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The Berbice Gazette

View original BERBICL.
King’s TTouse, June 61h, 1815.
(| Tire Dispatch of which the following is acopy.
havin this day been received by the Lieutenant Go-
vernor. Ilis Excell ney has directed the same to be
published jor gencral information.
By Commerd,
F. WHITE, Gor. Sec.
Venerol ABarbades, 924 May, 1815
és Lhave fo in’orm your Excellency, that
Convoys w: a offer froin the Southern Colonies for
Europe, on the 10th day of Jane and Joly.
& Readozvous, Virgin Gorta, from wheace they
Will sail as sooa afte ras possible.
‘“] have the hener to be, Sir,
Your Exccllency’s most obit. ohdt. servant.
“eC, P. DURHAM, Rear 4d miral,
“ Commanders in Chief.”
“7 Wis Excellency
“ CG .rernor Bentinck,
ah Berbice.”
View original nna
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View original ey
THE next Meeting of this Society will be held at
Plantation No. 11, on Wednesday the QIst instant.
10 June. FP. CORT, Sec.
eee LE ae
View original —_———--_- rr Chr
THE Subscriber fading no attention paid to
his former advertisement, requesting those indebted
ty come forward witl payinent of their accounts
ww gives notice, for the ast tinre, that this is to au-
‘horise Mr. B. Lancaster to collpct :!! open accounts,
goods, and nofes of hand ; and Qir. K. Franckes
to receive all fees due fer old official doctments ; tull
power is also given to these gentlemen to sue for any
unsettled account previous to the next Commissary
Cont! —10 June. Tus. ©. EMERY.
FOR SALE on reasonable and casy terms.
the House and quarter Lot No. 16, at present occu-
piel by the undersigued, with oul-bathlings, stores,
and every Ching b lowing (ereto, or half or part oi
the fancl and buildings tu sail purchasers.
JO June. Il. STAAL.
JUST arrived, and for Sale by the Subseri-
ber, the following articles: Prime mess beef and
pork in half bariels, hams, pickled salmon ut sinal!
heygs, super fine flour, Gordoa aad Examott’s walnut
heichup, do. quan since, de. cunp sauce, do. es ener
nchovies, cotton aad coffee barging, sabmporis,
Osnaburgs, diaper. negro bats, &c.
8 Junie. J. G. F. THIENSMA.
THE undersiened request all persons, whe
may have under theireare, ay property belonging ty
P. i. Schmi i, oO wave notice thercor, at tie dutse or
Mr. Hf. Luthers, in New Amsterdam, stating the ar-
licles thus Aci bby therm, the undersigned besag wisn.
ful of exposing the whote al pablice de, in tie bogim-
ing of next month, ia pussaauce of an omler of his
Execllenacy the Governor.
J. viv nee SCHROFFFP,
NOTICE is hereby given to those indebted
lo the wndersigaed, either by open Accounts fos Fer
tinge, Noteso hart, or otherwise, Chat it is impos-
whie for him to give any longer tudalzeace, but have
recourse to divarreabl> meesares untess settled ime
mediately; and being determined to keep no more
iccouats, ic hopes ao person will cross the Ferry,
or send their m SCOTS UNIV hd. with peyiment.
Heoers ter Sale. for carh oe iby, crabwood lun-
beraf the rate of f 175. por thousand feet, also red
efler, sioerchs bearcs aad plana, elabs, &c. at va-
rious priees, which he engsges to deliver at any of
tie laadivg pliees in the ‘Lowa of New Amsterdam.
erbtce-lerry, 27 May. G.C. R. REUSs.
_—— ee _-C(<—“SK
PHIRTY bales of Cotten will be nut wep for
ile ara@n ost the Cretitors of Joseph M’ Donaid, on
lomtey the 2th leet. ia the forenoon, at the house
n Slessis. Colin Douglas & Co.
S Juse. COLIN DOUGLAS, ‘Trustees.
FOR SALE by the undersigned, Prime
itish mers be fand pork in whole and half barre)s,
super fine flour ta barrels, slip’s bread per cwt.
Jee. FOR LONDON, the fine Brig AxTr-
Lore, Wiliam Fltis, Master, for treight on
passage, apply to tie Master on board, or to
7 May. GEO. LONE & Co.
View original tSe. FOR LONDON, the new coppores
Ship Grantham, A. l. John Branh, Maus-
ter, will sail as soon as pos’ sble, has good accoimino-
Jations.fur passengers, | hree fourths of her caro is
passilively engaged, and may reasonably be ex pret-
rd to seil mall Jane. Piease apply at the Store ef
W. Henery, sq. or oa board the vessel. 15 May.
View original a= > Ss a oS Sow es OS 2 SD SR Seems 6 Ake NC
. OATY i yy j
NOTIFI [ 7 ‘AG : iO N —T pore Is hereb Y @l-
ven, that the next ensuing Court of Rulis will vc bel
m Moxday the i9th June, 1S15.
By command of the Court of Civil Jastic&
i. C. DOWNER, Sce.
onset » 2h May, Wd.
THE undersiened, earnestly requests, the at-
ention of those, indebted to this OMic e, tor Taxes,
to come forward with payment, to prevent him, hav- -
ing recourse to (he unyp teasing mo le of enforcing the
same by Law. DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rée. Gen.
View original DEMERARY.
