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The Berbice Gazette

View original wc ele Clb of. Poliey, r '
Tag ie ote ec spool for
“tal SWperint n Pullic Works of the
1 style addressed (fh the ts tous hy Mime
ia ra ry Gor. Wie be ms Rher feore: ii
ors: tu r ~~ DD re - That fourte
ott te day ies Pic ation here, a
el: te | iwiul jet heron to bic np ell Mowers,
iy! «yA ssesQ cattle ard sheeqy which at awy tune
a © .0Gn. stray Gn the pulile Roal. or ms
tél By dy Te aan tn custody Bi thes ee,
Oo vhge t, haf 0h shoal) be cleiaiaed wafil Cay
© or etn s! 3 ah) iF “we ul of ber be
Ce ¥ i Bo
Os, Oe Ge PA fag . anal far!
61 wo ch One en hg, wet we Po Manger,
' - Low c ui titled t. arecr ota euilder yee,
co” . eutgno Wn hy > ‘regen in jf cite
Cog \ r n 12 Wis.
© Pius caactecd on the Oth taly ors
S led.
m | qSignc’) I 2p OW NE. i”
-_— -—-- ce nett
View original ) of the fu! entice.
* . .
ws) ND, that BM. F. Henze, We
thi, ds v teow Melted, sgeitiras one Of Mee shar.
* ahaa low, ingie room of A. GC. Calis, re-
a ¥ 7 “~~ * \ ‘
ei wd Jose, 5 CY : rela, -.
on ~
4 , .
» ~ wo mH | | mo Ve f
gir Bei: req@esied Mitup
(or the ahovehamed pro t wraity
7 \ rest
@. hyovgt be Y
oh Me fe atl res
Ve pigery 4 ot 4 ob .
N ( i” : ( . %
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¢ Vv Cog » WwW
J. AY. Beye
1° “Greets of
agts« elir :
die , anda
View original eT eae
TB Subscciber intend: ng to he @olony
Mith his fiamuy, for Europes has as obtain) pendisson
of tis Exeellency the ‘Gowemnor, to dispose of the
Beesc be at presoat oeeupies, suniry farmiture, Ke.
by way of *
arrecabie to the fo lowing SC HDME:
28S Prizes, value togather... 20 cee 5-57, SSS-10
2 Nomina Blanks ° cuiided Ww ov
255 Tickets, at f 176- cach, Nite se ee. Lojico- 0
= .)
Balance in favor$f Adventurer ®...f7;72%- 1. )
Tickets and printed particulars, m ae 7 «hott *r.
T.5. ile Cumingsburg; Mr. G. Le
Ro bb’ set n>; Mr. ‘Rober ar li’
How!; Mr. F. Lindner, in Berbice; an! of
Deracrary, Aug. 29,1815. © J.L.PORRESTER.,
View original COO ene a
AANGEBRAGT p. de brik de Jonge Ypens,
prysen, els—boter a
gona f \-10,—~wenever a {SO ce “hekler, Fachnes
aml Seliger Witer a
tain D. Menskie, en te Roop by Jd. G. F. Thicas-
9? het wa fe ; Koaumroer Ka-
IS—-io het donzyn hrivikj Sy Ose
e tongena fs ; ham $S stu: vers het pond, echarv
, baka j i het pond, sty! zeba 10 stuiyets het pond,
to ——-
2 Sept °
de vulyende goederen, a de nevenstaanide kassay
View original JUST IMPORTED in the last arrived
gi h vessel, @ consign cnt of real Schiedam giv io
tre and small eases, real cognin®anl white brandy
warranted genuine—abo on hand, old Matoga wine,
dita Rhinish wire in boftles, qoo! linet in @eses,
White wine Vinegar in jugs, pearl barley in ditto,
printsand of, fine Dutch Linen, stofion iry,
2 ent. G vax TROIENA
View original \e FOUND®
Oba Pr
yor og ‘ vert! aw
wee 0 ') fir
Bis stron te y
2 ep! ‘iid ,
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View original {t will frandpaRt to J. 9. Hilken,
. 27, within the ‘Te New Am-
terdam, part iculars'to be seen a On
Hie Mite Allt, plane
,—— J. He. Schlarhorst, coaster be
the northern front cr Bebe
tNo. 1S, ast Sea
» a> per
— W. Katz, wil
tation . riage
sont, w all the he "eS
and des dencies to the
schedule (o be sgen at tins Office.
