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The Berbice Gazette

View original Regulation for the Meetings of the respective Courts
in the Colony Berbice, for the year 1814.
——_ -—_ —
Court of Policy and Criminal Justice.
Monday, January !0.
April 4.
Vuly 4.
October 3
Court of Civil Justice.
Monday January Y4.
April 18?
July 18.
October 17.
Commissary Court.
Monday, February 7.
May 9.
August &
—~—— November 14.
Court of Rolls.
Monday, January 17.
March 7.
\Wcdnesday, April 19
Monday, May 9S.
July Ll.
———— October 10.
November 91.
Ap ) prove a.
By Corona a.
Sn eee
View original NAYRTOn
X () ' 1¢ H.
IS hereby IVER. (tral all vv Onnts du to the
Winkel Departinent, for the year IS12, which ag
nol paid lyy (* both Qf Deceml Cerne Vill Pye sued
for in the danuiry ( Ourts, witho fresy ‘chlo person
A list ol all the ACCOUNLS NOt pra Ae APpPeat ii
next Salurcd ss 5 Lier. OTt(th Noy
| re.
Piiecd (forthe Croma peo
US. SE 1 ee Ve 2 2 Ee? Wee aru lee
7»? ‘ wy riyvYwgys,
POS] eal gl gf ji
Letters rematnine “a the Post Olhee. whieh not
forthwith called for, willbe returned to | WrOpe
1) the oo x [ Pia ket
Balfour J. 4 Bennett J. ¢ Bis) ane J. ] Cha 0
bri ud Dh. bk)
Cully J. juo. 1) Corsis F.L. 1 hambou Miss VM uche A.D. 1.
Duntep .). i Dod V1] Rod Dauvhe ty J. | Dove S ide n \4
Eboral ( byan W.t) Ellacot RoW. 1) Psdai Rede Lite
ott Mr.Jos.¥.
Flushman Mr. D.1) Fleischman Mr.G.8.1) Fraser 1, Findlatr
Mr. D.38) Floyd Dr.l.
Georgy J.FL. 3) Game Mies J.S.1) Ga; r Miss M.] one!
Graval Hf. M.1) Gallie §.9) Grant H Coidon ¢
Hall J.4) Harris J. 1) dlueean 8.1) Houston A } /
Hlausler E. 4) Harris W. vx) Marris N Hey J er ]
Hall Miss C. 1) Herlin & Bende:
Jones Capt. 1) Johan J. 1) Jones J. 1
Kerr C. 2) Koster Mr. W 1) King Mr. W.C lL wu er J.-F. ]
Krieger A. 2
Leisner J. A. 1) Linde J. F. }) Lobban Mr. W. 1) Lam & Bender 2
l awrence Muss HH }) Luurence W ; 1) Lew Is NM anor Attoruey of ]
Mcludoe J.1) Munro R. 1) Munro W., [) McKenzie R. } \MIustard
~Mr. D.1) MeQuistan Mr. J. 1) MeDonald J. 1) McLennan J. })
Me Kenvie Fk. H. )) McGregor J. S, Y) Milligan J.l Mek I ote
Mr. 1) McKimmie A. 3) McK ngyte K. 1) Maria & Agnes the
Adininistrator of 1) Mabler D. B.1) M mis Capt. I.
Nicolson M. 1,
Overeem J. 1
Pollet Capt. J.C. A. |]
Reeborst P_ 1) Rose A. )) Rolderer P.1) Reuss J. M. 1) Robinson
S.1) Reach A.1) Ricket’s $.1) Roberts Go).
Sampson Miss M. 1) Smith Mr.T. 1) Sinclair J. 2) Stockkel Mrs. 1)
Suttle Mr, R.1) Sharpe Miss E. 1) Shaw Mr. A. 1) Stewart Mr, J.
1) Stobie Esq. 1) Schwartz Mr. G. 1) Shanks Mr. A, 1) Small &
Threlfall 1,
Tuit Capt. J. 1) Threlfall Mr. H. 1) Threlfall E. 1) Tyndall 1. 2)
Tayler W.1) Towler R.
Westerveld G. 2) White Mr.G.1) Weir Miss J. 1) Watt A.2) Wade
T.S.1) White Mr. T. }
Zadethoff Mr. G. van 1.
- Berbice, 27th Nov.
Wa. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen.
Berbice, 26th November, 1813.
WANTED for the use of this Department.
20 Barrels Flour,
10 Barrels Beef. and
100 Bushels Oats.
Any person wishing to supply the whole or any
part thereof, are desired to send in Tenders, in tri-
plicate, marked, ‘* Tenders for Provisions,” until
Monday morning the Oth Dec. next, at 10 o’clock
when they will be opened, and the offer or offers most
advantageous to Government, will, if approved, be
JOHN S. WILSON, Commissariat.
—— —$—$—$—__—__ _—_ $$$
Berpice AGRicuLTURAL
Tue next Meeting of this Society will be held on
Wednesday the sth December, at Mr. Har Ris’s,
No. Il.
F. Corr,—ll. B. InGuis,—M. Danas.
Berbice, Noy. 27.

View original ——_—S=—
PART of Lot No. 3, first empolder, with all the
buildings thereupon, at presentoccupied by the Sub-
scriber. Whoalso offers for Sale, a Chaise and Lar-
nass, and an excellent chaise [forse.
°7 Noy. K. FRANCKEN,
TO an approved parckaser, at CO. 6.9 & 12months
credit, [3 rocds and 4 feet Land, of bot No. 22, be-
tween (he centre and backdam. and the buildings
thereon. Also 20 rvods land of Lot No. 4, towards
the backdam. = [f not sold on or before the ISth De-
cember next, the sime willbe disposed of at public
Vendue. (Good guality Cottee will be taken ta pay-
ment, at cash price. —lor particulars, apply to this
Oflice. YT Nov.
_ —
—__ ———__——
Ll —o
DEN ondergetechende geeft hicrmede kennisse,
aandichet mogte aangaan, dat by den Heer LE. J.
Haxrze gemactiod hee tot het inkasseron van ZzVNC
uifsteande penningen, waar voor hy quitantien Kan
passcren,——¥7 Nov. J. MUNO.
