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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOTIFICATION, the Resumed sittings o1
the Court of Civil Justice, are further postponed, un-
til Monday the 90th inst. —And the Cowt of Rolls,
until Monday the 12th March.
By Gommand
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
qu SSeS 5 Ears wr wae Ss 3 ee oe eee
REQUIRED for the Civil Commissary De-
partment, the fojlowing Carpenters ‘Louls, viz:—
Mozen mortise chisscls.
Do. hand saw files.
Do. whip do. do.
Comprss saw.
Squaring axes.
Pla irons assorted.
Cross-cut saw.
Brace and bitts.
Prirece rin stone, aid
Ibe. chalk. :
For witch Ten ters willbe received by the Sub-
eccriber, until 10 o'clock in the morning, on Tuesday
the 7th instant, when they will be opened in presence
of His bxcctleney the Governor, aud the lowest, if
approved of, accepted,
Beidvice 4th March, I8t5.,
R. KENZIE, Commissary.

—_ ~~ =
View original TION D#t RS torthree separate parcels Coffee,
Vz: Seve Nn thonsand: peunds, tirst quality.—bive
thin “cond porn ds, brokhen.—One thousand, black ;
the produce of Plintatton P?Lsperance, will be re-
coved at the house of the trstunderstyned in Town,
Wiere sunples are to be scen, ancilévhursday the 9th
Movolyy tistaads wien a hols st offer, if approved
of, will be aecepted.— fur March.
VE. MAURENBREM TER, for self, and
u. SCHW LETS, Scquestiatdrs,
oe a
View original ee =e
TENDERS fur Twelve Thousind pounds of
firs cpnality ‘Colles, Hom) Pitney a hdeard, for
whiel) Fenders will be received until Wednesday the
loth inst. at the house of W. Fraser, sq. where a
sample of the same isto be seen; the “cotlee (o be re-
ceived by the purchaser on the Iestate, and payment
to be made in Coloutel money.
A March. I. CL ABBIINSETS, for self, and
M. RADER, Scquestiators,
PTE NDERS for One Hundred Tyenty Ba-
es of clean Cotton, will be received by the Seques-
eators ot Phat: ation o. 40 and 4b. until Mond: tv the
Is ly Warch, at the Store of Messrs. G. Bone, & Co.
when the highest over, will be acce pled ol,
A March. JAMES TE RASER for self,
and other Sequestraturs,
ee eee —_——__—_—_
canted for the Det aclment 2d Batt. 6Oth
rot. at Port St. Andrew, weekly, One FZundred and
sly Bunches Plantains, to be delivered at the
\yarty at the Fort; for which cash will be paid
every first of the month. —'Tenders to be send to
Ceniatn Noch, at the Fort. Ath March.
—— —_——_
_+—- — — —— _ —— — —— — — --__->-+ —~_+ —____
LOST, drifted or Stolen from opposite the
peemises, occupied by the Commisary LH. Ilendy,
Esty. Punt, measuring from about 25 feet in lenght
to 7 teetin bre ‘ath, p: ainted witha white streek on the
stern—whoever can give information where the same
may be found, will be liberally rewarded by apply-
ing at this Office. A March.
View original voy 1]
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1. A. pp LA COUNT
View original S4£Q £484 §£ UISUVIIS ca 7 Ae CiAGhlls AR assiou eanwe avur
delot Mr. F. L. Mosset, dee. are requested to ren-
der the same, properly attested, to Mr. A. D. Cuche,
for examination ; and those indebted tocome forward
with payment to Mr. EF. Hantze, duly authorised,
before the sitting of the Court in April next.
A March. J. 0. MOSSET, Execut
View original By Permissionof His Excellency the Governor
ed aca ‘
the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that
their next performance will take place on Saturday
wveuing, Ith March 15!5,.t the premises of John
Clapham, Lsg. Lot No. ly.
Light and Slack Rope, &c. &c. Se.
Signor Carlajena will place a Chair on the tight
rope, Which willbe surrounded with Fire Works,
will Balinee himsclfin the chair with a Snn Flo-
wer-hire Work on his head, and will continue un-.
Gil itis burnt one.
Signora Brito will please a Chair on the tight rope,
will balance herself with a Sun Flower-bire Work
at each end of the pole.
Signor Brito will dance on the tight rope witha
Child on his Shoulders and one to each loot, and
with them perform many curious Feats, will put
them down and take vp two bigger children and
perform the same.
On the Slack Rope.
Signor Brito will fasten a Sword, and supporting
himsell by his hands, fis feet in the air, will ba-
lance himself with his head on the Pov.t of the
sword, and many other entestaining Feats he will
perform on the slack rope.
Tumbling, Sc.
Signor Prito will place a ‘Table in the middle of the
Floor, and on at place a Chair with the feet up-
wards, to one of the fect be will fasten a Davger,
and placing a Dollaron the point of it, will balance
himselt on his head thereon with his fect in the
‘Phe Clown will Exert himsclf forthe Anausement of
tha Comprny.
To conclude withd(he most admired Pantomine, called
y I
Piices—Grown Persone 3 Dollars,
Children one Dollar.
—_—< ee
Doors opened at 5 o’clock, performance to begin at 7
in the Evening.