—— Panicl Allt, will pass orfgage odbc ation’
Hernitage or lot Now vast Sea Coast, ans on
themegrucsandl © hes ap iyiaheon mces an! depens
j Cle <i i favore Ah ¢ bye cutors of tl ‘late Rebert
Wal my the Uigigs of the same, oftheir Repres
seclatives, paciiCulag Whereal may be sce at
o Kee.
2... va val, will nessa mortgage on Plantation
or bit ‘co fr. bast Sar quays , wi! on
“cas ad athe: appune nunces wid de pens
o os
dene he batanee of the parc i syy1000 y
E bets oe eke effect wext in successon to the
gage ded, in favurmof the Kx cuters or
} or Represeutal the Heits of Robert
W ilon, infevorof We 7, particOlars wheacuf
may be seen at (hry Order.
— lewis Cameron, will ‘rads port egrocs to
_Demerary, nals tae: seen at thi 7
KK. cc. DOW i, Sec.
View original , PULLIG WENDL s
On Wed a te 6 Se ptember, will be sold at the
Vita pO, ‘we. eal K. brancken, Esq. Mure
berths }; €rr wer f> the Beate of J. C. Schollee
Vange:, dec. heme holt fownitgees silver spoons and
“Ths, a Werse * hai ane) vor ein apparel,
two slivls, exteoiveccllection « aw Doubs, Xe.
OW 1 i a ! ‘Vv, by enlerof the Exe cutors of the
late Je b. f, wcutiogep patel, two fowling pice
ces, _,. aes G #O® Wriches, a saddic and
.4 COWS 1): ud: aie 4 if, sore Ps) aud a gence
14 Mipgottonbt « ‘ onfipenter tools.
“D.@ Canzgon, Dep. Vindue Master.
Bn Phare ley 15 Sout. willbe sold at the Ver .
Si... by oderot Lew's © me ron, L 4}. Gq. Spm ‘”
mel 1S bhds. chuiwe vid Madewa wine, at 5 aad 6
months credit. =
Ooh the same day hegs h tiem per lime in puns
Gheows, be sold wethout tescive asks iron pols, 6
Pikes sal, a tew cashes real Wate, Madciia wig
butiies, Xe.
By or ler of J. F. Prtejoa » Esq: ait
lot No. 23, Ne Ww % vettiom.
a, Dep. Vendue Master.
iufmentigranted bythestlou.
Sadie this coloay, upon a petio
quire, in his capacity as dee
ecutor tothe betate of d. C. Scholles
date the 19th 1515, will be
Veniue Oiice, va ay the 23 iust.
esiaves, belonging to the deccased’S cs-
mis, & ‘hense bey and ‘Taylor, sebreae
fo, and a womal named betsey wiih
piece of fand being part of lut No. $
lie back dam, with the dwelling
ry, aod oat buildings.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Venda
View original ap: be soll BY
recher, Esqr.,
On Monae y the od Oct uv
order or a on. J. i.
at 3 months creda, the w oer ) furs
Miture, consisting of glass, Maca and China waze,
Mbles, chairs, beds dsteads, silver spouns and
forks; table and bed linen, kitchen aati dnd a
culleetion of bouks in Hrious languages.
View original Qe Se oe aes ot FRY 8 ae
A Saddle Morse for Sele.
Apply to this Oihce.
View original WANTED top 1:
; ; purcnase a OO r )
|= nN. T \ : ;
d ¢ aki Dice ’ .
View original Weeshalvhe tipon the Oise tomorrow.
