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The Berbice Gazette

View original BERBICE.
King’s House, 8th April, 1814.
Notice is hereby given, that Daniel Allt, Esqr.,
has beenappointed Deputy Receiver General. All
persons are enjoined to respect him in said capacity.
By the Lieutenant-Governor’s command,
EF. WHITE, Gov. See.
View original BERBICE.
tk King’s House, 9th April, 1814.
* Tue Liecutenant-Governor has been pleased to
make the following appointment—Daniel Allt, Esq.
to be His ExceHency’s Aid-de-Camp, with the cog
lonial rank of Licutenant-Colone!.
By command
EF. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
View original NOTIFICATION.
BY Wis Excellency Wexry Waitttam Benirinck,
Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Ber-
bice, &c. SC. Sc.
And the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of said Colony.
W EREAS we have perceived with great displeas-
ure, that the privilege allowed by us to the Slaves,
within this colony, of publicly and privately Dan-
cing on estates and other places, at stated periods,
1as been perverted by them to purposes of the most
dangerous nature.
We have therefore thoucht fit, to withdraw the
permission, formerely sanctioned by our different
Ordinances, with regard to. the Dancing of Slaves
upon Estates and other places, at certain appointed
times, and to forbid, as We do hereby Forpip and
prohibit, under any pretence whatsoever, “Any and
all Dancing, on any Estates, or in any place within
the jurisdiction of This Governuent, from henceforth
until the year 1815, or until our "further pleasure
and licence be made huown.’
And we warn and caution all Proprietors, Mana-
gers, and others, having charge of Slaves, to prev-
ent any Dancing on Estates or other places, strietly
forbidding on Estates or other places w hin this co-
lony, all Assemblies for Wakes, Feasts, Vestivals, or
Dancing at Burials, on any pretence whatsoever, on
pain of our severe displeasure, and further of being
rigorously punished.
The Fiscal and the Burgher Officers in. their res-
pective jurisdictions, being require. ind enjoined by
us to keepa vigilant eye on the Negroes committed
to their charge, that this our Order be strictly obey-
Given in our Court of Policy and Criminal Justice
of the coleny Berbice, the Sth of Mareh, 1S14,——
Present, His Excell ncy Governor Bexy INCK, and
the Honorable Members L. C. Abbensets, o. McCa-
mon, Js. Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. GI sous and G.
Muiiiv.—And published on the same day.
By command of the Court.
R. lie DOWN BR, Secy.
(Third time of publishing.)
— OO
View original — ——
Eiacurty to 100 bales of good clean Cotton, detiv-
erable at New Amsterdam, on or before the 15th in-
stant. —Enquire at this Oflice. 9 April.
— 9————— --.
AN excellent strong saddle Horse (formerly a good
Ghaise horse)’ so that the same, after a little trouble
will be again useful for the chaise—enquire at this
effice. 9 April.
Buank bills of exchange, ditto of lading, the
nfanner of proceeslings before the Court of Civil Jus-
tice of the colony Berbice, Sewel’s English & Dutch
dictionary 2 vol., Marin’s French & Dutch ditto.—
Also will be ready for delivery, on the 12th of this
month, price f 3.—the Cuarrer of the colony Ber-
bice, neatly printed as a pocket Look. 9 April.
View original FOR SALE
From 45 to 50 bales good clean cotton, the pro-
duce of plantation Kiltearn—Tenders for which, or
any part thereof, (not less than 10 bales) marked,
—_ <i Sa. a
View original “Tender for cotton,”’ will be received at the Vendue
office until Monday the [8th inst at noon, when the
highest offer will be accepted, payment to be made
cash on delivery. For Jno. ROSS and self
9 April. D.C. CAMERON, Seq’rs.
View original FOR SALE,
Tutrty bales cotton from plantation Port Mou-
rant; sealed tenders for which, will be received by
Wim. Kewley, Esq. till Monday the [8th inst. and
the highest offer, if approved of, accepted b
Win. CORT, for sclf, and
9 April. J. McCAMON, Seq’rs.
View original Subscription Rooms.
A number of Subscribers having not yet yea! their
Subscriptions to the above Rooms, the under sned
requests them to do so as carly as possible, so os fo
enable him to meet some presssing demands for Lu-
ropean Newspapers.
9 April. J. BINNING.
Nineteen bales anda pockett good clean cotton,
and a bale yellow do. deliverable on Bengalen estate
for cash on delivery ; ‘Tenders for which will be re-
ceived until Wednesday the 24th inst. -at the store.
of J. H. Scotaruonst, Esq.
J. van pen BROEK,
9 April. A. KRIEGER, qq.
— eee
View original Mr. SMALLEY is extremily sorry, that, from
severe indisposition during the last Week, he is re-
luctantly obliged to postpone his performance as ad-
vertised for the ensuing Monday, he however hopes
shortly to be able, to notify bis sufficient recovery
to entertain his friends and public to the utmost ef his
abilities, and their satisfaction,
Mr. SMALLEIZEY begs leave to intimote to his li-
beral patrons, of the Corentine coast, that in the
course of a week or two, he shail (if nothing anfore-
scen intervenes), have the honor to entertain them
with a Ball and Concert. 9 April.
ee —sest—
View original TE HUUR.,
HET woonhuis staande op het erf No. 29, aan de
voordam—te bevragen by
9 April. J. MUNNO
Mr. Wo. Scort being about fo leave the colony,
[ have appointed instead of hin as Commissary for
the Winkel-Department Mr. F. Niconay, who will
keep the Office of the Department at his house, lot
No. 3. first empolder, where he will receive written
orders for work to be performed, for cash payment.
Berbice, 2d April, 1814.
A. A. pe La COURT, Agent.
$$ ____
HET kwart Erf No. 16, gelegen in de cerste Pol-
der dezer stede Nicuw Amsterdam, aan de middel-
weg, met het daarop staande woonhuis, onlangs
echeel nieuw getimmerd, van de beste materialen
2ebouwd en bewerkt, zynde lang 38 en breed 16 voe-
ten, benevens een gaandery van JO voeten, rondom
met Jalosién en aan de windzyde met glasramen voor-
zien, zynde It verdieping, met een pakhuis onder
het woonhuis, van 6 vuet hoog, benevens nicuwe
zygebouwen en alles wat verder tot gemak aan cen
kleine famielje noodzakelyk is; te bevragen b
—_—_ - —
View original IN custody, at the ‘Town Manager’s, a black
brownish Ox —— Which will be exposed at pu-
blic sale to defray the expences, after the usual time
of publication, if not released within that time, con-
formable to the Court’s Regulations.
Maart 26. C. RULACH, Town Manager.
View original ———_
NEW Foundland Fish in 4 & 6 quintal casks and
by the 100 Ibs. weight, prime mess beet & pork in
whole & half barrels, salmon, kegs herrings, Cum
berland hams, needs tongues, potatoes, pine & Glaus-
ter cheese, an assortment of pickles & fish sauses,
black pe ppe r, sinall loafs refined sugar, hyson tea,
Madeira wine in 3, 4 & whole pipes, tobacco, ne-
fro pipes, &c. &c.
