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The Berbice Gazette

View original Revenue and Expenditu
Dr. Year
1813. To paper-moncy for public proper-
fy, on twterest, a luan of...... J 39160
To bills of exchange.... 00.02... ISLSLIT3) 3
‘Vo ordinary head-money.... 2... GOSO5}19
Vo plautaGionsmoncey........6.. 13162) 3}14
‘To extra head-money...., 2.68. QO21GO/LG
To churchemoucy...... 02.2 eee. 6570} Alt
Towceighemoncy....... bee eens GO137| [13
Lo road-money ot... 0.000 ee eee IQ21 a] Ola
To lastaze on vessels.......0... GOS8Y
To hospitalemoney......... oes O10
To wirkel department.......... TAAVIC! G
To venducetax W. ‘Vhrelfail..... 1810
To ditto G Bone.... ee... 154 ‘L6) 4
To dilfo Dp. Cc, Cameron. a 2161) S| 6
To Civil Government: received on
account colony schooner frou
Demerary .... 02... eeeeeeeey 5050
To sales of rusay ays received fr.
Kingston. woo... eee eee wees | SBBISI6
To ditto (2000. balance received
fioin James raser........... 11S. | 2
To traussent tax rec. ou his acet.. doujl7
To Gen, XJurray’s deposit this sum
his cmotument on the mauumise
saeuass suas 150
sion slaves, oe ef © © @
f 28952. 2.12
Dee. 21. To balance in hands thisday.. ff 121-12. §
SS ee arene’
Kine’s louse, Wh Jan W814.
THE Lieutenant-Governor will attend at the
King’s House, New Amsterdam, for the Di puch of
Public Business, from Tey o'clock in the hiornine,
until Tico o'clock in the afternoon, onthe Tue says.
Wednesdays, Thursde sy and Diidays, of every
week ; At which Gine of Attendance, at Plas will be
huisted over the portico of the Efouse.
By dlis Picetleney's commana.
BP. WIHDPTE, Gov. Soo.
View original Lo Woodeutiers and Carpenters.
WANTED a house fraine of bully tree wood, 21
feet long by 18 feet wide, two stories hich, viz.—the
first 12 feet, and the second 9 fect, witha gallery of
10 feet, all round the lower stary—aiso the shingles,
materials, and workmanship, required for finishing
the same asa dwelling honse,— fry person willie
to contract for the same on very reasonable tere,
may obtain further information aud see the plin, by
applying fo this Printing Ofice. 1oth Jiu.
THE Subscriber. in addition to Medicines receiv.
ed per the Lord Blantyre, is now banding from on
board the rn, Capt. Brann, from London, the fol-
Jowing articles, warranted fresh and genuine.—Pale
and vellow bark powder, concentrated essence bark,
new Lneland castor, balsem toly: oxymel of squills,
bine galls, Paytherius’s inproved Chaltenham silt,
powder cascarilla, oil of amber rict: arsenic, salt of
Hartar, verdegris, Hoilinan’s anod liq: seveis, spirits
nitre, wiier, chamomile flowers in Ib. bottles, blist-
ering, gum & mer: plaisters, vuneper bornis, gun
tragacanth, rhubarb, jalap powder, pewter bed pans,
wide mouth botiles with glass stoppers from Lt Ib. to
4 once, and best blacking, &c.
15 Jan. W. B. LIOT.
-_——--—————— Se
View original REQUIRED
FOR Plantation Avesburg, 125 Negro jackets,
125 do. hats, 1 barrel tar, | do. pitch, Ido. barley
and) | do. brown sugar.—Tenders for the above arti-
cles. or any part thereof, will be received by the sub-
scriber till Monday the 24th inst. at 10 o’clock in the
morning, when they will be opened, and the lowest
offer, for cash, ifapproved of, accepted.
JoJan. J. M.C. REUSS, qq.
View original LHidé Subscriber offers for Sale a few casks
Newfoundland Fish.
bron) the latest QUrIVOALS.
\/ A
ad A
View original e of the Colony Beresice,
18138. Cr.
By this sum overpaid, being balance of cash as per
statement Slst Dec. 1Slz, rendered into Court. ... f 749
By expenditure of the Colony Berbice
year 1513, as per vouchers No.l-153 | f 166323 19) 11
By this sum paid hire of 56 Negroes,
and I lost on the service, as per vou-
chers No. IAS... eee. 18168] | 8
By casual payinents this sum paid, as
per vouchers No, 1-53........0... DAZIC| 7} 4
-|—|— | 238782] 9] 7
By bills ofexchange paid away. ....) 18135/I5| 3
By protested bills paid for.......... Y2S| $
Ly paper-money paid into Court in
Oct. I8)3, taken from circuloson,.| 25000
\—!'— 41062) 1) 3
By the Receiver General's commission on the receipt
‘of £232.250-9-10. (bills of eachange and paper-
money not included) two and a half per cent. .... 9805 15! 3
By balance ...... cee ec cc ccc eee cc cece eeeeee I2tile) 9
f 259524- 2-13
a a
' .
——i a ee es a ee
TIE Planters and Inhabitants are required, to give
info this Office, a return of 2 White, free coloured
Persons, and Slaves.—And the Planters are to male
a Return, on Oath, of all Produce Sold, Shipped,
and delivered from Estates, commencing [st July
and ending 3ist December, ISEU, in the course ot
(he present month + defautters will be reported to the
Piscal.— AM Accounts due this Office, will be given
over fo the Deurwaarder, as the Receiver finds it im-
possible to pay the Demands on the Otlice.
Berbice, fst January, 1814.
A. THORNEORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
Berbice, 18th Jan.
TENDERS in Triplicate, marked “Lenders for
Paysmasters Bills,” will be received at this Office un-
il Wednesday morning (he 19th inst. at 10 o'clock,
Mor oue bilbot £200. and oue of & 100. Sterlines,
diawnon the Right Hoa. the Paymasters General at
v0 days sight,
JOUN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
~~, _
; Berbice, Ite Jun.
TUNDERS in Triplicate, marked «Tenders for
Bilis,” willbe reecived at this Oiiice until Mriday
morning the Qist inst. at LOo’clock, for two bills of
£ 100. each, drawn on the Right Llon. the Paymas-
ters General, at SO davs steht.
JOUN S. WILSON, Comninissariat.
View original —— ee eeeeSsesesesFSSseseF a ———
erbice, \Sth Jan.
ANY person holding Demands, either against this
Department, or Deputy Assistant Commissary Gen.
Buuor, are desired to send in a statement thereof to
the subscriber, on’or before the Ist hebruary ensuing
afler which day no ferther notice can be’ taken of
View original FOR SALE
FROM plantation Clifton, 20 bales of Cotton, for
which ‘Tenders will be received at Messrs. Eyan and
Angus Praser’s, until Wednesday the 19th inst. and
the highest ofler, if approved of, accepted,
payment to be made in cash on delivery.
