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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOTIFICATION.
Trrrrceumed Siltings of the Mon. Court of Civil.
Justice, are postponed until further notice.
Courl Hows, Berbice, 24th February, 1814.
By Commard,
R.C. DOW NER, See.
SOO eee —_— —«——————_ — - -
THE annnal Accounts from this Otfice, are now.
ready for delivery : and the undersigned request:
those concerned, to seid or call for them, and bees,
their attention to early payments, to enable him to,
discharge (he presstog demands on the ollice.
New Ansterdam, 3 Varsh. '
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
ON plantation Lenvs Vanor, 20 bales of cotton.
Cor cash) for which Tenders will be received, at the
house cf Adam ‘Phoruborrow, Hsgr., oll edness
day next. the 9th ins ‘ant.
9D March G. WATRONT), for sclf, and
W. LEACH, Sequestaators.
PROM plantation Vion, 1600 bs. gooc
quality, and !000 Vhs. or more, broken) coffee.—
Tenters for both wall be received at the bouse ot
WwW. Iras r, i qe. N. Anist.. Gil Woednesdiry {}s
WGth instant. at 9 o'clac kK, nod the hiohost offer
accep. —Payment, ersh.—The collec to be deliv-
ered i vew bars, for Which also cash must be par!
al f9--1O po bay, Ls i iples to be seanat Mir. Fraser’s.
5 March. 1. CL ABSENSE'Ds, for self, and
M. RADER, Sequestrators.
View original NOVICE.
THE creditors of Joseph MeNonald,. and of plin-
tation ss . thaif oF No. £6, Corcutine catial, are in-
formed, thaton Priday he 29(l. distant, at EL o'clock
in the en soon, there will be put for sale atsaid
property and amousst the creditors, fitteen bales ot
cotlon, a fiec! of sheep, some catile, and aceept-.
ances fo a considerable amount. Noe reditor will be
allowed (o purchase, tadesss statements of account:
are rendered Lrevtously to, cron the d: a) of sale.
5 March. Pber PTT, PRANK. for self) and
HL — a —
View original eee
POR SAtv::
Twenty bales wood clron Catton, and one Bal
yellow cotton, tobe delivered on Pleyel Patate—
for which Tenders will be receive | uatd Phers tes
the d7th inst, at the store or it. Sear vr crops
Esq.—terins, cash on delivery. —. vip. OQ ORK,
5 March. AWW ERO Can
Twesty bales of Cotton, fiom plantation 20love.
rach, poyableineashondelvery : Penders for which!
will be received by Che Sequestritars at Wo Secor?
Pesg., andi Vhursday the Olih etrrent, 5 March
_—_—-— —___
SL _
Faow 10 to 50 bates of Cot ty from plantatio:
Geanics, paval dein cash or bitis of exchange pay-
able in London gon delivery). Teaders tor whic!
will be received by the Sequestraters, at We Scora.
Esq., until Phursday the 24th curet. 5 March.
View original a ee oo
Hie COLLEGIE van Tleeren Assessoren de;
Evaneelische Unthersche Gemeente, dezcer holonie.|
vercocke de Belyders van hunoe Kerk, tot ene Ib, -
ecnkonst, op Zaturdae den 26 yan dezen nian.
ten lize van de Vrye Lucia, aan de stede Nieuw
Ampsterdam.——Moeart 5. C.D. TORE, Scriba.
View original ll
View original eee"
Ix custotly, at the Town Manager,a white red spot-
ied Hetler, which will be Gx pase “dat public sale to,
defray the expences, afler the usual time of publica-,
dion, if not released within that (ine, conformable to:
the Courts Regulations.
9 March. C. RULACH, Town Manager.
View original PIPE subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends
ind the Public, that they have for sale
sortmentofeoods, tinported by (he bystarrivals, frou
London and Glisgow, whieh the
vill dispose of
very reasom ible lor im a A ti pas »
1: atthe Store
formerly occupies Thy PLL Cameras & Co,
3 March.
THLE Subse ribers, in addition to their extensive
issorfment Of goods, have imported by the Wort
INGTON, Via emersity — Tams, fonenes, b elan
pork m 4+ barrels, butter in © firkius, pots Hors, Re. —
which they Wilt dispose often very modorste t rns.
a lareve as -
AA .
Borhicco, Mth Wore h Isis
Rrouirep for the use of the Quartere a
rack-Master-Generals De prurtinest, to be delive ree
vt Port St. Andrew, anc suljoet to the app ovat oo
ihe Assistent Qururter- Vas ter’ enreriah— 40 feet one!
ch Stlverbally bowrds—one plan doa. Lo te t long,
S inches broad and 2 inches Criga—S crooked anera!
(uabers.—VPenders in ‘Trivtiests, morked, 7* fe dev
‘or Wood. willbe received at this Ouice until Sfon
lny the Phth tust. at 10 aelock
J. SL WITSON, Conmunissariat.
a Sa. SC . GEE Sener "Gar te Ul Ue eee ee
) ider-
View original ]
il ‘
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port 14 road
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( Situ: > Jt rst c poider (
_ — 1 1 4 Fy ’ \ ’ ‘. , }
f iran port ( J OTT fapin, all
! tere Wn plantations Farm and
tS vA alje, togethe
—and Jolin bapin will pass
( rive Sl wla Mauions and Nnevroes.
tor | ’ of the repurchase of the said
i marticul whereo!l to be seen at thi
[ [1 ~ | mce. )
arch 3. H. : hso I! pass a first mortgaee,. on
' .)
pl VC W boul reto be-
i i (« i ( I ] : ( I} al t hae
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i i ( ) l i Ol ky LAT) ley (
’ 7
—_N, (ransport to Mrs. M. De.
] rt ‘Tl
yf } '
Weell Jercy Liar]
View original meee eee —
——— Wn. Gordon will passa morterce on 8 Nv -
grocs, in favor of ‘Th. PL Layfield, who will
atthe same time release from morieane, 7 Nee
gro slaves, bound to him by Win. Gordon by
a recular mortgage deed, names and particu-
lars to be seen at this oflice.
© R.C. DOWNER, Sec
View original VENDUE OFFICE.
~~ On Monday the 7th March, will be sold at the
vendue Olhece, by order of the [fonorable en of
Weeshamer, the oes of (he late B. Lolin.
IEisqr., consisting in houschold furniture, werring
opparel, plate, owe “le ‘TY, provisions, some fine ne-
INOS, dor: iesticks, &e,
by the Vendue "Master in commission, 20 L areels
of mackerel, alewives and he ‘rrings, allan good order.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
— ——— — ——2.
—|— — .~
View original -—-_----_ C$} el
On Tuesday the &th Mareh and following day,
NT be sold on lot No. 15, by order of the xecntors
~fthe late Mrs. Buse,
the whole of her household
fernifure, &c.
luventary of which may be seen at the Vendue
Mlice, three days previous to. the vals.
. Vendo Master.
