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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1314.)
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Twelve dollars p. annum.
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THE Sessions of the Court of Civil Justice are
postponed until Monday the 16th May, 1814.
By Command,
View original a
King’s House, 15th April, 1811.
THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to
make the following appointment :—Mr. RoDeERICK
McKunair, to be Acting Civil Commissary, and
Acting Deputy Post Master General, during the ab-
sence of Wm. Scott, Esq.
By command
Tr. WHITE, Gov. See.
a I
View original eee
King’s [fouse, 8th April, \S14.
Notice is hereby given, that Danicl Allt, Esqr.,
has beenappointed Deputy Recerver General, All
persons are enjoined to respect him in said evpacity.
By the Licutenant-Covernor’s command,
lr. WHITE, Gov. Sec.
IS hereby given unto all persons indebted to the
colony, on account of Petty Duties, That the Re-
ceiver lus been directed to furnish the Marshal with
a sist of the defaullers. And unless payment is made
within ten days from the date lercot, their names
will be included in said lst. For the Receiver,
16 April. FP. WHITE.
BY Wis Evcellency Minny Jlitciam Breyrincn,
Esquire, he bloc cauccrin of dhe Colony ber.
bice and ily Depwatdouces, OC. We Xe.
And the Honorable Courl of Loliy and Criminal Jus-
tice uj the sucd Coley.
WHEREAS we are informed, that deubts have
arisen in the minds of some of the Lnhaditants of this
colony, whether by vur Proclamation of the 8th of
March of the present year, il was our infention so-
Jely to forbid the Dancing of Slaves on [lolidays, or
whether the usual Holidays allowed by any tormer
Ordinances of ours were to be discontinued in toto,
until our further pleasure be signified,
In order thercfore that our views and sentiments
may be more distinctly iow and understood, we
do hereby distinctly aud dehnitively for the piesent
do away—‘ All Holidays alowed by any former Or-
dinances or U's ICS, SUVE oud except Sundays.”
Aud we striclly order and enjoin tbat this our Orde:
be obeyed by all proprictors, managers, or others,
having direction and conduct over Negroes, ou pain
of severe penalties sliouid this .our proclamation be
And that no ignorance may be pretended, these
presents shall be publish. de aad circulated as custo-
‘Vhus done and published at the Court Ilouse of
the colony Berbice, 7th April, 1514; Present His
Exceilency H. W. Bentinck, Lieutenant-Gover-
nor, and the Honorable Members J. McCamon, ds.
Fraser, P. Fairbairn, A. J. Glasius, and G. Munro ;
dempto, L. C. Abbensets.
By Command of the Court.
» R.C. DOWNER, Sec.
(Second time of publishing.)
View original . 7
=a « = —_—s —Eawe Se = sS
\ \ ( ’ Li ; ATL! } YOY
Y¥5 a AAUL VV iG db ’ VUall 45 UAs ‘ if
View original THE
View original SATURDAY, April 16.
View original a
Th. Fraser in 6 weeks from 26 March.
11. Wylie in do. from do.
W. Grant with the April convoy.
Gieo. Bagot, family, and 4 slaves, will quit the co-
lony Berbice by the first opportunity.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a month after date the
folloreing Transports and Mortgages will be passed.
March 26. P. Quin will transport to Messrs. Gordon
and Murphy, two thirds of pln, Expectation,
west seacoast of this colony. !
——— J. 3. Rule will transport to Polly Harris, 7
roids land of lot No. 6, between the middle
and back dam.
Widow HH. Broodman will transport to the
free Wa. Fraser, 106 feet band in depth of
the south half of lot Nu. $, New Amst.
April 2. J. Zimmerman will transport to J.G. Jones
12 roods of land, front the northern back qrt.
of No. 19, New Aimpt.
——— J. B. Rule will transpert to J. G. Jones, 7
roods lind of No. Is, New Amst. adjoining
the back dain.
April 9. James Morison qq. Innis Arthur, witl trans-
port to Demerary 25 negroes, names to be seen
at this office.
—- John Fraser will transfer to W. Cowie 14 rods
of the back part of lot 11, first cmpolder of the
W. Cowie will transfer to W. Katz the said
14 roods land eflot 11.
I6 Apr. Peter Rose will transport to Demeray, 100
Negrocs, from plantation Inverness, West Coast
——names to be seen at his office.
—— J. Bakker qq. Edward Bariawell, will trans.
port to Francis Arthur, plantation \iary’s Lupe,
situnted ou the Corentine coast, No. 49.
—— Francis Arthor will pass a mortgage to J. Bak-
ker qq. Edw. Barnwell, on plantation Mary’s
Hlope, cattle, sheep, and Tf negroes, (names of
negroes to be secn at Chis office.
—— The Curators of Richard Barry’s estate, will
{ransport to the Curators of John Slobic’s estate,
plantation Richland, the south halfol No. 14,
West Cougt.
—— The Curators of J. Stobie’s estate will trans-
port to Elizabeth Johnston plantation Richland,
sitvite on the west coast ot Berbice, being suuth
halfol No. 14.
View original VENDUE OFFICE.
On Wednesday the 19th inst. will be sold at the
Vendue oflice hams, cheese, pease, barley, soap,
candles, beet, butter, tongues,—some furniture, a
lew pipes of real Hollands, ladies’ bonnets, dry goods
beer, porter, nails, articles of plate, &c.
Db. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Thursday the 2Ist instant, at the house and by
order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Buse, on lot
No. 15, the remainder of the furniture, consisting of
bedsteads, beds, chairs, tables, kitchen furniture, a
mangle, French water pots, water vats, a variety of
other furniture—also the let No. 15, in this town,
with all the buildings thereon, sundry other lots in
town, the house and a number of lots at the old town,
Plantations Geertruy, old Welgclegen and Gennis,
in Canje, with all the buildings thereon, a number ot
abandoned Estates, as may be seen by Liventories at
the Liouse of Mr. I’. Nicolay, N. Amst ‘he t states
Providence and Zeezigt, will also be exposed tor
sale ina short time, particulars of which will appear
in this Gazette previous tothe day of sale.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original 4
( v tire j . t. ; i > SOUL ( plall-
‘ j : »\ a piv a I j } | ire.
yr £O ( V1 — | cl VU head
] ( ( 5}° J ( OU Li i nd
Chl, tre ( Hne Of sheep
LOUSC AR irnitu of l ¢ rant t oO
Limi i -
5s * ‘ ‘
( 1
. ‘ 4 -
Cold) vill | . 5
( . ( + Xv . HUs.da
View original (No. 499.
View original [ Payable an advance.
View original SE AE SE SS
night chair, dressing and swinging glasses, a supes
rior portable writing desk, a blue table service, glass
ware assorted, plated liquur stand with cut glass,
glasslamps, knife cases, knives and forks, dish covers,
candlesticks, plated snuffers and trays, kitchen furni-
ture, a chaise and harness, &c.
