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The Berbice Gazette

View original ww ewww wre seen ewe tr wre LE FETEUCEFIULO
‘ a
NOTIFICATION —Notice is hereby ei-
ven, that the next. nsuiag Court of Rolls will be held
on Monday the tO; Fume, ISPD.
by command of the Court of Civil Jastice,
OQrrer can we ee eee we eee
View original Grey Can wr ee ee wo eee
Berbice, 25th May, \SN5.
THE vndevsigned, earnestly requests, the ai-
tention ‘ol Chose, iv tebted to this ORMee, for Taxes,
fo come forwer! with payment, to prevent hie, haw
INT recourse to the us ttleasing ino ce af enforcing Une
BAe wy Law. :
wee PANTEL ALLT, Dep. Ree. Gen.
JUST arrived, and for Sate hy the Subecri-
bor, the followieg articles ; Prine mess beef and
pork in bal Ine Is, Prsraey pickles! salnion in small
Loewe, seper fire 4 ai. Psortens ancl Emig walnuts
ketch mgr, i. Gain sauee, do. camp sauce, do. essence
anchovies, Cotton snd’ cofive haegiag, sulempotis,
Osindurys, disper. sbyro hats, Ke.
S fimo, J, Go YY. THIBNSIMA.
Kant 2 \ thi ES, @ np Crerzs, voorse
mens zyt i aoestoande Dore T ta zeker van hier te
zellen, verzac ¥ de gouen die tets van bom te vonle.
reno iM nozullese te komen oneemaane » en die aan
hem xe -_ : isd zy nite aa en vere ffeneny, alles ui-
terly! 2% unde Dingsd: De Brieve ner
voor go wNG hip zl cles We vchsdag’s vroer in de
Morgen we Mot cn worden, 2 Jany.
View original ~s2 2 Ty"
UiRLY bales of Cotten will be put up for
Sile amoosst the ¢ redgom of Jovech M’ Donal !, on
Monday the $%h inst. in the foronyen fy AC the i habe
of Messrs. Cola Dann! ts & Co,
5 Fane. CO}, N DOU (;LAS + Vrustees S.
Que ase « =s ee
CONGR lawieg ceased to hold any slrire im the
Co cerasof Youglas Hetil & Company, of this ealo-
nyandl of Demerary., ‘The Fitm welin future be
conducted artes Che name af Cation Dou las & Com.
pany 3 Rov oomall those indjeLied to the Jate firm,
are reqacsted (uiaate povinent.
COLIN DOUGLAS for self and
as the Attoracy of
ARCII. ns YUG LAS of Ghs row
Berbice, @4 May. Rn. C. DOWNER, See.
- --—
, Pert c, Vth May, 18%5.
INTIM ATIEO y Is ics Dy ciyea: That ori
the Tinaty First Dov ed Janiisy tist, Alexander Fo f-
concer cod toh a Partaer inthe Company carried
on uucer the Freous of Jota Thomas @ Archiya'd
Dor ‘asin Con, ny at CGhiszsow, an d Joug'as
cid ta Company, it Demerary and Berbice, aid for
BON fiwe al Li verpoolunterthe Firms of Dawglu,
As sneyre in (01 ipery and Colin Douglas nn Co: M-
pany. Amdatso that by the decease of Jas. Reid,
alate Partner of said Company, in December & aos
leon handred and ten, his Weis and Representatives
have had no concern inthe ‘Trade and Business of
said Company siuce the Thirticth of Aprilia thar
year. A. FALCONER.
A. FALCONER for salt and Q Execut’s of
_Glaszorw, od March, S15.
A truce copy of the ort: ginal exhibited to me.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
This is ta inform the Pulgic, that the following
Person ingend quitting this colony.
Walter Scoft in 6 weeks from May 6.
D. G. vag Oogtrum in do. from do.
A. A, deta Cott in do. from do,
A.(s. Calmer in 6 weeks from May 20.
Jobn Hislop, Funily and (wo servauts, ia one month
from 27 Ma
Gilbert Gordon tn 5 weeks from Sd Jane.
"The Widow of W. B. Liot in do. fron do.
R.C. DOW NER, Sec.
View original Vo the Printers of the severat Demerary Papers.
The followtag, vizs
Mr. Jobn aves) y vay nel been ia my employ-
neat since 97th February last.
© Signed, coW. GORDON.
*¢ Maida, Berbice, 4th May, 18:5."
ippeared in the I ssequck ani per e 7 Gazetl
of the 20th trstent
The Subscriber u cus Tt neve try to state, that hi
has cesicncd the emplaywent ot Dr. William Gor
lon oa Cae a ty incativved, comceivigngs hinisell to
gave met with unnerited: ticaGuent; and conscious
Wtaving Most tachlally exccund (he trust re posed
ta hin tor yeats past, such services combined with
vealed good offices on mony ocessions, demanded «
wore greatful retuem than (he abeve vindictive at-
fcmpt tu bk bs c bis Characler aii Y ‘cltags,
‘ryheid, Berbice, $1s4 March, I Be
ee te oa ST ee 2 eo m=mD
——_ ee ee a me mew
hk Oh S ALE by the de: signed, Prian
[cist ness beet aad pork mo Whole afd haib bacsreis,
duper fine Hour in bariels, 9! Do s bread per ewt.
‘ ’
3 ue m4? . s/f Fer 5 e a F. Nt CO Co.
View original JAB Sabscriher nas Drie prea bo a talhe Gs ‘es LBS
JONNSON, Capi. ) ulson, fiom London, the podlorw-
my articles, selected wUh puwticular care, which ke
ofers for Sule on veasentale lercs for prompe puy-
nent, or at his usual credt vf six uonits io constant
customers :———
BEST Yerishire hims, Gipe, pine cheese, gun-
powder and tyson toe, dowole naa d sugar, ces sot
pickles, sates, White wine vinegar, mustard and
biack peppers oll Fort wine, Prenet brindy, ord
Grenada cum, 1; obewt peericy ; Wex-spermnucetes an:
tallow candle , sep in boxes of SS tis. cach 7 Jrisis
Gnnorench Cambric, brivh acd Russom Sivehag,
pes tiwn, carsbric muptto, tadia whne aad biue sa.
md paores, ite J rove aid arvy J Welacelis, mie -
res check of 14 yards, bhi Diane and sreen supers
fiae bread cloth, Sarieg Mannet,. cottva shirtias,
Gentlemens beaver and i. chor stiaw lats, fasion.
ble sadleand bridtes with { lased Mmouning, gi.
