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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOTIRIC VETION
Dy Command of the Mosorable Court of Cel!
Justice, of the colony Berbice.
NOTICE is bereby giver, that the vos Si(-
tings of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, wall
be held cn Tuesday the 7 March, IS15, and folloyy-
ing days.
Searctary’s Ofice, 23 Pb. (S15.
bivh Icbruary, Wl.
THE Taecvtenent-Co:eraor bas becn plea ed
to apps ho erieh Meicensie to be Civil Comimets-
ary, vicc, VW. Scott restored. by Comuinand,
PP. OWOITVE EE, Grov. Scew
View original SECKRE VARY s OFFICE,
TIS os to mfow the Pu! Te, thal lhe folloicine
Poors edat fae thn’ Ches CO.0I1.
Joba Dow andhes elitd named Joha cuenst, in six
weeks (OLY) 4 Deb.
Vo Broderick in weeks from 4 Feb.
David Dwine ti GO weeks from 10 Feb.
Pheory in G weeks from 18 Vebtuacy.
fj». c.s oe in do.
Pen Sctthe am Peodiidin dao,
The tree blac k womca Zephire ta do.
David Sill ean) Co. from de.
Cl1G. Ro. TD a] og Weeks from 29 [e
J. bk. St pel i. cy,
Wan. da JP iit do.
Wyoleer docry ¥ 1h Co.
JoA. Bicheno famity indo. or 3Jmenths.
BP. tharrnvethle and somtoatto servant indo. er do,
John Fraser (th. Watcos y with the Apu convoy.
dames Praser woth do,
The free male(lo wonrtn Blizabeth Servy will quit
the colony Bemice,
The free mulado won Philippiina in 6 weels from
hi b. 2 ».
Noatreets bere’ y ccc ts the! amo; oller dale the
> ’ ° 4 ’ ,
follui my Jia ‘) pts Civ Vat foege coals be a vou.
. S / - i
Jan. 28. Colin Dovedis will transport fo Pe oerary
6.’ Negroes, nines fo LeSecu ad hd Gace,
Feb. 18. “ia. Teassom wiik Goes. Dalle daucrary
O1)() Now cs
J.G. Pout cq. vill feonereert ta Demerrey, 3 Nee
erovsy ued iavigcel, Groucestors | Dornea ter,
Feb. 2). P. I’. Then lop wall ty basport to Jo abotio:
the one cich! pucot Lot No. 7, witha rw to i
en poider ol he oven New Aipecondua.
—— James raser nl pass a amote cre tn favor al
JH. EL. Manrenbrecheor, as Representative +,
Sampson Sharp coda Batu, to be vested ea it
Pelladrum, or So. o, Canje, eid on 75 Nesioe
—— Jolin ep will Qainsport fo Sem. Poy Fie
fation No. Oo. Wrest Corenatineg certs mal Te
Negro Shives, id aibotier ippurien aces bet 4
sanie below tne.
San. batt woth pass a morfeaee ia fiyvor of J,
Vapin, for the purchase mon y of Pi. Now 3
and the Negtoes.
R.C. bow AEM , Secy.
NOTICE All pessons Prat y ity: sony Demand
acainst John Prraser, besquire, ov Pitntiion Nhileory,
or on the date Firm of Joti diaser & Co.are re eles -
ed torender such denis tor pi ayment: and such
Persons as yet remain indebted tothe late Firm o/
olin Fraser & Conpouny, or toJobn Praseryare earn-
estly entreat ‘d to settle thre Ir ae counts. previous lwo
hisdeparture from this colony ia Arril next.
Secretary's Oilice, 29 Peb- S15.
Reo. DOWNER, See.
eee eS FEE Ee eS eee Le
View original
View original ——“-—-_-- rrr eee a -
Ge ee ee ES TT A TI asad
Do of Phases of the Moon. Pfoticks YS, Hh. W.
uM. OUW~: Pocuomena. KC. Il. ld.
eee ee ee
View original —_—_ oro oo -::.nk _ er ee | cr eee ae
ot fe Af|dl
AVS Lj o
HV Su | Ontsetagesion Sundiy. Agatha. 2 | 29
vil) Issa FY Cok It.

— 4
Tho New Yeon, 2h.. Cin. moraing.

Wy dn bites dh. PGi. morning. M85
th Iu didi oO. i. \ » Mary. Neap Lides. | P}} oo
VW Ash Wo daesday.
10) | | Spring ‘Pices. 51 OA
1S G {| 26
Su] Uirst sunday in Tent. 7 ]
Moy Md 71 58
aunt . | | :
i) ‘ 4)
Tau | . | 9 AG
7) td arst Crater, Oo, 29m, morning. | 1] | 2
1 yy Net des Vij 9
iQ) | SHE 2d Suuuty wi Lent. Sun Enters Pis-| J] | 9
J 1 | Lees, } 2] 3
>| | * | o dl
Do) | 3} Oo
hat) Pull Moen, $i. Ofn. evening. AY oT
. Ma isatuias. Lb. of Camb. b. 1774.1 31 10
ft . ‘i sings ‘Vides. | Oj oo
sy ca [od Sunday in Lent, 6 |
v7 | \4 (|)
Of ft Pa ~ | $4
1| \\ PA RCHW.—)awid, ©) 14
Duh | Last ¢ smarter, Gl. Lom. CVOPINS, | OP
Ob | Nesp rides. h1Oq dS
eames .. 24 Ma = EE Sk & ks.
On Monday the O7 rv dastent, willbe < "dat the
Vendue Qoihice, by order on We Prodoneh. hsa. at)
extensive aworc ot of Nowe clothing, blankets,
russ, tats, ainl couce ba
Witlrout reserve,
Py onder of de a Pesto Tsq. from 12 a 20 head
df fins young coms oad ox,
esy Walch wall be sold
Oa the sume Cov, dooce) V porter tn barrela, soap
aud cantiles aves.) J hacia Cheese, poiatues,
bec y pork, Pia me oles and Tihs. haes,
save t 6 7 rt roo ivess crtlissesy nails assorted,
eo to, rye ard ob Dae, Pallieat and
( Sltiats. uy fly 7 rhisti dar NITICS, Ac.
