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The Berbice Gazette

FOR the Civil Commissary Department, viz.
Paints and Paint Oil.
94 Kees while paint, each 28 Ibs.
Do. red co. ——-
8S Po. Dlack do. © ———————
G Pots ereen do. each 4 Ibs. aud
26 Gallons punt oc.
For which, Pe niders will be received by the snb-
scriber until JO Wcloek inthe morning on Puesday
the JSth instant, when they wilh be opened in pre-
sence ‘ tis Excelleney the Gove ror, and. the
Tovwest, 1 if approved of, accepted,
5 Spt. R MchENZIE, Acting Comm.
View original
Por the Useof the Civil Commissary Department
— Three punchoons cf ham, tor which “Pen ters wil
be reecived by the subseriber, ontil 10 o’cloek inthe
morning on Tuesday th 20th ints. when they will
be opened in presence of fis bexcellency the Gover-
nor, and the lowes', i approved of, aecepted,
R. MACKENZIE, Acting Com.
10 Sept.
euvuw= CVs: ee eee 2 eee” ee ee ee”
View original POR SATE
Tie front quarter ofof Lot No. 33, second em-
Aldor New Ansf.sctho avery good botise Frame,
40 feet long by 14 teet wide.—Terms will be made
easy fo an approved purchaser—ay ply to
TENDERS for 124 15000 Ibs. first quality Coffee
from y tintation Feordceraad, tor cash, willbe reeciv-
ed at che colonial Seerctary’s office, anil Thursday
the doth inst. Jovanpey BROW,
10 Sept. G. PAU EES, Seq’rs.
View original THE Pirin of 7 D. Cocur & Co. oe
on the First of this month: Chose indebs de to that
Concern, are re quested to make payne st tare Wher ol
the undlerstgaed. ALD. CE CTR,
IQ Sept. JO Mak,
View original POR SAT
BY the snbsertbers a tew
will be retaihd in quantity not less than 2O ths,
10 Sept. ALLAN SPEWAPT & Co,
we ee eee ee we ea ——-——
wl os Sable TO. which
View original mm a eee ee = eS ——-——
—— — —«.-
THE Roads being uno ler Repate—the Public ts
hereby informe ! ther of, and ret reed tothe 7th ay
ticle of the Tfon. Court of Pollcy’s Regulatious, da-
ted {0ih August, TS02, viz.
OWheneverany of tro satel raads ts about to be
(repaired, itshall bs stopoed ofP with spare, and
CCoontinue somotdib the cv bate ts finished and th
Sroad suffcicntly settled fo be fil again for poussiiwe
lt shall not be permiited forany person fe pitss
arm roa, SO SiO} Pp Al, with erthes horses, HseCss Or
“carriages, orto rive any cattle over the same, -
Sand itis alse forbidden to pullout any spars se
“serving to stopp ofa road, ori aby meiner ine
“nre such barier or fenee. on pain ol incurring a
“Fine of Five and twenty @uilders, or of arbiga-
“ry punishinent, according fo the extigoney of th
Scase,—any damage that may be done to the road
“or such fence, to be moreover repaired and imide
rood at Che expence of the persolls having Occa-
*eoned the sanie.——
New Ainst. Aus. 21, IS}4.
By order of the Town Committee.
ANY person willing to contract for Weeding the
Backegm, and Digging out the beck ‘Preneh, from
Tot No. 1 to GO, will please address himself by ‘Pen-
der, either for the pertormanee of the whole or part
thereof, on or before Wednesday next at noon, at the
house of the undersigned, when the Tenders will by
opened, and the lowest oller or offers, if approved
of, acceptcd.— New Amsterdium, Sept. 10.
Sec. lo the ‘Lowi Comuitice.
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE.
BY command of the [onorable Court of Civil Jus-
lice, of the colony Berbice, Notice ts hereby wiven:
Phat the resumed Sittings of the Court of Civil Jus-
(ice willbe held on Wednesday the [4th Sept. 1std.
This is to form the Pu Llic, Chal the fullowing pore
sons enécnil quitiing thes Coluny,.
John Crosthwaite in 6 weeks from Sept. 3.
Mary Blatrin d4 days from Sept. 10.
KR. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original _—___..
NOTIN is herets gweoen, th
dod me non dj der Adal bit
fou lacing Tra SPOVES Get Mors 7 i ae Cl He U ’ ,
<7 Aue. Jno. Gi. Pones w ll trausportto i liza Jones,
the southern halt ot Lot No. 41, second cin pul-
der New Arnst.
— Phe tree Tit [ocse a ranpom to Aw. Schot:
the northern fioat partol lot No. Qe, withia ci
fivst empolder of hist a
‘epl. lO. Gian Maonroan ll O.W. F misheer, as there-
UNTO Spr chilly wutice, ied Ivy the thom. (otiret of
Civil sustice, will nsport to hebert otink gy
a parcclo! Phot Now 12 within tis tos ny bebe
the middie row) and the promvses befor sine to
J. Claphain, late tue propery mn Th. Robson.
1 ‘ >»
) \ )
It. A . JA) id Nblu.l., Seo .
/ JS
_—w Ss. SSS es ws SS - - ee
On Thursday the loth instant will be sold at the
Vendue Ollice, the following goods, just imported,
and whieh will be sold without reserve.— Madeira
Wine fa p ipes, hhds., quarter casks, and bottles, pic-
Klesy coffee and cotton boo ring , beer ry porter, a pup
fine old Freneh brandy, Gin quantities not less than o
rillois.) soapy, eandles, paints and ot, cotton and
Linon checks, Trish ate thy Fe rounds of beef moss p rh
tuo barrcds and bali barrels, bewve d
cvses mustard, elass wore
r tsilh dats, tnrec
) bhi a 9 divs lr SS. Sy prial-
Sf, (° {) ‘(r car
s VN .
D.C. ONSET RON Deo. Veodue Master.
a eee —— —- ae
cc ( ahiCO my
Yay Mer day POuhoamst. will be sotd at plantation
Semficldy west coast of Chis e louvy bw order of Alex,
i executor ot the late Wo. Kerr, consist-
mr ol LP newra men, OQ women pnd 2 children, ma-
moc y trolos with D eads, aside board, pembroke
Merl fon Windsor and heie bottonr eb: Lins, a liquor
ity [vss ail Cathie MoVadley SUVOr § DOOIS, hives,
ml forks, S1)\ OL ass, i) eins vue, old rum, 2 saddle
hors ‘sy youn creol cattle , CCE | yar ridta pa Vithen-
sts, a collection of oder he hs, beds and matress: Sy
wearing apparel, &e,
Or the same day and ploee, the efeets of the Tate
wiv Pbreball, consistinsof2 negroinen, some sil-
ver table and tea spoons, Nc.
Pastly—oa the sane ob ry and plice, by order A.
Simpson, in Cominission, a bewro man named Harry,
1O head ofentte
D. c, é tal Pk ON, Dep. Fendue Master.
—_—__ a
On Tuesday the 2 =i custant will be sold - plan-
fation Wendatls, 40 heal of fine eatlles and 30 head of
sheensat Dard O months credit, the property of Vrs.
