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The Berbice Gazette

View original < A PROCLAMATION.
BY His Excellency Jonn Murnay, Esq.
Major-General, Lieutenant-Governor in
and over the Colony Berbice and its De-
pendencies, President in all Courts and
Colleges within the same, and Vice-Ad-
miral thereof, &c. &c. &e.
To all to whom these presents may or shall
come; Greeling! be il known:
JIEREAS I have received instructions from
Ilis Majesty’s Ministers, to give such pu-
blicity to the appointment of Mr. Ai exanper AL-
LarnT DE La Court, as Agent ter the Crown Pro-
perty within the Colony Berhice, and in that eapa-
city having the entire saperintendance and conduct
overthe Crown Property, that no persons within
this Government may in Law or otherwise, pretend
ignorance of his being invesicd with full authority as
Agent; Asalso, that the powers delegated tothe said
Mr. Alexander Allart de la Court, extend to the set-
Hement and receipt of all outstanding debts, due to
the establishments formerly known under the appel-
lation of the Winkel Department, and Colony or
Crown Estates; and lastly, that the said Mr. Alex«
ander Allart de fa Court, is authorised and instruet-
ed to sne for and recover by Law, in name and on
behalf of His Majesty, all Debts due to the aforesaid
Winkel Department, Colony or Crown Estates.
In obedience to tiie commands [ have been honor-
ed with, | hercny publiely notify to all those whom
It may Conceim, that Mr. Alexander Allart de. la
Court is duly appointed and authorized to collect,
settle, recive, or sue for, in name and on behalf of
His Majesty, all Debts due to the Crown Property
within this colony, formerty hnown by the appetla-
tion of the Winkel Departnicnt, Colony or Crown
Estates, from the period the said) Properties have
been Adininistered for and on behallof His Majesty.
And [ do hereby order and dircet all persons within
this Government, to tike duc notice of His Majesty's
pleasure, as commurteated in this Prochunation, and
to govern themselves accordingly.
And in order that no iguorance nay be pretended,
these presents shall be published as custoiuary.
King’s House, Berbice, 26th Octobar, ISAS.
By command.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
Second lime of publishing.
‘BY His Excellency Major-General JOUN WURR AY,
Lieutenunt-Governor, and the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Berbice.
To all to whom these presents shall or may come or
eoncern,—be it known:
WHEREAS by the resignation and departure, of
the Hon. Simon Fraser, from this colony, a Vacan-
cy has again taken place in the Hon. Court. of Poli-
cy and Criminal Justice of the Colony Rerbice ; and
His Excellency the Governor having been pleased,
from out of a Nomination, made by the Court, to
elect James Fraser, Esq. of Trafalgar, to be a
Member of the said Court.
Notice thercof is hereby given to the Public, all
persons within this Government being required to
acknowledve and respect the aforesaid Gentleman in
that capacity.
Done in Court of Policy and Criminal Justice, of
the colony Berbice.
Court House, New Amsterdam, 5th Oct. 1813.
By Command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
Second time of publishing.
View original a
BY His Excellency Major-General Joun Mur-
RAY, Lieutenant-Governér in and over the Colony
of Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice- Admiral,
and President in all Courts and Colleges within
the same, &c. &c. §&c.
View original
View original To all to whom these presents shall or may concern,
Be it known :
Court, Principal Agent for the Crown Pro-
perty in Berbice, has thought proper to nominate
and appoint Mr. Witiiam Brack, Assistant Agent
and having exhibited his powers to me in due form,
and requested my sanction thereto.
These are therefore to signify, that I have receiv-
ed the said Mr. William Black as Assistant Agent
for the Crown Property in Berbice, and all the sub-
jects of this Government are required to acknowledge
him in that capacity.
To preventsignorance thereof, this proclamation
is Inserted in the public Gazette.
Given under my Hand and Seal, at the King’s House
this 22d day of October, 1813-
By Mis Excellency’s Command,
Tuos. C. EMERY, Act Gov. Sec'y.
Third time of publishing. :
View original BO a oF ‘
THE resumed Session of the Court of Civil Justice
will take place on Monday the 15th November 1813.
By Command of the Court.
View original TOWN COMMIPTEE.
WANTED for the building of a Brick Sluice, on
Lot No. 32, in the second capolder of New Aipter-
dain, the fol owing materials. —
72,000 Bricks.
AS UWhds of Building Lime.
AS ‘Tierces Dutch ‘Perrace, or 1100 bushels
Roman Cement.
Any person willing to contract for the delivery of
the above articles, on or before the Dist of Jnly ISt4,
on the aforesaid Lot No. oe, New Anisterdam, will
please to send in tenders, ad-‘Iressed to the ‘Town
Commitice, on or before Monday the 29th Novem-
ber, ISIS, when the said tenders will be opened, and
the lowest offer, if approved of, accepted, —The
Bricks and Lime tobe subject to the wpprobation of
the Poon Committee, and the Contractor to enter
ito bond dor the due delivery of the articles engaged
lo be furnished.
ANY person willing to contract for the immediate
cleaning and weeding of the main trenches and the
criiniges, between or seprurating each whole lot from
(he front towards the backdam, in the 'Town of New
Amsterdam, from all Grass, Filth, and other Ob-
structions, and to keep the same in that condition,
as also (o keep the Public Roads, Dams, and Urid-
ves, inthe satd ‘Town, in constant repair, for and
during the term of one year, to be computed from
the Ist of December next, will be pleased to address
hunself by tender, fo the said Commiftee, on or betore
the 29th November, {812, when said tenders will be
opened, and the lowest offer. «hen approved of, ac-
cepted.—The contractor to give securityg and the
work at all times to be under the Inspection of the
Town Manager.
TWO Commissaries and the Secretary will meet
for the collection of the assessinent, from Monday the
22d November until Tuesday the 20th November,
(the Sunday excepted), from 11 o'clock in the fore-
noon until 2 o’clock in the afiernoon, at Mr. Byy-
NING’s Subscription Rooms.
By command of the Committee,
Berbice, 6th November.
A I i
View original TT A
rr —-— --___.. ee ae ———
Tue next Meeting of this Society will be held on
Monday the 8th November, at Plantation Alness.
G. Munro, W. Dodgsen, and W. Lawson.
View original
View original RECEIVER GEN's. OFFICE.

THLE undersigned requests, the Planters will pay
their respective Accounts for Weigh-money, &c.,
up to Ist July, as it is impossible to pay the demands
avainst the Office ; those unpaid will be shortly given
to the Deurwaarder, and several preceding accounts
are in jorwardness for Execution.
