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The Berbice Gazette

View original
BY Wis Evceelleicy Wenry Wrertam Benzvinck,
Esquire, Licvutcnant-Governor and Commander in
“Chief in and over the Settlement of Berbice with its
Dependencies, and President in all Courts and
Colces within the same, &c. Sc. &e.
WIHILEREAS in order fo prevent the introduction
of improper persons 1 this Setdement, and further
to secure the due collection of certain branches of
the colonial revenue. LT have thought fit, and do
hereby declare the following Regulations tor the port
of Berbice :—-
All ships or vessels arriving from Europe, or any
of the Islands or Colonies in the West-Indies, or
America, are not to be allowed to pass the Fort,
vithout my Litcenee.
‘hat for che purpose of obtaining such Licence,
the Captain of the sh'p or vessel, must report his
brrivalat Government louse, as also the number and
di scription of Passengers he may have on board,
Vhaton such report being made, the Captain Cif
no objection appears) will receive a Permit tor his
ship or vessel to pass tle Fort and proceed to the
Town, and such of the Passengers as | may deem fit
subjects to stay, tarry. or Feside, in Chis colony, will
receive such a f.icence from meas their charactet and
conduct may seen to require. And any person
found within thiscolony, without Licence, will be
subject to protention as the Law directs.
Thatlif the Master ofany shipor vessel so arriving,
be desirous of coming lo an entry, the following re-
guisites must’ be striefly observed, in addition to
those pointed out by the Laws of the Customs.
A Manifest of the ceneral cargo on board, such
ship or vessel, as also a list of the Passengers and
Crew, duly signed by the Captain, must be exhib,t-
ed to the following mentioned Coionial Oficers and
by them subscribed or tado:e d,—viz.
Vig Piscan,
Recriver Generat,
tucerver OF Petry Du7iss,
CoLoNIAL ScCRetary.
Ais} on ifs appearing to me that the said Mantfest
has been duly passed, Ure said Master with receive a
Cerificate to the Olbcers of Its Mojesty’s Custums,
that all Colonial requisites have been observed.
And with respect to the Master of any ship or ves-
sel intending to sail for any otber Port, he qiust in
the like manner prepare a Manifest of (he cargo on
board his said ship or vessel, as also a list of the
Passengers and Crew, and exhibet the same to the
forecoing Officers, to be by thei subscribed or in-
dorsed as aforesaid, and on its appearing to me that
the same has been duly passed, as also ou product-
ion of the general clearance fro; the Custom fouse,
the said Master will receive a Pass for his vessci to
depart, from this Colony.
Given under wy fland and Seal at Arms, this 10th
day of February, 1814.
King’s Llouse, Berbice, 10th Febr. 181A.
By command.
Fr. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
. ewes OS ee eS Oe ee ow ee Ve
View original SS
Berhice, tith Feb.
Tenpers in Triplicate, marked, ‘*Venders for
Bills,” will be received at this Office until Wednes-
day next the 16th inst. at 10 0’clock, for three Bills
of £100 each, on the Right Honorable the Lords
Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, at 30 days
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
Tue Subscriber have received per brig Cossack,
from London, via Demerary :—India salempores,
red and flowered bordunas, yellow and white nan-
keen company’s pieces, Congon and Hyson tea, &c.
Per Diana, from Madeira, Gordon Duff, Inghs &
Co. London particular Madcira wine in pipes, hhds.
and quarter casks. !
12 Feb. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
TIVE undersigned having been admitted a Sworn
Bookkeeper in this colony, begs leave to offer bis
service in that capacity, to his friends and the public
w general,
29 Jan. H. LUTHERS.
View original VENDUE OFFICE.
On Wednesday the 16th instant, will be sold at
the store of Mssrs. Douglas Reid & Co. the tollowing
articles, viz.—Irish linen, cotten shirting, calicoes,
vinglams, Britanias, waistcoat patterns, boots, shues,
beaver and. silk hats, children leather caps, salt in
barrels, pease. barly in jugs, rifined sugar, soap,
candles, glassware, beer, porter, stationary, and a
variety of other articles, which will appear at the
line of sale.
Also five field negrocs, reclaimed from sundry
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Verdue Master.
On Friday, the 18th of February next, will be
sold on Plantation Fyrish, corantyn, by the Vendue
Master in commission, from 40 to 50 head of cattle, of
an excellent breed, ata credit of 6, 9, and [2 months.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mastr
On Saturday, the 19th Pebruary next, will be
sold on Plantation Whim, by order of the Executors
of the late Thomas Lawrence, dec. 40 head of criole
eattic, heifers and young oxen, also frou 50 to 6G
head of sheep.
On the same day and place, by order of G. Gor-
don, Esq. from 33 to 40 head of fine cate, wong
which are full grown tat oxen, aud superior young
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
me — —_— —_— — —
View original -___——_—————
On Wednesday the 2d March, will be sold at the
Vendue Office, by order of J. van den Broek and
A. Krieger, Lisqrs. in their capacity as Curators to
the Estate of the late M.S. Humbert.—An excellent
gold watch, a large assortment of wearing apparel and
books, &c,
Also on the same day, cotton and coffee bagging,
dry goods, provisions, &c.
On Monday the 2Ist March, will be sold, on the
premises, the Estate Expectation, or No.9. West
coast a: this colony, containing 500 acres ot land, of
which 120 acres are in bearing plantains, about 90
acres oF new land empoldered, ready for planting
plantains; the front of this Estate is excellent. for
pasturase, there are two logies of hard wood 54 by
24 feet, covered with wallaba shingles, water Vais,
punts, corials, carpenters tools, &¢.—also 40 head
of fine cattle, 12 mulk cows and other fine young im-
proving cattle their encrease, 100 head of sheep, a
a horse, &c. In order to suit purchasers, the land
Will be put up im two lots, with the buildings, each
lot containing the same number vf acres, buildings
and cultivation ; the whole payable insix; nine, and
(welve months, with the exception of purchasers
under a thousand guilders, payable in three months.
For further particulars apply to A. Lhornborrow,
Auu those who have any demands against the late
Joun Ricuarvson deceased, are requested to render
them intothe undersigned for examination, and those
indebted to come forward with payment immedi-
-atcly.—29 Jan. Rr. GRANT, qq.
CO ———
—_— —
View original FOR SALE
On Plantation “Lewis Manor, from 30 to 40 bales
of cotton, in lots of 10 bales ; ‘Renders for which will
be received at the house of Adam Thornbor Vv, Esq.
ull Monday the 14th instant.—Phe cash will be re-
quired on aclivery,
5 Feb. G. WALROND, for self and
Wa. LEACH, Sequestrators.
View original — — —— =
Just received by the Brig Ann, Capt. Brann,
from London, and for sate by the Subscriber.
