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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
View original oC —— —— —
THE resumed Sittings of the Court of Civil Jus-
tice, is fixed for Monday the 20th Sept. 1813.
Court ILouse, Berbice, 24th Aug.
View original WANTED
FROM 2-to 300,000 pounds of best quality Cof-
fee, for which colony money, or Bills, at 90 days:
sight, will be given in payment, on delivery.
No smaller quantities than 20,000 Ibs. will be pur-
chased.—Apply for particulars to W. Karz, plan-
tation Vryheid, or to J, Bropenick. plantation Ed-
dertown. Sept. 18.
THE undersigned hereby gives Notice, that he has
-removed his Office to Lot No. 17, in New Amster-
dam, at a house formerly occupied by Mr. H. Lu-
turers, where he purposes attending on business,
every weck, from the Mondays to the Fridays in-
clusively, between the hours of nine a. m. and three
gr. m.—18 Sept.
View original
TUE Subscriber being on the eve of departure
from the colony, for the restoration of his health, re-
quests those Gentlemen to whom he is indebted, by
note of hand or otherwise, to apply to F. Britrre-,
BANK, Esq. for Payment. Any letter directed for
that Gentleman and left at the Vendue Office, will be
Brighton, 1S Sept. SIMON FRASER.
FOR the Use of the Negroes, attached to the Ci-
vil Goverment, viz.
37 Negro jackets,
37 Ditto liats,
99 Cheek shirts,
10 Russia sheeting ditto,
15 White linen ditto, »
50 Pair of Russia sheeting or duch teowser.
50 Ells of blue salem pores, and
9 Puncheons of rum.
Tenders forthe above Articles, Ginarked, Pen-
der for Mecro Clothing’) will be received by the
Subscriber, till 10 o’clock:on Monday morning the
$7th inst. when they will be ypened Dy presence of
His Excclleney the Goveruor, and the lowest 'Ten-
der, ifapproved of, will be accepted.
Berbice, 11th Sept.
Wau. SCOTT, Commissary.
ALL those who may have any claims against the
Estate of Anex. Mckrumir, dec. will please to
render inthe same to either of Che undersigned, and
those indebted to said Estate to make payment ac-
cordinyly. JOS. DIERKICK.
J] Sept. W. ROSH, [execcutors.
WIHILEREAS no statements have been sent in to
the said Committee of the following Jands in the
town of New Amsierdam, the proprietors. whereof
are unknown, w2.—
Lot No. 22—14 feet of the northern batk quarter,
fronting ceutre road.
Do. do, 22— 9 roods between the land of F. B. Ader
and J. T. . Matthews.
Do. do, 22—1-16th lot of the southern back 1-.4th,
frouting the back dam.
Do. do. 35—back half.
Do. do. 37—northern back 1-4th and southern half
from fromt to back.
Do. do. 43—the whole lot.
Do. do. 44—the northern back 1-4th.
e Do. do. 45—the northern half from front to back.
Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may con-
cern, that conformable to the Publication of the Ho-
norable Court of Policy, bearing date 16th of August
last past, the said several pieces of land, or such as
of which no returns are ai that time given in, will be
exposed and sold at public sale immediately after
this advertisement shall have appeared three times
in the Berbice and Demerary Gazettes.
By command of the Committee,
New Amsterdum, 30th Avg. 1818.
View original SATURDAY, the 18th of Septen
View original Secretary's Office.
Wordt geadverteerd, dati This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor. blic, that the following per-
nemens zyn uit deze Kolonie|sons intend quitting this Co-
te vertrekken. lony
A. A. de la Court in 6 weeks from Aug. 14.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bekendy NOTICE is hereby given,
zemaakl, dat een maand na\that a month after date the
dato de volgende Transpor-.) following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken szullen| Mortgages will be passed,
terleden worden,
Aug. 14. J. Quarles will transport to W. Kewley,
his part of lot No. 8, in New Amst. with the
building thereon, adjoining west to Mary
. Blair, and east to H. W. Hackmann.
——- Wn. Kewley will transport to Th. C. Jones
and John Quarles, the lotof land called Za-
pin’sburgh, situated in the East coast canal.
Who are to pass a mortgage on said land,
with 30 head of cattle and their encrease, in
favor of said W. Kewley.
21 Aug. B. Lohinan will traasport to Peter Mathews
the south buck quarter of lot No. 42, New
Amsterdam. >
—— . Lohinan will tran$port to Johu Croft, 490
fect of land, from the north back quarter oi
lot No. 42, New Amst. adjoining the new cen-
tre road.
Thomas Fraser will transport to Douglas
Reid & Co plantation Kingeicy, situated on
the west sea coast of this colony, with Fifty
eight Slaves, and all its appurtenances.
Sept. 4, Widow P. Eggers wilt transport to J. Vort
‘Lot No. 54, situate in the 2d empolder of Uris
——- Lewis Cameron qq. E. 8. Traser, will pass a
mortgage on plantatioa loi 25, Cui aunexis,
in favor of James Fraser.
—— Thomas Fraser will transport to J. T. & A:
Douglas & Co. bis plantation Aingelly, situ-
atyl! on the West sea coast of Berbice, as also
the Slaves, and other appurtenances and de-
peodencies. y
11 Sept. R. Harper, x. vu. will transport te Win.
Schulz, 10 roods of the southern back quarter
of lot No. 4, New Amsterdam, next adjoming
the front part belouging to said R. Harper.
——— J. A. Hicken, as Executor to the Will of
A. Schtipfer, dec. will transport to Win.
Schulz, the back halfof Lot No. 53 and the
back ha tot lot No. $4, in New amsterdan.
-—— Joh. vanden Broek will pass 2 Vortgage to
be vested on plantation Deutichem, in favor
of Afex. Brano and W. Stumek, of London,
in trust tor A. G. Melne.
—-— Hlizabeth Bennett will transport to Renn Set-
dle Nine roods and nine fect of Laud, situate
on the southein hali of uot No. 8, fiom the
middle read.
Sept. 18. J. A. Hicken qq. the estate of A Schliipfer,
dec., will transport fo the free Negro woman,
Sara van Schliipter, a quarter of lot No. 33,
and a quarter ot lot No. 34, with the buildings
ou the last mentioned, both ext nding from
the new centre road towards the front quarters
of the same lots.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Courtot Policy and Criminal
Justice, of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of
the 26th July, 1813, for Letters of Manuncission.