Purnett.—Also [0a 40 head cattle, by order of Sam.
Wendall, for which demands acainst bim or the plan-
fation, will be faken in prvynrent
D. C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
—e—eois—— ss — -
On Puesdayv the qth Mctober next, will be sold at
I mation Sithsen’s Pace, or No.8 in the canal,
ov orderot Tenry Smithson, 60 head of cattle, fine
intoxeny milk cows and youn heifers amongst the IN,
And 100 head of Shoop 2 OO Ne “TOUS, chiefly remoy-
ec] From Plantation Weymouth ,—to accommodate
purchisers—also a belting machine, in Commie te or-
dor, sone household furniture, &e.—The negroes to
be sold at 6 months credit, cattle andl other articles
at Samonths credit.
NB. Retreshients will be provided at the place of
D.C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
View original FOR SALE.
Atthe New Town Tuccrn, old Tobago rum, ime
ported via Demerary, in laize and small quenlities,
Viadetra wine, porter and) vineear in do. do., also
1 parce | empty puncheoons, bhds., cas) ta ENG rf. do.
well catculated for sugar estates—produce will he
fahen ta pavment, D. MARTIN,
10 Sept.
View original Thats asad rstened offers for sale thirty PRIME
MULES, Just imported from Oronoque, anonest
Shich are several riding oness wood coatth yh ep, OF
produce willbe taken in payinent, ata fair valuateon.
He also request those, who are indented to hina for
bool, to come forward with payment, as all vecounts
unsettled alter the Qoth instant, will jp esitively be put
Ino the hands of his AQormey, to suc for
lO Sept. Bb. JCTRPERY.
View original PECK GD up at Port Wey s, by the Sandbank,
i Plot ot S8 Blow 'S. TV lhe OVW INK : may Ih: ive the svVnie
restored | Dy pay ine (his advertisement, &e. Ay
Serpanted oat. o0ch Reet.
Se. 2 ae ee ee ees Oe ee
— — —__ ——_ _
View original tie Sr
Berbice, 27'h due. ISlh.
LITTLE attention being mald to the Advertise.
ment from this Office of the Gar ult. re specting Tax.
s due by the Town Lots.—Notice ts bereh vogiven,
Mhatevery unpaid Lot on the 12d of Seplender, willl
be sued,
DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
SE 0 ge eee ee ee eee eee
View original 2 ee ree
PITT) Domicilinm Citandi et Escentandi, of the
Subserber, isat the house of ALG. oe or, Esq.
View original POR SADR,
A Punt, six months old, long jy feet, ten fect wide
and 3 fect 9 inches deep, made from colony hard
3 eee HW. SNEPEL.

ERSONS wiling tocontract for building a House
10 fet lone, 16 feet wide, one story high, with one
oor, ancl divided into four apartments, intended ag
a Dwelling for the Dicnaars of Justice vey and to he
‘rected near the Jail, are requested to send in Penderg
lo the undersigned Fiscal, until M midap the loth
Instant: the contractor to furnish ai! ueavterials , shine
wle SEXCE pled, for furtber p arficulors enquire ot
Oo Sept. M.S. DENNE PES EF sel.
Pour or 560 bunches ean be delivercd weekly for
Jor 6 mons, in New Amsterdam, apply by letter
co dames Praser, at Messrs. GC. Boue& Co,
Scpt. oe
View original FOR SALE,
aN moderate terms, at 3 n ue rs credit, from 95
(fo SOCOO cial wood staves, | et crab wood ratht eg
ditto, bullet Cree posts, iv are timbe fF, &c.—by ap-
ao er
plication to J. Wulf, Lisq.
J Sept. I. Bi RTON, & Co.
_ -
wy we
ante ~ vite
THE fast sailing Sloop \pvextere, well aceome
modated) for r isscng@ers, will, tf sulictently encones
agement ts given, run beoween this colony and Dee
merary asa Packet, ie uN Shere every Mi mday.
3 Sept. \pply tod. CLAPHAM, No. 19.
eS -_—_— SF — —_—__
= oo
A White Carpenter W anted to Supermtend
a Gang of Carpenter Negroes, on the East coast,
flora tewononths: Lberal payment will be given to
ch approved Verson—A pply to Messrs Henery
and ‘Raylor, New Amopt. 97 Aug,
A few days ago, trom alongside the Se hooner
Swift, a small four oad boat, painted blue, new ley
repaired, —\* hoever has found the same, please ress
tore him to J. HH. Schlachorsts Esq. or to the undere
siyned.—The usual reward will be eiven,
wal AUS
View original
View original
View original WEEKLY ALMANACK.
— << —— $= —
L1ySujl sth Sunday after Trinity.
15}: |New Moon 7 h, 26 m. Evening.—Spring Tides.
1 }-\ | Uloly Cross.
1( | °
17') |Lambert.
f+ In the course of the present month, the Town Lots
niust be all weeded clean.
View original —————_——_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— —=
Sarurvay, Sevvrenber 10, 1814.
a ——__
No further news frum Kurope this weeek —Last night
our Mail Boutcame in, the orly news she hrought are
sume further operations of hustetlies with Anerica.
The Mail lo be forwarded to Barbados will be made up
al the Post Oyice here at 6 o'clock in the morning ox
Wednesday the Ath inst,
———— EEE
View original EEE
There is now a notion, that the Prince of Mecklen-
burzh will be proposed to the Princess Charl. of Wales,
should her Royal fliginess persist iu her refusal of the
Prince of Orange.
Two ef the American Commissioners, for negociating a
peace with Chis country areartived at Ghynt, theappaittea
sert of vegociation. The others argon their ay tnither,
and, on the arrival of the Bnglish Plemtpoteutiarics, Lac
deliberations will commence.
We have some further advices from Madrid, with com-
mircial information chat tends to suew how much more
favourable the Cortes and Regency were to the trade and
manufactures of great Britain than the existing Govern.
ment under Ferdinand, and at the same Gime exhibits the
more libora! and clightened policy by witch the former
were gaided. Daring theinvasion of Spain by the Freuch,
ea law was passed under which it was permitted to export
Relish cotton manufictures to the Spanrh Colonies in
South America, on the condidiun that they touched in the
voyage at some port of the parent country. ‘This law wats
orginally enicted for six Moutiis, successively, it has beet
bi sifurmly renewed, so as tu vive it all the ciiect of a per-
mament regulation. Phose w ho now hold the supreme
authority, have not (hought tit fo prolong the operation
of this law, and it being now catnet, the market of New
Soain is closed u,yon us for these commodities 3 and therc
is ground to apprehend that some preference of the cotton
mannfactures of France is intended, vuder which our in
Gistrions artizans w iil be ailuge ther cacluded from ally
ben fit in (ke same quarter.
From a privac souice it is stated, that no fewer than
4000 arresis liave taken piace since the returu of the King
of Spain. ‘The yp inca al adviser of Ghe Crown ou these
occasion is said to be the Duke Del Infautado.