8 Jan. W. DUNCAN, Seq.
P*‘e¢ua ‘ea @ 8°
View original i
BY the Subscriber, Vew Madeira Cod fish, im-
poried via Demerar , In the ship Luue, from Ney
O. and S quintal casks, and by thie
hundred weieht, fur immediate payment
S Jan - Cu. KYTE.
foundland,. in 4.
View original eee
BERBICE. Government House, 15th Jan.
THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased ta
make the following Appointments :
Hubert de Salve, :
R. C. Downer, and E’squires.
Francis White.
to be His Excellency’s Aid-de-Camps, with the Co-
lonial rank of Lieutenant-Colonels.
By Command,
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
View original FOR SALE
BY the undersigned, reasonable, fgr cash, the
following articles, imported in the Ann, Capt.
Brann, from London,
Rounds of spiced beef, pickled tripe in kegs and
Jars, ox tongues in firkins, cheese, pickled oysters
and muscles in pots, vinegar in jugs, French olives,
old Port wine, refined sugar, brown sfout, gentlemen
dress, half dress, and walking shoes, planters strong
do., Hessian boots, gentlemen best patent. silk hats,
ladies & gentlemen’s fine cotton stocking, stalioniry
assorted, motiled soap, mould candles, sun powder,
Also on hand from former importatioos :
Best Trish mess beef and pork in ! barrels, butter in
whole and $ firkins, pearl barley, split pease, pickles
assorted, ready made and flower of mustard, Sago,
raisins a boxes, small setts of earthenware in barrels
and crates of ditlo, fine old Madeira in botidles, brown
stout in hhds. &e.—15 Jan. G. BONE.
_ en
View original FOR SALE,
FIFTY bales of cotton, from plantation Tain,
Tenders for the same will) be received by either of
the Subscribers, at the Store of Messrs. ITenery &
Taylor, until Monday the 17(h inst. when the high-
est ofler or offers, if approved of, will be accepted,
‘Terms of payment, biils of exchange or colony mo-
ney. Jno. McCAMON for self and
S Jan. G. MUNRO, Seq.
ON Wednesday the 19th inst. will be sold from
Plantation No. 11, Correntyn coast, 20 bales of ood
clean cotton, for which the highest offer, by Tender,
will be accepted, payable in cash on delivery, at the
store of Messrs. Doucuas Reip & Co.
W. LAWSON for self,
1 Jan. ISI4. and W. KATZ.
AXVNAT WAT a a . =
View original ON Wednesday the 19th instant, from 15 to 20
ba'es of Cotton from Plantation Lloomfield, wilt
be sold to the highest: bidders amongst the creditors
of these estates, at the store of Messrs. Doucnas
Retp & Co.—And at the same time Tenders will be
received for 10 to 15 bales of cotton, tomeet the cur-
rent expences of said estates,—payment to be made
in cash on delivery, W. LAWSON,
THE Creditors of Plantation Letterkenny, are
hereby informed, that there will be from 30 to 35
bales of cotton for Sale amongst them, on the 19th
instant, in liquidation of their claims—and at the
same Une 12 bales, for cash, on delivery, to defray
current expences.—Tenders will be received at the
house of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. on above date.
View original NOTICE,
THE undersiened havine: formerly contracted to
keep that cart of the a blic road In order which lies
between plantations Gebroeders and Invlucht, situate
Within the river Berl Ice, aquaints those whonr if may
concern, that his contract has expired ; and that he
will not be respon ible for the future State
and bridges between the afores
and after the present date.
Berbice Ist January IS8!4,
ofthe roads
aid plantations from
J. va@ pew BROEK.
—__ ——— ne
! OR ‘ \ | k)
BY the Subscriber. on Lot No. 2}
payment in cash or produee, at
for nunamediate
avery reduced price
— New Cod Fish. ins quintal casks & by 50 Ibs.
fafoes., neat lonytues in kegs, and Archauvel tar.
» po-
SS Jan.
View original Dreams
Sa oe Oe eee eee eee
——— 0-6 eo
By the arrival of the brig Ann, Capt. Brann, this
week, we are favoured with London Papers to the 25th
of Nove ‘mber, containing official Dispatches of the Allied
and French armies, and which we both lay before our
Mr. C. C. Swaving and Lady, and several others came
passengers by the Ann.
——— © 9 © BDSG |O PC 220 ——_
The most Glorious and Important
News ever received.
Victory of the Allies, unexampled in modern
histor y—total defeat and flight of Bona-
parte, the extinction of his power, and pro-
bable capture of the tyrant’s person—the
encmy’s loss one hundred and twenty-five
thousand men, including many Generals, one
hundret and cighty pieces of cannon—Leip-
sic taken, with ‘the King of Saxony and all
his Family and Court, the Saxon, Bavarian,
and Wirtenberg troops come over to the
Allies—total route of the native [rench,
Defeat also of Marshal Davoust, with the loss
of 5000 prisoners, anuniber of Generals, and
AO pieces of Cannon.
London, November 4.
Our fond anticipetions, our repeated predictions, have
been realized to the utmost extent, and (Oh! Heavenly
event!) the delivrance of Lurope may now be considered
as accomplished. —This great and glorious news was yes-
terday received in dispatches from Sir Charles Stewart,
dated from Leipsic, the 19th ut. which were last night
published in au Catraordiuary Gazette (vide our preciding
colums).—Disasters still more tirrible than those which
annihilated the veterans of France Jast year in Russia have
now overtaken the collected remnants of the tyrant’s
force, replenished by new levies; and the last hopes of
the would-be Sovereign of the Universe are queuched in
the gloom of total defeat. lis continental sceptre is bro-
ken; and if he be allowed to retain that of France, he
must owe it to (he inoderation of the powers who hold the
sword of conquest suspended over his fugitive legions.
Such are the signal pheeahilg with which providence has
vouchsafed to favour Che cause of Murope and of the world,
and for which, with hearts of Jey aud gratitude, we de-
youtly bow, and oller our best, sincerest thank to heav-
en.—What a proud and ratifying epoch for magnaninious
Old England, when, as Sie Charles Stewart well observes,
she may ‘triumph: tly look fo rward turcap, io conjunct.
ion with her Alvics, that gicry her unexampled aud steady
efforts in the common Cause so justly entitle her to receiye.
Under such happy suspices does the Prince Regent this
day go in slate to meet his Parliament; and the 4th of
November, which gave birth to our Sovereign William
the third, who contributed so much toa former deliverance
of Europe from the tyranny of France, is that on which
the Regeut of the present day goes to congratulate the
great Council of the Nation on the approaching restoration
of that mighty fabric. which it was so much the pride and
glory of our ancestors to have accomplished.