The mulatto woman Molly Hagar, assisted by A.
I’. Fischer, for herself.
HH. Luthers for the Sambo woman Massy.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letters of Manumission, that they may ad-
dress themselves in writing to the undersigned Secre-
tary of the Colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions
ot the Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be
made on the aforesaid Petitions.
Berbice, 27th July. R.C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original PUBLIC VENDUES.
On Wednesday the 29d inst will be sold at the
House of Mrs. M. Lindner, on lot No. 10.—An as-
sortment of printed cambrics, checks, cotton stripe,
negro hats, muslins, cotton cambrics, glass, tin, and
stoneware, Irish linen assorted, bottled Madeira wine
and London porter, loaf sugar, tea, gentlemens boots,
ladies boots and shoes, ladies & gentlemens silk stoc-
kings, do. gloves, 2 sophas, a 6 barrel organ, &c.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Thursday the 23d inst. wilt be sold at the Ven-
due Office, without reserve,—Madeira wine in qrt.
casks, Port wine in bottles, London porter in do.,
beef, pork, hams, soap, candles, tobacco, coffee bags
and bagging, negro clothing, cotton hammocks, shot
and powder, dry goods, &c.—Also a negro man and
woman, good ‘field people, and sold for nv fault. @
Db. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Ma:ter.
View original On Thursday the 30th inst. will be sold at plantation
Brighton, by order of the Hon. Simon Fraser, Household
Furniture, viz,—A handsome side board, a do. claw foot.
ed breakfast table, a dining table with D ends for 24 peo.
ple, chairs, sophas, card tables, bedsteads, a wardrobe
with drawers, chests of drawers with a writing desk in
each, Indies’ dressing tables, cloth screess, boot & shoe
rocks, (al! solid wnahogany. A handsome satin wood
desk with drawers, metresses, bolsters, counterpanes,
carpet and oil cloths, a case of plate complete for 12 peo.
ple, 2 sets tea services with tea and coffee urns, 4 beef
steak dishes, bottle slides, porter mgs, candlesticks, &c.
(al! plated).—A handsome sctt of blue table ware, a do,
du. But glass, shades, &c.—A collection of books. —And
lastly frei 50 to 60 head of fine cattle including 24 oxer
and (OO sheep, 3 horses for saddle or draught, a chaise,’
a billiard table complete, &c.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
———— ——
View original ——
( With or without about 50 Negroes),
Being Lot No. 9 on the West Corentyn coast of Berbice,
and known on the general Chart as } of Lots
No. 7,8, & 9. ;
The healthy and very desirable situation of this pro-
perty, arewel] known, no lands within the colony, being
better adapted for the growth of Cotton, besides adording
abundance of good Plantain Land.
bts present cultivation consist of 318 Acres in fine bear.
ing Cotton, Plantains and Ground Provision: all in ex-
celent order.—To an approved purchaser, liberal terms
wii be given.
Should this property not be disposed of by private
Sale, Defore the Ist July next 1813, it will besold at Pu.
blic Sale.
Application to be made in the meantime, to Mr. Hugh
Rose, on the state, or to
Day of Sale fixed.
On Monday the Ist of November next, at the Vendue
Office’ by order of Messm. Evan & Angus Fraser, as there.
into specially authorised, will be sold by Public Sale the
Plantation ROSE HALL, Courantine coast, Berbice,
situated and described as above, witn all its Slaves and
every thing attached, agreeably to an Inventory to be
seen at this Office.
Terms of Pay ment—For Land, Cultivation and Buitd.
ngs—oU safislactory security being given by the Pur.
chaser,—L 2 & 3 years by equal Anuual [nstalments, with
Interest. For the Negroes.
Approved Bills of Exchange, on delivery at 12, 18,
and 24 months sight,—or as an encouragement toa Pur.
chaser, who may be desirous of taking the whole of the
Property, as it at present stands, say thgland and negroes
together, the terms of payment will be extended to Fg,
and 3, ycars onsecurity being given to the satisfaction of
Messrs. Evau & Angus Fraser,
ID. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue_ Master.
On Wedtiesday the 6th October next, will be séld at
the Vendue Office, by order of the Hon, George Munro
and and Robt. Douglas, Esquires, Pin. SCOTLAND,
situate on the west bank of the river Berbice, consisting
of two lots of land uf 500 acres cach, with 80 Negroes.
(the Acre money warranted paid), the terovs will be made
favorable to an approved purchaser, and which may be
known by application to the Vendue office.
On the same day, by order of Messrs. Derrick & Kose
as Curutors to the Last Will and Testament of Alexander
M’Kemmie, dec. some fine milk cows and calves, a gold
watch, wearing apparel, &c.
D.C. CAMERON, DepoVendoe Master.

View original PROCLAMATION.
BY Ilis E-xcellency Major-General Mounray,
Toeutenant-Governor;, and Commander in Chief
én and over the Colony of Berbice, and its De-
pendencies, &c. é&c. We.
V 7 HEREAS The Berbice Gazette of the 29th.
May last, did contain a leng and libellous
paragraph upon the subject of Mr. Bent’s appoint-
ment as Receiver and Manager of alien properties a!
Surinam, studiously calculated to excite dissatisfac-
tiun in the minds of His Majesty's subjects, and ap-
pearing from the channel thro’ which it obtained
publicity, to derive a sanction for such a feeling as
well as by its falsity tending to mislead the ignorant
or unwary.—
I dodeei it no less a duty which I owe to the In-
habitants now committed to my jurisdiction, who
might be led into error by the above offensive publi-
cation, than to the King my Master, who is pleased
to repose sueb a trust in me, and at whose Govern-
ment it was levelled; to declare, that altho’. this co-
lony has experienced the mild sway of His Majesty’s
arental Government alone, since it sttrreridered to
his arms, and that the terms then granted to the co-
Jonists until his pleasure should be signified, have
remained unaltered, that it is névertheless within
his conipetence atid Royal prerogative to make such
changes in the Constitution of his Conquests, as he,
may judge necessary, without any reference what-
ever to his Parliament; and that itis the effect of
1¢ Conqueror’s clemency or of his wisdom, that in
lis his conquest, the former Usages and Laws are
continued until circumstances arise to make the a-
doption of others necessary : of which His Majesty’s
Loyal and Dutiful Subjects are required to take due
holice, and govern themselves accordingly.