BY virtue of a Mamwdament eranted by the Fon,
Court of Criminal and Civil Justice tor the United
Jolonies of Demerary and Usecqueho, beartig date
29ih April, 1815, on the petition of F.C. Onto, an
inhabitant of these Coiomes, IT the uncdorsigned De-
puty First Marsha!, ia the name amd bel ilfof the
suid F.C. Otto do hereby Cue Ms Mon or Tie hee
lus Woalitema, First Pisest of Choe Colonies (0.0.)
and ail amt every other persee or perseas whe may
conceive themstive, entitled (obec une party eeninet
tbe said F.C. Otto, to appear berore the Honerable
gurt of Criminal aed Civil de ties for trese Coles
vies, at their Session to be bo in Ch-ere-<Vown on
the Nineteeth day of Juar, ISf5, and following days,
tor (he purpose of secing (he ssid F.C Otto sursi ee
ler his person, and present Wicecif te be purest
rom whet dis Honor the First Piscal (R.OL) and
every other person my wish to sledge agoinst hun,
respecting Vhe dreadful Crime of murder. stated ina
Prochunation of His Excelteney Lieutenant-Govers
nor Jonx Muraay, bearing dite 19th March 1814,
to have heenrepnres wled to hin ty this Momer the
First Fiscal to have Leen commilted by the suid F.C,
Dito on the hody of one of his orn slazes avd to sve
im declared clear, pure and innyecent of the same;
icewise to see and hear the Court's order on the
subject of the relensement of his person as well as of
the separation ot injury if any be demanded and te
tound dus, to give their reasons for oppusition ‘f
they maintain to have aay, aad further to proceed
acconling to law.
Rio Demerary, A. MEERTENS,
5th May, 1815. Dep. First Marshal.
Gide 4 See eer X~
View original Gis 6 Seg erewrrre
IMPORTED per Gruntham, and tor Sale
atthe Store of the Subscriber: Six ot the most pros
minent Batils in Spain, tramed and glazed ; Six
porlraifs—His Mojesty King Geo. the LIL, the Em-
perorol Ruvsie, the Kise of Prussia, the Duse of
Weilington, the Mershals Bhuchor and Plitod, and
afew cagravings of Bonaparte, by an eminent Artist;
the above are framed ia Uie most superb French stile
ind cilt with the best oil gold.—
Also ladies and gentlemens shoos and boots, white
and black silk sfockings, do. cotton d to, straw bon-
nels, ribbons, childrens cotton lose, ready made lie
nen and cotton shirts, fine cambric, table an! break.
fast cloths, counterpanes, thread, tape, ready made
linen and cotton shirts, calicovs, Planters beaver and
silk hats, chiltren hats, negrodo., stationary, tinand
crockery ware, excellent claretin Whas., Madeira in
bottles, raspberry and cherry brandy, tea, loaf sugar,
black pepper and spices.
A strong aud healthy Negro woman, being a good
cook, washer and ironer, willing to labour and very
A fiouse, sifuate: on (he north side, half'ot No. 10,
close to the middle dim, 00 feet long and $0 brovd,
fivured above and below with crab wood, boarded ia,
ind 210 weet lamd, or thereabout, the suc will be
sOhl reasonable tur cach, of a shuit credit.
27 May. M. LINDNER.
ee a ae
View original
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE.
NOTICE.——AII persons -having claim:
ithe Estate of the late Widow TE. J. | use, are rc-
guired to render the saine in to the Exeeutors of tha
Estate, without further delay.—— 10 June
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original NOTIC k.—AlIl persous holding claims on
the Estate of the laie Robert Gerdou, of Drokies.
North Britain, or on Plantation Borlum, East se.
coast of this colony, are requestes to render the same
for psyment to D.C. Cameron, beg. at the Venduc
Office. 10 June.
R. C. DOWNER, See.
———_— <= --_—— —
CONER having ceased to hold aay sbare in th
Co.ceros of Douglas Reid] & Company, of this calo-
ny and of Demerary. The Pies: wiihia future bs.
conduc Oh do under the mame of Colin Donesias & Com
pany; ‘Te whem all those indebted to the baie Pian,
aic reqguesied to make pam mf.
COLIN Peet. LS for self ana
the Attomey of
A Avid
ARCH. DOUGLAS, of Glaszon
Resticn Gt May. Rk. C. DOWNER, Scc.
EE TT — ae -
hse | as ‘tna Po form the Puhlic, thal lhe followin:
Posvrs intend qauiting this colony.
Walter Scat! in 6 weeks from May 6.
A. A. dela Conn in do. trem do.
ALG Csbwucr in G weeks from May 20.
Jobn Piste», Pomily and two servants, in one monti
frome O7 Mey.
(noe Chetan to 5 weeks from 3d June.
ow of SY. BB. Liot in do. from do.
VeGress Nereby given, that amenth after dale the
folocaeng Transp orrsand Mortgages will be passer
June 19. Lewis Cameron, qq. will transport to De-
m ortry 92 Nevroes frome Plantation Borlum, i.
cea Coust of Ulis eelony.
—_ Mery Dawes will transport to Vi. Nicholson '
roods of Jand of lot No. 5, first empolder of
torrn, situate betwee 0 the middle youd and
back dam.
—— Mary Diwes will transport to Dido Rose &
Foals of land of lot No. 5, first empolder of the
town, sittale between the middle ruad and th.
back dam.
wee wee re Gen ee lee
View original CAUTION.— The unders’ ened has lately
und orsteod that s-veral destenine anc unprinetpled
yersons, have becn ia the habit of taking up in his
Paine several Gaods and Merchandize, sent eut fren
Lome to lyiunny us alse of faniig Letters out of the
Post Office addressed to hi without their having
any aut! ‘om y ororder whaiv ver to that eud.— He
therofore Cautions thase whom itmay concern, that
26 ithes iP transactions already done in bis name, or
to«that may, (subscauent to the date of (his) be
Cow, will be ratified, but oa the contrary be con-
sabe? motonty nal and void, bat fraud lent; and
the perpretrator of them as such will be prosecute:
as the Law directs.
A libeisl reward will be given to the person ar
poisons givieg sue information, which may lead te
the discovery of the Offenders, so as to deliver over
beta the hatte of Justice. —10 June.— R. FORK.
Ji sorted Ly the Subscriterc, per the Shin Jawes.
from Glhiseaw, via Demers ary. the following Art-
cles, which they Offer fur Saley at their Store, on
Lit No. 4. New Amsterdam.