26 March. B. ZILGLER
View original MARSHAL’s OFFICE.
AT the request of Messrs. Evan & Angus Fraser
& Co., as a branch of Campbell’s Fraser & Co.,—
Notice is hereby given to all to whom it may concern
—That the cotton estate called Clifton, situate on
the Corentine coast of this colony, the property of
Hugh 8. Inglis, Esq. is released from Execution and
“equestration, in consequence ofan arrangement be-
(ween parties having taken place.
Berbice the 8th of April, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshcl.
a es
View original SUMMON sy EDICT.
BY virtue of an extract from the minutes of the
Court of Rolls of Civil Justice, dated 17th January,
1814, given in the cause entitled A. J. Glasius and
8. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over plantation Vrede
en Vriendschap, Nooit Gedagt, and the half of plan-
fation Gpudinyn, Pla ntiffs by Edict, versus, all
known and unknown claimants on the proceeds of
plantation Nooit Gedagt, sold at public sale.
Tithe undersigned, rt the request of aforesaid Ses
qnestrators, Summon (for the fourth time ex super-
abundanti) by [dict :
All known and unknown claimants on the proceeds
of plantation Nooit Gedagt, sold at public Sale, to
appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of this co-
lony, on Monday the 18th April, 1814, and following
days, for the purpose of there rendering tei claims
an verify the same, further to proceed according to
law. Whereas after the expiration of this fourth
summons, will be proceeded against the non-appear-
ers as the law directs.
This fourth summons by edict, (ex superabundan-
ti) made known to the public by beat of drum from
the Court house of this colony, and further dealt with
according to custom.—Berbice, 8th April, 1814.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original VENDUE OFFICE.
On the 14th April next, will be sold at the Vendue
Office, by orderof J. vanden Broek and A. Krieger,
Esqrs., Curators tothe Estate of the late M.S. Hum.
bert, dec. an exccllent gold watch, a do- time piece,
wearing apparel, a collection of books, &c.
By order of Capt. Brand, for account of thuse con-
cerned, a puncheon of hams, ladies straw bonnetts.
books, Holland’s gin, ox tongues—all be sold with-
out reserve.
Also a ngro boy, named Collingwood, an excel-
lent domestic.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Thursday the 21st instant, at the house and by
order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Buse, on lot
No. 15, the remainder of the furniture, consisting of
bedsteads, beds, chairs, tables} kitchen furniture, a
mangle, I’rench water pots, water vats, a variety of
ather furniture—also the let No. 15, in this town.
with all the buildings thereon, sundry other lots in
town, the house and a number of lotsat the old town,
Plantations Geertruy, old Welgelegen and Gennis,
in Canje, with all the buildings thereon, a number of
abandoned Estates, as may be seen by Inventories at
the House of Mr. F. Nicolay, N. Amst The Estates
Providence and Zeezigt, will also be exposed for
sale in a short time, particulars of which will appear
in this Gazette previous to the day of sale.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original RS
ALL persons having demands against Plantation
Lewis Manor, during the Administration of the un-
dersigned, will please render them in to Wm. Kew-
ley, Esq. Wo LEACIL for self and
G. WALROND, Seatr’s
2 April. to Pin. Lewis Manor.

View original FOR GLASGOW,
yet Tue copper’d Ship NEPTUNE,
Peter Simpson, Master.
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and will Positive.
ly sail with the first or April convoy, for freieht ‘p=
ply to William Duncan, or to
View original PROCLAMATION.
BY Wis Excellency Henry Wirtrtiam Bentinck,
Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of the Colony Wher.
bice and ts Dep ndencies, &C. &c. Nc.
And the Honorable Court of Policy and Criminal Jus.
tice af the said Colony.
WHEREAS we are informed, that doubts have
arisen in the minds of some of the Inhabitants of this
colony, whether by our Proclamation of the 8th of
March of the present year, it was our intention so-
lely to forbid the Dancing of Slaves on Holidays, or
whether the usual Holidays allowed by any former
Ordinances of ours were to be discontinued in toto,
until our further pleasure be signified.
In order-therefore that our views and sentiments
may be more distinctly known and understood, we
do here by distinctly and definitively for the prese nt
do away—‘* All Holid: iys allowed by any forme r Or-
dinances or Usages, save and except Sundays.”——
And we strictly ‘order and-e nyoin that this our Order
be obeyed by all proprictors, managers, or others,
having direction and conduct over Negroes, on pain
of severe penalties should this our proclamation be
And that no ignorance may be pretended, these
presents shall be published and circulated as custo-
Thus done and published at the Court House of
the colony Y ri 7th April, ISt4; Present His
Excellency W. Bentinck, Lieutenant-Gover-
nor, and whe ‘inane thle Members J. McCamon, Js.
Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro ;
dempto, L. C. Abbencets,
By Command of the Court.
Pirst time af publishing,
View original REQUIRED
FOR the use of the Civil Government, (to drain
the colony town) a hollow mora, or other hardwood
tree, from 25 to SO feet long, and from 20 to SO in-
ches- (in (he clear) diameter. For which ‘lenders
will he received by the Subseriber till Monday the
Sth inst. af 10 o'clock in’ the morning. when they
will be opened in presence of His Excellency the
Governor, and the towest otter, if approved, will
be accepted.
9 April. Wir. SCOTT, Comiuissary.
NB. The tree to be Innded at the expence of the
furnisher at tie Government stelling.
—<—_an ee ee eee 9 ee eee
View original —_— ed ——___- O>OV0VvmMnMN én
This is to inform the Public, that the Jollowing per-
sons éntend quilling Chis Colowy.
Win. Cree’ with the next April convoy.
So Pait@and 5 servants.
J.B. Rule with the Apml convoy.
Jictty, a free black woman, and Y children in 6 weeks
Th. Fraser in 6 weeks from 260 March,
HH. Wylie in do. trom do.
W. Grant with the April convoy.
Geo. Bagot, family, and 4 slaves, will quit the co-
lony Berbice by the first opportunity.
Rh. &. = QM NI vhky Secy.
{ — —
View original _———___—— S—C— —
NOEICEK is hereby gtven, that a month after date the
folluzing Traysports and Mortgages will be passed.
March 19. W. Munto (corentine) will transport to
R. Taittde halhof lot 40, crentine, known
noder the name of LE psom.—h. ‘Taitt will pass
amortgage on pla. dpsom, or half No. 40,
corenting, as also on 20 negroes, to. W. Munro
~_-—— If. Sinithson will pass a momlgage in favor of
J. & A. Anderson, ot London, to be vested on
US negroes, appurtaining to pln. New Forrest
names may be seen at this oflice.
-~—— A. ‘Vhornborrow and J. Walmsley will trans-
port to P. Quin, pin. Expectation or No. 9
west sea coust—P. Quin will pass a mortgage
dherecu on 25 bead of cattle and 2 hegroes, in
favor ol (A. ‘Thornborrow for security of the
purchase money.
