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The Berbice Gazette

View original Twelve dollars p. annum.
View original ——
BY the Honorable Court of Policy and Crim-
inal Justice, of the Colony Berbice.
The following Extract of the Sale of such
Negroes as were captured in the Bush-Ex-
pedition, in the year 1809 and 1810, is made
for the information of those whom the same
may concern.
Extract of Sale by Public Vendue, per order of
Georce Munro and Simon Fraser, Esquircs, as
Agents for the Colony of Berbice, and payable in
two equal payment, at six and twelve Sronths, in
Cash.— Demerary, 91h June 1812.
ee EEE EEE EEE nnn ad
View original LT
Proprietors | Negroes. Purchasers
r. K. Austin | Kit J. Barnwell
Do. Bruin Sinaw
Do. Niekeby Odwin
Do. Flora J... Blair
Heatheote & Co. | Ned Ilenschelius
Do. | Abizael Barnwell
Dr. RNollings Bachus Odwin
de Vry Cuily Sinaw
Do. Duncan Narjes
Mortis Rean & Rebecca | Pin, Blainmont
Do. Pope J. Knight
Do. Oliver Barnwell
Do. Minge Knight
Do. Nelson. Do.
Do. Able Narje
Do. Frank Trost
Do. Silly Narjes
Do. Dutchess Sinaw
Do. Povorite2child. | Odvwin
Pin. Nagree. Avsterdam | Do.
Hague Frederick Adams
Do. . # Dolland Narjes
Do. \nthony \daurs
Do. America Beacon
Threlfall Douchman Odwina
Tulloh David \danrs
Fairbairn Gauthey | fraser
Do. Viona Do.
Do. Manco (iitlerrs
Do, Curty \daunts
Do. = | earn Do.
Pin. Tlerstelling. | Fechen Broderick
Do. ton i
Do. Peter Do.
Do. Andries De.
Blair Marsh vader Wage
Unknown Jolinson Isroderick
Jas. Fraser. Lydia [lenoeichos
Katz Mahomed Nurse
Do. Dapanes 2 child: | Adams
Simon, Sally
Fairbaira Mingo Narjes
Blair Mertor . Henschelius
Do. sandy van Roude
Do. Saba Nurse
Do. Aspatia Cash
8. Fraser Ilugh | Gahan
Do. Hannah 2 child: | Odwin
Do. Phabe Prost
Do. Sylvia IT, Fraser
van der Broek. | Sophia & child Odwin
Do. Rosannah HI. Fraser
Do. Mary & child I). Mackay
Do. Simons vanden Brook
Austin Damon | Narjes
Do. Peggy llubbard
Harlin flarry Odwin
Fairbairn Quamina Pogenburgh
Bacher. January Ariens
Dr. Schwiers Louisa Do.
Katz Molly Hubbard
Do. Africa J.aston
Vendue Charges, including all Offices, Sf 2810-16
Paid, bringing up Negroes fr. Pomeroon. ,, 660-
Hire of Schooner and other excedents 1464 -
Net proceeds,
1) 00,
li 10-
1030- .
. 920-
J 56816-10
By command of the Court,
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
(Third Time of Publishing.)
View original ———
— > —
To allthose whom it may concern, be it known:
THAT I have thought proper to appoint and ful-
ly to constitute W. Scort and F. Niconay, Esqrs.
jointly or severally, to collect the money due the
Winkel Department, since my Agency ; in conse-
quence of which appointment, a receipt of either
these Gentlemen will, for such claims be yalid to
all intents and purposes.—1 Ith Feb,
A. A. pe LA COURT, Principal Agent
for the Crown Property in South America.
View original SATURDAY, the 27th of Febrt
View original Rec’. Gen". Office.
. Colony Berbice, Year 1812.
To this sum received in Paper Money.. f 50000- «
9 do, on acct, Ori. [lead-mony ,, 64636-11- 6
dow —soon Extra do..... », 37014-15- o
i. do. on Pin. Money........ 3, 12203-11-12
éo do. on Church do ......... 9 6607- 1l- 5
99 do. on ...... do. on Pln’s... 4, 79955- 8-13
39 do, on Road dO... cee ewe ee 33 5974-L11- 8
” do, on Winkel Depertment.. 5, 13828- 5-
7. do. on ..., .on Y easels... 3, 1670- 2- 9
5) do. on Last, “Anche r& Flag 5» 9544-15-
99 du. on Duty on Avwricans.. yy 871-10.
99 do. on- Tonnage: . do...... 5) sig. .
