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The Berbice Gazette

View original SECRETARY’s OF FICK.
_—- > —
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has beew
made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy anc Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sesstons of the
July, 1815, for Letter of Manumission :
Richard Clarke "owner for the Negro Peter, his
property, bet lately having appc: tained to the Es-
tate of the Widow H. J. Buse.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
of said Letterof Manumission,that they may address
themselves in writing to the undersigaed Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, whena final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Peution.
Seeretary’s Office, Berbice, 29th July, 1815.
View original ————
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons iitend quitting this colony.
Robert Elwis, in 6 weeks from 24 June,
A.A. de la Geurt, will quit this Colony, June 90.
James Foderingham in 6. weeks from 15 July.
Nathanial Hunt in do. icom do,
Edward Hunt in de. from do.
Adam Stewart in G weeks from 22 July.
Thomas B. Walcr in do. from do.
ae SS S28 S aeaeene ,,—t—‘itststsi‘“(e
View original Notice is hereby #iven, that a month after date the
following Tran) porrs and Mortgages will be passed
July 8. W. Rows qq. HH. Rose, will transport to De-
merary 52 Negrues, names tu be seen at Unis Ol-,
[5, Francis Brittlebank, qq the Assiznces of
doha Dawson, will transport to James [toberts:
and Hugh Bethune, qq. Alexander Pulioh, of
London, the Eastern hall of Lot SS, W est coast
of Berbice. :
R. C. DOWNER, See.
quagpes eer we ew es OS ee eee
View original NOTIFICATION.
Notice is hereby givent, hut the ordinary Sessions
of the Couit of Cred Justice, which were to have
been held on Aonduy the \7th July, are postponed
until VJonday the 3ist July, 1815.
Secretary's Office, Berbice, 14th July, 1815.
By Command,
R. C. DOW NER, See”
renee ee (SS OLO0W. ee”
NOTIFICATION .= By the Llonorable Court of
Poticycnd Criminal Justice, of the colony Ber-
bice. Vo all to whor these presents may or
shall come, greeting! he it Lnuwn:
WHERBAS a tacancy has ayvain occurred in the
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of this colony ;
the Court having been pleased to admit ot the reasons
assigned by tie (lon.J. Papin tor bi, nonacecptance of
the ippointment made in his favoras Member Ut thar
Court Anda nomination having been made by the
Honorable Court of Policy to supp!) his place, Nis
Excellency the Governor has been pleased lo select
F. Brittlebank, Esq. to bea Member vi the. Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice. Notice whereof is here-
by given, that the luhebitants of the colony may res-
pect that gert!eman in Ins capacity aecordingly.
Secretary's Office, Berbice, \Qih July, 1813,
By Gonmand,
Rat. DOWNER, Sec.
Qe ee wre 0 ON em CF wes ww eee eee eee
View original Gere wre 0 Or oe Cw? Sw Se ew Se Se
Berbice, Tth July, 1815.
BLANK RETURNS for Produce, made
on Estates, for the six months (say from the 31st:
day of December lass to st day of this month ;) are
now realy for delivery, at this Office; which Re-
turns, are to be made in all this moath, under tender
of Oath.
“ml D. ALLT, Dep. Ree. Gen.
Berbice, Qith July, 1815.
TENDERS, in Triplfcate, stating the amount
required, and rate of Exchange in words at length,
will be received at this Office fur Government Bills.
Tur next Meeting of this Spciety will be held
at No. I], Corcutyn Goast, ou the I7th of August,
kolo. y, Cor, Sec.
View original _————————————————— ——————
LOST or mislaid / 00 agood of Messrs.
Shwiers & Downer, in iavor of A.M Nap, sed en-
Corsed by T. Thomp,on to R. Barnes. Any person
who may have found, og cau give information tor the
recovery ot the sane , will be seward d. Payment on
above good will nut Uc made to any persun than to
\ Barnes, or to the subscriber,
2 July. KE. F. i ANTZE, 449:
f —— oe ee ee Oe mee eT OO me
NOTICE that the undersigned intends of
leaving the vuluny ealy ia the mouth of November
uext—who reters all (ivse Conceined, to bis foriner
ad vertisement,—29 July. D. MARTIN.
AANBES FEEDLNG.—Aanneenerstot het
maken van een Kraal, rondom cic voorhcitte van het
Lit No, 9, alles van - bue rewy huul, de stylen 0.
duimen vierkaut en $ vovtya lang, (zynde! S vt. bu den
grond en 5 vt. boven denz lvciy ste ale 6 vocten
vane thande ‘ren, de lattea 5 voeten lang 3 duiin breed
en | duim dik, ‘de dwarstopemle liticn 24 voct lang
4duimen beeed ca 2 duimen dik, de spy kers dour
den Aaorimer te leverc mM, cn vourts atles begt en
sterh te maken op de manieren aly by dea tleere H.
W. Hackmann te zien is.— De Aanue-ners, in be sto-
ten bilj-(tew, voor de Leverantic van het daartue be -
noodisde hout en ger ed manen yan yemelde Kraal,
(welke s6drden 20 Deceisber aansiaatnic ivet ip or
der zyn), zullen ahr yeu worden teu hutzen van
dep Heer: J. Gi. S. Pavensma, co geopend worden
op bet Evf No. 9, op dea d Augustus aansiaande tea
$2 uien des muldags.
