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The Berbice Gazette

View original rr a
Berbice, 26th November, 1814. —
NOTICE is hereby given: that the Accounts
acainst Planta‘ions and Individials, for the Extra
Tlead-Mone von Nevrees L areanie to the Procla-
mation of the Lcnorable Court of Policy, of the
6//) of Ort ‘her lnst,) are now re nly for delivery,
and that the same must be paid into this Offiee in all
a Se a
View original a tie ST a
FOR the use of the Civil Commissary Department,
A? Neero tradesmen’s jackets.
AQ? Pair duck trowscets.
A? Check shirts.
AY Cowmnon hats.
9G Picces conmmon callico.
96 Common handkerchiefs.
O10 Fils catton cheeks.
O10 Ells Osneburgys’s.
For which Tenders will be received by the Sub-
ecriber, until Tuesday fhe 6th day of December, al
10 o’clock mm the morning, when thy will be opened
in presence o! [les Excellency the Governor, and
the lowest, ifapproved of, accepted, 19 Nov.
R. MACKENZIE, Acting Com.
eS ST OS.) ae a
View original ae aa eC Oe ee
This is to inform the Public, that the following per-
gons intend quilling this Colony.
P. Grant in 6 weeks from 5 November.
A. Simpson in 6 weeks from Nov. 19.
Jsaac Farley in 6 weeks from Noveu ber 26.
Gaimucl M'Nae in G weei.s from ditto.
J. Moor with one servant in 3 weeks from Nov. 26.
W. Kewley, with one servant, in six weeks or three
morn‘s, from November. 90.
BM. Manski in 6 weeks from Dec. 3.
Everhbarlus ten Bosch tn do. from do.
Jurgen Samuels in ditfe from ditto.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original NOTICE és hereh, siven, (hala month after date the
following Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
Nov. 12. The Representatives of the Estate of the
late James Fraser, will pass a ‘Pransport of the
west half of Lot 4, Canjec, to. Barnwell or his
Representatives or others CTU POM ered to receive
the same.—John Barnwell qq. H. Barnwell, or
others the Representatives, will transport to J.
Tapin, the said west holt of Lot 4, Canje.
Nov.19.W .Broderich qq. the Assignees of ‘Turnbull
Forbes & Co., will transport to Charles M’Ga-
rel, the Plantation ca led Zuidwyk, with all the
Neeroes, burildinus, stock, ufensils, &c. &c. be-
longing thereto; and the said Chs. M’Garel will
pass a mortesrge in favor of the Assignees of
Turnbull Forbes & Co. on the same.
&— Wm. Brolerick aq. the Assignees of Turnbull
Forbes & Co. will Pransport to Chs. M'Garel,
the Literest of the sail Assiznees, in all the Ne-
TOS, buildings, stock, utensils, &c. &c. with
the vadermentioncd Estates, commonly called
and known by the names of ‘ Benfield’s Estates,’
And the sai] Chs. WGaret will pass a mortgage
in favor of the svtd Assignees, on the same, viz:
Plantations—//erstelling, Woagelegen, New
Wileelecen, Pelmont, Union, Edinhure and
Glasgow, Monchosi, Eddertown and Zee ust.
Wor. 26. J.C. ©. de Nicuwerkerk gq. the Estate
of his late Excellency A. J. van Imbyze van
Batenburg, intends to pass a mortgage in favor
of Conradus Schwiers, on 40 Negroes, names tu
be seen at this Office.
—— The Curators to the Estate of Wm. Threlfall.
will transport to Wm. Fraser, a pert of lot No.
7, facing the front dam, with all the buildines
thereon. »
+—— -H. Downie will transport to Demerary 2 Ne-
groes, names to be seen at this Office.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original NOVICE,
AT.L persons having xny claim or demand on the
Plantations situated within this colony, Known as
Benfield’s Estates, or Phintanous idinbursh, Wel-
vrelegen, Herstelling or Edderton,are required, with-
in one month from this date, to render such acegun
to the Hon. W. Katz, on Planialion Vryheid.
3 Dec.
AJL persens having any claim or demand on the
Plantation Quidwy!, situnt do wicnin this colony, are
required, within one month from this date, tor nder
in such account to the Hon. W. Kaiz, on plantation
Vryheid.—3 Lesember.
I te
View original > ee ee Oe a sts
THU Subscribers ave now landing from the ship
Belleicle, trom Glasgow and Madeies, and have on
hand from recent in:portations, the following Guordts.
Which they offer for Sale on rea onsble terms, dor
Cash or Produce: :
Pork in barrels, Linen & cotfoncl ects,
Flour in ditto, “rinted ca icoes and ging-
Beer and porter, havns,
Port wine, ‘otlon shirting,
Pease and barley in jras,{Erish linen,
Negro hats and blansets,)8 1k umbrellas,
Do. jackets and trowsers,| ! hreads and tapes
J : PeSs
Watchmen’s coats, Veloh Aanne Is,
Women’s wrappers and) Groen gauze,
petticoats, Scine and sewing twine,
Negro and old rum. per|ussia sheeting,
puncheony adlary and stationary,
Gentlemen’s super fin. Tatdes boots and shoes,
coats and coatves, Ditto’s silk hats,
Do. vests, sucks & stoc- fable knives and forks,
kings, Pocket and penhnives,
Do. boats and shoes, Chamber duor and stuck
Do. sitk, witlow, aud Ja-| locks,
pan’d hats, ashok candles in boxes
Do. fine buff gloves, Cnimask table cloths,
Crystal, carthea & Gnwarc! Diaper toweling,
loes and shovels, Linea and platilles,
tar in barrels, Corn mills complete,
1} Inch cordage, a G inch‘ rin cranks with brasses,
cable, Steclyards of different size
White rope, [ish and tea kettles,
Cooper & carpenter tools|Moor and window hinges,
Cotton bagging, Japann'd waiters,
Nails from 4uy to 30dy. Do. bed room eandlesticks
Cutlasses, pruaing KULVCs, voppet gin house lainps,
Osnaburg’s, Xe. &e. &c.
Gorvon Durr Inouis & Co’s Choice London
particular Madeira wine, i pipes, hogsheads, and
quarter casks ; likewise some hbds. of building lime
and afew thousaud bricks.
Situated on the West Sea Coast, of this Colony,
being the middle third of Lots No’s. 35 & 86. ‘The
cultivation consists of One hundred and sixty three
eres of Cotton, chiefiy young, and of Thirty acres
vf Plantains.
‘There is a comfortable Dwelling House on the-
property, as well as good Negro Houses, and the
back lauds atford excellent Pasturage.
Possession to be given on the 2d ot April next.—
The Terms of Payment will be made suitable to an
approved purchaser.
For particulars apply to
Tue half Lot No. 46, situated in the second em-
polder ot this ‘Town, extending in full width from
the front dain to the middle road, with all the buil-
dings ther upon, as lately occupied by O. W. Lants-
heer, Esq. For turther particulars, enquire at
3 Vee. A. A. pE La COURT.
NB, Ifthe said house and lot, &c. is not disposed
of by private sale previous to the 25th of this
month, i( will be sold at Publig Veodue, on the
2d January next,
View original ALL those who have any Demands against the
Estate of the late J. hb. Tiesoet, Psy. dec. are
earnestly requested to render in their acconuts 40 the
undersigned, and to deliver copies of Notes of Jan ts
oc other Vouchers on which their claim is founds.
