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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve doliars p. annum.
FROM plantation Lancaster from 20 to 40. bales:
Tenders foa which will be received by the Subseri-
bers, at the Store of C. Kyrr, Lsq. till Monday the
29d inst. when the highest offer, if! approved of, will
be accepted—terais, cash on delivery.
Jno. BETHUNE and
Di. ALLIT, Seq.
6 March.
View original et
LOT No. 49, situated in the second empolder of.
this town, with the buildings thereon, consisting in
two Dwelling Houses with the necessary out-Build-
ings; the whole Ueing cligibly situated, having a
free prospect over the river. ‘Terms of payment will
be made easy to an approved purehaser. For fur-
ther porticulars apply to J. E. Ticsorn, or
6 March. A. G. CALMER.
ag A gt a
View original FOR SALE.
TITE. House and quarter Lot No.3 in this town,
in excellent condition, hardwood frame, 45 feet long
and 20 broad, a story and a half heigh, raised on
blocks 3 feet high, with a new side building, 61 feet
long and Ldbroad, hardwood frame, boarded with
crab planks, covered with wallaba shingles, divided
in several apartinents (o serve as ont oflices, 2 large
water vais, litely built, garden, &c., railed in’ with
slabs. —Ternis of payment will be made easy to an
approved purchaser—for further particulars apply
on aforesaid lot toits proprictor.
6 March. A.G. CALMER.
THLE Subscriber intending to leave this colony,
with next convoy, requests Chat all demands against
hin rnay he rendered for examination and payment,
and those indebted come forward with payment in all
this month.—6 March. JOHN CROFT.
-_— — _ ee or rr Or! Ch
THE undersigned positively intend to depart for
Eurepe with the next convoy, for which they re-
questing every persons to come forward with pay-
ment, and those how have any clabns against them
to call for the same, beevuse they may not be disap-
ointed with Cheir passes.
6 March. / J. PORTIER.
-—- — >? ee
View original gc cere i i cg i esi
Die ondergetechendens van hier paar Europa ver-
irekkende positivelyk, inet de vloot die zeilen zal in:
de maand April aanstannde, diarom wordt een ieder
verzogt die iets te pretenderen heeft van hun, vol-
doening te komen ontvangen, op dat zy by het af-
halen hunner passen nict mogen verbinderd worden.
G Maart. ee. PORTIER,
View original THE andersigned being about to leave this colony
on the Sth imst., has given security fo the satisfaction
of the colonial Secretary, which security to stand
void six wecks atler this date, within which period
those that might have a just claim against him, can
receive payment for the same, at J.G. F. ‘Tutrns-
mA, Esq.—O6 March. P. BONTE.
TWENTY bales of good Cotton will be offered
for Sale amongst the Creditors of M. Dauuas, on
the 25th of this month, at the Store of DouGLas
Rerp & Co. in New Amsterdam,—the cotton to be
put up one bale at a time.
W. LAWSON for self and
6 March. C. DOUGLAS, Sequestr.
View original | FOR SALE.
TWENTY FIVE bales of good Cotton, will be
offered for Sale amongst the Creditors of J. McC.
McDonavp, on the 25th of this month, at the Store
of Dovetas Reip & Co. in New Amsterdam,—the
cotton will be put up one bale at a time.
W. LAWSON for self and
6 March. C. DOUGLAS, Sequesters.
View original
DE genen die iets te pretenderen hebben van den
ondergeteeke ‘nde, gelicven hunne pretentien intele-
veren by den Heer J. E. Tiesoen, en die verschul-
digd betalingen aldaar komen doen, alzoo hy vyoor-
nemens is binnen kort van bier te vertrekken.
6 Maart.
View original SATURDAY, the 6th of Marc
A Full Meeting of the Members of this Institution,
is requested, at Port Mowrant, on Monday the 15th
inst., when a Ballot for Oilice Bearers will take
J.G. Nieuwwerkerk—W. Innes—S. Mourant.
Berbice, 6 March.
View original FOR GLASGOW.
Loading at Demerary,
To sail with the April convoy.
see The well known Ship Aurora.
M. McDOUGAL, Master.
Por freight or passage apply to
View original Marshal's Office.
NOTICE is herehy given: That the Sale of Five
heads of Cattle, taken in Execution at the instance
of A. Kriecen, together with J.C Scusmipr, Cu-
rators to the estate of B. A. Baltligcr, dec., versus,
J. W. HWeytmeyver, and which Sale has been al-
ready advertized, but postponed on occount of onpo-
sition has been entered against the same by J. 7hi-
hou Mathews, as thereunto duly authoriged by J.
W. fleytmeyer as acting in behalf of his Dauehter
W. E. i. Hleytmeyer, will now take place on Wed-
nesday the JOth inst., at the Court House of this co-
lony, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day.
Berbice, Ist March, 1813.
RK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
First’ Proclamation,
WHEREAS 1 the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier
General, and Acting Governor of the colony Ber-
bice and tts Dependencies, &e. &e, &e.
Granted upon a petition of W. Katz, in quality
as Attorney of Samwveland Elisabcth Ames, of Bar-
bados, have caused to be taken in Execution and
Sequestration, the Western Two Thiids of Lot No.
IT Corentyn coast of this cotony, the prowerty of R.
Hanis, the person against whom abovenamed writ
of execution is granted, under date of 26 November
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned jn-
lend to Scll, atier the expiiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 22d of Feb. IS13, the abovemen-
tioned two wedern thirds of Lot No. 1] Corentyn,
wilh all its Cultivation (being Colton), Buildirg.,
Slaves, and further appurtenances and dependencies
thereto belonging, and specificd in the Inventory
laying at the Marshal’s Ollice for the ‘Mspection of
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the proceeds of said Sale such sum of money as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta-
ken in Execution.
This first proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colo-
ny, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 28th Feb. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SALE sy EXECUTION,
Second and Last Proclamation,
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by His Ex-
cellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor, of the colony Berbice, and its De-
pendencies, President of all Courts and Colleges
within the same, &c. &c. &C.
