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The Berbice Gazette

View original ee
Berbice, 31st December, 1814.
Brank returns, for Lead and Weigh Money,
to be made in the ensuing month by Plantations and
Individuals, are now ready for delivery.—Notice ts
hereby given: that no Returns for eitber will be re-
ceived, but those that are issued from (iis Office.
DANIEL ALS T, Dep. Rec. Gen.
> owe
By the Subscriber, imported inthe Brig Wit-
LiaAM, Henry Richa:dson, Master, from Li-
verpool, viz :— ;
WHITE yellow. blacks red- blues greens and p-
tent yellow-paint, bocled finseed oil, spirits Corpen
tine, patent shot, Turkey fies, Preneh plumbs, rai-
gins, pickles, preserves, fish sauecs, tripe, pease,
barley, medicine boxes coy lete, prude bark, pow.
dorthubarb, creams tater, elins vitriol, Cheltenham,
Epsom and Clouber saits, Florence oil, Durham
Mmustiny stone bine, salf in barcls, oats, candles,
soup, bottled beer and porter, erates of Staffordshire
ware, fine stall, plited and Negro bats, Ladies straw
bonnets, blankets, Welch flannel, lined and untined
jackets, check and striped shiits aud Crowsers, lawns,
Leis linens, sheeting- diaper- drogheda- and brown-
linens, coflee and cotton bagging, sein and sew-
ing (wine, Osnaburg’s and thread, matrasses, writing
desks, suil canvas; houses paint- shoe- cloth- hat-
bannisters and white wash-brushes ; Gentlemen’s-
Ladics’- and childrens: boots and shoes, braces,
beaver-tan’d- fiwn- kid coftoa- and cambrie gloves,
night caps, men aud women silk clastic aud cotton
stockings aud socks, blick- blue. and ereen- broad-
cloths, writing prper, quills, pencils, pounce boxes,
sudia rubber, wafers, blawk cards, ruled and anruled
books, red and black ink powders, red and black
sealing Wax, ink stands, Lach egaummon (ables, ches
boards and inca, ploying esis, hair powder, fancy:
BOApS, pomaturs, lavender woter shaving powderana
oul, fazer strips and paste, foo h powJersaad beush-
es, homey vwatcryessonces, yp salve, aromatic vine.
gar, sheiland bor dessins cours, poulet and small
tooth con Ds, potient petrl- coraie und wlassebeads,
copper ciuines, Ut bex sw th locks, ovens, spilloons,
tea Cannisters. Cane dh bone Sy SHE and slew pans,
feaand fil kerlosy turceos, wine on stress cofice
fillerers ind pousters watertue cans. ebovir Pins, Cts.
Bava graters, Ging ots, bleaek preks, Cinder boxes, wai-
ters, sandwich trays, water plates, funnels, brass and
Japamwd patent boaps, wing strainers, botde stands,
lable bells, snear boxes and ntppers valeneh, s, dish
COVCrs, pud ling nins, seal Sand wetohys, aes am
shovels, GR cutlasses, pruning keives, sinele an!
double hand- jacs- trying: and lone 1 lines and plane
rons, hand- teanaut- whip-e and eros. cut-says and
saw files, shutter bolts, bands and gudgeons, hinges,
atay bars and stay les, Uquore vat- and raching-cocks,
pecking aad belt rope needles, Negro combs, fish
Ooks, Civ table and tea spoons, tables desert. ear.
vere pene poc!.ci- and Buck-kutves, rasors, scissars.
dressing cases, pinchers, screws, screw Crivers, clon!
pins, foot rules, firmer and mortiee chissels, hoo,
drivers, foot scrapers, wird iroas, fry pans, curry
and mane combs, sponges and brushes, club ax <,
joiners- carpentors- ant coopers adzes, hammers,
boot jacks, corn- cotfees and peppereinills, Negro
Jooking glasses, sd trons, vat and puncheon hoops
and rivels, serew anetrs, errpenter’s tool chests,
braces and bitts, Gin’d tax, oil stones, rat tiaps, iron
ports, grind stones, naills 4. a 50 penny; plains stri-
ped- and spotted- jrconctt, mall and hair cord mns-
ins, 6-4 & 9-8 cotton cambrics, Madras- Pullicat-
Balasore- and common. pocket handkerchiefs, table
eloths, huckaback and diaper towelling, faney quil-
tings, colipn shirfing, platillas, Brittanias, colerains,
Jeans, ginghams, printed calicoes and cambricks, hat
covers, silk and cotton umbrellas and parasols, sad-
dies, bridles, halters, girths, whips, corded dimity,
checks and stripes, salempores, Marsalla, wine in
pipes, glass ware, &c. &c.
_----:-:— -eereeeereeeerwmwseseeeee
View original —_——_——
TWO hundred thousand Ears of ( orn, tobe sold
geasonably, on plantation Merville, Last evasi.
31 Dec.
View original The Subscriber has Imported in the Brig
WivitaM, from Liverpool (he fo lowing Goods,
which he will dispose of at reasonable prices by
the Package, at the New Store, brlouging to
William Henery, Esq. on lot No, 17.
Ling fish in hoxes, potatoes in ampers, London
brown stout in bottles and woot bottled pale ale anc
cyder, cherry and raspberry br andy y split pease and
pearl barley, tripe in kegs, herrings tn hits, mustard
pickles and preserves, b. st bloom raisis ia boxes,
double refined sngar, sovp in boxes, fist) orarden
seeds, super flae black blue green an { brow broad
Cloolyy super fine cloth coats, fashtonable vests, vant
losns and Crowsers, planters sicong staosy dress and
haly dress ditto, negro clothing assorted, po tated cot.
tons and pocket han bherehef& sj oceouetan feo Syrick
muslin, plattlassnd Bot omaias, Prash linesan ds ieet-
Ine, bedsteads with fetri attresses, bolsters ae brats.
quite nmetts, dp ard coolfan chee! sy bidies steas
hy mC Ts, fro , Ilr, pers. postaind vo Heeap pn er,
quire and bound books aad of lie ae Oe y jordans
and oil, S| Irits furpcntime, « mth hfone wae au
cratesand puncheons, bbick fun oT, bindsea pe
ditto, purple ditte, aa asso cet ok tye ds, a cnet
childrens toys, cocdave fiom bto & Techs nheeany
portable writting desks, bres bovad and pin
with seerct drawers nd dresstae boxes, wenmthonien’s
fool chests, mahogany chests or drawers, colton and
coffee bagging, and a varicly of oGier artt: les,
31 Dec. War. CROPT.
NB. Wm. Croft, hopes that all those who stand in-
debted to him from former transoetio: Is, will
come forward with payment without any ture
the r dl, ‘I Iv.