Beefaed pork in barrets and half barrels, oats ir
puncheons, beer and porter in do., old rum indo..
negroe rum in de., salt in terces and barrels, pease
end barley in kegs, vinegar in jugs, refined sugar,
Ss ctmaceti candles, cotton and coffee baeving, Ozna-

miras, Russia sheeting, calicoes, Trish linen, linen

uly cks, cotton Britannias, cottonshirting, ginghams,
arniture chintz, Florentines silk umbrellas, tnread:
and tapes, super fine scarlet cloth, do. black do..
rentlemen’s super fing coats, waistcoating and vest
paterus, pullicat hits., gentlemen's sulk and beaves
hats, Co. Leghorn and Japanned do., children’.
Je thi reaps, bed side carnets, gentlemen and ladies
© oves, cho. ‘ ». sfockines. laties Marrocco- kid- anc
VW Niagton slippers, Pts sam eirl’s shoes assorted,
poutlemen’s net braces, do. Pfessian and top boats,
thy. dressand halfdress Ppa s, planters slrong shoes ta
nee andito buckle, boes, shovels, and cutlasses, stect
yarcis, lirge and stwall pruning ‘knives, felling axes,
shutter bs is, shell augers, elaw and shingling ham.
wners, CRamber Gour- siochs asd patent. ‘pad-lochs,
View original carpenters and coopers compasses, FIL, T, butt, anc’
ok and eve hinges, table knives and forks, sailoz's
knives, pen Knives assorted, prcking and Oznabure
ieedles, planes assorted, large and smali vase limps,
lated candlesticks with shades, Japaaned bedroon
candlesticks, India shades, cruet stand, pintand quar:
‘ceanters, goblets and wine glesses, finger basons.
Jutch ovens, black- tin- and iron-tea-ketiles, tea an
able spoons, brass cocks with keys, saddlery an
siationary, whip pit- frames t cul- hand- and ten-
nant-saws, Linch to 6 inch conage, white rope,
screw drivers, plyers, commodes, saw set!s, casters,
ack pulluies, nechlices, beads, fish-hooks, rules an
suaging rods, hand vices, pincers, whites wash-
crubding- cloth. and paint-brushes, paints and oil,
cassava teasters, Madeira wine in bottles and cask,
mda few casas hock and claret, earthen, ware, ma-
hogany pembroke tables, rosewood card do., sop2as
rasa mounted, Wunasor chairs.
——_— -—

View original i
tae Subscribes has imported inthe Brig ben
/omnson, Capt. Veatsen, from London, the sollow-
mg arlicles, sciected with particular care, which he
overs por Sale on reasonable torms for prompt pay-
nenl, or al his vseadercdd of siz months to constant
bist Yorkshire hams, Gripe, pine cheese, gun-
powderand bysen tea, duuble retin d sugar, cases ol
picales, sauces, white wine vinegar, mustard and
Hack pepper; old Port wine, french brandy, otd
orronacta runt, bottled porter; wax- spermacelie and
atlow candles, soup in boxes of 23 ibs. cach; Lisi:
nea, Piench caubric, Erish and Russia sheeting,
long fawn, canbric muslin, lads white and blue sa-
lemporcs, whites yeilow- and stiiped nankeens, pie-
evs Check of 14 yards, Dine. blaca- and green supes
tiie broad cloth, suiting flannel, cotton stirling,
(icnilomens beaver and L, gions straw hats, fasbion-
avle suldies amd Uridics with plated mounting, gis
nearness With rich jurnitare avd plated ornamcats,
superd tent bedesteads with handsome musquity tiets
wid tri miings and square edged best horse bai ma-
litse¢s- feather bolsters. and duwn pillows lo sun,
pare maAitassese bolsters amd piliews 6 fect by 3 ut
te best materials, elegant toilet glasses with any
ithoul dsawers ol solid mahogany, mahosacy Kail
intys with brass hardles, mahogany hand waiters,
lapanned tea waiters and seat, pouttoont coffe big-
rutsy plate baskets, baskels tioaed inside Jor daily
plates, do. huite baskets, sets of common and peten
ish Covers, chauber candlestichs wilh snuffers and
‘xUthguisbers, gentlemen dressing cases Liled uy
wtih every regiisile for the toilet, beet town mich
vary hajalled kittves and forks with deserts and car-
CTs to watch, very siiperior razors, a large an ive
neral assurtmentof cutlery of the first quality, lacdics
nnd ventlemens shoes, Hessian boots, Sivune ganck
shoes wilh bucbles, sil, and co'ton unmbreilas and pa-
Msuly, stuchiags, gloves, damask breakfast cloths.
huckabeck tor towling, thread, tapes, needles, &e.,
rose and davencer waters, hair and tooth boushes,
Windsor soap, stationary, coltce harging and twine,
yovs- shovles- and cutlasses, fea kitthes, sauce pans,
irying pans, grid trons, cullee p ts, coffees papper-
vod comm mnalis with fy weels, garden watering pots,
alarge assortment of geloss- and carthen ware and
breakiast China, carpenter tools of all kinds, wlhrip)
saws and cross cal sass, nails from 4d. to S00... locks
noits and hinges ofall descriptions, stay bars & sta-
ples, white. red- yellows greens and bine paints and
pain: oil, pitch and tars salt in barreis; claretin ea-
ses and cashs, Blackburn's choice London particular
Vadcira wine in pipes—some of which has naw been
near 3 years in this colony.—And a great variety o:
ther articles.
View original Den onder gelock ade hecfl antcanzen met de vrr!
