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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1815.)
View original a
Twelve dollars p. annum.
—————— nN
View original ———————— eee
NOTICE—Thos@ gentlemen who subscri-
bed to Binning’s Rooms and have not paid their sub-
scription, are hereby informed, that if payment is
not immediately made, the subscriber will be under
the disagreable necezsity of publishing their names
thro’ the medium of this Gazette.
17 June. J. BINNING.
The Subgpriber offer fer Sule, the following articles
reasonable, for cash, viz.—
Dutch beer in casks, sausages in kegs, rolpens in
ditto, sour croat in ditto, Duteh and English pickles,
anchovies- prunes- figs- currants. raizins- and al.
mons in jugs, double cases of brandy & gin, Dutch
and Ameruan flour, barley and split pease, soap and
caniles, rude cologne, sallad oil, preserved fruits,
rock sall in tierces, tar, pitch, and turpentine in bar-
rels, self £4 in kegs and boxes, ling fish in boxes,
macker lin barre!s, paint and lamp oil, white lead,
soJa water, tripe, boots and shoes, Dutch pipes, por-
ter and beer in barrels, a large assortment of earthen
ware, duciiing, and horse pistols and fowling pieces,
bricks, lime and terrace, hams, English and Dutch
cheese, and hampers potatoes, negro clothing, nails,
&c.—17 June. Jno. WULFF.
View original TENDERS for 30,000 pounds best quality
coffee, in lots of 10m. Ibs. or more, the prodnce of
plantation Augsburg,, will be received at the house
of J. G. F. Thicnsma, Esq. until Moaday the 26th
inst. at eleven o’clock, when they will be opened,
and the highost offer, if approved of, be accepted—
payment to be made in colony money on delivery.
17 June. C. D. TOEL, Scriba.
View original -
NOTICE—\ [leury, departed from this
. eolony, having kf as his general Attornies Messrs.
A.D. Ducke and J. Guyot ; who requests those per-
sons which having feft Watches with Mr. Fleury,
for repairing, &c. vefore his departure, are request-
ed, by proving thete property, to call for the same,
by making payment at tbe time, utterly to the S0th
ine, next, otherwise they will be sokl at Public
Vendue to defray the expence of repairing.—And
those who are indebted tu hiv) by accounts, notes,
obligations, &c. are 1 Guested to make payments,
Cy before the Meetings of next Courts.
A. 1). CUCITE, qq.
17 June. J. GUYOT, qq.
DRIFTED from the Wiukel’s boat build-
ing shed, onthe night of Wednesday the Tih June,
a small Punt filled with Reeds for making baskets.
t:furmation respecting the same, is requested to be
sent to Mr. Nicolay, Cominissary of the Winkels,
New Amsterdam, who will pay a reward.—17 June.
THE Mernbers of the Fellowship Lodge,
are requested to meet at the LoJge Room, on ‘Tucs-
cay next the 20th inst. at eleven v’clock in the fure-
noon, on business of emergercy. June {7.
rg rl lt te
View original NOTICE to all whom it may concern—The
subscriber, as keeper of the Canje Ferry, informs
those Gentlemen who may imagine themselves of
continuing by a yearly agreement (as before with
Mr. L. C. Abbensets) with him for said Ferry ; such
is not bis intention, as will be seen in the advertise-
ment of Mr. L. ©. Abbensets, in December last.
Negroes not provided with a proper pass, fr
their Masters, will be detained, and sent to the colo-
py stocks.
Those indebted tu Mr. L. C. Abbensets, for ferri-
age, or otherwise, are requested (o make payment,
‘ before the next Courts, to prevent coercicve mica-
Canje Ferry, 17 June. W.C. MOURAND.
PUNTS and BOATS, &c.—The subscriber.’
undertakes making and repairing all kind of Punts,
Boats, &c.—has at present on sale two excellent
Punts, a square and a round onc.
17 Jane, J. ZIMMERMAN.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Subscri-,
bers will receive Tenders, for keeping in order and
repairing, as the Law directs, tic public road be-
tween No. 4 and 6, and the bridge over the canal,
for one year, from the Ist July ensuing, at which
period the Venders will be opened at the Secretary’s
Office, and the lowest, if approved of, accepted. :
I? July. Comumissaries.
ama © —— — —.
View original aS
View original SATURDAY, JUNE 17.
View original ———$———————————eSSSSSSE=—=—=—=
NOTICE to Creditors—Eighteen bales of
ale clean cotton will be sold amongst the creditars
of John Mac C. M’Dons'd. and ylantation Bloom-
field, at the store of Messrs. Colia Mouglas & Co.,
on Saturdoy the Ist of July, at 12 0’clock.
17 June.
View original FOR LIVERPUOL, the well known
Brig tHe Farry, John Sinclair, Master,
sails remarkably ‘ast, well armed and minncd, and_
will positively take the bencfii of the July convoy,
has excellent accomodations for passenszers,—for
freight or passage, apply to the Master on board.
New Amst. July 17.
NB. Capt. Sinclair begs Icave to inform his Friends
and the Planters in general, who intend shipping pro-
duce on board his vessel, to use as little delay as_pos-
sible, the {ime appointed for sailing being so short.
View original 7+ ;
TIEN DERS for two balesof good clean cotton
and three of yellow cotton, from Plantation Palmyra
will be received at the house of Dr. Jeflery, in New
Amsterdam, until Saturday the Ist of duly, when
they will be opened, and the highest offer, if ap-
proved of, accepicd.
Seqrs. Pla, Palmyra.
eo er ie Lr ee ee
17 June.
View original Oe ee OL oe ee
— iE —
NOTICE.——Alli persons having claims
on the Estate of the late Widow HH. J. Buse, are re-
quired to render the same in to the Execators of that
Estate, without luther delay.-——!0 June
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
NOTICE,—AIl persous holding claims on
the Estate of the late Robert Gordon, ot Drakies,
North Britain, or oa Plantation Burltim, Kast’ sea
coast of this colony, are requested to reader the same
for payment to D. C. Cameron, Esq. at the Vendue
Ollice.———10 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
This is lo inform the Pubiie, that the Sollowing
Personas intend quitting this colony.
4.G. Calmer in 6 weeks from May 20.
Juha Hislop, Fanniy and two servants, in ope month
from 27 May.
Gilbert Gordoa in 5 weeks from 3d June.
The Widow of W. 5. Liot in do. from do.
kt. C. DOWNER, Sec.
————_+ 4 _ ee... eee 2 Se
View original Notice is hereby given, that a month after date the
following Traasporrsand Mortgages will be passed
June 10. Lewis Cameron, qq. will transport to De-
werary 92 Nexroes tro Plantation Borlum, E.
sea coasi of this colony,
—— Mary Dawes will transport, to M. Nicholson 8
roxts of land of lot No. 3, first ew polder of this
lown, situate between the middle road and the
back dam.