-_—— _ ———
TENDERS for from 35 to $0. b: rr clean co! ton,
from Plantation Geanies, payable in cash, will con.
(inue to be received by the Scquestrators, at) Mr. J.
Woulfl’s, New Ainsterdiun, ur itil Tues: lay the 10M
of Januiry next. ec, ols
Trt Sequestrators of plantation TGlmorack, will
receive ‘Tenders, for from 40 to 50 bales Cotton, at the
store ond. Waal, esq. until Puesday the l0th of Ja-
nuary next, when the fiehest tender, pryable in cash
wil be accepted, il approved. 31 Dee.
a $e
View original THI: Creditors of plantation Leflerkenny, are
hereby intgrmed, that 50 bales of good clean Cotton,
will be sold amongst them, at the Store of Messrs.
Douglas Reid & Co. on the 25th January, next.
ot Dee. C. DOUGLAS, § l'rustees.
THIRTY bales of wood clean Cotton, will be sold
lo the Creditors of Plintation Bloon fel, on the 25th
—__ EF —
Jannary uext, a€ the Store of Messra, Fiouelas Reid
K& Co, W. LAWSON, Q Trustecs
ul Dec. C. DOUGLAS §
SIXTY bates of good clean Cotton, will be sold
among! the Creditors of plantation Piast Lothian,
othe bth Janaary, at the Store of Messrs. Dou-
slas Reid & Co. SL KENDAL, Qa
SEDee. | C. DOUGLAS, § rustees,
THrrty thousand pounds of first quality coffee
from phiuotation Crays/ure, for which Tenders will
be received on or before the loth January, 1815, at
the house of J. FP. Gi. Phiensma, where a sample of
the same is to be seen.—'The cofle to be received by
(he purchaser on the Estate, and payment to be nade
in colomal money oa delivery.
31 Dec. - PLTLARRIVELLE, qq.
From plantation Nige, No. 1G, Correntyns the
negro Tom, he is about 5 feet 6 inches, well made,
speaks rather heavy, and has a mark on one of his
cheehs ;_ as he is a clever boatman, it is strongly su-
spected that he is employed as such.— Warning
therefore is given toall Masters of vessels and others,
not to employ or harbour the said negro, as, in that
case, the law willbe strictly enforced against the Of-
fenders 5 a reward of Tieo Joes will be given to any
person who shall apprehend and lodge the above
named negro Pom, inthe barracks , ordeliver him to
Mr. Hl. Luthersin New Aimeterdain, 31 Dec.
View original CIVIL ake REET.
FOR the use of the Civil C ommissary Department,
Viz :—
Too Mundved and Forty Bunchee Plartains
weekly, for further particulars, applicrtion to be
made atthe Government Seceretary’s Oflice.
Berbice, Slst December. iS!4
R. MACKENZIE, Acting Com.
- —ST) "Sse SOS S&S ews & +e)
View original eee ooo
This is to inform the Public, that the following pere
rons éntend quilting this Colony.
Isanc Parley in 6 weeks from: November 96.
Soniuel M’Nae in 6 weeks from ditto.
\W. Newley, with one servant, in six weeks or three
monts, from November. 26.
Wo AN unskiin 6 weeks from Dec. 3.
leverhardus ten Bosch in do. from do.
urgen Samuels in ditto from ditto.
If. Beckman in 6 weeks from Dec. 24.
J. UH. Lilkermeyer, in 6 weeks from do.
° R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original NOTICE is hereby given, thata month after date the
fullo./ng Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
Dec. 10. Jolbn Quarles will transport to “ Kewlcy
his part of the lower halfiof lot No. 8. in Nevw
Amsterdam, wiflt the buildings thereon,
Dec. 17. Delnert and Zi: Hernan will f ansport to
J.G. Jones, the grour! formerly called ‘Land
Canaan,” and now Te Vr den,” situated in
Canje between he Plintations Plinter’s Lust
and the ground het Grarflyk Slot.
Dec. 24. L. C. Abbensets will Irinsport to TT. W.
Hartman, the abandoned Estate Johanna Cas
tharina, in upper Berbice.
—— Henry Hunt will transport: to Sam. Kend all,
the western half of Lot No. 24 in the East coast
Dee. 31. John Fraser will transport to Lewis Cares
ron, 35 roods and 6 feets of Lot: No. 12, situate
In the first empotder of this town, being the north
quarter front part of said lot.
R.C. DOWNER, Serv,
=e ewe

View original —_ -——~
TO all whom it may concern, he it knozen :—Vhat
Johan Frederic Obermuller, having tendered bis ros
signation asmy Assistant Agent. Tbave thou: be
proper to accept of the same, in’ cons ‘quence Of
which that situation is provisionally vacant.
Sl Dee. A. A. pe La COURT,
Agent Crown Property.
OL SS ee eee ee ee
View original OL Se ee eee eee ee
Tir sile of Negroes, advertised by order of J. G.
(*, de Niecuwerkerk, isq. qq. the Estate of the lite
Governor van Batenburg, for Monday the 9th of Jae
nuary, will not take place.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original PUBLIC VENDUES.
On Tuesday the 4th January, willbe sold at the
Vendue Othee, by order of Mr. D. Martin, beef and
pork in half barrels, earthen ware in crates, gro pis
pes, split pease and barley in jugs, raspberry venes
var by the dozen bottles.
By order of Mr. A. McBain, anassortment of dr
goods, boots and shoes, Madeira wine in bottles, &e.