King’s Howse, Berbice, 4th Sept. 1813.
Py His Evcellency’s command.
B. F. TOUCKNISS, Assist. Gov. See.
HIS Exe llency, Major-General Murray, has
Been appoint Richard Chapman, [squire,
Government Secretary, and Mr’ Benjamin F. Tuck-|
niss, Assistant Government Secretory of this colony.
King’s Louse, Werbice, this 30th Mug. 1813.
$e ae
_— ree eee
View original ew oe -—C——=™
HIS Pxcellency has also been pleased to appoint
Thos. © “mery, Esq. Acting Government Seereta-.
ry, of Berbice.
King’s isvuse, Berbice, Uiis 20th Aug. 1313.
By command.
Assist. Gov. Sec.
TIS hereby given: That all Demands against the
Civil Government, are required to be given in to the
Civil Comm. shy the Q5th inst. Any that are
neglected to be rendered by that period, will not be
attended to atierwards.
— ee
By Command,
B. F. TUCK NISS, 4. Gov. Sec.
View original OT —
Wis E-rcelency Major-General Munnay having
received the follawing Letter from the Governor of
Martiniqnve-~the same is communicated to the Inha-
bitants of this Government for their information, and
grone!s recommended to their serious consideration.
King’s House, Berbice, itth Sept. 1813.
By Wis Freellency'’s Command.
Tiros. C. EMERY, Act Gov. Sec’y.
“Fort Royal, Martinique, Aug. 18, 1813.”
“This Island haying suffered most severcly, by a
dreadful Hurricane, on the 23d ultimo, by which 49
vessels belonging to the Island, or connected with its
Trade have begn lost; many Sugar works and other
Buildings thrown down, or otherwise materially da-
maged ; the Cane and other plantations essentially
injured , and what is most melancholy! the plan-
tains and manioc, on which at least Ninety’ Thous-
and persons depend as their daily bread, almost to-
tally destroyed ; the object of this letter is to inform
your Excellency of the distressed state of the Colony,
with the hope that it may encourage the Merchants
within your Government, tu come to our relicf with
Provisions and Lumber.”
‘‘] have the honor tu be,
‘“Your Excellency’s most obedt.
humble servant.
“(Signed ) | “CH. WALE.”
Nis Exceliedcy Majortien. Murray,
or Oticer Adwinistesing the Governe
meat of Berbice.
View original - -
' a Se ee
—"", { ie
unto «©
—— a
No arrivals here during this wzeek.—We are not able
to say any thing further about our Packet.--Some ves.
sels it is suid, has passed down for Demerary.
AE sa
_ From the late knglish Papers.
We understand that it is intended to confer the honors
of the Peerage, with appropriate pensions, upon Sir T.
Graham, and Sir R. Hill, for their distinguished conduct
in the late battles,
The loss of the French in the Glorious Victory of Vit-
toria, was unknown to our immortal Hero, Wellington,
but it was understood by his gallant Aid-de-Camp, Major
I'reemantle, that since the commencement of the opera-
tions, not less than 20,000 men had perished or been ta-
ken. ‘T'woFrench Generals were prisoners at Vittoria,
when the Major passed thro’ that town on his way to
England. and it was stated by them that 8 Generals had
been taken, wounded, or killed.
A number of dispatches have been received from Officers
in the Mediterranean and Adriatic; detailing a variety of
very gallant exploits by the crews and marines of our crui-
sers on thosse statious, particularly those of the Berwick ,
and Euryalus, who took and destroyed 23 vessels, and a
ship of war; those of the invincible who spiritedly co-
operated in an. enterprize with a Spanish force; those of
theeV olontaire and Repulse, who gallantly cut out anum-
ber of vessels ; those of the Apollo, who, with a detach-
ment of troops uuder Col. Robertson, captured thre Is-
land of Augusta; and several other enferprizes of minor
descriptions, by other ships.
Major-Gen. Dalaval has proceeded to Trinidad to take
the command of the truops stationed there, in the room of
Lieut.-Gen. Munro, who is about to return to Euro,e.
The Manchester packet has been captured by the York
own American pnvatecr, after a running fight of 20 h.
Iiis Majesty’s brig Persian, has lately been lost on a
cluster of rocks, called the Silver Cayes, near the Baha.
inas—the crew werc fortunately saved.
—= 06 2 9O| SP 19 Gece —
Addressed to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex,
in consequence of his Speech at the Dinner given to
the Catholic Delegates.
Sin—You have forced into discussion a question, which
honester Lawyers and wiser Statesmen than your ivy al
flighness takes into your Councils, bave deprecated and
avoided. For tits imprudeuce, your elder brother, the
Regent, will give you little thanks; though, happily, tus
principles aud his measures disarm the question of all its
present mischief. Let us hope, Sir, that the time biay
never arrive, When onr lineal safety shall be exchanged for
collateral danger; that the plume which now waves on
gur Regents head shall never be cast by your hand into
the **seale;?and that Englishmen shall never again be ur-
ged to restore its balance by a Kevolution.—By what right
does your Royal Iighness, stending at the distance of se-
ven degrees from the throne, prescribe to Englishmen the
measure of their allegiance, and slander the principles of
the Revolution as treasonable ? Are you alone conpetent
to decide on the Jaws of the jand, the obligations of your
father’s Crown, or the duties of his subjects? Has any
distant anticipation raised a contingent reversion into a
vested possession? Is your prospective interest so closely
approximated, or ts your fraternal anxiety so affection.
ately excited, that you should demand from Englishmev
an unconditional allegiance to your Father’s Throne and
to your Brother’s Government ?-—Fear not, Sir, for the
Regent. His vindication of those principles which com.