harness wih rich fueudinure aod pialed orunents,
superb teat bod-steads wel: an ssome musquite nets
sad trimnia man , square ¢ Hives | 1 st horse laatr Il} t-
trassese feather boltiem. and doewe piltows tu sutt,
paye matrasec-- bilsters and pulowsd fet by 5 al
Se best oveteria’s, elogant Guiet eliescs with and
siihout drawer of solid inalecany, manoraay Kai
trays wit’) dress handles, malogauy hand waters,
lingnaed for weiter. and real, pontipont cove big-
te loaskats, Baske's tiaecd tits. de lor ditty
r a }. >
pais, to. Kuve begkels, sets cf common end paten
lish covers, chacvber cradicsticds with snaffers anc
Pxfiozuishers, oentlemen drossiag cases fitted uy
yi ev wy recyisite: for he toclet, best town mad.
vory handled keives agt forks wih deserts and car-
wets tommatch, wery superior resers, a large aad ee
Norelassntinent of catlery of Che first quality, fades
cn gontl “tO l73 ses, Hesstin boots, strong aacl:
Shocs with farcklos, silk and coiton umbreilas and pa-
risols, stockings, gloves, damask breakfast claihy,
uckaback for fowliog, thread, tapes, needles, &e.,
rose wat lavender waters, hair aml tuoth brash»,
Vindsor soap, stitionary, cof -e barging and twine,
Woese Shovicss and cuthiuses, dea kitths, s:uce pans,
rying pans, grid trons, coflee pots, coilves pepper.
nd corn mills with fy woeels, garden wateriag pots,
ilarge assortment of viasse and carthen ware ane
breakfast China, carpenter toels of atl Kinds, whip
stwsand cross cut stws, nails from dl. ta 80d., loci.
volts and hinges of il descriptions, stay bars & stn.
ples, white. red- yellow. greens and biue paiits aac
paint oil, pitch and tars salt in barzels; clarctia ca-
sesand casks, Blackburn's choice Loudon particuls,
Madeira mine in pipes—some of whicd has now been
near 3 years ia this colony.—And a great variety o.
viher articles.
__27 May. ; . CHARLES KY TE.
Dux ordergeteckrade heft ontoungen met de brik
Bry Jownsux, Kapt. Watson, tar London, d.
to’gi née uilgerogte artikel an, oc'ke hy te koop pre-
sevteerd on uanuemelyke tcvmen, voor dirckte beta:
fing, of als te vorenaan goede betaulders op 6 iMmuan-
den kredil : —
BESTE Yorkshire bammen, pens, pyn-appel ka-
zen, fyne eu byevn thee, dubbelde getuilincerde zui-
View original SS
ker, histjes met ingeleg:lc zuuren, sauzen, witte wyn
azvny masterd, zwarle poper, onde Port wyn, Frans
sche brazdewyn, onde Grenada rum, en ecbottelde
poorter; wax-spermacefi- en smeer-kaars-n, z-ep in
Kint}es van 98 ih. fersch hanen, Pranseh> batist,
fersch en Russiesch doek, ling lin nN, kamerdocig
nustines, Oostindische witte ea blauwe suber POTES,
Sittes gelesen “cstreepte nankiaes, siukjes bont vas
Tb yards, blanw-2warte en erocn super fine laken,
(Lincl voor hemden, means bever en Leghorn strovije
oeden, gadis ca toonen met pleet gemontecrd naar
Je nicuwste smaak, chois tuigen met plote ormumene
IA, prasiive leut bedetede met exclhnie mashito
‘lederen ea fraajes en met vierkaate beste pride.
‘Viir imatrassen met veere bolsters en doo: k isvens,
en&elde matrassen van 6 vuct lang en 5 breed mot
dalstersen Kiysens mede var de beste stof, irrije
mthonyhoute teilet spiegels met en zonder liden,
ito messe bakken met ko, ers handvesten, dito pr
sonteereb] WACO, Janansehe Creelta Ul beh, hofiv kane
lon Aowplet, wlete froota a ibie » Veritnd> bokkon
voor vithe borden, dilo mess: bi jos, stella ortinare
Wpdlenieetiime schotel chiles, tamer Rhandelaren
Wet snaiters, Xow, heer a dressor kisties hom plect,
ste Loudouscle wore meeoen ea vorken Kowa dest,
xeHente scheermescon, com generial assole ocat y-
zeewerk Corte Kowlitcity meee en vramse ss hoe ny
forke Phonters schmem mot coogen, zvde ei kate -
” ptraples ca pont, Rouse, fe dsch wien, due
wists onloy! tac bdakems, handlock aoc, caren,
band, naakiens, c., faye en tavenler witess, bur
DM tande bomteh pf 6, Windzor tec iy Wet oorebetre ls
tons, kofiy bwaitoea en casei, b uweler, seh: Des
ca houwers, thee kelets, seus pennen, draw! paanes,
_.? Zttsy holy potten, koffy- pe per- OW ..COLne
movens met draat wielon, tin gteters, ven groot as.
sovtemment van gleseenaantewerk, Chincesche outhyi
service, immergereedschip van alle goort, krawne
en (rek-zagen, spvkers van 4 tot SOpensy, anippeny
nenszels en krammen, witte. rode- & le- groenes ea
Hlauweeverven cn vei fulle, Dik em foer, cont ta vite
cM, Claret ia histen ea vatea, Mlachearn'’s Puiss
Puck Londen Mistera Vyn ia py p ay warrvan 20.4
mise reeds drie jiren in de kuwnie— a cen route
voorraad amslere gocdcieut.
AVIPORTED per Grentingan, and for Sale
ithe Sore of the Saseribers Six at the most pros
‘inert Bawls in Span, Cramed aod ehazed ;
portiaii — fis Majesty King Gea, the iL!., tie iene
deror ol Russia, the King of Pissr:, the Duke ot
Wellinston, the Marsbals Bluchez and Miata, and
atew engravings of Bon parte, by aa ecmenest Artists
(ae above ave tamed ui tie most superb French stile
und ttl with Che best off void e-
Also faties vad geathemens shoes and boals, while
tad black silx sthekings, do. cotion dite, straw bons
iby Tibbens, chiktrens cotton hose, ready rrade di.
wa ant cotton shints, ine can ric, table ant brea.
ristgtoths, counterpon's, thread, tape, ready made
ac and coitog shirts, calicoes, Pianters beaver and
stA hats, children hats, negrudo., stationary, tinand
Prochery ware, excellent claget in bhids., Madeira bik
utiles, raspberry and cherry bramly, teay loaf sugar,
blick pepper and spices.
