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The Berbice Gazette

View original BERBICE.
King’s ITouse, th March, 181A.
THE Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to
make the following Appointments :
Hupert veSarve, sq. Tobe Receiver of the
Pilly Dutics.
Francis Witte, Esq. To be Bookkeeper of Sala-
By Mis DaceNeney’s command.
I. WILLE, Goy. Sec.
(First time of publishing.)
View original BERBICE.
BY s{lis Excellency Hexrv Wirttam Benrinen,
Esquire, Licutenant-Governor and Cominander in
Chief in andover the Settlement of Berbice with its
Dependencies, and President in all Courts aud Col-
lezes within the same, Sc. Sc. &§c.
WITTER AS it has been duly represented to me, that a
considerable number of the coloured and black Popniation
of this colony, claimimg exemption from Slavery, have clan.
destincly introduced themselves as Free, which not only
tends fo the general discradit of the respectable part of
that class ; but as several of thea have no apparent means
of subsistance, it is to be feared they have recourse to
secret illicit practices for a livelihood, which if not time.
ly restrained, may inthe end be subver sive of good order.
dt is thercsorc, that } have deemed it ex pedic ut to make,
and do hereby declare, the following Provisions :
‘All and every ove of Che colored or black Inhabitants
withm this Settlement, claiming exemption from SI avery,
shall, without delay, and at the farthest, within one
month, from the date hereof, exhibit or c anise to be duly
exhibited unto His LLonor the Fiscal, such proof of their
Freedom as they may respeciively be in possesion of able
to procure, of retcr to.
**And further, in case any one of the aforcsaid coloured
or black Inhabiants, remain in default, or omit to co: nply
with the afuresaid Order, fis Wouoi the Miscalis dirceted
to causchim, her orthem to be apprcohendcd aid lodged in
the colony Gaol, there to remain watil nu y furcher Order,
with respect to then, ay the extzcucy of (heir respective
characters or cases may seem to require.’
And in order that tio plea, or cvcuse of MNOrINCE
nay be pretended of thece prescuts, Che sameiu be pub.
lished as customary.
Given under my Hand and Scalat Arms, at the Ning’s
House, New Atmoteimda ary this 1Och dl ty of ebruar v5
By Command,
F. WITTE, Crov. Sec
(lourth and lust time of publishing. )
ee ee
View original a ee ee ee oe eee
PERSONS having claims or demands avaibst Plan-
tation Gibralier, are r ‘quested to deliver a copy of
the doctunent on which tt is Counded, to the subseri-
ber, at the House of C. Kyle, Esar., in order that
the same, if correct, may be settled.
12 March. W. HOBSON,
—_—__—. —_—
View original NOTICE,
TILE ungersigned tatends fo leave this colony pr.
April flee® requests most respectfully all persons
indebted to him, to pay their accounts, and all ac-
counts due by him, will be paid on presentation.
View original ALL persons haying any claim, against the late
Daniel Leen, Lsq., are requested to render the same
in, to the Subscriber; and those indebted to come
forward wilh payment. HW. C. HINTZEN,
12 March. . G. PAUELS, qq.
They alse repeat their former advertisement, that
those having claims against Plantations Schumachers
Just, Rotterdam, and Gelderland, to render in their
» pretentions for payment, and those indebted to for-
ward payment.
Twenty bales good claen Cotton, and one bale
yellow cotton, to be delivered on Bengalen Estate
for which Tenders will be received until Thursday
the 17th inst. at the store of J. HW. Scuraruorst
Esq.—terms, cash on delivery.—J. vip. BROEK.
5 March. A.KRINGER,Cur.
_—_—_ oe ee -
View original RECEIVER GEN's. OFFICE.
THE annual Accounts from this Office, are now
ready for delivery ; and the andersigned requests
(hose concerned, to send or call for them, and begs
their attention to carly payments, to enable him to
discharge the pressing demands on the oflice.
New Amsterdam, 5 Marsh.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
View original SECRETAR Y's OFFICE.
This 7s to inform the Public, that the folloxing per-
sous tatend quilting this Colony.
A. Thornborrow, will quit the colony by the April
leer, or 6 weeks from Feb. 10,
WN. Richards in 6 weeks from Feb. 96.
H. Sinithson in 6 weeks froin Feb. 1S.
Win. Croft with the next Xpril convoy.
R. C. DOWNER, Sccy.
ae = a —
View original NOTICE is hereby given, thata month after date the
following Transports and Morlgages will be pussed,
March 5. HW. Smithson will pass a first mortgage, on
plant. New Forest and Nevroes thereto be-
longing, (a list whereof may be seen at the
Secretury’s oflice) in favor of J.&A .Andexson,
of Loudon.
Ned Rowlins, will transport to Mrs. M. De-
niaut, six roods in lenght of the Southern half
lot land No. 22, between Merey Harper and
Wim. Gordon will passa mortgage on 8 Ne-
groes, infayor of Th. Py Layfield, who will
at the same time release from mortgage, 7 Ne-
gro slaves, bound to him by Wim. Gordon by
a regular mortgage decd, raiues and particu-
lars {0 be seen at this oflice.
March 12. 3. .de Mey will pass a morlgage, on
plantation Kortberaad, ca annexisy in favor
of Geo. Panels.
SLL one
View original ST oe
On Wednestay the 16th instant, will be sold at
(he Vendue Onlice, by order of Capt. Forester, of
the ship Hanna, justarrived, the fol owing goods,
Viz.—350 barrels best Hour, 16 pipes Madcira wine of
(he ventage of 1809, 20 boxes of candles, 20 ditto
soup, Fatsinsy almonds, pickles, inustard, negroe
Clothing, writing paper, hams, cheese, linen, Osna-
brugs, dowlas, printed calicoes, ribbons assorted, &c.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original ge a
On “Phursday the I7th inst., will be sold at the
Ven Mie Oulice, by order of J. vanden Broek and
. ? - . . . ‘
A. Wriewer, Esqrs., in their capacity as Curators to
> | ’ i J
(he state of the late M.S. Humbert.—An excellent
wold wateh, a large assortment of wearing apparel
and books, &c.
On the same day, by order of the Executors of the
late D. Leen, Esqr., dec., horsehold furniture some
Ny ESU?., ) ; )
plate, wearing apparel, some fine cattle, &c.
