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The Berbice Gazette

Tur next Meeting of this Society wil be
held at Plratntion No PE, Corenten cout, on Wed-
nesthary Che Oth inst. Phe uters on dis dtreeted
by the Prosidoat to stacy, that teeesiele publ. steal

under the ene ol this Sock ty br bse Stands Ste
» . 8 ’ 7 .
Zel{r-—— / ; ' ; oe LN I »e Gd ’ 7M cd
diseresinn he gruehi dy bere rs ye ae oat bier
ensvine meetin Fone os end ested
contrary to the estabucucd us.gen oO bos escorted,
ly Sovil. DP. CONT, See.
oe oe
Wal TUN TCR oor ee fer Sule, on
TAO tous. atthe Store of.'. Ce deate, bot. (he
folloy reeled ly bPuporte’, vise -eotfor bes.
pris, O mon. bot Cuks te chee wy sciae S nat.
Jut treo ‘is eon viiite (| id, Poe cpets Po
Falls tore. polo ree eon Voie oO, betsy Taste
kets, tins 6, Pov hp rsy © bro sy boce, shove
elsyni ete tw stile Teeter oe aadk Osirte
a Ee NT, “ry
ont bo Pop PD EI Dey iP sy foceed
biel \, i sada dy spe sbi 4 : eF & i ror,
Li! Moos ala tarts oat station ey, C! ue ah atid
earth woe, Ca toe DT awh and ceeeite DLOw!-
cloths, cree bere nb ode ev ons, bitestins, cilie
cores, sy hod a eatin pocket: tinder.
chicfio Vaca oad th tines wea dee. ats Coats, wits!
COV. Porws roy ter bes, bot any Tatts aid straes,
ladies 55 Oo Ue wea dit te assy COOL Chess,
&c.— ' y
r "7 ’ ° . .
] po Soe J a I oe yy ade ot owe
WF MIO gs EM ry, beove 1). 0.| * ) Voth. nfs — cone
themes soy ae lpia e rear tee berry ma. cl
4 ’ } : , } 7
COWS a4 } ( 7d. 4 4 \yV ‘ | | 4 qi’) } 1) , Vists
’ t ’ _?
A:,:| ud i-, i re ) ty « ’ \’’ av, j .
1) 7 ! : t : ' ’ ' .
}iie .) tia a) ) \ | ot . ‘ ‘4 . = ilo us ‘V4
] ran sty — : : ar Poy. y .
. ad Wd) ‘ ‘ . 5 . tae ty ’ | Plein iye
: !
) - ) . mo ‘a
pe ido it , wt . wo, lt (as aus . ) w 2h ) le
Ver btley st tht ony dys Onteh un dbeas
Jivisyeceies dd at bo tyog ae ts, adie. frogs. woul.
a | : , ’
mens bros ca ae des Gey boty teste ye tor
: - ‘ '
Jae cous. TED USN. eb el db OM OD ri, | le
I: ' ae ;
W bifste cab db ore - % yilvn thee Ss oaup Ss tlt esyes I *
' . .
Cotlog sorts | teow 6 foe were os et bt he
shhintstor sade yee Danis. Stet bat
e | { ' * e 72 yar -
POC) ( hotles | Loe e COVES. fa val Peer} \ , LObe
) . . 7 an .
9), stationapy assarte.’, tery Pes ess prosceyes ita
- . :
fishinvueess shoe bettas. Wome dee ree tte Nee
Cles ta bows on, Jo Ws, each, Si ors ear dcd. tin od
- : an tf . '
keys, boboeoe sanseres, Dare oo or a hob tants,
: . 4 oo t :
flower i) do., .? v4 wows TT elt en | t.° vel bl thy
brochery Wall ass leo, Ye.
Io Ajail. SLUAN SE OU AIP & Co.
} wot ; oon * (!, Ni \y Vist,
—_—__ -____ —- o—
Vth Satppers nr Cie bere Chaelo Sout,
* . . 7 : ’ 7 .
C jife : “oral “yy tol Poivew, ) "we / « Pes ye etbeadty lie
forac! thet sue wal Sending tise oer ae the Qaln
bist. Qyciele slop. Whose wore hoanen whe lave i
vel cor, tated their stypment, are earnestly ene
treated to glo so without loss ob tae.
Noval). CHy. WY TE,
—_ —- — +
View original
View original
View original NOVICK.— The following doubtfui out-
Man ting debts being found in the boedle of the late
PoE. Moscet, viz, gh. van Mardhar, order op M.
F. Costenbader for POS.—). Rede Haan, Goed /44.
Samuel Bain, Gool (49. and Acct. f52.—1L. F.
Gallez, Oblie. for 402-10. R. Oakey, Oblig.
for 12 eallous roin.—J, Couyerneur, Oblig. f 15
J. Quotes, Acct. [27 -10.— Capt. Thompson for
S. arnesy in Domerry, Acet. £540.
It is therctore that all those who it may concern,
wre requests f fo ssrvo tue nediat py Bie nt tothe un-
le ite re l, ov fo VIVE (]h- AUCEeSSAaTy information to
bin shouwld) Gory five coatea accounts or reecipts for
‘hos: reoriiatag fade tiult to comply with this re-
queal, shall be prosecuted as the vy directs.
EL. SEAN EZ EE, Gq. the Iexecut’rs
1S Apart. boedte I’. L. Musset.
\Iriereorand Oveorscor Wanted on a Cof-
Shs fe siirile ia this river. bur further paruica-
irs apely to the zp nanng Office, Ib April.
POR SALE a larce | Punt 00 fect by 134
wide, uct ty now—cugauire at Whe - Y - oof
15 April. ~Ee THE? S.,
Dislike, eD teom the Sutser ber, since Sa-
turday last a Cory " marked WRB. CLO. bal f,—-
any person foowardang the sue wal ge mewarded,
i) Apr ue J. vu BOC.
View original — - ——_—— — = _ —__ —_—-
TiiOS3 who have Clatins avalrst the Fis-
uteeof the deceiscd “fiw Protas Peorburiy will
oleae al tress Uhcnsedves to tue un fersiened. at the
Sioneer Mosses. Ge bone ég Co. att all porous be
bicd thereto, are entrented) fo eo efor ck waeh
paynrent. Is. EL hs I~ ? Ixee
ld April. P. SC] VAN, y ,
x .
~~ eee 0 el
. . . . - ye . , , .