Ren JONNSON, Kapt. Watson, van London, di
co/gende witeezogte artikelon, wethe hy te koop pre-
venteerd op aannemelyke lermenv, voor dirckte beta-
ling, of als te voren aaa goede bctual ‘ders op © maan-
len n kre dit:
BESTE Porbehire hammen, pens, pvo-appel ka-
zep, fyne en hyson thee, dubbelde-geratlincesde zui-
ker, histje s mel ingelewde ZUUFeN, sauzen, witle wyn
azyn, mosterd, zwarte peper, ouge Port wyn, Prin-
whe braadewyn, oude Grenada rum, en gebottel
poorter: Wax- spermaceti- en smeer-kaarsen, zeep in
sistjes van 28 Ib., Tersch lianen, Fransche batist,
tersch en Russiesch duck, lang lawn, kamerdocks
nuslines, Oostindische witte en blauwe salempores,
villes gele- en gestreepie nankings, stukjes bont van
14 yards, blauw- zwart- en groen super fine laken,
Tanel voor hemden, maas bever en Leghorn strooi)
locden, zacels en toomen met pleet gemontecid naa
. nicuwste smaak, chais tuigen met plete ornamen-
ml, pragtige tent bedstede met exellente mushile
Sh Re ‘ren en franjes ca met vierkante beste paarde-
vir matrassea ract veere bolsters en donze kussens,
cukelde matrassca van 6 voet lang en 5 breed met
View original hol-fers en kussens mede van de beste stof, fraaije
nabony aoute toilet spicgels met en zonder laden,
lito messe bakken inet kopere handvesten, dito pres
ven(cer-Diaadjes, Japansche theeblaadjes, koffy kan-
nen konipleet, plete breex’, andjes, vertinde bakken
voor vuile borden, dito messe bakjcs, stellen ordinare
n patente-tinne schotel dekzels, kamer kandclaren
net snuiters, &e., heeren dresseer kistjes kompiect,
veste Londonsche ivore messen en vorken komplect,
Xellente scheerimessen, cen generaalassortement y-
zerwerk cersic kwalitcit, mans en vrouwe schoenen,
sterke Plinters schocaen met gespen, zyde en katoe-
1¢ paraplus en parasols, housen, handschoenen, das
miste ontbyt taicl fakens, handdocken goed, garen,
oand, narldens, &e., rose en lavender waters, hair
n tande borstelijes, Windzor zeep, kantoor-behocf-
ns, koffy bazidoek en garen, houwelen, schoppen
‘n hoawers, thee ketets, saus pannen, braadpannen,
roostereyZers, koffy potten, koffy- peper- en koorhe
nolers met draai wielen, tuin gieters, een groot as-
sortement van glas- en aardewerk, Chincesche onthyt
servicen, limmergercedschap van allesoort, kraaue
en trek-zagen, spykers van 4 tot SOpenny, knippen,
dengzels eu krammen, wittes rode. gele- groene- en
dlauweeverven en veif-olie, pik en teer, zont in vas
ten, claret in histen en vaten, Blackburn's Puils
Puck Londen Madera I yn in pypen, waarvan zom-
mige rocds drie jaren in de kolonie—en een grovte
voorrand andere goedercn. .
OT ee See eee oo ee
View original Niiw AMSTERDAM,
View original S4aTuRDAY, JUNE 10, 1815.
——=® 6-6 Oe ————
By the w-y of Rarbados, we have receiord Fn-
glish Journals, this weck, tothe 22d April, (theyure
mtown tothe BTth) We have abstracted the most
interesting paragraphs for our Readers :—
re LE
View original EE ee
Dispatches (brought hy Mr. Lycll, the Messener)
were sesterday received at Lord Casilereagh’s office
trom Vienaa. Efostitiviesappearto have com-ncnced
m the side of Tlaty, and Murat, contrary to the cone
dent statements tn the last Vienna Gazclte, is acting
isatnst Austria ta tat country,
We have alsu received Paris Papers to the 16th
inst. from which we have made some copivus extracts.
Suunparte cont nes ty make every effort to cencreass
nin lorces. Addresses and circulars have been issuc
oy the slinosters of the Interio& Police, and W
id partments, tor prevailing upon the discharged an
liobamded solders lo rally once more round the st ined
lard otf Napoleon; ten thousand men-are constantly
Meowork tn Paris, Wanalacturing arins for the fraops,
mid an adverlscments for the Minester at War ine
vites ail who have horses to dispose of for remouwnting
ile cavaliy, lo send them to the depot at Versailles,
where they will be paid for at the rate of 500 franes
lora Cuirassict’s charger; 460 fora Dragoon {lurse;
mt 260 for a Jight Horse. very art is used to
Dlacken the Bourbons; the private papers of their
purpose. What would the world have seen if those
vt Bonaparte and his agents were exhibited onthe ree
{urn Oi lite Bourly: ns 2 The French Funds continue
i" a stale of astonishingly great and progressive de-
Lhe British residents in Dunkirk, have received
orders to quit that town,
We teara with great regret the loss of his Majesty's
ship Séiativa, ove of the finest {rigates in the service.
On the 20th Peb.uary ast, standing towards Cuba,
with four transports in company, the Statira sudden.
iy struck on # sunken rock.acar the Island of Little
Oilicial notice has been given, that the Minister
propuses to fund f£ighteen Millions of Exchequer.
Gills, on the following terms :—The stock to be the
Navy 3 per Cents; the dates to be those of the year
iSt4; te dividends to commence in January; the
‘unding days tu be the 26th, 27th, 28h, snd 29th April
—117/. to be given for every 1002.
** Dover, April 17, 5 p. m.—This morning ar-
rived several vessels from Ostend, sailed from thence
last night; they bring as the report of a rencontre
detween a party of French and English, near rik
ft is said that the French made a sortie from Lisle;
surprised some of ourad vanced parties, and made SOC)
prisoncrs; the British troops, in retarn, made an af
tack on the Frencl$ and took 500 prisoners. ‘Th
Juke of Wellington is said to be at Ostend, and tha,
it is thought his Grace is comming to this country.”
Paris, April 15.—The Journal of Frankfort ar
rounces that M. Bourinne has sett e@ for Hamburg, ¢
act there as the Minester of Count de Lille. .
The Constitution, which has been daily under di:
cussion by the most experienced politicians, most ¢
whom have defended in our National Assemblies ¢
rights of the people, will soon be fuished, and wir
appear catly neat week.
View original
Marshal Augereau, Jourdan, Brune, Ondinot, and
St. Cyr, teok the oaths on Sunday tothe Emperor.
