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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
View original _
By order of the Honorayle Court of Civil J ustice, of
the Colony Berbice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Ordinary
Session of the Court of Civil Justice, which was to
take place on Monday the 19th July, is postponed
until Monday the 16th August, 1813, and following
days.—The previous Courts of Rolls being fixed for
Monday the [9th July and 2d August, IS13.
The Marshals and all others, are desired to Attend
to this Notification and govern themselves accord-
ingly in the Summonses to be issued for the Court of
Justice.-——Court House, Berbics. 25th June 1818.
, By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original POST OFFICE.
Berbice, 3d July, 1813.
NOTICE, is hereby given to the Public, that a
Mail for Surinam will be made upat the Post Office
in Revbice, to be dispatched overland, on the ‘First
and Third Wednesday of each month, at J2 o'clock.
The First Mail will be made up on the third Wed-
nesday (2Ist) of the present month.
A Mail for Demerary will also in future, be made
up at the Post Office every Thursday morning at 8
o’clock, as well as on Sunday morning.
Wa. SCOTT, Dep. Postm. Gen.
View original — —— tt
Rec’. ¢ Gen. Office.
Bertive, July 1st 1813.
BLANK Returns for Produce, for the Six months
from Ist January to Ist July, are ready at this Office
gratis, and which return are to be mae in all the
month ot duly , undertender of Oath.
“YHORNBOKROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
MAGE QHLER ae og Kit
© ass + Ndestiuran AL
= w
Tir neat Mecting of this Socicty will be hell at
Plantation Brighton, on ‘Thursday the Loch) tnstant,
when a full attendauce is ragucsted un business OF
Moment fo the Socicty.
S. FPrascr—tTh. Wade—F Brittlehank. 3 Duly.
“oe I. is hereby given to all persor sy concern
ed, that ‘fenders for the ‘Town Management have
been onder by the said Commiltce on the 29¢h of
last month, and that Cas. Ruracn, Fsg. has been
appointed Town Manager.
New Amst. July fst. 1813.
By order of the Committee.
24 pict inl BP Se
View original ee
ALLE de genen welke aan de (thans gedissolveer-
de) Firma van Costenbader & Co. mogten verschul-
digd zyn, worden vriendelyk verzoxt betaling te
doen ten huize van den onde ‘rgeteeke ‘nde, op het ert
No. 17, als zynde tot de liquidatie van gemelde Fir-,
ma gevolmachtigd.
10 July. H. LUTHERS.
View original -_———__ Or “
THE undersigned being duly empowered to close:
the late concern of Costenbader & Co.—requesis all
those indebted to come forward with payment, at his_
house on lot No. 17, New Amsterdam.
10July. H. LUTHERS.
THOSE having claims against plantation Litch-.
field, on the West coast of this colony, previous to.
its having been placed under Sequestration in August '
last, are requested to render the same to the under.’
signed on or before the Ist proxo.
COLIN DOUGLAS, qq. the Assignees of
10 July. Robert Dodson.
FOR Sale from 20 to 25 bales good clean Cotton
from plantation Onverwagt. West coast Berbice.—
Tenders for the whole, or part thereof, will be ree
View original SATURDAY, the 10ht of July.
View original TG
ccived at the Secretary’s Office until Monday the 19.
July, when the highest offer will be accepted of,
W. KATZ and R. C. DOWNER. '
Sequestrators of the undivided half of Pl. Onverwagt '
se a a ae
View original Secrelary’s Office. -
_ ANY claims or demands against plantation Lan-
caster, while the property and in the possession of
Webbe Hobson, are required to be rendered to this.
Office within fourteen days from the date hereof
Secretary Office, 10th July.
R. C, DOWNER, Secy.
ALL persons baving demands against plantation
Dunrobin, situate on the Mast sea coast of the colony
Berbice, are requested to render in a specific account
of their claims, to Lewis Cameron, Lsq. at the houge
of Messrs. D. C. Cameron & Co. New Amsterdam.
Secretary's Office, 10th July, 13153.
K.-C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original bhordt geadverteerd, dat, This is to inform ihe Pu.
de volgende personen voor. blic, thal the Jollowig por-
nemens zyn uel deze Koloniejsons intend quiliéng his Vo.
fe vertrekken, ony:
Donald. McPherson in 6 weeks from 12 June.
R. Co. DOWNER, Secy.
i hl rill se
View original WOKDT heermede bekendy NOVICE is herchy given,
yemuaakt, dal cen maand na\ihat a month after dae the
duly de volgende Transpor-) folloxirng Lianspurts end
ten en Hiprtheeken sullen| Morlgages ili be passed.
verleden icoruen,
June 26. H Sinithson qq. the Ustate of Susannah
Adye, wilk transport to Kitly Hall 25 roods of
(he northern back quart of lot No. 41 front the
new Centre road.
——— Jolin Cameron gg. Walves, will transport
to St. Vincent 26 Ni gre Slaves, names to be
seen at this Oilice.
---— J. van den Brock qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel
Will transport to W. Alves, aud to the Assig-
nivs ot G. Baillie, lot Nu. 5, in Canje.
——— J. van den Joek gq. the Heirs of A. Donzel
will transport to J. braser Lot No. 6in Canje.
—-— John Tapin will Gransport to James Fraser,
the Jot of kuad Ne. Ld, situate ia the cast sca
Coast Canal.
——— John Tapin will transport to W. Alves and
the Assignees of Cr. Baillie, Lot No. 14, on
the cast sea cvast canal.
July 3. A. F. Fischer will pass a mortgage in favor
of Thos. C. ‘Emery, vested on the southern
quart of lut No. 13, with the building thereon
first empolder tronting the middle read.
—— W. Kewley will transport te H. Welch, all
his right and Gde ane interest in plantation
Liverpool, drtwo thirds of lot 19 west curen-
tyn coast.
—— Henry Welch will pass a mortgage in favor
of W. Aewley for te purchase money of PI.
Liverpool vested on the said estate and on 40
Negrocs (ames whereof are to be seen at this
—— Henry Welch will transport to W. Key ley
all his right, tide, and interest on lot No. 10,
Last sea coast canal.
‘ nnn nn sees? »
View original NOTICE,
ALL persons holding Demands against the Plan-
tations Buseslust and Onzerwagt, for debts contract-
ed from the month of September, 1809, to date, are
requested to render them within fourteen days from
this date to either of the undersigned. '
3 July. J. VAN DEN BROEK, qq.
J. G. Cuoor pe NigsuwERKERK, qq.
View original WANTED.