Berbice, lst Nov. 1813.
—=———_— ————= -_ a
View original ————— -_——~=~ ——- ~~~ ~->- — ~~
Berbice, 30th October, 1813.
(St! wanted for the following Bills of Exchange
on th: Richt ton. the Paymasters General, of His
Majcsiy’s Forces, London, at 30 days sight, viz.
Two Bills of <€ 100. Sterling each
Two do. of £150. do. — cach.
For which Tenders in triplicate, marked ‘‘ Ten-
Cers for Bills,” willbe received at this Office until
Monday the 8th of November at 10 o'clock, when
they will he opened, and the offer or offers, most ad-
vantagcous to Government, if approved, accepted.
Dep. Assist, Com. Gen.
View original Berbice, 30th October, 1813.
WANTED for rhe Use of His Majesty’s Troops
in thiscolony, Twenty barrels of Salt Beef, and
Tifteen dito of Pork, ofthe best quality, for which
Tenders, in triplicate, marked, ‘* Tenders for Salt
Provisions,” will be received at this Office, until
Vionday morning the loth Nov. next, al 10 0’clock
when they will be opened, and the offer or offers most
advantageous for Government, will be accepted.
The said Provisions to be subject to a Bourd of
J. B. BUIOT, Dep. Assist. Com. Gen.
—SeeK._'anGWvWVDv_—_—x«—«—«—«———XKaXaX_—_—_——]——_—_—_———— =
View original SS
Fourteen to Fifteen Thousand pounds of
Iirst quality Coffee.
Tenders for the above quantity, the produce of
Plant. ? /sperance, directed to the undersigned, will
be received until Friday next, and it approved of,
accepted. Payment to be made in cash, to
6 Nov. LB. J. SCHWIERS, Seq.

View original Fifty ‘Thousand pounds of First quatity
Tenders for the ahove, in any quantity, not lese
than Fifteen thousand pounds, will be received at
the house of H. Staan, Esq. New Amsterdam, un-
Gil Wednesday the 10th inst. and if approved of,
accepted. Payment to be made in cash, to
View original »
Tenders for Coffee.
PROM 20 to 25,000 pounds, more or less, good
quahiy broken coflee, from Plant. de Edward, ten-
ders for the whole, or part thereof, will be received
at the house of W. Fraser, Esq. New Amsterdam,
until Wednesday 17th Nov. at 10 o’clock in the fore
noon, when the highest offer will be accepted, and
payment be made in cash—new bags will be deliver.
ed for the same, for which payment must be made
at f 2-10. per ps.—Samples to be seen at the above
mentioned place. L.C. ABBENSETS.
G6 Noy. . M. RADER, Seq:
View original ANY person wishful of employing a black man,
of a good character, for Mill- or Wheel-right, Or
for any House business, will address themselves to
Mr. S. Tairt, in Canje. 6 Nov.
View original Sh
FOR Sale by B. ZieGuer, in addition to his for-
mer advertisement, sundry articles, received by the
late arrivals, via Demerary —Split peas, pearl and
Scott’s barley, tripe, Cumberland hams, mess beef &
pork in } barrels, black pepper, raisins & currents,
leached real Russia sheeting, cotton platillas, India
stlempores, Carlisle checks, negro. blankets, whip
saws complete, whip & hand saw files, shovels, hoes
and cutlasses, grid irous, &c. 23 Oct.
View original
View original SECRETARY ’s OFFICE.
ALL persons having any Claim or Demand against
the Ship Speculator, of London, or on the Cargo of
the said vessel, lately Condemned and Sold, are de-
sircd to render theiraccounts to the Agent for the
Committee at Lloyds, within six weeks from this.
date, and after the elapse of that period, the balance.
of the proceeds of the ship Speculator and Carga,
will be remitted to England, and no further colonia!
claims against that vessel or cargo, be allowed.
Secretary's Office, Oct. 26.
- RR. C. DOWNER, Sec.
View original Wordt geadverteerd, a This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor-'blic, that the following per-
memens zyn uit deze Kolonie sons intend quitling this Co.
te vertrekken. ony
Andrew Black in 6 weeks from Sept. 25.
Miss Fanny Collier and three Slaves, for Demerary.
J.B. Ward in 4 weeks from Oct. 23.
Richard Harris by the first opportunity.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original WORDT hiermede bekend| NOTICE is hereby given,
gemaakt, dat een maand naj\that @ month alter date the
dato de volgende Transpor-} following Transports and
ten en HHipothecken zulicn| Mortgages will be passed,
verleden worden.
Oct. 9 James Fraser will pass a morteage on plant.
Trafalgar, west coast of the colony Berbice,
and on 150 slaves.
—— J.B. Rule will transport to G. Bone and P.
Quin, the northern half of lot No.6 and build-
ings thereon, first empolder of this town.
J. GE. Sciff will transport to the free ne-
gro woman Minerva, one eighth of Lot No.27
firstempolder of this town.
Oct. 16. Simon Fraser will transport to Messrs. J. T.
and A. Douglas & Co. of Glasgow, plantation
Brighton, cum annexis, and 150 Negroes.
Oct. 23. A. Simpson will transport to Demerary 50
Negroes, names to be seen at this office.
Oct. 30. J. Tichoe] will transport to the Widow
Hl. J. Buse, the lot No. 49, in the 2d empol-
der, with the buildings thereon.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
—_—_—_—_—_— nn
View original =—=-_—_—-_- «\"=—=—=_—_——————
-—P —CO—
On Thursday T1th Novbr. will be sold at the Ven-
duc-oflice, pay ible in, two months, by order of G,
Hobus, Esq. Executor to the estate of Anna Caritas,
anegro wont with ber chikl an excellent) washer
‘woman, tables, chairs, matresses, &c.
On the same day.,—Osnabrugs, sheeting, dowlas,
beef & pork, ox teneucs, Irish linen, checks, hkfs.,
bridles, girth & stirsup leathers silk umbrellas and
parasols, sith & Leohorn hats, beer & porter in bar-
rels & bottles. vin. rainy brandy, &C,
D.C. CXS ERON, Dep. Vendue Mastr
——S—— Sr
View original —_————
Op Donen. 1b Nov. zat verkocht worden aan
het Veadue kantoor, door den Ieer G. Hobus, als
Eexecateur ten boedel wylen de vrye Indiaaninne An-
na Cartfas,——-cen negerinne zynde cen bekwamen
waschmeid inet haar kind, tafels, stoclen, bureau,
cederhoute kisten, fraaije likeur kelder, katocene
hangmatten, paarde hare matrassen, cen hogel bus,
&c. betaaibaar in 2 maanden,
Door de Vendumr.—Osnabrue’s linnen, sheeting,
groflinnen, vieesch, spek, tongen, Tereche linnens,
bont, doeken, tomen, &e. zyde parapleus & para-
pols, zyde & Leehoin hoeden, bier & porter, jene-
ver, rum, braudewyn, &e.
