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The Berbice Gazette

View original Notice to Woodcutters.
ALL persons holding Licences to cut Timber, on
ungrantcd lands in this colony, are desired to attend
and exhibit (hem at Government Secretary’s Office,
within six weeks from the date of this Notification.
King’s House, Berbice, 13th Nov. 1813.
: By Command.
Tus. ©. EMERY, Act. Gov. Sec.
View original — = SS —
Aan de Evangrelische Lu-
thersche Gemeente
Her voleende ‘s cen Extract uit de Resoluti¢n van
den Edele Hove van Politie cn Nriminele Justitie de-
zer Kotonic, genomen ta beogstderzelver Vergade-
ring, gchouden op Maandag den 13de October 1813,
—uil het Mngelsch in het {fellandsch overgebragt :
»> Pot bereiking van dit laatste, en ten cinde, om
55 200 wel aan de Assessoren als aan de Gemeente
» genovgen te geven, Zoo ORDONNEERD en
3 GEEAST bet Hof, dat de Luthersche Ingeze-
. fenen der Kolonie Berbice, door het tegenwoor-
» dig Kollegie van Assessoren onverwyld by pu-
>> blicke Advertentie zuilen byéeneeroepen wor-
9 dens ter zaak, om uit gezegde Luthersche In-
9 gezctenen, ZeEs Personen te kiezen, on Gemag-
»> figd te worden als Assessors over de Lathersehe
» Eigendomnen binnen deze Kolonie; zullende
9, it zestal by meerderheid van stemmen, door de
99 Luthersche Ingezctenen eetligeerd worden, en
y aan dewelhe de tegenwoordive Assessoren, de
yy» Plantaadje Neessuna, crm aineris, overéen-
95 komstty de Tuventaris, lichben overtegeven,—
9, &e.—”’
HET is ingevolye van dien, en ten einde om aon
de bovenstaande Order van den Ddele Tlove van Po-
litie te voldoen, dat de overgeblevene Leden van het
Kollegie vao Assessoren, Ib deze alle de Li deioaten
der Evangelische Luthersche Gemeente, binnen de-
de Kolomie woonende, Oprecpen, om te wallen by.
éenkomen op Maandag den Ose deze: maand No-
vember, aan de Stede Nicuw Amsterdam, op het
Eerf No. 21, ten haize van den Heer Ndvosast Wa-
THEWS, des voormidd ses ten twanlt aren precies, ten
einde om aan de beveelon vin de Flooge Overigheid,
zoo als dezelve hoervoren zy un uityedrukt, ten sUpsten
te voldven
De overgchlevene Leden van het
NWollesie van Assessoren der Lue
th sche Gemeente, in Berbic .
Ho DANKNKER, voor zich en
Berbice, 15th November, 1815.
——— - . —
nN T
720 Ibs. of Salt Beet.
720 ths. of Flour.
208 Ibs. of Rice.
58 Ibs. of Sugar.
32 Ibs. of Coftce.
120 Gallons of Kum. .
Tenders for the above articles, will be received
by the Subscriber, till Wednesday the Ist of Dec.
next, at 10 o’cloek in the morning, when they will be
opened in presence of His Excellency the Governor,
and the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted.
Berbice, 13th Noy. 1813.
Wa. SCOTT, Commissary.
—_ o—__
View original EEE
FOR SALE twenty-eight bales of Lewis Manor
Cotton, payable in cash on delivery ; Tenders for
*the same will be reccived at the store of W. Fra-
sER, Esq. until the 20th of this month, when they
will be opened at ten o’clock that day, and the high-
est offer, if approved of, will be accepted.
W. LEACH, for self and
13 Noy. G. WALDROND.
Cotton to be seen at Sequestrators.
W. Fraser, Esq.
View original
View original -_—_—_ -— ee eC‘e
THE undersigned, intending to quit this colony for
Europe, in the month of February next, requests all
those who have any claims against him, either by
open acconnts or notes of hand, to render them in at
his residence at plantation Palmyra; And all indebt-
ed to him are particularly solicited to come fOrward
with payment, before the 15th Dec. ensuing; as all
accounts not then paid will be put into the hands of
his Attorney at Law, to sue for.
He also offers for Sale a family of eight negroes,
viz,—T wo men, excellent sawyers, and two very fine
field women, their wives, and their three children,
all girls ; an old man, an excellent gardner ; also three
or four very fine young men, amongst whom there is
a man boy a very good house servant, a good groom,
and a carpenter; aad a very fine strong healthy was-
her woman with her three children; a good strong
and new chaise with a moveable oil case head with
curtains at the sides that runs up and down on brass
rollers, with two setts of new harness atlach’d a shaft
and tandom ; a sett of very handsome mahagony dine-
ing tables with D ends, a bed stead & mattresses with
mosquilo netting compleate, a patent sopha bed, a
handsome mahoyauy Mscratoire with private draw -
ers, silver spoons, chairs, a handsome sett of china
arse &c.—And lastly, his red roan or flea bitten
grey horse and his mule, both.of which are too well
known to need any comment.
The negroes will be so'd moderate for produce at
cash price, or approved bills of exchange at 3 and 6
months sight, cattle, &e.
13th Nov. B. JUPRFERY.
View original — — —— —
The Friends of Messrs. Cawpnents Fraser and
Co. are respectfully informed, that the Diana, Capt.
VMeGeonce, is expected in this river, in time to load
ior Glasgow by the January convey.
—S—= — Sa
THT! undersigned requests, {he Planters will pay
their respective Accouuts for Weigh-nioney, &¢é.,
Up fo Ist Jaly,as itis impossible to pay the demands
against the Office : those unpaid willbe Shortly given
tothe Deurwaarder, and several preceding accounts
are in lorwaidness for Execution.
Berbice, Ist Nov. IST3.
A. THORNEORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
- -—
a ee
‘ , > XN »
enders tor Coffee.