View original The Friends of Messrs. Camprentcs Fraser and
Co. are respecttully informed, that the Diana, Capt.
McGuouaer, is expected in this ever, in Gime to load
tor Grlasow by the January convoy.
—_ — SE ——$_$_$>_—_ +-—
View original Y .
Notice to Carpenters.
Reroviren to be erected in front of Pin. Brighton, on
the west coast of Corentyn, a Beacon, 60 feet high, the
firs SO feet to consist of a solid piece of hardwood, 16
niches square, with a foundation framed of hardwood time
ber, 30 teet long by 15 iuches square, to support it in a
perpendicular position, and the upper 3O feet to consist
of another picce, at least 12 inches square at foot, and not
less than 6 inches square at top, with a square of laths at
the top, to make it visible at a distance.
Fenders for the above, marked, ** ender fora Bea-
con,’ will be received by the subseriber, till Wednesday
ist of December, next, at 10 o'clock in the morning, when
they wiil be opeaed in presence of His Excellency the
Governor, and the lowest tender, if approved of, will be
A plan of the above can be seen, and every informatie
on respecting it given by the subscriber.
Berbice 16th Oct. 1813.
W. SCOTT, Com.
Notice to Woodcutters.
ALI, persons holding Licences to cut Timber, on
ungranted lands in this colony, are desired to attend
and exhibit them at Governinent Secretary's Office,
within six weeks from the date of this Notification.
King’s House, Berbice, 13th Nov. 1813.
By Command.
Tus. C. EMERY, Act. Gov. Sec.
—_— __
View original REQUIRED
720 lbs. of Salt Beef.
720 Ibs. of Flour.
908 Ibs. of Rice.
58 Ibs. of Sugar.
32 Ibs. of Coffee.
120 Gallons of Rum.
Tendfor the above articles, will be received
by the Scriber, till Wednesday the Ist of Dec.
next, ato’clock in the morning, when they willbe
opened resence of His Excellency the Governor,
and theest offer, if approved of, accepted.
BerbilSth Noy. 1813.
Wa. SCOTT, Commissary.
je eo SED SE QE ewe Se ee es ee
View original wer ee EEE SE Geen ee ee eee
PERNS indebted for the years 1810, 1811, and
1812, te Estate of the late Dr. Francis Jerre-
rv, aranestly requested to settle their accounts,
&c., prous tothe Ist day of January ISH, as
further ulgence cannot posrible be granted.
W. KATZ, for self and
20 Nov Mrs. T. JEFFERY.
View original FOR SALE.
TWITY to 25,000 pounds of Coffce are offer-
ed for’ from plantation NWortberaad, returned to
the saistate by virtue of Sentence of the Honor-
able Ca of Civil Justice.
Sams whereofare to be seen at the Store of J.T.
12 {15,000 pounds prime quality Coffee, from
(he sar Estate,x—Tenders for the whole, or any
part (eot, will be received by the undersig.ted,
until Mday the SOth Nov. when the highest ofler,
if appred will be accepted,
J. van pEN BROEK.
20th Nv. G. PAUELS, Seq.
View original ‘TH andersigned intending to quit this colony for
Muropin the month of February next, requests all
those ‘o have any claims agatnst him, either by
vpen aounts or notes of hand, to render them in at
his resence at plantation Palmyra; And all indebt-
ed to mare particularly solicited to come forward
with pment, before the oth Dec. ensuing ; as all
accous pot then paid will be put into the hands of
lis Atney at Law, to sue for.
Heso offers for Sale a family of eight negroes,
viz,—wo men, excellent sawyers, and two very fine
ficld wnen, their wives, and their three children,
all vin; an old man, an excellent gardner ; also three
or touvery fine young men, amongst whom there is
a mapoy a very good house servant, a good groom,
and airpenter; and a very fine strong healthy was-
her woan with her three children; a good strong
and ny chaise with a moveable oil case head with
curtas at the sides that runs up and down on brass
roller with two setts of new harness attach’d a sbaft
and tddom ; a sett of very handsome mahagony dine-
ing tees with D ends, abed stead & mattresses with
mosqto netting compleate, a patent sopha bed, a
hand:me mahogany Escrutoire with private draw-
ers, sver spoons, Chairs, a handsome sett of china
warse&c.—And lastly, his red roan or flea bitten
erey orse and luis mule, both of which are loo well
know to need any comment.
Thnegrocs will be sold moderate for produce at
Cash rice, or approved bills of exchange at 3 and 6
monts sight, cattle, &c.
13¢ Nov. B. JEFFERY.
View original ——— ee
A legro woman named Eliza, be longing to Mis
Sally ?ostle(h waite, Demerary, she Is supposed t
be onthe Corentine coast.—Any person harbouring
her, ull be prosecuted against according to Law.
{nd nose who will apprehend her and. sending het
to thchouse of Mr. B. ZieGcuer, will bandsomely be
rewatled 20 Nov.
rcR SALE. At this Of e—B lank Bills. of ix
Chane, Bills of Lading, and the AZanncr of Proce:
lino , before the Court of Crotl Justice of this Co
lony toolscap Paper, and blank books of any
View original YW? } > v9 7 Y
— >
Wordt geadverteerd, dati This ts torm the Pu-
de volyende personen voor-'blic, that thiorei le per
neni Ws ~Yn le ‘l deze Kolonie 4 ns a lend Ing lhiis CU-
te verlre¢ Kh aM. e¢ iY
J. R. Card by the first opportunity.
J.C. Poortermans in 6 weeks from NO.
KR. C. DOWR, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bekend\ NO T1ICEreby given,
gemaakt, daé een maand na thata montkr date the
datv de volgende Transpor-| following ‘sports anil
ten en Hipothec ken zullen Mortgages ue passed,
verleden xorden.
Oct. 30. J. FE ‘Vieboel will transport te Widow
H. J. Buse, the lot No. 49, in 2d empol-
der, with the buildings thereon
Noy. 13. John Davies will transport te free ne-
ero woman Susanna Green, the nern back
quarter of lot No, 27, in New A
27 Nov. J. vanden Brock qq. A. Donavill trans-
port to Creo, Munro, Lot No. 4est Coren-
tine coast.
r———— James Praser, in quality as Cor to the
Estate of the Tete bh. D. Praser, transport
to Simon Prascr. bis undivided “of Plan-
lation Brightor:, Slaves, and othippurten-
ances thereto bevonetig,
RC. DOWD, Secy.