I). C. CAMERON Dep. Vendue Master.
—— -. —_—— - —
On Monday 22d Noy. will be sold at the Vendue
office, by order of (he Sequestrators of Pin. 0? lspe-
rance, and by the desire of J. W. Heytmeyer, I'sq.
anassorone::t of housebold furniture, consisting of
cane bottom chairs with cushions, a pair of elegant
sophas, dining tables with D ends, a liquor Case, a
pair of elegant mirrors, 2 convex do. a choice assort-
ment ofengravings with gilt frames,—to be seer a
week betore the day of sale on application at the
Vendue oliice.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
View original eee
THE undersigned requests all those indebted to
him, to come forward with immediate payment, all
“those whose accounts are not paid by Monday the
Sth November, will be given to the Deurwaarder.
30 Oct. G. BONE, Late Act. Vendueinr.

View original - _ _ —
THE subscriber is obliged for the benefit of his health,
to Iqaze the colony with the first convoy, or by the Pac.
16 Oct, R. HARRIE.
View original RES a ee a Ee 5 ee ee ee
View original ‘ < . .
=a OX
Tre Schooner Jackman, Capt. Merchant, arri-
ved here yesterday evening from Barbados, which
she left on the \st inst. There was no particular
news there when she sailed, but on coming out of
Carleisle-bay, she met the Packet going in, which
informed the Master there was good news from Eu-
rope. The Jackman brings Barbados Papers to the
30th ult. Our Packet had not arrived in Surinam
on Thursday last, the Ath inst.
The following article on the subject of his Majesty’s
aliment is from a Sunday paper:
‘Jt is known that, excepting (he privation of sight, his
Majesty, notwithstanding ois advanced age, labours under
no particuiar bodily infirmity. liven that temporary ale
chadion of understavding, which the whole nation deplores,
has been declared by medical men not to be insuscepubk
of cure. We can now state, upon pretty good authority,
that our venerable Sovereign has for some wecks past been
blessed with frequent lucid intervals, and waich, by the:
lony continuance, have, we understand, excited very fa-
vourable expectations among his medical attendants. A>
these hopes, however, may prove unfounded, we shall noe
dwell upou them. W heer Providence mity be pleased
(o restore his Maj@ty to permanent health, and ecnadls
him to resume the rets of State, timealune can shew, At
present it must be satisfactory to every virtuuus mind to
learn, that his Majesty is cxeinpt from pain, enjoys a
tranquil and composed state of mind, and is ma situauion
in which he can hear, without detriment or danger of r.-
lapse, the important occurrcrces of our times. —Matiisters
have, in consequence, at the desire of the Prince Regent,
and with the full approbauon of the mydical men, Commu.
nicated to His Majesty the public measures which they
have adopted during his illness—the line of policy Coat bas
been followed at home and abroad—the disasters and tiaal
ruin of the French armies in Russia last winter, with the
present situation of allairs is Germany—cone riding with
the late triumphs of the alied arms in Spain, ata the hap.
Py prospect that has tuceeby beea Opened of Che expulsi-
on of the enemy from that country. ‘The coumunicados
was made at different times, His Majesty listened througa-
out with eager but composed attention, and ca pressed the
highest pleasure at those parts of the recitals which narrat.
ed the triumphs of freedom of Germany. The skill and
valour which achieved the late victories in Spain drew from
him expressions of admiration. Lnconcluston, lus abajo: -
ty is said to have given lis warmest and unqualiticd a; -
probation of the public measures and policy of the Prins
Regentand his Ministers.’"’— London Caronicle, dug. sv.
—_— re
Ciitr Secresiry ro tic ApMIRnALTY, XC.
‘For who would bear
“The insotence or Orrice, and the wrongs
Phat parinney Menit oj che unwortruy lakes 2”
Sin,—Our immortal Bard, whose profound knowledge
of the world was not inferioe to the sublimaty of bis ima.
gination, Could find nomoureappropriate topic, wath) which
tu crown the cumax of *fthe thousand ills that flesh is heir
fo,” than the Ssensolence of Ogice!? ln Shakspeare’s
days, therctore, as well as in our own, there were dou bDtless
Not Wanting instances of oficial Upslarts, who, after hav-
ing, by some likely Ait on other, cuergcu from the shades
of vulgar obscurity, contrived tomake thetuselves note.
rious by th® noisiness of their preteasions, and conspicnous
by the excess of their énsolence! Jhad it been our great
Bard’s lot to livein our own tines, he might have witness.
ed examples of unblushing impudeace, to which, proba.
bly, the madest manners of Klizabeth’s Reign could have
presented nothing equal. ‘The *Sinsolence of Office”? was
then, it is believed, chiefly confined to the heads of ade.
partient ;—it is now-a-days exhibited in full vigour by
the datls. You, Sir, are an advocate for the lugging Sy S-
tem: might not a little of that who!esome mode vf correc.
tion be usefully apy licd, on the occasions to which I al.
lude? A Cateo-nine tails, 1 am persuaded, would do
more towards checking the abuses, and with the abuses,
the insolence of Otlice, than all the Boards of Navad and
Military Inquiry that ever have been, or ever will be es-
tablished. ‘hese abuses demand more ample castigation
than I have now time to bestow upen them; my present
business is with that enormous grievance, which Hamlet
so feelingly deplores, and which ‘‘patient merit” is so of.
ten exposed to, while waiting in the antiechamber of Mz.
nisterial arrogance!
1t has recently been your good pleasure, Sir, to bring
yourself conspicuously forward onthe public stage, and
to reccive that cordial cheering from the ‘‘honourable’’
and ‘*right honourable” assembly of Borowgh-mongers,
to which your native and acquired merits gave you so just
aud strong aclaim. Your oruloricaé excrtions I should
View original hardly have considered worlhy sny notice, was if not ge
nerally understood, that not satisfied with your exlubitic
ONS Viva Voce in the Senate, you are in the pabie of send.
ing a beautified Report of your specches ta certain Dines
nal Papers, whose pages are always open t- cnc Niel 8
of the Ministry, and who would seize ever” oo; ortuniy
of puffing one of their own faction,x—But rot content
with even this of your fame, it is | retly
confidently whispered that certain paragraphs, which oc-
casiona ly make their appearance in the Courier, Son,
and Morning Post, and the sole aim and voject of which
is to whitewash the reputation of your employers, and to
blacken that of your opponents, come from the ingenious
brains of the Chicf Secretary of the Amiralty! To the
ollice of Chief Secretary, you, Sir, it appears, have gra-
tuitously added that of Chief Scribe. Is your salary, Sir,
ty receive au adequate augmentation from the cxhausted
regennes of the country, or are your literary services to
be remunerated out of the Droits of Admiralty ?
