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The Berbice Gazette

View original mr re ee ee Be ee tts
By order of the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of
the Colony Berbice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Ordinary
Session of the Court of Civil Justice, which was to
take place on Monday the 19th July, is postponed
until Monday the 16th August, 1813, and following
days.—The previous Courts of Rolls being fixed for
Monday the 19th July and 2d August, 1813.
The Marshals and all others, are desired to attend
to this Notification and govern themselves accord-
ingly in the Summonses to be issued for the Court of
Justice. Court House, Berbics.25th June 1813.
By command of the Court.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original POST OFFICE.
Berbice, 3d July, 1813.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public, that a
Mail for Surinam will be made upat the Post Office
in Berbice, to be dispatched overland, on the First
and Third Wednesday of each month, at 12 o’clock.
he First Mail will be made up on the thitd Wed-
nesday (21st) of the present month.
A Mail for Demerary will also in future, be made
up at the Post Office every Thursday morning at 8
o'clock, as well as on Sunday morning.
Wa. SCOTT, Dep. Postmr. Gen.
View original Rec’. Gen™. Office.
: Berbice, July Is¢ 1813.
BLANK Returns for Produce, for the Six months
from Ist January to Ist July, are ready at this Office
gratis, and which returns are to be made in all the
month of July, under tender of Oath.
A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
Tur next Mecting of thi Society will be held at
Plantation Brighton, on Thursday the I5th instant,
when a full attendance is requested on business of
moment to the Socicty.
S. Fraser—vTh. iM ude—F BrittlhlLanb 3 July,
NOTICE is hereby viven to all persons cancern-
ed, that Tenders for the Town Management have
been opened by the said Committee on the 29th of
‘last month, and that Cus. Ruvaca, Esq. has been
appointed Town Mana ger.
New Amst. July ist. 1813.
By order of the Committee.
View original NOTICE,
AI.L persons holding Demands against the Plan-
tations Buzeslust and Onzerwagt, for debts contract-
ed from the month of September, 1809, to date, are
requested to render them within fourteen days from
this date to either of the undersigned.
3 July. J. van pen BROEK, qq.
J. G. CLoor pe Nizuwerkerk, qq.
View original EE ll
FROM Plantation La Fraternité, a 6 oar’d Tent
Boat, marked P. L. F. any person who can give in-
formation or restoring the same at this Office, will be
‘ handsomely rewarded. °
3 July. H. C. HINTZEN,
View original ;
THE Subscriber offers for Sale at his Store, best
Brown Stout in hhds. at f 132 each, ditto in agere’
at f88each. He also offers Store Room for any
kind of produce (considering himself answerable for
damages occurring after receiving the same into his
Store), at the weekly rate of 21 stivers per bag of
coffee, 10 stivers per bale of cotton, and all other
ckages in proportion.
P's July. ' Jno. WULFF.
View original SATURDAY, the 3d of July.
View original Secretary's Office.
WVordt geadverteerd, dat, This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor. blic, thut the following per-
nemens zyn uit deze Kolonie sons intend quitting this Co-
fe vertrekken. lony!
Donald McPherson in 6 weeks from 12 June.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original LL
WORDT hiermede bekends NOTIUE is hereby given,
gemuakt, dat een maand na\that a mdnth after date the
dato de volgende Transpor.| following Transports and
fen en Hipotheeken sullen| Mortgages will be pussed.
verleden worden,
May 29. The Attornies of FE. J. Portier, will trans-
portto J. G, F. Thiensma, rx. u. a part of
the southern quart of Lot No. 7, in New Am-
sterdam, with the buildings thereon.
—— H. Staal will transport to J. J. van der Stoop
the front half ot No. 13, in New Amsterdam,
with the buildings thereon.
L. C. Abbensets will tiansport to the free
Negro woman Francientje and her inulatto
children, 90 square roods of the front land of
his Estate Voorburg, in Canje, adjoining Pt.
de Vryheid.
June 26. H Smithson qq. the Estate of Susannah
Adye, will transport to Kitty Hall 25 roods o°
(he northern back quart of lot No. 41 froutthe
new centre road.
——— John Cameron qq. Walves, will transport
to St. Vincent 26 Negro Slaves, names to be
seen at this Ottice.
--—— J. van den Brock qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel
will transport to W. Alves, and to the Assig-
nies of G, Baillie, lot No. 5, in Canye.
J. van den Broek qq. the Heirs of A. Donzel
will transport to J. Fraser Lot No. 6 in Canje.
Jolin Tapin will transport to James Fraser,
the Lot of land No. 14, situate in the east sea
coast canal.
-—-— Jobn Tapin will transport to W. Alves and
the Assignees of G. Baillic, Lot No. 14, on
the cast sea coast canal.
July 3. A. F. Fischer will pass a, mortgage in favor
of Thos. C. Emery, vested on the southern
quart of lot No. 13, with the building thereon
first empolder tronting the middle road.
—— W. kewley willtransport to H. Welch, all
his sight aud tide anc interest in plantation
Liverpool, ur two thirds of lot 19 west coren-
tyu coast, ;
——— Henry Welch wil! pass a mortgage in favor
of W. Kewley for the purchase money ot PI.
Liverpool vested on the said estate and on 40
Negroes (names whereof are to be seen at this
Oflice. )
Henry Welch will transport to W. Kewley
all his right, title, and interest on jot No. 10,
East sea coast canal.
View original FOR SALE.
For Cash, Thirty square bales of Cotton, from
Pn. Kendall’s, to pay current expences of said Es-
tate, for which Tenders will be received at the store
ot.Mr. WW. Croft, until Monday Sth July, when the
highest offer, if approved of will be accepted,
Jno. ‘TAPIN.
