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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum. }
View original Rec’. Gen™. Office.
THE different Accounts are all made out and rea-
dy for delivery at this Office for the year 1812, and
which are payable this month, Defaulters will be,
dealt with according to Law.
Berbice, Ist April 1813.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
ee ————— ,
View original NOTICE.
AT the request of Messrs. Dovatas Reto & Co.
of tis Colony, Notice is hereby given to all to whom
it way concern, that the Estates
Bloomfield, the property of J. We C. McDonavp.
Letterkenny, do. do. J. McDonann.
t Pln. No. 36 Corentine, +Jos. McDonawp.
have been released from the present Sequestration, tn
favor of the Mercantile house of Doucras Rei &
Co., inconsequence of the claims Tor whic’ the said
Estates were Sequestrated, having been satisfied to
the abovementioned louse.
Berbice, 14th April, 1813.
KR. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
? Second Procamaltion.
BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 6 March
1813, on the petition of John Layfield, in behalf of
Thomas Gudgeon, John Dodson, and Joshua Hind;
and of Wm. Kewley and Robt. Taitt, as appointed
Cura‘ors tothe Estate and Ediccts of Richard Barry,
dec: ased.
Notice is hereby given, that T the undersigaed,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell
in presence of two Conncellors Commissaries, and
their Seeretary, by public kxecution Sale, on ‘Tues-
day the Ist ol dune, 1813.
The Cotton Plantation HOGSTYE.
etuate on the Corr. coast of this colony, with all the
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and turther Appurt-
enances and Dependencies thereto belonging, agree-
able to Inventory formed thereof, and which lays at
the Marshal's oflice for the inspection of those whon
ii nay conc. rm.
W hoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation flog-
sty, and its dependencies, and wish s to oppose
this sale by execution, let lim or them address them-
selves to me the undersigned, decloring their reason
for so doing, ina legal manner in welling, as I here-
by give notice that] wilf receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint thema day
to have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to law.
All persons bemy invited to attend at the day of
Sale on plantatios siogsty, aud make their profit of
the same.
This 2nd proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbiec, 18 April, 1813.
WK Franckxen, First Marshal
Third Proclamation,
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony.
Granted upon a petition presented by W. Katz,
under date of 28th Aug. 1812.—Versus, the Repre-
sentative or Representatives of the Cotton Plantation
Nigg, situated on the Corentyn coast ; have caused
to be taken in Execution and Scquestration, the
abovenanied estate Nigg.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 11 Sept. 1812, the said Plantation
Nigg, with all its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings,
and further Appurtenances thereto belonging, and
epecificd in the luventory laying at the Marshal’s
View original Fc ee
Oflice for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said
sale such sum of moncy as wherefore the Estate above
inentioned, has been taken in execution.
‘This Ur Proclamation published by beat of dram
as customary. Berbice, 18 April, 1813.
K,. Francken, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue of authority obtained from the Honor-
able Court of Civil Jusuce of this colony, dated 6th
March 1813 ona petition of NaGuren and Fitz-
GERALD, Merchants of Lemerary, as Agents tor the
Mercantile Flouse of Laing Turine & Co of Lon-
Notice is hereby given: , That I the undersigned,
lirst Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of twe Councellors Commussaries and
their Seeretary, by Pubic Laccation Sale,on Wed-
nesday the 12th May 1813.
The Coulton Estate named
situate on the west sea coast.of this colony, with all
its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurt-
enances and dependencies thereto belonging, atl con-
formable to an In-ventory formed thereof, and Lying
at the Marshal’s Oflice tur the inspection of those
whom itmay concern, Said istate being the pro-
perty of DupLey W ape.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on the abovementioned Plantation Yeord/
Place, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this Sale by Execution, let him or them addres them-
selves to we the undersigned, declaring their reason
tur so doing, ina legal manner in writing, as | here-
by vive notice that 1 will receive opposition from all
lufermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
to have their claims heard betore tie Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to Law.
All persons being invited to attend at the d#y of
sale, on Plantation Leow Place, and make their
profit of the same.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custuin,.
Berbice, 11 April 1813.
AK. FAANCKEN, First Marshal
View original SALE sy EAECUTION,
duarth froclumaiien
WHEREAS | the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier
Generat, and Acting Governor of the colony Ber-
bice and its Dependencies, Sc. &e. &e.
Granted upon a petition of W. Karz, in quality
as Attorney of Samuel and Elisabeth «Imes, of Bare
bados, have caused to be taken in’ Execution and
Sequestration, the Western ‘i'wo ‘Thirds of Lot No.
11 Corentyn coast of this coiony’, the property of R.
[farRis, the person against whom abovenamed writ
o! Wxecution bs granted, ulcer date of 26 November
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, trom the 22d ot Feb. ISIS, the abovemen-
tioned two western thirds of Lot No. 11 Corentyn,
with all its Cultivation (being Cotton), Buildings,
Slaves, and further appurtenances and-dependencies
therctov belonging, and specificd in the Juventory
laying at the Marshal's Ottice for the ‘inspection oi
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the proceeds of said Sale such sum of money as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, bas been ta-
ken in Exeéution,
‘This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as customary, Berbice, 21 March 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, Firse Marshal.
View original Soi —_="ase —SSESEES ES
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an Appointment, given by the Court.
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. 1812, granted
upon a petition presented by B. J. Schwiers and A.
Thornborrow, in their capacity as the two eldest Or-.
phan Masters, ( Weesmeesteren), and in that capa-
city Executors appointed by the Last Will of 47.
View original aS Aassso—aan
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of this colony, and ai the request of aforesaid UB. J.
Schwiers and A. Thornborrow, in said capacity.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tate of H. M. Grau, dec. to appear in perso. or by
Representatives before the Court of Civil Justice,
at their Session which willbe held in the month Qc-
tober, 1813, there to give in their claims agamst said
estate, to verify the same, and further fo proceed
according to law, on pain to all those who remain in
default, of being for ever debarred their right of
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 8th Feb. 1813.