FROM 20 to 25.000 pounds, more or less, good
quality and broken coffee, trom Pld’ Edeeard. ten-
ders tor the whole, or part thereot, will be received
at the house of W. Fraser, Iyq. New Amsterdain,
until Wednesday 17th Nov. at 10 o’clock in the fore
noon, when Che highest offer will be accepted, and
payinment be made in cash—new bavs will be deliver-
ed for the same, for which payment must be made
at f 2-10. per ps.—Sampies to be seen at the above
mentioned place. L.C. ABBENSETS.
6 Nov. M. RADER, Seq.
—_—_— —____
———— ss
ANY person wishful of employing a black man,
of a good character, for Mille or Wheel-richt, or
for any House business, will address themselves. to
Mr. S. Tairt, in Canje. 6 Nov.
View original FOR SALE,
THE front of the northern fore quarter of lot No.
44, with all the buildings thereon, also a large wa-
fervat containing 15,00 yallons or thereabout: A new
bulletree frame 26 feet long by 15 feet wide, one
story high ; ariflle gun, bayonet, and cartouch box,
a good sword; also 20,000 ears of carn. Apply in.
town to Cus. Kyte, Esq. or on plant. Scotland to
30 Oct. JOHN McKAY
View original PICKED UP
NEAR planiation Albion, a colony Row-beat.—
W hoever can prove the same to be his or their pro-
perty, may have her by paying this advertisement,
and giving the negroes who took her up a reward.
On application at plantation Albion to
View original
View original A PROCLAMATION.
BY His Excellency Jonn Murray, Esq.
Major-General, Lieutenant-Governor in
and over the Colony Berbice and its De-
pendencies, President in all Courts and
Colleges within the same, and Vice-Ad-
miral thereof, &c. &c. &c.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
come; Greeting! be it known:
HEREAS I have received instructions from
His Majesty’s Ministers, to give such pu-
blicity to the appointment of Mr. ALEXANDER AL-
LART DE LA Court, as Agent for the Crown Pro-
perly within the Colony Berbice, and in that capa-
city having the entire superintendance and conduct
over the Crown Property, that no persons within
this Government may in Law or otherw isc, pretend
ignorance of his being invested with full authority as
Agent; Asalso, that the powers delegated tothe said
Mr.- Alexander Allart de la Court, extend to the set-
tlement and receipt of all outstanding debts, due to
the establishments formerly known under the appel-
lation of the Winkel Department, and Colony or
Crown Estates ; and lastly, that the said Mr. Alex-
ander Allartde la Court, is authorised and instruct-
ed to sue for and recover by Law, in name and on
behalf of His Majesty, all Debts due to the aforesaid
Winkel Department, Colony or Crown Estates.
In obedience to the commands I have been honor-
ed with, I hereby publicly notify to all those whom
it may concern, that Mr. Alexander Allart de la
Court is duly appointed and authorized to collect,
settle, recive, or sue for, in name and on behalf of
Hlis Majesty, all Debts due to the Crown Property
within this colony, formerly known by the appella-
(ion of the Winkel Department, Colony or Crown
listates, from the period the said Properties haye
been Administered for and on behalf of His Majesty.
And J do hereby order and direct all persons within
this Government, to take due notice of His Majesty’s
pleasure, as communicated in this Proclamation, and
to govern themselves accordingly.
And in order that no ignorance may be pretended,
(hese presents shall be published as customary.
King’s House, Berbice, 26th October, 1813.
By command.
R. ©, DOWNER, Secy,.
Third time of publishing.
re een? mee Sec ni eee
BY flis Excellency Major-Gercral JOHN \M URRAY,
Lieutenant-Governor, and the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Lustice oJ the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these p
presents shall or may come or
concern,—be itknown:
WHEREAS by the resignation and departure, ot
the Hon. Simon Fraser, trom this colony, a Vacan-
cy has again taken place in the Hon. Court. of Poli-
cy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice ; and
His Excellency the Governor having been pleased,
from out of a Nomination, made by the Court, to
elect James Fraser, Esq. of Trafalgar, to be a
Member of the said Court.
Notice thereof is hereby given to the Public, all
persons within this Govermnent being required to
acknowledge and respect the aforesaid Gentleman in
that capacity.
Done in Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of
the colony Berbice.
Court House, New Amsterdam, 5th Oct. 1813.
By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
Third time of publishing. . 9 wecy

"nN . .
TAKEN up at plantation Best Cotfee Land, in
Canje, a red milk cow, the owner can have the
back by proving it his property, and paying the ex-
30 Oct.
DAMN carn a ——
View original — "wwe
e—Blank Bills of Ex.
FOR SALE—At this Onic
change, Bills of Lading, and the Wanner Of Procce-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice Of this Co-
fony, Foolscap Paper, and blank books of any size.
View original
View original ~~

ALL persons having any Claim or Demand against
the Ship Specu/alor, of London, or on the Cargo of
the said vessel, lately Condemned wud Sold, are de-
sired to render theiraccounts to the Agent for the
Committee at Lloyds, within six weeks from this
date, and after the elapse of that period, the balance’
of the proceeds of the ship Speculator and Carga,
will be remitted to England, and no further colonia!
claims against that vessel or cargo, be allowed.
Secretary's Office, Oct. 26.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original Wordt geadverteerd, dal This is to inform the Pu.
de volyende personen voor-|blic, that the following per-
nemens zyn uil deze holonie sons intend quilling this Co-
te vertrekken. lony
J.B. Ward in 4 weeks from Oct. 23.
Richard Harris by the first opportunity.
J. R. Card by the first opportunity.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bekend, NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand na\thata month afler date the
datu de volgende Transpor-| follozing Transports and
ten en WMipotheeken zullen| Mortgages will be pasyed.
verleden worden.
Oct. 9 James Fraser will pass a mortgage on plant.
Trafalgar, west coast of the colony Berbice,
and on 150 slaves.
—— J.B. Rute will transport to G. Bone and P.
Quin, the northern half of lot No.6 and build-
ings thereon, first empolder of this town.
J. GLP. Seiff will transport to the free ne-
ero woman Minerva, one eighth of Lot No.27
firstempolder of this town.
Oct. 16. Simon Fraser will transport to Messrs. J. T.
and A. Douglas & Co. of Glasgow, plantation
Brighton, cum auiexis, and lo0 Negroes.