. do. on Vendue }oc........ 55 SU912-15- 6
9 do. on Civil Gov NeENE.L.. 6 95 iSss. .«
” do, on ‘Transien: Duly..... 9 226-17- 8
3 do. on Flos)itat ‘ Voces 99 4}5- -
9 do. ou Billsof bichinge.... 5, S9084- 9- 1
.. do. On Protested bb ls.....4 55 QGiGd-l4e 8
9 do. ou from the - -caal.... 5, 1800. -
99 do. on General fax... .... $9 661- -
dos on Law ( hare. xk 85 5U6. -
5 Reladee due by the Colony. So ee ty 719. 4. 7
f 361055.13-13
By Cash horrowed In December 181) J 1017S. 9-13
» this sun paid on acct. of Civil Government of this
Colony, for Claims due in (he years is!0& Isil,
as per vouchers No, | a73 J GoeTs-l»>- Ly
» ditto as per vouchers No. la 23 ,, 1s925- 2- 8
» Expenditure for the Colony Berbice, year J8)¥.
as per vouchers No.1 a 66, Jt 189694- i9- 8
» ditto as per vouchers No.1a444, Se4i4- 7-12
——-— —-—- — » 241109- 7- 4
» this sum paid bire of 87 Nogross,ns per vouchers
No. 1a 69. » LIT28- 2- 8
» the Receiver’s Commissions on the receipt of
J 363306-9-Q at 23 per cent. » 9082-13- 3
~f 364055-13-13
Errors Excepfed.
Berbice, 31st December, 1812.
- A. THORNBORROW, Dep. Rec. Gen.
(Third time of publishing. )
_—_—_— ee
eee Ce
re ee eee era SE = = eee
View original FISCAL’S OFFICE.
TILE following Slaves, at present in the colony
jul, will be sold at public Vendue in three weeks af-
ter date, Negro Samby, brought on the [Sth Feb.
ISI2,and the Negro Francis, on the 13th of March
1Si2.—Promrictors unknown,
97 Feb. J. A. DEUNERT, Under-Sheriff..
————————— ee
WANTED to be repaired immediately, two Brid-
gesand the Koker of this tawn, one on lot No. 30,
and the other on lot No, 38 ; any person inclined to
undertake the same, will please to send Tenders to
the subscriber on lot No, 12, on or before the 10th
day of March next, when the same will be opened in
the presence of the Committee appointed by the Ho-
norable Court of Policy, or otherwise in the presence
of the Colonial Secretary, when the lowest offer, if
approved of, will be acecpted.,
27 Feb. Tu. ROBSON, Com.
View original Miss C.&W. BRANDES.
LATE from England, respecfully announce to
their Friends and the Public, that they will receive
Children to instruct in Reading, Writing, and Arith-
metic, also in Plain and Fancy Works. They beg
leave to assure those Parents who may honor them
with the care of their children, that assiduous atten-
tion shall be paid to their improvements—children
from the country can be boarded on moderate terms.
Application to Mrs. E. Bennerr, or on lot no. 35,
2d empolder. 27 Feb.

View original FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex-
change, Bills of Lading, and the Manner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Co-
View original Commissariat Office
Berbice, 27th February, 1813.
CASH wanted for the following Bills of Exchange
‘drawn by Joseeu Buttock, Esq. Commissary Ge-
-neral, on the Right Hon. the Lords of His Majesty's
‘Treasury, at 30 days sight, viz.
Noa. 954—£ 150 Sterling,
No. 355—£150 Ditto.
No. 358—#€ 100 Ditto.
For which Tenders, in Triplicate, marked ‘ Tenders
for Bilis,” willbe reccived at this Office until Tues-
day the 2d of March next, at 10 o’clock in the morn-
‘Ing, when they will be opened, and the highest of-
fer, if approved, accepted,
JA MES B. BUHOT, D. Assist. Com. Gen.
View original NOVICE.
ALL-persons having demands against the estate of
Josern Tayrnor, dec. are desired to render them
in to the undersigned, i in the ensuing month; and alt
persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to
make payment without delay. W. TAYLOR.
27 Keb. Del. xecut.
View original FOR SALE.
AT the Store lately occupied by D. Martin & Co.
the following articles, for Cash or Produce on deli-
very.—Old Madeira wine inhhds. & qr. casks, Lone
don wired porter, double refined sugar, tobacco in
lihds., pickled Dutch herrings in kegs, garden seed
in boxes newley unported, shirts, Britannias, &c.
27 eb. LAROSE.
View original TE KOOP
DEN endergeteekende presenteerd te koop zyn
Woonhuis, staande op de voorgrond van plantage
No. 32 aan de west kust dezer kolonie, zynde SO voe-
fan lang en 22 breed, staande op cipicre blokken, éne
verdieping hoog, gemaakt' van de beste materialen,
gcklapboord, gedekt met wallaba schaaltjes, en nict
meer dan 5 jaren oud, is zeer geschikt om cen familie
le recipicren.
De konditien waarop men het huis verkoopt, zyn
‘te bevragen by den Heer K. Francken, aan deze
stad; by den Heer Morenaar, plantage Onver-
wagt: of by P.van VOORST.
NB. Enige meubelen zyn met het voormelde huis
te koop.—20 Feb.
CNS ee
View original FOR SALE.