NB. Refreshment will be provided at the place
of sale.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
FOR the use of Plantation Augsburg, to be deliv
ered in town, at the water side of Lot No. 9,—I7L
pieces Bullettrie Timber, or Sibiry wood, the lenght
and breadth to be seen at the house of the undersigns
ed. Tenders for which will be received until the 2d
of May next, when they will be opened, and the lo-
west offer, if approved of, be accepted.
16 April. J. M.C. REUSS, qa.
HET woonhuis staande op het erf No. 29, aan de
voordam—te bevragen by
9 April. J. MUNNO.
View original Subscription Rooms.
A number of Subscribers having not yet paid theit
Subscriptions to the above Rooms, the undersigned
requests them to do so as early as possible, so as to
enable him to meet some presssing demands for Eu-
ropean Newspapers. &c. &c. &e.
9 April. J. BINNING.
—_——— re
View original —_—_—____—— - -——_
Jun. 25.—The report of the conferences on the part of
the House, and a message froin the Senate respecting Cheir
vote on the report of their conferences upon th+ disagrees
ug votes of the two Llouses, on the bill for filling the
ranks of the Army, were considered, and the different
branches having finally closed the bill, so that 124 dollars
is to be given as a bounty tonew recruits, who shall calist
for (he war, and also 160 acres of Jand.
Theengrossed bill, prohibiting the delivery of ships or
goods seized on bonds for a transgression of the noniui.
portation law, was read and passed; ayes 87, noes 56,
Mr. Hopkins submitted the following resulution:
Resolved, ‘hat a committee be appointed to enquire ine
to the expediency of providing by law for the indemnity or
relief of those who have suffered losses by the irruption of
the enciny onthe Niagarafronutier ; and that the committee
have leave to report by bill or otherwise. Ordered to lie
on the table.
Lhe French Minister in America.
Mr. Manson appears, by the American papers, to have
brought his Government into the most degrading of all si-
tuations, to be despised and insulted, even by the Power
for whose interests he went tu war; for it is uo longer,
wow, We appreheded, a wiatter of doubt with any One, that
America was plunged into a war which this country in
order that she might propitiate Bonaparte. We have ale
ready meplioncd that the President had reeeived a very Ine
solent letter from the French Minister, Gen. ‘Turreau.
This letter has been published in one American paper, and
other papers, which we have received, comment upu. aud
give extracts from it. ‘The American official paper. /he
Notional Intclligencer, is one. ‘The letters professes to
be written by the Minister of France, in his official capa.
city, to Robert Smith, Esq. Secretary of the United Sta.
tes; and the following is the substauce of it as given in
these papers.—“*Gen. Terreau, Minister of France ‘in the
name of his master, the Emperor and King Napoleon,?
and fof the whole Empire of Frauce,’ declares our Goe
verhinent *lovks lo nothing in ils (reaties, but to the ine
lerests of dls forergn commerce,’ and by contradistinguish.
ing it from the unudversal/y juss, enlarged, and liberal po.
licy of France, unequivocally charges our Government
with tajustice, neggardly selfishness, cramped ignorance,
and tlberality, the intorms the Secretary, that France
‘Sicants no treaty of comerce’? with us, and that, if we
want one, we must pay for such SSunmcriied? coud
cension in “political sacrifices,” that isy by joining Naw
poleon ino his continental wars against Boglaod and her
Allies. dhe American people are depicted asa blind sabe
ble, weanling honur,y hunesly, ‘foresight,’ whu, in ther
View original mad insolente, encouraged by theinfinite liberty of speak-
ing, writing, and printing. dure lo speak, orig, cud print
audacious things againsh krance, her inslitutéons, and
dhe sacrcd persons of her august representative, lhe Km-
peror anil hing Napoleon. The rest of the letter is a
partial aud unjust recital of Soffeuces’? he maintains France
has rece ved of the Government aud the people of the
United States.”
Such is (he substance of Gen. Turrcan’s letter to the
American Secretary of State. Now what was the manner
in which it wasreccived? Our readers, perhaps, are pre-
pared to hear, that the American President, at last,
“‘threw off his patience’? and his submission to France,
and, ‘‘strinped of unwhorty disguises,” sent away this
insolent Frenchman from the American territories, and
made a bold and indignant appeal to his countrymen.
No such thing. Meanness never dictated a more degrad-
ing step than the American Government resorted to.
The papers inform us, that “two of our most eminent
(what eminence!) political characters were successively
sent to Turreau to persuade him to withdraw his letter,
but in both instance he persisted in justifying his remarks,
and refused to withdraw his letter; that at last, however,
after a considerable Japse of time, he had it withdrawn by
his Secretary, without any apology.’ ~-And ‘Turreau re.
mains at Washington, Minister from I’rauce to the Ame.
rican Governnient!
SE es
—— ee
eee eee"
aE’ © - (0a
SaTuKvDay, Aprers 16, 1814.
Yesterday came in here the ships Fiisabeth, Si
mon Coch, and a brig, the former from Gibraltar;
by which we are favored with Gibraltar papers to the
J2th of March
newsthan we have alread y——the Spanish in-
those papers contain no later
iclligence is ofa later date,—Lord Wellington’s dis-
patches are dated from S(t. Jean de Luz, Feb. 20th,
where the head-quarters were on that day,—Several
skirmishes habe taken place between the armies. Le-
rida was taken by surprise and the garrison made
prisoners. —After the Capt. of the Mlizabeth left Gi-
bralfar, a salute was fir d fora ereat VICTORY ob-
tained by Lord Wellington, over the French, under
Soult, on the Bunks of the Poa.
Downing-stvect, Ieb. 13, 1814.
A dispatch, of which the following is a copy, was last
Night received at |arl Dathurst’s Oihee, addressed to hits
Lordship by General! sir Thomas Graham, datud Meraem
Feb. 6, 1514.
Mead-quarters, Mervem, Feb. 6, 1814.
My J.orp—l should have been happy to have had to
announce to your Loidship, chat the nuvement on Ante
werp, fixed by Gen. Bulow for the 2d inst. had produces
a greater effect; but the waut of ume, and of gicater
means, will account to your Lordship for the disappoint.
ment of our hopes of amore satisfactory result; for Gen,
Bulow received (alter we had got the betier of alt thy
greater obstacles an Gie way of duking a position near tie
tuwn) orders to proceed to the southward to act in con.
cert with the grand army ; and the state of the Weather,
for some time back, not only prevented my receiving the
supplics of orduaice and ordnance stores from England,
but made itimpossible to land much of what was on buard
the trausports ncar Williatostadt, the ice cutting otf ali
communication with them.—I have, however, sincere plea.
sure in assuring your Lordship, thatevery part of the ser.
vice was couducied by the Officers at the head of the dif.
ferent departinents, with all the zeal and inteiligence pos.
