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The Berbice Gazette

View original =~ ww ees 6 ees eee
r7X . ( me j )
Lk AVE GOoiki
BH ies
irs). annum.
View original —————————— ee eee eee
Berbice, 26th May, \815.
THE undersigned, earnestly requests, the at-
tention of those, inidebted to this Office, for Taxes,
to come forward with payment, to prevent him, hav
ing recourse to the unpleasing mote of culurcing th
saine by Law.
DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Ree. Gen.
~- -——
Trae Subscriber bas imported inthe Brig y Rea
Juuwson, Capt. Watson, from London, the follozw-
me articles, elected : th particular care, which he
offers for Sale on reasonable terms for prompt pay-
ment, oral his usual credit of sic months lo constant
BEST Yorkshire hams, tripe, pine cheese, gun-
powderand hysom tea, double re Sad sirar, Cases of
pickles, sauces, white wiac vinegar, mustard ane
I ick De woors ald Port wine, Freneh brandy, ob:
Grenvda vin . «l porter: wox- spenmacen- anc
1 Mow candi seap in beacs of US tbs. cach 5 Trish
lin-n, French exnmbric y Trick ond Rassin sheuging,
long lawn, carbeic mustin, Dacia white and blue se-
Jenpores, whites yellow. aud siiped narheens, pies
ccs check of 145 wards, blanc. black-eand green super
fine brood cloth, dict re fonnel, cotton shirting,
Gentlemens beaverand bec rorw straw hats, fashion-
able saddtes and bridles with plated mounting, eb
harness with rich lure larg aud plated ornaments,
superb tent bed-steads wilh ientsome musguito nets
and (rie ponies and square cc: = <A best lorse beir ma-
traksess feather Dolsterss aad down pillows tu suit,
spare ee bolsters andl pillows 6 fect by 5 ol
the best materials, clegant toilet glasses with .and
Without tr iwers of solid mahogany, mahogary knit.
trays with brass’ handles, mahogany hand watters,
Jap inned ior waiters and real, pontipont coffee big-
gins, plate baskets, baskets finned inside for duty
plates, do. knife baskets, sets of conmon and patent
Gish COVET ; ol: mbes cit wlle StICKS with sn {Fo rs and
cxvtinetb here roi Niemen lressin re CUSTS Sited 1 apes
with CVEr¥V Ted pitts the for Che toile t, “be ‘st town m” wie
ory handed knives and forks with deserts and car-
VCY»s fo match, very superior razors, a ares and
Neral Lsoriment at cutho y i the firs! an iy, vatlivs
anit gentlemens shoes, Uessiin boots, strony anel
snoes with Dar Ltes, sifk an 1 co! iton mnOrethis and pe.
rascls, stockings, wloves, damask breakfast cloths,
Jeichaheek fy fowtline, Ciread, (apres, necdles, &c.,
yes: um) lavender waters, bate aad tooth Drushes,
mee eee ae e
Windsor soap, sft illonary, cof-e Dbavsyting and twine,
Hoes: s shovics- amd cutlagern, fea idles, SUUCE porns,
frying rans, grid irons, ¢ offer rots, calle pepper.
and corn mitts with fy weelsy gaiden waterisg pots,
atarge astorlment of elie and earn ware and
breahiast Chingy carpenter foots of ail hinds, whip,
elwsand cro Jy ey". tails from 4.0. to 260. | leeks
bolis and hinves ofall desert; anes slay Lrars & stn
ples, sy white. rede vellows green- and bine pacts an!
paint oil, pit chand tar: softin bamets. cliretia of
ses andc » Brack hura’s ch Nee fondouw pelicula

Mateira v re. ne in p pes—some of witch fiae sew been
near S years in this-colony.—Aad a great variety 0
other articles.
— ie oe, ae Seal
~ Dew ondergetcel-ente heeft ontrancen ¥ oa de bril
Bay Josrnson, Kvapt. Watson, van London, d.
vo'gende uilgerogle artikel n, welhe hy te hoop pre-
selitectd op aanneinelyke termen, voor dirckte beta-
ling, .of als = voren aun goede betualders op 6 aan-
de ; deredit ;
SESTE Yorkshire hammen, pens, pyn-appel ka-
ane frac en hystn thee, dubbelde ger ffinceide zui-
kt-r, histjes met ingelegde zuuren, sauzen, witle wyn
arvn,mosterd, zwarle. peper, oude Port wyn, Fran-
sche brandewyn, onde Grenada rum, en gebottelde
poorter; wWax- spertuaccti- en smeer-kaarsen, zeep ta
bast jes van 23) Ib.,- Iersch linnen, [ranse he batist,
Tersch cn Russtesch dock, dang Jawa, kamerducks
muslines, Oostindische witte ea blauwe salem pores,
Wilte- gele- en gestreepie nafikings, stukjes bont van
Dt yarcds,. blanw: ziart- en groen super fine Iaken,
flanel voor hegiden,. mans bever en Leghorn strooije
bocden, zadels en tooven inet pleet gemonteerd naar
de nicuwste sinaak, chais tuigen met plete ornamen-
tn, pragtige tent bedstede met exellente muskito
Medertir en franjes ea’ met vierkante beste paarde-
Jiair matrassen met veere bolsters en donze kussens,
enkelde matrassen van ( voet lang en 5 breed mei
Bolsters ef kussens micde van de beste stof, fraaije
View original THE
View original SATURDAY, MAY 27.
pas ,
View original —>——-
mahonyhoute toilet spiegels met en zonder laden,
lilo messe bakken met hepere hand vesten, dito pre-
senteer-blaacjes, Japansclre theeblaadjes, koffy kan-
hen kompleet, plote breodmandjes, vertinde bakke
voor vaile borden, dito messe bakjes, stellen ordinare
en patentestinne schotel dekaels, hamer kandelaret
met snuiters, &e., heeren dresseer kistyes kompleet.
beste Londonsche ivere messen en vorkea Lofiplect,
xellente scheermessen, gen generaal assortement y-
zerwerk cerste kwalllcit, mans en vrouwe schocnen,
sterke Planters schpenen met eespen, zvde en hiloe-
ne paraplas en parasols, kousen, shandschoener, da-
maste ontbyt tatel lakens, hamidoeken @oed, garen,
band, naaldens, &e.. rove en tivender waters, hair
bn fame borsféltys, Windzur zeep, kantoor-beboet-
tens, Koffy baakdock en garen, houwelen, schoppes
en louwers, thee k tets, stus penien, braadpannen,
rousivrey zeisy holly poten, keffy- peper- en koorn-
atens met draw wielcn, tun wieters, een groot as.
