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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
Tee eee
View original Commissariat Office
' Berbice, Ist October, 1813.
Sucu persons as may be wishful to Contract for
one year certain, from the 25th December ensuing,
for the supply of the whole, ur any part, of the above
articles, of the best quality, in such quantities and
at such periods, as may be required from time to time,
are requested to send in tenders in triplicate, and on
half suecis of foolscap paper, marked ‘*Tenders for
Supplies,” wuul Monday morning the Ist Novem-
ber next, at 10 o'clock, when they will be opened
and the oiler, or offers, most advantageous to Govern-
ment, if approved, will be accepted —The Tenders
to specify the price in sterling, and to name two
Securities in the Tender, for die due performance ol
their contract. ,
The Sovar, Coffee, Rice, and Vinegar, to be de-
livered at the Comunissariat Stores, The Fuel Weod,
Candles, Oiland Wieck at the Quarter and Barrack
Stores, Fort St. Andrews, and to be subject to Boards
of Survey, if required. —The Plautains to be deliver-
edat Fort st. Andrews, every Satunlay, aifer-noon,
previous to 4 o'clock in the afternoon Six Pioneers
will be required for the Commissariat, and tour for
the Quorterand Barrack Departinent, to be approved
of by the Commissary and Assisting Quarter and
Barrack Master General, for the time being.
Payment will be made on the 24th of cach moath
the supplies are delivered in.
Further particulary may be had by application to
this Office.
JAMES B. BUHOT, PD. Assist. Com. Gen.
View original Berbice, |st October, 1813.
Any person wishful of supplying Six ‘Thousand
pounds weight of SALT PIS (or any part thereof)
of the best qualify, ere requested fo send in ‘Tenders
to this Office, marked, “fenders for Fishy’? until
Monday morning the t]th inst. at 12 o'clock, when
they will be OP med, and the ofier, of effers, most
advantavcous tu Govyerninent, will, iaporoved, be
The Fish to be delivered immediately afer, and
pryment made oa delivery.
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Tire next Mocting ofthis Society will be held on
Monday the Lith instant, at Plantation 7% jcmiship.
TD. C. Long,—R. Lisle,—and M. Rader.
THE Commissaries of the East Coast Canal, here-
by give notice, that in consequence of the small at-
tendance at the mecting on the 27th ultimo, a meet-
Inv of all inferested in the said canal, is requested, on
Wednesday next, the 6th of October, at Pin. Bohe-
mia, when agreable tothe Resolution of the Honor-
able Court of Policy, the resolve of the majority of
those present, will be considered a majority of all
—— Ol
21, Oct. D. CARNEGIE. } Commissaries
ALL persons having Demands against Mr. A. A. )
DE LA Count, are requested to render them to the
Subscriber for payment—none will be attended to
that are not rendered within one week from date.
2d October, Wa. SCOTT, Com.
Se ae
ANY person having claims against the Estate of
Wm. Huggar dec. will please to render in the same
properly attested, to either of the undersigned.
2d Oct. J. DERRICK.
View original Public Vendues.
On Monday the 4th October, will be sold at the
Vendue office, by order of A. A. de la Court, Esq.
A collection of English and French books, a case of
mathematical instruments, by Dolland ; a blue table
service for 24 people, sophas, a bedstead with ma-
tresses bolster and pillows, a three branched patent
lamp, complete, a silver watch, wine, spices, medi-
cines, wax aad tallow candles, yellow and Windsor
soup, hammocks, &c.
By order of H. Staal, Esq. qq. J. 1. Poolman, the
northern back quarter of lot No. 24, first empolder,
extending from the middle road to the back dau be-
hind the land of Dr. Liot, at 3 months credit.
On the same day.— provisions, dry goods, soap,
candles, wine, ram, gin, brandy, &c.
Also a few casks of superior Claret, for which
cash, or good coffee, will be taken in payment, a!
cash price.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
— eee eer
On Wednesday the Gth Ocivber neat, wiil ve suld at
the Vendue Oflice, by order of the Hon. George Munro
and and Robt. Douglas, Wsquires, Pin. SOOL LAND,
situate on the west bank of the river Berbicer, consisting
of two lots of land of 50U acres each, with GU wwegtues
(the Acre money warranted paid), tic ierms will oc uiad
favorable tou an approved purchaser, and which wiay be
known by application tu the Yendue odice.
On the same day. by order of Messrs. Derrick & Rosy
as Curators to the Last Wall and Pestament.of Alexander
M’Kemmie, dec. sune fine pulk cows and calves, a guid
watch, wearing a sparel, &c. .
On the same day, by or:ter of Messrs. Derrick and
Wheatland, Executors to the Estate of the late W.
Huggan, dec. several artictes of weartuiy apparel.
By order of the Town Committee, the toilowing
parcels of Land, in New Austerdam, whereot the
Proprietors remain unknown, viz.—On lot No. 22,
14 teet of the northern back quarter fronting the cen-
tre road. —On the same lot about 108 fect on the
northern back quarter between J.T. Mathews and
PF. B. Adér.—On Lot No. 27, the southern half trom
front to back, and the northern back quarter of the
same lot.—The whole of lot No. 48.—On No. 44,
about 100 fect on the northern back quarter.—The
northern heltof No. 15 from front to back.
D.C. CAMMRON, Dep. Vendue Master.
— —
View original ~ FTO BE SOLD.
(bb ath or without aocnd 50 Negrucs),
Being Let Now 9 on the host Coveniyacoast uf Berbice,
aid Known on che gensal Charl as taf Lots
vu. 7,8, 3 G.
The healthy and very dvomacse situation of this pro.
peny, arewell Kogwoy, ono tands within the colony, baug
beitce acepted fur Ue growin of Cuttun, besides adordsug
abundauce of good Plantain Laud,
[fs present curivauon consist of 368 Acres in fine bear.
ing Cotton, Piantains aud Giagund Provisions aloan exe
cellent order.—-Ly an approved purcaases, liberal terms
wil be given.
Should this property not be dis;usd of by private
Sale, before the lot July neat isis, it wiil besvld at Pue
blic Sale,
Application to be soade in the meantime, to Mr. Hugh
Rose, on the Estate, or to
Day of Sale fixed.
Ou Monday the Is: of November next, at dhe Vendue
Office’ by order of Messrs. Evau & Angus Fraser, as there.
into specially authorised, wiil be sold by Public Sule the
Plantation ROSE HALL, Courantine coast, Berbice,
situated and described ay above, with all its Slaves and
every thing attached, agreeably to an Inventory to be
seen at this Oflice.
Tems of Payment—For Land, Cultivation and
Buildings—on satisfactory security being given by
the Purchaser,—1 2 & 3 years by equal Annual In-
stalments, with Interest.
For the Negroes.
