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The Berbice Gazette

View original a
BY His Excellency Hexry Wrens
Bentinck, Lieutenant-Governor and Com-
mandee in Chief in and over the Scttl®ment
of Berbice and its Dependencies, President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&e. &c. &c.
, \ hereas I have received from the
Right Honorable the Earl Batnunst the Dispatch
whereofacopy is hercun’o annexed, which was com-
municated to, and made a Provisional Rule of the
Honorable the Court of Civil Justice, during the last
. Session.
As @ further measure to prevent the proceedings
(herein mentianedyand the parties incurring necd-
less costs in the adoption (hereof, T fiave deemed it
exp dient to publish the same for the intonnation
and enidance of all those who are, shall or may be m
any wise concerned, °
Given under my [fand and Seal at Arms, at the.
King’s House, ths dth day of January, S15.
By Commer’,
F. WHITE, w10¥. Sec.
a ey 9 O area =
e & Downing-Strect, 13th October, IS14.
hd SRI attention has been ealled to the sifint-
tion of Fistates in the : ‘olonie sin Guy: ana, Sue 1X ct lo
the claims of Dutch Movtrvesss and it has been re-
presented that creat hardshi;, will be sustained by
the Britisa Proprietors and Me. sants, iy in conse.
quence of the change of ciren astances whith fas
Jately tuken place, those Mortyree’s are permitted
immediately to enorce their Morteage’s, according
vo the Summary Laws of (he Coloaies. thas, in con.
sequence, been proposed that) some arrapyements
should be entercda jato between the Governnyent 0°
this country and Holland, ander which a reasonable
time may be oallowed* to mect the deman's ot the
Mortgaye’s; andas tits subject is now under consi-
eration, J em to desire that you will t V4 the neces.
siry Measures to prevent such 2 POCCR MAS ay May
have the eff. ct of cnabl: Net the Wore res fo altin
Possession of Ustafes so sttnated 2 ail you shall ae.
ceive further instructions upon this su! ect.
7 have the honor to be, Sir,
‘Your must obedient biin ble servers,
To Lientenant Gorernor
Ten rincn, &e. &o. Ac.
ae 8° we we em eee ee ee eee
View original Bee. ee ee ee ee)
Di, oidergeteckenden, zoo wel in privé als voor
de Finaa van Dehnert and Zininermon, vuthariscerd
and volmagtigd by de zen, den beer P. de Goej yom
alle uitstaaade pretention inteverderca en dsarvoos
quifantte te passeren, zu‘len fe zuiks beschouwd wor-
den alsdoor hemzelve gesehicd.
J. A. PEMENERT, privé, en qq.
7 Jan. Dehnert & Ziuamerman.
el —————————— ee
THIRTY thousand pounds first quality Coffee,
or in quantifies not less (han 10,000 Ibs. from) Plan-
tation Augsburg, will be received at the house of J.
G.F. Thiensma, Esq. were a simple is to be seen,
until the 18th ot this moath, when the highest Ten-
der will, ifapproved of, accepted.—pay iment to be
mace in colony currency.
7 Jan. C. 1). TOLL, Scriba.
View original meee
By the Subscriber:
Long leaf tobacco f 2-10 per Tb.
Negro rum f 1-10 per watlon,
Striped Negro blankets £72. per dozen.
Negro hats f 22. per doz@m.
Negro lined jackets f 84. perdozen. ¢
Two gallon jugs paint oil f 16-9,
Kegs while lead 28 Ibs. f 16-10.
Florence oil per bottle f4.
Lencashire hams f 1-5. per Ib,
Hung beef f 1-5. per Ib.
. Potatoes per hamper 9. &c.
7 Jan. Jno. WULFY,
View original
View original ———_—___________—_
© TWELVE thousand pounts good, and 5000 ibs.
broken collee, from Planration Zurlwy k; and the
sume quantity ofeach trom Welvclelca i states for
which ‘Tenders will be received at che house of Mr.
Heywood, New Ampterdan, until laesciy next the
lO: inst., when the Ligh st offer, to epproved of,
will be accepted.— Lhe e i.e will b- defivercd on
‘he respective lesiates, and (ue pay Ment eash on de-
livery. 7 san,
———— ee.
TEN or twelve thousand pounds, first quality co!
fee, icom Plantation Wuciwara, fos wate ‘Renders
willbe received GH Ole 22nd dannary oext, at the
house of Win, Frasers by), where a sataple oi the
samie nay be secs the coftces Gr be tocciwed by the
purebitscr, on the bytatey aul payme wt to be made
in coluny mloncy.
L.C. AGU} NSITS for self and
7 Jan. M. Rad, “ .guesifalors.
Tie Co-ar line ae t AL hing » Cameron & G
tis ‘ay wha Masa a. Ww. S oo
Volding clatnys “LLitst tlic sity. Cy, are pes a ) wc -4
quested to render the same jor emit Riv .' dl py -
nent; and those indewied tuth Cos Acer, W nul Pee
pity the; ie Fespective aceouiils, lo « tues ut the Sub-
scribes. Ali. UU .M ih? N,
b. C. UA MEN N, wf selfand ils
31 Dee. Lxecueor to the Estate ol
4 9
a gb. Ma bitty, icc.
THE Subscriber requ sis cal persous Woldiag De-
tnands arinitist the dale Cuaiton Ma atosty at this Coe
lony, lo vender the saan | Md QS ely ‘ Ppusnl.e 5
° . 4
anu those tadeboed to his Basal, fo Come sorwatd
Wilh paryincul us early as Clavelge Uf.
‘el Bec. Li. Xe & wie ROL
6 >
= - Dob Laccut®
From 90 or 30 bates vi good clean cotton, from
Planiation . als, vytdy Wilt be received at Che house
vf Dr. Jeficry, i: New Amsterdam, tail Pridy tact
<JUb insinat, when they will be opeud, ana tiie
bighest oller, if appioved al, be accepted,
7 Jau. BILE E ty,
}. bills Li aNK,
Segue StddeMas,
LL ON, 9 eee Se ee ° FF ecu 2 aap

—_—_—— OO a a ee
View original ———— eee = —_—
This is to inform the Public, Qhat the following per.
uns intend qadijng this Colony.
. - o *-. 7 . .