Oct. 23. A. Simpson will (ransport to Demerary 50
Neeroes, names to be secu at this office.
Oct. SO. J. Tieboe! will transport to the Widow
He. dense, the lot No. 49, in the 2d empol-
der, with (he buildings thereon.
Noy. 12. Jolin Divies will transport to the free ne-
ero woman Susanna Green, the northern back
quarter of lot No. 27, in New Amst.
Rh. C. DOWNER, Secy.
a —_——
View original VENDUE'’s OFFICE.
On Wednesday the 17th inst. by order and at the
store of W. Crolt, beg. will be sold,—Salmon, mac-
kerel, and herrings, waich willbe sold) without re-
serve—an da tew Oquint. casks of salt fish,—elass
ware, loafsa ar, necro Clothiue, stafionary:, &e.
At the sdme time aud ptace, by order of the Hon.
J. MeCamorn and S. kendall, as Commissaries, the
matertils of the canaloll bridge as itlays between
No. 19 & Y1, side ine.
Also dry goods, provisions, gin, brandy, beer and
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
— —
—— — - -
On Monday 22d Nov. willbe sold at the Vendue
office, by order at (ie Scquestrators of Pin. 7 I spe-
rance, and by ole desire of J. W. Heytmever. hisq.
an assortment of bousehold furniture. eonsistine of
cane bottom chavs with enshions, a pau of ¢ levant
sophas, dining tables wiih D ends, a liqner case, a
pair of clegant mirrors, 9 convex do. a choice assort-
mentofengravings with etll faines,—to be seen a
week before the day of sale on application at the
Vendue office.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master,
View original ~ . ee _—___e_—_—_—_—————
William's Port wine in bottles,
Do. sherry in do.
Choice Madeira in do.
Claret in do. and casks,
Brown stout in hhds. and barrels,
Cogniac brandy, Dutch gin, & old Jamaica rum.
Irish mess beet in barrels,
Colony salted fish in do.
Salt, paintand paint oil,
Negro pipes and tobacco,
‘Table, desert knives, forks, and carvers,
Nails, salempores, ginghais, Gritannias, huc-
kaback, green lea, &ce.
View original NOTICE
THE undersigned requests all those indebted to
him, to come forward with immediate payment, all
those whose accounts are not paid by Monday the
8th November, will be given to the Deurwaarder.
30 Oct G. BONE, Late Act. Venduemr.
View original NOTICE,
THE resumed Session of the Court of Civil Justice
will take place on Monday the 15th November L815.
By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
mm --—“—is—
View original
WANTED for the building of a Brick Sluice, on
Lot No. 32, in‘the second empolder of New Amster-
dam, the foliowing materials, —
75,000 Bricks.
A5 Uhds of Building Lime.
A5 Tierces Dutch Terrace, or 1100 bushels
Roman Cement.
Any person willing to contiact for the delivery of
the abeve articles, on or before the 31st of July 1S14,
on the aforesaid Lot No. 32, New Amsterdam, will
please to send in tenders, addressed to the Town
Committee, on or before Monday the 29th Novem-
ber, 1813, when the said tenders will be opened, and
the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted. .-—The
Bricks and Lime to be subject to the approbation of
the Town Committee, and the Contractor to enter
into bond for the due delivery of the articles engaged
fo be furnished,
ANY person willing to contract for the immediate
cleaning and weeding of the main trenches and the
drainages, between or separating each whole lot from
the front towards the backdam, in the ‘own of New
Amsterdam, froin all) Grass, Filth, and other Ob-
structions, and to keep the same in that condition,
as also to keep the Public Roads, Dains, and Brid-
wes, inthe said ‘Town, in constant repair, for and
during the term of one year, to be computed from
the Ist of December next, will be pleased to address
himself by (ender, to the said Committee, on or before
the 29th November, IS13, when said tenders will be
opened, and the lowest offer, when approved of, ac-
cepted.—The coutractor to give security, and the
work at all times to be under the inspection of the
‘Town Manager.
TWO Commissaries and the Secretary will mect
for the collection of the assessment, from Monday the
22d November until Teesday the S0th November,
(the Sunday excepted), trom 1 o'clock in the fore-
noon until 2 o'clock inthe afternoon, at Mi. Bin-
NING’s Subscription Roonis.
By commaad of the Committee,
Berbice, 6th November.
To Sail with the First Convoy.
The Fast Sailing Brie EGHAM.
Stand A. 1. at Lloyds,
coppered and copper-fastened, Joun Pavy, Master,
has excelent accommodation for passengers. Por
freight or passage, applay to said Master, on beard,
30 Oct. or tod. VAN DEN BROEN.
View original we
Tu sacl with the January Convoy,
The-tip MULLETT, ‘fio. Smirint, Master, for freight
Or passage, apply to said Master, or to
16 Oct. W. DUNCAN.
View original “fe
THE fine coppered Ship Harmony, Jous Wur-
son, Master, will be dispatched with the convoy to
sail in January next. Apply to
23 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have received by the above ship, sinall boats
for colony craft.
WW“ —_ $< ————
View original FOR SALE.
THE Subscribers offer for Sale the following goods
jnst landed from the ship Harmony.
London porter, Bristol beer, hams, cheese, pota-
toes, pease, barley, vinegar, Port wine, Gren: \da rum
in pipes, soap, candles, cordage assorted, negro
clothing, Osnabrugs, Russia sheeting, salempores,
counterpane s, calicoes, linen hhdy., furniture chintz,
Irish linen, damask table cloths, cotton shirting,
thread, tobacco and pipes, glass and Queen ware as
sorted, silk umbrellas, ladies & gentlemen’ s hats,
children caps, stationary in tin boxes, oats in punche
ons, sadlery, tin ware, planters & dress shoes, Hes-
sia & jockey boots, nails from Ay to 30y, spikes, iron
and wood hoops, cotton & coffee bagging, hoes, and
shovels, cutlasses, pruning knives, carpenter & coo-
per tools, new Castle grind stones, fresh garden seed,
&c.—30 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
SO 3- 9 O
We are favored with a fight of a Barbados Paper,
of the 2d inst. which contains news by the dAdven-
ture Packet 45 days from Falmouth.