Approved Bills of Exchange, on delivery at 12, 18,
and 24 months sight,—or as an encouragement to.a
Purchaser, who may be desirous of taking the whole
of the Property, as it at present stands, say the land
aud negroes logether, the terms of payment will be
extended to 1, 2, and 3, years on security being giv-
en to the satisfaction of Messrs. Evan & Angus Fra-
View original NOTIFICATION.
BY Order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice
of the colony. Berbice,—Notice is hereby given :
That the Roll Courts to be held previous to the en-
suing October Sessions, will take place on Monday
the 27th September, and Monday the 11th October,
1813.~—Information whereof is made public, that
those concerned, may govern themselves according-
ly. By command of the Court.
Kk. C. DOWNER, Secy.
> _——
View original KING'S AGENCY.
Mr. A. A. neLa COURT, Principal Agent for
the Crows Property in South America, will on Mon-
dav the 4th Oct., at 9 o’clock io the morning, at his
domicilium in town at Mr. Wo. Scuott’s, dispose
by ‘Penders of the following Bills of Exchange, viz:
& 50.—£ 60.—€ 70.—80.—90.— 100.
£ 110.— 120.—€ 130. and £190. .
‘To be drawn by himself on the date as above, at 90
days sight, on Z. Macautay, Esq. the Secretary
fo the Comiissivaers for Managing the Crown Pro-
perty in South Avnuerica, &e. London.
Berbice, 25th Sept. 1813.
Tv all those hom itmay concern!
THAT in consequence of my leaving this colony,
and of the inability of WN. Ricuarns, Esq. occe-
stoned by his much to be lamented disease. | have
thought ut expedient to take she situation of ‘ssistant
Agent, for (he Crown Property in thts colony, trom
that Gentleman, and in virtue of full powers, tor that
purpose, to appoint in lieu cf said W.N. Richards,
Esq. Wintiam Brack, Esq. with power tothe said
Wm. Black, Esq. to act as Principal Agent, in case
of my Absence trom this colony, Lacapacity, or
Death .—Berbice, Sept. 25.
A. A. pte ba COURT,
Principal Agent for the Crown Property
in South Ametica.
ees ee er ee oe ees coe =
View original ’ ‘
THE undersigned informs alt persons whom it may
concerhy, that he intends to leave the colony soon,
avd those that have any business to transact with him,
are requested to apply to Sam. ‘Taivt and Tuomas
Tarvin, who ts authorised to settle all his affairs.
25 Sept. : _ JOHN TAPIN.
nesses —————
View original ee
TifE Subscriber being on the eve of departure
from the coloay, for the restoration of his health, re-
quests those Gentlemen to whom he is indebted, by
note of baad or otherwise, to apply to F. Brigrtuc-
BANK, Lsq. for Payment. Any letter directed for
that Gentleman and left at the Vendue Office, will be
Brighton, 18 Sept. SIMON FRASER.
View original SLIME .
NB @y the receiving of two Publications from
4 * Government, and Advertisements from the
Public Offices, &c. too late for insertion this day,
we will publish the same on Monday at 12 v’civck
noon, ina Supplement.
—— Ee —- -
¢x The following glorious news we just receive as
our Paper was already in press.
PS Plymouth, 15th August.
@ The Fanny, cutter, with the Prince of
Orange, the bearer of Lord Wellington’s dispatches,
says.— That Soult attacked Lord Wellington on the
28th July, but was repulsed ; nothing occasoned on
the 29th, on the tollowing day, the SOth, the Allies
became assaillants, and the result was, that Soult was
totally Defeated, and Pursued into France for three
successive Gays, aud fost 20000 men killed wounded’ ,
and prisoners.
A Bag for Bardados will he made up at the Post-
Office, on Tuesday morning the Sth inst. at 10 o'clock,
to be forwarded by the D‘spatch Boat Harriet Eliza-
‘beth, which will positively sail on that day.
, .
View original _\ at! seem
ee ee --— -
=a OoX- 9 @
oar - ——
Tuesday lust our Government Boat arrtocd here from
Barbados, by her r, we have received Papers from that
Island, to the \Ath- Sept., and of which the following
are the most interesting abstracts,—
The Chichester Packet, Capt. Roézers, with the July Mails, for
these Colonies, arrived in Demerary on Wednesday evening last.
Our Mail was received at the Post Otfice here yesterd: 1y nvon, and
will be made up at 12 o'clock precisely on Tuc sday the 5th inst. to be
forwarded tu Deimeiary for the Pac ket.
Barbados, Scpt. 14.
- the arrival yesterday of the Chesterfield Packet, 27
day: from Falmouth, we are enabled to lay before our
readers Londen intelligenco to the Lith ult. inclusive,
which acquaints us of there having been a sauguinary ac-
tion between a division of the Allied Army in Spain, and
the forces of France whiah had been concentrated under
he direction of Soult, for the relie€ of St. Sebastian ;—
this battle was fought ander every disadvantage on the
pact of Field-Marshal Weilington, who was opposed to
a force immensely superioF in point of numbers ; notwith.
etaunding which, however, he defeated the enemy, whom
he put to the runt at the point of the bayonct, and killed
and wound d vot less than 6GCOO out of 85,000 with which
the French Marshal bad atacked the Aliies. This en.
gagement took piace on the 28ch July, at Puerto Mayor,
and many times during the contest, tue’ respective Com.
manders in Chief were near to cach other. No official ice
count had been received of this atlair, when the Packet
sailids; but there is every reason for congratulatag the
Public upon the result of this combat, as it has no doubt
Jed tu the complete annint ation of that part of the Chemny "s
army, for, about eight hours before the Chesterneld’s de.
parture, a ‘Leiegraphic communication announced the
pleasing information, that **Ficid-Marshal the Marquis
Wellington hud gained a decisive Victory over Soult, and
had killed, wounded, and (aken prisoners, 25,000 men.”
St. Sebustian bad pot surscendes ‘d when tae last accounts
from Spain wer forwarded to Goverument; two brcaches
had been eific: do and the assanit had followed, but with.

