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The Berbice Gazette

Berbice, Qoth November, iS14.
NOTICE is hereby eivens that the Accounts
azainst Plintations and Individuals, for the Pxtya
Hh acl. Vone ‘yon Ne Treacyn (Moree ‘Ale fo the Proc a-
mation of the Hone a Comt of P volte, of the
Cih of October lact,) are new re sah for delivery,
aod that the same an be pual into this Olliee in all
DANTE S Lr, Pop. Ree. Gen,
Qe ts ee a a ee
View original ee ee oe es ee ae
FOR the use of Cie Civil Coomrssary Department,
Neer tradcsmen’s jackets.
aT diac! froWSCrs.
7? ,-
DOr ron tart
I> & hw hm Xd
7 w Ix
y Paceeseommoncalbea,
oO, Wi ') ly, ek VG iCLS,
+? i() HI Coot far _ or
YO | IVs () mindy x's,
Porwhtch Tenders vith be veceived by the Sub-
seribors until Tuestry the 6th - wweok Peeember, a
lO elec in the mooning, when toy willbe opened
fn presence of Ths bixe Sloney bc Governo-, and
the lowest, approved ot, accepted, 19) ‘ing.
Rh. MAC KENZIER, Acting Com.
Qiu EERE e: eee ew ere lt — PT Se we 4” oe
View original “Nov. 26. JI. G. C. de Nieuwerkerk qa. the Tstate
of his late Pxcelleney ALP. va frebyze van
Batenburg, infends to passa imorteace in favor
of Coaradus Sclreiers, on 40 Negrocs, Names to
be seen at this Ottice.
— The Corators to the Estate of Wim. Threl fill,
Wil transport to Wri Presorga po rtol tot No.
7, faciig the teont amy wih all the buildings
t) TOON,
— 1. Dorvniewilll fransporf to DY merary 2 Ne-
grocs, Names fo be secral this OMee,
RoC. DOW NTP Sean,
tt ee ee a nn an ee
foxrpoerrs por the SPLOT [ >, Ula Lemaary,
‘/ ie fo, - ale Ob / ble Nail ve r4f a) 2
Hovis, ch ( my Lynd ‘T. Jocase ; | | ‘Vv. i{ Lyes. fi je
stacesy table sultan bus cers. ditto di pel assy sot
I) ol, botthd ariel fro “Orde fy lhy (hae, l)
smears bBhlick penpers aul. fly. MoO te ca
eve, HE & VP binees, ston rl son
Fase fer hetihsy tying pws durr |e wey
fac h locl ~, Wii |) VISE ( . | is C
Hifass Genthme rvs super lite acer aad be hot
hats, servants al gad datta’s with stbeor be
cachades, Tro lineasy Preven « rh Ga ta
shintine, writo aerit yellow muricon , 14
‘tena pores, Steer Trae | rr, l) m4 ’ Jer ryan
bros clots, trae Welel fain cep te fhe oil hate
forms, Russia sheeting, Qaslbobeo gp ui ar tan di
chiets, ta woebothe, Dordt est aa | Pde tas Catton
om sat shock Sy nid ene | rs NO>*6 . ' Ol,
cloves, Ey ess] ra bats, Pai MerS INCE TN) ey rb oe
men’s dress and oll dress aittots. Eadie i
raceo, White and coleured ditla’s, Gn ics ots
Nero shirts, bats and biuekets, olaaher leo oi
cl: Susy Sobx atm | eott " moe tyre aa ! Ligesy’ le I.
Co fom anel ¢ hee | nr \ tg :
Youiran@ tooth orga ss. \. bar (| ,
mb Wheeel pypelboece tt sy ater Ll pass
amd earth omeare. an olny
Atoo a rey en Sa! | ) au (
ny I) “y CLelpy (oF Ca )) rp Zz
YO Nov. C1 Seta ES rTe.
STEVEN excell et Biehl Neercoes, vy vich Gt pot
wlon Jouh oo} Veconmber y I, will thi ‘hh 4),
nfods seat ree vendue.—bor particulass en-
juire et inbation Scluamacher’s Dust by
re oy, Hh. Co eI NYE IN
_--_- -—<-.—- ——— _ ————
View original i yh S ' boas.