-orfement van cl.s-en aartewerk, Chineesche onth,t
servicen, Giramergerceds hap ven ate soort, Liat
en trek-zrven, Sy Lem van @tat Merny, halopen,
herngrcls en kramer, wittee co he goles greene. en
dlauweeverven en ved-otie, pik en teer, gout ta ve-
fn, claret in kisten ea vaten, Mlackburn’s Puch:
Puik Londen Matera yn in py pen, waaurvan mom
mige reeds dsic jiren in de kulonte—en ces groote
voormad andere gocdezen.
costae ip atten ls ee
IMPORTED per Grantham, and for Sate
tthe Store of the Subscriber: Six ot the most proe-
minent Batths in Spain, framed ael glazed: six
portraits—His Majesty’ Kiag Gen. the HEL, the Bia-
perorof Russia, the Ming of Prusgie, the Duke of
Wellinzton, the Mershbals Glieber awl Phlitof, and
afew cagravives of Qonspaite, by an coinent Artist:
the above are froved in the moet etperd French stie
and gilt with the best oil wold.=-
Also dadics and geattomens shoe. und boots, white
and black sifk stoc!iaws, dol eotion date, straw ben.
nets, ribbons, chiltrens cotton hose, ready sande he
aen and cotton srirts, He canibric, table and break
‘ist cloths, conatetoiaes, thread, tape, ready mace
hnen and cotton sh rte, calicoes, Planters beaver and
silk hats, childver bats, negrode., stationary, (uand
crockery ware, exceliont chiet in thds., Madeira ia
bottles, raspberey wn! cherry brandy, tea, loaf sugar,
bhack pepper and spices.
A strong and healthy Negro woman, being a good
cook, washer and iwroner, wiliiag to labour and very
A flonse, situated on the north side. half lot No. 10,
close to the middle dam, 60 feet long and 20 brand,
floored above and below with erab wood, boarded in,
md 240 feet land, or thereaboul, the same will be
sald reasonable for cash, or a short creait.
© 97 May. M. LINDNER,
THE undersigned, Executor of tii® late De
Piancis Jy Fery, haview on the Stth alt. called a
mectiow af the Creditors of thet Lestate, which was not
wlended by the inajor par of them.—Now tor the
§ cond tise request a meeting of all those concerned,
at the house of Dr. Williaa Jeffery, in New Amster-
lain, oa Satarday next, the 3d June; when a state.
ment of the affairs of the deceased will be exhibited,
such further steps taken, gs may then appear neccs
sary. W. KATZ,
27 May. FExecuifor to the late Ps. Jc fry?
TENDERS will be recetwed-at the house of
i,. van Rossum for 55 bales of cotton, from Planta-
tion Onverwegt, until the 10th of June next, when
the highest offer will be accepted, if approved.
For W. KATZ, and self,
27 Mar. L. van ROSSUM, aq.
View original I ye OF ws meh zi ba Oj; AVT-
vn 7 , .
ion lf lls ( } prver sire tc ile i if
. ; . , ' ‘ é :
ol MIS a ¢ AJ Pe Or. ‘'S yi sicia mae oO
. , ’ ,
~T’ rf hte LA 1 ii} es Wi ic { J ; ' 4 17iS
, Y 4 , ’ ° . j L ‘ rs ’
( 54 at { be { ’ ‘ “1Vvi aa | O} J { a\ i ‘
. as ee at — ' + .
f tt snc On waonuay i) a i ] Lil I} 7. if I 7 GA ‘\
’ = d . ' .

: vive lem the biel ef
Pte POTCHNOO, All Wael i PIF CSe OITeT, lur Lint
' ¢} f. er # : | s *e*ee
Wo | , Ol Hart cliCis On, Vi itl C ACCC) d.
O7 Rg
wi ivi ye
pt A ¥ ' ; 2 ee sf : + P-
> F ( 49 > TON N a IN ty e fire ~~ i aN TE-
y7 7rPhe. . . . .
whe owen William PU ° \i ister, for i “Posed OF
passage, apply to the Master on board, or to
o7 May GiO. DUNG S Cd
View original ETTE.
ey beg
mee Eee -UrUErti‘“SOSOrS '\VWOOOOOOO CE OE C— —_
[ Payabl ean advance.
View original THE undersigned request all persons, who
may have under their care, any properly belonving to
FP. L. Schmidt, to give notice thereot, at the house of
Mr. Hf. Luthe rs, in New Amsterdam, stating the ar-
tieles thas held by them, the undersigned being wish
ul of exposing the wholeat publicsale, in the begin-
me of next month, in pursuance of an order of his
Excellency the Governor.
J. vay per SCIIROEFP
View original oO OCS Oo ee
NOTICE is hereby given to those indebted
ta the undersigned, either by open Accounts for Fer-
tiage, Notes of Land, or otherwise, that it is impos-
eble for him to give any longer tndulvence, but have
recourse fo disagreable measures tnless settled ime
mediately ; and being determined to keep no more
rceounts, he hopes bo person will cross the Perry,
vscml their messeagers enprovided with payment.
Ife offers ior Sale, for cash only; Grablwood lume
berat the rite of £175. per thousand fect, also red
uler, simaruba Dowres’ and plank, slube, &e. at vae
cous prices, which he ensages to detiver at any of
he lan.ting places in the Towa of New Amsterdam.
— Berblee-Ferry, 27 May. G.C. RL REUSS,
sa ee GO a ee ow ewe oem wes 24
View original ee ea
—— ao
aon. © ry LI r tf 4 arn rrere
FAY WS Da . A as a's a air Pa , ‘ i f-
CPR tevin cont flo hold aay shire to th
¢? a . : > *. « ‘ ; . e
. a2 crus ey] ‘), ol ts hen Ww A OMmepiiry, (>) is ¢ on}cr.
rhs sna ot Pg Ty. ‘Lhe birin will try julie yee
eomaducted wacter the mime of volin Dore tae Ae Cees
eany; LTowhon all those indebted lo the late Figy
tre Peguestcd iv mike puyment.