View original -7—_———__ ee
» On Thur. | ley the V7 imsty wil oe sot aa
‘endue Olice, by order ool J. “ de:
A. Krieger, Fars. 5 in the “ capacity as Murators ta
the lactate af the late M. “Uuinber ro— An excellent
old wate h, a large assortinent O. wWoarlng appurck
mid books, &e
‘ Ss
Broek and
Ohe (he sanse a ty, ny order of the Exccutors of the
fate D. Leen, bsar., dcc., household furriture, some
plate, wearing appare I, some fine critle, &c.
View original S$ —_$$ —— —_-—_—__—
On Monday the 2lst March, will be sold, on the
premises, the [Estete Expretatiox, or No. 9. West
coast oF tits colony, Containing o00 acres of land, of
vinieh P20 acres are in bearine plantains, about 99
vtcres of new dvd empoldered, ready for plauting
plantaies; the front ot this Estate is excellent for
paisturage, there are two logies of hard wood 54 by
Of feet, covered with wallaba shingles, water Vals,
pumts, corials, carpenters tools, &c.—also 40 head
otiie cattle, 12 milk cows and othes fine young ime
proving cattle theie encrease, 100 bead of shesp, a
atorse, &c. In order to suit purchasess, the land
vill be put up in two lots, with the buildings, each
lof containing the same number ofacres, buildines
cmd cultivation: the whole payable insix, nine, and
iwelve months, with the exception of purchasers
under a thousand quilders, payable in three months.
For furtuer particulars apply to A. ‘Lhornborrow,
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original
Oi Wednesday the 20rd March, will be: sold, by
‘order of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co., at the Ve idue
Otlice 5 seve My prime negyoes, mon and women,
Dey able in thre *y six, and niue months, in cash, or
‘bills ofexchance.
D.C. CAMERON Dp. Vendue Master.
View original — ee
On Mondvy the 23th March, willbe solaby orter
‘and at the house of Adam ‘Phornberroy, 4. pelle,
(colony town) the following goods and CHCCIS, VIZ.
a dwelling house, at present occupicd by the Com-
missariat, with necessary out Dutldines, ind wih
i quart lot of Tand extending from the trout to the
middle road ; tea and colfee pots and stands, sugar
Sason, table-, desert- and tea spoons, soup ladle,
fable forks and desert do., a fish hnite, butte Won,
sugar toncues, (all silver) a mahovany low wardr. be,
do. side board, do. liguer case, with bottles com-
plete, do. hatr bottom chairs brass bound with 2 ses
check couvers, do. dining tibles, do. Pembroke dow,
do. tea chest complete, do. 2 set bedstead, feather
beds complete, a night chair, painted chairs, sophas
and “pillows wilh: covers, a backgammon box, 2
Egyptian lamps with plated stands, a hall lamp and
shades, glasware ; table-, desert- and tea servic e, tea
trays, dish covers, table and bed linen, knives and
dorks, 25 volums encyclopedia perthensis and laps
complete, sundry Luglish-, Dutch-, and Freneh
‘books, an excellent thermometer, a laree time piece
and case, a gold repeater, a theodilite double+ and
single barrel guns, 2 sets plated casters, drawing paint,
‘looking glasscs., old Madeira wine and claret, a spy
glass, a box of scales and weight, a chaise and har-
ness, a good horse, saddles and bridles, a earden rol-
Jer, kitchen furniture, &e.—'Terms of payment: the
house and lot, payable in 3, 6 and 9 months, the
furniture in 3 months—in cash.
Dp. C. CAMERON, Dep, Vendue Mastr,
On Thursday 3st March, will be sold, on the pre-
mises, By order of Tf. Sintthson, Esq. Pla. WEY-
MOUTH, or lot No. 69 corentyn corst, containing
1900 acres lind, a dwelling house, and lowie, covered
jwith wallaba shingles, out buildings all in good or-
View original Ger, 150 acres are in fine cotton, 34 a¢res in plani-
ains and ground provisions, and 24 negroes, (to be
sold in families), 54 head of cattle, 150 sheep, &e.—
Phe land payable in four equal annual instalments,
on security being given on ten negroes, the neeroes
and other articles payable on the Ist of January 181d,
with the exception of purchasers under f 1000—!
payable in 3 months, in cash or approved bills of,
exchange. coffce or colton, deliverd in N. Amst. at
cash price.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep: Vendue Master.
S92. 6 ae
Sarcurpay, Mamcu 5, 1814.
No arrivals—no nes.
Treaty oF Amity, AND oF Drrrnstve ALLIANCE,
Between the Courts of Vienna and St. Petersburgh, con-
concluded at Tucplitz, the 9th of September ( dugust|
28), ldls.- ”
We, Francis 1. by the Divine Clemency, Emperor ol
Austria: King of Jerusalem, Hungary, Bollemia, Dalina-
tia, Croatia, Sclavomia, Gallicia, and) Lodomiria; Arch-
duke of Austria; Duke of Lorraine, Wurtzburg, and
Franconia; Great Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of
Moravie; Dukeeof Styria, Carimthia, Upper and Lower
Silesia; Count of Hapsburg, Xe,
Make known to all and singular who are interested
therein, by those presents :
‘That sce nuthing is more anxiously desired by us, and
the most Sercuce and Potent kinperor of all the Russias,
than to promote by a stable peace Ute welfare of burope,
60 long overwhelmed by the calamities of war, aud towards
that object having mutually Joined our counsels to provide
for that wished for order of things, which, wetirmly trust,
will avise from our reciprocal chlorts to attain this end 3 a
Treaty, of which die following is the tenor, has been en.
tered into by cach of the Contracting Parties :
fn the Name of the most Holy andeundivided Trinity :)
His Majesty the Euperor of Austria, Ning of tlunga.
ry and Bohemia, and His Majesty the baaperor of all tne
A ussias, catally animated by a desile (o put an end to the
calamitios of Europe, aud to secure its future repose by
the establishment of a Just equilibrium between the Pow.
ers, have resoived toy rosceute he war in which they are
engaged for that salutary object, with the whole of the
forces which Providence Ras placed at their disposal.
Wishing, at the same tine, to extend the vilects of a cone
curt so benelicial, to the porod when ie present w ary,
having obtained tes full success, Cheir mutual interest saail
linperiously require the maintenance of the order of things
which shali be the happy result Gacreol, they have apy oime-
ed to draw up the articies of a liealy aud defeusive allie
ance, the following Plenipotentianies, furatshed wita the
Instructions :
His Majesty the Foperor of Austria, King of Hungary
and Bobemia, the Sieur Clecent Wencesles hothaire,
Count de Metternich. Winneburg-Ochseahausen, Kouighe
of the Golden I'lee ory Grand Cross uf the Koyal Order uv
St- Stephen, Grand Hagle of the Legion of Honor, Grand
Cross of the Order ot St. Joveph of Wurlzburg, Knight
of St. John of Jerusalom, Chancellor of the Mijiiary Or.
der of Maria ‘Uheresa, Curator of the Linperial Academy
of Fine Arts; Clsbertain, Privy Counscilor, Minister oi
State, of Coafereuces, and of deurcign Affairs, of His ime
pevial, LRoyal, and J ostulic Miarjesty 3
And Vhis Alajesty the emperor of all the Russias, thic
Sieur Charles Aubert, Countde Nessclrade, Privy Coun.