March 26. P. Quin will transport to Messrs. Gordon
and Murphy, two thirds of pln. Expectation,
west sea cuast of this colony.
~—— J. B. Rule will transport to Polly Harris, 7
roads land of lot No. 6, between the middle
and back dam.
——. Widow HH. Broodman will transport to the
free Wm. Fraser, 106 feet land in depth of
the south halt of lot No.8, New Amst.
April 2. J. Zimmerman will transport to J.G. Jones
12 roods of land, tront the northern back qrt.
of No. 19, Néw Amst.
J. B. Rule will transpert to J. G. Jones, 7
roods land of No. 18, New Amst. adjoining
the back dam. ~
April 9. James Morison qq. Innis Arthur, will trans-
port to Demerary 25 negroes, names to be seen
at this oflice.
—— doka Lyaser will transfer te W. Cowie 14 rods
lio *
ne ee ee
View original of the back pe rt ol lot 1], first empoider of tlie
W. Cowie will transf¢ to W. Katz the said
14 roods land of lot 11.
a a
View original eeeaaoEoLeeeeeeE EO
TuHE following Letters will be returned to Europe by
the first Packet, if not forthwith claimed.
Blair) Miss Mary
Blackmore) Mr. Philip
Balfour) Dr. James
Burmeester) A. G. Esq.
Butler) Mr. Joseph
Butten) Mrs. Ann
Burnets) Mr. James
Burton) Mrs. Mary Ann
Barrett) Capt. William
Bruver) Mr. David
Buchanan) Mr. John
Bean) Sam. Esq.
(‘ox) Miss Grace
Conyers) Capt. Thomas
Cinings) Henry Esq.
Christie) Wm. Esq.
Cummings) Jobn L'sq.
Conally) Capt. John
Corsis) de Heer I’. L.
Clapham) John Esq.
Duffort) Mr. T. ‘LT.
Dove) Mr. Sam.
Dodson) Robt. Esq.
Eboral) Mr. Charles
Ksmond) Miss Catharine
Flashman) Mr. Derrick.
Floyd) Dr. Jobn
Fleischman) Mr. Geo. 8.
Fraser) Alex.
Iraser) Mr. Wm.
Galhe) Mr. Janes
Granlersel) Esq.
Graval) H. M.
Graham) Mr. Francis
Goring) Dr.
Ho'st) de Heer G. van
Hance) de Heer
Hall) Joseph Esq.
Hewitt) John Esq.
Johan) Jacob Esq.
Jones) Capt.
Jones) Miss S. Green
King) Mr. W. C.
Ketter) Miss Caroline
Kummer) H. J. F.
Leen) Daniel Esq.
Lone) Thos. C.
Lui! & Bender) Mesrs.
Leeuwen) a’tfr Z. van
Leghton) W. C.
Ladrence) W. Esq.
Berbice, 2d April.
Lanrence) Miss Har’t.
Lines) Mr.
Lewis Manor) Attorn-
eys of Pln.
Leisner) J. A. Esq.
MclTarlen) MissJannet
Melenberg) Mr. Jong.
McLeod) Mr. Hugh
Milligan) James L'sq.
McKimmice) Alex.
McIntosh) Miss Eliz.
Merrett) Miss Eliz.
McIntosh) Mr. Charl.
McFarlane) Charles
McRea) Mr. John
Murray) Mr. Alex.
McDonald) Joha Esq
Nietsch) H. W. I’sqr.
the Executors of
Nicholson) Mre Geo.
Oakey) Mr. J. HLS.
Proctor) Mr. Robert
Peachy) Miss Diana
Pickering) Jolin [sq.
Phillips) Geo. T.
Rose) Hugh Tesq.
Reuthel) de Heer J.
Roster) Mr. W.
Roederer) T. J. Esq.
Ross) Mr. Andrew
Read) Geo. Esq.
Rose) Mr. Win.
Sharp) Miss Eliz.
Smith) Mrs. AL. ‘TP.
Small & Threlfall) M:
Sandison) Mz. Jolin
Shanks) A. Esq.
Sutile) de Piza Mr. R.
Schwartz) Mr. G.
Staclatr) Jam. Esq.
Stewart) Mr. Jas.
Sall) Vir. Alex.
Tocl) Mr. Charles
Taylor) Mr. Wilson
White) Mr. Geo.
Wolward) Miss Ann
Watt) Alex. Psq.
Wade) Miss Provy
Westerveldt) G. Lisq.
Walroml) G. Lisq.
Wells) Mr. 'W. IL.
—— EE
ww SS ©: 6. a eee — ere 6
View original ee
ee ©) 6 ee
This morning the Dispatch Boat arrived from
Barbados, furnishing us with papers from that Ts-
land to March 29th, and London news to the 15th of
Feb. of which we give as much extracts as the time
permils us.
The Mail to be forwarded to Barbados by the
Dispatch Boat Harrict Elixabcth, will be closed at
the Post Office on Wednesday morning, the 13th
inst. precisely at8 o'clock. The Boat willtouch at
Demerary, and any letters for that colony sent to
the Post officc, will be forwarded by her.
Dispatch from Lord Burghersh, dated Bar-sur-Aube,
Feb. 2, 1814.
My Lord—In continuation of my report of yesterday,
I have this day to announce to your Lordship the retreat
of the enemy from all his positions about Brienne, with
the loss of 73 pieces of cannon, and about 4000 prisoners.
Bonaparte continued the action of yesterday with con.
siderable obstinacy until about 12 at night; his princi-
pal cflorts were directed to the re-occupation of the village
of La Rothiere; he directed himself the attack of the
young Guards upon that place, but was repulsed) with
considerable loss. Gen. Blucher was present at the de-
fence of this village, and contributed materially by his ex.
eruvus iv the repulse ef tke encmy. Cen, Guilay was
View original engaged till near 12 o’clock in the attack of Dienville ; the
vigorous @pposition he met with was only overcome b-
the skill and ability he displayed, and by the gallantry of
his troops. The place, after several hours of the most
severe conftest, remained in his undisputed possession.
Bailled in the different attempts to regain the advantages
he had lost, Bonaparte at last decided upon aretreat ; his
columns appeared to have began their movement to the
rear about one in the morning ; his rear guard was, how-
ever, in (he occupation of the position of Bricnne at day-
Gen. Guilay moved along the Aube, upon the enemy’s
right, the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg marched upon
Brienne, Gen. Wrede advanced upon the right of the
Prince Royal. The enemy retreated in two columns, the
right upon Lesmont, the left upon Lassicourt and Ronay.
The Prince Royal of Wirtemburg made a most. brilliant
charge upon the cavalry which covered the cbemy’s retreat
near St. Christophe.
Gen. Wrede dislocved a corps of infantry from a,strong
position upon the Voire near Lassicourt.
Gen. Guilay, assisted by the infantry of the Prince
Royal, took Lesmont by assault. It isdue to the charac-
ter of Prince Schwartzenburg, to call your Lordship’s at-
tention to the skill and talent he has displayed in bring? 2
the troops under his orders to the brilliant situation
which they at present stand.