COLIN DOUGL AS for self and
aa ig Atloricy of
WO} b7NT DOT "G5 §,.' °
A RCH. DOUGT \S, of Clas "ONT.
Berbice, Ft May: R.C. DOWNER, Sec.
-_——S—- —
Perhice, ISth . May, Is!o5
INTIMATION is hereby given: ‘That on
the Thirty Birst Day of January ost, Afexander Fal-
comet ceased to be a Partner in the Company carcier!
avunder the Firms of Join Thomas & Archiball
Douglas in Company. at Glasgo vy, and Deus!
Reid in Company, at Demerary aw! Berbice pand tor
sone time at Liverpool ander the Firms of Dough.
dyn lyre in Com pa ay aud Colin Dough: sin lame.
pany. Andatso that by the decease of Jas. Reid,
n Inte Postel of sail Company, ta December Bi¢h-
feen handied and ten, his Heirs and Representatis
have had ny concern ia the Prade and Business of
said Company smeceé the Thirtieth at Aprilin that
A. FALCONER for celt and @ Execal’s of
WiLL LMM: VWIISO:? \; : Jas. Reid.
Glargow, 3A Murch, 1815.
A true copy of the original exhibited to me.
R. C. DAWNED, See.
virtue of an Appotnt:nent of His oer
* Lieutenant Governor Bentinck, dated 1}
'St9,—I the undersiened call upon atl Creditors OE
thre late WOR. Liot, to render in their claims atthis
Oice, within three weellt from the date of this pus
lic notification. May 12, ISTo.
hig is to inform the Public, thre the fe Mowing
? crsons thlenid ous (ne thes nolan Me
pValter Scott in G weeks from Mav 6.
Pp. (+. van’ Oostram indo. fren Jo
A. Av de ta Court in co. frem do,
AG. ¢ aimer in OC weeks from May zu
Jobn Hislop, Pamey aud two servants, in ore month
, from 27 May.
' RC. DOWNE®?,
sete TN te . ee
Notice ss here! y wizen, the Haimonth after
full: cine era porrsand Murlsaces o - eo J
May: 1S. “Phe Representatives of the tie fo bert
; Leiair, will transport to the & pee. tt a
; the late J.P. Vhs pins y Adc t Lins i
: the Core: Miva iste pay om ffs. ve : f
G3 the cu JF 23 s No. 3) ane vow reed Test
RC. BON NL, Sve.
0 he wut °
View original
View original ’ a oo
’ ‘ ‘ ;
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View original ’ i ]
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A 1CoO (] wry GC
rent fie ley
ied IT I
Tle r Ontva
01 lie moin Surin
\ ole
nd.aa 1 Komn
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> rf ven cde on
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wel ezcly

View original Salurday, Mey 27, lsid.
iii —
Juel arour Papi r was going lo Piess, the Vette:
hag wiih (he Mail for thes coiong, wad delizered a!
the Post Office. The Pupevs browght by the Pac
het goes ta the ioth Apri.” Nothing new appears
in them. The remour «soul some overtares of pence
niade by the Adisto Bonaparte, is the ovly intcr-
esling paragiapn in those papers.
The Mail to be forwarded to Lurope by the Ches-
lerfield Packet, nora im Demerary, will be closed ef
the Post Office here, precise’y at 6 o clock on Pri-
lay morning the 24. insiert.
SE EEeE——- — —_
View original eS. ——— -
Loxwox, Arrmit 14, 1815.
. Rugnours says that the new Declaration of the A)-
lies is founded on the basis of the Treaty of Chau
mont. That Treaty was offensive and defensive—
offensive. if- Bonaparte ‘should refuse the terms ol
peace which the Allies werg disposed to offer him—
ind only defensive, that is establishing a mutual gu-
srantee of their respective States for twenly 5 ears, if
he should accept their terms and continue on the
(hrone of Fraace.
The Emperor of Austria has, ia consequence of the
new event, opened a new loan of 50 millions of flo-
ins, The marching of-troops continae in all quart.
srs. tis plain that Bonaparte seems to rely on the
continuance of peace, or at least that he will do no
act on his part thatslall provobe a war.
View original e '
v> e a | ’? ’ 7 2erne .
i “ATIUS Abi QQ —T ‘! 5 mY i reviewed
‘wenty regiments of cay: tinfaatery, and ad.
lressed (i:iem in the follue io Seems:
6¢ Soldiers,—I have | be ag (he news that the trie
coloured fag is flymig at ‘Soutouse, at Monipecllicr,
tind in all the South. ‘The wiite flag flies only tn
- y c
the single city of Marse . but before the end of
this week the peop l> of ial great cily. will have ree
sumea all their rig?(s.
*¢ Soldiers,’ —resumed the Emperor, * we will not
inferfere in the affairs of ether nations; but woe to
>. ye?
(hem who woui.! inter! lh ours, to treat us!
Genoa or Geneva, andio impose on us laws, such as
the nation does not wish for. ur y will Graton our
ronticrs the Ilerees of Marco, of Austcrlitz, of
Jena-—They will meet there (oe whole vopulat: Ny
ind if they Dave GNO,OG) men, we will of pose wilh
lwo militens.” (The warmest acclianations here ite
terrupted the Emperor] — T prove” added he & whet
yoa have done, foaily mireecives again to thc trie
coloured flag. It shall be in the Champ du
lone, andin the presence of the assemb!
d nation,
that IT will restore those Vactcs which have been so
wf 4 miorFr (| ir : ? . ? .*” wo, ) , ’ . >
rat 1 rT) ag StPtOU i) VacOur ARG Wicd | AVC
° — . >
seen the CT? ee ot rt ¢ ‘ore { m.
¢ . * ° roe * . - b } a w6 . 7.
