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The Berbice Gazette

View original Kine’s House, Berbice, \8th March, 1814.|
THE Lieutcaant-Governor has directed the fol-
lowing to be publish | for general information.
By lis Eccetlency’s Commani.
F. WHITE, Gov. See.
Venerable, Charlisle Bay, Barbados, 9th eb. 181 z
Sir! !
TAVING relieved Rear Admiral Sir F RANCIS
Larorey, Bart. in the command of His Majesty’s
ships and vessels, at (he Leeward Islands.
lL have the honor to aquaint your Excellency for
the information of the planters and merchants of the
colony, unde r your Excellency’s Government, that
the convoy’s for (he present year are arranged to sail
from Berbice, in (he months of April, June, and July,
in which month sa vessel of war will call off the river!
serbice, at the full moon, to protect the ships while
compleatin Hheiv lading, and take them thence te
Grenada, froin whenee they Will forwarded to the
place of general vende ZVOUS. Ihave the honor to be,
Sir, your Excellency’s most obedient humble serve.
P.C. DURTLAM, Rear Admiral.
His Excellency HT. W. Bentinck, lsqr.,
&e. &e. &e. Berbice.
View original BERBICE.
Kine’s Touse, With Varch, i814.
THE Lientenant-Governor has been ple ased to
make the following Appouintinents :
Hupert DESALVE, Esq. To be Peceizcr of thi
Patty Duties.
Francis Wuire, Esq. To be Bookkeeper of Sala-
Dy Mis Preclency’s command.
Pr. WITH, Gov. Sce.
(Second time of publishing. )
=e eer SE ee eee)
View original CCT. SNL te ae ee)
FOR the use of the Negroes attached to the Civil
Government, viz.—
Two Pineheons of Rum,
Tenders for which, marked s+ Peader tor Rum,” wil!
be received by the subscriber, till 10 o’clock on
Monday morning the 28th tast. when they will b:
opened i in presence of His Uxcelleacy the Governor,
and the lowest tender, if approved of, will be ac-
cepted.—New Amst. i9th March.
Wo =e ‘OTT, Com.
TILE Subscribers to the Quarterly Balls, he i OF)
the Corentine coast, are requested to mectat Phauntie-,
tion Gibraltar, on Pridey the 25th inst. for the pure
ose of renewing Gicir Subseripiions, ood of entering
into Rules and Regulations, for the tuture conduct
ing of the same. Voreh 19.
Cotton For Sans—The Seqrestrators of Planta-
tion Nigg, voter for sale, by Pender... FO bales of
good clean cotton, and 4 ialesol yellow; and whiel
Tenders will be ope ned at Messrs. Henory § 0 aylor’s
at 12 0’clock on Tharsday next the 24th inst. and
the highest offer, ifapproved of, will be aece pled—
payment to be made in colony paper money,
March 19,
View original FOROS SALI a1,
ON Saturday the 9th April, among the ereditors.
of J- C. Spangenberg, 200 bales of cotton.—And at
the same tune 30 bales cotfon, for which the highest!
Tender, payable in cash on delivery, at the store oj
Mr. B. Ziegler, will be accepted. —March 19,
W. LAWSON, for self
View original ON Friday the Sth proximo, from 2) to SO) bales
of good clean cotton will be sold among the creditors.
of plantation Letterkenny, at 12 0’clock, at the stor
of Messrs. Douslas Reid & Co. New Amsterdam.
19 March. C. DOUGLAS, Trustees.
View original ON Friday the sth proximo, 25 bales of ood)
clean cotton, from plantation Bloomficld, will be
sold among the creditors of that estate, at the store’
ef Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. New Amsterdam.
“19 March. W. LAWSON.
C. DOUGLAS, Trust's
View original FOR SALE
Fourteen bales cotton from Onverwaet Estate :
for which Tenders will be received until 24th inst.,
at the store of Messrs. Douglas Reid & Co. where it
may be seen, and the highest offer, if approved, ac-
cepted.—19 March. W. KATZ, qq.
View original
View original MLN A ae,
BY PERMTSSION of Iis Excellency the Gor-'
— ernor,on Monday the 28th inst. (The room where
the Concert will take place willbe erpresscd op
Tuesday next, and bills to be had with the parti-
cularsy at the Subscription rooms.)
Mr. Swacuey, from the Theatre Royal Covent
‘rarden, begs leave to ‘nform the Ladies and Gentle-
men of Berbice, that he intends preforming, a few
mights, at the above place, which he intends intro-
ducing the most celebrated and fashionable airs, as
sung by Messrs. Branaw and Incnepon, &c. &e.
Song.—NEDLSON, or England expect every mar
will do his DUTY —composed and sung by
Mr. Baatan.
sung by Mr. Bratiactin the Opera ot the
Chaos or Love in the Deserts, with unbound-
ed applause.
as sung by Mr. Braiac.
Song.—THE BEAUTIFUL MAID, from the cele-!
brated Opera ot the Cabinet—coim posed and
sung by Mr. baawaw.
CROMBY, with recilative, as sung by Mr.
Brauam, onthe popular Opera of Family:
Song.—FAIR ELLEN, from the Opera of the
The first part to conclude with Mr. Brairan’s
celebrated song, called, said ASMILGE TOA TEAR.
as sung With unbounded applause in the Opera ot
alse Alurms.
( Pataca.)
MY HEART! with recitative and SON,
(Comic. )
Song.—CABIN BOY ! as sung by Mr. Swannry.
IS4 mights in the popuiar Pantomine of Vio-
ther Grouse, at the ‘Theatre Royal Covent
Po conclude with G. AL STEVENS, celebrated
description of a sea Sdorm in Choracters !
Phe sones to be accompanied on the «rand Piano-
orto, by Mr. Swanuey anda young Lady, Amateur.
Por turtber particulars inquire at Mr. Bes xtnxa’s.
subscription rooms. where Tickets may be had.
Admittance Four Dollars,
The room to be open’d af 6, and to commence at
(o'clock preciscly, refreshments will be provided if
Mr. Suaniry begs leave to inform the respectable’
coloured Tnhabiants, that in consequence ot having
so many subscribers to his Concert, and the room not
suiheient: large, that he will use his utmost endeav.-,
ours to provide a proper place ina few days.
Berbice, 19th March.
i — —
View original SATE MAWING.
THE subscriber informs his Friends and the Pu-
Dlic in Berbice, that he has engaged Mr. Geo. Por-
ree, Sail-maker, and Master workman, for the pu-
pose of carrying on the Sail-making business in De-
merary, uncerthe Firm of Hicks & Porrer, where
any orders to them will be executed with every dis-
patch and on the most reasonable (erms,
19 Larch. ~ JOUN P. HICKS,
View original NOTICE
THE creditors of the late P. Cursney, dec., ar
requested to render in their accounts, properly at-
tested, to the first subscriber on No. 5 east coast, o1
to the last ou No. 4 corentine coast, and those indebt-
ed are requested to come forward with immediate
payment J. ERSKINE,
_ 19 March. W. ERSKINE.
ee SANE,
View original eli SS
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View original —_——_ — —
_ err SS
By Ilis Excellency Henry Wirttram Bene
TINCK, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor, and
1 Commander in Chicf in and over the Settlement
of Berbice with its Dependencies, and Presi-
dent in all Courts aud Colleges within the same,
&e. we: &c.
WITEREAS I have deemed it expedient, for the
better security of this colony, and for the maintain-
ince of good order within the same, to devise a plan
or the more effective organization of the Militia,
which in due time will be made known, and as pre-
paratory thereto, [have thought fit, provisionally,
‘'o forma Battalion to be denominated the 3d Batta-
Hon, and to consist of the following companies :
/trst,—The Rifle Corps, as attached.
Necond,— The company at present No. 1, Town dis-
Vhird,—Company (coloured)
Fourth—Company (coloured)
Which two last companies wt he formed out of
ithe coloured company, now No. 6, ‘Town district.