We extract the following from a Morning Paper:
«& Paris, July 4.—We are here ina state of ail ition,
not bnowing whut is to become of us. bvery dey the
discontent increases, Tt was hoped (hat the Bourhous in
theic retura to France, would have brought with Chem
Jarce and "heral vi Ws, (lat their Sliaty mn hing and would
have made them forget Gicair fomucr nonmous and bave ex.
tended their ideas, and that uistortune weuld bave ree
formed ticine Stas observed, however, wath pain, thar
they are now what Chey were 25 year siice, aud persuaded
ti it cance eet ‘has Cie Sallie, they wish to Powerit her Hot
as slic is, but as she was. ‘Tlius is the cause uf all the dis.
content and srritation.
“Phey do not content themse'ves with taking account of
al! the changes whica have taken place in our manners, in
our habits, in our vpinions, bud they wish to make these
Changes im each of us a crime. Jn vain our po; ulation
has been several (ines renewed, they stall address them.
Ives tou the population of £798. Doubtless we have
done great things; travellers aresceack with all the mona.
meots of vur glory. ‘Phe Bourbons alone do not perceive
them, these monuments (strange to say) appear to them
‘You believe, perhaps, that they occupy themselves
here in repairing what we have suflered from) yranny and
the war; you deceive yourselves, The Cabinet of the
T huilleries passes its time in compelling the Moni/eur to
Jnsert acts of accussation against Frenehmen who have
defended their country against invasion of forcigners,
‘Do not give credit to the falsehoods which give pre-
tended adjuration of men whom vpimon would place at
the head of the Government of France. The author of
the letter in the Courter, of the 22d of Jane, is assuredly
Much misinformed, when he gives out that Foucne, Duke
of Otranto, is quite disposed to modify bis opinions
Those who kuow him, know that he is incapable of auy
pusillaninous transaction, his principles and opinions are
Mitlexible, because he believes that liberty can exist under
a Monarchy as well as under a Republic. Ilaving had
the courage to resist Bonaparte, who was a giant, he will
not prostrate himself befure the Bourbons, [tis not only
to the elevation of his mind and to his talents, that the
public render homage; it is above all the strenght of his
character that they esteem. The Duke of Otranto, from
his babits and bis Wauners, is inaccessible te seduciion.
View original We are peranaded that the French Government can-
hot go on longin this manner, ‘They mekeevery day new
blunders, which will lead us to military auarchy. We
caunot enter into any speculation through the fear of
sceing the war recommence and again the reign of Bona.
parte. The Bourvous may yet prevent (bis dreadful ree
action, but it must be by taking other steps and other
July 8.—We received yesterday the Paris Papers of
Monday last. Phe domestic inte Wizence bats Very little
Interest fer Lnglish Readers. ‘Phe Woniteur of tuat and
the preceding day ts alwost filled with regulations respect.
lag the French Navy, and the procecdings of the Chan.
ber of Deputies. Fron tue character of the discussion in
that Asocunbly We would suspect thal theevtsti'g Govern.
Ineut was induced (yo retaiy the present Members in the
exercise of ther fencduns from a motive some what simi.
lar (o that which m y have aniluenced the uirelectiionw We
do not see a probabai ity of Gheir Causing gy much ubeasiness
tuo the Ficrutive by the sturdy inde pendence of ther
princioles, A hew cleetion, “4 hich is fiacd tor the yal
1316, will form a better criterion of the value atiacned by
the nation to the Possesst on of political feecdom, bt as
our Own op ou thatthe French are uot, at tuis momen:
capable of making a discreet use of the liverty we possess
iu thts Country 5 and the prescnut veneration ui ist (isdpy Cal
and be succeeded by none infinitely moes ehghtencd and
moral before that poople can acguire Ce requisite temper
Another of the Booapartes as proceeding to Vienna.
Anarticte from Lausanacnoaces the de, arture of outs,
late Wing of Tlollaad, for the Data. of Baden, adding,
that he means Co visits the ANustetin ca pital, pre Vieusly tv
his fina! residence im Rowe. Phe parasranh, comobmed
with orthers of similar tendene y appeets FO GE viitesl Code
‘ ‘lusive, that the lem peror kuateis still feels a stron. jie
terest for the edventure rou ho toed marcied bis daugater,
Act has been yet publish (ly alia lliog thar oclivus
Inarriage : and ove wor vid realy bmagine thal moue is an
Contemplation, It is alunos harposstote to reconcile such
av ootnton with t!
NI guarch, or wil
eo oreliious character of Che Austrian
the oride of the dlouse of Habsburg,
But had the objections, we have stated, WOcrstauce 5 yer
motives of pol cy would foresd y Ure (he dissolution on
an alhance, vot more dishonoranle than it. ts duitgerous,
Che conduct of the Maperor Francis ib Gis respects ab.
solutely unaccountable, Can be have forgot! yeoa@tl the
INJUTiES, Which bttasclf, tis family aud subjects have sus.
fatned from the individual, who ds indirect!y dese wbed as
the object of lis prescit beware 3 2 Or Ras he sacriticed che
rescuing Nfs, We must stp pose him to fecl. to the tears ana
entrcalivs of his daugater 2? Vhe Archducess has bees
represented as baving manifested (he strongest repugauce
fO separation, The statement found litthe credit at (he
(line ; but circumstances fay msubsequeut y stamped upoLl
iC toomuch probabil ty. Soonld ¢healfeetio tw of the Arche
duchess regulate Ghose of her father, noching in that event
Would preventa rupture between france and Austria, ‘The
Bourbons haveno security. uf Bonacarfe be permitted to
appear atthe Court of Varma. Lhe insult would have
No mode of reseuuag one and obviatiug the other, but by
declaring war doainsi dus ria, We uneaeestaud that tie
Slimuitisisuoccossary to induce the french to plunge into
acoltest with that power. “Phe fltme would soouer os
later embrace all Murope, and the provable cesule be the
reeestablishment of Bouaparte on the Phirone of brance.
We therefore, of course, sees with the strongest aarin,
the indulgences grinted by Nustriato the family of aman,
whose active and bnsatial le ambition has been the cause ol
such incalculable mischicf, and whose restoration to pow.
er would be the sigual of ca ainities, if possible, more dvs.
The following is an Extract ofa Letter from an Offices
belonging to the Angloesicilian Army, dated from Genua,
May 12:—** Phe Court of tnquiry into the coaduct ot
Sir J. Murray, at Tarragona, istoas-emble forth with at
Valencia, whither all thy Officers required in evidence arc
proceeding. “Thercis a surmise of part of ‘his acmy boing
infended to form a small Mx pedition against Ainerica ; and
iQ receives Credit from the circumstances of some artillery,
with the 3d and 8th battalions of the King’s German Jo0.
Sion, and the 6th and Qist reyimeuts,y having received or-
ders to embark for Gibraltar.”