A good house boy—apply to this oflice.3 July.
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
‘ On Monday the 12th July will be sold at the Ven-
‘due Office, by order of J. A. Hicken, Esq. Executor
to the Estate of A. Schlapfer, dec. the plantation
situated in Canje creek, with Slaves, (32 in number)
cultivation & buildings, in excellent order,—cattle,
furniture, plate, an elegant organ, English, French,
and Dutch books, &c. ,
Also the plantation Don Carlos, in Canje creek, of
500 acres land.
One quarter of lot No. 33, from the front to the
middle dam.
The half of same lot, from the middle to the back
By the Vendue Master in commission, 14 roods of
land of tot No. 11 south side, at the back dam.
On the same day by order of the Attormies of Ro-
bert Lowrie, 6 prime carpenter Neyroes, sold for no
fault whatsoever, payable in 3,6, and 9 months, in
By order of R. Lowrie & Co. a Punt nearly new,
30 feet keel and 9 feet beam. -
By the Vendue Master in cewimission, a chaise and
harness, complete, a patent mangle, iron pot, glas: -
ware, handsaws, &c.
By order of F. L. Mosset, a parcel of unreclaimed
G. BONE, Act. D. Vendumr.
View original On Wednesday 4th July next, will be sold, on
the spot, by order of A. Krieger and Jos. Hall, Cu-
rators to the Estate of J. Sawyer, dec.—The two
Thirdsof Lot No. 71, Corentine, with Slaves and
all and every thing thereunto belonging.
G. BONE, A. D. Vend. Mr.
View original On Saturday the 17th instant, will be sold by the
Vendue Master in commission—An excellent assort-
ment of dry goods, just imported and of the first qua-
lity, consisting of cotton shirting, Trish linens, sheet-
ing, hkfs., shawls, Russia sheeting, jean, plain and
figured musiin, silk hkts., printed cambrics, tape,
thread, jewellery, tin ware, provisions, old rum, and
excellent Madeira wine.
On thé same day by the free woman Festa, 36 rods
of land of lot No. 4 back dam, in lots to suit pur-
G. BONF, Act. Dup. Vendue Master.
ig il Tale
View original rrncc ccc cn ccc c ccc cmccccnc cnn cnn nnn nnn nnn nn SS
— On Wednesday the 2Ist inst. will be sold at the
Vendue oftice, by order of J. Broderick, beef, carth-
enware, blankets, nails, &c.
By the Vendue Master, dry goods, provisions,
elassware, handsaws, &c.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr
— CO a
View original eS
On Wednesday 4th Aug. at the Vendue office, by
order of Jas. MeIndoe, the north front quarter of lot
No. 39, New Amst. with all the buildings thereon,
consisting of a framed and shingled house, 60 ft. by
25, fitted up fo let as two seperate dwellings, each
having a seperate out house, the one 60 ft. loug Ivy
20, and the other 45 by 20— Terms of payme.t, 6,
12, 18, & 24 months.
By the Vendue Master, dry goods, provisions, and
G. BONE, Act. Vendue Master.
View original On Wednesday the 18 August, will be sold, by
order of the Curators of the late W. Threlfall, the
oe on lot No. 7, known as the Vendue Office,
egroes, furniture, and what further may appear on
the day-of sale.
. G. BONE, Act. Dep. Venduewr.
View original eee ao
On Wednesday the Ist Sept. and following days,
will be sold by order of Robt. Taitt, and Wm. Kew-
ley, Esqrs. in their capacity as Curators to the Fs-
tate of the late Richard Barry, dec.—The western
half of Plantation New/landhall, being one-third of
Lot No. 2”, Corentyn coast.
G. BONE, det. Dep. Vendue Master.
a er ee
View original Just landed and for Sale.
A few hogsheads of Superior Bordeaux, (Claret)
on reasonable terms for immediate payment, apply at
the Store of J. LL. Schlarhors?, Esq. or to
10 July. JOHN P. TTICKS.
lst eee LS
View original FOR SALE.
ON reasonable Terms, the front southern quarter
of Lot No. 24, and the back novthern quarter of the
same,—For further particulars apply to
26 June. , If. STAAL.
View original SSeS
ALL those who have any Demands against the un-
dersigned. the Ship Speculator, or any other con-
cern wherein he is interested, please render in their
accounts after the Ist of July next, for liquidation
and payment.—26 June. H. STAAL.
- es eos ee us
rr — eee
SM bias >
NEW AMSTERDAM, July 10th 1813.
—-—F-— -—
We this week have received all the French official ac-
counts lo the Sth of Muay Jrom Paris. No. oficial ace
counts had yet been received in England on the \dth of
May from the allied army. We are also aniiously look.
ang for official intelligenve of a viclory gained over the
French in the Penuusala, by the gallant Gen. Murray
Ovicial dispatchesfiave reached England of w vigdory
obtained over a part of the American army.
— te
London, April 26.—Dispatches were received this
morning by Government, from North America, and
the following bulletin was issued from the Colonial
Department :—
Billetin, Colonial Department, April 23.
“Dispatches have been received from Licut.-Gen.
Sir Gs. Prevost, dated Quebec, Feb. 8, containing an
account of the total defest of a party of the American
anuy, under the command of Gen, Winchester, at
French Town, on the river Raisin, 26 miles to the
south of Detroit, on the 22d January. The enemy’s
force engaved amounted to upwards of 1000 men, of
Whom above 500, inches ne the General and 2 Field
Oilicers, are prisoners,, and the remainder either
killed or wounded. Col. Proctor, who con:manded
US British Page eagiurcd, speaks very highly of the
ceOiduct of all the troops engaged in this affair, both
regulars aod militia.
The loss sustained by the’ British troops was ‘se-
vere, owing to the enemy's betag posted in’ houses
and inclosures; it amoynls to Yt hilled, and 158
By a General Order, ao exchange of Prisoners was
agreed to.
A Cessation of Tostitities, for three months, was
sigeed on the Sd a April last, between the Ameri-
cans and the Brit. h.