De betaaling zal direkt geschieden na de gcheele
voltooijing van het werk en na yocdacuring.
Is tbice, % 2 July » 13815.
SS ee
LOST on Tuesday lust, trom Plantation Pal-
myra, a white fox buund isiten, th Canswers to the
Nawe of Wusic, a coward of one due will be thank-
fully given jus ber recoveiy.
22 July. B. J EFFERY.
—_—_——— ....
IN CUSTODY of the uucersigied, a white
Stallion, which, it not released, watt ial alles
three tines havin: been advertisd, according the
Proclwna son of the Court of Polic > ot this ¢ olouy.
22 Joly. . Ao ISc LL,
Duly Aatboried.
View original FORSALE by the Subsesibcis, at their Store
ON bari sso. 4, fur (Mee diale |? Ly inert i—Vriuue New
toundlaed fief im O <2: S quintal cas&s, ) orkehire
Hats, pickles, ware, barley, oysters, aimondes, rai-
is, CUTMmuals, rape im jars, wustard, black pepper,
wyson & gun-jy wer Ges, sailad onl, salt in terces,
rw iidlerenre n sc tendit bi Myr, {sete Ty» WOOil at SOCAS, ecnsl
, Dinca, green, olive brown broad cloths,
Kersenmere, fanned & do. Jackeis, vtecw baize, table
covers, ds. with borders, Negro ‘clothing and. bian-
Kels, perfumery a surted, boots & shoes, luwhtag pic.
Cvs, on assortment ct ironmiony iy, cast & ee nan
stevl, t cul& whip saws © &7 wel long, lock-drafne-
lennete frit- & hand-sawe, bles of ata replon, Car-
pemter & cooper adevs, sonble & smgte plane arons
telling axes, locket gauges, chissels, drawing knPves
poke shaves, squares, braces & bilts, woou & horse
lasps, anzurs, Cleavers, brass cocks, sauce pans, bor.
he my lea acttles, Irving pans, sacl inwms, glue kettles,
ils trom 4d. to SJd., crockery ware, glass do, setts
vl table services, &c.
15 June. WULFF & BROWN.
"TE , KOUP, de volgende yoederen, aanger
aati ule per Capt. rk tot de nevenstaande
bs ssa pry zen —Cienever in celde Ts a ff 22.— dito
extiagevde in hrutkhhs a f 05. het douzyn,— zocte
inelksc een Leys! sche kaazen van lo 1b. a f9.—L-
dammer do. a f2-15.—ham a f'}. per Jb.—botera
J 20. pe r vatalje,—oude Grenad: ie na f4. per gall,
C ale wy J.G.¥.. THIENSMA.
_-_— - eee eee ee =
yee “FOR GLASGOW, the Ship Re.ic-
IsLk, Thomus Todd, Master, to sail from
bence in all Getober; for treieht Or passage apply
to the Master on board, er to
WHO have received by the above vessel, the fol-
lowing articles, which they offer for Sale on their
usual terms, viz:—(Gordon Duff Inglis & Comp’s.
London particular Madeira wine in pipes, hhds. and
quarter casks ; a light Jashionable Gig, a general as-
sortinent of Plantation Stores, also 50 hhils. coals,
which will be sold reasonable af taben irom alongside.
js July.
eee me re le
i: , thdaee’
View original PUBLIC VENDUES
On Monday the 31st inst. will be sold, by or ‘er of
Alexander Fraser, qq. Benfie/d’s [states, at Plante-
tion Eddertowa, west coast, 50 a 40 head of fin» cit-
tle, a borse and mule, also the whole of the fui. cre
in the dwelling house, as lately occupied by the dee.
Mr. J. Broderick, consisting in mahogany Jinng t
bles, card do, side boards, bedsteads and beds, sofas,
chairs, glass and earthen ware, knives & teras, wal
candlesticks and shades, glass lamps, &c.
vr D.C. Cameron, Dep. Veriduc Mas: °.
View original On Thursday 3d August will be soll, by ortes . ¢
Wim. Ross, Esq. qq. onthe spot, Plantain Geers,
known as Lot No. 32, and 4 of Lot Nv. S8guih. ol
its buildings, cultivation, aud further aj purcnauc os,
payable in 6, 12, & 18 months.
At the same time 200 sheep and 70 hiad of cav-+,
the stock of Plantation Jarlogse, kaown ta bo aime
ongst the finest in this colons, also cotton bevrusln ,
paints and oil, carpenter and eooper tovk, hoes and
shovels. Payable in 3 and 6 1ouths.
D.C. CAMLENON, Dep. Veadve Master.
On Thursday 10th Aug. and following days will
be sold, by order and at thestere ar Von, Usq.
the whole of his present steck of curd , viz,—Pine,
ereen, yellow, white, and black paints, wud oll, se.