K. Francxen, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an appointment eranted by the Tflon-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, acer
date of 6th March 1813, upon a petition presented
by KE. Theobald, appointed Curator to the fs'ate and
li Heets of Henry Croft, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Court
this colony, and at the request of said E. Theob i
in his capacity abovementioned.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the ¢<
tate of Henry Croft, deceased, ta appear in porsen,
or by power of attorney, before the bar of the Court
wf Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of January, in the year one thou-
sand cight hundred and fourteen, (sy 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate, to verily
the same , and afier proceeding according to law, to
witness the Court’s decision on the prefer: nt and con-
current right of claimants, on pain to all those who
remain in default of being for ever debarred their
richt of claim.
This summons by edict is published by beat of
drum, as customary. Berbice, loth April, IS8t2.
K. FRANCK EN, First Mar stu!
rmnnnennn nnn en tt ets
View original To be disposed of
Fither by Private or Public Sales and immediat:
possession with Transport given—those ex's)
and very valuable Premises, on lot No. 8, in (he to
of New Amsterdam, consisting of an execilent
ling House, Out- Buildings, and Stores, all lately» ¢
in complte repair, at a considerable expence. ~ ‘1
eligibility of the situation, for cither a. store, ship.
ping, or public establishment, can be exceeded by
none; and no Building could be better calculated tor
a commodious and good Hotel, with Stabling, &c.
so much wanted in this colony. Terms will be made
easy to an approved purchaser. Apply to Witui-
am Duncan, or ,
Should the buildings not be sold by pfivate bar-
gain, betwixt and the £0th May next, they will then
be disposed of by public sale, in such lots as pur-
chasers may incline. Produce will be taken in pay-
View original WANTED TO HIRE.
BY a gentleman leaving up the river, two Negro
women, the one capable of understanding cooking,
and the other washing, for which J 25. per month
cach will be given. <
24 April. Apply to this Office,
View original FOR SALE, a
A piece of Land of lot No. 11; containing! 14
roods, situate at the south side of the back dlam—ap-
10 April.
ply to this Office.
View original LLOYDS.
THE undersigned hereby gives notice to the Pu-
blic, that he is appointed Agent in this Colony, for
Lloyds Committee, London. ‘Vo whom all persons
baving Demands against the ship Speculatcr, or her
‘Cargo, since she stranded on the East Coast of this
Colony, are requested to render them in Certified, as.
customary, at his Office on Lot No. 16.
1 April. il. STAAL,
View original eye, 9
Militia Brigade Orders.
AS the new Arms and Accoutrements for the Mili-
tia, are now daily expected. Lieutenant Colonel
RASER requests, that the East; West; and Coren-
tye coast Companies, will assemble for Drill, in such
divisions as the Captains ay appoint, in order to
prepare themselves for a general Muster, on the 4th
June, on the Parade in New Amsterdam, to fire a
Feu de Joie, in honor of His Majesty’s Birth Day.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to
appoint Mr. Cuarves Kyte, Receiver of the Fines
to the Corps. By command.
Berbice, 10th April, 1813.
View original Secretary's Office.
Worilt geadvertcerd, dat; This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor. blic, that the following per-
memens zyn uil deze Kolonie sons intend quitting this Uo-
te vertrekken. lony.
A. Corbin ih 6 weeks from March 6.
John Forsyth in 6 weeks from April 10.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WORDT hiermede bekendy NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand na\that a month after date the
dato de volgende Transpor-) following Transports and
ten en Hipothecken zullen| Mortgazes will be passed,
verleden worden.
March 6. J. A. Leisner will transfer lot No. 49, 2nd
empolder New Amsterdam, with the buildings
thereon, to J. Fe. Vieboct. °
John Croft will transport to Wm. Croft, the
south front of lot no. 12, with the buildings
thereon, being 29 roods, or less.—And Wm.
Croft will pass a mortgage on the same; favor
John Croft.
March 13. J. J. van der Stoop, will transport to J.
Griffith Jones, the upper half of lot no. 41,
second empolder.
March 20. John Barnwell will transport to Demera-
ry 51 Slaves, from plantation Perseverance,
names to be seen at this office.
L.. C. Abbensets will pass a mortgage on 10
Slaves, in favor of J. A Hicken qq. the boc-
dle Wohlers, names to be seen at this otlice.
~—— Clis. McIntosh will pass a Deed denatis in-
ter vivos, to Mary Greenand herchildren wtth
remainder, as is to be seen in the Secretary’s
office, of the southern half of lot No. 22 and
the buildings thereon.
——— H. Saal will transport to A. TP. Ficher qq.
10 roods of land of Jot No. 13 first empolder,
adjoining the new centre road.
Elizabeth T.yall will pass in fa-
vor of Chis. hyte, vested on the southern qrt.
of lot No. wud buildings thereon, appertain-
ing unto her.
March 27. Wm. Croft will passa mortgage on 6 ne-
groes, hames to be seen at this office, in favor
of Jolin Croft.
April 10. A. Fleury will transport to Susannah Ge-
orge, 146 feet of the northern front quarter of
Lot 22, 2d empolder of this town, also 50 feets
of land on the north side Of the same lot ad-
joining the aforementioned 146 feet, the width
ot the quarter of said lot 22,
Susannah George will transport to A. Fleu-
ry, the quarter lot and buildings thereon pos-
sessed by her, being a part of lot 37, in the
2d empolder of this town. '
~-~—— Widow MH. J. Buse will transport to Thomas
Robson, part of lot No. 1. first empolder.
h. Robson will transport to J. Broderick,
part of, said lot No. 1.
, N.C. DOWNER, Sec
ALL persons holdirg demands against Pln. Brit-
annia, situate on the west coast of this colony, are
requested (o render_in writing-a-note of such claims
tu the undersigned. 97 March.
ae K. C. DOWNER, Secy.