And those indebted to said) Estate, to come forward
vith tiamediat payment, as the undersigned is un ler
the dtsagreable necessity to proceed at Law without
discrimination of persous against those whose ace
counts remain unpad. fle nquest those that bul
teceipts of the Inte Mr. Tieboel for accounts ren-
dered by the undersigned, toexhint the same to
him, that they may be credited for ‘he same.
3 Dee. H. STAAL, Delbcrating
View original TONDERS
For Twenty Bales vood clean Cotton, from Plane
lation Dewls Wanor, payable i in cash, will be recele
ved at the house of the second uuciersicned, unc
Monday the 19th instant. J. MS AMON,
3 Dec. Scequestrators.
-_-- —_——--

View original FOR SALE
By the Subscriber,
In casks of 4, 6, and 8 Quintals
3 Dec. B. ZIEGLER.
View original me eee eee ee
Fine Jong leat Tobacco in hogsheads and harrels,
First quality Newfoundland and Codfish,
Bell's Pale Ale per punchcon or dozen,
‘Terras in hegsbeads, and
A quantily of Lime Stone.
3 Dec. Jno. WULFF,
= ee
THE SUPSCRIBER is much concerned at being,
again under the necessity of s.aking further applicas
tion through this medium, to those persons who have
been so long indebted to her: some tor many years.
She is lead to call uvon them in this way, as several
has not condescended to answer her solicitations ¢
consequence of their tailing t settling theiraecounts
duly, she has with infinite difficulty been en bled to
make her payments and: remilfances in pruper time,
agreable to her engagements : She therefore inforing
e ‘
all persons who: this may concern, that, all such
Accounts and Notes of Hand, remained unsettled af
tera few days, will be put into the hands of the
Deurwaarder to be sued for next Courts.
3 Dec. M. LINDNER.
—E ee SS a ele
View original — - + —— ot
~ On Monday 5th December will be sold at the Ven.
‘due Office, by order of Mr. Alex. M’Bain, the tole
lowing goods, viz,—Linen and cotton cheeks. fire
niture ditto, “Revsaia and Trish sheeting, bl och al
dowlas, thread assorted, white and yellow nankcens,
bine sale ‘mpores, soap, candles, im ils assort dy Mut
“deira wine in hhils. and bottles, military, Hessian,
and jockey boots, elaubersalis in kegs oi 36 Ibs. cu.
silk and beaver hats, &e.
On the saine day will be sold a few puncheons of
rum, stationary, cordage, coffee bagging, sein {wing
hams, and a few barrels pork.
-_- —— ———
View original LLL iil,
On Thursday the Sth inst. will he sal t atthe honse
of Mr. John Wulff: Westphalia and Lancashire
hams, beefand pork in whole and half barr st. kits
of pickled and red herrings, split peas and bitey in
jugs and kegs, bloom raisins in boxes, Iyson tea, old
rum in puncheons or by 5 gallons, a few dozen old
hock, mould candles, London mottled soap, cotton
shirting and sheeting, a varicty of handkerchiefs,
Scotch gauze, cambric, book muslin, ladies straw and
chip hats trimmed, boys and girls beaver hats, tape,
linen and cotton thread, galloon, boot cord, tassels,
silk and shirt buttons, cotton net braces, ladies long
and short net and cambric gloves, diaper, cotton gare
ters, stay lace, wire ribbon, silk purses, cotton lace,
white cotton of 28 yards, counterpanes, bed tick, Ine
dia jean, dimity, Marseilles, quittits, cotton and lis
nen checks, linen Britannias, ladies morning dresses,
cotton shirts, calicoes, London made coats, jean and
stripe trowsers, black, silk, cassimer, and Marscille
View original ee:
Wests, Tadics Voroten, jenn, velvet, and kid shoes, :
children shoes and boots, Hessian and yeilow top
boots, deessand ancle shoes, zentlemen’s beaver, silk
aad Leghorn hats, anassortmcatot jewellery, Mowul
prying cards, sein twine, cotton bagging. brown
punt, sailor’s shirts, frocks and trowsersy post, and
foolscap paper, quills, quire and bound books, pa-
per files, waters, Ladin rubber, Japan ink in bottles,
gill frames, mahogany oviland square seving look-
Ing glasses, hoes, shovels, cutlisses, felling axes,
hrives, forks, scissyrs, pen knives, fish hooks, bin-
pos, locks, screws, iron and: metal spoous, nails its-
sorted, vat hoops, rivets, boat and horse shoe nails,
horse shoe and cromb brushes, saddles, horse netts,
tobacco and sall fish.—7 head prime imilk cows.
0. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fenduve Master.
SO eee
View original ———$— ——
On Mooday 12) December, will be sold at the
Vendus Office, by order of Mr. Ths. Brumont, the
Plantition Verece yoeven, sithated on the west bank
of th» river Beroiee, with a dwelling 40 feet by 22,
onc antahallstory high, dneero carpenters and
srwyers, twowomanr, apunt, Swhetp saws, Q jrock
crews, sone cutlasses,
Vy order ol the [Pxceutors of the late Mr. FP. A,
Podenboook, 8 writing desks, 3 hammocks, a penna
Cuplen Ny, cl wold se: aly Qe.
Also ze xccllent nezroes and a house boy, 2 bar-
rels pork, dry goods,
D.C. CAMPRON Dop. Vendue Master.
View original 5 oe
On Moa iy (he Let 1). com ber y Nene, will be sold
atthe Venduce Ofice, bv order of. (7. Code Nicu-
werkerk, sq. qa. the bstate of the late Governor
vin Bate moun, Fooprime Newravs, in familics, some
of which ave ONC lint domestics; terms of poyment
3,0,&€ 9 montis.
D.C. CAXTERON Don. Vendue Master.
View original re Ne nen RS
Py vi (ie obaaap pomntnent errated: by the thon
Couitot Civil Justice, of this colony, upon a Pp \1-
timof dC. | age nberg and PLB. Bender, Esq’rs.
ay Curitors tothe Estate of J. A. Doeher, dee. and
Guardians to his minor children, dated 23d) July
last, vl be sotd on Friday the 23d Dec. inst. the
Cottee Tristate c alied Plinters-Lust, siturted on the
richt bank ol Canje, with abitssiaves, buildings, cul-
tivtio Y vod farther appurtoninces,
Phe condition of svle, as well as inventory of the
Estate may be seen at ih. * Vendue Office eight days
previous ty tho seley and the Plantation m: ty be view-
cd any at te atier the 19th inst.—The sale will take
plice on the spot, aud commence at If o'clock pre-
D.C. CANTFRON Dep. Vendue Master.
—— ee od
Lit hravte vanaepolitcment, veileond opecn Re-
quest, ten dicen einde cepresenteerd aan den Hove van
Civicle Jastiiie descr hotonic, in dato 93 July U.
door den bho ore bo, eavieeis reen PLB. Renter,
In qualitesculs ot acureniaden boedcl wylen J. A,
Doschorver Vo ucdonoverde minderjtrige kinderen,
ralop Vey lorcten Qosten D cembeoraaustaande, Wor.
den verhogt: de Kofly Phintagie gennaimnd Phinters-
Lust, geleves avide recterband van Rie Canje, met
de vebouwony beplanting, shaven on wat daar verder
aanhehoor !.