Altho’ we can congratulate our Readers on the af
fairs of the North—yet as regards America we can-
hot communicate pleasing intelligence, as we have
every reason to believe that Commodore Barclay,
commanding the Detroit, 18 guns; Queen Charloite
IS; Lady Prevost, 18; a brik, a sloop, and a small
tender, were, after an engagement of 34 hours, all
taken intoan American port.
We have every reason to suppose, thataship which was
seen passing down the day before yesterday, was the pac-
ket, as a brig had arrived in Demerary, from Surinam,
weth the account of the packet being in that river.
View original Barbados, 2d November.
‘fAt length we have received the first Mail for Septr.,
brought by the ddventure Packet, 45 days from Bal.
mouth. The Papers are to the 14th inclusive, and theic
contents In some measure compensate for theanxiety which
her nuaearrival had previously occasioned. We thus Jearn
that the Crowa Prince of Sweden had beer successful over
the enemy in several battles which had been foughtin Gere
many ; and there had also been other attuirs su thac quar.
ter, which had terminated in favoref the Ailies, Vheace
counts that have been reecived of these actions are chictly
from the pen of those in hostility to the allied cause: from
the (enor of which it may be interved, notwithstanding
they claim the victory, that the French troops, and those
of their colleguas, have not ouly lost con hlerably in kid.
led, wounded, and other casualties, but that they inust also
have expericnced adefeat.—In the last battle, said to have
takeu place the 28th Nugust, the Preuch had two Gone.
rals, van Damme and Girard, killed; aad we sincer: ly nee
xret ty add, that Moreau is reported to have becn mortal.
ly wounded + both his legs were shot off in this sanguinary
struggle for the glocy of that day.
Defeat and death of the Dutth General zen Daim-
NIC, Victory gaincd by the Crown Prince, and
death of Gencval Girard, defeat of the French
by Gen. Blucher—Moreau wounded.
It has rarely fallen to our lot to communicate on one
day so many important documents as will be found in oui
Paper of to-day ‘Two French Bulletins—two Swediss-—
Mails from Gottenbargh—and the Austrian) Manifesto
ugainst Bonaparte. We shall consider them in the order
inwhich we have announced them. The intelligence we
communicaled yesterday, of the defeat and death of vaa
Damine, is confirmed, After he gol lo Peierswaldey on the
Boheatay frontier, he penetrated into Bohemia tou Kulin,
beiween Peterswalde and ‘Toplitz. Ie there encountered
4 corps of the Allies 8 or 10,004 strong, whielt he engaged.
——A more confused account we uever recollect to have
beea given First, van Damme was not suflicicntly strong,
(hough in another part he is said to have had 18,000 men,
and the Allies only 8 of 10,000.) ‘Phen, if he had made
his corps descend, he would soon have overthrown the
enemy. But instead Sol roecntering and again placing
himself upon the heights, he remained, and took a position
at Kulm, without guarding the mountain which command.
ed the ouly causeway.’? First, *%f he had descended, he
would have overthrown the enemy .’’—Why he did descend,
for Bonaparte complains that he did not agaia ascend aud
place himself upon the heights. ‘Lhe fact, we dare say, is,
that he descended, atlacked the Allies, was forced to re.
treat, aud was notable to regain his position on the heights.
The Allies then became the assailants ; two fresh Austrian
battalions had joined them, and atterwards the remainder
of the Allied Army, which was followed by the second
French corps under Murat aid Victor, the sixth under
Marmont, and the Iith under St. Cyr. van Damme is
represented as having repulsed all the attacks made upon
hin; but at two in the alternovn Gen, Kleist’s Prussian
corps ‘*cut off in its retreat,’?—a curious way of Speaking
of a column that gets into the rear of an enemy’s force—
suddenly appeared upon the top of amountain, which
van Damme had neglected to guard, thatis, which van Dam.
me was not able to regain, and thudecided the businesse
However, van Damme, still fighting, and still successful,
marched against this column, and repulsed it. But—then
**fortune turned.”? Ilow? For we areimmediately afters
wards informed that he succeeded in overthrowing the
Prussians, killed Gen. Kleist, and forcing the Prussians
to throw away their arms, aud run for safoty into the
woods. But ‘in this strife Gen. van Damme disap peas.
ed.” What! did the running-away Prussians run away
with him? Never, surcly, was such anarrative given,
For the enemy were victorious, according tothe Bulletin,
from first to last—they beat Austrians and Russians—then
they made the Prussians throw away their arms and run
away. But at last van Damme disappears, aud then Ge.
nerals Corbinecau, Dumonceau, and Phillipor (the fellow
who broke his parole), determined to profit by the mo.
ment, and withdraw. What! before a beaten enemy !
And the withdrawing was done in such haste, that the
French ran away from their waggens, and artillery and
Sustained a loss cou@gssed by the euemy toameunt to Go0d
View original men. Bosaparte’s statément of his own loss gefterally
amounts to abouts one fourth of his real loss; so that
the enemy lost in this encounter above 20,000 men, near-
ly the whole of the first corps—Indeed all the accounts
from the opposite coast agree in stating the loss at 30,000
men, ‘They rallied about half aleague from the fio of
battle npon the Lith corps under St. Cyr, but the latter
did not feel any inclination to make any ellor(s to repair
the disasters of the lst corps. —After supposing only that
van Damme was killed, the Bulletin close with stating that
he died upon the field of battle. —By the positions assigned
to the enemy’s army in this Bulletin, we tind that they
occupy a line on the Bohemian frontiers from Sayda
through Zinwald to Peterswalde. Mortier vccupies Pirna.
The only corps that had penetrated and been punished for
penetrating into Bohemia, was van Darme, Our belicf
that the retreat of Che Allicd Army Lad not been cut off
is confirmed by this Bulletin, ‘Phey retired upon Dip-
poldeswalde and Altenberg, and got into Bohemia by the
road to ‘Toplitz.
