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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1815)
View original —_ —-——_— —
Twelve dollars p. annum.
, . SS — Ee
View original PROCLAMATION.
BY His Excellency Hexry Wrirram
Bentixcx, Licutenant-Gover-
, »» nor and Commander in Chief in
(LS ) and over the Colony, of Berbice
and its Dependencies, President
in al] Courts and Colleges with-
in the same, &c. &e. &c.
WHEREAS on hadith Day of January
Vast, bduly made known the Instructions I had re-
ceived from Fiis Majesty’s Government, that [should
preventail Procecdings which might have the effvet
of enabling the Dutch Mortgagecs of Estates within
this Golony, to procced Summarily againstsuch E>-
tates, until some means could be devised for liquida-
tine said’ Demands in a manner less prefludiciut iv the
present Proprictors.
Nis» Majesty's Government have since had reason
to believe, thal the Mortgageesin question won!) no!
be wawilling to accede to an- arrangement, “which
sould lave the effect of postponing to a more dis-
tani period the payment of the Debt dueto than, (o-
gether with the laterest which has accrued upon it.
J havetherefore, this day, received Instructions
from the Right Honorable the Earl Batitunsy, of
the Commands of Lis Roy:A Lighness The Prince
That in all eases in which an arrangement of the
nature hereinafter speeified, shall be proposed by the
resent Proprietors of Estates, mortgaged to persons
Resident in Holland, previously tothe Ist of Janua-
ry, ISt4, to continue them that Proteetion against
the Summary foreclosure of the Mortgages upon their
Estates, which was authoriged by the Lnstructions to
me, duly notified as alorcsuicl on the 4th day of Ja-
It is, ho-vever, clearly to be understood, that, that
Tnstruction, ts nemo degree applicable to those cases
In which, upon the Morlgagces proceeding to fore-
closure, no such proposition shall be made on the
part of the Debtor.
In such cases the Mortgagees will retain all those
rights as to foreclosure, which they wonld have pos
sessed if the Order or Instrnction publigied by me
as aforesaid! on the 4th Day of Jannary last bad not
been issued.
The arrangement which is propased on behalf of
the Duteh Mortgagee in licu of unmedi ce payment
Isgthat he should receive at the expenceof the Pro-
prietor of the Estatqaa new Mortgare for the whale
amount of Debt, now due to him, including both tat
part of the Original Debt whieh bas aot been diss
charged ard the Interest which has accrued upon it
up to the Sist December, IST inclusive.
That this Securityshould reserve to hin that Pri-
ority of claim over other Murigagees and Creditors,
to whichhe is entitled under bis Original Mortga ve.
That it should bear an Annual Interest, beginning
from the Ist danuary, 1815, atthe same rate, and pay -
able in the same manner as that which was payeble
under the Original Security, and that the whiole
amount of the New Debt, shall be payable by Light
equal Annual Instalments, the first of which ts to be-
come payable on the Ist of Jannary, 1820.
Morcover it will be necessary, that the New Se-
eurity should afford tothe Dutch Mortgagee all those
means of legal redyess in the event of non-payment
of Interest or Omission todiseharge the Principal
when duc,, and all those other Privileges and Ad-
vantages to which he would be entithed under his
present Mortgage, and should in short place bin,
with respect to the Debt for which the New Sccuii-
ty isgiven, inthe same siluation as he stood with
respect to hisOriginel Claim upon the Istate, in all
points, excepting that which relates to the period at
which the payment fay be demanded, so that no la-
ter Creditor shall derive from this arrangement any
power to ailect the Rights of the Original Creditors,
and th; further Suspension of Payment (Surche-
ance) siia!! take place without the Original Creditors’
especial consent.
in order to entitle the Mortgagec to reccive the
New Secarily which is hereinbefore specified, it will
be necess@ry that he should as soon as the New Securit y
is recorded at the Secretary’s Otlce of this Colony,
and delivered to the Mortgagee or his Agent here
«the expenee of which Record is to be defrayed by
the Debtor) deliver up to be cancelled the Bounds or
Mor(lyages originally granted to him, or at least ex.
hibit a legal proof that the old Mortgages or Bonds
are cancelled aud uo longer ofany value.
View original THE
View original — @—— ———_ — —_—_ — —S ee
— -
View original To the end that all and every one concerned or
interested in the Premiseg, may be duly informed,
and ihus enabled to preserve their Rights, with res-
pect to the proposed Arrangement hereinbefore set
forth.—1 have deemed itexpedient to Publish, as
I Do BY THESE PRUSENTS make known to the Public
the aforesaid Command.
And in order that, no one may plead ignorance,
have directed the s ame t be Proclaimed as custonia-
” Comes under my and and Seal at Arms, at the
Kin2z’s House, New Amsterdam, this 3lst Day
of. luly, 1515, andin the 55th Year of His Ma-
jesty’s iteign.