De inven‘ar's en kondiién van verhoop zullen: te
rien zyaagi diven voor de verhooping, avy lt Comps
toir van dou Vendunemeester, en de Plintagie kan be-
giertiod worden van Maanvae den T9fen December
tot de verkooy toe. —De Ve ‘rhooping eo7il bewtnnen
om Pl caren precies, op de Phintagie Plintcis- bust
Ib. C. CAMPRON, or . Vendue Meest.r
Ihe hice, 2d Pdecenber, \I8l4.
CASH wanted for Government Bill’s, for whieh
Tenders in Vriplicate will be received int this ONice,
until Mondiy rext the 5th inst. a6 10 o'clock.
H. WENDY, Dep. Assist. Com. Gen.
Por the Meelinss of the resvective Courts, of the Colony
Berlice, for the year 1815.
er Oe
View original rr OE
Monday Od Janu ary —Court of Police y and Criminal = tice.
Diouday 9th Jat lu. iry —Court of Rolls.
Nionday 16th January —Courtof Civil Justice.
diunday 6th February, —Com issary Court,
Monday 6tn March,-Court of Rolls.
Jluonday 3d April.—Court of Polic y and Criminal Justice.
Monday loci April—Court of Rolls.
Honday Wh April—Court of Civil Justice,
Monday Ist Ma. —Coimmissary Court.
blonday xxd 1) Court cf Rolls,
Bionday Sd July,—Court of Policy and Criminal Justice.
Rlonday 10th July w— Court of Rolls.
Dlonday 7th Ji ly,—Court of Civil Justice,
dionday 7th Auyust,—Commiss ary Court.
Mond ay <d Octobe: y— Court of Be licy and Criminal) Justice.
Slouday 9th Octuober,—Cuurt of Rolls.
Bionday 16th October —Court of Civil Justice.
Blonday 6th Novemb« r,—Commissary Court,
Mouuday oVib November,—Court of Kolls.
Lerbice, 24 November, 1814.
By Command, K. FRANCKEN,
B.6.BOWNER,s00,) Kiust sdaseaal,
View original Proclamation !
By His Excellency Henry Wrrrrax
Bentrinek, Lsquire, Licut.-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Dependen-
cles, &e Xe. s
And the Honorable the Court of Policy
and Criminal Justice of the said colony.
To all towhom these presents may or shall
Conc, Greeling ! Beit known:
VV hereas wis excrunrscy
the Licutenant-Governor, has represented to Us, this
Day, in Council, that circumstances bave arisen in
the Court of Civil Justice, which Tas placed him
under (he necessity of declaring the said Court to be
AND having further Signified to Us, that erent
Detriment may ensue to the Inhabitants of the Colo-
ny, from the nowecxistence of a Court of Civil Judi-
evfuce, thereby dinpeding the due Acduiinistration of
Justice. Webeing impressed with Me necessity of
the existence of a Court of Justice; Lave assented to
the Proposition made by Tis Pxect! ney for the Ap-
pointment of a Court of Civil Justice, provisionily
Ost y "s pleasure shall be mace known,
until Eis
Anda Nomination of Persons to fill the sttuation
of Members of the stid Court of Civil tustice, hav-
ing been made by the Court and submited to His
xe Hency, inorder that [he raieht Eleet such Gen-
‘lemen as he should deem most suitable for the situa-
ion. Tfis Excellency the Governor bas been J leas.
ed to Sdectand Appoint the following Gentl mer,
Members of the said Court of Civil Justice, namely :
Saw. Kenodan,
Dewts Cawe oy,
Hexay Suairisen, > Usquires.
\\ NM. on | ‘ - >
JL. Sacrexaonrcrene|n J
Notice of which is Publcly eiven, that none mary
pretend tenorance, and that all the Inhabitants of
(his Colony mog respect those Gentlemen in thei
aforestid capacity.
Thus Appointed and Resolved in our Court of
Policy and Craninel Justice, of the Cotony Berbice,
Ninw’s House, New Ainsterdam, November — , IS 14
—Present, His Excelleney the Licutenaat-Gover-
nor, and the Honorable Members John Tapin, John
WCamon, James Fraser, Pecler Fairbairn, A.J. Gla-
Sius, aud George Munro.
Ly command of the Court,
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
2 = A <A ° oe =
—se"" @ <-&§ a
By the arri-al of the Berbice Mail Boal, from Rar. '
bad sy we have rvceived several Enulish Journaly.—The
feurorn G michligence in dhe Ml, is O 2o consequence; bul
Jvom the Warbades Papers, atthe same time receivel,
we buy before vur Readers a few tnicresling American
A Mui for Barbados will be made up at the Post Of-
fice here, luemorrose: Eveniug, 6 o'clock.
= te
= O-- 9 Oe
QUEBEC, (Caxava) Aug. 20, 1814.
The public prints cive but a very imperfect account of
Our late disaster at Fort Brie,, The following, written by
an Olficer who was in the attair, way be depended on :—-
Phe fort was assailed by storm (wo hours before d ty.
light. on the morning of the }5thinst. he 8th Regt. with
de Wattcovilbe’s Kegt. and two companies of the 89th, at.
tacket the enemy's position at Snake Hill, and the 103d,
one comp, of the Royals, two comp’s of the 41st, and 2
comp’s of the 103th, attacked the Fort. But, unfortu.
ately, the Sth and de Watteville’s regt, failed in their ate
feinpt, and the whole burnt of the business fell on Che other
**By means of scaling ladders, the latter got into the fort
and touk possession of the guns; beth of whichit kept for
an hour and a half, uoder a most tremendous fire of grape
and musketry froma stone building in the fort, which the
emey had madeinie a blockuouss, The eucmy had like.
View original wise a foree entrenched strongly an the ontside of the fort,
Whoa, finding they could not drive our troops from their
postion, faid (ae plan of biowing them up; which they
cheetaal y did by springing a mine,
‘Our loes Was imimeus. :-—o ur brave fellows obliged te
quit the Fort, when che co ‘May Droneht Choir force round
on the two flanks, with fi ldepiceos, and complotely out.
flanked them. The romamder of the duvision w ere obliged
Co retfeat with precipitation— lini ended (ip sanguinary
tilair in whieh we have tu beweil the Luss uly, | ally brave
Tlea lquarlers, Mowreal, 25h Aver. W814.
Cenrray Ororrn—In Promulsating to the toons aa
Crxtrac! frou a O.teiet Chonerai Grice psued ly Lt.-Goen.
Diamnond ty the Risat Division of this Army. in CONSCe
quence of the canture of two of the en: my S schuon rs,
CO-ODeFatiits da dae dorence of the en my's po-iton at korg
het pg the Comaradee of the Porces avails himself of the
ePPorianity wo prowents, toocknowh dae the heieh sense he
CULO PO aiths of the \ ult) 1 ryices peu | red to tie Ria ¢
Division by Capt. dd bos, of (ac Royal Navy, and the Of.
cers vid scamen of Che vessels placed under his comnoaad
for (hat purpose by omnmodore Sie James Yoo.
