperor wishes to give his august partner a bouble
proof of his confidence.
[tis fur these motives that he has caused the letters pa-
tent tu be expedited, which 1 am charged to communicate
to you,
‘bherefore, Gentlemen, the Empress wiil assist at the
Councils, where the greatest interests of the Slate will be
disenssed. She will have the Regeney of the Empire, un.
til the moment, when victory will weturn the mperor ty
our wishes.
His Majesty could not make a disposition more consis.
tent with the public good, nor which would bemore agree
ble to his people.
The Senate will give their applause to it, and preserve
im their records this act of the Sovereign will,
Other objects of high importance ought likewise, Gen-
tlemen, to fix your attention.
A report from the Minister of Foreign A flairs will in-
form you of the alteration that has taken place in our po-
titical relations, by the defection of one of the Northern
Powers. The part she has embraced is a sad consequence
of the character which the steps of that Cabinet has taken
for along time past.
This circumstance imposses on the nation the obligation
of making a grand effort, the means whereto will be found
in the projects which are going to be proposed for your
View original 9
At amoment of such interesey the Senate will perecive of
what great importance it is tv develope the resources of
France; to cause the enemy to feel its full weight ; to con-
vince him of the inulility of his projects; and finally, to
reduce him to desire sincerely that peace which the Empe-
ror’s triumphant hand has so frequently offered him, but
which would not be worthy of lis Majesty, unless it en.
sured the repose of Europe, aud the free commerce of all
The Letters Patent are conceived in the fo'luwing
terms :—
Napoleon, by the Grace of God, Emperor of the French,
King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the
Rhine, Mediator of the Helvetic Confederation, &c.
To whomsoever these presents may come greeting :—
Being willing to give to our wel'-beloved spouse the
Empress and Queen, Maria Louisa, some marks of the
high confidence that we repose in her, we have resolved
tu invest her, and we do by these presents accordingly
invest her, with the right of assisting at the Cabinet Coun.
cils, whenever such shall be conyoked during our reign,
for consideration of the mostimportant aflairs of the State ;
and considering that it is our intention immediately to
place ourself at the head of our armies to liberate the ter.
ritories of our Allies, we have likewise resolved to confer,
ind weaccordingly do by these presents confer, om our
well.ebeloved spouse the Empress aud Queen, the title of
Regent, to exercise the functions thereof in conformity
with our orders and instructions such as we have caused
to be inserted in our book of State, intending that infor.
mation of the said orders and instructions shall be given
{o the Princes, Grand Diguitaries, and to our Ministers ;
and that the Empress shall, in nu case whatsoever, depart
from their tenor in the exercise of her functions as Re-
We will, that the Empress Regent shall, in our name,
preside in the Senate, the Council of State, the Council of
Ministers, aud the Privy Council, especially for the exa.
minatiuugul addresses tor pardon, on which we authorise
her to give sentence, after having heard the Members of
the Privy Council. Butinail cases itis not our intention,
that by reason of the Presidency conferred on the Empress
Regeat, she should either authorise, by her signature, the
presentation of any Senatus Consultum, or proclaim any
law of the state: in this respect, we refer to the orders
and instructions above-mentioned,
We direct our cousin, the Prince Arch Chancellor of
the Empire, to communicate these present Jetters pateut
tu the Senate, which will cause them to be entered ia theis
registers; and toour Grand Judge, the Minister of Justice
who will cause them to be published in the Bulletin of the
Laws, and send them to our Imperial Courts of Law, to
be their read, published, and transcribed into their regis.
ters. Given at our Klysian Palace, on the suih day ol
March, 1813, and the 9th year of our reign,
(s.gocd) NAVOLEON.

View original — ee ee
Marshals Office.
—._ f= .
htrst Proclamation
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by THis
Excellency Joux Murray, Brigadier Generat, ain
Acting Governor mand over tite colony of Berbice
and ifs dependencies, Viee Admiral, and President
inall Courts and Colleges within the same,‘
Xe, &c. &e,
Upona Petition of J. d. Mkken,, under date of
loth Jan I813, vegsus, J. 4. Leisver.