—— Mary Dawes will transp@rt to Dido Rose 8
toods of land of lot No. 5, Grst empolder of this
town, situate between the middle road and the
back dam.
July 17. W. Henery qq. Francis Stewart, will trans-
port 10 rvods of land and the buildings thereon,
situate on lot No. J8, north side, to W. Katz.
—— W. Henery will tiansport to John M’Camon
15 rootls of land and the buildings thereon, on
lot No. 17, middle road, north quarter.
— J. J. Hilken will transport to E. F. Hantze
2225 acres of land, of lot No. 12, Canje, adjoin-
ing lot No. 11.
-~—_W. Ross, qq. Hugh Rose, will transport to Jas.
M’Donald, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co. the
Plantation ‘Ta.logie, with all its cultivation and
buildings and two-hundred and eighty-two Ne-
groe slaves, whose names are tu be seen at this
James M’Donal, qq. Nathaniel Winter & Co.
will remove from this colony to Demerary two-
hundred and eighty-two Negroe slaves, names to
be seen at this Office.
——Malcolm Nicholson will transport to Lewis Ca-
meron, 8 roods of land of lot No. 5, first empol-
der of the town, between the middle road and
back dam.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
" ~~
View original (No. Bot.
View original [ Payable in advance.
View original Se
NOTIFICATION —Wotice is hereby gi-
ven, that the next ensuing Court of Rolls will be held
on Monday the 19th June, 1815.
By command of the Court of Civil Justice,
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original BARBADOS.
Barbados, 25th May, 1815.
THE Contracts for supplying His Majesty’s
Proops in the Windward and Leeward [slinds and
Colonies with Fresu Beer, terminating on the 17th
day of August next, the Subscriber will receive Seal-
ed Tenders in Triplicate (which must express the
price in Sterling Money in words at length) until the
10th July, at ten o’clock in the morning, from such
persons as may be willing to enter into Contiacts for
supplying the Troops stationed at—
Surinam, Grenada,
Berbice, St. Vincent,
Demerary, St. Lacia,
Barbados, Dominica,
Trinidad, Antigua, and
Tobago, St. Christopher.
Separately or jointly, with Fresh Beef, of the best
quality, to be approved of, if necessary, hy Boards
of Survey. The Contracts to commence in one
month from the date of the notification being receiv-
edofthe Tender having been accepted, and (o conti-
nue for six months certein.—Two Securities wil! be
required, who must be named in the ‘Tender, to be
bound in the sum of £250. Sterling each, for the
due fulfilment of the Contract at each Island.
Payment will be made on the 94th of each month
at the respective Stations, in Government Jills, at
4s. 8d. p. Dollar, (or the quantities delivered in the
preceding period. JOSEPH BULLOCK,
Any information required may be had on applica-
tion to the Commissariat Officers at the Islands and
Colonics. 3
RE 2 Se ee ee ee ee
TIE next Meeting of this Society will-be held at
Plantation No. 11, on Wednesday the 21st instant.
10 June. I. CORT, Sec.
View original a
ALL those who have any demands against J.
_van der Schroeff, Esq. are hereby requested to g&e
in their claims atthe house of the first undersigned 5
and those indebted to him, to come forward with pay-
ment to prevent disagreable measures.
H. LUTHERS, qq. for self and
10 June. W. HELDER, qq.
Who offer for sale some articles of household fure
nilure as a mahogany dining table for 18 ersons, a
chamber organ, also a gig and harness, a arge punt
of about 50 feet long, a tea set andurn, &c. ali in
good condition. °
sist te
View original KKK
ALLE de genen die iets te vorderen hebben
van den heer J. van der Schroeff, gelieven daarvan
opgaven te dven ten buize van den eersten onderge-
teekenden, in Nieuw Amsterdam ; wordende die pee
nen welke 4an gemelde heer iets verschuldigd zyn,
verzogt betalinge te doen om onaangenaamheden
voortekomen. I. LUTHLERS, qq. mede voor
10 June W.IELDER, qq.
Welken uit de land te koop aanbieden, eenige wel
onderhouden meubelen, als mahonyhoute din< tajcl
voor 18 persoonen, een kamer orgel, alsmede ven
cha-s en tuig in goede order, een groote pont cirka,
IU voeten ang, eenelegant thee sarvies en vans, &.
a eee
THE Subscriber finding no attention paid to
his former advertisement, requesting those indebted
to come forward with payment of their accounts———
how gives notice, for the dast dime, that this is toau-
(horise Mr. B. Lancaster to collect all open accounts,
goods, and notes of hand ; ond Mr. K. Francken
lo receive all fees due for old off cial documents ; tull
power is also given to those genilemen to suc for any
unsettled account previous to the next Commissary
Court.—10 June. Tus. C. EMERY.
ee eee
View original ——_—————snan
FOR SALE on reasonable and e easy terms,
the House and quarter Lot No. 16, at present oceue
pied by the undersigned, with out-buildi: lgs, Stores,
and every thing belonging thereto, or half or part of
the land and butldin gs to suit purchagers.
10 June. h STAAL
View original QXTRACT from the Register of the Minutes of
the Court of Crvit Josrice, of the Co-
2ony BeEraice. .
* AND it was resolved by way of amplification of
the Regulations, enacted by this Court for rae ac-
COUNTANTS OFFICE, that tie following rules (as Tie
OF THE 8BWORN ACCOUNTANTS) be adopted by the
said Accountants and others; and That the present
amplification be communicated to the Public in the
customary manner:
i°. That the Accountants shall furnish the Seere-
tary of the Court with a List of the Report they in-
tend to make, FIVE WEEKS PREVIOUS lo each Ordi-
nary Session ot the Court.
2°. That the S cretary, on receiving the same, shall
Advertize such List, as being set down for hearing the:
THE session, in order that the Persons interested may
appear at the Bar and contest the confirmation of the
Accountanis Report, ifthey should deemed requisite.
By Command of the Court.
R.C. DOWNER, Sec. -
—_—__ eee
View original ——— ee
Of the Honorable the Court of Civil Justice.
Scquestrations of Plentattin Goode [vop,
(lem of Pl. Vieperence,
Idem of Pl. No. 40 & 41,
Liem of Pl. Palmyra, from 11 fan. to 24
Sept. 1814.
Idem Pi, Palmyra, frou: @} Sept. 1814, to
20 Feb. 1815.
Idem oh Groubunderlind en Zorg ‘doch
mei Vergenoegen,
Jdem ” Pi. Ilo pe, °
Tdew of V-%s nol No. Ll Corentyn cuast,
Idem of T us Profit,
Administravoa of Pl. Zaulwyk,
dem of Pl. Daze leant
Idem of Pl. Beaticld Ustates,
Curatorship’ of 1. P} infers Lust,
dem of the Estaic of C. Pockings
Jdem—-——— 1G Borry,
I See Se wearenl Vinee
View original DA TUPI VEL FUNMS,
J len —__—~--—--—-L. /iegler,
cig ere — Hey: vod & Taylor,
bem —--—__—_ f } heury Croft,
A) >. =. SS eee g il c Catia aiie
View original Tn” =e BB e Nee SUIZUIEET,
Liem —-—X._.._ = Hf, Le ‘Trourniet,
eT heralims: Executers to the Bstate of R. Barry.