mitted the scepter to his House, his maintenance of the re-
ligion and liberties of Britain, secure to him our allegi-
ance as strongly as if it were his unconditional right.—
Fear not, Sir, for yourself. Your title is yet too remote
to need our consideration; and possibly we shall never
be visited with an occasion for discussing the conditions
of our al.egiance or of your Sovereignty.—Sir, it very
ill becomes a Prince of your House to advance .so wild a
claim. Neither your Father nor your elder Brother did
ever put it forward; and, had any one been so mischicv-
ous to dio them that ill office, they would have silenced the
impradent assertor. Of your Father, I may now speak
as of the honored dead ;—of that departed virtue, to which
the praise of man is indifierent while it pierces not the
grave.—Of our Regent, 1 will net incur the charge of
View original adulation, But T willinsist, that hey, to whom uncon.
ditional allegiance might have safely been given; did never
require it. Conditional allegiance was sufficient for So.
vervigns who had no wish of infriuging its condition ;—
uncond.tional allegiance can be demanded only by Tye
rau(s in possession or expectancy, preditermined to vioe
fate his own compact, and to compel the sublnission of the
people. low long docs your Royal Highness calculate
that the Members of the Whig Club, the successors and
disciples of Fox, the posterity of the Revolution Peers,
‘*the descendants of the Russells, the Cavendishes, and the
Somers,’”? would abandon the nation and support the des-
pot?—You may chafe, Sir, and your high dignity may be
offended ; but 1 will take the privilege of a Briton, aud
read you a lecture on the British Constitution, with which
you seem less conversant than with the dogma of the Pos
pish Church, or the advantages of your own Protestant
Royalty. You say, that you know the principles which
placed your family on the throne Whence comes it, Sir,
that your pride has conquered your recolicction? W hy
compel us to inform you, that our ancestors did not
change their dynasty for the mere pleasure of the
change, or for the personal preference of one family
to another? Sir, despite of my attachment to your
Brother, and my veucration for your Father, you oblige
me to repeat to you amost uncourtly lesson; one which
you wii pever hear from your Popish Parasites, until EB.
manci, ation shall have aceomplished the separation of Ire.
land, and the restoration of the Stuart race.——that the Pros
testant Estabiishment was the end of the Revolution, while
the Hanoverian succession was but its means. Dispute this
position, and you dispute the Act of Settlement, dhe Title
Deedof your Estate, which secures the Crown in y our Fae
mil), **peinc Protestant,” but which excludes any one
ofits Members who should liberalize his conscience into Po.
pery. In this event, which 1 expect that you will tell me
is impossible, the succession must pass by Royal Convert,
aud, as your admirer, Mr. Whitbread, says ‘‘light upor
the head”? of the neat heir werne'a Protestant; unless,
indeed, you shall insist that our conditional allegiance can.
not be withd.awn from the violator of the condition.-Sir,
your hiscorical researches into the ara of the Revolution,
with which your Royal Highness’s interest in our British
annals commences,and your poleinic inquiries into theC reed
of Catholicism, must have taught you that tyranny and
Popery have been alway» concurrent; thata Tyrantis ge.
nerally a Papist, and that a Papist 1s alwaysatyrant; that
the Stuarts always vindicated Popery, and that Popery al.
ways vindicated the Stuarts. Ltis not therefore astunishiug,
that the advocate of unconditional submission to the Papists
should insist on unconditional allegiance to the Sovereign.
But we may still wonder, that the example of James Stuart
should be so speedily forgotten : of that misguided Duke,
who suyported Popish Emancipation and unconditional
allegiance ;-—the one to relieve his conscience from the act
of uniformity, and the other to protect his inheritance from
the Bull of eaclus.on, In Engiand Sir, as in a neighbouring
State, we have witnessed the dangerous interference of the
ikoyal Dukes. One ruined his own accession and created
a Revolution 5 auuther overtarned the crown of his family,
and cicated a rebellion, Never, Sir, may a Prince of your
Royal House 0 casion to his country the same ealamity,
or to himself the same retribution,
or THe CATnoLic Bisnops:
Alta General Mecting of the Roman Catholic Prelates
of Ireland, held this day, 27th of May, 1813. Most
Reverend Richard O Reilly, D. D. President.
Resolved unanimously-—T hat having serious] examined
the copy of a ill now im progress through Parhament,
purporting to provide fur the removal of the Civil and
Military Disqualifications uvuder which his Majesty’s Ro.
man Catholic subjects lahour, We fee! ourselves bound
to declare, that the Ecclesiastical Clauses or Securities
therein contained, are utterly incompatible with the disci.
pline of the Rowan Catholic Church, and with the free
exercise of our Religion,
Resolved unanimously—That, without incurring the
heavy guilt of schism, we cannot accede to such regula.
tions; nor can we dissemble our dismay and consterna.
tion at the consequences which such regulations, if en.
forced, must necessarily produce,
(Signed. ) R. OREILLY, President,
View original FROM ruxk Sv. VINCEN! GAZETTE
of Junk 26.
LocnurapD, v. Facncy anp Grant.
Mr. Lochhead was appointed to the charge of superin.
tendant of His Majesty’s Botanical Garden in this Island,
by a Warrant from the Secretary at War, dated in August
last, and arrived in this Colony to occupy his situation im,
October. His Excellency Sir C. Brisbane, the Governor,
by and with the advice of his Privy Council, was pleased
to suspend Mr. Lochhead from his situation, in January,
and very soon after, by his own proper authofity, as far
we know, to supersede Mr. Lochhead by appointing in
his place J. F. Grant, Esq. one of the defendants, as ape
peared by the following notification inour Gazette of the
13th Feb. :—
“Government House, St. Vincent, 12th Feb. 1813.
“ His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint John
Francis Grant, Esq. Superintendant of His Majesty’s Botanical Gar-
den, until the pleasure of kis Royal Highness the Prince Regent shali
be made known, By his Excellency’s command,
“Anton WARNER, See?’
View original Mr. Lochhead refused to leave the Garden, and the’
house belonging to the establishment, unless obliged to do
so. The Commanding Ojlicer here was applied to, we
understand, but declined interfering on one side or the
other—Mr. French, one of his Majesty’s Council, and,
consequently a Magistrate, took upon himself to dispos-
sess'Mr. Lochhead, by going to the Garden with a Con.
stable, and using those means which the law calls forcible
dispossession, or forcible entry ; the other Defendant, Mr.
