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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelte dollars p. annum.
View original LA
IS herchy given, that Mr. J. FP. OBERMULLER,
is appointed Secretary to the Committee for the Su-
rintendance of the Public Works, of the Town of
New Amsterdam.
12 May. J. J. van per STOOP, Pt.
THE Committee for the Superintendance
of the Public Works, of the town of New Amster-
dam, hereby require, that every Individual, posses-
sing ground in the.First and Second Empolders, of
aforesaid Town, or representing Proprietors thereof,
shall on, or before, the 29th May instant, at the Se.
@retary’s Oflice, of this Colony, render in a State-
ment of the ground they possess, according to cert-
ain Printed Schedule, whieh ean be obtained inthe
intermediate time, by application at said Office, on
pain of Porfeiting FIPTY GUILDERS for every
Day, alter the clapse of aforesaid period, and the
costs of Adineasurement, tobe Executed by order of
the Committee aforesaid, in case of default.
Now Amsterdam, 19h May, 1813.
By order of the Committee.
TO Purchase, a Four or Six eared Tent Boat, or
Yacht.—Apply to the Printer. 15 May.
The undersigned respecttully Give NOTICE:
THAT the Ship Sicters, Capt. Gevwer, is now
hourly expected af Demerary, to Load for Clyde,
with the birst or June Convoy.—TVhe greater part
of her cargo Ucing now ready waiting her. - —The
friends of her owners in this colony, who may be de-
sirous of availing themselyes of room, are requested
to be early in their applications to prevent disap-
nointments to eitber party.
FROM the Subscriber, a Negro woman, Sephia,
she is well known about the town and country, and
any person who wiil send her howe or put her in the
barracks, will much oblige,-—any person is torbid
harbouring her, as the Law will be pat in torce tf
found out.——15 May. MARY LINDNER.
—_— ——
—_—— EE

THE Subseriber offers for SALE or RENT, lhts
House, situated in front of Lot No. IS, and will
adapted for an extensive business, fo an approved
purchaser or tenant, immediate possession will be vi-
ven.——15 May. WILSON TAYLOR,
— eo - —
——— a a .
Two Joes Reward.
FROM Mr. Jousx Carpenter, George-Town,
Demerary, a Negro man named Joc, a bredle of
Barbados, by trade a ‘Taylor, he is low in stature,
speaks good English, and had been at sea for some
years, he has been offering himself on hire to Mr.
Anisi, in ~~ Amsterdam, and produced a_ forced
pass to hire himself to any Master, as he can write a
tolerable goo! hand, he may change the form of the
forged pass he produced to Mr. Arisi; itis supposed
be is lurking about New Amsterdam, or has gone to
Corentyn coast- Whoever will apprehend and cause
the said Negro, to be lodged ig the barracks, will
receive the above reward, over and above the custo-
mary reward for. lodging run-away negrocs in the
barracks, all ship masters and others, are cautioned
not to carry him from the colony, nor to receive him
into their employ. tor John Carpenter.
15 May. A. McBAIN.
View original TO BE SOLD.
ON Saturday the 22d of May, on the west half of
plantation No. 36 Corentyn coast, at 12 o’clock noon
precisely, to the highest bidders, among the Credi-
tors of Jos. McDonavp, Esq. Seventy head of Sheep,
some Horned Cattle, and some acceptances for a
cal practise, belonging to the said J. McDonald.
; Trustees
View original SATURDAY, the 15th of May
View original NOTIFICATION.
BY the Honorable Court of Policy, and
Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice.
To all lo whom these presents may come
or concern; Be tit known:
THAT the Colonial Duty of 24 per cent, on all
Produce delivered, or shipped from [states within
the colony of Berbice and its Dependencies, from
the First of October to the 31st of December, 1812,
inclusive, to be paid to the Receiver General of the
colony, has been established by the Hon. Court, at
their Sittings of the 20th Jan. 1813, at the following
tates ; )
Cotton 11 Stivers per pound.
Sugar 4—
Cotive 3} —_-—
Cocoa 4 ————
Rum 30 per gallon.
Malas: 90
View original 4LVIEDSD. CV
To which Notification all concerned, are desired to
attend tor their government.
By command of the Court.
RK. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original NOTIFICATION.
BY Command of the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Juslice, of the co-
lony Berbice.
WV nereas by an Order of the Honorable the
Court of Policy, ot this colony, bearing date the
oth of April, 1815, a general Meeting of the P:o-
prictors o: Lots within the town of New Amsterdam
was held at the Court House of the coloay, ou Satur-
day the 17th April® for the purpose of choosing a
Committec, to consist ina President and Six Mem-
‘bers, who were in tutyre to have the Charge and Su-
perimtendance of the own of New Amsterdam.
‘These are therefore, by Command of the Jionor-
able Court, to notity tv the Public, Ghat the tollow-
ing Gentlemen have been Elected «a Committee by a
majority of votes, and are accordingly constituted
by the Court of Policy a Committee jor the future
care of the Roads, Lridges, Nokers, and generally
the allairs of the Lown New Auisterdam.
J.J. van der Stoop. PresipeNtT.
B. J. Schwiers. Commissarics
J. 4. Schlarhorst. { for (he
A. Thornborrow. First Empolder.
J. Th. Mathews. Commiissarics
BY. Katz. for the
J. Vogt. .) Second Empolder.
Notice whereof is hereby given, that each and
every one interested, may govera themselves accord-
New Amsterdam, Berbice, 5th May.
kk. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original FOR SALE.
THE Subscriber has, by the late arrivals, receiv-
ed a general assortment of Dry goods ; also a quanti-
ty of excellent London bottled Porter. The above
articles she will dispose of for cash only; a few crates
of earthenware, assorted, is offered, vither by the
crate or otherwise.
View original PICKED UP
AT Fort St. Andrews, two four oar’d Boats, the
owners can have them restored, by paying the ex-
pences, on application to Mr. Joun Kemp, or the |!
Subscriber. If not claimed in due time, will be sold
at Public Vendue. :
8 May. Tus. H. SHAW.
View original NOVICE.