scllur, Secretary of State, Chamberlain, and Naight of the
Order of St. Wolocini of the “Plird Class; who, hav.
ing exchanged thar full powers, found to be in goud and
due form, have agroed upon the following articles ;
Ari. 1. There shall be amity, sticere and constant uni.
on, between Jlis Majesty Uie Linperor of Austria, King
of Hungary aud Bohemia, and Llis Majesty the lem peros
ofall the Mussias, theie Iteirs and Successors. ‘The hist,
Contracting Part. :s shall, in consequence, pay the great.
est atlention to the matutaining between them reciprocal
amily and correspuondcuce, by avoiding every thing that
night subvert the union and good understanding happily
subsisting between them,
Art. Li. Wis Majesty the Emperor of Austria guaran.
tees to his DLajesty the kein peror of all the Russias, the,
Poosesson of ail tits States, Provinces, and Dominions,
On the other haud, Ifis Imperial Majesty of all the
Russias guarantees tu His Majesty the Emperor of Aus-
(ria, the possession of the States, Provinces, and Domini.
ons, belonging to (he Crowa of dlis Imperial, Royal, and
Apostolic Mhijesty.
Art, WL. Asa consequence of this reciprocal guarantee,
the High Contracting Parties will constantly labour ini)
concert on the measures which shal! appear to them most
proper for the maintenance of peace in’ Rurope; and in
case the States of cither of them shall be menaced by an
luvation, they will employ their most eficctual goud offices
for the protection thereot,
Art, IV. As the good offices, however, which they pro-
Mise cach other, may nol have the desired eflect, their Im-
perial Majesties bind themselves hencefurward to assist
each other with a curps of 60,090 men, in the eveut of,
either of them being attacked,
Ari, V. This army shall be composed of 50,000 infantry
and 10,000 cavalry. It shall be provided with a corps of
field artillery, with ammunition, aud every other necessa-'
ry ; the whole proportioned to the number of troops above:
Stipulated. The anxiliary army shall arrive at the fronti-.
ers of the power who shall be attacked or menaced by an
Invasion of his possessions, two months al the farthest af-
ter the requisition has been made,

View original Art. VJ. Theauytliary army shall be under the imme.
diate command of thy Commander ia Chief of the army ol
the power requiring it; it shall be conducted by a Ge-
neral of its own, and einployed in all the military opera-
tions, according to the rules of war, The pay of the
auxiliary army shall be at the charge of the power requir.
ed; the rations and portions of provisions, forfye, «ce.
as well as the quarters, shall be furnished by the power
requiring, a3 soon as the auxiliary army shall have passe
its own frontiers, and that on the same footing as the lat.
ter supplies or shall supply its own troops in the field anal
in quarters.
Art, VU. The order and internal military economy |!
(hese troops shall solely depend on their owa proper Chict
The trophies and the booty which shall be taken from th.
enemy, shall belong to the troops which shall have taken
Art. VILL. In the event that the stipulated succou:
shall be msuflicient for that one of the two high contact.
ing parties who shall have been attacked, dis Majesty th
Emperor of Austria, King of flungary and Bohcinia, ane
lis Majesty the Emperor of all the iussias, reserve t.
themselves, to come to amutual understanding, withou
loss of time, on furnishing of more considerable sas
according to the ®Xigeucy of the case.
Art, IX. The high contracting parties reciprocally
promise each other, that in theevent that either of the two
shall be compelled to take up arms, he will not conclud:|
vither peace or truce, without therein including his Ally,
in order that the latter may not himself be attacked in re-
sentmient of the succour which he shall bave furnished,
Art, X. Orders shall be transmitted to the Ambassador:
and Ministers of the high coutracting parties at Forcign
Courts, toatiord cach other reciprocally their good offices,
and to act in perfect concert in all occurrences in which
(he interests of their masters shall be involved.
Art. Xt. As the two high contracting parties, in form.
ing this treaty of amity and alliance purely defensive, hav«|
ho other object but that of reciprocally guaranteeing te
each other their possessions, aud to secure, ae far as de
gends upon them, the general tranquillity, they not only
dy not inean thereby to invalidate in the jeast the prior anu
particular engagements, alike defensive, which they hay
contracted with theie respective Allies, but they even mu
tually reserve to themselves the liberty of concluding, eve:
in future, other treaties with other Powers. w hich, fa
from causing by their union any detrimentor hindrance tc
(he present, may communicate chereto stil more force and
ellect ;—promising, however, at (he same time, not lo cov.
tract any cngegements contrary to the present (realy, am,
withing rather, by common consent, to lovite, aud ada
into Yt, other Courts whieh shall liave Che same seatiments,
Art. MUL. Phe present treity shall be racili#d by Ite
Lmperta: and Royal Apostuiic ita} sty, and by This dine
perial Siajesty of all the aussiass aud the ratificatious
shall be excharged withia the space of a foi (night, reckon.
ing frum (be day of the signature, or sgoner, if possible.
In testunony wacreof, we, the undersigned Pienipotens
Wanies, have signed, iu virtue of our full powers, the pre.
peut Preaty of Avuty avd Defensive Alliance, and have
caused tu be affixed therctu Che seal of our arms.
_ Done it Pophitz, Sept. 9 (tue 28th of August), in the
year of our Lord I8ic.
Crementd Wencesias Loruarre, Countof Mer.
KLoperr, Count NesseELRODE.
We, therefore, having attentively weighed all and singu-
iac the aricles of this Preaty, have rauAed and held tuem
tgrecable tall respects; and by these presents do declacs
and profess Chem to be rated and agreeable, promising!
mid cugaging on our ttoyal Casacean word, that we wis.
laithfully perform all thatis therein contained ; in teste)
incay whercof we havesigned the present Letters of Mati
ineation with our own hands, and caused our {toy al Ca!
saran Seal to Le appended to the same.
Given at Poplitz, in Bohemia, the 20th of September,!
aud 22d year of our reigo.
(Signed) Francis.
(Countersigned) Cremexr W. Lotiuaing.
Count Murrrerenicu.
By Order, Jovermu pu Llupeisr.
At Toplitz, on the 9th of Sept. a Treaty was also cone
cluded between the Courts of Vienna and Berhia, with
|precises the same Stipulations as the above —Count Met.
ceroich and baron tlardcuberg were the Plenipotentaries.
Junuary 1812.
1, Napolcon was in absolute possession of the Frencl)
Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, Llyriay and the Southern
part of Spain.
2, He was undoubtedly master of the States of the Con-
federation of the Rhiue, of Prussia, of the Kingdom ot!
Naples, and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw ; he had pos-!
session of the fortresses on the Oder, and a limited alliance!
with Denmark.
3. Austria dreaded his power ; her military system was!
reduced ; circumstances rendered her his ally ; she con
seuted to give him 30,000 men.
4. Russia kept her ports shut; she had 120,000 men.
upon her frontier to preserve her independence, but shi
was a€ war with England and the Porte, and soon after
with Sweden.