Grant, was in company, and had previously written to Mr.
Lochhead, to say, that having been appointed to the place
of Superintendant of his Majesty’s Botanical Garden, he
wished to entcr upon his duty, and to take possession of
the premises as carly as possible, being obliged to leave
the house where he then was for a few days.—The fol-
lowing Jury were impannelled after a multiplicity of re.
jections on the parts of the Defendants, but vot a single
one on tho part of the Plainuill:—
James Higgins, Esq. Foreman; Alex. Cruikshank,
Thomas Patterson, J. W. Carmichael, W. Ilepburn, J.
Nichoil, James Cruikshank, F. W. Ward, John Luke,
H. Hackshaw, A. Cuthbert, and Isaac Barker, Esqrs.
It is impossible for us to do any thing like justice to
the very able and cloquent speech in which Mr. Keane.
opened and pleaded the case on behalf of the Plaintill, but
we may briefly attempt to give the leading points of his
arguments :—
He began by saying, that it would be the extreme of'
affection to presuppose that the Jury were ignorant of
thenature of the cause which they were now to try, for
that the public voice and sentinient had been so loudly and
So strongly expressed already, and the impression made on
the public mind was stil] so warin, as to leave no doubt of
the earnest attention with which the Jury were prepared
to hear it.—Ilis doubt was only whether he should be able
on his part, to gratify their indulgence, and meet the pu-
blic expectation in the manner he wished.’ Whatever his
deficiency, there should be found none in the zeal which
he possessed to do justice to his client, and the cause he
had undertaken. Llis zeal should vot be of that kind which
would avail itself of the notoriety he had alluded to, or of
any popular ferment, but of a true and loyal zeal fo- the
cause of truth and justice, the law of the land, and the
liberty of the subject. Both he and his client abhorred
the discordant aud opposite principles of revenge and jus-
tice being blended together, nor did they suppose that such
a monstrous combination would influence the verdict of
the Jury. Asa proof of his moderation, he necd only
Say, that this cause might have been brought on at a much
earlier period than the present, when the public indigna.
tion was recent and high, and when any quantum of da.
mages would not have been considered exorbitant, or per-
haps equivalent. Jle had allowed time for that burst of
Surprise and indignation to pass away, and waited till it
had settled in (he cool composure of sober reason and re.
ficction. As for himself, as a proof of the dispassionate
and upright mauner in which he wished lo view the cause
now before them, he had refused to sign or even to sue any
Papers or proceeding which might prejudge the case; it
could not therefore be supposed that he had a wish to
work on the prejudices of others. With this he might
contrast the conduct of the adverse party-——Uheir cabals,
intrigues, menaces, and epithets of dilie.cut hinds, applied
both to his client and (o himself, personally and profess.
onadly, ‘These he treated with contempt and derision, and
all this “*Brudum fudmen,”? had fallen important to the
earth ; ‘Sand for what,”’ said the learned Council, ‘all this
sudden and inexpressible anger against me? bor doing
that duty which the oath of ®y profession binds me (o do
—for supporting right even when the aim of power is
raised against her—for the heinous crime of daring to dee
fend a frieudicss stranger!—but, to crown the clinaa of
‘ absurdity aud arrogance, this is to be distinguished by the
high-sounding name of a Government Catse;—a Go.
vernment Cause, indeed! Wagri nommis ambral But
the drift of this is palpable enough—it is equally mean
and absurd— it is intended to give agrand andawful eilect,
and as it were to throw the robes of royalty over the de.
fence; ang at the same time to mark the Plaintiff and his
Counsel as disaffected subjects—to. brand them with sedi.
tion and rebellion, and what not!—But with what Go.
vernment does this cause claim alliance? It eertainly
cannot be with the British Government; for theattributes
of that are power with wisdom, and justice with merey.’’
To identify the lawles outrage committed on his Client
with any thing which bears the name of British, in the
whole system of right and wrong—with the Crown or the
Constitution, or the character of England—would be the
‘game as if the worshipper of the Sun should transfer his
adoration to an eclipse, and when obliged to contemplate
him at times through distempered mists and fogs, should
forget the unsullicd, the glorious luminary of light, and
life, and joy, and bestow his devotion ona dismal Parhe.
lion! In this present case, he would not sufler the prosti-
tution of the name of Government, nor would he admit
of its authority. ‘The Sovercign of Britons ‘*can do no
wrong—can suffer no wrong’’—bat here all was wrong.
illegal, and unrighteous—all was abusive of the Sover-
eignty. But since the adverse party had put it ona pu,
blic footing, he would thank them for the latitude thus
given him, as it would allow him to enter thus generally
into all proceedings, instead of confining himself to the
issue as a mere matter of trespass by individuals. He cer-
tainly, if he chose, might treat it as any other simple ac.
fion of trespass between individuals, for weither of the
Defendants was charged, in the declaration field, as a
Magistrate; the Defendants themselves, through their
Councils, had pleaded only the general issue, and there
was nothing on the record which could render it other
than an individual ease of trespass, and the Jury conld
View original not see any such distinction. —It was customary with
Council to state someting with regard to the characters
as well as the names }-# the parties. In large societies this
might benecessary,j— «tin a sinall community like this it
was superfluous. ‘The Plaintiff, however, was a stranger
—he was present: he was one to whom some delicasy was
due, as he was no glutton of flattery. He would leave
the Jury to conjecture what he was, by stating only what
‘he was not. He was not a mischievous political scribbler
‘(as reported), for he never had, by any ribaldry of his
insulted the character, or disturbed the peace of socicty.