‘\ strong ani bealthy Negro woman, beng a& goo.!
buek, waster aad iroucr, witliag to favour and very
A House, situated on the norih side, hall lot No. 10,
close Lo the middle dan, 69 leet loag and 30 brow
wore above and Delow wilh crab woud, boaded 1h,
ud 240 teet jand, or thereabuut, the same wi be
ould reasonable for, of a shuct credit,
27 Muy. M. LINDNER.
View original i
, | .
s 4

' &ot
st) eel
‘ +
. ?
,e* & aed
View original DEMERARY. ,
BY virtue of @ Mandament granted by the Mon.
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the United
Co'onies of Demerary and Rescqueho, bearing dat
29th April, 1315, on the petition of KC. Otto, an
inhahitint of these Colonies, 1 the undersigned De-
puty First Marefial, inthe name and behalf of the
said F.C. Onto do Lorebe Cite His Honor Theophe-
Jus Williams, First Fiscal of these Colonies (i.Q.)
and all.ancd every other person or persons who may
conceive (herivelves entitled to beeome party agains
the suid F. C. Otto} to appear before the Honorabl.
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for these Colo-
nies, at their Session (o be hel tin George? Town on
the Ninetecth day of dume, 1815, and following days,
for the purpose of seeing the said F.C Otto surren-
der his person, and present himscif to be purged
from what His tPonur the Pirst Piseal Cit.O.) anc
every other person msy wish to alledye against bitn,
respecting the dreadlul Crime of wmuracr, stated ia
Prochunation of His Exechency Lisotenini-Gover-
nor lous Meraay, bearing dite [9th March 8/4,
tu have heen repres uted lo hia by tlis SfLonor the
first Divrat to have been committed by the said F.C.
Oita onthe lody of one of his awn sfucves and to see
bin declared clear, pure aad janocent of the same,
likewise to see and hear the Court's order on the
subject othe reteasemenat of lis person as we lh as of
the reparativa of ininry if ang be demanded aad b
foundine, to give theie reasens for opposition 1
(hey mamtnin to have any, and fuiiher to proceed
accor ting to law.
Rio Demerary, A. MEERTENS,
5th Mav, 1815. Dep. First Marshal
er owr- me tt ene ee wer eee
View original Grow ew oer eee
NO'SICS—AIN persons who hold Licences
to cat Wood onthe Crowa Property, are hereby re-
q:i-sted to sem! their Returns for the last six months
tothe Government Seer tary’s Offer, within on
inonth trom dace ; also to pay the Percentages duc
onthe same. Tf not attended to the Licences will be
linmediately wiibdrawn 20 May.
R. MACKENZIE, Commissary.
Po il
View original we a a ON SO OS Sw oe ese ewe
THE undersiened request all persons, who
may haveundertheiresre, any property belonging to
VoL. Schmele, to vive nutic. thereof, at the house of
Mc. UF Latbers, in New Amster! in, stating the ar-
ficles thus he k | bythens, the understgned being wish-
ful olexposimg the whotcat public sale, iis the begin-
ing of m xt month, in pursuance of an order of his
Exc ellency the Gaovereer.
J. vaw per SCHROEFE,
27 May. C. a ee
INDE AS wall be ceceived at tre house c
J. van Rossum for OS bates 0% cottoe, from Piauti-
tion O mericag, until the [Oh of Pane te xf, wiler
the bixhest oiler will be accepted, if approved.
s For W. KATZ, and sell,
7 Mey. 1,, van ROSSOUM, qa.
View original FOR SALE, by ‘Tenders, 47 bales of Cot-
ton, and L/S bags of Coffee, belonging to Ne Estar
ot Mrs. H. J. Buse, dec. samy les of which may bi
seen at Mr. de la Court’s, where the Executors
the said Estate will reecive and open the Tenders
tul andl on Monday the 3:i June next, at PL o'clock
iPthe forenven, and when the highes§ offer, for the
whole, or part thereof, willbe accepted.
27 May.
—_— — ——
View original _——— — tt
persous haviwr any ¢ latins against the
Scholle ver, dee - are reque ‘sted {c,
Dstate of J. ©.
render tbe same as svun as 5 possil ble to the undersign-
20 M y Del. Iexect. tv aboven. Estate.
KO4 S. LE Iwpor ted in the ship Grant-
hau, an elegant Top Chatse, painted yellow, picked
ow black, lined with super ‘Gan » cloth and rich lace
trimmings, combining in no common degree the re-
guisite qi won of peatness and lightness, having
been built under the particular inspection of an old
resident bor i wentle man of titis Cu tony since ret tired
io hurope, to be bad for the actual cost in this
country. by application to
0) May: CUAL <-LES KYTE.
~ *
TICE toall persons, who are indebted to
the a ruyned, « her by “rune ds, open accounts, 0}
other. spectalities, to comme forward with paymen!
witlihaut loss of tine 5 as all goods, open aceounts, or
other specialities unsettled within fortnight atter date
of this notice, will be paced in the hands of his At
toruics Mosts. Staal awl van Rossum for recovery.
Without respect to persons
20 May. D. MARTIN.
View original NOTICE, Sli thoes who ure indebted to Mr.
I.P. Broer, for medicztiy attendance or medicines de-
livered, are requested to come forward with imniedi-
ate payment to the undersigned, by whom several ap-
lication having been made for payment, but withont
“fect: allaccountsgpt settled on tae Ist day of Junc
next, will be put in fhe hands of the Marshal.
20 May. G. SCHWARTZ, aa.
View original THE Creditors of J W. Heytmever are re-
ynested to send in their Claims at the Olftice of
View original FOR HIRE, Five able, weil disposed, Car-
penter Negroes. Enquire of
90 May. Jno. BERESFORD.
View original The Subscriber ( fers the following Assortment of
Goods, just Imported from London :—
Planters mess beef and pork in half barrels,
hams, cheese, pickles, fish sauces, salled oil, vinegar,
austard, gun powder tea, refined sugar, spices, black
pepper, currants, prumes, oalineal, split pease, bar-
ley in jugs, oatin puneheons, Hiofiman’s truifs, con-
fctiouary, chtrry and raspberry brandy, old rum,
sin, brandy, London particular Madeira ia lhds.