THE subscriber offers for Sale his Dwelling House
situated in front of plantation No. 32, west coast of
this colony, being 30 feet long and 22 broad, raised
on green hard blocks, onestory high, has been made
of ihe best materials, clapboarded ‘nad covered with
wallaba shingles, no more than 5 years old, will an-
swer well for the reception ofa family. —
Terms may be known onapplying to K. France
kEN, Esq. New Amsterdam; to Mr. Movenaar,
plantation Onverwagt; or to
20 Feb. P. van VOORST,
NB. Some furniture may be had with the house.
View original _———— ———
ALLE die iets te pretenderen hebben, ofte vere
schuldigd zyn, aan de boedel nu wylen den Ileer M.
Scuaap, Cz., gelieven hier van opgave en betaling
te doen aan
20 Feb. P. rer REEHORST,
Del. Executeur.
On the 3d February last.~
DRIFTED from plantation Lust tot Rust, a Flot
of Crabwood, the number of feet is marked on each
plank, on the above raft were 100 Slabs. Any _per-
son who can give information of the same, will ree
ceive from the subscriber a reward of f50.
20 Feb. l’. L. MOSSET.
—_— ee eee ee
View original FOR SALE.
THIRTY square bales of Cotton, pay able in cash
on delivery, from plantation Kendall’ s, for which
‘Tenders will be received by the undersigned, at the
Store of Mr. Crorrv, where the cotton can be seen,
until the Ist of March ensuing, when the highest Ole
fer, if approved of, will be accepted.
20 Feb, J, McCAMON & J. TAPIN,
View original a % . , > . ae . 4
tiif Public are requested to take Notice, that the
‘Ouvoys, for the present year, are arranged to sail
irom Demerary at the following periods :
Aprilat the Full Moon.
June at the Full Moon.
J uly al the Tull Moon.
The trade from Demerary willbe joined at Grenada
by the ships of that Is land, from whence they will
proceed to the place of general rendez vous.
View original BY order of His Uxcetlency the Governor, No-
tice ishereby given: That the next ordinary Sessions
of the Hon, Court of Civil Justice, appointed to be
held on Monday the 19th April, is, on account of the
intervening [lolidays, prorogued and appointed to
take place on Monday the 26th April.
King’s House; Berbice, \3ih Feb.
By Mis Excellency’: command.
Tu. C. EMERY, Gov. Sec.
At the Store of J. B. RULE:
Hams, potatoes in hampers, fine sallad oil, tobae-
co, dress and Planters stroug shees, Russia sheeting,
spirits turpentine, &c.
6 leb. J. B. ROLE.
ergy perma neelnn il + ———
Secretary's Office.
Wordt geadverteerd, dat This is to inform the Pu.
de volgende personen voor. blic, that the following per-
nemens zyn wil dese holonie sons intend quitting this Co-
le vertirekhen, lony
J. Rawlinson per Westbury, from Feb. 8.
Th. Harvey in 6 weeks from Feb. 4.
Win. Henery in 6 weeks from Feb. 20.
John MeRae in 6 weeks from Feb. 13.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
WORDT hicrmede bewecia NOTICE és herve BY Zteen,
gemaakl, dat cen macud na\thata month after date the
dato de volgcuide Lransper | following Tran sports and
fen en Mipothe hen sislecn) Marlgages will be passed,
verleden worden.
23 Jan W. Watz will transport (o Magdalena Ger-
kin, the eastern back quorier of lot no, 52, Qd
empolder New Amst. from the new centre
road tothe back dan.
——_ A. Krieger and J. Ef. Schilarhorst, will trans-
portto Th. Staal, the northern halfof lot no.
16, situate wittsa the Erstempolder of New
Amsterdain, os alo of the buildings thereon,
Jan. SO. 2. van den Vroek as representative to thy
estate of A. Donz tl, cee. will irmsport &
Wm. and Geo. Munro, the Corcntyn coast
lot No. 3.
—— Wm. and Geo. Munro will traaspart the
same hot, less 3S ron is, to Rob. Phere]
x» * '’
And to Niessrs. Colin and Doral) VioPe
the said 3 rvods of dand ud joinin: Vu. 2
we 4
Feb. 6. J. Zimmerman will transport to Re. Belly 15
roots of lard ot the lower back quarter of Lot
nu. 19, im this own,
M.S. Benacté will transport to TT. Welch,
the hall of lot no. 10 , east coast canal.
M.S. Bennett will transport fo the free La
Rose, the } of bot no. 13, Canje.
13 Feb. Js. Fraser will transport to I. §, Fraser, lot
no. 28, on the west sea coast of Berbice.
——— Js. Fraser will transport to Colin MceWeunzie,
the western halfot lot 29 west coast Berbice. -
——— Js. Vraser will transpertto Win. Fraser, lot
SO west coast Berbice.
Ths. Law will Gansport to Wim. Fraser the
northern ball of lot 20, firstempolder New A.