ALEMPORES, linen check, printed calicoes. loaf
sugar, tea, gentlemen’s Hessian bouts, tob do. ladies?
and children’s do. dress shoes, planters strong do.
with buckles—ladies’ and children’s shoes, children’s
ashionable leather caps, ladies’ fashionable straw
bonnets, shalls, tipets, caps, ribbands and dresses of
all kind ; knives and forks. perfumery, hair brooms,
shoe brushes, boot jacks, &c.
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE.
Wordt geadverteerd, dati This is to inform the Pues
de volgende personen voor.|blic, thut the following per-
nemens zyn uil deze Kolonie sons intend quilting this Co-
te vertrekken. lony.
Jos. Barnes in 6 weeks from 22 Jan.
D. Campbell in 6 weeks from 29 Jan.
James McIndoe, in 3 weeks from 5 Feb.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bekend| NOTICE is herchy given,
gemaakt, dat een maand na\that a month after date the
datv de volgende Transpor-| following Transports and
ten en Ilipotheeken zullen| Mortgages will be pussed.
verleden worden,
Jan. 92. Geo. Munro qq. the trustees of A. W. So-
marsall, will transport to Gordon and Mur-
phy, one third of lots A & B,at Abary.
—— U.C. Swaving and I. Staal qq. the Execu-
tor tdhe will of the late J. J. Swnving, de-
ceased, will transport -to C. C. Swaving the
coffee plantation de Liefde, siluat on the west
bank of this river, with the buildings, culti-
vation, negroes, and every thing appertaining
thereto, and said C. C. Swaving will pass a+
mortgage in favor of said Executors of the will
of said J. J. Swaving, deceased, for the un-
paid purchase money.
Jan. 29. Mary Lindner wiht transport to James Bur
nett, 9 roods in depth of the haif lot land No.
10, edsoinisig to the 7 roods purchased by him
of her before.
—— Wm. and Geo. Munro will transport to Robt.
Douglas, lot No. 3, siluate on the west coren-
(yn coast.
Robt. Douglas will at the same time exccute
a mortgage for the balance due the said Wm.
and Geo. Munro, for original purchese mo-
ney of the above lot No. 3.
eb 5. Sutherland Keith will transport to M. Jaf-
fray, nine negro men, his property.
M. Jaffray will pass a mortgage, as per
contract, in favor of Sutherland Keith, on 22
negro men, bis property.
W. Brumell, for himsclf and de rato cryee-
rendc, for the late 'T. G. Heyliger, will passa
transport of plantation Gibraltar, cum anunerigs
lo W. Hobson and the representatives of F.
Jeffery, who will, at the same time, pass a
mortgage for the balance of the purchase mo-
Feb. 12. Richard Chapman, Esqr. will transport to
Demerary 4 negroes, names to be secn at the
Sceretary’s Office, his property.
—— A. Calmer, will pass a transport of 14 roads
of land, with the buildings thereon, of the
southern back half of lot No. 3. New Amster-
dam, to the free mulatto woman Harriett,
John Tapin, will passa mor(gage in favor of
the Curators of the I’state, of the late Gwyn
Jones, for the balance of the purchase money
of plantation Goldstone Hall in Canje, as per
contract dated Dec. 21, 1809, to be vested on
plantation Goldstone Ilall, and the negroes
now thereon, a list whereof js to be seenat the
Secretary’s Office. *
Ch. Kyte, will transport to J. F. Obber-
muller 20 roods of lot No. [2, with the build-
ings thereon, situate in the first empolder of
this town.
Sam. ‘Taitt will (ransport to Jolin Tapin, all
his rightand interest in plantations Farin and
Supply, or lots No.3 & 4, Canje, togethcr
with AO negrocs—and John Tapin will pass
a morfgage on said plantations and negroes,
for the balance of the repurchase of the said,
Estates, particulars whereof to be seen at the
Secrctary’s Oflice. : ‘
. R. C. DOWNER, Sce.
View original CAUTION.
Tuc undersigned having been appointed by His
Excellency Governor H. W. Bentinck, as Cura-
tor Ad Lites for Mercy Asuvy, wife of R.Hanprer
bearing date 11th Jan. 1814—hereby warns all whom
id may concern, that any payment made to aturesaid
R. Harper, will not be considered as yalid,
View original By His Excellency Henry Wirrran Brn-
TINCK, Lsquire, Lieutenant-Governor, and
Commander in Chicf in and over the Settlement
of Berbice with its Dependencies, and Presi-
dent in all Courts aud Colleges within the same,
SC. &c. &ec.
WHEREAS it has been duly represented to me,
that the Navigation of the Colonial Craft, belonging
to Estates and Persons in this settlement, is consider-
ably impeded by the existing Regulations, requiring
a Pass in writing before they can be allowed to quit.
the River; I have deemed it expedient, in order that
all unnescessary delays and obstructions may be
avoided to amend the pressent existing Regulations,
accordingly rescinding all former Ordinances made
with respect to the Navigation of the Colonial Craft,
in as faras they regard Boats coming fiom the East
or West coast of this settlement, except as hereafter
mentioned, and in the place of all such former regu-
Jatious, [do order and direct, thatthe observance of
a certain Proclamation of His Excellency Governor
VAN Batennura, of the !4th February and 19th
March, 1805, be strictly complied with and enforced,
naniely :
“That all Owners or Representatives of Colonial
Boats, do within fourteen days from the Publication
hereot, deliver into the Government Secretary’s
Office, the name and description of all such Boats or
Craft as they may respectively be possessed of, in
onder that a number may be assigned them as a sig-
nal, by which they may be recognized.
“That each and every of the aforesaid Boats, shall
be in future provided with a white flag, in which
shall be distinctty marked in dark blue or black their
respective numbers, independent ofa ee B. which
foe is to be exhibited from the main topmast head,
whenever any of the aforesaid Boats shall pass the
"Towa or Fort St. cindrew.
‘Phat vessels so provided with a numercial signal,
and being so displayed as aforesaid as an indication,
that they come from the East or West coast with
Produce, or retarn thither with Supplies, shall be
ailowed to pess Fort St. Andrew without any written
‘And with respeet to the Colonial Boats carrying
Produce from the Colony (o any other Port or Place,
the seme observance must be attended to, as with
regular merchant vessels, trading to and from this
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
this Proclamation shall be made public in the cus-
tomary manner,
Griven under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at the
King’s House, New Amsterdam, this 11th day of
February, 1814. /
— By Command.
F.WHEHITE, Gov. Sec.
View original MARSH AL's OFFICE.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Tfonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, given upona
petition presented by J. Layfield, and the Altorney
of Thomas Gudgcon of Stoke Newington, near Lon-
don, under date of 26:h January, 1814.
