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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOTIFICATION. —
Notice is herchy given, hat the ordinary Sessions
of the Court of Coul Justice, which were to hare
been held on Monday Ute \Tth July, ave postported
until Mond@y the Sist July, 1815. -
Sccretary’s Office, Berbice, \Ath Je S15.
a ‘jl By Pll nd
R.C. DOW NER, Sec.
View original NOTIFICATIO Y.-B the Honora 0
Palicy aad (Yptings Tugger ol 0/00g I Nere
bice.—To o” te phom hese presents may or
fl come, crecting! _ Beitknewa:
/2EAS a vacancy has ayain occurred in the
Cor Policy and Criminal justice, of the Colony”
Bocbte®, gby. the departure) teom this colony,. of
James traserand John VJ’ Camom, am by reasoa_of
(he late appointment of the Monoralle HT Kat-,
having been dectinedby that Gentleman ; wg. ito-
mination havieg been pied by the Hone able Ceart
ot Policy, to supply Um ir places, His l vthee
Cevéror has becuw pleas d_ to select Sa. apr,
F'sq., the Rev. Tidicis WWhitfied, and Dawid Car-
Hewies nd to be Meombersufthe Court of Policy aud
Criniaal Justice. —Notice whereot is hereby cifen,
thal the eee nay respeet those
Geutlen their capacity.
Secretary's Opfce, Derlice, $2,T uly, 1815.
, Ry Gonmand,
R.C. DOWNER, Secy-
_—_—— «SOSA
NOTIEICATION.— By the Uonorable Court of
vlicy and (rininal Justice, of the colony Ber-
bice. To ull lo whom these presents may or
shall came, greciag! be it Loewen:
WHEREAS a vacancy hay again occurred in the
Court of P fiey aed Crioanel Justice, of this colony;
the Court having bcen pieased to achnit of the’ reasons
assigned by the Meat. Papin for bis voasece punce of
the appoinlwuient nua be in tis favoras Member of that
Court Aida jomiation hawane Leon made by ie
Diamar.) 3 (ont of P ey *a I iv be | ete
Dxeclency he Governor has ten plowed to select
I. Bre leboombigel”s 9. lo be a Mewber oi the, Court of
Polityand Criruine! Justice. Nuofice whereof is heres
by 1 mith lobabitentsot tbe colon) tuay res-
pect tha San ie his ex pacity ageordingly.
Secrebury’s Oyice, Berbice, \Qth July, is15.
« Dy Conumand,
-_ -
CaPt.9°T. ZWART ipformeerd eon ingcl¥ie
Gic let aangal, VOoTDCmons le apn, om met de dove
hem uu reeds eecontiactcerde lating vanooffy, met
zyn schip des J hanna Murgaretha, van deze rivier
nar Ampterdam te fetournerta Pour het cinde dezer
mide, endeahilven pfet luwger i fadifg de zullen
levvee alsftot den Qstender r+, zullende positief ze
Viiievezak st@ifen Op den [sca dezer mnand ;ie-
mand genezeR ige met weorz. schi noy eenige
afscheepinge (¢ Geen, atresscréo zich y voornaem-
de Capt. zelweep ht Def No. LL, aan de stad Nieuw
Amstemaw.—15 July.
= C—O —lC
vee FORGLASGOW, the Ship Berie-
iste, Jl omas ‘lodd, Master, to sail from
hence in all Getaber ; for freizlt or passage apply
tu the Master of board, ort»
WHO have received by the above weasel, the fol-
lowing articles, Which they of r for Sale on their
veual (erms, vid 2— Gorton Duff Joetis & Comps.
Landon particular Modcira wine im pipes, hhds. and
q@uerter casks ; alight tashionable Gi, . weneralas-
svitment of Plantation Stores, also 40 blads. coals,
which wi'l be sold reasonable if taken from alongside.
. 15 July. e
View original TE KOOP, de volgende gocderen, aange-
aangebragt per Capt. Zwart, tot de nevenstmande
kassa pr: :—Crenever in kelders a f228.— dito
extra goede in kruikjes a £25. het donzyn,— zoete
melksche en Leydsche kaazen van 16 lb. a J 9.—E-
dammerdo. a f{ 2-15.—ham a fl. per lb.—boter a
f 20. per vaatje,—oude Grenadaruma f4. per gall.
15 July. FG. F. THIENSM A,
DEN ondergeteekende maakt hiernevens be-
kend, dat hy tobvyne Gemachtigde, by Procuratie,
heeft aangesteld tol waarneming van alle zyne zaken,
den heer A. Schlaipfer,
15 July. W. HARTMAN. ,
View original
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View original | Payable en tideance.
Prince Revent, by his Execleney Sir Ralph James
Woodtord, Bart. Governor of Trinidad, bas just
reached me: and, thou ch it appcars to be somewhat
obseare and unintelligible toan Bmgiish reader, yet,
vs the British anwy iy iinmediatety and necessinly
Goacerned| in ifs promntzation, Ptatst you will wive
it publicuy, throueh the meditie of your Paper.
Liberality ismore gencraligadmired thin dispiscd.