Upon a petition presented by F. A. RopENBROEK,
versus, W. Gorpon, under date of 12 Jan. 1813.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public
execution sale, in presence of two Councellors Com-_
missaries, and their Secretary, at the Court house of !
this colony, on Wednesday the 10th March, 1813,
at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day :
Firstly, An Account, due by by Tuos, Rozson, -
View original [ Payable in advance.
View original a
to W. Gorpon, for Medical Attendance, delivered
to said J’. Robson in the year 1809 and 1810, ant’er.
to f 770, (say seven hundred and seventy guilders )
Second, An Account due by G. Munro to Wm.
Gordon, for Medical Attendance and Medicines de-
livered for hisaccount to Pln. Alncss, from the Tet
Feb. 1811, until the 31st Dec. 1811, amounting per
balance f 812-G-0. (say eight hundred and twelve
guilders and six stivers ).
W hoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim onthe aforementioned two Accounts, and
wishes (fo Oppose the sale thereof, let such perso or
persons address himself to me the first Marshal, de-
claring his reason for such opposiuion, in uc tone
and form, as | hereby give notice, that 1 wil! receive
opposition from every one, thereunto qualifid. op-
point them a day to have his or her claim heard be-
fore the Court, and further act therein according to
style and law.
This 2nd proclamation made known to the prblic
by beat of drum, from the Courthouse ot this colony,
and further dealt with as customary.
Berbice, 28 Feb 1813.
K. Francxen, First Marshal.
View original SALE BY EXECUTION.
Second Procamation.
By virtue of authority obtained from the Tonor-
able Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 25th
Jan. ISIS, ona petition of Coti~ Douctas, in his
quality as substituted Attorney of ALEx. Simpson,
the general and special Attorney of the mercantile
house of Ynouts Ennice & Co., of London, the
present proprictors by transfer from J. T. & A. Dou
GLAS & Co., of Glasvow. of a certain mortgage vest-
ed on plantation East Lothian, the property of D.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
First Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries, and
their Secretary, by public Execu-tion Sale, on Mon-
day the Sd of May, 1813.
The Cotton Plantation EAST LOTHIAN.
Situate on the cast coast of this colony, with all the
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further Appurt-
enances and Dependencies thereto belonging, agree-
able to Inventory formed thereof, and which lays at
the Marshal's office for the inspection of those whom
it may concern.
W hoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation Fas¢
Lothian, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution, let him or them address them-
selves to me the undersigned, declaring their reason
for se doing, ina legal manner in writing, as I here-
by give notice that I will receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a <a
to have their claims heard before the Court, and tur-
ther act thereon according to law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
Sale on plantation East Lothian, and make their pro-
fit of the same.
This 2nd proclamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 28 Feb. 1813.
IK. Francken, First Marsha]
Fourth Proclumation
BY virtue of three Writs of Execution, granted
by Hlis Excellency Roserr Gorvon, Governor
General in and over the Colony of Berbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c.
Under date of 15th Feb. and 2d March, IS12, upon
three petitions presented for that purpose by G. Pau-
els, the other by G. Pauwels, qq. J. & J. Saportas,
and the last one by J. B. Rule, all versus J. W.
ie it therefore known that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, the Cotice Estate
called ? Esperance, situated in this river, with all
its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings, and further Ap-
purtenances thereto belonging, the property of said
J. W. Heytmeyer.
(a Sce the last page
View original NOTICE is hereby given, that on account of the:
absence of the Rev. J. J! hitfield, Divine Service
will not be performed to-inorrow. 6 March.
- a — — Se
— —
View original $$
BY order of His Excellency the Governor, No-
tice ishereby given: That the next ordinary Sessions
of the Hon. Court of Civil Jystice, appointed to be
held on Monday the 19th April, is, on account of the
intervening Holidays, prorogued and appointed to,
take place on Monday the 26th April. :
King’s House; Berbice, \3th Keb.
By Mis Excellency’s command.
Tu. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec.
View original THE Public are requested to take Notice, that the
Convoys, fur the present year, are arranged to sail
from Demerary at the following periods : .
e Aprilat the Full Moon.
‘Ana al the lull Moon.
July at the Full Moon.
The trade from Demerary willbe joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Island, from whence they will
proceed to the place of veneral rendez vous.
Secretary's Office.
Wordt geadverteerd, dat, ‘This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voursblic, thal the Jolluwwing pere
nemens ryn urd deze Kolunicsous intend quiliing this Co-
te vertrekken, tony
J. Rawlinson per Westbury, from Feb. 8. .
Th. Warvey in 6 weeks froin Feb. 4.
Wo. Henery in 6 weeks from, Feb. 20.
John McRae in 6 weeks from Feb. "19.
Th. W ech with the April convoy.
Th. Robson by the first opportu sity.
L. Wiutzen in G weeks from Feb. 97.
John Crott with te April convoy.
A. Corbin in 6 weeks deem March 6.
PF. A. Mentz in 6 weeks from March 6.
Reo. DOWNER, Secy.
BOP bLhermene bekeud, NOTICE és hereby given,
Zemaakt, dad cen maand na that a month after date the
dats ae volgende Lranspor-| following Transports and
ten en Hipothecken zullen' Mortgages will be passed.
Jan. 50. J. van den Brock as representative to the
estate of A. Donel, dee, will transport to
Win. and Geo. Munro, the Corentyn coast
Jot No. S.
——— Wrm.-anl Gee. Munro will transport the
sane lot, less 5 row ts, to Robt. Douglas,
And te Messrs: Colin and Donald MeRea,
the said 3 roads of bad adjoining lot No. 2.
Feb. 6. J. Zinerinan will transport to R. Bell, 15
roads of land of the lower back quarter ot lot
no. 19, in this tow.
MLS. Bennett will transport to If. Welch,
the halfoflotno. 10, cast coast-canal.
~———— “VM... Benaett will transport to the free La
Rose, the 4 of lot no, lo, Canje.
3 Peb. |). Feaser will Ganspert to EL. S. Fraser, lot)
no. 28, on the westsea coast of Berbice.
——— Js. iraser will transport to Colin McKenzie,
the western Lalt ui lot 29 west coast Berbice.