Wurcracas the [fonorable the Court of CivdJug-
tice, by Ordet, having reterred us the Accounts
ou: perso hopeafler yamed, Fiz,
W. Lawsonan! J.C. Spangenberg, Seq. to Pi ota-
tation Gaornle Voen.
3. H.L. Magee obrecher aod B. J. Sclwiess, S q. of
Pl. ’Rspericee. ;
James Fraser aad Lewis Cameron, Seo. No. 40 & 41.
SBVellory, frum L@ Jan, to 24 Sept. 1814, Seq. Pl.
Palsy ra. ;
Be JeR-ry and FP. Bisttlehank, from 2t Sept. ISlt,
til! 20 Fcb. 1815, Seq. PL. Palmyra.
J.C. Spangenberg end J, Downes, Seq. to Pl. Grau-
bunderland en Zorg Cooh met Vergconoegen.,
J.C. Spangesbers and P. Fairbein, Seq. Pi. Hope.
W. Katz and W. Lawson, Seq. 9-Sds. of No. 1),
Coreatine coast. .
PY. Quin an) ©. Cameron, Seq. “Pi. Profit.
W. Katz, Agouvnistiaior of Plant. Zaidwy k.
L. van Rosse, Adiassiatrator Duaes Lat,
SW. Katz, A ‘einistrator of Benfic hl'’s Estates.
J.C. Spangesberg and P. Bendes, Curators Plant'a.
Pian ocrs tuts.
F.Ssaal & HW. Luthers, Cur. Estate ©. Foeking. .
*R. Taut & W. Kewl y,——R Barry.
W. lawson & hewley, Crwva Jones.
R. C. Downer, LL. Ziegler,
W.. Pircer and Leach ,————!leywood & Taylor
BK. Theoball ———léenry Croft,
J. MU. C. Renss, ————- J. 1. ©. Satzinger.
LE. Theobald, . . MELE. Treurniet.
CG. Munroand PR. Taitt, Deliberating Executurs to
the Entate of R. Barry.
Noticy is hereby given to all persons interested
therein, that allemuamce will be given at the Aecous-
tants Olhee, beta at the bonse of the seeons under-
siyned, on Mondays, Wednestays, and Fridays,
from noon vatth So'clock in the atternoon, for the
tern of one month trom the date hereof, in order to
enable sueh person to inspect said Accounts, and
stateMhoir objections or obgervations in writing. at
the expiration of which time, the required report
will be made in the abovementioned matters, and of
which (if required), the prrtics may obtain an office
copy, at their own expence, if order shonld they
deem it expedicnt, to attend tie Hon'ble the Court
ef. ivil Justice onthe Cay appointed for hearing said
report, aud contest the confirmation thereof,
Berbice, Pb JunesM8i5.
B. Witite&J. lb: OBERMULLER.
View original PUBLIC VENDUES.
On Thursday the 22d inst. will be sold at the Ven-
due Office, by order of G. Hobus, Esq. qq. for ac-
count Of those concerned, two packages of damaged
coffee bagging, marked A. C. No. 2. 3. imported in
the brig Ben Jonson, from London.
By order of the Curators of F. L. Schmidt, the
whole of his Effects, amongst which are a varicty of
natural curiosities.
On the same day, Madcira wine in casks and bot-
tles, London porter, beer, Leaden-hall beef and pork
in half Gierces and half barrels, Yorkshire and mul-
ton hams, herings, barley in jugs, soap and candles,
white- brown- and yeHow- paint, lineseed and salad
oil, loaf sugar, fine Hyson tea in canisters, cogniac
brandy avd Hollands gin in jugs of 5 gallons cach,
port and cherry wine, cherry and rapberry brandy,
chars prigne, vinegar, 4, 6, 8, 10,20, and S0\ly nails,
matrasses with pillows and bolsters complete, coun-
terpanes, Welch flannel, real Russia and imitation
sheefing, blue and white salem pores, cotton and li-
nen checks, platillas, white and printed cambric,
Irish sheeting and linen, long lawns, white and ye!-
low nankeen, colton shirting, jeans, Romal- Madras-
and Bardanna-handkerchiefs.
Alsoa few cases of Medicines, a blue dinner service,
a few beaver and bamboo hats, &c.
D.C.Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original SS
By virtue of authority obtained from the Honor-
able Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, granted
upon a petition firesented for that purpose by the
Curators of Plantation Nigg, bearing date the 12ih
of May, I815, will be sold on the spot, to the high-
est bidders, on Wednesday the 28th of June, next,
Plantation Nige, situate on the West Corentyn coast
ont huownen the general chart as lot No. 6, with
allits buildings and cultivation, together with 156
Slaves, (men, women and children, as also (he Gal (le
belonging to the same,---the lond payable in siz and
fweive months, and the Negroes in 3, 6; & 9 months.
(he Negroes of this Estate gve a very prime gang,
‘ind well worthy the attention of the Planters, having
about 40 creols, and many young breeding women.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.

On Wednesday the 5th July emaing, will be sold
af 6, 12, and JS muaths credit, Plantahon Borlum,
(No. 37.) East corsi of this colony, consisting of 760
acres of land, SBI xcres prime bearing coffor amt Oo
acres of plantains, with a capital logic o. hardwood
‘fiame, and a baling press (livaithwails), Mid offer
convenient buildings, and fixtares in (he best repair ;
there is a canal 36 feet wie, vunning Chro’® the mia-
dle of this Estate, trom the sea to the East coast grad
‘Jhis property is too wetl known as onc of the mogt
pro@uetive my the coloay to require further deserip-
lium, the caitivation may De reviewed at any time,
be vious to the day of sale, by application to te
¢ ’
ots.! aGet. -
Alw at the sarge time a few head of cattle and
sheep. ,
: D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Venduc Master.
