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© Copyright 2021, Michael Hopcroft.

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The Berbice Gazette

Berbice, 24th September, i814.
Tuist of Neeroes on the following Estates, agree-
able fo the Returns made to this Oflice in Janu-
arv, IS/4.
—_—___ — _ —
RIVIR, Rosehall © Tvilworrack 61
Zorgentioop 110 | delphi 38 | Pulippi 4:3!
Jihaca HS | woed Banannen- ‘rounarey 60
Gelderland Lis lind BO fe nies 95
Schinamacners Lust 9b | old-tonehall 17 |varlo te 2353
Bea Fratcraite 1 0') osdtand a2 lNo. 29. 36
Augsurg }! cot Volranke Id Jifaif No, 36. (west
Qresbing Pe | eerkeo wet 10 half) 9
Si. : {vastigheid 151 “oend ore 1} 3 rie lton 2448
Zridwek WU 'lvcw borrese 65°) \ilceara qT
Sceoriand )) oofster 90-} leversham 9°
Op toup van be- rede on Vaiend- Dingwall os
ler 1o7 seltp 51! psom 65)
Dut irs’s wel- hs ryhe SI | hava a
Voren 10! bes wrt PG eneal $9
) na ete o [dleter cd al 150 | wood Hope. 66
U 'e Pai thle Vantiet c! lementia 16% | elie wld
Ss wWeoola ce 0 |» idea te v A OO Wilver Db leece 40-
Noreen Nes io ir : Colty) lind «7 Nieadia 4
Besteodigheid 71 ‘Timers hase £72} Mart No. {3. 8
Dw i disaeked en Varn sSarg en Jory stepe 16
vii zigt IOs 9] ob eansenburg OF INO. 5”, 6%
Viony Johanna oe CNid's lt iNo. 6? 146—
Oroorssed 73 | SANT COAST. Wey mouth oe
Naeo ° Hoop OS jseawvecll Ty 3dorTih & 72(T.
Zic vt dhind 5 iy Te 4! Wile) - 20
D5 Teds le. O.dovra & La Priatemps Q\)
J: t ot test a | * ©. oN 7. le ring oarden 65
Z ison Rese So lst ns [lace Jes larriet 49
Nios Vevestein PO 1 \.anur 90-'\nn £9!
Tee celiag POL jeveu ad a | ‘annberland 4i-
Der vad log). livvs Tivpe QV lCarrobor half 79, 12
Hoorn ca Noord- ): lage hey uleairne a
liotlaud 134 Nie } 1! \Wtst COAST.
Verzcno>,en (ab- ello da aun Oo) liidaard lol
andoned) ) a Jes r red nborg ‘4
No it cc last (none s ower 1 ¢ otton Vree 26 4
Govlan S69 J ovorcuall MT | ’e vicut 99
Ao raserust 9! Neadally Liv) Vdlestowna by!
Qule Vizelantie sod Success > ebair 69
en WW nsaads it rien isi p VT inv rness 159
Lust 39 | varren & triew ds Retreat = 24-
MaritvenAgnes oO SD nro ta o.. | Woodlands 37
Den Arend en La Hide (ry fe kf bl and 12 or
Trangrilece bil |\o. 7 5!) pata }]
Circicn Willow's ‘Teoville 40 roo tricnds “9
bioop TT | Cueasnick VU Snderzorg 4}
Maria tlenrietta 40!) asc Lothian 59 [ie treecat 4
Bien cor cent 5) J r-‘sburg S® Tilops & Uxperi-
Doornlofeu Voorn- oibilu a? cue 210
spruit 3-) tor. oar Phil gli NX Naarstige
Overwinning 113 COMRENTYN. (i tend 19)
Jia Providence 6) INo. 1 BD lature Osburg &
Bidenburg & Glas- K ourthind v Ondermmendnay <lT-
vow (aband.) ost G7 3 tir ae
Woord burg 62 fina oy SB clo ocd Nu. PA Ot, 40-
Be llevae }! ele eu olden Grove %
Rotterdam to | Aloion & bovely [ass 10?-
Heistolder 9] i 2 WO Jonver ue 0 9—
Gebrocders St PLdely ‘idere 43 INO. 3, 120
Diwvture 1 aripslere& Wil- Meof dygar 79
horh. raad Pl) teats. ung WOT AG Ge an bse
De mt oem 207 | {ose rill A’ ‘up ~& Nursery Oy
De Riacecen 146 | Ort spourant 2). [ester 5(p
Bues bit B5s J? ode of tL & 12.) GH VYeovil Place 13
Wark held Sih 0 f owrce Hi. dypllons 5s
Plegt 2uwer NB | 2 a 59 18s bae ba-—
Zorzen iy Oa | lis.on AT [Wwivvely 4s
[D-s:ndora eo Sans Jouns 89} Phe nix 50
Soud) <3 | leoinfield 69 |Jacoba Wethelmi-
Nicus Vieilinde 1 6 ] weet ‘theaney eM] oonia 7A
Woolreleyen bid | ANchl. oe BG Hitch field 18
Delecmara 15 J) Wohin BY No. 1° & 4), 171
Grane berderland 55 |" ancoster 69! Se fil ‘I
Souc pu.ced } >} iverpoo! By Was! ington 939
Wrobre did itchesteer 9g? ope 66
Maorod Cerveria l @ (l lverstone 7 'Weldliad le
ZL. Prudence lvl | \lness 247 Colden Fleece ©50-
Li sperancedilel- Salton 67 Kontail 16
Vela, 12 | Jozstye 44 \Powlis 5A
Wonakz ramhei d 199 JNewdandhall 1S5 |Prout l5e-
Bo... son bvp SP rien sup ba ———
CANSUR, \dventure 4! 20.336
Voorbury 10 |Nurney BY) Sun dry Individ. 1,857
Curnbechund 40 |Nildenuand 3} oe
Supply 4.,)Maida ley Putal 22,273
D. ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
LO ee ee Ce eee
View original ——————————————————
A Mail will be made up at this Office, and for-
warded to Demerary by the sloop Adventure, on
every Sunday morning in future.
Beedice, Ist Oct. IS14.
R. McKENZIL, Act. Dep. Post Master Gen.
View original TUE undersicned offer for sale, from 29 to 25000
fect I urmber, monthly, afta moderate rate,
1 Oct. GEORGE BONE & Co.
Who have on hand a few barrels Salt F ish, also
Lime and Terrace lo barrels.
View original —_———$——muoaeer — . Sd
NIEUW AMSTERDAM, J Ocroper, 1814.
By de aankomst, ccpasscerde Zaturdag avond, van on-
26 Guyana Pukict, breng nde de Agusta male, yn ons
vemig? Nederlandsche Kouranten ter haid gekomen, en
icdurvan icy het colscunde medcdcelen,
De Brieverak cocr Eurcpa, zal aan het Post Kantoor
alhier geslolen worden op Dingsdag 4 Ovicber aanslaan-
de, ’s morgens len 6 uren.

WY WILLEM, hyde 2 atie Gods, Prinse van Oranje.
Nossa, Souvercia borst der Vercenigde Neuerlandeny
Aan allede genen, die deze zullen zien of hooren lezen
salut! doen te wetons
NaJemaal Wy, in afwachting van het tydstip, waarop
de Nederlindsche vo kKplantucen en beeitiusen, in de
Weetebadica, aan Ous cullen worden terug pesevon. de
gocde ingezctenen dezer Landen willen stellen thet geno
der voordeclen, aan cenen regtstreekschen haudei em vaact
oi dezelve bezittingen verbonden, en deswege met he
gouvernement vad Giout-Gritaniie in onderbandelingcs
zyu getreden, die thaas tot het gew Coschte chide vebrayi
zy, en overecnkomstig degelke bovengemeide vaart on
handel door Ous provistunce! behvoren tc woiden geregeld
en bepaald ;
Zoo is het, dat Wy, den Raad van State gehoerd, en
met gemeen overles der S'aten-Generaal deger Landen s
Hebben goelgevenden ca verstaan te statucres, zoo als
gestatucerd wordt, by deze:
Art. 1. Alle Onze onderdanen zullen vermozen te navi.
serene en te handclen op Sarcuonea, Bervice, Dociary,
Iisa quebo, Curacao, St, Wausiaters, Sandy St. Mu ht,
hoswel zich deze Kolonmien nog bovinden aa de mace der
Kroon van Kngeland, mits zy wuoizien zy van lie nees,
ten dien cindy door don ambassadcur san Lyne Groot.