— {a
The moment of opening the Congress at Vienna is ra-
pldly approaching, ‘Theiuterests that remain to be dis-
cussed are of the first maguitude, and will require all the
exercise of Chat wise and moderate spirit, which marked
the proceedings of the late Confederacy, to produce are.
sult, that will leave no jostifiable geound for future con.
tention. Eingiand willaavea great part to act ins these
Negociations: the vital services the has rendered to most
of the States on the Continent; the principal sliarce she has
had in bringing the contest so a conclusions the liberts
of her policy, the farne of her arms, and hee high rank
amongot nations, point her vut as the mediatory Power
upon thisimpertant occasion, ‘TheStatesman, whosigued
the Treaty of Paris, is marked by the general voice as the
most proper person to represcot the British Government ;
aud who so worthy to put the final stamp to a work,
which is to fix the security of urope upou a solid basis,
as the man, under whose management of our foreign al-
fairs, that meawrabte alliance was formed wiich burst the
fetters of the Continent, and who subsequently eonducted
the negociations, which will remain a singular monuinent
ef moderation aud justios at dhe slo ol awar, uopaiale
View original leled fer violence and hostility. Lord Castlercach pasace,
ses the rare advantaze of being ype rsonally Kaown to olf
the leading Statesmen of the Continent; and as the fea
arrancoments made at the Congress, os well as “the sprit
that stall prevail iv the discussion, «ill determine tie die
ration of trang ility, we should rejoice lo see a stacesnut
there, on our part, who to distinzussh od abilites wastes the
iInost conciliatory manners. One of the leading ditheultts
Will be to fix the poction of iniducnce and territucy to be
possessed by Prussia, ‘The next: cintof imoortance is @
settle che boundaries of Holland; and another questiou
uf great iaterest olters itsell ia the dispusition of the torrie
tory situated between the Moselle, the Rhine, the Datel
limits, the Sua, itt id the bouwadaries ot France, An equi-
valent lo the Wing of Sicuiy, for his Cortinental losses, is
also a question of onside rable delicac yandmoment. We
fear that the fate of Venice and Geno. i alre tly disposcd
of; that Austeia is to possess deiimitivery the focuer, aud
that the latter will be given to the Ka g of Sardinia foe the
cessious made te Peance on the site of Saves. We say
ce fear that these arrangements are delermined., and roe
trot that such necessity has existed, ‘Uhe tadependonce
of these (Wo States appears to be indispeasidly requiive
tu establish a proper Dalaace in Lia’y 5 whereas, uoder che
“eported Arrangements, Atosiria ws bexerened comin g
i sil nce in (hac daterostiny potion of Murepe, aad ai
dost determige iS polities accurding to pleasure. To
Our pund the most arduous, as well as the most di >
yusiness of (he Congress, a> we have Already ointod i
Hage upon the measure of power whick Prussia oul he
hereafice to mold ia the Baropocan Common weala. tor
tathal secvices in the wate Cortest cautle ber to the jirse
considcpation, "Plae increased tilluence of Austcia ia the
sovti of Germany, renders 4 counlcracting autiocity tm
the North WeCESsaLy 5 antdat would be of the Gest uulity
fo create, ia (hat commanding partoof the Coutiaenr, a
sreat aud vigilant Power, which would cheek the anbitic
onoof France on vane side, ant protected the Independcuce
of Germany against the future eacroachments of Russa
and: Nastrit.—Phe od and inextinguishable joalonsy of
The latter State cannot fail to obstruct so desirable an ars
raveoamocuts and itis here that the Beitish Nesociatuor will
be called on to exercise all tus personal addresses and the
Inilwenece of his cy meryy, Co M vebt unforcumate Conse.
quences, ngland can provably calew ate longer aoe
the dura mity of the Prus-iain we hance, than upen ther of
Inyo otper groal State. Bo ween us and Prussia ck riff
De dilicult to provoke herenfoe causes of Vivven Mais
wherois, the most cozent motives of ;oiey Teconnacud
Hhoeostrictes! naten. ‘bbe possessiom Of TPsvover rondoss
the friend hyy ota Doth bh sovereign of the flest valae te
Prussiin Mouieons as tnany future war, which ivay
ivotve (ie interests of Norhiera Germany, I ohana Nay
be certainly relicd uponds tae guardian of its Mucpea
_— 9 1 eV oe ee
View original — —_— eI oe ee
Dispatches, of which the following area Copy and Ex.
ract, have been this dey receiv -d by Karl Bathurst frou
Licui.-<Gen. Suv Cecorge Prevost, Bart.
Head-quarters, L’ Acadie, March 31
My Tornp—l had sea ‘cely closed the Sesston of the Poa.
vincial Iaecaslature, wheo informadon arrived, of (he ene.
my having concentrated a cousid.rable foeceat Piattsbuss,
for the invasion of Lower Canada,
Nlajor Geo. Withsnson advanecd on the 19th inst. to
Chazy, and detached Gencral M’Comb wit a
Corps of rutcmen and a brigade of infantry tn sleichs,
teross the ice to Este La Nlothe, and from thence to Swine
tons in the ‘state of Ver iont.
On the 224, this corps crossed the line of separation %>.
tween the Uoted States and Lower Caniday aud to
possession of Plilipsburs, in the sctyntory of St. Armand,
and on the 2od several guns followed, and agua dicions jo.
sittun was selected and oceup ied, with demonstrations of
anainteation to establish Chenselves there in force.
Having Previe pushy assembled, at St. Joln’s and in’ its
viciinty, the both : ind 9th regiments, and the Canvgiaa
volligeors, with a sullicient field train, and one troop of
the LOth Light Dragoons, [ )laeed the whole under the
command of Colonel Sir S. Beckwith, and ordered iim to
nivance to dislodge the caemy, should circumstances not
(disclose tuis movement to be a feint made to cover other
operacions,—On this bE left Quebee. On my route tree
coived a report from Major Geu »Rottenburg, of the
Chneu vial tvilly ‘elired Prec! it ae vo P hiltipsburcg Ot
the 2G hy and ayain crossed Like Cham plain, for the pure
pose of Joinuimg the main body of the American arary ucar
Cham Jain ‘Town,
Ou the 30th the enemy’s light troops entered OU8
Lown, followed by three brigades of infantry, comma de
ed by Brigadier Generals Smith, Bissett, and MeCumd
md composed of the dth, 6th, WOth, Wth, bath), Worn,
25d, 25th, 29th, 30th, and 34th regimeuts, a sqnedron
of cavalry, and one 18, three 12, and four 6-porunderss
drove in oar piquets on the road leading from Qdell Vou ua
to Bartow Ville, and commenced an attack on the lattce
position, but were so well received by the light troops
supported by the grenadiers of the Canadian Foncibtes
that it was not persevercd ing and the brigades in advane
were directed upon the post at La Cole, civtrusted to > le
jor Handcock, of the 13th reginent, whose able conduct
on this occasion your Lordship will tlad detailed in) the
accompanying report from Licut.eCol. Williams of the
i3tu, who had the charge of the advanced poss on the
In consequence of the sadJen rise of water in every <i.
cecuuu, from Ure digitiug of (Le buew andice, it Wao wild
View original extreme difficulty the enemy withdrew their cannon, anid
it is now almost impossible fur either party to make a
The troops brought forward to support those at Bur.
ton Ville and the mill at La Cole, were obliged to wad
through mud and water up to their waists, for many)
miles, before they could attain the points they were dt.
rected to occupy. ‘Phe Indian warriors alone were abic
to hang on the cnemy’s rear, lilst retreating to Cham.
plain Town.
have ascertained the loss of the American army to
have exceeded three hundred men in killed and) wouuded ;
it is also siaied, that many of their vilicers su (Rered oa this
@ccasion. I have the honor to be, ce.