5. This latter power was ina state of neutrality with
france ; and Napoleon offered her subsidies to induce her
to declare herself for him.
6. Napoleon had an army of 500,000 veterans upon the
|Oder and the Vistula to attack Russia:—this war drew!
nore than 600,000 out of his treasury, and 2000 pieces
if artillery from his arsenals. ‘The Poles Supplied hin,
with 80,000 men, and 100 millions. He brought into
ithis war 70,000 cavalry.
7. Napoleon had in his own hands the monopoly of
[Colonial products throughout almost all LUrope. This
monopoly brought him in 100 millions.
View original 8. Napoleon drew contributions from Anstria, from
Parts, end ffom Illyria. fe had the Revenue of all Italy,
from the confederacy of Cermany, frem Poland, and that
of the French Buipire, which amounted to nearly LOO
milltons. Notwithstanding those resources. edhe deliciency
for the year [812 was doubled: 9
9. Noiwithstanding the battles of Aspern and Ivy dau,
Napoleon had preserved the reputation of being invincia
ble; he enjoved an opinion that nothing could resist him ;
is was sullictent-for him to order. aud every thing gave
way to lis will—to order and it was douc—to direct, and
every thing bended to his wish: to announce an event,
and the peediction was fulfilled Spain alone formed an
expection 5 which, however, had not dissipated the belief,
August, 1813.
1. Napoleon has lost a part of the 32d Military divi.
lon, a part of Illyria, all Spain, and the Dalmatian
island :
Prussia, Mecklenburg, and the Grand Duchy of
Warsaw, are vow no longer his dependencies : Prussia
id wechicnbarg are, on the contrary, in arms agaiusthim.
J. Austria has an e:smy of upwards of 400,000 nen;
he is no longer allied to k’rance, but has acceded tu the
uew alliance against her.
4. Russia has beyond her frontiers 200,000 men: she
wccuples the Grand Duchy of Warsaw ; her ports are
open, she is united with England, Prus la, Sweden, and
Spain; she is at peace with Turkey, which considerab]
jencercases her moral force, and it has been proved by facts
hat she cannot be conquered,
5. Sweden having entercd into the new war, fornishes
nore than S$O,O0U ncn, who areacting on the Continent,
6 Those 500,000 veterans of Napoleon have disappear.
ed; he has lost all his cavalry, several Marshals, 80
Geuerals: of this army ouly some thousands of Ollicers ree
mam to him, "Pie canuo., arms, eticets, and 600 millions
tre lost, together with P
russians and Polish contingents.
He has only of the latter, 15,000 men, with the maledice
GOuS Of Che Counts
7. Piat tonop iy hasalmost cutirely di appeared, since
the ports of Jtussia and Prussia have becn opened, since
the war fCerminatcd between the Russians and Turks, and
he Hushsi occupicd the Dalmatian SJslands,
8. Phe Austeans, Polish, and Prussians contributions
have Ceased. Lily via is extausted. The war and army
\penees have doubied. Wiat then will be the deficit fur
(he year ISIS 2 Phere no lowger exists Continental
(con agaitot England—it is, in fact, destroyed.
9, The battles of Smolensk and Poroding. of Kr. Nol,
Of Lutzen, and all the last campaign, | rove, Chat with wwe
erior forces he can be resisted and beaten: and that. cone
sequently, he must be beaten with equal forces, aud des.
(royed with su, crior ones,
SD) Se
From this comparative statement, it results that Napo-
lcoWs power and glory have sensibly declined since tic
year L512. Fits army had then, besides 110,000 auxilic
irkesy viz. 50.000 Boles, 20,000 Petssians, and 30,000
Nustrians; lus enemy now has an auXiliary force of
s9V,0CGU viz. 20,000 Swedes. Tis revenucs have decréas-
ed 100 millions; and the diminution wiil be still much
yteater, il we take info consideration what he drew b
requisitions frou Pressia, and the counteies of the Confe.
Jeration of che Rhine, and the war contiibution of Prus.
stay Poland, aud Austria. ‘There was no Alhanceagainst
dim except Chat of bagland and Spain; no other Powee
hat coud make war against him, none other than Russia
wich was able to resist him. A new alliance now sub.
ists between four Powers, which are in a condition to
yopose him with 500,000 combatants—whole nations will
sguld it be necessary, be underarms. Napoleonso ful.
‘y feels the diliculuc of resisting them, that he almost
wandons the Peninsula, which expo:e the Southern
Provinces of [*rance to myasion, His army is no longer
composed of veterans ; his cavaley is no louger formidable,
lor (he most warlbkein burope. our sfths of his army
ire Composed of young men, impertectry disciplined,-and
torn from the arts and agriculture, which produces au
enormous deficiency in the total revenues of the States.
Phe allies, or rather the slaves of Napoleon, are no lounger
able to furnish the contigents he hod imposed on them.
Deprived of the greater patt of his former resources, be
no longer possesses cither the means or the right of dictate
ing the conditious of peace. He will not be able to pro-
cure new Siates; he can only oblain it by sacrificing a
ipart of those he possesses, which will augmeut the relative
power of his opponents.—If he continues the war, the
chances are against him—the loss ¢.° several States, which
he has already sustained, has not been counterbalanced
vy avy new conquest, In losing 600,0C0 of his troops,
ae acquired new enemies, who will combat him with the
same forces which have before supported his cause and
is interests, Six millions of Prussians, nineteen mill.
ons of Austrians, and four millions of the Duchy of
Warsaw—in all twenty-nine millions of men, who were:
under his controul, or his allics, are now united against
him. ~The deficit in his finances will augment without
incasure, and force him toaggravate the state of constraint
and the sufferings of his subjects, which he can no longer
vrelicve by his foreign receipts. —All those considerations
should have induced him to make peace; but it now ree
inains for the allies to couclude it on such a basis as will
render it solid and honourable. ‘They will augment their
physical and moral force ; draw closer their reciprocalitics ;
whilst he, directed by the same ambition, the same destruc.
live objects, will he obliged to pay with his own finances,
those who serve him, and maintain at home an army which
Will increase the malady which is undermining his gigantic
empire, and which will crush him dnder its ruins,
Paris, Oct. 14, 1813.—When Sweden, seeing order
established around her, and finding herself olone without
the natural boundary of her policy, exposed to the dis.
oasters of a war, contrary to her interests, found the ne-
icessity of rectifying her system, and giving a successor to
View original *
a Prince whose too weak arm could no longer bear the
sceptre, or the sword of the great Gustavus, she consult-
ed with the French Government. It was from among
French military men, who, upon the faith of fame, had
partaken of thy. immensity of glory, conquered by 2
vears’ labour and success, that Sweden, to gcive;an inviol-
able pledge of attachment to her natural Ally, chose the
Chief who was to preside over her new destinies—The
Swedes must have supposed that a man who had had the:
honor of fighting under the eyes of Ilis Majesty the Iim--
peror of the French, who served his policy, and who owec-
the Imperial generosity, his rank, his fortune, and his,
consideration, would always remember his first country;
the favours with which he had been loaded, and that he
would endeavour to consy.idate the independence of his,
people, by consulting their interests and their inclination,
which for two centuries had attached them to the systen-
of France. ‘The choice of Sweden was a anguage which)
was understood by all Murope, and those who only knew
the new Prince Royal by his military reputation, did not
fora moment donbt that he would follow >a route traced,
out by hisillustrious predecessors, But prudence even i
deceived in her calculations, when she docs not take into.