It appears by all aceounts, that the enemy’s corps
collected at Soissons, and under Marshal Grouchy,
have ae retired upon Paris; and Marshal Blu-
cher’s troups are alread y bet ween them and that city.
1 Dovwning- Street, July 7.
Captain Lord Arthur Hill arrived lastnight with
Dispatches, of which the followi gar ract and
a copy, addressed to Earl Bathurst, b bgp race
Duke of Wellington, dated Gon » 2d an
instant :—
: Conasse, July 2; 1815.
The enciny attacked the advanced-guard of Mar-
shal Prince «lucher’se@orpsat Villars Coterets, on the
O8ih, but Mie ovtin brady comming up they were dri-
ven off, with (he loss of six picces of cannon, and
ebout bOod prsoners® °
Tt appears thatthesetroaps were on the march from
Soissons to Panis, and having been driven off that road
by the Piussita troopt at Villers Coterets, they got
pou tat of Meaux. They were attacked pre on
this rou, by Ceneral Bulow, who took en
600 pases, and drove them across the Maine.
Th yahrive i Mvgtet, rot into Paris. ~~
‘Phe advasced- -uard of the Allied a
conmumul, crassed the Oise
vw ly te on the SUK ly, and we yest
’ ok up a posi-
ficn with the right upon the hight of Recbebeurg,
ail the ftupen Bais de Bondy.
Pi ld. \farshal Privee Clueher having taken the po-
siticn of Aubervilliers, or Vertts, on the morning of
the 20th June movett to his sight, and erossed the
Seine af St. Cermain’s ay T advanced; and he will
thixday hive his right at Plessis Pique, his lene aL Sty
Chou, ant the reserve aft Ve sailles.
The encny have foptified the hightsof M
andthe town of SF, is strong y; an! by meehso
the Litto viewers Royillon and fa Vielle Mar, they have
dann later wre on the north side iat that town
Biel Wy in mt laced into the canna! che 1 Z
and fe be Rte dinto-eprrapat and batteries, they
h tin rg posifien on this side of Paris. | ;
The hi Hew ille are likewise strongly for-
thi dbud pe that delensive worhs
have b ed ft ot the Scin
Havin ‘nine
Pirin all the tr
after the bm j ofs of the
Whole ara nemy Naga re
abont 4) or GO, ws et mand (sua .” bee
sidesth ca Tie
rail! 5
1 lew
a eos lew » Caled
rr ne your Lordship,
+4 te al Highness,
Tare: ie the 29th of
nya ees Report
Wlankbiprillohs: rve
reand «pirit wich which
Y his affeir.
» Dhher sgapine has surrender-
to the® Ring vid race to take
2, 18115.
honour of
's better, dated Sance int
. Capt. (cee
nln so Excellency that Mare
er hod arrived this morning to
summon the place inthe name of Louis XVI. tHe
entered a gocintion with Licut.-Gener
prem, ae of Quesnoy. The only resull, We.
ever produced by this wasa very singular reply from
the Governor, from which itappeared to me that he
might possibly be im \ded'to capitulate, and [deter-
mined at once on firtag some shell, and shot into the
town, and of advancing our tirailleurs to the very.
glacis, fo annoy them in every quarter, with a vi
of maling some impression on the Commandant,
of endeavouring by oe to exite to revolt
National Guards and the inhabitants, who are said to
well disposed towards us. :
From the information colleeted as to the fortifiers)
tious there apy ared to me no reasonable change of
taking it by csealade, the ditches being filled with
water, in additi@to the inuadation which had been
made. At Il o'clock at night, [ orderad five howit-
gers and six six-poynders to open on the town, and I
conti the fire until three o'clock at, duy-break.
The fown wasenc (ime on fire in three differen places,
but the fire was shortsy extengnished. Some men
were k:Hed in the town and several wounded, which
appears to have proluced exactly the efect which]
wished. Last night General Anthing, who com-
manded the Indian brigsde, sent an Officer with the
proposals to the Commandant, according to the an-
thority which | had given to him, and coupled with
a breat of bombardment and assult.