La Cole, March 31.
Sirn—I beg leave to acquaint you, that I have just re.
ovived from Major Handcock, of the loth regunent, com.
manding at the block-house ow La Cole River, a report,
stating that the outeposts on the roads from Lurton Vaile
aud La Cole Mil, kading from Odell Town, were attach.
ed atau carly hour yesterday morning by tue cuemy in
great force, collected from Plattshurs and burlington,
wader the command of Major Gen, Wilkinsoa, ‘Phe at.
tack on the Burton Ville oad was soon over, when the
enemy shewed themselve jon the road from the oull, that
Reads direct to Odell Town, where they drove in a picquet
siationcd in advance of La Cole, about a mile and a hat:
Cistant; and soon efter the enemy established a battery of
three vuns (12-poundees) in dhe wood,— Vv ith Chis artite.
rv they becau to fireon the mill, when Major Handcock,
hearing of the arrival of the flank companies of the 13th
regiment at the bluckebouse, ordered an attack on the
guns, which, however, was not successful, from the wood
being so thick and so filicd with men, Soon alter, ane.
ther opportunity presented iisclfy when the Canadian gyre.
nadier company, and a company of the volligeurs allen pt.
ef the guns; but the very groat superiority ol the enemy’s
humbers, did in the woods, prevented their taking them
[have to resret the loss of many brave and good soldi.
ers in these two attacks, and am particular y sorry to lose
the services, for a short tine, of Captain ilard, of the
13th regiment, fiom being wounded whil, gailautly leading
hiseompany. ‘Phoenemy withdeew theteartulery towacds
nightfall, and retired towards woruing fromthe mill, tak-
ing the road to Odsll Town,
Major Ilandcock spoaks in high terms of obligation. o!
Caviain Ritter, of the feooutier Lisht Inlautry, who,
from his kKnowledse of the conutry, was of great bene.
Phe marine detachment, under Lieutenants Caldwell and
Barton, the Canadian grenadier company, and the com.
pany of vo figeurs, as well as ail the troops employed;
thie Major CAPTesses himself in bigh Cerias of praise tus
their conduct, sohonorable tu the servicer.
Major Haudeock feels exceedingly md hted to Captain
Pring, Royal Navy, for his ready ard prompt assistance
In moving ap the sloop and gun-boals from fsic Manx woir,
tu the entrance of the La Cole mayor, the tre from ow dich
wos so destructive. Lieutenants Cros viel and thechks. of
the Royal Navy, were vost actively Zea ous im forward.
bag tne stores, aud landing (wo pats trou tue boats and
getting them up to dre diall.
To Major Handcock the greatest praise ts oe for tn
most gallant defeuee of the AVEE ageinst such superi
Numbers, aid fb carwestly trustat will deoel the mop proba.
tion of bis Fxcctlomey the Commander of tag forces. 4
havethe honor to Gransunt a list of Gao Killed aud wound.
ed of the British; that ot the eacmy . broth accounts 1
can collect from the tnbabitacts, ueust lave occu far
tur. ] have the hoor to b 5 XC.
W. Woirriams, Licut.-<Col, 12 4 reg.
+ | Cale
Kittep, Wocnpcp, and Muissinc,in Action at La Cole Mill, on the
20th of Jiarch. lal
Yotal—1} rank and file kilieds 1 Capt.) subaltern, 1 serjeant, 45
rauk and file, wounded 5 4 rau. and file wissiug.
3th Regiment— Captain kt idt,and td nstiyn whitford, slightly.
(s zued) R. Be. thannes Ch, Major.
Noie—Cne Indian Werrior killed and one wounded,
Phen follows a Leller from Sir Gy Prevost, dateu
Blonitveal, May V8, sia ly referring to the substance vs
Bhi following éaclused han décr fron (rca. Drummond. }
Prince Negent, of Osicego, Lake Ontario, Moy 7.
S;r—L am hippy to have to announce to your Excel.
hency the complete success oF the expedition against
‘The troops mentioncd in my dispatch of the 3d instante,
Wiz. six Companies of De Watteviiie’s regiment, under
Ticut.-<Col. Pischers; the light com rany of the Glengary
ight infandey, under Captain AV Lila; and the w hole
ef the 2d battalion of Kooy al Marines, under dicut.-Col.
Blaleoling having becn curbarked with a detachment of the
Roya! Artillery, under Captain Cratteoden, with two
Beldpicecs, adetachucat of the Rocket Company, under
Licut. Stevens ; aud a detachiicot of Sappers and Miners,
ander Licut. Gosset, of the liu, al nyineers, on tae evens
e .
ing 8f the Sd instant, PL proceeded on board the Prince
RKegout atday-ighton the 4th, and the squadron immedi.
ately sailed; the wind being variable, we did not arrive
eff Oswego until noon the following day. The ships lay
-r¢hy r ' > . - ee « ~
to within long gun-shot of the baltery 5 and the gun-boats,
ander Capt. Collier, were sent close in for the purpose
ef inducing the encmy to shew his fire, and particularly
the number and position of his guns ; this service was per.
formed ina most gallant manner, the boats taking a posi.
tion within point blank shot of the fort, which returned
thie fire from four guns, one of them heavy. The enemy
d@:d notappear ty have avy gaus mounted ou the lowa side
ei the River.
View original Waving sufficiently reconnoitred the place, arrangements
sere made for its attack, which, it was decided) should
take place at eight o’clock that evening; but at sun-seta
very heavy squall blowing directly on the shore, obliged
the squadron to set under weigh, and prevented our res
turn sadil neat morning; when the following disposition
was nade of the troops and squadron by Commodore Sir
J). Yeo andinyse!lf. The Princess Charlotte, Wolfe, and
oy al George to engage the batteries, as ¢ ose as the depth
of water would admit of their approachi: g the shore; the
Sir Siduey Smith Schooner to scour the town, avd keep
i check alarge body of Militia whu might altempt €o pass
over into the fort; the Moira and Melville brigs to Cow
tue boats with the troops, and then cover their landing by
scouring the woods on the low poiut towards the foot of
the hill, by which it was intended to advance to the assault
of the fort.
Captain O'Connor had the direction of the boats and
gyunebeats destined tu laud the troops, which consisted of
the flank companies of De Watteville’s regiment, the coin.
pany of the Gleug irry light iifaniry, and the 9d battalion
of the Royal Mavines, being all that could) be landed at
owe embarkation, ‘Phe four battalion companies of the
regiment of Watteville, and the detachment of artlery re.
watuing in reserve on board the Princess Char.ulle and Sir
sidney Smith schooner.
Assoon as every thing was ready, the ships opened thet
fire, and the buats pushed for the point of discubarkad-
on, in the wost revatae order. “Phe landing was ehectcd
under a he tv) fire from tie forty as well as iron a Coust.