The second French Bulletin is dated on the 2d, but it is
strange that none of them are dated trum any place. No
further mention is made of the positions or proceedings of
the French ariny, but Bonaparte doubles back on a sud-
den in order to state the force with which the alfics enter.
ed Saxony, and the losses they have sustained—Bonapar-
te’s appetite fur lying increases as he tells them. ‘The loss
of the allies first stated at 15,000, then at 30,000, next
at 60,000, aud now at 80,000 men, 100 pieces of cannon,
15.0CO anmunition, and 3000 baggage waggous, and 40
standards! Would we could dismiss the second bullettia
here——But there is an event menGioned which, if it be true
clouds all the Joy eceasioncd by the first bullettin—Mo-
peau, the gailiil, the great, aul the good, Is said to have
been mortally wounded on the 27th.
In Spain, the enemy had also been conquered by the per-
severance of Ue allies, whose troops had of late been ine
defatigably cmyployedin the reduction of St. Sebastian, the
castle of whieh bad surrendered, but not until the town
had been toially desiroyed—The details of this achieve.
ment had not reached Government on the 14th of Sept.
but the possession of this important place had no doubt
been dearly purchased.—There is a report in circulation,
that Pampeluna had also fallen; but of this there is no
mention in the latest Jouruals received by the Packet,
Sept. 1}. )-—Major dare is Just arrived with the news
of the fall. of the town of St. Sebastian. He had a long
passage, and subsequently to his leaving the army, the
news of the fall of the Caste was sent off by the President.
——The town was taken by storm. Our loss in killed and
wounded some what cacecds 20O0V —but nothing could sur-
pass theextraordioarsy avd herote bravery of the assailants.
—Soult has wade anoile r sal veuy able, attempt to re.
lieve St. Schastiau. bbe failed completely, and we rejoice
to Say that his failure was peinctpally owing to the Spa-
niards.— They defeuded the past entrusted to them with
such detecimincd conrave, that Lord Wellington withdrew
the British troops which had been Hhrced tusupporcd tacm,
well obeervine, that sach coud and gallant troops might
De sately left to thearelves, ‘Phe auiurber of Spanish
O)iticers that have sutlercd, we Breve LUO Say, Is Cousider.
The Austrian manifesto, in which are enumerated the
motives that influcneed its lemperor to declsre war agaist
France, has been published tn the London J ournars,
ter Want of time, and as we have received too-late
the papers containing the abave inteldigenco—provonl
us at present Of ZINE soni surther deiais, bul we
will do so in our nerve
The Prince Roya! (Bernadette), Generalissimo,
Lou the Army.
“Sol dicrs—Called by the confidence of my Ring, acd
of the Sovereigus his Allies, Co lead you iu the career v hich
is about to open, | rely for the success or Our arms on the
Divine Protection, the justice of ovr cause, and on your
valour and perseverance.
‘¢flad it not been for the extraordinary concurrence of
events which have given tuo the last twelve years a dread.
ful celebrity, you w ovld not have been assembled en the
soil of Germany ; but your Sovereigus have felt that Fu-
rope is a great family, and that none of the States of which
it is comy-ored can remain indifferent to the evils imposed
upon any one of its members by a conquering Power.
They ave also convinced that when such a Power threatens
to attack and subjugate every other, there ought to exist
only one will among those nation that are determined to
escape from shame and slavery.
‘+E rom that moment you were called from the Banks of
the Wolga and the Don, from the shores of Britain and
the mountains of the North, tou unite with the German
warriors who defend the cause of Europe.
“This then is the moment when rivalry, national pre-
judices, and antipathies, ought to disappear before the grand
object of the independence of nations.
“<The Emperor Napoleon cannot live in peace with Eu.
rope, unless Kurope be his slaves. His presumption car-
ried 400,000 brave men 700 miles from their country :
misfortunes against which he did not deign to provide fell
npon their heads, and 300,000 Frenchmen perished on the
territory of a great empire, the Sovereign of which had
made every effort to preserve peace with France.
‘sTt was to be expected that this terrible disaster, the
effect of Divine vengeance, would have inclined the Km.
peror of France to a less murderous system, and that, in-
structed at last by the examples of the North and of Spain,
he wonld have renounced the idea of subjugating the Con.
finent, aad have consented to let the world be at peace;
View original but this hope has becn disapyointed, and that peace which
all Governments desire, anvM-hich every Government has
proposed, has been rejecter’s, the Emperor Napoleon,
‘¢Suldiers !—It is to arms then we must have recourse
to conquer repose and independence. ‘he same sentiment
which guided the French in 1792, and which prompted
them to assemble and to combat the armies which entered
their territory, ought now toanimate your valour against
those who, after having invaded the laud which gave you
birth, still hold in chains your brethren, your wives, and
your children. :
‘<Soldiers!—What a noble prospect is opened to you,
the liberty of Europe, the re-establishment of its equili-
brium, theend of that convulsive state which has had twen-
ty years duration, finally, the peace of the world, will be
the result of your efforts. Render yourselves worthy of
your union, your disespline, and your courage, of the
high destiny which awaits you.”
““Cnarves JEAN.”

Plymouth, Aug. #4.—On Saturday last, the 21st inst.
was interred with mililary honors, William Henry Allen,
Esq. late Commander of the United States’ sloop of war
Argus, who lost his leg in an action with his Majesty’s
sloop of war Pelican, J. F. Maples, Esq. Captain, in St.
Georges channel, on Saturday the 14th inst. whereof he
died in Mill-Prison Hospital, on the 18th following.
Guard of Honor.
Licutenant-Colonel of Royal Marines.
With two companies of that corps.
The Captains, Subalterns, and Field-Adjutant (Officers
with hat-bands and scarfs. )
Royal Marine Band.
Vicar and Curate of St. Andrew’s.
Clerk of ditto.
with the Corpse of the deceased Captain.
Attended by eight seamen, late of the Argus, with crape
round ther arms, tied with white crape ribbon,
Also eight British Captains of the Royai Navy, as pall
bearers, with hat-bands and scarfs.
Captain Allen’s servants, in mourning,
The Officers, late of the Argus, in uniform, with crave
sashes and hat-bauds, two and two.
John Hawker, Esq. late American Vice-Consul, and his
Captain Pellowe, Commissioner for Prisoners of War.
Dr. M’Grath, Chief Medical Otticer at Mil-Prisou Depot.