“hie tells inform the Public, that Ue febowi
Prcrsone dudcenc qu Cl ne Live Coon.
‘ ve “a! . ’ ‘
Jon (oh ayney will foave this c dons for De -erary.
Poms Node cit comity bro weens from | Apri.
oy st ares At. my a thant thy, Con Ny.
; Uo Paced an yuce! voy Aad Db.
Pov dor Melpra wird. anda. trou Co.
vel, He Wolliry lo. Cron chy,
\. \ bev. wi » SO), {) I? oy,
4 | Qt*,° a mynryi ly Crary :
ass atch. J. eth © tdhNO PP Qe 9 yo ryyy 13 \ pril.
Ree ONY N UI Soe,
weltherch oy elon th aie th afier date the
Hanon ag sransporrsdad Sorleoanes wee be passed.
arch @9. Wan. Scott will tr or ort to Win, Corts
Pivatition Volta shoes or bot Lots No. 7, 8
and Q) West Corcntya,
Niarch Yo. board AN. faassen will fraaswort 25 Ne-
eros to Denciare, tones to be sen atthe Se-
C1 tary ’s Qice,
—— Sion Tisser will Grausport to Deinerary, 80
Spill. Hionwl ia Reid & ecanp. will fraceport to W.
Cowie 2) roo tsy snore or lossy of LotNo. 4, first
polder New Aiisterdaim, booing the middle dam,
by the breadth of blithe tot, nol side.
Win. Cowie will Utisy ort the sane to [el za-
beth Onutterbridge.
San. Buin wal transport. to Jadith Dallimorc
ISaoods aud | feta tes cth of the lower half
of Lot Now lO, fist poider, .
ApulS. Tie cree Larese will pass a mortgage in fa-
yor of tt. AW. Plackmann qq. Ge boedel C.Nan-
nings, his plantation hnownas Now 12, cast side
in Canje civer, weth all ifs ap- and dependence Ics
and St Negrocs thereon, names lo be sven rt th
Othee. °
Aprit lo. J. van der Schroeff will ttansport to J. 1,
pet lo Negrovs, names to be seen atthis
Ollice. JU. Schlarhorst Will pass a*mortgaee
on said Neutose with an addition of 12 more,
names alyu (0 be seen at this Oflice.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original
View original
View original Ads PELSOUS HUY HS UCINBLUS ay arse cae aio
fates of the lite Lambert Biatr, Msq. situate within
this colony ; of against John M’Camon, Esq. are ree
quested to render in their accounts to J. M’Camon,
iisq. without delay.—1o April.
- R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original _
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy ant Criminal
Justice of the colqny Berbice, at their Sessions of the
3th April, ISIS, ior Letters of Manumission :
John Ross for tue mulatto boy Jchu, born from
the Negro woman Aenes.
Robert Grant for the two mulatto children Jolin
ahd Robert. oe
‘John Fraser in quality as surviving Excentor to
the last willand testament of Tlector M’ Kenzie
for the mulitto gil Rose.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish lo oppose the eraut
oPsaid Letlers of Manunission,that Chey inmsy address
themsctves in writing fo (he undersined Secretary of
(he colony, previous fo the ensuing Sessions of the
ifon. Couit, when a final disposition will be nade on
the aforesaid) Petition.
Secrelary’s Ofuce, Berbice, 15th April, [815.
R.C. DOWN, Sec...
ee ee, eee ee re
View original tl rt ee ee ee
Dep. AUSSiyl. Cone. (i. Crvals O, (CC.
Berbicc, Tih April, USt5.
MNALABANA LEAVES.—Teuders will be
recctved at Chis ORice, GH Monday Che th instore,
at $0 o'clock in the moinine, P, the suc ply of two
bindred and filiv rodseot Walabana Feeaves, nut less
cua twelve tect lon: cach.
Jao. INDSAY, D. A.C. GI.
View original ee
Leepely Assistant Coniniisvary Goneral’s Ope.
Lerbicc, Sih Aprit, IS!5.
CASif wanted for Government Bulls. Len-
devs ta Proolieat. vy stutt ig the amount r “qui Gy, ane
rile obexc hance in words at lent! 1, Will be re c ceived
tt thas Olidee al) Monday the L7.h ast. atten welock
a Une morning. Jno. LINDSAY,
Oe eee er et
View original Oe) © ee eee
e a . > . £) . «4 , re ’
Aboolhy ha ChNLRAL’S O©rbrlce.
Berbice, LO0th Murch, 1815.
‘iil Aunual Plantation Accounts for Head-
Money, &c. &c. up to the Ist January, 1815, are
J) | vy 5
now ridy for delivery. As those ‘Taxes become de
in April uext, the undersigned requests the carly at-
tention of those concerned, in making payments, to
enable lin to@ischarge the pressing demands against
this Oflice.
DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
= See ew ee ek ee
View original al ee ee
Berbice, Sih April, 1815.
Wantro a fast sailing Schooner, not excecd-
ing 40 tons, well found with 6 good boatmen.—Any
person willing (o hire a vessel of that discription, at
per month, are requested to apply al (his ollice, ang
day next week, between the hours of 10°& 4 o'clock.
hts. CIEAPMAN, Collector.
OS a see eke Re Ee =
View original OS 2s ees ee ee EZ
ON Monday the Ith instant will be sold
cunongst the ercditors of Plantation @’ Lidtcurd, from
20 to Dd, 000 pounds first que ity coffee, at the ‘house
of Wan. braacr, beg. New Ai ow ima.
} April. Secjueate ators.
View original
View original (L.S.) BSP fe
BY His Excellency Henry Witriam
JentTinck, Lieutenant-Governor and Coin-
mander in Chief in and ever the Settlement
of Berbice and its Dependencies, President
in all Courts and Colleges within the saine,
&e. &c. &e.
WITEREAS the Right Wonor-
able the Earl Bathurst, by Letter bearing date 5th
January, 1815, has sienified to me the pleasure of
His Royal Highness the Prince REGE NT, thatthe
powers zranted, hy His Royar Itghness’s ‘Order in
Council, beurine date the \6th day of December, 1814,
and hereto subjoincd, are not to be exercised be yond
the period of lour months from the date of said Or-
der, Ido ther. forc make known these my Instructions,
for ‘the informatio. rand guidance of all those w lic
tt doth, shall or may, in any wise, concern.
Given under my thand and Seal at Arms. al
the Kine’s House. New Amsterdam, thrs Vath
day of April, IS15, and in the 55th year of
fits Majesty's Leign.