[In the battalion so composed, I have thought tit
fo make the following Promotions :
Capt. B. J. Schwiers, to be Major.
First Company.
Licut. Wilson Taylor, to be Captain, vice, Thorn-
borrow resigned.
Lieut. J. Croft to be Ist Lieu‘enant, vice, W. Tay-
lor promoted.
Charles McIntosh, Gent. to be 2d Lieutenant, vice,
Croft promoted. -
. Second Company.
icut. J.-M. Schlarhorst to be Captain, vice Schwiers
I. Zicgler, Gent. tobe First Lieut. vice, Schlar-
horst promoted.
(:. bone, Gent. to be Seeond Lieut. .
Third Company. (coloured)
Licut. A. Cameron to be Captain, vice, F.Read gone
to Hurope.
Hicut. Binning to be First Lieut. vice, Robson, dec.
iL. Luthers, Gent. to be Second Lieut. vice, Uin-
ning promoted.
lourth Company. (coloured)
Lieut. C. Douglas to be Captatn.
John Downer, Gent. to be First Lieut.
AW. Fraser, Gent. to be Second Lieut.
Aing’s Louse, 18th March, 1814.
By Command,
[ WHITE, Gov. Sec.
LLL ___ LL
View original |
PERSONS having claims or demands against Plan-
tation Gibralter, are requested to deliver a copy of
the document ou which it is founded, to the subseri-
ber, atthe House of C. Kyte, Esqr., in order that
the same, if correct, may be sctiled.
12 March. W. HOBSON.
View original | NOTICE.
THE undersigned intends to leave this colony pr
April fleet, requests most respectfully all persons
indebted to him, to pay their accounts, and all ace
counts due by him, will be paid on preseniation.

View original I
ALL persons having any claim, against the late
Danicl Leen, Esq., are requested to render the same
in, to the Subscriber; and those indebted to come
torward with payment. If. C. HINTZEN,
12 March, G. PAUELS, qq
They also repeat their former advertisement, that
those haying claims against Plantations Sch umachers
lust, Rotterdam, and Gelderland, to render in their
pretentions for payment, and those indebted to for.
ward payment.
ee ee ee
a -——=
TILE subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends
and the Public, that they have for sale, a large as-
sortment of goods, imported by the last arrivals, from
London and Glasgow, which they wilt dispose of
very reasonable for immediate payment; at the Store
formerly occupied by D. C. Cameron & Co.
Seen ea lelare little
THE annual Accounts from th: s Office,
are now
ready for delivery .
and the undersigned requests
th) ose concerned, to send or call for then n, and Lye es
thane ntton to early payments, ta enable him to
C hare mothe pr SSH uv
bu ” demands on the ollice.
New Amsterdam, 5 Mars/
A, THO} NL OR LLO Vy Dep Rec G
View original
Tris isto inform the Public, that the following per-
Sons intend quitting (his Colony,
A. Thornborrow, will quit the colony by thie April
pect or 6 weeks from Feb. 19. ,
W. Richards in 6 weeks from Feb. 26.
H. then in6 weeks fran Feb. IS.
Win. Crott with the ne xt. \pril CONVOY.
J. Derrick, in 3 weeks from March 19.
S) aitt and OS servants.
J.B. Rule with the April convoy.
Letty, a free black woman, and 2 children in 6 weeks’
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
NOTICE tishereby civen, thata weasnith after date th
following Transporis and Mortgazes whl be passed.
March 5. TE. Smithson will pass a first mortgage, on
plant. New Forest and Negroes thereto be-
longing, (alist whereof may be seen at. the
Sceeretary’s office) intavor ot J&A. Anderson.
o! London.
Ned Rowlins, will (rans port to Mis. M. De-
niant, six roods ta lenght of (the Southern teal,
lot land No. 22, between Mercy Tlarper anc
W., Gordon will passa first mort rage on 8 ne-
@roes, tn favor of Th. FP. Layiield, who wil!
at the same (ure release from morteage, 7 i Ne-
evo slaves, bound to bim by Win. Cordon by
a regular moriyage deed, names sand particu.
lars {oO be seenat this office.
March 12. J. Mev will pass a mortesge, on
plantation or beraad, came annevis, in tayer
of Crea. P: S
March 19. W. \ ee (corentine) will transport. to
Ro ‘Gait de haty of lot 40, crentine, known
ander the name of Lpsom.—lk. “Patttwith pass
aimorterceon pla. Epsom, or bath Now 18,
corel! easalsoa on 20 ne@roes, to WAani
———— .\. Ssivifhison Will puss a morteace in favor of
Jo& A. Anderson, of London, to bev rested om
OS negrocs, appurtaning to pln. New Forres
eT. Thee be een af (his office.
--— A. Thornborrow and J. Walmsley will trans-
her (oP. Quin. pla. Expectation or No.
west sea coast—. Quin will pass a mortgage:
thereon on 25 bead of cattle and 2 newroes, in
favor cf A. 'TPhormborrow tor security of the
purchase moucy. 7
View original it te es oo
The sale of Plantation Expectation, or No. 9.
West coast, and cattle, &c. advertised to take place
- -? .
on the 2tst tastant, is postponed in consequence o:
the Estate being suld by private contract.
—————— — -<- —_ -——- er oo - +
View original PEBLIC VENDUES. !
Qo Tuesday the 2d ti cant, will be sold at the:
Vendue Olee, by orves of Messrs. Ge. Bone & Co.
IN comission, aeossortmcné of classware, carpenters
fools, a parcel of tard: saws, dfoots, a quantity of
foolscap paper, wilhout reserve,
Also by order Messrs. dL. Kip & Co. Dutch but-
ter, suoked saltion da tin cases, Dutch herrings in)
kegs, \\ estphadia Less, sweoef Oil, ralsins, prunes
and currants agar. boxes pickles, mustard, &c.
iy order of Capt. Dorster, afew pipes wine, dow.
das, pickles, ham, clivese, nails, cotton & eoflee bac-
ging, negro tats, peas, Daley, shirts, &c. withou
On Weducsday the 22rd) Mareh, will be sold, by
order of Messrs. (ough Reid & Co., atthe Venduc|
Ollice ; seventy prime negroes, men and women,
yayable in tivec, six, and mine mouths, in cash, o1
bills ofexchange.
Qn the same day by order of Messrs. Mvan ane
Angus Fraser, their house and land on lot No. 3. av
formerly advertised in the Gazette, in one or mor
lots, fo suit purchasers, the desirable situation «1
these promises, enher for a private residence or a:
extensive mercantile establishment, are not surpas-
sed by any in this colony ; terms of payment, one
third in Go months, one third in 2 years, and the re-
maining one third i 3S years, with the interest—
transport to be given on payment of the first instal-
ment, and receiving security.
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.

On Saturday the 26th instant, will be sold by
order of S. lvendall, bsq., at Plantation Wendalls,
from 50 to 60 head o: very fine cattle, cConsistine of
milk cows, oxen, and heifers, &ce. and 50 head of
sheep, ata credit of OS months for sums under {600
above that sam at S and 6 months credit, !