; VAE CO to bres hoblimorach’s Cuttor, for
' | the _ ( { (Ors Of s lial state will POCCOTS
heey sft. Mo owe ae) ryan \Woty] I. Rea. ull ,ONn-
Ve ath December next, when the hichesty 4
Py) Tove \. wisl | hacee! te }.—, VY iss lean Casta,
ty r\
reo Sao! Pastor Safes atthe fowor rooms
: | IS ly \Ir do Ja. at iL oo
LNAI foot of fatenatie mushins, levis
ark, { ar hoe bes, print de and
Mle € , sy read dade sutea pores, Ene
lin Catfone, ore ton derehlaefs, diapers best
jrtys howls vy att his, fae cht Mtvy jean,
bom deo tom urbe li sy bices pvr its, (read,
Mead bobbi. s 1 ae INR OCU, Sap
mol bones We. which will be soldbon VeTY Teasull-
efas fo reonest ches that are indebled to him,
. . } ° 4 ‘ )
a Tone time book, by Note orepen Account, that
ey willinahe bore Nate pryment, as no lonesr in-
ch 7 renee can, oF will de given,
-_—_ ———— ——
—_——__- ——
Vy Subser bers bey de ave tointorm the ‘ir Priends
wid Pablic in general, that they carry on the Black-
Scatt, Parriery, and Saddle ‘ry business’s, on reason-
able Corms, on Lot 27 in this Town.
26 Nov. R. BARNES.
View original THOS tndebted to the boedcl of the Jate Mr) FP.
A. Rodenbrock, dee. are requested to make payment
and those having claims against said boedel, render
the sane in for examination.
J. RODENGROKRK, and 2 Frecutors
View original
View original Pecescd hu the schooner Trrar, fiom Demerary,
the f Nowine choice assortment of coods, to be sold
on reasonable terms pr. pachocr, viz —
Wes: hola & TLaneashire|Cotton Lice and edging
hans Mloek silk, carsemere and
Beefonmd pork in barrels) Morscitle vests
and halfdes. Jean and carsemere pan-
Kits of pielled and red} taloors
herrinas Parge while counterpanes
“pit peesand pearl barley} ‘allicaes in 2S yards ps.
mn jugs and kegs Qyol counre and scvine
Bloom raisins in boxes hol opr odnsses
Rondon bottled porter Mens, boys and @irls bea-
Sov beg cles Ver levis,
Totton Shirting in 2) yds. Voohor broad and rar.
, COON, TOW rei yy 4 yey fs
: . :
ton aad Trish Ladies Maroceo, Jean and
tris, pulicat, - tp ners
Pou eras aed a in oe STareocco and kid
i) ws anny be howe
Od) ( how We rSane| le shoes
Coan vl ’ lain & W ke yy Yolo. ortment of
nonibane booaw am <d - OM aan & pertar Nery
Pacvesiustin caps & col 1 Tanda CHEe sg
borcues VOU aly Oving cards
Picts ok Shawls Moos, shoves Sy Cuilisece,
broiderocd sarsnef, and) knives, for sy ponkniv's
satin r bbomsy reach pat-{ set saes, fish hooks, bine
Porus mes, screws, tron tined
Mroeaun ) Tinen wire thread spoons, trunk and chest
Tear doon Fors! Dering looks, 44. to Sd. nels.
Start butftous and oo } owt eh 1) rivets, boat
Wore niboo yf ier ond horse sboe nails.
hoot cords and a Is 'Torse shoe, crumb, and
(lon aett beaces Cloak bras!
per X& cotton carters SEUNONUY assorted
Niocy glasp and sill Und a variety of articles
Trscs foo Numerous to mene
Sol buttons tion.
’ .