Twice has October, the month in which the tyrant ob-
tained his greatest trinmphs, witnessed his overthrow ; aud
twice has he to attribute his ruin to his own obstinacy
and rashness, His advance to Moscow, and his pro-
tracted stay amidts,the wrecks of that city, in the vain
hope of overawing the Russian Mmperor into a disgrace.
ful peace, cost him the largest army of expericnced war.
riors ever assembled in modern times. Tlis obstinacy in
Maintaining himself at Dresden, whilst four powerful ar.
mies were marching upon his rear and closing around him,
has now cost him more than one half of the force which
uncxampled exe.tions had enabled him to collect, with
the defection of all the States of the Rhenish Confeder-
ation. And should he succeed in effecting his escape to
the Rhine with the remainder of his broken legions, he
must wage a ruinous war on his own territorics. and see
the mighty Impire, which his ambition and victories had
raised, crumble piece-meal within his grasp, until ef so
much earthly grandeur only the memory survive. Such
are the cousequences of the ungovernable nature of his
passions, which prevents him from yiclding to.the coun-
sels of prudence. Taught by years of triumph that he
was invincible, and finding that the same belief was en.
tertained by his soldiers, Napoleon thought, notwith-
standing the expeggence of his Russian failure, that to
follow the common precepts of caution would be to betray
a dangerous mistrust of his fortune, and that he had
reached that point, when to dare would be sufficient to
insure success. How miserably he has been disappointed
in all his calculations, his late overthrow has proved to
the satisfaction of an exulting world. Several times in the
course of this campaign, he had it in his power to attack
the grand army of the Allics ia Bohemia singly, when the
View original superiority of numbers was on his side. and as often did
he cozient himself with recdnnoitring tf, and rearing fo
make useless demonstrations against Silesia and Beilin,
which always terminated in discomliture. ‘ Ile thus broke
the spirit of his troops, and in fact (rained them to defeat.
Yet unconscious or careless of their demonstration, he
relied on what the lamented Moreau himself called his
**furtune,” and resolved to bring the war to an issue, by
engaging at once the whole force of the Allies. Victory,
he thought, would then lay the continent at his feet, and
defeat did not center within his combinations. lxcessive
confidence in himself blinded him, aud he seemed only
anxious to afford every facillity to the Allies to unite their
divided armies, that he might destroy them at one blow.
He saw that they were aware of the advautages of acting
separately, by which they have prevented his being able
to undertake any thing decisive in any quarter, and in
order to make them adopt a different plan, oflered them
the tempting bait of cutting off his retreat, and for that
purpose prolonged his stay at Dresden, beyond every
appearence of rationality. Iis stratagem succeeded, ouly
to recoil upon himself; and he soon found, that the first
consequence of having suffered the Allies to unite in his
rear was the defection of Bavaria and the approaching self
dissolution of the Confederation of the Rhine. No time
was now to be lost. His enemies were concentrated, ani
the mas® of military power which they preseuted between
him and France, nearly doubled his own, He saw his
error, but tvo late to repair it. In vain did he attempt by
a demonstration against Berlin on the right bauk of the
Elbe, to induce them once more to divide, that he might
profit by their movement, to cut his way to the Rhive.
They wisely cousidered the preservation of the capital as
only a secondary object, and retained their advanced
positions, only pressing closer around him, Each partp
now saw that the decisive moment had arrived, aud pre-
pared for action, the one with the alacrity which superior
numbers an loca; advantages naturally inspire, the otlfer
with the impaired confidence which the consciousness of
having taken a wrong step produces, aud with troops
inferior in uumber, in spirit, iu experience, aud io pa-
On the 16th ult. about the very time we had frequently
anticipated, the graud trial commenced. Napoleon, wiiose
front was now turned towards France, hod placed the
}th, 6th, and 7th corps of his army, under Ney, ou his
right wing, whilst with his left and fis centre, he attacked
the Allics under Prince Schwartzenberg. tlere a most
obstinate and sanguinary battic tuvk place. fortune
began to smile on her former favourite, Napulcon, Whoye
bringing up the whole of his cavalry under Murat, broke
through the center of the Allics. ‘Lheir reserve, however,
was called into action, aud regained the ground that had
been lost. Night separated the combatants without ai-
lowing either to boast of a dacided advantage. On his
right, Bonaparte had been less successful. Attacked by
General Blucher and the Crown Prince, Ney after bghtg
for several hours with great obstinacy, aud been com-
pelled to fall back with the loss of 12,000 men, iu killed,
wounded, and prisoners, 40 picces of caunon., ‘Phe 17th
was passed in preparations on both sides to renew Ue act-
lon. ‘Phe desparation with which Napoleon had fought,
convinced the Allies (kat he deemed the decisive crisis ul
his fate at hand, and that they should necd all their
strenght to secure a fortunate issue the cuntest. They
manocuvred all day to cflect a closer union of their dific.
reat armies, and on the 18th the whole of their force,
consisting of the combined arinies of Bohemia, Silesia, aud
the North of Germany, under Prince Schwartzy nberg,
the Crown Prince, aud General Blucher, whence Goa
parte in all his positions. ‘The battie became tremendous,
and at that awful crisis, the Bavarians followd by the
Saxon and Wertenberg troops, and all other Germans in
the I-rench service, deserted the banners of the fyvraut, and
passed over to the Allies. ‘The issue of the day was no
longer doubtful. “Phe Ierench only fought to open them.
selves retreat, and with the loss of 60,000 men and 100
pieces of cannon, proceeded towards Leipsic. On the
19th, the Allies pursued their advautages, and presented
themselves before Leipsic. It was still occapied by the
rear-guard of the enemy, and the King of Saxony and
his Court. Napoleon had left it only two hours before
the arrival of the Allies, who immediately stormed the
place. ‘The most sanguinary resistance was made, but in
vain. The walls were scaled, the gates were forced, and
the Crown Prince in a charge took the King of Soxony
and all his Court prisoners. © Were 30,000 sick and
wounded were found, and all the stores and magazines of
the enemy, whose defeated army fled on the road to
Weisseufels. ‘The Emperor of Russia, the King of Prus-
sia, and the Crown Prince of Sweden, each heading their
respective troops, entered the town at diflefeut points,
and met in the great square. ‘The acclamations and rejoi-
cings of the people were not to be described:
Such is the heart-cheering and memorable intelligence
which the dispatches brought yesterday from Sir C. Ste-
wart contain. No less than 20 French Generals has been
killed, wounded, and taken.—Poniatowsky is said to
have been drowned i in crossing the Saale; Macdonald and
Socham to have been taken; and Regenier, Lauriston,
Bertrand, Valary, and Brune killed. The French, who
first attempted to retreat to Erfurth, were cut off from
that road, and compelled to retire across the Saale to
Brunswick, and thus to move through Westphalia to
Holland. ‘This would expose Augereau’s corps at Jena
to be cut off§ without offering an opportunity for Da-
voust’s escape from Hamburg, who has als been defeated,
with the loss of 5,000 prisoners, including a number of
General Officers, and 40 pieces of cannon. Dresden, it
is added, was entered on the 18th by Benningsen’s army,
View original and on all sides the most active pursuit was carricd on
against the enemy, whose force, now consisting of French.