Tins event, so ably plained acd ca callantl, eveented,
was followed by a geacral adtack of the cueins’s forts and
Ju'.-Geoa. Deummonl reports, that the scniterith whica
if was undertakes enao'cd one teooo8 to surmount every
obstacle. Fort hci and the enthienckervents wore entercd 3
(he gens turned oa the Barrack Slock hou (the enemys 's
last rele ] whois mhunately ad most viol ut exolo ica
occured on the baitery 5 dv ity edeet a SUFOVING aNd Give
Ablow oniniy a vam olo Y doer and soldier. apd canscd so
Considerable a costovmatiot, as to tsduce che er THoiMinNg
(roops to abtadoav the works, and all those advantacce
wateh thoy had sibwed oy Cite determined conduct, aud
pr SEpitately to rclirve lownr ticst Anproies 'S.
Proud otter caiecs vinost isenera cle from night operde
tions cree donna close and dithenult country, the right
culumm toiled inh obpoet it had to a com ptlish,
Witu deco ress t tue Commacdcr of the Purces records
(he fuss ibis aibejesty’s sea riveghas sustuiscd on this ec.

Lead-quarte ss, Camn lefore Fort E It,
Sth Ausust, ISt4.
I.t.-General Deummond concritulate the Army on the
urilfaut acinelment caceatcd list aleh cl s Capt. Dobbs. of
iho Roya! ~ ty), a! la pA ly of seanien aud marines, \T11 Us
bythe most yallane style, Doar tod. andafter ashore strugte,
circled two of theen W ’sarmcd schooners, anchored close
(oO fost hits Aeccelomt alone prevented the capture of
the third scaooner:-—those captured are the Somers aud
, '
I 19 pre » (
p (osalermuenis two long twelreepoundes
(he latter ove twe s— they were co nmanded by Lien
naots, and wad ou boud 35 wen each.—TVhe Lt.eGene
laments fo (iad that Lieut. Ica lclinte, Comnander af [ig
M ) Eyl y


Croon rN dy tas fallen on this occtsian: ty
Wis ha bay ne detol voarding, Wo will be buetd ae
Iwelve Oclue ly wilh sock marksof respect a circumstances
will Portis boosidss Mor, adele. gus leo nas been on'y
. a ,
Ove scum uw ki des at four woond de The cucmy’s love
Mane sac kal d and tree Othcers wounded. Phe whole
enterprise getteets the highest ered t on the abbility and
split ol Capt. Dobos and he gallant party waver his coms
mand, (Sijaed) J. Uarver, L4.-Col. D. A. G.
Under the killed are Capt, Torrens, stor Royal Scots;
Lt. Nocl, Btiar King’s Regt.; Col, Scott, of the 10sd
Regt. ; Lt.-Col, Deum nond, lOlth Regt.
Potal loss—One Colon, 1 Lieut.-Co onel, 1 Mayor,
}O Captaiis, 15 Licutcnants, 4 Ensigus, 1 Adjutant, a
Master and to Midshipman, 62 Scrjeants, 7 Drammers,
(49 rank aud fle.
TS EE ee
View original eS EEE
Oct. 1.—The intelligence which we laid before ous
reads yesterday, and which we shall repeat, respecting
the Lruceblooded Lankee Amer con privateer, requires the
Most severe and prompt inse tivation, and we low to
Ministers for a vindication of the national honor. They
may conhiidently rely upon the zeal anil cosoperation, evea
to the eatont of what is mostvaluable, of every manin the
Country, in resenting this flagrant outrage, if the Sulles$
sidisfaction be not geantcd. The equipment of privatecrs
at iyrest, a Re yal Doc’. dard, agyravates the offence -—
®* Paris, Sept. 25.—Vhe True.blooded Yankee Awcr'e
can privateer has been completely retitted for sea, mane
ned with a crew of 200 aeeny, and sailed from Brest the
2tst inst. supposed for the purpose of cruising iv the
Uritish Channel: his orders are tu sink, burn, and destroy,
and not tu capture with the intention of carrying inte
Oct. 3.—We have reecived Paris papers of Thursday and
Friday. Their contents are of a motley description, ‘The
Journal de Paris cowtains a high-sounding article oy the
subject of the fabrications which have been charged upon
itas tending to disturb the repose of Rurope. ‘Truly, if
the Editor of the Journal speaks the language ef the Go
vernment, there is a hauteur in the minds of its members
which must be pulled down, France is again, it would
seem, about to assume an imposing attitude—if her claing
are not recognized at the ensuing Congress,
Oct. 4.—We have received Paris Papers of Saturday
last. ‘They state that German Papers assert that all
Franconia is to be given to Bovaria, butis to form a $220
ratw kingdom, aud that the king of Bavaria wili assnmo ize
View original title of King of Bavaria and Franconia. The King of
Wirtemberg will also change his title for that of King of
Speculations continue te be indul zed in (he Dutch Papers
relative tu the fate of the Provinces between the viaese,
the Moselle, and the Rhine, Same suppose that they will
be given to Prussia; others, that Englaod will oppose such
arrangement, and that they will be ecded to the Sovereig:
Prince of the Neth tlands. We should prefer the latter
Oct. 5.—An aritele from Vienna speaks of the re-esta-
blishment of the kingdom of Poland as a point determined
upon by the Emperor of Russia,
A Nail from Hamburzh arrived this Morning ~-The
Emperor of Russia left Petersburgh for Vienna ou the 13th
ult. Setting out onla mission for the consolidation of
peace, HTis Majesty very wise y and humanely **made
Straiht the w ay belore hin” by acts of clemency and jus.
tee, by mercy to the offending, and by rewards to the
deserving, He conferred lenors usonu all who had con.
tribuled to the defence of the corntry.— He pardoned all
Who had been iaprisoacd or banished for having had con.
Nechhons with the enemy. Tbe torlave atl debt te the Go.
vernment under 2000 roublos. the opened the prison
doers to all criminals but merdercrs and robbers, He
mitigated the sentence of all covcgemued to dcath.—ITe re.
leascd his vast Cerritomes tious ui levy of recruits for this
year, and pechays the next. Ue sent magnificent though
nyeritcd prosents fo the widow and diughters of the Prince
Kutousofl: and having unplored wo his Cathedral the bles-
sings and protwctiun of God, he set forth on his jouency
—God bless Iii, ligamne is the real glory, and never
ean his name be pronuncesd in any part ef the world, by
whatever rites in whatever louguage pardon is asked for
Bing and praise and prayer are put do the Almighty, with
@ut a bleesing being implorcd uy en it.
Rostupchin, a man dear toevery british beart, has been
Cistnissed frum the Russian service, and from his Govern.
ment of Moscow. ‘Phis is the only al.oy in the tutelli-
gence from Petersburgh; for he secmed to deserve hich
recompense, not drcrace. Butnot krowing the ease of
his dismiseal, we persume not to condemn His Majesty.
Wfe who has acted with such justice and discitmination and
clemency tooth roy would Mardicy havede rived tloslup.
Chin of che Uztt of Lis countenance wiiwout Cause.
The wratit le of nations for services rendercd them is
Hot very proverbial, and the conducColspavn turuistes us
UWifortunately with teo [reguent Georicns to make this
remark, ‘“Vhat Sain owes «dobt of gratriude to this va.
tien greater, } & r| , > (. albaeiy ce tid ver owed another,
wil! not ted. nied. —PRPutin her te he has made no
iffercnee betwecn us ces dolondersy a d France her op.
pressor, We speak dowerse therely OF tie period, Cat
bas elapsed since the cotura of ferdinand WIL. Letters
from Mardeid to the 20th wit. siatey tuat Sa Decree has
been bsucd by the Spauish Geverament, aboushiog the re
gulations of the Co tes in uor fasour, aad | robcoiung the
Importation Of our colton manulacturons.”?