[Bence it fs Ot gay ignition tac baractenze one act of
wel goretion, yy thedmdignity Of andéther.—urany
wie object is appriz: the Britt h Amy, ia general,
of the foreign mtviéipal lewdo whieh they will be-
come ainenable, anc by wwhich the ware vow te be en-
vemel, in point of moral daties, on beine stationed
Uo Treinkdad. “Dhis foreign manicipal Jaw is no other
than the immaculate Spaaish Oode, which with the
Motiny Bill and the Article of War, will tum a prei-
'y voluminous, wnota voly useful vademecun for
the Dritigh soldiery.
‘ony of the officers of the British Army,and some
at the flower ofthu ATINY, in which the name of the
Commander of the Vorces on the Leewaid Islands
tatton, stands highly distinzaished, have hia! oppor.
tunities of wilt ssin + Spinich manners an | Spenish
customs. These Olficers will, Ut@vefore, perh tis be
enable ! toduty app ‘Ciate the adlvantave ys Which are
Hhely to pesult to their b gYe Com paniens in arme,
; ey fhe Sy vary i (ante, lin I leas sn lone cm le) tf te
ay] ily distracted, wn, as bam informed, nearly
“1 rte (ed the toteb vuin ef tbe us fortunate lola of
Vitwrdad. ‘To the consideration of the ration ‘| went
lightened prt @tibatagmy, the following ob srva-
vations are th ref ite Tes pee ‘| ly si butted.
Ry the Mutiay Tt. anced hy tira BAN only. whic ly
. . 4 li . . > ' ‘ 5
DS cl iby y >: sc tl Of tri i ‘ tS i "S| FW Is Alle
horizede* to form, oiake,y ant establish, Actel. of
: + . : . . .
War, forthe better rove) ent af La. 3 je ty” fe
Ces, ' hich Anticles shall be iw he: © MheR notice of
Dy all Judge > AD in ail Couits hufsocyér. )
J ea
a ect. Jese
In exercise of this pewen, be Ry aL ects 00+ the
beaboe PL cede, bee ti bb tT Teepe i on tl bi bom li ny iy
Magests , WAS pl ‘ased to « rile De by i ¢ la yt in {hy ©
se@tion ot the adele of War, (of ISt4). thot nota, Ne
sending its being direete 1 ia the Tldh seenjon of
these our rules amd artick-s, Ghat every Coins vmehim
OQiicer shall deliver ur, 20 the efx! Wa "siTute, ath
persons under bis command, who shall be ae: usecl of
wy Caimes Which are panishattte by the Frown lirog
of the fond ; yet, Mm our gortipott of Gilygalta~, aed the
islxad of Maka, of dn ¢ ‘7 pitte Loyorwl the CHS,
where Our O1CCcs HOW are or may tn on Dplive . ° he »
th: A ‘smo form of ow CANIT, be Cl ei ay 7 ce, the
Geneial, Governor, of ober Leet Comitandine ig
Chic i, forthe time boi Fy, isto vs paint eenerl eousts
mert alas oe@astun i. y re are tor the triad of y
such péraous under his commun, accused Ot ory wih
‘ul moidir ther, i hery, TR Oy Cr Tatit. in
the cein of Urcat Briicwia vr Prelaud, or any forcis
coin cerrent in the yatris G@ Or place winter bis com.
or @f having weed violence vf cool
PS py urs
ried! dt nuy
offence aainstthe persewor prepertyeo! our oti Layee by,
OF OF ADS others entitiod te our proted (ie.
And by (he Proclamation acc» apaw ying this letter
bis Royal tf! brane SS bas be “hh pr use or lhe red ‘
herein stated, Lo annul the proviston®s) that chiase of
Piinidad; and, inficu thereof, do onlin, “thin
cognizance of all crimitzal vdeuces, sot provi fe.
or made punishuble by the several mutiny act.”
(though there t\ but one in force at the same wy)
“shall, in tuturc, belong tothe tithumbofehis 3.
> ° onl - Fe ‘ i ° ae
josty’s Goverucr and Commanderin Chietot vac sy
island, accompa: ice by byes Vases or ancl foneoth ty
under te criurinal law ol Spain; theugh | am intorine
ed, that the Spanish laws expressly provided andi@n-
act, that the military shail valy bt Urieed bv their own
yee uliar fuecro or trgboirn i,—a court martial
Upon this a consulersble doubt oecurs to mie - anf
that doubt is, wheter the ex pressiom, % wher there is
0 form of our Cited suede lure in fore & "ts to be tie
Renin a confiaed or taan enlarged senses) that is to
say, whether ** ou; eter! Judicature GS not, by acces.
sary and rational unplcaton with relation to the Ff
clause of the matiny 26th, moon andre t@ to thaa for
of civil jadicature, where Mitch lass are in force?
—Or may this cxpressiod of bis Hoya) Hoel:
emanating from the autbority of anact of he Uritish
J egislature, be carricd 90 far as to eaten) to saci
poreign law as may tn ppen to
juered Jonmn:on of the ing ?
As fam no lawyer, perhaps | may have an errs
neous view of the sub, ct; but tistecbes me) thal elie
emceptive worts, *
x Ihh UICC, ijl af vile-
WECIC lucie ly Ao sy, df ViUda UL) i
View original ( re wh) | ‘ i } ris Of yu
: 1a , pil { the liws and eenstit tion ¢
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sland. Par seppose'these cxeeptive v aed
ot ——_ oo 4)
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: 4 *
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‘ ' j ninth : tnd. ON { ir HANG, Cal
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Ss. 6) A Yl SVCYU vi ee by ~~. Petes
*“Aeew aud AG YICE of
View original .