Captains of the Roy: ' Navy in port, two and two.
Marine aud Aimy Othcers, two aud two,
Servants of the Americau Officers, twoand two.
The procession left) Mill. Prison al tvelve o'clock.
The coflin was covered with a velvet pall. ou which was
spread the Aimerican cnsign, under whicn tie achon was
fought, aud whereupon the hat and sword of the deceased
were laid. On the coltin being removed to Che nearse, the
guard saluted; and when deposited im the hearse, the pro.
cession moved forward, the baud playing thes Dead March
in Saul? Ou arrival acar the church, the guard halted
and clubbed arms, single files iuward, through which the
procession passed to the church, into which the corpse was
carried, avd deposited in the centre aile, whilst the fune-
ral services was read by the Reverend Vicar, after which
i wasremoved and intered in the south yard (passing
theough the guard in the same order from, as to the church)
on the right of Mr. Delphy, midshipman of the Argus,
who lost both legs iu the same acwun, and was buricd the
preceding evening.
Our colouics arc now inundated with cantiugs hypocrite
cal tailors, Carpenters, tinkers, coblers, Mc. who, too lazy
tou wok for an honest livelihood in the Mother Country,
and charcined with the idea uf living In ease and luxury a.
broad, found ilevery Convemteat Co becoute Couverls ly the
new light, aud euoluntecr fo Ceach Che Gospel, without the
ability to spell one of ibs verses.
It was noCuntila conspiracy of a considerable extent was
discovered, and which in a short time would have given a
Negro King to Jamaica, that the Assembly of that island
thought proper to inguire into Che cause of the apparent ioe
subordination amoung theucgrocs. In the crowded Metho-
dist chapels in Klagston, it is quite common to hear a fel-
low hold forth for two hours, to a congregation of negroes
aod coloured people, in a jargon not otherwise intelligible
to his audience thau that weare all brethren, and ov terms
of perfect equality. ‘Their Jove-feats, in which Blacky
was admitted vo eat bread with Massa Parson, at onco up-
set all colonial discipline, and destroyed that respect for the
Whites, whichalone could insure order and tranquillity to
the island. Under pretence of preaching aud praying, num.
bers assembled, and held mectings from three or four o’-
clock in the morning until day-light, and again after sun set,
At these a Negro or Mulatto, who did not know a letter of
the alphabet, would mount a chair, and imitate, with to.
lerable accuracy, the gesture and grimace of the White
Preacher, to the great edification and amusement of his au-
The service being over, the Parson and the male part of
his flock generally passed the remainder of the night in
gaming and drinking, or io forming plans for their futare
liberty, and advancement in the contemplated new king.
dom, ‘Their next step was to discipline themselves ; aud
at these nightly meetings the manual exercise was taught.
In this stage of the business, a Negro, styling himself the
Duke of Manchester, with his Secretary, were apprehend-
cd, tried, condemned, and exegnted ; and, from the evidence
obtained, it became necessary to pass the law which has
occasioned the accasation of intolerance,
View original During the usdrpation of Cromwell, greater part of the
judges in Scotland were Englishmen, aud it was universal-
ly showed that justice was never administered with greater
impartiality, norin stricter conformity to the letter and
spirit of the law of Scotland. A young lawy.r happen-
ing to make this remark to a Scots judge, his lordship
made answer, ‘*De’il mean ’em to do justice, they had nei-
ther kith nor kin in the kiotra, Tak’ these out of the
way an’ I think I could be as just a judge as ony 0’
A Cyprian once told a Counsel who was croés-examin-
ing her, that what had been the making of him, had becu
her ruin; namely, impudence.
The following whimsical circumstance occurred lately
at the port of Plymouth:—A gang of depredators having,
at midnight, boarded a detained Amcrican, immediately
proceeded to unbend the .mizcn-topsail from the yard,
which they accomplished; but, in lowering the sail over
the tafferel into their boat, they made noise enough to
awake the Captain, who came upon deck, and demanded
the reason, ‘‘Hush!’’ said one of the gang, with great
presence of mind, ‘we have brought you a good sail,
which we have just taken from a vessel, lying above, and
will sell it a bargain.”? The Captain, in expectation of
getting a bargain, paid down the price, and retired to bed,
congratulating himself on his acquisition: but with what
sensations he viewed his naked mizen-yard in the morning,
may be better conceived than described.
A schoolmaster, of Bishop’s Lydeard, some time ago
was detected in having ilticit intercourse with the daughter
of a creditable inhabitant of that place, who has just pass-
ed her 14th year. Under the pretence of her being not
so forward in her learning as his other scholars, he per-
suaded the parents to allow her to attend the school an
hour earlicr than the rest. Welament to add, that the
seducer is considerably advanced im years, and bas a wife
aud several children.
I Re
View original TE ee ————-—
One Warrior said, and who'll gaicsay,
That ‘the who fights and rons away,
‘May liveto fight another day ;’
But gallant M-nr-y doth surpass
The valiant hero, Hupipras ;
For Sir Joun holds that it is right,
To run away BeFore you fight;
Since he who duth the battle stay,
May never live to RUN Away!
ee ——™ll—El)yE_E_ ee
View original ——————————————————————————eeeeEeE—E—E—E—E—EEEE
BY the subscriber, choice old Madeira wine in pipes,
b-own stout in hogshead and barrels, Osnabrugs and In-
vcory bagging, imported per the Egham, from London
and Madeira.
10 Oct. J. vAN peEN BROER.
ee a eS
View original e
Notice to Carpenters.
Requirep to be erected in front of Plo. Brighton, on
the west coast of Corentyu, a Beacon, 60 feet high, the
first 30 feet to consist of a solid picce of hardwood, 16
inches square, with a foundation framed of hardwood tim-
ber, 30 fect long by 15 inches square, to support it in a
perpendicular position, and the upper 30 feet to consist
of another piece, at least 12 inches square at foot, and not
less’ than 6 inches square at top, with a square of laths at
the top, to make it visible at a distance.