_ a
View original On Monday the 2st “arch, will be sold, on the
premises, the Estate Ex prctation, or No. 9. West
coast ol this colony, containing 500 acres of land, of
Which 120 acres are in bi artug plantains, about 90
acres of new land empoldered, ready for planting
plantains; the front of this Lstate is excellent for
pasturage, there are two logies of hard wood 54 by
2t fect, covered with wallaba shingles, water vats,
punts, corials, carpenters tools, &c.—also 40 head
of fine cattle, 12 milk cows and other fine young im-
proving cattle their encreasc, 100 head of sheep, a
a horse, &c. In order to suit purehasers, the land
will be put up in (wo lots, with the buildings, each
lot containing the same number of acres, buildings
and cultivation ; the whole payable insix, nine, and
twelve months, with the exception of purchasers
under a thousand guilders, payable in three months.
. r further particulars apply to A. ‘Thornborrow,
D.C. CAMERON Dep, Vendue Master
View original ——_._
0 SN
On Wednesday the 23rd March, will be sold, by
order of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co., atthe Vendue
Office ; seventy prime negrocs, men and women,
payable in three, six, and nine months, in cash, or
bills ofexchange. °
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original On Saturday the 26th instant, will be sold by
order of S. Kendall, Esq., at Plantation Kendalls,
from 50 to 60 head of very fine cattle, consisting of
milk cows, oxen, and heifers, &c. and 50 head of
sheep, at a credit of 3 months for sums under f 600
above that sum at 3 and 6 months credit.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
=« * - oe
View original Se
On Monday the 28th March, will be sold by order
and at the house of Adam Thornborrow, Esquire,
(colony town) the followine goods and effects, viz.
a dwelling house, at present occupied by the Com-
Mmissariat, with necessary out buildings, and with
a quart lot of lind extending from the front to the
middle road ; tea and coffee pots and stands, sugar
bason, table-, desert- and tea spoons, soup ladle,
table forks and desert do., a fish knife, butter do.,
sugar tongues, (all silver) a mahogany low wardrobe,
do. side board, do. liquer case, with bottles com-
plete, do. hair bottom chairs brass bound with 2 sets
check couvers, do. dining tables, do. Pembroke do.
do. (ea chest complete, do. 2 set bedstead, feather
beds complete, a night chair, printed chairs, sophas
and pillows with covers, a backgammon box, 2
Egyptian lamps with plated stands, a hall lamp and
shades, glasware ; table-, desert- and tea service, tea
trays, dish covers, table and bed linen, knives and
forks, 23 volums encyclopedia perthensis and maps
complete, sundry English-, Dutch-, and) French
books, an excellent (hermometer, a large time pieca
and case, a gold repeater, a theodilite double- and
single barrel guns, 2 sets plated casters, drawing painf,
looking glassess, old Madeira wine and claret, a spy
glass, a box of scales aud weight, a chaise and hare
ness, a good horse, saddles and bridles, a garden role
ler, kitchen furniture, &¢.—Terms of payment: the
house and Jot, payable in 3, 6 and 9 months, the
furniture in 3 months—in cash.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Masér.
On ‘Thursday 3lst March, will be sold, on the pres
mises, by order of H. Smithson, Esq. Pin. WEY-
MOUTH, or lot No. 63 corentyn coast, containing
909 acres land, a dwelling house, and logie, covered
with wallabasshingles, out buildings all in cood or-
der, 150 acres are in fine cotton, 34 acres in plaut-
ains and ground provisions, and 24 negrocs, (to be
sold in families), 34 head of cattle, 150 sheep, &e —
The land payable in four equal annual instalments,
on security being given on ten negroes, the negroes
and other articles payable on the Ist of January (815,
with the exception of purchasers under f 1000—
payable in 3 months, in cash or approved bills of
exchange. coffee or cotton, deliverd in N. Amst. at
cash price.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Venidue Master.
View original On the 24th inst. and following day, will be sold
at the Vendue office, by order of Captain Thomas.
Smith, Agent, the ship MULLET, condemned by
a Board of Survey, with every material belonging to
her, among which are many new sails, anew 13 inch
cable, provisions and cabin furniture—the whole
will be put up in lotts to suit purchasers, agreable ta
inventory, at the Vendue office.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original HiT COLLEGIE van Heeren Assessoren der
Evangelische Luthersche Gemeente, dezer kolonie,
verzoeke de Belyders van hunne Kerk, tot ene By-
eenkomst, op Zaturdag den 26 van dezen ma
ten huize van de vrye Lucia, aan de stede
Amsterdam, ten 12 uren voordemiddag-
Maart 5. C.D. TOEL, Seribg.
Ix custody, at the Town Manager, a white rec spot-
ed Heifer, which will be exposed at public sale to
defray the expences, after the usual tine of publica-
tion, tf not released within that time, conformable to
the Court’s Regulations.
5 March CU. RULACH, Town Manager
~ Berbice, Ath March, 1814.
Reaurren for the use of the Quarter- and Bar-
rack-Master-General’s Department, to be delivered
at Fort St. Andrew, and subject to the approval of
the Assistent Quarter- Master-General—950 feet one
inch Silverbally boards—one plank do. 36 feet long
8 inches broad and 2 inches thick—S8 crooked mora
timbers.— v enders in Triplicate, marked, ‘*Tender
for Wood,” will be received at this Office until Mon
day the L4th inst. at 10 o’clock.
J. S. WILSON, Commissariat.
—_ —— — a
FROM plantation d@ Edward, 4000 Ibs. good
quality, and 1000 Ibs. or more, broken coffee.—
Tenders for both wili be received at the house of
W. Fraser, Esqr., N. Amst., till Wednesday the
16th instant, at 12 o’clock, and the highest offer
accepted.— Payment, cash.—The coffee to be deliv-
ered in new bags, for Which also cash must be paid,
at {2-10 p. bag.—Saniples to be seenat Mr. Frascr’s.
5 March. L. C. ABBENSE'TS, for self, and
M. RADER, Scquestrators.
eee eee,
View original eee
THE Subscribers, in addition to their extensive
assortment of goods, have imported by the Wet.
Lincron, via Demerary,—Hams, tongues, beef and
pork in } barrels, butter in + firkius, potatoes, &c.—
which they will dispose of on very moderate terms.

View original NOTICE.
THE creditors of Joseph McDonald, and of plan-
tation west halfof No. S6, Corentine canal, are ll-
formed, that on Friday the 25th instant, at | I o'clock
in the turenoon, there will be put for sale at su
property and amongst the creditors, fifteen bales
cotton, a flock of sheep, some eattle, and necept-
ances to a considerable amount. No creditor will be
allowed to purchase, unlesss statements of accounts
are rendered previously to, or on the day of sale.