By Command, !
F. WHITE, Gv. Sec.
en ORY ee
View original rn RR ee
The l6th December, 1814.
Prese#i—His Royal Hixhness the Prince Recent,
in Council,
~Wurnreas by an Act mace and passed in the 46th
Yoarol Wis Majesty’s Reign, intituled ‘an Act for
‘ authorizing Wis Mayesty tin Council, to allow during
“the present War, and tor six months after the Ra-
tification of a Defimtive Treaty of Peace, the Jin-
* portation and Ex portation ofcertain goods and com-
“modities in neutial ships, into amd from His Ma-
“resty’s ferriforics in the West Indies and Continent of
South Amertea,” ti wasenacted, that from and after
the passing of siid Act, if should and might be taw-
fulfor Lis M: ACS ¥. Mis Heirs and Successors, by and
with the advice of Hisand Their Privy Council, to
ermit, or to authorize (he Governors of the said is-
fonds and ferrifories, in seh manner and under such
restrictions, ns to Ef ts Majesty, byand with the advice
of [fis Privy Council, should seem fit to permit when
the necassily oF (he case shoald appear to His Ma-
josty, with the advice of THis Privy Council, to re-
gvire if, from Cine to fine diag the present War,
and for six mois aflor the Ratification of a De fini-
tive Treaty of Peacc, n Lin portation Info, and x.
portation from, any island ta the West Indies Cin
which desert) Hon ihe Bahama ishieds and the Ber-
miclvor Saver sslinds are included) 01 any Lands or
fercifories con the Continent of South America, to this
Majesty belonoime., o! any such arficles, goods, and
COMMA Sa VS 7 tld be mentioned in such order ef
His \fayes'y in Connie, in any ship or vessel belong-
Ins ty 7 e subjects “of any Stafe mn Ansty with Tis
Majesty, ta such manneras His Majesty, Has ieir:
and Successors, be aud with the advice aforesaid,
“should direct, provide such ships or vessels should
duly enter ito, rep orband deliver their respective
Careo esand reslood af such Portsonly where re: gular
Custom Houses “tout | have been established.
And whereas the said Let has been continued bean
Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, un-
til the Expiration of six months alter the conclusion
of the present Hostihites.
And whereas ttappears at present to be necessary
to permit, fora timated time, the Importation into
antl Ex portation from the islands and territorics of
$lis Majesty inthe West Indies (including the Baha-
ma islands and the Bermuda or Somer islands), and
the Jands and territories on the Continent of South
America to flis Majesty belonging, of certain articles,
moods, and commodities, herein after mentioned, in
any slip or vesscl belonging to the subjects of State in
Amity with [lis Majesty ; [is Royal Highness the
Prince Regent is thereupon pleased, in the name and
on the beh-lrof His Majesty, and by and with the
advice of His Magesty’s Privy Council, to order, and
doth hereby order, that the Governors, and Licut.-
Governors, of His Majesty’s islands and colonies in
the West Indies (im which description the Bahama
islands and the Bermuda or Somer islands are includ-
ed), and of any lands or ferrifortes on the Continent
of South America tu [fis Majesty belonging ; and
each and every such Covernors and Lieutenant Go-
vernors shall be authorized, and they and each and
every of then: are hereby authorized lo permit, tor
six months from the date hereof in any ships or ves-
sels belonsing to the subjects of any State in Amity
with Eis Majcsty, the linpor-ation into the said. is-
Jands, colonics, lands, aud terrilories, respectively, of
(orn, Grain, Meal, flour, Bran, Giscuit, Pulse, Rice,
Tlorses, Mules, Seat Cattle, Sheep, lugs sy an r every
other species of L, ive Stock and Live Provisions: and
also the exportation from the said islands, colonies,
yt: Gs, and (err tor-es, sespeclively, into which such
View original importation as aforesaid shall be made, of Rum and
Molasses, and of any other articles, goods, and com-
modities, whatsvever, except Sugar, Indigo, Cotton
Wool, Coffee, and Cocoa; provided always, (hat such
arliles so tu be imported, shall be of the growth or
produce of the Country, to which the ships or vesscls
importing the same shall belong ; provided also, that
such ships or vessels shall duly enter into, report and
leliver their respective cargoes and reload at such
Ports only where regular Custom Houses shall have
been established ; but, it is His Royal Highness’s
Pleasure nevertheless, and His Royal Highness, in
the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, and by
and with the advice aforesaid, ig further pleased to
dor, and itis hereby ordered Mhat nothing herein
before contained shall be construed to permit the Iin-
pertation of Corn, Grain Meal, Flour, Bran, Biscuit,
Pulse, Rice, Horses, Mules, Neat Cattle, Sheep,
Lloxs, or any other speeics of Live Stock and Live
Mrovisions, Into any of the said islands, lands, or ter-
ions, la which there shall not be at the time when
such articles shall be brought for Importation, the
lollowing Dutics on such articles, being of (be erowth
uf produce of the United States of Aincrica, namely ;
Cur. Money
of Jamaica.
On Wheat Flour, per barrel, not weighing
more than one hundred and ninely-six
pounds net weights... swe eeecuseus 0 6 8
On Bicad and Bisenitof Wheat Flour, or
any other Grain per barrel, not weigh-
Ing more than ove hundred pounds net
Welelico.. ecsces joe eeuc awe -.---- O 3 4
On Breed, forevery hundred pounds made
from Wheat orany otber Grain what-
ever, imported in bags, or other pack-
ages (han Daircls, weighing as aforesuadd QO 3 4
On Flouror 2icad assde Jrom Rye, Pease,
Beans, Indian Corn, or other Grain than
Wheat, per barrel, noth weighing more
than one bfidred aud ninety-six pounds 0
On Pease, Beans, Rye, tndtan Cora, Calis
vances, or other Grain, per Bushel..2. 0 0 10
On Rice, for every one bandied pounds

net wetwht...22 2. we ee eee ee ee ee Ov 4
And so in proportion fora less or larger
[orses, Neat Cattle, or other Stock, for
every one hundied pounds of the value
thereol, atthe Po to: { lace of dite lhe
tlone esl e ee ee ee eee eee eee eee ene. AIO O OU
(Siened) CHLrwYNnDdD
aq Seas GP). 4beee . 2 Oe Sees ey see fe S| lw wre el ~:
BATURDAY, 2Prrirc id, le.
