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The Berbice Gazette

View original — olf
£arie’t QUITS p)- GQHMUTML.
Dy the Horcrahle Court of Povcy and Cri
nal dustice, of the Colony Bertice.
INFORMATION is bereby given to the Public,
that William Innes, Esquite, has been appointed one
ot the Commisst ies over the Rouds and Bridees of
the West Con niyn coast, inthe room of Ths. Wade,
Esq. who bas quitter! the colony. And that J. W.'
leyimeyer, Esq. has bern appointed onc of the join
Cominissarics of Che Hast ce wt canal.
King’s Howse, New Aiustemlam, Berbice, 98 Au-
gust, ISP.
Py Command, -
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original sO
Secretary's Office, Berbice, 20 Sept. 1815
PHT Court of Civil Justice of (he colony Berbic&
vine been pleascd to admit Lubertuy van Ro,-
." lobe oveofihe Four Atternics of the Court, on
the resicnation of Ui. Steal.— Notice thereof is given
_to the Public.
y Ry Com antl of the Court.
nw. C. DOW NLR, See.
Scorets we OM ca Pertice, 2 Sept. 1815.
NOTIFICATION --fP he next en ving Sitting of
fhe Roll Coort will take piece ga Monday the 9th
Octeber, li5.
~_~— eee Or
sy command,
R. ©. DOWNER, Sec.
oes (wet sees. Pee we ee ee oe
View original wees 6 wet ape. - pe ss ow wes
” ¥ ‘ry ‘. . ‘aN Fg
The mext Moeling of this Sich te withhe hello:
Plarintion Ne. i) (* bie) a ee purs
, = «" ‘
P October he xf | p?.— I we wt
beosla ‘/ . j (6 y. Las, lo) 4 J ?
‘ ‘ta, (. ef ‘ _
Real Soni dan eu te stemd botles. & lrer water
“OK in Casts. aach mY . wads ish (les. .T i?
reds, flouria felt ees). barley & poase,
sin tierces, lime and serras. pruiais a tal pov ited
shes, 1! cf atid (ut, Sitiits of furpentin 9 bill.
. Verdi HESS, Vail ‘ly &c.
Rep. + “ tor me la N.
ADV ER LSE # ., r
All persons indebtedto .! iy. hathorst, or the
undersigned, are requested to arronce thet ccesunts
we coriv as pussible, at the store of (re & Th bal
Juot No. 19, Ly. aa. 1) ooris P ey
SA Sept. J. Hf. AM AL YS).
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fis’ - - ytvits all . : >» | 1) .
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"eS 1 2° COl a° , if Ps or . : pal 4 7 hh at
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Phe fiikics leis butler, chi Og
a / : /
* ’ | ’ \\ . \ NOLDS.
a — =e ~<a ™ ee
. ‘fs * : 7 ‘ : : ;
Pops -h hy ) nicer lor SiIe— Beebo aec a a0 wy.
7 . . Se
Y Uaseels, Saffiedain cin, butler, first quality o
nme cork claret in cases ofone dozer
. ; : : : S
rer< ~~, Of iii "ii i VV me [> P. V i).
Ty Lgocks ol all Sizes, als >a mnt to hare
30 de pol. J ine ‘ LAPUA.
ee ee
tcceived by the Subseiiher per the
C11, oO Ope, C. Pab, from Iv l€ Gadi, tie f
bu ining slrdat hi $.. wz _—_


. ’ , .
OLD tock in smell casks and cases of a supe)
guality, Th sh spa Water in han pers, venuine cau de
silozue, Woaost) tet: tes, whole barley in sinall
C eke: W hiag hy i?) ud tition [0 ¥ that he bie oll ' Ane!
wUcrs for sale, espocmiiy By Gunutity of veiy low
rices, [Ol Tuimegar@ py) wical of pro.luce.
f « . i 5 t
as (;. VAN ERO [ N
‘ ,
View original ek
The undersigned liaving entered into Co-parfner-
tbip, will continue the Mercantile Business nader the
Firm of Croft? & Theotal/d, inthe Promises tat ly
occupied by John Croft, Esg., Lot Ne. 1@, New
Amsterdain. Wu. CROPRT,
Sépt. 50, 1815. . FHEOBALD.
The Subscribers offer for Selethe following Ar-
ticles, very reasonable, on the usual Tens, vts5—
Prime frish mess beet and park in whole and halt
barrels, mackarel, superfiae Siecricgn four, tine rm)
coarse salf and tobseeo in baricle: bariov tn ower.
onions, pickles and preser®es assorted, seep, ons.