2d fa:
oy ar; heone NY at Pym fo i, ospo -e¢! one
—_—SSS=— ee ———_—EE—EeET_E—E———E—ee errr —O
View original TS
by the Subscriber, at the Store formerly ocenpicd
by A. Soware & Co., at moderate prices dor cash or
produce s———
LONDON brown stout, porter and beer in bottles
hater wiac ain quarter casks, old aud new rum per
punch ony a tew dozen rich sherry, lains, potato Sy
(ourin barrels, oatineal in jars, paint and paint oil,
sentlemans, dadies, and chi tdrg no shoes, ginghans,
caliicoes, cheens, colton siting, Madras handker-
lets, Ae.
View original OE SS
On Monday @Sth Nov. will be sold, by order of
he Px cuftoro: the bite Mr. ‘Thos. ‘Chornburn, at
(he Vendue Othee, 3 plime carpeater negro Sy a Case
ol pistols, carpenter lows, wearing apparel, “writing
desk, &C.
Qn the same day by the Vendae Master in come
Hiisstoi, mn assortiacntot dry goods, provisions, &e.
by onterot Dr. Win. Gordon, S pipes ot parle ue
lay Madeira wine, 2 of which are Upwards of 18
months tn this colony.— Abo by the Vendue Master
In eciuiMission, © nersroe men, field people, auda
Washer woman warranted sound.
By order of Mr. W. Lo leabach, 5 or 6 pric nee
gro ulen, woodeutlers and sawyers,
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original eee
On ‘Tuesday next the 29th instan ts will be sold at
the house of Mr. dohn Woalth:—W es tonulia & Len.
cashire hams, beef and pork In yy hole ant half barrels
hits of pickle A and red herrings, split ease and bar-
ley in jugsand kegs, bloom raisins in boxes, hyson
fea, old ram in punc “lions or by Oo @illons, a few do-
zen of old hoek, would candles, Le: non motlled soup
cotton shirting and sheeting, a variety ol handher-
chicls, Scotch gauze, cambric, book mus'in. ladies
straw and chip hats, (rimmed, boys and girth beaver
hats, tape, Tinen and cotton thread, gallooa, boot
cord, tassels, silk and shirt buttons, cotton met bra-
ces, ladies Jong and short net and canibrie loves,
diaper, colton garters, stay lice, wire mbbou, silk
View original
View original —— = r+ >
View original ~~ _
Qn SJonday the 19th December, next, will be sold
ot the Vendue Ctiec, by order of. Gr. Cod Nieue
workerk, Iosg. qa. the bstete of the lite Gov. ries
von batenbursr, 40 prune Negroes, Py te SS SOO
of wich are excellutdumesies 3 berms vl pay aici
wv) OU, co Jur vatie.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vertue Master.

ee ee ee ee ————
Tcllnex Moea gor the Wiuist Crus, will be
on fursdoy (oe Txt of Deeen der. £5 Nov.
View original — - oe a OED <—e *
y i
& a . rs
View original
View original >.
View original —_—- + —— 2, 0 Fae
Phe Princes Rog nt tas doe pe aciomsly | leased €0 corte
more Cas ba ca Peyritiow of pe odisthaguisted sory a
ropa) \ iy ft ny tuc Vy renecs, fro.
bya Ww fata Sher Sus. th tas ofthe Nivelly, og
» Nov. oj a tat ths sicte and car ture of
wortanyia Nog ard sep Slo; the Olicers piee
Sent ua | $C ule void. /’ OCCasSto IN satel © Hoy the Pile
’ “Ol any brits ofdet- etisiy i conformity te
ae Mos | ats id ai the 7h o! October last,
’ < ! - . 4 , . cs : { a ’
i bide Dw] IA CVU ChOl &clice ‘uli Crovkuaren,
’ 4 ;: f ‘
‘ ‘ v’ C( ’ / ! T
na eountry ship, 59) tuas, ledge
wih coho, Caplaiy Cameron, fram Batavia for Los den,
. ’ . }
ae ' ple busvelli, Wail id Sie
left, in Company with the
Wim eet, on the 2 0f June, parted near the Westcrg
bvtonds on the SJoof Nuvuses fll in with the Youk Ames
mean privatecr, oF fourteen) guns and one handred and
Lify men, Cantain Barch, witha few hours sail Of Scilly,
who bors down on the Coromandel, and, after a chace of
nive hour succeed. d iu capturcte her. Caotain Cumcrong
ail Ca fain Stuart, of the \badeas army, and passengzerg
pte Coreanaadl, had rosolwed to endeavour to ree
capture the shi, ib cave aftacie parting with tie privateer,
bid tae Pascars lad agreed to assist them; but the Cape,
Mf the privatecs baving received information of th's intene
ttl, would not allow either of them to remaie on ! ird,
Wehavel-earncdtheabove account from Captains Camcrog
and Stuart, who add, thatthe Commander of the priratcop
acted in the most honorable aud humane mauner to cvery
ind.vidual, and protected and restured all the private pro.