On thesame day, beer and porter in bottles, pota-
foes, ling fish, herrings, hams, cheese, stationary, toe
baccu, handkerchiefs, soap, candles, [rish linen, &e.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Veddue Master.
On Monday the 9th January, will be soldat the
Vendue Oflice, by order of A. A. de la Court, Esq.
qq. O. W. Lantsheer, Esq. the half of lot No 40,
sccond cimpolder of New Aimsterdain, extending from
the middle road to the front dam, with all ie builds
ings thereon.
On the same day, anassor{ment of dry goods, pro-
visions, 2 held negroes, Kc.
View original
View original By order of B. Jeffery, Esq. a London made new
enericle, anda pairofive ry superior horses, seasoned
to this climate—terme will be made e¢ asy to fi appro-
ved purcha-er—tf net sold together, they will be put
up separately and soldat 3 and 6 months credit.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vend ue Miaster.
————- Ol TS ——S FO — — OC — ————_
On Mondsy the 6th of MI re hy next, and following
days, will be sold tothe highest bid. a s, by order 0.
the executors of the late Mrs. Ht. Jd. Buse, the cof.
fee Plantations LUST TORT RUST and PROVI-
DENCE, in the river Berbice: and the cotton Plan-
tation ZELZIGT, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
toe ther with about G00 Slaves, alse catile, furniture
nd what further may appear. Por terms of sale and
other particulars, application may be made to A. A.
de la Court, sa. or to
D,C. Cameron, Dep. Venduc Master.
5 ee Lee ke kk a § ae
View original Te 6. 8 a ht —_—— ea,
IS hereby given, that the Sate of Plantation De
Vocdster is postpoved untd the Q°d of January next,
Berbice, Slst December, IST.
K. Vrasxcken, First Marshal.
eqn pv vr Ses ome. 8 ome eee Oe
View original a
ee — $< —— — —
TO Wire, a good Washer woman, adilress to this
OM tice, Jl Dee.
———— LLL A
View original _—_——
Ceder Boards & Crab Lumber.
#1 eg, AJ LAN STEWART & Co.
—~° ~—— -<-—--3 ———_— es tO
View original 1Oua HASGOW,
well known Ship Belisle,
Trotwas Toop, Master,
e**> The
To svibwith the Jaauary COUVON, Por fretzht of a
few PICANIYES, OF Pls tee, APT s] y to The NIosferon
12 Noy. board or DOU rLAS REID & Co.
ALD tho-e indebted to Plintation dueshurge, ci-
ther by Notes of band or open Accounts, are request.
eo! tomake payment tothe undersigned, who other-
wise with be under the un: leasant necessity, to Sue
for all outstanding debts, without distinciion, at the
wsning Courts.
The Manners of Pro -wedines before the Court of Civil
Pusiic vy hd bedevtiss tad Dirte I.
Phe Charter of the colony Berbice, in English.
The now Dateh Cor sGiution, ta Dateh,
Coafee Certifentes, Sills oF Exchange and Lading.
All hind of Moots, Litok aucdruled, Quills, Pencils,
Readymade Tuk jab vitkes sy &c.
Gp fee@ o8 wm om Cw Te Oe SS ee SE ee
View original RL en ahs w=
——<t' > 235-2 O—
eyTurDaY,prerwnenst, ISl4.
ANN ET 2LAANACKS $ for the year ISI5,
price f3. wi" be racy for delivery, at this Oec,
on Tucsday morning the od Fenuary. Also will be
wealy tothe sneceof aweclk, a Pocket Almanack.,
tr New Sersersprtross to te GUIANA
CHRONICLI, Pitntid by A Stevenson, ia De-
merary, ill be received allhis Offce, ta which duly
attention will be paw, aud be delivercd ab the Post
Office here. !
——_—$ COM
View original —_KV i LCOOMOE —— ——————
Picorcus Prosceution of the War in America.
Goversament has, at lensht, come to the resolution
of prusccuting the war with the utmost vigour in Ame-
rica: our army there will be on the grandest scale.
Not only Sir George Prevost, but most of the Sentor
Ollficers come Lone immediately. —The disembody-
ing the Militia is stopped, and all our disposeable
force will, without loss of time, be sent to America ;
even cavalry is mentioncd, wilh a large force of ar-
tillery.— The arrangement tor the present ts said to
be, that Major Gen. Kempt, with rank as Licut.-
General, shall command in Canada; and Major-Gen.
Packenhain as Lieut.-General, shall command tbe
Coast and detached Armies. —Most probably a Com-
mander of great nume will, cre lung, go out to Com-
mcad in Chie. :
View original The Staff immediately going ont in the Satire,
frivate, is as follows :—The Hon. Sir E. Pakenham,
K.B. Commander of the Forces : Moajor-Gen. Gibbs,
52 Rt. sccond in command; Colonel Stoven, Adj.-
General; Bell, Quarter-Master-General ;— foodie,
sq. Commissary-General; Dr. Robb, Tnspector-
General of Hospitals; Coloncl Bradford, Military
Secretary ;—— Hunter, Esq. Paymaster-General.—
Gen. Packenham is brother-in-law to the Duke of
Wellington, and was his Ady.-General—tle and Gen.
Cribbs are Otlicers of the greatest (alent.— Major-Gen,
Grant goes oul by and by to lake (he command of the
Cavalry, and several otherGeneral Officers will go out
with the troops, as secon as they can be collected.
An tacreased alierily las apy ared in dhe Miltlary
Department, dunt Che present week 3 the Adj.-Gen,
ancl Qhuarlers Maas! cr Geaeral were recalled froni the
seaeside 3) directions were given for the re-establish-
mentofsoldicrs whose pertods of service had expired,
and fresh orders for detachments oo Milttia.
Orders, we unterstand, were dispatch: d on Satur.
day for hastening the sailiag of the (roops, on board
transports, and for facilitating the embarkation of
olbers.—At Portsmouth, the frigate and Cransports
havedropped dewntost.tlelen’s wittinore reuilorcee-
ments for our army in North America, and wall sail
with all possible dizputeh. Tue Slalira frigate ts
(re ready (o receive the Hon Sia h. Pakenham, W.D.