Grittanntehe Majestatt, by Ons residerende, aficgeren
2. Per bekouiiyg van deze lieenses, zullea de belang.
h-bbende by het departement van @nantién mocten bewy-
zen, dat zy zyn onacrdanen der Verecnigde Nederlanden
en binnen dezcive woovachig, eu dat het schip of vaartuas
met hetwellk zy voornemens zyn cen ecize naar cene der
bovengemelde holovien te daca, hun cigendom is, en ge.
bouwd op het grovdgebied der Ver8enizde Nederlanden en
bewand met eew khaptain en drie vierda der equip agie Nee
derlandsche onderdanen zynde, of ecn schip of vaartuig,
in Groot-Brittannie gebouwd en in cigendom toebehoren.
deen Demand, zou aly by de Lritsche wetten voursch e-
ven Is,
3. Dicnvolgens zullen voor gemelde vaart en handel,
loor het departement der finantien, worden vecleeud af.
4ouderly ke zeebricven, boudcnde dev naam van ten mine
ven e w der eigenaresy ene plaats aanwyzende, alwaar
het schip is ychouwd.
4. Tot last. of tonnegeld, voor elk schip of vaartuig,
van, of naar de voormelde kolomlo ine of uitgeklaard
wordende, anders dan in ballast, zal Zyu een gulden pei
ton gerchend tegen cen last.
5. Ver vervanging der recognitir, veile en lastgelden, en
Alleandere byzondere houdiGen, waaraan de vaarten han.
del van, en op de voormelde bezittingen, in de West-Ln-
dien, is onderworpen gewcest, en tea cinde deze vaart en
hanccl op gelyke voct te breugen als dic, welke tusschen
Groot-Brittannie en gezegde kolonieu govoerd wordt, zal
diz Ive geschicdea in vouge als hice volyd:
6. Alle goederen, waren en Koopmanschappen, zynde
van het gewas, voortbrengsel of fabriekwezen der Ver.
cenigde Nederlundon, betalen, op het uitgaan naar de Be-
melde kolomen, van de waarde van honderd guldens cen
recht van yf gulddens en fica stuizers, ew een recht van
drte guldens en ten sluivers, wauneer dezelve zyn van
het yewas, voorbrengzel of fabrickwesen van het Vereec-
nigd koningryk van Groot-Brittanje en Ierland, makende
het laatstgemclde met het recht vau twee per cent, dat in
Kngcland op het titgaan geheven wordt, eene gelyke be.
lasting van vyfen cen half per cent, als voor inlandsche
gyocdcren is bepaald.
De navolgende goederen van voorschreven Origine zyn
van deze belasting uitgezonderd, en alzvo vry van rechten
hetzy rechtstrechs van hier of uit England over dit Land
uaur de Kolonien worden uitgevoerd, te weten:
Aatoenen garens cn andere katoenen manifakduren,
linnens, gerajine rde sutker, kandy suther, stroep,
muntmatrialen, alysmede granucn en mecl,
7. Van goederen uit de Vereenigde Nederlanden her.
komstig, zullea, by de aangifle tot uitvuor naar de koloe
View original i nien, voldoende, door de plaatsely ke regering gclegaliseers
ode, «mn doo het engelsch konsulaat gevisecrile cerUilicaten,
van derzelver inlandschen oorsprong, ten hantoreder kove
vooijen en dicenten moeten worden geproducecrd, eu als
daar blyven berusten.
Onder goederen y2n inlandschen oorsprong worden, met
hetrekhking tot bet gemanufakturcerde, begrepen alle de
zoodanizen, welke kinnen deze Landen cenigerlei bewere
King hebben ondergaan.
8. Deze goederen van Britsche oorsprong, en uit Engee
land komende, met destinatic naar de kolonién, zullen by
arrive ment, aly zoodanig mieten worden gedeciarccrd, met
produktieovan bowys hunner origine, by ds aanifte ten
konvooiekantore, tot betaling der gewone inkowende rege
fem, die vervolgcus, by de aavsifte tot uits oer naar de koe
fonien, door restitutie van het te veel betaalde of supple.
evan het te kort, op de by art, 6. bepaalde regten van
drie on Cen half pCt. van de waarde moetea worden verres
Kend, En zullen niet alleen de merken, nummers, fustae
gicg emballagic, Kwautiteillen waarde, volgens welke de
ui Ltadug in Engeland is geschied, maar ook de pukhuizen
mocten worden opgegeven, waariu deze gocderen zullen
worden op geslagon, en waaruit dezelve nict zullen movzen
worden gotramsporteerd, daw om waar derzelver destinatie
logescheept te worden, op verbourte van de faculteit, toe
de verzending naar de kolomena, dicy viterly k binnen deie
maandon, na de aaneilte op het inkomen, zal moeten gee
schicden, ten zy, in byzendere gvallen, redenen tut pros
longatie gevonden worden.
De atficicren dee konvovijea en licenten zullen het regt
hebben, om de aangewezene pakhuizen, van (yd tot tyd,
f@ bezoeken, ten cinde zich van het aauwezen aldaar en de
identict der goederen te verzekeren,
9. De goederea, waren cu Kou manschappen, nict zyne
de van het gewas, voortbrenasel of labiykwezen van het
kowneryk van Groot-Britanje en Lerland, aoch van de
Veréenigde Ned tlanden, zallen, by den uitvovr oar de
kolon én, de uilgaande reyten detalen, overenkomstiy het
Novolaonde tacif s
FlanceI—(zie manufacturen. )
Plesschen—van gewo. nu grocn of gemeen glas, tot zoo.
denize hocveclucid als kan bevatten houderd me igelea
vocht f 33-
Guren—agetwy nd garen, de honderd ponden f 15-10
Kabel garen, (zie touw werk. )
Katoen gaecu de honderd ponden f 40-
Géas—te weten fesscien, (zie flesschen. )
Granen en Mecl—vwry van cegten,
Meurpoeder—de honderd penden f 98-
Kdem geparfumecrde of parfumen stof, de hond>rd
ponden f 136-
[locden—geheel of ecdecitelyk gemaakt yan vi thaac, wol
of bever, de hoed f 17=
Hoepen—van yer, de henderd ponden f 12
van hout, de duizend sluks f 7=
[uiden—als volgt:
Van buttels, bullen, koeijo en ossen, gelooid en niet
anders bercid, het pond f# 0-10
Van paarden, merries of ruinen, gelooid cn gene andere
wyze bereid, het pond f 0-10
Van lynxen, het pond f 0-16
Moskovische en Russische gelooid of g kleurl, het
pond f 0-16
Auarsen—s\crmaceti en waskaarsen, de honde.d pode
den f 119-
Van talk, de drieshonderd ponden f 95-
Kuarskatoen—de honderd pouden f 44-
Aaarten—te weten specikaarten, het gros f 40=
Kalcllouw-—(zie touwwerk.)
Katoen voor Kaarsen—(zie kaarskatocn. )
Loken—(zie manufacturen. ) .
Linnen—van allerhande soort, het zeild ek alleen ultge.
zonderd, van de f 1O0O— waarde f 40-
Nanking-linnen, (zie Oost-Endische goederen. )
Zeillinnen of zeildoek, de honderd twintig cllen f 54-
Manufacturen—tlanel, deel f 0-12
Alle soorten van laken, deel f 12-15
Alle andere stoflen, gemaakt van of vermengd met wolle,
deel f 4-9
Zie verdere Oost-Indische goederen.
Muntmateriaal, vry van regten.
Oost-Indische goederen—nawely k :
Goederen, waren, en koopmanschappen van het gewas,
voortbrengsel of fabry hwezen van de Oust-Indién of Chic
na, dadelyk van het Veréenigd koningryk van Groote
Britanje en Terland in de Veréenigde Nederlanden ingce
vocrd zynde, wry van rechten.
Dezelfde goederen, waren en koopmanschappen niet van
het Vereenigd koningryk Grout britanjeen lerland in de
Vereenigde Nederlandan ingevuerd zynde, als volgt:
Thee —vry van recten,
Effen Mousseline of Neteldcek :
Elfen wit callicees, mousseline ef wilte callicoes, gee
View original bloemd of gcbordunrd, effan witte dimeiten, nanking-lin-
men, en alle arttKelen, gemagkt van haar of boomwolle, of
ecnig zameomengsel daarvan, van de waarde van honderd
GUldens f 5-
Gocderen, waren en kKoopmanschappen uit de Oost.
