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The Berbice Gazette

View original ——— ————————————————————————eNO_—_S,_—LCRTH_———_
THE Sessions of the Court of Civil Justice are
postponed until Monday the loth May, 1814.
By Command,
View original BERBICE.
King’s House, 15th April, 1814.
THE Licutenant-Goyernor has been pleased to
make the following appoiutment :—Mr. Roperick
McKenhig, to be Acting Civil Commissary, and
Acting Deputy Post Master General, during the ab-
sence of Wm. Scorr, Lsq.
By command
F. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
THE Subscriber has received by the last arrivals,
sundry articles, mostly consisting of hardware, lamps
standing and hanging elegantly ornamented, Ladies
and Gentlemen’s dressing cases, work boxes, card
ditto, and a varicty of other articles, which wall be
sold reasonable, for Casir.
3O April. M. LINDNER.
View original ALLE de genen die enige pretenticn mogte heb-
ben lasten den }leer W. Sterk, gelieven dezelven
inteleveren, voor cxaiminatic, aan den ondergetec-
30 April.
J. L. KIP.
View original -_- oO = = ee SS t— CS
THrer young Negroes, custome to work in town,
peiling a boat &c. For which Tenders will be re-
scived at the store of J.T. Sciurnaniorst, Esguire,
per year—the oller approved of, will be accepted.
PJn. Deutichem, J.van prey BROLK,
30th April. P.B. BENDER,
Guiurdians of Kann STOKKEL.
View original NOTICS:
ALL persons having demands ogainst the estate of
the late Mr. N. van liatteos, are requested to rend-
erin theiraccounts; and those indelb‘ed to said es-
tate to come forward with payment without delry, to
the undersiened, as appointed Exccutor to the Will
of the said Mr. N. van idattem, dec.
30 April. J.J. van per STOOP.
— ——
—_ —____.. - — _ — -—— _-+ +
FOR the use of Plantation Auesburg, to be deliv-
ered in town, at the water side of Lot) No. 9,—!7]
pieces Bulleitiie ‘Timber, or Sibiry wood, the lonehi
and breadth to be seen at the house of the anderston-
ed. Tenders for which will be recetved unGil the 2d
of May next, when they willbe opened, aud the lo-
west offer, it approved of, be accepted.
16 April. J.M.C. REUSS, qq.
EEN acetste eedecte van het Eerf No. 16, gelegen
in de Itse Polder dezer stede N. Amst. aan de middel-
weg, met het daarop staande woonhuis, onlangs
geheel nicuw getimmerd, van de beste matertalen
gebouwd en bewerkt, zynde lang 3S en breed 16 voe-
ten, benevens ecn gaandery van 10 vocten, rondom
met Jalosién en aan de windzyde met glasramen voor-
zien, zynde I! verdieping, met eens» pakhuis onder
het wooulinis, van 6 voet hoor. benevens nieuwe
zygebouwen en alles wat verder tot gemak aan een
kleine famiclje noodzakelyk is; te bevragen by
View original Th HUUR.
HET groot en spacieus woonhuis op ’terf No. 15,
gcheel of in gedeeltens, hebbende vyf appartementen
in de cerste, en zes logeable kamers in de tweede ver-
dieping, benevens een ruime zolder, zyde gebouw en
akhuizen, tocreikende om cen scheeps lading te
Persron.—dlede te koop twee quarten van gemelde
erf, in ’t front van de middelweg, te bevragen op
gemclde ert of by
25 April. J. 1. SCHLARHORST.
_—_—_-~-o ea ee ee See
View original OTICE.,
UL persons having demands against the Estate
ef the late Samue, BERESFORD. are required to
. |) ‘ ' " ‘> \
7 ler them to Le ° ; VINIUIV, SeCy.
é =
C . lm. ( , . ¢
é rClury s UINCC, 23th April 401%
View original FOR SALE,
BY C. RULACH, in Commission, Dutch swect
milk Cheese, do. comyn or Leyden cheese, do. but-
ter, all very fresh.—23 April.
oe ee a
View original wl Tue Brig MINERVA.
men) . . e
Sate Ts ready to take in her cargo, and will posi-
lively sail with the frst convoy, for freight apply to
93 April. . A. A. pena COURT.
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE.
This is to inform the Public, that the JSollowing per-
sons tnlend quitting this Colony.
Th. Fraser in 6 wecks from 26 March.
H. Wylie in do. from do.
Geo. lagot, family, and 4 slaves, will quit the co-
lony Berbice by the first opportunity.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original ———
, ’ : a .
NOF [( Kits her / P20 ffi CU ~Ff /
ry .
PO¢ClLOK’liN 7 fran / re, ( (l 0] . )
ipril 9. James Morison qq Innis Arthur, will trans-
port to Demerary 25 negroes, names to be seen
at this oflice.
——- Joho Frasor will transfer to W. Cowie 14 rods
of the back part of lot LJ, first cin polder of the
View original —— _ _——_—— - eS
BY the undersigned, 12 prime Mules, just im-
ported from the Oronoque—also a few good dratt
and saddle Horses.
95 April. B. JEFFERY.
View original NOTICE
IS hereby given to all those who are indebted to
the Estate of Jou Mornison, dec., to come for-
ward with payment, before the Ist of June, and all
those having claims avainst said Jestate, to render
them in before the above date, to Mr. Cowie, ia N.
Amst. as after that date no claim will be received.
23 April. J. McWAY, for sell, and
W. COWIE, Exceutors
View original Corn for Sale,
On Plantation Scotland.
23 April. J. MCKAY.
— - —-_
View original TITE $ Subseriber having renewed his ‘Europe an
and Colony News Papers, hopes a continuance of the
public favor; such gentlemen as intends withdraw.
their names from the Subscription List, are rete ste d
to notify the same, previous to the 10th of May iS!4.