I the undersigned First’ Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of Gris colony, shall expose and sell, at public
erxcculion sale, in presenec of two Counceltors Com-
Inissaries, and their Sceretary, at the Court house of
this colony, on Wednesday the 2Yist July, 1822, at
11 o’cloch in the forenoon of that day :
A Mortgage, vested on Plantation Goede IToo
’ auf? ’ 2
Corentyn coasl, passed by J. Cy Spangenberg, in
fuvor of J. A. Leisncr, amounting in capital the
sum Of [ 70,CQO, ender deduction whocrver of so
much as shall ap,ear on the day of Sale, of what
has been paid theroon, in order lo voblam the pay-
. / . ’ . _-_ . . J
ment of a capital sua of f 3000. with interest and
W boever should think to have any right, interest
or Claim of the abovementioned Mortgage, and wish-
es to eppose the sale theieol, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first) Marshal,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
lime and form; as 1 hereby give notice that I will
receive opposition from every one thereunto quali-
fitd, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further to proceed ac-
cording to law.
This Ist Proclamation made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Courthouse of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 20 June 1813.
K. Francxken, First Marshal.
Second Proclamation.
BY authority obtained from His Honor Jonannis
Bakker, President of the Court of Civil Justice of
View original this colony, gtanted upon a petition of P. Eggers,
num ux. Catharina Wilhelmina Buse, under date of
4th November 1807, versus, Jan Jacob de Mey ;
as also by a subsequent petition of G. Pawels, under
date Ist May 1813.
1 the undersigned Marshal of the Courts of this
colony, shall expose and sell, at public Execution
Sale, in presence of two Councellors Commissaries
and their Secretary, in the month of June 1814, (the
exact day to be specified hcreafter thro’ the Gazette
of this colony.) the Coffee Estate
Kort Beraad,
situate in this river, with all the Cultivation, Build-
ings, Slaves, and further Appurtenances and De-
pendencies thereto belonging, agreeable to Invento-
ry formed thereof, and which lays at the Marshal’s
oflice for the inspection of those whom it may con-
W hoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation Kor¢
Beraad, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution,det him or them address them-
selves to me the undersigned, declaring their reason
for so doing, ina legal mamer in writing, as I here-
by give notice that I will receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint thema day
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to law..
This 2nd proclamation published by beat of drum
us Customary. Berbice, 20 June.
K. FRANGKEN, First Marshal.
Second Proclamation.
WHEREAS T the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency d. Murray, Brigadier
General, and Acting Governor of the colony Ber-
bice, and its Dependencies, &e. &c. &e.
Under date of 10th August 1812.
Granted upon a petition presented by Argus Fra-
ser, as holder of the bill of exchange far which this
action Is instituted, versus, Gildert Robertson.
Have caused to be taken in Execution, and put
under Sequestration, the cotton Estate
the property of aforesaid G. Robertson, situate on
the Eorentine coast of this colony, with all its culti-
vation, slaves, buildings, and fnrther appurtenances
(hereto belonging.
Be it therefore Known, that T the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weehs, from the 17th Feb. 1815, the said cotton Ls-
tute Ai/tearn, with all its Cultivation, Slaves, Build-
ings, and further Appurtenances thereto belonging,
and of which the Inventory laying at tlie Marshal's
Oliice for the inspection of those whoin it may con-
cern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said
sale, of said estate Avltearn, such capital sum, inter-
esf, &c. as wherefore the sarae has been taken in cxes
cut ion, cum expences.
This 2ud pruc'amation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 20 June, IS!3.
KN. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SALE BY EXECUTION.