He was not a libeller, for he had not anonymonsly, or
otherwise, attacked any man’s character. He was not, in
short, any thing but what an honest man ought to be,
and should wish to be. Such a character for his Client,
were it necessary, he could support by the testimony of a
dozen witnesses then present. It was well known to lhe
Community, that the Plaintiff was called from ‘Trinidad
by the late respectable Doctor Anderson, to take the
charge of his Majesty’s Botanic Garden iu this colony,
and recommanded by him as his successor. Having twice
come over for that purpose, as long as his duty in Trini-
dad allowed him, and no appointment having during that
time arrived from the War Office, he was under the ne-
cessity of returning tv that colony. His warrant having
at last arrived, he came to St. Vincent to his charge, which
he found occupied by Mr. Grant, one of the Detendaurs,
by the appointment of the President, and the approbation
of the Governor. As his Excellency had, in a letter to
the Plaintiff before his leaving Trinidad, declared, that he
considered him as the fittest person for such a charge, and
as it was a public charge of sume consequence, he certain.
ly expected that countenance and support which had al.
mostinvariably been shewn by all former Governors, and
by Sir Charles himself, to the establishment aud its Super.
intendant. He was disappointed—his reception was cold
and repulsive, and the few attempts which he considered
it his duty to make to oblige or to consiliate’ were so re-
ceived, that he ceased to repeat them, and confined him.
self entirely to the duties of the Garden—a situation so
relired and inoffensive, that he thought himself complete.
ly remote from all chance of being any w ay embroiled, ci.
ther publicly or privately, ———**But (said the learned
Counsel), it seems it was not so ;—premeditated mischief
and party intrigue had awaited his arrival :—spies and
Suspicious dogged him at the outset.—IHle had allowed the
manager ofa neighbouring plantation to take away four
the copper-holes or the stills, some of the saperHuous and
useless wood, which he wished the garden clear of, and a
domestic to sell some Malacca apples, which were falling
from the trees and rotting on the ground. Would it be
believed that such ridiculous trifles were carefully stowed
in the Vice-royal mind to be brought forward in dread
array against the Plaintiff? ‘Lhe quarrel was previously
picked, systematic, and digested, and ready for the fiest
opportunity to burst out in all its fury ; it began by de.
ferring and a refusal to sign the Garden accounts, which
had been attested as usual; this brought ou a correspou.
dence, which he should now read to the Court. (Here
the Counsel read several notes and letters which had
passed on the occasion.) ** Now, Gentlemen,’ said he,
‘*y ou will see the reasons, why this premeditated quarrel
rypened invo such irreconcileableeumity, aud was followed
up by such unprecedented proceedings. ‘The Plaintifi had
unforvunately hinted at the depredations made in the Gar-
dey by cattle, said to belong to His Excellency, whose
ranges he had thought it his duty to contract, and had
accordingly commenced his labours by repairing or re.
hewed the fences, to the exelusion of such intruders.
This way a heinious offence, but there was another. still
greater:—-in aletter to the Secretary at War, he had
moreover thought himself bound to mention the eld Bar-
rack-Ground—its present state—the variety of claims
made to it, and the propriety of its being, oue day at least
united to the Botame Garden. This was amorsel which
had, in the mind's eye, becu already appropriated to a
difteren¢ purpose, and it was therefore a sort of vice-trea.
son to havemade any mention of that Ground. What.
was the consequence? The very first or second day after
(hese coriwunications were made,: His Excellency was
pleased to call an inspection of the Garden. What. the
object of that inspection was, may be easily guessed,
Nextday, a meeting of the Privy Conncil was called;
and immediately on its breaking up it wus announced to
the Plaintiff that His Excellency, by and with the advice.
of his Privy Council, had been picased to suspend him
from his office of Superintendant
(To be continued in our next,
View original SE
Presenteerd uit de hand te Koop, tot civile prysen
voor kassa of produkten, zyn Lot No. 26 en zyn part
in No. 8, met gebouwen, in een of ecdeeltens, kom-
picte boerewy Framen, en geschaaft vierkant boere-:
wy Hout en plankenin soorten. Diverse winkel wa-
ren als yzer, tin, koper, blik, aarde, linnen, wollen,
cn katoen-waren, oude rum in puncheons, water va-
ten, Fransche waterpotten, en an te goede-
ren. 28 Aug.
View original _——EE——
THE undersigned in his capacity as gq. the Ex-
ecutrix of the late C. Stuveng, requests all those in-
debted to hiin, either by note of hand, open accounts
or otherwise, to come forward with inimediate pay-
ment.—2] Aug. G. BONE.
BY a Gentleman living in the country, a good
House Boy, of about 14 ycars of age; for which a
liberal price (cash) will be given—apply to
21 Aug. G. BONE.
ee ee ee eee oe
LIST of Letters remaining in the Post-Offce,
which if not called for, will be forthwith return-
edto Europe. .
Brown, Mrs.) Bridgewater Miss E.) Bisphane, Me.
J.) Barnes, Mr. J.) Bryant, Mr. J.) Balfour, Dr. J.
Corsis, F. L. de heer.) Carter, J. Hickman.) Chap-
man, Rich. Esq.) Collier, Mr. Rich.)
Douglas, Edmond A.) Domings, Chs.) Dunlop, Jas.
Dodgson, Robt.) Dromgold, Miss Mary.) Dove, Mr.
Eboral, Mr. Charles.) Elliot, Mr. Jos.
Findlater, Mr. David.
flies, L. F. de heer.) Guyot, Monsr. J.) Goriug,
re J. .
Harvie, Mr. Jas.) Herlin & Bender) Hagburne, Miss
Carsenia.) Hall, Mr. Jos.) Hall, Miss Catharine.)
Hinde, Mr. Thomas.) Heytmeyer, J. W.) Hewitt, ,
J. Lsq. Nickirie.) reaery Mr. John.
Jones, Capt.) Juhan, Jacob.) Jackson, Jas Esq.
K ,
Kerr, Oatharine.) King, Mr. Wa.) ixerr, Mr. Wm.
Kennedy, Mr.
Long, Ths. C.) Luthers, H.) Lighton, Mr. Thos.
Lewis Manor qq. of.)
Milligan, Jas. Esq.) McKinmice, Alex.) McDonald
J. Esq.) Morris, Capt.) McDowal, Capt. Robert.
McKenzie, Mr.) Muncker, J. J. Esq.) McIntosh,
Mr. Alex.) McKenzie, Capt.) Meredith, Robert.)
McKenzie, Mr. Rodk.) Mosset, Watchmaker.
Dissmirken, Miss. B.) Philips, Nath. Esq.) Pollet,
Jacob Carel.
Rawlins, Mrs.) Ricketts, Sam. Esq.) Reynolds, Mr.
W.) Roberts, Mr. John.) Rose, Mr. W. Inverness.