Or Poe th yy age ead fic Cows, and
i ot
. 4 v ye / v 8 sas
WoO, eawrnon, Don. Tor Tue SToster.

Om Gea Ne Gorol “Marchy newt) ond fellow tire
CoN ill be sold tot! are by order o
Leonor. of tie date Nos, a Pulse, (he cof.
. , yer > \ ‘ 1)
f (y 8 ft “4 C04 t ¢ df a RO Ls
tt ee tiver acibices acd the eotton Plan.
: ‘ { . ‘ 9y li we
I, | byonmti west set eoust of aserbice,
rwoliabe i God cbives, oto cle. fierndbure
7 , , ue? oe ' ’
Wooaffitios mie ya core Joe ferme ot sale and
viller paren cues, enopheaicimey be made (oA. A.
dé la Court, busy. or to
D.C. Caminerx, Dep. Vordue Alister,
The sale will tile ite onthe x lb tive }°s-
fatiee sande mor cece at bP! ochock p-cciscly at
planciti ndoostton Rust.
——_————— + 2 iL Aow
View original
View original - eo ———
3c a
By Permission of his Excelleney the Governor.
(he honor to inform the Ladies and Choate n , that
(heir next performance, will be oa ‘Pues day oye ving
the 28th J ebru: ary, 1515.
Light and Slack mere &e. Se. &e.
Signor Brito, will dance a Cou utry Rance on the
Ticht Rope without his feets touching it,
Signora Brito, will dance a Country Dance on the
Ticht Rope, and will balance herself, sittin
(ie Rope.
Signor Brilo, will sifon a Chair on the Tight Rope,
with a Table before him, and will partawe of
The Clown will exert himself for the Aniuseme: it of
the € OM PUY.
Signor Preto, will march oo the Tiedt Rane. (yj -
ont the Balinee Pole) withhtyo tatsindis ta
with which he will perforuy many Cuscwus fi
On the Slick Roye.
“Ienor Prito, Will Dalamee Dtiascle with bis o>
the air, his head not tonchine the ¢
sun flower kire Work fo bits cor
mam in that position until he vo .
and perform: ina wy olhter feats theree.,
To conclude with the celebrated Pantow in. « :
ry ‘ ’ ' ’ ~ OF hal ’
tw lico Acs.
Priices—-Grown Persons 3 Do'ars
Chiltdsen one Dollar.
— £ a _
Doors opencd at 5a’clock, performance tu b gia al j
in “a l.veuin’.
Lic kets fo be had 7 thiei ly 4 Clling hoys man fon: if
to Mis. findner) on Lot Na. 10,
Di sega. stra Pig dae sO,
bereby eive N tivo, | Chiat a v Wille xpos et :
SQUuaTeE bales of Culton, (othe hiehoest Ol oro ay.
the Creditors of said Estate, st the stovect on. hy
Croft, New Anisterdat vat IYaoclock oa Mona, ¢
Oth QO) \ pril, ensuite, A full Ae oe ) lhe lie
HOV is requested earnestly, as matters ef eens. bey
ble in }PorumMee Will be proposed tu ul CIPapp re ie
ion. — Berbice. 24 Febru ry,
Tree rat ini G FRAPDA Saco
f fv Ivy vale
Dastorda mlehocp by ad /
/ ef CON y
levens civil prysen, te volsence, door Aen e's
miler ocnke beste arlicelen, beierten:
\ r ,. . 4 , ™
OUD. rode, Ma'loea, and Rhvise wyoe,
UWhCUTEN, CeneVer, Syne Selster water, viccac:,
bani, werst., gerookt vieesch, rol pons, hariae y Dates
hissy blocimbool, suurkool, s edrooet tun bon: eins
meel, perleort, hel, soit, fyne vaky py pen, vewote
haureca, lyncolie, witlood, cenize vert. waren, medi-
cvnen, pipler, inkt, s hry f-pen hen, hurken, linnens,
i | *~¢ C ‘ ‘ mica, 7 \ ATI A bOFrcnily ly Saas, batist, ercne
plamhei Cuil Latlen, WACe

99) Fob. Litt No, 29.
Tr ENDERS with be received at the Store nf
vir. John Wa lt, New Armsterdiun, for 60 70 pales
ott on, addressed tothe ‘Sequestrators of Plantation
Cantes, un o oe lav the Ioth March, when the
hichest offer, a proved, will be vec: pled.
Noy Art st. YO Feb.
DEN onder: Brae kenx ° Voornemens zynde in
kort deze holonte te ve Hat > Vorzocht ten vriendes
lyhsie aan cen i selyh, waorinede ly openstainde
rhenine heeft, dit ten spocdiaste te veretenen, ten
onde hem in staat te stellen zyne cheageny aten le
Tot bi ‘verdering van spocdige en geleverde afleves
ring van uit bur opa herQenards geconsignee) de goes
deren, prope necid den ondereeteckende aan atic Plape
fers @n Lnwooners dezer kolonie, een rutin web ous
meCal het daar toe benodig lo. gelegen in het midden
] . ) : '
ever Stad, aan de veordaum, tot een szoorenramde
Yivinoos pakhuts teappropriecren, im mantere als te
voren hier inde koloui ecbruike lyn IS COVES LO )
coodaity planoen hondite ols z: Wham we imlen
Overcenvehamens; verzoekende lry onder: teckhende
» Planters en andere zigh daartee inclines ades zich
yp roa. ben ell de 2 cheve {c ; dress Ve).
beb. £5. J. li. SCUILARKILCRS B
View original
View original o_O ee ——— _—
NOTICE ts hereby given by the undersign-'
ed, the Mr. I. Bames holds a Note of his, whic ly
now null and void; its beine given for a horse whict
he warranted to be sound; the horse proving to the
contrary, has been returned. within the limited time
specified in the note, which he refuses giving up—
as the note was drawo to Order, this is to caution
perons taking it in peyment.
qi Feb. Jno. QUARLISS.