It is not mere y 102 €Dimercal pod of view that we
deplores (his nicasate—we ds prow of Gp ou hiszher, apon
moral gronuds :—bocauseii scenes (obca ce ilutous oatces
a purposed prouf of uratslude for Che services we have
Ti va ‘rod Spain. Jhed she pase (| colbert i alnufacturcrs
herself which she wislicd leeheourcaze, aod thor. fore adopt.
ed this prohebiiory @ cree, we cutlu boubhive biamed ber:
for itis the duty ofall natioos to cueuirige and protect
their own manufacturers, But So ant vas ae coltor nie.
nufacturers, no estable Ament that can be jajerca oy tn
Ln] ortalion of our cottons di such adect we bas been ie.
sucd, we perfec tly comncide with a Lrother Jouevasist on
hoping our Government will peremy turily demand jay.
ment ef every farthing expend d Dy Us FOE Spaatny Aid wo
take clicctual means (lor such we ave da our power) to
enforce the demand.”
Oil. 7.—Assoon as Lord Caltlereazh reached Vieun 4,
@onterouees were ovencd with the Nustian SMiinister,
Prince Meteernjch. They were lovm and recep sont AGS
ter the arrival of the Prussiau and itusssn Jiinisters as.
gisted at the conferences, and it was sand at Vecuna that
the best noderstanding subsisted between thoi. lord
Castlereagh isexpected homer tac heginnivg oF De cenber,
It is said that the Duches of Cumberiand wid spcedaly
accompany her husband to this country, where ber lids
riage wiil be solecinized accuiding to the forms of the
Church of Bugland.
The Princes ef Wales avd the Archduchess Maria
Louisa, late Laipress of France, passed cheougl Berae on
the 22d ull.
Oct. 8.—A Mail from Ho'land arrived this morni 1g,.—
Military measures are Carrying on Wiel increasing weer,
and ¢he gariisons from Menta to Dunkitk lave been reine
forced. Thereare supposed to be on the Belgian frontier
about 50,0CO men. ‘Phe interchange of couriers between
London, Ghent, Brosses, and Vienna, is sail to be very
frequent. Necociition at Ghent is said to have become
Worc active, aud (vo haveassumed atiore favourable aspect,
It seems scarcely | osvible to preven. Spain from being
the theetre of civil war. Nerests muttiply at Mardrid,
and of cHurse diseouteni spreads more widely. ‘he Cata.
Jonians are indigcant at the arcest of the Members they
gent to the Cortes, aud have seata deputation te the King
to require their colease,— Phe two ga-lant Minas have dis.
apeard, but merely for the purpose of assembling their pare
tizans and organizing an army. Nay, there are letters
from Paris which assert, that they have alrcady collected
a force of several thousand men, aod have demanded the
establishment of the Constitutional Monarchy, which this
Country and other Powers recognised.—It is added that
they collected the troops in the neighbourhoed of St. Se.
am; abastind en the 2ath Sept. a delachment made an as.
View original sull upon the citade!.—Tt wae not enecessfal, and one of
the regiments employed would nol obey ; but the whole
fell back in goed order, oa the main body, which consists
of 18,COO men.
There are accounts, however, from Lilboa of the 29th
ult. which makeno mention of the attack upen St. Sebas-
(ian. Some private letters say, Ghat it was not St. Schas.
tian, but Pampeluna which the Minas attesy ted to storm ;
Navacre, Arragon, and Catalonia, are ia the geeatest fer-
Ocl. 6.—Fvery thing shews what a sore po int the wrest.
ing of Belginm froin Frauce is, and every cliott is made to
induce a belicf that the Belgians desire to be reeunited to
Franee. Speaking of the late tour of the Prince of
Orange, the Pa) ers Say —* Phe Belgians were cager to do
justice to the Prince’s eminent merit, bul they are not Tess
desirous of having the wame of Freachmen restored te
them.’’—\\ di heliove the ISSCECION | if woud be rPorallze
indeed if the Belgians could entertacn any such da ‘IPL, ale
ter the taste they have had of French Guverniment.”
View original ee eee
. ; fn
Cony ofa Letler from Messrs. Alam, Pu card, Clay, anu
ht. 800, f ) Wr. Non VU "5 5 Creed y vf Yale, allée U
Ghent. 12th a4" f Ini }.
‘ . . a stk. >» . . ,
Sirn— We have the honer toinferm you, hatthe British
Cons: ISston TS, l, rd Ganb. ‘ i! ‘Wey ArOutitsl iby kG (J.
9 e
and Wa. Adams, Esq. arcived in thie City on Ss urday
eves the Gehanst, Uhe Gay alice vac arrival, adr,
B ck lr. their Scer Pars, Cale rei U ' is toe wv Ol
(he fact, and to propose a taecerg aba cero) ueurou the
Cheuing cay, The Pitre HAVENS aur d te. d ti Oty We
acCcCOladllicly met ul « ouch ou MbOudsy lk’ Ola dst.
We enclose lorewdlia COpPy of Che toil Owens ealbae
bited by the bd. dc doak WO lisslulled ai la Careld TRCUCY 5
which was opened Lb AN @ADleEsiOW OF the st. core ata
cuilest desire Ol there Crovect bi. GCaet the iN VC. flod)
might resul(ia a soud pouee, honorable to both jai
Phey at ‘he Same thie dectarcd, ftaac no events whred bia
occured since the inst proposal for tus negociatlon, har
altered the pacific di pusidu of there Goveranent, on
acicd its views; as to the terms ujpuu which it was wile
ling fo Col clde ( P
Weanswercd, tl e heard (hese declarations with crea:
satis{ac tion. aud th. ( . k yt Mm hud acce& J lu he
proposal of nezoc wo wilh t thost stacere desire bo
put an end to the didcroyces which aividcd the two Coun.
(ries aud to lay uven just aad libcrae are ds the fouo.
dation of a peace whic, securing (he i (s bintece
of both Nations, shoud uiuite then Uy) Jdastills bods oO}
alnl y-
Che British Commissioners then sfated the following sub.
rects, as those uoon which loan lic] lo (heim that the
; ! \ ' ro)
Gisctuss1ons WOoOul De ida ) LU LUPO, adou Gh Wislch the
were instructed,
1. Oe tforc:vie scizere of mar6ners on voara of mer hart
° ' . Te. °
vessels, and in connection wath it, Che claim of Ilis Brit.
rnivic Majesty to the allesianee of all the native subjects
( on at potilagih,
, ’ . , . ? YM .°,° ‘
We les d ¢] to intimate, that the British Govern.
ment did not pro, this pom as one which they were
Ul ‘ \ (, oil S of di u slap ys but 4 ‘ 1 lS if had \ =
: }
rowiment i place ty the aasputes bDelween
( red ror ect wi voulde VO UU i! On,
i i in allies Of Gr Poti Mm tO » pire ded in
‘ ‘4 »}) pal A Gehullve DUT vy ) etthed for
re y
Dhe British Commiussio 7S él, (hot an arranzement
Upon Chis poorly @ s. Vd é = ihat ti) ) Were hot
JO cd to cohcmude a tt UY r peace V hich il not em.
brace (he Jiadiaus, as allies of Its anmec wbayesty 5 anil
(thatthe cstabishiment of adchutive Lontudary of the bidian
Cerritol Was neces®tasry »>SeCUre a \ cul prcace, hot
Gity with e UC bocdiau y 0 il also Velwech tile CU mited Stale
aud Goacat Britain.