1. Menmsktin 6 weeks froin Dee. $.
t*.. ee | ‘ i» rt } f
eVOTIAHIUS TON 2O8C Ja) . from (iO,
Furten Samuch mi ditte from ditte.
iT. Beckm vil nl serv rifts, in QO weeks from Dec. O41,
Jo. Tilkemeyer, in 6 weeks trom do.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE ts hereey glen, thal a month after dute the
followtiggmpiasports and Mortgages will be passed.
Dec. 17. Delnert and Zimmerman will Cransport to
J.G. Jones, the groval formerly ealled “lands
Canaan,” and now Te Vreden,” situated in
Canje between the Plintatiors Planter’s Lust
and the ground het Graailyk Slot,
Dee. 2+. L. CC. Abbensets will transport to TT. W.,
Hartman, the abondoned Estate Johanna Ca-
thorina, in upper Berbice.
—— Henry Hunt will trarsport to Sam. Kendall,
the western half of Lot No. 24 in the Kast coast
! canal.
Dec. Sl. John Fraser will transport to Lewis Came-
ron, 3) roods and 6 fleets of Lot No. ]2, situate
in the first empolder of (his town, being the north
quarter trogat part of said lot.
‘Jan. 7. J. A. Hicken, qq. the Estate of H.C. Rran-
~ des, w IL. transport to Kk. pesnekeni, the Lots No.
40 & 47, second empolder, with all the buildings
having belonged thereto dy the day of purchase.
—-- K. Fiancken will transport to O. W. Lants-
heer, the front half of Lot No. 46, second em-
polder, with all (he buildings thereupon.
K.C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original
View original _—_—-_- -- rrr SS eC Te”
FOR the use of the Civil Commissary Department,
Two Klundred and Forty Punches Plartains
weekly, for further particulars, appticstion to be’
made at the Government Secretary’s Office.
Berbice, 31st December, IR] {
R. MACKENZIP, Acting Com.
Berbice, 3ist December, i814.
Buank returns, for Mead and I cich Mouacy,
to be made in the ensuing month by Plantations aad
Tasividuals, are now ready for delivery.—Notice is
aereby given: that no Returns for either will be res
cetved, but those that are issned from this Cbiice.
QS See Se sees eS ese eA ms
on were e:= + @8
View original es
TUY Lottery of Mr. A. Fleury, will tile ploce
an un a ary next, at the New Lown La-
“i. at2 + in ie afternoon.
TO al! x Sa homage MILy CONCERT, de it Laven s— hat
Mr. do! in Keederic Olmggn ules shawng ten a ‘red his
resigaition asmy Assistant Age nt. I hy: ave tha ught
proper fo ace al (ifs Piel ih cansequence of
whoolh that sitaftlon js sproyigion gly cant.
21 Dec. . ‘<A. a. ‘DE ee RT,
9: “ent € row Property.
PE NOES OF frow SS (940 bates chin cotton,
fron P lrntatiog Gegnies, pay ble, | IReash, will os
tinna’is he received by the S Mesirators, at Mr..
\W ul fh s, New Amsterdam, until Tugsd: 'y, thee 30s i
of January next. | ’ * "Dee. SI.
——$—_______ ____
Tir Scguestrators of plaptation Be
reccive Tenders, ®r from 40 to 50 bales Cotter 'e
Breor dw olf, Esq. until ‘Taesday the 10%h oi Jo.
Soary RENT, W hen the highest tender, poyable imecash
will be cepted, iPapproved, 31 Dec.
—_ ———_——
- —_—__
View original a
‘UTE Creditors of plantation Letter! conn, are
hereby intormed, that SO bales of zood clean Cotton,
wo be ye amongst Chem, at the Store of Messrs,
Douglas licid & Co. on the 23th January, next.
W. LAWSON, oP toms
Ot Dee. C. DOUGLAS, § rustces,
PHL? PY bales of e6od clean Cotron, will be sold
to the Creditors ot Plantation Bloomfield, on the Qh
January next, at the Store oo Messrs. Douglas Reid
31 Nee. *. C. DOUGLAS Trustees.
SIXTY bates of good ean Cotton, will be sold
amongst the Creditors of plantation Kast Lothian,
onthe 2tth January, at the Store of Messrs. Duou-
vlas Reil & Co. S. KENDALL @ Trustees
$1 Dec. C. DOUGLAS, § °TSCES-
Tuinty thousand pounds of first quality coffee
from phintstion Cruyshure, for which ‘Lenters will
he received on ar belore the LT th January, IS15, at
ya's: of Mr. d.P.G.Phiensma, where a semplecf
€ same is to be seen.—The coffee to be received by
the purchaser onthe Estate, aud payment to be made
in colonial money on delivery.
31 Dee. P. HARRIVELLE, qa.
From plantation Nigeg, No. 16, Correntyn: the
nevro Tom, he is about 5 feet 6 inches, well made,
speaks rather heavy, and has a qark on one of his
checks ; as he isa cleverboatman, it is strongly su-
spected that he is employed as such.— Warning
theretore is given toall Masters of vess. Is and others,
hot to employ or harbour the said negro, as, in that
case, the law will be stricily enforced »vainst the OF
fenders ; a reward of Tico Joes wil! be civento any
person who shall apprehend and lodge the above
named negro ‘Tom, tuthe barracks , or deliver him to
Mr. 1). Luthersin New Amsterdam, * 31 Dec.
ee re, a — ee
View original
View original
View original VENDUE OFFICE,
Tre sale of Negroes, adve:tised by order of J. G.
C. de Nicuwerkerk, esq. qq. the Estate of the late
Governor van Batenburg, tor Monday the 9th of Ja-
nuary, will not take place.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original PUBLIC VENDUES.
On Monday the 9th Jannary, will be sold at the
Vendue Ollice, by order of A. A. de la Court, Esq.
gq. O. W. Lantshee ‘ry Esq. the half of lot No 46,
second empolder of New Amsterdam, extending from
the middle road (o the front dam, with all the build-
ings thereon,
On the sune day, an assortment of dry goods, pro-
visions, 2 field negroes »&c
By orderof 6. eile 75 isc. a London made new
curricle, and a pair of very supertor horses, seasoned
to this climate—terms will be made easy (oan appro.
ved purchascr—if net sold toe er the y willbe put
up separately and sold ato amd On 0 Ny eredit.