26 June. Jno. McCAMON.
View original i
ON reasonable Terms, the front southern quarter
of Lot No. 24, and the back northern quarter of the
same,—For further particulars apply to
26 June. H. STAAL.
ES eC ee
View original ee
ALL those who have any Demands against the un-
dersigned. the Ship Speculator, or any other con-
cern wherein he is interested, please render in their
accounts after the Ist of July next, for liquidation
and payment.—26 June. H. STAAL.

View original [| Payable in advance.
View original Vendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Saturday the 17th instant, will be sold by the
-Vendue Master in commission—An excellent assort-
‘ment of dry goods, just imported and of the first qua-
lity, consisting of cotton shirting, Irish linens, sheet-
ing, hkfs., shawls, Russia sheeting, jean, plain and
figured muslin, silk hkfs., printed cambrics, tapé,
thread, jewellery, tin ware, provisions, old rum, and
excellent Madeira wine.
On the same day by the free woman Festa, 36 rods
of land of lot No. 4 back dam, in lots to suit pur-
G. BONF, Act. Dap. Vendue Master.
View original On Friday the 9th July, will be sold, for public
Sale, on Pin. Lritannia, being lot No. 32 west coast,
from 80 to 100 head of black cattle, selected from
sundry Estates, amongst which are milk cows with
their calves, fine fat oxen, heifers, a few fine young
bulls, and upwards of 100 head ot sheep.—The sale
to begin Prue? at 10 o’ciock forenocn—Kefresh-
ments will be provided at the place of Sale.
On the same or following day will be sold by order
of the Curators of the late Wii. Threlfall, a number
of fine milk cows with their calves, oxen and heifers
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Musir
View original On Monday the 12th July will be sold at the Ven-
due Ollice, by order of J. A. Hicken, Esq. Executor
to the Estate of A. Schlipfer, dec. the plantation
situated in Canje creek, with Slaves, (32 in number)
cultivation & buildings, in excellent order,—cattle,
jurniture, plate, an elegant organ, English, Freuch,
and Dutch buoks, &c.
Also the plantation Don Carlos, in Canje creck, of
500 acres land,
One quarter of lot No. 33, from the front to the
middle dam.
‘The half of same lot, from the middle to the back
By the Vendue Master in commission, 14 roods of
land of lot Nu. 11 south side, at the back dam.
On the same day by order of the Attornies of Ro-
bert Lowrie, 6 prime carpenter Negroes, sold for no
fault whatsoever, payable in 3,6, and 9 months, «in
by order of R. Lowrie & Co. a Punt nearly new,
20 ivet keel and 9 feet beam.
G. BONE, Act. D. Vendumr.
rr ee en
View original On Wednesday 14th July next, will be sold, on
the spot, by order of A. Krieger aud Jos. Hall, Ca
rators to the Estate of J. Sawyer, dec.—The two
Thirds of Lot No. 71, Corentine, with Slaves and
all and every thing thereunto belonging.
G. BONE, A. I. Vend. Mr.
View original ————————
On Wednesday the 18 August, will be sold, by
order of the Curators of the late W. Threlfall, the
premises on lot No. 7, known as the Vendue Office,
Negroes, furniture, and what further may appear on
the day of sale.
GC. BONE, Act. Dep. Venduemr.
— _ A < <> <u ————
— ———— —
On Wednesday the Ist Sept. and following days,
will be sold by orler of Robt. Taitt, and Wm. Kew-
ley, Esqrs. in their capacity as Curators to the Es-
tate of the late Richard Barry, dec.—The western
half of Plantation Newlandhall, being one-third of
Lot No. 23, Corentyn coast.
The southern half-of Plantation Harriet, being half
Lot No. 76 Correntyn, together with buildings, and
slaves, stock and all and every thing thereunto be-
longing—Inventories of which to be seen at the Ven-
due oflice.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Master.
View original ———————_- ee
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
View original /
Marshal's Office.
NOTICE is hereby, given, that the Execution
Sale of the Land and Houses, the property of J. T.
Mathews » Is post pone d until Wedne sda y the 1Ath
inst., on account of the Execution Sale of Plantation
No. 1, Corentyn, is to take p'ace on the 7th inst.
Berbice, 2d July, \83.
K. FRANCKEN, FirsésMarshal.
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
Second Proclamation,
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by ILis
Excellency Jou Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Goternor. in and over the colony of Berbice
and its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President
in all Courts and Colleges within the same,
&ce. &c. &e.
Upon a Petition of J. A. Ficken,, under date of
16th Jan 1813, versus, J. A. eisner.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Tonorable
Courts of this colony, shall expose and sell, at public
execution sale, in presence of two Counceltors Com-
missaries, and their Secretary, at the Court house of
this colony, on Wednesday the Qtst July, ISIS, at
]1 v’clock in the forenoon of that day + .
A Mortgage, vested on Plantation Gocde Toop,
Corentyn coast, passed by J. C. Spangenberg, in
favor of J. A. Leisner, amounting in capital the
sum of $70,000, under deduction whoczer of so
muchas shall appear on the Cay of Sale, of what
has heen paid thereon, in order to obtain the pay
ment of acapital sum of { 5000. with interest and
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim on the abovementioned Mortgage, and wish-
es to @ppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address themselves to me the first) Ma rshal,
declaring their reasons for such Opposition in due.
time and form; asl hereby give notice that I will
receive opposition from every one thereunto qupali-
fied, appoint thema day {6 have his or her claim
heard before the Cour, and further to proceed ac-
cording to law.
This 2ad Proclamation made known to the Public
by beat of drum trom (he Courthouse of this colony,
andfurther dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 27 June 1813.
WK. Franxcken, First Marshal.
Lhird Proclamation,
BY authority obained trou tlis Honor Jon annts
Bakker, Previdcw of the Court of Civil Justice of
this colony, griatated ipoua petition of P. Levers,
num ux. Catharina Ve lhelinina Leuse, under date of
4th November 1807, versns, Jan Sarcob de Vey;
as also by a subsequent petition ot G. Paue/s, under
date Ist May IS!2.