nev alone, w as fully reduced one half, or out of 180,000
of which it consisted at the beginnig of the retreat, to
90,000; but divided, dispirited, and deprived of the
greatest part of their artillery. Of this we are officially
informed by the details in the Extraordinary Gazette ; aud
in addition, we find by the Bulletin issued yesterday on
the occassion, that ‘before the bearer, of the dispatches
left the neighbourhood of Leipsic, 35 prisoniers had
been brought in, and the Official Bulftin of Berlin of
the 2lst states 180 pieces of cannon to have been taken.
Macdonald and Souham prisoners.’ The enemy’s army
became thus reduced to 65,000 ; their loss (independently
of the 30,000 sick) amounting to the immense number of
125,000 men!
Lhe universal burst of cordial joy expressed by every
class of thecommunity, in consequence of this most glori-
ous intelligence, exceeded the possibility of descrip tion—
the Park and ‘Tower guns were fired, the bells rung merry
peals throughout the day; and at night the theatres re-
sounded with cersatic burst of loyalty and heartful joy.
LONDON, Nov. 2}.
It is definitively settled, that Sir ‘Thomas Graham is to
have the chicf command of the expedition to Holland, It
could not beentrusted to abler hands. Sic Thomas was
solicited ina manner mést gratifying to his feclings to ace
cept the charge; and, his sense of duty to his country,
would not allow him tudecline the offer. ‘The only Ge.
neral Odicers who are to have active commands under Sir
Thomas Graham, are Major-Gen, Cooke aud Major-Gen.
Skerrett. ‘Phe hing’s Private Secretary, Major-Gen.,
Taylor, goes ona particular mission, charged with thedis-
(rivution of the supplies of arms, and to be near the per.
sou of his Serene Itishness the Prince of Orange. Lieut.-
Col. Barclay, of the Corsican rangers, Aid-de-Camp to
lus Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, accompanics
and is associated with Gen, ‘Taylor, in this important mis.
sion. Gen. Taylorarrived at Warwick yesterday. Lieut.
Col. Barciay lefttowu this moruing to join him at. that
port with the finalinstructions from Government.
The three regiments of foot guards assembled this morn.
ing on their respective parades,—the lst in Portman-street
barracks, the Coldstream in the Bird-eage-walk, and the
Jdat Kiightsbridge barracks. ‘The brigade has attained
a Considerable accession of strength since its formation on
Monday. Et consisted then of 15600 meu, it now exceeds,
1,800, every man capable of parade duty having most
gallantly oflercd, aud being deemed effective and fit for
eld duty for the occasion, After going through the pres
paratory forms, the dillerent battalions proceeded on their
prescribed routes over Westminster-bridge for Green wich,
the fu.l bands piaying the *¢*Grenadier’s March.’ Colonels
Jones (Ist regt.), Adams (2d regt.), and Rooke (3d
regt.), were at the head of the respective battalions, which
were loudly aud incessantly cheered as they passed through
the park, and alung the streets to the bridge. They were
expected to embark about voon at Greemcich on board
hoys, packels, cutters, and other vessels provided for their
couveyauce to the flects in Hoseley Bay, where the expe.
dition is to rendezvous, and to await the arrival of the
Prince of Orange, Sir ‘I’. Graham, the Generals of Divic
sion, &c, ‘The armament is, we understand, to proceed
(o the mouth of the Maese, and the debarkation to be cf-
fected at Rotterdam, the nearest puint ol junction with the
Prince Royal of Sweden.
‘The 1st veteran battalion, amounting to about 1,000
men, has einbarked from Landguard fort for Holland.
Ou Monday the Government agents gave orders for
90,000 suits of Orange regimentals to be made in tea
days, e
A Messenger is arrived with dispatches from Sir Charles
Stewart, dated Hanover, the 11th inst.
‘The head-quarters of the Crown Prince of Sweden. which
were at Gottingev on the 3d, were removed to Hanover
on the 6th. his Majesty’s Electoral Government has
been completely restored, amidst the acclamations of the
people, and in the presence of his Royal Highness the
Duke of Cumberland,
The French army had been most sevérely harassed in
their march to Mayence; first by Marshal Blucher and
Gen. d’ Yorck’s corps, and afterwards by Gen. Czernicheff.
The remainder of their army, together with the troops who
had joined in their march, amounted to near 70,000 men,
at the time of theirarrival near [anau, where Gen. Wrede
was posted with 30,000 Austrians and Bavarians. By
the Official Reports of the battles which then took place,
it, appears that Bonaparte lost, in effecting his retiecat from
Hanau, 15,000 men, in killed and wounded, and 15,000
The last accounts from the Imperial headquarters, are
of the 5th from Hanau, were the Austrians had arrived.
The Russians had marched on Wurtzburg, which had been
taken by Gen. Wrede. Marshal Blucher was to be near
Cologne on the 13th,
The Crown Prince occupied the line of the Weser ;
Gen. Bennigsen was to act upon the Elbe, and in C0-Ope.
ration with Gen. Walmoden.
We learn, that advices were received this morning at the
Admiralty, from Admiral Kerricr, commanding the squa.
dron in Hoselcy Bay, late the Texel blockading squadron,
announcing the welcome intelligence of the accession of
the fleet iu the Texel to the cause of freedom and indepen.
View original PROCLAMATION.
Bremen, Noy. °.—‘‘By order of His Majesty the Em.
peror of all the Russias, my master, and of his Royal
Highness the Crown Prince of Sweden, the French autho-
rities of the city of Bremen and its former territory, are,
from this day, dissolved, and the antient Constitution of
the free Hans Town of Bremenis herewith restored. —The
Rassiau Imperial Major-Gen,
Bremen, Oct. 25 (Nov. 6), 1813.
The Emperor Alexander made his entry into Frankfort
on the 5th, Nov. attended by artitery and cavalry, and
the guard, amidst the loudest acclamations,
On the following day the Emperor Francis entered,
and both Sovereigns proceeded to the Cathedral.
Gen. St. Cyr has surrendered the garrison of Dresden,
16,000 strong, as prisoners of war, haying in vain demaud-
ed a capitulation from Gen. Klenau.