D.C. Caurrox, D pfeorlue Vas
—_—_—S— Oe eee
On Monday the Gabof Mareh, next, and followin
days, will be sold tothe hichest 1) ile rs, by order ov
the Mx ocutors of the late Mrs. The t. Buse, the cof-
fee Plantagons List TOP aise and PROVI-
DUNCHE ur the river Berbice: and the cotton Plan-
tation ZUIEZIGT, on the west sen coast of Berbice.
together with about GOO Staves, also cate, furmiture
ort what lurthe ‘rainayappear. Forte mis gf sale and
other P aruicuhos, application ayy wide to A. uA.
de la Court, esq. or to (
D.C. Crusieron, Dep. V Soi: piher:
eo” Seer vee ta ee
View original ee
’NVO handred thagyind Lars of Corn, tobe sold
ressenobty, ou plantation a Movil Last coast.
3B) Pec. ;
us rrew an were nae
View original al ¢ { * i 7 (
ind ou rd rnc (d more yvito-
» *P) , ( ‘ . (
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its ns ton of ts been closed
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WILTLO { » if] ( ( I j ’ | (sre [
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r | ron ( l ! i 1iel hands
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} ' > | }
Cu NOT HU a tree ,. ANG VI ld.
: *
View original have inspired the enemy with these more violent pur-
poses the public councils of a nation, more able to
maintain than i€ was to acguire its independence, and
with a devetion to it rendered more ardent by the ex-
perience of its blessings, can never deliberate but on
(he means most effectual for defeating the extrava-
gant measure of unwarranlable passion, with which
alone the war now be pursued against us. In the
events of (he present campaign, with all its auginented
means and wanton use of them, he has little grouid
for exul(ation, unless he can feel it in the success of
his recent cnterprize against this Metropolis and the
neighbouring towns of Alexandria, from both of which
his retreats were as precipitate as his atlemps were
bold and fortunate. In his other incursions on our
Atlantic frontier, his progress, eften checked and
chastised by the matrial spirit of the neighbouring
-cilizens, has had inore effect in distressing individuals
and dishonoring bis arms, (oan in promoting any ob-
ject of legitimate warfare. And in the two instances
mentioned, however deeply té be regretted on our part
ta hits (ransient success, which tnfesruptcd for a mo-
ment only the ordinary pubhe business at the seat of
covetnment, no compensation can accrue tor the Toss
of character with the world, by this violation of pri-
vate property, and lits destruction cf public edifices,
protectcd as montumnegts of thearts by the laws of ci-
- .
ge WS Os) gir ;de we ean ape! 10 2 SC.
ics afachieveifents which lave ol new lustre to
(le Aimcrican arms. * Besides the beilliant incidents
in thre, minor operations of the campaign, the splendid
victories gained on the Canadtaa side of the Niagara
by the American forces under Major Gen. Browirand
Brigadiers Scottand Gaines, have e@atned tor dicse
heroes and their emulated companions (ie most un-
fading lanrels, and having triumphantly proved the
progressive discipline ofthe American solatery, have
fanghtthe enemy Chat the lonwer he protricts his dose
(ile efforts, the more certyia and cdectyive will be his
final discomfiture. On the Soutnern border victory
has continucd also to follow wo Standard,
The bold and skilful operations of Major Gen gack-
son, conducting troops drawn from the Alta o! the
States least distant, particularly of Penessee, having
ibdued Che principal tribes ot bostile savages, and
by establishing a peace wih them, preeeded by re-
cent and cxemplary chastisement, we have guarded
aervins€ the mischief of their co-operations with the
ritish enterprises which may be planned against this
quarter ofour country.—fiaportint ribes of Indians
onmour North Western Frontier have also acceded to
Aiputations which bind thent fo the interest ofour U.
States, wad to consider our enemy as theirs also.
Inthe recent alfcupts of the encray on Ballimore,
defended by militia and volunteers, aided by a small
body of regulars and seamen, he was received witha
spirit which produced a rapid retreat to the ships,
Whilst a concurrentattack bya large flect was success-
fully resisted by tae steady and well directed fire of
the fort and balteries opposed to it. In another re-
cent attack by a powerful foree on our tagops at Platis-
burg, of which regulars made a part only, the enemy,
afler a preseryance for many hours, wes finally com-
pelled (o seck safety in a basty retreat, our gallant
bands pressing upou trim. On the Jakes, so much
contested thronghout the war, the creat exertion for
the command made on our part have been well repaid
on Lake Ontario. Our squadron is now and has been
‘for some time in a condition to confine that of the en-
emy to his own port, and to favor the operations of
our land forces on that frontier. —On lake Champlain,
where our superiority kad for some time becn undis-
puted, the British squadron lately came into action
with the American, commanded by Captain M’Don-
nough ; it issued in the capture of the whole of the
enemy’s ships. The best praise of this Officer and
his intrepid comrades is in the likeness of his triumph
to the illustrious victory which immortalised another
Officer, and etablished at a critical moment our com-
mand of another Lake. On the ocean, the pride of
our naval arms Las been awply supoited: a second
View original
View original frigate has indeed fallen into the hands of the eremy,
bul the loss is hidden in the blaze of hervism with
which she wasdefended. Captain Porter, who com-
manded her, and whose previous carecr had been
distinguished by daring enterprise and by sertilily of
ventus, maintained a sanguiary contest a@ainst twe
ships, one of them superior to his own, and other se-
vere disadvantages, till humanity tore down the co-
lours which valour had nailed to the mast. This of-
ficer and his comrades have added muéh to the glory
ofthe American flag, and have merited all the effu-
sions of gratitade which their country is ever ready to
bestgw onthe champions of its rights and of its safety.
Two smaller vessels of war have alo become prizes
(o the enemy, but by superiority of force, which suf
ficiently vindieates the reputation of their Commane
ders; wails two others, one commanded by Captain
Warrington, the other by Captain Slakel, have cap-
tured British ships of the saine class with a call utry
and cool conductwhich entided (hemand (heir Come
anders {o a just share inthe praise of their country.
In spite of the naval forces of the enemy accumne
lated on cur coasts, our privafe cruisers atsoshave not
ceased fo annoy his commerce, and to bring their rich
prices info our porés 3 contributing thus, with other
proo!s, fodemonstrate (he incompctency and the ille-
ralily ofa blockade, the proclamation of which has
made the pretext for vexing avd disconuraving the
commerce of neutral powers with the United States.