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original = — — —— —
On the 24th inst. and following day, will be sold
at ‘he Veudue oftice, by order of Captain Thomas
smith, Agent,the ship MULUETT, condemned by,
a Board of Survey, with every material belonging (o
Vier, among which are many new sails, anew 13 lich
cable, provisions and cabin furniture—the whole
will be put up in lots to suit purchasers, agreable to
luventory, atthe Venduc otlice.
b. ©. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original On Monday the 28th Marc h, will be sold by order
and at the house of Adam Lboruburrew, Esquire,
View original (colony town) the following goods and efiects, viz.
a dwe ‘line house, at present occupied by the Com-.
inissariat, with necessary out buildings, and with,
ve quart lot of land extending from the front to Che.
middle road : tea and collec pots and stands, sugar
bason, table-, desert- and tea spoons, soup ladle,
Cable forks and desert do. a fish knife, butter do.,
sugar tongues, (all sifwer) a nmial:ogany low wardrobe,
lo. side board, do. liqaer case, with botites com-
plete, do. hair bottom chairs brass bound with 2 set
check couvers, do. dining fables, do. Pembroke do.,
lo. tea che: compl tte, do. 2 set bedstead, feather
eds complete, a night chair, painted ch: ifs. soplhias
mc pillows with covers, a backgammon box, ©
Eeyptian lamps with plated stands, a healt lamp anc
shades, @lasware ; table-, desert- and tea service, ten
travs, dish covers, table wnd bed dinen, hatves ane
forks, 23 volums eneyclopedia perthensis and mays
complete, sundry Pnelish-, Duteh-, and Pre nel
books, an exce if ‘at thermometer, a large time pice
ind case, a gold repeater, a theodilite doubte- aia
sinele barrel guns, 2 sets plated casters, drayy ing paint,
looking elassess, old Madeira wine and claret, a spy
rliss, a box of scales and weight, a chaise and har-
ess, a good horse, saddles and bridles, agarden rol-
cor, kitchen furniture, &e.—Terms of payment : th
‘house and lot, payable in 3, 6 and 9 niouths, th
furniture in So months—in cash.
Dp. C. C ah TEEN 5 Dep. Vendue Mastr
On Thursday /3Ist Mare I, will be so Hd, on the pre-
inises, by order of HH. Smithson, I'sq. Pin. WIY-
MOUTH, or lot No. 65 corentyn coast, containin:
300 acres I fail, a dwelling house, and lowe, covered
with wallaba shingles, out buildings all in good or-
ler, 150 acres are in fine cotton, S4 acres in plant-
vins snd round prov isions, and o4 ne@roes, (to be
a in familic ‘s), St head of cattle, | 10 shee ‘p, Xe.
Che land payable in four equal annual instalments,
on security being given on ten negroes, the negroes
and other articles payable on the Istof Jana: inv ISTS,
with the exception of purchasers under f 1000—
payable in 3 months, in cash or approved bills of
exchange. colfee or cotton, deliverd in N. Anist. at
Cash price.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Fendie Master.
View original MARSH AL's OF SICH.
IS hereby given taths Pubic, that the Execution
Sale of Plantation WIL MOOUVCTY, the property ot
Sion Praser, asq. advertised to take pleco on the
idth dnst., is postponed until further order, on ae-
count of an opposition has been entered agzatist the
sale of satd estate. —Berbiee, Ehth March, Ist.
K. FRANC NEN, First: Marshal.
~ ee — 7 a —
View original ———
NAT the request of Wo. Binmell, lisq. for selfand
Phos. Geo. Hethger, dec. —Notice is hereby given,
toall who itanay concern, that the cotton Estate
called GIBRALBPAR, ae on the east coast of
‘his colony > the property of Messrs. W. Phobson and
ly Jeffery, is this diay) re leaseel from [execution and
Seques ui tion, and given over to said Gentlemen, in
Consequence of an arrangement between the parties
having taken place. —Be thice, Pith Afarch, Psd.
hk. ERANCKEN, First Varshal.
_—T- OO
View original A'P (he request of Messrs. Isaac Farley, Ve Racer
and Wwrieger & Schlarhorst—Notice tis hereby eiven
toall whom it may concern, Chat (he cotton Estate.
called GE WIS MANOR, situate on the east sea cous!
of this colony, is this day released from Execution
and Sequestration, ti consequence of an Qrraueremich|
hetween parties having taken place.
Berbice, P1th March isi t
We A NCAEEN, Pvist VWarshal.
Bg | dB a ee
— —_—_——_ — —— —— + —____ __.-
Suriroavy, Manou 19, 1814.
(Ab lenght, our Dispatch Boatarrived here Wednesday
last, dud brings Barbados’ Papers to the 8th of Marci: :
dy those papers we are put in possession of London news
wo tne 26th January ;—The contents of whith are in som.
meuasnre important, and first claim attention i ith reoard
fo the mighty armics that they state to be converging low
wards the French metropolis. To meet those numerous
and well-disceplined troops, the French papers woulu,
have us believe that their Marshals, with an adequate
force, are marching invarious directions, and that som:
of them had already taken up positions which would noi
‘unly ensure the safety of the Empire, but also lead to th
speedy cxpulsion of ts invaders; yet, scarcely dues this
entelligence reach Englund, before our Government is
put im possesston of official accounts, that those very strony
holds have been entered and passed by the Allies almost
withoul opposttion.—Thus tt ts evident, that the army of
I'rance has been so reduced by its late reverses, as nol lo
Ibe capable of presenting a sufficient body of soldiers to|
repel the coaleced troops at any one of the several potnts
iby which they are proceeding into the very heart of that)
Country 5 and, as @ dernier resort, Bonaparte has issued
a Decree for the immediate formation of the National
‘Gauards of Parts, which he és lo command in person, ana
‘vom which service there ts hardly any exemplion. It és
wctth this molley force, then, that the fate of Napoleon is
fa be decided—so that, should the ilies remain firm, and,
View original avord any further discusstons upon the subject of Peace,
there ts every reason bo caleilaute MPON AR carly lermiude
fron of the most d testable dynast thal O13 CoCr pe rile
fed to be the OU Ee of ad cecthiscd p ople )
One f th Bourbon Pri ICCS ha l sacl J for the hee ad
iquerters of Lord Wellitgton, and lca olkers were ahou€
fo depart for the Continent, inorder to join the Allicd-
Monarchs, who, accordinge to the lates t.patches from
hat quarter, were al Basle > tt bei if Now Unie) stood,
hat th Kap Or of Austria hus no ch) clion lo (he reese
OVdlt i ¢ / that J areily 0 th ; Lh POR? of ranc .
Meanahile, Bonaparte is entploying stratagems to sce
pardle Spam from her present alliance with Great
brian, and, 7 postble, to divert hy altention of our
Srovorninent » for this purpose, he és sacl to have relcas-
ML Charles the Qe jy sed hh ce | Ss r ly and ke) denand
PTL hes sucecsss as pon their taking a solemn oath, that
vo soon ds eitheir sould be restored to the Throne, their
first objects Should be that of effectuating a scparate
i / aly Cy] Pe dce wcidh Ade. ll Jar ha “his sdep woults Oe
mol Ly the ectsting Cortes of Spat, we are ata loss lo
yuchire, su vacilialing are the people of that ¢ ulry
/ ; / -
/l rnold Ca praled f¢ Sy (is cl NO J @MLOUS ALC bhi i of l/il¢ j) o
y 1Cce cf al Linde /l Tiny tl lid of the pi CO) ‘ / ( i lie / ()
HWoMS LOCOS ranted to bald Marshall Wllineion .
fur chose dé cacrtions (hey would al thes diy have ooen
the stax s f tl; bye MAP ANE CRA Pace, fil ¢it mee ade
“OMe, |i convsidcral Le reipfore ments i we been send
lo the } (ove shal. fo end rle fom 0 po ecd directly
Sah lus anny from the Sodath, whilst the other allica
POOPS Cl Add Ne from Mne north and north. Canad
ile fi YL advls.— Drafis Jrom Scv. va! res mons of Dia-
vous, Guida number of this Majosty’s Lice Guards, had
wfl London, and preparations cre makins at Ports.
nouih for the emoarkation vf YVOOQ men from thal Port
Ihe are «lad to announce the annevation of Denmark
fo the Common CaASe, upon ferms at once eompatthle welh
ner orn Us well as lhe intercsés of the Combined Powe
and she tx to furnish YOO men, for which she és tore.