consideration private passions, the influcnce of which rae,
rely gives way to that of reason. Persons who were in-,
timately acquinted with Charles Jotun Bernadotte, had sect
him, during the Revolution, tloat without principle and
without compass, at the mercy of events, to flatter, serve,
betray in their turn, the factions which disputed for!
power ; jealous of military talents which he despaired ov
equalligg, uncasy in the mid-t of the reeestablishment of
order, secretly torincnted by ambitious desires, ungrate.
ful by character, and taking his vanity for elevation, and!
his natural restlessness for genius, those persons, I say.
observed his procecding with distrust, and were not long
in discovering that the hopes of Sweden be deceived 5 that
the new Prince Royal would separate his interests from,
those of his people, ‘and would only use lis influence but
for satisfying the avidity of his ambition,
Naturaly factions, the new Prince Royal soon gaye
himself up to that faction which the gold of bLngland, and|
the promises of Rusia, had for such a length of time supe
ported atthe Court of Sweden, and of which, some mem-
bers, landholders in’ Livonta, thought Jess of serving the
State, than ¢o preserve their fortune, aud augment. the
expense of the Swedish nation, they persuaded the Prince
to abandon, to Russia, Finland, an integeal part of ie
kingdom, and to hold oat in the conquest of Norway a
shameful equivalent. Hence that demand of the cession,
of Norway to the prejudice of Deamark. Tt is Known.)
that the French Government rejected that project with
indignation..—Jlowever, events | ressed forward; our are
mnies conducted by the Emperor, penetrated into the heart
of Russia. So lony as fortune remained faithful to us, the
Prince Royal, alihough probably detached at heart fron,
former country and august ben factor. did not present!
himself upos the field of battle. [t was rot beeanse he,
feared to spill tae bloo tof his countrymen ; bu thatsore
of prudence which allios itech ovtieniciy well with ostent.|
ations speeches, flat erovetted fitin feom anpearins upon,
the Continent, bt was only when Che trrcoistiole fury of
the clements had overwhelmed the Bucucharuy, that, ene
coaraged by the defection of Prussre, be qore intimately
connected himself with the euinics of thranes.
By what reasons can he justify this croccedinz 2—TTIow!
will he excuse biesclf of swedoeau for hasins (heown ter
into a line of polisy, \W hicl sie Cato’ Potlowy withotwt
danger, and of S4Cul iciag (1) » |ylo if ot hee ‘cople in d
cause whichis forcien to them 2—Will the chimerical hop
. : - ; , « +
he entertains res}. fing Norvay console the Swedish
nation forthe real evils whichitus obsieced to sutver 2? Will
the cession of Gaudeloupe be a recompence for them 3
But what Swede lias not already felt that this cession with.
out guarantee is Ulusory. and that that cannot be ceded
which has not been acquired a (realy. Bernadaree i
perhaps, the only man in Sweden sho has not seen, the
this offer of Muglond was but an insult, and that the Beir.
ish Ministry, accustomed ta speculadous of every kina.
had not disdained to calculate how far the lovity. or, Not
to hesitate about a word, the tedoranc: of its dew aily
would extend.—Let hin wa ko upoa the Coatinent cll lis,
hour has arrived y let hin walk escorted by the Notze.
bues, the Gentz, the Scnegelo, and all tlie contemptible,
Jibellists paid the Muelish Oligirchy but let bim carn,
that he has been judg-d by his corirvmea as he will be
judged by posterity ; let him Know that the dostinies of
Frauce are unaltcfable, and that the ciorts of her enemies!
wil be wreckeod Defore the valour of ber armies, the pa-
triotism of her cilizeus, and the energy of her Gov-
Que) ws ee eee et ee 2 egw ew ew. eee
View original Ewes, oy oe eer Se Teer ws 6 oe rs oR = TEP << ©. Ee
—$_. ~ —
SALE BY EY ech rioy
BY virtue of an appointinent froin the Tlon. Court!
of Vivil Justice, of -_ con my, cranted nben a peu-:
tion presented by DB. . Schwiers and R. Downer.
under date of 2sth April, IS13, versus, W. 3. Liot.:.
I the undersigned tntend to sell, at Publie Execu-
tio® Sale, on Wednesdsy the 30th of March, IS14-
In presence of two Councehiors € ommiissaric s and
their S cerelary at the Court House of this sony: ,
at 11] o’clock in the forenoon of that di ly
Part of Lot No. 24, situate in the fir st emnolder
of this Town, with all the buildings ther upon, be-
ino the property of aforesaid W. By. Liot.
“W hoever should think to have any right, action.’
or interest, on aforesaid part of lot No. 24, first em-)
polder, and buildings, and wishes to oppose the sali
thereof, let such persons address themselves to mc
the undersigned, declaring their reasons for so do-
ing in due time and form, as I hereby give notice:
that I will receive Op position from every one there-'
unto qualified by law, appoint them a day to hav
his or her claim heard before the Court, and furthe J
act thereon es the law directs.
View original | This first proclamatron published as customary.
Berbice, [4 November, I812.
K. FRANCKEN, Irst Alarshal.
$a ——————————
View original SALE ry EXECUTION.
BY virtue of an appointinent from. the Ionorable
Court of Civil Fustice of this colony, given upon iv
yetition presented by J. Layfield, and the Attorne y
f Thomas Gudecon of Stoke Newington, near Lon-
Lion, under date of 26th January, IS14.
I the undersigned intend to se I, at public Execu-:
‘ion Sale, tn the presence of two Councellors Com-.
‘nissaries and their Secretary, on Monday the 14th,
(Varch, IS14.
Plantation Kinsorack, situate on the correntine,
‘oast of this colony, the property of Simon Frase
Esquire, with all ifs cultivation, slaves, buildings,
and other appurtenances thereto he longing !
Whoever should think to haveany rivht. action o1
‘interest, on abovenamed plant ition WKilmorac kK, oO)
lis depe ndencie s, and wishes to opp@ge the I xe Cue,
tton Sate there of, let such person actdréss themse ‘Ives
to tle Marshals Offiec, declaring their reason for s
doing in due time and form, as Lhoreby give notice.
that Iwill receive opposition from every once thereunto:
qualified by law, appoint them a day to have his o
her claim heard before the Court, und further act
therein as the law directs.
This 4th proclamation published as customary .—!
Berbice the 26th February, IST.
kK. FRANC KIN, First Marshal.
View original SULIMON by EDICT.
BY virtue of anextract from the minutes of the:
“ourt of Civil Justice, dated 27th January, IST, in,
the cause entitled Win. Leach and Win. Fraser, im
their quality as appointed Curators to the Estate of,
Heywood & Taylor, Plaintiffs by Edict, versus, all
Known and unknown creditors of the said estate.
the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Curators!
do hereby Summon by Edict, for the second time,
All known and unknown creditors against the estate
of Toeywood & Taylor, to appear on Morvtay the 7th
March ISI t, and following days, at) the Court of
Rolls, for the purpose of there rendering tn then
claims, to verify (ic sane, and further to proceed a
the law directs.