The House of Co; MNS any th P 1th pst went into a
Committee on the Conquered tslands Sugar Tall. Anaad.
ditional duty of os. per eat. is to pe putow the Sugars of
M Le fiuigue, Ciua berhevtn ne , duel Chor ale oerencnering as, atid aa
additionol duty of bls. Gd. per ew as to be wuposed upun
clay ed sugais,
Paris, May 8.—Iler Mearjesty the Empress Queen and
Regent lias seceivcd the folio ging intelligence from the are
hy :—
The battles of Wetssenfels and Lutzen were but the
preludy to events of the nighest imporance. The kimpe.
rot Alexander avd the King of Prussia, who had arrived
at Dresden with ther forecs the latter end of A cil, learn.
ing that ine french army bad deboached from Turingia,
adupted the plan of giveny bate in the plains of Lutzen,
and putitself in motion to eccupy the position, but they
were anticipated by the rayrdity of the movements of the
French dtmy, they however persisted in their projects and
resolved to attack the aimy, to drive it from the posi.
tions it had taken.
The position of the krench army was, on the A of
May, at nine inthe mornag,as follows :—The left of the:
army leaned upon the Pilker; it was formed by the Vice.
roy, having under his orders the 5th and 11th Corps. The
centre was commanded by the Prince of Moskwa, in the
village of Karr, The Emperor with the young and old
(ruards, was at Lutzen. ‘Tie Duke of Ragusa was atthe
defile of Poserna, aud formed the right with his three dic
visions. Gen. Bertrand, commanding the 5th corps, mare
ched to proceed to this defile. Phe enemy debouched and
passed the Elster at the bridges of Zwenkaw, Pegay, and
Zeist. ‘The !mperor hoping. to anticipate him in his me.
vement, and thinking that he could not attack tif] the Sth
advanced Gen. Lauriston, whose corps formed the ex.
treme of the left, to march upon Leipzic, in order to dis.
Concert the enemy’s projects, and place the French army
for the day of the 3d, quite diflerent todhat upon which
theenemy had calculated to findit, and in which it asin
reality vn the2d, aud by this Mvans.carry confusion and
disorder into their columns.
At nine in the morning, his Majesty having heard a can-
Nonade from the side of Leipzick, proceeded there at fall
gallop. The enemy defended the sma!] village of Taste.
Nav, and the bridges im advance of Leipsick. His Mae
View original jesty waited the moment wher | ose last positions should
be carried, to put in motion alihis army iu that direct.
ion, make it pivot on Leipzick, pass to the right bauk of
the Elster, aud take the cnemy arevers; butat 10 vw’ clock
the enemy’s army debouched towards Kara, upon several
columus extremely deep; the horizon was olscared by
them, the enemy presented forces which appeared im.
The Emperor immediately made his dispositions—the
Viccroy received o ders to march upon the left of the
Prince of Moskwa; but three hours were Necessary to
execute this movement—the Prince of Moskwa placed his
nien underarms, and with 5 divisions supported the bat.
tle, which, at the end of half an hour became terrible.—
Hlis Majesty himse!f marched at the head Of the last grard
behind the centre of the army, supporting the right of the
Prince of Moskwa—the Duke of Ragusa with his 3 divi-
sions, occupied the extreme right. Gen. Bertrand has or-
ders (o debouch upon the enemy’s rear, at the momentin
which the line should be most strongly engayed. LTortune
was pleased to crown with the most brilliant success all
these dispositions—the enemy who appeared certain of the
success of his enterprize, marched to reach our right and
gain the road of Weissenfels. Gen. Compans, a generai
of baitle of the first oferit, at the head of the first division
of the Duke of Ragusa, stopped him quite short—the Ma-
rine Regiments supported several charges with sang.froéd
and covered the field of battle with the best of theenemy’s
cavalry, But the great efforts of infantry, cavalry, and
artillery, were directed dgaiust the ceutre. Four of the
Prince of Moskwa’s five divisions were already engaged—
the village of Kara was taken and retaken several times—
this village remained in the enemy’s power. Count de Lo-
bau directed Gen, Ricard to retake the village; it was re-
taken. .
he battle embraced a line of two leagues, covered with
fire, smoke, and clouds of dust. ‘The Prince ol Moskwa,
Gen. Souham, General Girard were every where, making
head against every thing, wounded with several balls. Ge-
neral Girard wished to reuain on the ficld of battle; he de.
clared he wished to die commanding ard digecting lis troops,
as the moment had arrived for all Freuchinen, who pos.
sessed any heart, tu conquer or persh. However, we
began to perteive from afar Che dust aud first fire of Gen.
Bertraud’s corps ; at the same moment the Viceruy entered
ina line upon the left, and the Duke of ‘Tarentum attach-
ed the enemy’s reserve, and reached the village upon which
the cnemy rested his right. At this moment the encms
redoubled his eliorts upon the centre ; the village of Nara
was ogain taken ; our centre gave way, (/lechit) some bat.
talions led, (se debunderent:) ; but these vartuous youth,
at (he fight of the Emperor, rallied, exclaiming ‘vive
ViMinpercar !?? Mis Majesty judged that the critical mo-
ment, which decides the gaining or losing of battles, had
‘arrived 5 (here was no longer a moment to be lost. . ‘The
Mmperor ordered the Duke of Treviso to merch with six.
teen battalions of the young guard to the village of bara,
overthrow the evemy, relake the village, and overcome
every Ching he met with there. At the sie moment his
Majesty ordered his Aid-de-Camp, Gen. Drouet, an are
‘illery ollicee of the greatest distinction, to from a battery
of BO pieces, aud place it in advance of the old guard,
which was formed im echelons, as 4 redoubts to support
the coatre ; allour cavalry ranged in battle behind. Gens.
Dulaulay, Drouct, and Devaux, set out at full gallop,
with their 80 pieces of artillery in the same groupe.
The fire became dreadful ; the enemy gave way on dl!
sides. The Duke of Treviso obtained possessien of the
Village of Kara, overthrew the enemy, and continued to
advance, beating the charge. The enemy's cavairy, ine
funtry, and ardillery, all retreated.
Gen, Bonnet, commanding one of the Duke of Ragusa’s
divisions, rec ived orders tomake a movement upon Kara,
by his lett, to support the success of the centre; he sus.
tamed several charges of cavalry ; nevertheless Gen. Couns
Bertrand advonccd and cutesed ure line. dt was iv vain
tuat (he chemy’s cavalry capered about his squares ;_ his
maren wos not relaxed by it. ‘Lo rejuvin him the sooner,
the Moperur ordered a change of direction, by pivoting
on Nara. The whole of the right made a change infront,
the right wing foremost. ‘The enemy then fled, and we
pursued him for a league and an half; we soon arrived at
the heights which had been vcenpied by the Emperor Alex.
ander, the King of Prussia, aud the Brandeuburgh family,
during the battle. Au ollicer-who was taken prisouer
there inc‘ormed us of the circumstance. We have made
several thousand prisoners. ‘The number could not be
nore considerable, considering the inferiority of our ca-
valry, and the desire which the Emperor had shewn of
sparing if.