Second Proc'amation,
WHEREAS | the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency Ropert Gornon, Go-
vernor Genera! of the colony Berbice and its De-
pemlencies, Vice-Admiral, and President in all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c
Granted upon a petition presented tor that purpose
by A. /louston, as empowored by letter of King-
ston and Mc Bean, of Demeraryy under date ot 14th
April, ISI, versus, Jhomas White.
Ifave caused to be taken in Execution, the undivi-
ded share in she Cottou Plantation No. 35, corcatine
coast ol this colony, the property of aloresaid ‘Thos,
White. And whereas said uudivided share of Pin.
No. 35, curentine, the property of Th. White afore-
stid, has on the 17th Feb. last, been put under Se
Be it therefore hnowu, that I tee undersigned in-
tend to Sell, afterthe expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 17th February 1813, the abovena-
med undivided share in Pin. No. 35, situate on the
Corentine coast, with all its cultitation, ‘buildings,
slaves, and further ap- and dependencies thereto he-
longing, all conformable to an Inventory formed
thereof and now lying at the Marshal’s Office for the
inspection of those whom it may Concern, in order to
recover from the proceeds of the sale of said undivid
ed share of Pln. No. 35, corentine coast, the pie
perty of the now often named Th. White, such sum
of money as wherefore the same has been taken in
execution. ;
This 2nd Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, trom the Courthouse of this colony ,
and further dealt with as customary,
Berbice, 20 June, 1813.
kK. FRANCKEN, First Narshal.
View original
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
- Third Prockamation.
BY virtue authority obtained trom His
Excellency Rosrrt Gonpon, Governor General in
and over the colony Berbice and its dependencies,
Vice-Admiral, and President in all Courts and Col-
leges within the same, &ec. &c. &e.
Upon a petition presented for that purpose by J.
Beresrorp, versus, J. T. Matuews, under date
of 20th April, IS13.
I the undersiened, Marshal of both the Honorable
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at_ pu-
Blic Execution sale, in presence of two Councellors
Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday
the 7th July 1813, at the Court-house of this colo-
ny, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
Lot No. 31, in the second Empoider, with all the
Buildings thereupon, say a Dwelling House,
and further out-buildings.
The property of said J. 'T. Mathews.
W hoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim, on the abovenamed Land and Houses, and
wishesto oppose the sale thereof, let such person ad-
dress himselfto me the Mawshal, declaring his reason
for such opposition, in due time and form, as I here-
by give notice, that | will receive opposition from
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a diy
to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
further to proceed according to law in such case.
This 3rd Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 20 Jane, 1813.
A.G. CALMER, AZarshal.
——— ee Se
Fourth Proclamation
BY virtue of authority, granted by the Honorable
J.J. VAN per Stoor, Acting President of the
Court of Civil tustice of this colony, under date of
4th January 1812, upon the petition of Tits. Moo-
py, virsus, 2. Mircuenrv. As also by a subsequent
petition in belrdf of R.C. Downer, qq. granted
by the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this ‘colony,
under date of Gth March, ISIS.
Notice is hereby given: That I the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Sceretary by Public Execution Sale,on Wed-
nesday the Tuli duly ISlo.
The Cotton Kstate No. 1,
situate on the Coreityn coast of this colony, with all
its cultivation, buildings, slaves, aud other appurt-
enances and dependencies thereto belonging, all con-
formable to an daventory formed thereof, and lying
at the Marshal’s Oihee tor the Inspection of these
whom it inay concern,
Whoever should think to have any right, action
of interest on the abovementioned Plantation No. J
Corentyn, and its dependencics, and wishes to oppose
this Sule by Execahen, let him or them addres them-
selves tome the undersigned, declaring their reason
for so doing, ina fegal inanner in writing, as] here.
by give noltee that L will receive Opposition from all
intermediate person Of persons, appoint them a day
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to Juaw.
All persots being invited to attend at the day of
sile, on Plunation No. 1, Corentyn cuast,, and make
their profit of the same, -
This 4th Proctamation published by beat of dram
as customary. Berbice, 20 June, ISIS.