‘turpentine, suap, candles, shot, pickics, prodere >,
beef, pork, medicines, carpentersaud cooper ‘ob,
stationary, (in ware, nails, irow pots, curlesses, hoes,
shovels, buck knives, blue & whiies fanpocus cd .
na'keens, cotion & coffee bagging, itanvecl, cer
Clothingy Irish linen, shecting, diay er, dro hod. «
brown linen, black, biuc, & green bron d cloths, @in >
hams, quiilings, cotfon shirting, calicoes, cay ©,
muslins, sadlery, &c. Also 18 prime Negroes, Wo-
luable tradesman, domesticks and field peop eid
afew casks real f vench clarct—hous bold furnisne
viz, mahogany side boar’, do. hniic casesy hair be!
ton chairs, satus, tables, giass& carthon war, bouts
and beclsteads, sily. rtea aud table spooms, kmiyes aud
forks, &c. *
Dl, C. CAMERON, Dep. Vencue Mast-r.
—e— —- —o. ———— li ate
On Monday the 1th of August, will be sol, | ¢
order and at fhe house of A. A, de fia Court, bag, bee
whole oj his hovsehuld ‘uimiiure, most of which hos
lately arrived trom Londen, chiefly consisting of
new and clegant silver cases, waiters and other s.tveg
ware, gaclrven silver edged plated articles, viz, a
a complete scilot large and swath dishes anu cove. A,
candle sticks end chandeliers with spare shades, w¢
and hand waiters, liquor & cruct stands, porter coy s,
ateaurn, &c. mahogany bedsteads anu turuiture »
patent dining table, for 21 covers, side boric, sulasy
card & poubroke tables, Crrecian chairs, Uays, tra.
med pictures, lamps, looking glasses, word robes,
chest of drawers, washhaud stands, a nulober of faroe
new table cloths, haphins, a com plete blue tabi: Sere
vice lur 24 people, 2 tashionnble tea serv ites, lao oc
French waier pots, new sadlery amongst wha tr is and
outiigger’s harness complete, cutlery, tin- bias -iccus
‘amd glasseware, some very old anu choice ligudrs,
Madeira wine in bottles, &c.
Alsv a negro man and woman, the former a couk,
tbe latter a house servant, at S montns credit.
And without reserve, a few pipes Madeira wine
and claret, hock, champaign, Cvustantia, and {rbn-
(iznac tunel wines by the dozen.
D: GS AM LRON, Dey Vendve Master
— ee
View original On ‘Tharsday 17 Ang. will besald a: the Vencne
Oflice, 4 cases negro pipesy bagging, paiws and l,
©0 barrels beet & pork, Yorkshire & apa ton has
beer, Madcira, and Irish inen—to close sles. ‘Teg
cascs medicines, calicoes, sheeting, dow las, shituny,
long lawns, connlerpanes, pickles, and Pl rerce o 1,
Port & sheiry wine, raspberry & cherry braudy, 4
ficld negroes, &c,
D.C. Camenoy, Den. Yenc ue Tester.
2 ow ee OE ee fe oem + Oe = eee
View original — ew OE ow ee fe ome. = + Ome = eee
NOTIC E—On account Of the indisposition of
‘the Rev. F. Whitfield, Dicine Service, will ict be
‘performed to-morrow atthe English Church. ~~
—— ee
DEN ondergeteckende maakt hierncevens be-
kend, dat hy tobayne Gemachtigde, bye Procurstic,
heeft aangesicld tot waarneming vanalte zyne zaken,
den heer A. Schlipter.
Is Joly. W. TWARTM AN,
View original - ——
French ¢ mel, wt six Jocs casd.
OO 1 — .
aadiij}e Pl isi tJ. heer
View original lo .
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—_—— ea —_— —~— —-— - --— —- — <a =
View original of an Extewet foo: the Minutes
orl L's 'O April, 1815, viven im
» Thor asP. Lave WW, one oft * gee
ware ofthe LitenRobert Wilsoa,
Of TROmas Bonth, another d the Exccutors
the litirs of the svid Reber Wiitson, a
agpomped in the a W. Dive:
ae mor the colony, ve allcl ia
. an oc@ds « , panixtion 17 ecu 7
Tr. ae u rede i ‘ned, at the : Vafine-
eh Th a is Lavin! 1, =Do hcrehy Summon
clot Ue Foti e, ¢% super atpneidins i)
Reems oO the proceeds “ pl: tetation Plermi-
Mi Up Blot xis, wr peor before (he Court of Ci.
i@ of Us colony, ow Wone dav 17 July, 18i5,
Ww ti 4 days, there tore nde rin their claims, fo
(verity thoaime, 2 - lartherto hear the Courts dee
- oa the proferen! or eomeurrent night uf elaim-
the procecds of suid Estate,
bic mineng by Ldies made known to the Pui-
> by) of drum irom the Court House of this
‘ Cw wa” ( | fir! Wer A eri with according tv Custom.
a» Berbice, the 16th June, 1315.
h. F RANCEEN, First Marshal.
irtue ofan Extract from the Minutes
he wrt of Rotly, datedthe loch April, 1915,
giv’ win the cause atied Tl. Slaaland He J. uthers,
age" Curators (0 the fasolyent Estate of Corne-
, me, dee. versus, ali known and unknown
Ss eae the Estate of C. Kuckine, dee.—]
crstrned, at the request of ufores: vid Caratats
n *
by Cor the fourth time ox super aburdanti)
son tye Piet ¢ cA kmenwn sivel aaknown Cre.