out success, and v its such toss on the part of the assai.
ants, who. tol being sunlictently acqgaamted with the place,
had posted th wechees in an earty ditch ute whieh, soon
after, an wanm.orce bowls of water was conducted, which
drowned a mucier of our brave (roops. The Roy ats, in
this a (ack, sufiered con vale rably , ts ving had thie greater
part of their party kalled and wounded,
[rtelligence of the conquest near Via
received by the Plenipalentiaries Chat) hil assembled at
Prague, it was generally thought Chat Peace would not be
yria having been
the r sult of theie conferences; for the proposals that had
be satisfactory to
previously been mede cid not appear to
the French Ambassador; ane, tt is added, chat the Vic.
tory in Spain had so mech ins; vited the : wvoys of th
Allies in Germany, that they hod increased their demand
as a basis for the reodeenlls how at of tranquillity
The American sloop of war 4: gus has been captured
inthe Chamnel by a tritish Inig of war of 16 guns, after
wm action of two hours,
AX Hatifax Pancrof the 6th ult. states, that accounts
had been received of the suss nder of the whole Americun
army thaewas at Furt (reo. ge, to the troops commanded
by General Vincent; aed w.dd-, that from the cecent state
of aliairs in Upper Canada, there is very little doube. of
its authenticiiy. Po avother part of tht, paper, under
he head §*C ana la,’ our seadces will } be gratilic “ld by the
perusal of a General Order issued by the Con mander
Chicf of thet Province. aenvuncing to the army amo
gudicions and successful stiatazem which had heen employe
ed by a Gieut. Pirz-Gibbon, who, with 46 regular tuo} 5
ind agmall party of Lucie ts, to. k 1 Lt.-Colonel, 1 Major,
6 Captains, 15 oth r Olivers, 25 Serpoants, 2 drummers,
462 rank and file, 2 ticide teces, and a stand of colours,
b-lonzing to the United Seites’ army.
Gy arrivals from Dominica, weare informed of another
Ciisnity having very recently befallen that Fstand, which
had avarly laid waste the ‘own of Rospau. The garticulars
of this catastrophe are annexed ; and we und Roa. that
at (he same period ((he 25th and 26th ult.) the tike temp.
estuous Weather was expericnced at St. KitCs, whence a
Gentleman had arrived at Dominica, and stated, that the
principal River of chit Tsland, as well as some minor ones,
had overflown, and by che rapid descent of the water,
which rashed uneapeeledly into the adjacent dwellings,
several inhabitants were swe ire into the flood, and fourtcen
or fifteen of them unlortunote:y perished, The vessels lying
at that anchorage are stated tu have been driven to sea;
and Hiv Majesty’s brig Swaggerer, being at that time
between St. Nitt’s and Antigua, encountered a severe gale
of wiad, which compelled her to throw several guus over.
Roseau (Dominica), Aug. WB.
his unfortunate * Coloy has ouce more sullered under
the scourge of Divine Providence pean {this cecent mis.
fortune, great as the loss is which has been occasione by
it, be net deemed us ceneral’y desteuctive in its consequences
as the Jate dreadful hurricane which ravaged and devastated
the country, yet when well cousidered in all its dearings
etlvcts, are equally awful and terrifying to the human
imagination, when reflecting upon the imminent danger to
which the inhabitants of Roseau were so especially exposed
— During the whole of Wednesday the 25th inst. the horizoa
was overcast, aud indjcated every appearance of tempest.
View original uotis weather ; and although a deewtful lai appeared dur-
ing a short period of the afternoon, yet from the close of
evening until eight o'clock at night, “the wind continued
gradually (uv increase, and cxzited serious apprehensions of
an approching storm, heightenec%y the remembrance of
what we had so recently suttered{ “Near the hour of nine,
the scene of terror commenced with heavy palls of wind,
aud tremendous llashes of lightning, which at intervals
covered the whole canopy of Heaven witha lurid blaze of
izht, unaccompanied, for some length of time, by any
thunder, From that hour the wind continned to descend
from the castward iu furious gusts until about miduight,
when it began in some weasure to moderate, although it
continued squaily and rainy, with very heavy thunder
occasionally, until the evening of the following day. ‘The
Kiver Roscau swelling by the heavy rains, broke over its
banks a small distance above the works of Bath Estate,
passing throughal! the buildings (which have received con.
siderable injury) ; and, between them and the Manager’s
house forced Xs way into the cane-pice below, which it
traversed and laid waste; and breaking through the wall
Which bouuds the estate, in five different places, rushed into
(he town in three large coluinns of water, carrying away
every thing that in the Icast obstructed their passage. That
which appears to have had the least force, touk its course
Jown River-street; another, of greater forceand rapidity ,
down Hilsborough street; but the most violent and dreadful
of the three and the greatest body of water, burst through
the grounds of the late Doctor Waidrope—and pursuing
its sual course in former inundations, down New.strect,
in the course of a few minutes the whole of the town, from
Market-street to the River side, was laid under water,
varying in ils rapidity and depth according to the nature
of (he ground over which it passed. The inundation com.
menced in town alittle before eleven o'clock, and began
to decrease soon after midnight. In New-street, the depth
of the stream, or rather torrent, may be very moderately
computed at from ten tu twelve feet 5 and its force and
velocity, to judge from a view of 1s clects, would be dite
ficult ta imagine, much more so even tu attempt to funn
an estimate.
The return of day-light presented to our view a spec.
facile of distress, w hich, although itimay net have been
with8ut parallel, is certamy bey ond the powers of lane
guage to descrbie in adequate terns, every place between
Cork-street and the River side was, continues, a per.
fect seene of desolation ; many of those houses which had
the good fortane ty resist the storm were destroyed Ui
carved off from their foundations, whilesome of the smal er
hind were totally sweptinto the sca, but, by the protectiv
of Providence, their inhabitants fortung tely escaped ; the
materials of those buildings which bad not been desir: 0 ed
inthe late vale, and w hose owners Were endeavouring to
raise thea from their ruins, are now entre y Jost. Phe forev
of the water must have been immense, for cheerds of al!
the streets from Corkestreet north aid, an dug up several
feet in depth and several yards in length icon the Beach ;
but tne excavation made at the scaward end of New -strect
isboth astonishing and fiightfal eaxceadiug a great way up,
and the whole width of the street, of various depots froin
(0 (0 15 feet, and deepest between the houses of Mr. Ducds
and Mr. Dufaryer, which from the corners of the street ;
iMdeed it is a wouder that the foundations of both honses
did not entirely give way, as the water has laid) bare th
very ground on which they stand, Vast quantities of uh
of ditterent dos riptions, were picked up in’ the strect
during theday, @ aumberat some distance from the River.
—The banks on the north side were aul-o cverflon cd, a cane
plece inundated, the canal broken up, and much other
damage dove on Mr. Woodbridge’s e ta! tiles are hap.
py tuadd, thatne lives have been lost by Chis extraordinary
catastrophe; butinary have had most miraculous hair.
breadth escapes, and several persons base been wounded,
House af Lords, Fi. ly 3.
Tis being the last day of the Session, soon aftcr two
v'clock the Prince Regent came in state to the House, for
the pur, ose of proroguing the Parliament with a Speech
from the Throne,
The artival of the Prince Regert in the Royal Caam-
ber, adjoining the House of Lords, was announced ay 8
sali ulti of 21 guns from the river. ‘The side beaches of th
House were previously occupicd by a large assemblage of
Ladivs of the first distinction, ‘The Russian, Spanish and
Portuguese Ambassadors, were “pon a bench on the right
f the Throne; aud a considerable number of Peers and
Judges were also assembled in their robes.