To :ncet the extended and diversified warfare adopt-
ed, by the enemy’s great bodies of militia have been
taken into the service of (he public defence; and
great expences tneurved., That the defence every
where may be Loth more convenient and more,econo-
mical, Congress will see the necessity of immediate
measures for filling the ranhs ofthe regalararmy, and
of enlarging the provisions for special corps, mounted
md dismounted, to be engaged tor a longer period of
service thansrc Gus from the militia, Pearastly renew
at the same time a recomniendation of such changcs
mn (hie system of the militia, as by classing and disci-
plinins on the most prompt and active service the
portion most capahle of it, will gtve to that resource
for the public satety all the requisite encrgy and eff-
A part of the squadron on Lake [rie has been ex-
tended fo Lake Turon, and has produced the advan
tare of displaving cur command on that Lake alse.
Mune object of the expedition was the reduction of
Mackinan, which fatled, with the loss ofa few brave
mien, among whom was an oficcr distinguished for bis
gallant exploits, aud the expedition ably conducted
by both lind and naval commanders, was otherwise
valuable inits effects. ‘Phe monies received into the
Treasury, daring the nine mouths ending the 13th
June last, amounted to 52 millions of dollarsyof which
IL millions were the proceeds of the Public Revenue,
antl tac remainder derived from Loans. The dis-
bursements for Public Uxpenditure during the same
perivd execed St millions of dollars, and left in the
Treasury on the Sist of July near five millions of
The demands during the aemainder of the present
year already authorised by Congress, and the expen-
ces incident to an extension of the operations of the
war will render necessary that large sums should be
provided fo meet them. Irom this view of the nae
tional affairs, Congress will be urged to take up withe
out delay, as well the subject of pecuniary supplies
as that of military force, and ona scale commensurate
with the extent and character which the war hag
assumed, ee
It is not to be disenished that the sityation of our
country cafls for its ereatest efforts; our enemy is
powerful in men and in money onthe land and on the
water ; availing himself of fortunate circumstances,
he is aiming, with an undivided force, a deadly |. !ow
at our growing prosperily, perhaps at our national
existence. He has avowed his purpose of trampling
on the usages of civilised warfare, aad given earnest
of itin the plunder and wanton destruction of private
View original
View original | ~~
in the pride of mérilime dominion, and in his
thirst of commercial monopoly, he strikes with pecu-
liary animosity at the progress of our navigation and
manufacturers : his barbarous policy had not even
spared those monuinents of taste with which our
country had enriched and embellished our infant ine-
tropolis. From such an adversary, hostility 1 ifs
greatest force and worst forms may be looked for,
The American people will face it with undaunted
spirit, which, in their revolutionary war, defeated his
unrighteous projects: histhreatsand his barbarities,
instead of dismay, will kindle in every bosom an in-
dignation not to be extinguished, but in the disaster
and expulsion of such cruclinvacters. In providing
the means necessary, the metional lexistator will not
distrust the enlightened patriotism of his constituents,
They will cheerfully and proudly bear every burthen
of every kind which the safety and: honor of the na-
tion demands.
We have seen them every where given thier taxes
direct and inderect, with the ereatest prom ptness and
alacrity : we have secu ten rushing with enthustasm
to scenes where danger and daty call, and offering
their blood they give their surest pledge that no other
tribute will be witheld,
Havin forborne to declare war uni to other az.
gressions had beca added the capture of nearly 1060
Amcrican vessels, and the impressment of thousands
of seafaring cilizens, and untila final dechiration has
been made by the Government of Great Britain that
her hostile orders acainst ourcommerce would not be
revoked, but on conditions as tipossible as unjust,
whilst if was hnowoa Chiat these orders would otherwise
cease but wilh a war, which had lasted nearly 20
years, aud which according to appearance at that
lime, might last as many tiore—have maniicsted on
every vocasion and in every proper mode, a sincere
desire to meet (he enemy onthe wround of justice, om
resolution to defend our beloved country, and to ey-
pose tothe enemy's preservice hostility albour encerey
with an undinmnishe.l disposition towards peace and
friendship on honorsole (eras, must carry with ithe
good wishes of the impertial world, ant the best
hopes of support from an Omnipotent ana Kind Pro-
(eeuweeseest ww wow owe ST eee wh one et"-&” weet Ss. 2-=.;
View original in ee <- EN Sees eel OO SSO 8 EET \ 2. ae
ee . en ee ————— ee
— _
et) Oo. 8 CRE :

By the arrival of our November Packet, (is week,
Kaglish Journals are received to the Toth of Chat
month, but barren of news of importance.
— | Lt
N3.— Last week, by mistake, we have omitted in
the advertisement of Mr. A. A. de da Court,—2d line
stafe: “Johan Prederic Obermuller,” read: Mr.
Johan Frederic Obermuller.
PS. Now ready al this Office, a Shect Alimanack,
for this Colony, for the year IS15.

« New Suascrivrions to the GUIANA
CHRONICLE, Printed by A Stevenson, in De-
merary, will be received at this Office, lo which duly
allention will be paid, and be delivered at the Post
Office here.
View original a en a ee ee
LONDON, November 2.
Whenever we have commented upon those topics
which were likely to form the principal subject of
discussion amongs the Allied Sovercigns, during their
residence at Vienna, we live placed no reliance on
the absurd and heterogenious reports which have
abounded forso many weeks in the Foreign Papers.