Spanish assesson¢, it is Lutafwir, al) clicametances
being considered, that the poor scldicr should have
an efficient legal acwiser assigeed Lun, in the same
way, and for the samc obyious purpose of legal de-
lence, ad effectum wave ndi,
And, perhaps, this isthe more necessary, because
IT understand the Aysessorof the Governor ot Trini-
dad isthe same as an Anditor with the Spaniards, to
Whose epinion and advice the Goverhor, or Captain
Generalpin the Spanish dominions, is obliged im phi-
eitly to confornn, aceording to the Spanish law.
These may, at least, be said to be eireurpanees de-
serving of serious consideration; aud, toa mind ha-
bituated (0 legion! eQeetian, th ‘y inay, petnape, be
comsidered as worthy of some attestion.
Altho’ Td am astiaiger to Spanish) jutiapradenee,
yet, from the information | have received, bhave no
hesitation inysavins, that imuoh practice) know ledge
ie Mecessarytothedne wadcmtiacdins, ond mueh more
(0 the due a ln jaistratjon, of. the \ paats biw.
Dakine this, hereoregns my motte ot th “present
aceasion, it is ma roasogeb'y te be ex pectod tia even
the scicntyfic Gouin ofa W Clington, wad tauch tess
then the uminfoemed, ave perhaps aoleticre! vrie.te
solver, showbel be capable on storming the panto,
aml legal soph sms, of a abstruse er autiqnaied Spa-
wih Maw, whether it be of the serpent ALG nad) aot tt.
noted Philip the Second, ov, in moréumbidern days,
one of Charles the Bomrth of Spain? To say more on,
‘his subjectwoukl be a waste of time, aml a depar-
lite from Common senees
itis, theretore, devoutly to be hoped, that his Ma-
JSty's Ministers will consider themsclyes responmuei-
viv for Cieeco@sequeaces of their own wel, agreealiy
lothe comprehension of,
ire Surpier’s Farryn.
* Don Antowio Gomes, who tas Asséesor ¢ [{ the
Cuptain General Vonteverde, ot the lime the let rve-
velelionury war broke owt at Carnes as, fivieyu viol.-
(row, as has been alleged, of the the cupteatation mele
with Witnada.*
View original a = _ — s Se -
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View original to cover the expences of the return of their troops
withintheirc frowtiers.
Th present Additional Cenvention shall have the
samme force and effeets if it we lasemtcd word for
word tn the Treaty of the 25th of Mareh.
It shall be mati dy aed Mie catiffcatio: asshall be exe
Changed as yi de dQ) Ss possible
In faith of hoch ihe r ; live P|
' enipotentiaries
have sicned it, amd have alaxed th. reuatu the seals
vi theiran
Dove at Viena this thirtieth diy of April, in the
year of vur Lord one thousand wight ttuadred and
.£ ) > Kvs Up OFFSKY
(1..8.) pu Nk SELRODE.
— * ee
Ne. |. —(Urins| Litt.)

ctr fron Wide Cavan ourt ho Viscount Case
ye hb. adated P. My, Ld
\} i eel. — Puce Gelb >» WwW oi ii ¢ d
Maj apthe Bepeic my augual’soveressr (4 wy!
rh tes? €aci:n@es, have bea ful] phe! s
Co Nap nol teeeived the rite OF The devotion cf
itm vif ifen °: ler } pes “Av: owl i rc*mRe ww aice
Cry ul Ail. ‘Nutt parte te {re t noe
, Comes with rewt T, fave af length
ri ! 1) at) CNT EMOTE ry inant :
ois ally of paneous ie. she bas dee
Chae As aor DP tveger, he incu, How whom alune
a ; ote ‘ Fides stn ‘Ne
rey 7 -_— io D° r A . ippeaged. the ‘Oye
ee hig, sas te bouvon fanuly h
iam » withe w dtep of bload bae
Vite been Ptor their deienee.. Borne upon the
artis Of tes pie, Nip Majeaty has traversal France
From tie panat of the co bat wl wo heat feat touche
+ ay Iyfas tlecen’ eof hia cop tel, even
“ain, § ure French
poatis, { i | lhe «lemrenf res egies, No
Ht CMS eve ceolavod hig Viatsty'’s (Flom | pro-
sress 5 tos > ia ' is ro-lomtingeupou Freneh
° fol his bo pire
ly ¢
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‘ . i) t §Aa i ts .'f | : i) ect ¥ CS nr
ry us | WI), Ce
very Mie faj wot. nes i Poa
bi] [i'a
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. ‘wa seJEa es 7 44 Uiiaiie
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Die renort of thig great event’ will Rave reached
. >. “ros ' lo inion lee it to
mn, imal. meo st , r, Gal to reqtest you
! | f Ol his
y we OL CrPORL tsi >) rg wet Muse
iperor to the Throne of
1 Mim’ b illeat of Is Giaggphs.
V ptistes hive yove ull, om Bie reflece
Owes@Mentirelytoth love of ty Kren h
haere ‘han to repay such
thie of vain imPition,
” v : ij! aciy f /* .* ; 1) r ie ep me, and
* rw? Dlesst ies of a |; ppy tranquillity. otis to
' (> \ “eli Pure Pany roT how s forward
’ <° ' ‘ ? ri sf) i} if : Nis ii yl yt sI tent (>) §,
5 be i ‘ 1) 1¢S tt aie if Ihe i other ige
, : : :
lbis Phore dy tthe 3 f | ‘yg US al those of
{ e4 : ’ : ' . : : ' ’ ; °
‘I ‘olan mh isd pont i the first,
is j if f a le: ‘ ‘ I eal wt of the
es ! a : ‘ j ; , t () : i OVCTe
, ; : his ’ Cy i e in wake their
a yo0 di if ; f [ ' C <i¢ yy i lacing
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S,) rey hy hori : ‘ta which hig
ivy fy “HOM ty Unie gdooacd btoh be hag
COMM wi } bomeaC ROW LO your Goveipment,
I theve the he CC.