Indien, dic verboden zya in Engeand te draven of te
bra.khen, van de warde van honderd gulden f 5-
Te ween: alates, al cjars, atehabanges, alas, banda-
MocZe i, by Clapants, braw is, Calainapocs, gekleurde ka.
tusnen, huioonca handoeken, dito met geklenrde randen,
Camdanics, eharcoundes, Meldssen, chitsen, chuchlaes,
Ceusloes, coupus, krip, Cashtaes, custanes, dyksvoksoys.
gue, spreh on beddebchaussels, ghillits. vingang. coirvot
of berouts, babaszics of s ichtermanszy de, heeba, ldisch.
stotso, boddenbenvodizdheden en amenblementeu, joc.
bovisois, kingocl, basteuduchen, zy den dito, zy den rollen,
Mugcesawies, gekleurde neteldoeken, blaauw nanking.
Pawaebeys, meganepauts, Wieanasser, basten, paduasoys,
palampons, pininscor, photucs, poyees, zyden rocmaals
Katoenen dito, salopants, sarsenets, sjerpen of covdels van
z2yde, id@om van gokicurde Katocn> sastracandies, sansu.
Chers, uaaizyde, zyden stollen, dito zakdoeken, soulans,
Bonsies, soowlos, Slawis, geborduurd, dito doeken gebor-
@:surd, taifen, lapseils, Cepuys, taradars, Huweel, zor.
Ail andere gocderen, waren en koopmanschappen van
hit geaas, voortbrengsel of faurykwezen van de Oust.
Jodisch of China, uiet elders by dit tarif yenocmad of belast,
als volots
Van de gemanufactuurds, de honderd waarde f 10~
Van do ongeuanusactuuide, de honderd waarde f 20-
O07 — als volst ;
Von Corpentyn. de houderd ponden f 29—
Von vitriool, de honderd pondeu f 2l=
) . .
d / ssw) cl
bvvin of g.adiw rapler, de honderd ponden f 39-10
Gredeokt, . sculderdofgosprkhkeld, mitsgedcors beliang.
Bc! ma ior, dhe ov rkanie ¢ J Q- 9
Allo andere sourteg van papier, per pond f 0-16
irhament{—-he twaat bad vf b=
ele garten—(ae* Kaiten.)
fyel—de horvderd ponden C5-
peercerk—gotecrd oFongeteerd, de honderd pondenf 11-
Ace—(-ie Oust-Jidische gocderen. )
Vellena—als volgt:
Khalfsvellen, gelovid en niet anders bereid, de honderd
ponden f40-
Geitenvellen, gelooid, de honderd stuks f 284-
Jonge boksvell n, bercid., de honderd stuks f 14-10
Lamsvel!en, bereid in aluing zout of mecl, de houderd
etuks f 9..
Idem, bereid in olie, de honderd stuks f24--
Schapenvelea, bereid, gclovid uf getouwd, de honderd
aluks f22-.
Kikhvorns of calabrische vellen, getouwd, de honderd
einks f 5--
Wolfsvellen, getouwd, het stuk f5.-
VW yn—Fraasche wyn, het vat van 50 stekan. f 80-.
Niadera Wyn, dito dito f DUe=
Rynsche, Do itsche of Hongaarsche wyn, als voren £75-.
Wynen van de Whaap de Goede Hoop, ev daartoe beho-
rende landen, als voren f 17-6
Portnge coe, 5, satsche en alle andere wynen, welke by
Git darei ort ancers genoemd of omsclirevea ayu, ab
yen f § )..
Hdoepen—(zic hoepeu.)
——— Gd |S volsts:
as or Th
Ilards zeep, de honderd ponden f 42-6
Zactte zeep, de ouderd pondcu f J6-0
Re Mdock—(aie linen, )
Alle andere goed ron, waren koopmanschappen, niet
zynde van het yowas, voorthrengsel of fabry hweaz n van
bet Veréenizcd konineryk van Groot ritanje en derland,
noch van de Vereen ds Nederlanden, ew by het tegen-
woordis tarief wict by zonder genocind, Ouischreven of wel
gechteu bezwacrd, :
Gemanufakturcode, vau de hounded waarde f 40--
Ongemiiuiaktorede, van de houderd waarde jf 20--
Alle gocderoau, warco cn koopmauselappen, zynde van
het cewas, vooribrengsel of fancy kwezen vau Frankiyk,
betulen, boven en Lehalven de rechten by dit taricf voor
gocdereuy nict uit En ve.and of de Vereemade Nederlanden
hoikomstig, be aalid, noch een adatiioncel recht, gclyk
Staands aan coo vierde gedeelle van diczeifde recut, en
zu ks alles naar aanleiding van, en overeeustemmins met
dein Groot Britanje vigerende wetten en regle enten, ten
gevolue van het beginsel van gely kstelling der rechten,
hierpuven als eevne der hoofdvoorwaaiden van deze pruvo-
gionele vaarten handel opg.geven,
10. Ten einde de in artikel 9 gemelde goederen, niet
gynde van Britschen of Nederlandschen vorsprong, cn gv-
destinecrd, om naar de kolomen te worden uitgevocid, te
onderscheiden van dezulken, welke vil Frankryk herkom-
stig zyn, zullen dezelve mocten zy0 vergezeld wav cerule
caten, door onze Konsu's, de embtenaren der tolicn of an-
dere publicke autoriteiten, zoo veel mogelyk, ter plaatss
van den oorsprong, of auderzms van de afzcnding, ten bee
wyze van derzelver origine, af te geven; en zal van gv.
melde hunoe bestemming, dadelyk, by arrvemeut, decla.
yatie moeten worden gedaan, ch verder ten opzichite dezee
gocderen, Zoo met betrek king tot de vourbetaling de yee
woue jnkomende rechten als anderzins, gehandeld worden
10 gelyke maniere, als fen aauzicn van dezulken, dic met
golyke destinatie uit l!ngeland wordea aangebracit, hier-
vorcnu by art. 8 is vastgesteld,
Lt. Alle gocderen, uiet van certificaten @ortgine voor-
Zien, en welke men naar de kolonien zouden wallen ex pe-
cieren, zullea worden beschouwd te zyn herkomstig uit
Frankryk, en mitsdiea onderworpen zyn aan de betaling
van) zoodanig recht, als daarop, by Rut laatete gedeelte van
art. Y, is vaelpesteld,
befalen als volgt :
View original 19. De gocderen, voor welke ecrtificateen Porigine wore
den geproduce rd, ea die voornf by de inlading maar de
kKolonien mochtn worden bevonden te zyn van een’? au.
deren vorspronug dan de certificaten aanduiden, zullen wor.
den verbeurd ver kiaard, ten beloeve der achen, div daartoc
by de wetten op het *tuk der Kouvooyen en licentep zyn
gerechtigd verklaard.
13. De gocderen, komende uit de voormclde hotoniea,
Zzillen ondorworpen zyu aun de betaling van zoodanig >
rechten, aly voor gely hsvorlige gocdcercn val andere fan.
den zyn gerege dy by he. tarief van 3b July $725, eu op-
govolgde alteratien,
14. De roween buiten Burepa gerafineerde suiker, uit
de kolomen, in art. bovermeldy tiuce te Lande aan ebrache
ea vervolvens naar Duiten ?s Lands verzondcn wordena
Zal, provisioneel en tot nadere bepaling, op wel utigaan,
vetalenw als volygt :
Gedekte, gek cide of geaarde suiker, van de houderd
ponden f o.-15.
Ruweol Moskovada suiker, vande 100 ponden 3. 5.
Zulicnde voor zoodanige suiker worden gedoudeu alle
dezuske, wadrvan, by deaingitte ten Konvouji-kantosen,
geene aliezins vo'doende bewyzea ecner audere origin
worden geproduceeid,
Ouze Sccretiaris van staat voor de finantien zal de exe.
cutie dezer wet duor de tmeest gepaste maatregelen veeze-
Keren; co zal dexclve vourts in het Staaiavlad wurden go
Gegeven in *s Gravenhage den 9de July des Jaars ISL,
en vat Quze KRegceing hee Lerste.
(Cret.) WILLEM.