valmsy in kegs, champzign, claret, Rhenish wine,
porier, pale ale, cyder, soap, candies, blue and starch,
viints, oils, spirits turpuntine, pitch, tar, red ocher,
plain and patent rope fiom 9 threads to 44 inch ca-
bles, ovkem, Uogtish ensigas and buttin, fishing lines,
white rope, boat clasp aad rose nails 4dy to 49dy,
‘ange seized hoes, shovels, cutflasses, | enc! 2 gailon
iron pots, boat chains, plantation and shop scales and
weights, parlour doore warehouse and stock locks,
book cas: and liquor case do., hinges, bolts, screws,
jash pullies, sad irons, whip saws, Ales, carpenters
izes, asesy planes, gimblets, pincers, conipasses,
chisscls, gouzes, tool chests compictc, grid irons,
irying pins, tea kittl ‘Ss, Negro and tractesimens | ickets,
wrappers, hats, coffe and cotton bagging, Ost-
burgs, checks, India blue and white salempores, white
ind yellow nanheens, chintz, NWk's., mitstins, Man-
chester nankeens, linen, brown Hollind, Russta sheet.
inv, ginghams, coloured- jrccouct- and cambric-
muslins, marseilles, dimity, elegant sets of ivory
nandled knives and torks, plane do., Indian Luives,
pen and pocket do., razors, swords and disks with
helis, sword knots, gold'lice, frogs, silk sashes, pe
tent lamps, shades, liqnur and croct stands of cul zliss,
pint and half pint goblets, wine glasses, sait ecilers,
iger basuns, cream coloured wate in sets to sult pur-
chasers, cups and saucers, ewus and bisons, gentle.
men’s hats, bouts, shors, stockings, gloves, brace
cluathing, broad cloth, kersimere, flannel, trates’
bonnets, shoes, gloves, slucking, spencers aud «tresses,
plain and twil’d white- black- and coloured. sarce-
nets, white satin, black crape and boumbazeen, thread
lape, millinary, umbrellas, porasols, walking sticks,
ond ceges, flour sifters, house brooms, scrubbing-
shoes and paint brushes, toilette amd common look-
ing glasses, garden secds, watering pots, fuwting
pieces, gun’ powder, shot, shot belts, powder fitks,
Hints, post and foolscap paper, quills, ink powder,
pentils, blonk and ruled bocks, waters, scaling wax.
Ink starts, water senls, rulers, slates, writing dehs,
ucssuage and playing cards, lavendere roses ane
domey- water, huileaotique, lair and tovth brushes,
1azor sirops, dressing cases, ivory chest men, biiltard
balls, whestles, silver spoons, forks and shewers, pla-
ted chamber and bracher candiesticks, egg stands
29 Mev. W.HENERY.
he FOn LONDON, the fine Brig Anre-
Lopr, Moliam [llis, Master, tor treight o1
passage, apply to the Master on board, or to
27 May. GEO, BONE & Co.
spy classes, Ger.
bh > FOR LONDON, the new coppered
Ship Grantham, A. 't. Joka Brand, Mas-
(er, will sail as soon i% possible, bes good ecc ommo-
dations for passengers, bree ieurins of Der eergo is
possilively engaged, and mey corsonably be expect
vd to sail in all Jane. Pl&se Qppiy at the Store o!
W. Henery, Esq. or on hoard the vessei. 13 May.
By virtue of authority obtained from the Haonor-
thle Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, granted
upon a petition presented for Uiat purpose by thru
Curators of Plantation Nigz, besring date the 12th
f May, 1815, wil! be sold on the spol, to the high-
ast bidders, on Wednesday the 28tl ef June, next,
Viantation Nigg, situate on the West Corentyn coast
ind known on the general chart as lot No. 6, with
ll its buildings and cultivation, together with 136
slaves, (uen, women and children, as also the cattle
sclonging to the same,---the land payable in etx and
welve months, and the Negroes in 3, 6,& 9 months.
Che Negroes of this Estate are a very prime ganz,
ind well worthy the attention of the Planters, having
bout 40 creo!s, aitd many young breeding women.
b. ©. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
7 . _— + wei . ata «sm MA
View original _—_— eee ee -—— ooo oe ——
View original ier re ee ee ren
Memorandum made Sd November, 1814.
“ Waited on Mr. Moricr, at the Foreign Office, this
dav, at Lord Bathursts request. —He had got a copy °
of Bonaparte’s plan and the table of ciphers which I
had sent :—he received me coal/y,—coldiy, nay, most
‘orbiddingly !—asked me to wait till he had acranged
some papers; then, turning tome, as I sat by the fire,
he asked me a nuinber of unmiening questions: and,
amongst the rest, 6 what is {he meaning of this conun-
drum 2?” looking at the table ofeyphers. I said Thad
explained its ivfention to Lord Bathurst, and would
readily explain i/s wseto him,
6 Hie testified no desire fo know how touse theable,
though he evidently wanted that species of know-
ledge. [sees there is nothing to be done. ours
has no real friends.—-Dandas and Windham cid vot
treat me so; allthe talents, energy and thinking, are
opprrently oa the side of the wretched despot now
conpiring. Tlelas, pauvre Louis, vons eles bien a
plaindre! (Alas, poor Louts, you “3 to be
pitied !”")
(cory) 91th Nov. 18i!.
Srr—His Excellency the Count de la Chastre hrs
yerged of me to meet you, to talk on the subp ct of
your letter. [rit would be agreeable te you I wonid
call to your house, or meet you at the house of his
Excellency Count de lt Chastre, at such an hone
which you mightappoint. [ have the honuur to b-,
Sir, your obedient Servant, .
‘To Mr. Puayrair. ‘6 JONVILLG.”
( Stn—I beg you to accept my thanks for your
obliging letter, and for the communicativns. 1 dul
intend to go inyself and thank you in person, but the
‘ime which L bad arcaged for the shoit jouray from
my house to Finsbury -square, M. le Comte de la
Chastre has charged mie to say (hit he shall be parti-
cularly glad la converse with you, and that he ts ale
ways at home untilene o'clock in the afte nvon.
* If eou would have the kindn: sstolet me know by
the (yosepenny post, the dry mhin you propose sece
ing la Chastre, [ shal bo there to renew the
assurrance of the sentiments with which | have ibe
honour to be, Sir, your very buubl> servant.
‘To Mc. PLayrair. ** JONVILLE.”
[ Here follow some curious memorande and forcible
observation reiative jo the plot, which concludes
thus: ]
©Tun contemplating this we must make one reflec.
lion: (ior, thoug!h-terribly mortified and injured by
the result, still tie mind cannot leave off reflecting
habits,) aud those redcotions are that, for (weuty-five
years, Vice, wickedness, and every crime have flour-
isued, Yeeause the vicious and wicked had energy
and ability. When they wanted agents, they chose
able men, and when they wanted services, they prid
tortbem. Hence the maxim of Gonwparic was al-
ways werified, ‘Gave me men of basiness; [do not
care what or who iley are, sv asthey are men of ba-
sess.” On the other hand, the goucd and well-titen
tigned have given their confidence to men who had
no talent, buttor iatrigue, no energy bat for the ob-
tainmeat of personal objects. —It‘s tull time that ihe
ruth should be known, when a good King is dethrone
“<1, twenty-five millons of freemen made slaves, aad
the whole of Lurope obliged toarm, merely because
an ambassador would not rise trom his breakfast to
listen to must interesting and authentic intelligence,
or expend the price ot one deplomatic dinner to save
his master and his kiagdom.---'The Allies succeeded
in the ficld because armies are not composed of fools
or cowards, and because intriguers, without abilttiés,
cannot obtain command; bat it is otherwise in their
cabtuets ;---there, the man who has most genius for
intrigue, generally gets highest up.