COME £& JOUOOCOS as sui Ly fron redl britain. Ale
former congitests oft Gorvedcries, crcopl bteltvoland,
are tly be vestaved bso the Denese and Stralsund ts lo ree
medin che ¢ C for the nreerhandts of Peroland.,
ahi Pyccly, cons.siéry of threc sntvs of the line ana
five | v2 if _? d / ( Vc. ci fr meoOorrent ,; uf
which corcimsiance «@ British squadron had boon apprised,
and had 3 lly f O} : CUCM.
li iN owl / ( ce ACU (dul OllP readers, that lhe
rices of Cocontal prodtee are increas tng, anil arlicles
J bres Licrean LV (heecere tnd dard,
View original J fi; L$ — Ve re if Cihe Cell TCUCE \ CON nicae
\ Lui Cit ba l roofsA bia has c .
(| ° i rt 4 cs \ Ob] (LOW ON Laks | irt to the
ice i { 1s bhOis Lie Not make s€
SJ Glad Mess Bill vol lelmnpt to Fore { | , U n
Lie | pte I r ) »s HU NO O)PO itton sill | Moyea, i
iis part lob, VeowWisal ind etlorts for thi ereat and -
ircable object Weare not surprised to tind thi :
2euce neither beHeved nor relished by those wlio hay =
ways hel bd the | hoiiatle Soveret ‘lls ( fo fdar pe ( -
pats, governing (he peuple by tyranny, and desers \@
be abandoned oy them the moment of daneer aud cise
(ress > WhO Giave in the same breath palliated (he crimes
and cruclics of this Corsican coward, holding him up to
yue adiiairaddon rather thaw our nate, aa lstyling him the
reatost Stalesinau, Cae wWost Consumnate CG ucral—the
nero Of theege, Great stress is laid by this party upon
Cle Cur tinsiawuce Of the Mui peror of Austria’s daughter
Ocliy len) | ress I I ranuce,. nd ol her Naving a SOT. 5 and
Chat be prust therefore be desirous of the continuance ot
“the | seut dy tasty on the Throne of trance.” That he
iotld be auAxtous tur the continuance oF Bonaparte upon
(he Parone; of atau from whom he has never received
any other than th miOst J Vitin treatinent: who never
suiered bis relationst. OO] llc a softcner of any one
GAehliithad 3 Wilho lllsist 5 Ld Pridve, | on the full
erforiiaiice of the ! Coll 1 sie had i POs d upon
Wim, Wath the same uutelewine sicrmoess he had evinced
Dofore Nis warn mre 5S Chal Ne should be anaious for thie
ceptre to remato stillin his ¢ rasp, wecannot believe. But
it is Said tnat he would be ewied that the sun of this Bona.
parte, S*his own eranason, a minor, with his own daugh-
(cr as Ktupress Regeut, should remain on the throne. of
france.’—Could fis Imperial Majesty expect. this 2
Could he expect that, after the removal and death of Boe
Naparte, his daugiter and graudson would be able to pree
serve themselves upou the Phrone of I'rance? Lt is ime
possible that he can entertain such an expectation.—But
In Supposing that “ must be against the re-establishment of
the ancient dc y (we have suflictently shewn that he is
rot) they so 1 tu forzetentire ly that there ds ie olispring
of an Austrian Princess still in the family of the Bourbous
-that the daughter of Louis NVI. and of the hapless
\ntoinctte, au Austrian Princess, is married to the Duke
“Of Angoulome.
' Wea luded on Saturday to the arrival of .a Nobleman
ifrom rane ce; fis name has been imprudently , We think,
made public by oe Papers, and one of them says, it is
true ‘*that M. de Chabanes, the nephew of M. de Talley.
‘raud, did arrive in Kogland afew days ago, and had an ig,
terview with Louis NV IIL. and he is again returned to the
Continent. But Mons. de Chabanes is not a person of the
weight and influence which has been assigned him. He
long ayo quarrelled with his uncle. He emigrated to this
‘ountry, where his speculations in trade plunged him into
‘ditheculties., and obliged into to make a hasty retreat from
(us ercditors.?? ‘This is a mistake, the M. de Chabanes
rived is, we understand, the brother of that person. He
is Certainly the nephew both of ‘Valleyrand and the Arche
‘bishop of Rheims.
Davoust has published some fresh orders at HWambs urgh
of the saine sa: iuinary tendency with his preceding ones.
One of these orde ‘rs inflicts the punishment of death upon
persons using tollammatory speeches, tending fo exaspecrate
Che juhabitants against the troops. ‘This is in the true res
View original yolutionary Jacobin sty le. Davoust scems determined to!
mcrit the fate that we trust awaits him—Death by the com.
mon haneman. However, we must not forget that nol
small part of the misery in which Hiamburgh is involved
‘Sfar Department, Jan. 25. '
(Mr. Thornton signed with the Danish Plenipotentia-
rics ou the 14th inst. a Delinitive Treaty of Peace and oj
Alliance between his Majesty and the King of Denmark
COAT Conque (is to be restored | except Ilelig mn und,
COPiiconers of War on both sides to be released.
“Poumark to jou the Allies with 10.000 men, if ling:
Jand will give asubsidy of four liundred Phousand Pounds
in the Year Ist). :
6 Pomerania to be ecded by Sweden to Denmark in lev}
is owing to Deumatrk.

of money.
; 7 . ,° “ . e )
OStraisund still to continue a depot for Jenalish pro-
‘)onmark to dy all in her power to abolish the Stave
Cee sland to mediate Denmark and the ofher Allies
L yr. Catheart states, that the Jom eror of GNustiia re.
ceived the Miaperor of Russia at Baste on Che Doth, Our the
14th it was understood that the head-quarters were mov-!
ing from Vesoul to Langres, which latter place had for
some time been occupied by General Gailay.
‘General Bubua was on his march on Dole, and towards
Ly ons.
r , . canned XT
¢*\Parshal Blucher was expected to reach Alentz, about
Au action had taken place between the French undei
Victor, near St. Drey, aud the Bavarians uadee Gen.
Wreode, i Which the former, after an obstinate coutiict,
had been defeated with very considerable loss,
Orders. were issued to Che whole ot the foot Guard
to hold thenseclyes in readiness fo embark toa tew days to
yoin their severai battalions in iolland and in the South of
France. Thenumber of men to be sent of to the thre
revipoats under this order amounts tu hear 2000, consist.
Ing priact ally of volantees frou Chemanday ia obtain.
whow the Guards have becu very successtul.
A Cossack, wio obscaved ina house tu) Bremen a pice
turc of the death of Christ, affer attentively cousidering it
for some time, anddevoutly crossing hitasclf before it, cx.
Claimed, in lis broken Germaa to the by standers :—** Jesu
Christ caput fur mich, caput fur dich,—nix caput fur
Fran 2 “ Josus Chrisé dicd for me aud you—but no
Cron hetteuborn declared Ghatif the imperor Alex-
ander would permit binvto join Lord Wellington, noth:
would give him greater pleasure (han to pass tirough
Franc: apd uniie himself, at the foot of the Py rode
with 5000 Cossacks, he would undertake this lout om.
Paris Papers heve arrived to the 16th, and they infor
us that Bonaparte has sent sev erat Of his Miarsuals to fia
their head-quarters at dierent places; but we have no
enumeration of the troops under cheir orders, and we cai
no where jind any farge ariay assembled, Victor tb 14
to have fined his hend-quirters at Bacara, Ney at uNancy,
and Marmont has taken a position upon the Sarre.
Lord Castlereagh let( Acute on the Gth for krank-
A boly of 3000 Cossacks is said to have been sent fron
Gene 1 tv join l,o | W oth LO.
Bonararte had come to (ie resclution of releasing th
two Iwines of Spain, Perdinand acd Chaites, alter exact.