Tin parted hy the Subscriters, per the Ship Samus,
jon Glasgow, sia Demerary, the foliowing Arti-
cles, which they Offer for Sale, at their Store, on
Jot No. 4, New Amsterdam,
Beef and pork ia bartels and’ half barrels, oats in
puacheons, beer and porter in do., old rum ia do.,
negroe rum indo., saltin tierces and barrels, pease
and harley in kegs, vinegar in jugs, refacd sugar,
spermaceti candles, cotton and coffve bagging, Ozna-
Burgs, Russia sheeting, c#ticoes, Irish linen, linen
checks, colton Britanmias, cofton shirting, ginghams,
furniture chintz, Plogentines silk umbrellas, Gareads
wud tapes, super fin scarlet cloth, do. black do.,
gentlemen’s super fine coals, waistcoating and vest
paterns, pullicatbkfs., gentleinen’s silk aad beaver
hats, do. Leghorn and Jgpanned do., children’s
leather caps, bed side carpets, gentlemen and ladies
vloves, do. do. stockings, ladies Marrocco- kid- and
Wollington slippers, boy’s and girl's shoes assorted,
centlenen’s net braces, do. Hessian and top boats,
do. dress and halfdress shoes, piaaters strong shoes to
lace and (o buckle, hoes, shovels, and cullasses, stecl-
yards, large and small pruping knives, felling axes,
shutter bars, shell augers, claw and shingling ham-.
mers, chamber door- stock- and patent- pad-locks,
carpenters aad coopers com nae IT., T, butt, and
hook and eye hinges, table knives and forks, sailor’s
knives, pen knives assorted, packing and Oznaburg
needles, planes assorted, large and small vase lamps,
plated candlesticks with shades, Japanned bedroom
candlesticks, India shades, cruct starid, pint and quart
decanters, goblets and wine glasses, finger basons,
Duich ovens, black- tin- and irone tea-kettles, tea and
table spoons, brass cocks with keys, saddlery and
stationary, whip- pile frames ¢ cul- hand- and ten-
nunt-saws, 1 inch to 6 iuch cordage, while rope,
screw drivers, plyers, commodes, saw setts, casters,
rack pulluics, necklicés, beads, fish-hooks, rules and
guiging rods, and vices, piicers, whites washe
View original sernbbing- cloth- and paint-brushes, paints and oils
cassava feasters, Madeira wine in bottles and cask,
and # few eases hock and claret, ¢artben ware, ma-
hogany pembroke tables, rosewood card do., sophas
brass mounted, Windsor chairs.
a SE
View original -_
_ CAUTLION.— The undersigned has lately
“understood that several designing and unprincipled
persons, have been in the habit of taking up in his
name several Goods and Merchandize, sent out from
home to him, asalso of taffme Letters out of the
Post Office addressed tohim, without their having
any authority or order whatever to that end.— He
therefore Cautions those whom it fnay conzern, that
neither the transactions already done in his name, or
those that may, (subsequent to the date of this) be
done, will be ratified, but on the contrary be cons
sidered notonly nul and void, bet fraudelent; and
the perpretrator of them as such will be @@bsecuted
as the Law directs.
A liberal reward will be given to the person or
persons giving such information, which may lead to
the discovery of the Offenders, so as to deliver over
into the of Justice.—10 June.— R. FORK.
View original NEW AMSTERDAM,
Seo ae eee oe eee
View original Seow ee eee 2 eee
SaTuRDAY, June 17, 1815.
—2 O46 ° oo
This morning a signal was mude for the Packet.
ee ROLL ee
View original —- ee BOL ee
Yesterday (April @1), a Depntation of the Livery
of Londen waited on the Lord Mayor with the fol-
lowing requisition :—
My Lord—\We, the undersigned Liveryren, ree
Guest your Lordship to convene a Common Hall up-
pons -:earty day, to consider what measures it may
be necessary toadoptin onler to prevent the Minis.
ters of the Crown trom again plunging this exhaust-
ed countyy into a destrnetive and caimous war, until
it shall have been clearly ascertained that every at-
tempt by lair ant honorable vegociations to avert so
areadint a caleunty shall have proved ineffectual,
mad to protest against the evidert impolicy and gross
njastice of allatlempts to dictate to France or any
ther couitry, as to (ie form of iss Governmoat, the
persons whom they may invest wilh the supreme au-
jhority, Orin ay mainer to interfere with the inter-
reve with the internal concerns thereof.
And atso, to express our abhorence of the attempt
now made, iadefiauce and contempt of public opine
ions, so Universally manifested, again to impose up-
va she peoy'e, thet most unjust, galling, and hateful
laquisition, the “Lix upon income.
-— + =e --
Abstract cf the Report ofthe Commission of the Pre:
sidents of the Council of State.
"Phe Dectaration is couched in terms so vazue,
that had not contiers pr vided it to have been agreed
toand stzncd by the Preach Legation at Vienna, it
might have bee: considered as an aitempt to mislead
the pubhe opinion. .
** Under these ficst “impressions, the. commission
proceeded to exanine the Deetaration, which in the
anvals of dipluinasy, his no equal, and in which
Frenchinen, clothed in the mest resyrttuble public
characters, Commie pce. by recomimending the OssaSe
sination of the kurperor Napoleon.
‘ We call it the work of the French Plenipoten-
(iaries, because those of Austria Russia, Prussia, and
Kagtand, could never have signed an Act which the
Sovereigns aint People of those Nations will not fail
to disavow.
@ By the Law of Nations, a Prince posseseing the
mst inconsiderable territory or population, is en-
titi'd to the saine respect as the stronzesi—and Napo-
loon, acknowledged as E:inperor and Sovereign Prince
by all the Powers, was no more than themselves une
der the jurisdichion, of the Congress of Vienna.
‘¢ Porgetful of these p inciples, the French Minis.
ters, whose consciences must reproach them with
treason on more Occasions@an one, have issued this
sroduction with the hopes of arresting the progress of-
i Hon, and to abuse the French people by pre-
venting the truc sentuments of foreign nations being
known to them. 2s
‘The French nation revotls at opression ; its af-
fectionsare heightened when their object is threatened
or attained by a great injustice; the assassination,
which is ¢e aim ot the first sentences of the Declara-
tion, will fin no arm to accomplish if, neither among
the 25 million of Fretchmen, of whom the majority
have followed, guarded, and protected Napolern,
from the Mediterianean to the capital, nor among the
18 millions of Italians, the six millions of Belgians,
or borderers of the Rhine, and the mumberless peupte
of Germany, whe have pronoosce! Sus mame not oaly
View original 7. ——.
with respect, nor among the body of the English na-
tion, indignant at the idea, and whose honourable
sentiments disavow the language which has been given
to the Allied Sovercigns.
“The people of Earope will judge ofthe rights of
Napoleon, of the AUied Sovereigns, and of the Bour-
bons. They know that the Treaty of Fontaincbleau
is but a treaty amongst the Sotereigus: ifs infraction
can only lead to an ordinary war. Every hostile
idea, every threat every attempt on the life of one
Prince under such circumstances, is a war'against
another, is a thife unheard of in the history of na-
tions and in the Cabinets of Europe.
‘In the violence andthe aim of the Decleration,
if is easy to recognise the sentiments of that Council
which, on the 9th March, put Napoleon out of the
pale of the law, called also against him the poignards
of assassins, and promised rewards to those who would
bring his head—and yet what has Napoleon done ?