5 March. F. BRIPTLEBANK, for self, and
View original _— o_O
THE subseribers bee leave to inform their Friends
and the Public, that they have for sale, a large as-
sortment of goods, tmported by the lastarrivals, from_
London and Glasgow, which they will dispose of
very reasonable for immediate payment ; at the Store
formerly occupied by D. C. Cameron & Co,
————_—_e ll Or: eee eee
=® © (oe
Surcrpay, Marcu 12, 1814.
-—[_— ae
Neither our Picket from Europe, nor our Dispatch
Boul from Barbados, having arrived, tho both momently
expected—we ure sorry we cannot inour present Number
relizve the ansiety of our Readers by lying any thing new
or interesting b fore them—we have therefore made a
Sew exlrults from the Papers in our possession.
re a
View original -- a
Head-quarters, Dec. 18, 1813.
Having taken into consideration the necessity of fixing
the bases upon which trade is to be carried on in the Ports
of Freuch Navarre, lying to the South of the Adour, the
Commander ur Chief of the Allied Army makes known :—
Ist. ‘Pinat these Ports shall be cousidered free and open
to individuals of all Nations (with the exception of those
that may be at war with any of the Allicd Powers) and to
produce of every kind.
2d. ‘Phere shall be levied on all goods imported by sea
into these ports, aduly of 5 per cent. ad valurem ; ex-
empting from such duty the following articles :—JVaheat,
{Indian Corn, and Ilour, Barley, Ouis, Bran, Biscuit.
bread, Beans, Pease, Salt.
3d. Goods and provisions imported by sea for the Allicd
Armies shall be exempted from paying the duty fixed by
article 2,
4th, ‘The Municipalities are charged with the organiza-
tion of theestablishments requisite for raising the duties ;
aud they are to submit tv the Commander in Chict?s re.
gulatious for the execution of the service with which they
are charged.
Sti. Phe Municipalities shall make a report every Mon.
day tothe Commander in Chief, of the Imports during the
preceding week, and specifying the amount of the dutics
levied ; and he will give them orders for the application
thereof, WELLINGTON.
oe —
Of the Crown Prince of Sweden, to the Inhabitants of
The Allied Army of the North of Germany has now
e@tered your borders after your Government had refused
View original
View original to accept the repeated offers of the Allics to join the ge-
veral cause of luurope.
The treaties between the Allics have joined Norway to
the kingdom of Sweden ; compensations, which ensure your
political existence, were fixed for Denmark; but your
Government has refused every thing.
From this present moment Holstein will be taken in pos-
session, as a pledge forthe ccssiou of Norway to Sweden,
Inhabitants of Holstein—do not meddle in political
matters. The peaccable inhabitants will be protected: the
fomenters of troubles punished ; the army shall observe
the strictest order and discipline.
A Provisional Government, will be appointed, consist-
ing of respectable citizens, distinguished for their talents,
conduct, and probity: they wil! becharged with the care
of the internal Government of the country, and with the
protection of your interests. Obey such directions as
they influenced by the circumstances of the times, shall
give you.
FrepericTtox, January 11, 1814.
His Honor the President came to the Council
Chamber and opened the Session of the General
Assembly, with the following Speech :—
Gentlemen of the Council, and Genilemen of the
As no change of importance in the condition of this
Province has oceurred since your last meeting in General
Assembly, the principal object which I have to recom.
mend to your present deliberation are the necessary provi-
sions of the Revenue and appropriation for the ensuing
period, and a review of the Militia Law, which may per-
haps, by some ameodments, be rendered more cficient for
the essential purposes of defence, for which we are so
loudly call.d upon to bein a constant state of preparation,
The Royal approbation of the Act passed with a sus.
pending clause in the Jast Session, ‘for the further in.
crease of the Revenue of this Province,’ has already been
publicly notified. A copy of the Order of His Royal
Higness the Prince Regent in Council, made fur this gra.
clous purpose in the name and on the behaif of His Ma.
jesty, shall be laid before you.
Such other subjects as | may have to propose for your
consideration shall in the course of the Session be commu.
nicated by Message.
Gentlemen of the Assembly,
I have directed the ‘Treasurer’s Accounts and such other
documents as may be requisite for your further infurmation
to be laid before you ; from the state af the ‘reasury,
am happy to find the Revenue has in the last been more
productive than in any tormer year,
Gentlemen of the Council und Gentlemen of the
While we lament the infatuation by which the Govern-
ment of the United States has been led to take a course so
directiy the reverse which every free people ina similar
situation ought to have pursucd, we have reason to hope
this freuzy will not be of long duration, it broke out ima
declaration of war against this Meyooty, at a time when
the sanguinary usurper of France had become more thaa
ever formidable iu Eucope, and his lust of universal doimi-
tion appeared to be no longer considered as & hopeless and
romantic passiou ; in that moment the uanatural ambition
of luis American partizans was fired with a hope of shar-
tag da his expected triumph over that country which alone
conlinucd with elect to resist his destructive earcer, the
country from which they were themsclyes descended; but
a merciful Providence has since opened a prospect which
may well amoate the courage and the hopes of suffering
nations; the glorious successes which have crowned the
arms of ilis Majesty and of his reviviug Alges in Kurope
and the dis: ppvointed efforts of an un, rovuked hosGlity in
America, may with reason be cousidered as pledges of a
acoasumattuw devoutly to be wished’? in which the wise
and good of every country wil rejoice to see a general res.
toration of peace in the horrors of revolution, oppres-
sion, and desolution.
In the mean tine, whatever may be the cunrse of ap-
praaching events, it will be most sincerely may ambition
to contribute,. by every means in my power, to the secu-
rity and prosperity of the Province committed to my ad-
To Wis Lfonor Major-Gen. Sir Titowas SAuMAREZz,
President and Commander in Chief of the Province
ot New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c.
The humble Address to His Majesty's Council in Gencral
Sie—We thank your Ionor for your Speech at the
vpeiing of this Session, and we shall, with zeal aud ala-
crity, pay every attention tu the objects therein recom.
mended, and to such others as you may have to propose
our deliberation, In particulare, we shall be happy to
contribute our best endeavours to render our Militia Law
more ethcient for the essential purposes of defence, for
which we are so loudly cailed upon to bein a constant
State of preparation.
We consider the Royal approbation of the Act, passed
with a suspending clause in the last Session, ‘‘for the fur.
ther increase of the Revenue of this Province,” asa fresh
instance of paternal favor to this Loyal Colony.