Tickets to be had at their dwelling house (belonging
to Mrs. Lindner) on Lot No. 10.
View original ae - £& © 020264840820 BR Swe = “ss
This is to inform the Pubic, that the following
Persons intend quilting this colony.
John Dow and his child named Joli August, in six
weeks from 4 Feb.
W. Broderick in 6 weeks fram 4 Feb.
David Dwine in 6 weeks from 10 Feb.
A. Fleury in6 weeks trom 1S bebruary.
D.C. Scheidius in do.
Ren Sete and childin do.
The free black woman Zephire in do.
David Miller in do.ftrom do.
C.G. R. Eckhard in 6 weeks from 25 Feb.
J.B. Stapel in do.
Wm. Luff in do.
Walter kennedy iv do.
J. A. Hicken and family indo. or S months.
P. (larrivelle and a mulatto servant in do. er do.
John Fraser (Pl. Kilcoy) with the April convoy.
James Fraser with do.
The free mulatto woman Elizabeth Servy will quit
the colony Berbice.
The free mulatto woman Philippina in 6 weeks from
Keb. 25.
Notice ts hereby given, that a month after date the
following Lransporrsand Mortgages will be passed.
Feb. 18. Wm. Lawson wiil transport to Demcrary
200 Negroes.
J.G. ‘Sout qq. will transport to Demerary, 3 Ne-
grocs, Qamacd Bristol, Gloucester and Jancuster.
View original
View original the one eight part of Lot No. 7, within the first
empolder of the town New Amsterdain.
——- James Fraser will pass a mortgage in favor of
J. 11. L. Maurenbrecher, as Representative of
Sampson Sharp and Batard, to be vested on Pln.
Belladrum, or No. 6, Canje, and on 73 Negrve
Jolin Tapin will transport to Sam. Taitt, Plan-
tation No. 50, West Corentine coast, and 76
Negro Slaves, and all otber appurtenances to the
sume belonging.
—— San. Taitt will pass a mortgage in favor of JJ.
Tapin, for the purchase moncy of PI. No. 50
and the Negroes.
March 4. R. Harper will mortgage unto J. G. Jones,
14 roods of land, of fot No. 22, with the build-
ings thereon, situated in the first empolder of
New Amsterdam.
—— H. Downie, n v. will passa mortgage on Plana
{ation Retreat aud on 62 Negroes, in favor of
Bolton and Littledale, of Liverpool.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
NO'TICE—AI] persons having any Demand
against John Frraser, Esquire, of Plantation Kilcov,
or on the late Firm of John Fraser & Co. are request.
ed torender such demands for payment; and such
persons as yet remain tadebted to the late Firm of
Jobn Fraser & Company, or to John Fraser, are earns
estly entreated to settle their accounts, previous to
his departure from this colony in April next.
Secretary’s Ollice, 25 Feb- 1815.
R. C. DOWNER, See.
—_— ——
View original Se a ee EE ee
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
13th January IS15, for Letters of Manunission :
The Negro woman Cumba, assisted by A. G. Cale
mer, for herself and her three children, Llizabeth,
Lrences, and Susannah.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whoin it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
ofsaid Letters of Manumission,that they may address
(homselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the atoresaid Petition.
Secrelary’s Ollice, Berbice, 28th January 1814.
R. C. DOWNER, Ser.
View original KING's HOUS®&,
Wdth February, 1815.
THE Licutenant-Governor has been pleased
lo appoint Roderick M’Kenzie to be Civil Commis-
sary, vicc, W. Scott resigned. By Command,
PF. WITTE, Goy. Sec.
6 ee
View original EG
THE Subscriber finds it impossible to conti-
nue giving credit at this Office, for Letters, he there-
fore requests such gentlemen as are in drrears for
Postages, to come forward with immediate payment;
and none need apply for Letters (atter this notice)
Without the means ‘of paying forthem. Post Office
hours are from 9 o’clock inthe morning till S o’clock
in the affernoon, which will be regularly attended,
(Sundays excepted) and no Leiters or Newspapers
shall be delivered before, or after the above stated
tunce.—18 Feb.
R. McKENZIE, Act. Postar.
——__-~ ee,
View original BROUGITT into Custody by the Sub) cuiber,
a brown Horse, belonging to Mr. A.B. bis: hors if€
the same is not claimed after three times notice, will
(han be soldat public vendue.
25 Keb. J.A. DEHNERT, Sheriff.
View original TENDERS yor COFFEE.—8 or 9000
Lbs. first quality, and 8 or 900 Lbs. of broken Cot-
lee. Lenders for the above quantity, the produce of
Plantation Goedland, will be received at the house
of the second undersigned, until Wednesday the 15
March, and if approved of, accepted—payment to
be made in ash. (:.P.vaxn HOLST,
25 Feb. M.S. BANNEV I, Seq.
= OO _ > F
View original . , ’
an appli Yc lI >| ] | ! ay
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i Cl AWAAUA 4 ‘
View original DEN oniterget>c ‘ne voornemens zynde in
kort deze holome te ve vlan en, verzoekt (en vricnde-
Iykee aan cen degcly sk, waarmede hy openstivmnde
Tekening heelt, dit ten spocdieste te verelfeucn, ten
cinde hem in staat te stellen zyie engageme nten tc
Tet bevordering van spoedize cn eecleverde afleve-
ring vanuit urogpa herwaards gweconsigneerde coe.