“LT the undersivecd Vorshelot the Courts of this
colony, shall expose sud sell, at public execution
Sale, in presence of (vo Councellors Conimiissaries
and their Secretary, i fhe month of June ISH, (the
exact day to be specitied hereafter thro’ the Gazette
of this colony.) the Coflee Pstate
Kort Beraad,
situciy tn this river, with all the Cultivation, Build.
ings, Slaves, and turther Appurtenances and De-
pendencies thereto belonging, agreeable to lnvento-
ry formed thereot, and which lays at the Marshal's
oflice for the imspection of those whom it may con-
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation Kort
Beraad, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution, tet hun or them address them-
selves to me the undersigned, declaring their reason
for so doing, ina legal menucr in wreting, as I here-
by give notice that 1 will receive opposition trom all
sttermedialy oerson OF persons, appoint them a day
to have thet claims heard bel we the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon accerding to law.
This © a proclamation published by beat of drum:
as cusiomary. Berbice, 27 June.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshel.
-——— — ~
View original SALE ny EXECUTION.
Third Proclamation.
WHEREAS I the undersigned, by authority ob-
tained from His Excellency J. Murray, Brigadicr
General, and Acting Governor of the colony Ber-
bice, and its Dependencies, &e. &c. &e.
Under date of 10th August 1812.
Granted upon a petition presented by Angus Fra-
ser, as holder of the bill of exchange for which this
action Is instituled, versus, Gilbert Robertson.
Have caused to be taken in Execution, and put
under Sequestration, the cotton Estate
the property of aforesaid G. Robertson, situate on
—>S SC
View original the Corentine coast of this c syny, With all its culti-
vation, slaves, buildings, ant further appurtenauce:
thereto belonging.
3c it therefore known, that I the undersiened in-
tend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 17th Feb. 1S13, the said. cotion Es-
tate Ad/tearn, with all its Cultivation, Slaves, Build-
ines, and further Appurtenances thereto belonging,
and of which the Inventory laying at the Marshal's
Office for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cern, inorderto recover from the proceeds of said
sale, of said estate Ki/tearn, such capital sum, inter-
est, &c. as wherefore the same has been taken in exe-
cution, cwmn expences.
This Srd proc.amation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 27 June, IS13.
' K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.

View original SALE BY EXECUTION.
Lhird Preclamation.
WHEREAS | the undersigned, by authority ob-
fained from His Excellency Ropert Gorpon, Go-
vernor General of the colony Berbice and its De-
pendencies, Vice-Admiral, and President in all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &c
Granted upon a petition preseuted for that purpose
by A. Houston, as empowered by letter of "Kine.
stonand Mc Bean, of Demerary, under date of 14th
April, IST1, versus, Thomas White.
lave caused to be taken in Execution, the undivi-
ded share in she Cotton Plantation No. 35, corentine
coast of this colony, the property of aforesaid Thos.
White. And whereas said undivided share of Pin.
No. 35, corentine, the property of Th. White afore-
said, has on the 17th Feb. last, been put under Se
Be it therefore knowu, that I tee undersigned in-
tend to Sell, afterthe expiration of One year and Six
week, from the [7th February 18138, the abovena-
med undivided share in Pin. No. 35, situate on the
Corentine coast, with wll its culuvetion, buildings,
Slaves, and further ap- and dependencies thereto be-
longing, all conformable. to an Inventory formed
thereot and now lying at the Marshal’s Office for the
inspection of those whom it may Concern, in order to
recoves from the proceeds of thesale of said undivic
ed share ot Pin. No. 35, corentine coast, the pie
perty of the now often named ‘Th. White, such sum
\Of money as wherefore the same bas been taken m
This 3rd Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from tic Courthouse’of this colony,
and further dealt with as customary.
Berbice, 27 June, S13.
kK. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original SALE py EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation
BY virtue of authority obtaine) ‘a Tis
Excellency Rosurr Gorvon, Governor (.cneral in
and over the colony Berbice and its dependencies,
Vice-Admiral, and Prosident in all Courts and Col-
leges willin the sane, &c, Xe. &e.
Upon a petition presented for that purpose by J.
Beresvrord, versus, J. ‘i. Maruews, under date
of 20ih April, Isic.
I the undersigned, Marshal of both the Honorable
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at’ pu-
blic Execution sale, im preseace of two Councelivrs
Vommissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday
the 7th July 1813, at the Court-house of this colo-
ny, a 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day :
Lot No. Sl, in the second Empolder, with all th
Buitds gs thereapon, say a Dwelling Mouse,
and jurther out-beudines.
‘The property of said J. TI. Mathews.
Whoever should think to have aay right, interest
or claim, on the abovenamed Land and ffouses, and
Wishesto oppose the sale thereof, let such person ad-
dress himself to me the Marshal, declaring bis reason
fur such opposition, in due tine and form, as | here-
by give notice, that | will receive opposition trom
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or ber claim heard before the Court, and
further to proceed according to law in such case.
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Court House of this colony. :
Berbice, 20 June, 1813.
A. G. CALMER, Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation
BY virtue of authority, granted by the Honorable
J.J. VAN per Stoor, Acting President of the
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, under date of
Ath January I[812, upon the petition of Tus. Moo-
by, versus, R. Mitcuevy. As also by a subsequent
2 in behalf of R. C. Downer, qq. granted
y the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this colony,
under date of 6th March, 1813.
Notice is hereby given: That I the undersigned,
First Marshal ot the Courts of this colony, will Sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries and
their Seerctary, by Public Execution Sale,on Wed-
pesday the 7th July 1813.