-——— Js. Fraser will transportto Wim. Fraser, lot
50 west coast Berbice.
Ths. Law will transpert to Wm. Fraser the
northern half of lot 20, first empolder New A.
97 Feb. The Guardians of Robt. Binning, will trans-
porito Chs. Kyte, Esq. S40 feet of land, fr.
the front dam, being the south part of half lot
no. EL, with all che buildings thereon.
Feb. 27. Isaac Farley will pass a mortgage in favor.
of the Executors of A. Benny, on his planta.
tion Adelphi, cui annexis.
March 6. J. A. Leisner wiil transfer lot No. 49, 2nd
empolder New Amsterdam, with the buildings
thereon, to J. b. Tieboel.
John Croit will transport to Wm. Croft, the
south front of iot no. 12, with the buildings
thereon, being 29 roods, or less. —And Win.
Craft will pass a mortgage on the same, favor
John Croft.
-_*e we ES
View original Whereas the following persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their session of the’
Ath and 5th January 1813, tor Letters of Manumis-
S101) s—
O.W. Lanrsueer for the Mulatto girl Polly
Lena Muuier, free mulatto, for the Sambo girl
The mulatto woman Kirry Hatt, assisted by A.
G. Cautmer, for herself.
Notice thereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant-
ing of the said Letters of Manumission, that they
View original way address themselves in wrivng to the undersien-
ed, Secretary of the colony, pe vious tv the ensuing
Session of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition
will be made on the aforesaid condition.
Berbice, 6ih January, 1813.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
Ot ee eee ee ad
Vendue Offi
endue Office.
The Sale of Cattle and Sheep, advertised for the \st
of March, is postponed until the 8th of that month.
On Monday 19th April, 1813, will be sold at the Ven
due office, by virtue of an appointment obtained faom
the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this Volony, by Jos.
Halland A. Krieger Esquires, Curators to the Estate
of the late John Sawyer.
Two thirds of Lot No. 7, Courantine coast, with the
slaves (18 in number), buildings, cultivation, §c. as per
Inventory to be seen at the Vendue oyice.
Berbice, 27th Feb.
Several articles of Farniture, the property of Ma-
jor Wuitemore, R. W. 1. Rangers, shipt by the
Schooner Robert Augustus Hyndman, for Surinam,
having been picked up on the coasts of this colony ;
the same are requested to be sent to this Olfiee, where
all expences will be paid. eb. 27.
J.C, DOWNIE, Dep. Asst. Qr. & Ber. Gen.
-_ + + ——
THIRTY bates of Cotton will be ready for deliv-
ery from plan ation Kilmorack, on the 10th or March
next; tenders will be received by the Sequestrators
of said estate, until that day, at W.Scorr’s, isq.,
New Amsterdam, and the highest offer, if approves
will be accepted. War. GORDON, qq.
ee ee ee
ALLEdie iets te pretenderen hebben, ofie ver-
schuldigd zyn, aan de boedel au wylen den Heer M.
ScHaap, Cz., gelieven hier van opgave en betaling
te doen aan
20 I’eb. P. ter RERHORST,
Del. Exceuteur.
On the Sd February last.
DRIFTED from plantation Lust tot Rust. a Plot
of Crabwood, the number of feet is marked on each
plank, on the above raft were 100 Slabs. Any per-
son who can give information of the same, will re-
ceive from the subscriber a reward of f 50.
20 Feb. I. L. MOSSET.
Miss C.& W. BRANDES.
LAT from England, respectully aunounce to
their Friends and the Public, that they will receive
Children to instruct in Reading, Writing, and Arith-
metic, also ia Plain and faney Works. ‘They beg
leave to assure those Pirents who may honor them
with the care of their children, that assiduous atten-
fion shall be paid to their improvements—children
from the country can be boarded on moderate terms.
Application to Mrs. E. Bennett, oron lot no. 35,
9d cmpolder. 27 Feb.
View original CS LS
7 ‘ZY a " ‘Ay
TILE following Slaves, at present in the colony
jail, will be sold at public Vendue in three weeks al-
ter date, Negro Sawhy, brought on the [sth Feb.
ISi2, and the Negro francis, on the 13th of March
18]12.—Proprictors unknown,
27 Feb. J.-A. DETINERT, Under-Sheriff.
WANTED to be repaired immediately, two Brid-
ges and the Koker of this town, one on lot No. 30,
and the other on lot No. 38 ; any person inclined to
undertake the same, will please to send ‘lenders to
the subscriber on lot No. 12, on or before the 10th
day of March next, when the same will be opened in
the presence of the Committee appointed by the Ho-
norable Court of Poficy, or otherwise in the presence
of the Colonial Secretary, when the lowest oiler, if
approved of, will be accepted.
27 Keb. Tu. ROBSON, Com.
TH E subscriber offers for Sale his Dwelling House
si{uated in front of plantation No. 32, west coast of
this colony, being 30 feet long and 92 broad, raised
on green hard blocks, one story high, has been made
of the best materials, clapboarded and covered with
wallaba shingles, no more than 5 years old, will an-
swer well for the reception of a family. :
Terms may be known on applying to K. Franc-
KEN, Kisq. New Amsterdam; to Mr. MoueNAAR,
plantation Onverwagt ; or to
20 Feb. P. van VOORST.
NB. Some furniture may be had with the house.
View original TE KOOP
DEN ondergeteekhende presenteerd te koop zya
Wooualhuis, sfaande op de voeorgrond van plantage
No, S2 aan de west kust dezer holonic, zynde $0 voe-
(en lang en22 breed, staande op cipiere blokken, éne
verdieping hoog, wemaakt van de beste 1 atcrialen,
geklapbeord, gedekt met wallaba sch aitjes, en niet
meer dan 5 jaren oud, is zeer geschikt om cen familic
le recipicren,
De konditien waarop men het huis verkoopt, zyn
te bevragen by den Tleer K. Francken, aan deze
stad; by den Heer Mouenaan, plantage Onver-
wagt; of by P.van VOORST.
NB. Enice meubelen zynmet het voormelde huis
te koop.—20 Feb.
ee SS
View original FOR SALE.