Tenders for the above, marked, **Tender for a Bea-
con,’ will be received by the subscriber, till Wednesday
ist of December, next, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when
they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the
Governor, and the lowest tender, if approved of, will be
A plan of the above can be scen, and every informati-
on respecting it given by the subscriber.
Berbice 16th Oct. 1813.
W. SCOTT, Com.
View original OO ”-—=E—_eO
"List of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of
Bersicr, on the. llth Nov. 1813.
Names. | Proprietors. By whom brought.
View original Namen.
Rosa — Pin. Onverwagt ,Denuert
Ilercules Do. McCamon
Cupido Do. de Voester Farley
idward Do. Wassendam |Reuss
Murphy Do. Do.
Sammy Do. Lewis Mauor |Larose
Dam Munro Servants
Reauson Dodson Dehnert
William Pln. Zuidho'!land |Bakker
Jack sally Kraao liscaal
Glasius Pin. Bellevue W hite
Boedmaan unknown Adami
Marsh Do. Do.
Sunday Unknown Hicken
Robert Beresford Dr. Beresford
Captain Bartrum Jones
Beceanson Pin. Wassendam |Reuss
Louw Cevil Government |Fiscaal
Saturday Pin. Graubunder.| Dehnert
Primo Shanks (Dem.) = /Costenbader
Fox Gordoa [Frauendorf
Jacob Grant Do.
Nero [’arley Negro Moses
J. A. DEHNERT, Under Sheriff.
Ligenaren. | Aanbrengers.
View original MARSHAL's OFFICE.
Sales by Execution.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, upon a petition of H. C. ITintzen, under
date of 2Ist Ang. 1813, versus, the proprietor or pro-
prietors, representative or representatives of planta-
lion La Fraternité.
Have caused to be taken in Execution, and put
under Sequestration, the coffee Estate called
Sitnate in the lower division of this river, with all its
cullivation, buildings, slaves, and further ap- and
dependencies thereto belonging.
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, afier the expiration of one year and six
weeks, froin the 6th October, 1813, the abovemen-
tioned coffce Plantation La Fraternité, with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves ,&c. thereto belonging,
and specified inthe Inventory laying atthe Marshal's
Office for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cern, in order (o recover from the proceeds of said
Sale such sum of money as wherefore the abovemen-
boned Estate bas been taken in Execution.
Ali conformable the Rewilations of the [fon. Court
of Civil Justice, bea wing date Ist January, IS10.
This first Proclamation published by beat of dram
as customary. Berbice, 7 Nov. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
WHEREAS Tf the andersiened, by authority ob-
tained from the Slon. Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, upon a petition of H.C. Hintzen, Versus,
the Estate of D. P. Morthier, under dato of 6 March
Have caused to be taken in Execution and Seques-
tr (ioa, the cofice plantation called
sifuate tn Canje river, with all its cultivation, build.
ings, slaves, and turtherap- and dependencies theres
to belonging, the property of said D. P. Morthier.
Be it therclore known, that L the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weehs, fron the 29h July, 1813, the abovenamed
coffee plantation called Goed Land, with all its cul-
tivation, slaves, buillines, and further appurtenan-
ces thereto belongine, specified in the liventory
formed thereof, laying at the Marshal's Oflice, for
the inspections of hose whem if may concern, ino or-
der to recover from the proceeds of said Sale, such
sum, as wheretore the same has been taken in Exe-
All conformable to the Reeulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, bearioe Gate [st Jontary ISTO,
This first prockunation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 26 Sept. ISIS

RK. Fraxexes, First Marshal.
~ _ —$_—{$ + —— $$
WHER GAS fT the undersigned, by authority ob-
latned from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice. of this
colony, upon a petition of J. Bakkerand J.C. Span-
genberg, as the Atfornies of J. M. van Violen, ver-
aus, (he proprietor or proprietors, representative on
representatives of plantation Gocd Land.
lave caused to he taken in Execution and Scques-
tration, the coffee Estate called
situate in Cayje river, with all its cullivation, build.
lags, Slaves, and lurtherap- and dependencies there-
Be it therefore hnowu, that T the undersigned in-
tend to Set, afterthe expiration of One year and Six
weeks, from the 29th July ISLS, the abovenamed
coilee Estate colled Gocd Land, with all its cultiva-
lion, buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances
thereto belonging, as specified in an luventory form-
ed thereof, which lays at the Marshal’s Office for the
inspection of those whom it may concern, inorder to
recover trom (he proceeds of said sale, such sum of
money as Wherefore the said Estate has been taken
in Execution.
All coaformable to the Regulations of the Court of
Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January, 1810.
Vhis first proc‘umation published by beat’of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 26 Sept.1813.
KK. Francxen, First Marshal.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, upon a petition of J. A. Leisner, under date
6th March 1813, versus the Executor or Executrix,
representative or representatives of the Estate of D.
P. Morthier, dec.
View original Have caused to be taken in Execution and &
{ration the coffee Estate called
situate in Canje river, with all its culti ration, slaves,
building, and further appurtenances thereto belong-
Be it therefore known that I the undersigned in-
tend to sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 29th July, ISIS, the abovenamed
coffee Estate Goed Land, with all its cultivation,
buildings, slaves, andfurther ap- and dependencies
thereto belonging, all conformable to an Inventory
formed thereof and now lying at the Marshal’s Office
for the inspection of those whom it may concern, in
order to recover from the procecds of said Sale, such
su, as wherefore the same has been taken in execu-
All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of
Justice, bearing date Ist January, 1810.
This first Proclamation made known to the public
as. customary. Berbice, 96 Sept. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original —-_—-__— ee
WHEREAS it has pleased the Hon. Court of Ci-
vil Justice, of this colony, at their Session of the
2Ist October last, to admit J. A. Dennert, Under-
sheriff, fo go on with his proceedings in Execution,
against the Proprietor or Proprietors, Representa-
live or Representatives, of Plantation Palmyra.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that the Ex-
ecution Sale of the by former Gazettes already adver-
tized Negro boy Chatham, and Four bales of Colton
the property of Plantation Palmyra aforesaid, will
now take place on Wednesday the 24th November,
ISIS, at the Court House of this colony, with re-
gard of the boy Chatham,—and on Thursday the
25th Nov. at Plantation Palinyra, with respect tothe
sile of the four bales of cotton.—All conformable the
Non. Court of Civil Justice's Regulation, bearing
date 2Ist August, IS13.