From the frontiers of Switzerland, after traversing all
the great defences on this side of Hrance, he has formed a
Junction with the Army of Field-Marshal Blucher, and
in conjunction with it, has baffled Che cnemy’s attempts to
fall, with superior numbers, “pon a separate corps, and
has achicved a most glorious victory. @
Prince Schwartzeuberg has received a sword from the
Emperor Alexander, in token of the high sense he cuter.
tains of his merit. Gen. Wrede and the Prince Royal of
Wirtemberg have been decorated on the ficld of battle with
the second class of the Order of St. George.
The distinguished gallantry and enterprise of Ficld-
Marshal Blucher were never more conspicuous thanin the
battles of Brieune.
Gen. Guilay and Frencile have particularly distinguish.
ed themselves,
The trogps of the Allies have universaily fought with
the most distinguished vallantry ; they merit the gratitude
and admiration of the world,
Thave the honor to be, &ce.
(Signed) Durcuersn,
We have the melancholy task of recording a heavy loss
Which occurred this morning, and which has occasioned
the greatest consternation and confusion.—A bout six in
the morning a most dreadful fire burst out from the wes¢
wing of the Custom-house, and, within a very short time,
raged with inconceivable Injury. All our readers know
how narrow ‘Thames-street is in that part where the Cus.
tom-house stands. The flames soon cauvht the houses Up-
posite, filled with sugar and rum. The rum. blew up
with a tremendous explosion about half an hour past nine
o'clock. ‘The roofs were blown offand scattered to a cone
siderable distance; the houses were materially, injured,
and the windows broken in every house in Kast Cheap,
aud for a quarter ofa mileround. The goods onthe wharf
are nearly all destruyed, Several lives are understood to
have been lost, and more calamitous consequences are aye
prehended. ‘he City isin the greatest anxiety and alarm
on account of there being such an immense quantity of
shipping in the River just on the point of sailing.
_—_ ---_—_o OC
Paris, Feb. 3.—The seconé division of the army of
Spain, of which we announced the march yesterday, ar.
rived the day before yesterday at Versailles : finer troops
and better disposed are no where to be found: they are
Carver to meet the enemy.
The army of His Majesty the I-'mperor receives every
day new reinforcements. All the individuals who compose
this army arc animated by the best spirit. They fight for
their country in the presence of their Sovereign. What
more noble motives cau there be to inflame their courage!
When they hear the signal for battle, they recollect that
their families, their friends, and all I'rance, have their
eyes upon them.
Phe works undertaken for the defence of Paris are at
lenght completed. The intelligence and activity employed
in their execution do much honor to the persons charged
withthem. The artillery is ready, as well as the harnes.
ses, and every thing is ready to place in the battery. The
brave pupils of the Polyteehnick schools have olfered to
serve the pieces, and they are already ‘ufliciently exercised.
They are establishing at the extremities of the Bridge of
Charenton (avillagea league from Paris. ) palisades similar
to those which were constructed at the barriers of the
capital, —
feb. 12.—(Half past two.) Telegraph Dispatch. The
(day before yesterday, Feb. 10.—The Kimperor complete.
ly defeated a Russian corps near Sezanne. The Gecueral
was taken, and his Staff, 40 Cannon, 6000 men, all the
caissons, the baggage and material. Yesterday, the 11th,
the Emperor completely defeated and put to route the
corps of General Sacken, of whom he has taken 10,000
men, and 50 pieces of Cannon.
The most prominent articles in the Paris papers which
have actually arrived, are those which relate to the nego.
tiations, Every minute particular is eagerly sgized upon
to indicate to the frightened Parivians the near a) proach of
Peace ; and the French Funds have in consequence started
from 40 to 53.—The Duke of Vicenza (Caulaincourt) has
interchanged the rites of hospitality with Lord Castlercagh,
Lords Cathcart aud Abcydeca have also been ailmittad te
View original thchonours of the sittings, and the most unconstrained po-
Imeness is said to prevail between the French and English
Pi -nipotentiarics, fur *‘they are full of attention to each
On the 9th, the head-quarters of Bonaparte were at No-
gent-sur-Scine. He is thus in. a situation to dispute the
approach of the Allies to the capital—Macdonald is also
coming up to his assistance.
Feb. 15.—Fiench Papers to the 11th inst. inclusive,
and letters from Boulogne of the 12th, were yesterday
received in town. As usual, there were many rumours of
battles fought between the French and the Allies, in which
the former claimed the victory. In fact, letters from
Bologne did mention reports current there, that the French
bad defeated a Russian corps on the 10th, near Sezanne,
and taken aGeneral, 40 cannon, and 6000 men; and that
on the 11th the corps of Gem Sacken had been defeated
by Bonaparte with the loss of 50 pieces of cannon and
10,000 men; but the rumours circulated on Change stat-
ed, that the account of the first mentioned battle was in
the Moniteur.
With respect to the battles reported to have been fought
on the LOth and Lith, no doubt is entertained of Bona.
parle’s having gained an advantage on those days. He is
said (o have fallen in with a part of Russians, whom he
took by Surprise, and they abondoned a conviderable
guairlity of their artillery. ‘There was nothing like a ge.
Deral cnyavzement, however, and the loss of the allies was
greatly ex rerated in the I'rench statements,
Seconpn Enitron.—A Cakinet Council was held this
day, inna diately after the arrival of Mr. Fisher, as no.
ticcd in fhe preceding calumn, To the particulars alrea.
dy oneitioncal to be brought by Mr. Fisher, we have to
add, that the Pmpecrors of Russia and Austria, and thi
King of Prussia, were at Troyes, whither Lord Castle.
reagh had proc eded with the result of the Conference
with Caulaincourt.
The Russians arrived al Chalons on the 11th inst. The
Cossacks were on the same day at Saone and other towns
In the vic inity , about 79 miles from Paris. —A private let.
ter from Chatillon-sur-Seine, dated on the 6th inst, men-
tions that, with one exception, the Allics are supplied
with provisions, and every thing necessarly ih abundance
—The House of the individual who fired upon the Allies
In one of the towns through which they passed, was burut
to the ground, asan example to the French, This punish.
ment was considered very mod -rate.