The Prince Regent then entered, and took his seat on
the throne, having the Great Ministers of State on each
side of him, with their different emblems of office. The
Karl of Liverpool, a> Prine Minister, bore the Sword of
State. The Prince Regent himself was in military uni-
The Usher of the Black Rod then proceeded to sum-
mon the attendance of the House of Commons, the Mem-
bers of which, with the Speaker at their head, soon after
appeared at the bar, when the Speaker addresed the
Prince Regent as follows :—
May it Please your Royal Highness,
-We, his Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the
Commons of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament as.
sembled, have closed the supplies for the service of the
present year; and reflecting upon the various transactions
which have come before us, we look back with satisfaction
upon those which concern our domestic policy ; enter-
taining also a coufident hope im the prosperous issue of
View original tioce great even's which must regulatce the settlement of
our foreign relatians,
Under the pressure of great burdens at home, and the
still continuing necessity for great exertions, a plan hae
been devised and executed, which, by a judicious and skil-
ful arrangement of our finances, will for a considerable
period postpone or greatly mitigate the demands fur new
(axation, and at the same time materially accelerate the
finalexunction of the National Debt
Our reviving commerce alsu lovks forward to those new
ficlds of enterprise which are opening in the East; and af.
@cr long and labo ious discussions, we presume te hope,
that, (in conformity with the injuuetions delivered te us
by your Royal Highness at the commencement of the pre-
seul Session) such prudent and adequate arrangements
have been made for the future gevernment of the Britis!
possessions in India, as will combine the greatest advan.
tages of commerce and revenuc, and provide also for the
lasting prosperity and happiness of that vast and popu-
lous portion of the British Empire.
But, sir, these are not the only subjects to which one
attention has been called; other momeutuns changes have
been proposed for onr consideration, Adhermg, however
to those laws by which the Throne, the Pariiament, and
the Government of chis country, are made fundamentally
Protestant, we have not consented to ailow, that those
who ackouow ledge a foreign jurisdiction, should be autho.
rised to administer the powers and jurisdictions of this
realm ;-—willing as we are, nevertheless, and as,
I trust, we ever shail be, to allow the largest scope to re.
ligious toleration. With respect to the established’ Church,
following the munificent example of the last Parliament,
we have continued the same aonual grant for improving
the value of its smaller benefices; and we have at the
same time endeavoured to provide more effectually for the
genere! discharge of those sacred duties of a Church Esta.
blishment, which by forming the moral and religious cha.
racter of a brave aad intelligent people, have, under. the
blessing of God, laid the deep foundatious of British great-
Sic,—by your Royal Mighness’s commands, we havealso
turned our views to the state of our Foreign Relations.
In the North, we rejoice tu see by whe Treaties laid be-
fore us, that a strony harrier is erected azainstithe inordi.
nate ainhition of trance; and we presume to hope, that
the time may now be artiving whch shall set bounds to
her remorseless spirit of conquest,
Th our contest with America, it mast always be remems
beradl, that we have not been the oagressors. Slow to
take up arms aca nst those who should have been natura}.
ly our friends by the original t<s of kindred, a commor
language, and (as micht have ben hoped) by a joint zeal
in the cause of national liberty, we mast, neverthcless, put
forth our whole strength, and maincain with our ancient
superiority upon the ocean, those warnvime rights which
we have resolved never to surrender.
ut, Sic, whatever doubts may cloud the rest of our
views and hopes, itis to the Peninsula that we look with
sentiments of unguestionsble delight and triumph. There
the world has seen two gallant and independent nations
resened from the inortal grasp of frand and tyranny by
British couacils and Briteh valour: and within the space
of five short years from the dawn of our successes at Ro.
ltrand Vimiera, the same ittustrious Conmmander has re.
ecived the tribute of our edusiration and gratitude for the
briliant pascage of the Duuro,—the hard-fought battle of
Valavera,—the day of Busaco,—the deliverance of Portu.
Fal—the Mural Crowns wou at Ciudad Rodrigo and Bad.
lyjoz,—the splendid victory of Salamanca,—and the de-
cisive overthrow of the Armies of France in their total rout
at Vittoria; decds which have made all Burope ring with
lis renown, aud have covered the British name with ablaze
of nurival ed glory.
Sir,—Uhat the cause of this country, and of the world,
may not, at such a crisis, sunfter from any want of zealon
Our part tu strengthen the hands of his Majesty ’s Governe
incut, we have finished our sapplies with a large and !ibere
al aid, to enable your Royal Highness to take all such
measures as the emergencies of pullic affairs may require,
for disappointing or defeating the euterprizes and designs
of the enemy.
The Bill which I have to present to your Royal High.
ness for this purpose, is intituled **An Act for enabling
his Majesty to raise the sum of tive millions for the service
of Great Britain, and for ay plying the sum of 200,000].
for the service of Ireland.’’—
To which Bill his Majesty’s faithful Commons, with all
homility intreat hi: Majesty’s Royal Assent,
The Royal Assent was given in the usual form to this
Bill; and also to another, for the Regulation of Peniten.
tiary Houses.
The Prince Regent then delwered the
following Speech from the Throne :—
My Lords, and Gentlemen,
[cannot release you from your attendance in Parlia.
ment without repeating the expressions of my deep regret
at the continuance of his Majesty’s lamented indisposi-
The attention which you have paid to the public inter.
ests in the course of this Session demands my warmest ac.
know ledgements.
The splendid and signal successes which has attended
the commencement of the campaign in the Peninsula.—
the consumate skill and ability displayed by Ficld-Mar-
shal the Marquis of Wellington, in the progress of those
operations which have led to the great and decisive victo-
ry,—and the valour and intrepidity by which his Majes-
ty’s forces and those of his allies have been distinguished,
are as highly gratifying te my feelings as they have been
View original to those of the whole nation. While thase opcrations bave
added new lustre to the British arms, they afford the best
prospect of the deliverance of the Peninsula from the ty-
ranny and oppression of France; and they furnish the
most decisive proof of the wisdom of that policy which
ha induced, under every vicissiiude of fortune, ty per.
severe in the support of this clorious contest.
The entire failure of the French Ruler io his designs
ppon the Russian empiee, and the destruction of the
French army employed on that service, were followed by
the advance of the Russian forces, since joined by those
of Prussia, to the banks of the Elbe; and altho’ upon’
the renewal of the contest the allied armies have found
themselves obliged to retreat before the superior numbers
collected by the enemy, their conduct during a series of
severe and sanguinary coufiiets has nobly upheld their mi.
litary character, and cummanded the admiration of Eu.