What your official merits may be, I have no opportu.
nity of judging ; but your oratorica! and literary charace
ter may be sketched in ashort compass. As # La gislacor,
you made your grand debut inthe House of Commons,
during the §* Dedicate”? and celebrated ‘¢Tavestigation’? ine
to the military merits of our present Commanderein-Chief,
On that oceasion, you preeminently distinguisnacd yours
Sell by the zeal and avimation with which you rushed to
the defence of his Royal Highness’s character, aud the
c/sdim and discretion with which you attack ad the tes.
tinony of Ales. Mary Ann Clarke! Your cel. dra'ed
interrogatory to her will not quickly be forgotten: afir
having informed the Ifouse that she hid roecrred an anony -
mous letter, you instantly started up, and sagactously de -
manded to know ‘*/y what name tt was signed?’ ‘This
was a good speciment of that quickness and elearness of
apprehension, waich had so distinguished you at Dub/e.,
and made you the giocy and. admiration of the Trish Bav
Sir Vicacy Gibls tooked with an eye of cnvy on suchaare
ino powers of crossecaauination; andeveu Mer. Gariow
flit .a blush sutfuse his bashful ehoee&K, ay he relucta tly
r cogvized the marchless deaterity of the question! Une
h ppily this proved alinost a solitary samyle of your tee
lents: for some reasun or other, your mouth became svde
dent) and supernaturally closed, during the remainder of
the erquiry ; and Mrs, Clerke was sutlered to proce ed
quictly with the evidence, without being interrupted. by
any More startling in€ reogations from Mr, Croker!
since the Jast-m utioned extraordinary exam) le, you
have very seldom condescended to enter lain the hivnour.
able House with the display of your peculiar powers,
You appear to think it quite suihcient (o give your tol,
without giving your reasons; andcxce, twhen the Adie.
a'ly happens to be attacked, you generally preserve &
thagnhamimous sileuce, equally creditable to 5 our prodeice
and your sagacity. The burnt child, says an old | ree
verb, dreads the fire, and even the genius of tiapudence
itself is hardly a sulucicnt protection from the fear of vi-
dicule. When you marched down the ofher evening to
the Ifouse, in order (o overwhelus Lord Cochrane with a
strong body of Government Papers and correspondcoice,
although you might for the moment astonish the tienour.
able Members with an cloguent exhibition of your ote
cial accuracy and Secretarial dispatch, what was the fizure
vou made in the eyes of all men of sease and di-cermaent ?
You appeared tie feclle apotogist: of afecble Mami try,
Whose chief powers of oracury Con-isted in puny sarcasm,
md whose greatest glory was that he answer d4CO letters
lily by the nex€ post !—O! Chief cf Sccretarie., avd
s rence of Correspondcnts! How must the sons of Xe.
tune myoice that Mr. John Wilsow Croker was born wiih
ten fingers! What a pradigy of peomausiip! What a mi-
racle of dispatch!
Among the beauties of your epistolary effusions, it \e
in)possible to pass over in sileuce that wonderful display of
wisdom and wit contained in the celebrated letters of Ne-
reus. ‘The country was Just mourning over the degradati-
on of its Navy and the dishonour of its flag, in America,
when you ventured gravely forth under a borrowed name,
to allay the popular ferment, and retrieve your Patron’s
character, ‘The loss of onr Frigate was to be compensate.
ed for by the profits arisiug from your ingenious epistles ;
and the blots aud blunders of the Admiralty were to. be
wiped from our remembrance by the flowery flourishes of
your pen! It seemed to be a contest between yourself
and Meus, who should write the longest letter, and annoy
the Public must. Vetus, however, had, at least, the merit
of travelling a wide and extensive circuit, while your whole
capacity scemed bound up in the sole consideration of
Stecle’s Navy List! Meauwhile, Couriers trumpeted your
praise, and Suns blazed forth your renown! The noble
Lord Melville got your epistles by heart, and astonished
his brother Peers by an exhibition of lengthy eloquence,
to which they had been but little accustomed from Aim,
How many noble Lords fell asleep on the occasion the re.
porters did not mention, but if his Lordship’s fongue gave
but due weight to the labours of your pen, there can be
little doubt, that the effect upon his hearers must have been
in the highest degree siupifying ! Some persons may even
feel inclined to doubt whether their Lordships were tho-
roughly awakened at the time of the division, by which
they pronounced the Admiralty Not Guilty, and the
‘“Sdesecration’”’? of the British Flag, a matter not worth
enquiry! It will remain for posterity to render due honours
to that new era of our Navafhistory. When the letters of
Nereus have sunk into oblivion, and the name of **Croker”
is remembered only in a song, our posterity will look back
with regret and indignation at the period, when, under the
evil destiny of a Regent, and the evil administration of a
Melville, the laurels won by a Nelson were suffered to be
tarnished, and the dncient British Flag forced to bend to
View original
View original the upstart Ensigns of America! No subsequent triumphs,
however glorious, can obliterate the bitter recollection of
this national disgrace! IGNOTUS.

The Prine of Wales’s birth-day was celcbrated in great
stile on the contiers of France. ‘The different British
Generals and other officers gave dinners and balls, to the
Spanish and Portuguese, and there was much gaiety as
well as festivity. At head-quarters the Marshal gave a
most magnificent fete to the principal Spanish Generals
and Grandees, and the two bands of the fuzileers and rifle
corps altended. .
The Prince of Stahremberg, itis said, has been appoint-
ed Ambassador from the Court of Vienna to Great Bri-
tain, and that he had actually set out on his Journey.
Copy of a Letter From the General in Chief, Barclay
de Tolly, to the Prince of Neufchatel, Major-Geueral of
the French Arimics, dated Reichenbach, Aug. 8.