Wi BR WAS the foRowine person had dressed
himseli to the Hlon Court of Policy, of s colony,
at their Sessions in the mouth October livora Let-
ler of VWanuimission : So
H. P. Beorkrsen, forf(hemulatto givancisca,
Notice whereof is here by given to thewhom it
may concer, anid who may W ish to oppdhe grant
of said Lecter of Mantiaisston, that they y addres
themselves tn witding fo the unde rsigneecretary
of the colony, previors to the ensting ssions of
the Hfon. Court, when a final disposition yhbe made
on the valoresard Petition. BerbicNov. 97.
——— > ——~
T HE Subsertber respectfully inform t Public,
thy the wen lie ENG eis removed trom lowlo. 8 to
lot No. 5, New wAiast. A Noy.
D.C. CAMERON Dep. VendMaster
On Tlittrsday wf : re Yd Dec. by order a at the
Store of B. Zi vler bsq. the following conzments,
consisting of tin ware, trou-smonzery, eacn and
glass ware, prrs ott. sony. candles, tobac, , pease,
barley, sibs tits. eothon ss ochings, «white jis, jea-
nelle, dadra selena owe. checks. Ospaberieshatls Un
barrels, tir ta do. bee) ox tongues, butte claret,
Madeira ws
DP. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendudaster,
_— —
View original _— —
On Satur cm doe. will be sold, on patation
Retreat, from 29 to 60 fine dat oxen & suk cow.
willf calves, ada tow sheep,
I, C. CAMERON Dep. Vendudaster.
—— eC
View original — — ————— a
On Thursday 9th Dee. at the store of Mes. Don.
glis Reid & Co., the tollow ing articless—beoerand
silk hats, culico, cotton shirtine. Lrish lincenacdlery,
colon & coflve Diveing, class & earthenwa. boots
and shoes, beer & porter, slattonary, foaf star. vi-
evar, neero clothing & Pipes, yinghams, patand
oil, sult, beef, &e.
D. ©. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue aster.
View original ———L
WANTED for the building of a Brick Slee. On
Lot No. Ses (7) (1) . econd cm polder ot New listere
dam, the followine materials,
79,000 Bricks.
45 Hhds of Building Lime.
AD 'Ticrees Dateh Le rrace, or 1100 tshels
Roman Cement.
Any person willing to contract for the delicry of
the above articles, on or before the 31st of Julyisl4,
on the aforesaid Lot No. 52, New Aimsterdar, will
please to send in tenders, ad‘lressed to the’ Town
Committee, on or belore Monday the 29th Nyem-
ber, ISIS, when the said tenders will be opend, and
the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted. -—'The
Bricksand Lime tobe subject to the approbaion of
the ‘Lown Committee, and the Contractor to enter
into bond for the due d« livery of the articles emaged
to be furnished.
ANY person willing to contract for the immdiate
cleaning and weeding of the main trenches anl the
drainaves, between or separating cach whole lotfrom
the front towards the backdam, in the Town of New
Amsterdam, from all Grass, Filth, and ‘other Ob-
structions, and to keep the same in that condiion,
View original as also fo keep the Public Reads, Dams, and Grid-
ees, In the said Town'® G4 onct. repair, for and
during the term of one yedr. to be computed from
the Ist of December nexi, will be pleascad to address
himseliby (ender, to the aula | tre Ce, On oT before
the 29th November, 1813, when said tenders will be
opened, and the lowest offer, whea approved of, ac-
cepted.—The contractor to give securily. and the
work at all times to be under thre Inspection of thie
Town Manager,
TWO Coimmissaries and the Secretary will meet
for the collection of the assessment, from Monday th
29d November until Tuesday the 80th Noveisber,
(the Sunday excepted), from 11 o'clock in the fore-
noon until 2 o’clock in the afternoon, at Mr. Biy-
NING’s Subscription Rooms.
By command of the Committee,
Berbice, 6th November.
View original Aan de Eyangelische Lu-
thersche Gemeente
rr volgende ‘s een Extract uit de Resolutién van
den Edele Hove van Politie en Kripiinele Justitie de-
zer Kolonie, genomen in Hoogstderzelver Vergade-
rag, gehouden op Maandag den 1Sde October ISL3,
—uilt het ngelsch in het Hollandsch overgebragt :
5, Tot bereiking van dit laatste, en ten cinde, om
zoo Wel aan de Assessoren ais aan de Gemecnute
genocgen te geven, Zoo ORDONNEERD en
GELAST het Hof, dit de Luthersche Ingeze-
fenen der Kolonie Perbice, door het tegenwoor-
dig Kollegie van Assessoren onverwyld) by pu-
blieke Advertentie zullen bycengeroepen wor-
den; ter zaak, Om uit gezegde Leuthersche In-
gezetenen, Zrs Personen te kiezen, on Gemag-
ys tizd te worden als Assessors over de Luthersehe
55 Eigendommen binnen deze Kolonie; zull nde
dit zestal by meerderheid yan stemmen, door de
Luthersche Ingezetenen gecligeerd worden, en
ann dewelke de tegenwoordige Assessoren, de
y Plantaadys NuGsperaG, cea annerts, O8ere CD
5 komsttz de Inventaris, bebben everlegeven,—
re) &C.—”’ .
HET is invevolee van dien, en ten einde em aan
de bovenstannde Order van den dele Hlove van Po-
litie te voldven, dat de ayveiaeblevene Leden van het
Kollegie yan Assessoren. | hy deze aite de Ledematen
der Evangelische Luther: be Gemeente, binnen de-
ze Kolonie woonecnde, Oprocpeny gin te owillen by-
cenkomen op Maan Lae len Y9Iste dezer maand No-
vember, aaa de Sicde Nic us Amsterdam, op het
Mirft No. 21, ten huize van den Teer ddv anal \la-
THEWSs, des roesnictl ags ten twaalf uren precies, fen
e;nde on aan de beveclen van de tioose Overigheid,
zoo als dezelve biervoren ayn ultgedrubt, Cen supsten
(te yoldven
De overgcblevene Leden van het
Koullecie van Assessoren der Lu-
thersche Gemeconte, tn Boric.