[ have great satisfaction in acquainting you, that there
exist between me and the Courts of St. Petersburgh, Ber-
Jin and Stockholm, the most cordial union and concert:
and [ trust that } shall be enabled, by the vids which you
have so liberally atlorded, to render this unton more ef-
fectual for the accomplishinent of the great purpose for
which it has been established.
] reget the continuance of the war with the United
States of, America.
My desire to re-establish between the two countrics
those fricnd'y relations s6 important to their mutual in-
terest, continues inabated; but I cannot consent to pur-
chase the restoracion of peace by any sacrilice of the ma-
riime rights of the British em; ire.
Gentlh men of the llovse of Commons,
I thank you for the liberal provision you have made
for the services of the present year.
It is a great satisfaction to me to reflect that,, by the
regulatiou you have adopted for the redemption of the
national debt, you have established a system which will
not retard its ultimete liquidation, whilst at the same time
it provides for the vigorous prosecution of the war, with
the least practicable addition to the public burdens.
My Lords and (re¢ allem ”,
I entirely approve of the arrangements which you hase
made for the government of the isritish possessious i Lu
dia, and for the regulation of the British commerce in that
part of the word. ‘Chey appear to have been wisely fra.
med, with a few to the circumstances which have occur-
red since this subj ct was fast under the consideration ov!
Parliament. By these areangements you have preserycd
in its essentiol parts that system wf government which ey.
perience hus proved to be not less calculated to } rovide
for the happiness of the inhabitants of Ladia, than ty pro.
mote the interests of Great Sritains and you have jude
ciously extended tuo the sub} cts of the United King lom
in general, a participation iw the commerce of cetintries
within the limits of the Kast India Company’s Charter,
which will, I doubt not, have the cilect of augmenting
the resources of India, aud of increasing and Improving
the trade and naviganos of hiv sbeyeoty’s dow.atoas,
The tried and aftecGorate tor ary obhis Mey sty’s neo.
ple, the coustancs which they tay yeGtar ms tas
Jong and arduous war, anid the vate ace wet whch they
have sustained the lovsueus tee LHe Ne BIND ed upon thes:
have made an anderible lisoroeion on my nand. Such
contfinucd and petsetere g exertiotes, ¢ roo sc
pressure, aflurd the siton cst prool of Geis atfeactheotts
that Constitution which sas the ttre t vlucct of ny hife t
In the success which has recently attend d his Majo t
arms, lacknow letlee with dcrvrout vratitude “Ubi Tt.
Divine Pr videne - The use I J sive to mike wl
and of all other advantages, is fo promote ana
welfare of bis Majesty's people; and I cannot wor:
edly evince this disposition, than by employing Le
ful means you have placed in my hands in suce i
as may be best calculated to reduce thy extravagan’ it le
sions of the enemy, and thereby to facilitate the attauiecut,
in conjunction with my Allics, of a sceure and honvur-
able peace.
‘ry. 1 »s . © » 7 ’ ie
Phen the Lord Chancellor, by the Prince
Regeut’s cominand, said—
My Lerds ard Geatlemen,
Tris the command of Elis Roy al Highness the Prince
Regent, acting inthe wame and on behalf of his Majesty,
that this Parliament be prorogued to Monday the twenty.
third day of August next, to be then here holden; and
this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Monday the
23d day of August next.
$a OLD m* =
Downing-Street, July 19.
Dispatches of which the following are extracts, have
been this day received at Earl Bathurst’s Oflice, addressed
to his Lordship by Field Marshal the Marquis of Welling-
tun :—
Ostiz, July 3.
General Clausel having retired towards Logrono, after
finding our troops at Vittoria, oa the 22d of June, and
having ascertained the result of the action of the 21st, still
¢remained in the neighbourhoud of Logrono on the 24th,
and till late on the 25th, and had not marched for Tudela,
as I had been informed, when 1 wrote my dispatch of the
2ith ult.; [ cancejved, therefoae, that there was some
prospect of intercepting his retreat ; and efter sending the
ligh) troops towards Roncesvalles, in pursuit of the army
under Joseph Bonaparte, | moved the light, 4th, 3d, and
7th divisions, aud Colonel Grant’s and MajoreGeueral
View original Poasonby’s brigades of cavalry, towards Tudcla, and the
5th and 6th divisons, and the househuld and Gen. D'Or.
ban’s cavalry, from Vittoria‘to Salvatierra, towards Lon-
grono, in hopes that,A should be able to intercept Gen.
Clausel. Hl: howé,er, made scine extraordinary forced
marches, followed by Ga». Mina with his own cavalry
and the regiment of Spanish cavalry under the command of
Don Julian Sanchez, and arrived at Tudela on the evening
of the 27th. He there crossed the Ebro, but the Alcalde
having informed him that we were upon the road, he im-
mediately reecrossed, and marched towards Zaragossa,
Where, L understand from Gen. Mina, he has since arvived.
Gen. Mina is still following the enemy, and he has ta-
ken from him two pieces of cédnnon and some stores in
Tudela, and 300 prisoners, Licut.-Gen. Clinton has also
taken possession of five guns, which the enemy left at
Logrono. Iu the mean time the troops under the com.
mand of Licut.-Gen. Sir R. Hill have kept the blockade
vf Pampeluna, and have moved through the mountains to
the head of the Bidassoa, the enemy having entirely retr-
ed into France on that side.
I enclose the report which I have received from Lieut.-
Gen. Sir IT. Graham, of his actions with the enemy on the
24th and 25th of June, which appear to have been more
serious than f had imagined, when 1 addressed your Lord-
ship on the 28th ult.
Gen. Foy had with him the garrison of Bilboa, and
those of Mondragon and 'Lolosa, besides his division of
the Army of Portugal, and his force was eunsiderable.
It gives me great satisfaction to see that the Spanish aod
Portuguese troops mentioned by Sir I. Graham have con.
ducted themselves so well.
The Lient.-Gen, has been pleased to push on the enemy
by the high road, and has dislodged them trom all the
“trong positions which they had taken; and yesterday a
brigade of the army of Galicia, under the command of
Cen, Castanos, attacked and drove the enemy across the
Bidassoa, by tbe bridge of Irun. The enemy stiit main-
tained 4 post inv a strong stone Llock-house, which served
as a head to the bridge, and some troops in some loopholed
houses on the right of the Bibassoa: but Gen. Giron
having sent for some Spanish artillery, and Capt. Dabous-
dien’s brigade of ninespounders having been sext to thar
support, the fire of these guns obliged Ge cnemy to eva.
euated, and they blew up the block-house, anu burnt the
Sir Thomas Graham repoets, that in all these affairs the
Spanish troops have behaved remarkably well. ‘he gar.
rison at Passages, consisting of 150 men, surrendered on
the 30th, to the troops under Colonel Longa.