—he ha§shewn himself mocerate and generous to
those who had devote l him to death—to all his Ge-
nerals he has given erders that all persons should be
respected. /
$ Posterity will decide which -has mest respected
the rights of people and sovereigns, the laws of war,
and the principl's of civil.zation. They willdecide
between Napoleon and the [louse of Bourbon.
“ff, affer having Uius examined this pretended
Declaration, itis discussed with respect tv the Treaty
of Fontainebleau of the Lith April, and ratified by the
French Government, its violation will be laid to the
charge of (hose who impute it fo Napoleon.
‘c’Phat Treaty has been violated by the Allied So.
vereigns, and by the [louse vt Bourbon, relative the
Emperos Napoleon and his family, as also the *nte-
rests and rights of the French nation.
‘of, ‘Phe Minvress Maria-Louisa and her son were,
contrary to the stipulatton, prevented from joining
the Eviperor.
2, The safety of Napoleon, as well as of his fa-
mily, were guaranteed, but bands of assassins were
organized in Fran ey, un ler the eyes and even orders
of the Government, as willhereafter be proved by the
procecdings againet M. DesontareuiL, to attack
che Empcyror, bis brothers, aud their wives: in fail-
ure of (iis, a riot was arranged to take place at Orgon,
in order toattempt the live of the Emperer as he pas-
sed through it: a pupil of Georges, M. Brulart, was
sent fo Corsica as Governor; be is well known, for
the b'ood that he has spat, by the people of Brittany,
Anjou, Normandy, ta Vendee, and throughout Eng.
land ; he was to prepare means, and to insure the
commission of the creme: and in cflect, many agsas-
bins were sent (6 the Ide et tba.
3. The Duchess of Paraia and Placentia were (o
be given to Maria Louisa, her son, and their descen-
dants; but by existing documents it will be seen that
atthe instance, and by the intriewes of tae Prince of
Bencvent, they have been sobbed of then.
‘a Eugene, the wlopted son of Napol ‘on. wss lo
have vbtained a suitable establishineat out of Frauce,
but he has had nvthing.
“5. The Emperor had tipulat fort! carmy the
preservation of their rewards given them on Morte
Napoleone. We had reseeved tu hiv welf first to ve-
compense his feithtul followers. fivery thing has
been taken away, butYeserved by the Ministers of the
Bourbons. M. Bresson, an agert fiom the army,
was dispatched to Vicaua to assert thei claims, but
in vain.
6. The preservation of the property, moveable
and immoveavle, belvazius to the Etperzor’s family,
was provided for, but all was robbed im Trance by
commisioned brigands, it ltaly by the vioivace of the
milatary chiefs.
**7. Napoleon was to have received two millions,
and his famiy 2,500,000 frances per.annum. ‘The
French Government has constantly refused to dis-
charge its engayeimnents, and Napoleon wonkd have
svon been obliged to disband bis faithtul guards for
want of the means of paying them, had he not found
an honourable resource in the conduct of same ban-
hers and merchants of Genoa and [taly, whoad vanced
12 millions, wiich they had offered to him.
“8. In fac, t\ was not wilhout a cause that it was
"M strable by every means to reiaove from Napoleun
the companions of h:s glory, unshaken securities of
his safety and of his existence. The Island of Elba,
was a signed tu him in y@rpetuity, bui the resolution
of robbing kim of it, was at the intigation of the Bour-
bons, fixed upon by the Congress. Had not Provi-
dence prevented if, Europe would have seen an at-
terapt mle onthe person and liberty of Napoleon,
left hereafter at the mercy of his enemies, and trans-
wted, far trom his friends and followers, either to
Mt. Lucie or St. blelena, which had been pointed out
as his prison.”
Lhe Council then advert to the cracl treatment of
all the Members of Gonapart@’s family, and end with
a forcible appeal to the passion of the seldiery, who,
they say, were degraded, disbanded, and send unpro-
vided tor into the world, after aequiring se mach glo-
Ty. ‘dhe concluding paragraph states, that France
wil onco more, as in 179%, detend her vighta, her in-
Cependence, tind the Sovereign of her choices
View original
View original PARIS, APRIL YS,
Napoleon, by the grace of God and the Constitu-
tions, Eniperor ef the French, to all present and
to comc, greclag,
Since we were called, fifleen years ago, to the go-
vernment of the State by the wishes of I rance, we en-
deavoured, at various times, to improve the consti-
tntional forms, according to the wants and desires of
the nation, and profiting by the lessons ut ex perience.
The constitutions of the empire were thus totmed of
a series of acts which were sanctioned by the accep-
tance of the people. It was then our object to orga-
nize a grand iederative Evropean system, which we
had adopted as conformable to the spirit of the age,
and favourable to the progres@oi civilization. In or-
der to attain its completion; and to give it all the ex-
ent and stabilty of which jt was susceptible, we post-
poned the establishment of many ternal institutions,
more particularly destined to protect the liberty of
the citizens. Henceforward our only object ts to in-
crease the prosperity of lrance, by the confirmation
of public hberty. Hence results the necessity ot im-
portant modifications of the constitutions, the senatus-
consulta, andl other acts which govern this Emp re.
For these causes, wishing, on the oue hand to retain
of the passed what was goud and salataty, and on the
vther, to render constitutions of tue empire in cvery
thing conformable to the national wishes and want, as
well as to the state of peace which we desire to main-
tain with Europe, ve have resolved to propuse to Che
people a scrigs of arrangements tending tu modily :nd
improve its Constitutional Acfs, lo strenghten the
rights of citizens by every guarantec, to give the re-
presentalives system its whoube extension, to mvest the
intermediate bodies with the desirable respectability
and power,—in one worh, to coindine the highest de-
gree of political liberty aud individual security, wrth
the torce and centralization necessary lor causing the
independence ol the krewoh people to be respected by
torenzners, and to the diguity of our crown. In con-
sequence, the lollowing articies, forming an act supic-
mentary to the constitutions of the empice, shal be
submitted tv the free aud solemn acceplance ot att
citizens throughout the whole extent ol France :—
J1t Le t.
Article 1. ‘The constitultons of the empire, parti-
cuiarly the constitutional act ot the Qyvd Piunaire,
year 8, the Senalus Cons ita of the 14 and 16 ‘Ther.
midor, year LO, and oF the 2s Floreal, year 1%, sball
be modificd by the arrangements which follow, all
viher erangements ate coofemed acd maimtained.
2. Lhe Lryistative Power is excrcised Dy Uic ime
peror and two Chambers.
3. ‘The first Chamber, called (le Chamber of Peers
is heridttary.
4. ‘Khe atmpcrer appoints its Members, who are
irravocable, they aad Wiew mate descendants, from
one eldest sun te anullier, ‘Lhe Number of Peers is
unlimited. Adoption docs mot transit tv him who
is its object, the digatty of the Peeroge. Peers uke
seat at twealy one year of @ge, but have no delibera-
live voice Gil tweatly Live.
fh. The A:sch-Chancellor of the Empise is President
ofihe Chamber ul Peeis, or in certain cases Meimver
of (he Chamber spectaily designated by the Emperor.