- ----.— —-s --

Tie sndersienal afer r fo r Sale, Ctr addition to what
they have on hand oe a arher rao tidions) the
following choive articles, dinported from London,
ner LATONI A, via Demerary, which they aca
dispose of, cheap, for aninedial payment, 63 5—
LONDON brown steut in bottles, old Port
vine, Roffinan’s raspberry and cherry hr indy, ditto
fine French olives ins halt pint bottles, real Coentac
brandy and Uolland’s gin per piece, \ rthwilstirc
and pine chevses, double rose butter tn firkins, oys-
ters put ap ima superior manner, pickles, @plit peas
and barley, vinegar in jues, refined surar, gentlem’s
fsehionible clothing, consisting of Coats, black silk,
casimere, sili rape, fonllenette and other waistcoats,
Wellington's overs, buff printed Marcilla dressing
canis, Lioht milit: y fort: Hessian- and Welln nyton-
boots, fell divss- ' tf do.- and Planters strong shoes
with buckles. lashionable silk umbrellas anal ladies
partsols, gentlemen’s fashionable walking sticks, ele-
gaat fowlinge picees with gold paus and touch holes
Dnished in the hrehest style, pocket and other pis-
tols, elega lil Ofliccrs swords with belts and knots,
ric I, silk sashes and sold epaulets, gun-powder and
shot, brass bound wr Ming desks and dressing cases
eomslets +» gentlemen's mahogany tool chests com-
pletely furmshed with very best materials. chaise
harnessess, qo key saidles and bridles, .an assortment
of WHIDS, piated spoiscvah ve withou( silver chains,
inahogaine Loe) IU Plasses, levant Vase lau ps with
shades and brass mounting complete, gentlemen and
Jadieces black and white silk stoc hing cotton- doc-
gkin- ain other r gloves, zentlemen’s supeitor beaver
hats, 5: ape tine binck- Dlue- cieen- and mixed broad
clots, white Marssia waistceating, scarlet. bluc- and
a en- table COVETS, frie lapse counferpanes, bryvctaia
on, Musguity netling, cotton and linen checks, pli-
ti Hins euitan and linea, own pattems, mustins, an
assortmentot eullery among which are some clevant
setts of tvory haridled knifes and forks, silver ferreld
and fluted p TANIVOS. Ta LOTS, AC. oa COM lefe assort-
ment ol brass amd! hovdware consisting of all hinds ol
locks and hinges, side boards, hat and drawers knobs
anc handles, Wi.ihO WW pull SN, door | Olts. NCL, large
and sm ill stor lvls, Dyan rary hoe ; sliove I, ond
Cutlasses, cloavers, ship scropers, dalling axes, sane
and stew puns, Sbid-tions, tea hettles, Cut~ pite aad
raw files, sfatir ary urscrfed, books of bills of exe
change and loading nea be nad: on hand two quit
bouks, paints and cil, soap and candles in small box-
es, neatstoot oly lay acd ‘I Artis HI: ehking. nM aye
surtincut of Broshes Comistine af lone - aad lied.
brooins, fame clothe teble. furnitures shoe-tootheand
nath brushes. alt in!
of cut elias wake OMN by CN a? | Nrevad, i farge as-
sortine tl ol nn nl Cloth: : Do thhe best covlity. bhane
kets, Wc. ( “)d. | CINE & Co,
Nb. No new aecounts Opcned tt tibihe old cnes are
sett al. iS deb.
e ——_—_—_— --—_- —-- ~~. ES! ——_—__
ircls and fier Cs. cll ‘ts mrlmrent
Dike uucersigned being wis! Pal vo lea rve Lis
colony withta six weeks bon daw, for Demerary,
where tre intends continuing to epain Watches,
Clocks, &c. Assures bis Friends (who will favor him
with their orders dof acc uracy, dispatch and moderate
charges. ‘Vhiose who are indebted to hiny. please to
come feaward with payment, to enable him of set-
tline with Ghose to whem he is indet tel. Several
Watches which he bas repaired, remain uncaWed
for; heinforms their owners that he intends selling
them at Vendue to recover his charyes for re paling
them, if not cadled tor with wt One month atler date
18 becb. aa. Ei RY.
-_-—-_-—_——-— ~_ —_
YHOSI[s having Claims, or are indebted to
the undersigned, may cal} far payment to Cla. Ru-
Jach, sq. and make p. ayment to bin, as his receipt
wall be achnowledyed ia iall.
13 Feb. .J.HILKEN.
FOR SALE, two Excellent health Slaves,
one a very vod Washer women, a good Cook, and
house servant—the other a boy, who is also a good
Cook and house Servant; both hea ne and sony.
Pavable in ersh or piri Ince fo satisfaction, aud lu at
solid purchaser, a short credit will be civen,

res paaticulars eng UNS @ at ehis Obice.
2 L!
Is a Ube,
View original QE eT oe a SS a Se
View original gg Se ee eee
Sa 0-/K- 2
Trom the Rhenish Mercury.
From the very beginning there have been two o)i-
aions cuncerning the manner of disposing of Saxony
and Poland, which would be most conducive to the
csencral good. Some believe that Poland rast re-
main divided; forthat the sifety of Europe would
be highly endangered, if that country, so poryerful
by ifs resources, and by the warlike spiritol its india.
bitants, shoutd be placed under the protection of
Russia, and its King become a vassal of that gigantic
Lmpre. Teey point to the map, and shew the enorm-
ous mass Which presses upon Isurope from the Last ;
they shew he great Porelands and Islands which
branch out from its source, that Eastena Sclavonian
binpwe into Bohemia, and Sgnthwards into the CGer-
inamsoud, and the possibility Mat if tat last interme-
diite hingdoin vanishes, all will coalesce in one )To-
dicious mitss, which will prepare the ruin of Gerina-
Wy, ‘Jherefore, say they, Poland must remain, as
laras possible, subject to Germagy, which will then
be spared the in costice of swallowing up Saxony.