Hee, white le Cy retfand vellow ocre, | rut ea! (tri-
Peiviie, corde y Mails 4ily. to 40dy., hoes, shewels,
row pets, pruning knives, tclling and back axes,
witklow and oor bolts, hinges, stay bers an! staples,
trom case and ylate Goof lochs, spring bate hes, cue
penters and coopers tools, @lass aud eer 1 wis
wrilihtee dd shs, Negro hats, pockets, § Cling ka,
woinens wrappers and Diane ts, grees | 2 imc
biney green amd brown Drow) cloths, won vd chil
‘reas drab and beaver hats, boot Ls ae
nenus ready made coats, vests end pan. sl.
palent shining, teal Russid sheeting, Ctsm: hams a
thread, Romal, Bandana, Ma lreyon! Palfiest aend-
herchiets, table Cloths. diaper a vom ta .
cambric, cingvams, cul.cuce, turnvurce chia, Se-
homey ossarts ha
ie : l ee ° °
Ao balettiee and colarelly tinber, crah.
' : ' :
hen. b ds, clapboa: Is. woof “f Va . ie et
; : ; 2. ; . > * :
of ‘— ( | i Le ai ‘J SA LD.
; , u~FT ays a)
wf No. TQ) N. Amst. SO Seprt.
QQ ae SETS 6 4“ es © 2 OE et eo _4 5 “2.2 ow
¢ Py ’ ‘ > ’ , _
SEC n & | AR i > 7s © 3 \ eo.
— -_a—
-- sel ‘ , ’ .» ,
WHEREAS Aprlicntion, by J ion, has bee
7 ‘ 3 tipo , by! ens of ' ri , !
. — ~~
I -"¢ '*) Clys r? 'pipie -— | ' ee | hORns a} th
Jats, I), i tf, Ner at ys , ’
' ? » ‘
! ; @! ie ’ tT he) ti) Ne ! ; Ft a h
. ih. j i '
] PO} sey, we ff: \ bth ly aC Snr
> : . i
: - r i yi »\ ' +
~- ‘ . . : ; ‘ ' . 2
Notices eolas hereb ronto those whem it
ey CONCOM, ans weo may wish le oonese (be erat
of said Letter of Alamutnission ob: th ev may address
Nomerives in writing tothe unclerdt+nedkS:erctary of
Page? Cale wmy norevion to the CMe nhs Mw, SALON ot the
hi mm Cow ', Vv uen "1 oon bal. postion will be tne leon
the wtoresaid T mtiow,
scereta 5 *s Oftice, Berbice, << ity Jarty j 16 1S.
It. iJ Ht) \\ Nik, Sec
; ry)
This ts to inform the Putdic, thet the jollowing
Persons intend qurtla £ bhis colony.
lexan lor Sinton Vi b \ eehs run CO Auy,
J. Broudeetin 6 weeas fron Sept. Od,
Sutherland Ket h, wall qual the colony. Berbice.
RoC. POW NER, Sec.
—— eee — —_—<——S ——___
Notice is bre peby ftLeny that ainentl after cale the
follow ing Tia ports and Worteages welt be passed
Scpt. 9. The Uxeeuters of the Lstate of the late wi-
dow HH. 7. Buse, will tran sportto the dudeimen-
tion d persons, the tollowinge Pstates and picees
of Lent, viz,—Piantation Oud erenstein, to
J.T. 0 Moerente coher :-—La Petite Brotacne
to L. B. Gatier 5 —De Velden Bovca, De Velden
Boucdcn, |. G. BF. Seif; —Rosndaal to Wm.
Pytrcton od" “Pe Me pOrachl to A. ce Costa -— Nova
Cassa to Le F. Ga'!tez;—Cliristina’s Kust to J.
Hl. lu. Maurenbrecher.
‘Phe tollowing lots of Band atthe Old Fort
Nasseu, viz, Meergorn, Kapenburg, Parippe,
\ i< ‘lst ae. ob Th Verw bot ‘a Onecveln d
‘ ‘ ? ‘\ . . ’ ; ?
iyil Micl o | ° qe wal I ve (, se J ri I! ue . lf os-
ham.amttie 15 Centons, tod. van dea Broel
The followin preees oc Land in New Ametere
dam, vig ihe peuthern helt of Lot Now}, the
wlioke tromt doen | of dot No. 2 le*)) rer upper
line @f roads a depron vi lowe’ line BY rod
+; itteo V4 . » oe
Pirtot the mortucern hall o! fot No. west of
fhe Gentre proud, up per line 19 toon 7 teet, under
tad) ; ; prorndy if? ¢ ha cee 8 rad.
j E ©
Part onthe scuthom balto jot Ne. 2. westef
the conte cowed, upper tin€ 24 rood, lower Mee
SO reco, to W. Kare.
}?3 rf ft dot Wo. lL, astol thee nere y d,up-
ae bine 3 ’ Ul, LWeUr Uie 64 bade ) aed,
fo Cl
View original eae te, yawe nee.