ALL persons having any demands against the late
Joun Baptist, dec., are requested to render in the
same to the second subscriber.
1 May G. SCH WARTS. é =
View original Secretary’ s Office.
ALL persons having any demand against, or ows
ing, to the Estate of Mr. Gustavus GraHan, dec.
are requested to render in their claims, or come fore
ward with payment to Wm. Fraser, Esq. New
Amsterdam, who, together with Messrs. Jas. Mor-
Rison and F. P. Grauam, are the appointed Ix-
ecutors of the Will of the aforesaid Mr. G. Graham,
dec. Secretary’s Office, 15th May.
R. C. DOWNER, Seey.
View original '
ALL persons having any claims on the Estate of
the late Wa. Tureneacr, Esq. either prive, or as
Deputy Vendue Master, are desired to render in
their claims to the Curators appointed to adininister
to his estate, James Fraser.
Lewis Cameron.
John Downer and
DC. Cameron. Esquires.
and all persons indebted to that estace, are requested
to make payment without delay.
Secretary’s Office, 8th May.
re eae DOWNER, Sec.
View original NOTICE. ‘
ALL persons having any demand on the Estate of
the late Evan Duncan Fraser, Esq. are requested
to render ina statement of their claims to the under-
signed, forthe purpose of being transmitted to his
executors. Secretary’s Office, 8th May.
IN the name of the Executors to the Will of Joun
Hewitt, dec.; all persons having any claims against
his Mstate, are requested to render the same at the
Secretary’s Oflice of this colony, within six weeks
after date, to enable the said Executors to bring that
-esjate toa close, immediustely after the expiration of
‘that period. Secretary's Office, 8th May.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy
View original MVordt geadverteerd, dat; This is to inform the Fue
le volgende personen voor. blic, that the following pere
nemens zyn uil deze Koloniceons intend quilting this Cos
fe verirekken, ‘bony.
John Forsyth in 6 weeks from April 10.
Isaac Farley in 6 weeks from 24 April
Rich. Settle de Piza in 6 weeks from May 8.
J. I. Georgy in 6 weeks from May 8.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
$$$ tn,
View original WORDT hiermede bekend NOTICE is hereby gwen,
gemuakt, dat een maand na\that «a month after date the
dato de volgende Transpor-} following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken sullen} Mortgages will be passed.
verleden worden.
April 10. A. Fleury will transport to Susannah Gee
orge, 146 feet of the northern front quarter of
Lot 22, 2d empolder of this town, also 50 feets
of hand on the north side ef the same lot ad-
joining the aforementioned 146 feet, the width
of the quarter of said lot 22.
Susannah George will transport to A. Fleue
ty, the quarter lot and buildings thereon pos-
sessed by her, beinga part of lot 37, in the
2d empolder of this town.
-——— WidowH. J. Buse will transport to Thomas
Robson, part of lot No. 1. first empolder,
Th. Robson will transport to J. Broderick,
part of said lot No. 1.
May 1. The Attorney of Elisabeth Sharp, will trans-
to D.C. Cameron, 6 roods of laud of lot No.
6, iu New Amst. with the buildings thereon,
adjoining the premises of J. B. Rule.
May 15. Peter Mathews will transport will transport
to Mary Macdonald 12 roods of land, on the
south side of lot No. 42, second empolder in
New Amsterdam, fronting the middle road.
View original NOTIFICATION.
TIE Governor las been pleased to appoint Mr.
Bensamin ‘Tuckniss, Assistent Government Scere-
tary, of this colony.
King’s House, Berbice, 1st April, 18153.
By Command.
Tuos. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec'y.
,e °
Militia Brigade Orders.
AS the new Arms and Accoutrements for the Mili-
tia, are now daily expected. Lieutenant Colonel
Fv aser requests, that the East, West, and Coren-
tyn coast Companies, will assemble for Drill, in such
divisions as the Captains may appoint, in order to
prepare themselves for a general Muster, on the 4th
June, on the Parade in New Amsterdam, to fire a
Leu de Joie, in honor of this Majesty’s Birth Day.
By command.
Berbice, 10th April, [SJ3.
Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Saturday the 29d inst. will be sold at the Ven-
due Office, by the Acting Vendue Master in commis-
sion, an assortment of Provisions, Liquors, aud Dry
goods, paints & oil, nails assorted, &c.
By the Executors of {f. W. Brandes, a Negro.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Venduemr.
—— a —— sees
View original On ‘Tuesday the Ist June, will be sod at planta-
tion Hlogsty, Corentine coast, by order of the Cura-
tors inthe boedle of the late R. Merchant, all the
Negroes, furniture, &c. bi longing to the said bocdle.
G. BONE, Act. Dap. Vendue Master.
—_—— —__——
View original re
On Tuesday the Sth June will be sold, if not pre-
viously dlisposed of, by order of Messrs. Evan and
Anens Fraser, on the premises,—the whole of the
extensive and valuable baik lings belonging to them
on lat No. 3, together with houschold furniture, and
what further nay appear on the day of sale.
G. BON!) Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr.
——o- — — ee ee ee —_——_—
—_—-— —-————-——
On Wedouesdey the ts Sept. and following dl: AYS,
will be sold by or leref Robt. Taitt, and Wm. Kew-
ley, Esqrs. initheir capacity as Curators to the Ks-
tate of the late Richard Barry , dee.—The western
halfof Plantation Nee lundhall, being one-third of
Lot No. 2., Corentyn cost.
The southern half of Piantation JZarriet, being half
Lot No. 76 Correntyn, together with buildings, and
slaves, stock aod all dina owe ry thing thereunto be-
longing—luventusics of which to be seen at the Ven-
due ollice.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Master.
View original ea
Ys , .
|} QO it SALI.
A piece of Land of lot No. Il, containing 14
roods, situate at the suuth side of the backdiam—ap-
ply fo this Cuiliee. 17 April.