— a
Dy the arrival of our Packet, we have veecived
English Papers low later date than by the larba-
dos Puachel, oul of no more tmportance. Vee (here-
fore lay, bef PE OUT Rrieace § the ficaly of Peace
dcliocen Gicat Bodan ind the U.S. of America.
The leltor baw, forthe Pacheoi, wild Le clescd herve
on Ih cdne day realy at 42 vo clock.
Cleared this weck.—Simon Cock, B. Warren, for
London; Nerina, Dd. Lauchlan, for dows Gerarda
Jacoba Louisa, S.Johannivsen, for. misterdam, with
acargo of Al casks, 2,199 bugs ec niaining J40,774
pounds of coffee, Spunchcons and | cask rum, and
Is haves of collon.— By this ship xas passenger far
ffoltand, the Llonorable J. Jd. vai der Sloop and
1 amily, aud several olhers.
+ qquou~™ % eee
View original hee
To allandsingular lo whom these presents shall come,
Wuerras a Treaty of Peace and Amity between
the Gnited States of America and His Britannic Ma-
jesty was signed at Ghent on the 24th day of Decem-
ber 1814, by Plentpotentiarics respectively appoinled
for that purpose ; and the said Treaty having been,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of
the United States, duly accepted, ratified, and con-
firmed on the 17th day of Feb. 1815, and ratified co-
pies thereof having beca exchanved agreeably to the
tenor of the said ‘Treaty, which is as tollows:
Art. 1. There shall be a firm and universal peace
between His Britannic Majesty and the United States,
and between their respective countries, territories,
cities, towns, people of every degree, without excep-
tion of places or persons. All hostilities, both by sea
and land, shall ecase as soon as this Treaty shall have
been ratilied by both parties, ay hereinafter mentioned,
All territory, places, and possessions whatsoever, ta-
ken from either party by the other during the war, or
which may be taken after the signing of this ‘Preaty,
excepting only the Islands hereafter mentioned, shall
be restored without delay, and without causing any
destruction, or carrying away any of the artillery or
other public property captured in (be said tos.s, and
View original which shall remain therein upon the exchanee of the
ratification of this ‘Treaty, or any slaves or other pris
vate property. Andallarcnives, records, deeds, and
papers, either ofa public nature, or belonging to pris
vale persons, which in the course of the war may have
fallen into the hands of tho Officers of either party,
shall, as far as may be practicable, forthwith be res.
fored and delivered to the authoritics and persons to
whom they respectively belong. Such ofthe Islaads
in the Bay ol Passamaquodily as are claimed by both
parties shall romain in the possessions of the pirty in
whose occupation they may be at the time of the ex-
change of the ratifications of this Treaty, until the de-
clsion respecting the tille to the said [ands shall
have been made, in conformity with the 4th article
of this Treaty. No disposition made by this Treaty,
as to such pussessions of the Tslands and territories
claimed by both parties, shall in any manner whate
ever be constructed toafiect the right of ei’ her.
Art. 2. lumediately after the ratifictevon of this
Treaty by both parties as herein mentioned, orders
shall be sent to the armies, squadrons, oflicers, sub-
jects, and citizcns ofthe two Powers, to cease from all
hostilities; and, to prevent all causes of eornplaint
Which migh€ arise on accouat of the prizes which
may be taken at sea aller the said ratifications of is
Treaty, is reciprocally agreed that all vessels and et
fects which inay be taken after the space af twelve
days from the said ratifications, upon all parts, of the
coast of No. th America, from the Lat. 23, deo. N. to
(he Lat, 50 dew. N. and as far castward in the’ At.
Inntic Ocean as the Soth dewree of west lonvitude
from the mevidtan of Greenwich, shall b= restered on
cach side :—that the Gime shall be SO days inal! other
parts of Che Atlantic Ocean N. ofthe equinvetial line
or equator, and thesame dime forthe British and Lrish
Channels, forthe Guiph of Mexico, and all parts of
the West Indies :—40 days for the North Sens, for
the Baltic, and for all parts of the Mediteranean :—
60 days for the Athintic Occan S. of the equator, ag
fer asthe latitude ot tae Cape of Good Hope :—90
ditys for every parlof the work! S. of the eqaator :—
and 120 for all other parts of the world, without ex-
Ant. 3, All prisoners of war taken on cither side,
as well by Iandias by sea, shall be restored as soon as
practicable affer the ratifications of this Treaty, 1s
hereinatter mentioned, on their paying the debts
Which they may have contracted ducine their captie
Vily. “Phe two coutracting parties respectively ene
rice to discharge in specie, the advances which may
have been made by the other, of the sustenance and
NaAttaNance Of stch prisoners.
Ant. 4d. Whereas it was stipulated by the @ Ar.
Giclo ofthe Preaty of Peace of 1783, between His Beit-
@inic Alajesty cad Gie Cotled States of Aincrica, (heft
the boundary of the United States should comprehend
il Islands within 20 leacues of any part of the shores
of the Cuited States, and lying between lines to be
drawn due i. from points where (ce aforesaid bour-
daries between Nova Scotia, on the one part, and
Fast Florida onthe other, shall respectively touch the
Gay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean, excepting such
Islands as new are, or beretofore have been, withia
the limits of Nova Scotia; and whereas the several
Islands in the Bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part
of the Bay of Fundy, and the Islands of Grand Nanaa
In the said Bay of Pundy, are claimed by the United
States as being vomprebcaded within their aforesaid
boundaries, which said Island's are claimed as belongs
ing (o fis Britannic Majesty, as having been at the
(ime of, and previous tu, the aloresaid tr aty of 1783,
within the limits of (he Province of Nova Scotia. In
order, therefore, finally to decide upon these claims,
itis agreed that they shall be referred to two Com.
missioners, to be appointed in the following manner
viz. :-—One Commissioner shall be appointed by His
Britannic Majesty, and one by the President of the
Uniled States, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate thercol, and the said Commissioners so wpe
pointed shall be sworn tirpartially to ex mine and
decide upon the said clatins according to such edvie
dence as shall be lucd before them, on the part of His
Britannic Majesty and the United States resprea'vely,
‘The said Comuntssioners shal mect at St. Andrew's, in
the Provinee of New-Brunswick, agd shall have pr
wer to adjuin to such other place or places as they
shall think fit. “Pbe said Commissioners shall, by a
Declaration or report, ander their hands and seals,
decide on which of the two contracting parties the
several Islands aforesaid do respectively belong, in
conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of
peace of 1785. And if the said Commissioners shall
agree in (heir decision, both parties shall consider
such decision as final and conclusive. I! is furtheg
agreed, that in the event of the two Commissioners
differing upon all or any of the matters so relerred to
them, or inthe event of both or either of the said
Commissioners refusing, or declining, or wilfully
omiling, toact as such, they shall make jointly a res
port or reports, as well(o the Government of His Brit.