97 Feb. The Guardians of Robt. Binning, will trans-
portto Chs. hyte, Esq. 340 feet of land, fr.
the front dam, being the south part of half lot
no. 11, with all the buildings thereon.
a ~—=—_— —
—_————— —_ — —— ——S=§_
Whereas the following’ persons have addressed
themselves to the Hon. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice ofthe colony Berbice, at their session of the
Ath and Sth January 1813, tor Letters of Manumis-
sion :—
O. W. Lantsueen for the Malatto girl Polly
Lena Munver, free mulatto, for the Sambo girl
Notice thereof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant-
ing of the said Letters of Manumission, that they
may address themselves in writing to the undersign-
ed, Secretary of the colony, previous to the ensuing
Session of the Hon. Court, when a final disposition
will be made om the aforesaid condition.
Berbice, 6th January, 1813.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
’ 7
— ——=~
View original V ri @ (ry
/ yes wAaye,
T ry\ Vy.
_ eDhe Sale 6f Cattle and Sheep, advertised for the \st
of \arch, is postponed until the 8th of that month.
On Monday 19th April, 1813, will be sold at the Ven
due office, by virtue of ag appointment obtained faom
the [lon. Court of Civil Justice of this Colony, by Jos.
Hall and A. Krieger Esquires, Curators to the Estate
of the late John Sawyer.
Two thirds of Lot No. 71, Courantine coast, with the
slaves (18 in number), buildings, cultivation, Sc. as per
Inventory lo be seen at the Vendue office.
View original FOR GLASGOW.
Loading at Demerary,
wee The fine new ship Castle
(Burthen 446 ‘Tons. )
Is now ready to receive her cargo onboard, and will
sail with the first conyoy that may be appointed af-
ther the JOth of March. For freight or passage (ha-
ving elegant accommodation) apply to
View original ee eC -—“— CR
SED Mecbicoos
NEW AMSTERDAM, Feb. 27th 1813.
The Carteret Packet arrived off this Bar yester-
day morning, with our Mail for January.
The Mail to go home by said vessel, will there-
fore he made up at the Post Office here, at § o'clock
on Thursday morning next, the 4th of March, to be
forwarded to Demerary. *
The Papers brought by the Packet, are to the 16th
January ; butas they arrived too late for the Press,
{he interesting inteiligence they contain, will be g:-
ven in our next.
Bonaparte’s arrival at Paris; having veached that
city on tic isth Dee., and has since recetecd the
coneraliiedions of the Senale and other Public ho.
dic dy On lids veclorivus relura lo the Lrench metio-
yY dd. ; &
Paris, Dec, 20.—This day, Sunday, December 20,
ISiz, al nuvi, the emperor being seated on his ‘Tinone,
sui rounded by the Princes . Grand Dignitarics, Cardinals,
Viiniste is, Great Otlice TS, U reat [agies of the Leyiou ol
Hlonour, and attendants of His Majesty, received the
Senate, who were conducted to this audience by a Master
and Assistant of the Ceremonics, introduced by his Excel-
joucy the Grand Master, and presented by ibis Serene High.
uess the Prince Grand Kleeros. Ibis acelicncy M. the
Count Lacepede, the President, delivered the sollowing
‘*Sinu—'The Senate hastens (o preseutat the foot of your
Imperial and Royal Majesiy’s Tlrone, the oitcring of its
Colgratulauons on Che hapyy avrval of your Majesty a
Mons your peop les—The absence of your MM ajesly, Sire,
is alw AyS a bacon ‘l calamity, While your presence is a
blessing which fills Cle whoie Pecach people with joy and
contide.:ce.—Y our Linportal and Royal Majesty tas laid
all the bases of the organisation of yuvar vast empire; but
many objects yet remain ty be cunsuiidated or craccuted ;
aud the smallest deley in the compleGion of our institu ticus
isa national misfortune, While your Imperial Majesty ,
Sire, was at eight hundred leagues from your capital, at
the head of your victorious arifies, altesipts were made to
disturb public order in this great capitals, by men who had
escaped froin prisons, in which your Imperial clemency
had saved them from a death yoersted by their past crimes
They have paid the penalty of their uew offences. —Happy
France, Sire, whose monarchical constitution places her
bey ond the reach of civil discord—of the bloody feuds to
which party gives birth—and of the herrible distractions
which revoluGions engender.— lhe Senate, first Council of
the Hmpcror, and whose authority ouly has existence when
the Monarch calls it forth, and puts it in movement, is es-
tablished for the conservation of that monarchy, and of the
hereditary succession to your throne, under our fourthdy-
nasty.—Irance and posterity will find it, under all circum.