¢ » esti r ea £ 13C i se j le ‘ s\4 oo e.\ és aX ly
y oruet ry os ' ? a. 99
m yol.—lLo) yo Tro Ti). ( Ana OUWAINC,
e ° e e
ry° ’ ° ' - -? ** - . y 7’
lhe mot oXule ] Cr, 5.901. CHtTAUSIASH fullo ive
Dahic aad
Cu Cals AGGress,
Ce ~~. se — *
Yr ’ ad
Extract of a letter tron terdan, dated March
_- > » *
25, G, P.M. says—@ Ths wnonent [learn th
’ ‘ } ' ’
men bic f IY, A C Ul, an l
Luniebs, be’; via, | een Ue
fy’ ; ] Te Cc yel ( I {} f < »
. : f° 7 ,?
viisc? of PATA ATIC. ee have ly en L iO >
oy*r > % ° e v a ’
ne. ‘bhe former! rived in Tf
> - == q. ‘ . 4 emit y } a ;
™ . 1¢ S 190. . tw > i, a ' i, Ww (' | « J
- - ; LL. ; qe 1 ao , }
nd ucre for (he adia ‘ OS? 2ALDOVE dE Lit :
ifree or lour persors have oven are fed tor lin

¢ - = ,
, ’ onion : } eae 4
‘ LAQrTOAnRCc %¥ et ? < j o ( pot 2 a je
. . 5 ’ i : arte newer 9
OLVOW Lord vi Tae ; pe. tec here °
—_ » _—
—_ a a r,>°-. c ’ e”
: 4 cl f "0772 } j nar 6 -¢ . j C
Pte ° 8 r , — abieser .
si iS aa rs ‘ % / d COLLIS ADIN
, 7°?
rearl ‘ f cn
i ‘
When he (Lon! Castioveth) arrived at Paris, and
found whatsortofanart Lad been made, the
pression on his mint at Gac time was, that the per-
sou who was then the ac io sledged Sovereign of
France, ought to be treated with some di of de.
ference. He did, however, endeavour by y
neans in his power (o oppose the arrangement which
had been mete; bul alter cosiderable ciscussi t
lepeht withdrew his o ion to the arrangement.
*. qu stion was dec:ted, not on the tact of Bana-
parte having been inthe power of the Allies, but of
his having been ina situation in which he coald pro.
long the Cc. Ve sf f( ‘ ( + ‘rable time. AS to the
. . . . } . 4 P - a ¥ Ve rot
situationin which Bona earte afterwards stood at ilba,
., ] ht 4) ’ — vey! hy: cong fan weacla i] >
; > { ioOug VL iat OTT ? > mavi 7. en ( Nn ‘ , aif 9 ii?c
came ouvtitto be secured fo hita on terms of libecrali-
yand good faith. never considered that Ire
was fo be kept asa ‘rin the Isle of Elba; no
such thing had ever | ntemplated ; on the con-
trary, w owas unders'os! that he was toenjoy com-
plete freedom in the island; and he was convinced
that had any systema of Achninistration been adopted
’ . . , .
in Elba, on the part of the .' lies, it would have been
inconsistent with the ‘Treaty; and that his breaking
out of the Island would ®ave been attributed to
system of restraint. ‘The next question related to the
sort of precaution that oncht to have been used. If
ny one asked why precaution had not gen adopted,
his answer was: that the Allies never had it in con-
lemplation to exercie an 8) stem of police or espio-
nage in the island; nor any naval police without the
‘sland. One reason why it was thought advisable not
lo use any vigilance at tac Allies thought it
View original physically imprssible, the cir¢umvallation of sucl.
an Island was beyand Uicir power; and if it had bee:
~ >

attempted by ever so many ships, the changes o
wheater might fistrate the object in view. Lt ili
whole British Navy had been there, they conld ne
haveexcercised the ystcmn of restraing wiiout break-
ing the Treaty. ‘The Treaty gave hima sovercign-
ty over the island—-The treaty gave hima vessel with
his flag flying on board; and it was no extraordinary
thing tosce his flag sailing round the island. A con-
siderable commercial intercourse wos besides, carrice
on between Eid: and the Italian continent, and, there.
fore, it would have been impossible to search all th
Voss Wesailing to and fronithe Island. It was not his
landing in Pea eo, nor the small armament which ae-
, co npanied hint. that caused him to succeed in his en-
terorise, but the circumstance of his being joined by
all the military bodies of France. He would again
assert, on the part of the French Goveramen’, that i
never had beea intended to exercise any police ove:
the Island. Colonel Campbell hat been permitted t
romain in Elbe, and aceisionsily te go to Haly for th
Dp Wpese o ralteforrmation: but these was na no.
tion of his ev gocxerc's.ig au inspection over Bona
pute, who Dintedto the Cotonet that bis long-egntt-
nued residence there wre not agreeable fo him. As
Rovlish gentleman, named Richy, was acting asa
View Conent bs the Lhe. aml to chew the litte, po-
wer Vir. Reels «seed, teo@en larmes were pla-
ced @s set 4<e at his cloog wlren Peo Irie Wis mo.
ley pre for his Gderneture. Ut wasa well.
’ . .
bows fret, thet even General berftrand dal not know
of his moje vee ualilall were ready to embark, and
tre only viscle prey rion was, the repainiag of Bo-
y ’ ’ ‘
Mipirte so ve, aching pes mitted by th ‘Treaty.
’,! ‘ ’ ° .
AN theo} vessels composing Uhe expedition were
reo 8g : ? 1. _ . t : * grey Neree
t! MN WW Fd ag + cas] et } the port 74 commerctral
rorposes. bh: Prench Goverament had vessel cruis-
locoadbout, which exercised a hind of viviliutte about
Boas andthe Sritsh Admiralty ful gived instrue-
finns to A dorsi iletlowell, if he had any intimation
OL aru TV : y Prway, to l } hee Lor i ye "The er
circipnst ope onl Tl show whata very great miscon-
B Hon vote od oom Cbde sey pect, 3 vi thal no ereat
Ress abe) fy hed Deek commited. —Bonrnarte
Wi hank ae Wee ' OUT PO mst a: aca finn “Tp rsonal
} reo wily between ji al [en-
aPst el !Conobell very scllom had
‘ fv » Cporthe wholes th ret *) Sa cete
( i. Moar fa Silies cault be reepomsible fh
Wi . | : {; reatut hiscluty te su
BY end vious he enterfatned on
{ spurt “sl ueorp. art very f ICAL CORI co the
Most mater! yet. Ta potat of Cet,
? ’ ® » ° *
Phe mon V set pueted Oy Cie breafy wie ever paid la
hou: patric.