By Command,
F. \V ure, Gov. Ss,
View original ew ee sl 0 LSE Te
REQUIRED for the Civil Commissary De-
pantinent, a Mister Carpenter, Well instructed in his
piolession, and who can pratuce recemmandations
from former employs ers of good conduct. ‘Tenders
will be reee@ived by che Subscuiber ustl Tuesday the
15th instant, at 1Oo’cluck, a.m. whenthey will be
opened in presence of His Exerilency uke Governor,
and the lowes!, it approved, accepteds 5 Aug.
REQUIRED for the Casi] Comunissary De-
prrtiment—Jour S quintabeaskhs of New Fish, and
One barre! of good? TDolacco. — For which ‘Tenders
will be received by the Subscriber till Tuesday the
Sth instant, at 10 o’elwk acm. when they will be
opened in presence of His Lxeccliency the Governor,
and the lowest, if approved, aceepied. 5 Aug.
+e SEs SS Re Se
View original lel ee ee
FOR SALE or HIRE, the Dwelling House
and necessary Ont-huikliogs, belonging tothe Sub-
scriber, situated on Jiot No. 15, centre road—it is
nota year since th seid busbboes are erected. For
further particalars enquire sf (his O'fice, or to the
Sub,cnber. —F Ane. WY. KLCOUWENS, *
TE KOOP of teHiUL I, het Woonhuis en
benoodigd: 2vdc ge botwen, starade op dat gedeclte
van het Uef No. tact ocrenmte aan den onderge-
teekende, gelegea asa den mi 'denweg, zynde nog
veen mar geleden ge mcideggebouwen opgezet. ‘Te
be vragen terdezer Druk kety, of by den ondergetee-
hend?.—5 Aug. W. KRLOUWENS.,
—— —
FOR LIRE, Seven young healthy Negroes,
amonest which a geod house boy and washer wo-
man—accustomed also to work in the field. For fur-
ther information apply to tais Onice. 5 Aug.
View original CORN, ef soperior quauty, for Sale on Pin.
Merville, cast coast, at j 10. per thousand.
5 Aug.
FOR SALE, by Cuantns Ruvacn, in com-
misston,—lberriigs in large barrels at f40.--long
leat Tobacco at J 2. per pound, by taking not less
then 25 las.—yc tow sowp at [Gstivers per lb. by the
box,—who want to hire a good house boy,
5 August.
me eee FS eee
View original meee eee 0 See eee
—= a
NOTICE,—In consequence of the indispo-
sition of three of the Honorable Meinbers ofthe Court
of Civil Justice, the orinary July Sessions of the
Courtare turther postponed until Monday the 14 of
Auyuel, lold. 5 Aug
By Command,
Re C. DOWNER, Sec.
WHEREAS Ap Ocal ith, by Petition, bas beeu
made to the Hon'ble. Court of Policy andCriminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
July, 1815, tor Letter of Manmnissjon:
Richard Clarke Downer for the Negro Peter, his
property, but lately having appertased tothe Es-
tate of the Widow HM. J. Buse.
Notice whereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may Wish to oppose the grant
of said Leticr of Manumission,that they may address
d4hemselves in writing (othe unders? ened Secretary of
the colony, vrevious to the cnuing Sessions of the
View original (No. 569.
View original [Paytible inadvunee.
——— _—- — - —ts~— a
View original Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition.
Secreiary’s Olfice, Berbice, 29th July, 1815.
R. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original eel
This is to inform the Public, that the folluxing
Persons intend quitting tiis colony.
Robert Elwis, in 6 weeks from 24 June,
A. A. de la Court, will quit this Colony, Jane 30.
‘James Foderingham in 6 weeks from 15 July.
Nathanial Hunt indo. from do,
Edward Hunt in co. from de.
Adam Stewart in 6 weeks from 22 July.
Thomas B. Walter in do. from ce,
Alex. Bissct for Demerary with 6 Staves.
a ee
View original Notice is hereby given, thal amonth after date the
following Transporrsand Moi tgages rill be pursed
July 8. W. Ross qq. H. Rose, will transport to e-
/« incrary 52 Negrocs; names to be seen at this Ol-
. fiee.
July 15. Francis Brittlehank, qq. the Assiencéa of
John Dawson, will transport to James Roberts
— and Mugh Befhnue, qq. Alexander Vutioh, of
London, the Eastern half of Lot 38, West coast
of Berbice.
Aug. 5. Alexan:ter Prasef will (ran portto Demera-
ry 50 Slaves, names to be seen at this Olfiice.
0 a re ~~ a a
View original PUBLIC VENDUES.