KR. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
ee -—™
View original —————
Fourta Procl mation,
WITERESS I] the nudersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His kacelleney J. Moerray, Brigadier
General, and Acting Gsovernor ot the colony Ber-
bice and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &e.
Granted upon a petition of F. Co RT, as the Attor-
ney of Chs. Simpson, John Wilson, and Alexander
Grant, who are the Attornies for John and Robert
Gladstone, of Liverpool, Merchants, under date of
29 October, IS12. versus, SteepurFN Mourant.—
Ilave caused tobe taken in Execution and Seques-
tration, the Cotton Estate
Situate on the Corentyn coast of this coiony, with all
its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c. the property
of said Stephen Mourant.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in-
tend to Scll, afier the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 22d of Feb. 1813, the abovemen-
tioned Cotton Estate Port Mourant, with all its
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further appurt-
enances and dependenciesthereto belonging, and spe-
cified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s Office
for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in
order (o recover frum the procecds of said Execution
Bale sueh capital sum, interest aud Cx peuces, as
View original wherefore the Estate abo @wnention dy has been ta
ken in Execution.
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 13 June, IS13.
K. FRANCKEN,. Itirst Marsha.
oe —— ee — —E —
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency Rosert Gornon, Co-
vernor General in and over the colony of Berbice
and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c.
Upon a petition of JoHANNA VAN DEN Broek,
Wife of Joh. van den Broek, duly empowered by
her said Husband, against A. J. Giastus, an Inha-
bitant of this colony, under date of 27th Sept. 1811;
and also by virtue of a Fiat given by the Hon. Cdurt
of Civil Justice of the aforesaid colony, in a certain
communicatory Process, carried on betwixt Gilles
Hobus and Joh. Bakker, as Executors to the Estate
of Jan de Vry, Jz. dec. and A. Krieger and George
Paucls, as the general Attornics in this colony of C.
+. Meyen, and W. FE. C. van Staden his wife, and
George Pauels, as by the particular desire of Jo-
hanna Buse, acting for her as the general Attorney
of her Husband J. van den Brock, at that lime ab-
sent from the colony, have caused to be taken in Ex-
ecufion and Sequestration, the Coflee Estates called
Dankbaarheid & Ruimzigt,
The property of A. J. Glasius, the person against
whom abovenamed writ of Execation is granted.
Be it therefore known, that [ the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of One year and Six
weeks, from the 15th October, I812, the abovena-
med Coffee Estates Dankbaarheid & Ruimzret, with
all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further
Appurtenances, and Dependencies thereto belonging
and specified in the Inventory thereof, lying at the
Marshal’s Otlice tor the inspection of those whom it
may concein, in order to recover from the proceeds
of said sale, such sum of money as wherelore the
said [state have been taken in execution.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custun. Berbice, 13 June.
K. FRANCKEN, First ala shal.
View original ——S——— ee
Summons by Edict.
By virtue of an Extract ui the Minutes of the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 27
April, 1813.
[ the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Ion
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of W
Lawson and W. KewLey, Curators to the Estate
vf the late Gwyn Jones, dec. do hereby for the se-
cond tine,
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown Creditors against the Es-
tates of Gwyn aud Aletta Jones, to appear betore the
Hion. Court oi Civil Justice, at their sessions of the
orjinary Coart of Rolls, onthe 19th July, in order
tu render their claims in due form.
W hereas after the ex piratiou of the fourth summon
by edict, willbe procceded against the non appear-
ers, according to Law.
Lerbice, Zlst May, 1813.
h. FKANCKEN, First Marshal
Simmons by Edict
BY virtue of anextract ofthe minutes of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 27th April,
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, tn the name and behalf of Lewis Ca-
meRON qq. LE. S. Fraser, du bereby for the second
Summon by Edict;
All known and unknown Creditors and Claimants,
on the proceeds of the cotton Estate forming a part
of plantation No. 23, sold by Execution, to appear
betore the Hlon. Court of Justice, at the sessions of
the ordinary Court of Rolls, on the 19th of July 1813,
in order to render their claims in due form.