AT the Store lately occupied by D. Martin & Co.
the following articles, for Cash or Produce on deli«
very.—Old Madeira wine inhhds. & qr. casks, Lon«
don wired porter, double refined sugar, tobacco in
hhds., pickled Dutch herrings in kegs, garden seed
in boxes newley imported, shirts, Britannias, &c.
27 Feb. LAROSE.
View original NOVICE.
ALT, persons having demands against the estate of
Joseru Tay or, dec. are desired to render them
in to the undersigned, in the ensuing month ; and all
persons indebteu to the said estate, are requested to
make payment without delay. W. TAYLOR.
97 Veb. Del. Execut.
View original —_———————
Summons by Edict,
BY virtue of an appointment eranted by the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session or the 20th January IS13, upon a petition of
W. Leact and Ws Fraser, in their capacity as
appointed Curators of the estate of J. Stosie, dec,
I the undersigned, Pirst Marshal of both the Hon
Courts of this colony, and at the request of said W.
Leach and W. Fraser, in their aforesaid capacity.
Summon by Kiict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tute of Jolin Stobiec, deceased, to appear in person,
or by power of attorney, before the bar of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of January, indhe year one thous
sandecight hundred and fourteen, (say ISI4), there
to render (heir claims against said estate of J. Stobie,
Jec., to verify the same, and if need to hear the ob-
jections made against such claims, and further to
proceed according to law in such cases.
This summons by edict is -published by heat of
drum, as customary. Berbice, 19 > bel,
K. FRANCKEN, First Mars!
Sunimons by Edict:
BY virtue of an Appointment, given by the Court
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. ISI2, grevted
upon a petilion presented by B. J. Schwicrs and J.
Thornhorrow, in theie capacity as the two eldest Ore
phan Masters, (‘eesmeesteren), and in thas CADW
city Execptors appointed by the Last Will of ZZ. I£
the undersigned, First Marsbal of both Courts
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid B. J.
Schwiers and A. Uhoruborrow, in said capacity.
Summon hy Udict :
All known and unknown creditors against the ese
late of HL. M. Grau, dec. to appear in persoa or by
Representatives before the Court of Civil Justice,
at their Session which wilfbe held in the month Oc-
tober, 1813, there to give in their claims agaiust said
estate, to verily the same, and further to proceed
according to law, on pain to all those who remain in
default, of being fur ever debarred their right of
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 8th Feb. 1813.
is. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
hg i
View original _—_— — —> —
_ ALL persons having any claims or demands against
the Estate of H. W. Branpes, dec., are hereby re-
quested to render the same, properly attested, to the
first undersigned ; and those indebted, to come for-
ward with payment, in order to close said estate as
soon as possible Il. LUTHERS, and
13 Feb M. F. COSTENBADER, Cur.
View original
A gang of 20 Negroes, be:ng 16 men, 3 women,
and one boy ; by the year. Apply to
J. VAN DEN Broek, qq.
13 Feb. G. PAUELS, qq. and
Bb. J. SCH WIERS, qq.
_ FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
View original DECLARATION.
THE earnest endeavours of the Prince Regent to pre-
serve the youre! of peace and amity with the United
States of America \having unfortunately failed, His Royal
Highness, Acting in the name and on the behalf of His
Majesty, deems it proper publicly to declare the causes,
and origin of the war, in which the Government of the
United States has compelled Him to engage. !
No desire of conquest, or other ordinary motive of ag~
gression has been, or can be with any colour of reason,
in this case, imputed to Great Britain: That her commer.
ciai interests were on the side of peace, if war could have
been avoided, without the sacrifice of her maritime rights,
or without au injurious submission toe rance, is & truth
which the American Government will not deny.
His Royal Highness does nut however mean to rest on
the favourable presumption, to which He is entitled. He
is prepared by an exposition of tie circumstances which
have I-d to the present war, to show that Great Britain
has throughout ac ed tewards the United States of Ameri.
ca, with a spirit ol amity, lorbearance, and conciliation ;
and to demonstrate the sadiussible nacure of those preten.
sions, which have at length unhappily involved the two
countries in war,
It is well known to the werld, that it has been the in.
variable Objec: of the Kuler of Beance, to destroy the
power and independence of the British ssaipire, as the chiet
Obstacle to the accom) lishment of his ambitious designs,
He first contemplated the possibility of assembling such
a naval forcein the Channel as, comuined with a iume.
rous jlouila, should enable him to disembark in Inglaud
anariny sutficient,-in his conce,; Gon, to sabjugate this
country ; and throsgh the congucst of Great Britain he
hoped fo realize his project of oniversal empire.
Iv theadoption of au cularged # ¢ provident system of
Toferett defence, and by ‘se valour ot ins Siajesty’s fleets
ane. ‘hs dosign was entire y lrustraied; and the
-ce of France, affer the most sigaal deteats, was
Comm ed to retice from the ocean,
An attem, t was then made to eliectuate the sume pur.
pose by ovher means; a System was brought forward, by
which the Ru'er of France hoped to anvinilate the com.
nierce of Groat Britain, to shake her public Credit, and to
destroy he: | svenue; to render useless her maritime Su-
periority, ai ¢ so to avail himself of his continental ascen.
dancy, ast « ustitute himself in a great measure the arbi-
ter of tue occun, notwithstanding the destruction of his
With this view, by the Deeree of Berlin, followed by
thatof Milan, ho declared the British territories to be ina
state of Liuckade; and that all Commerce, or even corres.
pondcnee with Great Britain was prohibited. Ile decreed:
that every vessel ard cargo, W hich had entered, or was
found proceeding toa british yuct, or which, under any
circumstances, had been viutd by a British ship of war,
‘should be Jawtul peize: he deciarcd all Beitish goods and
produce, wacrerer found, aud however acquired, whether
coming lromtic Mother Countyy oc trom her colonies,
subject to contiscahon: he furtic’ ceclared to be denati.
onalized, the ilagof all neutial stays thet should be found
offending against (hese his Decre s : aud he gave to this pro.
ject of universal Tyranny, the Wawe of the Continental
For theseattompts to ruin the commerce of Great Bri.
tain, by means subversive.ol (he ccarcst rights of neutral
Nations, France e:deavoursa sa vain to rest her justiticati.
on v,on the previous conduct of lis Majesty's Govern.