(iene! C A LAINT OORT, Duke of Vicenza.
His Bacdhicy Lord Castlereagh, &c. &e.
——- &
NoMl <iePiiaslation )
Letter f rm Ww. Cae! (od s@eunt We tee
' j ! ;
Yr bse Os le Linperor was anx bow 'O CX press
Mtr clly lO 1 > eo ! reh Ss the Pin we Key nt,
jh Is ba ~h m, and to make huown
Wie (he high valu® whieh he placcs on Lhe ingine
fainance of the pouee hrs pry f - © belween the
two camntries. | am commaltled, in con equence
ly Lord. to achlress fo you thre Tone veal lelter, ahd
flo bee your TD ccellency to preset iu to his Koyal

Pie first wish of the Enperor being, UP the ”
pose of Europe should remain i violate, bis M: ajest
has been anxions to manifest ais disposition to the
Sovereigns who are still assembled at Vienna , and to
il the other Soverciens.+-I have the honor ti obs, &rc.
(Signed) CAULAINCOURT, Duke of Vizenza.
Leticr from Viscount Castlereagh to M. Caulaine
COW) {.
Downing-strect, April 8, 1895.
Si2,—~—1 have becu honored with 11 ‘0 aia AcOm%
View original your Excellency, bearing date the 4th instant from
Paris, one of them covering a letter addressed to his
Royal Highuessthe Prince Regent.
I am to ae Excellency, that the Prince
Regent has declined receiving the letter addressed to
him, and has, at the same time, givea me his or'er
to transmit (be letter addresed by your Exertleney t)
me, to Vienna, lor the information and couside ition
of the Allied Sovereigns and Pleuipolentiaries theic
asscinbled.—I am, &c.
° 7 As ‘
NO. I. ‘ )
Viscount Castlereagh tothe Earl of Clancarty, dated
Foreign Offee, April §, 1815.
My Lorn,—t heiewith inclose a copy of an Over-
ture this day received from M. de Caulaincourt, with
the answer returned. You will communicate th
gang to the Allied Suvercigns and Plenipotentiaries at
Viepna, forthe ic intormation.—[ bavethe hoaor, &c.
Earl of Claugar'y; &c.
Ne. If.
The Earl of Glancarty te Viscount Castlereagh.
Vicnna, May 6, [S15.
My Lonsj—Adveriing (o your Lonlship's Diss,
pitch. Ne 8, audto us scveral inclosares, Conveying
a proposal inacteby the existing Governmerttin F rmuce
aud your Lordship’s a werthoret), Dhave theban or
to acquasit yo), ly the information ol his Majesty's)
Grovcrume@mt, wiat ata Conuterrence hod on thed wist.
his Hizhness Poinee Metternich acgnrinted us, that a Strissant, who had been stopped on Wi, way
hither, at Linig, from not having furnished wath pro-
te prssportiad addressed a Ictter to his Luperiat
Lajesty, and Chere ith forwarded some un@pened let
ters whieh (he -nperer had digected him to unseat
in the presenee Of the Allied PoWers.
These proved ta be a letier from Bonaparte, ad Tres
psedito his Mijesty, professing a desig’ to eontinus at
peace, tu Bbscrve Che stipulations off we Treaty of Pa-
rs, &o. and a leer from Me. de Canliineourt te
Pence Metlernieh, contiining similar profes, ns.
After reading ‘' s¢ Papers, il was considered, whe-
ther any, dud whet answershowld be made thereto.
when the @enes. bepinion appeared tobe, that none
should be r. turacd, and Do notice whatever taken of
the orien Ms. .
U pod his as indeed upon all other occasions sin-
sequen! to lic teen plomofauthority by Rieeipars:,
wherein the prison! stale of Continental Po 8, Wit’)
rezird LlRgec , thescome undondiscust om, Dut ane
opinion hagame ar d wWulireet the cofiacis a several
Sovereives. Pir y athore, 1d from the ecommerce.
ment hage never ceed to # there, aad their dvclara-
tion of C+ bib of Waech, wit respeetto the actugh
Riler vu! Peoaee. They are wa state of hostility wich)
bi.u antl (i, wl ere ils, not trom clince, but fiom nes!