The enemy, on seeing some o} our ships off Deha, eva-
cuated the town and fort of Guetaris oa the first instant,
and the garrison went, by sea, to St. Sebastain. ‘This
lace is blockaded by laud by a detachment of Spanish
They have likewise evacuated Castro, aud the garrison
have gone by sea tg Santona.
In wy former reports, d have made your Lordship ac.
quainted with the progress of thearmy of reserve eof Aue
dalusia, under Gen the Conde del Abisbal, to join the
ariuy, and hea rividat Burgos co the 25th and 2uth ult.
When i.c caemy retired across the Ebro, previous ty
the battle of Wittora, they left a garrison of about 700
men in (he caste of Paucurbo, by which they -command.
ed aud rendered it impossible for us to use the great corm.
miumertion trom Vittoria to Bugos; T, therefore, co quest.
d tie Conde del Abisbal, on his march to Miranda, to
the nituself master of tie tawn and lower works, and to
bothade the place as closely as he could. L have not
Coivoa the cepert of his first operations, but I under.
ini he carried the Cown and lower fort by assault on the
$3 and fb have now the pleasure to enclose bis report
the final success of his operation, aud the cupy of a
ca ituletion, by which the garrison have surrendered,
Dhe diction and dispatco with which this place has been
subdued. ave highly ereditable to (ie Condes del Abisbal,
wa! oe ailicers and (rovys Uldet his command,
boom conesvned to inform your Lordship, that Lieut..
ven See J. Murcay raised the siege of Tatragona, bean.
not say on what day, and cmbark.d li troups. A geeat
proportion of the artullery and vere beft in the bat.
ieries, it appears that Marstia: sacl, with aconsider.
able body of troops, had mosc trom Valencia by Tortosa,
and Gev. Maurice Mathieu, v ith another corps, from the
ucighbourhood of Baccclona, fur the purpose of impeding
Sir John Murcray’s operations, which he did not think
himse!f sufficiently strong to continue. T have vot yet
received from Sir J. Murray the detailed accountof these
transacttons 5; Licut.-Gen. Lord Wiliam Bentinels, how.
ever, who had joined and had taken the command of the
army at the Col de Balaquer, on the 17th, had brought it
back to Alicant, where he arrived himself on the 23d, and
was proceeding to carry into execution my instructions.
When Marshal Suchet marched into Catalona, the Duke
del Praque had advanced, and established his headquarters
at San belie de Xativa, and his troops on the Xucar,
where he still was on the 24th.
London; August 12.—There were neither cannon nor
cavalry used inthe battle of the 28th. It was all done by
the bayonet; and we need scarcely add, that no nation
upon the earth can vie with the British in that weapon.
Our loss is stated in some letters at between 2 and SU00;
the enemy’s more than double. After the battle, Soult is
said to have retreated by Urdache; and Sir Rowland Hill
joining the Great Lord on the 29th, the pursuit of the
enemy into France is reported to be continued with all
possible rapidity. His Fordship is understood to have
converted the siege of St. Sebastian into a blockade, whilst
he was occupied in disposing of Sout, Cuniident expec.
View original tations were entertained that the fortress, notwithstanding
the failure on the 25th, would not be able to hold out be-
yond the second week in August.
The Earl of Aberdeen sailed yesterday from Yarmouth.
Letters have been received from an QOitlicer of Sir T.
Graham’s Staff, which state, that the gallant veteran had
avery narrow escape by the bursting of a shell close by
him, when visiting the trenches before St. Sebastiau. The
gallant General and those around him were preserved by
throwing themselves on their faces ull the explosion had
taken place.
Aua. 13]—The following is a copy of aletter from un
Ojjicer, dated near Sebastian, 27th July, 1813 :—
**On Sunday, the 25th inst. we stormed Sebastian, on
entering the breath, we fuund the enemy so well prepare
cd for our reception, that we were obliged to retreat with
the loss of 300 killed, wounded, and taken prisoners,
including 14 Officers killed or prisoners. However, in
a few days we are again to attack the place, and are re-
solved at all events to take it.—N8&. Capt. Taylor, of
Ilis Majesty’s sloop Sparrow, has lost his leg.”
We should be glad to be able to believe that the loss
sustained was pot greater than the statement in the above
Letter. But we know that the loss of the Royals alons
was greater. The following list has been given in another
Paper of the Officers killed and wounded in that regi-
ment :—
Killed—Major Peter Fraser, Capt. Cameron, Adjutant Cluff, Lieu~
tenants Samuel! Clarke, Francis Massey, John Anderson.
Wounded—Captains Argimbeau, lost an arm; Logan, do.; Buck-
ley, severely ; R. M. M Donald, duo.; James Stuart, in two places,
slightly ;—Lieutenants O'Neil, severely ; ; Eyre, do. and prisoner ;—
Ensigns Heskins, de.; Alstane, do. aud prisoner; Reynolds, do. _
Volunteer Mi er. do. "do.
Two huudced and eighty rank and file killed and wound.
cd, among whom is the whole of the grenadier company,
The fullowing is an extract of another letter from an
Officer, dalcd ol St. Sebastian's, 30th July :—
+o An Olficer from Lord Wellington hasarrived. A see
vere action took place on the 28th, which Jastcd from
half past twelve to five. Soult ascauKed with about 835000
men, and was invariably driven beck—he must retire. —
Lord Wellingtun had only three divisions, the 3d, 4thand
Cth, and some Spaniards, in the whole about 20,000 men,
Phesloss is great on both sides. ‘Vhree of Lord Welling.
ton’s Sialf are wounded.”
Leith, Aug, \O —Arrived the Alexandria frigate, ana
Spitiire sloop of war, from Greenland. They chased the
President, American frigate, Commodore Rodgers, for 96
hours, but lost her on the 23d alt; she was crowding all
sail to the Westward. A fast sailing privateer of 16 guns,
and 200 wen, was in company with the President.”
In order to replace those brave troops which were kil.
led and wounded in the battle near Vittoria, and to fol.
iow up the movements that may have been planned by our
brave Commander in Chief in the Peniusula, Government
have ordered reinforcements of 4000 infantry and 12,00
cevaley, which they were forwarding with the utmostex.
Te dition.
ihe Armistice has }een prolonged. Plenipotentiaries
were assembling at Prague, and the Karl of Aberdeen was
about tv embark in that capacity from the Court of Great
siitain, Ju the mean time, Napoleon is strenghtening
his armies, for which purpose, we are much afraid, this
cessation was Solely proposed by him; that thus the re.
cominencement of hustilities should prove disastrous tothe
allied cause.
In the FToase of Commons on the 13th July, the fol.
lowing observations were made relative to.