Under circumstances of unparalleled provocation, Ilis
Majesty had abstained from any measure, which the ordi.
nary rules of the Law of Nations did not fully warrant,
Never was the maritime superiority of a Beiligerent: over
his cnuemy, more complete avd decided, Never was the
opposite Belligeren: sv formidably dangerous ia ois power,
and in his policy to the liberties of ail other uations.
France had already trampled so openly and systematical'y
ou the most sacred rights of Neutral Powers, as mig
well have justilied the placing her out of the pale of civ.
lized nations. Yet in this extreme case, Great Briiai
had so wsed her naval ascendancy, that her cuemy could
find no just cause of complaint: and in order to give to
these lawless decrees the appearauce of retaliation, th.
Ruiter of France was obliged (o advance principles of nar.
time law unsanctioned by any other authority, than his
own arbitrary will.
The pretexts for these Decrees were, first, that Great
Britain had exercised the rights of war against private
persons, their ships and goods ; as if the only object of.
legitimate hostility on the ocean were the public property
of a State, or asif the Edicts, aud the Courts of France
itself had not at all times enforced this right with peculiar
rigour secondly, that the British orders of blockade, in-
stead of being confined to fortified towns, had, as France
asserted, been unlawfully extended to commercial towns
and ports, and to the mouths of rivers ; and thirdly, that
they had been appled to places, and to cuasts, which nei.
ther were, nor could be actually blockaded. ‘The last of
these charges is not founded on fact, whilst the others, even
by the admission of the American Government, are utter.
Jy groundless in point of law.
Against these Decrees, His Majesty protested and ap-
pealed ; He called upon the United States to assert their
own rights, and to vindicate their independence, thus
menaced and attacked ; and as France had declared ; that
she would confiscate every vessel, which should touch in
Great Britain, ar be visited by British ships of war, His
Majesty, having previously issued the Order of January
1807, as an act of mitigated retaliation, was at length
compelled, by the persevering violence of the enemy, and
the continued acquiescence of Neutral Powers, to revisit,
View original
upon France, in amore effectual manner, the measure of
her own injustice; by declaring, in an Order in Council,
bearing date the 11th of November 1807, that no neutral
vessel should proceed to France or to any of the countries
from which, in obedience to the dictates of france, British
c mmerce was excluded, without first tuuching at a port
in Great Britain, or her dependencics. At the same time
His Majesty intimated His readiness to repeal the Orders
in Council, whenever France should rescind her Decrees,
and return tothe accustomed principles of maritime war-
fare ; and at a subsequent period, as a proof of His Majes-
ty’s sincere desire to accommodate, as far as possible, His
defensive measures to the convenience of Neutral Powers,
the operation of the Orders in Council was, by an order
issued in April 1809, limited to a bluckade of France, and
of the countries subjected to her immediate dominion,
Systems of violence, oppression, and tyranny, can never
be suppressed, or even checked, if the Power against
which such injustice is exercised, be debarred from the
right of full and adequate retaliation: or, if the measures
of the retaliating Power, are to bé considered as matters
of just offence to neutral nations, whilst the measures of
original aggression, and violence are to be tolerated with
indifference, submission, or complacency.
The Government of the United States did not fail to
remonstrate against the Orders in Council of Great Bri-
tain. Although they Knew, that these Orders would be
revoked, if the Decrees of France, which had occasioned
them, were repealed, they resolved at the same moment to
resist the conduct of both Belligerents, instead of requiring
France in the first instance to rescind her Decrees. Ap.
plying most unjustly the same measure of resentment to
the azgressur, and to the party aggrieved, they adopted
measures of commercial resistance against both—a system
of resistance, which, however varied in the successive Acts
of Embargo, Non-Intercourse, or Nou-ilmportation, was
evidently unequal inits operation, and principally levelled
against the superior commerce, and maritime power of
Great Britain.
The same partiality towards France was observable, in
their negociations, as in their measures of alledged resis.
tance, ‘
A pplication was made to both Belligerents for a reroca-
tion of their respective edicts; but the termsin which they
were made, were wide y diflerent.
Of France was requied a revocation ouly of (he Berlin
and Milan Decrees, although many Other edicts, grossly
violating the neutral commerce of the United States had_
been promulgated by that Power No security was de.
manded, that the Berlin and Milan Decrees, even if rev oked,
Should not under some other furm be re-established: and
a direct engagement was offered, that upon such revocat ion,
the American Government would take part in the war
against Great Britain, if Great Britain did not immediate'y
rescind her Orders. —W he:cas no corresponding engage-
meni was ollered to Great Britain, of whom it was required,
not only that the Orders in Council should be repealed,
but that no others of a sin.tlar nature should be issued,
and that the blockade of May 1806, should be also aban-
doned, This blockade established and enforced according
(o accustomed practice, had not been objected to by the
United States at the time it was issued. — Its provisions
were on Ue contrary represented by the American Mi:.ister
resideut in London at the time, to have been so framed,
as to allordin his judgment, a proof of the friendly dis.
position of the British Cabinet towards the United States.
Great Britain was thus catled upon to abandon one of
her most important rights ; by acknowledging
the Order of viockade in question, to be one of the edicts,
which violated the commerce of the United States, although
it had never been so considered in the previous negocia.
tions ;—and although the President of the United States
hid recently consented to abrogate the Non-Intercourse
Act, op the sole condition of the Orders in Council being
revoked ; thereby distinctly admitting these orders to be
‘he ouly ediccs, wich fell withiu the contemplation of the
law, under which he acted,
A proposition so hostiic to Great Britain could net but
*"e proporionably encouraging to the pretensions of the
‘Memy. As by thus alledying that the biockade of May
(806, was tlesal, the American Government virtually
Justified, su far as depended on them, the French Decrees.