By an Imperial Decree of the 7th of this month,
Gen. Count Dumas is appointed Director-General o.
the Orvanization of the Natiggnl Guards, under thx
orders of the Minister of the e....
» Wt is said that the Archduke Antony isnamed Vice-
rey of ltaly.
The Grand Duke Constantine commands the Rus-
) sian advanced gyard.
Vienna, April 5.—The Neapolitan army has not
passed through Rome, but made a circuit about the
cy. It is not estimated at more than 50,000 men.
very where on its roule it posts up Proclamations,
inviting the inhabitants to concur towards the inde-
padence of Italy. A Russian army of 50,000 men
will, i€ is said, march from Prague to Haly.
Cologne, April 12.—Vhe March of roups through
our city will commence immediately; belween the
15th inst. and the 7th May, a great smany Prussian
petitions will pas throught, making bul short stay
ere; Chey wi) proceed without delay to ihe frontiers
vl France. Pirutssia is to bave 950,000 men on foot,
forming seven corps, fous of which will insmediatel)
take the field, and the other will iurm the reserve.

Lonnon, Apri 20.
Important [rench Papers.
Ata lite our fast night we received Parts Journals
of so latea date as to the JSth inst. the contents of
which are smporiant. A telegraphic dispatch from
Marshal Suchet announces the submission of Mar-
seilles, Draruienan, and Antibus, tv tbe authority of
the Usurper, which event has been celebrated at Pa-
ris by the discharge of one hundred pieces of canon,
The whole of France may thus be considerrd as hav-
ing again yiclded tothe degrading yoke of the Ty-
rant, who, in consequence of the ruinous dcky of the
operations of the Allies, is now availing himself, by
all possible means. uf the various resources of the
of the country, to maintain hunaself upon bis usurp-
ed Throne, and (as he boasts in his address to the
Na'ional Guards), *‘to restore the honor and glory
ot France.” In this Address it will be seen, he speaks
of the Allied troops merely as foreigne s, observing,
thatas yet he knows no enemy; but at the sine time
disphiys an hostility offemper and spirit that sufli-
cicenily marks his desire of having an opportanity of
‘retrieving his reverses” by a display of that Snvtt-
onal vigour which twenty years ago astonished Ka-
rope.” —Incvery respect, infeed, he is preparing
le most formidable means, not only of resistance,
Jut obviously of offence; and it is lamentable to re-
fivct thatthe Athed Powers, who by due promptilude
Of action, might with case have subdued the revived
monster in the commencement of his ctreer, and
crushed him for ever, should by their extraordinary
conduct, Chetr inexplicable delay and indecision,
have afiorde! him time to organize, as tt were, the
whole strength of Fraace in support of his infamous
caus’, and to earble him already to talk again of
“ restoring the glory of France” by a display of that
national vigour which twenty years ago astonished
all Europe.” Whatever the issne of the approach -
ing contest may prove (Hea ven vransit Inay be pros-
perous tous), tt is leart-rendine to think that it has
been thus rendered doubtlul by delay, while evena
partial effort, early and timely directed to the grea!
object, would not have failed of complete sucerss,
or of cfectiag the general deliverance an! security
of Lurope.— With respect to Marat, (our unfortin-
ate neglect of whose powerful co-operation is an-
other subject of heaitielt regret.) there unh ippily
seems nu doubt of his having actually commenced
hostilities in a quorter where incaleuable misebiet is
to be apprehended from his exertions. Accounts from
Lyons state that he had beaten the Austrians in sev-
eral actions, aml advanced to Placentia, alter having
taken several thoustnd prisoners ; and it was report-
ed at Paris on the 17th, (hat after having had an af.
fair at that place he advanced still larther, and ha:
entered Milan ; and that all Lombardy was in a stat
of insurrection. ‘The accounts, however, want con.
firmation, and we trust they wil rt least prove to b
gross exaggerations of facts.
Teirecrapuic Dispatcs.
© The Duke de Albuferato the Minister at War.
“ Lyons, April 16.
“On the 12th the town of Marseilles, on the in
vasion of Marshal Prince of Esling, and without a-
wailing the arrival of our treups, hoisted the tri-co-
Jour flag. It floats ever since the 10th at Draguig-
nan and Antibes.”
At noon this news was announced to the capital by
the dischargegof 100 picces of cannon from the artil-
lery of the Invalids.
His Majesty this day passed in review the Natio-
nal Gard of Paris, composed of 12 legions, forming
4S hattalions : 24 battalions were ranced in the cour
of the Palace of the Thuilleries, and 24 on the Plac
of the Carousal. ‘Lhe Emperor passed successively
View original through all the ranks. The Cficers then having:
ormed a circle, bis Majesty addressed them ina
Paris, Apri! 17.—It is reported that the King of
Naples, after baving had an affair at Placentia wit.
he Austrians, from whem he nade many prisoners,
ras entered’ Milan, and that all’ Lenbardy ts ina
fate of insurrection. This news wants confirmation.
It was asserted this morning, during the review,
hat the Emperor hed received satisfactory news fron.
ingland. ‘The intention of Pngland, at is added,
is to become a mediatrix, in ease diflerences should
arise between France and any contineatal Power.