View original ‘Lhe Cotton Estate No. 1,
situafe on the Corentyn coast of this colony, with all
its cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other apburt-
enanecs and dependencies thereto belonging, all con-
formable to an Inventory formed thereof, and tying
at the Marshal’s Office for the inspection of those
whom it may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action
or interest on the abovementioned Plantation No. 1,
Corentyn, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this Sale by :xecution, let him or them addres them-
selves to me the undersigned, declating their reason
for so doing, in a legal manner in writing, as I here-
by give notice that I will receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
fo have their claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to Law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
sale, on Plantation No. 1, Corentyn coast,, and inake
their profit of the same.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbice, 20 June, ISIS.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
i I
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an Appointment, given by the Court
Civil Justice, under date of 28th April 1813, ¢ranted
upon a petition of Charfes McIntosh, in capacity as
appointed Executor to the last Will and ‘Testament
of Donald Cameron, dec.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid Chs.
Mclutosh, in his capacity aforesaid.
Summonby Edict :
All known and unknown Creditors against the be-
forementioned estate of Donald Cameron, dec. to ap-
pear before the Hon. Court of Civil Justice of this
colony, at their session which will be held in the
month of July ISI4, (say One thousand eight hun-
dred and fourteen), there to deliver in their claims,
to verify the same, and further to proceed accord-
ing to th Ww, on pain of being for ever debarred their
right of claim.
This summons by edict is published by -beat of
drum, as cusiomary. Berbice, @d July, 1315.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
te eee
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of anappointucnt granted by the Hon-
erable Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, nnder
date of 28th Aug. 1812, upon a petition presented
by Wim. Innes, incapacity as Curator over the Bs-
tate of John Donaldson, dec.
I the undersigued First Marshal of both the Hon.
Courts of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid
Win. Innes, in capacity aforesaid,
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown claimants against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dee. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session, to be
held in the month of October, 1813, sav Eighteen
hundred an thirteen, there to give in theig-claims
against said estate, and further to proceed according
to Law.
This summons by edict made known tothe Public
by beat of drum, from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with conformable to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K Francken, First Marshal.
tine nln e
View original er
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointinent, granted by the
Hoo. Court of Civil) Justice of this colony, under
date of 28th April, upon a petition of Charles Mc-
Intosh, in capacity as appointed Executor to the
last Will and ‘Testament of Chardes Gordon, dec.
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request of said Ch. Mclntosh,
in his capacity abovementioned.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tate of Ch. Gordon, dec. to appear before the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held in the month of July in the year one thou.
sandeight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate, to verify
the same , and further to proceed according to law,
on pain of being for ever debarred theit right of
claim in case of default,
This Summon by Edict made known to the public
by beat of drum from the Court house of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 2d July, 1813.
K. Francxen, First Marshal,
————_— See»
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, 1813.
I the undersigned first Marshal of both the Hono-
rable Courts of this colony, im the name aud kebals
View original of R. C. Pownen, for selfand J. W. Heytmever
Curators to the Nstate of the Widow H.A. Bakker,
do hereby, for the second time,
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown creditors of the Estate of
J.C. Broekenrer, Widow H. A. Bakker, to ap-
pear before the Hon. Court of Justice, at their ses-
sions of the ordinary Court of Rolls, cn thie 19 July,
inst., in order to render their claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum.
mons by edict, will be proceed against the non ap-
pearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2Ist May, ISI5.
kK. FRANCKEN, Ist Expl.
View original Summons by Edict
BY virtue of anextract of the minutes of the Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 27th April,
1813. :
[ the undersigned First Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, in the name and behalf of Tewis Ca-
meron qq. E. S. Fraser, do hereby for the second
Summon by Tdict:
All known and unknown Creditors and Claimants,
‘on the proceeds of the cotton Estate forming a part
of plantation No. 23, sold by execution, to appear
before the Jion. Court of Justice, at the sessions of
the ordinary Court of Rolls, on the 19th of July 1819,
in order to render their claims in due form.
Whereas alter the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edict, wil! be pepe against the non-
appearets, according to Law.
Berbice, 21 May,
lk. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict.
By virtue of an Hxtract of the Minutes of the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 27
April, 1813.
] the undersigned, First Marshai of both the Hon
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of W
Lawson and W. Kewtry, Curators to the Estate
of the late Gw yx Jonxs, dec. do hereby for the se-
cond time,
_ Summon by Edict:
All known and uakuown Creditors against the Es-
tates of Gwyn and Aletta Jones, to appear betore the
Hon. Court of Civil Justice, at their sessions of the
ordinary Court of Rolls, on the 19th July, in order
to reader their claims in due form.
~ Whereas after the expiration of the fourth summon
by edict, will be proceeded against (he non appear-
ers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2ist Moy. 1813.
h. FRANCKEN, First Marshal
——_ - —- —— —-—— —-_-_-—__.
Sununons oy Edict.
BY virtue of an Extr.ct of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, of Unis c ‘ony, dated 27th
April, 1813.
I the undersiguet, iret Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, in the same and behali of Pa. Farr-
BAIRN, Interim) Scquesit iter tothe Estate of Jauns
Fraser, for himselr in that quality and for all other
Representatives of that Estate, do hereby, for the
second tiie,
Summon by Ldict:
All persons having Demands against the Fstate of the
deceased James Fraser, to appear betore the Honor-
able Court of Justice, at the session of the ordinary
Court of Rolls, on the 19th July, in order to render
their claims in due torm.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edicl, will be proceeded against the non-ap
pearers, acconling to Law.
Berbice, 21st May, 1813.
K. FrancKxen, First Marshal.

View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue ofan Fixtract of the Minutes of the
Court of Justice, of this colony, dated 27th April,
1943. /
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable ,
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of R.
C. Downer and W_ Lurr, in quality as Curators
to the Estate of A. M. van pe Lanne, dec., do
hereby, for the second time,
Summon by edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of said A. M. van de Lande, to appear before the
Hon. Court of Justice, at the Sessions of the ordina-
ry Court of Rolls, on the 19th July, in order to ren-,
der their claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-,
mons by Edict, will be proceeded against the non-
@ppearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2!st May, 1813.
K. FRANCkEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an extract from the minutes of the
proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice of this co-
View original lony, under date 2d March, 1813, given in the cause
of Josepn Hattand A. Kare er, as Executors to:
the Estate of Joon Sawyer, s. ¢., versus, all known.
and unknown Creditors against the said estate.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Ho-
norable Courts of this colony, and at the request of
aforesaid Jos. Hall and A. Krieger,in their said ca-
Summon by Edict for the Second Time:
All known and unknown creditors of the estate of
John Sawyer, dec., appear before the Court of Civil
Justice of this colony, at their session, to be beld in
the month of July, 1813, and follow-ing days, for
the purpose of there exhibiting their claims, to ve-
rify the same, and if necessary to hear the objections
made thereon, as well to witness the Court's deter-
mination as tothe Preferent and Concurrent right of
claimants against the said estate, and further to pro-
ceed according to Law.
This second summons by edict being made known
to the public, by beat of drum, from the Courthouse
of this colony, and further dealt with according to
custom. Berbice. 7th May.
K. FRANCKEN, Ist Marshal.
View original Loading at Denecrary.
une ‘The Ship NEREUS,
Warranted (o sail with the July convoy.
For freight or passage, for cither ship, apply, in
Demerary to Evan & Angus fraser, or here to
12 June. W. DUNCAN.
View original RUNAWAY.
FROM the Subscriber, a young Negress, named
Sophia, she is well known in this colony, having
huckstered about it some time.—She absented her-
self about Easter. -Any person delivering her to the,
Subscriber, or lodging her in the barracks, will re--
ceive TWO JOES Reward, and any found secreting
her, after this notice, will be prosecuted.
NB. ‘Theabove Negress has very lately been seen at
the Fort, with a forged pass.
View original NOTICE.
THE subscriber finding no attention whatsoever
hasbeen paid to his former advertisement, or repeat-
ed application for payment of debts, due to himself
or to the late Firm of MeGrath & Taylor, finds him-:
self under the necessity of putting such accounts anc
notes of hand into the bands of his Attoracy, to be
sucd tor by the next courts.
DEN ondergeteekende verzocht mits dezen aanal-
le de genen die enige pretenticen, *t zy uit hootde van
acceptatien, openstaande rekeningen, als anderzints,
ten zynen lasten hebbende,: 2ulks zoo spoedig doen-
lyk inteleveren aes ep ter woonstede van den Leer
L. A. Rodenbroe*
——_— -—- — —
View original ae OO eee
THE subscriber requests all those who have any
claims against him, whatsoever, to render the same
in properly, to and at the house of Mr. F. 4. Ao-
denbrock, ws New Amsterdam.
es —_— — - —_— —..__ —- — —
SUL subseriber intending to reside in Corentine.
river, offers his place, adjoining plantation Silver
Hleece (upper east coast Corentyn), fo any person
wishful uf retiring 10 a commodious country seat, for
one, two, or three years. ‘There is on it a very com-
fortable dwelling, with outbuildings, such as Negro
houses, kitchen, stochhouse, horse stable, &c., also
a kitchen garden, a large tresh’ water tank, and a
plantane walk, besides an impolder ready for more
plantanes, and a large ficld for cotton,x—The terms.
will be made easy to an approved person.
12 June. J. G. FFLOYD.
eS a ee
James Caple
oe, _———
INFORMS the Gentlemen of this colony, be in-
tends next month to commence Sail Making at f 25.
per bolt, and that he has sent for the necessary mate-
rials for ytting colonial craft, cheap. 12 June.
View original ALL persons having Demands against the Estates
Schumacherslust, Rotterdam, and Gelderland, are
requested to render their accounts to
12 June. G. PAUELS.
Att. of said Estates.
Where Plantains may be bad at moderate prices.
View original FOR HIRE.
SIX able field Negroes—for particulars apply to
this Office. 12 June.
View original Printed 22d February, 1813
FOR Abolishing and Regulating Sinecures, and
Offices executed by Deputy, and for providing other
means for recompensing the faithful discharge of high
or effective Civil Olfices; and for other economical
Preamble.—W hereas several useful and effective
measures have been taken by Parliament, during the
Reign of His Present Majesty, for the Abolition and
Regulation of various sinecure Offices, and Offices
executed by Deputy :
And whereas it is further expedient, after provid-
ing other and sufficient means tor enabling His Majes-
ty duly to recompence the faithful discharge of high
or effective Civil Offices, to abolish all Offices which
have Salaries without Employment, and to regulate
all Offices which have Salaties extremely dispropor-
fionate to the Employment, excepting only such as
are connected with the personal service of His Majes-
ty, or ot His Royal Family ; regard being had tothe
existing Interest in any Offices so to be abolished or
regulated ;
And whereas there are divers Offices in the Colo-
nies and Foreign Possessions of His Majesty, enum-
erated in table (&.), which have usually been dis-
charged by Deputy, notwithstanding the provisions
ofan Act passed tor prevention thereof in the 22d
year of the Reign of his present Majesty, chapter 75;
Be it therefore enacted, ‘That from and alter the ex-
piration of any cxisting Interest legally vested in the
said Offices, the Salaries and Emoluments of the said
Offices, and of all vthers which are or shatl be exes
cuted by Deputy, shall be reduced to such allowance
as has been received by the Deputies executing the
same, or to such allowance as may be deemed ade
quate by the Governor and Council or Assembly for
the time being, or by the Governor or Lieutenant
Governor aloue, where there shall be no Council or
Assembly, who are hereby empowered and required
to determine thereon; and the remainder of such
Iees.and Emoluments shall be applicable to the pay-
ment of the Salaries of the Goyernors and Licutenant
Governors in such Colonies or Foreign Possessions,
and of the Judges of the Vice Admiraliy Courts re-
sident therin, and the remainder, if any, shall be
applicable to, maintain the military works necessary
tor the defence of such Colonies, or to such other
purposes as the Governor of Lieutenant-Governor,
or Council, or Assembly as aforesaid shall think
proper? and in the Foreign possessions of Tlis Ma-
esty, the remainder shall be applicable as his Ma-
yesty in Council shall be pleased to direct ; Provided,
that nothing herein contained shall operate to the
prejudice of any subsisting Grant.