A letter received from Washington, of Dec. 14,
says, ‘¢}nformation was recetucd thata British force
of 2000 troops had arrived aw Pensacola, and that a
British squadron bed swept all the American pro-
perty afloat on the coast between Orleans and Peusa-
The Dutch Papers contains a report of 40 persons
of distinction, Members of the Leeislative Body, or
of the Senate, having been arrested by order of Bo-
One of the first subjects to be submitted to Parlia-
ment, at ifs meeting, will be the intended (onion of the
Princess Charlotte of Wales to the Hereditary: Prince
of Orange— an union which, we trust, will be pro-
ductive of as much happiness to the partics them-
selves, as !{ will be of pleasure fo the nation. It. is
said that forsthe purpose ofinaking the arrangement
satisfactory fe our AHI s, ifids to be an article inthe
contract, that the suce sion (o the Government of
the United Siates, shall vo to the second son of the
marriage, so that Holland shail atany t linc be incor-
porated with, or joined to the Crown of Great Brit-
An inspection took place on the 27th of January, in
the Sail-loft at Portsmouth Dock-yard, agreably to an
order from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty,
by Captains Milne, Hollis, and Austen, tbe three senior
Captains alloat at that port, Co ascertain what progress
the seamen have made in the navel cutlas exercise. —Up-
wards of 60 scamen from the ditlceent ships were put thro’
the excercise in presesce of a great number of naval and
Military officers, who attended the inspection; among
whom were Sit Aicaander eaninevuat. Marl Northesk, ana
the Hon. Commissioner Grey 2 all of whom expressed their
approbation of the measure. We understand that the
same practice is also to be introduced into such parts of
the army as wear the sword; the Knowledge of which will
give the men confidence ino themselves, and add to the
Means of anuoyance to the enemy.
*¢ Lisbon, Jun. 10, 1814.
“‘Tt is stated that, with the utmust confidience, in the
best informed circles here, that the Cortes, under the im-
pression that the release of Ferdinand VIT. was very
distant, if not hopeless, sent, a short time since, an invi-
tation to the Princess of Portuga!, who isin the Brazils, to
return ¢(o Europe, and assume the sceptre of the Spanish
Monarchy. This Princes, who is the consort of the Prince
Regent, is in her own right feir to the throne, in the
event of the death of the captive familly in France. The
fact of the invitation having transmitted, excited much
alarm in this capital It was urged by -the politicians,
that as it could not be supposed that the Prince would
live separate from his wife, and as their offspring would in-
herit both Crowns, it was probable that the twocountrics
mInight be united immediately, in which case Madcid would
be the capital, and Portugal would be reduced to the de-
View original graded situation of a provine&ef Spain. History might
be quoted to demonstraX he impolicy of such an union,
which will never -*.° a the cordial concurrence of the
Portuguese.—The attempt will certainly endanger the
succession of the reigning family.
‘*The British Government, itis known, are not anxi-
ous to facilitate the threatened union of the two countries,
It is even’ rumoured, that. if they cannot prevent the
Princess ftom comming over, they will endeavour that she
shall be accompanied by the Prince, her consort, and trust
(o his good sense and affection for still continuing to his
countrymen the blessing of an independent Government.”
Feb. 5.—The sports on the Ice were continued yester-
day with increased ellect. In addition to the implements
for amusement brougt forward the preceding day, several
swings were erected, aud kept in constant requisition.
Gaming in all branches, threw out its allurements, while
its honesty was out out of the question. Many of the
itimerant admirers of the profits gained: by E. O. Tables,
Rouge et Notr, Te-tolum, Wheel of Fortune, the Gar-
fer, Sc. were industrious in their avocations leaving their
kind customers without a peany to pay for the passage
over a plauk to the shore. Skittles were played by seve
ral parties, and the drinking tents filled by females and
their companions, dancing reels to the sound of fiddles ;
while others sat round large fires, drinking rum, grog, and
other spirits. Tae, collec, and eatables, were provided in
ample order, while the passengers were invited to cat, by
way of recording their visit. Several respectable trades.
men also attended with their wares, selling books, teys,
trinkets of every descriptiou,—Those who made pur-
chases were presented with a label, sitting forth that the
article was bought on the Thames frozcu-over. A nui.
ber of printers, having brought their presses, pudled off
various impressions, which they sold for a trifle. Que of
these stainers of paper addressed the spectators in the fol.
owing terms:—‘'Fricnds, now is your time to support
the freedom of the press. Can the press dave greater Li-
berty 2? Here yon find it working in the middle of the
Thames ; and if you encourage us by buying our impres.
sions, we will keep it guing in the true spirit of liberty
during the frost.”’ One of the articles printed and sold
contained the following lines:
Behold the River Thames is frozen o'er,
Which lately ships of mighty burden bore:
Now different arts and pastimes hors you see,
But printing claims the superiority.
Printed to commemorate a remarkably severe frost, which
commenced December 27, 1813. accompamed by an une
usual thick fog, that continued eight days, and was suc.
ceeded by a tremendous fallof snow, w hich preveatod all
commuaication with the Northern and Western Roads for
several days. The ‘Thames presented a compl te ficld of
ice between London and Blackfriar’s Bridge, on NEonday
the 31st of January L8ld.—A Pair is this day (hob. J,
1811,) held, and the whole space between the two Bridges
ceavered with spectators.
The above was surmounted by the Prince Rezent’s
Keathers, and Motto, Ich Dien, entwined with oak aud
laurel, On-each side a ship, as the emblein of trade and
Another: FROST FAIR.
Adimidst the arts which on the Thames appear,
To tell the wonders of this icy vear,
Printing claims prior place, wach, ut one view,
hLerects a monumeut to frose and you.
Another :—
This was printed on the River Thames, on Friday the
{th of February, ULI, opposite Queenhith¢s Stairs.
There were several copper-plate Presses, which rolled
ofl several appropriate prints.
Among the paths for the convenience of perambulation,
the principal was diguitied with the appellation of The Cily
Koad, ‘Yhe number of marquees was again cousiderably
encreased, cach of which had its respective sien: one of
them, in the true spirit of John Bu l, had Bonaparte sus-
pended froma gibbet, with the motto.—The final end of
the Lyrant of the World !—But it was off Chiswick that
the spurts reached their aeme; there were to be seen every
appearatice of country fair; I érgévs running, or rather
slipping, ou therce, for a decorated chemise, avhile the
Opposile sex were cude®rouring to rival the distortions of
Grimaldi, by grinning through horses’ collars, for. the
prize of a gold-laced hat. These, and such like elegant
amusements, served tO beguile the time, and relax the mus.
cles, maugre the sullen frown of stern and unrelentino
Winter.—We hope, however, that whilst mirth ahuunds
prudence will not be altogether banished; but that the
populace will recollect that under the Slippery surface
lurks an insidious foe; and that they will desist from their
pursuits on the first appearance of a change of weather.

Three great men at present sways the destines of Europe
Lord Castlereagh—the Crown Prince, and Bonaparte
—Three great engines are also at work for the deliverance
of the Continent— Politics—Strategy and Vactics.—Here
we must remark that strategy means-all the operations of
armics out of the reach of cannon shot. ‘Tactics refer to
the military movements of armies when actually engaged.
An ingenious and witty public writer (General Sarrazin)
thus estimates the qua'ifications of the three great men who
have just been named.—lIn politics Lord Castlereagh is a
Ruce-horse—Bernadotte a Bull—PBonaparte a For. In
strategy Lord Castlereagh is a Purrot—Bernadotte 2
Peacuck—Bonaparte an Eagle! In tactics Bernadotteis
a Lion—Bonaparte a Bear, aud Lord Castlereagh the
Kiam, with thy Golden Flesce!
View original AMERICA.
Act laying an Embargo on all ships and vessels in the
Ports and Harbours of the United States.