3. A revision of the boundary line between the United
slates and the adjacent British Colonics.
With respect lo Cais poiat, they expres-ly disclaimed any
iInteution en the part of there Government, to aequire an
lucrease of Cerntury, and represented the proposed revision
asintended merely for tbe purpose of preventing uncertam.
ty and dispute.
Alter having stated these three points, as subjects of
diScusston, the British Coumiusstoners add Uy that ay fore
they desired any answer from us, they felt it incumbent
upon them to declare, that the Biitish Govermiment did
nut deny (oe right of the Americans to the fisherics cene.
rally, oc in the open seas; but that the privileges, for-
merly granted by treaty to the United States, of Gshing
within (he findts of the British purisdictions, aud of land.
ing aud drying tshoa the shoves of the British territories,
would not be renewed without an equivalent,
The extent of what was considered by them as waters
peculiarly British was not stated. Icom the manner in
which they brought this subject into view, they seemed to
Wish us to understand that they were not anxious that it
should be discussed, and that they ouly intended to give
us notice that these privileges had ceased to exist, and
would not again be granted without an equivalent, nor
unless we thought proper to provide expreesly in the treaty
of peace for their renewal. ‘The British Commissioners
having stated, (hat these were all the subjects which they
infendced to bring forward or to suggest, requested to be
informed whether we were instructed to enter into nego-
clation on these several points, and whether there was any
amongst there which we thought it necessary to bring into
ihe ueyociahions—aud they desired ws to state, on eur
View original part, such other subjeets, as we might intend to propose
for discussion in the course of the negociation, The meet?
ing was then adjourned to the next day, in order to af.
ford us the opportunity of cousulation among ourselves,
before we gave an answer.
In the course of the evening of the same day, we reccived
your letteys of the 25th and 27th of June.
There could be wo hesitation, on our part, in inform.
ing the British Commissioners, that we were not instructed
on the subjects of Indian pacification or boundary, and of
lisheries ; nor did it secm probable, alfhoush neither of
these ports had been stated wita suiicient j-reeision ia
that first verbal conferences, Chat they could be admitted ia
any shape. Wedid not wish, however. to proyudze the
result, or by any hasty proce coke aor Ny to break oF
the Negochition, bi Was tol ba. blo tnit, on the
subjectol the basis sta Beith a teower nent cad rec. ived
eCCKTOUCIUS WA bcastan ae) Che bacon 1 idees iy Cana idy
When Our Fey Foseotators hogol rou owes and itappeared,
af all events. bao Cink toa certain distinetly the precise
bute on of Garoat brioata ou both points ;—we therefore
Thought at aavicable (o juvite Cie Dricish Commissioners to
ad Yierds Cooversasion ou all (he points—stating (o them,
al the same time, our waut of instructions on two of them,
and heidng out no expectation of the probability of our
aurecitgy io any article respecting them,
At our mecting on the ensuing day, we informed the
British Commissioners, that, upon the fist and third points
proposed by them, we were provided with instructions,
md we jrescnted 28 further subjects considered by our
Governinent as suitable for discussion :—
Ist, A deitnidion to blockade: and, as far as might be
mutually agreed of other neutral and belligerent rights,
$d, Claims of imdcuity in certain cases of capture and
We then stated, that the two subjocts—first, cf Indian
pachication and boucdary 3 and second, of fisher es, were
ot Gubraccd by our ins'recitions,
We obeery dy thitas these poins had not been hereto*ure
the srounds ol any controversy between the Goverment
Of Cercat detain and Chat of the United states,a @ had uot
esW alluded toby Lord Castlercagh in his lelter propos og
(he negociation, it could not be exceed that they should
Nave been anticipated, and made the suby cet of instructions
by our Government; that it was nalural to be suppo a,
hat our justractons were euntinced to those subjects upoa
which diffcrences betwecn the two Countries were known
fo eriot; and that the proposition to d-fine, in a treaty
between the United states and Great Biitain, the Loundary
of the Tadian possessions within our territuries, was new
and withoutexample. Nosuch provision had been inserted
ia the treaty of peace in 1783, nor had been inserted in
any other treaty between the two eountrics. No such
provision had, tu our knowledge, ever been inserted in any
(reaty made by Great Dritain, or any other kuropean
Power in relation to the same description of people, existe
ing under like circumstances. We would say, however,
that it would not be doubted, that peace with the Indias
would certain follow peace with Great Piilain: that we
had information that Commissioners had already heen ap.
pointed to trcat with them; that a treaty to that eflect
might, perhaps, have been already concluded ; and that the
United States having no inferest, Nor any motive (Oo cunes
tinue a separate war agaiust the Indians, there could never
be a moment when our Government would pot be disposed
lo make peaee with thein,
When then expressed our wish to reeeive from the Brite
ish Commissioners a statement of the vicws and objects of
Great Britain upon all the points, and our willingness to
discuss them all, in order that, even if no arrangementé
shou d be agreed on, upon the points not included in our
instructions, the Goreramentil the United States might be
possessed of the entire and precise intention of that of Great
iritain respecting those points, and that the British Ge.
rerument might be fully informed of the objections, on the
part of the United States, to any such arrangement.
In answer to our remark, that these points had not been
alluded to by Lord Castlereagh in his letter proposing the
negociation, it was said that it could not beexpected, that,
ina letter merely inteaded to invite a negociation, he should
enumerate the topics of discussion, or state the pretentions
of his Government; since these would depend upon ulte.
terior events, and might arise cut ef a subsequent state of
In reply to our observation, that the proposed stipula.
tion of the Indian bou \dary was without exauple in the
practice of European Natioas, it was asserted thatthe Ine
dians must in some sort be considered as an independent
people, since treaties were made with them, both by Greate
Britain and by the United States; upon which we pointed
out the obvious and important difference between (he treae
fies we might raake with Indians, living in our territory,
and such a treaty as was proposed to be made, respecting
them, with a foreign power, who had solemnly acknow.
ledged the territory on which they resided to be part of
the United States.
Weare thea asked by the British Commissioners, whea-
ther in case the, should enter further upon the discussion
of the several points which had been stated, we could ex.
pect that it would terminate by some provisional arranges
ment on the peints on which we had no instructions, pare
ticularly on that respecting the Indians, which arranges
ment would be subject to the valilication of our Govern.
ment ?
We answered, that before the subjects were distinctly
understvod, aud the objects in view more presiscly dive
closed, we could not decide whether it would be possible to
form any satisfactory article on the svbject; nor pledge
ourselves as to the exercise of a discretion under our
pewers, even wilh respect to ® provisioual agreement.
View original Weaddcd, that xe we shonld deeply deplore a rupture of
the negocialion on any point, it was our anxious desire to
employ all possible neaus to avert an event so serious in
its consequences; and that we had not been without hopes,
that a discussion wight correct the effect of any erroueceus
information which the Dritish Government might have re.
ceived on the subject, witch they had proposed as a pre-
Jiminary basis.
We took this opportunity to remark, that no nation ob.