Ter ordonnantie van Zyne Nouinkly ke Moosherd,
he a gemeene secrelarts oan staal,
(Get. ALR. rPALCA,
De Secretaris vay staié voour de finantender Vere We
de Nedonandeu, ds belast met deexccuue vau dew
van den Ode at zer maand, waaeby, tem gevoye eouce ou.
lanzs dour bet Goouvcrnmement via Gi ooleaseitlanoie unl.
govaardigde parlements.akte, wordt wereacla de vort ec
wyze Wwaarop het aan deingezetenen dezer Vorewmide Ne
derlandeu wry staat fe haodelen ea te vavigeroay van ot
op de navolgende kKolomen tade VWestePie ay te wetcus—
Sucmmamen, Berbice, Demerury, Mssequevo, Gurecao, :
Mustatius, Saba en St. Martiay brengt hievnede tor hou.
Nisse van ech’ iedor die zulks aangaat, dal tot vork.y garg
vai den voor clhe expedite haar pozeide holunmien vou.
digdeu alzonderly ken ze brieh en aanvrage obi liccnce,
het drartoe in te leverou werzockscurift aan den scerelors
van staat gullen mocten wordou overgelesd :
I. Ken certiticaat: dour Ge respective piaatsely ko g
recuten alt Beveny OD PP ducthe vaa de re eT y He COUUILE ¢
vaniaden bylonef of latte kKoopbiiven van het le car toy.
eren scliiog Of andere daurvoor subiotrevende, evea vol.
duende logale documeateun, de meetlecodulle cu aid -rescche
he Vy CU WE IK ceri hcaut zal moclen Wwordeu a, Sele AC lider
lel volgende forimuliers
Wy... cerlificercn hicrmede, dal voor ons is (uf zyn)
2. Compares ld, coe g CCUOME Miley CCreeeyg Ch ddl woul Ucie
elven (of acretee) dat ons, vinder sotcmnel. code ty ver-
klauridben ook aan ons, op eens colidvecnde wyse dun ons
gecxrhibeerd, en ter onzer giigfie oor Nowe. yer gis
freerd, is sebicken, dal hole ee http... gecurd by
schipper....y grout omlrend,.. .dasien, hevbende....
dekken,..madsten, lang zynde,.voclen,.. .duemen, creed
2... voclen,....duimen, on dcp... vueloay. es. Gutmen
lhans lipgende le...., en vedesiine rd om le vorlr heen
nadur....,enlorvg le homen in de Naven vans ...g OS e-
boud binnen het gedbted der Viereenisde Nedertaicen,
cnwel le... oy AT Hele lve cre he el en adlecen luochethiorn
aan trceretencn van deren sidiul, binnon dentzebeen woud
achtig, en dat de ecnige eigconuar (uy con der vournaaa-
sle eb cndars ) VG lclsebve by ya. Wun le...
sditum, dn
(L.5.) Scenes
‘ My bekoud,
Voor z90 ver de in deze vaart te employer Neder-.
landscuo scuepen reeds van ecu? pewone Zeebrich mouciiten
ZV vowrzicn goworden, zal de productle daarvan ain don
yerechte Kenocg sas Zy uy Cou hbewyze van de Crootle vai
net schip, en of betacive Dinnen bet der Verecnig-
de Nederlaiden gebouwdas; zullende mitsd.en in zulk gc
val, Col veckry ging ven het jier boven omschreven cor.
heat, by 2oudautge zecbrief, cn de opgave van de dest=
bade van ship uiten ce huis, noch slecuts te voegen zy u
het bowys, precisel) k aantoonende de plaats, waar het
schip binnen de Vereenigde Nederlanden is gebouwd, en
don Naam en woon)saats van den cigeuaar of ecu der voor-
nadmste recders.
2. Men op productie van de monster-ro! en verdere be-
Nood gac papieren, door d zelfde autoriteit te verlecnen
Coilidcaat, van dea wavo'zenden inhoud:
Why... .certificeron hier mede, dat aan ons, uit de aan
OMs geproduce: rde en ler onser Zr yle cnder No, 22 Glo
revis(reerde legale docrmenten, colhomenits bewern, dul
de schip per, en nect minder dan drie vicrde gedeclt n der
secltcuen van het ler... geboud schip, thans genaamd
veeeg QeOOCK by scHEpper.. ey liggende le... en bee
stemd naar, ...y rynonderdanen der Vereenigde Ne-
erlandin ( elec Lend als voren. )
3. eo door de inladers of derzelver gemachtigden, on-
der presentatie van ecde, af te geven declaratoir, van in-
houd, als vo gt:
Wy onderg:teekenden, eenige tnladers of gemachligden
der inladers in het schip, thans genaamd ......0. 0608
gevoerd door schipper ...ceceeeeeey En geilestineerd
NLA vocececcvecey VErKlaren hiermede, onder presen.
fatic van eede, dat de goedercn, ti helzelve schip door ons
geladen of noch be?laden, en bestdande tn .icccceccseeey
hel bigcndom sya Gun vis, of Van onze priucipalen, zyn_
View original Wd? veccccseesee GMenonderdanen derVeréentode Neder«
lanade nyen dat milsdien Zee
pard of deel hebben,
1. Len opzichte van de in voorsz. yaart te gebruikene
Inge Isc} i\¢ schepen, zal | hie sub l. Ve rmelde certif Ica: il Wore
den vervaligeu doorcen, deve het eng celsch consulaat af te
geven decliratoir, hondeude: dat he: te bezigen schip ie
gchouwd in Gre t-Gerittannie en: Wek genday
ne buclenlanders daur in cenig
0 tocbchorcude
en bemand, ZUU als by de Britsche wetten
ZAulonde de afcifte der licenses by de Jritsche ambaccarle
Plaats Aebbony fon geve se der dispositien, by den secres
faris van staat, op de wooimelde vrzuckschriften tem mens
emayndes sor bevordering daars MVS EX PLCSSE yk gedasig.
noord do sollieitcur oy het departement van buitenlandsche
1 Men, / AO ANS Casor.
® vooigesclires
Voorts zal icdere altos vy rworveno license voor de wite
Vaart vatehet schir. aon den oy wevatycr der k onvOoyen cm
licenten, fer plaaiso deramlading, moct warden vertuond,
eh door duzelyen yeresistrcerd en gevisecrd.
bu wordt, eindely ky aan de be'anghebbenden onder h .
OOF yebra:t, dat, door de vourz, wet niet ts god leroe cord
aaneen.gerlon vroegere Drohibilive verordeniugen on Cen
ivvoer, uitvocr of duorvoer, in, vit, of duor de Vercee
aigde Nederlanden van sommine artike’en gestatuecrde
’s Gravervnacr, den 12 Ioty. S14.
De secrciaris van stiaticor de finavticn
a~™ pT asere. £ ome + = — a le i
_—_—_—_— —-—-—— — —~ -
View original a vera 2
ne ~_— — —__—_ _ __
ocrobprn, Sl DAYS.
QM: Th Sunday after Vrindy,
Court of Pouhcy and Criwiaal Justice
Saith—Tas'Qr. 81.6 M. Morning.—> eap Tides,
fy The Railings of al! Pav! Nic Rritges thronghort the
Colony are to be oot over with white in the
cours. of the peesent month,
en ee, eae
= 95-6 a
Suvvurpay, Ov7oner 1, 1814.

The Kent packet, with the Aneuct Marl, arriced a
Yuddnam onthe WBWdvlt, The Mail for this Colony zae
pureurded tu a smull sloop which sailed sho, (ly acer the
irvteal «tf the partes, aad came in on Saturday laste
ihe Landen Papers ure lo the U3th of that moat
Mebuslee, bud their contents ace unimportant,
We have ltherise received Dutch Papers of reecnt
tal $. some of whih contain ap blicvation of the Prince
Soverctyn uf the Nhe lends, fotig the rules of custome
forthe 4radeto be carricd on belieen Holland and her
jurmer Settlements, in ihe vicest Indies and South Ames
bd, while they remain in the possession of the british.
We have authority to state that the Mail for Eurore
veil be closed at the Posi O jice on Tuesday, the ath inact.
ai gx orchiik t) the morning,
View original ooo
HOUSE OF LOADs, Jury 309.
At two o'clock hiv ..oyal Highness the Prince Regent
Cwm f OM Cat bloue use ath state, CO Pprorovtc P; tildile t.