Jndecd these rumours have formed only a mass of in-
consistency and contradiction, which is at length re-
futed by the preparations of the Potentites for quit-
ting the German capital. No doubt these persona-
View original ges brought with them the grand Geographical Out-
lincin which the possessions of the different Powers
are to be distinctly defined ;and having deposited
these bases, as their sine qua non, they will now, as
it apncars, leave their confidential adherents and ad-
visers fo fill up the blan\s. Infact the Congress may
from this time forward be not inaptly compared toa
Senatorial Comsnittee, authorised to examine the ev-
idence of those partics who have pretensions fo sub-
mif, or who choose to think himsclf averieved ; and
after proposing to each the indewnities which it has
previously been resolved to offer them, to make a re-
port of the manner in which these propositions may
have been received. No doubt can be entertained,
that these proceedings will occupy a considerable
lime; for it would be extraordiuary indeed, if the
conflicted interests of nearly the whole of Europe
could be reconciled by the mere dash ofa pen. The
primary object of discussion, and (hat which is like-
ly to lead to protracted representations, is evidently
the cession of territorial indemmnities ta certain secon-
dary and minor Powers, who, after having been ag-
erandized by Bonaparte, as a reward for their defect-
lon, now find themselves ina worse situation. than
that which they occupied before they were entang-
lediin the snares of disloyal ambition, But it hap-
pens Chat the hoad of (he German empire has also
pretensions to indemnity, which cannot be contested:
ait itis the regubetion of these, on principles which
shatlaot do injustice to the claimants of infer rank,
that will not fatl to cause elaborate ceatroversy.—
France, as we lately ebserved, though having less
right than any other Power, to interpose her opinion
atthe Coneress, has veverGieiess a just view of the
preponderating interests ch the German Enipire :
“Germany,” (said a wriler ina late Paris Jour-
nal) so long torn to pieces by war and ambition, di-
vided, given away, and taken back at the pleasure
and caprice of a conquerors; deprived of allfhe ro-
sources of the social conditioa, and even of the bles-
sing of tustruction, whic the shutting up of (le uni-
versifies forbade to the people—Germany besa stron.
ser interest than any other country ino cherishing,
cultivating, and protecting the precious gernis of Uc
european system, about to be developed within her
agatist all unjust projects and inscensate allacks.
Certainly Germany, as she stood with her leeiti-
mate Chies, the aaperor, at hee herd, betove Napo-
leon disinembered the daupive, and abotishod its con-
sifufion, v hich had been venerated for mice ecitue
ries, hasa stronger imcrest than any other Cou try
In orespsting all ssunjust provects and di scnates aie
fachs: but fromgvbora are these to be again expect.
ed? Not, indeed, from any of the Powers who beve
Joindly with hherscliy elected the restoration of her
independence. O the coatrary, Che fost confirma
‘ion of the sincerity of their wishes may be ex pecled
(o appear in (he resumption of his hereditary litle o!
hinperor of Germany, by Francis ff. wuo, as Prance
herself qastly acknowledwes, “has twice sacrificed
his dearest affections (9 the happiiess of the world,
and (vice set an example of that sci devotion eres
lolure Withouta modelin the history of kur.”
The losses of this Potentate, have been so bamence
Matthey may stageer the crodulity of posterity when
chey are enumerated. fn proportion of the States of
Gennany and Austria were tava aud detached
from (he ancteat Government, they ended to the in-
ordinate agsrandizement of France atone; and the
petty Sovereicns, not indeed to their credit, fell with-
Inthe cham of despotisia which Napoleon had for-
eed for Chem. Ttas ue tuathy the Preaty of Pa-
ris, much of the territory wrested from the German
Emperor is restored to the Puiperor of Austria; but
all is not yet effected, in the way of retrocession,
Which he has aright toenpoct; tateed, the whole
face of Europe has beer so completely changed by
the wars of Bonaparte, that many intersts remain to
be consullcd; andas itis france alone who has been
compelled to return to ber ancient limits, so wemust
repeat, Prance can, less than any Power, lave a
right to interfere with die arrangements of the Con-
~ Elaving said that the losses of the [’imperor of Ger-
many, and ofthe sabordinaie Powers of the Continent
will scarcely be credited by posterity, we will take
a superficial glance at the position in which these
Powers stood atthe period of, and subsequent to, the
peace of Amicns-
As long since as the year 1798, when the cession
of the leit bank of the Rhine had been agreed upou
by the Congress of Rastadt, the losses sustained by
the different circles of the Empire were 1174 square
niles, and 3,681,000 inhabitants.
The losses having occurred before the dismember-
ment of the German Empire, are not included in ei-
ther of the sacrifices which the French politicians
now condole with the Hmperor Francis for baving
been compelled to submit to.
By refusing to sanction the usurpations of Bona-
parte, regarding the Cisapline Republic, Austria
again went to war with France, was acoin beaten by
the Usurper, and by the unfortunate ‘Proaty of Pres-
View original burg was ¢ompclled to accept of the insimnifcas!
Bishoy pric of Saltzburgh, tor the surrender of ali her
possessions in Suabia, the Tyrol, and Venetian Dal-
After the memorable Confederation of the Khine,
another conflict arose, which ended in the ‘Treaty of
Schoenbrun, and cost Austria the Littorale, a part of
Gellicin, the Preatters of the Inn, and the re-suren-
det of Salizbure, with Carinthia, Croatia, and Car-
niola, which theaceforward formed the Illyrian Pro-
vinces. uader the domination of France.
‘Lhe mtuor Powers, previous to the Peace of Ami-
ens, bad been deprived of the greater part, and ses
veral amongst them, of (he whole of their territories.
The Pope, by the Treaty of 1797, last Romagna,
Bologna, Ferrara, and the Comte W Avignon, with
out receiving any indemmity.--It is therefore not
surprising that he should attempt to recover them,
or to put in claims for inde annity.
‘The King of Sardinia was compelled, on the 9th
December, 1798, to abdicate his States in Italy, con-
SIStIng of the Ducy of Savoy, the I airerpany ot Pied-
mont, the Conntry of Nice, the Duchy of Monserrat,
and part of the Duchy of Milan, without receiving
any imdemnity.
The Grand Duke of Tuscany, by the Treaty of
Luneville in 180i, lost his States in Italy, and ree
ceived onty a trivial indemnity inthe Empire, cone
sisting of the Prevostship of Berchtoldsgaden, and
part of the Pishopricks of Passau’ and Kichst adt,
with the Llectoral dignity, of which be was subsce
ie wy le Pp rived.
» Duke of we lena Jost the Due hies of Modena
aed} irandolayand bis Prine ipally of bits a Carrara,
in Haly 3 receiving as a miserable imdemnity, the
Brisgau and Ortenan, in Germany, which the Eme
peror ceded to him by ihe Treaty of Luneville.