West India Legislatures.—Mr. W. Smith moved for
an Address to the Prince Regent, that instructions should
be given to the Coveruors of our Settlements in the West
Indies and America, to transmit to the Home Department
copies of all laws passed by the respective Legislatures of
such Settlements or Colonics, and directing them to be
printed when passed, within six months: one copy of
each to be laid vn the table of that House: also to direct
the transmission of all Acts hitherto passed, which had not
been transmitted, or printed; one copy of cach to be Jaid
before the House.—Mr. Goulborne said, that this could
not be gginplied with very quichly —Mr. W. Smith was
aware e.: take considerable tine. Agreed to.”
On the 28th of April, an explanatory Ivtter was writ.
ten from the Adifiiralty sé Sir J. B. Warren, in which
he was told, ‘*That their Lordships expect, and direct
him to maintain a blockade de facto of every Port of the
United States of A: merica, to which his force wiay be ade-
Private accounts from Heliqzoland state, that the Danes
have declared Giuckstadt and Rusum to be free ports, and
that the pecuniary embarrassments of the Court of Copen-
hagen have reduced it fo this necessity. Numerous vessels
had arriv@l at I[cligoland, with corn, which were to ree
turn with colonial produce uuder the protection of this
It appears from the Paris Papérs, that Massina has
been sent to Italy to take a command in the Army of
Ubservation collected between the Piave and the Adize.
Preparations are making at Chatham Dock.yard, for
the reception of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cla.
rence, as Admiral of the Fleet, accompanied by the Rave
sian Ambassador andsuile, w hen itis understoud the whole
of the Russian Officers are to be presented,
Weere happy to find, no foundation exist, for the
rumour of the cession of the Southern co'onivs to Russia.
We also cannot believe the rumour, that Barbados will
be ceded to Turkey.
View original Secrela 14, ry § Office.
—-s je - —
Wore SOE ICL rd, dat Thie ts to tiform the Pu.
de volgende personen voorehete, thet the following ptr.
nemens zyn uit deze fidlonic sons intend quitting this Co-
te vertrekken. lony
A. \. de la (Covet in) 6 weeks from Aug. ;
Andrew Black in 6 weeks from Sept. 25.
Miss Fanny Collier and three Slaves, for Demerary.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hicrmede bekendy NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand na\that a month after date the
dato de volgende Transpor-| following Transports and
ten en Hipotheeken zullen| Mortgages will be passed.
verleden worden,
Sept. 4, Widow P. Eggers will transport to J. Vogt
Lot No. 54, situate in the 2d empolder of this
——- Lewis Camcron qq. FE. S. Fraser, will pass a
mortgage on plantation lot ©8, cum annexis,
in tavor of James Fraser.
—— Thomas Fraser will transport to J. T. & A:
Dougli & Co. bis plantation Kingelly, situ-
ated on the West sca coast of Berbice, as also
the Slaves, and otber appurtenances and de-
pendencies. ;
11 Sept. R. Harper, nx. vu. will transport to Win.
Schulz, 10 reads of the southern Lack quarter
of lot No. 4, New Amsterdam, next adjoining
the frout part beloneing to said R. Harper.
J. A. Vicken, as [Executor to the Will of
A. Schlipfer, dec. will transport to Wim.
Schulz, the back halfot Lot No. 23 and the
back haf of let No. St, in New Ainsterdam.
~-- —— Joh. vanden Brock will pass a Mortgage to
be vested on plantation Deutichem, in’ favor
of Alex. Brato aad W. Strack, of London,
in (rast for A. G. Melne.
Flizabeth Bennett will transport to Renn Set-
tle Nine roods and nine feet of Land, situate
on the southern half of Lot No. &, trom the
middle read.
Sept. IS A. Hicken qq. the estate of A Sehlipfer,
dee.. will transport to the tree Negro women,
Sarg van Sebipfer, a quarter of lot No. 39,
and aquarter ot lot No. O4, with the baildiags
onthe last mentioned, both ext nding from
the new centre road towards the front garters
of the sane lots,
S@pt. 25. bf. Stat will pass transports of the follow.
ing parts of the back ball of lot No. 13, in
New Ainst. viz. —TPo Chaas Vransean & Adam
Rallets. {Ss yous :-—to.los. Parr ly 0 ditto :
to the frer children Prederiva & Jacob, S$! do.
ual toAntis Coruclisse aud her two mulatto
child, 21) rood .
ik. ©. DOWNER, Sery.
eee -—-
WHEREAS the tollo sing persons have addressed
themsctves bo the Tloa. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice, of the colony Uevbicc, at their Sessions of
the 20th July, IsIol tes Lertees of Manumission.
The mulatto wou S/olly agar, assisted hy J.
VD. Lischer, Vor er. .
If. Luthers vor the Ssmbo woman A/assy.
Notice whereal is hereby given to those whom it
may dorecta, and who may wish tooppose the grant
of said Letfers of Miumtuission, that they may ad-
dress themasclves in writing to the uodersizned Secre-
tary of the Colony, previons to the ensuing Sessions
ofthe thea, Court, when actinal disposition will be
made on the aforesaid Petitions.
Berbice, Q7th Fuly. RoC. DOWNER; Nec.
—= a
_—_——_—_—- —_—_—-— ll
View original \ \ is iN 2kD
PROM 2-to 300,090 pounds of best guglity Cof-
fe, for which colony meney, or Bills, ) days
silt, will be given in payment, on delivehy.
No smalie. quantities Gian 20,000 tbs. will be pur-
chased.-—Apply sor particulars to W. Katz, plan-
tation Vryheid, or tod. Broperick. plantation Ed-
derte wn. Sept. 18.
ct Acc CACC
PIP undersicned hereby gives Notice, that he bas
removed tis Othee to Lot No. 17, in New Amster-
dam, afta house formerly occupied by Mr. H. Lu-
Tipits, Where he purposes atténding on business,
every week, fom the Mondays to the Fridays in-
clusively, betweea the hours of nine a. m. and three
P. m.—!S Sept.
View original -_ ee ee ————— ——_—
A red Cow ; black round his ceyes.— Those who can
give mnormation of the same, to this Otliee, will, be-
sides ex pences, handsomely be rewarded.—25 Scpt.
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Px.
Chaus', Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procce-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
fony, kuolscap Paper, and blank books ot any size.
View original Marshals Office.
Summons by EXyct:
BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under date ot
[7th August I8S13, given upon a petition presented
to said Court, by DO. Cannecie, Proprictor of plan-
lation East Lothian.
J the undersigned, First Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the instance of D. Carne-
gic aforesaid.