The proposal of an Armisiice, and of a simultaneons
Repeal of the restrictive measures on both sides, subse.
quently made by the commanding officer of His Majesty’s
naval forces on the American coast, were received in the
same hostile spirit by the Government of the United
States. The suspension of the practice of impressment
was insisted upon, in the correspondence which passed on
that occasion, as a necessary preliminary to a cessation of
hostilities : Negociation, it was statedsemight take place
without any suspension of the exercise of this Right, and
also without any Armistice being concluded; but Great
Britain wes required previously to agree, without any
kuowledge of the adequacy of the system which could be
substituted, to negociate upon the basis of accepting the
legislative Regulations of a foreign State, as the sole equi-
valent for the exercise of a right which she has felt to be
essential to the support of her maritime power.
If America, by demanding this preliminary concession,
intends to deny the validity of that right, in that denial
Great Britain cannot acquesce ; nor will she give count.
enance to such a pretension, by acceding to its suspen.
sion, much less to its abandonment, as a basis on which
to treat. If the American Government has devised, or
conceives it can devise, regulations, which may safely be
accepted by Great Britain, as a substitute for the exercise
of the right in question, it is for them to bring forward
such a plan for consideration. The British Government
has never attempted to exclude this question from amongst
those, ou which the two States might have to negotiate:
View original
View original It has, on the contrary, uniformly professed its readinis
ness to receive and discuss any proposition on this sub.
ject, coming from the American Government: it has ne-
ver asserted any exclusive right, as to the impressment of
British seamen from American vessels, which it was not
prepared to acknowledge, as appertaining equally to the
Government of the United States, with respect to Ame.
rican scamen when found vu board British merchant ships:
—But it cannot, by acceding to such a basis in the first
instance, either assu.ue, or admit that to be practicable,
which, when attempted on former occasions, has always
been found, to be attended with great difficultiis; such
difliculties, as the British Commissioners in 1806, express-
ly declared, after an attentive consideration of the sugges-
tions brought forward by the Commissioners on the part of
Ameri¢a, they were unable to surmouat.
Whilst this proposition, transmitted through the British
Admiral, was pending in America, another communication
on the subject of an armistice was unofficially made to the
British Government in this country. The Agent, from
whom this proposition was received, acknowledged that hic
did not consider, that he had any authority himself, to
sign an agreement on the part of his Government. It was
obvious that any stipulations entered into, in cousequenec
of this overture, would have been binding ou the British
Government, whilst the Government of the United States
would have been free to refuse or accept them, according
to the circumstances of the moment: ‘This proposition
was therefore necessarily deelined.
After this exposition of the circumstances which preced-
ed, and which have followed the declarat.on of war by the
Unit. d States, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, act-
ing in the name and on the behalf of His Maj-sty, feels
himself called upon to declare the leading princ:,.es, by
which the conduct of Great Britain has been regulated in
the transactions connected with these discussions.
Hlis Royal Highness can never acknowledg. any block.
ade whatsoever to be illegal, which has been duly notified,
and is supported by an adequate furce, merely upon the
ground of its catent, or because the ports, or coasts block.
aded are vot at the same time invested by land.
lis Royal Highness can never admit, that neutral trade
with Great Britain can be constituted a public crime, the
commission of which can expose the slips of amy power
whatever to be denationalized,.
His Royal Highness can never admit that Great Briiain
can be deoarred of its mgtit of Just and necessary retaliati.
on, th-ough the fear of eventually aliecting the interest of
a neutral,
His Royal Highness can never admit, that in the exer.
cise of (he undoudted and bitherto undisputed right of
searching neutral merchant vessels in time of war, the
impressment of British seamen, when fcuad therein, can
be deemed any violation of a neutral fiag. Neither can
he admit, (iat the taking such seamen from on board such
vessels, can be considered by any Neutral State as a hostile
measure, or a justifiable cause of was.
There is no right more clearly established, than the right
which a Sovereign has to the allegiance of his subjects,
more especially in time of war. ‘Their allegiance is no
eptional duty, which they can decline, and resume at plea.
sure, Tt is a call which they are bound to obey ; it began
with their birth, aud can only terminate with their exis.
tence. : ,
Ifa similarity of language and manners may make the
exercise of this Right more liable to partial mistakes, and
occasional abuse when practiced towards vessels of the
United States, the same circumstances make it also a right,
with the exercise of which, in regard to such vessels, it is
nore diflicult to dispense.
But if, to the practice of the United States, to harbour
British seamen, be adued their assumed right, to transfer
the allegiance of British subjects, and thus to cancel the
Jurisdiction of their legitimate Sovereign, by acts of natu.
‘alization and certiicates of citizensinp, which they pretend
to be as valid out of their own territury, as within it, it
is obvious that fo abandon this ancient right of Groat Brie
tain, and to adinit these novel pretensions of the Uniced
States, would be to expose to danger the very foundation
of our maritime strength.
Without entering minutely into the other topies, which
have been brought forward by the Government of the
United States, it may be »roper to remark, that whatever
the Declaration of the United States may have asserted,
Great Britain never did demand, that they should force
British manufactures into France ; and she formally declar-
ed her willingness entirely to forego, or modify, in concert
with the United States, the System, by which a commercial
lutercourse with the enemy had been allowed under the
protection of Licences ; provided the United States would
act towards her, and towards France with real imparti-.
The Government of America, if the differences between
States are not interminable, has as little right to notice the
affair of the Chesapeake. ‘The aggression, in this instance,
on the part of a British officer, was acknowledged, his
conduct was disapproved, and a reparation was regularly
tendered by Mr. Foster on the part of His Majesty, and
accepted by the Goverment of the United States,
it is not less uuowarranted in its allusion to the mission
of Mr. Henry ; amission undertaken without the authori.
ty, oreven knowledge of Ilis Majesty’s Government, and
which Mr, Foster was authorised formally and officially
to disavow.
The charge of exciting the Indians to offensive measurig
against the United States, is equally void of foundation.
Before the war began, a policy the most opposite had been
uniformly pursued, and proof of this was tendered by
Mr. Foster to the Amcrican Government.
Such are the causes of war which have been put for.