We fully participate in the sentiment expressed by your
Honor, respecting the hostile course into which the Go-
vernment of the U. S. has been led, so directly the reverse
of that whickevery free people, in a similar situation, ought
to have pursued at the time when the Sanguinary usurper
View original
View original of France had become more than ever formidable in; Fue
rope, aud his lust of universal dominion appeared tu be no
lonver considered as a hopeless and romantic passion, And
however extravagart his own anticipation may have been
of homageand submission in other countries, he must him-
self have been surprised to find partizans in Ameweca, who
could by any motive beinduced to aid him in Jus destruc.
tive carcer. Yet the world has seen, and must have seen
with astonishment, that, in that moment, the unnatarah
ambition ofa prevailing party in America has been fired
with a hope of sharing iu his fondly expected inmph over
(hat country which then continued alone with etfect to ree
sist the Enemy of Mankind—the Cosntry from which th
were themselves descended! but we join with your Ho.
uor in the hope that this frenzy will not be of long dura-
tion, and in aducacknowledgment of that merciful Pro.
vidence which has since opened a prospect so consoling to
the wise and good of every country, who will gladly hail
‘the gloriou successes which have crowned the arms of
His Majesty, and of lis reviving Allics in /urope, aud the
disappointed efforts of unprovoked hostility in America,
as pledges of a consummation devoutly to be wished, result-
ing inageneral resturaiton of peace and independence to
those Nations which have so long suffered the horrors of
revolution, Oppression, and desula ion,
In this cheering hope we are also happy in the fullest cone
fidence that nothing in your Honor’s power will be want.
ing to the security avd prosperity of the Province commit.
ted to your administration.
Answer of His Honor the President to the Address
of the Council.
Gentlemen of the Council,
I sincerely thank yoa for this Address, and anticipate
with much satisfaction the resul€ to be expected from your
well known zeal and ability in the discharge of the duties
ofthat important station, to which Jkis Majesty has ap-
pointed you in this Province.
To His Honor Major-Gen. Sir Thomas Saumarez,
President and Commander in Chief of the Province
Y ‘) ’ + e
of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c.
The humble Address of the House of Assembly.
May it please your Honor,
The House of Assembly truly sensible of the importance
of those princijal objccls recommended by your Honor—
‘the Revenue and appropriation far the ensuing period,”
and Sfarevisal of the Militia Law,” will make them the
subjects of their most serious deliberation.
His Majesty’s Royal approbation of the Act of the last
Session, **for cae further inercase of the Revenue of his
Province,? and the order of His Royal Highness the
Prince Regent thercon, are communications from your
Honor highly gratifying to the House, ever ambitious to
obtain Ilis wlajesty’s approbation.
Poe touse also beg leave tu assure your Ionor, of
their due and faithful attention as well to such other sube
Jects as shall be proposed by your Ifonor for their cousi-
deration during the present Session, as to Treasurer’s Ac.
counts, aud all other papers and documents which your
Honor may direct to be laid before them; and they derive
wigh satisfaction from your idunor’s communication of the
improved state of the Revenue during the year past.
Vhe folly and ingratitude of the United States in the
prosecutiun of the present war against Great Britain, and
che unworthy motives (so correctly detailed by your
Honor) which have led co the unnatural devotion of their
powers, in support of sanguinary usurper, against that
Country whic gave birth to their ancestors, and protec.
tion to themselves, must consign them among nations to
obloquy and contempt, and the House unite with your
Hlonor in ascribing to the interference of a merciful Pro-
vidence the glorious successes, which have crowned with
victory thearms of His Majesty and his Allies in Europe,
and blasted the hopes and uuayailing efforts of unprovok-
ed hosGility on this Continent, which appear to be pledges
of an happy consummation, and of a general restoration of
peace and independence to the suffering nations.
The Jfouse have also the fullest confidence that your
Honor’s wise and prudent administration will contribute
not only to the present security. but also to the future
prosperity of this Province. °
To which His Honor was pleased to make the follow-
ing reply ;
Gentlemen of the Assembly,
I return you my*siucere thanks for this Address, and
gladly avail myself of the occasion to express my entire
confidence in your zeal and ambition to second my best
endeavours (o secure and promote the welfare aud prospe-
rity of this Loyal Colony.
In the endless multiplicity of accounts which pour up-
on us on all sides, every day and hour bringing its porti-
on of additional happy intelligence, it is scarcely pos.
sible for a political writer to make any due sefection of
suitable objects of preference ; he becomes confounded in
the midst of thesplendid materials before him, and scarce.
ly takes up one of the fragments which compose the bril-
liant heap, before his eye is canght by the rival splendour
of another, and he is fearful of being,accused of injastice
to one whilst he is wrapt up in attention to the other,—
There is no point of the compass, no ray in the circle of
the Heavens, to which he can now look, without sceing—
not the dawning, bat the brightening day of restored ree
ligion, civil order, and tiue liberly.—Ivery wind that
blows from every pout comes freighted with some new
View original
View original gift, and seems to deposit some new blessing at his feet.
He is truly unworthy of the name of au Englishman, and
almost of a man, who can possess his whole faculties in
calmness and tranquillity, amidst such general cause of
happiness. The passions are as natural to us as our rea-
son itself. And itis adefect in the moral composition of
our nature (a defect imputable, however, entirely to our-
selves), if we want u due feeling, a natural excess and ex-
trayagance, where nature intended us soto feel and ex.
ceed.—But as nothing is so injurious to any clear views
of asubject, as to have it only in this mere heap before us,
we shall endeavour, in a degree, to arrange and methodize
our views insome distinct and successive order, and there-
by (o compress the attention of our readers within certain
The first point of attention is the successful pursuit of
the remnants of the French army, under the fugitive So-
vercign and leader, the spoiled child of fortune, Bonaparte.
It is not to our purpose to repeat the detais, or the sub-
stance of what every one ought to read Ul it be imperish.
ably impressed. The battle of Hanauseems to have a dif.
ferent air to what the French accounts had assigned. Bo-
Maparte, flying w:th the most ruinous velocity from the
fatal, the fundamental overthrow of his fortunes, and al.
most of his Mmpire, at Leipsic, fonnd himself intercepted
by a march ofthe Bavarian Army into its own Immediate
line of advance; and saw that the only means of safety
was a desperate attack upon the enemy before him. It
is an evident and a strong proof of his fallen fortunes,
that the man, against whom all the assembled armies of
ail the Powers of Europe were scarce an equal match—
that this man, we say, is now scarcely cqual to the single
army of a single Electoral Power, and was detained two
days upon his road, before he could break his way thro’
this feeble line.