Ing from them an oath to conciuce a SU] ibe (realy Wit
hin mmedial ts Une of our Col Ib, tdbat hs assecals, thie
the Treaty was signed by Berainand beiore iis r lease:
that it was immediately sent to iadiid dor (ie sauction oO}
the Cortes: that it arrived there on tire Gthy but as the
General and ixtravrdinary Cortes were bot boo meck tu
the L5th, the permanent Committee of the Curtes thitace
diately assembled, took this important matter mo Coust.
deration, and canie to a resulution lo refuse their sancti
tu the Treaty
Groot Sundert, near Breda, Jun. 11.—We are now
able to givea more accurate account of the nace whiacs
took, place on the U1 th. Lt b OQ atewltin the morn
» - she
at Woest Wezel, Locnhout, and lhoogstracca, while th
Hnglish with 5000 infantry, and S00 cavalry, provirt
with artil Cry advanced Carly mM thie moray feum sLozen.
daal, where they had arrived the morning befure, laking
the vreal road of A vtwerp. Phe Prossiaas drove tac ene.
my from all his positions. The battle was particularity
severe at Hoogstraten, The encisy made a stand tha
evening at Oost and West Wale.
Breda, Jan. 15.—The day before yesterday wer
broughtin here, LOO French prisouers of wae dows Who
were 42 wounded, and litty-foue men aad seventy -twe
horses of the regiment of cavalry. of the hing of West, ha
Jia, taken at Micl, near Venlo, by Alajor Colomb = com-
mander of a Prussian volunteer Corps; they belong to the
corps of the Duke of ‘Tarentum.
The troops of the Allies are still cantoned at West We-|
ze!. Locnhont, Hoogstraten, Tilburg, and Purnhout, with
the light Prussian cay alry o of Sydon, and two Regiments
of @ussacks, who daily disturb the euemy up to the gates)
of Antwerp. he Kuglish are with their corpsat Rosen.
daal; their advanced posts are at Kalmhout.
Intelligence has been received here that 15,090 Danish
troops, and 8,000 Saxons, are on (huir march hither, peace|
having been concluded with Denmark.
Rotterdam, Jan. 20.—The Preliminaries of Peace have
not as yet bee n made public, although it is confidently as- .
serted that Norway will be entirely ceded to Sweden ;,
but, on the other hand, it is said, the conquered provin-,
ces of Holstein aud Sleswick will be restored to Denmark
Amsterdam, Jan. 19.—The Kussian General Bennigsen,
wiro at present commands the siege of Ilamburgh, on the:
24th December issued two Proclamations. 15 the first of
them the Dutch troops, who, to the number of 2000 men.
form a part of the garrison of Hamburgh, which consists
View original in the whole of 14,000 men are called upon to join the
defenders of the good cause, and which has been produc-;
tive of such good cfiect that a considerable number, espe-,
‘clally of artillerymen, have deserted to us. By the other
the General calls on all the exiled Hamburghers who are:
tble to bear arms to repair to him, with a promise that the
punishment of their tormentors shall be left Co them.
Breda, Jan, 16.—IAt is stated ina private Jetter fron
wcfore Antwerp, Chat the city has been bombarded by
‘Congreve’s rockets. The Prussians are towards Brussels.
i\We hear that this morning, aud the following days, avou
'80,000 Swedes are to pass through our city.
Burg, Dec. 29 —Thisday SO pieces of heavy Swedisi.
‘trallery, with the caissons belonging to teem, passee
hrouch heres on theic way to Hlamburgh, and is extend.
tay itelf by Schoneck. Tt was jomed by 10,COO inregu-
lar, and 8000 regular troops. ‘This d iy, Wohear the cane
jronading from Magdeburg renewed. We thistmonent tod,
wat 1O,C00 Russians have crossed the ibe to reiuforce
be ranks of Alexander.
Iu various papers the following plan of operations o:
he Allies has been published :—
Under the command of the Crown Prince of Sweden.
LS0,000 men are to enter Llolland in a line from IWhenti
lo the sea,
General Blucher commands 115,000 men near Coblentz.
mothe leit side of tbe Rhine, and he having established a
communication with the forces of the Crown Prince, is to
rocecd in a direction southward.
The grand Ariny under icld-Marshal Prince Schwart.
‘borg, composed of 250,090 nen, having entered France.
oy Switzerland, is to advance Northewest. A great part
vl this foree has already conformed to this arrangement.
An ariny of 70,G00 men, under General Belicgarde, is
to maintau the warin italy. dt caunot long continue
as the [talians are immpaticnt to be freed trour (ne Conserip-
tions and as the disagreement between Napoleon and. th
King of Naples will soon obstruct any assisance from th
alter to the former, ‘The Viceroy of Ltaly as seareely
Inder his orders SOjVOO men, which, by the Junction ot
Bavaria to the Allicsy will be hardly pressed on the left
Anotherarmy of 60,000 men is destined to enter France
yy Picdinont, with a view to co-operate with Lord Well-
inytot, Who, iisalledged, has with lim L20.,0CO men. ‘To
(hese adding 125,000 men to be cnaployed in the siege ot
the fortresses, the total co-operating force will amount to
749,COO men, supposing 125,000 Desingcis to be substract.
d from the several achiics, and not Co coustilile separat
nd iudependent bodics,
Delt, Jun. 11.—in the course of a for(uteht, there wil
eat ieast LOO,GO0O mica in tie veEghbouihood ol Antwerp,
und af once the stegeas begany a du not Chiak it wall tola
mt above a fortugat, particularly if the Coagrere roc.
Lets are made use ui. Dae drawing of the arniy iteodca
O WACO deaitist Che enen’y is Woaily duish “dy And Whis COU.
sist or about BO.OUU fine young tellows: to ud asubstic
ute costs from OO to 4 LUO. in the heads rc. da wach
is included all from the age or (7 to Lo, wihoutexcepuon,
Lrord Castlercagh lett the tlasde for i eaoktortlast sun
dleaoture to Che
Welle niormmed people. Lhe loliowiuyzr places (wath the
inmber of men ineach) are stilbin the possesston of the
tereuoch :—Wesel L900, Grone 2000, Cuoeverden 1000,
SSucstedrenn 4OQO, Naardeu LOOO, Pleider 800. Gorcun
wave wrod
lay, Che Gch inst. ; fis acrival
J0OGO, Bergensop-Zoom sOOU, Tr lusthding 2000, Batz 500.
All these places are very stroug, but most of them wall
-hortly be obliged to surrender for want of provisious, as
(l communication with france is entiely cut-olt.

PLIRTS, Jan, 5.—Vhe Senatur Count de Segur, on
irriving at Croyes, addressed to the Tubabitants of the
Jepartinent of Aube, the tollowing
“The Senator, Count de Scgur, Graud Master of the Ceremonies,
Lavatraoramary Comouastoner ol dtis Majesty inthe Psch Malita-
ry Divieton, to the Lahabitrucs of the Departiuentof the Aube
“Genter MeN—TIrance desires peace; the whole world
ein need of it; the Emperor wills it; and you wall soon
yoy aty if, at the saine momeul wach Che enemy dares to
iivade your fronticrs, you continuc, Jike good French.
Wich, toshew the good spirit, the zeal, aud the coura
which have always distinguished you,
‘The limperor sends me among you to tell you import-|
int truths, and to speak to you about your dearest interest!
“His Ntajesty knows the evils you have sultered, the
losses you have sustamied : his heart bas been dceply moved
at Chel.
‘SI1e had projects more for your glory and for your
/fosperity 5 the meconstaacy of the elements, and of his!
Allies, has prevented cae accomplishinent of his gieat
‘Phe Imperor prefers the happiness of the people tu’
slory too dearly bought. He has therefore renounced all:
plaus of aggradisemcnut: he has consented to sacrifice plain.
‘ul both for himself and for us. Ina word, he accepted.
ll the conditions of peace proposed to him by our enemies.