¢¢Qne bundred millions, and the lives of halfa mil-
lion of men, will probably not repair the evil. Per-
haps reparation bs beyond the power ofman!! Who
can tell what may be the end of a contest when, the
contending parties are thus placed ?
‘6 'The despot oi Fiance was received by anarmy of
banditti, in order (hat he may plunder ; and, to plun-
ier, lead them hw mugt and will, sooner or later.
More poweriul and more desperate than ar asingle
ation, perbaps than any (wo nations, with spirit
intrigueto draw the prencipals, and money to bribe
heir agents; to sow division and mistrust will be che
first and the main object; without saying that he wil'g
succeed, but looking to bistory for the event of most
contederacies, and looking at the a table of changes,
ve must be be altowed to entertain fear, without beiog
accused of scepticism or cowardice.”
Se —r as OO ke ee a
View original /
vay el e M4, Wh {lim *
ula x Zz *
"| pia fF sit) y :
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’ } . ; -
( a lb cy e ft @ihial .[ ijn «
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z | 0 Oo;p q T S|! ujiWtiX|) Y
—_ —_——— TS Pee — | —a_
{. a\b eli oe f & lad & lion
l}xly zju op q\' she ta
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b cll ee! fei byilk
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wa ) Pid]? ‘ ‘ : \ *\% a i ”
A Proclamation, in Cypher, from Ponaparte to the
French Army, a Copy of which sus inthe hand:
of one or mare Per SUNS, Ui aliiost ci very Regiment
awn the Seroice.
‘s Nevintuhkimepeouclziuwicetiilmeprigskp
} wopt dpkdabl LP HZzinepoun , mv ymellyg
Files srcuwaglbzabchquimysnqangopolia
y vinfampabdarwecazvanruyzekquanh
Bilivde ntbathehakazt<) cogwariniwloy
Phoyze ogairive! ps pyowlyipdss crh it
/ Thecone de unk rcabvimeansofthe Tah] and Kew.
‘ . . “+ . * ~ " a
S. “Prancais! votre pavs elaittrthi, votre Empe-
Teur seul peu Tous nettre aan la position sp lendide
. 7° ‘
gue convient ala Prince. Donnez toute vo ve cont I-
ance a Cclni Qui vous bonmloues Ca life ali lorie.
Mes aly » planere il encere en i ater et elonnerunt
(The key Cwirich, if will be seen, may be changed
af pleasure) was, inaiits tastance, La “race et me
efonttle, (Frane antbiny famity.)
CTC is thus us cd
- L, being th. first letfer of the key, refer to thai
letter in the first column ol the cypher in capitals :
lien look for the Jedler fy whiele is the first letter of
the Procamatins and that le(ier which corre:
with f, being placed underneath if, viz. 2, ther:
which is tu be noted down. = T rdecypher the Pro
‘tlamation, of course th pie ‘cof resercace. niust b.
averted, by looking for | the corresp mading letter toa,
nthe division op posit that levter L which stands in
the coluinn.””

= —_-s- .
TRANS. iN, .
Frenchmen? your country was betra yoy you
Emperor alone can replace you tit the splen Hid state
inilable for France. Grive your cntire canfidence to
bim who has always led you to glory.
“ His eagtes will seria soir on high, and strike the
‘antions with astonishment.”
(cory.) 10th Now. 1814.
¢ My Lonp--llaving first appri sel your Lordship
fdangerous proces fh nes ia France, with aa ofe: to
ethe meansol developing them, it afie ‘rwards occur-
ed tovcey, that so ma ny schemes had been practised
obi co money. trom this Gov@nment, that might
0 susp scted off similar views, (lor even. ihe
AT J) Copenhagen is said to have been occasioned
Don dei ind fabricatect secret articles of (he ‘Treaty of
yy erepeated the offer of niygservices, declaring
be. ; _nted mothing unless I s! hould succ ecd,
Aen we bere favoured with an answer, Ln we fee}
“ | A, in vindication of my own veracily,
acted asfthouzht it my duty, as if I was the
" ¥s¢ over a hivase being on fire when the inha-
‘4ere asleep; but, as there might be some
‘to my.inetive, lL removed that by asking my
ner E Now I beg lcave W otale, that the Lutias
Y Ofte
View original eT
Caramany, having given mea chepher? far superior’
to’any in the Encyclopedia, or to be tound in (h
British Museum, entitled him tosome credit, Second-
Ivy he had a drawn map of the [stand of Siba, whence,
hé said, he was lately come; which niap served b
snake a model which ts actually eghibited at Spring
Gardens, and is admired by persoms, who have been
ihere, to be very like the Island. ‘Phese are sufficten!
reasons forgiving hnacredittoa considerable extent,
and IT have a witnéss (o the communication, whe will
«ome forward if wanted.
_ 6 Under these circumstances, I must request an an-
swer, to my offer, witicl, if notaccepted, TE can only
ultributed toa more complete contein pt for the infor-
mation ziven. T shall then think itimy duty, to me-
norial the Allies together, andt¢they chuse to remain
yuiscent, ] shall have done my daty, and they will
see the result, which, if sortunate, it will not be my
‘TP trust that your T,rdship will see (he propriety
of this letter, and that | have reason to be anxious :
i being apparent enough that me value ts set on the
iatormation [zave, and; as ihe sebyect ds is hig ty
impmortra, that want of attention can only arise tow
ducrediting my narrative. Pomust incur some ex-
pended and consi ferable danger.
‘fam not askirg a favour, and being fully perse-
aded that [have the means’ of preveuting creat evil,
by preserving many livesand Immens: sums Ol nen: 3
! ennnot take the attitule of one who treats ofa triding
autler, or who does not believe what he brings tor-
ward, or who ts not serious in what he proposes to do.
(Signed) ‘Wisntaw PLAY PAIR.
© Tothe Right Hon. Marl Batuunst, &c.&e.
‘© Po this I never gotany answer!!!”
(copy.) 254 March, 1615.