Commander; Maygor-General Gibbs, second in com-
mands; ec.
A body of Marine ONicers have been suddenly or.
dered to embark tn the ships which are vader orders
at Portsmouth for America, viz. —Magor Bartdleniin,
Captains Parmer, Garthsw yte, Sapiin, White, Ele
Holt Ross; Licuos. Pooley Vs ifson, Phillips, Shipton,
Beestoa, Skinner, Carcen, Guctiacy, Stoney and
When Sir George Prevost inspected the Sd reat,
on ifs arrival in Canada, fiom tie Peatisula, le ob-
served to Cotone!, Count, now Miyorecea. Gaitat,
that the reziment Cid not appear fit for service.
Vhalis very excraovdinaire,” answered the Colonel,
‘or Lord Wellington reviewed tl within (hese tye
mouths, and Chought it pertectiy fit? Sir Gere
then potted to the mens clothes, which were Ttide
patched vad worn, The Colonel replied, 6 Ehe arms
wud ists are very good, and Uhe men more healthy
than when seen by Lord Welhington, having had
several weebs resion board ship.” Gk neral Piev st,
not satisiied, Observed, that the Colonci’s osu dress
was contrary to order; to which the Colonel rejoin
that he bad the honor of liaving been shot in Chat
coatat Poulouss, and of since dining ia it with Lord
Weltimeton, aid the latter jound no fault with w—
Hrere the Conversadion eaded.— he S2d) was one of
the moot distinguished restuacnts in the Peninsula.
LONOON, Ocroser, 29.
The following Circular or ihe Prince Regent’s War-
rant, orders atid listructions for disband. certain 2d
Battallions of Reghuents of Fuot, has within lew days
been issucd :—
“Gr. AR. Whereas we having been pleased to order
the Battalion of ours... 2... Regiment of Foot, com-
manded by our trusty and well-beloved. sol... 5 0
be disbanded and discontinued on the Establishment
of the Army : our will and pleasure therefore is, that
you do proceed to disbaad our said Battalion accord-
ingly on the 24th instant; and that in the execution
olf this service the following Rules be strictly observ.
cd :—
‘ Wuster—l. You are to cause an exact muster to
be taken by the Paymaster of the several Companies of
the said Battalion up to the day of disbandment in-
‘*Transfer—2. The Non-commissioned Officers,
Drummers, and Private Men, who are in every res-
pect fil for acrvice, are to be selected, aud transferred
View original .
fo the Ist Battalion ofthe said Regiment, with thei
arms, Clothing, accoutrements, and great coats.
“Aris, ¥c.—2 ‘The sparaaras and tents are tobe
returned into the Siores of Ordnance, and acquittar <8
to be taken for the same persons as shall be appui eed
to receive them.
** Quarlers—3. The quarters ofeach company are
fo be duly cleared, and Che accounts of the men made
ap, and all (heir ast pretensions completely satisfied,
tv the time of (heir being transferred of dismissed.
“Clothing of Discharged Men—). Ut is our pleas
sure that cach Non-commiissioned Otlicer, Drununer,
amd Private Man, hereby to be disbanded, be permit.
ted fo carry with him, hos kaapsack and other proper
reotmental clothing forthe present year 5 but i from
any crremastances Che clothing lis not been, and cane
not now be delivercd to the men, before the date of
the disbandment, thonaad in such case only, the mon
are to reecive compensation in tteu thereof, for the
periods of heir several chats, atthe rate prescribed
by (he regulation foe clothing dated lath daly, Is12,
the amount of which is of course to be paid by the
Agent, on the part of the Colonel, and is not ly be
cliaarged by the Paymaster lu bis public accounts,
VIZ t—
Peach Serjeant (he rate of £3 per Ann,
toy Corporal, Drummer, or Paivate, the rate of
£1 foper Ann.
Cy cal Couds—6. The great coats in wear will also
os athowed (o be Lien iwry by the Nun-coumissioned
Oilicers and Men who nny be dischtreed, if the sane
shail have actually been worn for Cie spice of twa
years, but ifnot they are to Be pick bap, tose hee
with any ofher camp recess tries LL possession of the
battalion, and forwarded to such plice as s'il be
pointed oul hy the Store] ‘eper Cen ral, fo w OL! ih
inventory Coercof svould be sent.
6 Varchine Money—T. Themen who shillbe dise
charged, and nol recommended tor (he Chelsea Pens
sioa, are toreecive niarching money, ts. Od. per diem
bevond the dates of Gscharre, according to (he dive
tance witch they shi dl have to Grivel by land by the
nearest route tofown or place in which hey were ree
pectively ¢ Withed, rechoning 10 imiles a day’s march,
without batting days. Thin dividing the number of
miles by ten, a frrction should) remain, such excese
may be consi Yered as anaddigonitday’s march. The
Non-comuimisstoned Officers and STen recommended
for the out-pension of Clrelsea Tospilal, are to receive
an advance of i OMY sullictent to carry {hen to Lone
lon. the amouat ol which is to be reimbursed to the
Recimental Paynter of detachinents at Chelsea,
who will also subsist the men according to their re-
spective ranks, up (o the dates of their passing ag
examination before the Chelsea Board. The men
sent fo Chelsea, waether adini(ted oa the pension list
or not, are to receive marching mouey, from Chelsea
to the place of their intended res dence, at the rate
and under the rules above specified; but if placed on
the pension list, their onl pension will not begin until
the day subsequent to thatup to which the said marche
ing money shall have been advanced, and the pension
instead of being issued at Chelsea, will be paid to
thematthcirown homes. A statement of their names
is to be transmittid by the Regimental Paymaster to
the Avent. Passages by sca will be granted as heres
inaffer mentioned,
“Allowances to Tamilies of Discharged Men—8.