Vhe other jeuty maimtainy Stas potso. What
you wish fo preveut by this division you will raihen
promote by if. A sptitotunity has atisenin Pobind,
i love of Independence, whieh so ra Wy yours ef mi-
scry and shame, ter (rom weakening, bave strensthe
ened and confirmed. Wonutd vou tear in picces this
body so full of fe 3 its bleeding and conyulsead mem-
bers, in which you cannot smother the vital parks,
Will grow togethers again, and before yarare aywaic
uf it, the wound would be closed. At the stightes:
movement tn Europe the thirst of independeaee will
be then removed; tbe East willtake advantage of (he
spirit of discontent, the West will beild pans upon
i, aid eventually the very thing will happen whieh
you inyour wishdom think to prevent.
The partion of Poland was the tirst youth ful sin
Of this age 2? thas sinee mdced vrown erey IN Sidi ;
but kotus not safer the newcra which is now bevine
nine to take on atsclt the crimes of its predecessur—
wemmst goa back to Me route of the evil, fo make a
perfect cure possible. Let Polind have a Russian
Prince if you wih; before (wo veuerationsare passed
lhe will be byanysc Ifa Pole, vil Chler into el the fate.
restyof th» ceuntry fo which be ts attached. Thi:
will hivrn 6D SOONCE Li lhe ts a constilatronal King, }'-
lifted by the peeuliir spiritot the country, Thatthbe
Sclevonian nation should bold tovreth ros natural,
aud we cannot silence thes natural tiepulbse by oar je a-
lousy: but what we can dois not to be en ty of (he
injustice towards them, (hat those who are trce Lia
bot become ous ehemics, and those who are ance:
the yohe vevolt agtinst us. braly there is na other
ele fo euide us out of the labyriath In which we are,
thanatter the plain old) fasion as we Germans have
bemused to do, to give and dake what is strict)s
yist, and to consider that as often as we have misled
by covetousneas and: grecdiness, to pass the just
bounds, puatshiment has never failed to follow. Ji
Poiand remains divided Prossia will bea secured
Schivonten German State, withone any natural bond
ofinternelunton, @s Austria has unhappily been since
the Goths went lo remote countrive, and the [uns
and Sclavoniais took their places. How can Prnssta
cover Me eastern jrontice of Germany with the one
discontented halt of the Sclavonian nation against the
other half, tnviding it trom beyond the Vistula, uni-
ted with the Pieadly pations of the Bast? No, the
North must be on that frontier as ant uucompoundadl
Crerman Power, and to this end it is necessary thut
Saxony should be more neatly coanccted with it.
There isnothing unjust in (bis uaion: the King of
the country sect bis tite on the point of his sword and
Wis Overcome tn Lig open combat, even against his
ewn people. Ele hay saved his lite, boerase he knew
not how todie s but the cromn must beiong to him,
hecatse the judgement of tie Gods bas been against
But the Conquerar’s possession, to be legal, must
he founded on a conventien with the people, the con-
dittons of which muet be settled by common consent.
Sot hasbeen done in Norway, where the weakness
ol the chiels was overcoue by stratagem, and the na-
fon secures tis tight atthe Diet. Thesame must be
done in Ttaly also, if any good is to be produced
ere, “There also victory has expelled the forcien
Usurpers, the domintoas is fallen to the victors: but
the wew Princes can reign there only by a formal con-
(ract, and the new dominion ofa loreieb race can be
founded only on the conscutof the people. ‘Phe boo-
fy db dauuey and ellecis micy be divided by the law
View original
View original ——_— a) 9 ee
Visnna, Mov. 23.— The Emperor Alexander, like
v private mdividual walking outa few days ago, fell
Inowilra woman, whowasemployed in enttidy wood,
vi dasked hes low much she earned per day? * Three
Porins,y? ansyered the woman, who did not hnow
him. Sel sic the Kvaperor, “that is enougk
toliveupon.” -- Les,” replied she, ‘if the Great
Sovereigns who are now here would go away; but
their lon stay increases the price of cvery thine.”
‘Never wand.” saadthe mperorlaugh ng, “they
wel eo soon,” and talking out his purse, be gave her
a plece of gold.
Dec. 8.—The claims which Count Ludovisi has
laid before the Congress to the Iste of Elba and the
Prinetpaliy of Piombino, Wave not been allowed to
pass unnoticed. The mission of General Koller te
Halv and the Is’e of Elba, seems to be their result,
According to several persons, iW relates (oan allere
ation ta Napolco.’s residence. Several Powers have
recyired if.
Lor. +.— We now hear of nothing but marriages,
To tite topic Chey revert when thoe isa want of
news, and ail con) ictures as to politics are exhausted.
The Grand Duchess of Oldcnbure would have beer
sovercign of plenty cocuntites ii she lad mairied all
(he Princes with hon. politicians lave marricd her.
Dec.5.—Vhe Lin per ref Austria has received fro
the hing of Penmark the Decoration of the Order of
the Mlewhant, and has conferred in return on that Sos
vereign, the Tfonsarian Order of St. Stephen, as a
testimony of Uie fitendship exist between the two
The woek, of which a copy being translated into
(he TPorkish language, and seat to Corstantinopole,
causcd an asscniblawe of the Divan, and anawimated
discussion, was writen by Doctor Lipps. The result
ofthe Council was, thatthe Austriaa Internuncio wag
wiitten fo, to furnish explanations to the Subliine
Porte. As this work spoke of the liberty al Gi C2
and of the @elivcrance of those fine ceuntrics from the
yoke of the Vucke, i was sought atter with creat
caxicty by the Geeck inhabitants, and produced an
excessive eutinstasm. Several hundred copics were
seraeG and carued off from the merchants, and those
who lad sold them were arrested. The Porte has
faken precautions to allay the ferment this book has
occas oned.
Dic. ¢@.—ITtisasserted that the Varshalsof France
have vn agent here, in the person of BM. Brosser de
Vallensule, who is authorised to demand of the
Concress indemnities for the estetes which they pase
sessed tn Germany, Polond, and italy, which were
recognised by the A\iied Powers, and of which they
have been dispossessed by the netehbouring Princes.
It is acded, Chat the doinand of Prince Berthicr ig
seconded by several Princes of Germany, and that
Prussia offers to pay tim an annual pension of a eone
siderable amount. [ft shuld be remembered that
Price Berthier is marted toa Bavarian Princess.