— =m 7. °sO Qe,
, ’ > °
A chal) ¢ a a PAG i q I<) i ', LL () 7k sy ln Va ¢
rf ryt, O7i¢ Of hi a a7 ‘ j ri cap y c(lre
ta e« of Sle a f vd \ cj } 34, fy /}
’ 9°
f ’ Jes ( v Side * if ai / { / / mT. Of}
e _/ , . ee . ,, ‘
Bora) < pfollore-usui p the Croxaef hraace.
oq Step “v1 eye”
1.) a, Le J. J. S10)( KDADI
‘oxnon, 25 Mancu, IS}5.
rT ‘ y 7 P
‘ “an Stn—t have tor sucha number of year
itd tothe best of my power, the good cause in
I ') ry heey has been qoo5 rm d, that most of those
Nee ohd heve borne te.tim my tomy « (Forts are na
ore excent Lord Shelfeldan byurs Lt I know nat of
ny peson who can berr witiess tomy unilorm en-
rvours to support that cause.
CP haddately aenest a ex peeled oppoflanity of
nlering to this nation, and to all Hurope, a very
reatadvice. L had the means of proving that Bo-
parte was cagaged ina very extensive plot tu re-
lice himselfion the Throae of France; which I of-
Sl todo, for the express pr IT Pose: of frintshing the
lied Powers with ist canse for placing him in safe
wslody, and convincing them of the necessity of so
yng, Tfaving been treated with« degree of negleet
bridle ‘TIng ve ry ik arly oni sult, ! now enclose tor you
e docu.nents relative to that nnf mrlunate aQair. J
eall it atforfundte, because to repair the evil dom
Pill cost much blood and treasure, and, even after
at expense, success is far from cerain.
This c rei y is ina very serious aud critical si-
ation, an:! if were well to shew by what sort of ne-
gence it has been broughtintoit. tneredulity ha:
g¢ been much fashion.
Gir it can be Sher , that, in any one instance, J
@r gave wrong tatoriaa icu, or evinced a dis position
View original {o impose on any of the Members of Government, or
that J ever attempted to gain advantage to myself at
the public expense, T think it will be a vindication
for the incredulity complained of: but if, on the con-
trary, it can be made appear Urat [have often given
uselul information, and neverasked any reward; anc
thal, for more thanttwenty years, | have employed
such abilities as Tam possessed of, in support of the
cause in whieh the country foucht, without asking
my reward from Government. then | do think tha:
here isan explanation ot the cause for treating my in-
‘ormation with neglect.
‘That the information was as nearly correct as, in
such a case, it could well be, is now known. IT ever
fated, that Bonaparte would not make his attemp
itl Congress was dissolved, unless circumstances
compelled him to do it rather sooner. ‘Phe case so
iotseen has actually taken place; go that, on tbe
whole, never was any information, respecting an in-
fended and dificult aiteinpt more accurate or cum-
ylete, ,
~ & The public, Sir, conceive that the absence of the
Dritash C)Seer <ent to watcu over the Lexile of tulba.
coumlod with the fret that a secretary of Seate had
een intormed of Ure necessity cf bcing wateliul, re-
Mires anexphens jon.
"These are not linees 10 pass over such transactions
—that late of the comafey teatastke, and it has bee
lone a enbject of re crct, that, while our chemy em-
ploys none but meh ef energy and talent, rewordun
hel punishing according to desert, a relaxed system
of favonritiem has crept into birgish mode ot carry-
mg on publ c business. ‘Tlrts ts an ocea@on on wie
hogliust may not expect, but ‘ hogland reguirs,
egery Man to do bis duty.’
“Vfle following Cocuinents will prove, first, tvat J
had a witness tothe orziaal conference with Caramen,
md will shew that Lb have taken vreat trow>le to ob-
fain attention, wihout success. Lam gr atly mort
fied at all the circamsta:ftes of the case; and hep
that, when the importance of the case is coiisidercd.,
my conduct fur tie last four moats, which is an or-
diaary affrir woull have been impertinent and im-
proper, will be excused. Lex peeted to save millions
af livies and prevent destruction to our fiaunces, and
{ forgdt myself in the hamensily of the object.
The whole, however, it not vet over; [ there-
fore deliver to you, with thre, a sealed packet, con-
cerning which, if you fied VMucisiors disposed to hav:
wy you have miny leave to use secur owa bosvur aod
discretion, which LT have been witness lo on varion
occasions, from your earliest days ol Dusiness; byt
pertinacity, uow unfortunately sarstakea lor dinmaess
mul pereverince, WUE most prodibly prevent an;
ndiice being taken of what Comes U.roagl Cais chas-
nel, (hough it has been proved to ve bal tov muck
deserving of notice,
“fhe names of seven of the meneurs (rctive agents)
of the conspiracy f likewise give you, (hough iat is
too late tur any tise.
6 W beri | wes secking to cblain affention ia this
business, Sir. Pope's lincs were perpetually in my
ming! —
“ Trvths would you loach, avd sarc asial ing lund,
** All fear, none aid you, aid fow understand.”
‘¢ Lam, Sir, vonz’s, ec.
\Woirrtam Plravrarr.
cPlS, Mr. La Chastre’s scalug better L also “epo-
sil wi you, dare say it will prove but of jittle use.”
e _— --
(Tere follows a statement of the circumstances
which led to the fatonmation received by the writer,
which are remarkabiy interesting, followed by copies
of memuranda of Geathonen equally acquainted with
lacts—one of these is as follows s—]
Cony of a memarcndum made by the undersiencd on
dept. 14, ISlt, the original of which as in his
posses Sis.