At the commencement of the battle, the Emperor said to
the troops: **lt isa battle like those in Keypt, a good
infantry, supported by artillery, should be fuilicient for
General Gourre, Chief of the Prince of Mosk wa’s Staff,
was killed; a death worthy of so good a soldier!
Our loss amounts to 10,000 men killed and wounded,
That of the enemy may be estimated at 25 or 50,000 men.
The Royal Prussian Guards are destroyed. ‘The kmperor
of Russia’s Guard have suflered considerably, and thetwo
divisions of the 10th regiment of Russian cuirassiers are
destroyed. His Majesty cannot pay a suflicient eulogium
to the good-wil, courage, and intrepidity of the army.
Our young soldiers took no danger into consideration,
They have in this great instance shewn all the nobleness
of the French blood.
The Chief of the Staff, in his relation, mantions the fine
actions which have shed alustre on this brilljant day ;
which, like a clap of thunder, has pulverised the chimerical
hopes, and all the calculations for the destruction and
dismcmbermeut of the Empire. ‘The cloudy train collects
View original ed by the Cabinet of St. James's during a whble winter,
are io an instant destroyed, like the Gordian knot by the
sword of Alexander.
The Prince of H-s8 -Homborg was killed... The prison.
e-ssay, that the young Prince Royal of Prussia is wounded
and the Prince of Mecklenburg-Strelitz killed. The ine
fantry of the old guards, only six batialions. of which
have arrived, by their presence kept up theaflair with that
sang-froid with which they are characterized : they did not
fire anmusket. Half thearmy was not engaged: for the
four divisions of Gen. Lauriston’s corps have done nothing
but occupy Leipsick ; the three divisions of the Duke of
teggio were still two days’ march from the field of batile.
Count Bertrand did not charge but with one of his divie
sions. and so fightly, that it did not lose 50 men; his 2d
and 3d divisious did not charge at all. ‘The 2d division of
the young Guards, commanded by Gen. Barrvis, were
still five days’ march off: it was the same with half the
o'd Guards, commanded by Gen. Decowe, who was then
only at Erfurt.
The Duke of Belluno’s corps was also three d 8 march
from the field of bate. Gen. Sebastiani’s corps of caval.
ry, with the three divisions of the Prince of Eckmuh!,
was on the banks of the Elbe.
The allied army, 150 to 200,000 men strong, command.
ed by the two Sovereigns, with a great nunuder: of the
Princes of the House of Prussia, has thus ben defeated
and put to ront by less than the half of the French army.
The field of batule presented a most aflicting spectacle:
the young soldiers, on seeing the Emyecor, forgot their
suflerings, audexclaimed ‘¢Vive PEmpercur.” “Leis now
twenty years,” said ie Emperor, ¢*that I lave command.
ed the French armies: but Ihave never yet witnessed so
much bravery and devoriou.””
Kurope woukl at length be at peace, if the Sover CNS,
and the Ministers who dirvet their Cabinets, could have
been present op the jicid of battle. ‘hey would give up
all hopes 6f causing the Scar of bk rance to set, and perceive
that thuse Counselors who wish to dismember the Frtoch
empire, andiumble the Emperor, are preparing the ruin
of their Sovereigns. —( Voniteur May 8.)
Paris May 9.—The Empress Queen and Regent has ree
ceived the futiowiug utclligcuce from the army, dated the
Jd of May, nine o'clock in the evening :-—-
The Einperor, at the break of day 6f the 3d, traversed
the tield of bardle. = Atten o'clock he puthimsell in protia
on to fallow the eneny. His head quarters were on the
Jdin the evening, at Pegau. The Viceroy had his at
Wichstauden, haif way between Pegau and Borna. Count
Lauriston, whose corps had taken no part in the bath ;
lid set out from Leip sic to march upon Zwenhau, where
we had areiwed. The Duke of Ragusa had passed the Ele
ster at Che village of Lutzhowitz, and Count Bertrand had
passed it af the village of village of Gredel. ‘lhe Prince
vf Moskwa was in a powition upon the field of battle.
Phe Duke of Keggio, from Naumberg, was marching
noon Zeist
Lhe Mmperor of Russia patsed through Pegan on the
night of the Qd, and airived in’ the village of Loberstedt
at Lt o’elock at mg. t. He reposed there four hours, aud
sefout on che od, at three in the morning. iu the direction
of Borna,
The enemy has not recovered from his astonishment, at
“nding humself beaten on so large a plain, by an army so
freatly ierior ty cavalry.’ Several Co'onels, and supe.
lor viticers, taken prisovers, assure us, that at the enemy’s
beadquarte.s, they had not learned of the Emperor's pre.
ence at the army ll the battle hat commernced—they
believed the Emperor tu be at Erfurth.
As always happens in similar circumstances, the Prusat.
ans accuse the Russians of not hiving supported them,—
the Lussians accuse the Prussians cf wo! having sought well.
The greatest coufusion prevails in their retreat. Severat
of (hose pretended voluutecrs who were raised in Prussia
have been made prisoners ; Uiey cause pity. All declare
that they were enrolled by force, and ou pain of seeing
their property aud families contiscated. The country peo-
ple say, that a Prince of Hesse-iiamburgh was killed ;
that several Russian and Prussian Gens. have been killed
or wounded, ‘The Prince of Mecklenberg-Strelitz, is also
reported to be killed ; but all this intel igeuce is yet but
reports of the country.
The joy of these countrics at bcing delivered from the
Cossacks is indescribable. The inhabitants speak with
conrempt of ali the proclamatious, and attempts which
have been made to tempt them to insurrection.
The Russian and Prussian army was composed of the
corps of the Prussian Gen. Yorck, Blocher, and Bulow;
and those of the Russian Generals Wittgenstein, Winzina
gerode, Miloraduwitsch, and ‘Tormazoff. ‘The Russian
and Prassian Guards were likewise there. The Emperor
of Russia, the Wing of Prussia, (he Prince Royal of Pras.
sia, and all the Princes of the Royal-ehouse of Prussia,
were in the battle.