annic Majesty as to that of the United States, stating
in detail the points on which they differ, and the
grounds upon which they, or cither of them, have so
View original refused, declined, or omilted to act.—And ITis Bri-
tannic Majesty, and the Government of the United
States, hereby agree to refer the report or reports, of
the said Commissioners, to some friendly Sovereign
or State, to be then named for the purpose, and who
shall be requested to decide on the differences which
may be stated in the said report or reports, or the re-
port of one Commisstoner, together with the crounds
Upon which the other Conissioner shall have refus-
ed, dectined, or omitted to act, as the case may be,
And if the Cemmissiners so refusing, declining, or
omitting toact, shall also wiltully omit to state the
grounds trpon which he has so done, in such manner,
thatthe stid statement may be referred to such triend-
ly Sovereign or Stale, together with the report of
such other Commissioner, then stich Sovercign or
State shall decide ex-parte upon the reportatone.
And Wis Reitannic Aijesty and the Government ry
the 'irerd States engage to consider the decision o!
some i@andly Sovereien er State to be such, and cone
clusive on ali the matters so referred.
Ant. 5. Whereas neither that potat of the high-
lands lytn: hae north trom ihe SOUS Ol the river St.
Croix, ans! designated in the former Vreaty of Peace
between the two powers as the north-west anele ol
Nova Scotia, now the north-wesftermmosl head ol Cori-
necticut: River, las vet been ascertained 3 and
whereas that partol the boundary line betyecen the
dominion of the two Powers which extends irom the
soarce of the river AL, Croix directly N. (othe above-
mentioned NeW. angle of Nova Scotia, thence along
the said big hlands which divide Chose rivers | hatempe
ty themselves tntlo the river St. Laurence trom those
which fall into the Athintic Ocean to (he norih-west-
ernest head of Connecticul River, thence down
alone the middle of that river to the 45th deeree al
N. latitude 5 thence by a line die west on sand lati-
tude until it strikes Cie river Proquoais or Cataraguy,
has not yet been surveyed 5 it ts aareed, that tor these
several purposes, (9 Commissioners shall be ap-
pointed, swore, and authorised to act exactly in tae
manner cirectcd: respect to those meuidoned 1
the next precedicg article, unless otherwise specified
in the present! article. “Phe said Commisstoners shall
meetat St. An drew’s tn tae Province of Now. Bruns
wick, an. Shall have power bis adjourn to such other
plice or plices ns they shall thank fit. The sald
Commissioners sath have power Co ascertain wal de-
termine tht porrts abovomendioned, in conformity
with the provisions of ths said Picsty ol 1752, ana
sholl canse the boundary afores:ad, from tae source
ofthe river St. Croix to the river broqdots or Catarae
vuy, to be survey cl aural mie’ Lea! record tig to tlre
sid provistons, Vhre said Comment stoners sual make
nmap ol the ad boundary, ant amnex (oat a
ration unde: their hands and seals, certiwerg ita be
the true map ol the said boundary, wn i pesticulitis-
ine the latitude and dongitude of N.VW. aslo ol
Nova Scotin, ot fhe north-western ose | eid ot Cone
necticut River and of such ether points of (he seid
boundary as (ley may deem proper. And bath par.
ties aerce fo conser such map aad @echiration ats
finally and conclustwely {he Sara boundary,
And in the event of the said two Coimmitss toners Cie
ferine. orbothoretther of them refusing or dectiiing,
or wiliully omilGng to act, such reports, declirations
or statements shall be inade by them, or cither of
them, and such reference to a fricadly Sovereign or
State, shalkbe made ia allre peels as un the hatter part
ol the dh article is eomlained, and in as full a maa.
ner as ii the same writing was herein repeated,
Ant. 6. Whereas by the former Treaty of Peace,
that portion of the boundary of the United Siates from
the point where the toCh dezree of N. Jatilude strikes
the river [eoquots or Cataragey, fo the Lake Superior,
wis declared to be ‘Seton: the middle of said river
into Lorke Oatario, through the middle of said Like,
Gutil it strikes the communication by water, between
that Lake and Take Priv, thence alone the imiddle of
snid communication tito Bake rie through the mid-
(leofsaid Lake, until arrives at (he water commu.
nication into the & Lake Hnron, theace through the
middle of said Lake to the water communication be-
two that Lake and Lake Superior.” Lad whereas
doub!s have arisen what was the middle of said river,
lakes, and water communications, and whether cer-
tain Islands lying in the same were within the domi-
nions of His Brilannie Majesty, or of the U. States :
Jn order, therefore, firilly to decide these doubts,
they shall be referred to two Commissicners, to be
aprinted, sworn, and authorised to act exactly in
the manner directed with respect to those mentioned
11 the next preceding apticle, auless otherwise speci-
ficd in the preseet article—The said Commissioners
shallmect, inthe first instance, at Albany, in the
State of New-York, and shall have power to adjourn
to such other place or places as they shall think fit.
—The said Commissioners shall by a report or decla-
ration, under their hands and seals, designate the
boundary through the said river, lakes, and water
communications and decide to which of the two con-
tracting parties the several Islands lying within the
said river, lakes, and water communications, do res-
pectively belong, in conformity with the wrue intent
View original
View original of the Treaty of 1783. And both paities agree to con-
sider such designation and decisions as final and con-
clusive. And in the event of the said two Commis-
stoners differing, or both, or either of them, refusing
declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports,
declarations, or statements, shall be made by them
or either of them, and such retence to a riendly So-
vereign or State shall be made in all respects as in the
li iter part of of the 4th article is contained, and in as
A manner es if the same was herein repeated.