(Rimmer, Oliver.
Sheppard, Ths. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Allan.) Shaw,
Mr. Alex.) Shanks, Mr. Jam.) Sander, J, P. Es )
Shanks, E. Esq.) Stewart, Mr. Jam.) Shutter, Me
Campbell.) Sowerby, Mr. John) Smith, Mrs. M. F.
(Schwartz, Mr. G. 7
Tuit, Jas. Capt.) Thompson, Rbt.) Taitt, H. Esq.)
Watt, Alex. Esq.) Wade, Thos. Esq.) Wade, Rt.
sq.) Wade, Isaac Lsq.) White, Mr. Geo.) Wal-
ker, Dr. Geo.
Young, Mr. William. Fe
Post-Office, 21st Aug. 1813.
Wu. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Geh.
—— ——— Cl FC
—_—~——= —_
View original —_~-— —— ee” —
A'T sea, in front of this estate, a Punt, 18 feet in
length and 4$ feet beam. The owner may have it
restored by paying the expence of this advertise-
ment and rewarding the Negroes who picked it up.
No. 19, west coast, 21 Aug.
View original Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an palpi granted by the Hon-
erable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, nnder
date of 28th Aug. 1812, upon a petition presented
by Wm. Innes, incapacity as Curator over the Es-
tate of Jchn Donaldson, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Wm. Innes, in capacity aforesaid,
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown claimants against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be
held in the month of October, 1813, say Eighteen
hundred and thirteen, there to give in their claims
against said estate, and further to proceed according
to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
. K FRaNcCKEN, First Marshal.
View original
View original
View original Marshals Office.
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court of Justice, of this colony,
dated 4th August, I8138. :
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Tfon’ble
Courts,of this colony, in the name and behalf of R.
C. Downer and W. Lurr, in quality as Curators
to the Estate of A. M. van per Lanne, dec., do
hercby, for the third time,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Fs-
tate of A. M. van der Lande, to appear betore the
next ensuing Roll Court, to be held on Monday the
971h Sept. 1813, and following days, in order to ren-
der their claims in due form.
W hereas after the expiration of the fourth Edictal
Summons, will be proceeded against the non-appear-
ers according to law.
Berbice, 17th Sept. 1813.
K FRANCKEN, First Warshal.
een mmm ee
View original Se
Summons by Edict.
RY virtue ofan extract from the minutes of the
proeeédings of the Court ot Rolls of Civil Justice,
of this colony, under date of 4th August, 1813, gi-
ven in the cause of R. C. Downer, torself and J.
W. HeytMerver, as Curators to the Estate of the
Widow H. A. Bakker, versus, all known and un-
known Creditors of the Estate of J. C. Brozkenre,
Widow H. A. Bakker.
lL the undersigned, First Marshal of the Hon’ble
Courts of this colony, and at the request of R. C.,
Downer, for self and J. W. Heytmeyer, in their cae)
pacity aforesaid, for the third ume,
Summon by edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate:
of J. ©. Broekenea, Widow HT. A. Bakker; to ap-
ear before the next ensuing Court of Rolls, at their
Session to be held on Monday the 27th Sept. and
following days, u order to render their claims in due
Whereas afler the expiration of the fourth Sum.
mons, will b> d agamst the non-appearers,
according to Low.
Berbice, (7th Sept. I8T3.
K. PRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of avextriuct of the minutes of the Court
of Rolls of Covil Justice of this colony, dated 4th
August, ISITS.
*L the undersiened, Tirst Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colo cy, in the name and behalf of W.
Lawson aml W. ace tery, Curators to the Estate
of the late 4iw ys Jonis, dec., do hereby for the
third tine, :
S cormaon by Edict:
All known a: d unkno sn Creditors against the Es-
tates of CGiwyn- nd Aleit) Jones, to appear betore the
Hou, Court of Civil Justice, at thetr sessions of the
ordinary Court of Rolls, to be heid on Monday the
97th Sept. ISIS, and toilowing days, in order lo ren-
des their claiuis tn due form.
Wher as atter (he expiration of the fonrth Sum-
mons, will be proceed d against the non-appearcrs,
according to Law.
Be bice, 17tbySept. 1813.
K.FRANCKEN, First Marshal...
View original Sionmons by Edict.
By virtue ol aa Extract of the Minutes of the Court
of Rolls of Civil Justice of this colony, dated the 4th
August 1313.
1 the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony,, in the name and behalf of P.
FAIRBAIRN, gq. interim Sequestrator to the Estate
of James Fraser, for self and in that quality for
all other Representatives of that Estate, do hereby,
for the third tine,
Summon by Edict:
All persons having demands against the Estate of
the dee. James Fiaser, to appear before the nexten-
suing Court of Rolls, at the sessions to be held on
Monday the 27th Sept. 1813, and following days, in
order to render their clainis in due form.
W hereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons, will be proceeded against the non-appearers,
according to Law.
Berbice, 17th Sept. IS13.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Rolls, of thiscolony, dated Ath Aug. 1813.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, in the aame aud behalf of Levis Ca-
View original
View original MERON, qq. E. 8S. Frasek, do hereby for the third
time, 4
Summon by nung :
All known and unknown creditors, and claimants,
onthe proceeds of the cotton Estate forming a part
of Plantation No. 23, and sold by Execution ; to ap-
pent before the next ensuing Conart of Rolls, to be
:eld on Monday the 27th Sept. 1813, and following
days, in order to render their claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Sum-
mons, willbe proceeded against the non-appearers,
according to Law.
Berbice, 17th Sept. 1813. .
K. FRANCKEN, Ist Murthal.
View original el
IS hereby given to the Public: That the Sale of
Lot No. 31, second empolder, and the Buildings
thereupon, the property of J. T. Mathews, (which
Sale was postponed on the 2d of July last, until fur-
ther order), will now take place on Wednesday the
229d of Sept. 1813, at the Couit House of this colony,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, said Sale
being in favor of the Executee John Beresford.
Berbice, 10th Sept. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original NOTICE
IS hereby given to the Public, that the Execution
Sale of Plantation Hogstye, which was appointed
to take place this day, ts postponed until the 29th
inst. on account of the Dentecaty Newspapers in
which the Advertisement of said Sale was inserted,
net having arrived in due time within this colony.