I the undersigned intend to sell, at public Execu-
tion Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Co: i-
missaries anc their Secretary, on Monday the 14th
March, [814
Plantation Kinmorack, situate on the correntine
coast of this colony, the property of Simon Fraser,
Esquire, with all its cultivation, slaves, buildings,
and other appurtenances thereto belonging.
Whoever should think to baveany right, action or
interest, on abovenaméd plantation Kilmorack, or
its dependencies, and wishes to oppose the Execu-
tion Sale thereof, let such person address themselves
to the Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason tor so
doing in due time and form, as Ihereby give notice,
that [will reecive opposition from every one thereunto
gualified by law, appoint them 4 day to have his or
her claim heard betore the Court, and further act
therein as the law directs.
This first proclamation published as customary.—
Berbice the 6th February, 1814.
kK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an extract from the minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, given in the cause of Edward
Theobald, appointed Curator to the Estate and Et-
fects of the late Flenry Croft, dec. Plaintitts by Idict,
versus, all known and unknown creditors of the said
estate. I the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid
Curator ao hereby, for the second time Summon by
f:dict, all known and unknown creditors against the
estate and efiects of Henry Croft, dec., to appear on
Monday the 7th ot March 18/4, and following days,
at the Court of Rolls, for the purpose of there ren-
desing in their claims, to verify the same, and fur-
fher to proceod av the law directs.
View original lus second stmmons by edict made known to the
public by beat of drum from the Court Louse of Uris
colony , and further dealt wiih according to custom.
Berbice, 7th Feb. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, Jvrst Marshal.
View original BY virtue of anextract from the minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, dated 27th January, 1814, in
the cause entitled Wm. Leach and Wim. Fraser, in
their quality as appointed Curators to the Estate of
Heywood & Taylor, Plaintiffs by Edict, versus, all
known and unknown creditors of the said estate. I
the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Curators
do hereby Summon hy Edict, for the second time,
all known and unknown creditors against the estate
of Heywood & Taylor, to appear on Monday the 7th
March 1814, and following days, at the Court of
Rolls, for the purpose of there rendering in their
claims, to verify the same, and further to proceed as
the law directs.
This second summons by edict made known to the
public by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealt with as customary.
Berbice, 9th Feb. 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original —_———
—_—_—_- -———_————_—_—_— _._..__.,. _.___.. ee
—_—_— SO OCU FC
3 a !
By the arrivaicf our Mail Boat, which left Barbados
onthe 5th instant, we are enabled to presentour Readers
wlth details of the continued success vf our drms on the
French fronticrs—as also of the ininterrupled restora.
tion of the Prince of Orange to his ancient States.
London Papers have been received in Barbados to the
23d Dec. and the most prevalent feature in them tends
towards a general pacefication.
View original eng ee
London Papers, including the 23d of December, were
brought by the Venerable; ana, having been ohiizingly
permitted the use of them, we find their contents of con-
siderable importance.—In the first place, the Patriots im
Ifol and, with the assistance of the allied forces, are exe
pelting tHe French Civil Authorities, and their troops,
from every quarter of (hat country, which is now so far
restored to order aad (canquility, as to al ow of some con.
siderations for its futurc Govetnment. Towards this ob.
jeet, the title of Stadhoider €tormerly that of His Serene
Highness the Prince of Orauge) was abolished within a few
days after his return to Holland, and in its stead he has
becn proclaimed sovereign of the United Provinces and of
the Netherlands ; and, a Constitution and Code of Laws
suitab'e fora Monarchical Government are about to be
establisned.—This stey, d.d net enter into the calculations
of the British Government, vor was it perhaps Known by
the Stadtholder iimself, when he left Eugland,—and it ap.
pears nut only to have occasioned much Surprise, but is
considered by many as an impolitic measure on the part of
the Dutch people.—The Iiereditary Prince of Orange,
Who was with bied-viarshal Wellingtou in Spain, has
arrived in Tloliand; aud, in consequence of the prepara.
lions that are evidently making, and the hints that are
given, au alliance with the ILouse of Orange, by the mar.
riage of that Prince with the Princess Charlotte of Wales,
is Shortly expected (o take place.
A second iditiun of the Londow Star of the 23d De-
cember, apprises us of a recent victory over the enemy
wader Soult, near Bayonne, by the troops commanded by
field-.iarsual We'lingtow which led to the reteeat of the.
principal partot tao Lvench soidiers, leaving only a suf.
ficient pumber to defend that fortress—belore which the
Ficld-Marsia!l sad stationed an ample force to keep them’
in check, and was in full pursuit of the vanquished foe in
the direcuon of Bordeaux and the town of Pau. Someac.
counts of this affai between the French Marsbalaud Lord
Wellington had been received at Parss, and the Moniteur,
as usual, claims the advantage, aad asserts that the allied
forces lost, besides killed and wounded, 1200 men prison.
ers. Nothing beyond a verbal report had reached Eng-
land; bulthe official dispatches, were momently expected.
A third Edition of the same paper coutains information
of the acceptance of some Preliminaries that had been pro.
posed to Bonaparte by the Allics, in order to facilitate
Peace ;—and in doing this, he pretends to have been in-
duced hy no other consideration than that of restoring
tranquilfty to the families of Fraauce—insinuating, that
his resources were great, and his invincibility unimpaired
by those temporary reverses which his armies had expe-
rienced.—'That terms should have been offered to Bona.
parte, and at a period too when the allied armies of the
North had entered the French territories, does not cor-
respond with that elevation of character which one would
have thought likely to bethe result of the glorious carecr
that had led them beyond the Rhine. Thus, however,
unhappily for humanity, has terminated one of the most
glorious campaigns in the history of war; for [as will be
seen by the Declaration of the Allies inserted in our last
page], upon crossing the Freoch lines, they addressed the
‘*kmperor Napoleon” in terms more of supplication than
those which should have actuatcd them——and assured him,
that they wished to be upon the best feoting with His
Majesty, ‘“Swhose Empire they were desirous ef extend.
ing beyond what France, wider her Kines, ever knew.”
View original To joinin this trace—for a vermanen® peace with Napo-
leon can never be expected-—lord Castlereagh, itis added,
was about to leave Kngland tor Manheim, where the Ple-
nipotentiaries of the Bellivercuts are to assemble in Cone
His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased,
in the uname ani on the behalf of His Majesty, to appuint
Col. his Serene Highness William Frederick Henry iiere-
ditary Prince of Orange, to the rank of Major-General
inthe Army.