deren, proponeerd denon lereetechonde aanalle Plane
fers en favwooners dezer kolome, cen rut webouw,
metal netelaartoe be rodiz le, celegen in bet midden
derer Stad, ain cde voordam, fol ecn zoozeniamde
Vrymans pukliuts te appropriecre n, in maniere als te
voren bier in de holouic ecbrutkelyk is geweest, op
zoodante yplin en konditie aly val kannen worden
ovcreengehomen; verzockende hy ondere teekende
de Planters en andere zich daarloe Jnclinerende, zich
dan hem. teu eiade gelteve lo aderessere,
ee ee
TAP undersigned o [Te r for Sale, Qin adailton lo x hat
fhe have on han ud from other farporlations ) dle
flowin chow articles yrnnorted from Loudon,
pa LIT ONDA, clu De mila lt, which the J wcll
dispose ef, rile py fer imaredtat payment, vr 5—
LONDON brown stout in bottles, old Port
wine, Hoffuan’s rast) erry and cherry brandy, ditto
fine French olives tn hil! pia th les, real Cognite
brandy and Hoth ts gin per piece, Northryyilstitre
and pone clrteses, able vose butter in firkios, OVS-
lers puta
auf barley, vinegar in gues, rellacd suiuc, gent
Haar byt. clothings, Con (hii ol COnts, Dlach s th,
cadaicie, stk stripe, Cotleaetio and adler waistcouls,
ToMineton’s Ovetal >| uit pia Cd Maretiia dresstare
O lheht ma anny hop te fiessttue and We ‘ington.
(4) 5 al rc “SNe h; all do. i and I hanteys stron shoes
yon buehles, fashionable silk uambrollis amd ladies
J ee (| Fra i's fishu }) ible wathhine sticks, r Jo.
groin dow hae preces vith oa . pins ancl touch bioles
Pr ere see ne 6 6ercsel Le. } ;
locks) IOP ANAT, PLE ates, mrial pous
Gouistead ta the hishest. s » poche and other piy-
tes, cleenst Oinecr swore nith belts amd hrots,
pad sth casheannd wold epatiets, eun-epowder and
ale fo doaessbour! sitting desks and dressing cases
Courtitey cua hocn’s nvho any tuol chests con
oletedy furnished wth the very best materials. choise
fracnessesse Tuk y sacddics and bridles, an as. oi tae
of whips. plated spmis 4 aan wifhautsilver chains,
mabocany sewing glosses. clecant vase lunps wit
vl b lyt.stss do. Ui time Coin] lete, Ca lenoon atl
bhidiees deck and vate suk stochinw, cotton. doe.
’ ° ' '. ! itl e ’ : . /
t!,- PO. Qdekh vives, y! bake dNeh s \ yr | Deayes
. or dine he Dlies ereen- and mixed Uroad
White Merala wastes. scerlet. blue. and
le tuble Covers. fing Large « amit reanes, India
dete 5) - _— FF
‘an, Masguita Hello, COULOM A {dinen clreches pla-
! , Co (jad AICI i f. aie ’ Wh parlors, rrasha 9 eee
' ¢
assoruinc al ot Cl cry Vic re yh) bg Co ETUC elon
sells Or bors biles and forks, silver terre
and ital 1 | 1) LSS baLUI SS AC. a complete al rt
Neh. O11 Didtss at babe tre Consist Foi all Kinkas 0
} 4 « :
lo es c'? | ) le . 1c (0% 8, ball 2byhel (| ol Ses PPS intterbd®
aha he dles, waincol Pulbieos, Goor bd Is, SS lar >
ard srvecd ate IS, (CIATV HOS. sthoves . an
' : . 1) 7 .
Cyc usse ss, Cae wer. *a]) ® POTICEN, HATTER IN, Cr
old | stut\y } ! =) US, (Ca ke es, Chil- yoo ar
3:.\\ Ute, (ul. \ ssorted, beons of bills of ex-
YL. heaves re
charwze wad de fe Mealy b und, eno ana tio Quire
beooles, cf Gil, sou and « Nhs stugll box-
: 4 ’
CN. acl rilatyt OO e ! \ al ( Martin S tle vii . al si sve
ut ol ty es COmsistitne Of lonce aad lia
;: / ' - ro]
boy ’ e : i[f- aureate (mice funiture, shoeet vsthe and
1] ’ | | D } . Crt
bath tor . al Deeds And Ucbeds., Gib assorti Chl
° ’
of cui chisseacive, Oonaburgs and thread, a large as-
GOrlne f Ob Lelio ¢ olliug of Che bes! qualitv, Ly] aga -
Jets, Xe. GEO. VON & Co.
Nig. No vew accounts opened until the eld ones are
scitled. iS leo.
View original r+ '_
FOR SALE acomplete sett of the Lucyclupe-
Jia Po. avesy iin exectleot taht Chaise and a good
cliaise fier cy ay alsa CO sheep. Application tor the
piieuieot the above, may pe made to the subsert-
ber, oo plantiGon Allows, West Corentine coast.