— This second summons by edict made known to the,
public by beat of drum froin the Court Toase of this
colony, and further dealt with as customary.
Berbice, 9th Feb. ISH.
K.PRANCKEN, First Alarshal.
——___——— -
View original (
BY virtue of an extract from the minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, given inthe canse of Edward,
Theoball, appointed Crrator fo the Estate and Tet.
ects of the late Henry Croft, dec. Plaintius by kdict,
versus, all known and unknown creditors of the saad,
estate. TP the undersigned, at the request ov atoresatl
““uratfor do hercby,? for the second tine Stuamon by
Mtet. ali known and anknown creditors agaist the:
sti ite and evects of Henry Croft, dec., to appear on
Monday the 7ih of March ISH, ,
atthe Court of Rolls, for the purpose of there ren-!
dering in their chums, to verity the same, and fur-
ther to proce fechas the law dire ‘cls,
This second summons by edict made known to the
public by beat of devim trom the Court House of this
colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Lserbice, 7th Feb. ISL.
K. FRANCNEN, First JJarshal.
and following days,
View original | SUMMON by EDICT.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, @ranted upon a’
petition, presented by the Board tor Orphans and
unprovided Lsstates, bearing date the’ 16th Novem-
ber I8S13. LE the undersigned, ot the request of afore-
said Board, do bereby Suu a" by bxdict :—AI per-
sons having or pretending to have any claim or right
on the Estate of the late Robert Mite ‘hell, to appear
before the Court of Civil Jastice of this colony, at
‘their session in the month of July, (in the year one
thousand eight hundred and fourteen, ) say IST 4, for
the purpose of there delivering in (heir claims, sec
the same objected to, should it be necessary, and to
ovitness, after the fourth Ldictal Stanmon, ‘the
Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent
right of claimants, on pain fo such as remain tn de-
fault of bei ing for everdebarreg their right of claim. -
This Sammon by Iedict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony :
and turther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the loth February, Ts14.
K. FRANCKEN, Feérst Marshal.
View original I
AT the request of Colin Douglas, Esquire, in his)
quality as substituted Attorney to Alexander Simpson,,
the general and special Attorney of the Mercantile
(House of Inglish [Ellice & Co. of London, notice is
hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the
cotton Estate called Hast Lothian, situate on the
‘Last sea coast of this colony, being the property of
David Carnegie, Esquire, has been released trom!
Execution and Sequestration, in form of abovenamed.
concern, tn consequence of an arrangment between
parties having taken place.
~ Berbice, th® 14th February, 1814. :
Kh. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original etfh FOR LIVERPOOL,
The coppered Ship HANNA,
Greorce Forster, Master,
vill sail hence with the April convoy. ‘This vessel
ne ill leave Demerary for this River on the Ist prox:,
and willbe ready to commence loading immediately
ufter arrival. For freight or passage apply to
206 Keb. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
WHO have received, per Beurrisnr, froin Glas-
itow, via Demerary,—hams, cheese, Planters mess
beef and pork in half barrels, pease, barley, pota-
toes, herrings in kegs, beer, porter, Port wine, cor-
dlage assorted, canvas, cotton & coffee bagging, cot-
ton & linen check, ready made clothes, umbrellas,
Irish linen, thread, Osnabrug’s, carpenter & cooper
fools, sti ation: ary, Si ‘adle ‘ry, nails from 4d to 40, diaper
lowe ling, t table cloths, gauze, hoes, shovels, cutlas-
ses, pruning knives, corn mills, nPere hats & blan-
Lats, about 40 hhds. lime, and [2 ,000 bricks.
View original FOR GLASGOTE,
athe Tip copper’d Ship NEPTUNE,
<< Prerer Stupson, Master
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and will positive.
Jv sail with the first or April convoy, for treight ap-
ply to William Dunean, or to
View original NOTICE.
— Anr those that have any claims againsf, or are in-
debted to the Estate of the late Widow H. J. BUSE,
are requested to come forward with their statements,
inorder to forward the liquidation.
19 Feb. J. van DEN BROEK,
A. A.peya COURT,
View original euvXvXv—_-_-_""___—_ - —
A Tronk of Boots and Shoes, London made; a
sinall advince on the invoice price. Enguire at the
‘Printing Ofice. 26 Feb.
a em we ow + SS OO eee ™
— TILE Subscriber finding repeated applications to
‘those indebted of no use, is now under the necessity
of publicly informing those Gentlemen, many of
whose accounts have been standing since the year
1809, that unless they come forward and liquidate
the same, previous to the Ist of April, [8 4d, they
vill be deposited in the hands of his Attorney, to be
proceeded agatist without respect to persons.
96 Feb. Tu. C. EMERY.
View original ADVERTISEMENT.
THE Business hitherto carried on, under the Firm.
of D. C. Cameron & Co., this day ceases by mu-
tual consent ; All those indebted to them’ by Notes of
{Wand or open Acconnts, are requested to come for-
vard with payment as carly as possible, to the first
undersigned, who will pay the demands against said
firm, which ‘the ‘'y, also reguest to be rendered within
cone month from date. D.C. CAMERON,
26 Tcb. A. CAMERON.
TIEE subscriber request all persons holding de-
mands against the above properly, to render in the
sane, on the premises es early as possible, and par-
‘ticularly solicits those indebted to the said Estate, to
settle their accounts, to enable him to liquidate such
chat are against tt.
W est coast, 26th Feb. 1814. G.T. PHILLIPS.
a Ca
View original | A$
THE undersigned haveing been appointed by the
HTonorable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, Ad-
ministrators to the Estate and [ffects of the late Tho-
imas Robson, dec., requests all those that have any
demands against the same Estate, to render them to
the first andersigned, at his house in New Amster-
dam, and those that are indebted to the Estate, are
requested to make payment.
19 Feb. O.W. LAN TSHEER, for self and
G. MUNKO, app. Administrators.
To hire, two boys, accustomed topull ina boat ;
they will be hired by the year or by the quarter,
apply at the Printing Otice. Feb. 19.
View original DRIEFTED,
— Frowa schooner on her way to Nickerie, a ecdar
‘built Boat, steped for two masts, white bottom and
‘black bends, with a circular 6pace on the stern for
‘ihe name ot the owner; Any person having picked
‘up the same, will receive a handsome reward by re-
‘turning it to the undersigned.
19 Feb. G. BONE & Co.
~ NB, The above boat is supposed to have got on
shore to windward of the Devils Creek.
View original ee
Tike Subscriber intends leaving the colony in six
weeks, request the favor of those indebted to him. to
come forward with immediate payment to enable him
to liquidate the demands against him, previous to his
leaving the colony.
He offers for Sale, his Premises on lot No. S. front.