Sec. 1.—Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re-
presentatives of the United States of America, in Congr'ss
assembled, that an Embargo Law be, and hereby is, laid
on all ships and vessels in the ports and places within the
limits or jurisdiction of the United States and the territo-
ries thereof, cleared or not cleared; and that no clearance
be furnished to any ship or vessel, except vessels in bale
last, with their necessary sea stores, under the immediate
direction of the President of the United States: and that
the President be aitborised to give such instructions to the
officers of the revenue, and to the navy and to the private
armed vessels and revenue cutters of the United States as
shall appear best adapted for carrying the same into etiects
provided that nothing hercin contained shall be construed
to prevent the departure of any foreign ship or vessel .in
bailast, with her necessary sca stores, and with the goods,
wares, and merchandizes, other than provisions, military
and naval stures, on board of such turcign ship or vessel
when notified of the Act, whose officers and crews shall
consist wholly of such foreigners as do beloug to nations in
amity with the United States of the time of the arrival of
the said ship or vessel inthe United States, and which shall
not have nor take on board for the voyage any cilizen of
the United States, excepting such as may produce a pass.
port thercfore to be furnished under the authority and di-
rection of the President of the United States.” And all
public armed vessels possessing public conmissions from
any foreign Power are not to be considered as liable to the
entbargo laid by this Act.
Sec. 2.—Be it further enacted, That no person or pers
sons shall put, place, or load on board any ship, vessel,
boat, or water-craft, or info any cari, wasson, sled, or
other carriage or vehicle, orin any manner ottimpt to cone
vey any specic, goods, wares, merchand.zcs, produce,
provisions, naval or military stores, or any kind of live
stock, with intent to export or convey the same without
the United States or the territories thereof, tu any foreign
place, kingdom, or country, or with inten€ to convey the
same on board any foreign ship or vessel, within or with.
out the limits of the United States, or withintent in any
other manner to avoid the provisions of this Act; all such
species goods, wares, and merchandizes, produce, provisi-
ons, naval or military stores, livestock, and also the ship,
vessel, boat, water-craft, waggon, sled, orother carriage
or vehicle, on board of which, or on orin the same may
be put, placed, or loaded as aforesaid, and also all horses
mules, or asses, used or employed in carrying the same,
shall be forfeited, and the person or persons so putting,
placing, or loading the same as aforesaid, and also aiding
or abetting therein, shall, upon conviction, be adjudyed
guilty of a high misdemeanour, and fined asum by the
Court before which the conviction is had, equal to four
tines the value of such specie, goods, wares, merchandizes,
produce, provisions, military ur naval stores, or live stock :
provided, however, that this section shall not be construed
to extend to any person or persons not being the owner or
owners of such specie, gouds, wares, merchandizes, pro-
duce, provisions, naval or military stores, who shall firs¢
inform and make complaint tothe collector of the district:
and any toformer or informers, not being the owner or
owners as aforesaid, upon conviction of the offenders,
shall be entitled to one half of the fine aforesaid, when the
same shall be received by the United States, and shall be
entilled to a certificate for that purpose from the Court
before which the conviction shall be had,
Sec, 3.—And be it further enacted, That the owner or
owners, consignees or factors of any ship, vessel, or boat,
Whigh may at the time when notice of this Act shall be
received at the several Custom-houses respectively, be laden
in whole orin part, shall, on notice given by the Coilec.
tor, either discharge such cargo or give bond, with twoor
more sufficient sureties to double the value of such vessel
and cargo, not to proceed on the intended voyage or trip
until permitted to do so agreeably to the provisions of this
Act; and if the cargo shall not be discharged within ten
days, or the bond given as aforesaid, the ship, vessel, or
boat, and cargo, shall be wholly forfeited : and the several
Collectors are authorised in the mean while, and until the
cargoes shall have been discharged, or the bond yiven as
aforesaid, to take possession of such vessels, and to take
such other measures as may be necessary to prevent their
Sec. 4.——And beit furtherenacted, That the President of
the United States may authorise the Col'ectors of the Cus.
toms (when in his opinion it can bedone without danger of
the embargo being violated, and under such limitations as
he may deem expedient) to grant permission to vessels or
boats whose employment has nuiformly been contined ta
the navigation of the bays, sounds, riv ers, or lakes, with.
in the jurisdiction of the United States, or the territories
thereof, to take on board, atany time, such articles of doz
mesic or forcign growth as may be designated in’ such
permissioun—bond, with one or more suilicicnt sureties,
beiug previously givento the United States, by the owner
or Owners, Consignecs ov factors, of such vesscl or boat. or
dy the master thereof, nan amount . qual to thirty dollars
fur each ton of the said vesse! or boat, that such vessel or
boat, during the time under the condition of the bond, de.
part from any district of the United States without having
previously obtained a clearance, or until the master or
commander shall have delivered to the collector or su rveye
or of the port of departure a manifest of the whole cargo
on board; that thesaid vessel or boat shall not, during the
(ime mentioned, proceed to any other port: or place than
that mentioned in her clearauce, wer put any article ow
View original Doard of any other vessel or boat, or be cmployed in any
foreign trade; and that on every voyageor trip the whole
of the cargo shall be landed in a port or place of the Unit-
ed States, or the territory thereof, within the bays, sounds,
rivers, or lakes, to which the navigation of such vessel is
confined ; and the burthon of proof of the landing the
whole of avy such cargo in a port or place of the United
States, or the territory thereof, within the bays, sounds,
rivers, or lakes, to which the navigation of such vessel or
boat is connued, or in the ports or places mentioned in the
clearance, shall, in case of any suit or prosecution institut.
ed on such bond for a breach of the condition thereof, lay
upon the owner or owners, consiynees or factors, of such
vessel or boat, or the master thereof, as the case may be:
provided such prosecution or suit be instituted within two
years after such breach shall have been committed.
Sec. 5.—And be it further enacted, That if a vessel or
boat not having received a perinission, and a bond not hav.
lug been first given in the manner provided for in the next
preceding Section, shall take on board any article or arti-
cles prohibited by this Act, such vessel or boat, together
with her cargo, shall be wholly forfeited, and the owner
Or owners, agent or factur, master or commander, of such
vessel or boat, shall moreover, severally forfeit and pay a
suin equal to the value of the vessel or boat, and of the
cargo put on board the same.
See. 6.—And be it further enacted, That the person or
persons whose names do or may appear as Owner or own.
ers of any such slap or vessel, cither on the certificate of
registry, enrollment, or licence, or if neither registered
nor Jicensed on the last clearance, or Custom-house docu-
ments issued before the passing of this Act, for such ship
or vessel, shall be reputed as the true owner or owners of
such ship or vessel, shall be reputed as the true owner or
owners of such ship or vessel, and be liable to the pay-
ment ofall nenaltes which may be incurred by the owners
of such ship or vessel, by reason of the violation of any of
the provisions of this Act: provided always, that nothing
In (his section contained shall be considered to release any
other person or persons from the payment of any penalty
incurred by virtue of this Act; and incase ofauy new re-
gisterorlicence being granted during the continuance of
this Act, or in case of the sale of any ship or vessel neither
registered or licenced, a bond, with one or more surcties
to the Uuited States, shall, previous to granting any such
now register or licence, or co recognizing the sale of such
Vessel not registered or licensed, be required by the Col.