There was no arrival from the Continent yesterday ;
and no credit is therelore to be attached to a report
circulated at the west end of the town, thatadvice had
been received of hostilities having commenced on the
Rhine. Indeed, the Athes, unortunately, are not
yetina state suticiently strong to undertake offensive
operations in any direction, cxcept Chat of Belgium
md the neighbour ng States, trom which quarter,
certainly, an iu portant blow might some wevbs since
have been stragh, trom the comparatively deienceless
state in which the enemy then stood; bat, thanks t
ihe indecisions of Cabinets, the tavourable opportu-
nity has been suficced fo pass neglected, and that thy
consequence ts, Chat by this delay the enemy bas becn
enabled so such to taprove his Conditions as to ren-
derimminently peritons on our part any other than a
veneral and cimultancons attack at the present mo-
ment; and the whole of the destined tor Chis enter-
prize are not expected tobe upon the Ithine fur nearly
three weekstocome. The enemy, onthe other hond
cannot be anxtous to precipitate the struggle, feeline
ig he dovs the immense advantages to be derived i)
him from delay. = Every day adds materially to he
strenght; and having criminally neglected to tak
any the slighest preesution to prevent his refurn to
Mranceywe now aflord tun every opportunity o finn-
iy re-seating bimselfon his usurped Fhrone, and, oj
which, with a venegeance, be does not fail effectually
(do agail biniself. What stranee conduct! what un-
accountabic and wietehed policy! His escape from
iba, we again repeal, unglt easily have been pre-
venicd; Curing dis procress fom the coast to the
capital, the stlehtestass:s'auce trom the Allies would
have sustained the ‘Phroae of the rightlul Monarch,
and frustrated the design of (ie Usarper; and now
that he Las regained the Imperial eminence, strange
lo say, we fired sulbewent time allowed lite for all the
necessary elioris lo organize lis means and establish
his power. ‘The opportunity o rendering public and
common justice wiihout ditica ty, has untortunately
passed unneeded—and ticaven sraat we may now be
able to do it, with all the etforts we are capable ol
making. At best the stiugele will now be of Goubt-
ful wssue, and the Boutbon chuse, we lear, is lost for
ever. Oh! good and veneravie Monarch, virtuous,
much injured Louis, bow our hearts sicken in the
contenmplition of your wrongs! Nota single effort
made by aay nativa to prop your ‘Throne when tot-
tering, (hough (be sligniest aid would bave secured
tC forever, and thoagl tae tall of it may ja its conse-
juences shake the security of europe to is very
An expedition of considerable force is in progress
ofarransement and preperation at Cork, to consist of
ost of tbe regiments vow in jiclaud, and sowe oi
(huse expected jrom America,
Paris Papers to the 19th inst. arrived yesterday.
the report ofa battle betweea the Austrian and Nea-
poliian Armies in dtaly is repeated ia these Journals
with increased confidence, and the addition, that the
battle was a most sanguinary one; Chatit was fought
ear Modena; and that the loss of the Austrians ia
prisouers, among whom was Count Nugent amounted
0 15,000 inen. A division of the Neapolitan army
is said to have Laken possession of Leghorn; but these
statements Go not apper to have any official confir-
uation, though the tact of hostilities having com-
nenced in that quarter seems unquestionable. ‘The
‘realest agilauion prevails in that tateresting country,
iad the Declaration of of Murat, which is dated the
0th ult. from Rimini inviting the Italians to assert
heir national mlependence, has produced, it is as-
crled, a strong and universal sensation. The ac-
vvunts from the South announce vilicially the com-
dlete re-establishment of the power of the Usurper in
hat quarter; for which service General Grouchy has
»een promoted to the rank of Mashal. ‘The wily
Massena, who appear to have balanced between both
sides, till Fortune bad made her decision, has pub.
‘ished a proclamation at ‘Toulon in terms of the most
lisgusting adulation of the tyrant, whom be secretly
ates and detests. ‘The Moniteur, with much appa-
ent candour, gives some salisiactury statements of
she force and «disposition of the Allies; for, according
View original lo these, they have already little short of 600,000 men
im motion, and expected to be in linc, that is, read
tor action on the French frontier, by the middle of
of June. Would to Heaven it were many weeks
sooner. This is too much time to allow Bonaparte
to orgonize bisimmense means. In the seeming can-
id publication of these articles there is evidently
much deep design. ‘The ebject doubtless is to in-
flame the courage of the soldicrsand the people, who
ire arllully informed that the Emperor of lRusssia,
has engaged to send all the prisoners he may take to
the remotest extremities of Russia, never to be ree
-tored or exchanged; that such of the French ag
chuse to enter into ber service, shall be sent to the
irmy of Caucasus; that others shall form culoni +s and
settlements ; and lastly, that such as will do neither
shall be slaves. The other Powers (it is with equal
falschood added), have determined, that the pri-
soners taken by them, shall be treated with the sere-
rity and contempt due to the conduct of a nation
which arrogates the right of chusing its own masters.”
Che Monitewr contains several intercepted letters froin
ihe Marquis of Osmond to the Duke of Angouleme,
one of which, dated Gonoa, the 9th of April, stute: .
thatthe Neapolitan had a slight adlair with the Aus-
(rians, on the Socchio, between Reggio aud Modena,
inwhich the former had a (rifling ad vantege, and the
Austrians continued (ieir retreat,
Bonaparte has made a great improvement in his
Ministry, aud ts evidently exetiiog every means to
cutdivate and restore the old Kepubiican spirit. Jiu.
clan Bonaparte, in whose abititics the power of Na-
poleon may bay considered to have orginated, and
shose strong Republican spirtc retused for his head
nany a proffered Crown, has bei nappointed Minister
tthe Interior, (the same situation he held under the
Consulate); Carnot takes the War Department,
which be Ulled during the most briliant of Bonapast °s
campaigns ; and Meriin vf Douai, the eclcbrated old
vonvenuonalist, of whom we heard nothing for miny
years, is recalled trow his retirement, ancl mate Mi.
ister of Justice. —Davoust, who resigus his situation
vf War Minister (vo Carnot, is of course destined for
a military comimand.—Marshal Berthier is arrived
at Vienna.—Bonaparte, from some whim has quitted
the Palace of the Thuilleries, and taken up his resi-
sidence in the Palais Elysee, the palace in which the
Prince de Conde recently lived.
Vienna, April6.—Concerning the real states of he
Congress amore profound silence than ever prevailed
lor sume day ; (here are not even any reporis in cir-
culation. We in vain look for the reason of this
cnigmatical state of things. The appearauce of Na-
puleon has certainly sume influence, but peace will
aot be disturbed by uf, it is merely an execulioniry
war, (that isa war to enforce a judical sen enee)—
mercly sume & rritorial pointy may be changed; the
peace sell remains as concluded,
‘The Gocpsofthe Allieswhich are marching against
France will be on the tithe about the end of A pril,
and immediately able to begin their operations.