sib.e.— Lo meke up for the waut of our own artillery, a
the seiviccable Dutch mortars, with all the atwmuuition
that couJd be collected, were prepared at Williaistadt,
and, on the evening of the first, the troops of the first and
second divisions, that could be spared from other service
were collected at Braeschut, and neat morning this villaze
(fortified with niuch labour ever since our furmer attack )
was carried in the most gallant style, in a much shorter
time, and with much less loss than IF could have believed
possible.—Major-Gen. Gibbs, commanding the 2d divi-
sion (in the absence of Majos-Gen. Mackenzie, confived
by a dangerous fall from his horse), ably seconded by
Major-Gen. ‘Taylor,and by Lt.-Col. Herries, coumande
ing Major-Gen. Gibbs’s brigade, conducted tlus attack,
in which all the troops engaged behaved with the usual
spirit and intcepidity of British soldiers.x—I feel particu.
larly indebted to the Othcers already named, and also to
Li.-Col Cameron, commanding the detachments of the
three battalions of the 25th; to Lt.-Col. Hompes¢ hy with
the 95. regt.; to Major A. Kelly, with the 56th; and
Major Kelly, with the 73d; forthe distinguished manner
In which chose corps attacked the left and centre of the vile
lage, forcing the enemy from every strong hold, and storm.
ing the mill battery on Ferdinaid’s Dukes: while Major.
Grya. Day lor, with the 52d, under Lt..Col, Gibbs, the
View original Soth, under Major Macaliser, and the 78th, under Lieut.-
Col. Lindsay, marching to the right, and directly on the
mill of l’erdinand’s Dyke, threatened the enemy’s commu.
nication froin Merxem towards Autwerp.—T wo pieces of
caunon, and a considerable number of prisoners, fell into
our hands.—No time was lost in marking out batterics,
which, by the very great exertions of the artillery, uuder
Lt.-Col. Sir G. Wood, and the Engineers, under Lt.-Col.
C. Smyth, and the good will of the working partics, were
completed by half-past three p. m. of the 3d.—The batte-
ries, as p. margin*, opened at that hour. During the
short trial of the fire of that evening, the defective state of
the Williamstadt mortars and ammunition was too visible.
—Our means were thus diminished and much time was lost,
as it was not till 12 at noon the following day (the ith),
(hat the fire could be opened again. +—That day’s fire dis.
abled tive of the six 24-pounders, Yesterday the fire was
kept up all day with as p. margint. The practice was
admirable, but there was not asuilicient number of shells
falling to prevent the enemy from extinguishing the fire
whenever it broke out among the ships, and our fire ceas-
ed entirely at sun-sct yesterday.—It is impossible for me
to speak too highly of the inucfatigable exertions of the
(wo branches of the Ordnance De artment.—I have much
reason to be satisfied with the steadiness of the troops, and
the attention of the Officers of all ranks, during ‘he couti-
nuance of this service. Detachments of the rilic corps did
the most advauced duty, under the able direction of Lt.-
Co}. Cameron, in a way that gave security tu tue batteries
on Ferdinaud’s Dyke, and though this line was enfiiaded,
and every part of the village under the range of slot and
shells from the enemy, Taw happy to say the casualties,
on the whole, have not been numctous.—As soon as CVET)
thing is cleared away, we shal. move back into sucht cane
fonments as TP have concerted with Gen. Bulow.—1L can.
not couclude this dispatch without expressing my admira.
tion of the manner in which Gen. Bulow formed the dis.
position of the movement and supported this attack.—The
ehemy were in great furce on the Deurne and Berchen
roads, but were every where d iven by the gallait Prus-
tans, thongh not without considerable lass. —L have the
honor to be, &e. (signed) THomas GrauaAm.
P.S. His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence returu-
ed from the Hague outhe Ist inst. and has accompan.ed
this advance on Antwer).—L inc.osea list of the casuaities,
—Capt. Mills, of the Guards, going howe on promotion,
is the bearer of tlus dispateh.—Gen. Bulow’s head-quar.
ters are to be tomurrow, at Matlines. LT. CG.
teturn of Orduance, &c. captured from the enemy i
the aifairs of Merxem, Feb. 2, 1804 2-—Uhree 8-pounder
iron guns, 2 cast iron carriages, 55 fixed auuncnition
rounds, (Signed) Mi. Marcuse.
(True cupy.) Brig.eMijor R.A,
Abstract Return of killed, wounded, and Inissing of tic
army under the command of His Excellency Coen. Sir ‘1.
Graham, IX\.B. in the attack upon the village of Merxem,
on the moruing of the 2d Kebrurcy, (8t-4:—6 raik and
ule killed ; 2 Captains, 8 Licuteuauts, 5 Musigis, ole Stall,
8 Serjeants, $ Drammers, i2t rank aod ule, one horse,
wounded 5 2 rank and file wissiig.— NB. 180 prisoners
(akea trom the coemy,
A. Maco nap, Dep. Adj.-Gen.
Downing-sircet, heb. 13, 1814.
The following have been addressed to Ear! Bathurst, by
Major Macdonald :—
Oliva, ncar Dantcic, sth Jan.
My Lorp—TI have the howoue to inform your ord.
Ship, hat the ty aud tortitications of Danizic, were taken
pussession of by the allicd Groups on the Qu tast.
lito Majesty the Lnperve of Russia having refused to
ratily the pracipal aruces of the capitulation forthe sure
fenuer of Dantzicy of which L have had the honour of
transmitting acopy to your Lordship. Gon. Rapp, who
Commanded the garrison, has been obliged to aceede to
(erus which were proposed to him by his Highness the
Vuhe of Wirtemberg on the 29th ult. by which the whole
of the French, with the few Neapolitan and Italian troups
that were in the place, tothe number of 11,890, have bee
come prisoners of war, and are tu be conducted to Russia.
—The Poles, amounting to 3500, are tu be disbanded,
and permitted to return to theirhoumes, ‘The remainder of
the garrison, with the exception of 190 Dutch, mostly ar.
tillerymen, was composed of troops belonging to those
States which formed the Confederation of the Rhine, who
may be estimated at 2300, aud a battalion of 370 Spani-
ards and Portuguese, who were eniployed as labourers in
repairiag the fortifications, The former, including the
Dutch troops, are immediately to be placed at the disposal
vf their respective Sovereigns ; and will, I trust, ere long,
appear in the ranks of the allied armies. The latter, of
whom itis but justice to observe, that they resisted every
attempt that was made to prevail on them to Carry arms
against the besiegers, will remain in this country, and be
maintained at the expence of the Russian Government une
til an opportunity offers of furwarding them to lugland,
View original * English Ordaance—4 teneinch mortars, 2 etshtyinch
hozwelzers, six 24-pounders. ‘Total 12.
Dutch Ordnance—three 12-inch Gomer’s mortars, four
L}-cnch mortars, sic 74-inch morta s.—On the 3d, total
+ English Ordnance as before—12.
Dutch Ditto, three 12-inch Gomer’s two 71+.inch mor.
fars.—On the Ath, totab17.
t kaglish Ordnance.—four 10-inch mortars, two 8.
inch howitzers, three 24-pounders.
