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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
Rec’. Gen™. Office.
THE different Accounts are all made out and rea-
dy for delivery at this Ollice for the year 1812, and
which are payable this month, Defaulters will be
dealt with according to Law.
Berbice, Ist April [813.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
View original ne
. « >
Commissariat Office
Perbice, 10t/ April, ISIS.
CASH wanted for the following Bill of Exchange
drawn by Josera Butvock, bsq. Commissary Ge-
neral, on the Commissary in Chief, London, at 30
days sight, viz.
No. 247—€ 150 Sterling.
For which Tenders, in Triplicate, marked ‘ Tenders
for Bills,” wilt be received at this Oflice until the
93d inst. at 10 o'clock in the morning, when they
will be opened, and the highest offer, if approved,
JAMES B. BOHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
PS. As Mr. Buror expects to leave this colony
shorticy, all persons having any demands against
the Conmssarial, are requested to render in their
accounts in due form, on or before the 25th of the
present month.
View original LLOY Ds.
THE undersigned hereby gives notice to the Pa-
blic, that he is appointed Agent in this Colony, for
Lloyds Commitee, London. ‘To whom all persons
having Demands against the ship Spece/ator, or her
Cargo, since she stranded on the least Coast of this
Colony, are requested to render them in Certified, as
customary, at his Oilice oa Lot No. 16.
I April. HW. STAAT..
ey ia
View original FISCAL’S OFFICE.
THE Negro Francis, which was sent to the bar-
racks on the [Sth of Marca IS!12, willbe sold at pu-
blic Vendue on Wednesday the 2st 1nst. precisely
at one o’clock in the afternoon, and not disposed of,
but the bidding for the said negro remain open anti!
two o'clock, at’which hour the highest bidder will
become purchaser.
10 April. J.A. DEMINERT, Under-Sheriff.
—_——— _—__
° »
Lo be disposed of
Kither by Private or Public Sale, and) inmediate
possession wilh ‘Transport given—those extensive
and very valuable Premises, on lot No, 3, in the towu
of New Amsterdam, consisting of an excellent Dwel-
ling House, Out-Buildings, and Stores, all lately put
in complete repair, at a considerable expence. ‘The
eligibility of the situation, for cither a store, ship-
ping, or public establishment, can be exceeded by
none; and no dudding could be better calctlated tor
acommodious and good Hotel, with Stabling, &c.
so much wanted inthis colony. ‘Terms will be made
easy to anappreved purchaser. Apply to Witui-
aw DuNCAN, ‘oF
Should the buildings not be sold by private bar-
gain, betwixt and the 20th May next, they will then
be disposed of by public sale, in such lots as pur-
chasers may incline. Produce will be taken in pay-
View original FOR SALE.
A piece of Land of lot No. 11, containing 14
roods, situate at the south side of the backdam—ap-
ply to this Ollice. 10 April.
View original —<—<_—___—_—___—__________-——-—_ r—""———“_—
DIED on the 29th inst. at her place called Jn-
olugt, the free mulatto woman Juliana Brandes.
All those having any demands against the Estate
of the abovenamed Juliana, are requested to deliver
them in to the undersigned.
April 3d. H. STAAL.
View original SATURDAY, the 17th of Apr
View original Militia Brigade Orders.
AS thé new Arms and Accoutrements for the Mili-
tia, are now daily expected. Lieutenant Colonel
Fraser requests, that the East, West, and Coren-
tyn coast Companies, will assemble for Drill, in such
divisions as the Captains may appoint, in order to
prepare themselves for a general Muster, on the 4th
June, on the Parade in New Amsterdam, to fire a
Feu de Joic, in honor of His Majesty’s Birth Day.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to
appoint Mr. Cuarrtes Kyte, Receiver of the Fines
tu the Corps. By command.
Berbice, JOth April, 1813.
View original me ee CO
THE undersigned i is happy to inform the Public,
that the Shoemakers professton is now re-established
by him, atthe bouse of Mr. A. D. Cucingr & Co.,
which ones was very successful kept ap to the cre dit
of those gentlemen, inallits various branches. Begs
those whom formerly used to give their custom, will
now do the same, and being but on early be given,
will work on the most reasonable te rins, ame ly, ,
Planters shoes f 13.—dress ditto, f 11.—calashing
and soleing boots f 16-10.—calashing alone / $-5.
will both warrant the leather and work to beas dura-
ble as any customer may require. With thanks begs
this advertisement to be adhered to
17 April. Wim. WELCH.
View original Secretary's Office.
Wordl geadverteerd, dat This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor. dlic, that the jollowing per-
nemens zyn uil dese Kolonicisons intend quitting thes Co-
fe verirekken, ony.
A. Corbin in 6 weeks from March 6.
Ik A. Mentz in 6 weeks from March 6.
John Forsyth in 6 weeks from April 10.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
——_ 6 _— —- —_ ——_—_
WORDT hiermede bekend, © NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakl, dat cen maand na\thal a month after date the
luto de volgende Lranspor- following Transports and
can en Ihepothvexen sullen Murty izes will be passed,
serleden worden,
March 6. J. A. Leisner will transfer lot No. 49, 2nd
empolcer New Amsterdam, with the buildings
thereon, to J. b. ‘Viebee!.
—— John Croit will tramsport to Wim. Croft, the
south front of lot no. 12, with the buildings
thereon, being 29 rovds, or less.—And Wm.
Croft will pass amorterse oa the same, favor
John Croft.
March 13. J. J. van der Stoop, will (ransport to J.
Griflith Jones, the upper half of lot no, Al,
second empolder.
March 20. Jolin Barnwell will transport to Demera-
ry 51) Slaves, trom plantation Perseverance,
names to be seen at this office.
L. C. Abbensets will pass a mortgage on 10
Slaves, in favor of J. A. [lichen qq. the boe-
dle Wohlers, names to be seen at this oflice.