A Dispatch has been received from the Marpuis of Wel-
Jington, dated St. Pe, 12th Nov. stating that the enemy
had been driven from the strong positions which they had
been for three months fortifying with great labour aud
care. We have taken fifty-one Pieces of Cannon, six
Tumbrils of Ammunition, and near 2,000 Prisoners. Our
Joss, although severe, was not so greatas might have been
expected from the strength of the positions atlacked, and
the length of time during which the troops were engaged.
Return of killed and wounded.—2 Geuveral Staff, 6 Lieet..
Col. 4 Majors, 44. Captains, 80 Lieutenants, 42 En.
signs, 6 Stall, 161 Scrjeants, 29 drummers, 2320 rank
aud file, 41 horses,
——_— -——--
The bank of Hamburg was sealed up by the French on
the 4th Nov.; if contained about £ 800,000. they detain
it fur the last payment of the coutribution, and 6 milions
for the support of the 13th corps darmec fur the next six
Iu the Sitting of the 12th Nov. at Paris, the Senatus
Consultum placws 800,COO men at the disposal of the Mi-
nister at War, and cousists of 5 articles, as follows:
““Considcring that the enemy had invaded the frontiers
of the empire on the side of the Pyrenees and the North,
that those of the Rhine, and beyond the Alps, are threat.
ened; we haveand do decree,
Art) Ll. 300,000 Conscripts taken from the classes of
the years 11.12, 13, 14, 1806, 1807, and following years
to, and comprehending L814, are placed at the disposal
of the Minister at War.
It. Que hundred and fifty thousand men shall be levied
without delay, to be immediately placed in activity.
The rewaining 150,000 msn shall be left in reserve to be
levied only in case the eastern frontier should be invaded.
The conscripts thatshall be levied in the 2 ledepartments,
which, according to the Senatus Consultum of the 2 Ithof
Aug. 1813, have been furnished to the army of Spain,
shall have the same destination.
11. There shall be formed arinies of reserve, which
shall be placed a: Bordeau, Metz, Torin, and Utrecht,
aud other points where they shall be uccessary to guaran.
tee the inviolability of Che territury of the empire. Con.
Scripts married previous to the publication of the present
Sen. Con. shall be dispensed with from assisting in the
formation of the contingent.
III. The present Senatus Consultum, shall be traus-
mitted to his Majesty the Emperor and King.
On the 16th Nov. his Majesty was huuting for sevecal
hours in the plain of Satory.
View original The Papers received, are all filled with happy and
glorious news, came too late to hand tor inse ring
them all—but Wednesday next, an Extraordinar v
Gazette will be published, at 4. 0 ‘clock | in the after-
rr Ce
View original |
The Manifesto.
It begins with declaring his Imperial Majesty’s love of
peace, —of his being free from all thoughts of conquest and
agg radisement,—and his having entered into war only from
the danger which the social system ran of becoming a prey
to a lawless and ambitious power. It proceeds to cam-
plain of the gencral and destructive system adopted by the
enemy, by which commercial intercourse, aud, indeed,
almost all intercourse, was suspended between nations.
It ¢ouches upon the marriage of the Austrian Princess to
Bonaparte; a measure adopted with the hope of inclining
the stronger and victorious party toasense of moderation
and justice,—a hope in which his Majesty was the more
justified, because, at the time of the consummation of this
union the Emperor Napoleon had attained the point of his
career, when the preservation of his conquest seemed to
be a more natural object than a restless Struggle after new
possessions. If those flattering prospects were destroyed,
it was not to be imputed to Austria.
The Year 1810 was not yet closed, when in an ivel
hour, Napoleon resolyed to unite a large portion of
North Germany, and to rob the free cities of Hambu rgh,
Bremen, and Lubec, first of their political, and then of
their commercial existence. This was adopted under the
arbitrary pretext that the war with England required it:
and it seemed to be the fore-runner or greater usurpa.
tions, by which one half of Gerniany was to become a
French province, and the Emperor Nopoleon the abso-
lute Ruler of the Continent.
The Manifesto then proceeds to the war against Russia,
== _
View original and to the motives that determined the policy of Austrie
in (hat war, it then goes on as follows :—‘*The cam p-
aign in 1812 furnished a memorable example of the failure
of an undertaking supported by gigantic power, con.
ducted by a Captain of the first rank, when in the confi-
dence of great military talents, he despises the rules of
prudence, and outseps the bounds of nature,”
Then was brought on an important refolution in all the
political relations of Kurope. The Confederacy of Rus-
sia, Great Britain and Sweeden, presented a point of
union to all ueighbouring States. Prussia seized the fa-
vourable moment and trew herself into the arms of the
Allies. The haterd of foreign dominions flared out on
all sides. The crisis was not neglected by the Emperor of
In the beginning of December, steps had been taken to
dispose the kmperor Napoleon to a quiet and peaceful
But a striking contrast was soon observed between the
sentiments of Austria and the conduct of Napoleon. He
declarcd he would bear of no proposition for peace that
should violate the integrity of the Freach Empire, in the
[;rench sense of the word.
‘SAt the same time, eventual conditions, with wich this
self-created boundary did not seem to have any relation,
were spoken of at one time with menacing indignation ;
at another with bitter contempt, as if it had not been
possible to declare in terms sutliciently distict, the reso-
lution of the Emperor noé lo make of the world even one
single nominal sacrifice.”
** Those Hostile demoustrations were attended with this
Particular mortification to Austria, that they placed even
the invitations (o peace with this Cabinet, with the know-
ledge and apparent consent of France, made to other
Courts, in a false and highly disadvantageous light. The
Sovereigns united against France instead of giving any at.
swer to Austria’s propositions for vegociation and media-
tion, laid before her the public declarations of the french
Emperor, And whenin March his Majesty sent a Minis-
terto London, to invite Eagland to sharein a Negociation,
the British Minister replicd, that they could not believe
Austria still entertained hopes of peace when the Emperor
Napoleon hadin the mean time expressed sentiments which
could only tend to perpetuate war.”
Phe Manifesto then proceeds to the motives that produ-
ced the Armistice.
It theu states, that in the month of April Bonaparte
snggested the dissolution of the Prussian Monarchy as the
natural consequence of her defection from France, aud that
it only depended upon Austria to add the most Mnportant
and flourishing of the Prussian provinces to her own States,
Austria, however, felt that the restoration of the Prussian
Mlonach was the first step to be taken.
Noticing the declaration of Bonaparte, that he had pro-
posed a Congress to be held at Prague, the Austrian Ca-
binct declares, that it was ouly acquasated with this pro.
posal through the public prints.