, : °
—_— ---._ ——
View original a
ALL those who have any demands against the Es-
tate ofthe late And eas Schlipfer, or his plantation
Te Vreden, in Canje, or are indebted thereunto, are
requvsted 6 render in theitaccounts, and make pay-
ment, af the farthest within 6 weeks, to his Executor
J. A. Hicken, on Pin. Standvastigheid, or to J, G.
I. Tatessua, in New amsterdam.—927 March.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
ALLF de genen die iets te pretenderen hebben
van, of verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel yan wylen
den Heer Andreas Schlipfer, ofte deszelfs plantaad-
je Te Vreden, in Canje; gelieven daarvan ten spoe-
digsten, uiterlyk binnen den tyd van zes weken, na
dato dezes, opgaven en betaling te doen aan den Heer
J. A. Tlicken op Pin. Standvastigheid alhier, als
Festamentaire Executeur, of aan den Heer J. C.F.
Tutgysma, aau deze stad.—27 Maart.
R. ©. DOWNER, Sec.
View original
View original NoIWE.
BY order of His Excellency the Governor, No-
lice ishereby given: Thal the next ordinary Sessions
of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, appointed to be
lield on Monday the 19th April, is, on account of the
intervening Holidays, prorogued and appointed to
take place on Monday the 26th April.
King’s House; Berbice; \3th Feb.
By His Excellency’s command.
Tu. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec.
View original EE
Op den 19 April 1. 1. overleed’, tot myne innerlyke'
droet heid, in den ouderdom yan 5 maanden, myn’
Dochtertje Renetta Maria ; geve door dezen weg,
hiervan kennisse aan myne vrienden en bekenden,
om voor brieven van rouwbeklag verschoont te bly.’
ven.—24 April. GODFRIED LEISNER.
View original
View original NOTICE
Pilot and Harbour Master.
INFORMS the Masters of Vessels in the River,
that he keeps his Office at the house next the Ven-
due Offices; where they are requested to call and pay
their Fees, previous to leaving the river.—3 April.
View original NOTICE.
TILE Subscriber having appointed Messrs. Ru-
LACH & FRaNCKEN as bis general Attornies in his.
prive and for N. Volkerts—all those indebted to him,
either by notes of hand, or otherwise, to come for-
_ward with payment, if nét, to recourse to law shall
be the consequence. Ei. J. PORTIER, & qq.
10 April. N. VOLKERTS. )
ee eC)
View original 3S ae ee
DEN ondergetcekende aangesteld hebbende als,
zyne generale Gemachtigdens, zoo in zyn prive als
vuor den heer N. Volkerts, de heeren (C. Rutacu
en K. Francken, verzoekt vriendelyk aan de genen
van dewelke hy goedjes, acceptaticn, of andere pre-
tentien te vorderen heeft, zulks aan genoemde zyne
Gemachtigdens ten spoedigsten te willen voldoen,
zullende by faute van dien, middelen van rechten ge-
Druikt worden S. J. PORTIER, en qq.
10 April. N. VOLKER'TS.
neal erential: eee
View original ——
TH & undersigned is happy to inform the Public,
that the Shoemakers profession is now re-established
by him, atthe house of Mr. A. D. Cucue & Co.,
which ones was very successful kept up to the credit
of those gentlemen, in all its various branches. Begs
those whom tormerly used to give their custom, wilt
now do the same, and being but on early be given,
will work on the most reasonable terms, namely,
Planters shoes f 13.—dress ditto, J tl.—ealashing
and suleing boots f 16-10.—calashing alone f 8-5.
will both warrant the leather and work to beas dura-
ble as any customer may require. With thanks begs
this advertisement to be adhered to
17 April. Wm. WELCH.
Sennen e e e
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday the 28th inst, by order of Robt.
Taitt, bsq. the remaining buildings, &c. of the Saw
Mill, in Corentyn river, with various picces of iron
and inill work.
G. BONE, dct. Dap. Vendue Master.
View original WANTED ‘LO PURCHASE.
AN excellent full toned PLANO FORTE
Apply & R. C. DOWNER.
Ot Apnil
> a_i — . —
View original NSSMNM0M0M00.8EEEE eae
hist of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of
Bensice, on the 9th April, 1813.

- a
Nanies. Proprictors. By whom brought,
ee oe
Namen. higenaren, Aanbrengers,
View original Betje
F raucis
Welch ( Dem.)
Pla. Ouverwagt
van den Broek
Pin. Lancester
forsy (Dem. )
Pin. Wassondom
James Fraser
E Fraser
ft rauendorft
Rose ,
F rauendorft
J. A. DEHNERT, Under Sherif.
View original NOTICE.
TILE Sale of the remaining prodyce o if the cone
demned ship Speculator, wall take plhee on Wednes-
day the 5th of May eusuine.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Venduc Mastr.
THE Tfouse and quarter Lot No.3 in this town,
in excellent condition, hardwood frame, 45 fect long
and 20 broad, a story and a half heigh, raised on
blocks ¥ feet high, with a new side building, 61 fect
long and 15broad, hardwood frame, boarded with
crab planks, covered with wallaba shingles, divided
in several apartments to serve as out offices, 2 large
water vats, lately built, garden, &c., railed ini with
slabs.—Terms of payment will be made easy to an
approved purchaser—for further particulars apply
on aforesaid lot to its proprietor.
6 March. A.G. CALMER.
View original FOR SALE.
EIGHT prime Field Negroes— apply to the sub-
scriber, who will take in payment cash, produce,
or approved bills of Exchange.
' 13 March. Ww. INNES, q-e
View original FOR SALE.
A light four oar’d Tent Boat, with mast and sail
complete ; peculiarly adapted for the river—enquire
13 March. of JOHN BERESFORD.
NEW AMSTERDAM, April 24th 1813.