~—— Chs. McIntosh will pass a Deed denatis in-
cr vivos, to Mary Green and her children wtth
remainder, as is to be seen in the Secretary's
ollice, of the southern half of lot No. 22 and
the buildings thereon.
——— H. S‘aal will transport to A. F. Ficher qq.
10 roods of land of Lot No. 13 first empolder,
adjoining the new centre road.
——— Elizabeth Lyall will pass a mortgage in fa-
vor of Chs. Kyte, vested on the southern qrt.
of lot No. and buildings thereon, appertain-
ing unto her.
March 27. Wim. Croft will pass a mortgage on 6 ne-
. §roes, names to be seen at this office, in favor
of Jobn Croft.
April 10. A. Fleury will transport to Susannah Ge-
orge, 146 fect of the northern front quarter of
Lot 22, 2d empolder of this town, also 50 feets
of Jand on the north side of the same lot ad-
View original joining the aforementioned 146 feet, the width
of the quarter of said lot 22.
Susannah George will transport to A. Fleu-
ry, the quarter lot and buildings thereon pos
sessed] by her, being a part of lot 37, in the
2d empolder of this town. ;
—— WidowH. J. Buse will transport to Thomas
Robson, part of lot No. 1. first empolder.
Th. Robson will transport to J. Broderick,
part of said lot No. I.
ALL persons holding demands against Pln. Brit-
annia, situate on the west coast of this colony, are
requested to render in writing a note of such claims
to the undersigned.—27 March.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original ALL those who have any demands against the Es«
tate of the late Andreas Schlipfer, or his plantation
Te Vreden, in Canje, or are indebted thereunto, are
requested to render in their accounts, and make pay-
ment, at the farthest within 6 weeks, to his Exceutor
J.A. Wickes, on Pln. Standvastigheid, or to J, G.
I. ‘Tuiensma, in New Amsterdam.—27 March.
R.'C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original eee
ALLE de genen die icts te pretenderen hebben
van, of verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel van wylen
den Heer Andreas Schlipfer, ofte deszelfs plantaad-
Je Te Vreden, in Canje; gelieven daarvan ten spoc-
digsten, uiterlyk binnen den tyd van zes weken, na
dato dezes, opgaven en betaling te doen aan den Heer
J. A. Wicken op Pln. Standvastigheid alhicr, als
Testamentaire Executeur, of aan den [eer J. G.F.
Tuiensma, aan deze stad.—27 Maart.
R. C. DOWNER, Scc.
Pilot and Harbour Master.
INFORMS the Masters of Vessels in the River,
that he keeps his Office at the house next the Ven-
duc Oflice, where they are requested to call and pay
their lees, previous to leaving the river.—S April.
View original NOTICE.
THE Subscriber having appointed Messrs. Ru-
LACH & Francken as bis general Attornies in his
prive and for N. V olkerts—all (hose indebted to him,
either by notes of hand, or otherwise, to come for-
ward with payment, if not, to recourse to law shall
be the consequence. I. J. PORTIER, & qq.
10 April. N. VOLKERTS.
View original BEKENDMAKING.,
DEN ondergeteekende aangesteld hebbende als
zyne generale Gemaclhtigdens, zoo in zyn prive als
voor den heer N. Volkerts, de heeren (. Ruraci
en K. FRANCKEN, verzockt vriendelyk aan de genen
van dew lke hy goedjes, acceptatien, of andere pre-
tentien te vorderen heeft, zulks aan gcenoemde zyne
Gemachtigdens ten spoedigsten te willen voldoen,
zullende by faute van dien, middelen van rechten
bruikt worden AV. PORTIER, en qq.
10 April. N. VOLKERTS.
View original Le
BY order of His Excellency the Governor, No-
tice ishereby given: That the next ordinary Sessions
of the Efon. Court of Civil Justice, appointed to be
held ‘on Monday the 19th April, is, on account of the
intervening Holidays, prorogued and appointed to
take place on Monday the 26th April.
King’s House; Perbice, \Sth Feb.
By Mis Excellency’s command.
Tu. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec.
eet —— i
TILL Public are requested to take Notice, that the
_Convoys, for “he present year, are arranged to sail
from Demerary at'the following periods :
Juae at the Full Moon.
July at the Full Moon.
The trade from Demerary will be joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Island, from whence they will
proceed to the place of general rendez yous.
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On the 19th inst. bw order and at the house of J.
B. Rule, Esq., part of his household furniture, con-
sisting of an elegant mah. side board with cellerets,
a set of do. dining tables with D ends, 2 card do. a
large sopha with 6 elbows, chairs & cushings to match
a imah. bedstead with matrasses & curtains a painted
floor cloth 20 feet by 22, ado., a stair & passaze «lo.
a green carpet for bed room; an elegant blue dining
service, a desert do., a tea do., 2 dozen silver table
spoons & forks, 2 do. desert do, 2de. tea urns, 2
grecian shades with brown stands, 2 large looking
glasses, 2 chamber do, glass, & earthenware, and a
valuable collection of books.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Master.
_—__- Sl or Le
On the 20th inst. and following days, by order of
He. Staal, Esq. Agent for Lloyds Committee, Lon-
don, lor account of those conecrned, the abandoned
carga of the condemned ship Speentuor, consisting
of 155 round & square bales of cotton, 229 casks, &
1907 bags coffee, a parcel of mora plank—payable
in6 weekin cash, or approved bills of exchange, af
90 days sight.—The sale to commence precisely at
1) o'clock, at the store of J. Be Rule, Esq.
Those who are wishful 0 purchasing, will please,
attend provided with the required security.
G. BONE, Aet. Dew. Venduemr,
On Friday th. 22d inst. will be sold at the Vendue
office, by order of Th. Staal, Esq. Executor in the
Estate of the free mulatto woman, Julians Grandes,
dec.—a piece of lind situate on the east side of the
river, calle. de Invinet, 150 acres more orb ss, with
the buillings thereon, 8 negroes, (sawyers and do-
mestics) a youne cow, 14 hogs, tables, chairs, side-
board, silver spoons, glasware, new hammocks, &e.