On Thursday 10th Ang. and following days will
be sold, by ards and at the store of J. Crott, Msqe
the whole of his present stock of goods, viz,—bluc,
green, yellow, white, and black paints, and ogy Sp.
lurpentine, suap, candles, shot, pickless preserves,
beet, pork, medicines, carpenter and cooper tools,
stationary, tin ware, nails, iron pots, cuthts es, hoes,
shovels, buck knives, blue & white salem, ores, Ay.
nankeens, cotton & cofice bagving, flamvel, oexiu
clothing, Trish linen, sheeting, diay ce, drog ts lian
brown linen, black, blue, & wreen bread cl ths. wing
hams, quillings, cotton shirtiny, caticoes, eunbrics,
muslins, sadiery, &e. Also ts prime Negroes, va-
luable tradesman, domesticks and field Por rle-——anucl
afew casks real Prench claret—houschold jurnituc »
viz, mahogany side board, do. knite cases, hair Lot
ton chairs, saiag, fables, elass& earthen w we, bods
and Bedstcads, silventea and table spoons, knives and
loshs, XC. ’
D.C. CAMERON, Dep! Venduc Maste?:
as —< ~~ — —
On Mondey the 14th of Avgust, »ill be soll, b
order and at the house of A. A. de la Court, Esq. the
whole of his howsehold tutniture, most of which bag
lately arrived from London, chicily cCOnsbling of
ncw and elegant silvcr cases, waiters and other silver
“war>e, 7 ia silver edged plated articles; Viz, 2
a complcte sett of large and small dishes and OOVCTS,
candle stichs and chandeliers with spare shale’, tea
and hand watters, liquor & cruet stands, porter Clips,
atea urn, &e. mahogany bedsteads and furnituce a
patent dining table, tor 24.cevers, sideboard, Solis,
card & pembroke (*bles, Grecian chairs, rays, frie
med pictures, amps, looking glasses, award robes,
chest of drawers, washhand siamls, a number of la ree
new tablecloths, napkins, a conmplefe blue table sers
vice for 24 people, 2 fashionable tea services, larve
French water pots, new sadlery amongst Which is ay
outiigger’s harness complete yenilery , (ins brass- iron
and gliss-ware, some very old and choice liquors,
Madcira wine in bottles, Se. a
Also a negro man and woman, the former a ¢ook ‘
the latter a house servant, at 3 montas credit.
And without reserve, a few pipes Madeira wing
and claret, bock, champaign, cunstantia, and fron.
Ugnac funcl wines by the dugen.
D.C. Canvrox, Dep. Vendue Mast®.
. —_—_————
On Thursday 17 Aug. willobesold atthe Semune
OMice, 4 cascs negro pipes, bagying, paints and dil,
20 barrels beet & pork, Yorkshire & mutton hams,
beer, Madcira, and Irish linen—te close sales. 'J'wo
cases mecdiomnes, calicoes, sli cting, dowles, Shirting,
lon lawns, counterpenes, piebles, ame Plorcuce oil,
Port & sherry wine, raspberry & cherry brandy, 4
ficld hegrees, &c.
D. C. Cameron, Dep. endue Muster.
SS ES ek
View original ak Ea Oe ese ase es = 8 ae > oes
FOR SALE, a tew hoyslieads vl excclleiut
French Claret, at six Joes cash.
92 July. M, LINDNER,
View original
View original _. SBERBIGE
The next tye, tl
eat No. LL} Corrent
Bl5. “5
, on the
will be beld
* a Joe
5m. Nowiae
firs ri ith Day, at whe Vim. cuing.
» « fall Moon, 19th 8
' aastiQuart O7th Day, at
Maya Phenomena, &c. te
as Day. . «a ~«
omy i sen °
41e oe vie »
Gi, m TT z anday after Trinity. Trans-| 5.
7) M ee Ct. ffs. ofour ~~ Sp. dds. | 6
& Ta : | 2
o| W | li ‘
10 . le! St. Lawrenec. . , |= ' .
V : .
2) | Prince Ne +1.) 17009. Neap Tides. | !0
se | Lathe Swirly after ‘Trinity. % i
Wet Ca Assumption. a l
164) W {Duke of York born 1763. >» 2
Ji a — :
S ‘
i9Ps ‘sm
- Su 19th Sund. after Trin. Spring’ Tiles. 5
Vp M Duke ot Clarcnee burn 1705. (
jt A
23 Son enters Viceo. 7)
po | a St. Uauth. He Wd. of Holl. born. | 7
2 I ‘ he
0 5| ‘ Y
ee ie y
ol [StoAnestine. Neap' Tides. 10)
“g Nd st. Job. Dap aot Buheaded. il
£0 | Ai
5 cdl F ian 2
— .°
oe t— Oo-~!
View original NY AMSTERDAM,
View original LL
SaTunpar, AvaeusT5, Wt5.
EEE ——
View original Ry *he errigalefierr Wai! we how meccrccd TF
glis h PasetiTo th Ioth wf lohl (rth : Wo. ie
hat al'@odat evmomeds On fiat date fhe Decla-
sao} Pitemcus fe | nown—huteas the Packet
s/t the WA, therewas a reper! thal day, that
the l)iclasataen wna Gous made by the Altied
Pe ere, agains! bine. -
Thre mart cp pRedute, al home, hag fallen.