Berved a policy more liveral ant huaane towards the To.
dians Chin that pursacd by the Uuited States; that one
ol ject had been, by all practicable means, to introduce
Civilzition amongst thems that their pussessions were se-
Cared (9 then Wy woo! delived Downda.tes—that their per.
Buns, iand-, aud offer property, were vow mare effectu.
ally protccted agaist violence or frauds from any quarter, ,
thin they had been under any former Gov orowent—rhat
even vur citizens were not allowed to purchase their la: ds
m—that when they gave up theie dittle to any portion of
their country to the United Slates, it was by volnutary
treaty win our Goverament, who gave them @ satisfacto.
ry cyuivalen:—and that—though these means, the Onitea
States had sacescded in preserving, since the treaty of
Ciencille of 1765, interrupted Poace of 16 years with all
tre fadian tabess a perod al tranguillity mach longer
Prey they wore Koowu to have enjoyed heretolore,
fe was thonespresshy stated on vor pait, that the pro-
porition respeetiag the tudidivs was not distinctly under.
blood. Weasicd whether the paciication and the setrle.
mentofa Lowudary for them were both made a séne gua
mon 2—which wasanswered in (he afiiemative, “The ques.
tion was then asked tre British Coaunissioners, whethes
the proposed Indian boundary was intend. d= to preclude
the United States from the right of purchasing by treaty
fromthe Dodians, without the cousent of Geeat Britain,
Jands dying beyoud that boundary 5 and as a restciction
noon the Padiaus from selling, OY amicable treaties, lands
to the United states, as nad been hither.o practised ?
To tots question it was fiist answered by one of th.
Comaussioucrs, that the Eedians would not be reste.etcd
from selling their lands, boc that the United States would
be restricted tran puechagng them; and oa reflection,
avother of the Commissioners stated, that it was titended
thot the Lodiny (oor. tary should Ow a barrier between the
Prtish dosavions and those of the Unued States; that
buth Crroat boat and the Conited Siates should be res.
tric OU frou ocedasin . Ghete band ; bat that the lidians
mich ocli them to a third part).
The proposition respecGug tudiia boundary thus ex.
plained, and connected wilh the ricit ef Suvereignly ade
ecribed to the Ludians over the country, amounted to
nothing tess thaa a demand of the avouvlute cession of the
nig'hs, both of soverctzuty and ol soul, We coanot ab.
Blain from remarking bo yuu, tual the subject (ul bidian
boundary ) was anaisth cily scaled when ict propos d,
eod tite the exphleastous wereat first obscure, and always
given with reluctance. Av Git was declared, from the usst
Moineat, to be a seve qua neu, freadeonmg any discussion
Unlroitable until wo was admitted as a bases—huowing
that we had no powers to cede tu the bo digas acy part ol
oOlr tere.lory, we thousht it UibECOSsSary to ask, uw hat
probably wou’ ft vot have been answered tue the poinciple
was admitted, where the Jine of d carketion of the Lodian
Country was pro, ocd ta be Cslabiusicd,
The British Coscissioness alter having repeated that
their instcuctioos on che subject ob Gig Louis wore Jee
reinplory, slated, tuatumiess we coud pS sole assurance
that our powers would allow us tu tiahe at least a prow.
Bional arranesement en the subject, aly tue aoe Uiscassiua
would be fruitless, and that they must coasuit thoi own
Goveruinent on this state of Chinigs. They Pryuposcu ace
Corlingly susp Sion ao. Che CoulerenCes, vou (hey shonid
dave recei ed an anewery it bem amiderstood Gaal earn
party might cali wectlog whenever (hey had ANY | PO.
sition tu submit, Pacy dspatcnes dopecial mosseoger tie
SAMs ern, wel We are now wats Tor tie eesalt,
Before the pro, oscd adjourmcue tuok plece, it was
acreed (hac tierce sliouid be a OFolocs ob tae Comerences,
thataststoment shoud for Unat PUP Poss De dtawn up by
€ach pariy, atid ‘ait we should wect the neat day to Coute
pare thes a omeats. We aceurdingt) tact apain on Wed.
Nesday tue LOM amstact, and ul imately og. cod upua wil
Bhould constitute the protucol of tec comberescus, A coe
py of this sustrument, we have tie ucor lo tiausnit ath
this dis; ateh; and, we also incluse a Copy ob the states
ment orwin uly drawn vp ot our parl, to. the purpose oi
making kKuown to you the passages lo witca (ue ascitish
Conmnntssionecers Ov) cted,.
Their objeciion ta some of the passages was, that they
Appeared tu be arlupieniative, aud that tae object: of tin
protocol was to contein a mere statement ol facts, ‘They
however, objected to the anser(ion ef (oe answer whic
they had given to our question respecting Che cthoet of tu
proposed Ladian boundary ; but they ayiced tu toan al.
teration of their original propusition on that subject, whien
renders it Much more explicit than as stated, cather pu th.
first conference or in their proposed draugit of the proto.
col, “They alse objceted to the insertion of the fact, that
they had proposed to adjourn the conferences, until they
eould obtain furthee tustioctions from their G overumeut.
Thereturn of ther Messenger may, perhaps, disclose the.
Motive of their reluctance in that respect.
We have the honor to be, Ke,
J. Q. Abams, H. Cray,
J. A. Bayann, | Jona Kussen.
(The Protocols are annexed ‘to this communication ;
Bul, us they are mercly a recapitulation of the subjects
ahai were discussed, and are already fully ebucidated in
Bho Jere soing seller, tb at unnecesvary be wsers them.)
View original MARSH AL's OFFICE.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony,, dated 28d Ju-
ly, 1814; given upon a Petition presented by We.
Dodeson, and the Representatives in this colony of
the Heirs of Hl. Bb. Glaser, deceased, in capacity as
Curators to the now abandoned Estate of R. Mer-
chant, dee.
1 the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Cu-
Do hereby Summon by Edict :
All Creditors of the Estete of Roderick Merchant.
dec. fo appear before the Bar of the Court of Civil
Fustice of this colony, on Monday the 16th January:
IS13, and following days, there to render in their
chins, and turther t> proceeds according to Law,
on pan of being debirred theie riht of claim.
This Summoes by Edict published as cus:omary.
Berbice, 23th November, IS14.
kK. FRANCAKEN, lirst Varshal.
View original BY virtue of an Order from His Execliency the
Governor, dled the 29th October, IS14, given up.
ona Petition presented by ‘Ths. Fryer Layfield, oue
ofthe Executors to the Estate of the late Kobt. WW il-
sen, and Attorney of Thowas Cond s;—Another of
the Executors and one of the tfeirs of said Rob rt
Wilson, and of He Staal appointed in the place of
Win. Dodgson during his abscace from the colony.
[the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid iux-
ecufors, dot reby Sonimon by ldiets
AV clituauts or the proceeds of Proatation Fer-
nelase CLM anne Sis, fo ren ler in thet claims before
th: Cont of Civil Justice, of thts Colony’, at their
ordinary Session on Monday the lo hday of Januery
IS15, and folowing days, and furthor to proceed ae-
cording ta Taw. On pain, after the fourth Edictal
Summons, of being Cebarred thetr nicht of claim,
ThisSummoa by Edictinade known to the public
by beat of drum from (he Court House o. this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, Oth November, ISt4.
K FRANKEN, First: Varsahl.