Paris, Dec. 17.—IJt is said that Monsieur and the
(so Princes, his sens, will eo to Sens in the course of
next wee. tits known that the sacred receptacle
which coutaies the aslios of (he Dauphine and Dau-
plriiness, the father aid the mother of Louis XVI.
and hts Majesty, Morstou, und the Princes Elizabeth,
has happily escaped (he turry of the Revolutionists,
and is now secured tn the Cathedral of Seas.
Phe Baronde Diesen, Licut.-General in the sere
vice of Russian, and formerly Governor of Mittan,
Who had behaved so well to all the Frenah, had the
honor to be presented to his Majesty on the 10th of
this month. ‘Che King, who never forgels those
Wha have well Created his unfortunate subjects, ree
cetved him most graciously, and taking him by the
hand, said, 1 tec! trac pleasure in thus receiving
the good Sriend of the Frencly, in one who has so well
freated all of us!’’-—The Baron testified the mos¢
lively emotion on the happy occasion. —«
Dec. 16.—Phe Kine has named a Commission for
ecclesiastical affairs, presided by M. de 'Talleyrand,
Count de Viosinemil and Marshal Oudinot will, it
is said, be {he two Goinmandauts of (he Regiments of
Guards which his Majesty is about to create.
Bourceaur, Dec. 11.—Several persons of the town
of Langon having assembted, on the 15th a€ Auvust
last, ata public house, went out in the evening upon
the quays, and there set up shouls of ** Long live
Nuapolcon!—Lhe Lsie of klva for ever!— Dorn with
View original >
the King and the Rovyalists !~The bisod-thirsty for
ever !?—.These *xclo mations were repvated the fol-
lowing night, and it appears that the seditious pa-
raded the strecls of Langon with a fiddler at their
head. For this misdemcanor elevea persons were
apprehended, and nine of them tried in the Court of
Assize.—Dulue, fencing-master, and Plinty, carpen-
ter, were found enilfv, but their misconduct had not
been productive of any consequence, the Court sen-
tenced them to be banished five years, and to pay
the costs of the nroceeding ‘The seven others were
acquitted and re! d.
View original KR EE
An accountofthe Nevaland Mititary Forces, main-
tataed ov possessed by the priccipal Pozars of the
Conttront, previous to the Wer of 1792,
Deninark, as her Peace establishineat, maintained
#1) 000 reculartroops, and T0000 militia, cavalry and
Infantry. Wer navy, tatd up door toriry, constted of
36 ships ofthe ling, and tS reigates! She had 93,000
recistcre| seanien, of which 4, OO were In Pay, and
employed ta the Doc! -Viireis,
Orthe RMusian ariny, af the sane periad, we have
searched in vata forany anionic csttmate 5 but from
the documente before vs, we teel anthorised in esti-
mating if atabeut SOO 0C0 men of all arms. At the
tine in gnestion, when the anpress Catharine was ir
the meridian ef her elory, Russia bad 26 ships of the
Fine, Q3 fiicales, VOT ellevs, and 10 preams, which
were equal to frivrtes, as they crrried 2' guns each.
The sulors in pay, on she peace establishment,
were 15,090, ‘
France, in 1799, had 111,000 infantry, 50,000 Cae,
vairy, and 11.090 artillery: whieh, with 72,000 vo-
funteercs and National Guards, made 224,000.
Het noval force was comprratively enorinous. If
cousisfed of 8 Jorge first rates; 5 of lOO unns, JO of
80 wuns, G7 of 7: guns, and | of 64; being 91 ships
of the line, besides 75 frigates !
The United Provinces now forming with large ad.
ditions, the kingdom of Belgium, maintained 10,000
troons, of which 25,000 were in the garrisons. The
Datch Navy consisted of UW ships of the Jine, 8 of 56
guns, 4 0f 50 cuns, 5 of £4 euns, 9 of 40 guus, aid
ten (ris les, Bestdes sin Uler vessels.
Of the force in the Austrian Netherlands before the
war, we can find no accurate account; beeause the
Emperor Joseph crused aiaey of the fortifications to
be demolished. and thus saved the cx pence of ours
sons, Bat wost of the Geroon Shrtistical Wailers,
(wenly vours ago, stat bat st PO.G6
Orthe forces waintalaed on th Peace Establish-
mentin the Geroan Baptue, itis tapossidle to ture
mish anv accor itecsfincles; beean.e, under the old
Constitution, the regidiurtroo ps were farnished by the
“lectors and the Peclesiastical Pemmees, by monthly
Assessments: some subplyurs tieney y others men,
and sone bath. Rut the avcieate amount ary hye
tuken at about 950,050.
Prussia, in proportion to herextent, hada greater
military force than any other Conttuental Power; so
great, thatas may be remeuered, if woe thournt,
in coagnnetion with Austria, equal to the disinenios.
mentof Prance, It was Ph ),0°0 tucu, and was soon
alter the war, increased to [C0 000.
Hangary uiaintained (0,000 reeuhirfroaps; Tran
svivania, Sclaronia, Croaiis, and QOolmatia, all sud-
jecls to the Emperor of Germany. faom 1..9)0 to
18,000 ; Switzerland about 12,000, kept forthe pur-
pose of letting ont toagy of the boretgu Princes who
micht choose to hire them !
Spain kept up 70,000 regulars, ind had an enorn-
ous nivy.
Portugal maintained 25,060 treops, and had 17
ships of the line, and G frieates.
Ov the Italian States, the Duke of Savoy had 15,900
men; Venice 16,008 regular, and 10,000 militia:
witha flect of calleys; the Duchy of Tuscany 12,000 ;
Parma, Placenia, &c. obout 7000; aud Mantua,
Modena, &c. about S009.
The Papal States, and those of Naples and Sicily,
are the only Powers whose force remain as whorty of
notice; and the former were too contemptible to be
designated ; for whatever might” have been their
amount, they fled on the first invasion of the French ;
Jeaving the country an immediate prey to the enemy.
The latler made a considerable show at the outset
bat were of nogvail, even when seconded by British
co-operation. A& we can not give any statement of
theiramonnt on the commencement of the war, which
we can assert to be authentic, we shall let it pass.