Dutch Ordnance—three 12-inch Gromer’s, sfx Tliinch
Mortars, without beds.—On the 5th, lolal Le, :
View original Waving examined the fortificalions of Dantzic, I am ne.
enabled tomfoerm your Lord hip that they might have be
of the cuciny’s provisions been destroyed with the mast.
zines wich were burnt hy the fire of tue batteries
The reasons which principally wduced his Sesere Hi, le
Ness in geroting tu the garrisun the former comparaiive iy
favorable capitulation, where, the su, racticahiltty of cur.
tinuing any longer to Carry On approaches at so wavaie
asca on, and the great advantage arising from sno cece
pation of the works of the Wester Plat and the Jol. se
ser, which that capitulation yave him the immediate sag
session of, aud by which the chemy was cut off fron il
communication from the sea, it being well kuown that
every eflort would be made by the Danish to throw sup.
plies into the place, immediately that our cruizers were
obliged to quit the station.
The system of exaction which bas been practised by
the French since they have had possession of Dantzic. has
borne hard on all rank of peoole, and by whicy many of
the most respectable :chabitants have been robbed of their
property, and reiuecd from a(lluence to a comparative
state of the indigeuce, But, not to dwell on so distres-
sing a subject, it is truly gratifying ty ine to ass re your
Lordshi), that there exists one general fecling of gratitude
tioug the inhabitants of the couutry towarus (ireat Brite
ain, fur the liberal aid she has atforded them in tue vloric
ous work of the recovery of tueir independence.
May L be allowed to offer ny congratuvations to your
Lordship on the brillitne successes whicn bave hitherte ate
fended the exertions of the allied armies, and which [sine
cerely trust will, in their consequences, lead to the resto
defended until the monuthof slay. bad not the greater pa
ration of the liberties of those nations which have been so
long Suilering from breach ULEression.
1 have the hovor CJ be, &c,
ALex. Macponatp, JWajor.
January 18, 1814,
My Lorn—I domyscelf the honor to trausmit to your
Lovdship tue aames of the Generil Officers who wore ia
Dantzic at the tune of its surrender, which L lave only
this tastant received :——
General in Chic/—Compte Rapp.
Generals of We. ¢y20it—Cvonite de Heudlet, Grandjean
Bache lla, hoe) Mi, 4 appudon,
Generals of Brigade-V Amiral Dumanoir, d’ilericourt,
De iistmrsy Hasson, Dagancourt, Farine, Cavesauuc, and
Privce Kudziville.
Generals of Brigade of the Neapolitan Troops—d' E.
trees, aud Pepe.
Doin reeStreel Web. 9, 1814.
Dispatches frou Sir George Pees Ost, Ba.t. Jfead-quart.
ers, Quebec, Dec. 22.
My Loro—t have the honor to transmit to your Lord
ship Col. Murray’s report to Major-Gen. Vincent, of hus
having lakew possession of Fort George, at Niagara, on
the 12th inst. without opposition.
In consequence of my having directed a forward move.
meni to be made by the advance of the right division of the
army serving iu the Canadas, for the purpose et check.
ligasystem of plunder organiscd by the enemy avainst
the loyal inhabitants of the Niagara district > Col. Mure
ray Was os dered Co march with 2 six-pounders, a small dee
(achinent uf light deagouns, aud 350 rank’and file of the
LUVth rest. Con uanded by Lieut. Col. tami con, together
with 70 oF the weste.d warriors, under Licut. Col. Ellie
oft, of the Lndian Department; and aotwilstanding the
incieeney ol the weather, this force arrived in the neigh.
bourhood of Fort George in time to frustrate the eneniy’s
predatory designs, and to compel him to elfect a precipie
tate retvcat acrosy the Niagara River, having Previously
sent lis orduance and stores co lis own side, and stained
(he character of the American nation hy the wanton con.
llayration of the town of Newaik, reduced at this most
inclement scasoa to a heap of ashes, im direct violation of
the reiterated protestations of the American commandin
Generals to respect and protect private property. Ihave
much satisfaction in addivg to my report, that the promp.
titude with which Colonel Murray executed this Service,
has been the means of rescuing a fertile and extensive dis.
trict from premeditated plunder, and its loyal inhabitants
from farther outrage and captivity.—I have, &e.
Zo Larl Bathurst, Geo. Prevost,
Fort George, Dec. 12, I8I3.
Sin—ITaving obtained information that the enemy had
determined on driving the country between Fort George
and the advance, and was carrying off the loyal part of
the inhabitants, notwithstanding the inclemency of the
season, I deemed it my duty to make a rapid and forced
march towards him with the light troops under my com.
mand, which not only frusteated his designs, but com.
pe.led him to evacuate Fort George, by precipitately cros,
sing the river and abandoning the Niagara fronticr. Qn
learning our approach, he laid the town of Newark in
ashes, passing over his cannon and stores, but failing ia
an attempt to destroy the fortifications, which are eyj_
dently so much streoghtened whilst in his Possession, as
might enable Gen, M’Clure (the commanding otlicer)) te
have maintained a regular siege; but such was the appa.
rent panic, that he left the whole of his tents standing,
I trust the indefatigable exertions of this handful of men
have rendered an esseutial service tu the country, by rese.
cuing from a merciless enemy the inhabitants of an exten.
sive and highly cultivated tract of land, stored with cat.
ic, grain, aud provisions, of every description, and it
must be an exultation to them to find themselves delivered
frou (ue oppression of a lawless banditti, composed of the
View original disafiected of the country, organised under the direct in-
fluence of the Aimericon Government, who carried ter-
ror and dismay into every family.—I1 have the honor to
be, &C.
Major-Gen. Vincent, §c. J. Murray, Col.
By His Excellency Lieut.~-<Gencral Geo. Prevost,
“Baronet, Commander u is Majesty’s Forces
in North America, &c. Sc. Se.
The complete succes which has attended His Majesty’s
Arms on the Nicagara frontier, having placed in our pos-
session the whole of the cnmy’s posts on that line, it be-
Came a matter of imperious duty to relaliate on America
the miseries which the unfortunate inhabitahts of Newark
had been made to suffer upon the evacuation of Fort
George.—The villages of Lewiston, Black Rock, and
Buflalo, have accordingly beeu burncd.—At the same time
that His Excellency the Commander of the Forces sine
cerely depreeates this node of wartare, he trusts that it
will be sufficient to call the attenGou of every candid and
impartial person, both amongst ourselves and the enemy,
to the circumstances from which it has ariscn, to satisfy
them that this departure from the established usages of
war has originated with America hoeself, and that to her
alone are justly chargeable, ali the aw ful and unhappy
consequences which have hitherto lowed, aud are likely
to result romit.—It isnot neces: iry lo advert to the con.
duct of the troop employed ou the American coast, in
jonjnuction with this Majesty’s squadrra under Adiniral
Sic John. B. Warran, since, as they were neither within
the command, vor subject to the controul of His Mxcel-
Jency, their acts cannot be ascribed to him, even af they
watted that justification which the circumstances (hat oc.
casioned them sv maply aflord.—It will be sufficient for
the present purpose, aud in order to mark the character otf
the war, ascarcied on upon the J/ronticr of these provinces,
to trace the line of conduct observed by }lis Excellency,
and the troops under his command, since the commence-
ment of hostil.ties, and to contrast it with that of the
encemy.—The fist invasion of Upper Canada took place
in July, 1812, when the Amertcan forces, under Brig.