©) heb. Jno. FRASER.
a ——— _ —
Tnccores! ia de Gunso Jacona Lours 4, TaN
Amslordum, entehoop by den ondergetechonde,
levens CRU prijseit, de wolwesile, door kem selys
witeezochie besie aruhelcit, leweelen:
OUDE rode, Mailaga, and Rhynse wynen,
Wikearea, gencver, Wyneazyn, Sclster water, vicesch,
hou, wors', cerookt vicesch, rol pens, haring, boter,
hase, bloemeccl, suurkool, cedrowgde tain! ooonen,
meel, perleort, lich: Gort. tyne i bak, py pen, egote
haareen, lyi-olic, withoud, eeutere veri- Wari, jaedi-
cynen, papier, inkl, schiyi-pennes, Auiken, tinnens,
Bite sche bonte Ly ZW “arth luientyny, teats, batist, greie
plamscicu litten, &c.
»y Feb. Iirt No. 29.
eee eee ee
View original
View original >
View original CO’ a rm SE wa a ee ee Se ee
MARCH aria 31 DAYS.
ID. of nases Of the Moon, Holidays, HH.
M. OW. Phenomena, &c. "eM
}) Wy Dawid. i ¥yEooa
2) Ph] Lest Quarter, 6h. 16m. evening. 1 | 1s
3 [° Neup ‘Tides. | { ! o
4 |S ay log
5} Xu Jdth Sunday in Lent. 3;
O'M | Court of Rolls. ey
> ine C8 01D —
7) ‘Cul Perpetua. I
GO) "bh | 459
10) # | New Moon, Ith. 29m. evening. 5| 4
rit Ss Sprig Vides. OD poo
12) Sn | Sth Sunday in Lent. Gregory. O) 2
Si M 60 OU
[14} fu 7 | o
rs | W 7 [42
16 | Th S12
(71 FE { St. Patreeh 9} 13
IS] S Ldwe he WS. ist Or. 11. OF meev. | 10] 16
[9 | Sn Palin Sunday. Neap Pides. 1) | oS
wy Nf Vb) $2
oO] | Nul Benedict. Sum Erters Aries. P) oS
92 | \V | verttal Jiquinox. ae
07° Th | Str tsaanc Newton died 1727. SAT
a] | Good Friday. yp
27,8 IE. baw. F ull} foor, Sh. toa ser. | Ot fe
IG) Su | Master Sundiy. my ring aides. , 5 o4
O7 |) Miof elaster Mondiv. of
diy | Tu] datseua ‘Pucsduys- 1 7. 8
O91 \\V | 7 [41
LO bh bo & ly
Jd) de [984
sr SS Ss ewe nee eae a
— —— — ae ee ~2 eee
Ou Monday the Gthof March, next. apd sollow ine
- ays, Vall be said to Cie Laest baadessy by ordero
Jie b xeculors oF The lave Sire. PE. dS. Busey (he cous
ce Piintadons LUSP POR ROSE and PROVI-
pow, Inthe river berbtee; and Gieeotton Mla
fKaca ZWLZte vy on the west sea coast of berbice,
(Oo lie r wilh about 600 oe Sy wba cattic, fureguare
dowaathuthermay appenr. J or tem sof safe and
vtlier parlculais, application moy be made lod. A.
de ta Court, sq. or tu
NB. Vhe wie walbooke place on the respective Ds-
] }
teats Sy all, (| Cub Puce (}] & "ok Joh pieciy ly al
protien Last tot Iavat,
Ga Boats will be ready ou Monday next et To'clock
ja the waoiaing, al ie stelling of Me. sebhare
horst, to convey intended) purchasers. Paenia-
tion Providence Will be sold on Thursday, and
Bree cc Tred QO!) Saturday next.
D.C. Cancros, Dep. Voulue Afaster.
On Mone ty March Io, will be sotd at the house
and by oder oF Ale. e vin Troy ny on Sot No. 2,
a geacral assortment of Dalcu provisions, clarce and
hock, spa water, “! 1, dry woutls, lumber, Sac.
By order’ Ths. Papin, Lsy. S excelicnd saddle and
1 gts horse.
Also LU Gozen Madeira wine, Champaigue, froo-.
tignac, clare!, Cous'andia ws isms, See,
b. C. C AMERON, Dep. bendue Master.
On Wednesd: ay lo fare hy, with he sold at Planta-
tion Geanies, a {lock of c ttle, in high condition and
of a superior breed, payable in S months.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original _—_ CO ee ———
$$ _____ OT ,
On Thursday, the 16th instaut, willbe soldi onthe
spot, Plantation Manchester, Correntyn Coast, with
aft ils buildings and cultivation, a schooner boat, 36
feel Keeland to icet beam, 50 head cattle, about 100
sheep, a chaise and harness, 2 gig lurses and a sad-
dle hoise, household turniture, plate, &c.