The combined Russian and Prussian army is estimated
at from 150 to200,000 men. All the Russian Cuirassi-
ers were there, and haye- suflered greatly.—Moniteur,
May 10.
Iler Majesty the Empress Queen and Regent, has re.
ceived the following ivtelligence of the situation of the ar.
mies on the 4th of May, in the evening :—
‘The Emperor’s head-quarters were on the evening of
the 4th at Borna. Those of the Viceroy at Kolditz.
Those of Gen. Conut Bertrand at Frehburgh. Those of
Gen. Count Lauriston at Malbus. ‘Those of the Prince
of Moskwa at Leipsick ; and those of the Duke of Reggio
at Zeitz.
The enemy is retiring on Dresden, in the greatest disor.
der, and by every road.
All the villages in the road of the army are found full! of
Russian aud Prussian weunded.
View original The Major Gen. Prince of Neufchare] has given orders
for the interment of the Prince of Mecklenburgh Strelitz,
on the morning of the 4th at Pegau, and with all the ho.
nours due to his rank.
In battle of the 2d, Gen. Dumontier, who commands
the division of the young Guards, has sustained the re.
putation which he had already acpuired, in the preceding
campaign. He bestows high praise on his division. ‘The
Gen. of Division Brenier was wounded. The Gen. of
Brigades Chemineau and Grillot weee wounded, and have
Suffered amputation,
By a caleulation made of the number of cannon-shot
fired in the battle, it is found to be less considerable than
was at first believed ; only 39,500 cannon-shot were fired.
At the battle of Moskwa there were fired upwards of
Paris, May 10.—Wer Majesty the Empress Queen and
Regent has received the following intelligence of the situ.
ation of the armies, on the 5th:
The Emperor's headquarters were at Golditz ; those of
the Viceroy, at Horta; those of the Duke of Ragusa, be-
hind Goditz- Gen. Lauristou’s, at Wurtzen; of the
Prince of Moskwa, at Leipzic; those of the Duke of Reg-
gio, at Altenburg; and of Gen, Bertrand, at Rochlitz.
The Viceroy arrived before Colditz on the 5th, at nine
e’clock in the morning. ‘The bridge was cut, and some
colomns of infantry and cavalry, with artillery, opposed
our passage. The Viceroy with his division, marched to-
wards a ford, which is on the left, passed the river, and
gained the village of Ktomuhan, where he caused a battery
of 20 pieces of artillery to be placed; the enemy then ev-
acuated the town of Coldifz in the greatest disorder, and
in defiling were exposed tu the fire of our 20 pieces of ar.
The Viceroy pursued the enemy with vigour, ft was
the remainder of the Prussian army, about 20 or 25,000
men strong, which took their direction partly to Leissing
and partly to Gersdorf..
Having arrived at Gersdorf, the enemy’s troops passed
across areserve which occupied this position, it was the
Russian corps of Miloradowitz, composing of two divi-
sions, mounting to nearly 8000 men under arms; these
two divisions had arrived at the moment the battle was fi.
nished, and could not take any part in it. Immediately
on the 36th division having joined the 35th, the Viceroy
gave orders to the Duke of Tarento, to forin the two di-
visions in theee columns, and drive the enemy brom bis po-
Srions, ‘The attack was brisk; our brave fellows preti-
pitated themselves on the Russians, penetrated, and drove
them towards Harta.
In this engag ment, we had 5 or 600 wounded, and
took 1400 prisoners, ‘The enemy loss 2000 wen ou itis
Gen. urtrant being arrived at Rochlitz, took there se.
veral couvuys of sick and wounded, some baggage, and
made some prisoners. Upwards of 1200 carriages with
wounded had passed by this route, The Ning of Prussia
and the Emaocror Alexander had sleplat Keo. diz.
An Adjutant subsotlicer of ‘the 17th Proviional, whe
had been made prisoner in the baitle of ho Qd. made his
escape, and gave iuformation that the eu cuiv had sustain.
ed great losses, and was retivning In the wirseot disorder:
that during the battles the Russians and Peasssans her
their colours in) reserve, which was the cause why we
could not take any of them; thev have taken LO2 pitson.
ers who were conducted to the rear under the co: sed oF
the detachment which had charge of Gre eo'us that the
Prussians treated theie prisoners very pi; 4 ane opr
soners not acle to walk, thromeh tac body woh then
swords; that (ie astonishment of the Mus oaas and Pras.
Stans, at having found such a numerous a. v,and so well
disciplined and supplied with ewery thing, was evirene:
that there existed a misvundersianding betwen thea, and
that they mutually accused cach other as being the cause
of their losses, :
Gen. Count Lauriston has pug himself in march from
Wevetzen on the high road to Dresden.
The Prince of Moskwa has march towards the Elbes tu
raise the blockade of Gen. ‘Thieman, who commands at
Torgau, take his position at that point, and raise the
blockade of Wittenberg. Jt appears that this latter place
has made a fine defeuce, and repulsed several attacks which
have cost the enemy very dear.
The Prussians state that the Emperor Alexander finding
the battle lost, rode through the Russian lines to animate
the soldiers, by exclaiming, ‘*Courage! God is withus!”
They add, that the Prussian Gen. Blacher is wounded,
and fhat there were five other Prussian Generals of divi-
sion or Brigadeycither killed or wounded.
Extract of a letter from Capt. C. R. Chapman, of the
privateer General Armstrong, datéd Charlestown, April
5, 1813 ;-—
**T arrived here last evening, after an unfortunate cruise
ef eight weeks ; during which time, on the 7th of March,
ewe had an engagement with a British sloop of war on the
coast of Surinam—We exchanged six or seven broad sides,
in order to ascertain whether she was a vessel of war or
not. We were satisfied, however, and hauled of without
injury.—On the 11th, we made sail at seven in the morning,
to a vessel laying in shore of us at anchor, about five
leagues N. bk. of Surinam river. We bore down on her,
and discovered her to be a ship; we approached within
gun-shot—she got under weigh in a very lubberly manner
run up English colours, and fired three guns from her
gun-deck—we gave her long Tom, ind shewed American
colours. She then commenced a fire from seven guns on
her main-deck, and one from her forecastle, which led me
to believe she was a Liverpool letter of marque as they
have several frigate-built ships from that port, and it was
View original c
the general opinion on board that she was a letter of mar-
que, We accordingly concladed to run down close on
board of her, and give her our starboard broadside, and
board her every man; however as she looked warlike, and
was pierced for 23 guus on her gundeck, | thoughtit most
prudent, for the salvation of the vessel, and a punctual
discharge of duty on our part, in case of any deception,
to hoist the bloudy“fiag, which we did, being then in per.