Asquainted with all the obstacles to a general peace, Aus.
tria had long considered the possibility of obtaining the
object progressively, aud first by a Continental peace-not
that the Emperor of Austria Stimagined that the Continent
could exist, if (he separation of England were not consi.
dered as a most deadly evil.”
Towards the end of the month of June the Iemperor sent
a Minister to Dresden, and a convention was concluded on
the 30th June, accepting the mediation of Austria in the
negociation cf a general, aad if that covld not be ellected,
a preliminary Continental peace. The Congress was to be
opened the 5th July 3 it was afterwards extended to the
l2th., The Armistice was extended to the 10th August.
In the mean time Austria resolved upou anew attempt
with the British Government. Bonaparte received the
proposal with apparentapprobation, and offered a passage
to the Austrian Messenger through France: but diflicul.
tics arose, the passports were delayed from time to time,
and at last refused,
Daring the interval, Russian and Prussian Plenipoten-
tiaries Were nominated, and arrived at Prague. The nego.
clations were nut to be protracted beyond the 10th of
August, ualess they atiorded a confident hope of favour.
able result.
But it was soon evident that France procrastinated—a
French Minister arrived, but had no orders to preceed to
business until the appearance of the first Plenipotentiary,
He did not arrive till the 20th July, formal and mitiute
discussions rendered all the endeavours of the mediating
Power abortive. The powers of the !rench negociator
were insufficient; andit was not till the 6th of A ugnost that
the Minister gave in a new declaration by which
gociation was not brought one step nearer,
less exchange of notes, the 14th of August ariived—the
Congress was at end, and Austria had no remedy, no re.
source but to takeuparms, Such is the substance of this
important document.
the ne.
Afteran use.

Wuereas His Royal Highness the Prince Regent hath
caused his pleasure to be signified to the Right Hon. the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to direct that I
should institute a strict and rigorous Blockade of the Che-
sapeake, the Delaware, and the Ports and Uarbours of
New-York, Charleston, Port Royal, Savannah, and the
River Mississippi, in the United States of America, and
to maintain and enforce the same, according to the usages
of warin similar cases, and the Ministers of Neutral Powers
have been duly notified, agreeably to the Orders of His
Royal Highness, that all the measures authorised by the
Law of Nations would be adopted, and exercised with
respect to all vessels which may attempt to violate the said
View original And whereas, in obedteace to Ilis Royal Highness’s
commands, I did, without delay, station a Naval Force off
each of the before-mentioned Bays, Rivers, Ports, and
Harbours, suflicient to carry His Royal Highness’s Order
tor the Blockade thereof into strict and rigorous etiect ;
but finding that the enemy, by withdrawing his Nava!
Force from the Port of New-York and establishing it at
the Port of New London, a naval station, to cover the
Trade to and from the Port of New-York, thereby endea-
vouring to prevent, as far as in his power,. the execution
of His Royal Highness’s said Orders ;—and also finding,
that the enemy has, through the medium of ipland carriage,
established a conunercial intercourse between the said
blockaded Ports and the Rivers, Harbours, Creeks, Bays,
and Outlets, contiguous thereto, whereby the full eftect
of the said Blockade has been to a certain degree prevent.
ed: in order to put a stop to the same, I do, by virtue of
the Power and Authority to me given, and in obedience
to the Orders I have received from the Right Hon. the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, declare, that, not
only the Ports and Harbours of the Chesapeake, Delaware,
New-York, Charleston, Port Royal, Savannah, and the
River Mississippi herein beforewecntioned, are still conti.
nued in a state of strict and rigorous Blockade ; but that
I have also ordered all that part of Long Island Sound,
so called, being the Sea Coast lying within Montuck Point,
or the eastera point of Long Islaud, and the point of lana
opposite thereto, commonly called Black Point, situate
on the Sea Coast of the Main Land or Continent ; together
with all the Ports, Harbours, Crecks, and Knutrances of
the Kast and North Rivers of New-York, as well as alf
other the Ports, Creeks, and Bays along the Sea Coast of
Long Island, and the State of New-York, and all the
Ports, Harbours, Rivers, and Creeks, lying and being on
the Sea Coasts of the States of East and West Jersey,
Pennsylvania, the lower countries on the Delawaie, Ma-
ryland, Virginia, Northand South Carolina, Georgia, and
all the Entgances from the sea into the said River of Mis-
Ssssipti, to be strictly and rigourously blockaded: Aud
I do therefore, by virtue of the power and Authority in
me vested, declare the whole of the said harbours, bays,
rivers, crecks, and sea coasts, of the suid several States,
to be in a state of strict and rigorous Blockade. And I
do further declare, that I have stationed on the sea coasts,
bays, rivers, aud harbours, of the said several States,
a Naval force adequate and sufficient to enforce and
maintain the Blockade thereof in the most strict and rigo-
rous manner, and Ido hereby require the respective Flag
Ollicers, Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Oflicers
of His Majesty’s ships and vessels employed and to be
employed on the American and West Indian Station, and
all others whom it may concern, tu pay the strict regard
and attention to the exccution of the orders of Ilis Royal
Highness the Prince Regent, and also to the execution 6f
this order, And I do caution and forbid the ships or
vessels of all and every nation in peace and amity with
the Crown of Great Britain, from entering or attempting
to enter, or from coming out or attempting to come out
ofany of the ports, harbours, bays, rivers, or crecks be-
fore-mentioned, uuder avy pretence whatsoever ; and that
no person hereafter may plead ignorance of the measures
which His Majesty has been reluctantly compelled to
adopt, in order to force his enemy to put an end toa
War, on their part, unjustly declared against His M ajesty
and all his Subjeets, [ have caused this Proclamation to
be published.—Given under my hand, at Halifax, the
16th day of November, 1813.
Joun B. Warran,
_—_-~-_—— —
By virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the Court
of Rolls of Civil Justice of this colony, dated the 24
Nov. 1813, given in the cause entitled A. J. Glasi-
us, and B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over Planta-
tions Vrede & Vriendschap, Nooit Gedagt, and the
half of the Goudmyn, Plaintiffs by Edict, versus,—
all known and unknown Claimants, on the proceed-
ings of PIn. Nooi Gedagt, sold at Public Sale.
I the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Se-
questrators, Szmmon, for the 3d time, by Edict :—
Al! known and unknown claimants on the proceeds
of Pin Nooit Gedagt, sold at Public Sale, To appear
before the Court of Rolls of Civil Justice of this co-
lony, on Monday the 17th January, 1814, and fol-
lowing days, to render their claims and ‘verify the
same, and further to proceed according to Law.
W hereas after the expiration of the fourth Edictal
Summons, will be proceeded against the non-appear-
ers according to law.