A ert ive Estal@or ©. Peckuw, dec. Lo
a, Toco The Court of Civil Justice, or hrs COs,
ja. my the 17th July, ISTS 40d tUlowing
aa. 2 to Ngee io theit claims, to verity the
_s ere. yo ero hear the Gout’ Ss decision as tv
ti ron ous! concurrent right vl claunants on ie
fi wails «°°! 20°) | Patale.
o The Sr nth y Batict hace known eRe public
by bk al ef Cust trom th- Corn Mo of this evlo-
watth 1 dealt with » ccording to custom.
nm: Key ee une, 1815,
"° '¥ PRA NCKEN, Pivet Marske.
a —_
View original
View original t)
View original NEW AMSLPERDAM,
SS Fe ee See. see SEER.
View original ee ee eee
Satveoar, Jucy 29, 1815.
© + -— a a
View original . a
Py the arriea! of the Sandwich Pa-! ¢, at BDar-
hotles, we have reccized Sondon neres to June 5.—
No official eccount 0} the Ccommmenr cman’ off hostili-
tics hat! at the* time been revetecd in 4p cland,
Great Britain’ continues her actiziiy an sunplying
every thing that is requ'site for-anyero:ts piosecy-
ion of he war. Goserriaert be acin <, on the Tith
“el, contracted a lauRof BC eeil!ons of money fer the
ey yencic: Of the present yea, independ nt of a tole
of credit for an udlitional six midlbons, 'y required.
We ave happy (a hud, that @ Convention between
Grea’ Pi itain avd the Kmecoi Of the LCatd Ne
thetland:, was signed.ot Lawde om the Vth of Ne-
gest /asl, was lei! before (ie British Pui lament on
the Oth ult. by which Great Britain agices to resw
love the Dutch colmics, 67 wiih the ca ception oe}
the Cune of Good Hope, Dew Vary, Bes: guebo and
Berbice. The Islard of Raaca at the Peticrn Siw
is given to Holland in exchange for Cochin and tis
De pendercies on the coast oO f{ Walabar.
eee 0 8 ee
June 12.—Op Friday evening the Vimble chiter,
It. Thompson, arrivediat Plymouth with two Trenel,
Otheers, Lieut. de Geurbill: , x Kon hog to the Sraf
of the Marquis de la Roche Jacquelia, Gen. in Chie
of the Royal army in La Vendee, and int. Waller.
Uhe former gentleman is the bearer of dispatehes of
inmportance. After communicafins with the Port Ade
mira), iis Mapes ly s ship l’aéase« , Shr price, “Ne.
proeccded to sea wilh thé wimest Cippatch. ‘These
OMicers leit St. Gilles last Sunday « vening, and give
a most favorable account of the piogress of the Royal
On the 8th ult. an action took place, in which
Bonaparle’s General, (Travet) wit Sed) MH, Was
fouled with great loss; and om the Ist and 3d inst,
the enemy were alsorepalsed in their endeevours to
prevent the landing of cannon, atins, and ammuni-
On, “sent from this conniry.
VV Jette: hed been Intercept! from the Minirterof
Wangt Paris, inoreply to one from Gen. Trdvoi, de.
ading powerful tciatorcinests. In this letter the
letiister inferiis him of his inability fo comply with
his request; and hoped he would make every cor
wih the troops he possessed, not having aanan to
pare. :
Lhese officers speak with con Silence of the success
of the Deurbononuse, which hes 65,900 armed sup.
porters in La Vendee alone; and that the white tlag
was flying at Bordeaux, and many other towns on
the French coast.
A letterfrom Beford says, that a bodyoof Ausician
(roops having passed the Rhine betweea Hanninee)
and Colmar, were attacked Ly the French, and tor-
ced tote piss ihe river, after having lost a number of
Embarkations for the Netherlands aré going on
with fresh spirit and activity. Al Ramevate harses
vad drivers were enbarked yesterday. On Saturday
wegh!t asuldew order was received at Dover for the
second German battalion to cmbark. It was receiv-
ecl al six—by nine the battalion was embarked, and
sailed! at two the next mornine.
The two Vrench vessels sent in the beginning of
last week to Plyinouth, by the Rhin frigate, have
been released by order ef Government, and sailhd ou
Friday Jast for Brest.
A Wiymouth letter states, that several s} ips have
saitled with the utmost dispateh , with orders it is bee
liewed, to watch a sqdadron of French frigates, in-
beading Logarty asus ous to ihe Wy apt Tudina, at the
View original ce
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‘I f, [ i be? -=—CO alns @
OCla ( ie | » (it ’ that the
CO } ‘ ‘ j ; tile N j a | Cc Xj ai nt
CK bin lis Mj y, and die
. 1,4 - =
cl , ‘ ry if . aj aij e
an oP (the fevcgmaw Ballaijeus CAVED bp YUU lave
View original been enlisted for limited periods, shall continue to
Serve therein for three years aller the expiration of
Such dimtied meridds respectively.
Erteact of a Dispatch fram Lerd Burghersto Vis-
count Castiereagh, dai-d Téeano, May 2\, i8i5.