Ant. 7. Itis furtheragreed, that the said (wo last-
mentioned Commissioners, alter they shall have exe-
cuted the duties assigned to (hen inthe preceding
article, shall bg and they are hereby authorised,
upos their oats, impartially to fix and determine,
according to the true intent of the said Treaty ot
Peace of I783, that part of (he boundary between the
dominions of the two Powers, which extend from the
valer communication between Lake Huron and Lake
Superior, to the most northwestern point of the Lake
of the Woods, to decide to which of (he two purties
the several Islands Ivingein the Lakes, water commu-
nicalions and rivers, forming the said bow: dary, do
respectively belong, in contormity with the true ine.
tent of said Treaty of Peace of 1783, and to cause
such part of said boundary as require it to be survey-
ed and marked.—The said Commissioners shall, * by
report or deelaration unst.r Gheiy hands and seals, de-
sStamute the boundary aloresaid, state’ their decision
on (he points (hus referred to them, particularise the
latitude and longitude ofthe mest northwestern point
vl the Lake of the Woods, of such other boundary
as they may deem proper. And both parties agree
to consider such desiguationand decision as final and
conclusive. And, in the event of the said two Com-
missioners differing, or both or cither of them refas-
ing, declining, or wiltully omftting to act, such re-
ports, declarations, orstitements, shall be made by
ews or either ofthem, and such roference tow trend
lv Sovereign or Stale, shall be made the all respects,
vs in the latter partofthe dth Aiticle ts contatned, ane
in as fulla manner as ifthe same was herei rep vated,
Ant. 8. The several Boards of two Comiiissouers
mentioned in the four preceding Articles, shall res-,
pectively have power to ap) int a Scere lary, and to
employ such Surveyor or other persons as they shall
judge necessary. Duplicaies of their re S| cot ve pee
ports, declarations, s! late nents, and decisions, and of
Choir accounts, and of the journal of all their procecd-
ings, shall b el livered by them to the Agents of His
Grifannic Majesty, and the Agents of the United
States, who may be respectively appointed and au-
thorised to mahave the business on betlialt of their ve.
spec live*Governiments.
The said Commissioners shall be respectively paid
in sach manner as shall be agreed between the two
contracting parties such agrecuent henge to be settled
atthe time of the exchanze o! the ratthiention of this
(realy. And: oie rreexpences attending the said
ComuntSsioners, shall bo cle fr ayed eq ually by the two
pirtics, And it the case of death, sickne Ss, resign.
(ion, or necessary absenee, the plice of every such
Commissioner respectively, shall be sapplied in the
supe manneras stich Commissioner was at first ap-
pointed, snd (he sew Comunitssioner shall take the
sane oath or ablinmation, and do the same duties. —
(Cis further agreed between the two coutracting par-
ties, (hat incase any of (he tslands mentioned in any
of the preceding ardickes, which were in possession
ofone of (he two parties prior fo (he commencement
of the present war balweon the two Countries, should,
by the decistonofany ai tie boards of Connnissioners
aforesaid, or of (he Sovereign or State, so referred to,
as in the four next preceding articles, confained, fall
withia (he domintons of the other party, all grants of
land, made previous to the conmencen.cnt of the war,
by the party baving had such posscs ton, shall be as
valid as ifsuch sland or Islinds had, by such deci-
sion or decisions, been adjudged lo be within the do-
minions ol the party having such possession,
Arr. 9. The United States of America engage to
putan end, immediately after the ratification of the
present t Tre raty, to hostilities with all the tribes or nas
tions, of fudians with whom they may be at war at
the time of such ratification; and forthwith to restore
fo such tribes or nations, respectively, all the posses-
sions, rights, and privileges, which they may have
enjoyed or been entitled to, ia [SE], previous to such
hostilities: Provided always, (hat such tribes or na-
tions shall aeree to desist from all hostilities against
the United States of America, their citizens and sub-
jects, upon the ratification of the present ‘Treaty being
notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist
accordingly. And His Binnie Majesty engage, on
his part to put an end immediately afier the ratifica-
tion of the present ‘Treaty, to hostilities with all the
tribes or mitions of Indians with whom he may beat
war at the time of such ratification, and forthwith to
restore to such tribes or nations respectively, all the
possessions, rights, and privileges which they may
have enjoyed or been entitled to, in ISL1, previous to
such hostilities. Provided always, That such tribes
or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities
against His Britannic Majesty and dis subjects, upon
View original
View original the ratification of.the present Treaty being notified to
such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly.
Art. 10. Whereas the traffic in slaves is irrecone
Cileable with the principles of humanity and justice,
and whereas both [lis Majesty and the United States
are destreous of dontinuing their efforts to promote
its entire abolition, iis hereby agreed that both the
contracting parties shall use their best endeavours to
acccomplish so ‘lesirable an object.
Ant. I]. This Treaty, when the same shall hive
been ratifi: d on both sides, without alteration by either
of the contracting parties, and the ratifications mutu-
ally exchanged, shall be binding on both parties, and
the satifications shall be exchanged at Washington,
in the space of four menths from this day, or svoner
if practicable.
In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipoten-
tiaries have signed this ‘Treaty, and have thereunto
affixed our seals.
Done, in triplicate, at Ghent, the 24th day of De-
cember, 1814.
(Signed) Gambier, Henry Goulburn,
Wem. Adams
(Signed) John QO. Adums, J. A. Pas
yard, He. Clay, Jonathan
Russell, Alhet Gallatin,
Now, therefore, to the end that the suid’ Treaty of
Peace and Amity may be observed with good tiith
on the part of the United States, 1, James M ulison,
President as aforesaid, have caused the Preniises to
be made public; and [ do hereby enjoin all persons
bearing oflice, civil or inilitary, within the United
Slates, and all other citizens or inhabitants thereof, or
being within the same, faithfully to observe and tul-
fil the said Treaty, and cvery clause and article
In testimony whereof I have caused the Seal of the
United States to be affixed to these pre-
sents, and signed the same with my hand.
Done at the Cily of of Washineton this [8th day
of February, in the year of our Lord, IS13, and of
the Sovereignty and Independence of the United
States, the 39th. By the President,
Janes Monnor, Act. Sec. of Slate.
ome ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee
View original of. me 6 ee ee ee eee eee ee ee eee
On Monday the 17th inst. by the Executors of the
lite J, A. Leisner, the front quarter of the southern
half of lot No. 19 in town, bullettree blocks, ha d
wood plioks. furniture. a negro womanfand child.
Also cod fish, herring, soap, candles, frosh flour,
linens, cotton and linen checks, bottled Madeina and
Port wine, brown stout and ale, hats, boots and shoes,
patnts and oil, cotton and cofve bagging, hoes, shuv-
cls, cutlisses and pruning knives, beet and batter.