Berbice, 11th November, 1813.
K. FRANCK EN, First Marshal.
View original __—_———
BY virtue ofa Writ of Eaxcention, granted hy
His [Tonor, Jaywes Grant, Major, and Actine Go-
vernor of the colony Berbice, Upon a petition pre-
sented by Ronent Dovugras, >. the Attorney for the
now absent Thomas Fryer Layfield, versus, Rieu.
IHTarris, said writ Dearing date [7th July, IS93.
I the undersigned first Marshal of the Courts of this
colony, shall expose and sell, at public Execution
Sale, on Wednesday the Ist December, 1813.
The Cotton Estate called HASW LLB,
being the eastern third of No. 11, and) western third
of No. 12, containing 333 and 2-3ds. acres, more or
less, sitnated on the Corentine coast, with all its cule
ivation, but without Slaves, the property of said R.
Whoever shoukd think to have any nicht, inferest
or clainiouthe aforesid Plant’n, Haswell, and wish-
es to «ppose the sale thereof. let such person or
persons address themselves to me the. first Marshal,
declaring their reasons for such Opposttion ino duc
(ime ail forme: as Phereby oive notice that Twill
recetve Opposition. from every one thereunto quati-
fed, appoint tiem a day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and further act thereon. as
the law directs.
This 9nd Proclamation made known to the public
Dy Deatof drun:as customary.
Berbice, 7 Nov. INI,
NK. ERANCKEN, First Marshal.
PURSUANT toa Voluntary Surrender in Execu-
tionby O. W. Lanrsuerr, as the Attorney jointly
and severally with Gro. Munro, of Tn. Rowson.
in favor of Geo. Munro, as the Attorney for the
Trustees of A. W. Somarsall, of eieht Negro men,
named as follows,—Patt, Ning (the first), Ning (the
second), Arthur, Briton, ‘Tom, Welcome, and Sci-
pio, all conformable a Deed of Security, passed by
Tho. Robson, before the Sworn Clerk O.W. Lants-
heer, under date of 6th Decembe, 181] [, in favor of
said G. Munro, as the Attorney of the Trustees of A.
W. Somarsall, and by which Deed the abovenamed
eight Negroes are special bound and mortgaged, in
favor of said G. Munro, qq.
I the undersigned shall expose and sell, at public
Execution Sale, on Wednesday the 17th November,
1813, at the Court House of this colony, at 11 o’clock
in the forenoon of that day, the beforementioned
cight Negro slaves, the property of Thomas Robson
W hoever should think to have any right, interest,
or claim, on the said eight Negro Slaves, and wishes
to oppose the sale thereof, let such person, or per-
sons, address himself to me the first Marshal, decla-:
ring their reason for such opposition in due time and
form, as [ hereby give notice that I will receive op-
position from every one thereunto qualjfied, appoint
View original them a day to have his or herclaim heard before the
Court, afd further act thereon according to style and
Th-s Qad_ Proclamation made known fo the
by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice 7 Nov. IS813.
K FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Ion-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date of 2ist Aug. 1813, given upon a petition, pre-
sented by H. Staav and H. Lurucers, appointed
Curators to the insolvent Estate of C. I’ockine, dec.
I the undersigned, First Mazshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of abovenamed
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown creditors against the Ey -
late of C. Focking, dec. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their ordinary ses-
sion, to be held in the month of October, 1814, say
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen,
there to exhibit and verify their claims, to see oppo-
sition made thereunto, if need, and after the expira-
fion of the fourth summons by edict, to witness the
Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent
right of claimants, and further to proceed according
to law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right
of claim.
This Edictal Summons published, posted up, and
further dealt with as the law directs.
Berbice, lst November, I8to.
K. FRANCKEN, 1st Marshal.
-_—_—————__ —_ —
BY virtue ofan Extract of the, Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court of Rolls of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated.goth July, ISIS.
[tne undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon,
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of A.
4. Glasius and Bo. Schwiers, Sequestrators over
Plantation Vrede & Vriendschap, Nooit Gedagt, and
half of the Gondmyn, do hercby, for the second time
Siomnon by Edict:
All known and unknown claimants on the proceeds
of Plantation Nooit Gedegt, sold by Execution sale,
fo appear betore the Courfof Civil Justice of this co-
lony, at their session of the ordinary Court of Rolls,
fo be held on Monday the 22d November, 1813, and
following days, in order to render their respective
Claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Sum-
mons, willbe proceeded against the nul-appcarers,
accerding to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to custom,
Berbice, Sth November, S13.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the
Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, given
upon a Petition presented by John Layfield, the at-
lorney of Thomas Bond, ot Lancaster, and Progqrie-
(or of plantation Lancaster, situated in this colony,
under date of 21 Aug. IST.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts within this colony, and at the request of said
J. Layfield, qq
Summon Ly Riict :
All known and unknown cliimants on plantation
Lancaster, situate on the west Corentine coast of this
colony, or on the Slaves, and other appurtenances
and dependencies thereto belonging, or on Thomas
Bond, for and on account of any bvok debt, bond,
mortgage, legacy, or annuity, arising from out of
the will of the late Robert Wilson, dec. or other-
Wise, to appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of
(his colony, at their ordinary Sessions, which will
be held in the month October 1814, there to exhibit
and verily their claims, to see opposition made there
unto if need, and after expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edict, to witness the Court’s decision as to
the preterent and concurrent right of claimants, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain of be-
ing for ever debarred their right of claim.
‘his summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary—Berbice, 13th Octu-
ber, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original ————_ e—aS—
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public, by order
of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of the ‘colon
Berbice, bearing date 22d October, 1813, that the
Meeting of Creditors of Hucu B. InGuis, which
was advertised should take place on the 11th October
last, is postponed until Monday the 15th of Novem.
ber next.—Berbice, 28th Oct. 1813.
! A. G. CALMER, Marshal.
——— ee
View original a a
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, P. y.
By W. SCHULZ & Cu,

13 November 1813