Secretary and Clerk of the Council.—Secretary
and Clers of the Courts.—Registrar.— Naval
Oflicer.— Prothonotary.— Marshal.—Provost
Marshal.—Register in Changery.
< Secretaryand Registrar.—Receiver General.—
Vendue Master.
Demerary and Essequebo.
Registrar.—Naval Officer.—Marshal—Recciv-
er General of Quit Rents, &c.—Secretary Re-
sister and Receiver.—Vendue Master.—First
Lxploiteur.—Receiver at Essequebo.
Exitect fom Table L.
View original The Subscriber has received per Ship Sanver
Braddick, via Demerary, the following goods,
which he offers for Sale cheap, for cash.
Prime mess beef in half barrels.
Cumberland hams & Glouchester cheese.
Loaf sugar, beer & porter. .
White, green, brown & black paints & oil.
Jrish linens, ladies & gentlemen’s stockings,
Super fine black, blue, green, & mixten coats.
Black silk vests, silk & beaver hats,
Planters and half dress shoes,
Negro cloathing assorted.
Falling axes, pruning knives, & nails.
Cordage & sadlery assorted.
Soap & candles in half boxes, —,
Glass, and crockery ware assorted.
12 June. Wm. CROFT.
eet lietieitimmerini oct.
View original _—_ ee
Mejufvrouw COVLINGE, ten huizen van hare
Zwager de Heer A. FLeury, Erf No. 22. maakt
bekend aan het Publiek, dat zy allerhande Bordaur-
en Naaldwerk aanneemt, als ook dat zy gaerne voor
Leerlingen will engageren, voor een civile prys.
5 June.
repre preemie iit
Mrs. COVLINGE, at the house of her Brother
in Law, Mr. A. Firnury, Lot No. 22, informs the
Public, that she undertakes Embroidery and Needle
Work in all its branches, and will engage to take in
Learners, at a moderate price. 5 June.
ere eee da eee a
View original WANTED.
A goot: house boy-apply to this office. 3 July.
View original ° 4
NEW AMSTERDAM, July 3d 1813.
° __se
By a Barbados Piper of the 19th June, which we
have been favored with, we are enabled to present our
Readers with extracis of London Papers to the 15th of
May. From them it will be seen the French are report-
ed lo have obtained advantage over the Allied armies in
Germany; at least the rumour of this intelligence has
occasioned a considerable jall in the price of Coffee,
which, when the lust accounts left England, was wiihou!
— re
May 15.]—We have at length received the official ac-
count, the French official account, of the great battle of
Lutzen. Lt was indeed a tremendous coutlict, and the
Slaughter on both sides was probably as great as at the
battle of Borodino.—The last accounts left the respective
armies on two lines parallel with cach other. Bouaparte
was at Naumburg on the 29th, and on the same day the
Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia wereat Altenburgh
—There were, wé believe, some sharp affairs ov the 29th
and 30th, but these are not alluded to, and were, of
course, of nu great importance. Ou @e Ist, Bonaparte,
with Berthicr, was at Weissenfels ; Beadharnois at Merse.
berg; Marmont at Naumberg; Bertrand at Stolilsen ;
Soult at Jena; and Maisson at [allee—The first opera.
tiou of Bonaparte, on the lst of May, was to get posses.
sion of the plain which extends from the heights of Weis.
senfels to the Elbe. The allies shewed nothing but caval.
ry, aud @eccupied the heights. ‘There was evidently an
obstinate battle on that day, and part of the French army
under Girard, which took the direction of the road to Pe.
gau, Was at ove tine beat back. ‘The French account
says, ** fhe Mimperor wishing to reinforce the batteries of
Girard’s division, sent 2 pieces of cannon of the Guards
vider Gen. Dron”? tlowever, the French entered-the
plain, and the respective armies made Chose movements
which browsht ou the battle of Lutzen on the 2d—a battle
fought on the very | lain where, in 1652, the Great Gus.
tavus fought and fell, like onc own Nelson, in the very
arms of victory. tlad the Swedish troops been there,
they might again havc iimoctalised the Swedish name, and
Lutzen Deen a second Gime celebrated in the Swedish au.
In the battle of the ist, after a S*dreadful and long can.
nonade, alier such p:odiies of valour peiormed, aud the
Russiau cavalry overthrown dy grape shot,’? the enemy
declare they only lost 90 men—but among them was Mar-
shal Bessieres (Duke of tstriqg), who had been the compa-
niva of Bonaparce in all his campaigns: he was killed by
a cannon ball.
lt appears from the French accounts that the allies were
thre assailants in the battle of the 2d, and that they had
determined, as svon as they heard that Bonaparte had dee
bouched from the Tnhuringe, tu attack himin the Plains of.
Lutzen. They accorting!y pasoed the little river Elster
at three places, Zaviuchau, Pegau, and Zeitz. Bonaparte
appears not tu hive expeciud Uns movement sgover than
the 5th, an l ts hive thought that, by # previous ettack
upon Leipsic, he should aiscoucert Ge allies, get to the
right bank of the Plu, and take them ev reeverse. But
the passage of tie Mister by the Allies on the 2d forced
him to changy lis dis, osteus. Beauharnots, with the
lett of the army, was onthe bister; Ney, with the centre,
in tae village of Kala; Marmont on the right; Bonaparte
behind Ney in the centre, The object of the allies was
twofold—to make an attack with their main force on the
centre of the eneny, and at the same Ume to turn thei
right by Weissenlels, ‘Phe battle began between nine and
ten inthe muroing, and continued till uight.—The enemy’s
account of it is nut avery clear one, but it is evident that
for the greater part of the day victory was in favour of
the allias, but thae it was at length decided against them
by amovement of Gen. Bertrand’s, towards night, in
their rear. Kaia, which formed the centre of the French
positions, an was dteuded by Bovaparte, Ney Girard,
and Souham, was the scene of the most sanguinary contlict.