‘ward bythe Goverpment of the United States. But the
View original real origin of the present contest will be found in that
spirit, whic has long unhappily actuated the Councils of
the United States: their marked partiality in palliating
and assisting the aggressive tyranny of France; their
systematic endeavours to inflame their people against the,
defensive measures of Great Britain; their ungenerous
conduct towards Spain, the intimate ally of Great Brit-
ain; and their unworthy desertion of the cause of other
neutral nations. It is through the prevaleuce of such
councils, that America has been associated in Policy with
France, and committed in war with Great Britain.
And under what conduct on the part of France has the
Government of the United States thus lent itself to the
enemy? The contemptuous violation of the Commercial
Treaty of the year 1800, between France and the United
States; the treacherous seizure of all American vessels and
cargoes in every harbour subject to the tontroul of the
French artis; the ty canuical princi; les of the Berlin and
Milan Decrees, and the contiseations under them 3 the sub.
sequen? condemnations under the Rambouillet Decree, an.
tedated or concealed to render it the more effectual; the
French commercial regulations which reudor the trafic of
the United States with France alinost illusory : the burn.
ing of their ncichint ships at sea, 'ung after the alledged
repeal of the French Decrecs—all these acts of violence on
the part of France produce from the Government of the
United States, only such com, laints as end in acquiescence,
and submission, or are accompanied by suggestions for
enab'ing france to give the sevnblance of a legal from to
her usurpations, by converting them into municipal regu.
This disposition of the Government of the United States
—this complete subserviency to tie Rater of Prance—this
hostile temper towards Gercat Britain—are evident in almost
every page of the otlicial correspondence of the American
with the French Government,
Against this course of conduct, the real cause of the
present war. the Paince Regent solemuly protests. Whilst
contending avaiast France, to defence not only of the liber.
ties of Gecat Britain, but of the world, His Royal Highness
was entitled tolook for a fardiflerent result. From. their
common origin—from theic common twterest—from theie
professed principles of freedom and independence, the
United States were the last Power in which Great Britain
core have expeeted to find a willing instrument, and abet.
turol freaea Pyranny,
Disap poms doovthos Dis just expectation, the Prince
Resent will sub pursue the molev, which the British
Government has so lous, and Invariably maintained, in
revelling injustice . and im sapporting the general rights of
nafions ; and. ualerthe favour of Providence, relying on
the justice of his cause, and (ho tried luyalty and firmuess
of the British nation, bis Royal Lezhness confidently looks
forward to a sucessful issue to th: contest, in which he
has thes been com, cllod most reluctantly to engage.
VV stm ‘aster, Sanu ‘rif Foi 81S.
amen =EE22 TS " & *§oete
——— ee ee — ° —
NEW AMSTERDAM, Afarch Gh 1813.
The Governor left Nezo Amsterdam this morning,
for Demerary, we iclieve in consequence of the sus-
pension of Judge FRANKLAND, a measure which
erciles our deep reazrct, being we conceive not less
unfortunate for lise Colonics than at variance with
the cause of Josue. die do not however, hesitate
to anticipate that tiue and integrity whether record:
edin goldor ia hrass will ultimately triumph ; and
tho’ it is not permitted lo us, to censure or canvass
the conduct of olhas, weave, nevertheless, anuthori-
zed, on all cecasious, lo cone forward in protection
of innocence.
We believe it is the Governdy’s intention to pass
some tine in Demerary and Essequcbo.
—= iii
The following Pxtract of a Letter, froma Gentleman of
the first respectability in Mahaica, wepresent our readers
with considerable (though melancholy ) satisfaction ; partie
cularly as, on the score of iiformation, itacts asa complete
introduction to what appears on the subject, from the Kin’s
‘We have all been much shockedat the capture of the
Peacock, an the welauchuly circumstances attending it,
J had the detail from four of the crew, who escaped from her
(by means of the small boat, hanging over her stern, which
was wuch shattered, and with diflicully keptatloat by them
until they were picked up by a colony-boat, after having
been six or seven hours in that situation) two hours after
she had been taken possession of by the American sloop
of war Hornet, of 20 guns, principally J32-pounders, aud
175 men, ‘Phe action took place a little to windward of
Mai aica, in five fathom water, and commenced about ten
minutes before five o’clock, on Wednesday evening last
and in forty five minutes the Peacock was obliged to strike.
being a perfect wreck. About aquarter of au hour before
She struck, Capt. Peake was in the act of cheering his
crew, aid encouraging them tocontiune the unequal con.
test, when he received a four and twenty pounder in his
breast, and fell with asmie on his countenance. The
man from whom I received this account, was then at the
helm, not two yards from where the captain was Standing,
View original and sprang forward atag*oh him in his arms to carry bim
below, when he was knocked down by a splinter.—‘*ILere
is some of pour Capt Peake’s blood, (said he, puinting to
his trowsers.) Iwas covered with it, but the sale water
has almost washed it out.”” No other Otlicer was hilled.
arly in the action, Mr. Lot fell—**Poor tot’! (exclaim.
ed the Capt.) 1 did not think you would have been the
first”? Mr Lot was taken down to Dr, Whitaker but re-
turned to his quarters before the action ceased, having
merely been deprived of his senses for a time. When these
poor fellows made their escape, the wounded only had
been taken out of the vessel; and at that time, she had
eight feet water in her hold, and the American Lieutenant
(whose name is O Connor) had hailed his ship to say, that
the prize was sinking, and these lads conceived that all
hands on board the Peacock were in danger of going down
in her, as she had been brought to an anchor and the
Hornet had drifted a considerable distance from them, and
did not seem to take notice of the Licuteuant, when he
hailed. They cotijectured that the Peacock had from 20
to 25 killed and badly wounded. ‘Theenemy only acknow-
ledged one of each, but they say, they do not believe that,
as their fire was well kept up, and the other did not send
their boat to take possession, for twenty minutes after the
Peacock had struck. ‘The plain and apparently sincere
testimony of these men, and the regret which they expressed
for the Captain, were both convincing and affecting. ‘The
spokesman, a respectable looking sailor, said, that he had
been fourteen years in His Majesty’s service, and six with
Capt. Peake; and ‘*Sir (said he) a better man, or braver
vilicer, or better disciplined ship, never sailed out of Eng.
land ; every man exerted himself to the uanost, but they
were tou heavy for us.”