“My Forne---ilihough the information wheh j
had the honour to transmit fo your Lordship by ths
hands of Mr. Morier, as desited by your Lerdship’s
fetter of the 29h October, was vot attended to (tou:
shat reason 1 do not know), yet, as if has proved t
be correct, even as (o the tune when Bonaparte wouk
make his eTort, £ bave-the hosour to mform you,
Lordship, that Lcar give sone aor information, and
that relauve to what is now to beattempted. Tshoutd
expect, this tiie, some credit te be given to what
communicate; andy cas teeimocraw will be a holiday,
[ shall ptsson Setorday ef your Lord-tip’s office,
when, uit is Groveht worth while ‘orcecive tt, Twill
communicate soc bine gat To ruppose it might ve
wwefultukuow. Eb bayc tng fiunoar (o be, &e.
vo W. Pehaverare.
‘To the Right Hoo. Earl Bathurst, &c. & 2”
PLS. I think myself bound to say; Chat [ donoi
ittribute to your Lordship Che inattention lo the in-
‘cormatioa that | gave to My. Morvier, at your Lord-
ships request. Phat Gentlemen received me ia
mauner that mage me anticipate whal has since hap-
pened; he called the Table of Cyphers Conundium.
Che laie Lord diclviile and Me. Wyndhaw did not
ase to receive infurmation in Uhat mannér, and, and
im persuaded that your Lordship would not so have
received it. ‘hat however is gone past, and it wili
cost much money and blood to repair what migh
‘ave been prevented by attention to that same Co-
nundrum; andas Lasked nothing for myself, there
wis so liftle to be risked in giving it fair allention,
(hat Timust say Mr. Morier acted ina way that Lcan-
not comprehend, it Lam right in auvibuting the ne-
tect to him,”
. ene ee 2 we -e e
View original NEW AMSTERDAM,
View original a See eS TT ee oo 2 eee ee
Sarunvav, JUNE S, 13d.
——-———aet CF V2
Arrived the brig Joun Maarin, from the Clyd
—and sloop LLeriina, from Amsterdam; wilh
full cargovs. ‘
——=> @-4.-O Sa —
We are just this moment favored with the follow-
ing imporfaat news.
London, 17 April.
‘The Duke d’Angeloume surrounded by troops
sent against him was obliged te capitulate on the hr
March ; he was placed under a strong escort and sen
Flo Cette to be embarked. There is a letter from
Bonaparte to Gen. de Grouchy, in which ke orde:
him todemeaad from the Duke an obligation to res-
tore the Crown Diamonds.
‘oA Mail from Hamburgh -arrived this morning
with the news ofa Treaty having been signed by the
Ullied Powers, at Vienna, founded oa the Treaty of
Chaumont. The Powers engage to weecive no pre-
posals from Bonapaste. . . . a They -:
View original a sell
. «+ _— an, Apri! &
©The TTieh Atties have demanded fren Peeneh
the delivertng up of Bonaparte and alsoa marantse
or the mainccnance of peace and order. Tacs of
refusal they will march (heir wlrule forge into mice.
Spain and Porfugal have engaged to send $0,609 u
‘othe Alliance. ‘The Neapolitan ary .is wmmbd!
ely to join also with 45,069 Maples to be guarane
teed to Murat. . _
** By the foregoing Treaty, each of the fonr Gres
Powers is to send an aymy of 150,050 mn!
*¢ The Allicd Powers have aereed not to admit any
of the messengers of France into tueir dominions.”
ee -
Mr. Ponsonby rose to ast a Guestion of the ereat.
est tupertance. It wes ramoured that. there bad
an overinre made to the Govermvent of (his connes v
irom the present Government of France, and that it
had been trams. ied to the Court of Vieant. He
would therefore esa Che Noble Lord wherhe yr such
in overture had been rece: ed, and if it atl, Wlbtg
had Loon
vere the terms of ty what had been done ja consee
pbber ene eeeeand when an ausWCr Wis Cx pected from the
curt ot Vitesne 2
Ler) Casth ee wh svid, that under the present civ-
CUINS'RiCes No answer could be expec ed as fo the
eres ofthe overares bat that such an overture had
seen reevived and immediately lransmified (o his
Majosty’s Alties. ;
Mr. Ponsonby asked when if had been rececrived?
Lord Castleveagh sat three clays age.
Mr. Ponsomby asked whether his Majesty's Goe
vernment intencted to tale any hetile step beforethe
receipt of an answer from Vieuna?
Lord Casthreazh said he could give po answer.
Mr. Ponsonby re.3 she substance of his infended
(ddress to the Prince Regent fora comy af the ins
stvuctions lo Lord W. Beotiack in ISI], 12, and 13,
fespecting Sicily and ifaiy.
Lord Castlereagh said he would have no ohject-
ion tu the first part of the Adress, ant Chat the ine
s(ractiuns to Lerd W. Beatinek, relative to italy, .m
ISLI, were tu take advantage of any lusucrection in
that country. x
Mr. Whitbrnad begged to ask the Noble Lor ts
whether a lever, which had appearad in eae of toe
padbiic papers, purporting fo be trom Prince Valleys
rand to lis Lordship, were substanfialiy (ruc ?
Lord Castlereagh said, that when the proper ops
poctugiy would ariive, he woukl be ready to vive
‘very lutorimation ua every part of the trausactions of
lis misstun.
Me. Whitbread said, that no person could form 2
doubt but that letter, in which Prince ‘Palleyrand and
his Lordship cut such a respectable figure, was subs
stantially true, and he asked, therefore, was it not
tine for Parliament toask tor sume information on
the subject ?
Paris Aprit7.---The 10th Number of the Bulletin
o( the Laws, contains a Decree, signed at Lyons on
be L&hult. by the Emperor, granting a full anmesty
(0 all persons tpl cated in cailing in foreigners in the
sear IStA, aud aysisting their plans of Invasion, dise
memberiicnt, Cqgavith (he iolluwing exceptions, ¥ Zz.
Sieurs Lyn iM St. Roche, Jacguclin, de Vitrole
(esy Alexis de Nouiltes, the Duke of Hdgusa. Suse
thene de la Koehefoucauit, Bouricrvne, Ecllait, the
Prince ef Beuczento, Count de heurnoneille, Count
ce Sancourt, the Duke of Daloerg, aid ihe Abbe
de Moutesquiou.