Jerable body of the enemy drawn upon the biow of the
bill andin the woods. Toe immethate cousmand of the
troops was entrusted to Licut.-Col. Fischer, of the regi
met DD. \V if evil! .. of whose veldlantl, Cou! wo judict Id
conduct, as wellos of Che distin dished bravery, Sleadiness
and discipline of every ofticor and sulaier Cotspostig Gaie
mall force, | was a Witless, hasiag, wath Cow sodure sis
James Yeo, the D puty Acjutaat-General, and the officers
of my Stal, land d wit!
lency to dacut -Col. Fascher’s letter, inclosed, tor aa ac
i the (roops. Lorveles your luacel.
count of lite O| erations, ‘The place Was gaihcd bla CCl ty de
ites from the moment the trovops agvaiced. Phe fort
boing every where alinost open, the weole ol the garrison,
consistiig of the thied battalion of aruilery, about 400
strong, acd some huadred malitla, eloeted their esca le,
with the exceptiow of avuut GU me, hall vf them severely
\V onnuded.
I inclose a return of our loss, amongst which T have to
regret that of Ca; tain Tloltaway, of the lhoyal Marites.
Your Excellency will .anent to observe in che list the
name of that gallant, judicious, and eacclicat Mhcer, Cape.
Viulcaster, of the Royal Navy who land od at the head of
200 volunteers, seamen fron the fleet, aud reecived a see
vere aud dangerous wound, when wathin a few yards ol
the vous, which he was advancing to storm, wihich [fear
Wilh deprive (he sguadrou of his valuable assistance for
some Une at least.
bu noticing (he co-operation of the naval branch of the
service, bo have the highest satsiactiou im assuring your
lM vcellency that f have, througiout Gus, as well as ou every
officer occasion, expemenced the tiwst LEAOous, coi dial, and
bode UPpoi from Sir James Yeo. dt wall be for tim to
40 justice to the merits of those auder Ins coummand 5 but
Livay neverticless be permitted ty obseeve, (hat nothing
coud exceed the Coulucss and gallantry in action, or the
mowearled exertions on Shore, ol the U4} aiid 5 VIUCESS,
ud crews of the whole squadron.
I euelose a wetiorandum of the captured articles that
Nave becu Lrouzht away, ta waich your Excellency wall
\ ercemve with satisfaca mn Sev Hoa y guus that were in.

ded for the CNcIDV’S Dew Sad! . ‘Phree 32-pounders
were snuk by the chemy in the river, as well as a large
{ : ) .
puandity of curda
fey and other naval stores. “Phe loss to
(hem, therefore, has beenu very great; and fam sanguine
In beheving that, by this blew, Chey have been deprived
at the meaus of couploang the armament, aod parucularly
(he equipment of the large man of war—an object of the
Calest importance.
very object of the expedilion having been effected, and
the cactured stores curbark dy tue troops returned io the
iiost perfect order, on board their respective ships at four
o’clock this morning when the sqaadronimmedtately sailed,
the barracks ia the town us well as those iu the fort,
having been previously burat, Cogether with the platforms,
Dridue, Se. and the wo.ks every othiel respecl dismane
tied and destroyed, as far as practicable.
I cannot close this dispatch without oXcring to your
Eacellency’s notice, the admirable and jucicious Wauner
in which Lieutenant-Colonel Eischer formed che troops,
and Jed them to the attack, the cool and gallant Conduct
of Licutenaut-Colonel Malcoim, at the head of the 2d bat.
(ahion of Royal Marines 5 the intrepidity of Captain De
Berseyv, of the regimcut of De Watteville, who command.
ed the advance ; the zeal and energy of Licutenant-Col,
Pearson, Luspecting Field Oiicer, who, with Major Smelt,
of the 1O3d regiment, had obtaincd a passage on board the
squadron to Niagara, and volunteered their service on the
OCCASION & the vallantry of Captain M’Millan, of the
Glengary Light Infantry, who cevered the left flank of
(he troups in advance ; aud the activity and judyment of
Captain Cruttenden, of the Royal Artillery; Brevet
Mayor De Courten, of the resiment of De Watteville;
Lieutenant Stcvens, of the rocket company ; Lieutenan:
Gossett, of the Royal Engineers; each in their respect.
Ive Situatois,
Lieutenant-Colonel Ma!colm has reported in hich terms
the conduct of Licetenant Lawrie of the Royal Marines,
who was at the aead of the first men who entered the fort ;
and I had an opportunity of witnessing the Orivery Ol
Licutenant Uewedt, of that corps, who climbed the flag.
View original staff and pulled down the American ensign which was nail.
ed to it.
To Licutenant-Colonel Harvey; Deputy Adjutant-Gee-
neral, My warmest approbation is Most yustly due, fo. Js
uncemitting Zeal and useful assistance s—the service of this
Intelligent and experierced Officer have been so frequently
brought under your ixcellency’s observation before, thae
it would be supertlous my making any comment on tie
high estimation in which f ho!d his valuable exertions,
Captain Jorvois, my Aid-deseamp, and Lieut.-Colonel
HWasermane, my provencial Aid-de-camp, the only oilicers
of my persoual stall who accompanied me, rendered me
every assistance.
Captain Jervoise, who will deliver to your Excellency
with this dispatch, the Ataerican tla taken at Oswego, is
fully enabled to altord every farther information you may
cequire, avd Lo avail myself of the present o Pportunity
strongly to recommend this oflicer to the favourable cote
sideration of bis Royal dlighness the Commander im Chief.
I have the honor to be, Xe. (sizved)
His Majesty's ship Prince Rezent, off Oswego,
Lake O nla, fo, May 7, 1814.
Strn—It is with heartfelt satisfaction that [ have the
Nonué toteportto you, for Cie information of Lieut.-<Gen,.
Diuimond, commanding, that the troops placed under
my OFders lor the purpose of sturming the fort at Qswegoy
have completely suceccdcd in this service.
Pt wii be supe.tlous for me ty cuter into any deta''s of
(he opemaons, as the Licut-Gen. has personally witnese
ed tae corduct of the whole party, and the vrateful task
oliy renidins toa point out for bis approbation, the dis.
linguioh d bravery and discipline of the troojs.
fie 2d battalion of Roy ai Marines formed their column
in Che most regular manner, and by their steady and ca, id
advance, carried the fortia a very short time. In fact
wothing Could surpass the galiautry of that battalion,
commanded by Licut.-<Colonel Malcolia, to whose cool
and deliberate cunduct our success is greatly to be ate
The Licutenant-Colonel reported to me in high terms
the corduct of Licutenant James Lourie, who was at the
head of the first men who entered the fort. The two
lank companics of De Wattevibos under Capt. De Borsy,
behaved with spirit, though labouring with wore diwecule
Ges during ther formation, OM acco rT of the Ladue s of
Khe landing place, aud the niure direct Opposition of the
The company of Glengerry Light Infantre, under
Capt. Mac Mullan, bebavcd au an equa ‘hy dist aku isiued
manuer, by clearing tue wood, and driving the evemy
into the fort.