Upon this a nezeciition was entered into, which
emled in (he signing of thefallowing eapiiulation this
might; thutis to say, @hat he Would send an Officer,
View original ‘with an Aide-de-Camp of General Anthing, to Cam-
bray, to ascertain the fact of the resid once of the King
of France in that town, and the abdication of Bona-
parte in favor of his son, and that thereupon, he would
vive us this Wigkt, at six o’clock possession of the
Porte des Forets, to be occupied by a company of the
artillery, and that the next moratn@ the garrison
should ch out of the town; tolay down their arms
and return to their homes; the Commander, and that
part of the garrison who were not National Guards,
were to go and receive the orders ot Lanis XVII. in
whose name we shail take possession of the (own.
r *
My Lord,—Ficld-Marshal Prince Blacher was
strongly epposcd by the enemy imtalean sz the position
of the left of the Seine, which | repested inmy dis-
patchof the Wd instant, that he intended to take up on
ihat day, particularly on the bights of S& Cloud and
Meudon: butthe gallantry of the Prussian troops,
under General Ziethen, surmounted every obstacle,
and they succeed finally in cstablishing thomsclwes on
the high's of Meudon, aad in the village Ivy. The
French attucked them againin Issy, at three o'clock
in the morning ot Gre Sd, but were repulsed wathcon-
I siderable losses and finding that Paris wes then open
on its vulnerable side, that a communication was
opened between the two Allicd Armies by a bridge
which I had established at Argenteud, and that a
British corps was likewise muving upon the leit o.
the Seine towards the Poot de Neailly, (Che encimy
sent to desire that Che fivians might cease on bOLR sides
of the Scing, with a vi w to the neg@@eiation, at
Palaceof St. Cloud, of s Military Convention btween
the Atmies, under which the Prien h Anny shivald
Maiti Wi.:. .
Ofieers acconlingly met on both sides af St. Clad;
‘and Linelise theoppy of fe Military Convention
whieh Was ageett to (5! bts amd whieh had been
ratifiel by § Prinee Bhichet and wie, anby ne
Prince WEchnibhit on the poet of HE Kreuch Amuy.
This Conwentiontteciies «il the miliary question
Mm this monrent lay berey and touches nothing
Geveral Dont Will bas marched to take possession
Of (ae posts CVa@MMed by arrcement this day, ag! 1
proPOsc fo-miorrew 10 toke po session of Moutimartre.
I send this dispatch by my Aide-de-Camp Capt.
Lord Arihur Hill, by wey of Camis. He will beable
Loinivem your Loraship of amy further particulars,
and T beg (cave tomccommend hii to your fayer and
] have the honor to bo, &c.
Qdigned) WrttincTon.
f Here follow the Cotivention, to which we refer
our readers in the Berbice Gazette Extrav:dinary ot
Tuesday last. |}
Gonasse, Jitly 4, 1815.y
Paris, July9.—Yesterday the Kinz tnade hisipn-
blic entry into his capital atthree in the aflernoon.
Uhs Majesty left St Denis at 2 o'clock. Nuinerous
detathinents trom the National Guord of Paris went
lo mect the King, and (o range theme *lyes among
the tuithful adherents whe served toviom his Majes-
ty’y retinue, No ceremonial had, however, beemor-
dered. ‘The public cuithusiam and brilliant testimo-
nies of general joy atone cmbeil®bed thik Giuaky fes-
lival, ‘The Ntne’s carriage vay preceded and follow-
cd by his Mitteary houschold. Around it we observed
several Marshals, followed bya great number of Gee
neral oflicers, who had always accom panicd the Ring.
The inhabitants of Paris and the neighbouring tawis
covered the road. All, as weilas the National Guard,
hal assumed the white cochade, making the air re-
sound with cries of Vice le Roi! .