— « —
<a —— — C—O
Portof Lot Now !t, facing the back dam, ap-
por tine EE rood & 4 feet, lower line J4 ruud, to
L. Chalmers.
Part of Lot Nu. 9, east of the entre road, from
the centre ror Tite the back dain, the full width
cf the let, to bs Na ahay.
‘Thedibole ot Lot 49. sccond cmpolder {joint-
ly tothe free peor lo—Turiba, Autaatje, Ania
Tei ‘isman, Jacob, Qose Jen. Pro denk, and theic
children, and to the survivors Meret.
Sept. UL. Phe Ex -utor. ot the Lsiate of th
Ho 1. Base willexe ; wea free and naincusher.
ed transport to PL Schwicrs and. R. C. Dow-
ner, plantation Jit tot Nest, Muate on the
west bank of the giver Berlice.
The bixscetaso the E-tate of the widow TT.
J. nse, witlexecute a tree and: enincumt: ‘red
ri sport ry). (. Cameron, plantation Leecict,
sitaate on Cie west sea coast ui Ube columy Bore
b. ce,
the Executors of the Estate of the widow Tf.
lL. Bice, wt excedio afiee and unincumber: dl
Fret to MM. hades, pleniation Prowdencey
pilin Coon ae cast toa k obthe rive r Berbiwe.
Pateutme of the above Listutes, may be
~seenu! the Serre! é = e O thi Ce.
Sept 16. iMG A tormeye«ed ttre Assizne es of th c bane
bispt Nstae of YP aniatl Porbes & Ce. late of
Trodon, Mer hans. will transportto Andrew
Miiedls, pluatation Ze dteyk, siinate on the
Wes > hit ol We regen ise rhice, loge ther with
227 slaves, anc all other ay | us a Lees and (lee
pendenc one ibe same & bow wing . further pare
CrCutaes were 8 ay bebe ana on cTamleaston
et the Secretary ’s Oice, af this col:
7 Nodes Ofelrotl , of bis Attorary seca! y
Sept = e vine) “=e VOT TE tas re
@onstitul a, wilhes cule gs bj tens a teil on
plantas Zuntes bk. with 2v7 slaves, on the i.
susan thera theree!, amt on albother ape
puteuanves aah de pew tates to the same bee
lowging, ail farther uerealy omdius y cron and
ye mV rv, 7 en rl ac’ Ass: Ph CS 7. ‘tan bs il
Orit s Sty. . we os. Ns oy . Ver ‘ ’ Ss OF st'e
CMr LTS Uae remer yc thie a ie
AMNNCX os factor partheubis whor of, inav be
knaen af the Seere Gety shen Gs chy coloaw.
S , Vie -9 na i J. fo Bs . ad Ut ds (ey Me 12. fris sa tie
triive. oy the I] tts wast ote ts) ie. atedt in he
Fr Bie Pal TAP BPs Prema Hue. , tho uLdiviiedt
hi: ule t piattiter’ m A wid- fo ulord, with fives and
we Pat Ootece 5 tattle particulir tc be
(his Office.
CDW: pe. Se
View original pe Se eee
TENDERS ter 25,000 pouces fest guality
Coffee, (the produce of Plantation iz eshine.) wil
he recetwed at the lowse of Mi. J. Gh. Tiieusioa,
until the 21 Octoper next, when the bre lest eRe +. ac
approved of, will be wece pled. — Paytieni to be moe
in cash.—95 Sc; t. CO. PTC File See.
NB. To suit: purchasers, the coffe will be solu in
lots of 10,000 ibs. each.
-_—-— -—
TENDERS for COFT bi—Aen thovsand
pounds first quality, and tiem 3 to 40C0 pounds bres
hen Coffer,-—Tendcrs tortie above quantity, the
praduce of Phutation / Pepe race, will be recived
at the house of the tist unde rigncd, urital Monuay
the 91h day of October, ext, and it approved ut,
accepted, pay ment to be mace in ensh,
7 1. SVAAD for sclf and
23 Sept. WLKEWLLY,
TENDERS for COF® LEE—Fifteen thou-
sil pounds frst quality Code; Tenders for the
above Quettity the produce of Pliatation Ruimzigt
and Daukbaw hac, will be received at the house of
bdr. H. Stant, until Monday Ure 8th October next
and if approved ol, accepted. C. C. SWAVING.
23 Sept. Seqaestrators.
View original —_— ne
ON Tuesday the 3d*October,
ainongst the Creditors
Will be sold
>I Kl. nlats Or) D« i. ( mor j ~ovon
perunids first 7 lity coffce, ai the hous@ot W. Frase;
Ll 9, =. Ver ders, SEV0 poun Is firet quality
Cor @. a OR tl sae Gay ad piace, al ;2
J, 4 APP] NSFTS fu: self, and
CS Scene. 1. husnl port ~ Gucosicls
View original !
View original
View original ' -
View original
View original

30 September 1815