NEW AMSTERDAM, ofan loth (Si3
Our Mail for March was received at the Post Office
here on the (ith dust. a was brought to Surinam Ly the
Princess Lilisabeth Packet, which arrived there on the
23d ull. .in avery distressed state, having sprung a leak
‘ul sea.—The Packet was leftat Surinam, when the schoo.
ney which brought the Mail, sailed from thence ; and
we understand, Jrom a communication, made lo the De.
puty Post Master General here, it is likely to be some
dime before she can be ready lo proceed on her voyage—
The Papers received by the Mail, were only to the 17
of March, and consequently brought no intelligence so
lute, as we were already in possession of.
From the late } nglish Papers.
Leipsic, Feb. 5.—Vhe Dresden Court Gazette notices
the appointment of Baton de Just, as Envoy Extraordinary
to the French Court, instead of Count Liusiedel, detained
at Dresden by indisposition. ‘The Baron is said to be
charged with an extiaacdinary inission, which, as we are
informed, relates to the new demands made by the Emperor
Napoleon. The Saxon provinces are greatly exhausted
View original by the sacrifices made during thagpar, and itis to repre-
sent this fact, and to give assurances that every effort will
be made by his Majesty compatible with the happiness of
his subjects, that the new Envoy has been dispatched.
Dresden, Feb. 2.—An order has been issued for inarch-
ing the greater part of the garrisons of our fortified tomus
to the frontiers. ‘The duty will, during the absence of
the troops, be performed by the citizens, By alate report,
it appears that all our fortresses are in a youd state and
well provided, except Torgau, on the repairing of which
3000 labourers are at present employed. :
Hambur,h, Feb. 12.—For the last three weeks vot a
day has passed on which we have not witnessed the march
through this city of from 1200 to 2000 troops. Among
these we noticed detachments of Spaniards whe had volun.
teered from the different depots of prisoners; these men
were well fed, well clothed, and appeared chearful and
content: their numbers amounted to 4 100.
Frankfort, (on the Oder), Feb. 9.—The entrenched
camp at Cunersdorf is at length completed ; and batteries
have been erected to command the only point of the river
accessille to an enemy. Great numbers of troops have
assembled here, consisting of French, Dutch, Saxons,
Bavarians, Westphalians, Wirtembergers, and Prussians.
Theie numbers, which is very considerable, is encreased
every day by fresh arrivals.
The Russians are in force in the neighbourhood of
Dantzic; but they are without heavy artillery aud stoves ;
aud we are assured that an epidcune prevails among them,
occasioned by the hardshigs they have undergone, and their
long and fatiguing marches. ‘Lhere is no probavriity that
their designs against the fortress of Dantzic will succced.
The place is aditably fortiied aud well supplicd with
every thing vecessary fur resistance. ‘The garrison, which
is strong, is anunated by the best spirit, General Kapp
isthe Governur, aud has many brave aud experienced Gee
nerals under hun; particularly Houdcietand Granuyean ;
the latter of wuum iately overthrew Ue Russtans several
times on the banks of the Vistula.
The Scepter, 74, and Lindau, with the ships Nimrod,
Dawn, Cicero, and Jane, having on buard the 6 ith regs.
vf fovt, were ww leave Barbados on the ist inst. tur bia.
We learn that the Dragon, 74, has lately captured a
valuable American East Ludiaman, said to bclong tu the
owners of the Thomas i cuiuse, lately cacvicd intu arba.
dos by tH. M. ship Tribune.
The fiosnet, sloop of war, it is stated, has arrived in
an American Port, Ju the engagement with the Peacock,
oll this coast, her luss is said to be only Lb killed 5 bat in
removing the crew of the Peacogk, one of her boats was
upset, by which accident 13 of ber men were drow acd
The British force in t ppee Canada have lately destroy -
ed a forton the American lines, atd a number of armed
vessels they had ou some part of the Lakes.
Lhe Duke of Clareuce, it it stated, has opened a trea
ty of Marriage with the youngest sister of the Eiuaypesor
of Russia.
Published by the Lieuteuaal.Goveruer of the Islend of
Japa, adled [dor arta, June 18, loi.
The Sultan Hamangkubuana the Second, has by his
Crimes atid violation ol treaty, shew hunself unworthy of
the confidence of the British Government, anit to be fur-
ther entrusted with Che adinimetvation delegated to him,
Buta few mouths have clapsed since the Sultan ev perien.
ced the utmost measure of furbearauce, elementy and ge.
nerosity Of the Iritioh Government. Ile had violently
seized upon the Government from which his want of faith
towards his late Sovereign had removed him, and in the
execution of his purpose put to death the frst Minister of
his Government; an Otlicer, whose office and person were
solemnly protected in all the existing engagements, and
until his time, had been held inviolate. ‘The British Go-
verninent, with a tender respect for his advanced age, his
high rank, and supposed misfortunes, were willing to
make a new trial of his conduct, and on his expressing a
contrition for his past offences, even confirmed him in the
throne he had presumed to usurp.
Scarcely, however, was he restored to power, when he
caused to be assissinated the father of that Minister with
whose blood he had recently stained his hands—a dlame.
less and inoffensive old man. He shortly thereafter or-
dered to be strangled seven of the highest and most respec.
table chiefs of the country without even an alledged oflence ;
men whose persons were by the existing engagements
under the immediate protection of the British Government.
He degraded and affronted the Hereditary Prince, lost to
all seuse of the dutiful respect with which he himself dure
View original ing his prior degradation had been treated by him; nay,
he even publicly threatened the life of the Prince; and
was hindered from putting his threats into execution, only
by the direct interference of the British Government. He
has refused to deliver over the lands and districts ceded to
the Government, and coutirmed to the be by the last
treaty. Tle has entirely neglected and) overlooked every
minor stipulation of that treaty ; and, lastly, he has been
detected in arguing with the Court of the Svofoonau, in
violation of the most solemn aud important eugagement
of all the treaties, with the avowed object of uudermining
aud subverting the British Suprimary in Java.