perty, and gave up his private aj artments io the shijy te
accomodate Captain Stewart, who was then ina bad statg
of health. We think it due to Capt. Burch to state these
Cicts, in order that, in case be should be eaptured by uy
of our cruisers, he should reccive similar troatment, and
mect equal liberality and generosity as he manifested (ye
wards his prisoners.
Prague, Sept.10.—By acourier who has passed Uirstigiy
this place, we are informed that the Emperor of Russig hug
set out from St. Petersburgh to Vienna, We areasiteg
(hat al srsian and Tuskish Ambassador will attend gy the.
Al. Victor Hughes will depart immediately fer Cay eu nd
View original }

’ :

; .
‘ ' i
. é . ‘
= ‘ +
he ial i i Ol e 4 . . dvi j
bea del
ead UCIAY Ik Lile \
, e
‘ sir cé e i.
Srv #@eseVsig LAL 4 . : : , e
é itp 10 ~% ‘ ‘ a ww
SiaVCeLTAULIIEZ Si ips \ ) ve @U Leard Dus 2
Paris gitanw ias¢ + eiia e406 U BB Se
View original VW
View original lest eomsideration. We teok a view of the drcadful anar.
chy and desolation which had prevailed for so many years
in the Colony, and observed that all the eflurts of the
Chamber sheuld be directed to the re-establishment of its
former commercial relations. ‘To obtain the balance of
seventy millions which remained in favour of France in
1740, it would be necessary to vend in the markets of Lue
rove 220 mi lions of merchandise manufactured in the
Fiench Colonics, and brought home by the vessels of the
ironch nation, Jn answer to the question which would
be asked, lov it happeucd, that during 20 years that
Fiaaee bad boon deprived of ber colonics, her specie had
not ap) aroutly disappeard, he dcsire it lo be recolleetcd,
(hat tac balance of (rads, so universa'ly acknocedcred and
justly avweciited, had becu soy laced by the enormous trie
muitos a deontibutions levied since the y car 1810, in Gere
wiany, Poussiay He dead, the Mansentic Towns, Italy,
Soainy and Porlugal; by the cession of Louisannia to
Piance; and, in short, by all the extraordinary means
which bad supported the French Budgets, throug) which
France was enavled to pay for the colonial goods, the cone
sun tion- of which had, however, been considerably reduce
cod, as wellas fur the raw material, of which her manue
riovosies had often felt the want. In cousidcring the
aus which ought to be adopted for restoring (is Colony
(o ily fortuer state, he was of opinion that the respective
Cuaricior of Cinstophe and Petion left nu doubt that they
Oo , . .
sO Sal rit their duty to achnow .¢ Poe bic Sovereignty
tis N Vall. and that Giey were thercfore worthy of
( Cu? (CCS of hi. Prose dei roaag beJloa 7 mut to Cle
The ‘tess It Was, ry has @)) bom, Meola uly Necessary
add pos. thee con sions ahoueil be made ta favour of
* / : } } . oad I. *(% 7
Loos. bocy SLO eC evotvaiced that France Tee
ireal Of thous ost asstduous attention to their duties
2 Ca regu ar cervitude wWithoutaclua’’y slavery! and thee
t. 4 y1 d beyro crly treated. tle conclude with proe
yescveral cogulatigns to clicvet the grand objectin view,
for the resturaawon of the enlova!l co mre of Fran 8
aid Nis propvstivus were Ubaaiueusly agred to be
Lie recent proccedianzs of the Chamber of Deprtics 2 @
rotlhcr interesting to British manufacturers, Pctitions head
, } ; +r . ' t .