Dec. 1,—There are various reports circulated, unon the
authority of letters from Paris. Some me rtion the intend.
ed departure of a Minister with proposals of peace to tne
Allies ; others, that Bonaparte’s Speech to the Legistatve
Body, which meets to morrow, will be very pacifie. If
it be so, it will bea mere manwuvre to facilitate the cous.
cription ; and as to any overtures from him we hope they
will not be listened to. One letter has been rec@Wed, and
we be believe has been communicated to the higher autho-
ritics in this country, containing two lines, which weshail
be most happy indeed to find well founded :-—**T'he Gor-
ernment is olinost at its last grasp: ‘The inost important
avents are preparing.”
There is not a ship of war now at anchor in Plymouth
Sound, all the smaller ships of war having been sent off
Bordeaux, it being supposed that the Americans there will
make a push to escape.
The Emperor Alexander, with that wise and generous
policy which guides all his actions, has set a!. tac Polish
prisoners at liberty, anct sent them back to their own
couutry, the Generals giving their parols that they will
not again take up arms against the welfare of Europe.
At Gotha, the Poles who were still with the French ATM y
serit (har Generals to Bonaparte with a declaration, iat
they would quit his army, as they had then no hope of
otherwise returbing lo their native country. Bonaparte
received this declaration with much violence of timper,
but at lenghth requested that they would remain with him
nother week. ‘The Poles a reed, but touk care to mark
carefully the Gime, whick expired on their atrival at Frank-
fort, and they then, to the number of 30v0, all that re.
mained of the Polish force, wenteover to the Allies.
‘Stralsund, Nov. 16.—Anarrangement has been made,
under which the fortress of Stettin is to be surrendered up
on the 20th inst. The terms of capitulation are, that tle
soldiers of the garrison remain prisoners of war’ that the
Officers be allowed to return to France, and to retain their
private property ; but with the condition that they are not
to serve against the Allies until after the re-establishment
of peace.”
Dec, 2.—There is no longer any dowbt, we never had
any, of the disposition of the people of the Netherlauds to
throw off the yoke of Batiaparte.—Uiaded by any fo.
reign power, unarvied, in the presence even of the French
Authorities, they have not been restrained from shewin#
their hatred of the Tyrant, and theis disposition to rise
against him.—From the Ichine to sea; at Brussel, Brugge
Ostende, every where the spirit of the people is decided]
hostile to the French, ‘They have risen against the Coas-
criplion-—they are eager for the approach of the A tlico.
They call out for arms and assistance from the country,
At the first signal the whole country would be up, aud
the Netherlands would pass away from the power of
irauce as quickly as Holland has dove, whose sudden and
easy transition, wilhbout a groan or struggle, from adject
bondage to perfect freedom, resembles rather the involun.
tary act of awaking from natural sleep, than the delibe.
rate and irresistible cnergy of a suffering people unex pect.
edly throwing off an intolerable burthen.—This disposi.
lion of the Netherlands was made known to our Govern.
ment by the arrival, late last night, of two Licutenants of
the Navy, whose important information has been commu.
nicated to the public ia the following
**T'wo Lieutenants of the Royal Navy, long prisoners
in France, are just arrived from Holland and Flanders.—
One of them left Admiral Ferricr off the Texel on the 29th,
with two sail of the line. The French flag was still fly.
ing in the Dutch squadron, and they appeared to be for-
tifying Kyke Downs, but the seamen deserted in great
numbers.—Admiral Ferrier had hoisted an Orange flag
over the French, The Dutch ships had been hauled into
the Niew Diep. Admiral Ferrier had Jeft two sail of the
line off Scheveningen. The spirit of all the Dutch, their
cnemity to France, and the anxiety for the English, are
indescriable.-—The other Lieutenant left Brugge on Sunday
last. On the Saturday, he was at Brussel; the people
there had risen against the conscription. Placards were
struck up against the French, and al/ kinds of puns against
the [Xinperor were exhibited. While the Officer was in
the streets, he saw the populace break all the windows of
the Prefect’s house. —He was at Autwerpen on the 26th:
the people were crying out for the English. The ships
were all laid up, and there were no seamen in thef{,.—
He passed through Ostende the next day: the spirit of the
people was the same as in the rest of Flanders, all deter.
minedly against the French. When these Officers lef¢
Admiral Young yesterday, he had sent forward Mr. Tho.
mas to buoy the entrance to the Roompot; but the wind
was S. S. E. and he could not possibly work into that
anchorage. The Prince of Orange passed the Deeps on
Monday, and was saluted by the ships laying there.”
Dec. 3.—A Mail from Holland, the first Mail, arriveg
early this morning with intelligence to the2d. Before we
proceed to the intelligence more immediately concerning
H¥oHand, we shalf allude to theimportant events that have
occurscd in other quarters.—+Of these events, however,
View original
View original e
the Datch bhing very nat @tally occupied almost entirely
with their owu tnternal affairs, furnish us less information
than we could have wished; but they all wear the most
favourable aspect. Still do the Dutch papers, upon the
authority of tne Russian Officer, insist upon the signal
defeat of Davoust, and we have no doubt ourselves of the
truth of their assertion, Lor, by the last dispatch from
Mr. Thornton, dated on the 19th ult. he informed us, that
Generals Walmoden, Benningsen, and Adlererantz, had
been entrusted with the direction of the operations against
Davonust, and the re-capture of Hamburgh, <As they were
then on their march, a few days only could elapse before
they would come in contract with Davoust. ‘The account
is, that he was defcated with the loas of from I6 to 18,000,
and that he escajsed with great diticulty.—A Harwich
letter of yesterday adds, that the Cossacks are in Ham-
burgh. The defeat of Davoust would be followed by the
immediate liberation of that city.—If we attach credit to
the report of Davoust’s defeat, we see no reason to refuse
our belicf to the other intelligence mentioned in these papers.
‘ say that Kehl, opposite to Stratsburgh, has been
taken by storm; that the Allies have actually crossed the
Rhine, and taken Coblentz, Bonn, and other places ;_ that
Wittemberg has been evacuated, and Torygau surrendered.
Now, we took it for granted, indeed the Crown Prince's
Bulletin prepared us for such an cvent, that the Allies did
not mean to make the Rhine the Jimit of their march. We
felt confident that leaving Bonaparte no breathing time,
no panse to recruit or repair his disaster, they would fol-
Jow up their blow, and penctrate at once into France and
the Netherlands, where, particularly in the latter coun-
try, draticetion to the Tyrant hed half completed their
work before they set their fect init. ¢°The Rhine should
have ben your boundary,’? says the Crown Prince to
Bonaparte, ‘Sif you had not becu to Moscow.”—Eryo,
having teen to Moscow, the Allies must penetrate into
France —the invader must be invaded. Weexpect, there.
fore, tat the next accounts of the Allies will be dated
frow Wiis side of the Khine. The last Paris papers con.
tained nothing incompatible with these accounts in the
Dutch «..ocrs. They told us that the Allies had teft the
Rhine o: posite Cologne, and that Macdonald had marched
trom Coliogne with part of his troops towards Wesel.