Berbice, 2d September, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, Ist [.rp/.
Oe ee ee Oe
—_——— —_—= — —-———— ew ©
View original Oe ee ee OeE—emeEee
——— —————— —_— —-— —— ew
, Fourth Proclamation,
WHEREAS J the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His kxcellency R. Gorvon, Crovernor.
General of the colony Berbice, and its Depeaden-
cies, &c. &e. &e.
Upona Petition of Jia, Gordon, as together with
Livan Iraser and Angus fraser, the Surviving Ate
tormics, jountly and severally, for Donald Me Loud,
of Geanies, in the county of ows, Sorth brilain,
versus, James Craufurd, MelLeod, and fhe Be-
thune, under date of t7th April ISls, has on the
29th Apriland loth Aug. 1515, taken ia Mxecution
and put under Scqnestration, the Cotton istate
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all
its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As yw tlic
Lower half of Lot No. 80, Corentine river, the pro-
perty of abovenamed J. Craufurd, Meleod, and J.
iethune, alo which properties an Inycutory ts to
be seen at the Marshai’s Ollice.
Be it therefore known, that the undersigned ine.
tend to Sell, afterthe expiration of One y vir and Six
week, from the 16th August, IS13, the albovenamed
cotton Lestate Geanies, and the Lower half ot Lot
No. SC, cum anacaris.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or taterest on the abovementioned bstates,, and wish
vs tvoppose the Sale thereot, let such person address
theanselves to the Mavshat’s office, declaring their
reason for suck opposition induc tune and locum, as
[hereby give nouce that [will reecive’ opposition
from every one thercunto qualified, appoint them a
day to have bis or her claims heard beloce the Court,
and further act thereon according to Law.
This dth proclamation published by beat of drum
acsording tu custom, Berbice, 12 Sept. 1813.
K. Francaen, birst Marshal.
-_—_— -~_ cet -
Fourth Proclamation,
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier General,
and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and its
Dependencies, XC. &ce. &c.
Upon a petition of Jo. Douglasand Gilbert Ro-
bertson, Executors ‘to the last Will and Testament
of Jos. Cliff, dec.—versus, Peter Lairbairn, the At-
torncy for Jas. Maxwell, of the Island Barbados.
Be it t! crefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
said J. Douglas and G. Robertson, in their aforesaid
capacity, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the pro-
perty of the Estate of Jas. Maxwell, dec. with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, &c. conformable to an
Inventory formed thereuf, and lying at the Marshal's
Office for the inspection of those whom it may con-
Which said cotton Estate Britannia, cum annexis,
I the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira-
(ion of one year and six weeks, from the 6th August,
1813, conformable to the Regulations of the Court:
of Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January,
1810, respecting the Sale of lstates by Execution
View original in this colony, in order to recover from the pro-
ceeds of said sale such snm of money as wherclore
the said plantation Britannia, has been taken in Exes
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marsal.
View original SALE ny EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation
BY virtue ofa Writ of Exccution, granted by His
Excellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&c. &e. &e.
Upon a Petition of John Layfield qq. John Dod-
son & Co. of Lancaster, versus, George Munro, ui.s
der date of 26th January, I819.
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
said J. Layfield qq. J. Dodson & Co. of Lancaster,
The Cotton Estate No. 21.
situate on the Corentine coast, the property of svid
G. Munro, with all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves
and further Appurtenances, and Dependencies there-
to belonging, and specified in the Inventory thereof,
lying at the Marshal’s Oflice for the inspection of
these whom it may concern.
Which said Cotton Estate No. 21, cum annexis,
Uthe undersigned intend to Sell, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, from the 2d August,
‘1813, conformable to.the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover trom the proceeds of said sale, such
sum of money as wherefore the said Estate No. 2]
have been taken in Execution.
This 4th Proctumation pablished by beat of drum
uccording to custam. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813.
KR. FRANCNEN, First Marshal
~ ————_—_—
To be Sold by the Subscriber,
BES? PERUVIAN BAK, m packages of 33-lbs,
at f 10 per tb.—immediate payment.
New Ansterdam, Sept. 3, 1813.
ee ees tt ll
FROM the Subscriber, a Negro man named Piif,
he was hived to Pin. Roxbro‘hall, from where he has
set off, and has since passed the Canje Perry. Any
yxerson Who will apprehend said Negro, and lodve
lim in the barracks, ov send him to the subscriber,
on plantation Mara, will be handsomely rewarded.

View original BOOK BINDING.
BOOKS and LOOSID PAPERS bound to any pate
tern, Old Books and Records reebound, &c. &c.
Apply at this Printing Olfice.—Sept. 4.
THE undersigned is wishful of disposing of the
Negro woman dranky,,uow absent 15 months.—Any
person therefore willing to purchase her, will apply
to Mrs. Eliza Bennett, of this colony ; or, in George
Town, Demerary, to
‘Phe Undersigned keeps his Office at the House of
Joun Worrr, isq. where those indebted to him in
his late capacity as Acting Vendue-Master, are ree
quested to come forward with payment.
Berbice, 3d Sept, 18 3. Cr. BONE.
View original P., REYNARD,
Has for Sale, on Lot No. 7,
SMOAKED salmon in butter in tin cases, gin per
pipe, stomach bitters, creme de noyean, a la venille,
garlick, (knoflook), music trom different authors for
the piano forte, setts of piano forte strengs, foolscap
and post paper, salt in barrels, butkding lime in do.,
Macouba snuff in bottles, Indigo or blue, green tea
in canisters, buck razors, trunk locks, Dutch quills,
do. green peas, do. pickled saucyses, ladies straw
bonnetts, Port wine—Also Quin’s universal hydoro-.
metre and scales, which is certain, with easy and ex.
pedition the real strenght of brandy, rum, arak, gin,
or any other spirits, will make fram alcohol to water,
and the specific gravity, concentration, expension,
and comparative value of each strenght, at any de-
gree, hot, which has not been hitherto done, (with
only four weights. | ll Sept.
View original |
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Exe
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
let ee = EE Paes See SS
View original Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, v. a.
Br W. SCHULZ & Cv.

18 September 1813