.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Pnesday the 25th instant, will be soll at plan.
fafion Palmyra, by order of B. defery, Esq. trom
50a AO heack youns cate, 70 a 100 sheep, saddle
and daft horses, 14 mules some excelent ridive ones
alight chaise with harness, a blue dinner ssrvice,
tea and coffee service, 50 a 40 dozen old Madeira.
NB. The sale will commence at 1] o’clock, and
refreshment be provided.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master,
View original On Wednesday the 26th iust. by order J. Walil,
Esq. 8 Nero men wood cutters and sawyers.
by the Vendue Master 2 Negro men, dry goods,
provisions, beer & porter, negro clothing, &c.
Dy. ©. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On ‘Thursday the 27th inst. and following days
willbe sold by order of G. Hobus and Job. Bakker,
tesquires, qq-—Plantation Pleet Anker, situate inthe
river Berbice, with all its buildings and cultivation,
together with 102 slaves, men, women and children,
household furniture, &c. Terms of sale may be
known on application to J. Bakker, Exq. or Vendue
Office ct¢ht days previous to the day of sale.
NB. The sale will take plaice on the Estate, and
commence at |] o’clock forenoon.
D.C. Camenon, Dep. Vendue Master.
ES SS a a a =r 5
View original A AAS SS A ac === i»
TILE: Shippers bythe brig Egham, are re spect
fully informed, that she will positively sail on the
20th inst. arunning shin, for London.
15 April. Jno. PAVY.
View original ee pe
ALL persons who have Claims, for Services
rendered Elis Ma jesty’s Ship Cyenet, are desired to
send in thei Accounts immediately, to the Col. my
House. Lf April.
— —_—_—=
THE Subscriber positively intends leaving
the colony in June next. Those indebted to him will
please make immediate. p: ayment, fo enable him to
liquidate the demands against himse IW— He oders
for Sale his remaining coods, at reduced prices, for
cash only. Also bis house on the Corentyn coast
and four Negroes, reasonable, for cash or produce.
NB. itis hoped the above notice will be sufficient
lu those concerned to prevent Gouble,.—\W.S.
View original
View original
View original VW known and oniinown credilors 9 santithe Palate
of r. Barry, dee. To spear cde fore the Coat of
Rolls, on. ‘Monday th e224 Viuv IST5, there Co reades
Intheie chins, to vi Tify the Sue, wad further to
proceed according to Lit.
This Sunimon by dict nade Lpown fo the Public
by beat of drum from the Court (louse of this colony
and furtherdeadt with aceorcl mr fo cus(ultn.
Berbice, 15th April, 1513
nN. PRANCKY N First . Vorshal.
—_———$ — -_—_—*
BY virtue of en Appot ‘iment from This ka-
cellency H.W. Bentiaascesx, bsquirt, Lieutenant.
Governor of the Colony Berbice awlite Dependen-
ces, &c. &e. Gc. dated the 50h March rb wiven
ipon a Petition presented by the Weeskamer, (Or-
h ne . mher) of this colony. TP the undersirned,
First “Marshabotthe Courts within thas colony, cern
at the eqns of satd Orphan Chamber, do hereby
Stenmon by dict :—AU known and unknown cre-
Wfororclrinants against the Estate of the late C.
Wo Schorse, To appear in person, or by proxy, be-
tore Che Bar of the Court of Civil Justice, of Cais co-
lorv, nfiheir Session which will be held on Monday
he W7thaavy of Apitl S19, aud follawing days, thon
a Tfhere to render and support their clams, and
ees foe Courls decision on Cie preferent and
urrontoaceht of chitmants., on pain or beimg for
Cebarced thee rietit of claim.
bois Sioamons by bidict made known tothe Pe.
Dire by beat « ar te oe oo the Comit thous on th
co! HY. cand fue rade: (1 record a lo Cito
Biivice, O}si March
IL eR ANCAEN, Viret Voarskal.
’ ~ ’ 7
b> a \ e ( as ! , . tes of
( ( \ vl ( t i > ' ‘i ‘ oh a | ,
i\ ome @ «, vot. ? le ( 1)
tf ®
{ I to ‘ ( 4 (Ji ® ( =~! ble Vi =
SUIS) Gilde awh eid uh v1 | meu st
e Ale Ci ta ms A l ily 4 bee } { ’ I ; i
Niue d, bers couryhal ew. ti Koourts Vvillitiin Gad
Colony, and attics beetoot afercsaid i er
7 e e - '- ' °
hereby Sumenon ly Ldie€: (oor the dour time.)
Atl vwilbdw UW as j (d3! Tee oe 4 \ | Lite! . } ae i
i ; . “Oe y . ° . .
(ot bhouy Croft, Gee. to anpesr hope bie | LI rs
‘ ‘A
. : ° en ar | t .
(° MT duties GU ‘ qe), ») g fal Mi 4 {iis sf Ye dal
}: 7 Sy | 7 ; - . «
) 1D, dilel Jol a5 Qe ‘y lis re lof Vee P bi ba ’
CValias, (0 ferty the s mssoand fester fo paroceca
yee ‘ , }’ ; 1
ACCOUI Ss tO Ll. . “pO, j
. f° ,*
4 | a | 4 5 | ~ ‘ ti
7 ° . 6 : /
i> 1 Yi iue oO! an , ‘ i. . > 5 ~
. y X' , . .
Ce iy ja. \ » tae NaS fu. t - . on etliige
{ Ve Pnor oO the . 4 bey "4 iw Cc a ‘
Chi 5 x ‘Oe, > 4er iy ae (} t< ry) ! 4 . \.° ® ‘ ee t/y)
! ,* ; 7 te '
‘ i ) l , ! e 4 id 4 ve
rh fori vv NC 4 y Weil 4& { ( \
te) ( )*! rey () ‘ “s iw ‘ ‘
( } e.3.U i rise lla DS lid, wire Laan 4 it
files V2
1 - re ' ! ,%
Potente: QV, Durst ™arshal oft (Cour!
? : : } . } or 0 ly ’
‘ tisl.d) (wad CO ve ao) ET as the l {tl NOOO) tCsieie'
. ’ '
sey bo tors.—tde herve Surpnear Oe Foti aly
Koowab ct $a enow na Cateaitss ces well aa etas Cobony
, ly ' | ‘Citeerite yy. . _4 { f .
asatndire Com Gd Catemes ob eben ary ai : how
.* ' ° \ | » { » : } tof. ; qq) . {
or (he prococus Ot Ce cdbes ate plintahhoms 29
roast COasth OF Ts Cyiee yy tae bite propel iv
' PAYS pd ete ; 1
Metab chav a > + & PCobdiiy ec. Lo po sta pi 4) O)
, ' .