The Aiaes wight then have immediately crosscd over to
Boon and Coblentz to proceed to the Netherlands, give
life and vigour to che spirit of insyrrection, and thus place
theie force between Macdonald and the French frontiers.
With respect to the fortress of Kehl, the same Paris pa-
ers informed that Bavarian troops were near it.
The Prince of Orange landed on Wednesday at Scheve-
ming, the port from which Charl. the Second embarked in
the year 1660.—The most gratifying intellizence from
Holland is, that the Patriots are proceeding with the ut-
most activity in completing the emancigation of their
country, assisted in this glorious labour by those troops,
so appalling to Bonaparte, the Cossacks. ‘They are at
Amsterdam, the Ihaguey at Letdeu, at Utrecht: they are
the advanced guard of a much more numerous forces and
it was calculated that by the beginning of next week there
wowtbeat lest 50,000 regatar (roops in the United
Provinces. ‘This removes all uneasincss with respect to
auy allempt which Bonaparte mig!it make to crush the ris.
ing spirit of independence.
Part of the armament preparing for Holland consists of
a strong rockct brigade. ‘The embarkation will be super.
inteaded by Col. Congreve himself.
Sir Thomas Graham leaves town, we believe, today, to
take the command of the xpeditioa. The regular force
will consist of nearly 10,000 men.
“4luarlem Nov. 29.—Several accounts from the banks
of the Ysselannounce, that the Prussian General, Poppen,
with a column of 800 men and 4) pieces of canuon, broke
up on the 28th to march by the way of Doesburg and
Arnhem fo Utrecht. Gen. Benkendorf arrived on the 27th
at Zwolle, with 2000 hussars, 2U00 infantry, aud ten pie.
ces of cannon.—Gen, Bulow, with the main army, which
is estimated at 30,600 men, broke up on the 25th from
Munster. Zutphen was occupied by the Allies, but the
French had still a garrison in Deventer.”
By a private letter from Leer, dated the 2ist, we are
informed that—**On the 17th, at two in the afternoon,
the Crown Prince of Sweden entered Bremen, amidst the
greatest rejoicings. ‘The garrison of Maagdenburg has
dost 2000 men in a sally.—The Duke of Oldenburgh has
again been put im possession of his couatry.—That the
Allies are at Bonn, Coblentz, und over the Rhine, és cer.
The following letter has been received from Plymouth
under date Bayonne, 18th Nov. that on that morning
Soult made areconnoissance upon our line, which brought
on a very brisk engagement.—We trust that the last part
of the Plymouth letter, relative to a British General Off.
cer having been killed, and another wounded, is unfound.
ed :—
Plymouth, Dec. 1.—Arrived last night the brig Dis.
pitch, trom Passages bound to London, in ballast, in four
days, She brings an account that Marshal Soult had a
few days since recounoitred the Allied Armies, and a sharp
skirmish ensued, in which the French were repulsed with
great loss: itis also stated, that a British General Officer
was killed, and another slightly wounded.”
**Portsmouth, Dec. 2.—The Zephyr sloop of war is
appointed to convoy the West India trade and other ships
bound to Cork, and will proceed without delay.”
Dec. 4.—Karly this morning the following Bulletin,
announcing the landing of the Prince of Orange in Hol-
fand amidst the cuthusiastic acclamations of thousands as-
sembled to greet him, was published by the Admiralty :—
** Admiralty Office, Dec. A.
**His Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, and his
at ) s
Excellency the Earl of Clancarty, and their respective
View original suiter, landed from His Majesty’s ship (ie Warrior, at
Scheveling, about four o’clock in the eflernoon of Wed.
nesday the Ist inst. --His Serene Highuess immediately
proceeded to the Hague.
**When His Majesty’sship, bearing the Orange flag,
approached the coast, she was surrounded by anumber of
Dutch vessels, all decorated with Grange colours, and filled
with persons anxioas to testify their juy at the arrival of
His Serene Highness ; and Lis Serene Highness wa3_ re-
ceived on his landing by an immense concourse of people,
with acclamations of the greatest joy and every possible
mark of affection and respect.”’
Immediately after His Serene Highness landed, he issued
the following, :
William Frederick, by the Grace of God, Prince of
Orange and Nassau, &c &c.
To all those who these preseats shall sce or hear read,
grecting. Beit made kuown:
Deur Countrymen !—After hineteen years of absence
and suffering, Lhave received with heartfelt joy your una.
nimous invitation ta come inongst you. Lat now ar-
rived, and | trust, under Divine Providence, that I snal!
be the means of restoring you to your ancient indepen.
deuce and prosperity. This is my sole object, and I have
the satisfaction to assure you, that itis equally the object
of the Allied Powers. It isin particuiar the wish of the
Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland, and of his Government. Of ths you will be
convinced by the unanimous assistance which that power.
ful country is immediately going to pive you, aud which,
I trust, will lay the foundation of those old and intimate
ties of fricudship and alliance which haveso long made the
happiness of both States. Lam come, disposed and de-
termined to forgive and forgctevery thing that has passed.
We have all but one common object, which is to heal the
wounds of our native country, aad to restore it to its fauk
and splendour amongst nation$. ‘The revival of tradeand
commerce will, b trust, be the immediate consequence of
my return, All party spirit must be for ever banished
from amongst us. No eilort shall be wanting on my part,
aud on that ef my family, to assert and secure your inde.
pendence, and to promote your happiness and welfare,
My eldest son, who under the immortal Wellington, has
proved himsclf not unworthy of ihe same of his aneestors,
is on his way fo juinme: unite, therefore, dear country.
men, with heart and soul with me, and our common coun.
try will flourish again, asin the days of old, and we shall
transmit unimpaired to our posterity the blessings we have
received from our ancestors.x—Given ander my seal and
Signature, Dec. 1, 1813.
(Signed) W. F. Pr. of ORANGE.
By command of His Highness.—H. acer.
Dec. 18.—A Dutch Mail arrived last night with papers
fo the 17th inst. The Allies are marching towards Ant.
werpen, where gecat apprehensions aud disorder are said
to exist. On the land side it supposed it may be attacked
with advantage, Bonaparte never having calculated upon
any sueh attack. It is distant only about 25 miles from
Breda, with which the intercourse has been facilitated by
a paved road over the intervening heath, formed by Na.
polcon to connect his Flemish and Dutch possessions. It
is also stated, that the whole fleet is laid up beyond the
cry, inthe Upper Scheldt, from which escape would be
impossible. ‘Lhe aest’tions from the flect are numerous.