By such conduct, inimical to the peace, good governs
ment, aud general tranquillity of the country at large,
the Sultan has displayed to the world, how uaw urthy he
is of (fe high and important Trust which'the British Go-
vernment reposed in him. He has forfeited afl claim te
the future confidence of that Government, and entirely
lost the love and aitection of his people, reducing the
country toa state bordering upon anarchy. ‘The Princes,
the Chiefs, aud the peuple of Djocjocarta at large, ure
therefore hereby informed, that the ton Licnt. Governor
of the whole Island of Java and its dependencies, is here.
by pleased, in the name and on the behalf of the British
Government, to depose the present Sultan, and in resase’
suming the administration of the one half of the hich lands
of Java, known by the name of the kingdom of Matarian,
again to delegate the same to the pre cnt Pangecang Adipati,
who is hereby proclaimed Sultan of Mataram, under the
title of Hamangkubuana the Third.
All persons are therefore required to obey him as. their
lawful Sovereign ; and it is hereby declared, that all who
Presume to abet the dethroned Priace in his pretensions to
the Government, will be considered as traitors to their
couniry, and deatt with accoidingly, ‘Phat no person
may plead ignorance of this Prociamation, the sane is
directed to be translated into the Javanese language, and
allixed at the gales of the Craton, at the Beitish Fort and
Kesidentary House, and in such other public places as
proclaimavous and publications are usually aftixed.
Dated at Djocrara, this [sthday of June, ($2, by me,
the Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Java, and ita
(Signed) T.S. Rarvirs.
sy order of the Hon. the Lieut. Governor.
J. Cracrorn, Resident at Mataram,
(A true Copy)
Jo Bex FORD, AssistSec. to Government.
In parsaance of (he above Proclamation, the Pangerang
Adipati has been raised to the throne, under the tile of
Hamanghubuana tie Chind, and publicly installed in that
station by the Lieut. Governor, onthe evening of the 22
just. Cie whole of the Priaces and Chieftains having sub.
mitted, amd the country being ina perfect state of tran.
J. Nexronp, Assist. Sec. to Government.
Evtract of a dispatch to the King of Sweden, from
Ruron de Lagerljeclke, the Swedish Minister al Pa.
ris, deluiled what passed in an intervicis with Nae
** Notwithstanding all the personal prejudices of which
[had been the object, it would have been casy for me to
have prepared my self against a scene but litle agreabte
*¢ The nature of my conferences with the Duke of Ca.
dore—the precipitate conduct of M. de Czermichet!—the
catastrophe which Switzerland saw herself threatened for
commercial atlairs—the advantages gained in Portugal, of
which it was, no doubt, intended to profit, to bear down
the Bnglish on all points at oncc—all these circumstances
united, ad given me sullicient insight to judge what the
object of the audicnce would be; but 1 acknowledge that
I did not expect so violent an explosion. J had never be.
held the Emperor iu anger, but he was so at this lime, to
a polut which surpassed all imagination,
“¢ | was introduced a little after nine o’clock in the
morning. I found the Duke of Cadore with the Emperor,
and the presence of this third person caused me at first to
suppose that I had been called to hear an official declara-
tion, but that [ would not be permitted to attend the dise
cussion, IT nevertheless resolved to reply on every oeca-
sion where [could bring a word in, Lt is impossible for
me fo render your Majesty an account of all the Emper-
or said during thespace of at least an hour and a quarter,
because his agitation was so great, his discourse so bro.
ken, his repetitions so frequent, that it was extremcly
diflicult to class them all in my memory.
‘¢ [ began by presentin our Majesty’s letters. ‘Do
g Jal sy Jesty
you,’ said the Emperor, ‘what is the subject of this let.
ter ?’—I explained it, with adding a compliment. With.
out any reply thereto, the Emperor went on, Every
break in the Emperor’s discourse will sufficiently explain
to your Majesty thenature of the short replies which J
endeavoured to make in the interval.
‘* Oh, oh! Monsieur, the Baron, do they at length,
cease to belicve in Sweden that I am merely a dupe; do
they think that L can aceommodate myself to this mixed
or half state of things?
** Oh! give me no sentiments; it is from facts that we
draw our proofs in matters of politics. Let us see these
facts. You signed the peace within the beginning of this
year; you engaged yourselves to break off all comniunie
cation with England; you kept a Minister in London,
aud an English Agent in Sweden, till summer was advan.
ced; you did not interrupt the osteusible communicatiog
View original Yes, the export trade, that is the battle horse; what then
is become of the neutral tlag 2? There are no louger any
Neutrals. Mug!and acknowledges none, nor can [ acknow-
Jedge them any longer. Salt, aye, sal! one can find
Means to optain what is necessary. low did you do in
1801, whe you were in open rupture with Musiand :
Suifer! Do you not believe that L suffer foo? that France,
that Bourdeaux, that Holland, that Germany, suitor? Bus
this is precisely whitan end inust be put to a maritime peace
at any price !—[ilere the Kmperor was vivileutly agi-
Yes, Sweden is the sole cause of the crifis I experience.
—Sweden has done me more harm than five coalitions to
gether. Dut now, restored to her communicatious with
the rest of Europe, she taken advantage of jt to carry
on'the commerce of England. Ah, Sir, time! always
time; | have lost tov much time. It was necessary, you
said, (vcnter into the new system without making tov
many sacrilices—it was alsu necessary for me, yon added,
to dv sume goud fur Sweden. Hear me! W en you made
choice of the Prince af Ponto Corvo, did IT risk nothing
in permitting him to accept the otler? Was IT not on the
point of embroiling myself with Russia? Was it not be-
lieved ; is it nut perhaps still believed, that you on your
side, and tne Saxons and Poles vn the other, supported by
me, would arm to reconquer their lost provinces; Were
not men’s minds then much agitated in Poland? What did
Ido then? I caused such things to be said, such repotts
to be circulated, ay might detach Russia from my system
It is only wow, that more and more undeccived with ress
pect to Swedish polities, [have taken a decifive step,
which f will not conceal from you. Lhaveseat buch M. de
Czernicheti to Russia. b have informed him of thy decla a.
tion which I have made to you iosday. Lb have strougty
pressed the Emperor Alexander to take the same sfep on
his part. Choose! Cannou must be fired oa the buy! sh
Whelyapproach your cuasts, and their merchandize in
Sweden be confiscated, or you must have war with France.