Phe Louse was crowded with ladies, and the attcudance
Of Pooesy wie were a> usual, attired in their state rubles,
Wao VETS Hticerous,
Ou tec cnieimes of: his Roy al Hizhness, Sir Thomas
Pyerwhitt was dispatebed (o require the attendance of the
Hhouse of Conim ous,
The Speaker, attend -d by several-Members, soon iftee
ippeared at the bar, wath the Vote of Credit Bill in’ his
hand, and after bowing to the Prince Regent, addrcsaed
his Royal Highness tia cio following (ernis :—
66 lay it please your Royal Highness,
* We, his ai ijesty s mast dua ful and loyal subjects, the Commors
of Great Greitain and Sreiaud, do now attend your Royal lig guar
with our last Willot Supydy tor ie service of the pres it vear.
“ Asscupted ata perivud when tte fate of Europe was etill dovhe.
ful, apd balanced by alternate Lopes and reveises, we ive bece
auxious but vot imsecive spectators of (bose great (eansactions which
have wrought so fortunate a change in the state of the Civilized
During this por(entous interval, we have pursued our lec'slative
labours accordin, to our accustomed coums., applying prag@ic.d re.
medies lo (he pra ocal evils incident to eld estublis¢ments, or or 10g
out ol new occurrences; iNsoOme Cases proceeding exrperimentally by
laws of a limit)d durations in others co.lecting such materials of ine
formation as tuny lay the grou for future measures; and Lhose whe
may come after us Ww ills > traces of that progressive Nuproyement
Which the sober liibit of this couniry ¢ autiously, but nut reluc lulitiy,
adopts into the systein of tts don res po Niecy and juris prudeuce,
* With re spect Co OUF Nancie ial arranyemeins, by the peor ide nt
measures of u former Session, we hare been enabled to refraia trom
augiuienting the burtheas of the people ,and at the same tine (o make
our militar y exe rilons corre »poud with the scale of pe issinng eveuls,
“Whilst webave been Uius employed, the destinies of Lurope have
been yradually unrolled befove owe eyes 5 apd the powerful uccong
be! tue North sending forth their collective strenght to try the }islis ues
of War, Whilt Gical Britain amd ber Allico weve, Wi 8 equal vigour,
View original advancing from the South, their joint efforts have at lenoth accom.
plisbed the downfall of the greatest military despotisuy which,ia mo-
d@ern days, lias disyraced and Ohated the earth.
“In these arduous struggles, we can dook back, with just pride, on
the discha ve of our high duties, Tue Bittish army, modelied vpon
@ Wise system, steadtly and impartially aduinistered at home, and
conducted by conuswimurate are dsalourin the field, has bourne tts
complete siare iy Che eloeious conehision of this ‘ony aud eveutiul
Wars and lis Meatest faithful Coiine mve vladhy lent them ati
to mainiain the tnoneurs and dignities of Chose Wlustrions conimiunders
whom the wisdom of the Sovereign las called upon to surrouad his
“In the peace which has since followed, the efforts of this country
have been not less glorious. The wise and liberal policy of our Go-
Voroment, whieh announced justice and equatity ot rights to be ti
basis of ouc diplonatie system, has been hapy ly snstained abroa
The British name now stands hizh ta polley as in arms; and an e:-
Jivltened people has pystly applauded the firmiacss ind temper wai
have conciliated snd cemented the interests of Allies, caecred th
doubtful, aninated the zealous, and united che deliverers at d the de-
ivered in a peace Lonurable and advantageous to all the Contract-
lle Pow Ts.
Phe events of our own tines have out-run the ordinary march of
history. Peace restored, counneree revived, thrones re-establiste
allord the well-founded hope that the ine counsels and the sa. ¢
D) er-{) 01 1 so meainls bal=U ' ] in the vork heenes O m6 -
pit d, Way al tiie lj or ric Th (io PEss, CUE {os id fix the work
of p ace Gir lolit Lurope hdoa li rhope Geille eari Aha
Ubiversal pr poof cht ‘ coNuery da pre ihpon the nettons
of ft urope, in ce-: Pong thee own hag bess, lo concur also in
peting aneticeoral end to Cie wrovts and olitinne trea,
* Ausp lous, however, as ou ~ntesdate m em to be, dae in-
stability ¢ MWoohweaan ai [ , to be too con rt of its
p! sperol (ie; Cc. bie ; ins to be done in turope,
and we have stil onc rm. by Walg aw which 4
Can nevereco l rin dies Db. tue es ls iCof ous clatns,
according ly (ie siaaims Of pobltc Jaw, aad tie nranitiuie riy.ats of
til, emp
“Ty provide for these bra "e of | lic service has bee nour
last care, and the th whiew Eh ( to yo Royal tre.
Dess i in( (1 me AN Ce) tor nm’ ht vy | { { isc the sum ¢ t"
three metlhtoas for the service of Creat Later i for th
gui of zQU O00]. Pri currencs for ser ice of Trelond. "Po
whi not it] oOVr tea (ul (om Ulls, WALT all iu) ALTE , iille i tls Mua-
gesty s Noval Assent.
Speaker duen handed the Vote of Credit Bill to tne Clerk,
a ile
and the Rowen! Acvsent baviag been viven thereto te toe Usual fora,
bis eval thighness the Pri Regentdelivered tu follow ing speech:—
. Wy Doords and Ge nile City
© T cannot close this Scs-ien of Paitiament, without repeating Cre
evpression O. my deep regretat ie continuance of bis Miayesty’s la-
Bich UbOdE PO del .
“When, in consecuence of that calamity, the powers of Covern-
ment first eC rntiust come, Dy found this country engaged tua
War wilh tie cfe. ter part ope.
Juet } yi ( to uacline of poliev which his Mayests
had ; lorie] din Which ge Nad perseveree Under 60 inally and
uch tryy G dated ms
Lhe Zendous a J lyre it neg s i} ortand Aa } mee which | have
receo) d trom Ou. 2 Pou alba as ! biviesty” ~ubrects 3 the
Cuisu. ( elo) aid abolndy d bt i DY WE per eal ‘Ohanewuder
WN services ; ‘is by ack wl dl; te valour and
}! ley dity ( let ie | . 1) ch AND Leas rave enabl ne,
unt b Of bin (or. tu sorumaiue all the difacul-
Wes with ow Cl I (
“ J iLavet t cot a fill accomunplisbwent
of HW} tine ( ( t cl 1) Plane OF COL.
tinued s wd ti ' . ’ \ Hiv, scombrse idl
those of lis Msc Sou ’ «4 nmowecting ¢ leliver-
ance of tour pe Pid c* ( peed 5 abd Opes ic (yranuy uuacl
Wihicu icha ocurred,
* The restel Wied om of the avn ‘ i | itimate fcovern-
ments of tue Corie ,° . ect ob lt pomce
of Clicat pe ew. Th I) vi el ~s \.] a ae
eonuchided 3 and yt aay ed, tn ee , al Ch
approaching Conlies , fo COmpick ih bo acufope, whieh
b Ss b en alfeaus ? i i CZ } * , } (ec, peu priu-
clples of justice ai lull , alle ee EOS Wale ligy ap-
pear best ca cul ‘d toseetre tue Oalliquhdiy aun tepyliess Ob aad
the HAMOLS CNyeu Lin the late wee
“ Pp revretthe coulimuauee of i ities with tae United states o
Aine Cit. WOU W EST wile Lady’ Cj) U ) VES: | oY \ ) wt ; u-
veroment ol s (EUV ys a tl ( t ces icl boa LOO.
place, Lam siacet desirous of the rescofation OT peace “iween
the two nak Dourable co bat bout ule Ulbis QDOJECE Cas
tain 1, fam, muaded yu Walh sce t leeessily aL. avail -
seit of the means bow atiiny dis lu prosecule ue War wil vu
e€reased Vv) ur.
6 Gerdlemen of the House of Commons,
“ Pthank vou for the tibevcl proviston whicua you have made for
the services of th jite (year.
* The cireun.s(aoces under which the wat in ¢ urope has heen con-
clu fed, und thos necessity of mat fabulous for at Uh. t ood f ‘VODs
in British pay up H the Continent, nave sencercd & coadinurtion ot
@ur foreipa ‘apenuiture en vidable, Lor rel, Sbowevet. Lous
my deltermthation to reduce the expenses vs tue Couulry ws Peis
@s tue Nature of vur situation w ]! pel lle
, ’
wh Mz, [40 and Gearteoemen
“To is a peculiat gratitication to ine to be enadled to assure you.
thac fall jus ice is rendered tarotechoat b. ope Co tat manly por

Veralice Which, amid -t (re couvuls.ons on tue Comtsneut, aus pros
ec! this ce {rs Fal oll the Gesizs rnboits en bos, sleds SU ronte ad
tie resources and € ded Crve LPittetOns ol Cat Nhoisd o pire, an.
bas proved inti. r ita DEDETICtal lao 1) Ot . lo our own,
bits crest ubiects ¢ al » be ¢ |? ye of t
c Curie tibsine V1 Pes Wiiteau ( hai )s t{; and |< avoVre
@iaded Gwatoe I) cot , ubder Pius ; » Cial Con-
etitulcion Viren ite ! Ww w.of eee y Pech Chie « cl shy od i!-
ly 1O miata? ' breil duid il ( | ic of s real
Buve enjoyed reub real bb ris at vome, pol au glo oy abe .