6G. ‘Phe Meuibers of the linperial bamily, in bere-
ditary order, are Poors of tight. ‘Phey take their
seats at 15 year of age, but bave nv deliberative voice
Gil 21.
7. The sccond Chamber, called that of Represen-
latiyves is elected by ihe peuple.
8. Its Members are 029 in umber. They must be
25 years old at least
Y, ‘Their President is appointed by the Chamber,
atthe opening of the first Session. fle retains bis
function uli the renewal of the Chamber. His nonsi-
nation is subinilted to the approbation of the kinperor.
10. ‘This Chamber verifies the powers ol its Mem-
bers, aud pronuunces on the validity of contested
11. Its Members receive for travelling expences,
and during the Session, they pay decreed by the Con-
slituent Assembly.
lY. They are indefinitely re-cligible.
13. The Chamber of Representatives is of right
wholly renewed every five years.
14. No Member of either Chamber can be arrested,
except in Flagrante Delictlo, nor prosecuted in any
cfiminal or corfectional matter during a Session, but
in virtue of a resolution of the Chamber of which he
forms a part.
15. None can be arrested or detained for debt, from
the date of convocation, nor for forty days after the
16. In criminal or correctional matters Peers are
judged by their Chamber, according to proscribed
17. ‘The office of peer and representative is cam-
patible witb all other public functions except those o!
matters of account (comptables); prefects and sub-
prefects are, however, ineligible.
1S. ‘The Emperor sends to the Chambers Ministers
View original and Councellors of state, who sit their and take part
in the debates, but have no deliberative voice unless
they are pecrsor elected by the people.
19. The Minissers, thus Members of either Cham-
ber, or sitting their by mission from Government,
give to the Chambers such information as is deemed
necessary, when its publicity does not comp.~ mise
the intercsts of ibe state.
20. The sittings of the (wo Chambers are public.
They may, however, go into secret committee, the
Peers on the demand of ten, and the Representatives
|on the demand of twenly-five members. Government
‘may also require secret committees when it has com-
munications to make. In all cases deliberation and
vote can only be in public sitting.
(To be continued in our next.)
—_ --—~_-
——=> —« >» —
BY virtue of an Appointinent from the Ho-
norable Court of Civil Justice, of thiy colony, dated
the [Sth of May, 1815, given upon a petition pre-
sented by Lewis Camevon and Sauel Kendall, as
Sequestrators of Plantation Borlum, the property of
the late Robert Gordon. Notice is hereby given to
the Public, that the Execution and Sequestration
served upon Plantation Borlum, cum annexis, in fa-
vor of William Fraser, Culbockie County of [nver-
ness North Britain, is hereby released fron said Exes
cution and Sequestration.—Rethice, 9 June, IS15.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original oe $s a
By virtue ofan Extract from the Minutcs of
the Court of Rolls, dated the 10¢ A pril, I815, given
in the cause entitled John Papin and P. Paibdoirn,
in capacity as Sequestrators to Plantation Yeori/, the
late property of Dydley Wade, versus, all Clainanis
on the proceeds of Plantation Yeovil, cum anne vis,
sold at Execution Sate. 1 the undersigned, at the
request of aforesaid Sequestrators, do h reby Sum-
mon by Edict: (fur the fourth time ex super aban-
danti) all Claimants on the the proceeds of Planta-
tion Yeovil, toapnear before the Court of Civil Jus-
lice, of th’s colony, on Momdlay the 17aleJuly, 1815,
there te reader in their claims, to verify the same,
and further to hear the Court's decision as to the
prelereat and cuncuyrent right of claimants on the
proceeds of said Estate.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu-
blic by beat of drum from the Court House of this’
colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Beibice, thegl6 June, 1815.
h. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
——— <r. ee —_—-_—
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Rolls, dated 10 April, 1815, zivenin
the cause éntitled Thomas I’. Layfiell, one of the Exe-
cutors to the HP state of the late Robert Wilson, und
Attorney of Thomas Bond, another ot the Exceutors
and one of the Heirs of the said Robert Wilson, and
of H. Staal, appointed in the place of W. Dodson,
during hisabsence from the lony, versus, al claim-
ants on the proceeds of plantation Memmitaze, cum
annexis. I the undersigned, at the request of afore.
said Thomas F. Layfield, qq.—Do hereby Summon
by Edict: (for the fourth time, ex superabuirdaoti)
All claimants on the proceeds of plantation Hcrmi-
lage, Cum annexis, to appear before the Court of Ci.
vil Justice of this colony, on Menday 17 July, 1815,
and following days, there to render in thetr claims, to
veiily the same, and further to hear the Court's de.
cision on the preferent or concurrent right of claim
ants on the proceeds of said Estate.
This Summons by Edict made kaown to the Pu-
blic by beat of drum from the Court House of this
cology, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, the 16th June, 1815.
RK. Francken, First Marshal.
— ee —_ ee
— a
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Rolls, dated the 10th April, 1815,
viven ia the cause entitled H. Staal and H. Luthers,
appeinted Curators to the Irsolvent Estate of Corne.
lis Focking, dec. versus, all known and unknown
creditors against the Estate of C. Forking, dec.—{
the undersigned, at the request of aforesaid Curators
do hereby (ior the fourth time ex super #bundanti)
Summon by kdict: All hunown and unknown cre
ditors against the Estate of C. Focking, dec. ‘To
appear betore the Court of Civil Justice, of this co.
lony, on Monday the I7th July, 1815, aad following
days, there to render in their claims, to verify tlh.
same, and further te near the Court's decision as fo
the preferent and eoncurrent right of claimaiits on the
proceeds cf said Mstate.
This Summon by Edict made known to the pubiic
by beat of drum trem the Court Uouse of this colo.
hy, and turther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 16 June, 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, Lirst Marsic?
View original BY virtue of an Annointment from His Ex-
ecllency H. W. Bentinex, F juire, Lieutenant-
Governor of the Colony Bevvice and ils De penden-
cies, &c. & &c. dated the Oth Jume 1815, «riven
upon a petition presented by Daniel Allt, Deputy
Receiver General and Receiver of the Church Fund.
I the undersigned at the request ofaforesaid Receiver
Genctaland Receiver of the Church Fund, Summon
by Edict :—All knownand unknown creditors of plan-
tation De Voedster, cum anneczis, suld at Execution
Sale, to appear before the Honorable Court of Civil
Justice, of this omy: on Monday the 17th July
IS15, and foilowing days, for the pury ee of there
rendering theic claims, fo mats ain (ie same, and to
hear, afier the fourth Edi PS. aon, the Cours
decision, as to the preveres omic micnir at Figs: of
claimants on \- eeris OF the Sate ul satu Fale,
ov pain of perpetial silence to those Cho remo on
defantt of rendering (bh ir clans.