Subscription Rooms, April 23rd.
View original NOVICE
IS hereby given, that all those who having any
claim against the Boedel of A. Sci terre, dec. can
receive their payment, at the house of J. Gr. FP.
THiensma, Esq., and those indebted to the said
Boedel, are requsted to come forward with immediate
93 April. J. A. MICKIEN, gq.
View original —_—~— —_
IMPORTED by the Subscribers, in the Simon
Cock—Regulation swords with belts, epaulets, sword
knots, sashis, gold lace, fringe, &c.
16 April. . HENERY & TAYLOR.
View original PETTY DUTY’s OFFICE.
IS hereby given unto all persons indebted to the
colony, on account of Petty Duties. That the Re-
celver has been directed to furnish the Marsbal with
alist of the cetaalters, And unless payment is made
within ten days from the date hereot, their names
wl be included in said list. Por the Receiver,
lo April. kr. WHITE.
View original TOR LONDON.
shes Tiros. LaxGcrrick, Master,
Is ready to receive lev cargo, and will sail with
the first convoy, for freight apply to
23 April. A... pp LA COURT.
View original SE —
EE —— _—————— Ee Eee EE
W.. Cowie will transfer to W. Katz the said
14 roods land of lot 11.
16 Apr. Peter Rose will transport to Demeray, 100
Negrocs, from plantation Inverness, west coast
—names to be scenat this office.
— J. Bakker qq. Edward Barnwell, will trans-
port to Francis Arthur, plantation Mary’s Hope,
situated on the Corentine coast, No. 49.
—— Prascis Arthur will pass a mortgage to J. Bake
ker qq. Edw. Barnwell, on plantation Mary’s
Hope, cattle, sheep, and 14 negrocs, (names of
negrocs to be seen at this oflice.
—— The Curators of Richard Barry’s estate, will
{transport to the Curators of John Stobic’s estate,
plantation Richland, the south halt of No. 14,
west coast.
—— ‘The Curators of J. Stobie’s estate will trans«
port to Llizabeth Jobnston plantation Richland,
situtte on the west coast of Berbice, being south
halrof No. 14.
23 Apr. Gi. Gordon, will transport to Demerary six
negroc slaves, named Bachus, Mentor, Eds
mond, London, Mars, and Samba.
—— Henery and ‘Taylor will transport to L. B.
Mehac, £0 rods of land, more or less, of the
exstern half of lot No. 18, commencing trom the
hew road, north side.
SE SS CE a § «=
View original VIEENDUE OFFICE.
On Monday the 2d May next, will be sold at plan-
tation Nurney, by order of George Bagot, Msquire,
the following goods and effects, viz.—60 a 70 head
of cattle consisting of cows, calves, young heifers, and
fatoxen, from La 4 ycar old, a fine flock of sheep ;
household furniture, consisting of an elegant set of
dining tables, ditto small, ditto with D ends, do. side
board, card- and dressing tables, a large 4 post bed-
stead with matresses complete, a small ditto, sopha’s,
chairs, a handsome chest of drawers, bason stands,a
night chair, dressing and swinging classes, a supe-
rior portable writing desk, a blue table service, glass
ware assorted, plated liquor stand with cut glass,
glass lainps, knife cases, knives and forks, dish covers,
candlesticks, plated snufiers and trays, kitchen furni-
(ure, a chaise and harness, &c.
NDB. Refreskment will be provided at the place
of sale.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
On Thursday the 5th May next, by order of
B. Ziceler, Esquire, at his store, will be sold the
following goods, viz :—Beet and pork in barrels, sal-
mon in do., hams, cheese, ox tongues in kegs, her-
rings in do., salt, salt fish, tobacco in barrels, tar in
do., earthen-, glass- and tin- ware; hoes, shovels,
iron pots, cut- and hand- saws, soap, candles, loaf
sugar, tea, pickles, fish sauces assorted, province oil,
printed calicoes, linen- and cotton- checks, Irish
linen, cotton shirting, salemporis, Russia sheeting,
brown Hollands, platillas, pullicats, silk-, beavers
amd leghorn. hats; Madeira wine in bottles and
pipes, beer, porter, and sundry articles.
b. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Mastr
—__ —
View original SUMMON vy EDICT
BY virtue of an appointment from the Ifonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
petition, presented by the Board for Orphans and
unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th
ber ISI3.. I the undersigned, at the request of afore-
said Board, do hereby Summon by dict :—All per-
sons havine or pretending to have any claim or right
on the Estate of the late Robert Mitchell, to appear
before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at
their session in the month of July, (in the year one
(housand eieht hundred and fourteen,) say IS14, for
ihe purpose of there delivering in their claims, see
the same objected to, should it be necessary, and to
Witness, atier the fourth Edictal Summon, the
Court’s decision as to the preferent
night of claimants, on pain to such as remain in de-
fault of being for everdebarred their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 1ath February, IS 14.
Ah. PRANCKEN, First Marshal,
and concurrent
ED © “1 6 @ae
Sarunos«y, {prit 30, 1814,
Departed from this Port, with the fleet for Iurope,
the following vessels—Neptune, tor Glasgow ; Han-
na, Liverpool: ‘Trader, Glasgow; Lord Blantyre,
Greenoek ; Tlarmony, ditto; Hgham, London;
Wesibary, Liverpool; Planter, London; Ulysses,
Liverpool—total, 9.—The ship Ann, for London,
has got aground, and will remain till the next fleet.