Summon by Fadict:
All known and unknown Creditors against afore-
named D. Carnegie, to appear betore Coumissarics
of the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, on
Monday the Lith October, 1513, and following days,
(if need) for the purposing of hearing the proposals
of 1). Carnegie, by virtue of above specified appo-
infment, sv as to enable the Commissaries to make
a report of the proceedings of the meeting of credi-
tors, and for acquiring the Court’s confiimation and
and appointment on what may be agreed to, and
found by them to be correct.
This summons by edict being made known to the
public, by beat of drum, as customary.
Berbice, 24th Sept. 1813.
h. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of av appoiutinent, graated by the
fon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, ander
date 2Ist August, IS13, given upon a petition pre-
sented to said Court, by H. B. Inguis.
I the undersigued first Marshal of the Honorable
Conits within this colony, aud at the instance ot said
IH. is. Inglis,
Summon Ly Midict:
All known and unknown creditors against the afore
sail (f. 83. laughs, to appear before Ge Cumntss:ries
oF the Court of Civil Justice, of shis colony, on Mon-
day the Lith Ocwber ISL3 and tollowing days, (if
weed) lor (he parpose of there hearing the proposals
lobe wade by Ul. 1. Inglis, by virtue of above ap-
poutineal, as wellas to enable the Commissacies to
liahe a report ot the proceedings of this meeting of
creditors, and tor acquiring the Court’s conforma.
(ton and appointment on what may be agreed to and
found by them to be correct.
This summon by edict nade known to the Public
by beat of drum as customary—Berbice, 221 Septbr.
Isley. :
RK. PRANCKEN, First Marshal,
Se ee ee ee
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an appointnent granted by the [on-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, nader
date of 28th Aug. 1812, upon a petition picsented
Dy Iam. drmes, uveapacity as Curator over the Es-
‘ate of Schr Donaldson, dec.
Line undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Win. liaes, ti capacity aloresaid,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown claimants against the Estate
1 Jour Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
of civil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be
held inthe moath of October, 813, say Lechteen
hundred and thirteen, there two vive in their claims
agiiast said estate, aud further lo proceed according
to dustw.
‘This summons by edict made known tothe Public
by beat ot dram, from the Court house at thiscolony,
and lurther deait with conforinable (o custom.
Berbice, 2d July, isis.
KK brancksn, First Marshal.
View original SALE py EXECUTION.
Pourth Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency R. Gorvox, Governor
General of the colony Berbice, aud its Dependen-
cies, Wwe. &e. Ke.
Upon a Petition of Vim. Gordon, as tozether with
Foan Fraser and Angus Fraser, the Surviving *At-
tornics, jointly and severally, for Donald Mc Leod,
of Gcanies, in the county of Ross, North Britain,,
versus, James Craufurd, MeLeod, and John Be-
thune, under date of 17th April 1813, has on the
29th Apriland 16th Aug. 1813, taken in Execution
and put under Sequestration, the Cotton Estate
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all
its Slaves, Buildings, Cultivation, &c.—As also the
Lower half of Lot No. 80, Corentine river, the pro-
perty of abovenamed J. Craufusd, McLeod, and J.
Bethune, alot which properties an Inventory is to.
be seen at the Marshal’s Office. :
lie it therefore knowu, that I the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, alterthe expiration of One year and Six
week, from the 16th August, 1813, the abovenamed
cottoa Estate Geanies, and the Lower half of Lot
View original No. 80, cunvaareris.
Whoever should think to Save any right, action
or interest on the abovementioned Estafes,, and wish-
cs tooppose the Sale thereof, let such) person address
themselves to the Marshal's office, declaring their
reason for such opposition in dae time and turm, ‘as
[hereby give notice that L will ceveive opposition
trom every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a
day to have his or her claims heard before the Courts
and further act thereon accorsing to Law.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drara
according tv custom. Berbice, 12 Sept. lets:
RK. FrRancxe_n, lirst Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue of a Writ of Execution, granted by
His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadier Genera
and Acting Governor of the colony Berbice and its
Dependencies, ac. . &e, kc.
Upon a petition of Jno. Douglasand Gilbert Ro-
her(son, Executors to the last Will and Testament
of Jos, Ci, dec.—versus, Peter Fairbairn, the At
lorney for Jas. Marwell, of the Island Barkgdos.
Be it thererore known, that T the undersigued have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
td J. Douglas and G. Robertson, in uieir aforesaid
capacity, the Cotton Estate
situate on the West sea coast of this colony, the pro-
perty of the Estate of Jas. Maxwell, dec. with all its
cullivation, batidings, staves, &e. conformable to an
Inventory toreed thereuf, and lying at Che Marshal's
Olice tur tie imspection of those whom. it Wty Ccon-
Which sad cotton Estate Britannia, cum annexis,
Tithe endersiyned intend to sell, affer the eX piras
Qion of one year and six weeks, trom the 6th August,
1313, contormabic to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist January,
IS]O, respecting the Sale of Estates by Execution
in this colony, in order to recover trom the pro-
ceeds of said s:le such sum of inoney as wherefore:
the said plantation Britannia, bas been taken in Exes
This {th Proclamation published by beat of dram
ws Customary. Berbice, 29 Aug. 1813.
KR. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
LL ty
View original SALE sy EXECUTION,
Fourth Proclamation
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by His
Excellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&e. &ec. &ec.
Upon a Petition of John Layfield qq. John Dod
son & Co. of Lancaster, versus, Ge orge Munro, une
der date of 96th January, IS1S.
Be it theretore known, that I (he undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, at the instance of
wid J. Layfield qq. J. Dodson & Co. of Lancaster,
The Cotton Estate No. 21.
situate on the Corentine coast, the property of said
G. Manzo, with all its Cullivation, Buildings, Slaves
and turthee Appurtenances, and Dependencies there-
(o belonging, and speciiied in the Inventory thereof,
lying at the Marshal’s Otlice for the ius pection ol
those whom it may concer.
Which said Cotton Estate No. 21, cum annexis,
[ the undersigned intend to Scil, atter the expira.
tion of one year and six weeks, from the Qi AuguX,
1813, contormable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said sale, such
sum of money as wherefore the said Estate No. 2]
have been taken in Iexecution.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
according to custum. Berbice, 29 Ang. 1813.
kK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal,
ee nn ee
View original —_—_—_ —___ ee
ALL those who may have any Claims against the
Estate of Avex. McKkemmie, dec. will please to
render in the same to either of the undersigned, and
those indebted to said Estate to make paysnent ac.
cordingly. JOS. DERRICK.
11 Sept. W. ROSE, Executors,
View original ee
BOOKS and LOOSE PAPERS bound to any pate
tern, Old Books and Records re-bound, &c. &c
Apply at this Printing Office.—Scpi. 4.
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Published every Saturdcy at 4 o'clock, p.m
Br W. SCHULZ & Co.

2 October 1813