Bhan husever Colleuw to Cie lot of any action”
Vheo the be rd ha lor, by the in Rervents conn nd, aid,
66 wy LL. Villy 4 / Ger cds ly
= It is che command f his Koval ‘The the Pri ae | egent,
acting io the nawe and ibeuato or al iu tov tliece Lisd as Aldine,
be } yPovrucd to cCnoddaeve Che 7a da \\ ‘ WAT, boo; loeb
bei old Ns, wera ils Parliament is accotd &') proce pucd fu Bu-
@irday the Tt day of Auygu-t next.
Por recalling and prohil ting His Majesty's natura’ bern
Subjects from serving in (he Sed, or und Lerces of
the United States of Aineréca,
@iorce, P. RK.
Whereas by the ancicnt law of this realm, founded
upon the principles of general law, the uatiral boro sub.
Jects of His Majesty cannot, either by swearing allegiance
to other Princes or States, or by any other their Own aen
er by theacts of any forcign Princes or States, cities
alone or concurring with their own, discharge thenisclves,
er be discharged, from the natural allegiance which. from
wm, oe
Qheir bisth, they awe to Lia Majesty, his heirs aud succes.
View original sors, which natural allegiance Doing antendent and para.
mounttoany ether clan of allegiance whatsoever, Cannot,
by these or any other such acts, be withdrawn or cancel.
led. And whereas it hath been represented to us, that di-
vers of the natnralebora subjects of His Mojesty have ac.
cepted letters of naturalization, or certificates of citizen.
ship, froin the United states of America, and have sworn
allegiance which they owe, aud must conituue to owe, to
his Majesty, his licirs and successors, and have, in) vivla-
tion of such natural allegsance, engaged by sea and laud, in
Nostile and traiturons acts agaust His Majesty: And
whercas some of the said naturaleborn subjects of His vla-
Jesty may lave been induced so to act, from an erroneous
persnasion and beltef which they may have been led to en.
tertain, that their duty of natus dl ailegiance was capable of
being dissulved or withdrawn from His Majesty, his heirs
and successors; we have ther fure thought fit, in the
Haine and on the behulfof His wtajy.sty, and by and with
the advice of His Mayesty’s Privy Council, to issue Chis
Prociamation, ereby warning ail the natural bow su.
pects of His MM Westy. that Cre watural a legiance whic
they owe, and of right ongat to tear acd pay, to Tas Mae
Jesty y tis heirs and succes sors. cant o.thea by ther. owas
ict3s, or by Lavacls Ol try foe ta baatecs on Seates, cither
alone, or concurrent with Chese owns Bo dissal’ved or wieie
drawn from Its Maj \y his betis of suce stores. Awd
weliave further Chou cut fieg te Cte Qane ae oa tos be te
vi Lis Majesty, and Dy amdowith Cae db bee a ora iy ta
com idoration Ghat some of the std ta dacebora subjee
of Tis Majestv, may, Chronal delusion or ester. ltwe so
actcd a> blot. S Lf, by tris a Oded \! ? LU PHidbs ra a ()
Carey that all sacth (he said caturt eco su acets of sdas
Aig S!¥4 who, Hava lt rericds state wie pve Lede le
from the date bereok, wicnde as Mb ne sro che sevice
of the said Unvied siates, shaw ree bs abil ov y’s Tree
amd gracious pardons Aad wei. ca. uver. oy the wun
aodoon the belahet Wis Mejety, and by and with thy
advice aforesaid, aereby abso pub isa and declare, (iat al
Naturaleburn subycets of This May ost, wao shall derearee
voluntarily eater, Or having cotee dy saad voluatarily
connce to save tl the hind forces. Or ow bord ary 6
the ships or vesseis of war of the Saal United v ates o!
America, or inthe private ships or vessels of war belone.
ing othe citizens of the said United States, ateamity warn
lis Majesty. being thereby guilty of hich treasoi, sia
be punished with the ulmast sovernty of the law.
Given at the Court at Carlooenorse, the 25d day of
July, 181d, inthe ntiy-fourth year of lis Majesty's reign,
Gop save tre Nine!
-—art tee + -
The Hered'tary Prince of Orange, in bis new capacity
as Comuander of the British Forces in. the Netheriands,
is to have a Staff, composed of some of our Military
Nobdlemenu of the fiest distinction,
The tacl of March has enburked for the Netherlands,
having Deca appointed AideedesCamp to the Prince of
The Portuguese Gorernment is said to have ordered a
complate service Of plate (gotd) ty be wade, om vider to
be presenied te the Duke ot Wellington, fur ats clowons
efforts in the deliserouce of th ir « suatry. “Pare expense
Isestumated aton. dundred thousand pouaras
The Eyscx is said to have fanded 3. UO. WU of dollars
at Valparaiso previuus (0 ber being captured,
The foilluwieg areaepored to be the poociral torms
(0 be propos d vy tis woush Cumimissisagis ae Ghoai,
CU Le Noida Wo gucielors?
The Betis tisvicies Coaneeted with our Nort Amerie
can terriores, not to be, under Any CieCU.stduces, Cle
cruached upowby the ctizens of th Coiled States.
The whole os ta Lakes, espeqaily Lake Ontario and
wie, tu be exc Uively british.
No forts of any desorption to be constructed in the
nelgaovurbood ef these Lakes, on Repuwican ground,
Lhe Ohio to be the limit of the territo.y of (he Uuited
states, and che indians to be guaranted the possessions and
auvung grounds norta and west of the river.
Brussels, Aug. 1.— The aity of Brussels is at this mo-
ment «a scene of bustle. Numobers of s(rangers, particu.
larly bnglish, aciive daily. “Phe disting vised personages
Who are umons us: the hype of approaching happiness,
Which shall make us forget our past sulieriness all eon.
tribute to All the hearts of the inpabitants of Brussels with
scnsauivus Of pleasure. Phe amusements which were ba.
Wished from the city are votucn og with greater spleadour
‘hamevers The celebeated Fleury, the veceran of the
Kronch theatre, in spite of vis advanced age, sull dis lay 5
OM Oa sldee hie ayrecable talents. Crewde flock tu see
lind; and the Enliish ladies are not the last to applaud
mm. Av English company is soon expected to appear;
“none whomacre said to be some good actors.
BailtauCequipages, fine borses, and crowds of footpas.
sengers are daily seen in the uflde Verle, aud give it the
~ tendonr iC bad Tost. ‘hus all resume mew life, and,
he the | va@mx, werise from our ashes,
Gen. Platotll is araived here, with sume Cossacks of the
Guard io his suite.
Brussls, Aug. 3.—The preclamation of his Royal
Hishvess the Prince of Orange has made a very favourable
lypressiut, as it leaves vo doubt concerning our future
jut. This Royal Highness calis rownd him the most res.
pectable persons in the country, both for their taeats and
(hor virtues; and the aflable reception be gives to every
body evsures him already the respect of our fellow coun.
(ry tien,
liis Royal Highness visited yesterday the Pa'ace of La-
ken; aod it is not duabted bat he will soon go to inhabit
that Palace, so remarkable for iis ne situation aud bean.
ibul cuvirons,
View original The
whole country as far as th
Taese is evacuated bh >
the Prussian and Russian t VO) 8 A lihe of Custonshousg
stations has been or visionally established along that rie
ver, Gill the Cougress of Vicoua shatl have d Vv {iXe
ed the frontiers of the u Ww Sfaftfe of wi i 4 ¢ tO fterm
a Dart One of the chief Burcauy realy tablish d
Lt Juiege in the name of €h Goreral Geaovertuunent of Bele
rium, phe uncertamly respec be O-Cul On ol that
(OWT IS ri cred.