stances, faithful to this sacred trust; and all its members
will bealways ready to die in defence of the palladium of
national security and prosperity,—In the commencement
of our ancient dynasties, Sire, the Monarch has been more
than once seen to ordain, thata solemn oath, by anticipati-
on, connects the French of all ranks with the heir of the
throne: and sometimes, when the age of the young Prince
permitted if, a crown was placed upon his head, as the
pledge of his future authority, and the emblem of the per-
petuity of his Government.—The afléction which the whole
nation feels for the King of Rome, proves, Sir, both the
View original tachment of the French to the blood of your Majsty,
aud that internal sentiment which reassures every cliizell,
and which points out to him, in that augustinfant, the ses
curity of his own children, the safeguard of his own for-
tung, aud insurmountable obstacle to thoge intestine divi-
sions, those civii agitations, aud those politics) revolue
lions, which are the greatest scousges that can afflict na-
(ions.—Sire, your Majesty has waved the French Kagles
over the tuwers of Moscow. The enemy could neither
airres( your success nor twart your plans, but by resort.
ing Co the frightful resources of despotic Government—
creating desarts ow all his frontiers, carrying coullagre.
tion into his provinces, and delivering to the flames his
capital—the centre of his riches, and the growth of so
many agps.—Those, Sire, who renewed these barbarous
tactics of their savage ancestors, were ill-acquaint*d with
the hearth of your Majesty. 1t would have vo untarily
renounced the trophies which were to be purchased by so
much blood, and so many woes to humanity. ‘The ar.
dour with which we see arriying from all the departments
of the empire, under the colours of your Majesty, the
numerous soldiers called forth by the Senafus Consudium,
of last September, furnishes an exemple of. what) your
Majesty may expect from the zeal, patriotism, and war.
like spirit of the French, to snatch from the influence of
our enemics the vsrious portions of theContinent, and to
conquer an honorable and solid peace.—May your line
perial and Royal Majesty accept the tribute of the grati-
tude, love, and inviolable udelity of the Senate, and the
French people.”
His Majesty replied as follows :—
**Senatoss—Wiiat you heve said is very agreable to
me.—Ii have at heart ihe glory and power of France; but
my firse thoughts ave engaged by every thing that my
perpetuate internal Ceranguuity, and place my people for
ever i security agaist ine raze of faction, aud the hor.
rors of auarchy.—ILtis upun these enemies of the happie
Ness Of Uations (hat, with the consent and love of the
French, L have founded this throuc, to which hencefor.
ward are altachcd the destinies of the counl(ry. A timed
and cowardly suoldery ruin the Independence of nations :
but posilanimous Mage trates destroy the empire of the
laws, the rights of the throne, and social ordes itee!f, "Pbe
tublest of acaths would be that of the soldier, who falls
inthe field of hoor, were net the death of a magistrate,
Perishing in deleuce of his Sovereicn, the (lirone, and the
HiWs, Ture giostuus sili. When [ undertook the receue
tration of rrance, Liuireated of Vrovidence a determinate
Hutiber of years. Desteuction is the work of a mon ent,
Dut cue cannor build up again without the assistance of
time. The gicatest want of a Stateis that of cour, eos
Mhavastrates.x—One fathers had for their tallyingery, The
King és dead—long lice the King!) There tow’ words
comprehend (he princival advantages of ¢he monarchy .—
I belicve Pinave deeply studied the spirit which My peuple
have sewn yn ditlereat ages; 1 have reflected on what has
happened i ditterent epochs of our history; L with stil
think of it. ‘The war which d maintain with Ro ssia bs a
war of policy, Lb have waged it without ani osity ;
could have wished lospare her the misfortanes which she
Caused bersell. bt should bave been able to arm the v3¢2-
ter parcel Ler population against her, by proclaiming liber.
fy to the slat gs 5 a great number of villages d manded it
Of mes but when b perceived the brut lity of ha uumcr ous
Class Of the Nussian people, L retused to accede toa meae
sure which would have devoted mavy families to death and
(Re most horeib.e putushinents. My army has susta.ned
losses; bul they acose from the premature severity of the
season. | weCey (ue scnuments which you CX}. Fess towards
"Paris, Dec. 29.—On Sunday, His M vjestv, sur.
rounded by the Grand Diguitarics, &e. &c. received the
linperial Court, when he was addressed by Boron Siguer,
its President, who thus concluded:
**sire—Our fathers have braved dangers to maintain
the hereditary suc¢ession to the Crowa; Choir spirit: still
lives iueus. We are ready lo sacrifice every thing for
your sacred person—for the perpetuation of your dynas.
ty. Deign to receive this wew vath—we will remain faith.
ful to it Gil death.
‘lwo otacr deputations were afterwards introduced,
who spoke iv similar terms.
*S}lis Majesty expressed his satisfaction at the sentic
ments expressed mm Crese Uhree discourses.”
The London papers also contain dispatches from Lord
Cathcart, relative to those actions with the French armies
to which the 29th. Bulletin had reference ; but they give
avery diflerent statement to that of the enemy.
The intelligence that had reached us respecting Marquis
Wellington proves to be correct, for he was prosecuting
his journey to Cadiz, where it was expected he would ar-
rive about the 24th. December ; and in the mean time his
army was refitting, picparatory to those operations which
will be the result of his conference with the Spanish Govern.
ment, ¢
It has been intimated to the Envoys of Powers in amit
with Great Britain, and published in the Gazette, that the
ports and harbours of America in the Chesapeake and
Delaware, are to be considered in a state of blockade.