T cannot do you any great harm; ‘fb oceuyy Pomerania,
and you do not much care about it; but I can Cause you
to be tracked by the Russians and by the Danes, ‘and I
Ca connscace all your vessels on the Continant; and
wil de it, if within fifteen days you are not at war with
Englacd. Yes, you are right: the time for the going and
F turning of the courier must be reckoucd, and something
Here, M. de Cadore, T order you to send off a courier
Immediately, and you Sirs, will do the same. Jf Within
five days after the olficial act of M. Alquier, the King has
mot resolyed to be at wae with Mugland, M. Atquics
Shall s t out immediately, aud S#eden shall have war with
France aud all her allies. Yes, it is just: Ihave not po.
Sitively detuanded the state of war before this moment,
but I am vow furecd to it by all imaginable meaus. Swe.
den has alrcady found that she cannot remain ia a mixed
State with Kugland, qing sreat mjury to the Contineut,
At length things have taken a general devolupement, which
requires a pecfeet equality of measures, or a state of open
hostility. ‘This is what all other Powers have thought
Ought to be done, Russia thought stronger Chan the rest,
has 6n y obtained peace with me ou the condition of de.
Claring wae against Mnglind, Austria, a Power of the
first order, if France did not exist, bes frauk » taken her
resolugen. fb have bec a long time the dupe of Prussia
and of you—oshe at length caine totind, by th catastrophe
Of Holland. that it was necessary lo eowe ty a dgtermi.
Nation: and she frankly adupted 2 state of war, Den.
mark has dune so long ago; but with what tile can | ex.
act froin that country what T cannot obtaintrom sweden?
I often say to tity self, who Knuws wheer fb sual! always
by the way uf. Jottepburth till sal later, and what was
the resuit of it? that the Corres; ondence remained thy
Same, neither more or less active.x—Poh! the question is
not of acommumeation by this way or hy that, it is re.
gular, it is very considerible, You have vessels in all
the ports of Englavd. Salt truly! Do you get saltin the
Thames? The English trading vessels besiege Gottenbure:
a fine proof that they du not eater there, They exchange
their Meechandizes in the open sea, or nesr to the Coasts,
Your little islands serve a8 magezines in the wister season;
your vessels openly carry colonial produce imto Germa.
ny; 1 have cansed half a score of them to he seized at
Rostock. Is it possible that one can atiect thus to be
mistaken on the first principle of the continental system ¢
Very well—you do uot approve of this in your note ; it
is. not of that | complain, it is of the fact. L have not
slept a single hour in the night, on account of your af.
fairs; you might suller me to repose in peace—l have
aeed of it.
Again—Is this restitu(ion of the English prisoners a
proper thing ?—-those who had sv impudently attempted
the dignity of the King, and vivlated his territory ? Restore
without any satisfaction! not so, Muusieur de
Cadore? [The Minister, all in tremulation, did not omit
replying afirmatively to this as well as to some other fimilar
questions.] Another violation of territorial right is the
capture of a French privateer in the interior of the port
of Stralfund ; but to me, nothing has been rendered !
It is not to one’s friends that one shews these little atten.
tions! Very well; remain with the English! if one were to
judge from the evil which you have done me this very year,
you never could have been better friends to the English
than at this moment. Oh! oh! it is you that tell me so!
It is you who assure me that Sweden wishes rather to re.
main on my side; but pruofs, I say, give me proofs!
Very well; your state at the end of an unfortunate war
required some circumspection and precaution, Well, I
have had them té my loss; you have cajoled me, yes, you
—you yourself, You have had the address to gain the
View original bad season ; you I “+ time to settle your inferests with
Kugland., [sit ju .thatifany engagements exist contrary
tu faith, that Lam to bear the burden? You have had
lime to put yourselyes ina siate of defence, you have stil
the winter before you. What thea have yuu to risk’??—
be ona youd fooung with Russia? Who can read the
chapter of events? May it nut one day be of thy greatest
intvrest to me to have a friendly Power in the North,
strong in its own recourses as well as by alliance? But
could it, meanwhile, be believed in Sweden, thai L would
relax any thing in my invariable principles iv favor of the
new Prince Royai? On ihe contrary, the po itical Crisis
intowhich L have brought myself in her favor gives me a
stronger title. Meanwhile Sweden owes a great obliga.
tion to the person of the Prince Royal; for, without that
chuice (by no means influenced by me), L should, two
months ago, have taken the step which | now find myself
forced to do. L nevertheless repent of this delay, which,
on account of the season, has been suv beneficial for you ;
rot because regret whatever good you may have derived
from it, but because that you | ave used me tov it,
Fo1 a long time past, the office which was intended for
you was found prepared in the burcau of Mons. the Duke
de Cadore [an allirmative reverence from the Minister] ;
but L waited for the arrival of the Prince Royal, who is
instructed ta my way of thinking. IL have not been able
to doit. L have toid you that L was on the point of em-
broiling myself with Russia, L gave all Kurope notice,
that ac this decisive moment my system might be capable
ofmodilication, Besides this, new Complaints against Sweer
deu reached me from all sides.
Ah! I know what you have to say to me; I have read,
all you hwe written, Well, be it so—there may have
becu sume exaggeration in the complaints, but there still
remains @ sullicient quantity of truth—I{ wish you had a
better cause to defeud.
On, no! The situation of the Priuce Royal will not be
so difficult as comes from here, there .s nothing embarrass.
isg in the choice. But yet, could they beheve iv Sweden,
(hat they might serve the cause of England, without resent.
ment on wy part, because that [love and esteem the Prince
Royal ?