© f have the hover of congratulating your Lord-
el Ip on the fenminattiow of tae war with the Govern.
ment of \ rpphes, cl gel by the \ ililary Cuavention
hercwithiranusm: ) by wiaichthe himeck Iy ils turires-
SCS, ATSenal, | itary tore *5 aid resonrces ar ‘9 alimost
Without exc plion, surmeadered to the Allies, to be
returned to ih. Liwiul Sovereign of the couatry, Per-
di: ond (sic ; ‘>i ive
* Ajterthe success obtained by Gen. Nugent, and
atated im my lis! dispatch, (zen. Brancht received on
the ISth ain. seaee from the Duke ie Gall ), request-
ws UTD AT CPW toe , (oO COmMMuantcatre to him pProposrions
he was chirved wich frou Marshal Mutat.
A Meeting for the acxt day was appointed on
the part of |e liad. Gon. Bianchi requested me
to attend it. a tin the absence of the British Com-
smandets ja Chicf, both by sea and land, | consented.
‘+ J met therefore the Duke de Gallo with General
Bianchi, on the morning of the 19th.
= .
She comWersation which ensued with that Mi-
nister,! @ no other result than in giving the Al-
lies an ‘unity of stating to bim the grounds, on
' ° °
Which aione chey would engage to arrest (heir mili-
1; ry VCTIOM >.
*- |Javinge stated that he bad no authority (o treat
Omaty Osis of the nature so enagunced to hin, the
Iu: de Galto retutned to Naples, having received,
i cry Ma assuranee, that any propositions Gen.
Carrascoste might weh to make, should, inthe course
ui (ie following day, be received.
The Wetting with Gen. Carrascosa took nlac;
this mor.iay. yt. Niepperg, on tiie part of Au.
Strin, Cien. Colletta, on that ot Naples, and inyself,
in Hie absewee of Che British Commander in Chief
ne located the Military Coovention,
if ) ‘tot N rples, propositions were at first
patie totally yaaedinisarble 5 on oor part the abdica-
{ ‘arsnal Murat was insisted upon, Gen. Col-
~keua <] fe seenre for tat person a s fe retreat to
Prance, batt iding that sueh was totally impossible,
at bivicy dectieed that he had no author:*y from
Nlarsheal! rat ty treat with revard to him, the Con-
Veution, suchas your Lordship will receiveit, was
° '
‘ eo.
Je ie { possible fo conclude this dispatch it}.
oul cliiee your Lordship’s atfention to the manner
Pywhtc i the campaign, now terininated, has been

new eon by tie. Biwnchi. The activity with whteh
preted his epe:ations is al ost without ex
ampice. Phe Constant saccesses whithshave attended
} ros, are @pewecd in the setisfaction of his bei:
QVi » Tee wish the an heorly of the levitimate
Suveseivit; Witheut those mis‘ortunes to the country
: ot : ~
altc@lint on p elracted tnilitary operations.
e With rocand 40 Marshal Murat, he Gs slated to
be in N ipl Ye ( Tae Bianchi has | clared that 7)
mast cursentlo go tothe Austen Hereditary Sates
Where his future situation will be fixed; no answer
whatever bus been received frum bim.”
|_—- ee.
$6 Paris, June 2.—The Buperor having repaired
fo the © p-de- Vlas, i procession, in the order
descri vec im Lae P ’ Lu Re, appr rredi on lis throne
amiulistunivwersabacclhunations. Mass wiscelebrated
by the Archoi.hopeot Cours, weisted by Cardinal Ba-
mae, sn@ iourotber Bishv os.— VMiss being conciud-
ed, ie Members of the Cgntral Deputation of the
blectoral Colleves alv@nce othe foot of the Throne,
the steps of which they a cented, inerderto have a
nearer view of the Laaperer, and (vo be better seen by
him. They wereaboat 30017 number. ‘These were
presented te his Moijesty by the Arch-Chanecllo.—
One of the Members of (he Deputation (M. Duboys
d’Angers, Elector and Representative forthe Depart.
ment of the Maine aud Loire.) pronounced with a
loud and animated veice an address, inthe name of
the French people, in which he said :—* W hat is the
object of the league of giiied Kings with that warlike
preparation by which they alarm Lurope an! aflict
humanity? By what act, what violation have we
provoked their venegeance, or given cause for their:
aggression & Have we, since peace was concluded,
endeavoured to give them liws?) We mercly wish
to make and to tullow those which are adapted to our
manners.— We will aot have the Chief whom our en-
einies would give usan! we will have bim whom they
wish us not to have. —They dace to proseribe you
personally: you, Sire, who, »» offen master of their
capitals, generously consolideted their tottering
thrones. ‘This hatred of our enciwies adds to our love
for you. Were taey to prescribe the m«st obscure of
our citizens, it would be ourduty to defend him with
the same encryy. tle would be, like you, under the
Aesis of French Law and Prench Power.—They
gacuace us With invasive} Aad yet, contracted withia
View original frontiers which nature has not imposed apon gs, and
which | 1 De rey mir Felui V ‘Vell pea
hat exteml 1, Wwe ba Ou ts ‘ct low tric!
vhich liad we! st » out whidm you had offered
y SETVe, Gy) Mt »p t it mearro youmdary. 1)
th Vou »f dhead tor j ! o;cimes- al Sial yf
bines ately so different icy ims | be re.
produccd !—It would Pot be the first time that we
have conqueres all inn pe a red J wt us.—he-
cause France wishes tu be France, must she be de-
eraded, torn dismembered ; aud must the fate of Po-
land be reserved ior us? = Jt is in lo conceal in-
sidious designs uader tie sole pr v ol s ine
you from as, tn order to eive t with whom
we have nothing in coumon. Thete presence de-
stroyed all the illusions : hed to the Phey
could not believe our oaths, neigher could we then
NIISeS. ‘Tithe Sy be Te I righ Sy pri CS, every
Hing Chit was oudious to us was too evidenily the
fond object of then thought, whence ote of them, to
Ci le thes nN paticnce of the present, assured bis con-
lant the tld er to them lhe futur
-Eevery thing saul be cimpted, ¢ y thing exe-
cuted, to repel so OmMnbow he. We deelare
it ty natians: May their chi car us! If thes
cept your offers of peace, the French | ople will
wk lo your vieotrs, liberal, and | rial adminis.