TO the polite attention of Capt. Warren, of the
Simon Cock, who in company with the Henrietta,
|atrived of our Port yesterday evening ; the Public
‘are indebted for much interesting and gratifying ins
telligence.—Capt. Warren having sent His Excel
lency the Governor files of Newspapers down to tle
20th of March; we are enabled ta give our readers
such extracts as the shortness of the time will , ermit.
The capture of the American frigate Essex (which we
trust will be confirmed), is thus mentioned in a letter by
yesterday’s post :—
Liverpool, March \18.—I am happy to inform you that
‘ boat las just come on shore from the Adveuture, Gosup,
from Gibraltar, arrived this moment in our river, the Cap.
tain of which brigs the news of the capture of the Americ.
frigate Essex Captain W. F. Porter, by one of our shi}. ,
vf superior force, ‘The Essex had arrived at Gibralt a
as a prize, before the Adventure sailed. ‘The Captain had
forgotten the name of the British man of war; but «a
several being meutioned to him, and, among others, the
_Poictiers, said, that he thought that was the name,
‘The French in Spain were preparing for the ensuing
campaign before the Adventure sailed, and had alreacy
sent out advanced guards to our piquets, which had sowe
sinart skirmishes with them.”
Extract of a letter from an officer on board His Majese
ty’s ship St. domingo, dated bermuda, Feb. 15, 1813.
**We have at last commenced our warlike operatio:.s
against the Americans, the whole of their ports were, on
the 4th inst, declared in a state of blockade, by our Coue
‘mander in Chief, We are just returned from a six weeks
cruse off New York, the Delaware, and Chesapeake, with
the Dragon, Statira and Colibre sloop. We have taken
.and destroyed, during this cruise, 34 sail—16 we have scnt
,into Bermuda. We have been joined by three line-of.
_ battle ships the Marlborough, Rear Aduiral Cockburne,
-Ramiliesy and Victorious, which make six sail of the line,
We expect other reinforcements.”
London, March 12.—The basis of the treaty with
Denmark, which we specially mentioned yesterday,
have now reached this country in a demi-o fficial form
—Capt. Leutkin, of the Danish Navy, has arrived
i. town, and delivered dispatches from his Governe
‘ment to Loid Castlereagh on the subject. He came
View original pe ee
jn.a Danish man of war, which arrived in the Hum-
ber of Wednesday. If we are perfectly informed,
Denmark stipulates fora perfect neutrality: at the
same time, her ports are to be opened to British con
merce upon advantageous terms. There was a time
when Bonaparte would have had the insolence to de-
nounce vengeance against Denmark for her conces-
sions. ,
London, March 19.—Paris papers to tre 16th instant
have just come to hand. The only thing deservingsnotice
in them is @ Berlin article, dated the Ist instant, from
which, we presume, it is meant to be intimated, that the
French forces were then in possession of the Prussian ca-
pital. Even this is not distinctly asserted ; and the rest of
these papers is made up of vague paragraphs about Couri-
ers and Envoys, Contiogents and Corps d’Armee, with.
out any precise or specific information whatever, Nothing
at all of Dantzic! Not a word of IHamburgh!
London, March 20.—We have giveu some further ex.
tracts from the Paris Papers to the 16th, An article
from Dresden mentions the entrance into the Saxon ter-
ritory of the corps of General Regnier,~ Ie was doubt.
less closely pursued, and the fact of the Russians having
penetrated to Dresden, we expect to have fully confirined
by thenextarrival. Thearticle from Carlsruhe sufficient y
shews the appreheosions of the Government in regard to
the rising spifit of patriotism in that quarter. There are
sume unimportant official details from Spain.
Dresden, Feb. 25.—The Russians are advancing in
force from the frontiers of Lusatia towards Wittemberg.
In conseyucnce of this intelligence, the Prince and Prin.
cesses are gone to Bayreuth. Only Princess Elizabeth
remains here. Ilis Majesty the King has for a time re-
paired to }’lauen, in the Voigtand, The Government is,
carried on by a Commision, consisting of four Ministers,
of State.
Warsaw, Feb. 19.—**The Imperial Russian Army has
occupied the whole country about Warsaw, but the bar.
riers are still in the possession of the Nauonal Guards,
The Magistrates remain, as usual, in their places.
“CMfis Excellency General Mileradovitch, on the 9th
instant, rode with a great retinue through the town.”
Letters from Petersburg announce the total down-
fal of the Freuch faction at that Court, by the retire-
ment of Romanzoff froin office.
Marienwerdcr, Jan. 18.— Yesterday was the hap-
py day on which the hour ofour release arrived, and
we were freed from suff rings borne for years. Even
on the preceding evening we had still a great num-
ber of French officers, the Viceroy of Ialy, the Duke
of Belluno, the General of Brigad:, Count von
Stochberg, and other persons of rank, in this town ;
600 Polish (roops entered it from Garusee, and we
live in fear and cread, as the assurances of the French
and many preparations gave us cause to imagine that
an obstinate resistauce would be made to the ap-
proaching Russian troops.—The bridge-head was
fortified with 9 cannon and SOU men. Early in the
morning, the alarm was beat; about 6 o'clock we
heard a firing from Mareise, in the vicinity of the
town, and soon after, 2 Cossacks entered the town
at full gallop, one of whom was shot, and the other
badly wounded by the French soldiers who were al-
ready alarmed, opposite to the Viceroy’s quarters.
The Viceroy, in the greatest confusion, threw him--
self on horseback with a pistol in his hand, and rood
offas hard as possible. He was followed in indes--
cribable confusion by all the foreign military, sever-
al of whom were overtaken by the 20 Cossacks who
entered immediately afterwards. ‘The Viceroy of I-
taly, the Duke of Belluno, and other officers of high
rank, owed their safety to their horses speed. The
garrison at the bridge-head, on the first alarm, threw
their artillery into the Vistula, and then fled over
the ice. A troop of Baden hussars, to the number
of 40 men, which were posted on the Vistula, endea-
voured alone to make some resistance, but after a
short opposition, were made prisoners, having lost’
4 men killed and wounded.