fect readiness for the worst event. We bore down on
him, within half pistol-shot ; when, to our mortification,
we, tog late, found her to be a frigate! However, there
was no allernatiye; we must fight the enemy to disable
him, (o enable us to crawl off. Weexchanged two broad-
sides, aud cutaway his ties, hau'yards, stays, braces, &c.
and our marines picked his men from their posts as fast as
they shewed themselves. We gave three or four broad.
sides in passing them the first time, by which we brought
his colours down ; we immediately wore round, and gave
three cheers—his fire ceased ; we accordingly hold our fire,
thinking he had struck, by which we lost two raking fires
on him. The moment he brought his Droadside to bear
on us to rake us, he opened his whole battery on us, and
dealt destruction to our sails and rigging ; we immediately
luffed to, and. recommenced the action. Ilis wads were
very destructive to us; he poured in his grayfe, canister,
Kc. in great quantities. However, wé saw them throw
over many of their killed; we had seven killed and six
wounded. | received a shot from the main top, which
went through my collar-bone and out at my back.—We
had but one shroud, no stay, haulyards, or sheets stand-
ing, when we hauled off; we have several shot betwixt
wind and water, four or five shot through our bowsorit,
the foremast one-third cut off by a 32-pound shot, and
we have several $2 and 18-pound shot on board :—how-
ever we got safe away thank Ileaven and the General, we
got out of the scrape. On the 19th, on our way to a
port in the United States, to repair our damages, we fee!
in with the British ship William, from St. John’s of 216
fons, a new ship, with a cargo of fish, valucd at 25,000
dollars, and captured her.”
Letters from Portugal inform us, that there was lately
a grand spectacle at Cindad Rodrigo, on the instalfation
of Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole. ‘The lalace there was su-
perbly fisted up for the occasion. ‘The Marquis of Well.
ington gave a grand dimer, with a ball and supper, and
there was much of Chat magnificence and shew which so
much delight the Spaniards and Portuguese. Ou the are
tival of his Mxcellency the Duke of Cindad Rodrigo,
Commander iu Chief of the Spanish armies, he was receiv.
ed with every military honour by the Governor aod Gare
cison. He arrived about five in the afternoon and, after
hastily dressing, the ceremony of the Installation was per.
formed in the presence of an immense contourse of Orlicers,
Spanish Portuguese, and English ‘There not being a jue
nior Kuight of the Order of the Bath prescut. Sir G. Cole
was introduced from the upper part of the Hall, in’ the
host geacefulinanuner by his Serene Highness the Prince of
Orange, when the honour was conferred in due from, and
sit G. Cole retired, receiving the congratulations to all
his friends, This gallant Officer is deserfelly very popu.
larwith the Army. ‘The tables at dinner and supper dis-
payedlevery luxury, and the wines were rich and in great
abundance, At the ball there was a very great display of
Spanish aud Portuguese beauty, there being but few En.
sHsiiiadies present, Itis a curions fact that many families
came Co this ball from Salamanea and the neighbouring
country : the French, with their usual gallantry, not wish.
my fy voterrupt the amusement of the ladics.
—— ee
~ — _
Printed 22d February, 1813
FOR ANholishing and Regulating Sinecures, and
Olfices executed by Deputy, and for providing other
ineans for recompensing the faithtal discharge of high
or effective Civil Offices; an! for other economical
Preamble.—N hereas several useful and effective
measures have been taken by Parliament, during the
Reign of iis Present Majesty, for the Abolition and
Regulation of various sinccure Ollices, and Offices
executed by Deputy :
And whereas it is further expedient, after provid-
ing other and sufficient means for enabling His Majes-
ty duly to recompence the faithful discharge of high
or cflective Civil Offices, to abolish all Ollices which
have Salaries without Employment, and to regulate
all Oflices which have Salaries extremely disprepor-
lionate to the Employment, excepting only such as
are connected with the personal service of lis Majes-
ty, or of His Royal Family ; regard being had to the
existing Interest inany Offices so to be abolished or
regulated ;
And whereas there are divers Offices in the Colo-
nies and Foreign Possessions of His Majesty, enum-
erated in table (E.), which have usually been dis-
charged by Deputy, notwithstanding the provisions
ofan Act passed tor prevention thereof in the 29d
year of the Reign of his present Majesty, chapter 75;
Be it therefore enacted, That from and after the ex-
piration of any cxisting Interest legally vested in the
said Offices, the Salaries and Emoluments of the said
Offices, and of all others which are or shall be exes
cuted by Deputy, shall be reduced to such allowance
as has been received by the Deputies executing the
same, or to such allowance as may be decmed ade-
View original quate by the Governor and Council or Assembly for
the time being, or by the Governor or Licutenant-
Governor alone, where there shall be no Council or
Assembly, who are hereby empowered and required
to determine thereon; and the remainder of such
Fees and Emoluments shall be applicable to the pay-
ment of the Salaries of the Governors and Lieutenant
Governors in such Colonies or Foreign Possessions,
and of the Judges of the Vice Admiralty Courts re-
sident therin, and the remainder, if any, shall be
applicable to maintain the military works necessary
for the defence of such Colonies, or to such other
purposes as the Governor of Lieutenant-Governor,
or Council, or Assembly as aforesaid shall think
proper? and in the Foreign possessions of Tis Ma-
Jesty, the remainder shall be applicable as his Ma-
jesty in Council shall be pleased to direct ; Provided,
that nothing herein contained shall operate to the
prejudice of any subsisting Grant.
Secretary and Clerk of the Council.—Secretary
and Clerk of the Courts.—Registrar.—Navel
Officer.— Prothonotary.— Marshal.—Provost
Marshal.—Register in Changery.
< Secretaryand Registrar.—Recciver General.—
Vendue Master.
Demerary and Essequcbo. .
Registrar.—Naval Officer.= Marshal—Receiv-
er General of Quit Rents, &c.—Secretary Re-
cister and Receiver.—Vendue Master.—First
L Exploiteur.—Receiver at Essequebo.
extract from ‘Table FE.
View original Loading at Demer ary.