» The land payable in 3 equal instalments, the first
in 6 weeks after the sale, the 24 in 12 months, and
the Slin 24. months, the negroes payeble in twelve
By order of R. C. Downer, Esq. Grifter, 10 head
of cattle.
By order of Mr. G. Schwartz & J.P. Schmidt,
Exceutors to... Baptis, dec. a frame 30 feet long
and IS, of hirdwood, a carpenter negro, carpenter
tools, clothing, Xe.
_ On the some doy by the Act. Dep. Vendue Master
AD COMM Sst. —
Diy vorts, &e.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr.
ephie Kanto
Vendiue Kantoor
Op Veylag den 28 arnstaande zal verkoeht wor-
den aan het Venda hantoor, doorden heer [1. Staal.
Exc. inde boedel Juliana Brandes, een stuk land,
gelegen ann de oostzyde der rivier, genaynt de In-
Viet, LOO aikers meer of ming 8 negers, (zagers en
bedien tens) | hoci, 14 varkens, tafels, stoclen, zil-
vere lopols, cliswerk, uienwehangmatten, &e. Het
Janil betaalbaar in Seale fermynen, de Iste in 6 wee
ken na de verkoop, de Qde in 12 maanden, en de Sde
In 24 maandea, de negers betastbaar in 12 maanden.
G. BONE, Ag. Venduie,
On Wednesday the 28th inst, by order of Robt.
Tait, Esq. the remaining buildings, &e. of the Saw
Mill, in Coreatyn river, with various pieces of iron
and mill work.
. G. BONE, dct. Dap. Vendue Masser.
View original FOR SALE.
TITE Touse and quarter Lot No.3 in. this town,
in excellent condition, hardwood frame, 45 feet long
and 20 broad, a story and a half heigh, raised on
blocks 3 teet high, with a new side building, GL feet
long and labroad, hardwood frame, boarded with
crib planks, covered with wallaba shingles, divided
in several apartments to serve as out offices, 2 large
water vats, lately built, garden, &c., railed in with
slabs. —Teris of payment will be made easy to an
approved purchaser—for further particulars apply
on aforesaid lot to its proprictur.
6 March. A. G. CALMER.
View original FOR SALE.
FIGHT prime Field Negrovs— apply to the sub-
scriber, who will take in payment cash, produce,
or approved bills of Exchange.
1S March.
Wx». INNES, qq.
View original FOR SALE.
A licht four oar’d Tent Boat, with mast and sail
Cmuplete ; peculiarly adapted for the river—enquire
13 March. of JOHN BERESFORD,
View original Mr. ARIST hereby cives notice to the Public, that:
he was, by sickness of one of his company, not be able
to perform what he hag announeed to the public, but
hopes to be able to pengarm on Wednesday the 2 Ist
instant, the followin :
By Permission of 17is Excellency the Governor.
Mr. AR isl
Has the honor to inform the Public that, notwith-
standing he has announced that his Performances
would terminate in this Colony, he now, hy a further
permassion of *lLis Facctlency the Covernor, witl
continue in his Amusements; and will perform on
Wednesday the 2\stinst. (if good weather), every
thing that is agreable and bold, on the
Tight Rope é
Slack Rope
Tumbling &e.
Promising that every «ndcazour will be used to give
satisfaction, for as his company is enlarged with two
persons more. .
Montpossino will thraw a Somerset forward off
the rope, without a balance pole, and will alight up-
on the stage.
The African boy will do the same backwards.
The Maltese Lady will dance a Minuet, with the
infroductioa of various Steps, for the first time in this,
Mr. Arisi will dance between 12 ‘Tour Swords,
will balance himsclf on a Drum, and other feats ot
Monrtpossino will perform the Roasting Pig, and
the Ecarou Cascade.
And will conclude with a Pantomime cailed
Prices 3 dollars, Children | dollar.
View original EE ae
NEW AMSTERDAM, April 17th 1813.
The Princess Mary Packet with our Mail for Feb,
arrived of the bar ou Sunday last, the papers by the
Mail are to the 17th of Peb., the only uews of im-
portance in them is the Letter of Her Royal High-
ness the Princess of Wales to the Prince Regent, and
a continuation of the successes of the Russians over
the shattered remains of the enemies of the once sup-
posed invincible Bonaparte. The Mail to go home
by the Packet, will be closed at the Post Office pre-
ciscly at 6 o'clock p/m. this day, and to be lispat-
ched to Demerary carly the following morning.
We haveaho received Barbados Papers to the 6th
April, giving London news to the 6th of March.
Bridge-Town, April6.
The Windsor Castle Packvi, 26 days from Falmouth,
with the Sait due for February y acrived yesterday noon,
by which London Journats to the Gth March imeclusive
have been received, and their Conlteuts, as regards the
progress of the Russtans, are hishly gratifying. Althougii
there had not at chat time been any oficial intelligence of
the surrender of Dantzic, information to that elect had
been received through private letlers from different parts
of the Continent and Islands up the Baltic. ‘The victori-
ous (roops of the Mimperor Alexander are also stated to
have entered Berlin, the capital of Prussia, and the head.
quarters of the Russian Monarch are said tu be at Warsaw.
To these satisfactory accounts it is added, that Denmark
and Sweden, the former being now reconciled to Great
Britain, are to co-operate with Russia; aud there does
not appear to be the smallest doubt, that in the event of
the above successes, the whole of the Northern States of
Germany will unite with the allies for the purpose of res-
toring frecdom to that long-oppressed portion of the globe.
There does not seem to have been any movement of
consequence by either army in the Peninsula ;—yeet it
continues to be rumoured, that the enemy’s troops are
about to depart for France, and the reason assigned for
this conjecture is, that they had very recently commenced
the plunder of those places that they were in possession
of. Dispatches had been received from Marquis Welling-
ton, dated Freynada, but they are said to have been un.