Last night we received Barbados Papers by our
Government Boat, from that place ; London Papers
to the 5th of March were received there—of which,
we present our Readers with most important inform-
ations, as well as the official particulars of those bat-
tles which were known to have been fought about the
middle af February, between the French troops un-
der the command of Napoleon, and the combined ar-
my under te direction of Blucher, in which Napo-
Jeon claimed, aud, it must now be admi ted, gained
the victory, but i was owing to the immense superi-
ority oftheie number, being mostly cavalry, and am-
eunting to treoie the toree to that with which they
were contends Ponce Schwartzenberg’s advance
about the time that (its disaster had befallen the corps
of Glncher, which was occasioned, In some measure,
by that Prince not having pushed his troops forward
atan earlier period. ItCis now learnt. that the Au-
striaus under his command, had possessed themselves
ol several placcs on the road to Paris, but Bonaparte
in Che mean time, had collected a very large torce in
thie line of his mareh, with which he attacked the
Prince’s army ina position which offered to the ene-
my a prespect of advantage 5 and, although the Au-
striansare stated to have opposed the French with
much resolution, Bonaparte succeeded in. his object,
having compelled that Prince to withdraw his forces, :
and reture towards ‘Proves, where the head-quarters
of the Allies were on the 19th Feb and whither Na-
poleon was alsoalvancting, haying reached Nocent.
Atiength the scason his proved) favorable in the
South of brance, andl other obstacles have been [Ce
moved, so es toallow ot the advanee of Field-Sar-
shal Wellington’ Ui) y into the interior ofthat coun-
try, with which intention be is stated to have crossed
the Adouron the Ofth Feb. In all probability, how-
ever, hisservices willnot be requircd in that quarter,
as there iy nowevery likelihood of a speedy termin-
1° ae | ‘
ation of hotties wilh Trance, upon whose Throne
Bonaparte, ld seem is now irrevocably fixed ;
forthe Nustrian STonureb,. lO May be considered as
the Arbiti r of | ) <l Europe, has proposed the
terms, Upon whi | loon isto retain that empire,
and therefore it I be useless for the other Pow-
ers to contin *.-—Prance, by the ‘Treaty in
view, Is to be rest.teled to the territories she POs ses-
sed in 1763; and, es ders are said to have beep o}-
ven to Lord | N, by our Ministers, to con-
forin tu this sioulation, we nay momently antacipate
the reception of accounts of peace with the Europe-
ali powets.
Foneion-Ussicr, Fee. 26,1814.
Dispatch from the Honorable Sir C. Stereart.
My Lorv—lI have the honor to inclose for vour Lord
ship’s information, the fullowing report, which J have re.
ceived from Col, Lowe, of the Uperations Of Maretial Blue
eher’s Ariny.
I have the honour to be, &e. C. S.
To Viscount Castlereagh, §¢.
Military Report from Col. Lows, dated Head-quarters,
Army of Silestu, Chulons, Feb. L5, 1st.
Sir—Ficld-Marshal Blucher has had to sustain another
and most obstMate contest against a superior force of the
enemy, under the command of Bonaparte in person. Af.
ter having driven Niarshal Marmont from the position at
Lroges, on the 13th, be there learnt that Bonaparte had
marched with his guards on the preceding day to Chatean
Thierry, Gen. D’?Yorck and Gen. Barca Sacken having
previously quitted that town, and retired behind the Mar.
ne.— Yesterday norning, Marshal Marmont was announc.
ed to bein retreat from tic village of Promentieres. Field.
Marshal Blucher, who had bivouacked the night preceding
at Champaubeit, resolved on pursuing him.—He had un.
der his orders only the corps of Gen. Kleist and Gen.
Kapsiewitz’s division of Gen. Count T.angeron’s corps.
The eneny retired until he came near the tillage of Janvil-
liers, where a considerable body of cavalry was observed
to be collected. luthe ardour of pu rsnit, six guns, which
had been carricd furward, were suddenly rushed upon and
seized by them. ‘The Prussian cavalry, under Gen. Zieten
and Col. Blucher, son of the Ficld-Marshal, immediately
charged and retook them. Several prisoners fell into his
hands, and from them it was learnt that Bonaparte was
on the ground, having Just arrived with the whole of his
guards, anda large body of cavalry. They had made a
forced march during the night from Chateau Lhicrry.—The
infantry of Field-Marshal Blucher was at this time advanc.
ing iu selumas ef battalions on the open ground on each
View original ; Side of the Chaussec, leading through the villazge.—The
cavalry, Which was observed tu. be inerc sing, suddenly
-came forward ina large mass, broke throu gh the cavalry
‘of the advanced guard, dividing {tself, and attacked with
the greatest fury the columus ofiafantry ou the plain. ‘The
movement was observed. ‘The columns formed into
squares, which remained firm on their ground, gud com.
menced a heavy firing from their frout flanks, and rear.
[In a large field on the right of the Village, SIX squares Were
attacked at the same time; all succeeded in repelling the:
enemy, the cavalry of the advanced guardin the mean lime
retiring in the intervals, forming in the rear, and advanc-
ing again to charge the cnemy’s cavalry, after it had been
thrown into disorder, and compelled to retire from the des.
tructive fire of the squares.—The ehemy’s vumber, how.
ever, increased, and large bodies of cavalry were seen to
be moving round ou either flank. ‘Pwo battalions of ine
fantry of the advanced guard, which had entered the vil
lage, could wot form in (ime, and suilered considera! ly.
ield-Marshal Blucher, who had little cay airy with hia,
resolved on withdrawing his force froin a pusition where
such an equal contest must be waged.—Vhe infantry were
directed to retire in columns and squares, with acullery
in the intervals, covered on the flanks and rear by skir.
mishers and cavalry. The encmy lost no lime in making
the boidest and most direct: fa
, ‘
cks. Lhe country through
which ¢he line of retreat Ja
» Was gencrally open, without
inclosures, but with small woods and copses, which ena.