Gen. Hull, crosed over and touk possession of Sandwich,
where they began to man fest a disposition su different
from that of a maynanimons enemy, and which they have
peculiar resentinent, the loyal su bicets of lis Majesty,
and io dooming their properly to plunder aud Coltlaxiae
tiou. Various instances of this kiod occurred both at
Saudwich and in its neighbourhood, at the very period
when Ilis M Wye: ty ’s standard was waving upon (he lort of
Michi imackinac, and alloiding protection to the persons
and property of those who tad submitted to it. Within
' ‘;°
a few we | al ( iV aras, We aol fis a | C VA as hott, i Ol)
the fortress of Detroit, which, 1 ther with the whole ¢
the Michigan CUreihOlv. Hag sort dered to Tits M Jesiyes
arms.—Hlad not th, cllency boew actuated by: s ttre
meuts far dthhorent from tiose waieci iad sviduencecd ¢
American Govern Wweugy . rd the pers mn cunploy ed \ it.
in the wanton acts ol ‘destruction of private pi ) erty.
committed. during their short occupation ot a part of
Upper Canada, Hii Excelleney co ld have avatled him-cels
of the oppork Wily hich the unduturbed possession of
the whole of the Michigan territory atiorded lim, of au iply
retaliating for the devastating ) sicoa which had been pure
sued at Saudwich and on the Thames. But strictly i
conformity bo the views and disposition of his own Govern.
ment, and to that liberal a id nagnanimous policy whic:
it had dictated, he chose rather to forbear an imitation of
the enemy’s example, in oe hope that such forbearance
would be duly appreciated by the Government of the Unite
ed States, and w ‘ould produce a return to the more civilize
ed usages of war. ‘The persons and propervy, therefore,
of the inhabitants of the Michigan t riitory, Wore Fespect.
ed, and remained unmolested. in the winter of the fol-
lowing year, when the success which attended the daring
and gallant enterprise against Ozdensburgh had placed that
populous and florishing village in our possession, the ye.
nerosity of the British character was again Conspicuous,
in the scrupulous preservation of every article which could
be considered as private property ; such public buildings
on! Ly being destroy cd as were used forthe accommudation
ef troops and for public stores.—The destruction of the
enemy’s forces in the nei hbourhood, | if Open fhe w hole
of their frontier on the St. Lawrence, to the incursiuns
ef His Mayjesty’s troops; and Ifamilton, as well as the
numerous settlements on the banks of the river, might at
any hour, had such been the intention of Tlis Majesty’s
Government, or of those acting under it, been plundered
and laid waste.— During the course of the following sum.
mer, by the fortunate result of the enterpris against Platts.
burgh, that town was for several hours in the complete
possession of our troops, there not being any force in the
BeivhDourhood which could attempt a resistance. Yet
even there, under circumstances of strong tem) tation, and
when the recent example of the eneniy in the wanton des.
truction at York, of private property, and buildings not
wsed for military purpose, must have been fresh in the
ecollection of the forces amployed on that occasion, and
would have justified a retajiation on their part, their for-
bearance was strongly manifested, and the directions Eis
Excellency had given to the commander of that expedition
sO scrupulously obeyed, that scarcely can another in-
stance be shewn in which, during a static of war, and un-
der similar circumstances, an enemy, $0 completely under
the power and at the mercy of their adversaries, had so
little cause of complaint.
During the course of the same summer, Forts Schlosser
and BlagietOCK were surprised and taken by apart of the
View original forces under the command of Major-Gen. de Rotlenburg
on the Niagara frontier, at both of which places petsu val
property was respected, and the public buildings alone
were destroyed.—It was certainly matter of just avd rea.
sonable expectation, that the humane and tiberal course
of conduct pursued by Ilis Iexcellency on those difierent
occasions, would have had its duc weight om the Antr.
can Government, and would have Jed ts to have a! stained,
in the further prosecution of the war, from any acts o
wantonness or violence, which could oly tend unneces.
sarily to add to its ordinary calamities, and to Liing Gown
upon their unoflending citizens a retaliation, wlica, thouga
distant, they must have known would await ana certainly
follow such conduct.— Undeterred, however, by tlis Ex.
cellency’s cxample of moderation, or by any of tue cone.
seguences tu be apprehended from the adoption of such
barbarous measures, the American forces at Fort George,
acting as there is every reason to believe, under the or.
ders, or with the approvation of their Government, for
some tine previous to their evacuation of that fortress,
various pretensions, burned and destioyed the farm houses
and buildings of many olf the respectable aud peaceable
inhabitants of that nehbourhood.—But the fall measure
of this species of barbarity remained to be completed at a:
scason when allits hocrors might be moce fully and kend.
ly felt by those who were to become the wretched vicuims
of it. Tt will hardly be credited by tuose who shal here.
after read iC in te vege of histocy, Chat in the eniateoe
ed cra of the VO. ceatury, and inthe uclomency of a
Canadion Wilhiery Ul. fue os ol a pavion calny itself ci.
Viliz.d and christian, bad water yp, ard without the
shadow of a preterty, forced WO helpless woman and chile
dren to quit (icie dweilings, and to oe mournful spect.
alor of the contloger ion and Cotas acsisuctiow of ali tha:
Delowved to them. Voty sach was th: fate of Newark on
flie LU li Vee. bast, ad Uday WiatlCie Lo). bonabita its of Uppe
Loitladd Can never fuerte.
Catuot Dut verve their tmuS wuowe
did fae Feecollechlolt of Which
sh OSed to ther Vii.diace
tive foes On the mento. vist ¢ vy tae Americas troupe
under Brig.eGen. MYC. rey “ wonut io vVdcuate Fort
George, wihich Licey Codi ho roo Pr Fel hits, D) an act vI
inhumanity disgracciul (0 (ec) © uo bo tue nation to they bclowsz, set tee tu tis OF Lo bouses,
Ci Inposing the bevutital viv ~ Nowak, and burned
(Oc Co the ground, leaving 6 Gout cus coms shelter thas,
“annocent, unfortunate, ane dio orsssainhaoita tsy’? who
that Ollicer, by Ins Proclaumacca, Lad previously engay-
2 ' ty
ed tou protect.—Hfis Mac lHoncy would bave all consutteg
the honor of lus coun cy. and ‘ce justice due to This Mae
Jesty’s anjguccd ang wieuited sur gcoets, had he peemitted au
a€l OL sucd need.ess Crue ty lc pass Nhiny utished,. or had fe
flanled to visit, \
the thauitants of tuc veighboaring \iverican frontier, Gu
WieWlever the Uy pureunit, arrived, uu, oF
Calamaties thus amsiiieted upon those of oUF OWN.— Une oj .