An unanimous vote of both Houses of Parliament on
18th Feb, approved of the war with America, sanctioned
its justice, and determined tu support the Government in
a vigorous prosecution of it. We heartily congratulate
the country upon it, for Parliament has thus given a
solemn pledge to the people of the British Lwpire, that at
View original no time, undet no circumstances, for no advantages poli
lical or commercial, however great, will it yield, barter,
or fetter the exercise of our great maritime rights—the
tight of search and the right of impressment,
The papers are chietly occupied with the discussions of
Parliament on the subject of the c®ims made by the Cas
tholics, and on the proceedings th@® have taken place in
consequence of the Letter of her Royal Highness the
Princess of Wales to the Prince Regent. Mr. Cochrane
Johustone has entered warnily into this atair, and in the
llouse of Commons, on the Sti ult. moved (wo Resolutie
ons, the first, recapitulating the contents of all the repurts
and papers concerning the Princess ; aad the secoud, was
foran Address to the Prince Regent, praying toat he
would lay the whole of the ducuments before th: House;
togetijer with whatever related to Her Royal Highn sss,
A debate ensued ; which continued for a long time, when
Mir. Johnstone being requested to withdiaw h.s motions,
he refused to do so, observing that *Sit was a proud day
for him, because he had compietely established the inno.
cence of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.”°—~
Phe question was then put, aod lis motions were legalived
without a division,
Ifis Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased,
i the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, lo appoint
Majo -Gen. Sir. Charles Siipley, Kuigit, to ve Tis Ma.
Jesty*s Governor of the tsland of Grenada.
His Royal Highness the Prince Regent thas also been
pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty,
9 appoint Major-General George William Ramsay to be
is Majesty’s Governor of the Island of St. Croix.
London, Feb. 26.—A Berlin Letter corroborates the
intelligence we communicated yesterday of the escape of
the King of Prussia from French controul, As soon as
Bonaparte heard of the defection of the Prussian army,
lw is Said to have seut seeret orders to the French Governor
of Berlio to arrest the King. A body of gens G@armes
Was sent (o Cliarlotteberg, the King’s residence, to execute
these orders. But the Ning received notice the day before,
and, assembling his body guards at Potsdam, proceedd
with the other Members of the Noyal Family to Breslaw,
without, as the [rench papers truly intormed us, SS passe
ig through Berlin.” Reeased thus from the Corsican
yoke, in the midst of his subjects, who to a man hate the
enemy, His Prussian Majesty has now an opportunity of
proving to Lurope that he is ‘¢every iv ck a hing.”
The following is a Copy of the Letter, mentioned ia
our last, to Mes Royal Highness the British Regent.
Sér.—Iis with great reluctance that 1 presume tu ob«
trude myself upon your Roya Highness, aud to sclicit
your attcuGion Co matters wlach may, at first appear rather
of a persoual than a public nature. If | could think
thems so—it they related iuerely to myself—I should ab.
‘fan fiom a procceding which might give uneasiness, cr
iWtcreupl the ose weighty occupations of your Reyal
Hishness’s time. T siiould continue, a silence and ret.res
ment, to lead the life which has been preseribed to me,
and console myseli tor the loss of that socicty and thuse
duimestc coudurts to wlieh | have so long been a strane
ger, by the relleetion thet it has beea deemed proper
sHouwd be ailiicted without avy fault of my own, and that
your Royal Uighuess knows it—But, Sir th re are consie
derations of a higher nature Chap auy regaid to my own
happiness, which render this address a duty both to Mys. If
aud Daughter, May I venture to Ssay—a duty alsu to
my Husband, and the People commited to his care? Thee
is a point bey oud which guillless woman cannot with safe y
Camry her forbearance. Lf her honour is invad d, the ac.
lence of her reputation is uo longer a matter of choice ;
and insignifies not whether the attack be made openly,
manfully, and directiy—os by secret infinuaion, and b
holding such conduct towarus her as countenances all the
suspicions that malice can suggest. LY these ought to be
the feclings of every woman in England who is conscious
that she deserves no reproach your Koyal Highness has
tuo sound a judgment, and tuo nice a seuse of honour, nut
to perceive how much more justly they belong to the Move
ther of your Daughter—the Mother of her who is destined,
I trust at a very distant period, to reign over the British
hmpire.—Itinay be known to your Roya Highness, that,
during the coutinuance of the restrictions upon your royal
authority, L purposely refeained frum making any repre.
sentations which might then augment the painful dilhculties
of your exalted station, At the expiration of the restrice
tions, 1 still was inclined to delay taking this step, in the
hope that Lm ght owe the redress I sought to your gracie
ous and unsolicited condescension. 1 have waited, in the
fond indulgence of this expectation, until, to my inexpres.
siblé mortification, [ find that my unwillingness to com.
plain has only produced fresh grounds of complaint ; and
{ am at length compelled, either to abondon all regard for
the two dearest objects which [ possess on earth, mine
own honour and my beloved Child, or to throw mysclf
at the feet of your Royal Highness, the natural protector
of both.—I presume, Sir, to represent to your Royal
Highness, that the separation, which every succeeding
month is making wider, of the Mother and the Daughter,
is equally injurious to my character, and to her education,
[say nothing of the deep wounds which so cruel an ar.
rangement inflicts upon my feelings, although | would faip
hope that few persons will be found of disposition to think
lightly of these. To see myself cut off from one of the
very few domestic enjoyment left me—certainly the only
one upon which I sect valuc, the society of my Child—in.