bled the enemy’s cavalry to concealits piovements. ‘Thc
Infantry avoided j
1 general cntaugling themselves in them,
and were thus the better enabled to preserve their perfect
formation, and hold the ene ly in greater respect. From
the village of Janviiliers to about half w ry between Cham.
paubert and Ltoges, a distance of ucarly four leagues, it
was One incessant retiring combat, not asiugle column or
square of infantry that was not cither charsed by or ex.
posed to the fire of the enemy, whilst a coustant fire was
keptup by them without any interruption of theie march,
hring and luadiug ds they moved on, and still proseryiny
the most perfect order. It frequently happeued that
eemy’s Cavalry were intermixed with the Square
vy oll
always, insuch case, compelled to retire with vroat los
Various charges were attempted without any | At
sun set it was observed, that the cor ps of alry which
had been scen to take acircuit rocud auuaks bad
thrown themselves into the line of ver re A tt half
Way between Champaubert aud Elozcs, and fortacd hen.
selves into ® solid miss on the Chasse *y anid on cach side
fit, with the evident determing tou tu bar th
At thie tn
ymient, fields Marshal Blucher found himeell sure
rounded on every side. Udts decision was as prowpt
(he resosution was determined to execute it-——to contioue
Mis inarch and break throu the obscicles o spuscd to it
—The celumuas aod squares, assailed now ow every sida,
moved onion the most irmand perfeet order. ‘Pho artille.
ry opened a heavy fire on the cavalry that had planted it.
sclf on the Chaussee, which was succecded by volics of
Musketty, from the advancing columns of Infantry, The
enemy’s cavalry could vet stand against sueh determina
a yn, ihey were I dl to ( rit the ¢ haussee, and leave
the pass 5on cach sof it open, and to limit theic fur.
(her attacks solely { ic flanks and rear. ‘The columns
and equ ou toe Tanks aud rear were equally assailed,
aud not a single one during the whole of the tite was
broken, or lost its order. As niglt came on, the iofan.
(ry atlacks covded to Giuse of the Cavalry, As the
troops were entering the villezs of Ltoges, (acy were ays.
satled by voilics of inusk try fom a body of infantry that
had penetrated by-ruads on buth flanks of their marc
Gen. Kicistand inapsicwitz, wilh the respective corps,
however, again broke through the obstacles Opposed to
them, fur their way through the village, thouch with
considerable Joss, and brought in their corps, without
further atiack or molestation, to the posttiou of Ber.
reresy Where they bivouacked for the nizght.—The
luss it) killed, wounded, aud prisoners, during this
lony and arduous Struggle, is estimated at about 3.500
men, with seven pieces of artillery, ‘The cuemy evident.
ly contemplated the destruction of the whole corps.
His force must have been double; his cavalry io more
than a treble proportion, prabably 8000 horses. Field-
Marshal Blucher’s artilery was more pumerous and
better served.— The encny’s loss from ite fire and
from the constant renulses of his cavalry by the fire
of the squares, must been extenssive.—I want words to
express my acuitra'iva of the iutrepidity, and discipline
of the troops. ‘Tie cxample of the k icld- Marshal Blucner
himself, who was cve.y where aud in the most ex possed
situations ; of Gen. Kicist and Kapsiewitz ; of Gen. Gui-
scnan, who directed the movement on the Chaussce; of
Gen Zicten, aud Prince Augustus of Prussia. alw ays at
the head of his brigade, animating it to the most hernic
elforts, could not fail to inspire the soldiers with a resolu.
tion, that must have even struck the enemy with admira-
tion and surprise. ‘The position of Chalons presoting the
advantage of forming a junction of the different corps of
his Army. I*ield-Marshal Blucher resolved on marching
thither, having received reports duriag the battle, that
Generals d’ York and Sacken had arrived at Rheims, and
that Gen. Witzingerode was withio one or two day’s march
of it. The whole uf the Army of Silesia will thus soon be
united, and be enable to advance against the enemy with
that confidence of success which numbers and union affords
—I have the honor to be, &e.
(Signed) H. LOWE,
Copy of a Dispatch from the Right Honorable Frederick
Kubinson to Barb Bathurst, duled London, kebruary
24, 1814.
Mx Loxo~I have the honor to acquiat your Lordship,
View original that I left Chatillon on the nicht of the 18th inst. on may
way to Lngland. flaviog been detained for seme houreat
Troyes on the 19th, I there received information of some
vents which had occurcd, of adate latter than that of the
Dispatches of which Il was the bearer. It appeared, that
on the 16th aud 17th (L beheve the Jatter,) the corps of
Count Hardegg and Court Thora (Austrians,) sud the
Cossachs under Count Platow, had succeeded in capture
ing Fontainbleau, where they took one General, some
cauuony aud several prisoners. On the 17th, Bonaparte
(who upon the advance of Priuce Schw artzenberg across
the Seine, had desisted from his operations against Marshal
Blucuer) fell, with a very considerable body of cavalry,
upou the advanced guard of Count Wittygeustein’s Corps at
‘angisy under the command of C@nt Pableu. This ad.
vanced guard, which consisted of several regiments of cae
valry, was driven back with considetable loss, both of
men and ardllery, and Prince Schwartzenberg determined
to withdraw the greater part of his army across the Scine,
Ile sull, however, occupied the bridges over that river
it Nlontercau, Bray, and Nugent. [u the morniag of the
3th, the (wo former posts were attacked with consider.