(ra ns i erounds of consolatt il, ior he sae ]
(to ebtain peace bu if we s lef ) i Ce
' cs tel race, Lire *) country
wir. bite ln is Dp reit to relieve
» fiom »> (yo moderate ¢ Derhaps
ain onter fo save Larope tr . VUstod.
Ijvery Lis a soldiers V tect will tetlow
you gan ourenemics, Wau rely on our divi-
sions, will soon regret having pio l ust-—-Th
‘ Afi ie ne Oi ' hu cy q
SiO all ‘ Mtb, a I) Wi rhe , . ifs TC
ved. wil nor VW: at jeg
‘ } ? i Ltcil- c no
be result ¢ le Voles, ving that is Hl
ict tu the Cur ion t re hae Ci :
cepted almost nnaniumon > the aamocr of nesatiy
votes being 4,206.
* ‘The Chief of the Herat Ne, he o¥dero
Ij Majesty, transmitted by | ' A i 4 cr ol t
Cercaonies, said :—
‘In the name of [lis Mave I declare, that th
t Additivnal to the Const: ms ol the Empire h
een accepted by the French people.”
( Pue Grand Chamberlain caused a table to be
b in front of tue throne, on which the Aci wy
y! ‘tue Chir lor d MEE VCE ¢ I a | i iO ri
1, who presented it to the emperor, and the
, xed iss re TtocviC Act lor the pru
the ( ytitution.
** The tabie Q remove:!, the k:nperor, seated
and coveted, spoke in t liowing =
‘I ; cl thie (4 1 the ec
i ;
; " s ol the Ar y ai ] N vy; at
f i, Soklier, | derive all from thx
y on fsity, On tiie | id of
. ‘} rd in if ij )
) , < f clo \ {) at uis
-jpake vot Atiens, I eu
: , oi ) sO? Ol! ( i
’ OQ re 1 { i ac hath l
r honow rl Lndlig uf
ithe the sacred tag! | by tweniy
mvs (hist cd : Ly jar j {! Cl y!
li honour ( ished, | ies of Lhe min.
f. . , . ne ; iieks
{«) PCANS hep pultheinde '
hy ' ry a (trae paper 'e ol to ) O| le. - d
i in tray mr dst the pubhhe joy, t
ferent Provinces of the im | re to reacu 1 Capual,
T had reason to rely on a last ncace, Nations are
bound by treatics, whatever they may be.—\My
thouclts were then all occu pl do with the means «
establishing onr liberty by a consfitution contorin-
ible to the will and interests of the peo] be I con-
vohed the Champede-Mat.—P soon learned that the
yinces Who have disregarded all principles, who
have tram lec via th seni iniet Al learest luler ‘sts
f so many nations, wis to make war avainst us
They meditate the tncreasin i¢ kingdom of the Ne-
therlands, by giving it as Darrnices ail « northern
frontiers places, and the coneil.ation of the di ferences
whieh still exist amon them Ly livid: lz raine
and Alsace.—Ilt was necessarry to provide lor gar.—
But, be'ore personally « unterang the hezasn? of
battles, my first care | been fo coustitnte the nation
without delay. Tl ple have accepted the a
which Uhave { ted to them. =F reichinen, wheu
we shall have: led these unjust avresston. and [eu-
ope s! ll be convinced et vhat is due to the rivht
und iadependence of 28 mitlions of people, a solemn
law drawn up in the forms required by the constitu-
tional act shal! combine togcther the diff
sttions Of our coustttutions
WwW crsed —|
his} a
erent! Jispo-
en, you are about lo retura to your deparimenis; ia-
View original
View original form thecitizens thot circum) 26806 -
willl UNION, ener aid vem vomocey ec aM ey
victorious from the contest of wo 6 pom n> ar rat
(Beir oppressors : HAL fate gee mtio rss il severly
scruuirize Gur COnduct and tha! a who jriy Post ail
when she his dost herindepe st onaeg fol teh lat
Poreiga Kings whom [have Mis) to he Pion, or
who owe to me ihe prescrvation ©) thir cio gn, who
all, during my ptosperity, ughtiayalhaee, adele
‘protection of the Preach p ople, now direct th ir
blows against my pers. Dad wot pereeive th at it
is the country thy wish to injure, Lavould pisee at
(heir mercy this existence against which they show
themselves so much incensed. But teil Ue citigens,
that, whilst the Preach people. preserve (awards ime
the sentiments of love, of which they have ziven. sv
many prools, the rage 0° our cnemies Will be power-
logs. —Frenchinen, mry wish isthat of the people; my
rigWfare theirs; my horour, my vioryymg happiness,
can be no other than the hunous, the glory, and ike
happiness of France.” ‘
“ft would be dificult to describe the emotions
which were manifested on every countenance by the
words of his Majesty, or prolopsed @ics which
followed his speech. = ——=
“ Acchisishup of Bour? (64) «™ Lmoner, perfirm -
ed the functions of th”? Wo. (gage cry ihen apes
proached the Throne, 21. Rose, will traMesonte tthe
Huly Gospel to the Er Guv@aen i be w@M)e oni in
the tollowing terms:
“J swear lo abseroe and eause to be ctserve?, the
Constitution of the Empire.”