View original a -_ ; —— a =
volves mcin stich inisery, as I weil know your Royal
Highness could never intlict upon me, if you were aware
of its bitterness. Our intercourse has been gradually di-
minished. <A single interview weekly seemed sulliciently
hard allowa~ce fora Mother’s afiections. That, however
was reduced to our meeting once a fortnight; and I now
learn that even this more rigorous interdicioa is to be
still more rigidly enforced —But while | do not venture
to intrude my feelings as a Mother upon y our Royal High.
ness’s notice, | must be allowed to say, that in the eyes
of an observing antl jealous world, this separation of a
Daughter from her Mather will only admit of one con.
struction fatal to the Mother’s reputation. Your Royal
Highness will also pardon me for adding, that there is no
less inconsistency than injustice in this treatment. Ile
who dares advise your Royal ‘Llighness to overlook the
evidence of my inuocence, and disregard the sentence of
complete acquittal which it produced—or is wicked and
false enough sti)! to whisper suspicions in yourear, betrays
his duty to you, Sir, to your Daughter, and to, your
People, if he counsels you to permit a day to pass with.
out a further investigation of my couduct. Ll know that
no such calumniator will venture to recommend a measure
which must speedily end in his utter confusion Then let
me implore you to reflect on the sitnation in which Tam
placed ; without the shadow of a charge against me, with.
out even an accuser—alter an inquiry that led to my am-
ple vindication —yet treated as if 1 were still more culpa-
ble than the perjuries of my suborned (raducers represented
me, and held up to the world as a mother who may not
enjoy the society of her only child.—The feelings, Sir,
which are natural to my unexampled situation, might
justify me in the gracious judgment of youe Royal High.
vss, had I no other motives for addressing you bat such
as relate to myself, But L wilt wot disguise from your
Royal thictness what 1 cannot for amoment conceal rom
myself, that the®serious, and it svow may be, the irrepa-
rable injury which my daughter sustains from the plan
at present pursued, has dune more in overcoming my re.
luctance to interde upon your Royal Highness, than any
suficrings of iny own could accoujlish ; and iffor her sake
1 presume to call away your Royal Highness’s attention
from the other cares of your exalted slaiion- I fecl con.
lideut Lam not claiming it for a matter of inferior impor.
tance either to yourself or your people. ‘The powers with
which the Constitution of these realms vests your Royal
Highness in the regulation of the Royal Family, Eknow,
because | am su advised, are ample and unquestionable,
My appeal, Sir, is made to your excellenC sense and libe.
rality of mind iv the excecise of those powers ; and If wil.
lingly hope thatyour own parental feelings will lead to
excuse the anxiety of mine for impelling me to represent
the auhappy Consequences which the present system must
entail upou our beloved child.—J» it possible, Sir, that
any one can have atiempted to persuade your Royal
Highness, that her character will not be injured by the
perpetua lence ollercd to her strongest ailccuons—the
studied care taken tu esteange her front my society, and
even tv interrupt all communication between us? That
her love for me, with whow, by His Majesty’s wise and
gracious arrangements, she passed Cie years of her infancy
and childhuod, never can be extinguished, Powell know,
aud the knowicdze of it forms (he greartest: blessing ol
my existence. But let me implore your Royal Higsucss
to retlect how inevitably all aticmpts to abate this attach.
ment, by forcibly separating us, if caey succeed, must
injure my child’s prmeijdes—it they fail, must destroy
her happiness. —TShe plan of cxciuded my Daughter from
all intercourse of Ue world, appears Co D1) humble judge.
ment peculiarly unfortuvate., She, who is destined to be
the Sovercign of this great couutry, enjoys none uf those
advantages of society which are deemed necessary for im-
parting a Knowledge of marhind to persous whe@ive ine
finitely less occasion to aru (bat miportant lessen; aud
it may so happen, by a chance winch | trust ts very
remote, thatshe should be cailed upon to exercise the
powers of the Crown, with an expericuce of the worla
more coulined (han that of the most private individual,—
To the extiavedinary talents with which she is blessed,
and which accompanied a disposition as singularly amiable,
frank, and decided, L willingly rust much; but beyond
a certain point the greatest natural endowments caunot
Struggle against the disadvantages of circumstances and
Situauion, It is my earnest prayer, for her own sake as
well as her country’s, that your Royal Highness may be
induced to pause before this poiut be reached. —Those who
bave advised you, Sir, to delay so long the period of my
Daughter's commencing her intercourse with the world,
and for that purpose tu make Windsor her residence, ap.
pear not to have regarded the interruptions to her educa.
tion which this arrangement oceasions ; both by the impos.
sibility of obtaining the attendance of proper teachers, and
the time unavoidably consumed in the frequent Journey's
to town, which she must make, unless she is to be secluded
from all intercourse, even with your Royal Highness, and
the rest of the Royal Family. To the same unfortunate
Counsels | ascribe a circumstance in every way so dis-
tressing*both to my paternal and religious feelings, that
my daughter has never yet enjoyed the benefit of Confir.
mation, although above a year older than the age at which
all the other branches of the Royal Family have partaken
of that solemnity. May 1 earnestly conjure you, Sir, to
hear my entreaties upon this serious ma ter, even if you
should listen to other advisers on things of less near con.
cernment to the welfare of our Child?—The pain with
which I have at length formed the resolution of addressing
myself to your Royal Highness is such as in vain I should
attempt to express. If Ll could adequately describe it,
you might be enabled, Sir, to estimate the strength of the
motives which have made me submit to it. ‘They are the
View original most powerful feelings of affection, and the deepest impres-
Sions of duty towards your Royal Highness, my beloved
Child, and the Count; which [ devoutly hope she may
be preserved to govern, and (o shew by anew example the
liberal affection of a free and generous people to a virtu-
vus and constitutional Monarch.—I am, Sir, with pro-
found respect and attachment which nothing can alter,
your Royal Highness’s most devoted and most alfectionate
Consort, Cousin, and Subject.
(Signed) ‘$CaroLineE Louisa.