Weare farther pleased that an allowance pial be
eranted to the families of (he men to be discharged,
whether recommended for the Chelsea pension or not,
at the rate of three halfpence per mile for cach of the
wives, and one penny per mile foreach of the children
for the distance to be necessarily travelled by land, to
enable them to proceed to their homes. The allows
ance for the families of men who will have to pass the
Board at Chelsea, is to be paid tor the distance to tha¢
place; and the remaining proportion of the alfowe
ances to carry them home will be issued on their leave
ing Loudov, by the Paymaater of detachments, whe
View original °
1s to reimburse the advance made By the Regimental
“ Persage hy Sea—9. Inall cases in which the men
or theiMamilics can conveniently proceed partly by
sea, theWarc to be sent by that corveyance, aid o
course are not to receive the allowance per mile for
such proportion of their Journey.
“The followins rules tn respect to Pissage Moncey
are to be observed, but it is not fo ba understood that
whenever passages can be provided, the same ts to be
done in preferrence to prying money to the indivi-
duals, viz.
“Tf disclhargedin Eneeland, an] proceeding to Tre-
land, they are to be provivided with free passages, in
vessels for conveying soldiers, from Bristol to Liver-
‘If discharged in Scotland ant proceeding to Tre-
Jand, passage money from Port Patrick fo Dona rhedee
will be allowed, at the rate of 5s. each for th unselves,
and 2s. 6d. for each of their wives and children.
“T( discharged in Koel) and procesding to Scot-
Tandy) an allowances
eves from London as fllavs:—"o Borwick, one
euinen for cach of Cismsctyes an lowives, and Thala
gu nea for ey ‘}y cl dc] my sc eLar . \! , 7 - 1)
wick, HH. Lis. 6.1. for evch of Chemsclver and wives,
5. O91. for each child.
©The like allowance will be granted on account of
7 e 1 ° ’ °
ench men discharge} in Scotland as may lve to pro-
ceed to London onthe wry to their respective hoes.
‘+c . , .
SFE discharced ti Jersey ar Guerasey, the proper
expense of passaves to Weymouth or Southampton,
eecariiae te the uiteriuts destinall (the individual!
accords tar CG) laa STLOd 6 stanatroa O (oe bid. LV aA\ Uwls
will be allow cl.
6'Rie Passrze fom Ton lon to Scotland are, to be
procured and prid: for by the Revimental Agents,

concerned who will be retiahursed Che amount of Cheir
advances by the Regimental Paymaster of Detach-
ments, according as (ye morchine aillowanees shall
have been paid through oac or ovher of the said
6 Accomnls— 10. Theoniey riation ofthe Ca-
Jonel, or the Conioaaniin } “the satd Bat.
telion, you stoall deen wloexpeas at to retain Ux
the Serpeant V0oyory Quareternaast r » Vaymis-
ter Semeu (, ora’ ’ -Soe] ae Soa Vs ly youd
the (| y ofa: vgs { i ° bo ; bor ihe "ye
pose of assistin si fivly clos the Necompts, th
eid Non-cowimissiomed Ovo or will, while so det
be permit Ito reccive thec ustal pry and oa! -
ances, provided the portod of detention do not exec
C ’ . ’ ,- ’ .
eeven days frow (he date of ce cis andincas.
coy, An l to theen 1, Chiat! the Si} | Noneco nmMis-
sioned ollicers, drusnimers, and private men, may be
eo? ,t,! ~ lap . > » | acer fee et ’ ’ 7
genstbie of the care we buve (acc Ob Cacia tbs ab taou
disc): ree, you ure lu Ciuse Cuicse Give (ius: fu De re
at the head of each company.
q° ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 °
‘Civenat our Court at Carlton House this. 2. odin
ef October, Is] 1, in DSc year o. his MM 7 sty’ eign.
—by comin rnc ot lis Roval flivlne Ss tie Prince
Regent, in the nasae and on the belalt of tis Majesty
“To. ...,Commanding in (ne. eee Disteict, or Ollicer
appointed by him tuctiswiad thes. loait.ofs. Reet,”
Brom the Secretary at hin, to the Commanding
Oi CF of the 2d calla i MS,
eWar Office, October, ISI4.
Si; n—Referring tomy letrero the [st inst. Qwhich
sppeared in this Paper of the 15th inst.) have the
honor to transmil to you his Royal Lishness the
Prince Regent’s warrant, for disbanding the... .bat-
talions ofthe. 22. Regiment of Foot, under your com-.
mand, which you will be pleased to carry into exe-
@ution according lo such orders as you shall receive
fromthe Otlicer appointed lo superintend that service;
and in addition thereto, Lam to convey to you the fol-
Jowing instructions :—
“The Paymaster is (o send to Superintendants for
Millitary Accounts, in Duke-street, Westminster, an
Mstimate, wilh a duplicate thereof tor the Agent, of
View original the Sums which will be reqt ired on the nresent oc OR.
° ° ° pe gs 1} lan, .
S! yn, listin#ui »taLTI r the } i yp yrLIoONn { )I eacn head O
‘The claims of every individual present with the
battalion, are to he finally settled by the Paymaster ;
. , ,
ind incases in which the non-atten ‘ances of any of
(he officers and men of their battalion, at the time of
on , 4 ot bone > nd
isbandment, may be unavoidable, the Paymaster
. * » 4 7 ’
(o transmit tothe said agventa stateme f(he balance
1 . .) . }-..° . . 4 ' . 7 . _ oe
due toeach individual. in order that their claims may
be settled hereafter upon their iprtication fo the a:
hout difculty ordelav: aduplicate of which sta-
a) nt t tobe : ‘nttothe Ofice for ' yates \ Onn
te | hee Py » . f ]
l non. l\ ‘contice tall
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purpose, (he men should be personally examined by
le murPePON ! Lol eadcg men eat lige! re
Cait su SLU, \ iO Ss POUL adiSO Sl i ( \ ALi Cainer 7
(Signed) , [ERSTON.
cO'T'G (} yA | yn | ol the. ~ -R SFIMMICHU of }“oot, OT
. 1° , ’ . > °
Oificer, commanding the....baltalion of said
——"B3La> —
It is publicly stated at Vienna, that the mariage of
his Lmperial Highness the Archduke of Charles with
the Grand Duchess of Catharina of Old nburgh will
be celebrated there towards the end of the month.