Cessity, because prt exporience las shewn, that no
fatth has been kept by Sia, and (hot no relaogre ean
b. placed on ile parol, . yon of one 7 hodias hitherts ue
Jonscer cogarded the inest salcat comptcts, than as il
ray Nave stitet is own convenionce to ob .erve then,
Whose word, the only assuraiee he cam aiFird for he
peaceable (ispostiioasis NUK jfea Tieet oppod-
tion to the teusp ot hig agtually placed. They tel
that they should nether perfor theic daty to them-
selves, or tu the people committed by Provident to
their charg., ifthey were now to listen (0 (f6se pro-
fession wf aclesire tor peace which hive bocn mates
and suffer themselves thus to be idle iafo the supo-
position that Tf y nay now relieve Meir people cram
the burdeawlsa >perting im aease military nesses, by
d intatshing thou vorces toa peace establish uéntyeo -
vinced, as the s:veral Soverengas ave, from past ex-
perience, thal nossoner shouk! they have been diarm-
e!, thins! vantwe would be (ak-n of (heir want o
pr prtation, (echew lade scence of Veression and
laddshest, from wWhiel Chey had boned hot pest
69 g Ofiwu ly won at Paris, would towg bave secured
then. .
They are at war, then, for the purpose of oblaining
some sccuriy for their own indepeoattencesand tor Ur.
re-conquest of that peag and permanent trang ality,
for which the world has so long panted. They are ax
even at war lor the greater of less proportiun of secu.
rity en can afford them of tutare tranguil-
lity, but Sige France, under its present Chie:, is
unable to aflurd them any securily whatever.
In this war, (hey do not desire to interfere with any
Jegitimnate ri slit of the Freneh people ; they have no
design tv oppose the claim of that nation to choose
their own (orm of Governmeat, or intention to trench,
in any respect, upon their indepencenceasa great and
free people ; vut they do think they havea right and
that of the lighest nature, to contend against the re-
establishinent of an individual as the head of the
French Goverumeat, whose past conduct has invari-
ably den.viotiated, that inwwel 4 situatiog be wal wot
View original
View original —- * .
suffer other mations to remainat peace—whose res{less
ambition, whose thirst toc foreign conquest, and whose
disregard for the riglits and indepenee of other States,
must expose theaghole of Europe to renewed scences
of pluucer and devastation. J
However general th. teclings of the Sover@ens may
be in favour of the sestorati@n ofthe King, they no
‘otherwise scek to influencethe proceedings ot the
Preach in the choice of this or of any other dynasty,
(or form of Government, that may be essential t6 the
acty and permanent tranquillity of the rest of Eu-
Pope such rcasomible security by ingowfforded by
“France in this respect, as other Sates have a legit
mate right to claim in their oan defence, their oly) Gt
Will be satisfied ; and they shall joy fully return to that
state of peace which wili then aadthen only, beopen
lu them, and day down those ans whieh they have
ouly taken up for the purpose of acquiring that tran.
quillit¥’so eaxerly des red by (hem on the pert o!
their Fes pectiye Linpircs®
Such, ny Rordyare te ceneral sentitacnts of the
Sovercions aud Of their Ministers @ere ass mbled; and
it should seem, that the glorious orbourped® observ
by them,*whea masicrs of the Freach capital in the
early yaurt OF the last year, ought to prove tu the
French, that thigis apt a war avaingt their freedom
aal ivlependence, onexcit di by ay spirit of ansbi-
Lion, or spivibot couquisi, but omearhieg quel ue
Cessily, veel on the princ' ple of geti- preservation,
ant founded on that legatidie aud inconfrovertiole
right of obitiming reayonsble feo Tor Lheur own
Wonquillsty and tadepen tence, toowbich, if Miaage hs
on ria biaim, other newoms have an equai vith
tu claim at the hands of Pramte. . “
this day laid before rhe Pic nipotestiarics of the
Alited Powers in conterence; the Note propos d io bx
delivercd upon he ox€hange of (he reutiGativn of @be
Treaty ofthe 25th Match. After the vas ahie
I have detailed as those with whieh Lhe Afftied Soves-
cigns aX un pegssed, with cespeet tothe object of the
war, iLisscarcely nocessay vor ine to add, thatthe
CA phamalion ail rdegh im (hits tefe, Bs Apps siructivn
Pubs his Royal Mishness the Price Regeaton the
Gi hi Anche of that Proaty wat taivoum)!) received,
linnediate Myltiretions will Couseg to atty be issued (6
th Amvassadorsef the huper@0Ceurts of Awstnia and
Hutssi yand Me Mitigtery of his Prussian” Maj sty,
(oac@epl of (las nee on the cXCikeove Gi the ratiliva-
live of the Preaty in ga. Sito. ,
La orcer tobe assured (hatd Rave advanced nothin s
in this dispatch shieh does not record waste tlic vee wS
of the Cabinets of the Aliued So¥Verei >, | have ace
guaiuted the Pietipete ages oof Be High Atheu
Cowers with (ae mwts sae, atl fwePete aL.
lonul ori you, ta the scTerarcn'* Cry tia ned in it @n-
lircly coiacide With thope of Uretr respective Courts.
‘| have Ue huaur tobe, &e.-
View original Se ES re re wee
— =
Thiets to inform the Public, that the following
Pr. ons intend qttling this covery.
Robert hisisy in 0 wee hs trom 24 June.
A. Me te Coudt, wl quit this Colony, Junec
Jaw > Foderinghawia 6 wee tivia do July.
Nathantal Meant ta de. trom do.
cd ogi, thunt in do. tigm de.
Rt. ©. DOW NER, Sce.
eee ee
Volu eas heret, U gtieu, that on wereth vf cvndate
fullocing Tra <puer s aad Morteaets xill be passed,
June }7.\V. Heacrty gq. ®
port 10 rom),
suuatc on dotl
W. Uenery wi
July &. W. Ross,
inevary 52 Ne
» Dae wort, willters-
he Layee vs thereon,
pete, to W. hate.
pert to Joun WCanea
» Bow, will transport tage
Cs ‘Ww be sc etd at a
' five.