1 likewise love ad esteem the King of Holland: he ism)
brother, and,yet b have broke with lim, L have silenced the
voice of blued to give car tv Urat or general interest. Lt
you Wereon my ivultiers, 4 should, with regret, De foreed
jo act as I have just dune with the Swiss; L wave caused
some (rovps to march, and toe Goverument las Cuoniiscated
the kogiush merchandize, det us resume ourselves at
leugth, Lt but sweden act as she thinks most advantage.
vus tv ler, Lb huow thatitas out of my power tu force
her. Get her frankly range herself on the side ef Loghant
agaiust me aud my allies, i sueh be her anterest; or let
her unite with we agamet Bag and. But the time oi
doubtfulaess has passed aw ay. Who five days have pass.
ed, M. Alguier will depart, and 2 wall give you your
passports, Yuu have said vo more than what you ought
to have said, but L cannot du otherwise Gian send you
back, Open war or constant friendship; this is my last
word, my ultimate declaration, Adicu! May IL see you
again under more favourable auspices,
The kmperor left ine without deigning to hear me fur.
ther, On leaving the Emperor’s apartment, L saw no one
else in the other apartment, not even the omicers on duty.
iknow not what had given cause to thistatraordiiary cir.
cumptance, whether by order, or proceeded [row the sjun-
tattoous discretion of the functionaries, because that the
Muiperor had frequently elevated his voice to such a pitch,
(hiatal Was imposs:bie net to lear jimi the aext rou,
1 had afterwards a conference with the Duke of Cadore,
vt pathog frum whois dt set ottlor Vacs. ‘Piis conversation
Was Hothiog more Chan a repetatiou uf what bad passed with
tue Binpesor, Chatmay dispatchto your Majesty and that
vf the Minister Barun Alquier might agree as near as pus.
sible, every Gung taving been said on this-subject, 1
could yot locbear ca pressing to Che Duke of Cadore, how
sensibly 2 felt the harsh and yivlentdturm alo which the
miperor had put his deaiand.
The Minister laid great stress on the satisfaction which ]
had (as he tuld me) i tempering the Kinperor’s Vivacity,
especially towards the conclusion, and Guoted several pas-
sages which expressed some interest, and which gave some
hope tor the future, He gave me acourier passport, which
Was prepared beforehand. Ile promised we not to send
his courier from Fontainbleau Gil about the same time
should expedite me from Paris, that is tu say, inthe even.
ing of this day, in order that this might have alittle ad.
He assured me that M. Alquier would have two days to
prepare his ollice, besides the five which formed the ame of
his prescription, Hedwelt much on the fact, which he re-
quested me to make ef consideration, that the election of
Monseigneur the Prince Royal, far trom having provoked
this step on the Emperor’s part, had retarded it for several:
months, and had thereby procured for Sweden 4 delay
doubly important, on account of the season. [le even
added, that the Emperor’s resolution of taking his steps,
were whilst the Prince was said to be on his journey, and
had partly in view the intention of not rendering him iv.
nocently unpopular,”’
TT ———
Two Gentlemen, Mr. Auran Nicholas, and Mr. J. B.
Smithson, have lately arrived in England with the much-
admired bas reliefs at Ephesus, supposed to have belong-
ed to the celebrated Temple of Diana, and consisting of
(bree parts, viz.—
View original First—The lamentation of Achilles for the death of his
friend Patroclus, whose body is borne before him,
Second—The body of //ector fastened to the Car of
Achilles, aud ol Priam turning away and weeping at the
sight of the body of his beloved son,
Thisd—The lamentation of Andromache and two fee
male attendants, mouraing over the body of Hector, and
Astanax taken away by Ulysses, from his mother An-
The whole containing 26 human figures and 2 horses,
of the finest and most ancient Grecian sculpture.
Mr. Nicholas has procured those marbles with consider.
able risk, trouble, and expence, haying early in the year
1811 gone to dificrent parts of the Archipelago and Con
stantinople, to obtain the best advice and assistance in this
object. He found that several English, German, and
French travellers had failed in their attempts to procure
them, even with the aid of a Firman from the Grand
Seignior. He determined, however, to persevere at all
hazards, and went to the Aga; or Commandant at Ephe-
sus, in order to bribehim, when he told him that nothing
but an order from Cara Osman Oglu, the Governor of
Anatolia, should induce him to allow them to be taken
downu.—Mr. Nicholas then went to Cara Osman Oglu,
and becoming well acquainted with him, applied for leave
to carry olf the bas-reliefs from Bohesus. He reusd for
some time, and said that several travelless had already af-
fered him large sums for them, but compticd at length
with Mr. Nicholas’s entreaties, telling him at the suce
line, that the inhabitants would rise against him. With
this order Mr. Nicholas returned to Ephesus, and em.
ployed 50 men to take themdown, which he accom) ish.
ed with great ditheulty, and meeting with constant ob.
struction from the inhabilants, who imagined that he was
searching for some concealed treasure, and was therefore
under the necessity of distributing. a cunsideyable sum of
money amougst them. He had then to make carts to be
drawn by builaloes to the sea side. where he had them
safely shipped in a mall vessel which be had hired at Sca.
la Nova, and proceeded to Smyrna. He had no sooner
arcvived at the latter place, than he had new difiicultics to
contend wits, sume of Bona, arte’s agents trying by faic
and unfair means to get them fromhim, and at length ob.
tained, through the iuterest of the French merchants at
Constantinople, an order from the Grand Seignior to stop
(hem. Me. Nicholas had fortunately secretly shipped
them Chere theee days before the arrival of this order, and
conveyed them to the iland of Matta.
R's 6S TI PL A LTT A Oe”
Departed this live on the 9th inst. at plantation
Merville, Mr. Gustavus Graham, much and justly
regretted by all his acquaintances.
View original JAMES CAPLE.
Pilot and Harbour Master.
INFORMS the Masters of Vessels in the River,
that he keeps his Office at the house next the Ven-
due Ofltec, where they are requested to call and pay
their Fees, previous to leaving the river.—S April.