[ue orred «Menai Whe Leth < bag or Kiarone,
bo be for. oleh y the A peass Packet, willbe clo-
sed heve at U 0 oki ok. oe ;
EEE ee @
We horse laayologiee our Subserihers for
@ wi pul hinge he Paper at the wpe
« Nevdaz, the lay 208 0tcdtion dhy « parsen
6 (ag to make i inee: tpn 0 flier partice!
cp usions, Clee said) having obt@med permission
porlnc saves but on sending the proof s (CM forre-
2 Mlbn ond Aire valy if appears thal whawere accci™
e', cy no sth pomp i gion had té@etercated the
Pacts peor “lion beis: nea in. proper, was obli-
A. reli df. é ‘
Tenet .—Had oe. as fo the ac-
thal departure of Ute pa from sfor the Army,
the arrival of the at LV edne Jast,
runt have removed thém. We left that ‘eapital en
‘Tuestay, L-aving a Coaneil of Rewency fo look afler
hes interests in his absence, e most ciieus do-
cuments communicated i these Papers, isan abstract
ofan Larposé of the ate of Trance, by Carnot, the
Minister ot @ Intaor, of which the leone points
are viven ‘uy the Sifting: ofthe Ch umber of Represen.
tat@es. The contcstion of the depressed stale ot the
resources of France ts inanag@owith some address, '
The late Gawernment proves adiest Convenient scapes’
goet. The dilapidateditstate in whieli the arsenals,
the treasury, the manufactures of armsy He hospi-
tals, &c. Se were lt by BOtaparte, aremmost arte
fullv kept out of view, and all the evils which the
short vei@@ of the Bourbons bad becn insufficient to
remove or remedy, are @itfally mustered up in bat-
tlesvary, as haveng heen created ry (heir misifia-
begement, Cau Carnot possibly persuade hirascli
View original
View original ‘>’
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View original ~}
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View original provided for by Great Britain, in pursuance of the
Convention of the 19th of May, 1815.
ie at the par of
Datch Guilders. Kleven Guilders.
Capital. .5.cm8.- 25 000,090 29.979,70 7 955-T1
nlerest ato pract. 1,990,090 Liv ,o34 63 3-l]
wok. fund? prict. 240,000 92.797 65 5-711
Potal Annycharge 1,900, 00 1U6,0638 12 8 8-I11
"3° 2 <P °C @ eae
It was by the barricr of Villette that the Emperor
left Paris. Hestopyeda few minutesat Bourget, and
was to passthe night at Svissuns. Marshal eeperand
and Gencral Drouet accoiipanied his Majes
The Council of Regency formed by thse r in pPeror
is Composed, it is said of thesPrinces, of the linpe rial
Mamnily, the Vinesters, and several Ministers of State.
Che Prince Arch Chancellor presides.
There is also a report of a Commission being ap-
pointed for maintaining the safety of Paris, at which
M nister of War will preside, and of which the
efects of Police and of the Department will be
Ive) ther
\ curate and two vicurs of the Departinent of the
— oe @
North, who were preaching up resistance to the Go-
vernment, have been pointed outto the proper authoe
rilies, whe have beou satistied with ordcriag them
to be cont Ye the Seminary of Cambrag. It wa
7) perdit (] 1s plac “« U der tie etry) ine
(ened |». tchle relate, they
weothl 3 | Trpul ecobites lus nfs iloctiine more
sound, amd more eontloruable to the Spintt of the
Vionsi \r Bech fember of ¢ Chamber of Re-
_ . ‘ ’ ’ f
sentatives, hasbcenay Ue da Counce or ol Sie.
Phe dver ral A Bi) Hy of ie Parisi i] Cont derates
. , * ; * . . .
will be hele at seven v’eloch this eweniaw. at ils urdi-
try place of anceting ia the sue de Gacnelle St.
. ‘ se , . c 1. x.° . ~~*
. nce the gencral distrm We OF UIC I iional (, rt
: ‘ar p } a '
of Siarsetiles, 1400 of the Citizens, whose sentiment
were nol cquivocal, have hed thecirarms re torert.
Phe Duke of Dalmatia arrived at Lisle on the LOth.
New works of delc nee are cunstructi 2 round Patis.
‘7 , a | »* 5 . -! a4 j «>
( FPAMBI a ( i | iv! Pe) —S ig jl 0; FUNC ] se
‘ . ag: ° 4 : . ¥ . ‘
Count Carnot, Minister of the Interior. then mount-
; fer ; .
ed ie Tribune. and reada report ow the general si-
luation o! amMpiue.—(See ifs anilysis in the pro-
cceding ef hamber of Rep: ilatives.)
Phis Neport was beard wiih ihe aac t prolound at-
(‘dint Carnat having J he Trionne, the Presi-
Berti ts: id, 66 TD Te asses Hai } (be communica.
fiens which the \ tn he: ic to it ta the name
tthe iainge iY It fins alreac CXpr dto bis Ma-
jesty: 116 grati(ude furwho-t he has doue forthe safety
ud lependenec of Preonce.”