The Duke of Parma relinguished his Duchies of
Perina, Placentia. and Guastalla, to the French, who
Gaye I im the Cand Duchy of Tuscany, with the
a O “the Kinedom of Btraria, under the protection
of, and dependant upon France,
he King of Naples lost all his Coatinental States,
whie ‘h w ere given to Murat, and the rightful owner
wis oblige a to retire, wader British protection, to the
stan 1 of Sicily.
The Batavian Republic, before it merged into a
kingdom depe ndant upon France, re ceived no other
compens Yilon for all its losses, than a trifling extens
Stan of le rr tory on the said of W estphalia.
Prussia, as a kingdom, was nearly annibilated,
baying been de ‘prived of Wesphalia by the camp-
ater of LSOG, while by the tre aly of Tilsit, Bona par-
(oo iat afly performed his thread of re duci ‘ing her to
insienificatce in the scale of Curopean Powers.
Spain, though by the superlative aid of British
blood and treasure she has recovered her national ine
depenec, is stilla loser by the aggressions of France.
She ecded to herthe Spanish part of of St. Domingo,
and the whole of che immense territory of Louisiana,
in Svorth Amesica, which France sold to the United
States by the Treaty of Paris in 1803.
The King of Saxony, that thick and thin adherent
of the fallen Usurper, was the only minor Potentate
of Germany who persisted in his adherence to the
desperate cause, till destruction stared him in the
face, and it was foo late to compromise. He will
suffer for his obdurate temerily; and must trust to
the magnimons liberallty of the Allies for the sub-
bordinate rank and territory which he may be per
mitted to retain.
From.this cusory view of the losses of the diffee
rent states, it must be evident that the consultations
of the Congress will be of the highest importance to
all Europe. Austria, Prussia, and the inferior: Poe
wers who have been wronged by the usurpation of
Irance, most justly claim extensive and solid indeme
nitics. ‘To overcome the obstacles which presents
themselves requires consummate judgment and stas
tistical knowledge ; but the great difficulty will be
the reconciling of the clashing interests of the vari-
ous Claimants. Murat being established as King of
Naples, and having a powerful army under his cone
troul, is in a condition to maintain what has been
granted to him, rnd to make himself respected.—
Hence those whese pretensions are levelled at a por-
tion of his States, must be indemnified at the expense
of others: yet itis notin the nature of things that the
loser will resign their pretensions and hopes, wilout
trying what can be effected by elaborate representa-
lions and argumentative appeal. Such affemps will
nol doubt extend the sittings of the Congress coni-
derably within the epproaching year.
View original MARSHAL's OFFICE.
tS herchy given, that the Sale of Plantation DD,
Vocdster is pos'poned until the 98d of January next,
Berbice, dist Decesuber, IST.
Rh. Franecnxey. First Marshal.
— — + > - ———_ -_- eee —
BY virtue of anappointment from His Excellency
the Governor, cated ad Oct. IS14, given upon a
Petition, presented by Ik. Prancken, First Marshal,
for andin name ‘ol James Fraser, Planter and Inha-
bitant of (his colony.
Notice is hereby wiven to the Pablic, that 1 the
undersigned tmteid to Sci, at Public Exccatton Sale,
Inthe presence of yo Councellors Comiunissartes and
their Scoretiry, on Wednesday the Istday of Mareh,
IS15, the cotton estate called No. 40 and 4 1, situate
on Ure west send coastol this colony, with all ats Cui-
tivation, Goildines, Slaves, &c., all of whieh an
Jnve roby als vis Uhre fcrms of sithe wre to be seen al
the Marsbats Olec, Guriuge the hours of diy 5 sutd
estate bere the J Oey af tha estates of Votrich
Ss ’ and Ve titi i whee | bath. aeecased,
Whoever shoula thtak diamselt cali ted lO OP pose
thre Tx cn tor Sale O; a ave estate, AQ); (] tt.
, t yee Ce . .
West sor caa Cy FOU NIE Pye TSN <nuldtese theme! {wo
the uncersmerne ds, Cecluiies ther reasons for so doll
} rclue time AEG semdabeg as [ rh Tr by "ive ratice J th
Willrec: ive OD psyches Prom ev ry Obie ne: Url aryyre
Pied by iw, appear chenr a day Co hive dis or her
Clit ho are betore the Coury and fardier act heieon
es the Lay directs.
Dliis Ord proctumation published as customary.
Berbice, (he [st January, PS15.
KK. PRANCKEN, First Marshal,
— = -_— —
~ T* gs rrr oo 1"
WHEREAS T the undersigned, have received
from torrtrad, the Newspape rs confining the Ad-
vertscuneal cathiag ty) tlie Creditors of Che Dstale of
be PY ornate on, deceased.
Novice ds bercby civen tothe Public: by virtue of
Mee polefment from bys Excellency 11) Crovernor,
Gad OEP cemper, PS) 0.
Phot the Creditors of the satd Ess fate of.). Donald-
fonda scree herby summoned, to appear before
threo com (Cad oe uettee. of this colony, on Mone.
Civ ‘Oy arwiry, PS13, and tollowine days, for
Prego cose ole pone he thei clans, o verity
the seeesva Sith oto preeecd according to Law
Loibiee, GUu cae maliW, IS].
a ER ANCKEN, First )archal.
__ oe - : _ a
, * rt 74 . T ? ° ? . :
WHEREAS Lthe undersiened have received from
Dita 2 ee easy pers contamina the Advertive.
peat catiorwe np the Creditors af Gre tisolvernt Estate
ol (CO. Us Ji ch? - ce . ascd. Nt fice ods ie re}
coven fod : fi : ov Via ueob an Oioer, ou med
from idts X | ¥ tlhe (Ove wor. qt te { i }) .
Comber, tSl4, by tee Curators of satd Estate, that
the Creditors oF Foe state of Co Poehler. ate yd,
are hereby Stas rod: “Po avpear wore the ston.
Course of Cavil dustice, of this eahonyy en Morndoy
the 16th day of Fanuury, PS1d, and tetlowing cays
forthe purogse oi there renderings thetr chins, te
verity Cis same, end fucther to proeced accumdins to
Liw Sorbie, Geb Docember, IS hE.
KER ANCNEN, Liret Marshal.
View original BY virtue ot an anpointinent from the flonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony,, dated Osd fu.
ly, ISP£5 given upon a Petition picse ‘need by W.