The Cossacks met the inhabitants in the most friend-.
ly manner, shaking them by the hand, and were re-
ceived and welcomed with joy. About 10 o’clock,
View original eet te
Gen. Von Tschernycnew, .vho commanded the van-
guard, arrived here, and immediately set off to-
wards Wenhselbing, in pursuit of the enemy. Some
100 Cossacks were left behind in garrison, who kept
a most admirable discipline. So quiet a night as that,
following on this eventful day, we had not enjoyed
(ora long time; the utmost stilness reigned in the
streets, every one agdin breathed {reel , and could
speak nis mind openly, without fear of being inform
ed against by watchful spies. The brightest hopes
now appear to cheer the lovers of their country with
its liberation from foreign influence, and every brave
Prussian cries, as Prussians and Russsians yesterday
did unanimously in our streets; ‘Long live the Em-
peror Alexander, long live Frederick William.”
Berlin, Ireb. 9-—According to the latest accounts
received, the head-quarters of his Majesty the Rus-,
sian L-mperor, remain at Wittenburg. His Excel-
lency the General of cavalry Count Wittgenstein, is
gon from Koningsberg to join the Russian army ly-
ing before Dantzic. In and about Posen, the late
Imperial French head-quarters, are now the Saxons,
who have lately retreated to that p'ace under General
Regnicr, aiwounting in the whole to 30 or 40,000.
Berlin, Feb. 13.—The Grand Russian army which
is marching against Warsaw is 60,000 men strong,
and on the 4th inst. had not crossed the Vistula. The
kkmperor Alexander is arrived at Pultusk, and is go-
ing to Warsaw.
‘* Letter from Prince Eugene Napoleon, Viceroy of
the kingdom of Italy, to the Minister at Ivar.
**Maricnwerder, Jan. 6, 1813
“My Lord Duke—The St. Petersburgh Gazettes have
fallen into my hands, by which I perceive how unnatural
and false are the relations which they contain of the events
of November and December! 1 will stop only at what
concerns ny Corps d’Armec. — Itis stated in these Papers,
that on the 8th November, Plato attacked me and dis.
porsed my corps; took from me 3700 men, and my whol
artillery, “These statements are false. Platott scarcely
presented himself befure my corps. Me was repulsed in
every part. If he has made some prisoners, he has noi,
taken a single one with arms in h.s hands; but he may
have picked up some single stragglers, who, during the
night, to avoid the extremity of the cold, had sucak cd into
the villages, With regard to the cannon, they have not
carried olf a single picce ; although it is true, that L was
vbliged, by the loss of my horses, which perished through
the excessive cold, to abandyn the greater part of my are
ti'lery, after having dismounted and broken it,
**1 know that the Russian statements are quite false;
(he extent of the country, and the extreme ignorance of
the greater part of its population, gives the Russian Go-
verument great liberty in Chis respect, and they take care
to profit by it, in causing the most nousensical reports to
be spread about. We were atthe gates of Moscow, when
that people believed us to be heaten.
Letter from the Marshal Prince of Eckmuhl, to the
“6 My Lord. Thorn, Jan. 8
*‘T read with astonisbmentin the St. Petersburgh papers, !
that on the day of the 16th November, the enemy took’
12,000 prisoners from my corps d’armee, and that they
had scattered the remains of that army in the neighbouring
woods in such a manner, that it was entirely destroyed.
1t would be difficult to push impudence and falsehood
further, if all the Russian statements since the commence.
ment of this campaign, and in the preceding ones, were’
not already known, Did they not sing ‘Te Deums at!
Petersburgh, aud were not ribbands distributed there for.
the battle of Austerlitz? Did they not say that they had
taken 100 pieces of cannon fiom us at the battle of
_Moskwa, and did they not again on that occasion chaunt'
the Te Deum which filled England with joy ? How many
difhculties have they not raised in ackuowledging the tak.
ing of Moscow? Have they not likewise proclaimed them.
selves conquerors at the battle of Malonaroslavetz, where
We pursued them for the space of te wersts? The fact is,
View original that your Majesty, knowing the Russian army from Vols
hynea was marching towards the Beresina, was obliged to
set out from Smulensk, notwithstanding the rigour of the
season. By asudden change in the temperature, the cold,
which was bit six degrees, advanced to 20, and even for
a moment to 25; according to some of the engiueer oflicers
who had athermometer. All our horses and our train of
artillery perished. His Majesty no longer wished to come
to an engagement with the enemy ; heno longer even wish.
ed to allow himself to be amused by petty affairs, desiring
to gain with all speed the Beresina. When his Majesty
passed through Krasnoi, he had to drive back the enemy,
who placed himself betwen the guard and my corps d’armée.
‘AS soon as my corps had rejoined the army, his Majesty
continued his march, and my corps was to fulluw without
employing itself in maintaining 4 contest in which the etemy
_would have the advantage of a numerous carairy and are
tillery. But my corps never met the enemy that it did
“not beat hit, It has suffered very heavy losses from fae
tigues, cold; and that fatality which caused all the cavalry
and artillery horses to perish, A great number uf my men
dispersed to seck refuge against the rigour of the cold, and
many were taken, Your Fxcellency knows that I do
not dissimulate my losses; they are undoubtedly considcs
rable, and fillme with gricf, but the glory of his Majesty’s
arms has not for a moment been compromised:
(Signed) ‘The Marshal Duke of Auerstadt
Letter from the Marshal Duke of Elchin.en, to the
* Monstgneur. Elbing, Jan. 10:
‘*T have read in the Petersburg Gazettes that on the 17th
November, at midnight, my corps, 12,000 strong, sent a
ilag of truce and laid down its arms; that Lalone saved
myself, alone and wounded, by ,passing the Borysthenes
over the icc. 1 cannot believe that the General of the
Russian army could in his reports have given place td
such an untruth; and although I know the little confidence
which in Europe is paid to these reports from Russi n
Gazettes, constantly discredited by the absurdity of their
tales, I nevertheless take the liberty of writing to your
Excellency, and I intreat you to have my letter printed,
'o give a furmal contradiction to the statement, that my
corps laid down its arms, aud that I alone passed beyond
the Dnieper; very far ftom that, on the 17th November
I alone sustained all the euemy’s effyrts; I had at that mos
ment but 8000 men under my orders, and in consequence
of the unfortunate circumstances in which we were, I hed
no artillery: the enemy had a numerous one; I halted all
day. I then discovered that it was not the same infantry
fur the several times attacked me, and notwithstanding their
great superiority of number; could make no impression.