The whole crew of one of the shivs lately dcserted in a
body. Se L
Dec, 22.—A Mail from Holland arrived late ths morn.
ing. thas brought important intelligence, of which the
following are the heads. —The Allies, as we stated yester-
dity, are said to have passed the Rhine. Thirty thousand
Austrians are reported to have crossed Dusseldorff and to
be in full march for Brussel.— The Russians are within a
,aile and ahall from Antwerpen, which acoording to some
accounts, has been evacuated by the enemy.—Bergen op
Zoom, Gorcum, aud Heusden are said to have surrendered.
The Bommel Island has been taken by the Prussians.—
The accounts relative to the ‘Texel tlect are con tradictory.
Some state that it has been given up to the Patriots.—
others that Verhucil is stillin Fort La Saale, threatening
tu destroy the flect if he is not permitted to proceed . to
France.—Sir Thomas Graham arrived on the 17th in the
island of Tholea.—There is no doubt of disturbances
having taken place in various parts of France. Paris is
in a ferment.
‘Hague, Dec. 14.—According to intelligenca received
we must conclude that Bergen op Zoom has surrendered,
it being asserted that the French have left that city, and
that the same event has taken place with the Bosch and
Antwerpen ; it appears evident from all circumstances that
there exist great confusion and disorganization among the
French ; it is even reported as a fact, thaflthe conscripts
in several departments of France have refused to march.”
**Rotterdam, Dec. 15.—Vhe number of the Allied
troops which are marching by Gorcum, and by the road
of Breda, and against Antwerpen, is very great.—lIt ap-
pears that Antwerpen will not be defended ; the garrison,
consisting of 5000 men, having quitted it, as itis said, to
take a position at Bresgat, and there prevent any ap-
proaches ; and, it was feared, that as the town is not ten-
able, the ships of war, as wellas wharf, would be burnt.”
With regard to Flissingen, the Island of Walcheren is
already relieved, and it is the same with Tholen, but we
are yet without any intelligence from South Beverland.
At Bergen op Zoom the gates are shut, but there is no
Sume private letters from Holland of the 18th state a
very confident report of Hlamburgh having capitulated, and
of Maagdenburgh being on the point of capitulating,—
The report is probable, but no such intclligence has yet
been received by Government,
View original Bonaparte’s acceptance of the Preliminaries of the Allie».
French papers have arrived, containing Bouaparte’s
Speech to the Legislative Body. It contains the following
passage _—
“*E have eccepted the Prelimenary Conditions of the
Allies ; for the sake of the Famities of the French
Nation '”
The rumour geins ground in the ctty, that Lord Castle.
reagh is about to proceed to the Continent to Nezociate
a Peace-—IJt is now said that e sloop of war has been
ordered round Yarmouth to take his Lordship on board.
There are now daily arrivals from Holland. Two
schuytes arrived yesterday, which left Scheveling on
Thursday afternoon. They have brought the information
of Helvoctsluys and the Bril! ding in’ possession of the
Patriots. The former had a Prassian garrison. These
schuyts have also brought a report of Flashing being ia
possessiog of the Daich. We shall be glad to find ius
trac: but no such intelligence has reached our Govern
ment.—The Texel fleet still holds out, and Verheuii is
said to have manned the batteries at the Helder, to make
as much resistance as possible. He will bring upon him.
se'fa visit, which he will not deem a welcome one, from
our flect.—The intelligence from every part of Holland
is as satisfactory as could be wished. ‘The evacuation of
Utrecht by the French is already known. On Tuesday
last, Gen. Blucher, son of the great General, arrived at
Utrecht, with 1500 men; and in the course of the even.
ing, Prince Naritschkin reached that place with 2000
Russians, consisting of infantry and cavalry. Certain ine
telligence had reached the Hague on Tuesday, that 18,000
of the allies had arrived on the Yesel. ‘They had taken
Zufphen by storm, with as little luss as pos:iuie to the ine
habitants. Deventer was their next object of atteck.—
Vhe plage had been summoned, and having refused to sure
render, it was expected immediately to be carricd by storm.
Bonaparte has had recouvse, for a loan not amounting
to £1,200,00U. to the system of Mandats, to obtaia
supplies for his army. ‘These Mandats are (uv be sent to
the Prefects to pay the requisitions made for provisions,
hay, horses, &c. for the army; and the price is to be,
not the market price, but the price which the Prefect
chuses to fix as the value —The buyer is to determine
the price of the article—he is to pay for it in paper, which
paper is to be assigned for liquidation upon taxes which
may be utterly unproductive. Were is a recurrence to
the principles of Robespierre, and this is done for so small
asim as about a million sterling.
There is an evident unwillingness in these papers to
speak in detail of mililary events. Articles dated from
Gorcum and Nimeguen, are inserted, in order to keep
up the delusion which Bonaparte wishes to spread respect.
ing Holland, and it is again asserted that there are Strong
bodies of truops alung the whole line of the Rhine. Sto.
ries are given of dissensions amongst the allics, but ano-
ther article inserted in the Journal de Paris, cal‘ing up-
on the people to come forward to repel invasion, affords
a strong pro@Mef the alarm that pervades the Frenca Gog
vernment, and shews also that that alarm is much inciease
ed by the Proclamations issued for the protection of the
persons and property of the inhabitants of France. An
account is given of an action near Verona on the 19th ult.
in which victory is scarcely even claimed for Beauharnois,
who, there is every probability from this Statement, sus.
tained a serious defeat. And there are letters from Milan,
in which it is stated that considerable alarm prevailed in
that capital, on a¢count of the appruach of the Austris
mriee (ronary, permdinel tage . ow
Sc nm hose, mens stk & Collolt sock
itdren cottor ‘kings, keys matl 4ddy to SOs
Lid i 4 — — Ss '
IS, « rict ira) " : | ito S; ‘Fill powael itt
. j ’ ;
Lacy: % \ ) 1 O, late’ \ +f
Died, at Martinique, on the 10th January last, after
altngering sickness, Ropert Gorovon, Esq. late Go.
vernor-Gencral, of this colony.—His friends who knew
how fo appreciate his many excellent qualities, will long
have to deplore his loss.
SSS — a
From Plantation Liverpool, on Saturday night
the 15th inst. a Negro man named Hope, formerly
the property of Th. Fraser, dec. of Canje} and pure
chased by the subscriber on the 6 inst. at public ven-
due, was put up there by Mr. R. Settle,—he 15 well
known allabout Canje and in Town—it is said he has
a wife at Goldstone Hall, and one in Town at Miss
Butchers’. A reward will be given for apprehending
said Negro and lodging him in the Barrack, all Ma-
sters of vessels are forbid taking him of the colony,
as the Law will be mforced against such offenders.
29 Jan. H. WELCH.
NB. I have been informed that he took passage in
a colony boat, for Demerary, on Sunday the
23d January.
C—O r— OO w’s’wc—_
View original RECEIVER GEN’s. OFFICE.