On the same day end place the Plantation No. 75,
or Spring Garden, situated ow the West Correntyn
Coast, with the buildings thercon, consisting et a
dwelling house, a coffee logie with suitable outbuild-
tyes. — "Phere are 80,000 colfce trees on this Estate,
50,000 of which are now in full bearing—also 50
acees in plautiins, and in good order; possession to
be viven onthe day of sale, of Plantation Mancbester,
wd of Plautavou Sprivg Garden ou the fist day of
View original order (Cs. 1 7 vanttoldst, in
ality Pelibe: | \ i the
late J. Al Leicnes Wer et In
a i@. fie fra ' - NI . of
eold and silver Cn ! > dent
Uv »| | {} lc} ‘ \ ) el,
furniftare, olass- and - Ware, roves (4 of
Mem exe is cn ), auiW lor WOe«e
niin, carpenters le hoy | Lhew
Ccorlaci wet Si’ > eCcCes
of Dill (ree Viarior fcitree and
cralywood fy ) Werk
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View original
View original
View original — — _ -—--— SS Se
EE O° So -
séTURDAY, MARCI 4, 1815.
— =
This moruing we received, zia Deincrary, our
Detter Bag for January, the Newspapers are nee
yet come up—but byan arrival from Barhador, we
have reccize some important intelligence, of which
wcehave select ihe wost interesting extracts.
The Mail wilthe closed here on Saturday the Vth
justant, ab Oe'clock in the morning.
— een Ss 0)
View original eee se
The Proceeding of (he Congress of Vienna are far
from (he Bao ledee of the people of those Countries
that bave Representatives in that august body, AS
they were from the commencement of their conter-
ences. Many Coniectures are hazarded ; some, in-
decd, are of opinien, Chit the disc iasions wall not be
aie: tbly tenuimated ; but, as it would be useless to
dwell upon what time alone can deve ‘lope, we must
patiently await (he event, in the hope that a lasting
Peace will be the conseque sce of the delay that has
thus tases place
View original
View original *:

> 1)

( .

’ i ’


. 4

} .
) ,
5 \

. ( Ve } ( he j re ~
View original oonsidered cqual to Wines, and thot thy
royal hono s; thatnotoels ill tie ven.
i lectors houses, Dutalse one ( Nh oy Os;
was Inferior im rank toca.) fives rig
digot'v 3; dastly, that sw. ent th.
Our Cermanrelidions fo ab ote «
yal Houses es thas aitied tr
Cite lroatest Chrous ta the works ccd
connection iuorded nanichl protection a
toOGrnnany Comsiderin: all these ciycurstan
baive therefore resolved, splaris cthereto the a
blessing, tocrect our German Stales into ys
and to assnme for them (he Gile ev Kine oy 4
Phits step, previously ap roved by inary p wees,
having been to the 12th of Octob reo anic ted in
it note, by our Cabinet Minister, Couat Murister, our
first Plenipotenti try atic Codgress af Vion, to tie
chiet Courts of kuroepe. We hereby commana all
our faitful subjects an: f pablicanthorifies, o cupl +
im future in all acts, &e. instead of tics ola tithe, chat
of King of the United tin edom of Great Brita vl
Ireland, Wing ot Hanover, Duke of braaswica a wid
Lunen burg, het.
Giveniat CerltonsTouse, 6 ts Gots day of October,
IST 4, iu th DIU youre. roisnol kis Jlayestyy
our Futher.
The following ‘ssal tl to be corract Abstracts of the
Preaty betweenthis Coun’sy andthe Caited States s—
Art. L. ‘The firstarticle orovidesst. i dias ities
Ire tu carse as soomas the die fy sa hoc ritticd by
both partics, all tertivsies Crxea possesston of by
eqdher party to be restored, caxcepting the Pslands ta
the Bayor Passa unaquoddy ; thevare torermain ia the
possession of the respective Ponwcrs, in whose huis
they then are, until itisdecided to wiom they belung,
coording to the waereem mu of a former Treaty.
Immediate! y acter the ratilieatgon of this ‘Treaty
by i lh parties, as hereinat! erinentioned, or. lors shall
he sent tothe armies, squadrons, officers, subjects,
ind ciuizens of the two Powers, to ecase trom all lose
(ilities; and to prevent ali cause of cor ap) faint which
mivrht arise on account of the prizes which amy be
taken at sea cotter tthe sa.d ratifestions of this Py iv
itis raciproc. Ww neared, tact ell vescets an cileets
fyken atler the space of twelve Gye fromthe rot leq.
. a
(ion, upon all parts of Che corst ot Ovo Vin ticey
. , \ ° !
from the leditude of 50 decree gy. andes weeny. ward
. . . Cc * '
in the Atlantic Ocean os toe 1 “eal lone
wifod ry) 1} eeiclinre . oo ’ ee bee
1d! . OO ( 1¢ il Cl | af) a ® ‘ ‘ !
f ! - ry 4 ? > ’ } 7 - ‘ ' .
storcdowear le side. ‘biat Litne tibe DO claves
' . . . . 1?
roll OUbk Pr pitts ob t. beh ob Lie equi-
noctial line Qy Cart) we “lb € me fc 4 Lig
rrvy (OD ) ; . " ¢t ( , : .
borilisiy aha f j wT NAS, flor tle Gru may
and all parts of the West Indies: 40 d :
North Seas, for the Baltic, aul forall pasts of the
Mediterranean : 60 days for the Atlantic Ocean S. of
the Equator, aod ae tar es the ladtude of the Cape ot
(food Tlope,; 90 days for every offer part of the
‘voc, south of (he equator; and 120 diys fur the
other parts of the world, without exe: ption.
his article relates to the mutual resioration of
4. Relates to the Islands in the Dory of Passama-
qioddy. One Comnissiener ts to be appointed by
eych Power, who are to decide to which Power, those
Islands re spective lv belong, agreeably to the tnten-
tion of the T reaty oO! “1783. lf the Commlstoners cans
not agre:, reference is lo be made to some friendly
Sovereter to leetie.