§§*You would then already enjoy this wished for peace,,
if thosa same enemies had vot thought fit to delay it. They,
defer signing a treaty, the basis of which they have them.,
elves laid down, and during this delay, they perfidiously’
vndeavour to make you doubt of the pacific intentions of
this Majesty. ,
~ **No Frenchman can be deceived by them. His Majes-)
y nas declared to the Senate, to the Legislative Body, in
the face of the Universe, that he desire peace, and (hat Che!
Jecls as @ Monarch and a Father, how much peace adds
(o the security of Thrones, and to that of Famitlics.
‘He has solemnly declared, that he accepted all the!
‘conditions proposed by the Allies, and yet those very:
enemies delay the conclusion of this peace to which Ifis!
‘Majesty has consented. ‘They not only continue hostili-:
‘ties, but they violate the territory of neutral State, they:
nter France; menace the departments in your neigh-'
bourhood, | )
‘The kimperor at the head of his armics is going to
adyance to combat them, if they any longer delay the
View original -signatnre of a treaty which they defer without reason.
Frenchman! the enemy has entered franec—you feel
what honor and your country require of you! you will
be faithful to their call, Tf, all the moment whea your
army advances; you assume the proud atulude which bee
‘comes a great people; if your rapidly organise your Na-
(tonal Guards, as you have begun, you will soon see the
cnemy stop in his rash enterprize; be will not be mad
enough to dare to penetrate into the midst of a Nauion
which rises and takes up arms to stop lim.
‘Already the advanced goard of one of our corps has
made these forvigners reure, who counted on pillage, and
have found death! Alrcady they teemble at venturing
further into a warlike country, where they would moet
iIncvery manan cnemy, andatevery step combat. “Lhcir
‘inagination is terrified when they thork that in their frone,
on their flanks, and in theie reat, your national guards
surrounding them on all sides, you would soon deprive
Ithem of subsistence, and of all hop:s of return. - They
know that if you sacrifice all that is beyond your linuts,
I on will never deliver to then your owen territory,
‘*Accordingiy, they do not much attempt to combat as
0 seauce you. They would wish to live for some tine at
(he expence ofa part of your fronticrs ; they would extend
thetr pillage only to those places where their feigned mode.
cation should find dupes, or hands without arms. But,
sho could believe their proclamations and their promises 2
‘They promised the Swiss, whose ierritory they have vio-
pated, to treat them like fricnds, and they have just laid
heavy contributions on the city of Basle.
“If they advanced, they would of necessity take pos-
session of your vines, your corn, your flocks, the produce
of your manufactures, of your industry. They would
‘pay you on the first day with money, on the second with
paper, on the third with blows and insults; but they will
lot be able either to terrify or deceive you.
‘-Tnhabitants of the Department of the Aube, the geat.
‘vol tranquility reigns among you ; yourPayistrates enjoy
you confidence, and are satistied with your conduct; you
fave Just given ta the army hands that were necessary to
uty you furoish the horses which are required from you.
Phe Emperor is sensible of the extent of Ghese saciilices,
aud his wall as, that these sacrifices shall be the last.
Phe National Guard, the formation of which has just
veen ordered, has no other object than the defence of your
wawes, and the maintenance of good urder ia yuur popul-
OUS Cities,
“On leaving you to repair to the departments nearcr
our frontiers, and more threatened by theencmy. b repeat
fo you with the fullest coufidence, the danger vith which
tC was desired to frighten you ts nothing ; if you will itis
aclood winch the iaagimation magnijigs aad which cours
ize dispels,
“Ssaow yourselves firm and ready to arm; the Emperor
at the head of his brave army approaches, and you will
GON Cujoy asolid peace, which will indemnify you for all
your geucrous sacrifices, But reflect, that since our ene.
mutes still deter the peace which they have proposed, the
only weans of ob(aining it speedily is to shew ourselves in
i furmidable and dignified attitude.
“lis Majesty hiuisclt has just said to the Senate, “At
the sight ol all this people in arms, the enemy will {ls or
Will sign peace onthe basis which he has himself proy.osed.
Phe question no longer is to recover the conquests which
ewe had made.’’
. Versailis, Jan. 13.—The levy of SOO,000 men is pro-
cecding with the greatest activity ; and $00 men have sct
off for their destination ; other detachments will soon fol-
— Grenoble, Dec. 30.—The levy of 120,0CO men ordered
‘by the Senate on the 9th of October, 1613, has been long
since finished. ‘Phat of 300,000 men has been executed
without interruption, and with the greatest order. ‘The
umber of men going to the different corps of the army al.
ready amounts for the last levy, to1815. ‘They set offin
high spirits, and with the greatest enthusiasm.
Chamberi, Jan. 7.—They are organizing in onr depart.
ment a free corps, the composition of which is excellent.
wach commune fuinishes a volunteer taken from men who
have served,
GreneraLt Moreau.
The Parisian Jourualists have compared Moreau to the
Constable de Bourbon, who, in consequence of some of-
tgace and ill treatment on the part of Francis I. deserted
his country and his Suvercign, and became the most for-
midable enemy of both, as chief Gencral of the armies of
the emperor Charles V. Bourbon, it is universally known,
was killed in an assault upon the city of Rome, leading
his troops, who became mutunous through want of pay,
to obtain a barbarous satisfaction of their demands, by the
plunder of that opulent and splendid city, ‘The death of
their leader, however, served only to stimulate his soldiers
ito fres efforts, and his body, elevated on the shoulders of
‘is comrades, aud borne iw his usual place, in the front of
‘the battle, served as a standard, under which all resist.
ance was borne down, and the capital of the Christian
‘world was thus, in fact, stormed—by the spirit and guid-
ance of adead man! thus accomplishing a deed the hero-
ism of which cannot efface the criminality of its motives,
‘or the cruelty and outrage of its results; ‘The parallel be
‘tween the death of Moreau and that of Bourbon, had is
good in the grandeur and ultimate success of the enter.
prises for we hold that the attempt which placed Bona-
iparte on his defence at, Dresden, was but the auspicious
commencement of the system which has compelled him, in
his farther stages, to fly across the Rhine and fortify him.
selfat Mentz. In the justice of his cause, and the recti-
tude of his motives and his princip'es, the hero, who-e
loss Europe now bewails, is above all comparison with
the object of the parallel.
__ A Mail to be forwarded to Barbados by the Dispatch
Boat Marriet Elizabeth, will be madeup at the Post Of-
fice here, on Sunday the 20th inst. at2 weock pow.
The ship Douglas, ove of the missing ships of the Lone
don, bound for Demerary, we are glad to learay is ace
countsd for having put into Vigo, with the luss of lore.
mast and boltSprit,

An erent of a nature wholly dissimilar in its circum-
Stuuces from any thathas yet occurred inan age of politica:
portents, and almost unparellelled even int Ils positive
maguitude, might well be thought to demand an eApres-
stow otf public fecling, from the great and respectsble ob.
this country (England), proportionate to its importance yj
tad, accordingly, the liberation of Holland was, on thy,
th Dec. celebrated vy a public dinner, at the City ul
ondon Tavern, with magnificence that kiows no pre.
C ae Tie Dut. ce of Clarence was the Chairman, anu:
Was supported on the rizht and left, by the Hereditary
Prince of Orange, the Dukes of York and Kent, toge
ther wilh his Majesty’ s Ministers, and several dis tinguished
characters. Atterdinner, and the graceof** Non P vliis,”
the luke of Clarence rose to propose the first Coast. he
Said, it was his intention to detain the company as Itttle as.
poostble with his remarks, but there were some toasts
Which required (o be introduced with a few observattons,
though ethers would be sv deeply fel€as not to demand a
Singie comment. So it was with the present tuast, whien,
he would vive at ouce, without further preface —!*'N hi
WKiag, and God bless him’? with three times three. ‘Phe
toast was drank with great applause, and ¢*Gud save thy
King,” foliowed,
The next todst was The Prince Regent ;’”? then came
“Phe Qacen and the Royel Family.”