Jectoe ia amount # ual to JOU doliars for each ton for
such ship orvessel, cocngage that such ship or vessel shall
not, turing the continuaace of this, Act, contravene or
tufcinge avy of the provisions thereof: provided that no.
thrag herein contained shall be coustrucd tu extend to. the
owner or ownces ofany such ship or vessel who shall have
made a bona fide sale of such ship or vessel in any port
or harbour of the Uo uted states, before notice of tais Act
at such port or harbour respectively, nur to the owner or
owners of avy ship or vessel inauy foreign port or place,
who shall have made a bona fide sale theeecof before notice
of this Act: and provided also, that such bond shall not
release the owners aid master of such ship or vessel, or
any other person, fr mi tie obligation of giving every other
bond required by tas Act.
Sec. 7.-—And be t farther enacted, That the owner or
owtiers of all vessels licenced for tisheries, or those bound
ou a whaling voyarse, aud having ov other carzo than ne.
Cessary sea stucesy sot, and the usual tshing tackle and
apparel, shall g.vea gercral bond in four times the value
of the vessel aid cargo, that they will not, durimy the con.
tinuance ot thas Ac (, procecd to any foreign port or place,
aud will return with their fishing apparel to sume port or
place within ihe Ui ited States.
Sec. 8.—And be it further enacted, that ifany ship or
vessel, during the conttiuntoce of this Act, depart from any
port of the United States without a clareuce or permit, of
if any ship or vessel shall, contrary to the provisions of
this Act procecd to a foreign port or piace, or trade or
put on board of any ship or vessel, avy article or articles
prohibited by this Act, such ship or vessel, goods, WALFES,
merchandize, produce, provisions, uaval or miiitary stores,
ahall be wholly forfered ; and af the same shall not be
Seized, the owner, agent, freighter, or factur, of any such
slip or vessel, shali, for each such ottence, furfeitand pay
2 sum cqual to dor ible the value of the ship or vessel and
cargo, and shall never there alfer be allowed a credit for
duties on any goods, wares, Or Merchandize, imported Dy
him or them jato any of the ports of the United States, aud
the master or commander of such ship or vessel, as well as
all other persons who shall knowingly be concerned in any
sich violation of this Act, shall each respectiy cly forfeit
und pay a sum not cacecding 20,009 dol ars for every such
Olience, whether the vessel be seized and condemned or
not, and shall be imprisoned not less thau six calander
months, nor excecding one year; and the oath or affirm.
ation of any master or commander kuowingly offending
against the provision of this Act, shall thereafter be mad
missible befuie any Collector of the Customs of the United
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, that if any foreign
ship or vessel shall, during the continuance of this Act,
take on board any specie, goods, merchandize, wares pro-
duce, provision, naval or military stores, the specie and
cargo on board shall bew holly forfeited, and be seized and
condcumed in any Court of the United States, havi lng com.
petent jarisdicliun, and every person concerned in such une
lawful shipmeuts siall forfeit and pay a sum not excceding
20,000 dollars for every such oflence,
Sec. LO. And be it further enacted, that the collectors
of all districts of the United States, and the territorics there.
of, shatl and they are hereby authorized to take into their
custody any pecie, goods, wares, merchandizes, provisions,
naval or military stores, or live stuck, found on board of
View original any ship or vessel, boat or water craft, where there is reas.
vu to believe that they are intenwd for exportation ; or
when in vessels, crafts, waggons, sluufce, or any other car-
riage, or in any manner apparently on their way towards
the territoty of a foreign nation, or the vicinity thereof,
or towards a place where such articles are intended to be
exported, or places in the possession of the enemies of the
United States, and not to be permit such articles to be re-
moved until bond, with sufficient sureties, shall haye been
given for the landing or delivery of the same in some place
of the United States, whence, in the opinion of the Col.
lector there shall not be any danger of such articles being
exported or placed in the possession of the enemics of the
United States.
Sec. 11.—And be further enacted, that the powers given
to the Collectors by this Act to refuse permission to put
any cargo on board any vessel, boat or other water craft,
to detain any vessel, or to take into their custody any ar-
ticles, for the purpose of preveuting the violation of the
embargo, shall be exercised in conformity with such in.
structions as the President may give, and such rules as he
may prescribe, for that purpose, made in pursuance of the
powers aforesaid, which instructions and rules the Col-
lectors shall be bound to obey. Aad if any action or suit
be hrought against any Collector or other persons acting
under the dircetion of, and in pursuance of this Act, he
may plead the general issue, and jive this Act, and the
instructions and regulations of the President, in evidence
of his Justificatiou and defence. And any peison aggricy-
ed by the acts of any Collector in either of the cases afore-
said, may file his petition before the district wherein the
Collector resides, stating the facts of his case, and there-
npon, after due notice given to the district Attorney, and
the Collector, the said Court may summarily hear and ad-
juged thereupon, as law and justice may require; and the
judgment of the said Court, and the reason aud facts where.
on it is grounded, shall be filed among the recurds of
the said Court, and if restoration of the property detaied
or taken in custody, or permission to load as aforesaid
shall be decreed, it shall be upon the party’s bem bound
with suretics, as is or shall be required to be taken in sie
milar cases by the Collector, ond not otherwise ; but if the
Court shall adjudge against such petition the Collector
shall be entitled to treble costs, which shall be taxed fur
bim, and execution awarded accordingly by the Court.
Sec. 12.—And be it further enacted, that it shail be law.
ful for the President of the Uuited States or suc other
person as shall be empowerd for that puepo ec, to employ
such part of the land or naval forces, or militia of the U-
ited states, or territories thereof, as may be a ijudsed ae.
cessary in conformity with the provisions of tuss Act, for
the purpose of preventing the legal departure of aay ship
or vessel, or of detaining, taking possession of, wid keep-
ing in custody any ship or vessel, or of takihg into cus.
tody and guarding any specie, goods, wares, merchaniize,
peoduce, provisions, naval or military stores, or live
stuck, and also for the purpose of preventing and sup-
pressing any riots or riotous assemblage of persons resist.
ing the custom-house oflicers in the evercise of their duty,
iu any manner opposing the execution of this Act, or
assisting and abetting the violation of the same.