At ten P, M. a Colonel with a flag of truce was sent to
propose | should sarrender ; to this impertinence I replied
by making the officer prisoner, and carrying him to the
other side of the Dnieper, to which I] made my troops
repass ; and I, the next day, conducted him to the head.
quarters of his Majesty, at Orcha. When | arrived there
with my corps, I scarcely wanted 500 men, who were
killed in the battle of the preceding day.
**All the Russian reports are romances. There is no.
thing true in what they say, excepting the loss of my ar.
tillery ; and your Highness knows that it was not in hu.
mano power to bring it away in the midst of frosts, and
over the ice, all my horses having fallen under the fatal
mortality, occasioned by the rigour of the cold,
_ “During the whole course of the campaign the Russians
have not taken, either from me or my comrades, a single
picce of annon, in the face of their enemy, although it is
true, that when our draft horses fell dead with the cold,
we were obliged to break our artillery, and leave it behind
uss To hear these reports from St. Petersburgh it must
appear that we were all coward, who would not chuse
but fly before the Russian Legions! It is truc, that ac.
cording to their statement we likewise fled at the battle of
Moscow ; and that they pushed us te the distance of, six.
tecn wersts from the tield of battle, consequently it must
have been in our Hight that we occupied Moscow !
**Phe Spring will do us justice for all these vainsglorious
boastings. The Russians will every where find the men
jor Austerlitz, of Eylau, of Friedland, of Witepsk, of
Smolensko, of the Moskwa, and of the Berczina.
(Signed) The Marshal Duke of ELCHINGEN,
View original LONDON.
March 6.—Yestérday in the House of Commons, pur-
suant to a notice given—Mr. Cochrane Johnstone, after
a long and cloquent speech—imdved as follows :—‘*That
an Address be presented to His Royal dlighness the Prince
Regent, praying that he would lay the whole of the do.
cuments before the House, respecting her Royal Iligh.
ness the Princess of Wales, together with all other papers
relative thereto.”’—Mr. Warton seconded the motion, and
a long debate ensucd—in which Sir S. Romilly, Lord
Casticreagh, Mr. Whitbread, and Sir R. Plumer, were
conspicious speakers, ‘The motion, however, was nega-
tived withdut adivision; on the ground, ‘that no fur.
ther investigation could exhibit Her Royal Highness move
innecent than she had been already declared by the Com.
mittee in 1806—and, therefore none was vecessary.”’
What effect this honorable acknowledgment by the Com-
mous of England, in Her Royal Highness favor, will have
on the Prince—time alone cau show. The following Re-
port was the cause of Her Royal Highness thns throwing
herself upon the wisdom and justice of the Commons :—
( Here follows the names of the Members cf is Ma-
jesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council.
Having been ‘summoned by command of your Royal
Highness, on the 19th of Feb. to mecet at the office of
Visconnt Sidmouth, Secretary of State for the Home De-
partment, a communication was made by his Lordship to
the Lords then present, in the following terms :—
**My Lords. —I have it in command from His Royal
Highness the Prince Regent, to acquaint your Lordsnips,
that acopy ofa Letter from the Princess of Wales to the
Priuvce Regent having appeared in a public paper, which
letter refers to the proceedings that took place in an en.
quiry instituted by command of his Majesty, in the year,
1806, and contains among other matters certain anunad.
versions upon the manner in which the Prince Regent has
exercised his undoubted right of regulating the conduct
and education of his daughter the Princess Charlotte ; and
his Royal Highness having taken into his consideration
the said letter so publishcu, and adverting to the directions
heretofore given by His Majesty, that the documents re.
Jating to the said inquiry should be sealed up, and depo.
sited in the oflice of his Majesty’s Principal Secretary of
State, in oider that his Majesty’s Government should
possess the means of resorting to them if uecessary, his
Royai Highness has becn pleased to direct, that the said
letter of the Princess of Wales, and the whole of the said
documents, together with the copics of other letters and
papers, of which ascedule is annexed, should be referred
to your Lordships, being Members of his Majesty’s most
Honorable Privy Council, for your consideration: and
that you should report to his Loyal Highness your opinion
whether, under all the circuinstances of the case, it be fit
and prover that the intercourse between the Princess of
Wales and her daughtcr the Vrincess Charlotte, should
continue to be subject to regulations and restvicuons,”
‘Lheir Lordships adjourned: their meeting (o ‘Luesday
the 23d of Febcuary : and the anicrmed.ate days having
been employed in perusing the documents referrcd to Chew,
by command of your Koyal Ilighness, they proceeded on
that and the follow ius day lo the further consideration ol
the said documents, and lave ageeed to report to your
Royal Highness as fotlows:
In obedieoce to the Couaands of your Royal [ighness,
we have taken info our Host serivus consideration the letter
from her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales to your
Royal Highness, wich has appeared in the public papers,
and has been referred to us by your Koy ul Uishness, in
which letter the Prineess of Waies, amongst other matters,
complains that the intercourse between her Royal High.
ness, and her Royal Highness the Princess Chaslotte, lias
been subjected to cortam restrictions,
We have also taken into our most serious consideration,
together with the other papers referred to us by your
Royal ilighness, al the documents relative to the Inqui-
ry instituted in 1806, by commaud of his Majesty, into
the truth of certain representations respecting the conduct
of her Royai Highness the Princess of Wales, which air.
pear to have been pressed upon the ailention of your Roy.
al Highness, in consequence of the advice of Lord Lhur-
Jow, and upon grounds of public duty, by whom they
were transinitled to his Majesty’s consideration ; and your
Roya! Highness having Leen graciously pleased to com.
mand us to report our opinious to your Royal Highness,
whether, under all the circumstances of the case, it be fit
and proper, that the hitercourse between the Princess of
Wales and her daughter, the Princess Charlotte, should
continue to be subject (uo regulation aud restraint,
We beg leave humbly to report to your Royal Highness,
that after a full examination of all the documents before us
we are of opinion, thatunder all the circumstances of the
case, it is highly fit and proper, with a view to the welfare
of her Royal Ilighness the Princess Charlotte, in which
are equally involved the happiness of your Royal High.