Yesterday avery fine re iment of Mog'l<l guards marche
+] bb here, y form h Cclorth a mt OO’ ral Hy. nd
hi Nori i bude l | CuasSSCUT i [ is for
wiother desti 1. Weexpect here a part the Gere
uign |, , which vreathy distinzutshed tuself in Spcin
Inder Jzord \W i tou Poe Belzian hussars of TU
Al V ry fi ~COr pS OF CAN ry, Cuime here f complet 3 their
Orga he I number of Belgic officers, subalt. INS,
vd sold , Who have returucd from France only within
Ome days past, is reckoned at six thousand
All] persons employed in the civil d partment of Goa
Ternamcne are 0 ' henceforwari he Grauge C ckade.
Vienna, J ily 29,-—The giving up of ly rol bv Bavaria
has | rervecut very peaceably ; utthenew Governor
h Nig € yOu} q all th it) alits is fir '® to OO yvaigd
(vo yt their names for the militi , some disorders
I) sequence, hich yndu he Government to
Motos orders, not to ieritate at ‘ bjects, who have
Deca at tines of a restle PSoosition,
rank fort, Ji/y 31.—Nis M yth: Kiss of Pre.
’ \ \ mere OU i) 23th, ire dst - lay lor
. he wall arityvcon the $th of August,
=e Yr are 2° oa op aaa
View original a
Mn Monthy the SY October, will be sold hy order
af the Hou, Bourd of Weestamer ot this estony, the
“Hfeets of (he late Richard ‘Powler, TE) Millan, and
Smraleyy—censisting in wearing apparel, furnitorey
rvartety of carpenters tools, a horse and chaise; ten
prime nevsrocs, terms of sale for the negroes 3 and 6
inonths, ofher articles payable in weeks.
By order of W. Kewley, a few casks best News
foundland cod-fish, rock salt in barrels, choice old
Vfadeira wine in pipes and hhds. a tew doz. excellent
Champaign, ind a few pieces Oznaburgs.
By order of R. Grant, qq. the Effects of the late
Jno. Richardson, consisting in wearing apparel, an
encyclepedia perthenses, and a good Reld Negro,
By order of John M’Camon, a capital chaise and
saddle horse, warranted sound.
On the same day a parcel of dry goods, provi«
slons, &c.
Also on the same day, a fewexcellent riding mules
and S supertor saddle and drauehke horses.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Muster.
— —_— ——————

On Tuesday the 4th Oc‘ober next, will be sold at
Dlantation Simtthsows Peace, or No.8 in the canal,
by order of Tienry Smithson, 50 head of eat, fine
latoxen, milh cows and young heifers amonest (hem,
md 100 head of sheep; CO Negroes, chicily remove
ed from plantation Weymouth,—-to accommodare
purchasers—also a baling machine, in complete ore
der, some household furniture, &ce.—The negroes to
be sold at 6 months credit, cate and otlier articles
at S months credit.
NB. Retreshments will be provided at the place of sale
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master,
View original Sonneries 2
—_—- —— —_———_ _ LL F*
A new crabwood Punt, 19 fect long, and 7 feet
wide, whoever can give such iniormation as may
recover (he same, will receive a reward of one Joe.
l Oct. de A. LEISNER,
—_—_—e KR en es,
View original ee
FOR SALE by the subseriber, a few puncheons
Grenada rum, excellent Mudeira wine in pipes, and
Tember Lime in small kegs, very reasonable for
View original NOTICE,
AN ox abont three years old was fonnd a few days
Agro, among the catile on No. 7, West coust; whos
ever can prove property, can have it restored on
paying the expence of tl adve ‘rlisement, by apply-
ing to the Man: iger.—Tnverness, | Oct. Ist.
Tire Manner of Proceedings before the Court of Civil
Justice, in Enelish and Dutch.
The Charter of the colony Berbice, in English.
The new Dutch Constttunon, in Dateh.
A few Almanacks, Colle Ceruficates, Bills of Exe
change, Bills of bading.
All kiad of Books, blank and ruled, Quills, Pencils,
Writing Paper, luk Powder, and Waters.
DIED) The child of Mr J. A. Fischer.
View original MARSHATL's OFFICE.
BY virtue ofan appointment from His Excellen-
cy I]. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gover-
nor of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c.
&c. KC °
Under date of 2!st Sept. 1814, upon a petition of
J. HL. LL. Maurenbrecher, as the Attorney of Rouge-
mont and Behrends.
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that T the
wn le signed intend to Sell, at Public Exccution Sale,
in t)e presence of two Councellors Commissiries and
their Secretary, m the month of November, IX15, the
precise day herealter to be notified through the Ga-
gctte at this colony.
The Coffee Estatecalled VRIENDSCITT AP, situate
in the middle river ofthis colony, wich all its cultva-
tion, buildinys, slives and further appurteaances
thereto belonging,, and of which an Inventory: is to
be sec at this Ollice : said plantation being the pro-
p: tty of Georee Pauels.
Whoever should think to have ony right, action
or iaterestonabove state Vriendschap sand wishes to
Oppose the Execution Sale thereot, let such versons
ai! CFOS es Ives to the undersigned, in) writing,
and in due time and form, as 1 hereby vive notic
tlh: vd wall receive opposition from every tatermedial
person, appotnt thea a day to have bis or her elatn
heard botore the Court, and further act thereon as
the Liaw directs.
This First p ackimation published as customary.
Berbice, Zoth Sept. 1S14.
K.P RANCKEN, Derst Aarhals.
View original SLi ny EXBECULION.
BY virtue of an appointment trom Tit Excellency
the Governor, dated 12th September, ISl4, given
upon a Petition presented by K. Franchen. as) lirs!
Marshal, tor and ta name ot D. Alt, Receiver of the
Church Fund, wishin this colony.
Notice is hereby given, that 1 the undersigned tn-
tend to Sell, at Public Execution Sale, in the pre-
sence of two Councellors Comvissaries and their Se-
cretary, 02 Wediesday tie 2nd of Noy. ISt4, the
Coffee state called DE VOEDSTER, situate in
Canje Croeck, with all ifs cultivation, buildings,
shives and futher appertcninces thereto belonging,
Cire Corse of wait hows also the Inventory are to be
seo ettie \arolaes Otlice, ducing the hours of
"Phe Sale isto tike plice on the spot.
Whocver should think to have any neht, action,
oroofer sy ona oresat) Plantation de Voedster, cum
Qonextctad wishes wo oppose the ExXccution Sale
teres ydet such porsons addrcss themselves to the
Diarshil’s Odice of this colony, declaring their reas-
ons for so dovizta Cue Cane and torn, as | hereby
give novee, that L will receive opposiion tromevery
Intermediate porscny eppotat them a day to have lis
or ber claim heard Oejore (he Court, and turther act
thereon as the bio directs.
Pris Qad Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, Moth pt. Isl4.
Kh. bPRANCKEN, Dirsé Marshal.
View original SUMMONS BY EDICT,
In furtherance of an Appointment from His Ex-
ecllency Hl. W. Bentinck, Isquire, Licutenant-
Governor of the colony Berbice and its Pependen-
cies, &c. &c. &e. Given upona petition, present.
ed by his Honor M.S. Bennett, Fiscal of this co-
lony, R.O. dated the 12h Sept. ISL4.
P the undersizned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, in the mame and behalt of M. 3s.
Bennett, Liscai ht. O.
Do hereby
Semmon by dict:
Residents of the colony Demerary.
PERSONALEY to appear before the Honorable
Counsellors Commissarics of the Courlof Poltey and
Criminal Justice of this eco!ouy,on Monday the {7th
of October, ISI4, and tollowing days, ii nced, for
the purpose of there hearing, answerine, and proceed
to such conclusion and demand as his thonor the Fis-
cal R. O. then and there sball exhibit, and further
to proceed according to Law.
‘flis Suinmon by Ldict, made known to the public
by beat of drum fromthe Court House of this colony,
posted up, and further dealt with as the Law directs.
Berbice, IAth Sept. 1814.
K. FRANCHEN, First JJurshal.
View original ‘ i Vv i ( Ot ali ( Pract 1 i ( ] i ) i
. ; , ) , :
Pro ¢ ol th) url Ol NOLls, Cale (
° ) : } V ’
> ‘ 40a , SAh AAA LULL ,Us ~ ClLAcad ’ at Cuval
View original \ i » FU colon: , altd al (he reaucst of a Ore atl
CL tbrators,
NLT, by Kilict, First) brindanee s
4 ! ] = <7" 4
AY] known a inks i Kors ; (theal
? t ‘
id) tc Oo j Vv \ () ) } fc) ’) ];
, ‘ '
} ¢ . ! ' ‘
1) ( | ( } ( | ) . b. { | ! ‘ ' i) {| lt
} a 4 7 I . 2 ?