Count Valence moved tat it le printed and dijstri-
buted to the nuinber ef three copies.—Orndered.
> ey ‘ Viv ? of th Var? , 0) Lhe Int ior.
The Py if nt aoe “, vat Count Res nanl! (
M. Joan dAng@ety requested a hearing, to communt-
’ ? . . . . a ee nail
fe tothe (C amber ie Lx po iiiun of the AMinvistes
of the Intereor. tt Wis VTAnte l.
» ; . y "
bias 4 pate Y the 20204) ‘Tor, vai} } ( ount It ‘enault
- ’ . ° . .
having charecd those of lis Ministers who are nem-
ly rs the a itn Der Pecrs Cap Cone unicale (oO tha
Assembly ihe es position of vur situation, which wa
! . , _° ce , ,
aPnout fo you tt thee Clecourse from the (Mrete.
. ; . : . . . e@- .
has col il Stra. far misston fo t al Nyy 1.
fers who have | » cleeted Re pr ontatives of the
Poopleé. ¢ To-day, and atthe momentawhen I speak,
the Afinister of the Interior is reading to the Cham.
berol Peers U L. po tion Of the slate of the Em-
pire. I have been off lio communicate to you
a Copy thereof. and shall read ito if such is the plea-
sure ol (he C| imiber. Ll vsscmably mantle sted if
(\We in give or + a feelic sketch of thi: CX post-
lion, the readiwg which lasted nearly (wo hours ;
but we believe we can state that our abridement is
Count Regmalt resumed.—Amone all the object
of the Empeter’s solicitade, the first after his solemn
aeceptance of the constitution, lias been to make
known to the nition, through the medium of its re-
prescntatives, th e true situ: ition in Wihric ’ it is placed
Three montill have scarcely el Gd simee his Ma-
jesty quilted the rock to wi %a, clreamstances had
for a moment banished him, in order to deliver
France from the enslaving yoke of a worn-out | lynas
ty, which managed the resources of our fin e coupsry
weacly for the proiit of forciguers
View original
View original The enthusiasm which servediag 4n ese@rt to I'd
Majesty from thi@\period 6fjhis landing, suilicie:@# y
proves, that if the deposed family eould ever re-enter
krante with the ¥ of foreignérsgit would soow be
expelled anew. Tis prejudices, its engagements 9 ith
the old privileced oe AUT Qpposition to the
liberal ideas in which (h@@xistigfecneration hisbeen
bred, and which e@ never@effogmide. Wath the
Princes of that family, we shoul !Wilve se@agas ind oett
we were menacéd, with the reappearance ofall the
crucl absurditics of feudal government, and the des
grading slavery OF the mauastic Sy ster.
In the mean time, it is to re-establish
stitutions, that they invite the forgignes pottr tive
country : bht we wall never thus abaton it, —we
will rally around the Kiuperor, the proteetor efthib«-
Lat ideas, around a Princewho, educated inthe revo-
lution, advances with the age ia which Wedivess ind
Wishes to extend the dominion of mind inafead of
circumscribing it. Yastrected by misfortunes, he will
see the conquerors of Austerliz, of Marenzo, aiid of
Jena, march anew under the colouss olt -n
led thei to victory, and the event Will met be dunli-
YT ae
However Tis Majesty is sincerely desirous@f peace:
he has done every thing to preserve Gt, but without
inclining to Histea for a moment to humiliating con-
ditions, which awoald compromiseithe honor and the
dearest interests of France. “All his ett ort yPowever,
have been fruitless ; abready our frontiers areanene-
cedat all pojuts, already hostiliff’ Rave been con.
inenced without any preliminary declaration ofwwar,
and there seems to remain no other rosotrce fer the
maintenance of our indepeadence but an appeal to
I these ir-
Ifthe Fiaperor were less fortified by the inherent
strenelt of his character, he might fear two rocks—
There has been falk of a royalist party andl repu-
blican party, alike enemies of his COveungent. But
the former has not known how to defo.) We Prin: ‘s
object of his afiection, for whomeit prtended a w I.
lingness to die; itftis far morse formiklable. egy: 1
republicans, converted trom old errors, of welch ery.
cL experience made Them feel too severcl yMhe trtal
ceil. cts, they see in the Pmpror only the prete®or of
the liberal leas which they have at all fines theine
aclyes professed, aud which excessesalonc have pae-
vented them from hitherto secing realised.
The time has heen too skort to give the nations!
constitution all the perleetion of which it was susce) -
tibleS but the Emperor, towards Theaccompifs ture rt
of this essential work, reekons on the intelligence and
patriotism of the twe Chamb rs. ‘The preparations
lor war have prevented him frem giving to ithitoself
all the attention which be could have wished; bust
the French territory was threatened.