9,6, 7. elses tothe Tine ofbonndary, avreeably
tothe Prestyof Toso. The boundary fine is toile
throach th hh ok of tae River St. Lawrese , ood
of the several bark noctively. Teds asees toy ta
decide where tac ratdale is, an) toowbich Power tas
[ands near the middle of those Lake Dy QO. POSE Ce
lively belong.
S States that the Caminisioners are to apy on!
Surveyors and Cleiks, &c. and to provide for thier
paso nt.
Relates to the Indians. It is agreed that eh
of the (woe Powers Is to inake peace with the J .dians
who have jotned in the waracviast (hear: and to ree
store them to the priv log ; co thoy possessed pre-e
vious to the war, provided thet tbe [ndiins refrain
from a,gression, and condiuce thoamselves peaceably.
10. Both Powers agree (o coutiane thetr efforts to
procure the abolition of (ie a Vrade.
‘This Treaty, when the same shall have been
railed on both sides, without alteration by cither of
(he condraicting partis, aud the ratifications mnutnally
exchan: ed, shall be bonding cn both parties s and the
ratifieaticns shall be oxchan sed at Washineton in
the space of four monhis frou this date, or sooner if
practicable, —Diated vic Gee. is !4, and it wes sien-
edit six P.M.
[ ‘The subjects of Cie fieheries and Lidia Trads ro-
bably from supplooentary ardcles of the Proat
ra Se A oe WIR ER”
DIED) J. A. Leisaer, Bsq. aved 65, an old andie
pectable Tahabitant of Gis couiy.
ee ee es
View original
View original MWARSHAL s OFFICE
BY virtucof an Order from His Exce!leney
H. W. Buxtrwex, squire, Licutenant-Goveiior
of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, &c. &c.
under date ic | Join t yziven upon a Peiitfon pre-
sented by fl. C. Eimtzen. Notice is hereby given
to the Public, th rat th ’ De ht tor which Plantation La
Froternit®, situate inthis Raver, the property of the
Heirs of the late Widow &poron bora van Deinse,
was pleased under Sequestration, baving been arcane
ged, the sand plantation [, a Vratern \ : is hereby re-
Icased from Execution and Scquestvation.
Berbice, “1 a o » 1515.
PR (Ne EN, First Marshal.
PURSUANT to a Surrender in Exceution
made by A. A. de la Court, as the general Attorney
of Otto William Eantsheer, now absent from the co-
lony, ta favor of Kits Pranchen, and tn consequence
ofa Writot Gyzeting, served for that purpose on
the said ALA. de la Courtin capacity aforesaid.
the undersigaed intend to Sell, at Public exec ve
Sale, in the pres arce of two Counectlors Camnitssn-
ries and there Secretan vyon WWoeJdnesdae ty the Oth O!
March, IS15, at the Court House of this colony, al
Ll of lock in the torcaoon of (hat day :—Uhe front
half of Lot No. 46, second Empolderol tice Town ol
New Amsterd: voy with all the buildings therey pon
viz,—a capital Duelling house, bullettree frame, (wo
Stor’ Les end awhalf high, tong 4 t ly 22 tect in bre: wdil,
divided in two large eh ane rs, under a Efall, anda
Chenber on (op, and two very good Ch; imbe rs up
Stairs, together with a Gallery a back of the house,
with a Side building being a hitcheoa witha brick
fire place and oven, a stuall chamber for servants
nextto the hilchen, a necessary. witli a pigeon loft
attops aSide braldine being a chatse house, horse
Sand fowd) beuse with an excellent chamber in
top: abn} lineg. being a new one, innde for Negroe
houses, and divid doin different chambers; also a
Garden with different fruit (rces of all deseription ;
andan entirely new house Praine, of butlettree wood
with a rill cy aback of it, sanding up blocks, and
lufended ta be a dwetltnug house; and fastiv, two
wier Vats, and anew railing of Lats round the
Whole Lot,—the propaty of OW. Lantsheerafores
Whoever shonhl think horselfentile ‘ fo Oppose
the Exee ition Sele ot atorcsatrc trait L, to No. $0 and
baildties, tet such persons now shires | Liemsel ves
to mic tlie Uhl Voy real cle clarke threw boas tor so
doing indie toe ned tonn, ts Phereby etve nottee,
that ] will ECE rok : )) Orsi WoO Peay every oe
Derson, appoint icin a dey toheve lis or her chatny
heard be vce wie Court, aod turther act hh road as (he
Law directs.
This First Proclamation made kaown lo (he Pablic
as cus‘omary.
Kerbses, 26 Me bruary, TSES.