Wanrtep Bills of Exchange, payable in London,
at ninety days sight, to the amt.of thirty-three thoue
sand guilders, H. C., colony paper money, for which
Tenders will be received at this Office, for the whole
or any part, until Monday the [4th instant, and the
lowest Exchange, if approved, accepted.
By command of the Honorable Court of Policy.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen,
Berbice, Ist February, 18i4.
View original PROCLAMATION.
BY the Wonorable Courtof Policy and Criminal Justice
of the colony Berbice.
To ull to whom these presents may or shall come; Be tt
THAT we have thought proper to regulate the
Contributions for the payment of the Thire of Filly
Negroe Slaves, furnished by several Planters, for the
repair of the Fortifications in this colony, for the year
1812, on the same footing and in the same manner as
is expressed in our Publication of the Sth and 18th
Aug. 1808, and to ordain and enact, as we do hereby
Crdain and Enact by these presents :
“That each Inhab tant of this colony, agreable to
the return made by him to the Capitation ‘Tax, for the
year ISI2, at the Receiver General’s Office, shall
pay, previous tothe Firstof May 1814; his quota or
proportion towards the aforementioned hire of Ne-
groes so furnished for Ge repair of (he Fortifications
in this colony, duc for the year 1812, as also to de-
fray the expence of compensation io the owners of
such Negroe Slaves as have been lost in the service,
aml to make good the Receiver General’s commission
of 5 percent, for receiving and paying the whole
charee incurred, which amounts on repartiion, to
Stateen Stivers por head.
Vor the receipt of which quotas or proportions, and
afterwards for pry ment of the aforesaid hire and com-
pensation, the Receiver General is hereby qualificd
and fardhey authorised to compel and entorce pay-
ment of the said contebutions from all defaulters, after
expiration of (he atoresaid term, by Summary Eexccu-
tion, and without further process of Liaw.
The Court of Policy reserving to itself the Fieht of
making such other provision for defraying of Tire
yel fo be incurred, as circumstances may appear to
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
these presents shall be published, printed and posted
up as Cusfommary.
Thus enected in our Ordinary Session in the Court
of Policy, onthe [20h January IS14, and published
onthe 24th January following,—present, His Excel-
lency H.W. Besxrinen, Lieutenant-Governor, and
the Honorable Members 1. C. Abbenusets, John
McCammon, Stmon Fraser, Peter Vairbairn, A. J.
Gilasius and George Munro,
By Command of the Court.
BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice
of Gre colony Perbi&ce! Be i kacicn:
TULAT the number of Slaves on Ltn subject to
the payment of Plantation Moncey, consisted on the
Sist December, [St2, in 22004 heads, and that on a
repartition, the Plantation-Money forthe present year,
is bv these presents, axcd and regulated at Twelve
stiveis per head.
All persons wessessing any Estates, or who may
have the Admiitstration of then, are hereby enjoin-
ed avd directed to make payment ior (he afore
Plantad \j Saercabds to the a} reyartion,
ha OMG, Sd ANitas Uri ecu or MRO WOW noteo: nea,
don. under one Ov el mary. IS)! /
PTUC tani is Hcin| ¢ '
a‘alh Sale, bi uli preset © attwy for ‘cflors
IISsauy and (hem Secret ry. il \Iundary fn
vw coe ferent £5 ca hin the colony, as is cus.
Thus enacted in our Orin ry Sessv ofthe Court
of Policy, onthe i2th January, IS14, and pablished
on the 24th January, following,—present, His Lx-
ecliency H. W. Bexrixck, Licutenant Governor,
aril tlie Tfou. Stembers Lis Abbensets, John
McCamon, S. Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius,
and Geo. Munto.
By command of the Court. .
K. C. DOWNER, Secy.

View original PROCLAMATION.
BY the Henorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice
of the colony Berbice.
Notice ts hereby given, that the Honorable Court
of Policy has been pleased, to fix the Rates of -Pro-
duce on which the colonial duty of 24 per cent is to
be paid to the Receiver General, for the six months
commencing Ist January, and ending SOth June,
ISI4, as follows :
Cotton, 16 stivers per pound.
Coflee, 6 do. do.
Sugar, 5 do. do.
Cocoa, 0 do. do.
Rum, 30 do. per gallon.
Molasses, ff.
Scerctary’s Office 11 Jan. 1814.
By Command.
View original ores 7 ’
of th | av Court o li a
olony Berbicee = ‘
J y ey Tus
View original To all to whom these presents mis or shall come; grect-
ing! Be ot enon.
WHEREAS we have experienced from the ac-
counts given ip bs: the Receiver General, that very
little attention has been paid to the ordinance made
by us, under date of the 23d. July 1810; respecting
Transient Traders.
In order therefore to ensure a belter observance to
the regulations made on that head, we have appoint-
ed’and by these presents, do appoint Thomas Chap-
man, squire, or the Collector of his Majesty’s
Customs, for the time being, of the colony Berbice,
Receiver of the Transient Duty, with the same power
and authority as was given to the Recciver General
by our aforesaid Proclamation of the LOih Oct..1S10.
And with the exception of the clause contained in
out Proclamation of the 10 October 1810, ordering
all persons to pay the ‘Transient Duty of 21 percent
to the Receivers General, we confirm the contents
thereof, which for general information is herewith
And {hat no persons may pretend ignorance here-
of, this our present ordinance, shall be published and
printed as usual.
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Session in the
Court of Policy, on the 12th January IS14, and pub-
lished on the 24th January following,—present, Tis
lexcellency H.W. Bentinck, Livutenant Governor,
and the Honorable Members 1... Abbensets, John
MeCanion, Simon Fraser, Peter Fairbairn, A. J.
Glasius and George Sunro.
By command of the Conrt.
Ro. C. DOWNES, Seev. oe
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Justice,
of the colony Berbxce.
Te all lo whom these present may or shall come ; grect-
ing! Be it known.
WHEREAS on representation having been made
fo us from many of the Inhabitants and Residents of
(his Colony, We have judged it expedient to impose
a Duty on all’ Goods, Wares, and Conunodities,
imported by Captains of Vessels, ‘Transient Traders,
and others, havine no residence within our Govero-
ment, so us to place those persons on a Level with
our Resident Colonists who contribute towards the
maintenance of the Government. We have Qocre-
fore enacted, that from and after the date bercof:
ALL Transient Traders, viz: All Masters of Ships
or Vessels, Supercargoes or others, Curing thetr tem-
porary stay in the colony, derive a ovenue from
the Sale of Goods or Merchandize, shail pry @ colo-
nial Tax of two anda half percent on such Goods
according to the luvoices thereat ;—and it ts ordered
accordingly thatall such Masters of Ships or Vessels,
Supercargoes or others, previous to there quitting the
colony, in behalf of the colony, the shove Pax on
the orginal Invotces fo be produc ft Jor mike
Oath before the said Reeecive | cin
powered to administer the sieve ey forma rat
directly of indirect| url yer (heir ay att dhe colony,
Revonte fon, the Sale ot any stich Goods or Mer-
—and undess cider the allestation of their
made such Oath, ora Receipt for Duties paid
ry tooiny be produced in (he Seerctary’s Ollice, no
Permul or Pass tor the departure of such Persons trom
(he colony shall be issued by the Seercdary.