‘The national character, wiliich essentially rejects
every idea of conquest, shoal! bave beena sullieient
guarantee to all the Powers of Purope against the in-
vision Which they seem so much to fear at present ;
Let that fear is only a vaia pretext (0 cover Uielr am.
Phat ambition is sufficiently demanstrated by the
senseless declaration of the Congress of Vienna,by the
assemblages on oat trontsers, by hostilities conuwence.!
in full peace, by landing effected on our Coast in order
lo crcourage civilayar, and, th fiac, by there Wal to
listen to any propesal for the maintainance of poack
AU these circumsfinecs must giveca precise ida of
tue justice and moderagion of Our ehemics; iti, We
caine as in 179 2gewhen the Deke of Mrunswick abe
lishod the famousiiasife sto of the insolent proge:.tions
converted the Preich into a nation of soldier
Representatives of (henation, you Knowsthe French
people, es cntially good aud geherous, and always
ready to eontribate to the wants ofthe coutitry, wr >-
vided the whole extent of tise wants be fair!s «ade
hnown to them. You hawe alfead Asam clethat
wise and baposing attitude which is the flocst euc-
rafitee of our liberty sarl independence ; aml vou
have a richt to Know Without theast discul.>, ihe
stafé of our wants and resourees.
The formerare douletless @r@at, but sufficient means
CXist to provide for Chem without oppressin thie
peopte; und withthe encrgy which you share with
the people who clogled you, we shit be certain of res
pelling the most uNjust agyression against an inde-
pendont people, of which the political annals of ca
binef® have ever preserved the ‘Peellection. of am
charved to permitto you the following dctails on our
infernal situatioh :—
Comenes.—Uiderthis head Couat Reenault state
that te c@mmunel :.l@inistraffon had beea aleost
tofally abandoned rider the government of the Bour-
bons ; that the cOMinindl funds 96 ess@nael to Che moe
veuent ol froops, the equipment ofthe ational sand,
&c. hadbeen@ila pial: od bypthtcrtbes of (he Princes,
oy the restoration éf woods to @iiles ants, ad Dy ona: y
otheranalversation; but that the Uinperor was tekdiis
jaa LS to resferc order in thiy Yin por tint branch 0. ine
ternal wdsuitistration.
View original
View original PTorpita’s —These assy lums of anferine vumanity
fodar etches @xcited the solicit le of (he Emperor
M1 the coumvence:nent OF 1814, ¢ establishments
bedi been ¢ x pose dtoconsigerable: ional ox perises,
from the niawuberotsick aid wou soldiers. Under
the Mf Covecuatient, bo wemer, they were on the point
of losiag one of th sipal resources, by the resti-
tation of property nts, with which (hey had
beon endowed by solemn laws. The Emperor had
restored ifAe ae
He Vaal alo bled the funds of the Maternal So-
ciel pwhich he etl, which, oogiis account alone,
was ne f which te anzust protectress is
§ .
inv ites by the wishes of all Erevetimben,
he of mendicit ey ercated @bu by the Fine
peror, wer@equaily abandoned; but (tye establish -
men wut tovesane new activity. The hos
in thed@eprriments invaded by the eneiny had
: iVerably'st. fered, but theyowere already 1@-estab-
.— Warder this head GountRegnant chiumé-
pint vatthenuniculs founted or Srilene “dl by Its
oe oud be continued, bough they were
* ey in time of paneer ; bat tley
‘id | 0 ¢ bw exclusively reserved tord raace,
anet it Per Ud nel receive thabex.
te istotb ~ be wished th v sould goon be ae.
4d earns high Wouk! belbo loager ae-
coos Wy Bir ye defence of the couatny.
Morkeet Pavia. — we Minister here gave anac-
Counbol othe vericus ce estruetions whieh have been
coumlreuee are ca,iital, aad wach slwald be eon-
4: uued,
ies -* tis Wa: hpre sented FF remarkabl:.
9t..:/ ctucee— oid Regaaull bere det justice
to the supr (ont ye@s Our manuiactares whieh ‘all the
pacer batts of halle couk 1 attest from the exper-
efcethrnished the tubs (be short tine Curmye which
it had WR in their power to trade with us. ‘Me SALW
lie eV @Py stsfagman, that Brance, at once #gricnttn-
rel ond vq@anuftc Wr, cowl ato. 2 ty prearse with the
sistanee of Vs net FumurTs, aad thatal beral Gao
Agen ean nol tetl to wive all posible spate to
nation! Jeeta bee onsly compressed by Crothic
: Wen oat that various new manufactures Ifad
hoent ae dyambothersintealuced: thatthe mann.