) and @ full mcasure of refalation Its
or tii y OCMC
lahew place, such asacds oped wale teach the chemy to
ms suture. thelaws of wai. and reecal hind to sense
mes Lecl,
Wo whatisduetohiosed as wellas us.— do the future pro-
seC) fron of the coltest to witch socatraurdinary a charact-
(fas been given, This lacciency must be guiacd by Gu
Course of Conduct weich the enews Shall hercalter pur
POse.— fh, Mente, as das bkacel cney docs, the NECESSITY
Wupouscd upovu him of rotaliaung upon the subjects of Ame-
rica Che miseries imilicted on Che mbhabitants of Newark, st
isnot his intention to pursue further a system of warfare
So revolting to bis own feelings, and so iitile congenial to
the british character, unless the future measures of the
enemy should compel him again to resort to it.—To those
Possessions of the caciny along the whole line of frontier
Which have hitherio remained undisturbed, and waich are
dre now within Elis Hacelleney’s roach, and at the mercy
of the troops under his command, Lis tacelleacy has de.
termined to extend the same forbearance and the same free.
dom from rapine and plunder, which they have hitherto
expenmenced; and from this determination the futnre con.
duct of the American Government shall alone induce fis
hxcelloncy to depart.— the inhabitants of these provinces
Will, im the mean time, be prepared to resist, with Girm.
ness and courage, whatever aticmpts the resentment of the
enemy, arising from their disgrance anc their merited suf.
ferings, may lead tucm tomake, well asserted they will be
powerfully assisted at all points by the troops under Eis
Maxccllency’s command, and that prompt and signal ven.
gcance will be taken for every fresh departure by the ene.
my, from that system of warfare which ought alone tu
subsist between enlightened and civilized nations.—Given
under my hand aud seal at arms at Qucbec, this 12th day
of Jun. 1S14. Gro. Prevost, —
A bout the year 1730, Mr. Edward Walpole (afterwards
Sir Edward, Kuight of the Bath) returned from his tra-
vels on the Continent, where the munificence of his father,
Sir Robert Walpole, the premier of Kugland, had enabled
him to make a brilliant figure; and so very engaging was
he found by the ladies, that he had no other appellation
in Italy than that of **¢he handsome Englishman.” Mr.
Walpole had lodgings taken for him, on his return, at a
Mrs. Rennie’s, a child’s coai-maker, at the bottom of
Pall-Mail. On returning from visits, vr public places,
be often passed a quarter of an hour in that with the young
women of the shop. Among them was one who had it in
her power tomake him forget the Italians, and all the
beauties of the English court. Her name was Clement;
her father was at that time, or soon after, postmaster at
Darlington, a place of 501, p. annum, on which he subsist-
ed alarge family. ‘This young woman had been bound
apprentice to Mrs. Reanie, and was employed in, the
usual duties of such a situation, which she discharged (as
the old lady used tu say) honestly and soberly. He
View original parents, however, from (heir ox
oly ber but very s,aneagsy wink «
Walpoleocservod he oangs. ane
her little presculs sta way aon
ACE Mistversy Who dace acto oti,
Young popes Guder ae baer
Heddh ay ata. We fous ale
drs. Renme val Less Gu sus,
foriiug, which would not be to te
tice. She ap prized Mr. Clement of lias
immediately came uptown to carry her out «of
of tenptitiou, The good old man met hiv daust
tears; he tuld her his suspicions s aed thar he sho
ty herhome, where, by living with soviicly aod pr
She migat chance to Le marrivd to some decent trac
The girl, ima, pearance, acquiesed s but whilst hori
aud mistress were discoursing tia little dark vario or
hind the shop, the object of their cares © tp. oat, any
without hat or cluak, can discct!y through Vale Mall, to
Sir Kdward’s house, at the top o1 it (thet dle yy tiiahited
by Mrs. Keppel), where, the porter kawwing her, she was
admittd, though bis master was absont. She went into
the pariour, wuere the table was covercd fur disner, and
Iny,atiently waited bis return, ‘Phe wement cau: Sie
edward entered, and was ucard to cxclaim with great joy.
—* You, here !?—W hat ceaplanatio 5 tcuk place were of
Cullpse in y fivale; bet the tae iugitve sat down that da
at the head of his cable, aud ocver after left Phe fruits
of this coumection were the tate Mrs. Keppel: 3 ria, the
mite Duchess of Gioucester, the second; Lau, Dysar.,
toe thicd ; and Col, Walpole, dhe fourth: in the birth o.
Wom, or soon after, the muther dicd. Never could fone.
ness cracced that whicu Sir Edward always checished fo
(he mother of his children; nor was it conitn doo hor cs
them only, but extended itself to her relations, fo:
Whom he some way or other provided. Ths er.
loss was proportioned tohis aticctiou, Tbe const.
cued all overtures of warciag., and sive ep ov
the education of hes chiidven. He had ofteo Leen pr
Co unite iniisell tu Miss Cloment by lesa! tiv, da
threats of his father, Sir Robert, prevouted hi wars
who avowed, that if he toacricd Miss Clemunty, bes
vot only deprive him of his politica: interest, butevert ac
agaist him, It was, however, always sau, by those was
had acess tu hauw, cnat had Moss Clo est Suitived Ss
Robert, sho wonld then have been bb Waliolk. Aboud
the year 1755, bis cidest daughter, Laure. become the ein.
of the Jlon. brea rick he; i I, brofner tu lh. aril Ob Aloe
ee ek ee ce unan ak & weboes Pheatizes Wat sans
Now toOh wrath in society mo wo.cteth. » had never before
moved. Paco sitercs of the Gas. of All omarle were tuae
Constant Com;abions, and sntevuuced them io pen; le of
quality aod sashion; they covstantly appeardar os first
rovics aud Lally; and, am a word, were receive a CVery
where but at court. ‘The stigma attending their bivva
shut ihm out from the dwelhog room, Gil marriece (us
in the case of Mrs) Keppel) had covered the cefier. av
Siven (bem the rauk of another family. Noo wat.'
(heir progress upwards with more anaiety than (he
vl Waldegrave. ‘This nobleman (one of the proudest 1
t.e Kingdon.) had long cherished a passion for Masio.