Phe Duke of Clarence then rose and observed, that it
now beeaine his daly to call their attention (o the object
of the meeting. a9» “he Wits addressing men not only of
education, but vitally concerned in the interests and cone
segnences of this day’s assembly, he felt that he could
Safely say, that there never had been an vecasion more
xylortous or wore Cubseling to the hearts of Mnuglishinen,,
fe had frequently been his goud fortune to meet the c.te
Zens of London, Whe always on occasions gratifying to the
feelings of a treceboru Mnglishman. But was not the
bresent one more particulary honorable than the rest 2)
Was it not one abwhich every bosom should rejoice; lor
Movwas no less than the restitudion of Tfoiland to her law
tur authorite, and the restoration of Cie ancient relations.
vi amity Debs cen Great Briaain and that countsy. Ele was
speuhiey fo men ve ycinted wath the hirtory of thea
County. They allkacw that in L688, the Prince of Orange
coc dio Po land to establish and consisliilatte that con.
Siidudeny, winca was the pride of (his country 3 which lial
caabicd if, singicehaudcd fo contend against burope; aud
which, above all, bad led tu that tram of events, oite of!
Whose “gloriows and peculiary interesting results they were
met to colubcate Cifussas), Ptmus: be ie dizhtful for them
to see at his rigathand, on such an occasion, the iNlustrin
ousyounsderoa wio was descended from W illiam the Third.
(Hiczas). -itinest be delighted for them to contemplate
luis Country Careyieg back and restoring to its native land
tiiat family to Which we were so indebted, and with just
gratitude sending the English Guards to restore a Prince
so related to his vatural rights and the country itself to
MS civibprivileses, Imarinitiess aud liberties. (Clluszes).
Ile would detain thon no longer, but give the wealth ot
His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, the Sovereign
Prince of the Ncdier.auds. (Drank mith CUMUMCNSE Up)e'
plas ). .
The Hereditary Prince of Orange rose, and :i a few
words, but with an urterestdiny Diaweecr, expressed his!
grateful techgs for the enthustistick hindoess Huw shewn
to his (analy aid binisels,
This address was received with exceeding applause: and
Mere. Beaaam then sary an bi] propriate SOME (Weeden bs given
atthe end), du tis ucua sly le vi tapasstoitcd sud cloqucte
The Duke of Coarenee observed, that his last toast re.
lated to the Miouse of Orange; aid at was a great satis.
faction that adanily which had sulercd severely fur ats
attachment to Uhis country should be retistatcd im tng
rindts to which it was bor. the muot not, however, fore
get the couutry over which that Price was placea, here
Was ho nation biote Coulected wilh Our OWN 5 Ils bterests
and pursuis were, and had lor years been, the very seine ;
the political feelings were the save also. “Phe unavaidous:
burst of Joy expressed by this country at the deliverane,
of Hovland, sutticiently shewed trow much this truth wo:
felt. (/fizsas.) No man who was ait cucury tu toilan,
could bea triad to this country 3 oman whe was a frienu,
(o England could be an enemy to lfoliend., bt was ania.
tercstiug ciecuii tance, ral wie Cie Aliles Were approach.
ing tloiland, and induced her to thew olf her subjection,
yet the first application of the Dutch was uot to the Aiites,
butin the true spirit of their old and hemattachment tiey
came to Chis country. Tt was a fortunate thing that tho!
Prince of Orange should be at that period in this country’ ,|
and sliould be scat from these shures to his native laud ou!
that great occasion. (dfezzas). He> would now gtve'
‘Phe final ea is of ddolland.’?) Drank with great
app ause: and Mer. Taylor sang a new sung calied oF he,
O.ange Tree.”’
The Royal Duke next gaveasa toast, ‘*The Allics who,
have so nobly coutended tor the re- establisiment of th
liberties of Lurope.” (Loud ap, lause).
Mr. Brehaa then sung ** the Death of Abercromby.’
Phe Duke of © ‘larence observed, that Mr. tsrahain’s
song was an appropriate intvoduction tu the toast which,
he should now propose. lt was at gy pt that our army,:
by its subjugation of the French, first svuewed in the course:
of this war what British troops could do. Lt was now:
certain, that they bad but to see an enciny’s army to beac
it: but there never had been a period of greater glury.
for the British arms than the present. He should tnere-
fore give **Phe Dukz of York and the Army.” ‘his!
toast was received with great applause,
Phe Duke of York returned thanks, sayins, that ever!
since he had been entrusted with authority, the honor and)
dignity of the British arms had engrossed all his attention.
He was happy to see that fame now risen in Spain to ali,
equality-—(it contd not toa superiority )—with the Britis!
Gharacter. (Applause ).—Duke of ¥ ork’s March.
The Duke of York then gave **The Duke of Clarencc
and the Navy.’? The illustrious Duke capressed tus pecu-,
View original Jiar gratification at being ealied to the Chair. Wis Nava’
educa tion made it peculiar pleasant to him to preside atu
imce ting to celebrate the union of two commercial coun-
lirics, the source w hose naval strenght was in a great
ineasure fo be attributed to their commerce.—** Rule
‘Dritannia,”? followed, .
The Duke of Clarence said, he was now going to pros
a toast, which he knew they would all drink with ent-!
fhhusiasm: bat he must be allowed to say afew words
‘{t should be recollected, that the emancipation, Ww hich
‘wwas how so general. had fest dawned in Spain. A succes.
‘sion of victories had laugh it the Iereuch troops to regar
vur arms with veneration, and to respect a people t fight.
ing for their rights, like Spaniards and Portuguese, to.’
‘iy hom he paid many just compliments. Such were the:
consequences of the conduct of Lord W cllington and hi»
gallantarimy. CLfuzzas). Ile did not mean to de ‘preciat
the Nuke of Marlborough ; but that illustrious man hac
powerful Allies, and all the assistance of the most con-
summate art Lord Wellington had fought alone again: !
the combincd force of france and her Allies. He woul.
now give the health of Lord Wellington, who it should b
re ‘emembered, was at this very moment on the hostile shor
Mrance. (Muzzas.) The toast was drank with rap.
ioe applause. Mr. Braham sang an air on tho subjec
uf Lord Wellington’s victories, He g gave the chorus in «!
manner which seemed to touch the feelings of all present.
Wesclect it, not fur the poctry, for that: is execeding!
peor,—but Tec ause the sentiment is one of chose ni ue
Which ones find ‘san echo in every bosom.”
“toat Albion.» valiant Son
‘May Jive to wear the laurels
“He has so novdly won,
“Now grant ve, guardian Powers, .
The Duke of Clarence said, he should now propose thi
health of the illustcious young man, wlio sat at his righy
hand. ‘This gallane vouth had bee 4 educated at Oxford,
Where he had “left behind him a most distinguished charac-|
‘ter: he had then hastened to embark himself in the great
cause for which Lord Wellington was fighting. Under
that immortal Commander he had highly disting wished.
limself as a soldier, while his attention to the w wumiten
ind distressed gained him the !oss and respect of all ranks
inthe British army. Je was uow recalled to his country,
lo assist his father in the restoration of himself aud of Hoi
land to their ancient rights, Perhaps no young mai haa
enjoyed greater advantages: and he was sure, none had.
nore improved those advantages. (/fuszas.) ‘The health!
of the Hereditary Prince was then drank with cnthusiatic
applaus. ,
lis Serene Higness returned thanks, saving tiat the
proudest period of his life was (hat spent undee the im.)
mortal Wellington ; and he hoped his future hfe night be
ailied with periods of equal happiness. He then gaye as al
toast $*Prosperity to the City of London.”