**Montague-Jlouse, L4th Jan, 1813.”
View original Extracts from Baron de Wumbold’s Political Essay,
on the kingdom of New Spain, lately published ;
they throw considerable light on topics which it be-
hoves the friends of the West India colonies, on
both sides of the Atlantic:
** Fortunately the introduction of negroes has not aug-
mented in Mexico in the same proportion as the sugar
produge. Although in the Intendancy of Puebla, near
Guantla de las Amilpas, there are plantations which yield
annually more than from 1,100,000 to 1,665,000 Ibs. a-
voirdupois, of sugar; almost all the Mexican sugar is ma-
nufactered by Indians, and cousequently by free hands,
It is easy to forsee that the small W. [. islands, notwith-
standing their fay ourable position for trade, will not be
long able to sustain a competition with the continental
colunies, if the latter continue to give themselves up with
the same ardvur to the cultivation of sugar, coflee, and
cotton. Inthe physical as well as in the moral world,
every thing terminates in a return to the order prescribed
by nature, and if small Islands, of which the population
was exterminated, have hitherto carricd on a more active
trade with their productions than the neighbouring conti-
nent, itis only because the inhabitants of Cumana, Cara-
cas, New Grenada, and Mexico, began very late to pro-
fit by the immense advantages derived by them from na-
ture. But roused from a lethargy of many ages, freed
from the, shackles which a false policy imposed on the
progress of agriculture, the Spanish colonics of the couti-
nent will gradually take possessivn of Cie dillerent bran.
ches of the W. 1. trade. ‘This change, which has been
prepared by the events of St. Domingo, will have the
inost furtunate issue in the diminution of the slave trade ;
and sufiering humanity will owe to the natural progress
of things, what we had a right to expect from the wisdom
vs the European Governments. ‘Thus the colonists of the
Havaunah, welleinformed as to their true interests, have
their eyes fixed on the progeess of sugar cultivation in
in Mexico, and the colice of the Caracces, ‘They have
long dreaded the rivalship of the continent, especially since
the want of fucl, aud the excessive dearth of provisions,
slaves, metallick utensils, and the necessary cattle, have
considerably diminished the net revenue of the plantations.
‘6 Such is, in general the fertility of the soil of equi-
noctial America, that all the sugar consumed in France,
which is estimated at 44,000,000 lbs. avoirdu poise, might
be produced on a surface of seven square leagues, an ex.
tent which is nut Chicticth part of the smallest depsrtment
of irance.
6* Three causes have concurred to prevent the rise of
this colonial commodity since the destruction of the plan.
lations of St’ Domingy; nanely, the introduction of the
sugar cane®of Oraheile, which on the same extend of
ground yiclds a third more liquor than the common cane ;
the progress of agriculture on the coast of Mexico, Lou.
isiana, Caracas, Dutch Guyana, and Brazil; aud lastly,
the importation of sugar from the Kast Indices into Eu-
rope. This importation especially ought to fix the atten.
tion of those who reflect ou the future direction of com.
merce. ‘Ten years ago, the Bengal sugar was as little
known in the great market of Europe as the sugar of New
Spain, and now both of them compete with the sugar of
the West India Islands. The United States have received.
sugar from Asia, as follows:
In 1808. | 1801. 1802.
From Manilla.. | 440,000. | 810,000 | 1,900,090 | Ibs.
China & the E.I. | 630,000. | 780,000 | 1,150,000
View original 1,060000 | 1590000 | 2,450,000
‘¢ The great fertility of the soil, and the immense po-
pulation, gives such great advantages to Bengal over every
othertountry of the globe, that the sugar exported from
Calcutta, after a passage of 5,200 leagues, is still lower
at New York than the Jamaica sugar, which comes only
from a distance of 860 leagues. This phenomenon will
View original not appear so astonishing to whoever considers, that ace
cording to Mr. Playfair (Statistical Breviary, 1801, pace
60), the price of labour in Bengal is as follows: a mere
labourer gains 12 shillings p. month; a porter15; a mae
son 183; a blacksmith or carpenter 221; au Indian sol-
dicr 20; all in the environs of Calcutta, reckoning the
nglish at25 French sous, and the rupee and two shil-
lings and sixpence—and who reflects that the sugar of
_Hiudostan is manufactured. by frce hands, while in the
W. I. Islands the price of negro labour is very high.—Ac-
cording to the curious information given by Mr. Bocks
ford, in his Indian Recreations, printed at Cale:tia, the
sugar cane is cultivated in Bengal, principal!y in the dis-
tricts of Peddapore, Zemindar, in the Delta of Godavery,
and on the banks of tbe river Elyseram, The plantations
are watered there, as is also customary in several parts of
Mexico, and in the valley of Guines, to the south-east of
she Havannah. In Bengal an acre yields 5,500 Ibs. of
Sugar; consequently the produce of the soil is twice as
great as that of W. I. islands, while the price of the free
Indian is almost three times less than that of anegro slave
in the islind of Cuba. | In Bengal six pounds of the juice
of the cane yields a pound of crystalized sugar, whic in
Jamaica eight pounds are requisite to produce the same
quantity of sugar. Cuonsidering the cane juice as a liquid
charged with salt, we find that in Bengal this liquid con.
tains 16, and in Jamaica 12 per cent of saccharine mat-
ter. Hence the sugar of the East Iudies is so low priced,
that the culttvator sells it at 4 and 4.fifths rupecs the
quintal, which is nearly the third of the value of that
commodity in the Hiavaunah market. Although the cule
tivation of the sugar cane is spreading with astonishing
rapidity in Bengal, the total produce is still much less than
that of Mexico. Mr. Bockford supposes the produce of
Jamaica to be the quadruple of that of Bengal.
‘¢'The quantity of cutton which new Spain now supe
plies Europe annually, tho’ in itself very inconsiderable,
is, however, six times greater than that exported by the
United States, of their own growth in 1791, according
(o the information which I owe to the kindness of M.
Gallatin, Finance Minister at Washington, But the ra.
pidity of the increase of industry, among a free peopie
wiscly goverued, is so great, that according toa note fur.
nished me by the same statesman, the United States exe
Home Cotton. Foreign Cotton.
In 1797. 2,500,000. 1,200,000.
1su0. 3,680,000. 14,120,000,
1802. 3,400,000. 24,000,000.
1803. 3,593,544. 37,712,079.