Count Chabrol, Perfect of the Seine, accempanied
by the Municipal Body, waited the arrival of the
King atthe barrier of St. Denis. At four o’clock the
acclamations ofan immense multilade announced the
approach of a prvcession, which defiled amidst a
thousand times repeated eries of Five le Rot! tis
Majesty carriage having reached the external boun-
dary ot the city, the Perfeet approached and add rcs-
sed the King in the followieg speech :—
*©S7RE,—One hundred days have passed aaday
since your Majesty. forced to tear yourself from your
dearest affection, left your capital amidst tears and
public coasternation, Lnvaindid the Municipal Bo-
dy of your good city of Paris raise the unanimous
cry of faithful swhjects. They annownced te all
Lrenchinen the imminent evils with which they tere
menaced. But there are nomentsin which Heaven
docs not permil the voice of Magistrates to be heard.
It was not in their powerto preveal an error whieh
has proved loo fatal. The unchhinine of passions,
the destructive disturbance of public tranguillity, the
interruplonof commerce and industry, the withdraw-
ing Of labvur frou agriculture, the draining of the
treasury,—civil war und fo: cign invasionybrought on
by the force 0) Grcumslance®, have at Once afiicted
your peovle. #Meercn, Src, 1s overcharged with ve-
View original 2
neveance, and restores vou only toparconus. Your
Mi yjestyanterposes between buco pe aud your props,
to cise hem peace, to reconcile them ance lo add
nations. Your Ma wy will husten to Sather to-
flier ond re-nnile (Ac dispe rsed elements of (he po-
litica’hody. Why catinGtieite- cs, frenchmen, unit-
ed by the sane characte, ena by the same lang UR&,
retain the passions cht hisere appeased? biould
Meese soldiers, 90 lone by their glo: (ous titumps, nor
fever the ins 2) ir country, and Become public
emics 2 No, Bare, the passions are claimed in &e-
s heals, uhh are open to mare gent!le senli-
ants. Renvori Went, and lovee f our cduntr) ars
ee King wil conplite the rat, A period of 2
pyers, marled by so many Diclgludes, dWih like all
epechses history, by g'oryvagds versesy cannot he
preferred to the r-ealfection of PR conte ies, achich
haveresolved wader sceplve of vur Kings, cotiil-
eddy intervals 0) praepe: ilys marked in all times by
bie moderation andl vunly of the Sovereignty of
Your avyvyst dynasty.
6 bredth nengia ete pe
era aple of Meee apie ‘
such great weight, ¢ (guide 10%, you will see it
oa the day hatpolicwed these slorms, c¢!in
amidst the numerous efforts whith haze been made to
aguateit ; forcetting all discords, abjnring the spirie
inedom, if the
ys bean of
PT Puts, and hastuning aoe hing, who, as@
fost pledve of Wits cturm, has p med new fuarane
tees por you: happiness, and the establishment of ine
alitetions Colcalaled lo secure a Mise liberty and the
= hh Caf tracer. Letas it fo hiinyoteording
/o with of Mehcurt, thal | assions ame chout
ta be trangu/Lsed, tat the hddren of the great fue
mil ¥ Ae chout tn wnile bo Bea ad wh
enceforth oaly have one tel ying or Vive iol
ive Leuis XML Vive@t lvs Kourhons!"
‘He Procession d througt the fauxbourg
St. Denisand the Bow di and Wis Majesty alight.
ed atthe Tuillerics. Inthe evenine the whole town
Was ppuntanvously iHumiited in the most brillianed
uanner, . Numeaus yrouns ®p. thranch the
strects, enlliang Vite le Ro: There Wasalancing in
all the iquxboures, The sir Wire Heri LV. wig
every wiere Leud, and Se with 1
c ‘ompore g8ON ZS, BS iitecd t “ oC ion.
~The retoicings were coatinucd oa late ho,
en . *
To our great shrpriz- we fil thatthe Duke of 0-
franto (Fouche) by order of Leuis, is placed at the
head of Govern. u!. | "I
It is say! that afieche amor war, in Plymonth,
have been ordered to gat for the purpose of intere
cepting Bonaparte, Wd preventing him from reach-
ins the Vuited Siates.. °
The list Gooys of The Freach ariny have quittec
the capitel tu reyairto their cantonment behind th
}Loire. We are assured thot the Biinee of Echmuh
isatOrleus, where be hascstablisbed uit head-quar-
ters of the French army.
yt is to the humanity of the King that the cesso-
tion of husttlities in La Vendee is atfributable. [is
Majesty bas especially seat an order to M. Laroche
Jagucin amd dAutichamp, te stop la the western
provinces thee@usion of Freach bla!