‘To contrast these forces with what the respective
Powers now maintain, or likely to kcep up, will not,
we, think, be an unintcresting emusemeut for those
who have leisure and inclination. The subject can-
not but be important to political observers; and it is
one to which we shatl perhaps soon have occasion
again (o amlvert.
- ! -
ed) recut froopis.
aD ys
Extract from the Journal of ths Chasseur’s Crutse.
Sailed from Sandyhook, July 29.—Agust 16, on
the Banks of Newfoundland, felt in with the brig
View original
View original Eclipse of Greenock, from Buenos Ayres for Liver-
po !, mounting £4 xuns, laden with hides, furs, and
alittle specie, and, after aa action of one hour she
struck; took out the SPCCie, and manned her.—<Ar-
rived at this port.
Aug. 19. Captured the briz Commerce of Poole,
from Newloundland for Spain, ladea with codfish, a
fine new copperfastened brig-—Manasd and ordered
her in.
Aug. 21. Captured the brig Antelope of Guernsey,
mounting 8 [S- pound c arronadesand a lor iv tom, from
Havann ah, laden with 900 boxes of suvars struck
without fring a gun.—Manned and ordered her in
Aug. 22, Uaptured the schooner kox of Poole,
from Newfoundland for Spain, with fish,—Manned
and ordered her in.
Aug. 24. Captured the sloop Christian, of Kirk-
caldy, Scotland, from the island of Lanzarotte for
Cork, ua barilla.—Gave herup to the Captain and
prisoners on board the Chasscur, who were paroled
and supued with previsions.
Aur. 25.—At 7, a. am. discovered ten sail to lee-
ward, blowing very tresh, made sul iu chase, and
soon discovered one to bea frigate, and another a man
of war brig: hauled upon a wind immediately, and
they in their tura gave chase—onflsailed them with
Aug. 26. Captured the brig Produce of Aberdeen,
ind the sloop £: avourite of Popes oneh, Scotland
th trom the Isle ot Lanzarotie, tor Luiadoa, with
bertlhi and wiaie.—burnt them.
Aug. 27. Abreast of Scilly, in the English Chan-
I, captur.d the brig Marqui C ynwallis, of Dun-
dee, from Langeotte, @ith barilla aloe, of no value,
h LVI 1 been several Glues boarded yy Aner
CTUIZCIB, and saffered to Ppuss— rave Ne! up to the

Captain, and put oa board all our prisoners.
Aue. 29. Took the bug \Viitane of London, of §
vuns, and the ship Ja ucs of ditto, of £2 cts, both in
company from tac River Plite, daden with hides,
tallow, bach, furs, &c. and manned them,
Aug. 50. Boarded again sloop Chrigtuin, that w
had inade a cartel on, md sappt vith wore provi-
sions, at (ne same (hne taoared thou that fogland,
Scottand, and Lretand, were by me deel fain asta
ol strict and rigorous bi Stes and Chia y Pio Ine
latltou to that ( t cf I 1yCe BR duly published cll
turwarded to Liloyd’s, tor the LOVCTEAU ntofall per-
S@LLS tate
Bept. 3. Came cloee up with to sail; found one
to be (| ‘in ' . } | Cc y be > (| t [
Wiriae 8 \ — \ ‘ lie
¢ | '
cI } ; } ic ‘ i [rly tl } i; ii -y
U Wit! Stl Cvs
Se 9 4 Ww Ow 1 QO] iv h l ad } I) 1c
< [> rlec i | {a . | (ac Ih Ai \ V ‘ ( | !
i Og (i ( . le ? () . i}
, . \ a } . ‘ }
? cL 1U“*CB, « | , ' ,” ( ! ) : ide aroun
i _,¢ e . . ’ '*
. aia > "OO ». \ Vr C fired
. ! ‘ 7}
ln, dis) | ‘@ ilig, Danled upon a
[ ilsall Chem PD thy ' ) Past
rf r ’
‘ . a4 vad l | “J { h 1 \ a i)1 . f¢ ‘ T V, from
‘ ) . ¥ 6 . 4%
- -frimice, ful AION 1) yf) ) arles
ny . P ANTE OL 4 e! CS. i {| ‘arole, in
= ) , i 4 :
Ol ad yar Cl + i j AA Labbacdoda J 00 LLlllee
} ' . T
\ (°
‘pi. 5H. anyone three men of v it. and nare
} . . 7 ] _ . . ~
rOWly ug caplure, Owins (uy the calmness of the
¥ I Tr.
\ ad » } ' a a “ao f -@ 7
7. Bearded the Danish barque from Gibraltar
ry Sil rep, dn bailast. Same day, about 10
{ ’ > S ] , | ] , | Yer Y \ thy , f. 4 e
; .& ' f a) » FAS MICA DY ivuUr wen
( f war | yf q)t f | ‘ | ery W 1) ¢ eC.
: ryy ’
« ‘ 9 eerye ua lyrice Pb heor re, of Liverpool,
. ; . . 1 . .
VOUT) fp | Muns, at il Aiarenham (o Liverpool,
v ‘aa I; a ty, | ® cotton: rae f forthe United St: fes.
Sept. 10. After na chase, came up with a disguised
, . 9 ’ ? . 2 - 7 . .
‘@ scl, WIC proved fo be bis Friesty «© briv Fly, of
the Jargest class, sent out from Plymouth, with five
thers ofthe sane class, in pursuit of us—outsailed
Sept. 15. Captured he brig Speculator, from Lan-
zarotte for London, with barilla: she had previously
been takenand given up by the Grampus of Baltimre,
put some prisoners ow board and let her proceed.
Same day boarded a Portuguese ship, orginally from.
Lisbon for Boston, with salt, wine, and some opium,
a prize tote Calypso and ‘Phais, tor breach of block-
ade. ‘Foek out the opium and prize crew, and gaye
Sept. 14 Was chased by two men of war brigs,
which we discovered at day-light about three miles
offour weather-quarter; outsailed them with ease.
Sept. 19. Captured the brig Harmony of Aber-
deen, from Newfoundland for London, with timber ;
took out all the Englishmen except the Captain—put
on board 14 toreign seamen, and gave her up to the
Ca plain,
90. Captured the brig Alert, of and for
Poole from Newlor indland, with timber ; burnt her.