The allies pierced it several times, and several times Bo-
naparte sent reinforcements to repair the jusses sustained,
and strengthen Noy. aia was taken and retaken; bat
after stating that **it remained in the enemy’s power,”
ties account says, ‘Sthat General Ricard ordered it to be
retaken, and it was retaken.”’—Finding himself pressed
with such desperate energy in this poiut, Bonaparte sent
orders to Beauharneis to make a strong attack upon the
Jeft, and Macdonald to endeavour to cut off the attention
of the allics from theie centre to their right and their re.
serve. It was in vain. ‘The allies kept their forces and
efforts steady to the centre, and Kaia was again taken—it
was another Aspern. The allies poured fresh troops, and
the French centre, commanded by Bonaparte in person,
and Ney, give way. Some battalions fled, and in great
disorder, throwing away their arms (se debanderent), but
at sight of Bonaparte they rallied !—Credate!— Bonaparte
Saw that not a moment was tou be lost; ail the reserve were
brought up to repair the disasters experienced in the cen.
tre—80 pieces of cannon were brought up at the same
time. The village of Kaia wasggain taken, but we infer
that the allies again succeeded im restoring the battle in
that point, for we find Bonaparte obliged afterwards to
order part of his right to the relief (he says to support
the success) of the centre. But the cavalry of the allies
made some desperate charges against the division from his
View original right. aud we collect that it was not able ¢o execute ity
orders, s3ut Bertran’, who had been seut before to de-
bouch on the rear of | @ allies; who early in the battl
was seen from afar, but who obviously experienced the
greatest dificultics in his march; Bertrand at length, some
Short time before night-fall, cutered the line. —The caval-
ry of the allies pressed him closely, for the account says,
that ‘*they capered about his squares ;” a capering less
acceptable, we dare say, than ever he experienced before.
lie was obliged to form in squares, and even when he en-
tered the line Bonaparte seems not to have been without
apprehensions, for he altered the whole of his movements
and brought up all his right, himself pivoting on Kaia.
Night came on and the allies retreated.
The French confess a loss of 10,000 men, including
Gen. Gourie killed, Generals Girard, Brenier, Clemeneau,
and Guillot, wounded—the former mortally. ‘The loss
of the allies is estimated at 25,000 men. The Trince of
Mecklenburgh Strelitz was killed, but no other General
of note on the part of the allies. Blucher and four othes
Prussian Generals are reported to have been wounded.
On the 3d the enemy continued his march, and on the
5th Bonaparte was at Colditz; Beauharnois at Horta;
Martnont behind Colditz ; Lauriston marching from War.
(zen to Dresden ; Ney at Leipsic; Soult at Altenburgh,
and Bertrand at Rochiitz. At Colditz there was a sharp
afiair on the 5th, and the allies having joined a reserve
belunging to Muloradovitch’s army at Gertdorff, near
Colditz, Beauharnois seems to have been roughly handled,
and to have been forced to bring up Marmont’s division.
The allies then retired towards Horta. Ney is marching
to raise the blockade of ‘Torgau and Wittenberg. The
allies are falling back upon the Elbe, and as the French
confess that they are so inferior themselves in cavalry, we
infer (hat they retire in good order.
The French accuunts says, ‘‘that we have made sever-
al thousand prisoners. ‘The number could not be more
considerable considering the inferiority of our cavalry,
and the desire which the Emperor had shewn of sparing
ite’? As they do not state any specific amount of prison-
ers, we dare say they made but few.—Bonaparte wishes
it to be believed that the allies were froin 150 to 200,000
strong, but that he had buthalf his army engaged. Now
he had Beauharnois, Marmont, Ney, Bertraut, Soult,
Bessieres, Macdonald, and Lauriston; though he says,
Lauriston was only at Leipzic. Victor was got in the
battle, and Davoust and Sebastiani were on the E}be—but
these were the only divisions alsent.—The allies consisted
of York’s, Blucher’s, Bulow’s, Wittgenst:ins, and part
of Miioradovitch’s corps. The other part was not in the
batile, and we doubt whether Tormazow’s was. But Pla.
tofPs and Tcichagoti’s, and Aleist’s were absent, and the
reinforcements frum the Visiula had not come up—Bona-
parte will would persuade us that there are dissentions be.
tween the Russians and Prussians—that they accuse each
other of not having fought well, at the very time he i
shewing that it is impossible any such accusation could
have been brought. As tu the Joy of the people at hls
successes—at the little eflect of the Russian and Prussian
Proclamations, we know them to be falsehoods—having
gained ground—having advanced from the Saale to the
Mulda—it were absurd to deny that the advsautage has
been on the side of the French.
May 13.—Marsha! Kutousolf has sunk uoder the weight
of fatigue and age. Gen. Wittgeastein succeeds in the
chief command.
A French Squadron, of 18 sail of the line from Tovlon,
having on board 5000 troups, has escaped. Sir Edward
Pellew, with {1 of the British line, has sailed in pursuit
of the euemy, who, it is supposed, are gone to Aiezri-
Advices have been received from Basque Roads, dated
the 24th ult stating, that two French frigates had made.
their escape from the Inner Harbour, of the 2tst,
Accounts fromthe Marquis of Weilingtou to the 28th
are arrived. His Lordsyip has an eflective Byiiish force
of 43,000 men, of whom 6000 are cavalry. Ie has also
about 30,000 Portuguese ; so that he will open the cam.
paign with full 70,000 firelocks.