Sir Wathin Lewis returned Ghanks, capressing his joy!
at the occasion of the present peeling,
The Duke of Chureuce then proposed **the health of|
(fis Majesty’s Ministers, for the firm stand they hi d mad!
Wa (he Noble Cause.” (Drank with greal applause ).
Loed Liverpool! returned Gaanks in the tame ol then all.
le said, that they felt pecular gratiiude at being cone
‘ected with tic events cciebrated this day. bt was tac!
sfeatest pride of he Briush Ministry so preserve and cou-!
sulidate the uinon between this countay and Ilulland, cou-
yinced a> they were that this would Ue one elfectuas step
LoWards Che security of the liberties of Hurope.( dpplause).
The Duke ot Clarence them gave ‘tle heaiuas of tic
Stewards,’ and Sir C. Flower returned thanks.
The Koyat Duke said, be must now propose, with par.
hmeulat disuucuon, the health of Mr. Hall, wno had been
tie iain euiiter of (his meeting, and to whom he felt,
(personal ly much obligation for his attention and poutitcuess.
© Pue heath was then drink, and Mr. tall returnea
thanks. dle regretted bis inability to give a proper auswer
fo tue high compliment whicn bad been paiddiim. dhe fei
(bat he aid notdeserveit: whatever had Geen done, was
owls , lo Che exertions of ius teliowestewards, dle trusted,
indeed, that their out edeavours had beew productive ov!
pleasure to Cle Company.
The party at the chick table now left the room, but a
sevat number remained benind at cleven o'clock, wien wo
caine away. Mer. Slarryart, ou tie suggestiou of Ma,
(fall, was called to the chair.
L pow tue whole, tae numbers and the character of the:
‘persons present on so happy an occasion, will evince to:
tue Dutea people the Joy which has been created amongst
is by the unanimous burst of these our ancient Allies!
irom slavery to freedom,— political annihilation, to!
lis re-assuinption of a neme and station among the vations:
of Lurope: while, at the same time, the preparations for!
he reeepUun of such a company were so happily wade as
(uv Combine Che most splendid incitements to Joy and fes.)
(ivity with ail the personal convenicreics which the must]
correct domestic establishment can atiord,
. The front of the house was brilliantly and appropri-|
ately illuminated,
Sung at the Grand Dinner given in honor of the EMANCIPATION
bWWrilien and Composed by JOHN PARRY.
’ - }
Hark ! hark the voice of Freedom cries,
Ye brave and gallant Dutcumen rise ! ,
Nor longer slaves reinain !
Too long by cruel War distress'd,
Too long by hostile France oppress'd,
Now burst the Gallic chain!
In lasting bounds of love
Oh may your hearts be wov'n!
The Vyrant’s Crest remove,
Down with the Tyrant!—and, Oranje Bovea}
Let not his threats your hearts appa),
' But nobly live—or nobly fall—
Detend your ancient laws;
Behold Wwe vese Uswyer dies,
— we
— ree er err ee wee
View original Defeated by our brave Allies,
Who aid Vour glor Is cause !
( Repeat the chorts.)
To Albion's happy isle repair,
‘oudl meet with every succonr there—
l Birrtannia loves the brave!
Cmble her—be firan—be fice f y
And frste C) eweels t til erty—
from chains your children save {
(£0 peal the chorus.)
The tears that wet the P:triot’s check,
More than a thousand voluines speak,
When he doth cid 1 iplore 3
May JIlottavn and Great Briratn be,
Tniwittd in bounds of unity,
Till (ines shal be no more!
(Re peat the chorus.)
-—a—_ SEE Es aS
$e —
Jie The coppered Ship INN A,
Georcr Forster, Master,
vill sail hence with the Aprilconvoy. This vessel
Hl leave Demerary for this River on the Ist prox:,
ind will be ready to commence loading inmediate ly
ifter arrival. Por fre ler ht or passage ar ply y to
90 eb. DOUGL AS RTD & Co.
WO have received, per Ben veisnie, from Clas.
row, via Domerary,—bams, cheese, Planters mess
eCE a ‘ pork ia hall’ barrels, pease, barley, pota-
‘oes, herrings in kegs, beer, porter, Port wine, eo-
fare as mired, cany: AS, cotton & coffee bagging, cot-
on & linen check, ready mace clothes, umbrellas,
Trish linen, thread, Osnabrug’s, carpenter & cooper
‘fools, stationary, sadlery, nails from 4d to 40, didtper
towelling, table cloths, gauze, hoes, shovels, c atlas.
ses, pruning knives, corn mills, negro hats & blan-
Kuts, about 40 lids. dimre, and 12,000 bricks.
View original | LOR GLASGOW,
FR% Tie copperd Ship NEPTUNE
ape t )] | . )
eS Peter Siupsox, Master.
Js now ready to reeeive her cargo, and will positives
Ty sail with the first or April convoy, for freight ap-
ply to Witham Dunesn, or to
View original eS
— WRE COLLEGIE van Tleeren Assessoren der
Uvangelische Luthersche Gemeente, dezer kolonie,
verzocke do Belyders van bunne Kerk, tot ene By-
Cenhomst, op Zaturdag den 26 van dezen maand,
ton linize van de vrye Luera, aan de stede Nicuw
Aiusterdam, ten 12 uren voordemiddag.
Vaart 5. C.D. TOEL, Scriba.
Ty custody, at (he Town Manager, a white red spots
‘do theiter, viich will be exposed at public sale to
detray the ex» cuces, afer the usual time of publica-
ion, not releascd within that time, conformable to
the Courts Regulations.
3 March. C. RULACI, Town Manager.
Tlite Subscribers, in addition to their extensive
assortment of goods, have imported by the Wer-
LINGTON, Vin Demerary,—llams, tongues, beefand
pork in to barrels, butler in 4 firkius, potatoes, &c.—
iylich they wil dispose of on very moderate terns.
35 March. HENERY & TAY LO’.
Frow $0 to 50 bales of Cotton, from plantation
‘Geanics, payoble in cash or bills of exchange pay-
ible in London (on delivery). ‘Penders for which
will be received by the Sequestrators, at W. Scott's
Esg., until Thursday the 24th currt. 5 March.
Twrvty bales of Cotton, trom plantation A?/mo-
rack, payable in cash on delivery 3 “‘Penders tor which
will be received by the Scquestrators at W. Scorr’s
jusq., until Thursday the 24¢h current. 5 March.
-<-— — +
—_——$S—=_————————_ ———_ ee
G. BONE & Co.
Offer for Sale the following articles, which they
! well dispose of, reasonable, for cash. /
BEEF and pork in half barrels, hams, Cork but-
ter, spiced beef in tubs, fine ox tongues, tripe in jars
and kegs ; pickled and smoked herrings in half boxes
pine cheeses, French vinegar in jugs and botiles, fish
sauces assorted, pickles and capers, refined sugar,
raisins, Hoffman's raspberry and cherry brandy,
olives, Scotch and pearl barly, split pease mustard,
Port-, sherry. and Madeira wine p. doz., London
porter in bottles and hhds., glasware assorted ; gentle.
men boots, do. full dress and walking shoes, planters
do, gentlem, and ladics stockings, fashionable coats,
black silk waistcoats, silk and beaver hats, drab do,
willow do., cotton and linen checks, linen platillas,
(able cloths, diaper, towels, dimtty, waistcoat pat-
terns, gentlemen fancy neck handkerchiefs, a few
pieces of very superior printed cainbrics muslin, do.,
callicoes, Madras and pullieat hkfs., Irish linen,
tine cotton shirling, York stripe, tapes and thread,
‘Osnabrugs, coffee bagging, soap, candles, paint and
‘paint oil, lampoil, Florence do., stationary assort-
ied, setts of books, pen knives, pencel cases, and a
variety of other articles —also a few barrels of fresh
flour. 5 March.
View original

19 March 1814