Paris, July 5— All the towns of Provenec, with
the exception of Toulon, ha¥@ proclaimed for Louis.
Lucien and on Gouaparte fave de
England, madame Bonaparte, the methery
dane Hevtenze, folluwethe bs. Fal
Fesch alone ae this family, remains ta Pati
sets off lo ni0nfOw
Accounts fi
was in the har
10). in conse
, atul he
Cork mention, that ali the ships of
ur gone MondéPosening (July
alex picss which the Admual
had receiv Dublin 1 & generally supposed
that they hav n ordered out for the purpose of
inlereepling Bonaparte. A messenger arrived at Cork
on Monday evthing, front Dublin, and immediately
proceeded to Bantey, where the York, 74, lies, with
ordeis for her t6 pultosca for the same object.
onthe 25th, Bonaparte applied to the Provisional
Goveriinent for two Irigates, which were immiediate-
ly granied= pasports for his voyage to the United
States were asked of the Duke of Wellington, and
the result of that request will be seen by the tullov-
ing letter :—
Copy of a letqugo Count Lignon.
> Ilead-quarters, June °&,
~ Monsieur le Compte=I have had the honor to re-
ceive your Excellency's lefter of the Q5th, | have al-
ready written to the Commissioners named to treat
with the Allied Powers for Peace, upon the propos
sition for a suspension of hostilities; a reply which
your (xcellency Was seen, and to which [ have no-
thing toadd. Asao what fegards a passport and
protection for Napoleon Banaparte to go to the Lni-
ted States of America, | must inform your Excellen-
@y that | haveno authority trom my Government to
give any sort of answer to that demand.
I hawe the honor to be, Nonrsieur le Compte, with
the highest cunsideration, your obedient servant,
View original
View original EE _—EEE_ Ee :ti‘=é‘SM9aQ9n9n’”™”~”™#OC™"!UC=™LU’e
' b a woof amA ot Amont ‘rem Tl .s ka-
emicncy UL. “W gee Pawex, squire, Lier en ®t.
Covi bom, thet net ae Us !
Necies, ae! e.. Se. Uate
Upon a petitea jee sheet by R. v. sal
|) ape Cutetors to the lusolve E
EL. Gebel dec. 1 tise ae meal, at the :
quest of »foreliy | Carraro, hevetry Sus -
4 ed >|
ee; all anor and unael
tale of J. FE. TieDiel, a
norable Court
ticir ScBsion whi id Lo oneal
inthe yore mad echt hao reed atl »
say IS16, the¥e to Poser th their Claes, to aelatiens
Whe sone, ant turt lop urced ue. ning tentdi ‘
Suonuois iv d wr! HORA TOOTH Port
“by bea! of dru sty te Oe net ; th Pog
aod rether m +. ong! ‘eal: 0. FR.
Werbice, 3 iS ‘a
ra int REN gir. arabe!
di Yeviriue of an batiact feom Uae Wow
eCoert of ©: oe iS ole Wy,
"s a *
of Agen The Pel . m
Joho Canon, is aa A the Seqt.ev ra.
forge! Panighion Jamie Maret, verewt, OU See on
anlunakoowd ( leteaets on oe ee
m Lewis Manor, Cen - ae the um te maa t'»
®:.. Te gitest Ol acoresa |! slieiets, ow ‘4 }
Summon b bidhety fox ‘¢" sec ad Mme, all ke val
and ufknown © Lyitiiets, ya prea Sot pan!
fica Sew se laner, che Bis, lo syyear ‘ye
the (our@.t itetls, ton M woday the 4th je «
6 1815, thereto tener tn Chet Clasms, to ¥ rey tie
sane, amd Gur der te prroe ed acco to law.