‘ing the middle dam, cheap for cash: also an elegan-
vissortme nt oP leather of the first quality, Tate ly tint
ported, from London; aud also all his ‘show: makers
ilools.—19 Keb. R. SLVEELE
View original EEL Ty
Bai eee SS
BY Wis EvceVency Vinny Warrias Dexrinen.
bsquire, hioutciaut-Governor aut Commander t)
Chic f tn andover the Settlement of Rorbice with tt
Depoendencivs, and President én all Corts and Col.
levees withia the samey Se. Nee Se.
WLR AS it has been duly represented to me, that.
considerable number of Che coloured and black Populato
of this colony, claiming exemption from Slavery, haye clan.
destincly introduced themselves as FB ree, wh uch not vn
tends to the general discredit: of the respectable parto
thatelass; but as several of them have no apparent mean:
of subsistanec, if is to be feared they have recourse (
secret illicit practices fora livelihood, which if not time.
Wy resteained, may in the cod be subtersive of good order.)
Ie is therefore, that b have deemed it expedient to make.
and do herchy declare, the following Provisions ¢
fAthand every one of the colored or black Luly tbitant:
Within this Setthemeat, clataing exemption from Slavery.
Shall, without delay, and at the farthest, within oz
month, fron the date hercof, exiibit or cause to be duly
exhibited uifo His Honor the fiscal, such proof of ther
Preceom as they may respectively be in pussesion of able
to procure, or reine to,
fo And further, a case any one of the aforesaid colourec
or biech Pnbabiants. cen ain in defantt, or oni’ to coniply
with the afucesaid Order, Pits Honor the fiscal is directea
to carsehim, ber or tacm to be apprehendod and dodged in
the colony Carol, there Go remain unol my farther Order.
with respect to fhemy as the extyency of ther respective
Characters or Cases may scein Fo require.”
And tn order that uo plea, or excuse of trnorance
may be pretendod of Giose preseuts, the same to be pub.
Fished as enor vai.
Given wider my tfand and Socal at Arms, at the King’s
louse, Now Neisterdam, this 19ch day of February .
Ry Compan
F. WHITER. Gov. See.
(lind line of publishing.)
PE TT beecloney Hi nay Wirtram Bextinen, Es.
Mire, LicuteniutleGre rnos over the Coluny of Ber-
icy ciud he tloneratle Court of Policy of he saci
Lo! by whom hese presents may or shall come, Be ¢:
Willi - ‘S Representation has been made ta us
of the excessive be irdshi ip sustained by many indivi-
duals, weit lage ois Government whoare deprived of
the services Of Cactr staves, on their being snrrender-
ed to Fastice and enpco tly punt shed for their crimes,
not only by Cie loss of such staves without any re-
nenceation, bat from bome obliged to defray the
expences of their prose “iion and conviction © and
vheresns ye hove tanen into our consideration. that i
is both equcoble and conducive to the public coo
that sone c fps on star hE in future be aflorded|
fostch Pnhabitnats oo his cofoay, as may be de ‘prive “(|
ofthe seevice’s of any slaves, in CONSECITCNCEe of thr
Jatter betas seatenecd to death, bantstnent or cone
finemment for lide, ou the public works of this colony.
We hive therefore thought fit to enaety and it is
here by enacted accordingly: Phat from and after
the day of the date of these presents, every Planter
or other Lah: (Dita, Who gay an finture be deprived
ofany of his ov her slaves, trom their bei tne sentence
el by usto capital punsament, banishment for life.
vn the public works or (his colony, shall be entitles
fo recerve from Che Colonial funds, as a compensatio:
for suc toss, a stun equal to the value, to be put or
such slave or shives, by appraisers to “he ayy ented
by us, provided always, Ghetsuch appraisement shed
In no taslaee EXECE ( the sun oftwelve hundred vail.
ders fora Geld working negroe, and fifteen hundred
for a driver or head necroe or tradesman.
\j — i ly we dlo enavet as itis hereby enacted. thar
the ex Cs Ol |) oo Cution wud conviction be detr: ay-
ced at ‘the cost of (ae colony, and not at that of the,
Individual :—wihich contpensation and Costs of ne,
secutioa sual nevertheless not be made by the colony -
I tiled it apy ar in the course of the trial of such
slave or slaves, Chat ill treatment or neglect on the
part ol (hei irmasters have bad any share, in leadine
them to tae conimirsion of (he ecines, for whieb they
have becom semtenecd to sale (5 as inal such CASES
shall da no wise be enticed to claim or receive any
compensation for the loss cf such slave or slaves se’
‘hus enacted tn our ordinary sessions of the Court
© Policy aud Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice,
this bith day of January IS)4.—Present His ixcei-
Jeney Licutenant Governor H.W. Bextinek, and
the Honorable Members Ju. C. Abbe ‘sets, Joli.
MeCamon, James Praser, Peter Faisbairn, A. J,
Cilasius and Greorge Munro.
And published on the 2ith January following,
present His txeelleney Licutenant Governor H.W.
WEN TINCK, and the atorezoine Honorable Me unbess.’
By command of the Colt.
i. C. DOW NITR Sey.
(Third tine of publishing.)
View original
View original
View original rr =
eed Mis Kecedlency Waenny Wierriam ba vrixex. Es.
QMiere, LicutenanteCeorernor Wiad Commander in Cust l
enand over the Sclilement of Borhice and its D pen.
dleneiesy Prosedord on all Courts aid Coll ves willie
lhe SCONC , NO. At. NC,
WILE RELAS Thove received from ‘the Risht Hon.
the Earl of Bathurst, his lajesty Principal Secretary of
State for the War and Colonial Department, a Dispaten
bearing date 2USt Decen Yer, IAL transintiGag tome two
Orders oF Flis Royel Highness che Prince Regent in Coune!
iy bearing date re pectively the } oc of December IBES,
ind of which the following ave Copicss—f have Ghoucit i
Npedient, and do hereby publish the same fue the anfor-
nation aud guidance of all Chose concerned:
loth of Decemls “y LdSlS.
Tis Royal Wizkness the Peewer Regent ia Council.
WHEREAS ita. pears by the latest odsvices from
the Coast of the Adriatic, Chat the por! of 1 reste, and
the other ports aud olaces beGween TP riesteand the southor:
Atremity of Dalinadia, are, for dhe must pirfy uo lunwer
In the po vu orunder (he conteaul of Prance: THis
tioyal Higitness the Princes Reg mty dn the dae and on the
beha. fot His Majesty, and by aad with the advice of dis
A\Lajesty’s Priy » Lo ; Va tl, 1S | lito o.ner J dee! tre,
und ats icy by otdered aud decharcd, tha
of Prieste. and the poris and place. afovesaid: inelusiy ely.
(save and ervcept such as are still oceupted by che enemy )
tie b ocked
ind all restricGens lnposed thereui, bv any Order i
Council relathis ( ICrclo, sliall forcaw iti cease alld be tse
Aud the Right Tonorable the Lords Commissioners o!
His Majesty’s Preasury, ibis Majesty ’s Principat Secretae
vies of Slate, the Jords Comimiitsstoners of the Adinivally 4
the Judge of the High Court of A duuralty, and ne J lyr
uf the Courts of Vices Admiralty > aArcto tawe the mecessae
(y Micasures herein, as Co (hem nay respecfively apbertaia.