J. BYkNER, voor zich en
Berbice, 15th November » STS.

ff oa
ie he
To sal with the January Convoy,
Theship MULLWETR, Tito. Samiti, Master, for freight
OF passage, apply to said Alastes, or to
16 Oct. W. DUNCAN,
View original _
a _— SC —
wok h >
estas cushe
— To Sail with the Viist Conzoy.
The Fast Sailing Brig LGHAM.
Stand A. 1. at Lloyds,
coppered and copper-tastened, Joux Pavy, Master,
has excellent accommodation for passengers. For
freight or passage, applay to said Master, on board
30 Oct. or to J. vAN pen BROEK.,
View original sili
TITis fine coppered Ship Harmony, Jonn Wit-
son, Master, will be dispatched with the convoy to
sail in January next. Apply to
293 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
W ho have received by the above ship, small boats
for colony craft.
View original FOR SALE.
Colony salted fish \ } barrels.
Do lamp oil, clear and fluid and equal tO Spcr-
maccti oil.
Pobacco, tar, white soap, &
View original - 28 oO) URS me sw Tes 8) Owe om oO Se rene aw @eeee=s
‘7 | i ie Ir’ FyX* PY Cs 7 yy 1’, 'T" y
A Ad A 4 Plu a ! 4 Criisal lL pas
We regret to be under the nee essity of apologiz-
ing toour Readers, for the disappointment, ASLON-
ed by the non-publication of a Gazette, which we
promised to have delivered on Wednesday last. ——
This Paper was ina state of rea liness for deliveri cg,
but the issue of the same was forbad by authority
te $9 0) Ss O° Qe eae
We have copied in our last Saturday Paper, Irom the
nylish Papers, Letters from Lord Cathcart and Edward
bhornuton, 3 (|. relative to therecent occurrences in G
inany ; aud likewise those from Ficld Marshal Wellington
ind Sir Phomas Graham, with particulars of the surren
der of St. Sebastian. Since the fall of which. it would vy
pear tu be the intention of Government to furnish o
General in Chief with the means of entering Fran¢

should there seem to be any prospect of snecess in the ata
tempt; for, with the numerous detachinents that had al
; ! . i) ] ve ¢} Myo . 7 Lup .
roady sailed, and others on the pomt of departure for
>< in. it is Sal that he WOUtG be able (O a | ropriate to
that particular service, 92,01 Infantry, 1OSQOO cavalry,
and a proportional Humber of other t ae fanarmy.
that would amount ¢o LLQ,OCO men.—Sherve was a secret
ypedition also preytring in bagland, which may prob:
by] be intended to act in conjuncuon with him— Pam Ce
luna. a.thou 1 near lb a scale of starvation, had hot
yiclded to the severi y of its blockade when the last ace
suats from S)oa vere furwarded Co our Governinent.
It was the j ion of Tis Roya Hivhness the Prince
Regent, that the British Parliament should be asscmbijed
ithe Sth of the jwescut month, for the di patch of pu-
Dblic business.
Yr: ? 1 ° } ° r
Qn the 25th Sept. I is Roy al Tighe S (ii Prince Recent
Was pleased CoO C fer the dignity of Baronet of the CU nite
ed vit my Of Great Britain and Treiand, upon Philip
Bor Vere broke, Esg. of Ilis Matesty’s Navy, and
Commander of the Shannon {ri ‘atc When she Cay tured the
merican frizate ( a}
We have much satisfaction in statin (hatona latein-
pection made by Commissior Boy] id J:. ‘Baird, of the
lerench pr Weis orton, Pe Nester, a on board
the Prisoneships in Portsmouth harbour, ifappeared, there
} : } . 4 ]
vere only Jo} pat ‘nit buy the hos) als out of 20.680
prisoners. ‘These were allsheht cases; notone of typhus
fever, or of any actute decease, ceacept sucu as had arisen
trom cold or indiscretion,
Government have given permission to the Trish Distjlle.
ries to commence working on the 14th of Oct. thirty days
after the Proclamation issued to that effect. This MCa-
ure, While it proves a most serviceable financial resource,
is av indication of the prosperous harvest, and the abun-
dance of provisions inthe country.
The army were highly ealisticd with the Marquis Wel-
ington being made a bicld Marshal, and hoy ed, as a nae
(ural cousequence of his elevation, that the bar was re.
moved that prevented many able Generals from serving
with him.
It was reports din the ai ny that, in addition to the three
distinguished Officers, Sir John Hope, Lord Uxbridge,
ind Sir David Baird, the Marquis had asked for Lord
Rosslyn, Lord Charles Somerset, Marquis of Huntley, Si
John Stewart, Gen. Ferguson, and Gen. M’Leod, of the
Artillery ; and Colonel Paisley, of the Engineers.
We have already stated that Sir Thomas Graham js on
hig return home, in consequence of his eycesight being
again affected. Sir John Hope, now Commander of the
forces in Ireland, is going out to be secoud in command to
Lord Wellington. Sir John was senior to the Marquis :
but in consequence of the latter being advanced to the
rauk of a Field-Marshal, he can now properly serve un.
der him, and he is an excellent Officer. Gcneral Hew jtt
is to be the Commander of the Forces in Ireland.
Above four millions of guineas have been exported tg
france within the last two years; and within the last
fortnight 100,000 have been drawn from Ireland on)y
lt is perfectly known that the shops in all our sca-port
towns are full of French jewellery, silks, laces, gloves,
and toys—all for the purchase of gold.
View original Sir John Murray sailed from Mahon on the 30th of
Func, in his Majesey’s ship Brune, to take the command
in Sicily. Sut. Lord William Bentinck will soon resume
dis station there, Str John Tlope having been appointed to
succeed him ia tle command of the army in the [east of
A [)o4
achinent of the Life Guards marched) from TLon-
don on the 27th Seat. on their route to Porismouth, to
embask for the Peninsula.