‘Dis Suytdbonsp ye: ict mathe age ihe Pu-
blic by beat * fe from the Cor tof af thus
coluny, end further cl with aceording tu ¢ é
I= 15
CAN, First
, es Batra frou
the Gout of Civil ducte 1 OBB
1s Augest, 1815, give in { we. Ca
g: uen ap V illieun
quest rot@rs fir they nm
eeu: thee jale property of Fx
a imoints on the proce ‘ecls ot
ee Pes the Bi
request ot tore tratore,
mon by : Own, ane
on ig proceeds of The uncivic
ke CSOT CA, tO appear lx fone the
Monday the Ath Sept. 1815, there '.
—. . toverify the same, ‘oe boent
ecor ling to law,
%, This Su n by Pict mace known to " ° pie
y heat o nin trom the Coyers Se ony th oe
my, ap therdealt withy eee eitstum!
‘ ce, 19 De aiedl >. :
K. | N, iret.
ore inthe of
View original
View original we
_ +. ~~
: Se a a it oat _ to the Pu-
hic by! a Court House of this:
coloty, aud farther« lt with according to custuin.
Berbice 1914 Aeust, (815. “
‘~~ RANCKEN, First shal.
iver of
J nae.
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ants 0 5 apes .
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Ave yet giv ,
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A. bEANG 1
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ot foe ® nae.
he Da A- B.
ALL, 1h Be wi) bas
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yy oP eh, C. are Wedge Ms
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Of wNiech he wii a j ee @ feria,
and if purcch TS ag" ver. tak
produce in payment) — vi, a fable tod
peop le, do. sophas ail chair eS wae 4
vier, (wo fen seev Res, a quarntey of Ms ie _
articles, Madcita wige dm pines ag emma y
in quarter @asks, aw bla ys Co “. ta in
pints If not dispose@ of patliira week or Gaya,
they will 7 forwarded to Demerary.
19 Aug AOR. vt LHOCOURT.
a tT ite
View original
View original or We item rened, will plea
. i nis fo thenic 5 alsu
nase ET
mths from this i
fo pre . fened inte
mh ‘ulties, as the uplers
ye: this colony for Dana, 7.
Sa he nenpe n./ e bread ®ak
she Xe. voces Agecrican lower, w
iT meola of hand, wi.! ispuscd of af pub
Vendae. ’ aw al
le Ce gene dt
iets fe mFren heOhen ef scrschbublied avn, aag
peivehemdl., nelevg ne Peete mii
ete ongy: ne ngage dic vere
a uite binnen w Cel
itiaall Noa lle can riven det ong
Vom te"DRgaed Vyas vi 4, gant Dumerery
‘e weitre ak hen, preseyteerd ten dicen Fiewie hoop,
wn oer cenemed Jae, een Romy Drow! Wher,
Pa ctv om, te ea emer cenige ees tlso QD
Von by pte Aree iB aemsche meal, de verk: ping van
beer ans lef sng esien mecl, zal geschicden op Pue
whe Ve >
iaees Of lhe . — J
' w Meo. Ot Day, at 10 igi ie
*Fiunt Quarter, (48 De t ® mm.
boll Mea, doch ey. oC Ola.
bre! wee! r. Wi low, }
ss ;
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[ > n : Ld ye,
View original | D he Staunch Bi
A =
6 GyporGe ¥
LIVER POOW the Ship tiz-.
, 7 s Ta, Masih, to rom
hemes to all Geteber; tor rg fit or Ride apply
tulthe Mester ou buat, ante
IMT ALD. at this OBice. — The Manver ot Pr
es betere Me Court of Civil Justioe, of Be
Vice, af 5 10.—'Dhe Charter of Berbice at £3.
Bills Of Dxobante gal Ladin, Books, &c.
Published @ery Salwrday at 4 o'clock vr. mx.
© WRyi WISCH OBZ & Co. 3
Privileged Government Printers

2 September 1815