W hereas after the expiraGion of the fourth sum-'
mons by edict, will be proceeded against the non-
appearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 21 May,
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Jnstice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, 1813.
I the undersigned first Marshal of both the Hono-
rable Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf
of R. C. Lownenr, for self and J. W. Heytmever
Curators to the Estate of the Widow H.A. Ba
do hereby, for the second time,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of
d.@. BrogekenerR, Widow HL. A. Bakker, to ap-
View original pear bevore the Hon. Court of Justice, at their sess
sions of the ordinary Court of Rolls, en the 19 July,
inst., tn order to render their claims in dwe form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edict, will be proceed agaist the non ape
pearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 21st May, 1813.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, 1813.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, in the name and behalf of Pr. Farr-
BAIRN, Interim Scquestrator to the Estate of James
lraser, for himself in that quality and for all other
Representatives of that Estate, do hereby, for the
second time,
Summon by Fedict :
All persons having Demands against the Estate of the
deceased James Fraser, to appear before the Honor-
able Ceurt of Justice, at the session of the ordinary
Court of Rolls, on the 19th July, in order to rendér
their claims in due form.
Whereas afier the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edict, will be proceeded agaiust the non-ap
pearers, according. to Law.
Berbice, 2ist May, 1813.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
ae Say ea
View original Swnmons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Justice, of this colony, dated 27th April,
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colony, inthe name and behalf of R.
C. Downer and W) Lure, in quality as Curators
lo the Estate of A.M. van pu Lanpe, dec., do
hereby, tor the second time,
Summon by cdict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of said A. M. van de Lande, to appear .before the:
Hon. Court of Justice, at the Sessions of the ordina-
ry Couctol Rolls, on the 19th July, ia order to rene
der their claus in due form.
Whereas alter the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by dict, will be proceeded against the non-
appearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2lst May, 1813,
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.

View original _ Summons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan extract from the minutes of the
proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice of this co-
louy, under date 2d March, 1813, given in the cause
of Joseeu Watuand A. KRIEGER, as Executorsto
the Estate of Joun Sawyer, dec., versus, all Known
and unknown Creditors against the said estate.
[ the undersigned, First Marshal of buth the Ifo-
norable Courts of this colony, and at the request of
worcsaid Jos. tialland A. WKrieger,in their said ca-
Summon by Edict for the Second Time :
All known and unknown creditors of the estate of
John Sawyer, dec., appear before the Court of Civil
Justice of this colony, at their session, to be held in
the month of Jaly, 1813, and fullow-ing days, for
the purpose of there exhibiting their claims, to ve-
rily the same, and i necessary to hear the objections
made thereon, as well to witness the Court’s deter-
mination as tothe Prejerent and Concurrent right of
claimants against the said estate, and furth
ceed according to Law.
This second summons by edict being made known
tothe public, by beat of drum, from the Courthouse
of this colony, and further dealt with according te
Berbice. 7th May.
K. FRANCKEN, ist Marshal,
cr to pro-
View original Loading at Demerary.
yity The Ship NEREUS,
Warranted to sail with the July convoy.
Vor freight or passage, for cither ship, apply, in
Demerary to Evan & Angus Fraser, or here to
12 June. W. DUNCAN.
View original Mejufvrouw COVLINGE, ten huizen van har®
Zwager de Heer A. Fueury, Erf No. 22. maakt
bekend aan het Publick, dat zy allerhande Borduur-
en Naaldwerk aanneemt, als ook dat zy gaerne voor
Lecrlingen will engageren, voor cen civile prys.
5 June.
View original ——. 7. Se
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex.
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Ce-
{ a rs Se
View original —_—_—__
Published every y Saturday at 4 adlogk se.

26 June 1813