jj iescnted from the principal cotton manutacturers i
Lidice, prayins, amoung other things, for the absolute
esclussouul foreign Inis oitations, ‘Lhe Committce was of
Oo) 1, af aj roliliGion at present crists, that there wae
Le \dtui tahing that pointinto deliberation until the
ew (arf forthe Customs came under consideration, The
recouweudatiop of the Committce was adopted by the
Chaniber. ‘Though this ducs not amount lo a compliance
witn the prayer cf the Petitioners, it is not improbable
that they will ullimately obtain their object. There scems
(vu bea.streng disposition towards the eaclusive system of
ic late Goverament. The Reporter, from the Committee,
ia the course of his speech tuuk occasivu tu bestow sume
indirect praise on Napoleon's fumous Berlin deciee, which
he says gave wondertul ep ring to French industry. Ile,
hawever, condeaucd the lew a lainst colonial produce, as
(hat ratsed the price of colon,
The Chamber of Deputies, on Saturday, was oceupied
with the weans of supp.ytog the public treasury, A nume
ber of taxes were proposed, and the plan of the Custom.
hese duttes laid before the Chamber. The ready sale of
Freuch cuolumal produce is to be secured by the iarposie
tron uf awuch heavier duty en forcigu merchandize of the
ddd kind,
er eee
View original
View original wo
PY virtue of an appointment fron the TWonor-
al: Court ol Civil fustice of this colon ‘ mnaer dale
of Poth dane [St pt. aoven ryan aw Peto present ta
by the First Siustial We Pranehkens for and mone ne
OP. Onin ca, (lor ton and 3 bier lv. as alot the
name ol We Sede ty Cocitoas Principal 4 vent tu the
Croan P~t tis wiih thos colon ve
Notice is hereby men te the Pabt ey that T the
geo fers; oe oor the arhab owt the time boing, ine:
Qoob toca s at led sceuttian ike wa te PTs
‘ . , ' . °
Ouildis) Moe mbod flrear See.
sence of tyro Comic bers
cieteryvs tata 0) 1s rom her, ISt5, ye pore WU
day nan tor Jit throes (ne Clase Cooly
Mis cal rey he Meee PROTIT st,
Tirle on the ve toitl sco mV Hyer rie
rerty oo ubovemun cf Jovand Morelia, with all
Wculivationy ba! ves, nd: burth or tyrtr-
Lone ire yeeordin "ob fg PVC ary’ boa de ther orf,
Aretfiay or rt the Via abs Guice for the inspection
vi che C Ce
Wiihoevor should thon’: fo Trive any right, action
eriuier eforssvores ti) Pia. fitian Protl, cumannents
bo, ishhes fa by Sams’ yt" Py Ccution Sale thoreot, det
red re Ly woos ro dves fo the Maystat'’s
Qyceotthis c hay Ceclacine ther reason for s
doaierces Thereby ore notice tliat To wall receive op.
vita, POY ON Ty chy} vehi ate Persons Ol it tdi 1)
et Vyae ertotoaloy Lis or her Chater bend belore
th e's ad tela chat t! rorecormasthe [ my cl ‘Cts.
Litas ©, bs Wi J nits] eco as Custon ary.
aI, a " a : her, rt,
° . yey \ - : ve ’
«wea 2 aroun ‘9 lined Alivhals.
- = = — a = =e eo
— ~~ em we ee a se - a
= = tt
BY vi fieohi re) nent fran: the Thonacabte
Csaur' np Civels - 4 os colo Vay Cote d OSD ete
} is 5 cet 14 Tres ( | ') \\V
}.! ‘afovec an is via
ye] | IN) Chivas
(ourytors ‘of aa GA Ltn ol an Cle
<« etl .