alco vigour, but without effect: and the Prince Royal of
Wirtcnberg, who commanded at Montereau, not only
teplused three attacks made upon him, bat took both
peisoucecs and cannon. — Late, however, in the evening,
the attack was renewed, with increased force, and the
enemy iinally succeeded in drivinz the Prinee Royal across
the river, aud pressed him so sev vrely thathe had no time,
tu destroy > bridyzes. He retired in the direction of
[31 ly, aud it was understood that the enemy passed a great
part of his army accross the river, he result of this af.
fare induced Prince Schw irtzenberg to withdraw the graud
army from thi yanced position upon the Seine, and [
nderstood th 'S Iead-quarters were to be established
at Troyes (10S, Ing. miles from Paris.) in the night of
the LOth—I hive the satisfaction of ac juinting your Loid.
ship, that on the morning of the 20th, [| hadan Opportu.s
tiny of seeing the whole of Marshal Blucher’s army Tee
united, and on its march from Chalons to join the grand
my. It wasmoving upon the hizh road to Troyes; and
the head of the colum was near Arcisesur-Aube, between
IS and 20 Jing. miles from Prince Schwartzcubery’s head.
juarters, After the severe action in which this income
parable army hat rece atly beca cnzaged, it was a matter
of infiuite yratiication to me (o observe the admirable cone
Jitiou of the troups com posing it, who amounted to nearly
sixty thousand men,
Earl Bulnurst, dS we SC. F. Ropwinson.

March 5.—It is mentioned that the expedition which
Was abo. to sul for Canada had been detain yr leg
from tic Adtuiraity. It consisted of 4000 mari Le
frauics of turce frisat $s, and 7U0 ship carpenters. ‘ihe
Cunjucture, i consequence of this unexpected suspension
( 9
ts cither (hac Che marines are to De immediat 'y employed
nearer home, or that the hope is contidently induly f
‘restoration of peace with the United States, ¢htou hh
tue liuin of the nezociation at Gottenbus ry Which would
render the defence of Canada nyu ton ser Decessary.
Vie Hon, Mr. Robinson left town on Sunday night,
and, embarking on monday Mourning at Dovur, sailed iw.
uicdiately for Calais.
[cadmits butotlitt!edoubt, that the resolution is nally
formed of treating with Bonaparte; andit is stated thatan
insu peraole obstacle to any plan which might have his de.
thronement for its object, was found in Austria. ‘The
UiperOor se iancis was willing to cheek his encroachments,
and (oO set fined and precise bounds to his territorial influ.
ence, buthe could not consent thathis son-in-law should
be violcutiy dethroned, if the power of duing 30 were even
inthe hands of theallies. ‘Lhe arguinenta and and intreae
tics of Russia, Prussia, and of Lngland, proved equal!
unavailing, and it was found necessary to yield to the in.
Ueaible determination of a Power whi 1, by a single mo.
vemicnt of 100,000 men, could turn thescales that held the
balance of Kurope.—AIIL this is extr mely natural, and
what we anticipated. Austria has allowed of the Cx peri.
ment to sound the I’rench Nation as to their wish to reine
state the Bourbons. No such wish had been manifested,
She has gone the lenght of attempting to reach Paris, for
the purpose of dictating amoreadvantageous peace, as well
as obtaining akind of retributive triumph; this object has
aiso failed ; and negociation seems now to be the natural
course to be pursued on all sides. Mr. Robinson broba-
bly reached Chatillon on ‘Tuesday morning, and if it does
not requite much time to auswer his dispatches, if nannot
be long before such ans ver is received.
The allies are stated, as their own accounts informed us,
to be concentrated at ‘Troyes; towards whic place Bona.
parte was directing his force. Ilis head-quarters were at
Nogent on the 21st, and his troops are said to have been
advancing. ‘The hostile armies therefore were sufficiently
near to renew thecontest in short time; and reports indeed
of fresh battles have prevailed, but there was no foundatio~
for them,
Some Dutch papers have also arrived since our
last. From them and the French papers the follows
ing additional facts may be collected :—
An article from Grenoble, dated the 18th corro-
borates the statement in Bonaparte’s last Bulletin, of
Marshal Augercau’s having put a numerous army in
motion from Lyons ; anil adds, that Gen. Bubna had
already caused his park of artillery to retrograde.
Murat’s defection from his brother-in-law is ac-
Knowledged iu the Mouiteur, but without any remark.
View original From the Nova Scotia Gazette, Jan. 19.)
His Excellency t rill if and Commande
of the orces |! ) 10 c ) » C1] IS
command, th he has received ; munication fron
Major-General Will n. co! usa division of th
army of the United S f Ame . by order of his
Governm: ~ of wii Owlt n extract.—
The Gove t of the | adheirt une
alterably (to the prin » and ‘lured int
commutic 1 O 1 vu. on _
Ject of the tventy-Uir Icl ISONCTS,
wo | . Vl ; {i
pressive | rt ’ ;
Ous r [ Ss tows 4.)
rivi - § ' ( v ‘ i Lill Mi
is unjust unn ) ithe
gia to su it to t, ( CC.
ably to the Cons (10n “(| .
them wainst host . ft » nothi
more, the Governinent a L r. . [.
ferings endured or inflicted. Bat tho the first vy
ali t ever) man is shocked with the idea of w: L vi.
elation of the obvious pl iples yf tun LN re
dai . that, from the cont: ice of it, or lish
consi ilions, a sense « tice, and the init:
mora! principles, will yigst the ]
ti 7 O] rms, the pa ire casi [ \
artful misrepresentations ; they are tu lose lf
Origin of a contest, and to forget, ¢i roin the triumph
ef victory, or the mortification of | (, that the whol
weight of guilt and wretchedn occasioned by war 1
@¢hargeable upon that Government which unreasona
begins the conflict. and upon those of it byject ho
voluntarily « aud without le 1] Obliy. (J ly 6 ICUuUl Qo ahid
support it.