At suu-set, a convoy of 33 sail, standing eastward,
hove in sight.
Sept. 21. (The convoy in sight, and blowing a
perfect gale), captured the Carlbary, of London,
View original from Jamaica, orrinaliy front Curacos, wth cotton,
cocoa, tobaco, hides, imdigo, &c. Took out 237
zeroons of indiso, and ordered her in
Sept. 25. Boarded the Russian brig St. Nicholas,
from Amelia Island, with cotton: put on board our
Sept. 29. Lat. 47. long. 13. 10. passed closs to a
convoy of 15 sail, without being noticed ; and a few
hours afterwards captured the brig Ainicus, ofand fox
Liverpool, from Lisbon, with wool. 2 wootleas, &c.
—took out the woollens and ordered ber in.
Boyle the commander of the Chasscur, on ene of
his recent cruises, issued the follossing proclamatio»
of blockade.
By Thomas Boyle, Esq. Commander of the private
armed biig Chasseur, &c. &c.
Whereas, it has become customary with the Admi-
rals of Great Britain commanding the small forces,
on the United States, pacti icularly with Sir Borlase
Warren, and Sir Alex: ander Cochrane, to declare all
the coast of the suid United States, ina strict and
rigorous blockade, without possessing the power to
justify sucha declari ion or stationing an adequate
force to maintain said blockade
I doy therefore, by virtue of the power and autho
riiy in me vested, (possessing sufficient lorce) declare
all the ports, harb: mrs, bays, creels, rivers, in'ets,
ruffots, isfands, and sea coast of (he United Kingdom
of Gre al Britain and Treland, ina strict and rigorous
blockade. And TI do bereby require the respective
Ollicers, whi ther od conmuaiwaude ts, Or Came
manding officers under o iy command, employed of
(oO be f mploye df Ov the coust of I nel inch, Ti Ni und, anc
Scotland, to pay strieCattention to the execution of
this my Proclamation, And Ydo hereby caution and
forbid the ships tn peace with the United States, froa
comming or attempting to come outany of the said
ports, harbours, bays, creeks, rivers, Bilets, outlets,
islands, or sca coasts, anderany pretence whatsoever,
And that ao person anay plerd ignorance of (bis my
Preclamation, | have ordered the same tu be mace
public in Iengland,.
Given under my hand on board the Chasseur, day
and date as above. T. Bory Le.
By command of theeomrmanding officer,
J.J. Sroussury, Secretary.
—_—__ —_——
ALLE de genen die iets te vorderen hebben,
olte verschalc Tigd zyn, aan den ondergetcekende,
rtieve betaling te doen aan den Heere Chs. Rulac hi,
4 ‘zvn quitande zil valideren, en ook direkte betas
ling zal doen,—18 keb. J.J. WILKEN,
View original —_—~—
FOR SALE by the Subscriber, the follow-
ing India Goods, imported inthe Stjon Cock, Capt.
Warren, from London:—Blue and white salempo-
res, blue, white and yellow nankeens, 9S & 6 IY jae
conetmuslins, seersuckus, Bandama handkerchiefs,
hyson tea and black pepper.
—-————_ -
View original The undersigned intending to quit the colo-
ny in 6 weeks or 3 months from date, requests all
persons hayieg any demanc’s against lim to ren ler
the same; and those inJjebted to come forwrd with
payment. He offer fur Sale, cheap, his premises on
ot No. 16, comprising 5 road land, with a dwelliag
house 22 by 121 feet and out-houscs, &c.
4 Feb. JOHN DOW.
View original EOR SALE, by the Subscriber, at reduced
prices: Barrels of mackrel f 66. half barrels do. fUG
barrels salmon (83. boxes of fish 12@ lbs. cach at
Of stuiver p. lh., tong leaf tobacco f 2 - 10. per lb.
frish mess beet in ticrees f 154. barrels mess pork at
f 132. halfdo. (70. assorted pickles in boxes con«
fgining 9 large bottles at f 44. per box, fish sauses
at f 4. per battle, cofive and cotton bagging at f 1.
per yard, han, huog beef, ling fish, cheese, &e.
4 Feb. J. WULFF
The Manners of Proceedings before (he Court of Ciyi]
Jastice, in bnelish and Dutch.
The Charter of the colony Berbice, in Engtish.
The new Datch Constitation, in Duteh.
Coffee Certificates, Bills of exchange and Ladine.
All. kind of Books, blank and rated, Quills, Pencils,
Rendy made Ink in bottles, &e.
Hollandsche Kognossementen.
Caeenreeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee rats
View original
View original
View original
View original
View original Bi vetue of an bstrect tron the Minutes
of the Honorable Court ot Civil dustige, dated oorh
October lola, given inthe cause entitled : ol. Lapin
and P. faiPuea, ie capaeity as Sequestrators to
Plintvon Verovir, the late property of Dedley
Wade, PlaintuPby Edict, versus, all Chaimonts on
he procecs's of Plintation Yeovil, cum agiiccis, sold
ot bxecuthou bale, Detendants, by Edict. Pcie un-
Gersiencd do lh ‘coby Summon by dicts AL Claigi-
eitson the proacecds of Plantation Yeovil, cum are
neoxis soldat hxeeution Sale. ‘To appear before the
Cou lot Polls, oa ‘Wonday the Ot Alarel Tsto.and
Ollayan co ouysy atthe Cowl How of this Colony,
here fo rouder inthebr claims aga ast said dustate, and
Guitho r fo proces aeeoidinz to Law.
ThisStniuoa by be liet rade hnowa to the pawhlic
by Qeatot draw frend the Court House of this colony,
md further deal) with according to custom,
beibice, the e7.h January, ISTS.
Lee PA ARN, Drst Marshal.