July 15. Frangis ei qq. the gnees ol
dota Dag@gon, wil Pans pore to ate Roberts
and Much Bethune, qq. Alexander Tulloh, of
Lemon, the Magra helt of lot OS, West Gdns:
of Beidic I
. RC. NOWNER, See.
View original Ss SES] = See] we ow TS ee 2
On Tucsday 1Sh iest. will be sold, by order anil
Atihe house of Mrs. M. Landuer, en lot No. LO, an
Hs Hacatol dry gouds,glass, tin, & curthen ware,
boat suger, hysun tec, ald Madcirata bottles, value
able portraits and a miirags, Back glasses, gens
Ucmens hats, bouts and ghues, 9 casis claret, &c.—
Also a houseeen Lot No. 10 tmenting the middle road
60 feet lone & one story high, with about 240 tee
ot jaad.— Aad about 400 teet of tand, Being the north
quarter of Lot No. 10, exteading trom the muidle
road tu the Diekdatr, which willbe sold) in percels
to suit purchasers, ato two valuable negro wonea
with their children, and 2 field negro mem. ‘Teriny
of payment, for the land and. Negtors 5 & 6 months.
D.C. VAnKURON, Vep.\ endue Master.

View original
View original On Thursday the 20 inst. will he solfon lot No.
15, by order of C. C, Swaving, Fsq. without re-
sere, sime, terras, temper lime, bricks, bread in bar-
reley starch, paints & oil, Chvesc, hams, beef, vinegar
Claret, @reen peuse, leans, pipes, pearl barley, ra-
pens, laberdiar, cate, (h@hs, &c.
D.C.Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master, :
On Thursdry 27th instant willebe sold the tollow-
ine goods, without reserve 292 puaeh -ous bats, 2 to.
COffec Bags, a prrcel of Err entem tools, plantation
sto es, saddlery, coffee ail cott@ hag ving, 2 casks
hams, 10 boxes sony and [Odo candles, 12 dozen
Port and 12duzen sherry wide, Mationary, a parc.
uailsim kegs of SO lbs. cach, paints & oil, spirits of
Aurpenting, neats fout oil, &ceo * '
Ou the same day Ly the Vendue Master in com-
missie, S horses, a chaise & hitrness, 2 riding mules,
a silver stop walth with patentherver, Qor 3 setts of
pram breakfast & diuner sersices, redily made cloths,
and jeweller y.—The whole at3 8 6 months credit,
the hors?seerranted svuntl Wadthere area par
of ponies amore si then that drax very gentle loge-
ther or separately.
, D.C. CA MBRON, Dep, Vendac Master.
On Momday the Stst inst. will be solu, by order OF”
Ajexauder Fraser, qq. Ad’s Bstates, 4 andre
mm Jiddertown, west coast, 30°
th-,a horse and mule, alsot
ithe dwell ne hotse, aa ke
Mr. J. Bro lerick, consistis
bles, card ony only,
chairs, glass am pe ‘Oo wane,
an desticss all shatled} lass limps, de."
D.C Cayeron, Dep. Wendne Maser,
(lu Vhurmdey St Aueust will Besonl, by order of
*Veu. Rose, bis). Gq. on the ; Plastatson 6) oats
Anoawnas Lot No.8, and pet lot No. SB, with ail
i’s beri dings, cutee wn, amd ‘a luer appunenuces,
payable in 6, 12, & 1S metehs. ~~ ,;
At the same tine 206 shoep and 70 head of cattle,
the sfocs of Plintarion Tiaelogic, kgowh to be aine
olyet the finest a ths colony, also colton baggini,
pris and oil, cacpemi@r and Cooper tuelsy hoes and
suvvels. . Payoh: in Sand 6 months, 9 ®
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. VenduesMasler.
—_—- «se = arenes - @ were ST oe is wre
View original DRIFLTED oz STOLEN fn Vie night Cee
tweemthe Oth and Tle tust. rom Lot No. QF, A foue
oil small bout, bias greece and lack pawited; ony
tome ps ata
FOK 5 SAL hobs the Subscribers, at Chair Stont Store
con Dat No. A, for inmediate paymeut :—Prine New
foi nttecd fsa in O & S&S quiutal casks, Yorksiire
hats, pickles, prey bailey, vysleh, ainon ils, raise
vided yg etela, (rye im Jars, wuatird, black pepper,
ny aS eta adot wa, sallad vil, sait ih flere vs,
calencrs choaliiing, hosiery, Wooli saBEs, scare
et, Dine, bata, yzreen, olive & brown brvad cleths,
yagisemei«, liam] XS do. jac Kets, green baize, table
Covers, du. with borders, Negro eluiling and blan-
Rely, pe | ditery assorted, boots & shucs wowling pice
Ces, af assorlinc pt ot in MIMONZETY , cast & be Tue
jatee l, Four Swhip sins Go ST Teci ae jek - {riamee
fein to trite © halnt-saw», Hs of all de ae care
penter & coorer adzc $Bdoutik. & single p LPONSS
, ses, locket gauves, Chissels, dé, vette Mita vis
\) shuves, squares, braces &bitisy woud & howe
Latype, rite Als, cleay~ ‘TS, CUBKS, SaNCC PANs, bute
his, tea kettt >, Tiyimg paus, sad irom, gluc actly,
i, om td. wo SOU, CAUEKETY Wale, glass do. setis
oF table services} aCe “~
Tit Subs aer otters for Si, & owe thue-
sand Gubic feet Of bullettree Taub t, igurn 3 to 18
incl squarc, tobe oc 0 tow on sihert notice.