Wehave reccived during the present week; five
days later news than the Packet; but as it all con-
sists inreports, we give them as they are, in hope,
soon lo be able to communicate the same officially.—
Tn the meantime laying before our Readers, the De-
claration of His Royal tMighness the Prince Re-
gent, on the failure of Amity between Great Brit-
‘ain and the United States of America.
—Junuary 18.—
A house is fitting ap in town for Prince Stahremberg,
who is expected here as Ambassador fiom Austria. (We
merely believe this will be a mission from the Austrian ca.
biuet for a Peace.)
—January 19.—
Memel, Jan. 2.—The Russians have taken possesion
of this place in an amicable way. ‘They were received in
open arins by the miliiary and inhavitants of every deno-
mivation, The Russians were on the 3ist ult. 12 Ger-
naw nules of Noningsberg, avd are no doubt ere now in
possession of that important garrison,
Gollenburg, Jan. 12.—Letters have been received fr.
Copenhagen, which ineution the surrender of Macdunald
aud \ ictor.
Heligoland, Jan, 14.—A smal! vessel has just arrived
from the Continent, which brings the pleasing intelligence
that the Russians have entercd Koningsberg, and that au.
other part of their army was procceding to Memel, where
they expected to find large supplies of Corn, aud a vase
accumulation of ammunition and military stores of every
desenption —It is even asserted confide ily and geneially
belicved, that they are already im possession of Dautzic—
and it was also saul that they had entercd Hamburg, and
that a Russian expedition was in readiness against iol.
A vessel is just come in this river, supposed to be the
if Urietta, from London,
View original ———
Which said coflee estate V Esperance with all its
cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurten-
ances and dependencies, all conformable to an In-
ventory formed thereuf, and now lying at the Mar-
shal’s Ollice, for the inspection of those whom it may
I the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira-
lion of one year wnd six weeks, from the loth Octob.
IS12, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of the sale of said
state ? Esperance, such sums of money as whiere-
fore the same has been taken in execution.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum.
Berbice, 28 Feb. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution granted by His
Excellency Ropert Gornon, Governor General
of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice-
Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges
within the same, &c. &c. &c.
Upona petition of P. Sytnorr, as the general and
special Atlorney of W. King and Park Benga-'
View original MIN, in their capacity as Curators to the estate of
B. By yor, dec. versus, the Proprietor or Proprie-
lors, Representative or Representatives, of planta-
tion Best Bower,. under date of 270: July, IST.
Be it therefore known, that [ the updendig ied have
caused to be tiken in Execution, the abovenamed
estate Best Bower, with all its slaves, and further ap-
purtenances thereto belonging.
Which said estate Best Bower, cm annexris, and
conformable toan Inventory formed thereof and now
lying at the Marshal’s Ollice for the inspeetion of
those wdom it may concern.
I the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, from the month No-
veinbeé 1812, conformable to the Regulations of the
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist Ja-
nuary ISO, respecting the Sale of Estates by Exe-
cution in this colony, in order to recover from the
proceeds of said sale sach sum of money as where-
fore the said estate Best Bower, cum annexis, has
been taken in Execution, gum expences.
This 4th proc amation pablished by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 28 Feb. 1813.
~ K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by His
Excellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, \ ice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&e. &c. &c.
Granted upon a petition presented for that purpuse
by Win. Lawson, versus, Geo. Baird, Th. Tt hile,
and Sem. JLiles, under cate ot LOth Aug. 1819.
Be it therefore Known, that | the undersigned have
caused to be taken im isxeccution the Cotton Estate
No. 35, situate on the Corentyn coast, Berbice, with
all its Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and farther
Appurlenances, and Dependeucics thereto beloaging
the joint property of said G. Baird, Th. White, and
S. Ifiles.
Which said cotton estate No. 35, situate on the
Corentine coast, with all its cultivation, buil lines,
slaves, and further ap- and dependencies, coi ona-
able to an Inventory thereot, lying at the Marchai’s
Oflice for the inspection of thuse whom it may con-
I the undersigned intend to Sell, after the exyira-
fiow of one year aud six weeks, irom the jth pec.
I$i2, conformable to the Reeuiations of t:* Court
vf Civil Justice, dated Ist January I810, respe: ting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this coic: y, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said sale such
stun of money as wherefure the said plantation No.
uf, Corentine, has been taken in execution.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. berbice, 23 Feb. 18/3.
K. Francken, First Macsial,
View original The subserther has the Jollowing articles renuin-
ine of his importation by the Anna, fr. Loud:
NAILS from Gd. to 20d., shovels, hoes, cutlasses,
cotton knives, American felling axes, stay bars and
staples, hook, eye and HL hinges, brasswere coffee
seives Insets, paint & oils, soap, candles, butter in
hall fickins, loaf sugar, Negro hats, blankets, shirts,
and trowsers, Osnaburzls, cottun and coffee bazeing
collve bays, Gentlemens super fine beaver and Leg-
horn bats, aud blue paatafouns, Loudon made sad-
dles and bridles, Irish linen, long lawn, cotton shirt-
ing, India white and ycllow mankeeas, striped ging-
hams, Russia sheeting, and atew pipes Oso Lon-
DON PaRTicuLaR Manesra WINE,
Which he will sell very cheap, to close sales, and
will take cofice or colton, al the highest markct price.
13 Feb. Cus. KAY TE,
View original a
List of Run-a-way Negroes, in the Colony Stocks of
F raucis
Waltz (Dem.)
Pla. Ouverwagt
van der Broek
Pin. Weldaad
Plu. Mara
Pin. Welgelegen
Bernice, on the 25th of Feb. 153.
By whom brought.
~~ Aanbrengers.
li. Fraser.
ec rauendorft
i rauondorf
J. A. DEMNERT, Under Sheriff.
GRE) Le PE teat, FN i ate eB
View original RE) Le EE atone, 8 Nk) cl ata te BP
(DIED,) Wm. Threlfall, Esq. Vendue Master of this
View original
— ——_— —
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p.m.

6 March 1813