‘he struggle between his passivy and his pride was vot a
Short one, and having coaquered his own dilicutiues, at
Now only remained to aitach the lady’s, who had no yer .
possession, aud Lord Wad grave, thouch vcurs, vas
not disagreable. Her very amiable conduct (arouci the
whole life of her lord, added reeprce’ and estecim ty the
Warmest admiration, About five ycars after tacie mare
riage, the smalleox attacked his Loruship, and proved
fatal. His lady fourd herself a young widow, ineons
sulable! Had bord Waldegrave possessed every advan.
tage of youth and beauty, his death could rot five beca
more siucercly regretted by his amiable relict, A? lenght
she emerged again into the world, and Jove and admiration
every where followed her. She refused many offers ;
ainongst others, the Duke of Portland loudly proclaimed
iis discontent at her refusal.—But the daughter of , ly
Clement was destined to royalty! The Duke of Glouces.
ler was not to be resisted ; and two children, a Prince and
Princess, were the fruits of their marriage; and hence it
is within the bounds of probab iiy, that the descendants
of the Postmaster of Darlington may one day sway the
British sceptre.
View original a A
On Tuesday last, were Executed, with the greatest $0-
lemnity we ever witnessed, Sic Negroes, convicteu of the
heinous Crime of Coaspiring against the Governnent o
this Colony, and plotiing a general Massacre of the «hic
Inhabitants ; the p.or misguided scretches, had hroveht
thetr intended confusion to some maturity, when luckilg
Jor their adherents, the plot was discovercd—they are
the only ones that suffered capitally—serveral of their fol-
lowers were whipped under the Gallows and others ban-
ished. It ts much to be wished, that a few mure Pro-
prietors were resident in this colony, as by their contin.
ued presencea better discipline would be established ame
ong the Negroes.
aa a\ 4. a’ 4 aa .. |.
View original
FOR the use of the Civil Government, (to be lane
ded at Government stelling) SQOO Feet (one inch.)
Crabwood Lumber. For which Fenders will be i. -
ceived by the Subscriber, till Thursday the 2}st 1
stant, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when th:
be opened in presence of His Excellen v th
nor, and the lowest offer, if approved, acce
16 April. I. VMANCIKENZ ELS Ver,
IMPORPED by the Subscribers, int
Cock—Rezulation swords with belts, paul
’ af
Knots, sashis, gold lace, fi oO, ke,
Lo April, LLNERY <
View original {
Nol Is fe PATIL TO mit may concel
— hat ihe « yn est ( Li )
the Corentine co r ti CO iv. f fy [
Hoch B. Ine ercleased’ Cam Lxecution and
Sequestration, mn con rence of an arrangeinent be-
tween parties having taken plac
Rerb | hoof ’ IS] 4.
View original SUMMON ny EDICT.
BY virtue of an extroct from the minutes of the
Court of Rolls of Civil Justice, dated 17th January,
1814, given in the cause entitled A. J. Glasius and
B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over plantation Vrede
en Vricndschap, Nooit Gedogt, and the halfof plan-
tation Goudmyn, Pla.ntiffs by Edict, versys, all
known and unknown clatmants on the proceeds of
plontation Nooit Gedagt, sold at public sale,
1 the undersiened, at the request of aforesaid Se-
guestrators, Summon (tor the fourth time cx super-
abundanti) by battet:
AL Known and unknown claimants on (he procecds
of plantation Nooit Gedaut, sold at public Sate, to
appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of (his cos
Jony, on Monday the Sih April, ISEf, and following
days, tor (he purpose of Ch re rendering their claims
and verity the samc, further to proceed according to
law. Whereas aller the expiration of this fourth
seuanons, will be proceeded agaiist the non-appear-
ers as Che law directs.
‘This fourth summons by edict, (ex superabundan-
ti) made known to the public by beat of drum from
the Court house ot (his colony, and further dealt with
according to castom.—Berbicc, 8th April, ISL.
K.P RANCICEN, Ferst Alarshal.
—_———— OC - nnn Oh ~
View original SS
RY Virtue of an appotntnent from the Tfonorable
Court of Civil Justice of Gis colony, granted upon i
petition of William Danes, asappotated Curitor to the
Etaie of Jobn Donation, dec., dated 20th Janu.
ary ISP$. TD the uadersigned, at the request of atore-
sail Curator, co hereby Samanon by kediet. — AL
knownand unknown creditors of Che Estate of the lite
John Donaldson, dec., to appear before the Bar of
the Court of Civil Jitstice of this colony, at their
session witich wel be held tn the mooth October of
the present year ISH, there to very their chains and
Witness the Courts decision as to the protorent ara
concurrent right of clanmants, and facies fo proceed
according to Law gan pain ot being for ever debarred
their right ofclag.
This Summon bw Edict, made known tothe public
Ly beat of draat trom the Cotrt House of this coloay,
and further dealt with according to Custom.
Berbice, the 15h February, IS1 4.
K.FRANCHEN, First Varsha,
——— eee
View original ’ }
r ‘
y Vfl al

eSsi( l C
. (
¢ t

> f >
‘ =
View original i
View original SUMMON by EDICT’.
BY virtue ofan appointment from the Tlonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upona
petition, presented by the Board for Orphans and
unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th Novem-
ber ISI3. I the undersigned, at the request of afore-
sald Board, do hereby Summon by Edict: —All per-
sons having, or pretending to have any claim or right
on the Estate of Alexander Houston and Hugh Hous-
ton or plantation Mary’sburg, negroes and other ap-
purtenances, to appear before the Court of Civil Jus-
tice of this colony, at their session tn the month of
July, (in the year one thousand eight hundred and
fontte cn,) sav 1814, for the purpose of there deliver-
ier 1 their claims, see the sane objected to, should
it be necessary, and to witne ss, alter the fourth
hdictale Summon, the Court’s decision as to the pre-
ferent aud concurrent right of claimants, on pain to
such as remainin default, of being fur ever debarred
their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court Louse of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the loth February, IST.
KR. PRANCKIN, Férst Marshad.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Tonorable
Court of Civil Justice | this colony, granted upon a
petition, present-d by James Sinclair, as appointed
Curator to the Estate and Effects of the late soln
Sinclair, dec., under date efQ6th January, IS] k.
[the unde ‘resigned, at the request of aforesaid Curator,
do hereby Summon by Edict, ad carcass curia :—All
creditors or claimants on the Estite of the late Jolin
Sinchur, to appear in person, or by proxy, before
the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
session Which will be held inthe moni ot January,
(in the year one thousand cight hundred and fil-
teca,) sty, I815, there (o render in their claims, to
verity the same, and further lo proceed according to
Law, on pain of being for ever debarred Uhete right of
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beatof drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according fo custom,
Leibice, the 16th Febrnary, IST4.
K.FRANCKIN, First Marshal,
ew es 2 ee PS ee a ees) SS Sa eee * eer
View original LS
——$= ———$$ -_--— — -- —- _-—-
POR the use of the Civil Government, (to drain
the colony town) a hollow mora, or other hardwood
tree, from 25 to 30 feetlone, und from 20 to SO in-
ches- (in the clear) diameter. For which Tenders
will be received by (he Subseriber til Monday the
8th inst. at 10 o'clock in the morning. whea they
will be opened in presence of His loxcellency the
Crovernor, and the lowest offer, it approved, will
be sccepted.
9 April. Wau. SCOTT, Commissary.
NG. The tree to be Janded at. the expence of the
furo.sherat the Government stelling.