Several line-of-battle ships are ordered to be fitted ime
mediately for foreign service: it is expected they will make
a roaming voyage round the Western and West India
Islands. They were to be ready for sea in a few days.
A strong reinforcement of 38-gun frigates has lately been
ordered to be built, and named as follows :—Meander,
Pactolus. Tiber, Cydaus, Glasgow, Eurolus, Tagus,
Tanais, Ister, Icarus, Niger, Mridanus, Lberus, Orontus,
Araxes, Hebras, and Liverpool.
The Cork fleet of outward-bound West Indiamen, we
are informed, was appointed to sail on the 28th ult.
View original LONDON.
Copy pf aletter from Capt. John Surman Carden,
laie\Commander of his Majesty’s ship Macedonian,
to John Wilson Croker, Esg., dated on board the
American ship United States, at sea, Oct. 28.
“Sir,—It is with the deepest regret I have to acquaint.
you, for the information of my Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty, that his Majesty’s late ship Macedonian,
was captured on the 25th inst. by Ure United States’ shi;
United States, Commodore Decatur, Commander ; the de-
tails is as follows :—
‘CA short tine after day-light, steering N. W. by W.
with the wind from the southward, in lat. 29 deg. N. and
Jong. 29, 30min. W. in tife execution of their Lordships?
orders, a sail was sech on the lee-beam, which I imme.
diately stood fer, and made her out to be a large frigate,
under American colours:‘at nine o'clock 1 closed with
her, and she commenced the action, which we returned ;
but from the cuemy keeping two points off the wind, 1
was not enabled io get as close to her as f could have
wished. After an hours action, the enemy backed and
came to the wind, and I was then enabled to bring *her to
close battle: in this situation LI soun found the enemy's
force too superior to expect success, unless some very for.
tunate chance occurred in our favour; and with this hope
T continued the battle to two hours and ten minutes, when,
having the mizen-top-mast shot away by the board, top-
masts shot away by the caps-main-yard shot in picces,
lower masts badly wounded, lower rigging all cut lo pieces,
a small portion only of the foresail left to the fore yard,
ali the guns of the quarter-deck and forecastle disabled
but two, and filled with wreck, two also on the maindeck
disabled, and several shot between wind aad walter, a ver
great proportion of the crew killed and wounded, and the
eneny comparatively in good order, who had wow shot
a-head, and wasabout to place himselfin a raking position,
without our being enabled to retuen the fire, being a per.
fect wreck, and 4n uuomanageable log ; l deemed prudent,
though a painful extremity, to surrender lis Majesty’s
ship ; nor was this dreadful alternative resorted to till every
hope of success was removed even beyond the reach of
chance, nor til!, Lb trust, their Lordships will be aware,
every cilort had been made against the caemy by myself,
my brave Officers, and men; nor should she have been
surrendered whilst aman had lived on board, had she been
manageable. | am sorry to say, our loss is very severe ;
I find by this day’s muster, thirty six killed, three of
whoin lingered a short time after the battle ; thirty-six se.
verely wounded, wany of whom cannotrecever ; aud thir.
_ty-two slightly wounded, and many may do wel! ;—fotal,
one hundred aud four ticn,— The truly voble and avimat.
ing conduct of my Oflicers, and the steady bravery of my
crew, to the last moment of the ba'Ge, must ever render
them dear to their country --My-birst Lieutenant, David
Hope, was severely wounded i the head towards the close.
of the battle, and takes below 5) but was soon again on,
deck, displaying that greauicess of aud and exertion,
which, though it may be equalted, Can never be excelled ;
the Third Lieut. John Bulford, was also wounded, but
not obliged to quit’ his quarters: Second Lieut. Samiae!
Mottley, and he, deserve my Iighest acknowledgments,
The cool and steady conduct of Mr. Walker, the Master,
was very great during the battle 3 as also that of Licuts,
Wilson and Blayill, of the Mariues.-—On being taken on
board the enemy’s ship, | ceased to wonder at the result
of the battle. ‘The United stales is built with the secant.
ling of a 74 gan ship, mounting thify long 24-pounders
(i tuglish shi, guns) on her mainedeck, and twenty-two
42. pound carronades, with two long 24-pouuders ou her
quarter-deck aud forecasily, howitzer guns in hee tops,
aud a (travelling carronade ou he upperedeck, with a cow.
plement of 428 picked men.—The enemy has suficred inuch
In masts, rigging hull above and below water; her loss in
killed and wounded. J} am not aware of, but I huow a
Licutenant and six men have been thrown overboard.
““Inclosed you will hg pleased to receive the names of
the killed and wounded on board the Macedonian; aud
have the honvuur to be, Xe. “Joun S. Catonni”
Most important News.— Desertion of the Prussian Army
JSrom the French.— Bonaparte demands a fresh Levy
of 350,000 Men.