View original If the British Orders in Council were a principal cause
of the present war, we had the u(most reason to expect,
that when these Orders were revoked, and an armistice
was proposed with a view of opening the way to an ac.
commodation, that propos tl wo ild have i) ‘CL FeCAQGITY ae
greed to. But the revocation of the Orders seeincd to
produce ho effect on the measures of our Administration,
And though the British Government had often) declared
that those Orders should be revoked when the I'rench De-
crees were repealed, though they were revoked as svon
after the repeal was notilicd as the then deranged state of
the British Mini try would permit: aud though, in the
act of revocation, the repeal of the French Decrees was
issigned as the cause of it, yet an attempt has been made
to convince the people of this country that the British
4 ! . ° ' e
yrders were not revoked in consequence of the repeal of
the French Decrees, but from the pI ire of our restrice-
tive system. This att mpt s to exhibit a want of
fairness, and a disposition unfriendly to peace with Great
Nor can werezdily beliere that the war was declared or
iscarricd on forthe protection of our native men. the
ites which them well know, that the number
impr L hy british shi las been grossly exaggerated
that the British Govern: has nuiformly disclaimed any
right to impress thems that hen inpressed they have
been dis ced when thei ‘izenship was ascertained ;
and that erol Br kn em] cd by us h
if {1 l) Ljarct er ti UI of ail n ons who
have | Limp No cla of men
ha tflered more | he wa i r gallunt native sea.
mens: they have been more i In one year of hostili-
Vo | A Cre, Ol | C\ O | hh v
it i i we a «ll ( tl ( -
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VN 4 ( ’ ( ry i O Y bel.
Med ~, AWaft \ ier would | (
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some connexion secs 2’ in the propos
hich was made (ne i Cin it the Con.
if Ta, ue ) id Ie j \ bet pO Itlaries
from France, the United St UD cky and the other
Allicd Princes, on the one hi ; abd the Flenmipotentiae
rl of Ai) land, lius a a 7TuU bedy Gl eed Allies. Oh the
I i ly to any rr h | CV ¢ OD. (1) re was id )
hinstance in the history of etvilized uations, in which a
Prince or Government engaved in war without alleduing
reasous to justify the measure; and thoughin some ca
the motives to the war were uujust, (he reasons assigned
im pretence at least. were fo Nidded dn
were Specious, and,
necessity, But the French Manperor has thought tit) to
disperise with these forms, and to wage war without even
a pretence of lnjury. ‘Lhe glory of the Prince, or th
couvenicnce of the great nation, have been deemed suflici-
che grounds for subjugating one after another the States
Ol iwurope; and so far as the influence of that Government
extends, a species of political morality has been introduce
] - 4 . ‘ 7 ° . . 4
d, which annuls the distinction between power and right,
Nd authorise a Government and its subjects, whenever
they arcable, to subdue or destroy the neighbouring states.
Jlow extensive ly this system of morals has been adopted
it is im} ible tosay ;’ but we have seen the repacious
) . \ ‘
and desolating progress of the French Government ap-
proved by Americans, and have been often told that. it
would be convenient for us tu expel the Indian tribes to
ill or . ’ ‘ . score Pa
tL sail greater distance, and to conquer the adjoining pro
vinces of Great Britain and Spain, and annex them to the
( hited slates, ‘| Nere Wae SOlIeE Froun | to hoy Cy that tile
events of thy Russjau campaign might incline the #rench
View original rulers to call in question the policy, if not the justice, of
this predatory system; and induce them to renounce those
false and fatal principles, which have been injurtous to
their own nation, and destructive to the peace and hap.
piness of the world. Jiad such been the case, the disas-
ters they met with might eventually have proved benefici-
al even to themselves ; for no people are less to be envied
than they who prosper in a course of deceit and violence,
and whose retribution is deferred till repentence can afford
no relief,
As we are unable to ascertain the motives by which the
Government is actuated in prosecuting the war, we can
form no opinion concerning its probableduration. Peace,
however, must be ardently desired by the people of this
common-wealth, asthe present state is unfavourable to
their morals, and ruinous to their prosperity ; and besides,
a large national debt has been already incurred, and is
continually increasing, which will probably have the same
continuance as the union of the States, and must eutail up.
on the present generation and their posterity the burdens
of direct and oppressive taxes.
But though our fellow-citizens haye snflercd greatly,
in consequence of the war, by the loss of property on the
ocean, and by an almost total inturruption in their fishe.
ries and other maritime pureuifs, and the difliculties they
have met with in conveying uccessary supplies from one
part of the coast to another; yet we have abundaut cause
of gratitude for the internal order and tranquility which
have prevailed through the State, and the plentiful harvest
with which the Almighty has been pleased to favour us the
last year. May we be solicitous not to abuse the gifts of
his bounty by a pernicious or prodigal use of them.
Jauruary, 12, 1514 CALEB STRONG.
It is said, that luminations had taken place throughout
spain for three successive nights, im consequence of the
nberation of lerdinand VIL. who was mumently expected
in the capital of that kingdom,
The 16th foot, and the 7th battalion of the 60th regi.
ment, are under orders to embark for America.
= as - —
ween Oe eS = ee
>» Phe Feb. Mail for this colony which arrived
oS in Demerary on Monday, and tho dispal«
ches from thence onthe Tucsday noi NING,
only, veached Berbice this day.—The in-
convenience we experience by the system
pursucd by the Packets in passing this har-
bour, contrary, as we are informed, to the
positive instructions given them from the
General Post-Oflice, needs no comment,
but, requires a representation, which may
Induce a consideration and consequentame-
endinent; and we have no doubt, but the
GenUlemen of the colony Berbice will, by a
formal complaint, remove the unnecessary
disadvantage we he under, thro’ the arbi-
trary proceedings of the commandcrs of the
Packets !