Detachmnents of the 340h, 74th and 81th regiments ar-
rived Tfilsca depot on the 19th Sept. to wait embarkation
for Spain. A detachment of the Royal artillery arrived
on the 26th. and embarked. Detachments of the 2d bst-
talion 38th rezt. and of the 2d batt, 39th regt, at Wey-
mouth, were under orders to bold themselves tn readiness
to join the Ist battalions in the Peniusuala.
The 23d Dragoons, which suffered so much at the bat-
tle of Talavera, were under orders for the Peninsula,
The Duke of Carerhind, if is said, is expected home
very shortly, wer tvany been reeeived fave urably by
foreign powers.
The project which the Maryuts of Wellington had form.
edof making an incursion indo France, is not, we believe,
ve hy yt! avyanclou (| by his Lordship. Onecof the chief ob.
fac! rifts execution dis, no doubt, removed by the ‘fall
of s astion. But Pamplauna sail holds out; aad
ointal fortress is also an Poss sion of the Allies, LO
forward remient will be made into the Freuch territory.
[i bas bets ben eelenlated at head-quarters. that) the
garciou Inmse oaly a ih cient quantity of provisions to
last (eta Cll about the close of th present month, when
it ispretty comidgntly exoected Uiey will be obliged te
No act of wits Vin tis Girasnam'’s military bife h reflect-
ed gr-at lnetreon his genins and talents as a Comman-
+t , (' ae a } | | era ee , C Sela . 7
Gir, (hen tac inavace mi witken Che tow rol Sf, CDasltall s
was al Jenethh falen ) forn Phe almost trsuperable
difficulties wlhiteci tia reir ress of the assatiant(
called in a pecubiar a for al the promptlude and pre.
’ ve { rival ’ { ' . ( 1) ) } | bhi "¢ "9 1]
sence Of Wit oi lCUI ’ CT. and vis resources. fully
answered the cvizeneies of the occasion. THis ordering the
guns to be turned against the curtain, aided by the pre.
cision of the artillery in diring a few fect only over th.
.. ef . Co | .
head Of our (roo; san the bre: 1, | Is CVIiIGechHl wa (2)
sole Means, at the critical moment which had o reece! of
carrying the plice. bhe stat ) the attack fray
skilful del \ : I } ‘ Lda (| Cub \ al cf
perafes and bul toc this vew expeodiout data 7
. . ' '
ment, ancdanstantly Gaviied sala eect, theee Orv foal
son tO believe tiit ti ysl! ( boast bave tal |. ) if f
could only have sueceed sd at the price of a loss of life in-
finsiely greater Chan Chat actually sustained.
- ‘ ©
Berlin, Sept. 12.—VLetters from Vienne. received to.
day, state, that Gen. Millicr had totally defeated the Wie
Ceroy of Jialy Wear guy bacon. nad — OOOO ison TSNoa
many pieces of cannon,
On the Oth, all the tt OPS a rath Ontered Sa cony and
Bavaria from Bohemia. firee restinents of Cossacl
some days since passed the Elbe; they had yesterday a!
ready tak
en J200 prisovers, and one standard,
Our late victories have been celedrated here to-day by
the discharge of 100 pieces of canuon,
lt has been notified in Dresden, that the French will
‘oon pass the Elbe, as Austria has offered au armistice.
Coounodore Rodgers, in the President, was safe arriv-
edat Newport, ( Us.) on the 26th Sept. last, after a cruise
ef 5 montns.—This may be attributed to her falling in
vith the [ghflyer tender of Nantucket Shoals, whose
signal by some means she answered with accuracy: so
that, mistaking her for a Britisa man of war, the officer
of the tender proceeded on board, and gave to the enemy
dhe instructions that had been issued by Sir Jphu B.War-
ren, as well as the private signals, and at the same time
acquainted Rodgers that he was looking out tor the Pre-
sident frigate, in order to acquaint the British men of w ar,
two of which were stationed off Boston bay to prevent
herentrance, and others were watching for her in the
Sound.—Thus being put in possession of the particular
stations of our cruisers, Com. Podgers stecred for a dif.
ferent Port, it having been his original intention tu pro-
ceed for Boston,
View original Paris Sepl. 3.
‘¢Napoleon, by the grace of God, &c. &e.
The Senate, after having heard the Orators of the Coun-
cil of State, decreed, and we order what follows :
‘“'T'he Conservative Senate having assembled on the 24th
August, 1813, to the number of Members y.rescribed by
Article 90 of the Act of the Constitution, of 13th Dec.
‘Considering the Projet of the Senatus Consultum,
corrected in the form prescribed by Art. 57 of the Act
of the Constitution, of 4th Aug. 1802 ;
‘¢After having heard, upon the motives of the said Pro-
jet, the Orators of the Council of State, and the Report
of the Special Commmission appointed in the Sitting of
yesterday—the adoptien having been deliberated by the
number of voices prescribed by Art. 56 of the Regulation
of the 4th Aug. 1802—Decreed.
Art. 1. Thirty thousand men, taken from the classes of
IS14, 1813, I8t2, and anterior ones, in the Departments
hereafter mentioned | Iere follow the names, which are
numerous. | shall be placed at the disposition of the Mi-
nisterat Ware? [The Deerce aficrwards orders, that those
30,000 men shall be divided amo: 5 the corps d’armee in

Dresden, Aug. 31.—According to the report of his
Valot de Chambre, Gen. Moreau was wounded by a can-
noa ball, near the entrenchments established before Dres-
den. On the 27th at about four o'clock in the afternoon
he was conveyed to Nuethlitz, where both his legs were
amputated below the knees, After the amputation, he
asked for something to eat and acupof tea. ‘Puree eggs
and some tea were offercd him, buthe only took the tea.
About seven o’clock he was placed in a litter, and iu the
eveaing convoyed to Passindorf by Russian soldiers, He
passed the night in the country house of M. Tretscheir,
grand master of forests. He only took in this house an-
other cup of ta: he complained much of the pain he suf.