Henkeson aad the Ie ‘presentatives dn this col hOny ol
the Heirs of . . Glaser, deceased, in capacity as
Curators to (ie now abandoned Lstate of Rt. Mer-
chant, dee.
L-the anders! wned, at the request of aforesaid Cu-
Do hereby Summon by Edict :
AV Creditors of the Estate of Roderick Merchant,
dec. foappear before the Dar of the Court of Civil
Justice of this colony, on Monday the 16th January
JS15, and toflowing days, there to render in their
claius, and further to proceeds aceordins to Law,
on prin of being debarred their right of claim,
This Summons by ddict published as customary.
Peibice, Oth Novembe ‘ry, IS]4.
Ke. ERANCHKEN, First Warshal.
~—-_------- rr errkrhkre_— —
View original o ,
qg™ ’
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View original T the undersigned, at (he reciest of aforesaid Ex-
ecutors, do hereby Sammon by ‘dict:
All clatmants on the procecds of Plantation 7/er-
milage, Cum annerxis, to render in their claims before
the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their
ordinary Session on Monday the loth day of Janu ory
Id15, and tollowine days, and burther to proceed ne-
cording to Law. On pain, #fore the fourth Bdictal
Summons, of betng debarred their cicht of clain.
VPhisSummoon by Edict made known to the great r dic
by beat of drans from the Court [Pouse of (his coluny,,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 9th November, IS}4,
K. FRANCKEN, First Varsha’.
_ -_
By the Subscriber, imported in the Brig Wir-
LIAM, Lleury Richadson, Master, from Li-
Ve Fpool, viz i—
WHITE yellow. black- red- blue- e@reen- and pas
font yetlow-paint, boiled: tiesced oil, splriis Gurpen
Une, patent shot, Lurhey fies, French pltunbs, rai
slisy pickles, preseives, fish sauces, (ripe, pouse,
bation, medicine boxes complete, pale barn, Ow -
der voubarb, eceam tartar, clin: vitriol, Chellcaham,
bepsom and Glauber salts, | dorenee ol, Durhan
niestaid, stone blac, sat€ in barrels, oats, candles,
serpy bottled bear aid porters crates of Si ordshire
Witeey fine stuil, plated and Newra bats, Ladies straw
Johuel: ; Dich iS, Wocleh Slab ad l, fired aha uilinea
wickets, chech ful SU was its abd trowsees, tT
Heist dinens, sheeting Capers dioshedae and browne
linens, coliee and cotton bavoiiesy scan and sca
ier Cvedlne, ¢ snabuee’s. nl (hreaad, bits SSCs) While
de hs, Stal Cavs; Halse print. suds clothe litt-
Honmstere and while wash-brusbess Geaeth men’s.
Lade- ard chitdien’s- boots ard Saes, Brac s,
beavers land fawne hide cotton and €au beve vloves
Wistile psy nen and women sila clastic ul cotton
slr. Klis wud soc dy blicne 1 be = tht.) aS Di nee
cloths, wring paper, quitls, Prucibs, prance boxes,
fin Jd saber, Wallets, Giauh Cars. ruled aoe tee i
booas, rea and black ink pow ess red cada blaclh
sCaliny Wud, INK Stands, beaches lb lect) Cae Chics
D )
boas dud mie Ny play oy CONS, Lic ay Over. ANC
SUALPS, Ppomimitainy, Hee VA eC. CHE Wille tein batsr pow lorcidd
Ol, tazur slfaps aad paste, tooth Pewdersand brash-
(sy DONeYy Waleby esseneey ips dee, aromatic vine-
Bal, shoibamal Moston SNL Citas, pact and sucad!
(voth cons, patent pedis Cora ear ctess-he ute,
Copper canes, Ga boexos with doo PUNT sy Spilloons,
(oa Canisters, Candbe bods, seucE endl stew ps,
(car cerned! ft. i} he (tl. Sy Ll ec es ° Wii ° i! 64 i cCotlee
Qlicrers atid coasteoas wie Tho Cabs. cine josie,
> .
SIV Craters, UM pots, btueb Jocks, linder boxes, wate
lores salt Eritg sy Wallet pastes, ainneds. frues ond

r aD? . . . :
HL ve 3 7 pali bil mess Wobaias sb ctaine IS, i)¢ cada o' U .
. ° stay, yp) a r., .j ’
tile pCal ; Sus i aC ~eK OO a | WY |> ts Valle Cah a) (eds,
Prrsisy SESTCS dash we telhisy frees aad
Yols, GK Cullasse > pebdbiddnr Kives, stnede 1c
Goubie hands 3 Cre levees aad 4 Nir | bevgaes cola pline
. - t,i
COY they prea ibe
IrOvisy bcisahe ie dhvatite a sey Atal Crosse Cutesows one!
ee a (- : : ee.
Sd eV iit Vy sfpindtes Oram, bal tet: ae cl ndeeco Ivy ibe &,y
¥ ¢
rey LP UEN ethane Sharps de Sy PO UOT Vo lhe win | i Chl mreCucks
7 9
. ° one . , ’ ’ ; “ ’
frets elilo . ‘ ly: _ OF i oa Coiles, 2s CLO courbs, f; ‘i
§ ? . e ‘ ee * ‘ . 2 e
HOOWS, oils as fcvadle tia i ~y 1)! Sy t: {) -« SCIte- Cale
VOTe Pele POT Cle Weld Lee Ey Gs
CHECSS LINE Cane, prude 2 Is
y telsOrs, SCISSATS,
. .
9° es mesg Sy "\\ Givers, ClO
Pras, toot rules, Weimer vad niowice chissels, bh wy
“Piers, (oot scTancis, vid MONS, WY pubs, curs
adic eke Cor HLaNg 40 —< » and brush Ss
y Club ax
Yitkn oe caf pculetse <t | COVES lz \ bictusae ‘FS
J i é . ‘ «* 3 ‘ ‘ oe ¢
Daal ag Sy come COlices and ! pperemiuails, Negro
hore be Pee lass, Sied TOMS, Valo ond prerrac he Wil hoops
are PIVE rss SEK y ATU, Clr yy nler’s tool chests,
DIAS Wid Iilts, Cran iN, ail stones, ral (raps, Irony
polls, vtincd stor S, nails 4.a cd pennys plains stri-
pede dad spotteds yaconeuy wiallard bair cord rouse
Lins, O--4 & 9-5 corton camibries, Madras- Putlicat-
{Slasores and commons pocket Nhandkerehiels, table
cloths, hauckaback and diapey fowelling, fanes quile
(ines, collon shirthig, pletillas, Brittanias, colerains,
jeans, ginehames, printed calieoes and caumbricks, hat
COVCTS, sills and colton un Drellas and parasols, sud
dles, bridies, halters, girths, Whips, corded dinity,
checks and stripes, salempores, Marsalla, wine in
pipes, glass ware, &c. &e.