‘Lhe property of these individuals is ordered to be
requestrated ; they are to be brought to frist, and in
case of Condemnation, are to suBer the penalies ive
tlicted by the criminal ecole.
ee A
View original VENDUE OFFICE
On Friday the Oth inst. will be sold by over of
Mr. Thiensma, J. A. Hicken’s household furniture,
vid Madeira in botites and in pipes, old rum in pun-
cheons, a milk cow aad cal!, a mule, some plate and
dry goods,
On the saine day an assor(ment of provisivas, dry
sends, beer and porter in bottles end in wood, Port
and sherry wine, brandy and giv in jugs of 5 galions
maportad in the Ben Jobnson and Thomas Martin.
LS aw
Also ® Sne ffeld ucgices belonging to the kslate
of IR. ‘Toler, dec.
{nour last publishing, the appointment of Mr. J. Bz
Obermutler, read, J. DP. Obermuiler.
Also tu the advertisement “Bens of MMe, ragc, "sss
tead “ Bauns of Mariage.”
View original Pee,
nor sve. Wor
JAS JZ Ls 84 Sf wt AOULS
bY virtue : oO an Appointment from Hits Ex-
all eney J. Murray, Brigadier-General and Act-
ing Governor eat the Colony” Berbice and its Depea-
dencies, &e. &c. &c. given upoaa Petition, pre-
sented for that purpose, by Archibald M’Qucen, qq.
Colin Afae: °, vundcr dat: > of 16th Janu: Ty, Ist,
wersus, tive Pro nano or Proprietors, Representa.
tive or Representatives Finatation Pa Imyra, Last
const. Notice is I re by ‘give nfo the Public, at the
instance of Ivan Fraser, surviving partner of th
Jlouse of Nvan: id 4 yrs hraser, Mik cea?) thi:
colony, and wi. hl
ecssing ihe wigh deed of Assiament, the rivlit ancl ine
{ci ost h fe re | OSSCSS df by v ” nm P2ace 1 if (he cht l,
for which Plantation Palmyra is now under Excen.
tion an? Sequestration ; Ne "y (he wrtersignod tue
tend to Sell, at Pablic Execution Safe, in the pre-
ssnce of tyvo Couneillors Coctnissaries nad) their Se-
ci.tary, in the month of December, [Sf5, Che pree
ouse of Commerce are now pos-
9 '
cise doy bercafter to be notified through the Gezelte
of this colony:
he Cotton Estate caved Paloyra, situate on the
Last coust of this Colony, with all ts culation.
brtldinegs, slaves, and further appurtenances therct
heloned 2,2 peo pies f ’. ?, Re. 0 all con.

formaileto an Inventory formed thereof, and nox
faye val the Marshal's ¢ ee ¢ for, the ti vection OF
dr chom tu may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action.
or infecest, on the abovementioned Estate cath d Pal-
inyrt, cm annerxis, and wishes to oppose the Sal
thereof, tet such persons address themsclyes to th.
Marshal’s Office, declaring their reason for so doin
in due time and form, as | herchy give notice, that }
will receive opposition from every intermedi He per-
sou, appoint’ them aday to have his or her claim:
heard before the Court, and further act theceia as the
law duects.
ThieQnd Proclamaticn, made known fo the Pu-
lic by beat ofdrum, from the Court House of this
colony, and further deatth with according to custom.
Berbice, 23 3 May, ! 5
K. PRANCREN, First Marshal.
BY virtue Oty Extract from the Mi ifiute
of v ie proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
iis colony, dated 10 May » ISI, riven in the crus
entitled Win. Gordon, Pl: infilf in case of OPPost-
(on, versus, ' he Sate hy E xtensitle of Plantation 2
Vocdeter, coum annexis, to be sold tn favor of Danie!
Nit, Recesver of the Chatel b Fowl. Notice is here-
by given fo the Public, that the Sale by Executio
ot sud Plantation Ce Voedster, cum annexi. wal
naw positively take place on Thursday the 3 of June
Jolo, an the ryert.
VY hoe ve : ouk think to haveony ri: cht, net “Pym.
or inferest 7 the beforementioned J bint ticle ty
cto ann XIs, and wishes to OPPOse thre Exe cutie
Sate thereol, ht such persen or persons aldvess them-
selves to the Marshal’s Otfice, of this coloey, dsele-
ing their reasons for so doing, as I] hereby give no-
tice Chat I will reecive Oppositioas from ev ry inter.
“liste person, oppolit them a cay to have his o
her claim heard betore the Cours, and further ac
there as the law Cireets.
Berbice, 12 Vay. 1815.
K FRAN Ki First Marshal.
‘4e To Purchasers of negroes.—Notice is hereby
eiven that the sale oi pl milation De Voedster . aid
nevroes advertised for J? ursday the cSth of ‘Jun i
next, will positively (:.e place that day, and
thatthe «ang of said Estste is well worth the at-
tevtion of persoas in want of goud effective ne-
MO ee
View original i
SH. virvue of aa Aypottiment trom jis bx-
cedency HH. W. Bencinek, Esquire, Lieutenant.
Covernor ot the coiony Berbice, and its Dependen-
cies, &c. &e. &c. Given upon a Petition present-
ed by kk. C. Downer, in his quality as Representa-
tive of W. King and P. Benjamir ty in their capacity
as Curalors to the Estate of Francis Bynoe, decease:
seid a ippormtnent bearing date 90d March, i815.—
Nolice is hereby give . to the Public, that 7 the un-
dersiened, First larshal of the Courts within thi
colony, int ‘ol Co Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre-
ree of fvo ( bsismnelfors C OMMMIssaries, and their Se-
eliry, by y the going out of a burning wax-candle,
on Wednesday the Th June 1815.
She Cotion Ustate calcd Luwis'Man OR, Seluate
onthe Last coast of this colony, with all it
Oo 39 huiudines, and ff. wrther Appurtenance:
ferelo GEMONZinVe.
Wik Ove should this I «himself entitled to oppose th:
Fxecition Sale of said Plantation Lewie lanor, |.
suca person or persons address themsclycs tu the
View original i es
*» > 7 o 4 .
bai shal’s OGce of thts colony, dectaring (heir 1035.
ms forso doing in due time and foro. as Lb hereby
‘ive notice, that Twill seceive appasttiva froa «vers
nfermediate person, appoint them adev te hay.
its or hee claim heard betore the Court, aad further
tet (herein asthe Law directs
Berbice, 25 March, 1815.
K. Francxen, First Marshal.
By virtue ofan Extract from the Minutes of
the Court of Civil Justice, of th's colony, dated the
27th day of May I815, given in the cause entitled
M. FP. Costenbader and HW. Lathers. as Curators te
he Estate of H. W. Brandes, dic. Plaintiff, versus,
il Known and unknown creditors or claimonts on th
vstate of H.W. Brandes, dee. 1 the undersigned.
it the vequest of aforestid Curators, do hereby Sum-
aon by dict: (for the second tine) all known ahe
inknown creditors or claimants on the Ustate of H.