Loth of December, 1818.
his Royal Wighness the Prince Recextin Council.
’ }] ORR AS (hie ancient relations of Peace ane
Vinity Dbotween dis Majesty, aud the United Provinces of
he Netherlands. have beon happily reeestublished :— thi
cOval FE, vss the Prince Ro geutis pleased. in dhe name
Won the death of His sbatestyy end by amd wath th
Iyico of tats Mage ty*s Prive Couwceil. to order and dee
Tarey wud i€as hereby orcgered ata declared:
baostly. Phaltall hosd ities against the United Provinces
of the N rettts (suyoaud cvcentsuca ports or places:
asueiy be sibia (ue pos co son orunder tie coutroulof’
Ir wee) onthe part of His Majesty stall luumediately,
secondly. That the blockade of all the por(s and places
of the satd Losited Provinecs (save and ercept such ports
and places as bolore excepted) and all other restrictions
(hereon imposed by any Order in Council ‘clating there.
to, shall forthwith ceass and bediscontinucd,
Mhirdiy. That all ships and vessels belonsing to. the Said)
United Provinces (save and exceptyessels coming from,
vr proceeding lo, any ports or places in the PEsensaesth
or under the controul of France) shall have free admis.
sion into Ilis Majesty’s ports, and be permitted to care,
_ Ty onmany trade now lawfully carricd on in the ships of
States in amify with his Majesty.
And the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of
his Majesty’s ‘lreasury, his Majesty’s Principal Seereta-
ries of State, Che Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.
the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and the Jud.
ses of the Courts of Vice-Admiralty, are to take neces-
sary measures herein, as to them May respectively apper-
(ain. CHitWYND.
Given under my hand and seal at arms, at the King’s,
Ifouse, New Amsterdam, this [7th day of Feb. 1814.
By commani, !
FP. WHITE, Gov. See.
(third time of publishing.)
King’s House, New Amst. 19th Feh. 181 i.
His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has Just re.|
iceived the Letter of which the following is a CODY, anc!
has directed the same to be published for the information:
‘of all concerned. By command,
F. WIIIVE, Gov. Sec.
STR, Drotirosr®, Carlisle Bay.
Biroados, st hed. 181 I.
1 have the honor to acquiaut you, fur the information,
View original
View original SS es EE SS Se \ Sa
Varn Subscrther has imported by the shin NPP.
PUNE. Capt. Stiarpson, thi followin coods, hich
reo diepo ec of by the pac have, oF clhorivise fur
. : J
lide dye lita pPayucil Oat U/ _—
Poondon bottled porter in puich mans, oh ale in
Hierees of 7 dozen each, port wine, Wiltshire ch ese,
prime mess beef & pork in 2 bart Ts, kees fon ces
tubs containing rentniels of beef, Cork rose butter in ©
firkias, flour in)? barrels, Ks split pease, poacct
Darle ‘ pat: tors in de unpers, Durham must: ard, eat-
ier oll, refined sugar, candles ta boxes o€28 = As.
pind Os., somp ir ditto, Inverness cotton & coffee bag-
rine saa tssorttnent of siddlery con isting OF hunting
stddles with plated stirrups, &c., double & snatile
rts sy plated hits, Se. sctts: Weymouth spire
Piety & riatns with piitod ouchtles, spare snalte don,
spurred wtrflis & onarcingales, asec neat gig harness,
v Urry co S brushes, inane combs with spurzes,
salbootar. hore ne! » Spare sirrep feather Sy chaise
Jjocke va “Wautin: eo whips, amd plited spurs; glass
Wire, plain. veut wines, do. ptot & hall piat lume
Dlers, do. pint & quart decavters, do. finzerbasom,
Hutter Vishes. wah oc were srozaree oleasesy India
shades, plated bottle stants. snrdl erates covlain ine
t complete sett each neat ole Ser) z ar el (i yerunih
and shoe Pyvitsat Us, ‘ Thess dress Ke vwalline st ress dla,
yng Hoots, oa rouren Sorunish & waxed les) xr
oOts, mttitary oo. Wellinetaa lalf do- dress, lide
dress & shootine fy scET ens shoes, weartyr ape
perel, superfine Glick, blue & fash onable colonred
lone coats, da. coatees, round robbins. thineassumere
breeches, ditto pantatoons, fashiotable colours fer
lress, stript jean Crowsers, black sil) wolsteouts. fine
cy colourect cassnimcre, Marseites ditto, white dito
par trunks printed caficoes, do. print ‘doanusting,
maney & plans vastin for ladies dresses, plain & hair
cord jaconet for neekhhis., Roma, \ iWras, flushed
and dweeldl bhts., Musilipatun & ill 1do, sitk hhfs.
Mtachk & fhshion: ible prite rus, 4-4 Irish linens, long
Huns, Vinen li iper for ible cloths & napkins, Reas-
civ Sheeting, brown Llollands, Wnen Britannias, pla-
abe yeottor & Tinen checks, farnitare do. turnivure
cinta, cf ton shirts ct enti callico for lining, Indis
vty S draitres., York Hips peroeneanze, bed-tiek,
stripe, @& stersucher. ging hams, an ansur tae nt ot
(hres ds, ferpos, & shirt buttons, cuttan stripe shirts
and trowsers, Concensey frocks, gentlemen & ladies
Uk & beaver bats, willow hats, pcunters broad rimed
lo. Cradesmens do. childrens dow negroc blanke ‘ts, an
sssortment of station Miry, perfumery, ladies & ventle-
men silk & cotton hose, mens silk & cotton sucks,
children cotton stockings, hows niils 4ddy to S0Ky
drying pans, eri trons, son trons, gun powder in
caunisters, shot in bars No. Ga 6, large brass vat
cocks, wine dilto, “it White tvory handled table
knives & forks with deserts & carvers, Buck horn
handled do, cork screws, fea (rays, Japan’d waiters,
hook & eye and V hing. s, faree & small sizes, hand
saws, hand saw files, augers, nest gimblets, chisels,
carpenters adees, squaring AXCS, felling do.* carpen-
fers hammers, sinall hatches, tennent SAWS, scre\
nails assorted, buck Knives, elasp do. horse SCissirs,
fishing; hooky Cases Tasors, stock locks, double & sin-
sle bolted padlocks, chamber door locks, (runk do
‘plated candlesticks with snuffers & stands, brass and
Japaned do., brads, India salempores & tea.
berbice, 19th Feb
——— ee

View original |
Ts hereby given to the Subscribers for the Quarter-
ly Balls, that the next Ball will take place at the late
Mr. Harris’s, No. 11, courantine coast, on Tuesday
the Sth of March next —19 Feb.
From Plantation Kintyre a black bull, with some
white about the face and belly, about two years old ;
any person who can give such information, as will
lead to the discovery of the said bull, will receive
one joe reward.
— FWunderd bales cotton, payable in cash or bills on
delivering.—19 Feb. B. ZILGLER.
View original

5 March 1814