On account of the late arrival of the Packet, we
are prevented trom laying before our Readers the
intelligence broucht by the Mail, in this d iy’s publi-
cation, tor which reason on ‘Tuesday next we shall
present our Readers with an gg ADDITIONAL
Tir Mail to be forwarded to Europe, by His Ma-
jesty’s Packet Walsingham, (now in Demerary)
will be made up at the Post-Office here, precisely at
6 o'clock an Tuesday evening the 3d of May, after
which hour no letters will be received.
View original Mr. Printer,
A great number of Berbician Patriots have been
racking thetr brains,to devise means for the prevention
of Shipment at Demerary, of Produce made. in this
colony, for Furope.—A_ disinterested man proposes
to the wisdom of our colonial Legislature thus :
“Leta Duty of 12! per cent, be laid) on all Produce
made in this colony.—Let the Planters declare at stae
ted periods, the quantity and quality of produce they
make on their respeciive plantations. —And in order
to induce the Shipment of the produce here, let a
drawback of 10 per cent be allowed on production of
proper proof that it is actually on board a vessel. in
(his River, bound for Europe.
“An Osservern.”’
View original __—
It is with great sorrow we have to communicate to
our Readers, who we are convinced will join us in
commiseration, for the sudden and dreadtul death,
of five of the most worthy members of this commu-
n ty, viz, ANGus Praser, Joun Brovericx, Wn.
Duncan, Crs. M'Inrosu, and 2... Enwanns ;
these Gentlemen, contrary to the advice of their
Friends, entered the sea, in the scheoncr Fragle, on
the storming night ofthe 20th inst. and in ranning
down the coast to Demerary, the schooner upset, 3
or 4 negroes were the only ones who escaped a wa-
(ry crave.
We cannot sulictently impress on the minds of
{hose who are obliged to venture in colonial « ratty to
be careful that sulticient ballast is on board, and pro-
perly secured froin shifting, for, we are Invorined
that if precaution in that respect had been used in
this instance, we should not have to lament the loss
of five intelligent men, and their relatives and coy.
panious Uke want of their assistance and socicty.
View original ~“ay —~ , ~ - ~ TNT r ver .
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View original "he accession of his Majcsty to those beers, was therefore
a great step towards the peace of the world.
Such, Gentlemeu, is the substance of the considerations
which, in conformity to to the Coustitution, are submitted
to you. Ttnow belong fo the Legislative Body to declare
the sentiments which this is calculated to eaite; because,
in conformity to the 30th Article of the Senatus Consultan,
of the 28 Frimaire, year 12, **the Legislative Body shall,
as offen as the Gov ernment ‘communicate to if any matter
distinct from deliberation _ the laws, return a reply to
the same in full assembly.’
While the Legislative ody awaits the observation of
its own committee appointed to prepare a reply worthy
of the nation and the Emperor, we may also perhaps be
permitted to express our sentiments, ‘The first is that of
sratitude for a communication by which the Legislative
Body is now invitid to take a share in political affairs ;
Co this sentiment Io add, that of hope, wheu we hear,
amidst all the calnities of war, sovercings and nations
prononneips the word peace inthe most impressive accents.
And, indeed, Gentlemen, the repeated important de.
clarations of the Powers atwar, completely coincide with
the general wishes of Lurope, and with those expressed
around us, and ia our departments, of which the Legis.
lative Body is the natural organ,
According to the observations contained in the Decla-
ration, the wishes of humanity are directed towards an
honorable and Jasting peace. ‘The peace should be honor-
able, because both with nations and individuals, honor
consists im maintatuing their own legitimate pretensions,
aud in respecting the rights of others; the peace ehould
be durable, because the best guarantee of peace consists
iu the determination of the contracing Powers to be true
(o (hemselves. Who, then, shall rob us of its blessings ?
The Aliied Powers have given this important testimony of
the Emperor, that he has accepted the essential bases for
the restoration of the balance and tranquillity of Murone,
Phe first security of a peace-loving disposition lics, not
on'y in ad versily , which, accor hung to the proverb, is the
best teacher of Kings but alse in the so severely felt pri.
vations of the peoples ane | the wants of the Crown ite
self. You will probably, therefore, think it unaccessary
ty request his Majesty re aud 40 theee secuiales some still
more solem.,
If the Declaration of the Foreign Powers were fraudu-
lent; if they wished to bring us under the yokes if it wer
thetr object to tear in pieces the sacred t critory ol Kranc:,
(hen inust we wage a national war, to prevent our nati,
country from becoming the prey of Foreigners. But at
a period such as that in which we live, the power of the
Empire would best! more vigorously uspl ryed by draw.
ine closer the ties which mutually bi id the nation and the
Sovereign, Assurances, in the form of proclamations,
would be one means of silencing the reproaches of the ene.
nv, as to Gie Inst of conquest and clossal predoiminence,
and of (ranquillizing the people. [tis not worthy of lis
Vin jesty, by means of solemn declarations, ¢o reniove all
dourbls with rgaid to the object of France and the
Umperor ?
When the Prince, to whom history has given the sur-
name of Great, w ould luspire his peop le with vig our, he
disclosed ty then what he bid done for peace, ard his frank
communication did vot remain without clect. ‘To prevent
tuc Abid Powers from reproaching France aud the ine
peror with amUidon, Ict all grounds for the reproach be
reuioved by a foruial declaration.
It Uelougs not, certainly, tous, to put words into the
moutia ol tue Prince; but should not such a declaration
that it may make a Deveticial impression on Foreign Pow-
wers, and have due iniluence in Irance, sotewaly a inoune
in the face of all Murope, that wen vie war only for the
independence of the French people, and the inviolability ol
Our leiritory.