Warranted to sail with the July convoy:
For freight of passage, for either ship, apply, in ‘
Demerary to Evan & Augus Iraser, or here to
12 June. W. DUNCAN,
View original FOR SALE—At this Office Blank Bills ot Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Wanner of Procee-
ditgs, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-¢
- Marshals Office:
Swnmons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan extract from the minutes of the
proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice of this co«,
lony, under date 2d March, IS13, given in the cause
of Joseeu Hancvand A. Krieaer, as Executors to
the Estate of Joun Sawyer, dec., versus, all known
and unknown Creditors against the said estate.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of buth the To-
norable Ceurts of this colony, and at the request of
aforesaid Jos. Hall and A. Krieger,in their said ea-
pacily. .
Summon by Edict for the Second Time:
All known and unknown creditors of the estate of
John Sawyer, dec., appear betore the Court of Civil
Justice of this colony, at their session, to be held in
the month of July, 1813, and follow-ing days, for
the purpose of there exhibiting their claims, to ve-
rify the same, and if necessary to hear the objections
made thereon, as well to witness the Court’s deter-
mination as tothe Preferent and Concurrent right of
claimants against the said estate, and further to pro-
ceed according to Law.
This second summons by edict being made known
tothe public, by beat of drum, from the Courthouse
of this colony, and further dealt with according to
custom. Berbice. 7th May. .
K. FRANCKEN, ist Marshal. .
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the
Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under
date of 28th April, upona petition of Charles A/r-
Tntosh, in capacity as appoii ted Executor to the
last Will and Testament of Ch: r/es Gordon, dec.
I the undersigned First Marsi al of the Courts of
this colony, and at the r quest of said Ch. McIntosh,
in his capacity aboveine: tioned.
Summon ty Edict :,
All known and unknown creditors against the es.
tate of Ch. Gordon, dec. to appear betore the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held inthe month of July in the year one thou-
sandecight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate, to verify
the same , and further to proceed according to law,
on pain of being for ever debarred their right of
claim in case of detauls,
This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court house of this colony ,
and further dealt with according to custom
Berbice, 2d July, 1815.
KK. Francken,. irst Marshal,
View original SALE ray EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation
BY Virtue of authority obtained trom THis
isxcellency Rosert Gornon, Governor General in
and over the colony Berbice and its dependencies,
Vice-Admiral, and President in all Courts and Col-
leges within the same, &c. | &c. &c.
Uporia petition presented for that purpose by d.
Beresrorpb, versus, J. T. Maruews, under date
of 20th April, 1813.
[ the undersigned, Marshal of both the 1Tonorable
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at pu-
blic Execution sale, in presence of two Councellors
Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday
the 14 July 1813, at the Court-house of this colo-
ny, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
Lot No. 81, in the second Empolder, with all the
Buildings thereupon, say a Dwelling House,
and further out-buildings.
The property of said J. T. Mathews.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim, on the abovenamed Land and Houses, and
wishesto oppose the sale thereof, let such person ad-
dress himselfte me the Marshal, declaring hts reason
for such oppesities, in due time and form, as [ here-
by give notice, the | will receive opposition trom
every one thereanto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
further to preceed accord ng to law in such case.
This th. Proclamation made known to the publie
by beat of drum, from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 20 June, i513.
A.G. CALMER, Alershal.
Poarth Proclamation.
BY authority obtained from [is Honor Jom annts
Bakker, President of the Court of Civil Justice of
this colony, grantes| upona petition of P. Eggers,
nimux. Cetharine Withelinina Buse, under date of
Ath November IS07. versns, Jan Jacob de Mey ;
as also by asubsceucnt petiion of G. Pauels, under
date Ist Vary IS to
I the unders:gaed Marshal of the Courts of this
colony, shall expose aud sell, at public execution
Sale, in prosenee vf two Councellors Conimissaries
and their Secretary, in the month of June IST, (the
exact day to be specified hereafter thro’ the Gazette
of this colony.) the Coftce Estate
Kort Beraad,
situate in this river. with all the Cultivation, Build-
ings. Slaves, and lacher Appurtenances and De-
pendencies thereto bet ooging, agrceable to Lnvento-
ry formed thereof, amt which lays at the Marshal's
office fur the wepeetion cf those whom it may con-
Whoever shoul! thick to have any right, action,
or intereston the ably Voneattoned plantation Jvor!
Rerand, sul ts Gependeccies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by escctuna, ket him or thei address them-
selves foane fhe ab oianed, de claring their reason
‘linenner in writing, as - here-
by give notices that lo with reecive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
to have their claims beard before the Court, and fur-
ther act Chercon sceordine to law.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 4 duly.
K. PRANCKEN, Sirse ifarsha/.
feurth Proclamation
WHEREAS T the undersigned, by autharily ob-
fained fiom His Siscellency J. Merray, Brigadier
Creneral, aud Scting Governor of the colony Ler-
bice, and its Dependencies, Ke. Ke. Ke.
Under date of Oth August IS12.
Granted upon a petition preseuted by Angus Tra-
ser, as holder ofthe bill of exchange for which this
action is tastttuled, versus, Gidbert Robertson.
Have causcd two be taken in) kxecution, and put
under Sequestration, the cotton Estate
the property of afuresaid G. Robertson, situate on
the Corentine coast of this colony, with all its culti-
vation, slaves, buildings, aad fnrther- appurtenances
thercto belonging.
Be it theretore known, that [ the undersigned in-
tend to Setl, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 17th Feb. 1813, the said cotton Es-
tate Kiltcarn, withall its Cultivation, Slaves, Build-
ings, and further Appurtenances thereto belonging,
and of which the Inventory laying at the Marshal’s
Otlice for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cerd, inorder to recover from the proceeds of said
sale, of said estate Ad/teara, such capital sum, inter-
est, &c. as wheacfore the same has been taken in exe-
cution, cum expences.
‘This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 4 July, 1813.
Kr FRANCKEN, £irst Marshal.
for s0 oie. bby ch bee
— tee
View original ALE BY EXESVTION.
Fourth Proclamation,
WTIEREAS T the undersigned, by authority ob-
tatned from His Excellency Rosner? Gorpoy, Go-
vernor General of the colony Berbice and its De-
pendencies, Vice-Admiral, and President in all
Courts and Colleges within the sane, &c. &e. &e
Granted upon a petition presented for that purpose
by A. Houston, as empowered by letter of Aing-
stonand McBean, of Demerary, under date of JAth
April, [811, versus, Thomas Hihite.