May 14.—The victory gained by Gen. Murray over
Suchet was of much more importance than the first ac.
counts stated it to be. Suchet lost in killed, wounded,
and prisoners, 5000 men, while our loss was comparative.
ly small. Suchet continued his retreat.
The Planters and West India Merchants of Glasgow
have transmitted a Petition to the House of Commons,
praying. —‘**That the Act of the 43d of his Majesty, chap.
153, may be repealed; and further, that all articles the
growth and produce of the American States, may be pro.
hibitcd from being imported into the United Kingdom dur-
ing the war.”
The ship-owners of Glasgow have transmitted a Petition
to the Ilouse of Commons, praying—‘*That the Act of
the 43d of his Majesty, chap. 153, be repealed in so far
as to prohibit the importation by neutral ships, of any
goods or merchandize, the produce of an enemy’s country, '
directly or indirectly, into the United Kingdom.”
The Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures have also’
View original sent off a Petition to Parliament, praying that the ciream.
stances of the cotton trade may be investigated before
cnacting any regulation calculated to affect it.
Chorleston, April22.—A Gentleman, who arrived here
yesterday in the Hazard, in one day frum St. Mary’s, in-
forms us, that the troops of the United States were te
evacuate-the Province of East Florida on the 27th inst.
Gen. Pinckney was at point Petre; his
had been on to St. Augustine and arranged with Governor
Kindelan the manner of evacuation. Most of the Patriots
had gone to St. Augustine to take the oath of allegiance
under the new Constitution. J. H. M’Intosh, the late
Director General of Florida, refused to take the oath of
allegiance, and had removed his negrocs to St. Mary’s.
Some of the Patriots were insulted by the lower orders at
St. Augustine, on going in to take the oath, in conse.
quence of which the Governor issued a proclamation for-
bidding sach proceedings in future. Our informant has
farnished us with a copy of the proclamation, which will
be published hereafter. 7
New-York, April 25.—We learn by the passengers in
North River Stcam-boat, that it was reported at Albany
on Saturday morning, that the fleet, under the command
of Commodore Chauncey, had sailed from Sackett’s Har.
bour, with Col. Pike’s regiment on board, supposed to be
destined for Kingstown.
Lewistown.—We have mentioned that the rockets’ and
bombs, at the late bombardment of Lewistown, did not
reach the plaée ; this, it now appears, was amistake. The
rockets went over the town, but did no injury, and one
of the bombs fell in it—fortunately, however, it did not
explode, ‘The damage done is estimated at 2000 dollars
—many of the houses being perfurated by balls. The
shot from the Belvidere weut some distance beyoud the
place. The cannonading was discontinued on the after.
noon of the 7th inst. and the Belvidere put to sea on the
8th inst. leaving the Poicticrs and small vessels in the Bay
—-where they still remained on Monday last. It is very
surprising that, notwithstanding the severe fire of the enc.
my, No lives were lost on our side, nor was a single per-
son wounded.
Hagerstown, April 27.—We understand that the Exc.
cutive of Maryland has required of the Commander of this
brigade to turnisi 350 drafted Militia, as part of the State’s
quota of the 10U,0U0, and that they are to be immediately
marched to Balumore for the protection of that city.
Ballimore April 29.—Yesterday, about 600 of the ene-
my, iu barges, took possession of Spesutic Islaud, near
the head of the Chesapeake. At the time of their land-
ing there were a number of persons (it is su pposed near.
ly LOO), on the Island, where they had gone to fish—two
of them escaped to the shore of Harford County and brought
the above intelligence.
Elkton, April 30.—The British made an attack yester-
day ; and after being repulsed twice at French-town, suce
ceeded in taking possession of a small fortification erected
there. They burnt all the ware-houses at the place, with
a considerable quantity of gouds, They then landed at
Whitehall, and inarched over opposite the battery erected
at Elk Landings ; and after receiving two or threc shot,
recived aud embarked immediately.
Thirteca harges came up full of men. We areall ander
arms here, and expect another attack hourly.
The following extract of a letter from an Officer on
hoard his Majesty's brig Frolic, dated Bermuda, Feb. 26,
explains the cause of the great loss of men on board our
ships lately engaged with the American frigates :—**In ad.
dition to the usual charge of a cannon or carronade, the
Americins put into their guns a bag, containing a large
quantity of icon balls, about the size of our musket-balls,
which bag they use instead of wadding for their cannon ;
and when tired, the bag bursts, and scatters like a shower
of hail among our men, if at all near. Besides this, they
‘ire from their muskets 16 large shot, which they calt
buck.shot, weighing one ounce and a half, besides a run-
ving ball. This, when at close quarters, cuts up our men
terribly and, unless we resort to the same destructive
mode of warfare, our brave (ars will pot havea fair chance
with such an active enemy. ‘The loss on boasd the Frolic
was greater in proportion, than either that on board the
Java or Amelia, every officer being kiiled or wounded,
and only 14 men-left on the deck w hen the enemy board.
Weare happy to announce the appointment of Briga.
dier-General Murray (Acting Governor Demerary) to be
Adjutant-General of the Forces, servingin the Windward
and Leeward Islands, under the Command of Lieut.-Gen.
Sir. G. Beckwith.
View original BY den ondergeteekende aangebragt een roode
Koei, de eigenaar kan denzelven terug bekomen na
betaling van onkosten, zullende anders publiek wor-
den verkocht worden na driemaal te zyn geadver.
teerd. 3 July.
J.A. DEHNERT, Under-Sherif..
View original SENT up to the subscriber, a red Cow, the owner
may have it restored by paying the expences, if nog
sent for after three times notice being given, the same
will be sold at public Vendue, for the costs. —3 Jul
J. A. DEHNERT, Under-Sheriff.
—_—— eo ee Se
View original Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, p. m.
By W. SCHULZ & Ge.

3 July 1813