From these date of Mr, Gallatin, it follows that the
produce of cotton has becomes 377 times greater in 12
years. When we consider the physical positions of the
United States and Mexico, we can hardly entertain a
doubt that these two countries will one day be enablid to
produoe all the ‘cotton employed in the manufactures of
Europe. The enlightened merchants who compose the
Chamber of Commerce of Paris, have asserted in a me.
moir, printed a few years ago, that the total importaticn
of cotton into Europe, amounts to 62,000,000 Ibs. avoir.
dupoise. 1am inclined to believe that this estimate .s
much below the truth, for, the United States alone, have
exported more than 48,500,000 Ibs. avoirdupoise, amount.
ing in value to 7,020,000 dollars,
_eL—_———————___ Ee
View original ————————
List of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of
Berpice, on the 91h April, 1813.
View original Names.
Welch ( Dem.)
Pla. Onverwagt
van den Broek
Plo. Lancester
t’ursy (Dem. )
By whom broughe.
I. Fraser
Dehnert ,
Ira vendorft
Dc huert
Fraue :dor{t
View original tz The vendue ot J. B. Rule, Esq. advertised on
the 19th inst. is postponed tll further order.
View original Marshals Office.
First Proclamation.
BY virtue of authority cranted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 6 March
1813, on the petition of John Layfield, in behalf of
Thonas Gudgeon, John Dodson, and Joshua Hinde:
and of Win. Kewley and Robt. Taitt, as appointed
Curators tothe Estate and Effects of Richard Barry,
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will scl
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries, and
their Secretary, by public Execution Sale, on ‘Tues-
day the Ist of June, ISIS.
The Cotton Plantation TTOGST YE.
situate on the Corr. coast of this colony, with all the
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, aad further Appurt-
evinces and Dependencies thereto belonging, agree-
able to Inventory formed thereol!, and whieh lays at
the Marshal's office tor the inspection of those whom
it hay Cone rm.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation //og-
sty, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution, let him or then address them-
selves to me the understgned, declaring (heir reason
for so doing, tana desal manner in writing, as Chere-
by give notice thot PE will receive opposition trom all
infermedsale person or persons, apport thenra day
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
Sale on plantation Hogsty, and make their profit of
the same.
This liest procluantion published hy beat of drum
us Customary. Berbice, HT April, ISt2.
KO Fraxcxen, First Marshal
Secuad Precamaltion,
BY virtue ofan appoistment granted ky Tfis Ex-
eellency if. Gorpox, Covernor-General in and over
tue colony Berbice, and its dependencies, Vice-Ad-
miral, and President in all courts and colleges with-
in the same, &C. &e. Ke.
(rrante.| pon a petition of Tl. Staan and A. GC.
Caumen, as jomntly aed severally the Constituted
Attorni.s ol James pe Dreusina, of London, Mer-
chant, versus, Jax Jacos pe Mey, under date of
15th Feb. US1S.
the understened First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, sfaileapors aad selbat) publie Exceu-
tion Sale, iu the prcecnee of two Councellors’ Come
niissartes, aid ther Secretary, on Wednesday the 2]
April, (81S, af the Courthouse of this colony, at 1
o'clock ta Lac Jecern “on of that day ,
A quantity of boence aml whole coffee, the exact
quantity of sad crthe will bemade hnown on the
day of sale, they ceparty of said J. J de Mey.
Who-ver should think (yo have any right, interest
or claim on the atorementioncd quantity coilee, and
wishes tooppme the sale thercot, let such person ai
persons address hinese tome the first Marshal, de-
claring bis season tor sach upposition, in due time
and form, as tly reby etve notice, that 1 will receive
opposition frou every one, thereunto qualified, up-
point Gaem a day to have his or ber claim heard be-
fore the Court, and further act therein according to
style and law. ‘
“Mis Gat Proclamation published by beat of drum
as Custuinary. Berbice, 11 April, 1813.
Ik. Franexen, First Marshal,
View original -_-— —
Necund Proc amation.
WIHIPEREAS | the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, o!
this colony.
Ciranted upon a petition presented by W. Katz,
under date of 2Qath Aug. ISL2.—Versus, the Repre-
sentative or Representatives of the Cotton Plantation
Nigg, situated on the Corentyn coast; have caused
to be taken in Execution and Sequestration, the
abovenamed estate Nigg.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the TL Sept. IS12, the said Plantation
Nigg, with all its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings,
and turther A»purtenances thereto belonging, and
specified in the Inventory laying at the w-arshal’s
Otlice for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cern, in ordertorecoyer from the proceeds of said
sale such sum of moncy as wherefore the Estate above
mentioned, has been taken in execution.
This 2nd proc amation published by beat of drum
HS Customary. Berbice, Ll April, 1813.
WK. FRANCAEN, iret Marshal,
View original +
Second Proclamsygon.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execition granted by His
Excellency Rosert Gornon, Governor General
of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice-
Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges
within the same, &e. &e. we
Under date of 24th April 1812; as also in further-
ance of a certain appointment, given by the Honor-
wble Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date of 6th March, 1813.
Upona petition presented by H. Burtos, versus,
W. W. Kina.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hon.
‘ourts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at pu-
blic Execution sale, im presence of two Councellors
Commissarics and their Secretary, on Wednesday
the Qlst April, 1813, at the Court-house of this colo-
ny, at 1) o'clock in the forenoon of that day :
A Negro Slave named Chance, Alits Tran, and a
lito named dlarry, the property of said W. W.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or Claim, on the above two Negro Slaves, and wishes
fo oppose the sale thereof, let such person address
himsellto me the Pirst Marshal, declaring bis reason
lorsuch opposition, in due time and form, as 1 here-
by give notice, that 1 will receive opposition trom
every ove thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
(urther to proceed according to law in such case.
This 2ad proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, fromthe Court fflouse of this colony.
Berbice, Ll April, ISI2.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Poarth Proclamation.