View original NOTICI
ATL. persons having demands against Plantation
Lewis Manor, during the Administration of the un-
dersigned, wall please render them in to Wm. Kew-
ley, Esq. Wat LEACTH for selfand
G. WALROND, Seqtr’s
2 April.
to Pin. Lewis Manor.
View original Se —— ~
HET kwart Erf No. 16, gelegen in de cerste Pol-
der dezer stede Nieuw Amsterdam, aan de middel-
weg, met het daarop staande woonhuis, onlanes
geheel mieuw getimmerd, van de beste materialen
cebouwd en bewerkt, zynde lang 38 en breed 16 vor -
ten, benevens een gaandery van 10 voeten, rondom
met Jalosién en aan de windzyde met glasramen voor-
acn, zynde I} verdicping, met een pakhuis onder
het woonhuis, van 6 voet hoog, benevens nieuwe
zvyecbouwen en alles wat verder tot gemak aan een
kleine famielje noodzakelyk is; te bevragen b
9 April. J. Hf. SCULARHORST.
Mr. Wor. Scorr being about to leave the colony,
I have appointed instead of him as Commissary tor
the Winkel-Departinent Me. F. Niconay, who will
keep the Office of the Department at his house, lot
No. 3. firstempolder, where he will receive written.
orders for work to be pertormed, for cash payment.
Berbice, 2d April, 1814.
A. A. be La COURT, Agent.
View original N O ‘| [CI 4
Tue di ve Letters will be returned to Fur ope by
C fil i icket, if no Sorthi: lh cluimed,
lair) Miss lar Lanrence) Miss Har’t
Blackmore) op hilip Laines) \fr.
Dalfour) | James Lewis Manor) Attorn-
Burmecster) A. G. Esc eys of Pin.
Butler) Joseph Leisner) J. I'sq.
Butter rs. Ann Melarlen) MissJannet
burnets) Vir. James - Melenberg) Mr. Jong.
Burton) Mrs. Mary Ann Ic Leo) Mir. Hach
Garrett) Capt. Woalliam Milligan) James &. sq.
Bruver) Mr. David McKimimic) Alex.
Buchanan) Mr. John : VicIntosh) Miss Isliz.
Bean) Sam. Ivsq. Merrett) Miss Liz.
Cox) Miss Grace McIntosh) Mr. Charl
Conyers) Capt. Thomas McFarlane) Char!
Cimings) Henry lisq. Mcltca) Mr. John
Chiis te) Wan. Lsq. Murray) Mr. Ale
Cummings) Jobn lsq. | MIcDonald) Jolbn E ”q.
Conally) Capt. Jolin te(lsch) H. W. EE sqr.
Corsis) de Heer FY. L. the Executors of
Clapham) John hi. q. / Nicholson) Mr. Geo
Duitort) Mr. ‘1. ‘b. Oakey) Mr. J.U1.S.
Dove) Mr. Sam. Proctor) Mr. Robert
Dodson) Robt. Esq. Peachy) Miss Diana
L;boral) Mr. Charles Pickering’) John busq.
’smond) Miss Catt 1c | Phillips) Geo. 'T.
Mlushman) Mfr. hick. cose) Hugh Esq.
Floyd) Or. Jolin Reuthecl) de Heer J.
Kleischman) Mr. Geo. S. Roster) Mr. W.
l'raser) Alex. Roederer) 'T. J. sq
lhraser) Mr. Wm. Ross) Mr. Andre
hie) Mr. James itead) Geo. Esq.
Ta ‘lerse|) IUS(. itose ) Ir. Win.
(rraval) ti. MM. Sharp) Miss Eliz.
(iraham) Mr. Francis Smith) Mrs T.
orig) Dr. Small & ‘Threlfall) M>
St) ‘ Lleer G. van Sandison) Mr. Joliu
A -) de Heer Shanks) A. F’sq.
lt) Joseph Lsq. sae ae Mr. Kk.
cwrlt) Jolin fq. Schwartz) Mr. G.
vhan) Jacob Esq. } Sinclair) Jam. Idssq.
JOnes) Pie | Stewart) Mr. Jas.
Jones) Siiss 8S. Green -* 1) Mr. Alex.
King) Mr. W.C. ol) Mr. Charles
tacticn) Nliss Caroline Taylor) Mr. Wilson
(11 r) tl. J. k. White) Mr. Geo.
Leen) Lanicl lusq. Wolward) Miss Ann
Long) Lhos. ¢ Watt) Alex. Esq.
Poudi w& Bender) Mest | Wade) Miss Provy
i "UuWwelh) Phiez Vall W esterveldt) Ci. bk
Leelton) W.C. Watrond) G. Isg.
Laurence) W. ksq. Wells) Mr. W. H.
Berbice, 2d April.
eas —E ass wes . awe a mere wi Ss ee See se csc BS
View original fon mpuewese ss ees i oe eee eee
Frow 45 to 50 bales good clean cotton, the pro-
duce of plantation Niltearn—Tenders for which, or
any part thereol, (not less than 10 bales) marked,
“Pender for cotton,’ will be received at the Vendue
ollice until Monday the 18th inst) at noon, when the
hichest olfer will be accepted, payment to be made
cash on delivery. Por Jno. ROSS and self
O April, D.C. CAMERON, Seq’rs.
View original FOR SALG,
Turrty bales cotton from plantation Port Moue
rant; sealed tenders for which, wall be received by
Win. intewley, lusq. till Monday the I8th inst. and
the highest oller, uf approved of, accepted by
Wim. CORT, for scif, and
9 April. J. McCAMON, Seq’rs.
View original TENDERS ror COTYLON.
Nineteen bales anda pockett good clean cotton,
and a bale ycllow do, deliverable on Bengalen estate
for cash on delivery; Lenders fur which will be re-
ecived until Wednesday the 24th inst. at the sture
of J. dk. Scuvanuonst, Lsq.
9 April. A. KRIEGER, qq.
View original POR SALE,
AN excellent strong saddle Horse (formerly a good
chaise horse) so that the saine, aller a little trouble
will be again uselul for the chaise—enguire at this
uilice. Y April
manner Ol pro fy DElOre Line irl OF Civil Jt
' 1? :
lice of the colony ice, sewels iugiish & Dutch
diclionary 2 vol., Marin’s French & Dutch ditto —
\iso will be ready for delivery, on the [2th of th
1A | vy . | 4
month, price f o.—the CHARTE i (he colony Ber.
. . ! —— . nen .ba ! QO ; ‘
Dice, neally printed as a pocket book J April
oer wwe SS Fees 8 =" ve 7 P . ae = ~~ =.
> ) |; . 7 . p j . ‘ > J ?
Published every | yy at 4 o’cloc , Me
‘ a é
> y My me 7
I W b i \ L ¥ C/O,
pP _ ; ad _ . ) i2 _
4 ie -_* 7 4 ¢ i MaecsS§

16 April 1814