Ness in your parsntal royal character, and the most im-
portant interests of the Statey that the intercourse between
her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and her Royal
Highnes the Princess Charlotte, should continueto besub-
j ct to regulation and restraint,
We humbly trust, that we may be permitted, without
being thought to exceed the limits of the duty imposed on
us, respectively to express the just sense we entertain of
the motive by which your Royal Highness has been actua-
ted in the postponement of the Confirmation of her Royal
Jlighness the Princess Charlotte, as it appears, hy a state.
ment under the hand of her Majesty the Queen, that your
Royal Highness has conformed in this respect to thedecla.
red will of lis Majesty ; who had been pleased to direct,
View original that such ceremony shoul* ot take place till her Royal
Highness should have com,*-ted her eighteenth year, —
We allso humbly trust, that we may be further per-
mitted to notice some expressions in the letter of her Royal
Highness the Princess of Wales, which may possibly be
coustrucd as implying a charge of too serious a nature to
be passed over without observation. We refer to the
words—**suborned traducers.”? As this expression, from
the manner in which it is introduced, may, perhaps, be
liable to misconstruction (however impossible it may be
to suppose that it can have been so intended) to have re-
ference to some part of the conduct of your Royal High.
ness; we feel it our bounden duty not to omit this oppor-
tunity of declaring, that the ducuments laid before us,
alford the most ample proof, that there is not the flightest
foundation for suchan aspersion,
Signed as above.
A true Copy, SIDMOUTII.
View original Dispatch from Lord Cartheart.
St. Petersburgh, Jan. 29.
*¢ My Lord.—I have the honor to inclose a journal of
the mov.ments made by the several corps of his Imperial
Majesty’s army, from the 4th of Jan. to the 20th Jan.—.
Your Lordship will observe, that by the rapid advance
of the corps onthe rght, the enemy had been driven be-
youd the Vistula; the Russian troops being in possession
of Elbing, Marienbérg, Marienwerder, and Neuenberg.
Che corps trom Elbing and Maricnberg, being drawn from
the Nogat, attempted to make a stand at the tét-du-pont
at Derschag, but, were soon compelled to abandon it, and
retired part upou Danizie, and the remainder upon Stut.
gardt, soil pursued by the Russians. It appears, that
the troops stationed in Dantzic, advanced to the Pregel,
lu favor Marshal McDonald’s retreat ; and that they made
no resistance at Elbing, having abandoned their artillery
before theie arrival at that place. The attack upon Ma.
rienwerdcr scems to have been nearly a surprmse; and
Beauharnois, is said, uorrowly to have escaped being
made prisoner. ‘There is no report of the surrender of
Pillau, On the 13th of January, the mperor crossed
the Niemen near Moretz, amid the acclameiions of his
brave troops, and has coutinued to march wiin a division
of hiv army, ina western direction, through Berjuiki,
Krasnople, and Subalki to Lique, whence the last dis.
patches are dated. Generals Milarodovita and Dokteroti
with the troops which crossed the frontier at Grodno,
move ina Lue parallel to that of the Emperor, on his
left; and Gen Sachen’s column is still further to the left,
There are also intermediate corps to keep up the commu.
mcation between each of these columns. ‘The Austrians
remained upon the bug, probably with a view to create
a diversion iu favor of the army retiring upon Dantzic as
long as thar own line of retreat may remain open.—G ran.
dentz has a Prassian garrison. ‘Lhe Russians have uni.
formly been reecived by the inhabitants of the Prussian
dominions as friends and deliverers, of which there is am-
ple vestimony in all private letters from the army, as well
asin public reports, ‘The retreat of the French through
Prussia has, like that from Moscow, being marked by the
aboc doument of magazines, tumbrils, aud ether stores. —
Berthier, Victor, Macdonad, Daruc, and Beauharnois,
are tamed among the Generals who are gone to Dantzic.
lhe prceise force in that place does not appear to be clear.
ly ascertained 5 but cannot casily be estimated at more
than balf the number ef an adequate garrison. ‘The in.
tercepted courier from Napoleon to Berthier, is said, to
have cariicd orders to complete the provisions of Dantzic
for a long siege. The service upon the Vistula appears
to have been very ably performed, and 1 have inclosed a
copy of the thanks Ghat has been given to Gen. Count Pha.
toll, and the officers and troops under his command, in
general orders. —The intense cold has continued, aud the
marches of all the columns have becn long and severe.
‘© | have the honour to be, &e. Carncart.”’
. ——
Speech of Napoleon to the Legislative Body, on the \Ath
I bruary.
** Gentlemen, Deputies from the Departments to the
Legislative Body. ‘Phe war egain lighted np in the North
vi Hurope, olicred a favorable opportunity to the pro-
jects of the Euglish upon the Peninsuja, ‘They made
great ellorts, Al their hopes were deceived—their army
was wrecked belore the citadel of Burgos, and obligea,
after suliering great losses, to evacuate entirely the Spa-
mish territory. Limyself entered Russia, the krench arms
were constantly victorious in the ficlds of Ostrowno, Po-
lotsk, Mohilow, Smolensko, Moscow, Maloyaroslavit:.