‘This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary—Berbice, 10th Janu-
ary, ISIA.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original —EE
On Wednesday 19th Jan. will be sold at the Ven-
due office, by order of the Executors of the late Dr,
Jeffery, dec.—houschold furniture, negroes, a chaise
and harness, &c.
On the same day, by order of B. Jeffery, Esquire,
household furniture, cattle, and negroes, amonest
which are sawyers, carpenters, and washer women,
—the negroes will be sold at 3 and 6 months credit.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master,
View original MOAT 6LATIANANY
* £eaX ‘ a4rtivd id | LON.
> 7 . j/’ rr . . . 7 , A
RP s if Li ( / C8hOUCCr MO) and fhe | Ti -
, } ’ ’ . ] ’ . : y °
TOs qifee ( ( / / d 1U C'rin nal Justice,
, . ’
0} l/ C ( f | Uli le
7’ . Pr, . . . T ry
« 4 4 Tt ‘ 4 ciils 1)? / O] S/lC l CONC .
bc il known
" Ib has pleased Tis Roval Wlehness the
li rince Reaexr, inthe name and on behalf of
iis . Nosty die King of Great Britain, to Appoint
His dxccllegey Hexny Wirrntaw Buxrixcx, Es-
quire, fob Lien ‘ait-Crovernor of this Colony ;
(nd His-EexdeJfene y Lar ufenont-Crovernor Gextivcr K
having this day received over the Civil Administra-
tion of the Colony Barbice, and Preside ‘ncy of the
Courts, from }lis Execllency Major Grant, and
being daly tastailed in the Government of this Colo-
nvand its Dependencics.— We have deemed it. ne-
ecssary CO oi Ve Ollicth&h-information thereof to the In-
habitants of Berbice, ordering and enjoining every
one (0% ate themselves aces rdinely, and to res-
pectamdachn Wy ledere [lis Excellency Hexry Wit-
LIAM Biwipee kK as Licutenant-Governor of this Co-
Hivas done and published at the Court House of
the Colony Berbice, this Sd day of Jannary, IS]4:
present, this Excellency Th. W. Bentinck. Licute
hant Governor. and the Vlonorable Weber D.C.
Abbensets, J McCammon, James Fraser, Po Pairbairn
and G. Munro.
By Command ot the Corre,
ow - ———$— —
= — — —_—$___. a

View original BeERBICk.
>F 3
By MMis Liccliency Iexvrv Wirrsam Ben-
-TIneK, Esquire, Livutenant-Governor, and
Commander in Chicf taand over the Settlement
of Berbice wth tts Depenicucies, and Presi-
dent ae all Courts awd Colleges within the sane,
OC. ar. vc.
WV 5 teAS Tis Royal Hiehness the Prince
AReGexr, in the nameand on behalf of His
Majesty. has been pleased to Appoint me Licute-
nawt-Governor of this Sctifeément.—QBy Virrur of
Ure Powers ine vested, Ipo hereb¥ Order and Di-
rect, that all persous holding or exercising any OF-
fice within this Government and possessed of Com-
missions geaated to Chem by any former Governor or
@iticer Adiatus/cring the Goverment of this Setle-
meat, shall, within Toe Days, from the Publication
hereot, extn botat the Goverment Secretary's Ollice,
their respeetive Commissions. or other Warrant, by
which (hey hol or exeretse their-said emplovments.
Ang moreover (het they do continue to exercise and
enjoy the game, undliny further pleasure be made
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Go-
vernment Touse, Berbice, tits Th day of January,
Stk, and Pit, tourdh sear ol His Majesty's Reign.
By [lis Pereclencys Commaad.
BLP. TUCINNISS, Assist. Gov. See.
View original BERBICE.
THIS Pxcetleney the Lieutenant-Governor has been
pleased to Appoint Prayers Waite, Esgaire, Go-
vernincnt Secretary of (his Colony,
Government Horse, 1th January, S14.
Dy Conmand.
ND. F.UPUCHNISS, Assist.Gov. Sec.
View original FOR SALE
THE lower half of No, 79, in Courantyn River,
witha Plintauion Well in full bearing, and a canal
thro’? the centre of the lot, adjoining plantation Car-
rol, the other or upper half of lot No. 79 the pro-
perty of Win. Gonrpox, bsq.--—It has excellent
posturage in front of the cultivation, and is well ad-
apted tor any of the woodcutters.— Wall be sold. re-
asonable for cash, produce, or bills of Exchange at
extended sights ; and ifnot privately disposed of in
three months from this date, will then be sold at pu-
blic Vendue.—For particulars apply to the subseri-
ber, who gives the public notice, that all the Plan-
tains delivered from said) property since the 11th
August, 1815, must be settied for with him.

View original —$—$— —$—$ ee = — —
IQ. KF. SEI vig
ey. \N. '. Si LK i
Verzockt nogimaals die genen aan hem verschul-
digd zyn betaling te homen doen. anders zich oe-
noodzaalht vind ¢ el refentien mm handen van een Prak
tizyn te stellen; refereerd zich ook aan het adverten-
tic in de Berbu e Gazette No. 425.
[let vo racs e vedeelt * Van het kirt No. Zi. met dt S-
201s eebouwen, alsinede een quart erf zonder echbou-
wen Va HY (zelfde lot —YV erdc ‘ITs de voly v ende goc de-
View original ’ 4 ’ . _
ren, AANechraet met de laste cel yon. als :—T.a-
Rens, Kastnicr, extra fyne satvne flanct. linnen. bs stuf
chits en katoens mad syde en waren, zwart zyde dint
i Dande heme dey ee ee :
hen en muilen, vrouwe en kinder schoenen, hatoene
hanematten met scheerlynen en fouwen, speceryen,
zwepenen kharawatzen, kruid, hacel cn vuurstenen.
brille, visch hoeken, vlag- visch en slag Iynen, tafel
messen en vorken, pen iessen, plete socp- ect- en
thee-lepels, tictania dito, tinne schotels, ouwelen en
pennen, roskammen en andere dito, dubbelde en en-
kelde hang sloten, kamer bezems en stoflers, teer en
verl kwasten, schoen- en tand schuyers, (ibak, py-
pen, kopere en blikke lampen, houte bakhen, en bor-
den, tuinzaad, bruin en wilaardewerk. fyne en grof-
fe scharen, tuin dito, scheermessen. piano forte en
fivol snaren, kinder speel gocd, horlogic elazen, sleu-
(els, sponsen, schilderyen, kaarsen en zeep, Nitlood,
brainen cn zwarte verf en olie, lamp zwart, molten
smeer, cen party bokke gocderen, en meer andere
cocderen, I Jan. IS!4.
—- — ail —_—
THE Lottery of A. Freury, will be Drawn on
(he 17 of January, 1814, at the Tavern of Larose
and Marvin. IS Dec.