Preailenin’, wT Soot of alorccaid Cu-
To i (* mo) wy diets
QU Cr ators | fateeof Roderick “for Dart
Jee. toa Na ral f Mirtin !
Wyytis ef, poonduy thre foc] maary
sid ’ "\ (| CO Evact f | 1] \
chin aa? U4. 7 fon |. tereats weraeet «© To Ia
Myth on De Pee th te rt Ltn elim,
hie vs s Fey Salet pial beds Cts oouutry.
Police, © ty N bor, INT d, /
K.P ANCHA LN, Jirst Varehal,
BY virtee of ea Crider from Tis Execleacy thi
Goversor, dited the COW October, ISPt, wiven up-
ona Petition presented by Ths. Pryer Lary tots oon
of the Fxeenutors to the Estate of the date Ieobr. Vale
son, and Attorney of Vhomas Kon! ; —Vnother of
the Executors and one of the Vie irs or smidd Paolbert
Wilson, and of TP Stetiar pointed in the plice ov
Win. Doles nding bis ebsence from the colony,
Tithe wid rsivoe ty at the request of avoresaid iy:
eculors, do foreby Sammon by + cet:
All eltinmints oa th procecds of Phi lation T7a-
mitace, cue anoexis, fo render in thetr ciatias before
Mie Court of Civil eusticr, of this colony, nt ‘ten
ordimiry SC SNtonoon M. meicy the Lob dd: ryG! Hanniry
Is15, ctl (olloss dane rauys, and urther to proceed ae.
cording to Law. On pais, aller the fourth Llietar
Buinmons, of being doburrced Choir til ht ov elvinn.
y his Sauanon hy Pidict made hi imoyvnto the joy hr
by beat of drum from the Court ffouse or (his Lolony,
and turther dealt with necording to custou.
beibice, Oth Noverber, INT4.
KR FRAN CKIEEN, [erst V arsahl.
View original
View original
View original Poesuhseriber, tio loon ty dis oat rexteone
. tei chs edie s. lit eeceived,
ici 6, Crotern Tot) the follow noe artredes.
Weic sais stile wert: as Phe Lam ceamiue, vies
(coven ei: MAG Cail ay Cet
y 9 9 > 4
Syn ' ; yicos i.e | (| haste lps i4.° i rg Welle.
sods ote Pe Pow Par vateritr root, ver: simak
jor betray essence bean X peppermint,
wesCurs Plas, cir cumy secdsy auise doy vobitil
sitoeb toon. Dosher’s herb stamoaituny, stren
mere: Oonfiacuts sosstari y sussa parcdly, cuaiveun
luizereon rout, itier aba aads. carrinay secds & orf,
AMT POW pow cer, forbrr emetic, tinets of devetalis,
- s fureen We, Sint! Ny Strong Ne Crous ace (fs, verde.
ass phils assarth dy amd corks: roses and home y-
Waters, aromade Vin gary &c. &e,
I? Nov. W. BD. LIoOnT.
SR a
View original -—_— — St
Ly the Subserihers, imported in the Tanano, from
London, and LeLuonr, frou Liverpool via De-
? CHU, Cll im
PORT in barrels, hans, pickles, Hyson and
Seuchony tea in curusters, Vince in jugs and bat.
Hes, spices, cun powder, Laverness cotton and coffee
bovoing, Osnabure's, blne and white sale INPOFes,
Clognat Dbadios ath and mustin dresses, willow strays
Aud fades sattin bonnets with (rimimines, gentle.
meme Clothine, rock y and Uessian boots. lidtes and
gonthmen's shoes, sith and beaver hats, Newro leats
md clothing, chock shirts and coverlids, Russia duck
and sheeliog, black, blue, green and mixed) broad
Superfine cloths, Arab kerseymere, flannels, scarlet
Dluc and wreen fable cloths, diaper and damask do.,
platitlas, cotten and linen checks, [rsh linens, French
GauiUricy needde» aad pins, silk umbrellas’, svap aud.