On the 2sth, at four ta the inoviing, he was carrted by
Russian soldiers from Passindorfto Dippold.swalde, where
he took a little white br@ad and a glass of Jemonide, in
the house of the baker Watz. An hour after te was con.
veyed near the Bohemian frontiers. Russian soldicis car.
ricd him in the body of a coach,
During the journey of Gen. Moreau fo Bohemia. he
over ceascd uttering ciics extorted from him by pain. At
Passcndorfand Dippuldeswalde the Russian Generals ex-
pressed the uGuost chagrin at this event; they said it was
unfortunate that the Emperor Alexander should have
brought Gen, Moreau from the bottom of America, and
(hat he should hase lost both lezs, ahinastat the ve by moe.
neutwaeu tre Couched the soilob Ruropes; they, however,
ippeaed Coerpect Chatin four weeks he wonid be cured
vf his wounds, and Grat he would still be in a condition to
attend to the lavours of the Cabinet, and to form plans
for (he campaign. .
Anmoug Morcau’s attendants was an budian, who ap-
peared thconsolable on account of his master’s wouad.
In) seeing so great a fault punished by so great a mis.
fortune, there is vo person who must not make tis rellec.
Gen—lhe finger of Proculence was there
The following is an account of the wars Letiwween Eng.
land and Trance, with the terms of their duration, since
the one which commenced in 1110, and which continued
(wo years—I{1)1, one year—IIGIl, twenty-five y cars—
L210, fifteen years—--122 3, ninetecus years——1291, five
years—1309, twenly-oue y cars—1 368, fifty-two yecers-
1422, forty-nine years——1 492, one montli-—1}. 1), two
years—1521, six years—1519, one year—1557, (woy'rs.
1562, (wo years—1627, two years-—1666, one year-~—
1689, ten years—1702, cleven years—1744, four yeas
1756, seven years—1776, seven years—1793, nine years :
and lastly, in 1803, which still subsists, making, within
a period of 700 years, 266 years of war.
A gentleman who is just returned from a tour in Ireland,
met, during a ride in the neighbourhood of the Lake of
Killarney, with two natives, whom he addressed upon the
cheering prospect of haryest. Of potatoes in particular,
one of them asserted that the crop was ‘‘most bountiful.”
““Why,’? asked our informant. ‘Shave you commenced
digging already ?—**Och! Sir, there is good rason for
that,”” replied Paddy, ‘‘only clap your good-looking ear
to the ground, and you’ll find ’em cursing and grumbling
at one another for want of room.’’,
eee , » -
View original
View original I
Mr. Evitor,
Our books teach us that whatever is not agreeable
to reason is not law ; and that law is not only founded
on reason, but is the very essence of it.
Thoughts are not at our own disposal, and however
they may be directed, no criminality can attach until
they are reduced to practice. .
Therefore alibelmust be published. Although the
publication of a truth may occasion ill blood, and
thereby cause a breach of the peace, yet the exposure
of immoral or vicious conduct must certainly do good
by preventing evil in others ; and as vice ought to be
eradicated, and prevented by all possible means, the
exposure of it is not only lawful, but dutiful.
Therefore a libel must be false. A falsehood may
be published that implicates nothing either ridicu-
lous or criminal; and as such a publication cannot
defame, it will not provoke revenge.
Therefore a libel must be scandalous. A false scan-
dal may be published with a good intent, for the pu-
blisher may suppose it to be truce, and if so, he is not
only free from criminality, but is in the direct line of
his duty.
‘Therefore a libel must be malicious. Reason, it
appears, defines dibel to be—false, scandalous, and
malicivus publication ; and whenever there is a de-
fect in any one of these four attributes, no Itbel ts
It is exclusively the province of the Jury to find
the libel; and in doing it they must find all the four
facts of falschood, scandal, malice, and publication ,
or cise they must pronounce, No Linen. Whether
euilty, or not guilty, must be determined by the
Jurors : and the Judge (who. as his title ierplies, ts
(ie mere voice of the law) is bound by his oath to
pronounce the sentence of the law. ‘The Judge has
no concern ia defermining the fact, that is, the wucé
and the detent; an action is cither guilty or innocent
according to the intent; and as the Jury must deter-
mine the guilt, they are to decide the intend as wellas
the act.
eee ae ——
View original De tine $ OR
Scphin, late Daughter of Dr. Solomon, and
of S.J. Vobias, Esq. who died the 2st of June,
Aved 21,
Cocld Wealth or Beauty stay the fleeting Breath,
Or Medcine’s Charm arrest the land of Death,
The young and virtuous Soputa had not died,
Nor tond Tosias for his Consort sigh d,
Wealth, Beauty Youth and Virtue’s Charins prov’d vain,
The struggling Spirit longer to detain ;
And Med’cine could not trim the Lamp of Life,
Nor save trom Death the Daughter and the Wife,
Clay-cold upon the Coueh—Behold:her lie
Linbalin’d with Tears from Friendship’s streaming Eye!
Mute is that Voice which carolld Song Divine,
And dim those Lyes that late were wont to shine;
(losd are those Li ips that never ulter'd Guile
And when they open'd—opend with a Smile!
The line’ ting Graces weep a last Adieu
To the ale Check that glow'd with crimson Hue;
The Loves, the Graces and the Smiles are fled,
Life’s Pulse stands still—and sweet Soputa’s dead '
Notev'n thy Balm of Gilead’ could prolong
O Sotomon! the Subject of ny Song!
Thy ‘Balm of Gilead, which was wont to heal
In evry Clime—and seldom known to fail!
‘The healing Virtues in sad Mour are fled,
Life’s Pulse stands still —and thy Soputa’s dead !
No Med’cine can the vgal Spark restore,
And she who liv'd to please, shall please no more!
sv when a Rose, upon ils fragrant Bed,
Nipt by untimely Frosts, droops down its Head,
The Shades grew which it was array'd,
And allits short-liv'd Beauties fade ;
~No Florists Art back to its Vold can bring
The blushing Tints—or cause a second Spring!
Macclesfield, ERINCUS.
mmm nena
View original FOR SALE.
TILE front of the northern fore quarter of tot No.
44, with all the buildings thereon, also a large wa-
tervat containing 15 00 i illons or thereabout - A new
bulletree frame 26 feet long by 15 feet wide, one
story high; ariffle gun, bayonet , and cartouch box,
a good sword : also 20,000 ears of corn. Apply i a
town to Cus. Ky Tk, Esq. or on plant. Scotland to
30 Oct. JOHN Mchk AY
View original ANY person wishful of employing a black mat
of a good character, for Mill- or Wheel-rieht. 0)
for any House business, will address themselves te
Mr. S. Tairr, in Canje 6 Noy
View original MARSUAL's OF FICK.