The Rossian armies could nut stand before our arinies—
Moscow fell into our power.—Whilst the barricrs of
KKussia were forced, and the impotency of her arms ac.
knowledged, a swarm of ‘Tartars turned their parricide
hands against the finest provinces of that vast Empire,
which they had beeu called to defend. They in a few
wecks, notwithstanding the tears and despair of the un.
fortunate Muscovites, burned more than 400U of their
finest villages, more than 50 of their finest towns, thus.
gratifying their ancient hatred, under the pretext of re.
tardiung our march, by surrounding us with a desert. We.
triumphed over all these obstacles! Even the fire of Mos.
cow, by which, in four days, they annihilated the fruits:
of the labours and cares of four gencratious, changed in
ho manner the prosperous state of my afiairs. But the
exceisive and premature rigour of the winter brought down
a heavy calamity upon my army. In a few nights | saw )
every thing change: IL experienced great losses, They j
would have broken my heart, if, in these great circum-:
stances, I could have been accessible to any other senti-
ments than those of the interest, the glory, and the fu-!
ture prosperity of my people, Qu secing the evils which’
View original pressed upon us, the joy of England was great. Her
hopes had no bounds. She oflered our finest provinces
as the rewards of treason, Shemadegs the condition of
peace, the dismemberment of this va® empire : it was uv.
der other terms, to proclaim perpetuc! war.—The energy
of my people under these great circumstances, their at.
tachment to the integri(y of the empire, the love which
they have shewn me, has dissipated all these chimeras,
and brought back our enemies to a more just considers.
tion of things.—The misfortunes produced by the rigour
of hoat frust, have made apparenty in all their extent,
the grandeur fd the zolidity of this empire, founded up-
on the effurts nd the love uf 509,000,000 of citizens,
and tpon the territorial resources of the finest couutries
in. the world. ~-It is with a lively satisfaction, that wa
have seen our people of the kingdom of Italy, those of
ancient Hollaad, and of the united departments, rival old
France, aud fect that there is for them no future hove,
but in the conselidation and the triumph of the Grand
Empire.—The Agents of England propogate among all
our neighbours, the spirit of revolt against Sovereigns. —
England wishes to see the whole Continent become a prey
to civil war, and all the furies of anarchy; but provi-
dence has designed her to be the first victim of anarchy
and civil war.—TI have signed with the Pope a concorda ,
which terminates ei! the differonces that unfortunately had
arisen in the Chareh. ‘The French dynasti reigns, aud
will reign in Spain. 1 am satisfied with all my atlics; J
will abandon nose of them—I will maintin the integrity
of their States—ty Kessians shall return to their feigitful
Climate.—I @esine ,x ace; it is necessary to the world.—
Four times since the rupture which fo'lowed the treaty of
Amiens, [ have proposed it in a solemn manner. IT will
never make any but an honvrable peace, and one cone
formable to the interest and grandeur of my empire. My
policy is not my sterious, [ have stated all the sacrifices J
could make.—-Sv long as this maritime war shall last, m
people must hold themselves ready to make all kinds of
sacrifices, because a bad peace would make us lose every
thing, even hope, and all would be compromised, even
the prosperity of vur deseendants.—America had recourse
toarms to make the sovereignty of her flag respected. The
wishes of the world accompany her in this glorious cou.
test. If she terminates it by obliging the en-mies of the
Continent to ackuow ledge the principle, that the flag co.
vers the merchandize aed crew, and that neutrals ought
not to be subjected to bluekades upon paper, the whole
conformable Co the stipalations of the Treaty of Utrecht,
Ainerica will have credit {rom all nations. Posterity will
say, that the old world Sad lost. its rights, and that the
new one re-conqucred them.—My Minister of theinterior
will explain to you, by the Exposé of the situation of the
Mropire, the prosperous state of agriculture, manufacites
ures, and of interior Commerce, as well as the still cone
stant increase of cur population, In no age have agricuie
ture and manufactures been carried toa higher degree than
in I’rance.—L want great tesources to meet the expences
Which circumstances demanl, but by means of the ditere
ent measures which my Minister of Finance wil! propose
fo you, I shall not impose any new burthen on my people.”
Exctract of a Letter daied Richmond, Feb.14.
*Smith’s Island, at the mouth of the Bay, is in posse,
siou of the English; fortifications are erected, and his Me.
Jesty’s colours flying there. Two frigates have procecd. d
up as faras York river.—Indeed nothing can pass or res
jass, or evade the enemy. Itis the general opinion, that
along and severe blockade is intended. Norfotk is, I
think, safe:—the ume (which has béen improved) alowed
for defence measures, and 3000 brave men will, b think,
ensure its safety. A party from the British squadron, a
few days since, came up to burn a schooucr which has
run ashore, but were driven back by a party of militia,
Two companies have marched to day (Sunday) to Race
kett, to embark for Norfolk.
“SPS. Evening—News in town, that the British squae
dron has received a reinforcement of 8 or 10 sail, proba.
bly to relieve some vessels that have been out a long time.
So you see a force sufficient can be kept here, eveu with.
ont supplies from us,
‘Irom Cape Henry an engagement has been seen bee
tweee two frigates, which lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes.
We are ignorant of the result.”’
Evtract of a letter from a Gentleman at Uiicu,
. dated Feb. 19, °
‘*[ saw an officer last evening from Bussaloc, who lefe
there on Monday iast, and saw an express from Genera}
Ilarrison, who stated that he had defeated the British aud
Indians at the river Raisin, opposite Malden, and that
he would take immediate possession of Malden. He also
stated that the British at Evie acknowledged the defeat,
and that they had drawn off their forces from N iagara frone
lier, and froin Kingston, to reinforce their army above
for again attacking Gen, Harrison,”
View original ——_—>—_—————E——— ee
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Fx.
‘change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Coe
ve eee ee
View original «
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. m,

24 April 1813