' © Tbe Prince Arch-Chancellor advanc’n= to the
foot of the Throne, first pronounced the wath of obe-
dence to the Constitelion and fidelity tothe Emperor.
Me assembly with cae unammous voice se peated —
We swear.—The Membors of the Depatition rean+iue
ed seated on the eteps of the threac’, until Te Deum
was chaunted, and the Presidentet che Eleetoral Col-
le res advanced to reevive the Paglts for the National
Gruails of their department, . The Lvete of the Ni-
tional Guard of the Seine, that of the Ist regiment of
(he fine, and thet ofthe ‘marine eurps, were carried
by the Ministers of the Interior, of War, and the Mis
rine. The iemperor, having Lote aside as Lin peri i
robe, arose from the Vhrone, come forward to the ir.t
steps, and spoke as follows—
** Saldters ofthe Nati nel Cuard of tho fimpire, <1-
dicrs of the Land and Sea Porees, Lentrust wo youthe
Lupenal Cagle with the National Cologes, you will
sweer to dete iat the cXpence vf your Dhue! against
the enemies of the Couatiy and of thethrone! You
swear that it shall always be your rallying point!—s
You sweer it!”
“Crics, universilly prolenced © We swear; re
sounded througaout the As emblig. Amidst these ace
Clamations, aad surrounded by the Eagles of all the
armed corps of France, the Emperor proceeded to
place himself on the thro erected in the mid.ile of
the Champ-de-Mars, where, as Colonel of the Nos
tionalGuerd of Paris, and of the [nyperial Guarcl, ho
‘presentented Lagles to the Presidents of the Depeart-
ment, and the siz arrondissements, and turhe Chicie
oi his Guard.
“ Count Ohapital, President of the Mlectural Col-
leges of Paris, and Lieut.-Geneil Darsonel, earricd
the Eo vleof the National Gaand: and Liew’-Generit
Count Friaot that of the Dep rial Gaant. Whe
troops march din battalion aed squadion, ud sur-
rounded the throney with the offers in Uediist bine.
The Emperor sai i,—
Soldiers of the Nationn! Guard ef Paris, Soldiers of
the [mperial Guard, Lenrrust to you the np. dat la-
le, with the National Colours. You swear to die, if
necessary, in its delence sa aiest the enemies of the
couniry and thetlirome. [tere all who were within
hearing iatersupted the Latperor with orits of He
swear. | You sweei never lostinow kk Use hovy ©' her
rallying sign, [New cries of re swear.| Lou,
Soldiers of the National Guard, you swear never to
to permil foreigners avain (o stain the copdal o ahs
Great Nation. To your cogragze ! sheli entru t it.
(Ovies of We swear! a thousand times reper cd.
And you, Soldiers of the Imperial Guerd, you swear
losurpass yourselves, in (he enmpaign wh his about
to open, and die rather than permit foreigners tu dice
tate laws to your country.”
[ Flere theacclamations, and ertes of FF e swecr, res
sounded (hrough the whole of the Chanp de Murs. ]
« The troops, forming nearly 50,000 men, tact:
ing 27,000 Nittonal Ceaarcds, then defiled bewre lis
Majesty aunidst the erics of kage [ Empereur, and the
acclamations of an iitmense rcullitude cevefiag the
Ottamp de Mars, and extendiny to ube Seine.
© This Majesty then entered the Military Schoot
throhugh «a crowd, which with difieul y open-d ty
ziford hima passage,end fwally returmed in bis cere
riage to the Thuilleries, ir Me s .m@etder of proc
sion as be arrived in the Clamp de Mars.”
View original — he - “7 ~~ ° e ;* 7 "'y T*7T ra «am me a
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View original ——_>_ - + e ———_ — ee —
NOT ICE. is hereby given :—TPhat by virtue
ofa Sentence of the Honoreble Court of Civil Jus
lice, be ring date Ilth May, 1S15, m cause of Beu-
ain Jester Vv, as the At iy of Rn. P. Broom , Pro-
prietor of | | nlation Palmyia, versus, certain pro-
ceedings In Execution on 29 Negroes, on the part of
Colin Macrea, that the said Negroes have heen ree
leased ino Lxecution.—Berbice, 29 duly, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marsiab.