Cli , fo veri (hie sa ' Oe ODPCCTIONS mad
ec’ | f ) if | ‘ ! I ? . }. I) i
(| hy Lh Ul GU, dh TUE Ci { | rOCLE jas the acl \A
yeye ‘ ’ 7 . . ‘:
Lhis Summon by Edict, mad nown fothe pull
4 9 ie vel
Ny Oo! run iron f \ Me POUse Of tdi colo 1\
' oe ’ , 4 se e
Lriak THT e I Vith ( roaine lo ( le
> ; 7 ) ?
Derbic ‘5 4 ? i o
a : Tr. 4 ONT }
t SRANCHEN, ist a al.
View original FOR SALE,
A gang of about Seventy Prine Negroes. ——For
further particulars apply to the Priuting Office.
24 Sept.
View original SR a re
For Sale at this Office,
Cordial Stomach Bitters,
at f Ll- the Bottle,
91 Sept. EK. tun DOSCTY.
BY the Subscriber, Dateh Sweet Milk Cheese,
24 Sept. ALLAN STEWART & Co.
a e—™
View original FOR SALE,
17 Sept. Apply to MW. LUTHERS.,
View original eee
Wir be received by the Sequestittors of Planta-
tion Jyrich for trom 20 to 25 baies of voud clean cot.
fon, at the store of Mr. Charl s Wyte, tll Monday
the 10th of October next, the b, when! offer, Wap.
proved of, will be accepted, payment to bev nade iu
cash or approved bills ol exchange on delivery.
17 Sept.
> aS Or CL
View original —$<_<-__.. eee me eeseeSeSS
BY the Subseriber, on reasonable terms, Exc t-
lent rilk cows, calves, and oxen.
View original a
OP voerdelive conditie n, by den ondergeteckendh
—Exellente mel& hoe Hen, ‘halven, Cia ussen,
O4 Se pl. C, C.s , JA) ’ ING,
View original RU NAV AW ay.
Drow the Subscribers, a Negro boy named WILT.
formerly the property of Heo Rule, bag. he ts o.
the Congo Nation, and is well Liinavls both dn as.
pbiee and Demerary: One Joe Reiard will be wi-
ven fociny person who yy ill appr hend and lode
suid Negro boy | ithe barracks.— fix jutention is
proceed to Deme rary —Gaptatas of vessels are Ubere-
ore strictly forbid: taktine suid Necro trou the cola-
ny, as the Taw will be ri, sidly chiorced east ali
such offenders.
Y4 Sepl. HW. BURTON & Co.
Dr echouwen op Plantagie Saress ouctl, best: me
In cen woonbuis, Kombuis, piardestal, en hosp. tir:
endes verh ezende hos eon tunmerlogie en neger cee
bouwens—dit alles op zecraanne mely he couditien—
chile bevrage I) by de onde ree fecokende "LES,
Cl, SWAVING, qq.
Of Sept. M.-P. COSTENBALER, qq.
View original Pitly unslersigned hivng entered into Co-part-
nership for conducting business at Law, beg leave to
five notice hereof to their Friends and the) Public.
Cher Ofice wil be beld on Lot No. 15, atthe Louse
of the late Mrs. Buse, dee.
I. STAAL, Attorney at Law.
24 Sept. L. van ROSSUM.
View original Di. onderzeteekendcon in Com pagmeschap eetre-
den zynde voor de warrneming van Judiciecle Zar-
hen, nemen de vryheid daarvan hunne Vrienden en
het Pubhiek kennis te geven. Eun Comptoir zal op
het Prt No. 15, in het woonhuis van wylen Nic-
vrouwe de Wed. Buse gehouden worden,
Hl. STAAL, Procurcur.
24 Sept. L. van ROSSUM.
—_ ___ ——_—_—PO2 ee
ALLL, persons having demands against the Listates
of Frederik Roelvink, and of the free Lidian woman
Anna Caritas, deceased, or those indebted to the said
esfales, are again requested within six weeks after
date, to render in their claims, or come forward with
payments to Gilles Hlobus, Esquire, as Executor of
the Walls of the said persons. —Berbice, Sept. 17,
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original
View original Brveis be . . ae VNEUTte “EC .

Sn. the flowing persons save addressed
themselves tothe Hon. Court of Poley and Criminal
husttee of Coe nony Berbice, at their Sossions of the
i Vtriyy, Is | b. lar TI, (fers or Mademtss tous
J. fips, forthe Mutatto boy numed Wlaas
Th eva,
Hoovan prey Brorwanl A. A. ne La Count,
la quality os ixceators fo the list WaT] atthe \Widow
Ped. tse) tor he Vubite prin Lemnos th» Nowra
man Facob, Dore Jan’, Pred Jy the Maustee woman
Anna Tesnia ) the iNe
Natice whereof is h reby given fo hoses whom ‘¢
my eoteery, ad who mrry wish oo; pose (hoe re
ofsattd Leder, of Vf mnumisstonyiat Chey mayiacds s
honmselves in writin elo he anders) ened Scere wy of
hoe colony, previous to the cosulnes Ses.lons of tle
hon. Court, when ov tial dispusttion will be made on
he aforcsatd Peation. Berbice, July 4.
rroec Vian Lar (Oa, ale) ( Ait-
Tae beitd ns. upon Plantation Sarsvouct, Cots
‘tiring welling house, kitchen, stable, and he -
piel, and iv rscusced, aw ecurpentee locie and nowre
WOUsCS.— AH upon reasonibiec lerms, by appl, ing lo
Meoundorsigned, C. CG SWALTING, ag.
~~ A ESTEE eet. oe
View original SE ee eS
ANY person willing toconterct for twelve ensiing
cerlasy Co heep in repuir the Koker and Public
riches anmel ty rheep the several Prenches within
tts Townclean ot ( mass, Pilih, and other Obstinet-
Ooms, Winenirety tinp id the Drainage, please address
thesusclves with ‘en lers, on oor b ve the fOth of
Metober next, atnoon, atthe house of Jolia Croll,
Hoge. —New Amst. ith Sept, IS
By order of the To on Committ ce.
St -_-----— CO
= 20 oom
View original ere Be NZ DL GiV VEN Vibadal My CY.
Tiflo Assessors of . i herian € OMT Teg Vion,
a iscolony, will receive Tenders frou aul Toaster
“a penter or ort Nor qualified person, for Ur: ereetioa
Pan whe ner on a No. 9 ti the lownol New Ame
stern, loserve as a Churen, to beerected arrcable
to Plan andy ou a didionsyswhich are to be seen
ithe house of Nice 2G. B. Thtensma, on Tot No,
7, lo whom Scaled ‘Tende ‘rs may be se nt on or betire
the 5th of October next ensuit Mr, when the same will
be opened by the satd Assessors, at the House of the
free negroe woman Lucia, on Lot No. 14, and the
lowest Pender, if approved, accepted of.
Vhey also infor: Chose who it may concern, that
Mr. J. G. ES 'Chicnsma, (by procuration) is eine
powere ‘d to collect all outstanding debts fron. Plane
lation auvesburg.—New Amst, 24th Sept. IST4.
C.D. PORT, Scriba.
View original AANBES'TEDING,
DE Heeren Assessoren van de Evangelische Lre
(hersche Gemeente, dezer kolonic, zullen aanbestes
den het Bouwen van een Kerk, op het Erf No. 9,
aaa de Stad Nicuw Ampsterdain alhier, ineevelee
Plinen Conditien, ter visie leggende ten huize von
de Heer J.G. F Phiensma, op het erf No. 7, ale
waar de Cregadigdens verzout worden zich onitrent
de Aanneminyg van hetzelve werk, by heslotgn bil.
Jetten te addresseren, tot den 5Sde Oc tober sanstann-
de, wanneer deze We bilje(ten door voormetde Meren
Assessoren zullen gcopend worden ten huize van de
vrye Lucia op het rf No. 14, en het Laagste Aan-
bod gocdyckeurd zynde, aangcnomen.
Verders wordt nog bekend ewemaaht, dat den He gr
J.G. ES Phionsma, (by proc uratie) gemavtiad is
tot het inkasseren van alle Schulden aan Phuitawie
Augsburg.—Nicuw Amst. 24 Sept. I814.
C.D. TOEL, Scriba.
View original wwmeead we WV
~~ et

1 October 1814