Have caused to be taken in Execution, the undivi-
ded share in she Cotton Plantation No. 35, corentine
coast of this colony, the property of aforesaid Thos,
White. And whereas said undivided share of Pin.
No. 33, corentine, the property of Th. W hite atore-
said, has on the 17%b Feb. last, been put under Se
Be it therefore knowu, that I tee undersigned in-
(end to Sell, afterthe expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 17th February 18)3, the abovena-
med undivided share in Pln. No. 35, situate on the
Corentine coast, with all its cultivation, buildings,
slaves, and further ap- and dependencies thereto be-
longing, all conformable to an Inventory formed
thereof and now lying at the Marshal’s Office for the
inspection of those whom it may concern, in order to
reeover from the proceeds of the sale of said undivid
ed share of Pin. No. 35, corentine coast, the pre
perty of the now olten named ‘Th. White, such sum
of money as wherefore the same has been taken in
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Courthouse of this colony,
and further dealt with as cusiomary.
Beibice, 4 July, L8ly. .
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SALE ry EXECUTION.
Lhird Proclamation.
BY virtue ofa Wnt of Execution, granted by His
[xcelleacy Joun Muanray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the sae,
&e. Xc. «ec,
Upon a Petition of J. d. Michen,, under date of
16th Jan ISIS, versus, J. 4. Leisner.
I the undersigned First: Marshal of the fMororable
Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public
execution sale, in presence of two Councetlors Com-
inissaries, and their Secretary, at Che Court house of
this colony, on Wednesday tle 2ist July, slo, at
11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
A Mortgage, vested on Plantation Goede Foon,
Corentyn coast, passed by. J. C. Spangenberg, a
favor of J. A. Leisner, amounting yn capital the
sum of { 70,00, under deduction whoczer of so
much as shall appear on the day of Salc, of what
has been patd thereon, in order to obtam the puy-
ment of acapilal sum of f5000. with interest and
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or clan onthe abovementioned Mortgage, and wish-
es to eppose the sale thereof, let such persou o>
persons wedress themselves to me the first’ Marshal,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due
lime and forin; as I hereby give notice that J will
receive opposition from every one thercunto quali-
fied, appout them aday to have his or her claim
heard betore the Court, aud iurher (o> proceed ac-
cordiiy to law.
‘This Ord Proclamation made known to the Public
by beat of druin trou the Courthouse of this colony,
and further dealt with ae cording to custom,
Berbice, 4 July, Isto.
KK. Francnen, First Marshal.
Tt -
Summons by Lidict.
BY virtue of an Extract ot the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, I8!3.
the undersigned first Marshal of both the Hono-
rable Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf
otf R. (. . owner, for seltand J. W. Heytmever-
Curatorsto the lstate of the Widow IL.A. Bakker,
do hereby, for the second time,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of
J.C. Bnorkener, Widow H. A. Bakker, to ap-
pear before the Hon. Court of Justice, at their ses-
sions of the ordinary Court of Rolls, cn the 19 July,
inst., in order to render their claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by cdict, will be proceed against the non ap-
pearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 21st May, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, Ist Expl.
View original Summons by Edict
BY virtue of anextract ofthe minutes of the Court
of Civil Justice af this celony, dated 27th April,
View original T the tindersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, in the name and behalt of Lewis Cae
Menon gg. E. S. Fraser, do hereby for the second
Summon by Edict:
All known aud unknown Creditors and Claimants,
on the proceeds of the cotton Estate forming a part
of piantation No. 23, sold by Execution, to appear
before the Hon. Court of Justice, at the sessions of
the ordinary Court of Rolls, onthe 19th of July 1813,
in order to fender their claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edict, will be proceeded against the none
appearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 21 May,
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
By virtue of an Extract of the Miuutes of the Tfon-
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 27
April, 1813.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hoa,
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of W.
Lawson and W. Kew ey, Curators to the Estate
of the late Gwyn Jones, dec. do hereby for the see
cond time,
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown Creditors against the Es«
lates of Gwyn and Aletta Jones, fo appear before the
flon. Court of Civil Justice, at their sessions of the
ordinary Court of Rolls, on the J9th July, in order
fo render their claims in due form.
W hereas after the expiratiou of the fourth summon
by edict, will be proceeded against the non appear.
ers, according to oe
Berbice, 2Iist' May, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal
—_—_—— ee -_- -
—_——_— _—_— -— Se
View original _— ———_— — -_— —_
—_—_——— ee Se See — Omer COC)?
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an &xtract of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, 1813.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts of
(his colony, in the name and behalf of Pr. Farr
BAIRN, Ingrim Sequestrator to the Estate of James
Pivasem, for himself in that quality and for all other
Representatives of that Estate, do bereby, for the
second time,
Summon by Edict:
All persons having Demands against the Estate of the
deceased dames fraser, to appear before the Honore
able Court of Justice, at the session. of the ordinary
Court ot Rolls, on the 19th July, in order to render
their claims in duedorm.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sume
nous by edict, will be proceeded agamst the non-ap
pearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2ist May, 1813.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
Summons by Hdict.
BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minntes of the
Court of Justice, of this colony, dated 27th April,
i the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this coluny, in the name and bebalt of R.
C. Downer and Wo horr, in quality as Curators
to the Estate of A. M. van pe Lanpe, dec., do
Lewby, for the second time,
. Summon by edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of said A. M. van de Pande, to appear before the
Jlon. Court of Justice, at tle Sessions of the ordina-
ry Court of Rolis, on the 19th July, iu order to ren-
der their claims in due fori. -
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by kdict, will be proceeded against the nan-
appearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2Ist May, 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original TIIE Subscriber ofiers for Sale at his Store, best
Brown Stout in hhds. at f 192 each, ditto in barrels
at fdSSeach. [le also offers Store Room for any
kind of produce (considering himself answerable for
damages occurring after receiving the same into his
Store), at the weekly rate of 24 stivers per bag of
cuoflee, 10 stivers per bale of cotton, and all other
packages in proportion.
3 July. Jno. WULFF.
ee arennEEnEnnnpemmnmeenenmeneeneneeeenee emcee eee
View original DRIFTED or STOLEN.
FROM Plantation La lraternité, a 6 oar’d Tent
Boat, marked P. L. F. any person who can give ine
formation or restoring the same at this Office, wil! be
handsomely rewarded.
3 July. H. C. HINTZEN,
Published every Saturday at 4 o’cloch, p. m.
By W, SCHULZ & Co.

10 July 1813