The second point of obseryation is the line of march and
of operation which was taken by the Allied Armies—and
in the firstinstance by tiose of the Emperors Francis and
Alexander, ‘The necessary effects of such a battle as that
of Leipsic must have been, or at Icast in ordinary cases
would have been, that it must in a degree have crippled
even the conquerors, and have retarded (hem in their pur-
suit of the flying enemy. But here we see no such crip-
pling—no such retardment. ‘Phe victorious army seemed
to have commenced and continued their pursuit with the
vigour and almost the cohesion as if they were the mem.
bers of one man. ‘They entered Frankfort with as much
order as they had marched upou Leipsic. In the numer.
ous dispatches by our own accompanying Ofiicers, all of
which are written in astyle of most admirable eloquence,
there does not appear to us a finer passage than that in
which Lord Cathcart makes mention of the perfect parade
order with which the Russian cavaley, aftera march of 100
English miles, passed in review before their Sovereign up.
on entering Frankfort on the Matac.—The tmportance of
this passage is, that it proves two points beyond all fu.
ture dispite—in the first place, (he value of the Russian
cavalry, and secondly, the character of the spirit and en-
thusiasm now general over all Rurope. [tis this spirit,
awakened and supported by Ragland, which has accom.
plished this great work of veneral emancipation,
A third »oint is, the dine of operation of the Crown
Prince, Arter the deliverauce of Gottingen, Hanover,
Bremen, and all the (owns in his way, this illustrious
General (for such has he now rendered hitnself io imme.
diately upon the frontier of Molland, and a few days,
perhaps only afew hours, will elapse before we shall learn
the confirmation of the Dutch Nbevties, by the presence
of a force against which Bonaparte cannot venture to
make movement. Let us here be allowed to add one wish:
—When Holland is thas effectually freed, let her be put
into a state which will secure her iudependence, not on's
agunst France, but agaiust every other Power in future.
Her own limits are not wide enough. Something must
be added to give her such a line of frontier, such a force,
and such a revenne, as will enable her to act: her former
character in the Political Balance of BKurope—that is to
sav, fo become a sullicient Barrier to France and Prussia.
—This was the fault of her ancicnt system, aud was the
excuse upon which Bonaparte annexed her to France.
A fourth point is the direction of the movements of
General Blucher. This venerable General (one of the
Eleves of Frederic of Prussia,) a man now in his 70th
year, has excited the just astouishment of Europe, by the
manner im which he has regeuerated the Prussian Nation
and Army ; and if admidst so many illustrious military
Jeaders it were not alinost unfair to distinguish any one
pre-eminently, we should feel inclined to say that next
to our Wellington and Graham, Blucher, was the first
General in Murope.—The opinion of the whole of the
Allicd Army, scems to be the same, for they hare evident.
fy assigned to him the ovost dificult line of operation.
The strongest fortress on the Rhine, and we believe almost
of Murope, is Khrenbrestein ; and if the Allied Armies
could once force this town and fort, they would effect.
wally be nearly master of that frontier. It may be re-
membered, what a long siege ia early part of the Revo-
dutiotw® was supported by these forts of the Rhine, and
¢ome notion of their strenght may be formed from these
circumstances. It is probable, however, that they are
for the most part garrisoned by the Confederaters of the
Rhine—by Saxons, Bavarins, &c. If this be the case,
the conquest of them will be greatly accelerated, perhaps
immediately secured, by the quality of their garrisons,
which will of course avail themselves of ay Opportunity
to withdraw. <At any event, Blucher willnot attack them
in vain; for we understand that he excels as much in the
tacties required for the attack and defence of towns, as
j0 Operations in the field.
A fifth point, and scarcely of inferior importance to any
View original of the preceding, i3 the carrying by assault, by the army
of Prince Schwartzenberg, the lines which united the téte-
de-pont.of Cassel to the fUhine. The success of this oper-
ation ensures, We presume, the easy acquisition of the
town—and therein of a very important post on the Rhine.
We cannot make mention of this circumstance, without
calling the attention of our readers to the spirited Ictter
of Sir Robert Wilson, and more particularly of the para.
graph with which he concludes it. We do not, however,
quote from the reason above assigned.-—We will not do
so much injustice to the feelings of our readers, as to pre-
sume that they have not read it.
Upon the whole of this most cheering intelligence, we
cannot but congratulate ourselves, our countrymen, and
all Furope, that in so short a space of time the arms and
example of England have terminated one of the most mis.
chievous systems of empire, which the ambition of a Re-
volutionary Conqueror could have conceived, and to
which neither modern nor ancient history can produce a
parallel. It was kengland, and England only, that main.
tained alive that spirit of resistance and self-defence, which
in all'the other States of Europe, had been broken down
by a long succession of disasters. It was England which
excited, encouraged, and supported the mperor Alex.
ander, when the enemy had penetrated into the very bow-
els of Its empire, and when there seemed no hopes but in
an unconditional submission, It is not too much, there.
force, to assume, that Murope owes her deliverance to the
arms of ugland, and that all posterity will fecl indebted
to the courage and the prudyuce with which we fought the
battle of ourselves and our children. ‘The blessing of God
has visited our efforts; and the days work is nearly done.
The Bill for increasing the disposable force of the king-
dom by voluntary ofiers from the Militia has just been
printed—The preainble enforces the necessity of the mea-
sure for the purpose of a vigorous prosecution of the war
upon the Continent—The Bill empowers His Majesty to
accept the voluntary offers of a proportion of the Militia
to serve in any part of Eurone.—It gives a bounty of ten
guineas to each militiae-man willing to serve in any part of
Kurope during the rest of the war, and until six months
after the ratification of a treaty of peace.—It enacts, that
the Commanding Officers shall explain that the otler is to
be voluntary.—It provides, that the services of three Bield
Otlicers may be accepted with 9OO men; two Field Ovicers
with 600 men; and one with 300; and a proporiion of
other Officers according to the establishment.—His Ma-
Jesty may form the Militia for extended service into such
provisional Regiments or Battalions as he may think pro.
per.—Ollicers of Militia not to take any higher rank in
His Majesty’s regular forces, while ou extended service,
than Lieut.-Colouel.—In case sufficient Officers do not
volunteer, His Majesty may appoint Ollicers.—Ollicers,
whose offers of extended service are accepted, eutitled to
half-pay ; but not if they do not join and serve upon be.
ing required to supply vacancies ; pensions to Widows of
“Officers killed on service.—Militia on extended service,
subject to Mutiny Act as regulars; and Militia Officers
and Olficers of regular forces to. sit indiscriminately on
Courts Martial.—T'o continue Militia, and remain sub-
Ject to Militia regulations, except as particularly provid.
ed by this Act.—Ifis Majesty may make regulations for
retaining Officers, Non-commiissioned Officers and drum.