View original
View original ; = , « * .
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View original ‘y"
STOMACHLIC HITTERS. This mést execHent cor-
Mali is preprred trom raspberry brandy, and is es)
teemed an cHicacious antiiote against fevers, aad all
vtber di8erders prevalent’ in tae W est - Jindies ;
the great beneftderived fram their egies acy in all
a cuk!, arising fro:n e xpasure to the weather.
icy preque a strong appetite, and facilitate di-
s” stion, by fosiity ings e and stren sthening the stomach..
—lhev ane ec xoellewt in all cases Where the wy: >
have been injrved Dy int@mpomace: and are o! t
Htlity iahypochendiiain mea vr weme and from
theirs giving tminediol@ rehef to all Wn iy sin the sto-
Watch aud bowels, by taking a lathe dy its native
stro gta it pea cordial whieb no family Bos be
Weibel. Th y sweeten the breath —remove all aig
petit mivsen OL the stomach —prdierve froin me
) season i petser corr shikicon of
Weal worms ro
orm may ot igescn
ba n oF
rigs in the oh, for the se hag eb ‘
> “4
eld wightair le ( oe or = to
ep ur bad TWese bi
i Ty
» fon ta the ste , Me ei ally exe. DY
oth eineriog inds of Witters.
This cordatt may be taken in brandy, wine, rum,
Lea, syrupy, OF aleivst amy kind of fi ustially draaa.
"ne proper qu pacity fer vrown pe eae is trom one io
fm Lablesspoons fell, and foi Childaea, frum onto
(iiree fea-spooms Falk, é
Curseap snuif, Wacouba, and Macouhe ala rose,
Martiuieue roy aa} a small quantity ot blue
China plates by the dagen, dry gouus, and sundry
wither agi
The > erie fe pest arrive 4 from DeerKidoe, and
Les rhe a's at the house ef Mr, La hose, omelet
No. Ss
The we Nae the colony ina few days.
"The be ut rosc- wither los, at f J. to
e ai “cal! s nH ad oer be em in payna’t,
View original Wm. ( RORT hast ecm iy Merted, and fiz
“lqafthe aure of J.B. kul +» beg. The tollown.-
=. les, ¥i7,—e eet and pork im hall basvels, hana
wom, «ase, barivy, Beer, porter, wine, soap, as
ih s, hoe dimh tinen & sheetioz, Lowe's pertont sfir'-
lot, tiasqaito nettioag, datask table cloths, yeti -
bits, euliQues, figewad common cotton ca:nbtic, Ko-
hat, baa, coitca and printed nui kerchiefs, gen-
(hiue.."s cloathing, eonsisting of cats, Wests, pockets,
Tromsets id panialoon, black, blue, brown & green
beds! Cloths, staiionary asponicd, amowest which ar
cacellent bilzers, jouinals, dey Cyst, and petted
lm ks, vemlcmen’s 1Oul che Sin, Writing sks, Rin!
lives, Negio Closting Com sis’ neo jroket » ruWects,
hats, sl tpte, laps, Se. aC. and varions othe sige
whieh will bescid cheap to clase saleg.—S uly.
eo ue LU”lLlU
PordsJomsyn 1a Mancanrruay Capt. Vebre
SLart, ts daa /regl, «n wore tut cioele pryser
hat oan ven dia heer
¢ wyn in kisten
crela@tiys en an-
dor den on rater ke ude
J. bt. Obermaier, zerk
Bisit Rhgu wyn,
em por @ougyn, fromuels
here Bena, eehroogde a em peren, wasch
add vy pals Legelsche lampen en dito olie, sup
we douser boauw en yroen Jaken, netic barsen en
tooden, gore linnens, gesnede hurken, tyme
pj rcul ia ore tontel dozen, linnea baud, ve-
bosy BuhacKralén, Negerpypeu, kan(cor boeken in
pclape baud, Hollandsch post em schryfpapier, alle
SvUT vin AiGer speel 5M d, Ae.
Seely. van ROSSEN.
—_—— rete
View original KOR SALE, tweity hogsheads of Sugarand
n pune he me of Kum, the pradue e, pt Piro ation
erstcHing. ‘Vemlers lor the above will be received
attne hous of Dr. Beresterd. on lot Ne. @ until
Caucsday th oe inst. at tema’ clock in the m ring
whea the lighest oir, it appr ve will ve acce pi-
od ol.—S July. >» SUH WIELRS.
I RA y ED ORSIOLEN, from Plantation
> a , . ’ ‘ ‘| I: ’ le 6 a” “ce | i]
(HYP, OU asl Ucst “ys Alo, aA aarve Drak
ubl, ard a brown Cow with a white spot in her fore-
head awd the tops of both horns ent of ; whoever can
Give wy imtorination ot them, suv ay to lead to their
discovery, wil, be baudsoime ly rewarded,
b Jury. LB. JEFFERY.
CORN for Sale, at Plantation Perstelder
al d ti. the thovsaud ea: 1 July.