TITE undersigned is happy to inform the Pubtic,
that the Shoemakers profession is now re-establisbed
by him, atthe house of Mr. A. D. Cucue & Co.,
which once was very successful kept up to the credit
of those gentlemen, inallits various branches. “Begs
those whom formerly used to give their custoin, will
now do the same, and being but on early beginner,
will work on the most. reasonable terms, namely,
Planters shoes f 13.—dress ditto, f 11.—calashing
and soleing boots f 16-10.—calashing alone f 8-5.
will both warrant the leather and work to beas dura-
ble as any customer may require. With thanks begs
this advertisement to be adhered to
17 April. Wm! WELCH.
a —_
_ List of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Golony Stocks of
Beesice, on the 29th April, 1813.
Nawes, | Proprietors, | By whom brought.
View original Namen,
Lew is
—_—_—_—_—_—_—__—_—_-_ -——
j Morris
jMis. Merchant
Pin. Onverwagt
Vin. Maria
Pin. Lancester
ors) ( Dem.)
Pin. We'daad
IJ ames I raser
Ur. Gordon
Pin. Weldaad’
Plu. Wassondom
\NicCamon .
kK rauendorft
hc obald
i rauendorf
J. A. DEHNERT, Under -Shix } if
View original Marshals Office.
IS hereby given tothe Public: that whereas the
Penal Interdict, obtained against the Execution Sale
of the Negroes Chance and dlarry, the property.ot
W.W. Kine, at the instance of If. Burton, hav-
ing been settled to the satisfaction of both parties ;
Said Execution Sale will now take place on Wed-
nesday the 19th instant, at the Court House of this
colony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day.
Berbice, 7th May.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marskal.
—- =
View original NOTICE
AT the request of Joun Layririp, Esq. qq. Tus.
Bonxp, Notice is hereby given to all to whom it may
concern; ‘That the Estate Lancaster, cum annexis,
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, the pro-
perty of W. Honsox, Esq. is released from the pre-
sent Sequestration and Execution, in favor of afore-
said Ths. Bond, in consequence of the claim for
which the said Estate Lancaster was sequestrated,
having been satisfied to the satisfaction of both par-
tics. Berbice, Sd May.
Kk. FRANCKEN, First Marshal. ’
View original NOTICE.
AT the request of Messrs. Dovanas Remp & Co.
of this Colony, Notice is hereby givea to all to whom
iM inay concern, that the Estates
Bloon:fietd, the property of J Mc C. McDonacp.
Letterkenny, do. de. = M. Dannas. .
7 Pin. No. 26 Corentine, Jos. McDonawp.
have been released from the preseat Sequestration, in
favor of the Mercantile bouse of Doucrias Rew &
Co., inconsequenee of the claims foe which the said
Pstates were Sequestrated, having been satistied to
the abovementioned house,
Berbice, lAth Apri), E813.
KR. FRANCHNEN, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation,
BY virtue of authority cranted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Jastice, of this colony, dated 6 March
ISIS, on the petition of Johan Lay ticld, in bebalf of
Thomas Gudgeon, doha Dodson, and Joshua liinde;
and ot Win. Iyewley aad Robt. ‘Paitt, as appouted
Curators to the isiale mal Tliects of Richard Garry,
Notice ts hereby given, that T the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of his colony, wail sell
in presence of two Councellors Comunissaries, and
their Seeretary, by pubhic Execution Sale, ou ‘Tues-
day the Istoi June, TSio.
The Cotton Plantotion TOGSTY ER.
situeite on (he Corr. coast of Uns coluny, with all the
Cultivation, Builaings, Slaves, and further Appurt-
enrnecs and Dependencies thereto belonging, asree-
able to huventory turmed thereol, and whieh laws at
the Marshel’s outce tor tie anspection of these whom
it may cone crm
Whoever shoul think todave any right, action,
or interest on the abovcamentioned plantation ilog-
sty, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution, let lim or them address them-
sclves tome the undeeigned, declaring their reason
for so doing, ina tesal manner in writing, as | here-
by give notice (hit 1 will receive opposition from afl
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
to have thetr claims heard betore the Court, and fur-
ther act Chereon according to law.
All persons hemy javitedto attend at the day ot
Sale on plautabonu tlogsty, and make their protit of
{ihe same.
This tth proclunation published by beat of drum
&s Customary’. iserbice, Qt May, 1813.
KK Feancnen, First Marshal
i Os Se Ee ST SOO
oarth Promation
WITEREAS FT the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony.
Granted upon a petition presented by W. Katz,
under date of 25th Aug. 1812.—Versus, the Repre-
sentative or Representatives of the Coflon Plantation
Nigg, situated on the Corentyn coast ; have caused
to be taken in Execution and Sequestration, the
abovenamed estate Nigg.
Be it thereture known, that T the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 1] Sept. IS!2, the said Plantation
Nigg, with all its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings,
and further Appurtenances thereto belonging, and
specified in the Inventory laying at the Marshal's
Office for the inspection of those whom. it may con-
cern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said
sale such sum of money as wherefore the Estate aboye
mentioned, has been taken in execution.
View original This 4th Proclamation publistied fayy beat of dream,
as customary. Bernice, #1 Apnl, ISIS.
KK. Franenen, First Marshal.
, Fourth Proclamation
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by anthority ob-
tained from His Excellency J. Mennay, Brigadier
General, and Acting Governor of tie colony Ber-
bice aud its Dependencies, &c. &e, &ce.
Crranted upon a petition of W. Karz, in quality
as Attorney of Samueland £lisabeth Ames, of Bar-
bados, have caused to be taken in Execution and
Sequestration, the Western Two Thirds of Lot No.
11 Corentyn coast of this cotony, the property of R.
Harris, the person against whom abovenamed writ
of Nxecution is granted, under date of 26 November
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 22d of Feb. 18]3, the abovemen-
tioned two western thirds of Lot No. 11 Corentyn,
with ail its Cultivatign (being Cotton), Buildings,
Staves, and further appurtenances and dependencies
thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory
laying at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection o1
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the proceeds of said Sale such sum of money as
Wheretore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta- Execution.
Phis 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as Customary. Berbice, 21 March IS13.