facture ol sug uw oon j ile ). Clesgonrf ’ in spitc of all the
@@ iris ma: let Seg rae i, cond wd shortty to render
hk rope iidep Rh ta the New World fo: thgtrticle;
fnirthe ino o wow, woth at Wivitte reaeh-d the
sane ne fection, dead y pwall at that India sand cat,
hoc aRanbero! us tui discoverics jre sented new
vue of pecan | pros erty,
Com nevetere Tae % port expressed nothing but
her alae P that artivle, ond by the absurd ambition
0 “ew rts 811 t! opehons of urope are pl. iced tn
tee Same C4. wl ae
Jn truchden —-t "er this title the Minteter exhii-
bited alt (he Vic gee ules fo wihnie = i, vw Corps Of Leach-
ers diat Vetm s wr’ red. The res _ ‘lie enquiry
"eal thal tha nities hot of ( tiller sand Sch).
lars at beet litteieh Gh) MER that tle DU ntverity of
Priris efi nm noere) and mits lirecomge sant pu-
pils, aid that thie beycetpes. stunabued by che new
engoumgemcnt of the Emperor, displaved the best
Public Ma-siig.—In speaking of the Clergy, the
© Winpister did fh Qaften x ter iw sine the ertors they
caromitted aa lehale bist eo i enngent, ia giving way
fiyopet ive Ire of ames it tk olpe Farch property, to
Uae ce of Otieran: S, im Siw .etiziae as pina 3
‘re the ow ners of ma ah i prope vy, whose titles
: bevn ree cnigebastegiimie FF the P. “pe Iie me
sy url in @ttompting, in the mune of the Abnight
Ww ouse servants theyare, to leecht up eivil war aim: rf
wen. The! mperer however, was alwaysd! spot!
to proteaty dad even Mvorthe Ministers of the church
so tong ws the céifined then cl res with inthe bounds
of tyetr daty, and hat at: culy conferred on the ca-
cala@@an atts wr ation of 159 ranks, whieh bad been
vainly pt tt them by the tast government,
"The i. nn pe reer N a | besales, the only soOve rein wha,
having no iue hem mf erests to arranve with tlhe Powe,
had it ta his powermlospnt anead to Mose infer nine.
ble negoctions, comme@necd try the Last ON erigsent
math the Court of Rome, and te resesiablish, poe
the basis of the Concordat, the bberies at the (sail; -
cian church.
Jurienrudence.—This artiele ofthe report was ex-
treme ly short. Vhe Minister nerely stated, thant hase
Civ it qu. iF rcs why ’ if it themsclyres eworthy ot the a
funetions, bad done Byetres by hdicat ag their é&
fiom; aud that as far es respe@ted the adn ini ration
qi the criminal) law, the SosipbUshime at of the trio! ly
jury every doy Pred now aps) ten: bubthal ur
the IreUn Sie Pyome pe Lusty tiens were nee
comary to cogulgte the diticead diffinish the labours
ea (hose jucieblal eitigtiie.
The War De Mte—Mt wag sdeolutely im pos-
ke to follow wi. Cancel Regen alt (hice vl all the
details Which be futsished bn Utly i: ompentant pic.
Phe result is, that on te [set April; Sd. thee: ry
eousisteC 400,000 mciy exclusive of 150,900 piisun-
View original
View original e

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View original MARSIIAL's OF FICE.
BY wrine of arcrit @f Suuve Garde, granted by
Flis Piaceliency H.W. Bentinck, Bsq. Vieatenant
CAeemmor of the colony Bervhice ond ite 7): ponden-
cies, We. Se. de. unier date of Mth July, ISt5.
1 thew dersiqned da herely inake public, that
the scit zovit of Sawee Garde is cranied jaw the
person of ASA. de la Comt, an Inhelitad of thes
colony, aud fitrth + thetthe person os tresnid a. A.
Mel: Comrtiis pul utder ihe Profectioa und Saute
rare of the Sovereign. hPPehy Ord reat Gnd Cuu-
toning In nage of (me * Tere,
and all others whomsoever, NOT lo tajure or cause
lo Ledajured, @ person OY property,in any manner
or d+ epee whatever, og eclly orindiectly, the
aforementioned A. A. de la Court, ar hisypreperty,
on pan Of Jurtedure of Life ard Property. with rue
Function to all Much ates, Offtcers, and Manisiars
of Justice, av aly all Inhabtants and Subjects of
our aforesaid Soveveigi, that they be aiding and age
siting me the undersigned in the erecilion of this
precept und the matter thereof, vider pain of So-
vereien displeasuve and the penalty thereby occas
SI0P CG. .
This notice made puilicthy beat of erm from the
Court House of this colony, and further dealt with
eccording (9 cuslam.
Berbice, 29th July, 1913.
FE. lt. wANTZE, Marshal.
By indieyosiion of the First Marshal.
BY virtue of Autherity from Hts Excellen-
cy WW. Bentinox, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor
of the colony Berbice and its Dependcneies, &e. &c.