And should any Captain or other Jinporter afore-
sad, eive ina false Declaration at the Receiver Ge-
ral’s Otte, such Person so offending, shail forfeit
the sum orgie hundred guilders, which is to be levied
fortiwith on Che party offending. Said penalty to
be devided as customary.
And that no ome inay pretend ignérance of this our
Ordinance, the same suall be published, prmted and
affixed as usual,
Thus enacted in our Ordinary Sessions of the Court
of Policy, on the Istof October, 1810, and published
the 12th November following, Present, His Lxcel-
lency Major General Sam, Dalrymple, Acting Go-
vernor, President ; and the Honorable L. C. Abben-
sets, J. Tapin, S. Kendall, P. Fairbairn, and S.
By comman@f the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
A young man, who writes a tolerable good hand,
and understands bookkeepitg, would prefer a situa-
tion in a public office or would accept of writing by
the job; a letter address’d to A. B. and left at this
ottice, will be attended to. 5 Feb.
View original ABSENTED, .
A Carpenter Negroe, named Jack, formerly the
property of captain Warren; the Negroe is well
known in town, he was sold at Vendue on the 6th,
and absented on the IAth ultimo, any person who can
arrest him, and send him to the subscriber, or lodge
him in the colony goal, shall receive a joe reward—
all persons are cautioned not to harbour him, the law
shall be put in force against such offender.
> Ieb.. J. WYSLOP.
View original /
RY virfue of a writ of Execution from his Horoe
Jamrs GraAsxt, Majors and Acting Governor of the
colony Berbice and its Dependencies, granted upon
apeliten of John McDonald, Manager of plantation
Roselall, versis the proprictor or proprictors, re-
presentative or representatives of plantation Roschall
in Canje, ander date of 20th August, 113.
I the undersigned intend to sell, at public Execu-
(ion Sale, and in presence of two Councellors, Come’
missaries, and their Secretary, on Wednesday the
16th February T8t4, at the Court House of this co-
lony, at 1] o'clock inthe forenoon of that day :
Ten head of cattle, viz. —3 cows,—2 oxen,—and
3 calves,—the property of abovenamed plantation
Whoever should think to have any rieht, action
or interest, on the above specified cattle, and wis
to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or per-
sons address themselves tome the Marshal, declaring
their reasons for such opposition in due time anc
form, asf hereby give notice that L will receive op-
position from every one thereunto gualified by law,
appoint them a day to have his or her cleim heard
belore the Court, and turther act Chercin as the law
This 2nd) proclamation made kitown to the public
by beat ofdium as customary.—Berbice, Gth Feb.
hk. Feancken, First Marshal.
BY virtue ofa writ of Execation trom lis Execl-
rency J. Murray, Vojor-General, Lientenant-Go-
vernor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies,
granted upon a petition of J. Bakker and D. Leen,
as Guardians of the minor Isaac Thomas Ernst Nagel
versus, the representative or representatives of the
Estate of M.S. dLumbert, dec. under date of 7th
December, ISIS.
J the undersigned intend {o sell, at public Execu-
lion Sale, and in presence of two Councellors, Com-
niissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday, ie
loth Pebrnacvy Std, et the Court House of this cas
lony, at TL o’ciock in the forenoon of that day, the
following Negroe Slaves, viz.—Seypio— Harry—
Picrrot—and— Vii. ‘The property of the Estate
of atoresaid M.S. Humbert, dec. and as such sur-
rendercd in exccution,
Whoever should think (o have any action, interest
or claim, on iatoresaid: Negroe Slaycs, and wishes to
oppose the sale thercof, et such person addres theim-
selves ta me the Marshaladechaing (heir reason for
such an opposition in due time aud torm as tle veby
. . -e? > :
wive nouce, that lo owiilae CK opoosilion froma every
one thereto duly avewified by low, ayppointa day 10
have "is or her cliim heard before the Cuurt, and
jurfher act therem as the law directs.
This Qad proclamation nade known to the public
by beat of drum, and further deals with according to
custum.— Berbice, the 6th February, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
View original SALE BY EXECUTION.
BY virtue of an appointment from His Excellency
WV. Bextoncr, Licutenant Governor of the colony of
Berbice and tts depende uncles, upon a pelition of the first
Marshal AY FRANCKEN of or and in behalf of W.Kixc
and ParKw Bingam™in, Curators to the Estate of F.
Byxox, deed. under date of \8(h January 1814.—No-
lice ts hereby given to the public, that L the undexsigned,
will sell inthe presence of ti:0 Counsellors Commissuries
and their Secretary, at Public Execution Sale, by the
going out of a wax candle, on Monday the 21st day of
February, (181A, the Lestate called Best Bower, situated
‘mn the East coast cant retth all its slaves, Luildings, &c.
the property of the [state of J acon Lewis, decd.
Whoever should think to have any right, action or in»
lerest on the abovenumed Eestate Best Bower, and
wishes to oppose the sale thereoy, lc! such person address
themsclocs to me first Marshal, declaring their reasons
for so doing, as I hereby #ive notice that [will receive
opposition Jrom every one thereon to qualified, appoints
them aday to have his or her claim heard before the Court,
and further to proceed according to law.
The aforesaid sale is to take place on the spot.
Berbice, the 16th January 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, Iirst Marshal.
View original Te koop by den ondergeleekende, de volgende
Medicynen, als: pulv. cortx peruve opt., ext. cortx
peruve, valeriana, serpent. verg., magnesia ab. obt.,
sem. santoic, liquorita, tarter emitic, pulv. colombo,
puly. jallapa opt., floris sulpher, cremer tartie, pulv.
specac, spt. ather nitri, gum compher, pulv. arsinic,
luchin island, Sat. nitri, lig. anodyn hoffman, elx.
vitriol. —Myristice, emp. melilotus, emp. vesicator,
emp. diapalma, emp. diach in gum—also veel meer
andere artikelen, te yeel om te noemen.
99 Jan. J. P. BROER.
<_<" 6 CE eS eS eee
View original ee" 9 Sa Sem OCS — aa 6 aD. ae Be =
Published excry Saturday at 4 o'clock, Pp. mM
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Prevtlegcd Government Printe

12 February 1814