“On the 10th instant T diaed with Mr. Playfairand
an [alan aamed Caraman. We dined at Pagliano’s,
and as some circumstances of a very peculiar nature
allended that meeting, | think it necessary to writ
them down. Caraman bad furnished Mr. Playtiirs
wit a map and deseription of the Island of Elba,
which [I aad copied preparatory to making the mw-
lel®. Mr. P. and Caraman spoke French, and, as
know very little of that language. Louly caught a
word sometimes. Bonaparte was often mentioned,
Che [talian spoke a great deal. Mr. P. said little,
but was seemingly very allentive, and much struck
with what the ran told him, and now and then turn-
ing to me, said, ‘‘ very important imformation in-
decd!” ‘This he repeated so often, mad appeared sv.
much struch with it, that it natarally excited my
surprise. ‘Phe Italian also gave Mr. Playlair three
or four papers, one of which appeared to be a list 01,
Aaines ; anelher, which was very small, was covere:
va the back with green silk, When Mr. Playsai.
-_ <—- ——— OO ee we ee eee
* The model was aciually made and exhibited i:
View original es
ind T left, T was very anxions to know the whole that
the Italian had told him. Mr. P. then informed me
that there was a plot to assassinate the Bourbens,
‘nd that Bonaparte would reise his standard in lay,
ind would fin pleaty of foilowers ; that the Italian
rach told him Bouaparie’s cipher and the key. He
hen shewed me the paper covercd with silk, which
L hadseen the Ttallian give him; It was a table of
elters curiously disposed. Mr. Playfair then cave
ttme, with anuther paper, which he said was Bona.
parte’s address to Frenchinen in cipher, and request-
ed that T would, that evening, tuke a correct copy of
oth, ashe must return ther next day (think) to
‘araman. Both these Tcopied, and on our afiere
wards jointly decyphering it by the kevewords Cas
aman had told him, we found it to coataia an ade
lress to the French.
** Carasunan was a dark middle-aged thin man.
* Tios. yertey.”
Copy of a Memorandum nade October 20th 1834.
** Deeming the information civen by Mr. Caraman
of great importance, | wishod Mr. Playtair to ace
quaint the French Ambassador with it: which wu hen
Htound he did not do, | wrote to Count la Chastre, on
he 10th inst. but recciving no answer, and feeli 9
more and more inypressed with the nnoortaace of the
ubjyect, TE wrote again two days afer, and then hid
t letter from him wishing to see me. According
Vonday the 17th instant, | waited om his Excelk ney,
rho wave me a letter for Mr. PI tylair, which | de-
uvered te bin the same day.
© Tmowas Drenzuerry.
The above are {rue copies of Memorandums ms
le by me at the times above mentioned.
“'Tuowas 13 PRLEY.
** Berwiek streegy Soho, March 29, 1815.”
[Uecre follows a very in’cresting coversation bee
tween Mr. Ceronnin amd Me. Pleyluir.
Cesull of anieformeation obtained in S plember, IST4,
from Curan an, un eahian, ho passed through
Loadcan (the poe (te Mas circumslance © of cchich I
ain ready lo crpadiy Uf nceessery) che h I consi-
der of great t jp mea (the repose of Lurope,
and toallthe Allied ] ow crs.
That Bonapart- bes a plan to rezain (he-Throne
f Pranee is ce tfain, an! the attempt Will be wade
wonallerthe Convress, whea the armeis are withe
irawn asdin partcisbanded:; aal wh n itis lit Ie
that the Ttaliaas will be dissatisfied. The Island of
aiva ty admirably situated, vor th atlempt jram its
contigu.t to Italy, where he will huist his standard,
owhich all the disaffeetod will Bock. The Poyal
Family witl be attacked amd marcered by the despes
rate cmissarics in France at the same moment.
** Under these circumstances ii sould be conse
dered that, hough the m granimity of the Lmperoe
ut Russia nay bead hits to be mere: fab to Bon iparte,
and though the Emperor o| Genneny may wish from
ther motives, toact inthe same manner, yet that
Louis XNVill. and his lamily are, by that con lucty
putia danger vy aman who never sparc ! one ho
slood between him and his safely. The Due ditne
ehica, ‘Toussaint POuverture, Picheg-u, M reall,
ind others, were only adew of his victums. It is
tty, tclore, tur the Aitied Sovere iyns, in (heir wisdom
and justice, to rid Louis XVUL. of a man who is so
dangerous to kim asus wellas to all Europe.
- ts posapace is plotting, and the fact is certain,
the bes®yay will be to detect him, and then the two
tanperors will see the necessity of securing his pere
soms ad the same time that it will remove every scru.
pel in regard to changing the mode of treating bim.
“ Wihat is dono unst be in silence, and Guichly
when begun; for hough Bonaparie would naturally
wait fora fit ime, yet be will act the moment he sees
Phe information I have obtained is su %icient to
enable me, it L bad a trusty and confidential person
wilh me, to brag proofs against Bonaparte, such as
would convince the Altied Powers ot the neces: ily of
changing the Weatmentet bim; bat this shouid be
loae while Cometess is sitting, ;
* T make this ofler, desitousof having the konanr
if contributing to se excellent a work; for the wick-
ed intentions of Bonaparte, and his greatabilities, are
equally to be dreaded; aii if he escapes, the Allied
Sovercigns and all the world * would repent when it
will be too late.
** The ofles was made both to Lord Bathurst and
to M. le Comte de la Chastr., the French Ambassador.
. (copy.) ;
“ Lord Bathurst presents vis compliments to Mr.
ayfair, and bes» he willcail at the Poreiemailiee,
‘ither Monday or ‘Pues My wert, ancl inquire Tor Me.
Vioticc, fo whom Lior Derttecs bee. Vic. Pa
willtmake the Conmunicztiva to whieh © atc pee
'CFs. .
** Lime Grove, Octobéer@u, tig.”
[ vu e COL GIE ‘
View original MARSHATL's OFFICE.
BY virtue ofan Appoiutinent from His Ex-
cellency J. Murray, Brigadier-General and Act-
ing Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Depen-
dencies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a Petition, pre-
sented for that purpose, by Archibald Si’ Queen, qq.