K. FRANCKEN, Pirst Marshal.
View original —_——— ee OO
Swnmons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan extract from the minutes of the
proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice of this co-
lony, under date 2d March, 1813, given in the cause
of Josepu THaucand A. Wrorecrry as Executors to
the Estate of Joun Sawyer, dee., versus, all Kuown
and unknown Creditors agaiist the said estate.
I the undersig;ned, First Marshal ot both the Ho-
norable Courts of this colofy, and at the request of
aforesaid Jys. Hall and A. Arieger,in their said ea.
pacity. .
Summon by Edit for the Second Iimy:
All hnown and unknown creditors of the esate of
John Sawyer, dec., appear betore the Court of Civil
dustice of this colouy, at their session, to be held in
the month of July, 1812, aud follow-ing days, for
the purpose of there exhibiting their claumy, to ve-
rily the same, and il necessary to hear the objections
made thereon, as well to witness the Conri’s deter-
mination as tothe Preferent and Concurrent right ot
claimants agaist the said estate, and further te pro-
ceed according to Law.
‘his second suminons by edict beirg made known
tothe public, by beat of drum, from the Courthous
of this colony, and further dealt with accordiny to,
Berbice. 7th May.
kK. FRANCKEN, Ist Marshal.
ee ee ee, ee ee le
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue ofan Appointment, given by the Court
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. ISH2, grimtea
Upon a pettiion presented by B. J. Schiwoiers and oi.
Choruborrov, Mm thew capacity as the two eldest Or-.
phan Masters, (Weesiecestercn), and in that ca pa-
city Macvcutors appointed by the Last Will of //.4/
I the undersigned, first Marshal of both Courts
ofthis colony, and at the request of atoresaid i. J
Schwiecs aad A. Thornborrow, in said capacity.
Summon hy Lidict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
late of IE. Mi. Grau, dec. to appear ia person or by
Representatives before the Court of Civil Justice,
at thetr Session which willbe held in the month Oc-
tober, 18!3, there to give in their claims agatust said
estate, to verify the same, and torther to proceed
according ty law, on pain lo all those who remaiy in
default, of being for ever debarred their right ot
‘This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court Ilouse of this colony.
Berbice, Sth Feb. 1813.
KK. Francxken, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an appointmeat granted by the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under’
date of 6th March 1813, upon a petition presented
by E. ‘Theobald, appointed Curator to the Estate and.
Lflects of Henry Croft, dec. .
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the reQuest of said LE. Theobald,
in his capacity abovementioned. !
Summon by Edict: !
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tate of Ilenry Croft, deceased, to appear in person,
er by power of attorney, before the bar of the Court:
of Civil Justice of this 6elony, at their session to be
View original held in the month of January, in the year one thous
sandeight hundred and fourteen, (say ISI4), there
to render their claiins against said estate, to verily
the same , and afler proceeding ac cording tolaw, to
witness the Court’s decision on the preferent\xnd con-
current right of claim: nfs, on pain to all those who
remain in default of bei ing for ever debdfrred their
right ot claim.
“This summons by edict ‘s published by beat of
drum, as cusfomary. derbice, 15th April, ISIS.
kK. FRA XC KK EN. Kirst Mar shal,
View original Subscription Rooms.
Uuder thé Patronage of His@excellency Governor
Gonrpon, and a number of Respectable Ln-
habitants of this Colony.
Will open the above on the 10th inst., at the house
lately occupied by J. B. Reve, Esq. and begs to
inform the Subscribers, that altho’ his Papers are not
yet arrived, he has been assisted by several kind of-
ters from many of his Subseribers, to supply him in
the mean time with European Papers. 1 May.
View original Commissarial Office
Berbice, 1st Muy, 1818.
THE Contractor for Rice having failed in deliver-
ing the quantity required.
‘4,900 weight
As wanted immediately, for which cash will be paid
on delivery.
JAMES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
HEN ieder die iets te pretenderen heett van de ka-
foen plantagie dZoop, gelegen aan de west kust, ze-
dert den tyd dat dezelven onder Sequestratic is, ges
heven daarvan ten spoedigsten hunne rekeningen ine
televeren, behoorlyk gecertificeerd door den Direk-
feur, gan den fleer Tf. Luraers, op het Erf No. 17,
of op plantayie Overy ssel aan
I Mey. Ovyergeblevene Sequester.
—-- -=—
ALL those who have demands against plantation
Hope, situated on the west coast, since the Seques-
tration, are cequested to render them in as soon ag
possible, and certified by the Manager, to Mr. H.
Leurnens on lot No. 17, of on plantation Overyssel
I May. Surviving Sequestrator.
—s — ee eee ae
Limported in the Siuon Cock, from London, and
for Sale by the Subscriber:
Beer, porter, & old Port wine.
(-cntlemen’s silk, beaver, & leghorn hats.
Negro Jats, jackefS, & blankets.
Osnabrug’s & checks.
Gentlemen's jackets, waistcoats, trowsers, pur
laloons, coats, & coutees.
Diunask & diaper table cloths.
Cofton shirling.—and ai assortment of jewel.
lery of the latest fashion.—The above artie
cles will be suld cheap by the package.
May. Wm. CROFT.
ds in Commissic te bekomen :
Vaatjes {Lollandsche rolpens.
‘Fronunels Hlollandsche banket.
Grown stout in exhoofden,
Elegante dames strovije hoeden.
In andere kleinigheden meer.
View original a
BY a gentleman leaving up the river, two Negro
women, the one capable of understanding cooking,
and the other washing, for which f 25. per month
each will be given.
24 April. Apply to this Office,
nn eee ll
AN excellent full toned PIANO FORTE
Apply to R. C. DOWNER,
24 April :
View original FOR SALE—At this Otfice—Blank Bj
, 7 on ills Cx.
oe Bills : Lading, and the Manner of Proco
ings ‘e > : . * a ° . -
oad. efore the Court of Civil Justice of this Cg.
View original = sa
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. m,
By W. SCHULZ & Go.

15 May 1813