mers #s supernunerarics.—M ilitia-men may enlist together
as a Company of nut less than 100; and His Majesty may
appoint Oflicgrs from the Militia, and make battalions of
such companies, &c.—Militia Officers volunteering to
serve in the regular forces to have half-pay.—Number of
men (taken from the Militia, not to exceed......—Acts
of SL Geo. TIL. chap. 20 and 30, relating to Militia ene
listing into the Line, to continue in force, except in the
particular case specificd in this Act,
The Irench, in their invasion of Russia, were, accord.
ing to an oflicial report since published, accompanied by
1,195 pieces of ordnance: of these a considerable uamber
was, rather reluctantly, ceded by them to the Russians ;
anda much greater proportion was dropped, en passant,
between Moscow and the Niemen; so that, according to
another official return, 1,131, remained in the possession
of the Russians on Christmas eve, 1812. The use to be
made of this massy relic of the French invasion, is pointed
gut by an Imperial Decree of the Emperor Alexander,
Phe captured cannon are to be employed in the construc.
tion of two colossal pillars, the one at Moscow, and the
other at St. Petersburgh. The plan of the monument has
beeu given in by the artist charged with the structure, and
fiually approved of by the Russian Government. The
cannons are placed vertically beside each other, in eight
distinct tiers; those of the heaviest calibre stand lowest,
and thus the size of every range diminishes as it rises to-
wards the top, where cannon of the smallest size are em-
ployed. Aring of Russian marble forms the separation
between each ier. ‘I'he two circular ranges, one at top
and the other at bottom, are composed of mortars and
howitzers horizontally placed, so as to present the mouths
towards the exterior surface. In imitation of the Roman
rostral colurno, two cannons with brass wheels project
from each tier in alternate situations; these are, in the
drawing, sideways in tier, and facing the eye in the next
above it. The diameter in the lower circular range of
mortars and howitzers is to be 17 fect, the horizontal sides
of the granite square forming the plinth, 28, and the whole
height of the column, 84 feet.
View original LEIPSIC,
Leipsick, or Leipsic, a sity of Germany, in the circle
of U pper Saxony, and capital of a circle of the same namie.
This is one of the finest and most celebrated towns in all
Germany, situated in a pleasant and fertile plain on the
river Pleisse. Its circuit is estimated at 8954 places; but
the suburbs are well built and large, and furvisned with
gardens. Between the town itself and the suburbs, a fine
walk of lime trees were laid out in the year 1702, which
runs quite round thetown. Inthe town ditches were also
planted mulberry trees. It is the seat of a very tlourishing
and famous University, which was founded and dedicated
in the year 1409, and consists of fuur nations, namely, of
the Misnian, Saxon, Bavarian, or Franconian, and the
Polish, and contains in Six colleges ; as also, of two good
Latin schools : : and likewise of two celebrated societies, as,
hamely, a German society, and another for the encour.
agement of the liberal arts. Leipsic is also one of the four
towns where the contingents of the Nmpire are paidin, and
likewise one of the principal trading towns in all Germany,
inasmuch as it enjoys not only an important foreign trade,
but also at its three celebrated fairs, which are kept at
Easter, Michaemas, and the begining of the pew year,
carries Ona very extensive comerce, both in domestic and
foreign wares. It is likewise possessed of the staple right,
by virtue of which all staple comodities, imported withia
sixty miles round, must be unladen here, at !east, for
three days, and offered to sale to such of the trading and
mercantile people here, as are burghers: and then, for
the first time, carried farther, but to be unladen no where
else’ The Plicssenburg here, isno strom citadel on the
Pleisse, where a mint was founded in 1752. Mere also,
ina chapel, (he Roman Cathotics perform their worship.
In the centre of the town is a spacious and fine market.
place, near which also the Council-ITouse stands. The
xchange is well built, and the roof of its hall well paint.
ed. Here are 8 parish churches for Lutherians, besides
the Roman Catholic chapel, and a place of worship for
Calvinists. Various sorts of manufactures are carried on
in this town, gold, silver, silk, wool, and linen yarn, be-
ing worked here, in all manner of stuffs, velvets, stock.
ings, cloths, and linen. There are also houses for the dy.
ing of silk, as likewise for the making of tapestry and li.
nen, and the printing of cotton. Leather and Prussian
blue, &c. are prepared here, and the orphan honse is ap-
propriated to the culture of silk.—In Leipsic are compu.
ted about 20 booksellers, 50 French and Italian mercan.
(ile and trading people, 150 wholesale dealers, above 250
retailers, aud many dealers in doth, The town itself, in
all probability, received its original from the Sorbenwends
-~-Ditmar in his chronicle, speaks of it so early as the year
1015, under the title of atown. According to the receiv.
ed option it belonged to the Bishoprick of Merseburg,
till Conrad, Margrave of Me'ssen, obtained the posses.
sion of it in the year 1134, by exchange. In 1519, a
theological conference was held here between Dr. Luther
and Dr. Eck; and, in 1631, another appointed between
(he Saxon or Luther ran, and the Brandenburg and Ifessian,
or Calvanists Divines. In 1547 this town was be sieged,
in vain, by the El-ctor J. Frederick § as also in 1637, by
Banner, theSwedish General. In 1631, and 1632, it was
taken by the Imperialis(s, and in 16 12 by the Swedes.
In 1745, and 1756, it was garrisoned by the Prussians,
to whom it was obliged to pay very considerable sums of
money, by way of contribution. ‘The circle contains 33
(owns, and upwards of 1OU0 villages ; 56 miles W. N. W,
of Dresden, Long. 30. 4, FB. Ferro Lat. 51. 16. N.
BERLIN, Oct. 31.—I have just heard that a messen.
ger is going off to England, and L have only time to tell
you an annecdote, whith you may rely on as true: on
the evening of the Isth, Bonaparte c came into the room
where the King and Princess of Saxony were, and told
them that they ought to congratulate him on having gain
ed a great victory, but that he still felt himself obliged to
retire on his resources, and hoped that they would come
with him. They replied, that they followed him (oo long ;
that they now were resolved to throw themselves on the
mercy and generosity of the Allies: he then dew into a
tremendous passion, stamped about the room, and after
having giving way to his passion, he rnshed out of the
room, aud just a3 he was closing ‘the door, thrust in his
head and said to her—‘Quant a votre pere, Madame, c’est
uN grand coquin,’ —The king of Saxony is here, and OC-
cupies the old apartments of the Great Frederick. He is
under the care of Prince Gallitzin.