Report likewise speaks, but more vaguely, of the
union of a Prince of Prussia with an Austaian Arch-
dt is reported that a military measure of the bi
View original importance, and insolving a subject of policy and
great national expenditure, has been submitted and
recommended to Ministers by the present Governor
General of India ; 20,000 British troops, in addition
to those now employed in the Cempany’s service,
would be required for the object in view.
The Officers who received medals with Sir Ralph
Abererombic, in Egypt, and those with the Duke
of Wellington in Spain, now wear them in plain
clothes as well as when dressed in regiments.
IC appears from the Paris Papers, that an income
of [000 francks a year is necessary to qualify aman
for the Order of Knighthood. — It is a fortunate cir«
cumstance for many of our Knights that no such qua-
lificalion is required in Engeland.
— "ee >
The following have been giveras the particnlrrs
of the loss of the Aurora:—This vessel sailed from
Cork for Quebec the begi ining of Septer ber, with
ihe convoy, and kept company for tour or five days.
She experienced roach weather (ill the 25, when she
spruny hor fore top-mast, injured her bowsprit, and
hod the jp oUy bout errried away from the stern. ‘The
“aster aud mate at this time quarrelled, and the ut-
most trregelirity prevailed. Whenabout SO miles
ron the mouth of the Shannon, the passengers were
put iifo the long boat, while the Captain and crew
scutthed the vessel in their sieht.
They allege that (he master and crew having pluns
tered wine, &&. on board, they dreaded detection.
Cis supposed she sunk in ha’f an hour. The boat,
ith Che passenger, and ship’s company, made the
land to the Northward of Loopshead, and were in
Janver of being lost ameng the rocks: with the assie
ance of the country people, however, they all gué
ashore, when the boat drifted to sea. "Pwo fish: ren
went off to her in thetr canoe, which upset, and they
both perished. Capt M¢Caver was on Saturday se’n-
nicht apprehended at Belfast, aid given in chur to be
carricd to Carricktergus goal, but he escaped. ‘The
maie has been lodycd in Downpatrick goal.
as ee
View original ee
hure.—On the
Colossal stalue of VFallace, on a Rock at Drys
22d Seplember, being the anniversas
y of the victory obtained by the brave Sir William
Wallace, at Stirling Bridge, in the year 1997, the
Marl of Buchan dedicated the colossal statue of the
hero, formerly announced to the public as Deing in
progress, in the following very laconic and impres-
slve manner s—
. “In the name of my brave and worthy country, I
dedicate this monument as sacred to the memuy of
“The peerless knight of Dllerslie
Who wav'd on Ayi's romaatic store
The bearay toren ot liberty!
And roannng tound trom sea lo sea,
Pron glide obscure, or glooiny rock,
[lis bold compatriots call d to free
Loc realu from Ldward’s iron yoke.”
The situation of this monumental statue is truly
striking, and commands a lovely view —When the
work is quite finished it will have a fine eflect.
sunple ard sublime inscription, from ‘Thomson’s Aue
tum, isto be, “Great Patriot Mero! Ill requited
Ch icf. ”
——== 0-1-9 ee
The following is the number of inhabitants in the
United States of America, as per Census of the year
States of Virginia 97 1,G2¥)States of Vermont 216,213
Mew Yore 999,20) New Llampsuire 2), 69
Pensylvaina BLU VOI] Knode Iodand TORE
Norta Carulina 999,000} Deleware 72,674
Mas-achusetis 4720.0) Cciritory of Orleans 70,576
Svuth Carvlieaa 4195,) Lo] Dichter Massi sippl 40,252
Rentuc bey 406,011) Jittou Indiana 24 520
Maryland 350,010) Jikto Louisiana £0545
Covneciicul 20/9! Toute Llinois lvoe
‘Lene see <Gliei}omio Mtb an 4,708
Georgia 292,.8 |Distsict of Columbia 24,03
New Jerey 230, 50. a
District of Maine 2zs,10. Total.........7,205.597
Obiv 127,53. a
City of Philadelphia in loi0.............. lll lo
Ditlu New Yorn wo. cece eee ee eee Yo, 172
Ditto Vgllimore oo... eee eee cee 0,..5
Ditie Musieu . wha eueuses ss oun ees eree 85,584
View original
View original MARSHALM'’s OF FICE.
—_-_—_- -—
BY virtue of anappointment from His Excellency
the Governor, dated Sst October, IS 14, given upon
a Potition, presented by D. C. Cameron, Deputy
Yendoe Master of this colony.
Notice is dereby given to the Public, that T the
vn lersivued intend to Sell, at Public Exccu'ion Sale,
in the presence of two Counccllors Commissaries and
th rSoer firv, on WW ednesds 'y the 4th Jaauary IS 15 ),
at Lt otclock ip the forenoon of that day, and at the
Court House of this colony, a Negroe maa named
Jacl, being a cook.
Whoever shontd think bimselves entitled to oppose
the Execution Sale of the aforesaid Negroe man Jacl,
being the property of Jolin Binning, let such persons
address (hemselves to the undersigned, declaring
their reason for so doing, in duc time and form,
as IT hereby give no tee, ‘hat b will receive oppo-
sition from every one, thereunto qualified by Law,
appoint them a dk vy to have his or her claim: he ard
before the Court, and further act thereon as the Law
This 2nd Proclimation published as customary.
Berbice, 2oth December, ISt4.
K. FrRancnen, First Marshal.
NOPE The Site ot Plantation de Voedster,
willtake pli aceon Thorday, the oth of January, IS 15
Kl FRANCKEN, First Ma.shal.
BY an Order ‘rom His Exe Heney the Governor,
Girected tomethe uacdh retoned., dated the Qist inst,
Notice tt her ty vivento the Publics That the Exe-
enfion Sele, of Faraitarc, Se. the property of JC.