View original
The Subscriber bas Li poreed in the Brig
~t y . : ’ . . i f . >
WViviiaM, from Liverpool the following Goods,
hi, 7) : . - ’ . .
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices by
the Package, at the New Store, beloncine to
re . , r ~ © S
William Henery, Esq. on lot No, 17.
Ling fish in boxes, potatoes in hampers, London
brown stoutin bottles and wood, bottled pale ale and
cydeér, cherry and raspberry brandy, split pease and
pearl barley, tripe in hegs, herrings in hits, mustard
ickles and preserves, best’ bloom raisins in boxes
’ . : ° . a,
double refined sugar, soap in boxes, fresh garden
seeds, super fine black blue green and brown broad
Clo:b, super fine cloth coats, fashionable Vests, pantie

View original x,
loons and frowsers, planters strone shoes, dress an
hale dress ditto, gro clothing assorted, printed cot-
lonsand pocket handkerchiets, joceenet and cambrick
muslin, platiflasand Brittannins, Trish linenand sbecte
inv, bedsteads with bvir mattresses, bolsters and muse
quife nets, Racen and cotton checks, ladies straw
bomnretisy shoes and slippers, post and foolscap paper,
quire and bound books and other stationary, paints
atoll, spirits frepentine, earthen and stone ware in
cratesand puncheons, block fi sured China, landscape
Gitlo, purple ditto, an assortwent of beads, a ditto
childrens loys, cordave trom 1 to 3 lich, mahogany
porfabie writting desks, brass bound’ and plain
with secret drawers and dressing boxes, gentlemen’s
tool chests, mahogany ches‘s of drawers, cotton and
coffee bigging, and a variety of other articles.
31 Dec. Wa. CROFT.
NB. Wr. Croft, hopes tliat all those who stand ine
debted to him from former transactions, will
come forward with payuscut without any fure
(her dehvy.
SO ee
View original — —
IN custody of the undersigned since the 92d inst
a Cow, ofa reddish colour, the owner may have the
sine restored, on paying the fine and expences for
food, and the advertizing thereals if not called for,
The sane will be sold after theee {yines having heen
adyertized, according the Proclometion of the Court
of Policy, having dale 6th duly, IS 12.
Of Dee. A. b. FISHER,
doly anthoriaed.
—_—_—~_-__ + oe 1 oe eee oe | — -
View original eeeee_V—_uQeV—<—— ~~ oe ee Ck
Prawn iiess beef and porkin half barrels, hams,
Choose, ipo, buley, spit peas in jugs, pickles ass
sOThed. Q@yvsfCbs, tut iS, CUTTCTIOS, risius, alinonds,
Nee beer tart perter, barrels containing coinplefe
cinacr services, long leaf tabicco, negro pipes, cans
msiers etn powder and shot, guns, soap, candles,
clastic sith bats, trattesmen’s bats, ladies, gentlemen
and chiléren cotion stockings, black and white silk
s. ee
wb Dee. B. ZIEGLER.
TRIOS T having any Domoind ea iiast the Subseri-
her, will byt ase fadeliver the sameat Mr. Thien.
meoosin New Aimsierdauy, and those indebted, will
come forward with payment, as itis the Subscriber's
intention io leave Chis colony tn a stort time.
“4 Dec. J. A. TICKEN,
eee eee
TPORIR E on the first of January next, 12 strong
heatthy Newrocs, 2of which are carpenters, and the
vltiers aecustomed to work ia the field; apply to
V. Donney, or Edw. Pheobali.—et Dee.
a . a oe
CARPINTGCS, having ther own necroes, and
Willing to underiike a considerable ri oir, Winted te
the upper part oba coffee lowie, onan estate in this
river, cacy apply for tarther puornation to the une
derauncd on but No. La, New dinste dam,
Yt Dee. J. BARKER,
__--—- - ~- - — - - . - - ee ee, Oe ee
BIN Vamornerman, 7 lls werkheers hebbende, en
eeneven vide, by akhoord auntenemcin een zane
repiratic aan let beecmewerk van cen kolly logic of
Jrovery, op cen holy plantagie, celegen binaen de
mvier, ca welk wer! voor de aanstamnde holly pluk
votrooid moet wezen ; adressere zich by den onder.
“etckende, op bet Lirt Nu. 25, te Nieuw Amsterdam.
2} Dec. J. BAKKER.
— Sei
DP ondergverc kendo informeert door dezen aan alle
ge weno éie hetaansant, dataile rekeningen, goed-
Jos, aceeptanca, &e. welse niet voor den 16 January
aaMmslanoce Wetagld ZV 0, in handen van den Deure
waorder zutlen eesteld worden,
94 Dec, Il. SNEEPEL.
View original OO FOR SALE,
Ceder Boards & Crab Lumber.
View original ——————
Pil undessicaed being appointed First and Prine
ipyianl Atforne y ot Thomas Gudgeon, John Doe tO,
and Joshua flivde, Lesquires, of Great Britain ;
fakes the liberty to tiform their Friends, in this Cos
lony, of (he sane, and fo request the favor, in all
matters retative to their a(frirs, to ecmimunicate wilh
him, cither personally or in writing, at Mr. Wao.
Braser’s, in New Ainsterdam,
Pin. ell Air, Pf Dee. M. RADER.
——_-—— — ———__———_
The Manners of Proceedings betore the Court of Civil
Justice, in English and Datch.
The Charter of the colony Bi thice, 3} in English.
The new Dutch Constitution, in Dutch.
Coffee Certificates, Bills of xchange and Lading.
All hind of Rooks, blank and ruled, Quills, Pencils,
Ready made Ink in Bottles, &c.
SQ See ee
View original

7 January 1815