Sales by Execution.
WITEREAS [ the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the [lon. Court of Civil Justice. of this
colony, upon a petition of Hf. ©. Hintzen, under
date of QIst Aug. 1813. versus, the proprictor or pro-
prictors, representative or representatives of planta-
tion La Prat ruc.
Have caused to be taken in Mxecution, and put
under Sequestration, the coflve Estate called
Situate in the lower division of this river, withall its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, and further ap- aml
dependencies thereto belonging.
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in-
tend to Scll, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 6th October, IS13, the abovemen-
tioned cofiee Plantation Lia fraternité, with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves &e. thereto beloneing,
and specified in the laventory laying atthe Manhal’s
Office for the ‘mspection of those whom it may con-
cern, in order to recover from the procecds of said
Sale suel sum OF moucy as wherefore the abovemen-
tioned Estate has been taken in Execution,
All conformable (he Bo eulations of the Hon. Court
of Civil Justice, beasaine date [st January, [S10.
This Sr’ Proclaniation published by beat of dram
as Customary. Berbice, Ql Nov. ISTS.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marsha.
WHEREAS 7 the undersiened, by authority ob-
tained from the fon. Court of Civil Justice. of this
colony, upon a petition of F.C. Hintzen. versus.
the Estate of DLP. Morthier, under dato of 6 March
Maye caused to be taken in Exceution and Sequcs-
tration, Che co diee Dhiotation called
situate tn Cant river, with all its enltivation. build.
Ings, slaves, aud further ap- and dependencics there-
to belorginge. the 4 roperty of said D. Po. Morthier.
Peitthorefore Known, that 1 the undersi@ned in-
tend to Sell ather thee « pirattion of one year and si
weeks, from the oh July, IStS. the abovenamed
coffee plantation ented Goed Land, with all its cul-
tivation, sliyes, busines, and further appurtenan-
ces thereto Deloneine, specified in the Inventory
formed (hereot, laying at the Marshals Oflice, fo
the inspection of these who if may cone om. in ore
der to recover trom the proceeds of said Sales such
sum, as whercture the same has been taken in Eexe-
——— ———a
All conformable to she Reeulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, boasine cate Ist January IS10.
This Ord proclamation published by beat of drum
as Custemary. Berbice, TO Oct. ISTS.
Ik. Freanckers, Fiest Marshal.
WHEREAS Ff the undersiened. by anthority ob-
tained from ihe Hon. Court of Civil Jusdce. of this
colony, Upona petition of J. Bakker and J. ( .Span-
genbera, as the Atlornies of .). MP. van rOleM, Ver.
stis. (he proprictor or proprictors. representative. or
representatives of 1): Viit: "| }) Cn, a / and.
Have cau do to be taken in Exccution and Seques-
tration, the Collee isstate called
si(uate in Canje river, with all its cullivation. build-
nas. sla veS, and further ap- dlh dependencies (here-
Be it therefore knowu, that I the undersiened in-
tend to Sell, aflerthe « » piration of One year and Six
weeks, from the [Sth July ISIS) the abovenamed
cotfee Estate colied Gocd Land, with all its cultiva-
tion, buildings, slaves, and further appurtenances
thereto belonging, as specified ia an Inventory forme
ed thereof, which lays at (he Marshal’s Office for the
inspection of (hose whom it may concern, inorder to
recover from the proceeds of said sale, such sum of
money as Wiierclore the said Estate has been taken
in Execution.
Ati conforinable to the Regulations of the Court of
Civil Justice of this colony, deted [st January, IS10.
This 3rd proctamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 10 Oct. 1813.
KC. Franexen, First Marshal.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, upona petition of J. A. Leisner, underdate
6th March 1812, versus the Exccutor or Executrix
representative or representatives of the Estate of D.
P. Morthier, dec.
Have causcd to be taken in Execution and Seques-
tration the coffee Estate called
View original GOLD LAND,
situate in Canje river, Wiltos'l its cultivation. Caves.
butlding, and further a {ewe aces Cheretu belone-
Be it therefore known thot T the
tend to sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 20th July, IS!3, the abovenamed
coftce Estate Goed Land, with all its cultivation.
buildings, slaves, andfurther ap- and depen tencies
thereto belonging, all conformable to an luventory
formed thereof and now lying at the Marshals Office
for the inspection of those whom it wav concern, ti
order to recover from the proceeds of said Sale, such
suit, as wherefore the same has been taken in execu-
All conformable to the Regulations of the Court of
Justice, bearing date Ist January, IS10.
This Srd Poclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 10 Oct. I8i3.
Ix. FRANCKEN, hirst Marshal.
understenced ine
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Honor, James Grane, Major, and Acting Go.
vernor of the colony Berbice, upon a petition pre-
sented by Rosert Dove LAS, as the Attorney for the
now absent Thomas Fryer Layfield, versus, Ricu.
Ifarnis, said writ bearing date 17th Julv, IS13.
I the uadersigned first Marshal of the Courts of this
colony, shallexpose and scl, at public Pxccution
Sale, on Wednesday the Ist December, 18/3.
The Cotton Estate called IASW ELL,
being the eastern third of No. 1], and western third
of No. 12, containing 333 and 2-3ds. acres. more Or
less, situated on the Corentine coast, with all its cule
tivation, but without Slaves, the property of said R.
Whoever should think to have;
or claim on the aforesid Planun.
es to eppose the sale
ny right, interest
Haswell, and wish-
thereof, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first Marshal,
declaring their reasous for such Opposition ine due
time and form: as I hereby give notice that Twill
recelve Opposition from every one thereunto qualt-
fed, appoint them a day to have bis or her elain:
heard betore the Court. and buriher act Uhereon as
the law directs.
This 4th Proclamation mace hnown
by beat of drum as customary
Berbice, 21 Nov. IS/3
RK. PRANCR EN. First Wa; shel,
{o (he public
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan sppotntment from the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date of
Ist Aue. Loy Upon a pelifion presented by Jas,
Viortson, Wim. Praser, F. Crraham, and Th. hk ‘nny.