Bonaparte has at length broke the silence he had pre-
served since his 29th Bulletin with respect to aflairs in the
North, and he has burst upon us with impostant, aud to
us, glorious intelligence indeed,
The General in Chief of the Prussian army, d’ York,
has withdrawn his whole force from the French army, and
has concluded a convention with the Russians, by which
the Prussian troops are to remain neutral in Mastern Prus.
sia—And the orders he sent to the Prussian General Mas-
senbach, who was with Macdonald at Tilsit, with two bat.
teries, six battaiions and six squadrons of Prussian troops,
to leave the French and join him, have been obeyed. ——
<¢Massenbasch set off on the 3st ult.”? says Macdonald,
“‘without any orders, to repass the Niemen. He thus
abandons us before the enemy.’”’—Macdonald had evident.
ly taken some steps to detain the Prussian General and
disarm his troops. The General was aware of his inten.
tions, and began his march without loss of time. Macdo.
nald could not prevent or pursuchim. And thus, nearly
the whole of the 10th corps, which the last French papers
assured us was in the finest state, the only corps that had
not greatly suffered in the last campaign, has been detached
from the French service, and may in fact be considered as
part of the force destined to act against France.
General d’Y ork, in his letter to Macdonald, says, that
‘Cafter many painful marches it was not possible fur me to
View original
continue then without being attacked on my flanks and
rear; it was this that reta ded my junction with your kx.
cellency, and left me to choose between the alternative of
losing the greater part of my troops and all the materiel
which alone insured my subsistence, or saving the whole.”
—But other and nuvier motives wedare say impelled him.
Ife wished to set an example to the other Powers which
Bonaparte keeps ia subjection—to invite (hem to with.
draw from their slavery, and to break their felters upon
the head of their oppressor. He wished to teach a lesson
to Germany—to suund the alarm—to rekindle their ancient
leve of independence, and to arm them against a tyrauny
(hat has drained their resources, drenched their fields with
bluod, and carried calamity and ruin into every house and
every family. dle speaks the language of a man who
knows he has acted righ(—he is indiflerent, hesays, abuut
ihe judgment the may pass on his conduct. No,
nu, he should not be, aud lie is not. ‘The world, all but
the wretched parasites of onaparte’s Senate and Council.
will applaud his Deesion and honour his name. They,
fursooth, aflect tu be inlignant! and their master, the
archtraitor, he, whose »ramiment feature and principal
weapon is treachery, pr onus to be astonished !—He calls
upon all sovereigns to © ite their voices ggainst it, and to
combine their power io revent a recurrence of it. It has
struck hindeep; it ha. we see, been a home-blow to him.
lle writhes under its »» art, for he fears and foresees its
vilects.—**The Pross a people,” he says, **will Judge,
and all the nations of (oe North will judge with them, of
what misfortunes sch a ceime might be the source.’—Of
misfortunes, we trust end celieve it will be the fruitful
source, but of mietcrtunes to him alone. He went forth
against Russia like anothor Xerxes, triumphing and con.
fident at the head ot his chousands and tens of thousands,
wid like Nerxés, & suak away from his routed and ruin.
ed army, saving himee!! in a miserable sledge. Upon th:
heels of that'mig “grace and disaster, comes this de.
fection among ht vo—the withdrawing a whole army
from his means, th, conversion of anally into an enemy, a
ficrcer enemy fram such conversion, than those he had to
combat with beforw—the withdraw ing not only a whole
army but a whole | ie, for is there aman im all’ the
Prussian territories (1h) will not applaud and adinire the
conduct of the Prus tae Ceeveral ? The poor King of Pras.
sia! he is made to exp: his indignation against his Ge.
neral, aud to evciaim ily agaist the treason.—But
whatishe but a prises c¢ himself! Bonaparte insulting
him in every possil!¢ “oy. even to the gross and coarse
affront of notminating’: Freach General as Governor of
the very capital, in wr. a the Prussian Monarch resides.
The Paris Papers, © aica have arrived to the 18th, bee
gin by publishing the orresoondence between Gen. York
and Macdonakd. ‘Joois was laid bdefore the Senate, and
unmediaiely followed “up by arepor?, announcing the
Inotives that have iv (uced Napoleon to decree a Sengtus
Consulium, for calli g out SSV0,000 more ten,
Phroughout the hoof the repoct, England. iS the
prominent feature. Soo Gaunts the tyrant abread and at
home, in pubjie and «i vate, is the first of his waking
aud the last of his ok thoughts. She is the never dy.
ing worm that kuaw cart. We are the cause of this
Russian War—we as © Soucce of the desertion of thre
russian ar ay. Would to Ileaveu we deserved that ho-
Wor! Butthe orein. conduct of the Russian war be.