Tuis Summons by Diet nade ktowa’a the Public
by beat of drum from the Court Nome 4. css cuolvny,
and furtherdcalt with aceor ing fo caetom.
Berbioe, the Gth oo -, 1845.
KR. Fy. ., Pivot Marshal.
OU OE EE ae as ella =
PY yirtne o ) t ‘rom ‘he liswutc
oft’ e Court of olls, 6.9 in the caswe ee?
Javies be 61 4 4 vr. tt if a 40
Tite. ‘othe ! Jean brever, ove
Ie; viffs, : 1 wars ov. it
£2 inst t?cucan > <a, §9.<
f& lon ’ why 1815. «1 the f.
ei. "to { « ' ** a t ite
by Sun mo | > ob timer: 1 bi:
pad ueano a « bs o Mala'e va
Tunecse Fraser. dere ye b fore the Cou
Wis, -o Mika m4 yet dune, PS23, tere (uo
vclow ity Spear ' —y ‘Mle same, aunt further
wera edi '
rss Weeds 'n ‘ekeewn tothe Pu-
bi oy beat af d fo on the Court Horse of this
Co.onvand other twith according to ettiom.
ise yi t . , Devnyer. fsl5
in. Lf RANCKHN, Fivet Nl orshe’.
—_—_———_ <
6 ee ee eee
8B virtue part ‘rem | linutes of
te Court o oot OWE ds aated the
Tih e: - ol \o> De ' 4 tise entitled
»”.F vf i. » Curators to
the kat: ». nuff, versus,
ST catnants on the
i the undersigned,
ors, Go hereby Sum-
My ‘S time) all known and
; yr sor co orants on the Estate of Hf.
Wo. indes, Gee. tap pearbe fore the Court of Rolls,
Ov Momlav toe 9 Suee ISTS. there te render in their
Claiss, lo very (ie seme, and further tu proceed
aceonling to lew.
The Saumons by Tkliet made known to the Pu-
bie by beat of drm fron the Court fiouse of this
colony, and further dealt with acco:ding to custom.
. ’ &
Berbice, the Cd June, bd.
K FuANCKLN, iret Marsha!
ee -
Py virtueefion Fatract from the Minntes of
(he Court of Civil Justice, of this Colony, dated the
27 May 1815, given in the cause catitied J. vanden
Broek and Gee. Paucls, as the Attornies to thy Wi-
dow Herlin, who is tie Executrix of herle + be bard
» W. Helin, Pleintilf, versus, all clriman® or
the Estate of J.C. WW. Meilia, dee. Lihe wa’ 4.
signed, at the request of afer. cid Attormes, do) +.
by Sumraeo by balict ; all claimants onthe Fatan of
J.C. W. Merlin, dec. to appear b fore the Court of
Polls, on M mfay the 19 o June I815, there to ren-
Ter in their cliims, to verry the same, and further to
proes J according to law.
Lis Summons by Udet made known to the Pn.
biic by beat of denn from the Co House of this
colony, andl farther dealt with according to Law.
Berbice, 24 June, 1815.
K. FRANCKUN, Firet Marshal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Caurt of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated the 17 May 1815; Given in the
cause entitled J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, as qq.
both the Estates of the late M. A. van Imbyze van
Batenburg, as well as to that of the late S. J.B. van
Imbyze von Batenburg, Plaintiff’, versus, all known
and unknown ereditors or claimants on the Estates of
the late M. A. ven Imbyze van Batenburg. IL the
undersigned, at the request of said J. G. Cloot de
Nieuwerkerk, gq. dobcreby Summon by Edict: (fur
the second time) all known and unknown creditors or
claimants on the Estates of the late M.A. van Imbyze
van Batenbary, and the late S. J. Bo van Imbyze van
Batenburg, to appear before the Court of Rolls, on
Monday the 19 June IS!5, there to render in their
cl INTIS, (o verify the saine, and further to proceed ac-
coruing to law
View original This Summons by Edic* made known to che Public
by beat of drum from the Court House ef this colo-
ny, and further deall with accordsag to custom.
Bervice 2d June 1815.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
-_——_—_—_—- oo
BY virtue of an bextract trom the Minutes
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated
the 97th May 1815, givenin the cause entitled JG,
Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, qq. the Estate of the late A.
J. van Imbyze van Batenburg, deceased, Plaintiff by
(dict, versus, all known and aaknowan creditors or
claimants on the Estate of A. J. van bubyze van Ba-
tenburg. I the undersigned, at the request of ufore-
said J.G. C. de Nieuwerkers, qq. co hereby Sum-
mon by Edict, (ser the second tive): Alt known
and anknown creditors or clat aaats oa the Ustate of
\. J. van linbyze vangBatenb org, to appear betore
tre Court of Rolls, on “'oaday the 19th June, 18i5,
here toyender in toeir claims, to verily the same,
aad further to propeed accdrdisg to law. ;
‘his Su. non vy tet made known to the public
by Deat ot Coom ieoom the Court House ot this culo.
uy ee) artendeel with according to custum.
e, ISI.
» FRANCKEN, First AWarehal.
Bi viicvec an Eatract from the proceed-
‘ius the Coartu. Civil Jestice, of this colony, xi-
Vin So conse ertithd emer Frasee for seif andl
Otic. Ay
Oo er : Queetrators Of pee i wien No. 40 and 4 l,
west covet et this eahoay, Plant 2, versus at! knowu’
oa UF moyeN ¢ CeCe : : oe ee ell in thi.
ec lony os i. the we alfeleics o ~Pecevebuo and
ie ary. oathe proceea) ot che.) of plantation
Nu. 40 snd 41, west ew t, “re bt eperty ot P.
Small and “V.'chrelf (!. J the oe saned, Pirst
Mi. bal og the Courts «974 tas C yeew, ond at tac.
ivc ment G Weed Sc. ester, Go Woreby Sum.
roab > (Por the see ot time): all known
ani »>n a lho or claimants, is wellan this
2 the uated coleaies of Lssequebo and
peauecy, COO) groceeds ef Ube Sate of plantation
NV. 49 ates &t. west coast, the tate property of P.
“, lt sat \\ ; “hocitall, it, pp ws ture The Count
» to. on hlondey the JUth June, 1843, there to
moe a) a choons, fo verity We same, and furthes
to procecd accor int to lew.
This Scan eons by Ddictimade known to the pDuvlic
by bet. draw from ihe Coert Mouse of this colo-
oy, and sur Ser dealt with according to engtom,
Berbice, Qa June, IS15.
K. Frawcxey. Fitct Marshal.
BY virtue of an from the Coart of
Civil Justice, of thiy colony, 4d tedz7ih Vey, 1815
given in the cituse em itied RL CL Dowson, ia ermeci-
ty as Attormey oF Wo. Kine wad Po beniemin. Curae
tors to the Pstate of F. 13 yen, dee. °* rintils, ver.
sus, all hiuown aid oknown cliinvsents on the pro.