View original ANA “ER CNMEpP T°Ss
of e
tiv, waa a4 aA4V ia
Bev (ey 1 t/) Jule
Petit! oo, for the six months (say fr
ay of December last to Is/ day v} (his ai
now ready for di li ery, at this Ofc
lures, are to be made in ail this month, u:
of Oath.
an fe
the S'st
th ;) are
nich ee
c tender
‘D. ALLT, Depo Rec. Gen.
Gare ws ]w wewe~s «98 9 SS =~ & oo i?
View original ae ~eeaeaeae eeS S
_SUST landine and openine, for Sale by the Svb-
seriher, by the Pa lage or otherwise, an ost choic
parcel of Lonvow Coods, panticulialy sel ected;
amongst whichis anon 'cte assortment of MILII-
NE by of the newest fashiomand quality, viz.—
ELEGANS bleck and white lace veils assorted,
do. do. do. shawls do., plain sareenet and Fincy co-
lourcal Gordon dresses, tall tein dress crps and
bonnets, dv. de. dus vith opnitecuts, welling nnd
Gitnsed ofmaw hats and bomwts, wold ana silver ore
HAMehig, sperwcers, tippets, peli@Pe and cloaks, rich
scaf{s, anc Gmaritles and raf-, W halehone ana yea
weet) footies, wire and coloured figuicd
Dhiew® do. tho., oll dnd jeeonet co. é»..,
thread net, sarcemets and satis, piles,
Regency cool, (senitis, canbricks, &. aud
J ans, Hoag dod short white Vrench Mid gloves, co-
1, malt v lew vil teimancd white kid god luney co-
loured st: Creal vaticty of tints, ae q
Ps Also, received fan london:
© A few eplondél aeticlesor je vcllery,.and threc moe
epi colt s'ere CePiagel oxeeli at timeskecop.
Ors: tulvg- 7)! Cees, Carhitute Chintz) ging
hamseadl faWes, betes off creotl men’s Super tine
lose, WAG yal Pilla h Wale robles hs ‘tse
sutier!, fio feenels, quilting, patiilas WH Pia
hint, thew tpees, Colton shirting # Shecting,
Jamek tole cloths, broad cloths of Cuffrent co-
rs, T's covery Blac, and ercen borders,
wiih Was, Cress ao T wollihe shoes, blae and white
~ then Pores, contlgmen’s wearing apparel, Laclia silk
aade thers . IRecob iets, tevat ition ieneh cambricks,
@o.— tho a iow che@ant portable writing desks aul
dressing casts, calles and soap, porter, strong and
palg alc, brandy , Peneva, claret in hhds. &ca
, Andon Hand,
Madeira wine, Poit do., claret, oll ruin, superfine
flour, beef, pork, lonzues, hams, chevee, tea, Sugar,
*pters, Pigs les, vil, Capers, vinegar, mustardy salt,
Jobacce, tron aware, Blase, Vin, and Garthen do., two
light vias, and haraees, and a variety Of other artis
1 menu y, South-Saect, “une lo, 1515. «
m_— —1« «es “ -— —_- —_——
Bi rb ke SH une, il. /
THE Court of Civil Justice hava Scn-
fence Gayed the OF pastaat, @iored aifie” Extatesin
Hie colbayykWiwn by the Name of sen ry bbs,”
Wi4s— di Pe hing, Niewn W dagete ve, Belmont,
Gilas <O ha CiCMy Wh lo cléy en, Cnion, Ld: te
burgh, Neon isi, aul Soelvst, toohe dclivered
Verto the Ygs’ Af TORNRU LE hogens & Co.,
or their Répreseutative; And Vw. BRoveritcRas
being with Joww Muss and Gro. HMevay #oos
vag. Assicrécs Ob be Bankrupt [state of stid Turn.
butt borfns & Co, having Substituted me @ be Ate
tormey tor the Administration of Che sacl Estates,
winch hage been dolivered over accordingly. Ail
wfsons who have an bff ae sinst Hh seiul Estates
os here by mguired (@femier the gare to me, at the
i Messts. Geo. Bone Co. 5 and ail persons
indebted to the said Mstates, are requested tu pay lo
sue the amvunt of their debts.
. Mex. FRASER, qr.
I July Benficld’s [states andthe Assigns
e ees of Tuiabull Pordes &: Co.
ALLE de gency die tefs te vorderen hebben
van de Boc@i wytud J. A. van Gao neveldt, wore
den verzogt in de tyd van zes weeken, na date deze Sy
lLhuane pretcntien jnteloveren ex bot UM ge (c ontvahe
geuy op de plauntagie de Resolatic, ly
l July. Exeetitdir Testamentair.
—“—-—_—_— — SS ese” —
FOR SALE by the Subecriver, at his house
‘opposite Murs. Mary Lindner’s, @ few thousand fect of
excellent crab-wooud inch lamer.
. Ivuly. | WALTER SCOT.
or — eo
STRAY ED on the 12th ult. froin Ragatation
Colchester, on the East-coast canal, four hewrof Cate
tle, (say) two red cows, a rediealf, and a black heifer,
any person taking up the same, or giving such intor-
tation as may tend to the recovery thereof, will
greatly oblige the subscriber, and any expences ine
curred thereon, shall be immediately paid.
i July W. BRUTON.
View original Published every Saturday at o'clock P M,
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printers

15 July 1815