When idis Majesty had thus replied in his own name,
and in (sit of berance, to the declaration of the Allied
Powers, then it would be seen vu heather they were actuated
by other views than thuse of the equilibriuin of Kurope.
Isut det it once be well understood, that France alone re-
Mains true tov honorable piinciples, which she shall have
thus sulcwnly proclauned, in tie face of Europe, by all
the authorities of the nation, then will France be driven,
by the obstinacy of ber cucmies, into a national war,
Which will be acknowledged to be Just aud necessary, for
the maintainance of her indcpendece and rights; vigour,
unanimity, and daring will be displayed, her whole rorce
will be directed towards conquering peace, anda new
proof will be furnished to the world, ee a great nation
cau always maintain its honor and its rights,
In the meanwhile, it is not enough for the inspiritting of
a people to summon them, according to tne laws, to place
themselves in a defensive attitude; but the Government
must establish the surest and specdiest means of compel.
ling the cnemy to make peace on durable grounds, ‘hese
means will be cifectual, whenever Frenchmen shal! be con.
vinced that their blood shall no longer be shed, but for
the defence of their native country, and its protecting
laws ; but the sacred names of peace and country may be
closed to the winds, when men cannot sccure those cousti-
tutional limits on which the blessings of both depend.
You committee considers it at one of their imperious
duties, while the Government adopts the spceediest mea-
sures for the defence of the State, to beseech “is Majesty
to maintain the full and completes eaccution or the laws,
which secure to the French the rights of personal freedom,
aud of security of property, together with the free devel-
opment of their political rights.
This security appears to your Committee the best means
of communicating to the French the necessary vigour for
their own defence. Your Committee founds these ideas
ooly on the wish, and the necessity of re-unitiug more
View original j
closely tne throne and the nation, forthe purpese of theie
Joining thele efurts against tise: overument, arbitrary
power, and the enemies of our country.
It was the first thought of his Majesty, at this import-
an( erisis, to assemble around him the representatives of
(he nation; is it not then their first duly to reply as be-
comes them to the summons, by laying before the Monarch
the truth, and the univ ersal wish for peace.
The fortifications of Antwerp are so extensive as to re-
quire 30,000 men to defend them. The gates towards
Breda is that which was recently assailed by the Atlies,
and against which the bombardment was directed; hut
there are four others at which reinforcements might enter
Antwerp, viz, the gates of Slyk, Borgerhie , Malmes,
and ‘Lessicken, all of them, excepting the first tothe south
opening towards the Jow countries, besides the Chaussée
de Boom, which leads into the dock-yard. The citadel of
Antwerp is to the south of the city, and has been late! ly
very much improved in strenght; as long as the river res
mains free from an enemy, it scene from the advantages
of the situation of this stupendous work, as if it would be»
extremely dificult to assail it with eflect. Between the
citadet aud the Scheldt is the principal dock-yard, which
it defends, as itis nec ssarily otherwise open to the river,
The great fault of the citadelis the same fault of the whole
fortiications of Antwerp, that it is so extensive as to ree
quire about {OOO men to defend it. Between the citadel
ald the (own there is an esplanade surrounded by a wide
dyke and «strong wail. On the eastern bank of the rie
ver, on the same side as the city, besides a line of fortific
Cations, there are three forts: an it of St. Michael to the
south, at toe end of the dock-yard, which is the strongest;
that of the wart, ia the centre, which is the most unpro.
tecled ; and thatof st. Laurence, alsostrong, which pro.
fect the other dox L-yard, as well as the outer and inner
basins, near tie Sly kya te, where ships of war principally
le = Those basins are likewise protecicd by astrong fort,
ereeted at the entrance between the two cauals leadiog to
nem, over each of whichis adraw-bridze, communicating
wifi the fort. On the opposite or western side of the
Scheldt, communicating with the road to Ghont, is the
dete de landers, a work upon which much labour has
besa bestowed, and as is stated, with success. There is
a communication heot up bebween the Tele de Flanivers
rod the citv, by moans of boats that | ly across the Scheld.
See ee Seems Oe EE ee eee —“—
View original a
7 - M A Y
: oO .
Dd. Jl. M.
Full Moon, Ber Bee BT os morning
Las: Quart... .12...10....49....morn'ng,
N loon, £19....0....31. Uflern le
Tis ile at, -26....3 seen 29.0. mor NZ.
[Siycd. Sunday after Laster. Sul Piilip a St. Jas
o \1
S/T | Invention ef the Cross.
1 Ww Spring Tides.
6 1
78 {[Dutches of York born, 1767.
SSuftith Sunday after Laster.
Q|\f |Comuinissary Court.
lol P
11) \V
12/T |Neap Tides.
l5|Su jth Sunday afier Faster. Rog. Sunday.
Lo} M | Court of Civil Jastice.
17)@ |Princess of Wales born, 1708.
19} © JQueen Charlotte born, 1744. Ascen. Day.
90) T° (Spring ‘Tides.
YTS) {Sun enters Geniini.
99'Su [Sunday after Asccn. Day. Princess Flizab.
99)M !Court of Rolls. (born, 1770.
95) W
20/1 |Neap Tides.
29 Su | Whit-Sunday. King Charles II. restored.
30 M |W hit-Monday.
ObE | Whit-'Puesday.
View original List of Run-a-way Negrocs, in the Colony Stocks of
Bernice, on dhe 29(h April, 1814.
Pln. Onverwagt
Shanks (Dem.)
Lewis Manor.
}y whom brought.
Hicken °
van den Broek.
J. A. DEHNERT, Under Sheriff.
————— ee
View original

30 April 1814