View original
if, é Cw x7] « ) “s
\\ } (° \ } 9
bread 1
) :
5 i ) it | is
View original an
Tire unorsiened offers for Sele from 297 ta eng
Very five SCO, amonest which are frou 79 to }O)
Venrs weddersy an towill sol thea moderate toa
prechiser whoa cu piv cast down or an approved
mall corehe whole Cock. be avtlbalse emrare (oO dee
Pver hem iy Georce Town. Demer: rv, for astral
coos Coa don above (heir value ia Gerbiee.
--—_———— - _—_ ->__.__ _._.-_. _ -
Por? ta SOU eg Cotton, the prod ace oO” Plane
Pron Neg will be reecivedk at othe hose of Mp
Te Tathersy om dor Now Wo uraril dhe Qa tos. whoa
Woche stalor Gor net boss thea LO Daiks) will be
( hobby the Cn Is Ol sid: estate. Poyinene
fob ade it cusltondclive y. 19 Nov.
Paley spy rs,on the ni ht
of Poa by ahont 10
moet! Mhiube tas N\A LS. hoouted ino wh:e
on Peo Pte ena bowded win sand,
yp Vio Se dhe ere otron. as heavy load ty
Hie roeoy ' Powys hal be rewarded by ‘De
1 rea FP fey =! ria . ‘}t) \& &o. | 2 Nov,
-_—--—ar a ee
View original at
— eee_“"
( Oh feo Lanta hot veen the snl
Toe the comcdurctias Gy burst loss Defore the
Deter disolw de) Yo rqeet puy nent of
ey Sete to Mew, tein boo s beige im the
Ps Ol se fost sabseeib or ber colleeGen, and whe
ry" eee Sth dre wal nmot : pour in Court tor
vad AL ysho shuld remain iadefaullot prying
iy tO.y Wie.
WOTTORSO CE Att ney at Law,
7 - CU CO Le
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“sp Lhe well known Ship Belisle
oh _Ans 7“
vey ray ,
ailorras Topo, Master,
posubwith the unary convey. Por freight of s
"EW fot NVLOSy OF Poantar fron y fo the Nicest ron
NOW. ilor I). ILA LAS Yt HW & Co.
nae ee 8e="p§”nnRnw
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Che “Tanners of Proeeedia.s beforet bie Court of Civil
bees ta dio chisth aad SYateh.
Charter of thee ecoto \ 3K rhtee, i Biactlish.
(lhe new atelr Coy Cty iets Li) Dutch.
Lofesy Adan LIEK S, Oneenre Cerdticates, Bills of Exe
Chinee, lis ot Padiny
Qt lial of POS, blanc cy! | ruled, Quills, Pencils,
Wii Paper, dak Powder, and Wafers.
~~ eS Sees 6 SOF? ee ee
Listuf Run.a- cuy Neoroes, in the Colony Stocks of
biiuocky on (he 25th Novemler iQ}.
Nauiues. | ray rictods,
QQ ene ee eg
By whouw brougzat.

aVesluGil, 7 | boise aren, a —_ Aanbrengen.
ison, Plo. Bosrestein Fiscal
Cosa ln. Onuver wagt Jchnert
lcules edem icCamon
Loarose in, Mara J. Gouveraewg
Mboratius dellewue Vhite
Maes, iss Jhaurants \dan g
VIaodar Pin. Herstelling | fuseal
Nicolaas ‘dem cleus.
Primo . LL. Schmidt Dclnere
Nori idem, fdem.
Adonus idem. (dem.
Joe \Ion irauendorf
licclor lour liscal
Prime ‘hanks (Dem.) Dchnert
Pam Seresford (sukilcke
Poru Hlumbece M’ Donald
Glasgow Grall.z L,arose
Daniel sneepel sacepel
Loew is ychlarhorse Fiscal
JeA.DUGuiNERT, Onder Sherig.
View original Published ECCT Y Saliurday al 4 o'clock, Pr. MM
By W. SCHULZ & Cu.
Privileged G overnn CH P; inl ot’ 9

26 November 1814