K. bf Ranexcn, First Marshal.
View original o-—-— -
BY viriue of cnextract from the Minutes of
the Proceedines of the Conrt of Civil Pustec, of Chis
colony, dated the fGth Pecenber, ISA, aivenin the
cause entitled Waa. Gordon, obtained ofa Pensl fae
tercdiet, Piainfiff: verses, the Proceedings in bexecu-
tion, institited by Phomas Dryer Layfield, Detend-
ant. Notice Is boreby given to the Pubtic : > Phat
the Execution Ste of the hereundermentioned Ne-
grocs. which were Alvercsed for Sate on the Sth ol
May bist. but which sale was (han opposed, will now
VOSITiVe ly t ale vytcac coon \W ednesday the Sth and
Dhursday (ie Stu of March, I815, vizs—
The Newroes Georee, Leach, Ashford, ) To be sold
Diana, Afbok, Bob, Contentment, Cad-€@ ov 2P0n.
min, Duncan, descamina, Mleanor, So-@ No. 41,
phia and ber chiid, Corentyn
Audion Thursday the Uh March, 1815 ) To be sold
the Negroes Cupid, Lilly, Willian, @€ on PLo.
Hunnah, Mareerech, Cupid, January,@ No. 79,
Helena, and Abaniba, Corentyi
All conformable (o the New Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 20th An-
gust, ISTS.
Whoever should think hinself entitled to oppose
the aforesaid LExcention Sale, let such persons address
themselves tothe Marshals Office, of this colony,
declaring their reasons for such opposition in due.
time and form, as Thereby give notice, that Iwill res
ceive opposition from every infermediate person, aps
point them a day to have his or her clatms beard be-
fore the Court, and furtheract therein as the law di-
rects.—Beibice, [7th February, ISIS.
K. FRANCKEN, Jirst ALarshal.
View original
View original Yohn Layfteld, as Attorney of Tho:nasGudgeon, of
Stoke Newinelon, near london.
Notice 1s hereby cviven to ie ei iy that I the un-
der rsroned intend te sell, at Public Execution Srles in
the presence of two Cotncellors Comoitssaries and
lets Secretary, onthe first comine Monday in the
month of Vi: Vy S15. the Cotton [ate called It d,-
ATORACIN, situated on the Correntyn coast of (1
colony, with all its cullivation, Duildines, slaves, and
fur the ra ppurt nances thereto belonaiue,. all ol which
an laventory as also the Terms of Sele, are to be seen
atthe Marshal’s Office during the hours of duty 5. said
state being the property of Simon [*raser.
Whoever should think himself entitled to oppose
fhe Iixecution Sale of above Estate Kilmorack, let
such persons address themselves at the Marslial’s Of-
hee, declaring thetr reasons for so doing, ind
aml form. as | hereby IVE notice. that | the wocer-
aiyned will receive opposition from every person
thereunto qualified by law, appoint them a day to
hove his or her clatm heard besore the Court, and
further act therein as the law directs.
This 4th Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, the 29 January, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
NB. Phe above named Sale is to lake place on
{rie spot.
ue time
View original —_——_——_—_ —_—— — __— ———_—_—_—_ SS =_
BY virtue ofan Appointment from (ue HLonorable
rurtol Civil Justice, of this colony, dated the 17th
ccember, ISt1, given upon a Petition presented by
/Francken, as First Marshal, tor and im name ob
V Gordon, as together with Jovan Fraser and locus.
lrasery the surviving Attoraies gutathy and severally
or Donald M’Leod, of Geanics, in the County ou.
Ross, North Britain.
Notice is hereby vivento (he Pabitc, that I
bic) ites intend to Sell at Publte bexecution Ste
in the pre sence of two Councellors Commi osarics act
their Secretary, on Wednesday the LAot March dst,
firstly, the Cottua Estite called Gil A \Jils, roared
onthe Correntyn coast, with all its seul My Shave
buildings, and further appurienances Here to b long
ingy—and secondly, the ower ly Hit ol lot No. €O..
situate in the Correntyn river, oowhich &
luventory may be seen, as also of Gic Perms of Sule,
at the Marshals Olhce, Quting the hours of duly ;
said Estates being the property of J. l. SP Leod and
Joln ethane.
W buever should think binselfentided to an nose
the execution Sale of the two abdovernenmoncd lis.
Cates, let such person Of persons addtess tietnsciye
fo ihe Marshals Oibee, declatwg their reasou for
sodotis,asl herby eive notice, that | will receive
Opposiliion from evcry one thereuntoqgualilied by lays,
ppointthema day to have lis or her claun heard
re the Court, and turdher act thercuias the Law
dhais 4¢t Proclamation published as customary.
Berbice, 29 January, IS 15 oo.
KORA NCKION, Firet Marshal.
Qtcs an
The Sale of said states is fo Gras place on the,
) an WCUVE S] Vis.
weow Wie .T.,.}
> a i RA \CKEN, it { - Farshal.
vw. fr 7 ‘ » ‘ a i: . . .