BY virtue of authority obtained from the Honor-,
able Court of Civil Justice of this colony, Gated Oth
March ISIS) ona petition of Naguten and Firz-
GERALD, Merchants of Demeravy, as Agents lor the
Mercantile House of Laine ‘Tuning & Co of Lou-
Notice is hereby givens That I the undersigned,
First Marshal or the Courts ot this colony, will Sell
In presence of twe Couucellors Conmitssaries aid
their Secretary, by Public Lacculion Salc,on Wed-
nesday the Ivih May Isls.
‘ The Cotton listate named
situate on the west sea coast of this colony, with ali
its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurt-
enances and dependencies thereto beloaging, at! con-
lormable to an In-ventory formed thereut, aad ly iiny
at the Marshal’s Office jor the inspection oft those
whom itmay concern, Said bstate being the pro-
porty of Dupiey Wane.
Whoever should think to have any right, action:
or igterest on the abovementioned Plaatation }cor,
Place, and is dependencies, and wishes to oppus«
this Sule by Execution, let hun or them addres tien
selves toe Che tidersigned, dechuing their reason
torso doing, tia legal mannor in wroiag, as) here-
by vive notice that L will receive GpPpPvushlton row ai!
luterimediate person of persons, appowit thei a day
to have Greir clatms heard b: fore the Court, and iue-
ther afl (hereon aecordiag to Law.
All persons being Invited to attend at the day ot
sale, on Plantation deovdd Plece, and mae taeis
rofit of the same.
This 4th Proclamation pubiished by beat of dram
according to custum.
Berbice, 11 April iSts.
WK. PRANCKEN, Férst Marshal
View original SALL py EALCUTION.
béurth sroclamation
BY virtue of a Writs of Execution, granted
by His Excellency Rosert Gorvosr, Governyi
Greneral in and over the Colony of Gerbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and) President of all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. X&c. &e.
Upon a petition pres ated by R. Barnes, Attor-
ney of John Church, versus, Ik. Burrox, under
date of 12th Feb. ISIS.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Ton.
Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public
execution sale, in presence of two Councellors (om-
missaries, and their Secretary, at the Court house of
this colony, on Wednesday the QIst April 1818, at
11 o'clock 1 the forenoon of that day :
A qart of Lot No. 10, situated in the first empolder
of New Amsterdam, with the Buildings thereon, say
a Side building and a Dwelling House, of hardwood,
unfinished, the property of Hk. Burton atoresaid.
W hoever should think to have any right, interest,
or Claim, on the aforementioned part of Lot No.
10, (with al the buildings thereon), and wishes
(o uppose the sale thereol, let such person, or per-
sons, address himselt to me the first Marshal, decla-
ring their reason fos such opposition in due time and
View original form, as Thereby give notice that T will reccive of
position from every one thereunto qualified, appoint
them a day to have his or her claim heard before the
Court, and further act thereon according to style and
laa Ww. C
“This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Courthouse of this colony,
and further dealt with as customary.
Berbice, 11 April, 1813.
KK... Francken, First Marshal.
Pourth Proclamation
WITERIEAS | the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from tis Excellency J. Morray, Brigadier
weneral, and Acting Governor of the colony Bere
bice and its Dependencies, &e. &c. &e.
Granted upon a petition of W. Karz, in qualit
as Attorney of Samuel and Elisabeth Ames, of Bate
bados, have caused to be taken in’ Execution and
sequestration, the Western Two Thiids of Lot No.
I] Corentyn coast of this coiony, the property of R.
Harnis, the person against whom aboyenamed writ
o bxecution is granted, under date of 26 November
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in-
fend toS ll, after the expiration of ove year and six
weeks, from the 22d of Feb. 1818, the abovemen-
tioned two western thirds of Lot No. 1] Corentyn,
with all its Cultivation (being Cotton), Buildings,
Slaves, and further uppurfenances and dependencies
thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventory
laying at the Marshals Ollice for the mspection of
those whom it may concern, in order to recover fiom
the proceeds of said Sale such sum of money as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta-
hen in execution,
‘This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as Custumary. Berbice, 21 March 1813!
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
se _—-
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of anappointment granted by the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, nnJtec
date of Oth \arch 1813, upon a petition presente {
by I. Theobald, appointed Curator to the Estate and
tects of Henry Crott, dec.
the undersizned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request of said EL. Theoval
in his capacity abovementioned.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the ess
tue o Henry Croft, deceased, to appear in person,
or by power of attorney, before the bar of the Court
vt Civil dustice of this colony, at their session to be
hekbin the mouth of January, in the year one thous
vindeight hundred and fourteen, (say ISH), there
(lo cendee their claims against said estate, lo veri
(he same, and afier proceeding according to law, to
witness the Court’s decision on the pretercnt and cou.
current right ot clainiants, on pain to all those whe
recat default of being tor ever debarred theis
iieht ot claim,
This summons by edict is published by beat of
ium, as customary. Berbice, loth April, 1813.
nK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original —_—- >
Summons by dict: !
BY virtue of an Appointnent, given by the Court
Vivil Justice, under date of 2oth Oct. 1S12, giaated
upon a petition presented by B. J. Schwiers and A.
dhornborrow, in their capacity as the (wo eldest Or-
phan Masters, (ecsmecsieren), and in that ca pas
cily executors appointed by the Last Willof 47. AZ.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
or this colony, aud at the request of aforesaid B. J,
Schwicis ana A. ‘Phoraborroy, in said capacity.
Summon by lidict;
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
late of H. M. Grau, dec. to appear in person or by
Ktepresentatives before the Court of Civil Justice,
at their Session which willbe held in the month Oc.
tuber, 1815, there to give in their claims agaiust said
estate, lo verily the same, and further to proceed
according to law, om pain to all those who remain in
default, ot being tur ever debarred their right of
‘Lhis summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, Sth Feb. 1818.
i... EFRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Or
FOR SALE—At this Offce—Blank Bills of [xe
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, pv. m.

17 April 1813