View original NOTICE.
All persons having Claims, of any description,
agatst the late Firm of D. AZartin & Co. are here-
by for the last time requested, to render in the saiae
properly attested to (he undersigned within the space
of one month trom date of this advertisment, for set-
(lement; and those indebted (o the aforesaid I‘irm, to
make specdy payment, as the undersigned must pro-
cced to harsh and effectual measures on those, in or-
der to meet the first mentioned claims.
For the late Firm of D. Martin & Co.
Sth, Jan. ee D. MARTIN.
Mort ceadvertecrd, dat, his is to inform the Pa-
de volgende personen voor. blic, thal the follozing per-
nemens =yn uil deze Kolonie sons intend quiliing this Co-
le vorlireknen, lony
Jolin Davies with the January eenvoy.
Chs. Lawton in 6 weeks from Lith Dee.
Alex. Fraser in 6 weeks from Tlth Dee.
Hugh Bethune in6 weeks from Dec. 25.
Th. Shepherd in 14 days from do. or with the Janua-
ry convoy.
Donald McQueen in 6 weeks from do. for Domerary,
John Itter will quit Wie Colony Berbice by the fist
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original ee
WORDT hicrmede beke nl NOTIC i is hror reby oleen,
gemaakt, dat ecn maaad na that a month after date th
dat de volgende Tran. spor-| folloxing 7) UaSpur /s aul
fon en Hipothecken sullen Mortga Ses iceld be passed.
verleden worden.
Dec. IT]. A. Krieger and Gr. Pauels qq. COS. Meven
and W. EE. C. Meven born van Staden F will
{transport to J. vanden Brock, their riehtand
litle fo asecond morlzage on plantation Ivuim-
Dec. IS. Dd. Macqueen Will (raispert to Demerary,
the followurg Neeroes, Hope, Commodore,
Aboukt, Sam, Shelton, Montrose. Fortune,
George, dane, Lena, Charlotte, and four chil-
dren Francis, Sophin, sarah and tlenry.
Dec. 25. Tl. Staal will transport to te rte la Muder-
man, (he northern back quart o i lot No. 16,
in New Amsterdam. exte nding from the new
centre road to the boechk dam.
Win. and Creo, Munro will transport to Robt.
Douglas, lut No. 4, situate on the west coren-
tyvin coast.
Jan. 1. I. Theobald qq. Fayle Read, will transport
to IT. C. Pinery, 20 roods of land, more or
less, with the bail: nes thereon, s: ‘tnated On
* the southern quarte roof lot No. 10, New Am-
sterdam, extending from the iniddle roud to-
wards the back dam.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original $$
THE Creditors of Plantation Aendall’s, are. in-
formed, that 50 bales of Cotton will be ready on the
said plantation, on January the 18th, 1814, for pay-
ment of the debts, Tenders for which, in lots of five
bales, will be received by cither of the subscribers,
in liquidation, and opened on that day, at 12 0’clock
on said plantation, when the highest offer will be ac-
cepted of.
Also 10 to 20 bales to the hichest tenders, for cash
for current expences of said plantation.
95 Dec. Jno. TAPIN.
View original ‘Lhans ter dezer Drukkery te bekomen, voor kassa
Prys fa.
Een Plak-Almanak.
T> 7
Lerckend yoor deze Kolonic, voor den jare 1814
View original WIIEREAS 1 the understened have reestyc
from Bneland the Newspap

pry a (hea lver-
Hsement calling upon the Credifor’® of the Estate er
Honey Croety dee.—Notice is | ereby given, that
(he said Credilors are hereby catlee, ty appear be-
fore the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session on Monday the 24th January, ISI, for the
purpose of there rendering their claims. and further
(o proceed according to Law,
Berbice, 31st December, [S19
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
WHEREAS T the undersigned have received from
Mngland the Newspapers, containing the Advertise-
ment calling upon the Creditors of the Surrenderced
Este of Heywood & Taylor, Notice is hereby giy-
en to the Public, that the said Creditors, by virtue
of an Appointment obtained by W. Leacn and W,
raser, Curators to aforesaid liste, under date of
29th November, 1813, from His Excellency the Go-
vernor, are herehy SUMMONED, 'To appear before
(he Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday
(he 24th January, 1814, and following days, for the
purpose of there rendering their claims against the
said Surrendered Estate of Heywood \ Taylor, and
further (o proceed according to Law.
Berbice 3d Dec. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marsh}
View original Sales by Execution.
BY virtue of an appointment, eranted by the fo-
norable Court of Civil Justice. of this colony, upon
a petition of Evan & Angus Praser & Co. as 2 branch
of Campbells Fraser & Co., under date of 20th No-
vember, IS1S.
Notice iy hercby given: That I the understened,
irst Marshal ot the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Sceretary, by Public Execution Sale, on Tues
day the Ist day of February, 1814, the Cotton Es-
(ate called
the property of Tugh B. Inglis, situated on the Co«
renine coast, with allits cullivation, slaves, build-
ings, and further appurtenances thereto belonging.
Whoever should think to have any rieht, mlcrest
or Clatm on (Re aforesaid Plantn. Clifton, and wish-
es fo eppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first Marshal,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in dae
(ine and form; as Thereby give notice that I will
receive Opposition from every one thereunto quali-
fied, appoint thema day to have his or her claim
heard before the Court, and furtber act thercon as
the Jaw directs.
Phe sale is to take place on the spot.
Berbice, 4th December, 1813.
Kh. Francxen, First Marshal,
View original » ’ BLY }
C \ ° TY...
vite The brig Ulysses,
a “
James Bricy, Master,
[snow faking on board her homeward cargo, the
Subseriber will be obliged to the shippers. in this
vessel, to forward their produce as early as possible.
View original With the first convoy,
wre The brig Westbury,
J. SINCLAIR, Master,
Has yct room for about 100 Packages. For Freight
or Passege apply to the Captain on board, or to
I January, ISt 4. Jno. McCAMON.
“fe he ecper'd brig Lord Blantyre
A. MecLEA, Master;
Now on her first voyage, will be dispatched withthe
January fleet. Pur freight or passage apply to
25 Dec. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have imported in said vessel, a general as-
sortment of Plantation and other Stores.
View original Sen cece
wit: Lhe fine new brie TRADER,
Wo. Gemini, Commander.
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and warranted te
sail with the firsl convoy.—For freight or passage ap-
ply to Capt. Gemmill, or to
View original NOW READY
Sheet Almanacks
For the year 1814, for this Colony,
eS OS es An =
Published eocry Saturday at 4 o’clock P. Mf.
> ° Ta , Y y °
E rivi Ca Cu ( GCE ne 4 renters

15 January 1814