Colin Macrea, onder dite of 16th January, ISle,
cersus, the Proprictor or Proprietors, Representa-
tive or Representatives of Plantation Palmyra, Eas’
coast. Notice is hereby given to the Public, at th
instance of Evan Fraser, surviving partner of the
House of Evan and Angns Fraser, Merchants of this
coluny, and which House of Commerce are now pos-
sessing thronch deed of Assizment, the right aad in-
terest Before possessed by Colin Macrae in the deb
for which Plantation Palinyra is now under Execu-
tion and Sequestration; that [ the understane dl in-
tend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre-
sence of two Councillors Conmissaries aad their Se-
eretary, in the month of Decorsher, IS15, the pre-
cise day hereafter to be notified through the Gazelli
of this colony :
The Colton Fetate called Palmyra, situate on U
Feast coast of this Colony, with all its cultivation,
buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances theret
belonging, the propariy of R. P. Broom ; all con-
forinable to an Tazentory formed t hereof, ard nox
‘laying at the Ma:shal's Office for, the inspection of
those whom tt may corcern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action.
or interest,.on the abovementioned Estate calted Pal-
mira, cum umneris, and wishes to oppose the Sal
thereof, tet such persons address thems lves to the
Marshal's ORice, declaring their reason for so doing
i due tine and form, as 1 her by give notice, that ]
will receive opposition from every intermstiate per-
son, Appoint them a day to have his or her claim,
heard before the Court, and further act thersin as thx
low diects.
This First Proclamation, made known to the Pu-
blic by beat of drum, from the Court House of thi:
colony, and further dealth with according to Custom.
Berbice, 21 May, 1815.
h. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
————— ———_--
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the procecdings of the Court of Civil Justice, o
this colony, dated 10 Mav, IS15, eiven tn the caus:
entitled Win. Gordon, Pliinatiff in case of opposi-
ton, versus, the Sale by Execution of Plantation d
Voedster, cum annexis, to be soll in favor of Danie!
Allt, Receiver of the Church Fund. Nottee ts here-
by given to the Public, that the Sale by Executtor
of said Plantation de Voedster, cumin acnexig, wil
now positively fake place ou Thursday the of Juac
15/5, on the spot.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest in the beforementioned Plint. de Voedste:
cum annexis, aml wishes to oppose the Fxecutior
Sale thereof, fet such yerson or persons address them-
selves to the Marshal's Onlice, of this colony, dscla-
ying their reasons for sodoing, as I hereby give no-
tice that [ will receive oppositions from every inter-
mediante person, appoint them a day to have bis or
ber claim heard before the Court, aod further act
therein as the low clirects.
Berbice, 12 May, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
G27 To Purchasers of negroes. —Notice is herchy
given that the sate of plantation De Voedster and
nevroes advertised tot Thursday the 8th of June
next, will positively take place that day, and
that the gang of said Estate is well worth the at-
tention of persons in want of good effective ue-
_————- -
View original BY virtue of an Appointment from His bx-
cellency H.-W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant.
Governor of the coiony Berbice, and its Dependen-
cies, &c. Ke. &c. Given upow a Petition present-
ed by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representa-
tive of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity
as Cialors to the Fstate of Francis Dynoe, deceased
said appointment bearing date 25d March, 1815.—
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that T the un-
dersigned, First Marshal of the Courts within this
colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre-
sence of two Counsellors Commissaries, and their Se-
cretary, by the going out of a buraing wax-candle,
on Wednesday the 7th June 1815.
The Cotton Estate called Lewis Manor, situate
on the East coast of this colony, with all tt:
Slaves, Buildings, and further Appurtenances
therelo beluncing.
Whoever should think himself entiiled to oppose the
Execution Sale of suid Plantation Lewis Mauor, Jet
View original rerean oar nercanc adilrocs therm {ry
mice, frat ds >] ) ! ’ Vel
] . , ‘
“sale person, yO T mm : tO ibe
¥ ' ’ ; ? . . of
ne ( bry IC ' ‘ji ime a U: * «« a el . 42%
7 y
i (ts
7 } , ‘-
** >
ICC, 2) Ail - ‘io
- y —-e a,
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sx “ RA Ba i
—_eePeeee 6 6 OlUL Ea! : — - =_——— *
7F a,’ ’ - 7 ) ’
ef 4 , & ‘ il 4 . ‘
ae —™ — ——- — — —_— —
View original Phases of the Moon.
New Moon, 7th Day, at Oh. Im. Afternoon.
First Quarter, 4th Day, at 4h. Im. Morning.
Full Moon, 2st Day. at 2h. Sm. Afiernoon.
Last Quarter, 29th Bay, at 5h. 49m. Aflernoon.
View original i ow Helidays, Phenomena, &c eM
}) wh | Nicomece. Neap Tides | AL) 50
2} fe | | us
3|\8 1 2: %:
1) Su (21S. aft. Tr. K. G.I. b. 1759S | 3 | Is
51M | Duke of Cumberland, boi 1771. | 4 if
6! we ; + | SU
7 | dd
8 | Th | Spring Tides. | 5133
al | Oe
0 | s iY 1 719
{} | Su | Sd Sunday after Trinity. Si. Bar-{ &]1¢
12) Mi fuabdas.| 9] $
131 Fx iN! C
3 |W 41} 4
15) Th Neap Tides. Mi 4
iG) F Pid}
I7{S (St. alban. 2) 14
18 | Su | dth Sunday after Trinity. Sie S
IN; % | 3 \ ue
20 LN Triat of Edw: K. of W. Sax. $12
2T RW 3 J
i] 2 Spring Tides. Sun Enters Cancer. | 5) 3%
231F 6} 4:
21)S | Nativity of St. Jobn Rantist. | 6447
25) Sa | Sth Sunday after Trinity. TTS
26| M 71%
7) Tu 8 195
Ay J 9 Ube
©) Th |S. Peter. lO} ©
o F | Neap Tides. ee. | Li
. oem we «eee @ pe) ow 2S oreo SO
—— ll i ES LL LTT ———
BANNS of MERRIAGE, between Jclin
Quarless, Bachelor, born in rae Ow pind Ritvabeth
Welch, Spinster, born ia Demerasy, a wiiner, bus
aith cons. nt of a: nt assisted) by her Parents, Any
person knowing any just chuse or imp ‘cdiment, W ly
the above parties should not be joined Cogetber in
Holy Matrnaony, inust declare the saine to the Rev.
F, *, Whitticld. , May 13.