1 beg leave to make my personal acknowledgments to
Stall J Adjutadt Greig, and Licut. end Agyutant Ma ermiet, of
De Watteville’s for ther zeal and aiteniion to me during
the day’s service. Nor can I forbear to meniion the re.
vular hehaviour of the whole troops during their stay on
shore, aud the most perfecturder in which the reeenkalion
of the troops has been executed and every Sery ice perlocud.
} enclose herewith, the Return of Killed and Woundedy
as sent tv me by the dilicrent corps. IL have tue hovor
to bz, Ac. (Signed)
V. Fiscuer, bicut.-Colonel,
(A true copy ) De Watteville’s Kegt.
Noau reer, Military Secretary.
Licutcnant-Colouel ilarvey, Deputy Adjutant-General,
6fit MAY, Id14
2d Batialtun, Koy al Marines—I Capt., 2Serjeants, 4 rank and fileg
De Watteville’s Reginent—1 drummer, 7 rank and Gle, killed.
2d Batt. Koyal Marines—1 Serjeaut, $2 rauk und ule, wounded,
De Wattevilles Regiment—1] Captain, 1 Subukein, 1 Serjeant, 17
rank and fle, wouaded.
Glengarry Lencidle-—Y rank and file wounded.
vial—l Captain, v serjeaunts, 1 druwauer, 15 rank and file, kil-
led; 1 Captain, 1 Suvuhtern, 2 Serjeanis, 50 rank aud ule,
2d Battalion, Royal Marius—Captain \Vitliam Holtaway.
De Watteville’s Regiment—Capirsin Lendergerw, severely ;—Lieut.
Victor May, dangerously since dead),
(Sigaed) Jv. lianveiey, Lieut.-Col. Dep. Adj. Gen,
Return of the KiLLEp and Wounvep of the Royau Navy at Oswes
go, Sth May, 1did.
3 Scrjeants killed; 2 Captains, 1] Liestenant, 1 Master, 7 Scamen,
wounded— Lloial, 3 ethied 5 11 wousded.
Captain Mulcaster, dange rously.
Captain Popham, Lieutenant Gritin, , severely.
Mr. Kichardson, Master, arm ainputated, (Signed)
(Certified Cop) ,) J. Lawris, Sec.
Epwarp Baynes, Adj.-Gen,
His Majesty's Brig Magnet (late Sir Sidney
Smuh,) off Osice Zo, U. S. May 7, 1814.
Return of Orpnance and OrpsvAnce-Stores taken and 4estroyed
at Oswego. Lake Ontario, on the Oth May, 1814, by ais Majesty's
troops, under ie command of Liculepant-Gea, Drau woud,
Faken—3 wuirly -Owo-poun der tion guns, + bwe uty -four- -pounder iron
guns, 1 tweive-pounder-irou yun, | six-pounder irod yun—towal 9.
Deatroyed—I heavy twelve- -pouuder, 1 he. vy SIX- -pouuder—total 2.
Shot—oi forty-two pounder, round; 32 (uirty-two-pounder, reune g
36 forty -two- pounde r, Canister; 42 lint y -tw o-pound: Ty CANisterg
30 twenly- four-poupder, Calisler 5 lz turty-two-pounder, grape 5
4s thirty -two- -pounder, grape ld twent,-lour-pounder, gr. ipe.
Licht barrels of gunpowder, amd all the siu¢ of small calibre iu the
kortand Stores thrown into the river,
(Signed) bh. CRUPTENDEN, Royal Artillery.
(certified copy,)
Epw. Baynes, Adj. Gen.
MrworaNpi M OF Provistons, Srores, &c. captured
1015 Barre). of lor’, pora, potatoes, sult, taDow, Ac.; TU coils of
rove and corduge, tir, blocks, Ysuall schooners; with several! bows
aud oduer suaaller Crate.
(A true Copy,) Noaa Freer, }:. Sec
View original
View original AD TIRALTY OFFICK, JULY 5.
deo, Co derir Chi fof this Mijesty’s ships and
4 yof Candda, lo John bhelson Cro.
h / OU ¢ £idS if ) sly’s ship Ps L/1CC
/ . 4b
fliy Me 'sship Prince Regent, May 9
=~] C flee 15 Loft \ ril last Wi | h y llle
f l } ; \ { {y's s] s Prine
q re \ s Gaba . ed out ree
( | \ me th Clron { yACK tft you.
{ | . i| { Sq hon {
{ bin MAC CES an Te dd
( yr it it what owas de.
t | pvddand mosclf. that a
vuder C: fuecasterys and four Datarcd marines, were

wider circuistauces of great temy tacion (
° , ' '
TD. if wm the tow n, em, loy (d MOAGIOD Cae Ca tured +
Wi 1} oral) Ince. Wava -fores ad! ! |) OVIstots, ) I mf ;
hoy . { ‘ ¥ : : . '
1 QO ial [nae
4 lake biartio, AILI yand W NDED al Usw
r—Killed Abel John, seaman,
hid — », A. ©. fantiny \ Liculenant; Thomas J]arring-
> a fl.
— Ee puewd 1 ait, Uaptatis James Richardson, Master.
_: | 2 : (>) . ' ’
5 ; ’ Baxter, ‘Tnuinas Gillin, lai, Josep) Padds, ang

> ; rie og \y ao ‘ '
R — led—William Holtawayv, Captain: Serjeant
° in
Cr 1; 5 1 bore ly ile 5 Corporal Bat le, eC] ant) Kain
Woundead—Joun tlewilt, Lientenant; William Meredi
f vr > ’ ’
iines Lee . J. ( i n, I as / *D Cy. imuel
New burgh, Auld» AVUgaci, aud { sler Wecuel pPrivale
ppJ Ue wvUs,
View original I Imedc
View original A 2 Se eee? wee. Vermeer 7 = eee
- ee ee —_—_____
Of the Wonorable tho Court of Civil Jus‘ice
Sequestration of Pin. Ruryagrer & Dixncnsan-
$n iy rn,
Curdorship of the Ustate of the late Jao. Sev ne
7 rs 2
Hen, of the late Dr. JOG. Servearerr, ile coas
Flom, of Dot Vaevne, deccuved
Idem, of Dr, ie 4, Porrimgn: . ovceascd.
er \]. Mowrerasr, vccaced,
lien, of Ml. Vaer ere yn, docooycd,.
Idow, af lol. Vere hecend.
Wh preys thy V] od. yt 7 ify ‘ arf of Civil Vis.
free, by Order boriae date 88d J Wy Last. dieving
cole rod the Aces polsoof
’ ’ . “
n 4 rod i>. J, Schwiers, Soquestrators of
2 druter
Plo. Rurisziet & Dawhiee whet!
“TOS. Benatt aad Ge. Pe wan Solst, Seqgues!rators
Pye, rod dy vd.
Fo Ut ret 8) Keiezery as Curators of the Es-
free te tite Folia Server, dee.
Pouch. Joverder Bros sand A. Kriewer, ay
Cn ofors of the bstriear Cr boot Sehabert. >
Phe bite Do Docea, deco aa tA Wriezer, i oxecu-
tors: andoafter wards Curators of the fstate o. 1.
Vey itoce
ID. Kiereh ant Cl Schmidt, as Mother vin .