Lexecutors to the Will of Gustavus Crraham, dec,
I the undersigned, First Marshal of the Honorable
Vourts within this colony, anc
sid) Executogs.
at ‘he request of afore
: Sun mon bo Viljct
All know ry ana Wn v1) Creclifors af {ie estate of
Gustavus Graham, to appear before the Bar of the
Court of Civil Justice. of this ¢ ony, at their or-
din Ty Sesstons to be lela in (lie) routh of O¢ (ober,
ISI4, there to eshibit and vertiy thetr claims, te
see opposition made thereon, if need, and atter the
expiration of the fourth samuneons by edict, to
ness the © ict» decision aus tothe
relerent ane con-
current nghtof claimants against the satd estate
hither lo proceed according to Liv,
forever debagred their nicht of claim.
This Summon by Edhet made known to the Public
by beat of drum, as customary,
Berbice, 12th Nov. ISt3.
Ke. PRANCKEN, First Marshal.
, anc
on pala of being
View original BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court of Rolls of ¢ ivil Justice, of
this colony, dated 20th July, ISIS.
Pine undersigned First Mershat of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of A.
J. Glastus and B.d. Schwiers, Scquestrators over
Plantation Vrede & Vriendschap, Novit Gedaet, and
half of the Goudmyn, do hereby, for the second time
Summon by Edict :
AM known and unknown claimants on the proceeds
of Plantation Nooit Gedaet, sold by Execution sale,
to appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this co-
lony, at their session of the ordinary Court of Rolls,
(o be held on Monday the 22d November, 1813, and
following days, in order to render their respective
claims tin due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth Sum-
mons, willbe proceeded against the non-appearers,
according to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum, from the Court louse of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to Custom.
Berbice, 5th November, J813.
Ik. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original DY virtue of an appamtinent granted by the Tone
oreble Court of Civil
Inte of Qist Aue. lel3y civen Upon @ petition, pres
sented by VE. Sraan oud UH. Luritens, appointed
Curators fo the insolvent Estate of C. Pockina, dec,
[the undersigaued, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, aud at the request of abovenamed
Justice, of this colony, undee
Summon by Faict :
All known and unknown creditors acainst the [:s=
fate of C. Pockine, dec. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their ordinary ses
sion, to be held in the month of October, 1814, say
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen,
there toexbibit and verily their claims, to see oppo
sifon made thereunto, if need, and after the eXpirae
(ron of the fourth summons by edict, to witness the
CourUs decision as to the preferent and concurrent
right of claimants, and further to proceed according
to Taw, on painof being for ever debarced their right
of clainy.
This Idictal Summons published, posted up, and
further dealt with as the law directs.
Berbice, Ist November, 1X10.
KR. FRANCHIIN, Ns¢ Varsha’,
—_————__ —_——_
e#uaa- : .
View original
GY virtue of an appointment, granted by the
Hon. Court of Civil) Justice of this colony, given
upon a Petition presented by John Layfield, the at-
lorney ot Thoras Bond, ot Lancaster, and Proqries
lor at plantation Lancasier, situated in this colony,
Wider date of 21 Aug. ISTS.
the undersiencd First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts within this colouwy, and at the request of said
J. Layfield, gq
Stanmon Ly Edict :
All known and unknown claimants on plantotion
Lancaster, situate on fhe west Corentin® coast of this
colony, or on the Slaves, and other appurtenances
and dependencies thereto belonging, or on ‘Thomas
ond, for and on account. of aly book debt, bond,
Warlwrive, lewacy, or annuity, arising from oat of
Ihe willof the late Robert Wilson, dec. or othere
Wisc, fo appear b-fore the Court of Civil Justice. of
(his colony, at their a dinary Sessions, which will
be held in the month October ISI4, there to exhibit
and verify thetr claims, to see opposiGion made there
unto We need, and alter expiration of the fourth sume
mons by edict, to witness the Court's decision as to
the preterent aad concurrent right. of claimants. and
firitier to proceed according to Law, on pain of bes
Ing forever debarred their right of claim.
This summon by edict made known to the Publie
hy beat of drum as custoinary—Berbice, 15th Octo.
ber, ISlo.
K. PRANCHKEN, First Marchal.
_—_—_—_— — —*”
View original BY virtne of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justier, of this colony, under date of
loth Nov. ISTY, granted upon a Petition presented
Dy Robert Tait and William Kewley, us appointed
Curators to the Estate of Richard Barry, dec.
Piheun lersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this.colony, and at the request of aforesaid Curators,
Suaninon ky Edict :
All Known and unknown Creditors against the Pse
fate of R. Barry, dec., ‘To appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their Session whick
will be hdd inthe month of July, IS(4, forthe pur-
pose of there exhibiting their demands against said
estate. to verify the same, and if necessary, to hear
objections made against such claims, and furtber to
proceed according to Law, under patn to those who
remain in defiult of coming forward with their dee
mands at the appointed period of being for ever de-
barred their right of claim,
This Sammon by Edict made known to the Public
as Customary. Berbice, 18th Nov. 1813.
K FPRANCKEN, First Marshal,
View original —— . - — _— ar
THE undersigned requests, the Planters will pay
their respective Accounts for Weigh-money, &c.,
up to Ist July, as it is impossible to pay the demands
against the Oflice ; (hose unpaid will be Shortly given
to the Deurwaarder, and several preceding accounts
are in forwardness for Execution.
Berbice, Ist Nov. 1813.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
-~<e_ Too
View original ee
ALL persons having any Claim or Demand against
the Ship Specu/ator, of London, or on the Cargo of
the said vessel, lately Condemned and Sold, are de.
sired to render their accounts to the Agent for the
Committee at Lloyds, within six weeks from (his
date, and after the elapse of that period, the balance
of the proceeds of the ship Speculator and Carga
will be remitted to Mneland, and no further colonial
elaims against that vessel or cargo, be allowed.
Secretary's Office, Oct. 26.
R. C. DOWNER, See,
View original MES —_ Pw we -
Published every Saturday at ’clocl:, p. WM
By W. SCHULZ & (

27 November 1813