** fLead-quarters, Avigon, 3 p.m. April (3.
“Sine,—l have the honor to announce to your
Majesty, that the city of Marseilles desplayed the nae
tiunal cockade yesterday morning, and that the tri-
coloured standard flies over (he whole territory of the
‘*Our advanced guard is in march from Orgon
upod Aix. I think stopping its movement, and Tam
concerting with Marshal the Prince of Essting upon
what is proper to be done now to ensure the public
(ranguillity. I am going therefore to Marseilles,
where I beg your Majesty to send me your orders,
Xe. (Signed) “GROUCHY.”
Toulon, April 11.—The following is the address
ofthe Prince of Essling ; it produced the greatest
effect :—
** Inhabitants of the Eighth Military division—An
event no less extraordinary than fortunate has restored
to us the Sovereign whuia we had choseu—the great
** This ought (o be a day of rejoicing to 2!! French.
men. - He las re-ascended his Throne without thera
having been a single drop of blood shed for the ate
tainment of the object. He has returned to the bos-
som ofa tamily who loved him.
**Frenchimen! There is nota town in the Empire
where there is not a monument which commemorates
his beneficence. Let us bless Heaven which has re-
stored him tous. ‘The military recognize in him the
hero who has constantly led them to victory. Jn him
the sciences and arts receive their protector.
‘* Let us offer prayers for the preservation of his
life and of his dynasty. Vive ? Empereur?”
(Signed) = ** The Marshal ot the Empire,
* Duke De RIVOLI, -
** Governor of the Sth Vililary Division,
(Signed) *¢'The Princeol ESSLING.”
** Toulon, 10th April, 1815.”
View original
View original MARSIAL’'s OFFICE.
BY virtue of an Appointment from the Ho-
noratte Court of Civil Justice, o this coiony, datec
the [2h ot May, !815, givew upon a petition pre-
sented by Lewis Cameron and Samuel Kendall, ay
Sequest:atfors ef Plantation Rerlyum, the property ot
the '«t. Mobert Gordon. Nofice is hereby eiven to
the Pablic, that the Execetion and Sequestration
served upon Plantation Borleen, cum annexis, in fa-
vor of William Fraser, Culbockic County of Inver-
ness North Britain, is hereby released from said Dxe-
Culion and Sequestretion.—Rerbice, 9 dune, 18!5.
K FRANG@KEN, First \iarshol
————-- - -
View original SALLS sy EXECUTION.
BY virtue of an Appomtment from His Ex-
ecllency J. Mearay, rigadier-crenera! ead Act
ing Governor of Uie Colony Uerbiee ved tts De pret
deneies, Ge. &e. Sc. given tpen a Peioun, pir-
s-oted feorthal parpese, by Archibaid ‘Queer, 9g
Colin Macrea, under date of 160n Jagmary, SL ,
versus, the Proprictor or Progavetors, Ke res nts
tive or Pepresectatives of Piatvation Patwyra, Uasi
coost. Notior ts hereby given io the Public, wi thy
instance of Evin Praser, surviving partner of th
Honse of Bvan aad Angus Fraser, Merchants of tin
colony, aod which House of Commerce are bow pos-
sessing through decd of Assiement, the right and in-
frrvs! before possessed by Cotin Magrae. in the debi
for waick Pliottion Palmyra is now vader Exccn-
tion and Sequestration; that Bethe undersivned ta-
tend toSell, at Public Exceution Sale, ia the pre-
sence of two Councillors Cownnissaries and their Se-
crelary, iw the month of Decemher, S15, the pree
cise day bereafier to be notified through the Gazetic
of this cology 3
Tie Cotton Eedtate called Palmyra, situate on the
Fiust const of tais Colowy, with all its cultivalt a
Leillivge, siazes, aad further eppurtenances there.
belureing, the property of R. P. Broom; all con-
formudle to an Inzentory fwmedthereof, aad now
layire atthe M avshal’s ¢ )pece for, the inspection 0,
those wham tt may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, ect) »
or interest, on Loe abovementioned sete called Pui
mye, Cem anneris, and wishes to oppose the So
thercot, let suen persons adress thease Ives tot
Marshal's Office, declasing theirc retteen for so doin
ja due titae and form, as | hereby ive wetion, the:
will receive Opposition from every interaediate per.
s9n, Opp.wat them a day to have his or her chim
heir! & five the Court, and further act theccings tt
da , cvs,
tau Sel Prec tiomatiog, mace knows /o the Pu-
wie by Ie tt etalre 2, froamthe Court blouse of th,
curomy, etl further deal e according (a custom
Berbice, 40 J ame, 1815, ,
hk. PRANCHKEN, First Vanshal.
—_—_— ——
oe -—-
BY virtue of an Anpoiatment from His Ex-
celleney H. W. Bewtinew, Exquire, Lieuteaont-
Gevermor ofthe Colony Derbice and its Depent-n-
ee, fe. &. &e. dated the Oh June 1815. aiven
Woo a petition presented by Danel Ais, opts
Ie cetv ow General aad Receiver of the Charely Pied
Vithe untersioned at the r quest of aforesstd Ptceives
Gereral and Receiver of the Church Fuad, Sunanon
by talict p— Wikrown aad eaknown creCitors of plan-
tation Je Vaodster, cum aunevis. sald at Executian
Slo. fo appear before the Loaosable Court of Civis
Jastce, at this cology, on Vondsy the d7th Jats
Is}, and foawiner day, for (he purpose of ther
reniering theic chims, to maintain the same, and ty
hear, after the fourth Edictal Summon, the Court?
decision, as to the prefcreat and concurrent right ot
chiimeants on the proceeds of the Sale of said Estate,
O21 pain of perpetual sileace to those who remain ft
deisalt of rendering th: ir claims.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pubise
by bert of drum from the Court Uouse of this cvleny,
and furtherdealt with according to custua.
Berbice, the Oth June, [$15.
KK. Feanxcnen, First Marshal.