DB es@=er"2”" © = ee wee «ee eee
View original Ki ——— --_-—_———— ee t—séiCte*
L\IPORT ER) re Nesrasr, from Lordon, and
for Salo by ti rarihers, om reasonabde terms
Hooprom gpl payincite a choice ascortiient ef the
fi owe arliclesy cle by bicmselzcs ow Ue
epuly Vir e
Pitasth tinons a thee os. French pulleat and com-
Drie red bordeven | yeluefs, mosquitolawn, tn-
Hhed@umity, doo reuid eimbrie prtots, blac aad
erecw Sthawlsy he ebecks, Gtamomd guvlangs, super
moe ad pifentos Gary yaconet meekelothsy Coun
lorpomes, sloutenticocs, tome bleached Russia sheet
ward dow brown docks, mca’s brown and white
colfon whole and half hose. brown cotton limbs wool
ancles and tect, elostic cotton and worsted jackets,
wilh ane Catton beads | erry he ay (ton CA pd, WoOMCHES
~~ esters” © = ee eee ee eee
Clvinnd sandabembronderce cotton hooe, sili and
cotton bosestuens whitee. cd bleh sik hose & white
UK Trilt hose, women’s waece und baack sili hose,
ladies and goathemens acts, bt tes stem, lustre aad
plated boruets, demey boweasaicd ys reoatlisy pitts Mi
Mpieces, lewclle rs, Go acy welentes. a) ssa cad \wWcl-
Vagton bouts, bolita tl stiong shocsyo lb oreloths,
sudiery, perm. dabetie tery, gloves, combs,
Lacdhies writin: : Possint Cases, weasteg ante,
necro bats an ney cullery. Jr omid aid pla-
ue | WaAlCS, ry 1) Cos sila MLCCES hy": Caw ce! Colour cl
e 9
, oh “1 L! .° . Never . | . . ° ’ .) {
C1 Cad: ' Po... Ih PIS and Se wall 7 Silay por &¢
bao. cot hivrling, ban ttay ecw cel sein Owine
“| ’ | } ar rh) ’ rete thy } w ‘ 1,
s dita | ot) Ye kw Vat » RICCI, LAU. t..¢ rue
mt veitow tal ered pea a eee
WP VOW palin Qe Ld Od CAMS TO tty tery
tesa fieornost iy parat in AWrains, better am firth,
: pos ; : / .
pincer fear tle dt cheeses, \\ esphahans a A Yorke
~ :
Sve farses. prowied fongucs tn kess, prime Leader.
ball beefin fintis, routs of beefin tubs, tripe, bare
levond sphteeas tides. hoes, davels, carpenters
{ dco " ers t abe, ‘ vf a Divert ot \ CoLliTLOMp-
vory, cundiesy scopy. foe: 2! inch rere, station.
ry, cohfepaules an fe uititom sushes. p. le ale in
Lottles, brown stontie Lotelesand tn barrels, Portand
Vicente wines ia bolios—a fiandsome ete with hare
ucs coprplele, a
Det No 17. New dinsterdamn.
— = tt
View original THs Subecrib phos served p.
the aia,
an cxfensive a cL ¢ Mes “oy Hoaent oi “Joon lor ne, idy
mode cl I TLIS, haot , | 7. ussin uintehs: colton fiore ‘Ie
tine, silver and plated y whit hobe will dispose
of very temonobly, fori vedivte payinent, either
Wheosvle oc relail, attic store of D.C. Cameron, Usq.
Pl deb, PL GRAND.
ee eee ae ee
View original
View original 4@
View original ee 6 Se
NO'TICL —This is to inform the Public:—-
Phat the President and Members of @e ‘Town Come
mittee, have autnorized Mr A. bP. Fischer, to take
up all horses, mules, asses, cattle and sheep, which
abaay ioe may be found straying on the public
cords or Cams of (his Town, according to a Procl:.
miionef fie ffonorable Court: of Policy, dated Ctl
Jiuyy coll.—New Aimst. Pith Feb,
Sec. bo the Toun Coiuimilt a.
8 2 er ewww eatceesbeees” SF cu > = @
View original ee 8 Se 8 eer WE ewww eater Oetes” |G © FF cu > = @
NOPLCb is hereby given, that Ale fh. y
Hantzs ts Larpowered to collect all tne Deb's due to
(he Bocdel of the lite John Blorrison. Black Syl, y
ad give receipts tor the same 3 all persons indebs d
fosnd boedel, are requested io come Jorward wit’
pryment, without delry s alf accounts nipatdl on (he
fist Nprtlnoxt, will be sued) for without respect tu
persons.—IL Feb. Jno. AVN \\V,? Pyecent’
We COWIE, cents
A.D. CUCHE and R. BARNES, as weil
Inprive as imcomyp. informs all those whom if may
may concern, that they have passa fall pow -rof (te
lomicy on Mir. le. I. se infze,to collect alt vulstia uly ig
debts, wiving recceipts thecelore, &e. Pl deb.
——_$——_$s = —— + —— =- —
View original ———SS — —»
BROUGIILY into custddy to the Subscrib: r,
a black Horses, spotleL white on all four dis lous.-—
cnshy OEE roe Cines advertt ino, not claimed,
wil! bes tal al lec uluc, (o de bay the CADCHCES,
ll Ped. J. A, DEUNER A, Sheriff,
TARE. FOR LONDON, the fost sailing: brig
ade 1 AM John Paty, Master, stinds A. Ll. at
[, loycl . « yp pe r ned ¢ cope jasten ily will postlive lp
sul with the Ap vi conyoy—tor treie lit apply to the
blaster on boar Or (;. PAUELS.
Capt. Pavy has execllent accommodatton for pase
engers, aud offers for Sele a consiznmert of choice
provistons and dry woods, I! beb,
Ve ho has for wale a fine long boat, which pulls ree
markably fast and carries well.
“Ry FOR AMSTERDAM, the new ig
~~ --ta Ca ee Rab fact, will
suifthe Sth of March rext,—for tr ng t apply to
— ——__-_ —— --—— —_— ——_ ~
wEE . J \ X AM: ‘Y mR I) ( Mot the brig ” eis
“da Icrcoba Louisa, Janes Johan ISS@mR,
Master, will sal the “oth of Marchnext, for Proivhs
apply to (. PAUGEELS and
Is I’eb. Mm. C. HINTZEN,
Published every Salurday at 4 o'clock P ay
Sy W. SCHULZ & Cov,
Privilig U Gore ‘panes! Py: inl "¢

25 February 1815