Vy’ J)! yy al the { arool die (ours it (- 1 il. Pualice Of
: _ ae ' ~ .
boos coiony, on Seondry the Path aay on, tpril ISt5,:
Pyclo vt dys there, Corendoridheirchittuss to
satefacty Ube DIN) bad fe Whtess, wher Me louidh
4 7
s.lelab Sagainons, Uae Cou s decisston, ou (he pre
feront acd concucrent ble ld ol Che Clan hAlliSy ON pari
MT perpetual silenee.
. . . . , ’
Vhis Sunwaous by bltet. made hnown to the Pure
t° ' ° 7 fe . °
blic lyy cal ol Artin reorm ttle Court {fouse ol (his
colony, aud turer deo with eceord ne to Law.
Berbice, liils bi, |} cf \ (of \i ire hy Is. ).
e ¥ ‘ % ¢— ?
‘ * & . ‘ ' ’ : er: .
boae Ab ss iN ( <- N, ] ii Ye | inrs)al
BY virtue ofan Senoietoient feon Wis Ue
celleney Th. We. Bosciser, Loquire, Lirutenant-
(covernorot the Cotany Berbice and is Qependen-
eres, &o. Le. ke. given tpon a Petition: presented
by Kh. ©. Downer, in cay occity: as Storey of W.
hing and P. Benjamin, the Criators of the Estate of
I rancis Bynve, dec. and the Parties in whose favor
an dbexccution Sale of plantution Rest Bower, eum
wivexisy was made inthe month of February, 1814,
sida ppomdnent bearing date the Sth Alareh IS15.
J the undersigned First Marshal of (he Courts with-
in this colony, and at the request of R. C. Downer,
in his abovementtoned capacity.<—Do hereby Sum-
mon by pail 2 all known and enknown claimants in
the proceeds of plrutation Pest Bower, cu annexis,
fo at pe ar befere the Bar af the Courtof Civil Justice
of this colony, or Monmlay the J7th diy ol April,
IS'5, and follow: ng days, there, to render in their
cliuicns, to maintain ‘the same and to vitne ss, aller the
(or hy ith fal San rnens, the Cours ceeission on the
prem rents olat vf the c:simanty, on Etin of perpen
sllCnc v.
View original
View original =- T~ « =e en . oo “ES. @) @© C458] 4 a e~ we . -8
View original OL SESE tertmaeeen ocanl®
PMIPO Vb bh Din the Claud Svor, troia Liver -
Bool dn b oveiule de yy it fi-w yup Ss Ol blacaburn’s choice
Joondon yocticular Made tia ‘ine, aiso claret in hilic
WML cusus ot ausanad two Goze. Those wines a
strongly recomended to hs nottec O° persons desirous
Piivany bewestoextor thea own Use, as bovis ola
vesyoarpmaear@|giu dy and fltvonr, alse by the sane
v « Webs bi i > Ut bates ad Gus! ( . ren) bite, -
: itm ct (hic Ft Bb Ot y ial Sy 4 il-
eich. wenn | C2 dilte he cay rec Me bec
«| whi TCA (id Vi fee «| Ciba cli y lobes
} 1) (« { : » | J oot, (hoo, — dic he t
foot sy ir u's, yg PCC p & hele ecedn ln.y bescdy 3
nobevew brews MP COM SOS) Maen
Cele Pay bai rooh « ’ Lact Ie y Straei AS
, J cal Ga pes, bute da boals flees) eee
omens beiv po ud de wiv rm stiaw dats. Vn (
Ve en 4 ys ALG Mo wieh boa. biked COC .
tre use los ny SC lhtuese panuse!’sy trossi:uan,
Nl] ! 1) ny oh foes Yitle b t ales, dre Sail! y
PtJies un dbenedreals shoes, Livemde rand rose wates
a 7 pitetd tow bay ‘sy SN Cas ustses
pit tes cots eaperb caamed & bec ahtast ¢ hia 7”
tboore coset lc chb eis ware, sets ware dacrates, blie
i Ewhite printed evers and base ny, cups and SUES
( revit toyde sds | yy hoe, Sy bedts. are lit. \ = es of vil
Gescription, shovels, boi afour 2 ly to 10.49, be it
irons ta het{le weit Vous, amd trying pans, besa
Hiysou (ean Ganaistess. bbich Pepper, moustarad, sale
IN bisvets, pease und Cubes, soap and candles in
boxes of of P5 lb. enchys Mt lw puncheous, Uerces and
barrels, Cotton and cate beywing r, Madeira wine fy
the dozen, putats aed point ob renal brushes, cun
powcer, and 2 pres Madea wine, imported ng bres
Inte Wan. Dinean, now upwards ol Ovo y cars au tue
colon .
NOTICE.—'The Creaitocs of D. Carnegie
wid plantation Mast Letivan, are hereby, intormed
that from 44 to bales o good clean cotton will be
voll among them, to the bie nest bidders, at the stove
OL Nivtasty, Cuustas lente Co., ia Now Amsterdam,
on tic QQab proaimo.
oY “. Ki wDATT. Peretee.
=— E-
wor ban » Creditors of Jluclouch
Dallas and plantation Dietter/ enny, are en
(hat OQ thales ot on clean colton wiil be soled:
them, tothe highest bidders on the Q]st omUA irae, et
the store of of VLOSSYS, Dou hy! eid « ~ Co— Ynother
«cS ww
Trustee is to be chosen ou the same da vy MVroom of
\V Wasa Loiiawson. >
5 March, C. DOUGLAS, Trustee.
9 a t ba
~ sc. —
NOTICE.—1hirty bales of good clesn Cot-
fon wlll be we mM ong the Creditors of JL MOG.
BV Donald and plantation Bleom i on the Qyxt
proxiinao, af the store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co.
—A Trustee is tobe clected on the same day, te place
of Wiilitam Lawson.
OC) March. . C. DOUGLAS, Tiustee.
SS SS SS "SS om a
—_—_ ___ - _
— _— ———————— ~__ ——
a —_—~
Published every Selxrday at 4 lock pos
By Wo SCLLEZ & Co.
Proite: ; C Torsha Lriinlers
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15 April 1815