View original * »
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View original
View original TT
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render in their clafms, to verify the same, and furthe:
0 proceed acco ding to haw.
This Summons by Etict weete known to the Pa-
ic by beat of drum from the Court House of Uh
‘oluny, and furtherdealtwith to custom.
rbice, the 9h June, aio.
K. Fein cKign, Fiest Biar hal.
ae a
By virtue ofan Extract fromthe Minutes of
the Comt of Civil Justice, of th s colony, dated the
7th day of May 1815, given fh the Ciise entitled
M. PF. Costenbader ned i. Luthers, as Curetorts to
the Estate of H. W. Brande » duc Pls LAL, Veta!s,
HM known and ubknown crotitors or chiimants am th-
state of Li. W. Brandes, dec. 1 the untersigned,
't the request of aforesaid ( ‘uratorsylo hereby Su :
yon by Edict: (lor the second tine) sil kno se and
rhoown creditors of clainrents on the Letote ef Tf.
¥. Brandes, dec. taappear before the Court of Roll
mi waite y the 19 June 1815, there te remctey in thet
farms, to verify the same, and ferther to proceed
¢ Gone me tiolese-—
dD his Summons by Edict mace knowa to the Pa-
lic by beat of drum from the Court House ov thi
dluay, and further dealt with according iv custom.
Berbice, the @d June, IS15.
K. FR ANCUKL? v, First Marsh2!.
— «a
By virtue of an Extract from the Minutes of
‘Court ot Civil Justice, oft thus Colony, dated t'-
4 “May !S15, given ia the chur egiiticd J. va dew
Brock amd Goeo. Pauwels, as the Afformes to the Wi-
ow Ulertin, a iho is the ae ‘cutrixot berlate ke Dent
ro. Wot: Liiths J iaaalat out LU, ali eiaiimacds O71
the Petute of d. OU. W. ld dec. Jihege Wer
Were, at toe r gqaesl of aloresaad Sttormes, do bet
Wy on nmon by Ealvct: all clarmanis oz the Pstete ot
CO. W. Heat ay C. to appear betore Cae Court of
fells, on Momlew che 19 of Juac 1315, Us re iw ren-
@er sa thetr cd Bus, te verily the same, amd lurcher &
proce ml accorniitve io law,
‘This Stuimeerss ly = belict mate Leown toa the Pe
Hic by Leet ofdrum from the Court Hogs ef thi
Coluny, aml further dealt wah adconiag to Lew.
ivince, Ga Juae, (S'S.
Kh. FRANCADN, bie Me at.
bY virtue oi an OE tract Ivoie tae Wiretes
Withee Procecdings of the Coe@rt of Civil di > UF
lin Colony, daced the [7 May 1810; Given Pt the
muse entitit J. G. Clot ee Nrwrwerker®, as oe.
nits the Pees of ithe inte M.A. wae love va
Menoulg, g . i! sy ter ilar’ ‘i it i a“ ee *@ e . ’ i
° ‘
BY vie v in , 1) " So Pry ! "9 Ve ‘ is, . nw a
hi ankteows cratitos oF Chamenls va tice EA ”
se f - ee A. Pe | tebyzve vot Aptian ti 4 ,. 1
00 ODE FS} TNE *y abv the fe nee “pt «m » veel & es. 4 a
‘ - . , :
Vewurwest ard ms P- Rs 33 reeby “it dade baby gveret . ci
oa a a0 fe8 Castes ) the Aadunii. . j titel! IW CHVSAtwns Ww
‘ j ehits@.eia ? i the boi thes a (lie sale vhe seu CF t i »! aa
Von t.tenbung, wold the late S. J. G. vin lioy se va,
sheer, iw apprcag ehore the Cw COL line, OF
foucay the 18 Sua: IblS, foere to teoh tt in thei
cl Ws, lv Vets Cll Mae, Sind saatlics vv yew f.tbac-
LONE io law.
iw Summensedy dkitct made Lnown to the Public
Oy Beat ot erase Ten the Court Ul sasec of Ui Cun.
Ny, al darter dealt with accosdeng to Custun.
bcivice os eoune StS.
fae : ig NCKEN, Tirst VMoarsbol,
~~ —=- _- _ - _—_——_— -— © oe Ce le -- —— -—
BY virluc ofan bxtract feom the Muautes
vibe Couptot Civil dustioe, of this oaion), date
he vrin May 181d, given ia Gee Cause ential doce.
loot de Nieuwerkeri, 04, the Estate of Use date A.
W. van biabyze van Uatenvarz, deceased, Praia)
Alict, versus, al! known aad unkaowa crelaors of
clpinaats oo thé be tate ot A. J. van labyze van Bae
le:burg. I the users ned, at the de qucet of «fore.
tid JG La e c, al eeu ’ rl erk, OY. q. ) an re by Su. ye
How vy Palic (, diet toe socom ame): Ab AnwoW
in’ uBanown Cre .lere or chrinmite of Uae deta al
Sod. vauw Teosze van Baresburg, & appear belor
ae Uourt uf Moils, on onday the 19h euae, ISL,
ete to rheer te their clauus, wo verily tue same,
wal surther to procectlaccordiag to law,
This Sunda by boict inade “knowa to the rata te
dy beat of dia tiem the Court fouse oft ste cUL0-
wy, aid further dealt with according to custum:.
Berbice, Qt June, 1815.
Keb ANC WEN, First Marshal.
ib virtue of an Extract from the proceed:
mes of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, gi-
ven tr the cause entitled James Ir maser for self anc.
ther Sequestrators of plantation No. 40 and 41,
west cuast of this colony, Plaintiff, versus all Kaown
and vakaown creditors or claimants, as wetl in this
valony as inthe united colonies of Essequebo an:
Jemerary, onthe proceeds ef the Sale of phintaiion
No. 40 and 41, west coast, the late property ot P.
snail and W. ‘Phreifall. i the understaned, Firs!
Marshal of the Coarts within this colony, nud ‘al the
View original
View original ° '” ve

10 June 1815