Sir,— The negociations opened at Prague, for the re-
establishment of peace between the Allicd Courts and
France, not having led to the object’ proposed by them,
Lam ordered to denounce the Armistice concludedat Pleis-
witz on the 23d of Me (June 4), and prolonged at Neu-
markt on the 14th (26th) July.—1u conformity to the
Stipulations of the Convention, 1 commission the
tocarry this Declaration to the head.quarters of the Frenen
arDiy > and also to announce that hostilities will, in con-
sequence, commence on the 5th (17th) August, on the
part of the Russian, Prussian, and Swedish armies. 1
regret exceedingly that circumstances impose upon me the
fuliilment of so painful aduty towards your Serene Hligh-
ness; but LT nevertheless seize this opportunity of renew-
ing to you the assurance of my high consideration.
(Sigued) Bancray ve Torry.
Orders, itis said. have been given by the British Govern-
ment for the coinage of moucy with the Hanoy arion stamp,
which will be dispatched for the payment of our own sol.
diers on the Continent, and of the German troops employ ~
ed in our vay.
[t is stated that the Earl of Dalhousie, Lieutenaut-Ge.
neral the Kon, W. Stewart, Major-General Murray, and
Major-General Pakeulam, ace tv be created Knights of
the Bath.
The 16th and 70th regiments were under orders to em-
baik from Cork for North America.
Danizic has hitherto been bug loosely blockaded by a Rus-
sain corps. itis, perhaps, by this Gime, placed in a state
of close sicys, a British train of battering cannon, Con.
sisting of 130 pieces, having been forwarded up the Bal-
tic for che perpose of mounting the batters, with a de-
tacuinent of Che royal acditlery corps, under the command
Ol Major Macdonald.
Exteact of a letter from Revel, dated July 25, 1813;
—ton the Lith instant arrived here the Neptune flag ot
truce, Capt. Jones, from Pheladelphia, with Mr. Gala.
tin and Mr. Rayard, respecting peace between Aimerica
and Great Britian.”
It is reported that Gen. Sinningsea had arrived at the
head of between 2 a 300,000 Russian croops to the Alied
The following statement of the strength and positions
of the French arnies bas been published. We belreve at
to be very much exaggerated, especially in tie aeacie of
cavalry :—-
1. Marshal Davonst, (Prince of Eckmub!) Lower Elde,
Dantzic, Mc. 1OO,0UU tnen.
2. Marshal Oadinuot, (Duke of Reggio) Lubenau, i:
Lusatia 70.000 men.
3. Marshal Ney, (Prince of Moskwa) Main Atiny in
Silesia 200 ,0GO men,
4. Bonaparie, (im, ce or) Dresden, and line of the Up-
per Elbe 50,000 men.
6. Marshal Angercau, (Duke of Castigiione) Army of
Reserve at Bareuth and Bamberg, 60,000 men,
6. General Wrede Bavarians, Munich 25,000 men.
7. Marshal Kellerman, (Dake of Valwy )—unknown—
Frankfort, forming second Ariny of Reserve.
8. Kugine Beauharnois, (Viceroy of Ltaly) Verons, Ce.
Of this force 100,000 are cavalry
At head-quarters there were the tullowing Commanders :
—-Murat, King of Naples, who succceded Duroc in the
conimand of the cavalry ; Berthier, Vriuce of Neufchatel,
Major-General of the French army ; General Count bblec,
comnnands the artillery ; Lery, the engineers ; and Wal-
thier, the cavalry of the Imperial Guard and the General
Notice to Maréners.—Directions to avoid the dangers
in going into the Ruad of St. Thomas, by Mr. ‘Tuo. W1-
LEY, Master of his Majesty’s Sloop Crane :—
Being off the Island of St. John’s, about 5 or 6 miles,
steer W. or W. 4 N. for Buck Island, which will benear-
ly righta-head, you may approach within half or two-
thirds of a cable’s lenght all round in from 10 to 14 fath.
The passage is clear on both sides, except a Shoal on the
starboard side, called the Gold Ring, and only 12 feet on
the east end, and 8 fathoms all round it ;—you will avoid
this by keeping within a cable’s length of Buck Island,
until the Gap bears South, and Mr. Babona’s house (a
large white one), on St. Thomas side, North ;—you are
then abreast of the West end, and may steer N. W. by W.
for the small Fort on the west side of the entrance of the
harbour.—The anchorage is in genera] good; but on the
East side, abreast of the small Fort, is a small ‘Bay which
is quite clear ground, and well sheltered from Southerly
and 8S. W. winds, and can sail from thence at.all times. —
With large convoys, I have scen the ships likely to do
each other damage in coming out of the harbour.
View original Notice to Carpenters.
Reouirep to be er*cted in front of Pin. Brighton, on
the west coast of Corey “a, a Beacon, 60 feet high, the
first 30 feet to consis® Jf a solid piece of hardwood, 16
inches square, with a foundation framed of hardwood tim-
ber, 30 feet long by 15 inches square, to support it in a
perpendicular position,.and the upper JU feet to consist
of another piece, at Jeast 12 inches square at foot, and uot
less than 6 inches square at top, with a square of laths at
the top, to make it visible at a distance.
Tenders for the above, marked, ‘*Tender for a Bea-
con,”’ will be received by the subscriber, till Wednesday
Ist of December, next, at 10 o’clock in the morning, when
they will be opened in presence of His Excellency the
Governor, and the lowest tender, if approved of, will be
A plan of the above can be seen, and every informati-
on respecting it given by the subscriber.
Berbice 16th Oct. 1813.
W. SCOTT, Com.
View original FOR SALE.
By the Subscriber, the followiig Articles, imported tn
the Ship Unvaunren Captain Moore, Ji vm London,
Via Demerury.—
Nails 4 to 3udy. hoes, shovels, cutlasses, hand cross
and whipsaw files, white, black, yellow, rou, & green
paint & oil and paint brushes, gentiemens Legtivrn & bea.
ver hats, boys beaver do. negro hats, jackels & Liankets,
checks & whiteshirts, soaj & candles in boxes ul 28th. each
London made white & green ivory hardlod aiives ane
forks with deserts & carvers tomatch, afew pairs say c..
razors, Brittaunia metal chamber candlesticks, Goudie ree
fined sugar in smallloaves, hyson tcain cantmustcrs, corks,
cottun & collve bagging, coflee bags, itussia sheeting,
India blue and white salunpores, Company white & yel-
low nankeens, Lrish linen, chintz, ginghau.s, calicoes,
pullicat & Madrass hanakerchicfs, ladies & genuthaven
cotton stockings, nankeen gloves, porters in hampers, port
and shetry wine.— Tie above gouds having beeu laid in for
Cash, in the London market, the subscriber trust they
will be found particulariy wocthy of fotice ;—He hasalso
for sale of former importacons, stationary, houvk and cye
hinges and JIL, do. socket chissels, coliee ma.arivs, and
Madeira wine im pipes.