IN consequence of an opposition by Albert
J.Glasins, N.u. to the intended Sale by Exeention, as
advertised, of the Coffee Estates Dankbaurheid awd
mwimeet, asthe propertyot said A. J. Glasius, at
the instaace at tue Representative of Job. van den

isi Ur Re
View original Nounedeh Crehy picen +
That by virlue of auth onty, given by the ffonorable
Court of Civil Justice, nnder date of 13th AMiny 1815,
ma petition presenter b co. Pauels, ys the Ate
wey of J. van wen eh ine ome cuti n Sle of”
he Coffee Estate Dankbuarkeid, with all its caltivas
linn, buildings, and further appurtenanecs, and all
t)) : rig t, fifle, an Th st of s ! A, ". (>) LsduUs in
w collee Estate J?2uin ‘its cublivation, buildings
slaves, and furtier appurtenances, inas much as the
same has been taken in Iexecution for behoof! of said
J. van den Broek, will take place on the [5th June,
ISG. due inventory thereol being for inspection at
oe . . '
' ‘ ccs } arch rtores Ver IToMm) ihe p! ct els of
d sale, snev sum of mency,for whieb said Estates
> here . Ort oo P . ; . 7 ; , eh area f
Ay , .° ACH if} 1 % : Nn, or 1 ] ; st ft ti reo ,
as shalis ' mmpaicd at the time of sucd sale.
‘| 4 : 1 Prrvuchima Ne mn ma mown tO we Pne
>. , , ¥ ° .
bl ‘by ] ft drum from the Court ljouse of this
colony, and lurther dealth with according tocustom.
d wv J ;
Lb i sw * - Py wy ' : de
" '
BY virtue of Authority from His Excellene
cy H.W. Bertinen, Esqnire, Licutenant-Governor
of the colong Berbice and its Dependencies, &e. &c.
&e. Given under date of 6th May, 1815, upona pee
tion preserted by Jolbn M’ Donald & Coe, vegps the
'Pigprietor or Proprietors, Representative or Repree
sentatives, olahe Western half of the Lots 86% 56,
Rast eoast. Prheunleérsigned intend to Sc l!, ave xe
eculion Saleyin the presence of two Conasel!ors Cume
missatics and their Sceretary, on Wednesday the 9d
August, 1875, at the Coat dfonse of this colony, at
clevou Gelock in thé torémson of that day. The above
named Western half of Lots No. 35 & 96, Bast coast,
fue same hevire been surrendercd in Execution to
ine the undci signed, ~
Whoever should think himsclfentitled to oppose
the Execution Sale of aforesaid Lots, let neh persons
addyess themselves to me athe undersigned, declaring
tiwir reason for so doing in due time and jorm, as J
hereby vive notice, thit T willereceive Opposition
(rom every intermediate person, appeint them a day
to hive his or her eliims heard befove the Court, and
iusther act thercin as the law directs.
This 4th Proclanation made known to the Publie
by beat of drum from the Court House ot this coloe
ny, and further dealt with according to custom.
Beibice, 23 July, 1815.
Kh. PRANCKEN, Virst Marshal.
ae “2 —— 7 Sy
~ BY yistue of an Appoittmont from His Exe
cellency [1.9W. Gextixcn, keqnirc, Licutcnante
Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependene
ches, &e. &c. Ke. given upon apetition presented by
John M’Camon as one of the Scequestraters of Plane:
tition No. 1, west Corentyn cous’, dated eth June,
1315. TD the undersigned, at the request of »foregaid
dota Mammon, gg. do hereby Suinmon by Ediet ¢
Alk srown end unknown chimants on the proceeds
ut Piantstion No. 1, west Coneat yo, to appear before
the@ourt of Cavil Justice, of this coloay, on Mone
day the i7ih July, 0815, and following days, forthe
purpose cl there rendering in their elias a -aimst the
procecds of Plantation No. ] west Corentyn, debate
the same, and to witness, after the fourth Edictal
Summons, the Conti's decision as to the. preferent or
concuryent right of claimants, on pain, as (he law dis
rects, and further to proceed according tostyle.
This Suunsnons by Udiet made hnowa to the publio
by beat of drom from the Court Teuse of this colue
ay, ail Carver dewdt with aecording to Custom.
Berlnce, LOth Jong, 1825,
K. FRANOCWEN, [Po 0f Morcha,
BY virtue of an Appointment trom His Ex-
celleacy Uh. W. Bextincs, Esquire, Lieutenants
Gevernor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependene
cies, &e. &e. Ke. dated 2tth Inve, 18155 given up.
a petuon presented by Joha M’Camon, as one ofthe
Scquestrators of Plantation Jews VWanor. 1 the un-
tsigued, atthe request of aforesaid J.M’Camon,qqs
do hereby Sammon by Pdiets: All known and une
known claithants on the preceeds of Plantation Lee
wis Manor, Cum annexis, toappear before the Court
of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday the 17th
July, 1815, ond following days, forthe purpose of
‘there rendering in their claims acainst i proceeds
o£ Plaetation Lewis Manor, enm annemxis,, debate
the sarne, and to witnesss the Court’s decision on the
right of claimants, aod further to proceed according
to yw,-—on pain, after the fourth Edictal citation, of
being tor ever debarred theic right of claim.
This Summons by Fdict made known to the Pas
blic by beat ofdrum from the Ceurt House of this
colony, and further dealt with according to custom,
rise, Dh une, IS15.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Core wee at awe Sees) eee 0 ems le ow eet
View original / @_2BD = Muelle Ps om eon!
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Publishe tT Fy pon B7 ar 4 0 UC; -P, We
By W Cuik LZ & Ca.
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Prr a Geter? emt s’rintery

29 July 1815