It is said that asevere engagement, between an Am>rican
privateerand a merchant vessel, off our Coast, hays taken
place; the particulars thereof we have not yet learn.
eS A ew me et
View original i
AT this Office.—In the English Laneuage, the
Manner of Proceedings before the Court of Civil
Justice of this Colony.—Blank Bills of Exchange,
Bills of Lading, Coffee Certificates, Paper, and a
few Sheet Almanacks for the present ycar.— We also
will have ready ina few days (Second Edition) the
CHARTER of the colony Berbice, neatly printed,
as a pocket book.—12 March.
—— . .
View original NOTICE
THOSE indebted to the Printing Office of W
Schulz & Co., are earnstly requested tocome forward
with payment,—12 March.
View original vw
Puntil hurther order, on ac-
as been entered against the
llth Mareh, ISI4.
Crh kn rst Marshal.
i , i
View original ATP the request of W. Brametl, Esq. for self and
Thos. Geo. Heiheer, dee.—Notice is hereby given,
to all whom itmay concern, that the cotton Estate
called GEBRAT/PAR, situate on the east coast of
this colony, the property of Messrs. W. Hobson and
I’, Jettery, is this day released from Execution and
Sequestration, and even over-to said Gentlemen, in
consequence ofan arrangement between the parties
having taken place.—Berbice, Lith March, IST.
hk. FPrancken, First Marshal.
View original a SSFSSSSSSSSeeeeeeeeSSS
ATP the request of Messrs. Isaac Farley, M. Rader
and Krieger & Schlarhorsi—Notice is hereby given
foall whom if may concern, that (he cotton Estate,
called LEWIS MANOR, sittate on the east sea const
of this colony, is this day released from lxecution
and Sequestration, in consequcnice OF an arrangenwent
between parties having taken place.
Beibice, Lith March ISd4
kK. PRANCKIEN, Dirst Varsha.
RY virtue ofan appointment from Tis Excellency
IH. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieatenant-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c.
Oc. granted upon a petition of Jobn owner, in ca-
preity as Curator fo the Estate of \W, Threlall, dec.
Deputy Vendue Master, as well tor himselfas for the
oder Curators in sid estate, under date of 15th Fe-
bruary ESTA, verses, BLA, Rodenbroek,
I the undersiened intend to sell, at public Execu-
fion Sale, in the presence of two Councellors Com-
taissartes and their Sceretary, on Wednesday the 6th
April ISt4. at the Court Mouse of this colony, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon: -
Part of Lot No.3, situate inthe first empolder of
the Town New Aaiste ran fronting the centre road,
with all the Luildings thereupon, now occupicd by
hy. Fronchen,.
Whoever should think to haveany right, action or
Interest, oa abovenamed Land and Buildings, and
Wishes to Opoose the Execution Sale thereof, let sach
persons address themselves to me the undersioned,
as Thereby give notices, that Iwill receive Opposition
from every one thereunto quaificd by law, appoint
then a day to have his or herelain: beard before (he
Court, and farther eet Uherein as the iw direets,
Lhis first proclomation pubtished as castomars.—
Berbice, 6th March, ISV4,
WK. PRANCHK UN, First Marshal.
— —«
View original eee : /
BY virtue of an appointment from the Hon. Court
of Civil Justice, of this colony, granted upon a peli-
tion presented by B.S. Schwiers and R.C. Downer,
under date of 2th April, ISTS, versus, W. B. Joiot,
[the undersigned intend to sell, at Public Execu-
dion Sale, on Weoenesdsy the SOth of Mareh, Ist4,
In presence of (so Counceliors Commissaries and
their Secretary, at the Court Honse of this colony,
at FT? o’clock im the forenoon of that day :
Port of Lot No. 24, situate in the first enpoller
of this Town, with all the buildings thercupon, be-
inz the property of aforesaid WY. Be. Liot.
Whoever should think to have any night, action,
or interest, on aloresaicl part of lot No. 24, first em-
polder, and buildings, and wishes to oppose the sale
thereot, Jet such persons address themselves to me
the undersizned, declaring their reasons for so do-
mein due time and form, as J hereby give notice
that I will receive opposition fram every one there-
unto quilificd by law, appoint them a day to have.
his or ber claim heard betore the Court, and further
act (hereon as the law directs.
Dhis 2nd proclamation published as customary.
Lerbice, 21 November, IS12.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,

View original SUMMON vv EDICT’.
BY virtue of an appotntment from the Tonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
pelition, presented by the Board tor Orphans and
unprovided states, bearing date the 16th Novem-
ber 1813. J the undersigned, at the request of atore-
satu Board, do hercby Summon by Edict :—All per-
sons having or pretending to have any claim or right
on the Estate of the late Robert Mit« hell, to appear
before the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at
their session Ju the month of July, (in the vear one
thousand eight hundred and fourteen.) sty ISI4. for
the purpose of there delivering in their claims, see
afiatilienit — , — a tie
View original
View original the same objecied to, should it he noce sary, and to
witness, after the fourth Edictal iain {lie
Court’s dectsion as to the preferent and concurrent
right of claimants, on pati fo such as remain ta de-
fealt of being for ever debarred their rieh tof claim,
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the C ourt [fouse of this colony,
and further dealt with according ¢ tg custom.
Berbice, the 15th February, IS}.
K. FRANCKEN, I%rst Marshal.
View original SUMMON vy EDICT.
BY virtue of an appointment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upon a
petition, presented by James Sinclair, as appointed
Curator to the Estate and Effects of the late John
Sinclair, dec., under date of 26th January, IST4.
[the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Curator,
do hereby Summon by Edict, ad valvas curiae :—All
creditors or claimants on the Estate of the late John
Sinclair, {0 appear in person, or by proxy, betore
the Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
sesston which will be held in the month of January,
(in the year one thousand cight hundred and fif-
teen,) say, 1815, there to render in their claims, to
verily the same, and further to proceed according to
Law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right of
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of dram from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 16th February, IST4.
K. PFRANCKIEN, First Marsha’.
View original SUMMON ry EDICT’
BY virtue ofan appointment from the Tfonorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted upona
petition, presented by the Board for Orphans and
unprovided Estates, bearing date the 16th Novem-
ber ISI3. TE the undersigned, at the request of afore-
said Board, do hereby Summon by Edict:—All per-
sons having, or pretending to have any claim or night
on the Estate of \lexander Houston and Hugh Hous-
fon or plantation Mary’sburg, negroes and other ay.
purtenances, to appear before the Court of Civil Jus-
lice of this colony, at their session in Che month of
July, Gin the year one thousimd eic¢ht bundzed and
fourteen,) sav IS14, for (he purpose of there deliver-
ing in their claims, sce the same objected to, should
il be necessary, and to witness, after the fourth
Mdictale Summon, the Courts decision as to the pre-
ferent and concurrent right of claimants, on pain to
suchas remain in default, of being for ever dcbarred
their right of claim.