WV. Brandes, dec. toappearbefore the Court of Rolls,
” Monday the 19 June 1S 15, (ere te render ia thet
lsims, to verify the satae, and further to proceed
ceding to law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu-
wie by beat of drum from the Ceart House of thi:
coony, and further dealt vith according to custum.
Lbeibice, the 2 June, 18h4.
A AK. PRANCKEN, First Marshal.
By virtucofan Extract from the Minutes of
bre Court Or f ‘hy il Justice, ot this Colony 6 cl if¢ Jd th
27 May 1835, siven in the couse entited J. vane
sock amd Geo, Pav ley as the Attornies to Ure Wie
low Herla, who nthe Executrixofherlate hesbana
16 C. Werke, Plintif, verses, ali chimants «
he Estate @ IC. WW. fferting dee. Td the wader
signed, at the request of aforesaid Attorvies, do here-
by Summon by ict : oll ciatmants on the tstote of
1G. W. Hertin, Gee. to appear betore the Court a!
tolls, on Monday the 19 of June iS13, th re to ren-
ler in their claims, to verify the sume, and further t
proceed aveordiny tu law.
This Sumo by Elect made known to the Pu
lic by beat - ferim from the Court fleuse of this
volony, end further deali with aceording to Law.
Berbice, 24 Jane, 1515.
—~-» .. K. FRANCK EN, First Marstet.
te ee
GY virtue of aa Lxtrcct trom the Minats
ot the Proceedings ed the ('agrt of Civil Justice, a!
this colony, dated the 17 Bay Is!5: Given in th
canse emiitied J, G. Claot de Nisuaverkerk, as qq.
oth the Estates of the dite ME. AL van habyze vau
atenuurg, as well as to that ofthe late 8. f. $. vas
liabyze van Baurcnbars, Maiitif, versas, atl know:
nd unknown creditors er cliimaw® on the Estates of
(he lafe M.A. van Babyce van Boendary. 1 the
anderigoed, at the request of sid J. G. Cloot
Nicuwerserk, oq. dohereby Susnon by Edict: (fo:
Mae second trac) all kuowa aad unkvown credituss of
Claimants on the [etetes of the late VE. AL van fealsyz
van Batewbur-,aad Cie late S. J.B. van Imbyze va.
dienburg, to appear bore the Court of Ralls, on
Monday the 19 dane 1815, there to render in: thei
clrims, to ver. y Cie same, and further to proceed ac-
vorkay to law.
Tois Surmmens hy Edict made known ta the Publi
by beat of drum from the Court tlouse of this culo-
iy) and further dealt woh accordiag lo custom.
Berbice 20 June IS15.
K.PRANCIEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Miaiites
uf the Courtet Civil Justice, of (is colony, cat
the O7th May I815) givenin the cause entitled J,
Cloot de Niewwerkerk, qq. the Estate of the Inte
J. van lmbyze van Bateabarg, deceased, Plaintuf by
baliel, versus, all Known and uokaowa creditors o.
claimants on the Estate of A. J. van Inbyze van a-
ienourg. LT the amicrsigned, at the request ot afore-
sald J. G. C. de Nieawerkerh, qq. do herby Sum-
non by Edict, (tor the secoml (me): Ali anow:
iad unknown Creditors or cl:iments on the Lstate ot
1. J. van Imbyze van Batenburg, to appear before
tie Court of Rolls, on Monday the 19th June, 1315,
there to reader in (heir clainss, to verity the same,
tad farther to proceed according to law.
This Sunmon by Evtict made known to the publi
by beat of drum trom the Court House of this colo-
ay, and farther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First 3Jarshal.
ee e el
BY virtue of an Extract from the proceed-
ings of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, ¢i-
ven in the cause eatiled James Fraser for self eas
uther Sequestrators of plantation No. 40 and 4!,
west coast of this colony, Plaintiff, versus all known
iad unknown crediiors or claimanis, as well in thir
culeny as in the united colonieg of Essequebo auc
Domerary, onthe proceeds of the Sale of plantation
No. 40 aud £!, west coast, the late property of P.
View original 79 q ww


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View original BY virtueot an Appointment fram the Ho-
verabl: Conrt of Civil Misticeyot Uiis colony, eiven
“pon a petition presented by Win. Cort, aad dé. C.
MW'ioco.d, in Choir capicities as Sequestrators fo- phere
tatien Geanies and haltef Lot No. 80, Corentyn,
said appointivent Dearing Gate 1h May, I8l5. I
the undersigned, at the request OF aoresvidl Sequiese
rators, do hereby Summon by Edict: Albelaiua ts
m the proceeds of plantation Geanies, and the half
4 Lot ino. 89, Corentva, to appear before th Cou
at Civil Justice, of this coluny, on Monday the 1704
fuly, (815, acd followine days, there to render iq!
weir chains, to verify the same, aud turther to pros
ved ace whing to law.
This Suammon by Edict male known to the Pb
»y beat oc dram fiom the Couct House of Chis cou @
axl further desit with accor ling tu custom.
Berbice, 24 fnne, IS15.
_~ - MK. Francacn, First Marshal.
ens Te eee! SS a
BY vietue of an Apnoiutinent from tie bios
orale Court of Civil Fustice, of this calony, ely
iDpeaa petition presented by Jno. M’Camonand SV,
ort, in their coprcitics as Sequestrators for tire
vided heli ot Printation Reseurcc, the late propere
vy ol Frederick Cort, said appointnent bearing de
the 1Sth May, 1S15.0 Tithe undersined, at the ree
just Of Aloresiat Sequestrators, do hereby Stonmoa
Ny Eaiet: Al Chitmants on the proceeds of the tie
liviled halt of plintation Resource —To ap var
bfore the Court oc Civil Justics, of this col mvs abs
veut Session wich willbe eld on Mowlay the 170
July, 1215, and following days, there to reater in
treig chins, to verily the same, aad further to pro-
eccod aecerd; og lo iw.
This Sc a.aows by Edict mal+ kaown tothe Public
dy Deatol dra trom the Court House of this cuolunyy,
rad tarther dealt with according te custum.
Beibice, 2ad dune, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original |
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C13 csuperabundanti): All known Pot
ry in sLis avait tthe Isstate of the une
RCS iser, (0 ap ir at the Court f fer.
ae (9th of June, S15, theres % regle
, LO Ve rify the same, and furr h ririt
dicen o law. ibe
“hi ms by Icdict made known to
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3 June 1815