TD SO ee eee oe
View original wee Ss se ae
—_— a -
LuportTen per the Specratorn, via Demerary,
and for Sale hy the Subscriber :
TEAMS, cheese, butter, pease, barley, pickles, fish
sances, fable sal€in bislhets, dito in puachecons, sal-
lidod, bottled and drat! porter, ly son tea, refined
sugar, black peppers iills ddy. to LOdy., hook and
eye, HL & PE hinses, s'ey bars and staples, wrought
Iron, fea hotles, frying pans and grid iroas, Common
stock foo us, war tense citto’s, brass chamber door
Jditu’s: Gentlemen's super fine seaver and Leghorn
hits, servants glezed citte’s with silver bands and
cockades, Jrish Tinens, French cambricks, cotton
shinting, white and yellow nankeens, white and blue
stlempores, super fine black, blue and bottle green
broad cloths, fine Welch flannels, treble gilt) but-
fons, Russia sheeting, huckaback, pullicat handker-
Chive, tablecloths, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s cotton
amd sila stockings, Gentlemen's brown socks, cotton
. .
cloves, fesstan boots, Planters ancle shoes,, Gentle.
avis dress aut halfdress ditto’s, Ladies’ black Mo-
rocco, Whife and coloured ditto’s, children’s boots,
Necio slits, nats and blankets, chamber louking
Blasses, Cant cotton umbrellas, Ladies’ parasuls,
colon aed cofee bagging, lavender en ruse water,
hates tooth brushes, Windsor soap, thread, tape,
ane Whoecebappel needles, a large assortinent glass
ait eacchenvare, and sundry other artic'es.
Also afew casks Salt bish, and old Madcira wine
in pipes, cheap, for cash or produce.
View original FOR SALE
SEVEN excellent Fiekl Negroes, which if not
solilon the 15th of December next, will then be
pufoasele at Pablic Vendue.—For particulars en-
quire of Plantation Schumacher’s Lust by
O15 Nev, Hf. C. HINTZEN.
PROM 99 to 29 ba’es Kilmorack’s Cotton, for
which the Scquestrators of said Estate will receive
Fenders, at the house of John Wulff, Esq. till Mon-
Cay the 5th December next, when the highest, it
approved, will be accepted. —Payable in cash.
26 Nov. !
View original —"_—_-_-—r~—n
Tur undersigned offers for Sale from 200 to 300
very fine sheep, amongst which are from 70 to 100
youns wedders, and will sell them moderate toa
purchaser who can pay cash down or an approved
Bill for the whole flock. He will also engage to de-
liver them in George ‘Town, Demerary, for a small
consideration abeve their value ia Berbice.
19 Ney. Bb. dkETERY.
View original Tire Subscriber offers for Sale, at the lower roomy
of the Nouse occupied by Mr. John Binn ne :
A NEAT assortient of fashtonable mu: Itns, hair
cords, 4-4 an | 6-4 cottun ciumbrices, Printed sud
black cambrics, colicoes, read India salem pores, Ins
din cottons, Balisore handkerehiets, Miaper, best
quality silk hits, brows platillas, fie» dimily, joan,
stk and cotton umbr Was, ladies p2!oasolsy threes l,
type ant bobSins assorted, vellaw nankeen, soap in
smatt boxes, &c. which will be sold oa very reasons
abie ter NS, tor cash only,
He bas fo request th se that are in lebted to him,
fora long time back, by Note or open \ecount, that
they will make immediate prynent, as no lonver ine
dulgvence can, or will be given,
—_—_—_——— —_———__—_— rT
View original __—,.
Receive] hy the schooner Therap, from Leniray
the flowing choice assortment re 00 ds tu be sold
on reasonable lerns pr. y Maclacey vt:
Wesp! ‘alia & Lancashir
Beefand pork in’ barrel:
and halfiaddo.
Kits of pickled and ree
Spl ye as ind pearl bark \
In jugs and hegs
Bloom raisins in boxes
London bottled porler
Soap and candhs
Vo: s
» flan free ond dedeine
chosiky cars mere ang
Ngarsentle vesss
mm! cCarscimere pane
rarce white counte rpan: ¢
thy: “tl,
In Qh yords |".
square and seving
iy: kumar x classes
; hoys aud girls beae
ver fits.
Cotfon slirding in 25 yds [Leehom broad and nare
row remm d hats
Cotlon ane rtist sheetine adie Marocco, Jean and
Midras, pulticat, Indi
patterns ana
Scotch eonuze
Cambrie y lin & warkee,
mull and book meustins
Ladies muslin caps & col-
lar cudls
Ladies sitk shawls
Kin broidered
Tape and linen wire threa
Gatloou for shoe birding
Shirt bultons and tiritius
lacs 5
Wire ribbon, flat
bi ot cords aml Cosse ly
Cotton nett braces
Diaper & cotton garters
pui SCS
Silk buttons
19 Nov.
‘foos, shovles,
sarsnef, ane.
satin ribbons, rich pat-
kit slippe I's
Ruma |Childroa Mareeco and hid
cars an le slroes
1 clegant assortment of
i whey & porfumery
rinenim. cotton checks
“ogul playing cards
ILnives, forks, pech v's
sctssiurs, fish hooks, ! or.
ges, screws, iron fined
spoons, trunk and chest
locks. dil. to Sd. nails,
vit & hoop rivets, boat
Pil horse shoe hls.
ee SHOE, C'uehn Ly and
C Towh br shes
Nleti OL): ary assole d
Military glasp aug eal (ond ;
Vute'y of articles
how. nunerous to mene
NB. A few rugeheane Neat Rum tobe disposed ofe
View original bOW SAL,
By the Subseriber, at th Sire formerly occupiicd
by A. Stewart & Co., at nederale prices tor cash og
produce :
LONDON brown ston’, porter and beer in bottles
Madcira wine in quarter casks, olbend new rum pee
puncheon, a few dozen rich shervy, tus, polatoes.
flour in barrels, oatmeal in jars, paint anc paint oil,
xentlemans, ladies, and chifdren sors, ehaghans,
callicoes, checks, colton shirting, Micdras haadsere
chiets, &c.
_ 19 Nov, W. REYNOLDS,
View original THOSE indebted to the boedel of she late Mr Fr.
A. Rodenbrock, dec. are requested to mike payment
and those having claims avainst said buedel, renter
the sane in for examination.
J. RODEN GRORK, and Exec
View original This Subscribers bey leave (oinform their Friends
and Public in general, that they carry on the Blacke
sith, Farriery, and Saddlery business’s, on reasons
able terms, on Lot 27 in this ‘Town.
26 Nov. R. BARNES.
View original FOR GLASGOW,
sy The well known Ship Belisle,
Tuomas ‘Topp, Master,
To sail with the January convoy. For freight of »
lew packages, or passage, apply to the Master oy
12 Nov. board or DOUGLAS REIN& Co,
The Manners of Proceedings beloret he Court of Civ
Justice, in English and Dutch.
The Charter of the colony Berbice, in English.
The new Dutch Constitution, in Duteh.
Coffee Certificates, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Ladin
All kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quilts, Pencils,
Writing Paper, Ini Powder, and Waters.
—-—_——_—_—_-— OO eee = are
View original —_—_—_—_—
Published every Salurday at 4 o'clock, Pp. ay
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printers.

3 December 1814