Sec 13.—-And be it further enacted, that it sball be
lawful for the public and private armed vessels of tac U-
mited States to capture and scize on the high seas, or else.
where, any ship or vessel which shall have violaccd any of
the provistons of this Act, and to send the same into any
port of the United States for adjadication.,
Sec. t4.—And beit further cuacted, that all penalties
and foilcitures incurred by the force of this Act may be
prosecuted, sued for, and recovered by the action of debt,
indictment, or information, as the case may require, and
if recovered in consequence of any scizure made by the
Commander of avy public armed vessel of the United
States, shail be distributed accocding to the rales prescrib-
ed by the Act, intituled au ** Act for the Government of
the Navy of the United states 5°? aud if in consequence of
any scizure made by any private armed vessel of the Unite
ed States, shall be distributed according to the rules pres-
cribed by the Act intituled an **Act concerning letters of
marque, prizes, and prize goods,” and the Act in addition
thereto; and if otherwise, shall be distributed and ac.
counted for im the mauner prescribed by the Act, intituled
an **Act to provide for Mitigating or Remitting Forfei-
tures, Penalties, and Disabilitics accruing in certain cases
therets mentioned,’ passed the 3d day of March, 1797,
and made perpetual by an Act passed the 11th day of Feb.
1800 ; and any ollicer or other person entitled to a part
oc Share of any of the fines, penalties, or forfeitures afore-
said, may,jf necessary, bea witness on the trial therefor ;
but in such case he shall not receive any part or share of
the said fine, penalty, or forfeiture, but the part or share
to which he would otherwise be entitled shall belong to
the United States.
Sec, 15.—And be it further enacted, that the time dur-
ing which this Act shall continue in force, shall not be
computed as making part of the term of 12caicnder months,
during which goods. wares, or merchandize imported into
the United States must be exported, in order to be entitled
to adrawback of the duty paid on the importation thereof.
Sec. 16.—And beit further enacted, that nothing in this
Act contained shall prevent the sailing of any private arm.
ed vessel duly commissioned by any foreign power in.amily
with the United States, nor of any vessel of the United
States, duly commissioned by the virtue of an Act intitul-
ed an **Act conceruing Letters of marque, Prizes, and
Prize Goods,” passed the 26th day of June 1812: provid.
ed always nevertheless, that it shall be lawful for and the
duty of all officers of the revenue and customs of the Unit.
ed States, and they hereby are enjoined to examine, search,
and eitectually ascertain the amount and kind of articles
ull vessels about sailing may have va beard, so as to pre.
‘ Pa)
View original vent their taking any cargo or other loading than the
stores, provisions, armament, furniture, avd equipme it
generally proper and necessary for such vessels.
Sec. 17.—And be it further enacted, that whenever it
shall appear on report made by any Collector of the Cus.
toms, by any other of the customs, revenue officer, or
other person, that no private armed vessel has on board
any article or articles whatever, goods, wares, mcerchandize,
or cargo of any description, intended for trade or traflic
with the enemies of the United States, either directly or
intermediately through any neutral or other persons, or
persons, or forexportation, it shall be the duty of the said
Collector, and he is hereby authorized to seize all such
goods, wares, merchaadize, and cargoes of every descrip-
tion, and to have the same landed fortwith to be proceed.
ed against as forfeited tou the United States.
Sect. 18.—And be it further enacted, That ia all such
cases it shall be the duty of the district attorney of the
United States, for the district within which the said pro-
ceedings shall take place, to proceed indue form of law
for the condemnation and forfeiture of the said articles to
the use of the United States.
Sec. 19.—And be it further enacted, that in all cases
of condemnation as aforesaid, the Captain or Com-
manding Officer, and each and every of the owners of such
private armed vessel, shall be fined a sui not exceeding
1000 dollars cach.
Sec. 20.—And be it further enacted, that this Act shall
be in force from and after the passing thereof until the firse
day of January in the year of our Lord 1815, unless a
a cessauion of hostilities between the United States and
Great Britain and Ireland and their Dependencies shall
lake place before that day ; on which event, and any other
event that shall in the opimion of the President reader the
termination of the Embargo hercby imposcd compitable
with the public interest, the President of the U. States is
Nereby anthorized to declare by Proclamation, that this
Acts to cease and to have no cilect.—Signed, &c.
Det, £7, 1513. JAMES MADISON.
Yesterday, pursuant to Public Advertisement, a Mccte
ing took place atthe City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate.
street, for the purpose of taking into considcvration the
situation of the inhabitants of Dantzic aad its vicinity,
with a view of athording them suitable relief.
Soon after une o'ciock, Lsaac Solly, Eig. was called to
the Chair, and proceeded to state the object of the Meet.
ing It had been suggested, he said, by those who were
couuected with Dantzic either by mercantile Wes, or the
still nearer ones of relationship. Many calls, it was true,
had been mado upou the generous bounty of this country
fo alleviate the miseries which the visitation of war had
cansed upon the Continent, but the claims of Duantzie
were foccible aud) peculiar; it had been, after a severe
Sieve, for nearly seven years in the possession of the
Krench; it was, moreover the only town on the Conti.
nent which had been exposed to the borrors and devasta.
tion of two sieges. ‘The inhabitants were wholly unable
to mitigate the privations and sufferings of themselves and
fie surcounding country, after the levies which they had
been compelled to meet, and the contributious which were
exacted from them, ‘To consider the extent of these, it
should be recollected, that Dantzic was a commercial city,
and had lost is usual-intercourse during the period of
Krench dominion ; the richer inlabitants had already ex.
hansted the relief which their means afforded in aiding the
less fortunate part of the community, aud were themselves
at present in need of comfort and assistance. —There were
several tnstances of landholders who had relieved their tens
auts during the oppression of the French, but who were
now not in a situation to mect their own contingencies,
Landlords had often relieved their tenantry, in the expec.
tation of possessing the future crop, the produce of the
soil, but the moment that appeared, it was seized upon by
their spoliators. Meo of grea inheritance were even come
pelled to dispose of their plateand other valuables, to mect
the domestic wants of their families. Furniture had been
removed for safety to virious warchouses which were dese
troyed during the operations of the siege, and the proprie.
tors now remained in poverty aud miscry. [Here the
Chairman explained the local situation of Dantzic.] The
city was divided into three divisions: the centre was on an
island, and principally adepot, composed of very valuable
warchouses, all of which were destroyed, or rendered com.
pletely unserviceable from the casualties of war. One
more fact, and he would conclude the detail of French
spoliation, In an hospital endowed and supported by vou
luntary subscription, and which contained more than 140
patients, some of whom wereinfant children of one or two
years of age, the wretched inmates were turned out into
the streets, where several perished, to make room for tne
purposes of their merciless invaders. Under these unex.
aggerated circumstances it was hoped that those who had
means would not withhold relief. It was intended thaeno
distribution should take place until Dantzic was complete.
ly relicved from French dominion.
Several Resolutions, expressive of the views of the Meet.
ing, were then proposed by Mr. Paleusky, seconded by
Mr. Haley, and unanimously adopted.
When putting the Resolutions from the Chair, Mr. Sol.
ly took occasion to observe, that the country-houses, gar.
dens, &c. in the vicinity of Dantzic wereentircly destroy.
ed. He also adverted to the comparative thinness of the
Meeting, and attributed it tothe short notice of the ad.
The proceedings of the day were ordered to be inserted
In the public navers, and the Mecting then adjourned.
View original Vrinteu vy WV. Schuls S Co. Berbice,

9 April 1814