BY virtue of an bxicact from tie Court of
Civil | Justice, of (has cocony, dated J7th January,
Isi5, wiven in the cate entitled Phs. bk. Le ytield,
one ot the dexecutors to the Kotate ef Khe late Robert
WVoapew by ttn Allon! CY Ol ‘| Mi has Sond : another Ol
(he Lixecutors and one of the Elcirs of said Re. Wale
sony and of HP. Staal appointed tn the place of W.,
Dodeson duriag dis absence trom the colony, Plaine
Gills by be dict, versus, all Clanuants on the procecds
ot Plantation HMernit ug y CUM ANNEX Is, Detendants.
by dedict. Tithe undersigned do hereby Summon by
Edict; All Claimants oa the proceeds of Plantation
Hermitage, cum annexis, t oO appear before the Court
of Rolls, on Monday the Gth of March, JS15, and
following diy Ss at the Court House of this colony ;
there to render in th ir claims, to verify the same,
and further te procecd according to Law.
This Suratwons by Edict published as custemary.
Berbice, Olst January, (S15.
Kk. Francken, First Nawshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 16th Janumry 1815, given in the cause entitled
'Y. Staal and ti. Luthers, appointed Curators to the
Jusolvent state of C. Focking, deceased, Plaintuils
by Idict, versus, all Known aud unknowa ‘creditors,
against the Lstate of Cornelis Fockiug, dec. De eer
dants by Iedict. Lthe undersigned do hereby Sum-
mon by Edict: All known and ‘unk nown creditors
against tne state of C. ockmg, dec. to appear be-
fore the Court of Rolls, on M onday the 6th March,
1515, and following days, at the Court House of this
colony ; Chere torender in their claims, to verily the
same, and further to proceed according to Law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu-'
biic by beat of drum from the Court House of this
lony.— Berbice, Stst January, 1815,
Wb RANCALYN, Birt Marshal,
View original
View original EF. FOR AMS TERDAM. ‘the ne Ww be
DERBICTAAN, Cornelius Rah, Master, \ 0
sail the Sth of March nexti—for freight apply
lL} Feb. G. PAUELS of Tho. EIN GZ
ei Kh s FOR A Nis STERDAM. ico brie Go-
aed ara Scuba Loursa, Tuanes Joloainissen,
Vaster, will sail Che 2othof Marchnext, for Bro. cat
apply to (i. PAUELS and
ts beb. HW. Cc. HIND ZN.
pike ~LOR LONDON, the f. ist saili . rie
eer onan, Joa Pav,» later, stuuds WV. fat
Lloyds, conp rand copper fastened, will po oo _
sil widh the April conyvoy—for freight apply tov.
alaster on boar J ar Cr. PAL UTS.
Capt. Pavy has excellent accommodatron foo oa -
seners, cad offers for Sate a consignment of « 7
provis trans rad dry euods, }) !
Wy ho has for Sate a fine lone boat, which nulls:
may hably (rst and carrics well.
— — — Ee ————— — _
e - -_
ALLI ic de wenen die iets te vorde ren hebben,
ofte verschuldiod zyn, aan den ondergetechenc
echteve betaling te doen aan den lfeere Chs. Rulec! 1,
die zyn quitantte zal valideren, en ook dtreloe bor.
line zal duen,—18 Feb. J.J. TICE 8.
View original ee
PHOSE having Claims, er are indebted to
(he undersivzacd, / ty call for payne nt to Clp. Pu.
lach, besa. and aad ‘payment to him, as his reced)
will be rekauw ted zed ta tall.
IS beb. J. a. MILAN.
KOR S, A LLE, iwo Excellent | fle ali thy S {
One AVEEY oO { Washer wome Iya yraad Coo “5
house servant—the other a boy, whois alsow 2
Cook and bonse Servant; both healthy and stron
Payable in cash or produce to satishiction, and toa
sohid purchaser, a shorter dit will be given,
bor particulars enquire at this Oflice.
IS Feb.
vy ik undersigs: cd being wishful to leave tiris
colony within six weeks from date, jor Demerar,,
where he intends continuing to repair Watcues,
Clocks, &c. Assures his Fricids (x ho will favor bin
with theirorders) of accuracy, dispatch and modera'e
otiaree s. ‘Phose who are indebted to him, please to
conse fesward with pavinent, to enable hia of sct-
‘tins with these to whom Ihe is wMidebled. Several
Watches which he bas repaired, remain uncalled
for; he informs their owners that he intends sciliag
them at Vendue to recover his Charges for repairing
them, if not called for within one month after date.
IS keb. A. FLEURY.
RECELVED per the brigs Berbiciaan, He-
ham, and Goede Versa chting, a choice assortment
uf wines, liquors, provistais, dry zouds, &c. which
will be sold very reasonable, for iamediat payment.
1 Peb. J. if. SCHLARHORST,
ome oe ae ae
CRABWOOD LUMBER, of all descrip-
(ions, tor Sale very reasonable, if taken by farce
quantities, apply to A. G. Caliner, in town.
Feb. G. PAUETLS, qq.
The Manners of Proceedings before the Court of Civil
Justice, in English and Datch.
The Chi ier of the colony Berbice, in Pnelish.
The new Duteh Constitution, in Dateh.
Coffee Certificates, Bills of exe hange and Lading,
All kind of Books, blank and ruled, Quilis, Pencils,
Ready made Ink in Bottles, &c.
Hollandsche Kognossementen.
View original

4 March 1815