Soh vlevenrer, Mv Nien has been advertised to toke
plice or the 23.1or November last, i favor of Ed-
wirl Pheobabl, bot whreh sale was than postponed
by Ocderof His Uxeclency the Govermor, will now
tile nlc son OM sdaesdey the deb of Jinwury, ISto,
afthe Court Pouse 07 tin scolony, at Pl o'clock th
bhe furenova of (hit dav.—Le rhice Wd Bec. 1815.
Ke b RANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original tl
BY viitu-ofangppointinent from [lis Execelleney
the Governor, ‘ated QV Oct. IST4, esven upon a
Pe‘ ition, pre sented by KM. Prancken, Fiest Mas hal,
for and in wune of Juanes fraser, Pianter and nha.
birant of Cits Colony.
Notice ts heeeby civen to the Public, that T the
undersigned smetend lo Sed, at Pubse iexceution Sale,
ince presence of two Counecellors Comenissaries and
tharScertiry, on Wednesday the Istdayv of Mareh.
Jel oo the cotton estate ¢: led No. 40 anc $l, siftante
on (ye west sen cotstof Uits colony, with all ns Cale
tivetion, WBrdiinos, tloves, &e.y all of whieh an
Tovente. yrs alse the terms of sale are to be seen at
the Vorsbals Quoce, during the hours of duty: said
estiie Dearne theoreope iv of Ihe estates of Patrick
Sacto aad Wobien Pletiall, deccased.
\\ fae vad sete! think besrasse It entitted fr) Evry pS
the Executiou Sale of above estute No. 40 and 4 l,
west seacoust, bot sue persons address themselves to
tue tuinlersin wed. dechiuing thetr reasons torso doing
in due time and jorm, as |} hereby give notice, that I
will receive opposition from every one thereunto qua-
bitied by bow, i} pode themad iy to have lits or her
claim beard betore he Court, and furtberact thereon
asthe Law directs.
This 9nd proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the oth December, ISt4.
KK. bf kaNcREN, First Marshal.
WILEREAS Lthe undersigned have received from
Petit, the Newspapers contatning the Advertise.
montculing up the Creditors of the insolvent Estate
of Cernelis Jo WINK, deccased. Notice is her by
given to (he Public, by virtue of an Order, obtatned
from this Excellency the Governor, dated 3d De-
cumber, S14, by the Curators of said Estate, that
the Creditars of the [estate of C. Foeking wloresaid,
are hereby Swumoncd: Poappear belore the Lton,
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday
the loth day of Januiry, PSt5, and totlowing days:
for the purpose of Chere ren@ering their claims, to
Verify Gre same, and further lo proceed according to
Law. —Berbice, 9th December, S14.
KO EFRANCNEN, Lerst Marshal.
= —
———_— —— +.

BY virtuc of an appointment from the Honorable
Court ol Civil. Justice of this colony,, dated 28d Ji-
Jy, Jedd 5s given upon a Petition presented by W.
Dodgson, anith Representatives in this colony ot
the feirs oC UE. bs. Glaser, deceased, in capacity as
Cervors to the new avandeued Leiule of 13. Mer-
@lant, dee. é
View original T the undersigned, at the request of afuresaid Ca-
oS )
Do hereby Summon by Edict:
All Creditors of the Estate of Roderick Merchant.
dec. to appear before the Bor of the Court dof Civil
Justice of this colony, on Monday the loth January
IS15, and following days, there to render in their
Claims, and further to proceeds aceordins to Law,
on pun of being debarred their right of eliiin,
This Summons by Tidiet published as customary.
Berbice, 25th November, IST4.
kK. FRANCIKIEN, Lirsé Marshal.
- ——————

View original BY virtue of an Order Crom Llis Exce Heney the
Governor, dated the 29th October, ISI, viven up-
ona Petiton presented: by Ths. Fever Lay ficld, one
of the Executors to the Estate of the lite Robt. Wile
aon, amd Attorney of Thomas Bond another of the
[executors and one of the Tleivs of said) Rob rt
Wilson, aud of UH. Staal appointed in the plree o:
Win. Dodgson during hes absence from the colony.
Pthe und. rsccne ty at the request of aforesaid Lx-
ecutors, do hereby Sammon by Edict:
All clatinauts on the proceeds of Plantation 7/er-
mitaee, cum annexis, fo render in their ctaines before
the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their
ordinary Session on Monday Che loth day of January
IS15, and tcllowing days, snd turther fo proceed ac-
cording to Law. Ouopaia, after the fourth Edictal
Summons, of being debarved their right of claim.
This Sammon by Etict made known to the pablie
by beatefdram from the Court Heuse of this colony,
and turther dealt wiih eccordine to custom.
Berbice, Oth November, ISi4,
WK. PRANCKUEN, Tirst Marshal.
FOR Shales good, and | bale yellow cotton, from
Plantation [a itaunia, ot bisterop : and 25 bales good
Cotton of the present crop, payable in cash, will be
received at the Store of Messis. Douglas Reid & Co.
New Amsterdam, until Meaday toe 2d January nent
—the couton deliverable in the river, Rerbicee.
17 Dec. P. PAIR BAIRN, gE
a Sp :
THis Subscriber having received full powers from
the Residuary Lezatee ofthe late Mon. Tilt, dee.,
hereby iforus all persons indebted to the sud ts-
tate, that unless iminedirte prynwent be made hin
before the [sf January, their VMs and Accounts
will be handed over fo an Attorney at Law, to sue
lor without disGiiclton,
— i
FOR 34 bales good, and 2 bales yellow Cotton,
from Plavtation fiope, pavible in cash, will be re-
ceived: atthe house or fh. Luthers, bsg. Now Ainst
ondl Monday the Qd January nexti—the coltun to
be detivercu in the river Berbice,
—_—__— —_—
ATL. Acconnté duethe tnoerstned, for Ferriage,
up to Che dist of Chis menth, will be ready tor deliv.
cry, onthe fist danuiry next, and it is expected
thatthe same will be taken apand paid in the course
of that month, after the expiration of which (irae,
“unpaid debts willbe putin suit, withou: respect
fu persons. “Vosneh delaulters, no further ered
will be allowed, andihe Sth artiel: ofthe Canje Fer-
ry Regulitions, will be strc ily entoiced,
After the [stot Janoary next, no credit lor Fer-
riage crn be alowed; but vor the accommodation of
the Publie, Goods will be taken from creditable per.
sous who are froquent pissengers over the Ferry ;
provided these Goods be made ready at home, and
paid for whenever they have accumulated to Lleven
Cotlon will be taken in payment of the old acct’s.