‘Se. given upos a Petition presente) for that purpose
by the Curators of the tate and Effects of Wilkiain
Tireliall, deceased, vader date of Wd Aug. 1815. J
the undersigned, atthe request of aforesaid Cura.
tors, do hérebe Syamon by Edict: All known and
unknown Creditors of the Estate of William Threl-
il, deceas@, both in bis private capacity and as
Having beea Dépaty Vendue Master inthis colony,
{o appear before the Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, wt their Sessiun which will be held in the
View original
View original —~—.
re fo render in their
. fe. to Vee
r.. alter th Fourth
c nn tv the pre-
of i] on pain of
se WHOM remaw in delault of
‘ Y c ‘ ] s*
, : , no?) () ’ 12 TN
yf} me Puo i¢
; t] } '
; ; i] ti S ColOs
ruinge tO Custom,
; i*y
: , LD. on Soe.
ANCKEN, Fig: irshal.
a s ale ie
y given :—That by virtue
) , . . © .
‘ i tulrt of 4 ivil Jus.
i, | », IN Cause Of Bene
' » : y
’ . a rif nO, i [Oe
1. VOrst in pros
(itl : { rol . rt 5 part of
‘ Cu ¢e heen TCe
4 om Trae Tors
. - ‘ : >is ‘
: : | r ial
View original SS ee eee 2 eee
LOST or mislaid 7 60U! a good of Messrs.
Shwicrs & Downer,in favor of A. M’Nap, and en-
Jorsed by T. Phompson to &. Baryes. Any person
who may have found, or can give information lor the
recovery of the save, wilh be rewarded: Payment on
above good will not be made to any person than to
R. Barnes, or to the subsceiber,
29 July. i. I’. HANTZE, qq.
NOTICE that the undersigned intends of
leaving the colony @arly in theanoath of November
next——w ho revers all those Congerned!, to his former
alveriisemont —29 July. D. MARTIN.
View original ‘LOST on ‘Tuesday last, from Plantation Pal-
myra, a white fox hound Bite h, thatanswersto the
rameol Ausic, ar ward of one Joc will be thanke
tully given foc her recovery.
2 July, _B. JEFPERY.
IN Ust t of the wudersigned, a white
Stallion, which, if not released, will be sei 1, alter
three times having been ad vectised, acelin’ the
Proclamati ‘the Court uf Policy, ef this « olony.
22 July. -~n A.L. FISCHER,
, . ; » aS Di: ly Authyriseds
on Lor? No. 4, tor acti pivnw at :—I*rime , New
flv fact eal tish in G&S qi a cishs, Yorkshire
hams, pielhies, pease, barley, Oyster, Ee uls, raie
Sis, currants, tripe in jars, tagstird, black pepper,
hyson & nae powder fia, sally oil tin fierces,
gentlemen's clothing, be@siery, La ligp SOcks, scare
et, Ditie, "~ om TCC i, *. ewW brown Dicad cloths,
kersemete, & do. je chetagedreci baize, table
covers, da’, with borders, Ne ceo Clot aud Llane
helsy p ‘cfulnery assole d, boots & stiocs, towne pice
Ces, in assortment of ironqoviger¥ , cast & Geran
feel, t cmt & P saws 6&7 iwet lone, lock-framee
Re: antote firte & handesaw sy fikemot ali descriptiin, care
penter & cooper adzes, double X snzlogplane irons,
(Hing axes, locket tuau ves, Chissels, drawing knives,
pom 0 » Squares, rats ~& bits, wood & horse
CSRs, cme: ™ cleaves, brass coc hs, aatice pans, boi-
i TS, te it Mer: | s, Wing pansy sadtirons, cluc ketilesy
from 4d. to 59d., croe hery ware, glass do. setts
offe ble services, &c. :
13 Juice. . WULFP & BROWN.
eI cc lll ——£
View original
sFOR LIVERPOOL, ihe glee B: LLE-
IS, " - Todd, Master, fo sail from
hence in all Qefober: for tre itt Or pas os e apply
to the Mastcron boatd, or to
W11Ohave received by the Above vessel, the file
lowine articles, which the y of tor Sale on their
usual terms, viz ‘—fraidon Duff Inglie& Comp’s.
Londen particular Madeira sine wo yy s, hhds. and
quarter casks - alight fashionable Gizys eenecralase
sortincnt of Plantation: Seares, als@ o6 blibuly. coals,
Whic I will be sok! reasonabie if fahen trom alougside.
5 August.
“hi. «x
TE KOOP ter dezer Drakhkery.—De toustitutie
voor de Vercenizde Negeri: ‘wt n, piys f 3.—de Mae
niere van Procederen veer det Have van Civicle Jase
titic, inde kolonie De ‘Thies » £5—10.—het Oktrooy
der kolonie Berbiew f 3.—!Hollardsche “negelsche
Wisselbyieven en Ken Beceditin ne Ay Socken
pennen, ink, &c.
FOR SALE at this Ofice.—-The Manrei of Proe
ceedings before the Comit of Ciel Justice, of Bers
biee, at £5-10,—The Chartemot Berbice at f3.—
Bills of Excha geand Lading, Books, &c.
—i. a, cis T_T
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock Pp, we
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printere
View original

5 August 1815