16 _ 16 Octe CH. KYTE.
eg —_-—- - + oe. Orr
—_—- SS
Have received per ship Ilarmony, from Wlasgow, sundry
Merchandize, among which are the folloising arte
cles, and izhich they will dispose of cheap, Jor
Cash or Produce, by the package.
Beef in barrels & half barrels, pork au half do. Bristos
(ripe in jars, barley in du. Niwas, cheese, black pepper,
loaf sugar, soap, candles, Port and sherry wine, bottica
beer, porter, pale ale ta bares , brown stout in do. Gen.
tlemen biack & coloured coals, cuoatecs, & jackets, han.
nel Jackets, silk aod qGuilliug watstcoats, gentiomen silk &
Laighurn hats, chliuurcns hats, buck skin & woodstock
gloves, genicmeou & Jadies colton and silk gloves, du. &
do. cottun and silk stockings, cottum socks Hessian and
yellow top boots, planters shoes with buckles, aress &
chidrens sliocs, biack sik tlorcatine, Lrishtinen, sheeting,
Kussia duck, diaper & towciling, lo g lawus, une welch
Kunnei, statiouary assorted, rulcu ledgers, journals, & day
books, au clegane assurtinent of printed cambrics, furuie
cure chintz, mourning prints, black bombazette, an assort.
ncnt of waite thread, tapes, bobbings, cottua & Jineu
platGtiasy pullicats & Madrass landkerehiects, ginghams,
‘cisuchers, caimbric muslin, dines, Jeans, cotton ang
Anemchechs, silk parasoles & umbrellas, ladies splitstraw
vVunuets, Bewing silk assorted, black and culoured silk
handkerchicts, sarsnet rtobous, silver pencel cases & do,
(huinbles, mahogany dressarg cases complete, vegelable
sua), lackwood's rasor stiaps, Cases, & paste dressis g
and pocket combs, ladies ornamental combs, scap boxes
with soap & brushes, silver wired tooth brushes, cloth,
lat, shoe and horse brushes, house brooms with long han.
dles, scrubbing brusiivs, double desittled rose & lavender
water, cottuu & twecl’d cotlee bagguig, nails from 4dy, to
4 inch spikes, a complete assurtmeut of cut figured piain
glass ware, do, stone ware, Gn ware asygrted, double
block tin t. ireens & dish covers, wine & porter corks, hoes
Shovels, cutlasses, pruning Kis es, wine cocks with keys,
water vat cocks with do, grid irons, frying pans, casava
plates, window bolts WL FY & hcoks and eye hinges, stay
bars & staples, brass & black rim, chau ber door locks,
desk, box, & liquor case brass locks, paints & paint oil,
Spirit of turpentine, neatsfoot oil, an assortment of care
penters tools, whip X cut & hand saw files, sadles & bri.
dles, curry combs, brushes & mone combs with spunges,
spare bridle reins, girths & collars with buckles, do. stir-
rup leathers, negro hats & blanckets, tradesmen’s hats &
shirts, lined & unlined jackets, cutlery assorted, white.
and iv ory handled koives & forks in setts, ladies’ & tay-
lors scissars, neddles & pins, coffiu furniture, sein & sew.
ing twine, cordage assorted, from 1 to 6 iuch cables,
double & single blocks, canvas, scrapers, with a variety
of other articles. 16 Oct.
View original FOR SALE.
BY the subscriber, chvice o!4 Madeira wine in pipes,
brow® stout in hogshead and barrels, Osnabrugs and In-
venry bagging, imported per the Egham, from London,
and Madeira.
16 Oct. J. vAN ven BROFK,
NB. Coffee or Cotton will be taken m payment, ata rea.
sonable price.
View original
View original PROCLAMATION.
BY His Excellency Jorn ! - Dequire,
Major-General, Lieutenan' 10
over the Colony Berhice av vere,
President tn all Courts and n the
same, and Vice-Admiral th.
To all to whom these presents may v: come
or concern, be it known:
Circumstances having arisen, requir’
Public Notification of His Majesty’s Pleasure,
regard to the Sequestration of Property within ih:
colony, for the benefit of Aliens.
I deem it requisite to signity thro’ the Gazette of
‘this colony, the Commands of His Royal High. ess
the Prince Regent, on the subject of Procecdiags at
Law, for the recovery of Mortgages due to persons
residing in any country under the controul of France
or its Ayvents.


‘¢ The attention of His Majesty’s Government
bas beey called to the serious Inconventence
to which those Proprietors of I states, in the
Dutch colonies are exposed, whose proper-
ties are under Mortgaze to persons residing
in countries under the tnmediate coufroud of
the Enemy.
‘¢'The payment of the annus! instalments a¢
the present untavorable state of the exchanye,
camot but be productive of the great: st ces.
tress, ina British Cribunal, the Planters mis
protect themselves against the rigorous in
ures of (he Dutch Mortgagee, by pleadiuy t
Bar against them, that the parties suing, are
Alien knemies.
‘ The conduct of the Enemy towards British
Subjects and their property would justity more -
severe measures of retaliation than His Royal
hiighness the Prince Regent is disposed to
* But itis the pleasure of THis Royal High-
ness, that the Lxecation of all Proccedings,
agaist the Estates of Proprictorsin (be Dutch
Coloites onthe part ot Mortgagees residing in
Holland and other countries under the inme-
diaie controul of France or their Agents, shall
for the present be stayed; that no payment of
annual instalments, shall be insisted upen by
Alien Eneinies or their Agents, and that no
Sequestration of Property shall take place in
detault of such payment.”
And that no ignorance may be pretended, these
presents are made known to the Public, and printed
as Customary.
King’s House, Berbice, this 1th day of Cclo-
ber, 1813.
By Command
R.C. b
OWNER, Sec. ‘
Third time of publishing.
View original Ne eee ee
The understgned offer for Sale the following articles
imported in the Larmony, and which they will dispose
of reasonable, for Cush. ,
Soap, candles, nals, cutlery, ironmongery among which
are a few Dutci ovans, curry comb, & brushes, shoe bru
Shes, house brooms, paint brushes clothes & hair do.
‘crumb do. colive bagging, Osnaburgs, superfine black and
biue brow cloths, tradesmen hats, jackets, shir's, and
trowses, silk & beaver hats, gentlemen dress & half dress
shoes, planters strong lace do. ladies & childrens do. Irish
linen, fine Cotton shirting, linen britannias, calicoe, ging
hams, muslins, blue ground handkerchiefs, checks, dow.
las, fine Irish sheeting, ladies cottoa stockings, gentlemen
do. & socks, tab e cluths of various sizes from 4 yards to
64, jean’, dimity, diaper, York stripe, corks, blank
books, foulscap & post papers, quills, wafers & a variety
of other articles.