CU" ds of yt VTi a cone Be f Pe cory CF. chim wuneXis. i the
undersigned, al tae request of athoreeail Vuciney, do
hereby Sumetion by behiet, (for the second time):
AL} known and voknown elimeoants oo the proceeds
ef plantation Best Power, @iea aceexis, to appear
before the Court of Rolls, on Monday the 19th Jane
ISt5, there to remclen ia their claims, to verify the
samey@ed furtSer to procced accorting to law.
This Suramons by Udict mace kaown tothe Pu-
bhic by beat of drum from the Court House of this
colusy, and farther dealt with according to castom.
Berbice, 2d June, IS!5.
A. France, First Marshal.’
BY virtue ot an Appointment froin the tHo-
horable Court of Civil ustice, of this colony. given
Ubon a netition presested by Wim. Cort, and J. C.
M Lead, in their capacities as Sequestrators for plan-
tation Geantes oral halt of Lot No. 0, Corentyn,
said appointmen. bearing, date 18th May, IS!15.
(he undersigned, al the request of aforesaid Scauese
trato~s, do hereby Summon by Edict: All claimants
on the proceeds of planietion Geenies, and the hali
f Lot No. $6, Con atyn, toa ppear before the Cuurt
of Civil Justice, of this colony, on Monday he i 7th
July, 1815, and following days, there to render in
their claims, to verily the same, and further to pre.
ceed according to law.
This Summon by Edict made known tothe Public
hy beat of drom from the Court House of this colony
and further dealt with according to custom,
Berbice, 2d June, 1815.
RK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
————_ —
BY virtue of an Appointinent froin the Ho-
norable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, given
Upon a pelifion presented by Jno. M’Camonand W.
Cort, in their capacities as Sequestrators for the ur
divided half of Plantation Resource, the late ploper-
ty ot Prederick Cort, said appointment bearing date
the 13th May, 1815. Tthe undersigned, at the vi
quest of alorcsaid Sequestrators, do hereby Sum: on
by Edict: All Claimants on (be proceeds of the un
divided half of plantation Resource—-- Te aAppess
before the Court of Civil Juccice, ef this coluny,
View original their Session which will be held on Monday the 17th
July, 1315, and following day:, there to render in
their claims, to verity the same, and further to pros
ceed according to law.
‘This Summons by dict made known tothe Pubtic
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony,
and turther dealt with accorsing to custom.
Berbice, 2nd June, '8!5.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marchal.
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dited
the 27th May, 1S15, given in the cause entitled Pe.
ter Fairbairn, as appointed inferuim Sequestrator in
the Estate of James Fraser, dec. for sell and in that
capacity for all other Representatives ot that istate,
Platntift by Palict, versus, ali known and unknown
claimauts against the Estate of the deceased lames
Fiaser, IT the undersigned, at the request of afore.
said P. Fairbairn, qq. Sammon by Edict, (for the
fowsth time ex superabnundanti): All known and ane
hnown claimants agaiast the Les 'e of the domed
James Piascr, to appear at the Court of Rolls on
Monday the (9th of June, 1815, tiere to retder in
their claims, to verify Use same, aad fucther to pro-
ceed according to law.
This Summons by tdict made known to the Pa-
blic by beat ofdiunm from the Court House of this
culony, aod further dealt with according tu Custom.
Berbice, 21 Jrime, 1815.
Ba. « RANCAEN, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex-
celleacy J. Sionnar, isrigadier-Generel and Acte
ing Governor of tne Colony Berbice and its Depene
de wies, Ke. Gc. &c. given upona Petition, pree
sented forthat parpooe, by Archibald N’Qacen, qq.
Colin Macrea, undet date ef 16th January, 1813,
versus, the Proprictor or Peeprictors, Representae
tive or Representatives t Planta ion Palmyia, Ease.
coast. Notiee is herehy given tothe Puble, at the
instance of Evan Peascr, surviving paitaer of the
House of kvan and Angus Fraser, Slerchants of thig
colony, and which Louse of Commerce arc now pose.
sessing through deed of Aesiement, the right and ine
terest before possessed by Colin staerae in the debt
lor which Plintation Patagra is naw vedi r Exccue
fion and Sequestration; that [the undersigned in-
tend to Scll, at Publie Execution Sale, in the pree
sence of two Cousenlers Commis uiies and their See
Cpiory. in te mouth of December, 1815, the pree
cise day hereafter to be notified Gitcagh the Gazette
of this coleny :-
The Cotton Psivte cated Patoyra, <ituete onthe
Lust coast « i thes € fore, wih all its cultivation,
h vileiaes, 8 ATES, and furs her ap pert an Ob thereto
belunging, the properly of R. P. Broom ; alicone
formatle (oar Iuvcatery formed iherect, and now
laying at the Maishal’s Office for, the inspection of
these whion it may caongcrn.
Whoever shoutl think to have cageright!, action,
or iiteres', on the ibov cmeationcd histate c led Pal-
myta, cum came ris, aml wishes to oppose the Sale
there yt, lot such persouis address themselves to the
\iarshal’s Offec, Geclaving their reason for so doing
In tue tine and lon, as | hereby give notice, that I
will receive oppos:ttoa trom every iniermediate pere
20N, Appoint them a day to bave his or her claims
beard bet re the Court, and (urther act therein as the
law directs
This 4¢h Proclamation, made known to the Pae
‘hie hy beat ofdram, from the Court House of this
colony, and further dealih \ ithaccording to custom.
id. rbice, Pith June, 1815.
KA. FRANCKEN, First Varshal.
es STS Se 6S 888 2 © 8 SS .Seees eD
Tut by bates of Cotton willbe put up for
Sile amongst the Creditors of Joseph M'idonald, on
‘Tonday the P2th inst. in the forenooy, at the house
ot Messrs. Colin Douglas & Co.
bP. BRIVTLEBANK for self and
3 June. COLIN DOUGLAS, Trustees.
nee nn ES
View original ——_ —_— ee
FOR SALE by the uu devsig rned,——Prime
Irish mess bet and pork In weple and half barrels,
super fine four in bariels, ship’s . ad | nercwt,
3 June. GEORGE, BONE & Co.
JUST arrived, und for Sale by the Subscri-
ber, the followteg articles Prime mess beef and
pork in halt barrels, hams, pickled salmon in small
.egs, super fine flour, Gordon and Eminott’s walnuts
ketchup, do. quin sauce, do. campsauce, do. essence
uchovies, cotton and cotfee bagging, selemporis,
snaburgs, diaper. ucgio hats, &c.
> June. J.G.F. THIENSMA.
eS. = ws
re Oe
Published every Salurday at 4 o’clack Pp M.
Bt Beced Gowermnent Prit.ers

17 June 1815