JR FOR FOR LONDON, the new coppered
Ship Grantham, A.V. John Brand, Mas-
ter, Will sail as soo as possible, has good accommo-
(lations for passengers, three fourths of her cargo ts
possilively engaged, anc may reasonably be ex pect-
ed to sail in all June—please apply at the Store of
W. Henery, Esq. or on board the vessel. 13 May.
View original P.GRANT has received from Lendon, per
Granthain, Brand, a consigninent ot sacdlery, constst-
ing of genttemens and ladies saddle 'sy Dridlesand setts
vf gi harness, which be will dispose of cheap, for
prompt paysne int. }3 May.
FOR SALE, an excellent C: Chaise wi with » Har-
avss complete.
DRIFTED, on the 5th instant, from Fort
Meyers, a ship’ s long Moat, marked on the stern—
* Behan, London, Jokn Pat cy,” belonging to Dr.
Johnston, Port St! Andrew. Any person giving in-
furmation of the above boat, shall be rewarded.
_13 May.
FOR S ALE, bullettret T ander wnt Plank,
crabwood Lumbe r, and a house Frame, very reason-
able—apply at (he Store of J. 34. Schlarhorst, bsq.
* como
View original ee ee a ae ee
FOR SALE, the northern quart of Lot No.
27, from the middle road to the backdam, with the
buildings teercon, as it now slaacs.
Enquire at this Office.
View original s
Jno. BER
WD 7
a, Car
View original Tie Subscriber Offers Se followine Assortment of
Goods, just Imported from Ledion :—
Planters mess beef and pork in half barcels,
hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, sallad oi!, vinewar,
mustard, gan powder tea, refined sngar, spices, black
pepper, currants, prumes, oatmeal, split pease, bare
ley in jugs, oat in puncheons, Hoifinan’s fruits, con.
fictionsry, cherfy and raspberry brandy, old rum,
vin, brandy, London particular Madeira ia bhds.
malmsy in kegs, champaign, claret, Rhenish wine,
porter, pale ale, cyder, soap, candies, blue and starch,
paints, oils, spirits turpentine, pilch, tar, red ocher,
nlain and patent rope from 9 threads to 42 inch ca-
les, oakem, Unglish ensigns and buttin, fishin tines,
write rope, boat clasp and rose nails 4dy to 40dy,
large seized hoes, shovels, cutlasses, | and 2 gallon
tron pots, boat chains, plantation and shop scales and
Weigits, parlour door- warehouse and stock locks,
beok case and liquor crse do., hinges, bolts, screws,
jtsh pullies, sad irons, whip saws, files, carpenters
idzes, axes, planes,, gi:nbleis, pincers, COIN DASSPS,
chissels, gouges, tovi chests complete, eid irons,
Irving pans, tea kiltles, negro and (ratlesmens jackets,
wrappers, hats, coffe and colton bagging, Osna-
ourzs, coccks, India blucand white salempores, while
md yellow nankeens, chiatz, hkfs., mustins, Man.
cavster nankoens, linen, broan [ollind, Mussia sheet.
‘ng, giighams, colours: jrcconct- and canbric-
Nustins, marsestles, dunity, clezant sets of ivo:
wandied hives and forks, plane do., badien knives,
pen and pocket do., razors, swords and dicks with
velis, sword huots, gokl lace, frors, silk sashes, wa.
‘ont lamps, shades, liquorand eruet stands or ent cicss,
pint and haif pint goblets, wine «lasses, salt ccllers,
dager basons, cream coloured ware in sets toonit pure
chasers, cups and saucers, ewus and basons, gentle.
nen’s hats, Buots, shoes, stuckings, gloves, braces,
eloathing, broad cloth, kersimere, flannel, bictics’
bunncts, shoes, zlotes, stocking, spencers and dresses,
plain and tai'd whites black. and coloured. surce-
its, White satin, black crape and bombazeen, thread
ape, milfinary, unbrellas, porascls, walking sticke,
vid cages, flour sitters, house brooms, scrubbing.
shoc- and paint- brushes, toilette and common louk-
mg plasmes, garden secds, watering pots, fowling
piecrs, gan powder, shot, shot belts, powder fhiks,
Jints, postaml foolscap paper, quills, ink powder,
pencils, blank and ruled bouks, waters, scaling wax,
mi etinids, water seals, rulers, slates, writing deh,
nessuage and pl€ying cards, Invendere rose- “4
yoneys water, hoile antigue, haiz and tooth brushe
razor stiops, dressing cascs, ivory chest men, billiera
balls, wiyestles, silver spoons, torks and skewers, pl:-
led chamber and bracher canclesticks, cgg stands
py glisses, &c. oe
20 May. W.TENERY.
View original ~~
ALL persons having any claims aga:nst the
Estate ot J.C. Schotlevanzer, dec. are reques!cd to
reader the same as svun as possible to the undersigae
20 May. Del. Exect. tu aboven. istate.
View original FOR SALKE—Imported ta the ship Grant-
ham, an clegant ‘Top Chaise, painted yellow, pickcd
out black, lined with super fine cloth and rich face
frimmings, combining in no common degree the ree
quisite Qualities of neatness and lightness, having
been built wider the particular inspection of an old
resident fora gentleman of this colony since retired
to Burope, to be had for the vctual cest im Utis
country, by application to
View original NOTICE toall persons, who are indebted to,
the undersigned, either py goods, open accounts, or
vther specialities, to come forward with payment
withont lass of time ; as all goods, open accounts, of
other specialities unsettled within fortaightalter dale
of this notice, will be placed in the hands of his At-
lornies Masrs. Sinal and van Rossum for recovery,
without respect to persons.
20 May. D. MARTIN.
View original Sl Sg
NO’TICEH, all those who are indebted to Me.
J.P. Biver, for medically atten ianec or medicines de
livered, ave requested to come forward with immed}
ale payment to the undersigned, by whom several ap
plication having been made for payment, but wilhon
effect; all accounts not settled on tae Ist day of Jud
next, will be put in the bands of the Marshal.
* 80 May. G. SCHWARTZ, qa.
‘THE Creditors of J W. Heytineyer are r
queste;! to send in their Claims at the Office of
View original —< -=_ ~wer mw >
-” a = Se ae a
- — —
— ———s—=
‘shed every Saturday at & o'clock P wif
By Vv. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Gocterninent Prwtcys

27 May 1815