16 Oct. | G. BONE & Co.
An excellent Chaise Horse, for Cash or Produce. Ap-
ply to this Office. 16 (ct.
View original FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills ot Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
lony, Foolscap Paper, and blank books of any size.
View original NB. In addition to our Vendue Advertisements,
‘on the sith inst.—a few barrels of fresh Flour, and
some do. Rock Salt.—6 Nov.
D. C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
,” \
DIED.—On Saturday last, Dr. J. Jeffery, much la-
mented by his friends and acquaintances.
——— —At Barbados, Sam. Beresford, Esq of this
View original
View original
View original MARSHAL's OFFICE.
Sales by Executicn.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by
His Honor, James Grant, Major, and Acting Go-
vernor of the colony Berbice, upon a petition pre-
sented by Rosert Dovauas, asthe Attorney for the
now absent Thomas Fryer Layfield, versus, Rici.
Warnis, said writ bearing date 17th July, 1813.
I the undersigned first Marshal of (he Courts of this
colony, shall expose and sell, at public Ixecution
Sale, on Wednesday the Ist December, 1813.
The Cotton Estate called HASWELL,
being the eastern third of No. 11, and western third
of No. 12, containing 333 and 2-3ds. acres, more or
less, sitnated on the Corentine coast, with all its eul-
Uvation, but without slaves, the property of said R.
Whoever should think (o have any right, interest
or claiin on the atoresid Planta. Haswell, and wish-
es to e@ppose the sale thereof, let such person. or
persons address theroselyes tome the first) Marshal,
declarer: (heir reasots for such opposition in due
time and forins as Ehereby vive notice that 1 will
receive opposilion from every one (hereunto Guali-
fied, appoint them a day to have his or her claim
heard betore the Court, and further act thereon as
the law directs.
This Ist Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of Grumeas customary.
Berbice, SE Oct. ISd9.
Kh. PRANCKEN, First Marshal,
PURSUANT toa Voluntary Surrender in Execu-
tionby O. Wi. Loasrsureny as the Attorney jointly
and severally with Garo. Muenxno, of Tu. Kopson,
in favor of Creo. Munro, as the Attorney for the
Prustecs of A. Wo. Soruarscil, of eight’ Negro men,
named as tollows,—Patt, King (the first), Wing (the
second), Ariior, Briton. ‘om, Welcome, and Sci-
plo, all Contormable a Deed ot Sceurity, passed by
Tho. Pol aow. Lye fore the Sworn ( lerk O.W. Lants-
iver, tuater date of OU Deecibe, ISI I, an favor of
suid Gr. Miiaro. as che Atforuey ot the Trustees of A.
W.Seormarsall, and by which Decd the abovenamed
eroeht Negroes are speciat bound and mortgaged, iit
favor of sat Gr. \Punace,. qa.
[the undersigned shall expose and sell, at public
Execution Sate, on Weducsdiey the 17th ‘November,
1813, atthe Court Mouse of this colony, at LL o'clock
In the forenoon of that day, the Lelorementioned
eight Negro slaves, the property: of Phomas Robson
aforesaid. .
Whoever should think to have ‘UNS rivht, Inferest,
or Claim, onthe sacberehit Nero Slaves, and wishes
to Oppose the sale Ghovcol) lot such person, or per-
sous, address himself oo ime the first Marshal, deela-
ring their reason tor suck opposition in dae dime and
form, as thereby eve notice that) Pwill receive Op-
position from every one chereanto qualiffed, Ap port
them aday to have his orherclaim beard before the
Court, and (iriler act thereon ace ording to style and
law. :
This Ist Prochvuation made known to the public
by beat of drum, as custon ary.
Berbice OE October, ISP,
NOOPRANCKEN, Dirst AZarshal.
ae rem #42. «
View original WHER RIAS tt has pleased the Hon. Court of Ci-
vil Justice, of thts Colony, at their Session in the
month of Aug@ust list. to adinit de A. Hickry, too
on With his proceedings in execution, against J. A.
Notice is hercby civen to the Public. that the Ex.
ecution Sale of the by fonner Gazettes atready adver-
tized Morterge, passed by J.C, Spangenberg, in
favor of J. A. Lesner, vested on plantation Goede
floop, amouuinrg in capitaal to £70,000. ander de-
duction however, of so much as’shall appear on the
day of Sale of what has been paid thereon, shall now
take plaice on Wednesday the 10th November 1813,
at the Court House of this colony, at- 11 o’clock in
the forenoon of that day Berbice, 29 Oct. 1813.
KERANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original , e
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of anappointinent eranted by the HWon-
orable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, under
date of 2ist Aug. ISIS, viven upon a petilion, pre-
sented by Tf. Staan and EH. Luriuers, appointed
Curators to the Insolvent lestate of C, boc KING, dec.
f the undersigned, Pirst’ Marshal of the Courts
within this colony, and at the request of abovcnamed
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Es-
View original tate of C. Fockine. dec. to appear before the (
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their ordinary
sion, to be held in the month of October.
inthe yearone thousand eight hu ‘doaand four
there to exhibit and verily their ¢ ~) [oO C Oppo-
sition made thereunto, if need, and after the opira-
tion of the fourth summons by edict, to witness the
Court’s decision as to the preferent and concurrent
right of claimants, and further to proceed according
(o law, on pain of being for ever debarred their right
of claim.
Plis Edictal Summons published, posted up, and
further dealt with as the law directs.
Berbice, lst November, 1813. .
K. FRANCKEN, 1st Marshal.
View original BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minutes of the
Proceedings of the Court of Rolls of Civil Justice, of
tliis colony, dated 20th July, 1813.
I the undersigned First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of A.
J. Glasius and B. J. Schwiers, Sequestrators over
Plantation Vrede & Vriendschap, Nooit Gedagt, and
halt of the Goudmyn, do hereby, for the second time
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown claimants on the proceeds
of Plantation Nooit Gedagt, sold by Execution sale,
(0 appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this co-
lony, at their session of the ordinary Court of Rolls,
to be held on Monday the 22d November, [SJ3, and
following days, in order to render their respective
claims in due torn.
Whereas atter the expiration of the fourth Sum-
mons, willbe proceeded against the non-appearers,
according to Law.