Pcentorss cmd A Wriewer ana OS Sent lty an
Curators of the Estite of (he late Dr. B.A. Botdiger,
Hovanden Prock and A. Weieger, as del beratins
Meceutors. 4 i mes os (curators of tle bes tat.
of (he tate VES. Pla. hort, dee.
Hohn, Vi son and toh Meloy, as Curators o
the Tate Ula " - vechnie.
BoC. Nbbone toand MOS) Hambert, Cas t reo
Khe fostate of the hee fa. T. Busey dee. aimoue ali.
are fo be found the Accounts of Namiuisecviog oo
Boiler, hoovra den 8 ockyaad Poise ors, boc ee
nfors: ad of (he follow: Corilors 3. 4 phan Va
myferbury, Nod. Cibssins, Jo. dares Cote vg
Finby ve van Datenbars CQ. Widow db. ft. Ldedse s
pe ty rthe Vee tines ol l.. a Abb msc ls wind i. A
ht yeAcne l. vey) Jen Praves, JA. (7, (", de Ni Uwetle-
her gant Gr. Panels, Curitors of stich state.
Vottee tw ler hyo civenr to all Dosons baterested
fondanee vy Tl) be eivenatthe econ.
Ms Otter, bet fat the h use of the sccood undter-
sirtevboon Wea hayes TF edin says and drivays, trom
Roottate Gwe om th atterie my for the spice
Oboe noe tow the date her ory nord sr.ocnable
sch Peres fo { mpect (he said accomnm's amd state
(hoor On| CHS or obseevattons | Ltt WW Vitti, al the exe
Piertion ob whieh fine the recucred rep i'l a be
dean the above ventioncd mvt ers, ard of which
(ie requiret) tho partis nay obCare af ‘thee COpy,
vo hetrowiexpence, Preorder ib th yom: ty deear d
expedient, Co attend the Elon. the Court of Civil Jus-
tice on the day to be apr oimted (or heaviog the said
report, and to contest the Couficimation thercor.
Berbice, With Aus. 1814
(Second time of publishing.)
=. Sere SSS oo PIE Se eewews eww 2 ewe Te -o
$e ee —_——$— re
From the stelling of the Subscriber, asix oar
Cortal, painted greens who can restore the sam Cy
WI 7 receive the customary reward,
View original POR SVE VE Pits OFRICK
Choe Manger of Proceedings berore the Court of Ciyi!
Justice, tn binelish and Dutch.
Phe Charter of the colooy Berbice, in Enelish,
The new Catch Consti ution, in Dateh,
A few Almenehs, Codve Certificates, Bills of Ex-
chance, i IVs | Docc) yy,
All hind of Booths, blink and rnted, Ouills, Pencils,
Wititog Papery dua Powder, aud Waters.
View original Jotiee | h
i | tC thre ¢ tle
(To) rie ¢ ,
Ms day rel
(0) ()'] .
UV ba _ eal
BY Poice, YZ a
View original oe
Ry eel ecih cit 1 Sppointment from the [onorable
‘ont of Civil Mustioe of this col) anv, bearing date
ee Od Pandy Pe] 1, vanced Epon tn pe {ifion present.
Oy Wore Paewety ar ( Wor. Prasery as apputated Cus
Gators tay die 8st ate Ob dole: Sf, oie, dee
Pith dadorsigue!t, atthe request of aforesaid Cue
Sumnon ly Uditer Sierabundant: :
Roos rant itkaow se ereditors or chamants og
brcouusfote ook te bat fotyy SLooue, dee. fou pearia
peroonar fy vo prony Dolur the pharoor ide Const of
“ive Sati. “( of ‘bos cle "Vy 1! ih) 1 Gessten) lo he
oat db bac me oathy at heey 'y (S15, there to vender
Sep ierrebibaey to Ni ity tho same an ! Monee +@
tro i Cellos tas ‘thereunto. ay «lotic! iT (LO tyre
Coed acedirs ic li, on pals ol being debaricd
hour recta Obchithian.
Phas Saran, nay Meets (ox sy or alas ninth) made
Om foe pr Nee vy Len ofr from the Coe
Poarcortiseolony, aad turer dealt with aeccurue
bit Poyeustouu.
bewbice, 28.) August, S14,
KOOP AANCK ON, First Varsatl.
View original Tn
BY vt: fue atan ane yoMeNt from the Honora! 'e
“ort ry! reel Ae Stee of tly. colony, I dN o late ri
Faly Pet) errre lion a Penton presented hy.
vee to srock med CG, Pou loas the Attorni: oh rihe
: i mv ge hha. whe re th , foe ( Ultix ot ihe it ale
oo her tate Thad nde oo OW, Mortin.
PT UA dsvertedy ab te recuest of afore ald Ate
Summon hy Bats
\ |] a wntson fhe Psu of J. WwW, Wert: te
an wppery by person oar hy proxy, before the
Oy an hlooyrt 7 Covel ustiee ab this colons, at
\ i SESSION weilas I) wil! bo Jac]! in the Brno of
pth Sey theee to revdes in their el UNS, foyer g
ene ay lal need, (() hy ar the Obyoolions Taare
Moorctratos und further do procce Line covdine to Lia toy
Slpty ob betig forever debarred) their nicht of
(oul .
lus Sanmoaby Mdietimade known and published
dsecu Fourth oy,
wetbic y Youd Nueust, IST.
INK. id PAANCKEN, irs Varsha’,
TT Cee See
View original SUMMATION vy EDICT"
DY virtue of anenxtrvct rom the Minutes of tle
-rocee dings of the Court of Ra Hs, «lated 2xth of
Ws PST, etven inthe eause, entithed W. Leach
adh Wo. Proaser, Curators to the Abundoned biostufe
Ot Poy wood & TP Vlor, Phun by edicl, versi ail
Know and unknown creditors avainst Che said (st ec,
Phe undersigned, First) Marshal of the Courts
vithin this coluny, andat the request of aforesaid
Summon by Edict, Exsuperahundant :
AM Known and} unknown ereditors against the abe
indoned: Estate of Heywood & Taylor, loappear bee
ore the Court of Polis, which willbe held on Mone
day the 10th October, IS14, their to render ia their
chitms, to verify the sumiey and heat Objections made
(hereunto, ibnced, and turther to proceed as Cie Law
Aires i
This Stunymon bv Pdiet, made known to the pibhe
by beat of drum from the Court House of this co!
aud durtherdestt with according to custom.
Berbice, 224 Aue. IST
3 ~V re
RK. Franck en, First Marsal.
OTT accede tinea TE
Girpd.) At plintation Best Coffee Land, Canje, the
child of Mr. Po van Holst,
Olls >
Lately, ina short space of time, we can say that
more (faa LOO children died on dillerent estates, bes
sides in fowais, by the Hlooping Cauch ; Ut they bas
lollow now the plan ltely in our paper, SUPPOSE ae
many of then would hive been saved by that Wily.
em QO rt re "eer 7" es i. es
a anatiiin.: & « ai MG iat x aw”
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, P. ate
Privileged Government Crile srs

10 September 1814