Tis Summon by Ediet, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the loth February, IST.
K. FRANCKEN, First Vareha!
View original SUMMON vy LDICT.
BY virtue of an appointnent from the Honorable
Conrtot Civil Pustice of this colony, granted Upon i
penton of \V tiltam Innes, as appointed Curator to the
estate of John Donaldson, dee., dated 26th Janu-
ary ISIk. LT the undersigned, at the request of afore-
sud Curator, do hereby Summon by Ldict.— Ai
Knownand unknown ercditors of the Estate of the late
John Donaldson, dec., to appear before the Bar of
the Conrt of Civil Justice of tiris colony, at their
session which willbe heid in the month October of
the present year IS14, (here toy erify (heir claims and
witness Hie Court's decision as to the preferent and
concurrent tight of clatnants, and farther to proceed
according to Trisy. on pain ot being for ever debarred
their right orelatm,
Pliis Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum trom the Court House of this colony,
wid further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the loth February, IS 1-4.
K.PRANCKEN, First Marshal,
View original SUMMON ny EDICT.
BY virtue of anappointinent from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, granted Upon a
ection, presented by Thomas Fryer Layfield and
tobert Douglas, as Curators to the Estate of John
Ross, dec., and of James Sinclair, as Curator to. the
[state of John Sinclair, dee., under date of 29th Ja-
nuary I514. f the undersigned, at the request of
aforesaid Curator, do hereby Summon by Idict :—
tur the fourth time ex superabundant, all creditors
or Claimants on the late firm of Ross and Sinclair, or
plantation Nigg, situate within this colony, or on
the separate Estates of Jolin Ross and James Sinclair,
to give in theirclaims in person, or by proxy, before
the Bar of the Court of Civil Justice, at their session
which will be held in the month of July 1814, there
to hear the objection made thereto, if necessary, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain to all
such who remain in default, of being for ever debar-
red their right of claim.
This Summon by Edict, made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this culony,
and further dealt with according to custum.
Berbice, the 16th February, 1814.
K.EFRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original
View original whe FOR LIVERPOOL,
ite ile Phe coppered Ship LEANNA,
Georcr Forster, Master.
will sail hence with the April convoy. This vessel
will leave Demerary for this River on the Ist Prox:,
and will be ready to commence loading linmediately
after arrival, Lor freight or passive apply to
96 Fel. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
WITIO have received, per Benteisie, froin Glas-
gow, via Demerary,—hams, clicese, Planters mess
beef and pork in half barrels, pease, barley, pota-
toes, herrings in kegs, beer, porter, Port Wine, cor-
dage assorted, canvas, cotton & cofice bagging, cot-
ton & linen check, ready made clothes, umbrellas,
[rish linen, thread, Osnabrue’s, carpenter & cooper
tools, stationary, sadlery, nails from 4d to 10, diaper
tuwelling, table cloths, gauze, hoes, shovels, cutlas-
ses, pruning knives, corn mills, ne@ro hats & blan-
kots, about 40 hhds. lime, and 12,000 bricks.
View original FORGLASGOI,
Em THE copper’d Ship NEPTUNE
RIG Pore Srupson, Master.
Is now ready to receive her cargo, and will positive.
ly sail with the first or April convoy, for height
ply to William Dunean, or to
—— ———_-———— ———S.- —=_——
View original ADVERTISEMENT,
THE Business hitherto carried on, under the Firm
of D.C. Camrpron & Co., this day ceases by inue
tual consent; All those indebted to them by Notes of
Hand or open Acconnts, are requested to come. for-
ward with payment as early as possible, to the first
undersigned, who will pay the demands against said
firm, which they, also request to be rendered within
one month from date. D.C. CAMERON,
26 eb. A. CAMERON,
View original FOR SATE
Twenty bales of Cotton, from plantation Ki/mo-
rack, payable in cash on delivery : Tenders for which
will be received by the Sequestrators at W. Scort’s
[isq., und Thursday the 24th current. 5 March.
— —~ -
TUE subscriber request all) persons holding des
mands against the above property, to render in the
sane, on the preinviscs as early as possibls, and par-
ticularly solicits those indebted to the said fstate, to
setile their accounts, to cuable him to liquidate such
that are agatast it.
West coast, 26th Feb. IST4.
THE Subscriber finding repeated applications toa.
those indebted of no use, Is now under the nece ssity
of publicly informing those Gentlemen, many of
whose accounts have been standing since the year
ISO9, that unless they come forward and liquidate
the same, previous to the Ist of April, IS 4, they
will be deposited in the hands of his ANiforney, tu be
procecded against without respect to persons.
26 Feb. Tu. C. BMERY.
View original FOR SALE
A Trunk of Boots and Shoes, London made: a
small advanee on the invoice price. Enquire at the
Printing Ofliec. 26 I’eb.
ee te
G. BONE & Co.
Offer for Sale the following articles, which they
will dispose of, reasonable, for cash.
BEEP and pork in half barrels, hams, Cork but-
ler, spiced beef in tubs, fine ox fonvues, tripe in jars
and kegs; pickled and smoked herrinesin half boxes
pine cheeses, French vinegar in jugs and bottles, fish
sauces assorted, pickles and capers, refined sugar,
raisins, Tloffman’s raspberry and cherry brandy,
olives, Scotch and pearl barly, split pease mustard,
Port-, sherry- and Madeira wine p- doz., London
porter in bottlesand bhds., elasware assorted ; zentle-
men boots, do. full dress and walking shoes, planters
do, @entlem. and ladies stockings, fashionable coats,
biack silk waistcoats, silk and beaveyr hats, drab do,
Willow do., cotton and linen checks, linen platillas,
table cloths, diaper, towels, dimity, Waistcoat pat-
terns, gentlemen fancy neck handkerchiefs, a fev
pieces of very superior printed cambrics muslin, do.,
callicoes, Madras and pullicat hkfs., Irish linen
fine cotton shirling, York stripe, tapes and thread,
Osnabrugs, coffee bagging, soap, candles, paint and
paint oil, lampou, Florence do., stationary assort-
cd, setts of books, pen knives, pencel cases, ard a
variety of other articles—also a few barrels of fre
flour. 5 March,
View original ee
From 40 to 50 bales of Cotton, from plantation
Geanies, payable in cash or bills of exchange pay-
able in London (on delivery). Tenders for which
will be received by the Sequestrators, at W. Scott's
Esq., until Thursday the 24th currt. 5 March.
re es es
View original

12 March 1814