This summons by edict made known to the Pablic
by beat of drum, from the Court house of this colony ,
and further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 5th November, ISIS.
KK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
a ee ——_—_—_——
View original BY virtue of an appointment, granted by the
Ifon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony, given
upon a Petition presented by John Layfield, (he At-
lurncy of Thomas Bond, ot Lancaster, ant Vrogie-
tor of plantation Lancaster, situated in this Culuay
under date of 21 Aug. 1813.
L the undersigned Tirst Marshal of the Tonorable
Courts within this colony, and at the request of said
J. Laytield, gq.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown clatmants on plantation
Lancaster, situate on the west Corentine coast of Utie
colony, or on the Slaves, and otber appurtcuauces
aad dependencies thereto belonging, or on ‘Liiomas
wound, for and on account of any book debt, bond,
norigage, legacy, or annuity, arising from oul ol
the will of the late Robert Wilson, dec. or other-
wise, to appear before the Court of Civil Justice, ot
this colony, at their ordinary Sessions, which wilt
be held in the month October Isl4, there to exhibu
and verify their claims, to see opposition made there
unto it need, and atter expiration of Che fourth suin-
noms by edict, to witness the Court’s decision as to
the preterentand concurrent right) of claimants, and
further to proceed according to Law, on pain ot be-
Inv tor ever debarred their right of claim.
‘this summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of dramas customary—Berbice, 13th Octo-
ber, Shu.
KK. FRANCKEN, First Varshal.

— — — ——__
View original _— —— o-_- a
NOTCH 1s hereby given to the Public, by order
ofthe tion. Court of Civil Justice, of the colony
Berbice, bearing date 22d October, IS13, that the
Meeting otf Creditors of Huan is. Inauis, which
wits adverlised should take place on the L1dh October
last, ie postpencd until Monday the loth of Novem-
ber wext.—Berbice, 28th Oct. IS13. .
e A.G. CALMER, Marshal.
Dit genen die icts te pretenderen: moete hebben
lasten de Doedel nu wylen den Heer J.C. F. Hey-
NemMAN, olte deszelfs nagelatene plantaadje Carel en
W illemshoop, gelieve daarvan aangave te doen bin-
nen den tyd van zes weken, na dato dezes, aan de on-
dergetechende Executeuren, als na die tyd gene pre-
fentien tegens gemelde nalatenschap zullen worden
aangenomen,. als zullende deze boedel na voorsz. da-
(um finaal worden gesloten.
Test. Executeuren.
View original -_—————————____
THE front of the northern fore quarter of lot No.
14, with all the buildings thereon, also a large wa-
tervat containing 15,00 gallons or thereabout ; A new
bulletree frame 26 feet long by 15 feet wide, one
story high; arifile gun, bayonet, and cartouch box,
a good sword; also 20,000 eass of corn. Apply in
town to Cus. Kyte, Esq. or on plant. Scotland to
J0 Oct. JOHN MchAY
View original “ifs
- -
To Sail with the First Conzoy.
The Fast Sailing Brig EGILAM.
Stand A. 1. at Lloyds,
coppered and copper-fastened, Jounx Pavy, Master,
has excellent accommodation for passengers. For
freight or passage, applay to said Master, on board,
30 Oct. orto J. vAN DEN BROEK.
View original ah
To sail with the January Convoy,
Pheship MULLETT, Tuo. Situ, Master, for freight
oF passage’, apply to said Master, or to
16 Oct. W. DUNCAN.
TIE fine coppered Ship Harmony, Jouyx Wr
son, Master, will be dispatehed with the convey to
sailin Jannary next. Apply to
93 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
Who have received by the above ship, small boats
for colony craft.
View original FOR SALI.
TIPE Subscribers offer for Sale the following goods
just landed from the ship Harmony.
London porter, Bristol beer, hams, cheese, pola-
lucs, pease, barley, vinegar, Port wine, Grenada rum
In pipes, soap, candles, cordage assorted, negro
clothing, Osnabrugs, Russia sheeting, salempores,
counterpanes, calicoes, linen hhdy., furniture chintz,
Irish linen, damask table cloths, cotton shirting,
thread, tobacco and pipes, glass and Queen ware as
sorted, silk umbrelbis, ladies & genthanen’s hats,
clildren caps, stationary in tin boxes, oats in punche
otis, sadlery, tin ware, planters & dress shoes, Ies-
la & jockey boots, nails from 4y to S0y, spikes, iron
and wood hoops, cotton & coflve bagging, hoes, and
shovels, cutlasses, pruning knives, carpenter & cou;
per toob, now Castle grind stones, fresh garden sceay
Xo. —20 Oct. DOUGLAS REID & Co.
View original PICKED UP
NEAR plantation Albion, a colony Row-boat.—
Whoever can prove the same to be his or their pro-
perty, may bave her by paying this advertisement,
and viving the negroes who took her up a reward,
On application at plantation Albion to
—— eeaeo—o— ee $$
View original TAKEN up at plantation Best Coffee Rand, in
Canje, a red milk cow, the owner can have the same
bach by proving it his property, and prying the ex-
pences, L0 Oct.
—_——_——————— ee
View original -_—
ADSENTED April 20d last, from the subscriber,
In Georee Town, Dewerary, a Negro boy named
Content. Dut gives himself different’ names, he is 5
feet QorS inches high, from 16 to 18 years of age,
witha partly good face and a blacher mould then
himselfon his top lip the right side of his face ina
three angle with the nostril and mouth, the right foot
swelled a little, an old cut on the crown of his head,
he was advertised in the Royat Gazette of Demerary
the 4th of May last, since the subscriber has been
informed that some of the negro Captains of colony
boats have past him from creck to creek on his way
to Berbice or else where. Whomsoever will detect and
detain him, and forward him to the subscriber, in
George Town, Demerary, will receive all necessary
reward andexpences paid. All persons are forbid-
den to harbour or einployhim, and Masters of ves-
sels to take him out of the colonies.
George Town, Demerary, 24th Sept.
—_— a
View original FOR SALE.
William’s Port wine in bottles,
Do. sherry in do.
Choice Madeira in do.
Claret in do. and casks,
Brown stout in hhds. and barrels,
Cogniac brandy, Dutch gin, & old Jamaica rum,
Jrish mess beet in barrels,
Colony salted fish in do.
Salt, paiutand paint oil,
Negro pipes and tobacco,
‘Table, desert knives, forks, and carvers,
Nails, salempores, ginghams, Britannias, hues
kaback, green tea, &c.
SS A a a
View original SS
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, P.M.
By W. SCIIULZ & Co. —

6 November 1813