THE undersigned has for Sale, a very elegant
Currich, made to order, quite new, with harness
With silver, also a very fine pair ot’ English horses,
sexsoncd to the climate, pertec ly gentle in’ harness
and under the saddle, the whole will be sold loge.
ther, very moderate tor cash, or an approved Bill of
exchange. He has also some very excellent: Loa-
don particular Madeira wine, which he. wall Cispose
of for cash at £1300 per pipe, and a few picces of
real broad Inverness cotlun bagging, 60 yardyach,
at J 06. per ps. cash,
17 Dee. -B. JEFFERY,
View original i —_—— - —_—
rs} a :
tis persons bolding Demands against the under-
signed, or indebted ty hi iy, are hereby requested to
render their ‘aims, and (O make payvinentto Mr. U]
uthers. in? | _ ve Ud,
suthes ln) NCW Amsterdam. Letor dhe Ist wf e
has ry NeXt. as (ue Luu VV will be pi tin lurce ad © Las
all defuulters ~
Lee. d. vanvern SCILROL!
View original IN custody of the nv lersigned since the 99} inst.
a Cow, ofa reddish colour, the owner may have the
saine restored, on paving the fae and expences for
food, and the advertizing thereof: ifnot cath r,
(he same will be sold after three times hovin heen
Wivertized, according the Proclomation of thee ourt
of Policy, having date 6th July, ISS.
94 Dec. A.V. TISIER,
duly auihorized,
—— _
roR SAP,
Prive mess beéfand pork in half barrels, hams,
cheese, tripe, barley, split peas in Jugs, pickles ase
sorted, oysters, Viuscles, Currents, rasins, almonds,
lable beer and) porter, barrels containing complete
dinner services, long leaf tobacco, negro pipes, can-
nisters enn powder and shot, guns, soap, candles,
clastic silk hats, tradesmen’s hats. laties, eentlemen
and children collun stochings, black and white silk
litto’s. &c.
241 Dec. PR. ZIEGLER.

View original ——___
‘| HOSE haviney any Demand against the Subserie
ber, will please to de liver the sameat Mr. 't hierne
mvs in New Amsferciany and those tnhebted, will
come forward with yp aymen'y as at is the Subseriver’s
infention to leave Chis colony lia show tiene,
24 Dee. J. A. HICKEN,
TOOL EE oo che first of Janutry next, 12 strong
healthy Negrovs, 2 of which are carpenters, and the
others accuston: od 10 work In the fields apply t
P. Bonaey, or rd. lw.) aeobald, —2t Dec.
~~ -
View original —_— = —_ _ = _ ieeaae
——— er
CARPEN CUS, hoving their own negroes, and
Willing to wadertahe a considerable repair, wanied to
the aeper partota codce logie, onan estate in this
river, aaty apply for further insormation to the une
derstgned oa Lot No. 25, New Amste dam.
24 Dee. J. DAKKER,
ee sl ee
EEN Timmmernar, z. lis werknerers hebbende, en
geneven zvnde, by akhourd, aumtenemen een zyare
reparatio aan het boveuwerk van eca holly lost of
mrogery, opecn hotly plautacie, celevenw Dinan de
rivier, cn welk wees voor de agustetde hotly yluk
vollootd moot wezen : adressere zich by dew onders
getckende, op het Est No. 25, te Nicaw Amsterdam,
2} Dec. J. BAKKER,
Li.ts Subscriber offers for Sale the following aitie
Cles, ata very dow rate, corimimediate payment, \fy
slice salempores, India silk handkerchi is, Cottou
cantbite, Golding’s lavender, Spanish segats, iuck
beads, poth in bartels, peas and barley in Jugs, old
rum by the puncudcon, a pipe Cozniac brandy, &c.
24 Lice. S. DAVSON, at the stuie of
I). Mavtin.
D© onderse chende informeert door Gezen aan alle
degencn ihe betaanract, dat alle rekeningen, wove
Jes, aece phen, ce. welke niet voor den 16 January
aaastaaude betaald zyn, in handen van don Deuge
wawider cullen gestelu: worden,
24 Dee. H. SNP EPEL.
— =e a
View original SLT
PH undersigned being appoiated Firstand Prine
cipal Attorney uf Thomas Gudgcon, John Nudson,
and Joshua LMindé@é, Msquires, of Great Britain .
lakes the ttberly toimform their Friends, in this Coe
lony, of the same, and to request the favor, in alll
Mmaters relative to their atfatrs, to communicate with
him, either personally oc in writing, at Mr. Wim.
Prasce’s, in New Amsterdam.
Pin. & UAir, 24 Dee. M. RADER.
View original 9B ———EeEE eee
THE Subscriber from being made a convenience
Hin several instances lately, by refusal of Plantaing
iter being ordered, begs leave to inform his Friends
ind the Public, that no Plantains will be delivered
in future from No. 9, west coast, without a specific
writen order, mentioning the supply, ifence oftner,
or tor any lenght oF time; He also intimates the
price will depend upon time of paymert and mane
ner ofdclivery trom sever and one half slivers upe
NB. Lellers addressed to care Messrs. Geo. Bone
vy Co. will meel full attention. 4
— _— ——,
ALJI.E de genen welke iets te vordere hebben van,
of verschuldigd zyn ad den ondergytcekende, ges
licve hunne P¥etentien optegeven, en belalinge te
goen ten bhulbe van den tieer EH. Luthers, in Nev
Amsterdam, voor dep Kersten January aanstaande ¢
zullende de invebreken bly vende, in reetcn betroke
ken worden zonder onderschicid® van personen,
eee ———_——————
Published every Saturday at 4 o’cloclS P. a.
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printers,

31 December 1814