long eactusive y fo Ressia. And the glory of having
struck this last b) 2oinst the tyrant is the Prussian
Generals aione, Some aud no inconsiderable merit: ine
decd we cainot refasce Co ourselves—for it is our constan-
CV that set an cxcmple to all Murope—it is our arms and
councils that have sGeulated and suppegted Spain and
Purtusal—it is eur cio afmess, resources, and love of frees
dom that first yy vort a Samer agaist a tyranny that
threatened the
Gut ie this to le Senate, Bonaparte says, he
Had nointeniioo of makeg any fteh demand of men, or
of levying new ¢ }olaat, had it pot been for this
last cvent—J3 yA } satis Fy volt, aud he ask for 390,
OOO moremen. Wood tars have been necessorys had vo
other consideratio gutted sy Cuurmous a bluod-tribute
—in this imirfense de aad we se,
First, a proof aud confession of the losses he has sust.
ained in his invasion in Russa: and
Sccondly, a proof of his fears,—he fears that other
powers may linttate the example of Prussia, and he wish.
es to awe and deter them by this great force.—But from
any further consideration of these French papers at pre.
sent (except to add, that the servile Senate agreed tu this
new levy).
View original —__. —— ~~ —-- - —— —$—_$<—{—- —
Feb. 27. Isaac Parley will pass a mortgage in favor
of the executors of A. Benny, on his planta-
tion Adelphi, cum annexis.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy,

Berbice, 27th Feb.
Several articles of Furniture, the property of Ma-
jor Wuitemore, R. W. 1. Rangers, shipt by the
Schooner Robert Augustus Hyndinan, for Surinam,
having been picked up on the coasts of this colony ;
the same are requested to be sent to this Ollice, where
all expences will be paid. Feb. 97.
J.C. DOWNIE, Dep. Asst. Qr. & Brmr. Gen.
View original THIRTY bales of Cotton will be ready for deliv-
ery from plantation Kilmorack, on the 10th of March
next; tenders will be received by the Sequestrators
of said estate, until that day, at W.Scorr’s, Esq.,
New Amsterdam, and the highest offer, if approved
will be accepted. Wau. GORDON, qq.
View original a
TITE undersigned begs leave to intorm the Public,
that he has again undertaken the management of the
Berbice Ferry, and pledges himself nothing shall be
wanting to render it as comfortable and expeditious
as possible.
At the same time he requests, his Friends will come
provided with the means he is determined not to
give any credit, having already suffered so much
through his former indulgence.
Those who are desirous of becoming yearly Sub-
scribers, will be pleased to apply as early as poussi-
ble to make their agreements, and it is expected the
annual subscription will be paid in advance.
13 Jan. G. C. R. REUSS.
NB. At the particular request of Messrs. Katz and
Broderick, he also gives notice, that from this
day hence forward, ‘they will not allow any
boats or punts to land on their Estates, and
that they have given strict orders to their
Watchmen, to destroy and hinder boats of
every description that attempt lo land on them.
View original FOR SALE.
FIFTEEN rods of Land, the whole breadth, of
lot no 6, situate between the hou-e occupied by Dr.
Wryucre and Mr. Burmester’s, it will be sold in
one or more lots to suit: purchasers. —lor particulars
0 Jan. apply to D. ©. CAMERON
eS ——————$———
View original D. C. CAMERON & Co.
Taze Imporicd the following articles per ship Tra-
veller, via Demerary, and other recent arrivals,
which they offer for Sale at very moderale prices,
for immediate payment:
Pale ale in bottles, London porter in do, Gloster
cheese, Cumberland hams, beef & pork in 4 barrels,
iyson fea in cannisters, white wine vinegar in jars,
Trish linen, Hessian London boots, walking & dress
shoes,coltton socks, printed calicoes, Chintz, Madras
hkfs, blue pullicate do, Russia and imitation. sheet.
ing, cotton hammocks, Welch flannel, super fine
black coats, do. coloneed coatees, do. round jackets,
black silk waistcoats, gentlemen’s black sitk bats,
India jean & jeanet, Princess cord, tweeled co son
sheeting, umbrellas, parasols. cotton & coffee bag-
ving, stationary assorted, glasware, double distilled
rum, block tin dish covers, do. tureens, do. fish and
camp Kettles, do. collve pots, Japaned tea and coffee
do, do. waiters, Cook’s lanthorns, shower baths, gilt
and white coffin furniture, tar in barrels, stock locks,
crabwood boards, a few casks Newtoundland cod-
fish, ancl sundry other articles. 80 Jan,

View original ae
THE Plantation’ ROSE TIAL, Qwith or without
about 50 Negrocs,) being lot No. 9, on the West
Corentyn coast of Berbice, and known oa the gene-
ral chart, as 4 of Lots No. 7, 8, and 9.
The healthy and very desirable situation of this
proporty, are well known=no lands within the colony,
being betteradapted for the crowth of Cotton, besides
affording abundance of good Planiain Land
[(s present cultivation consists of 318 Acres in fine
bearing Cotton, Plantains and Ground Provision ;
all in exceflent order. * ‘To an approved purchaser,
liberal ferms will be given.
Should this property not be disposed of by Private
Sale, before the Ist of July next, 1813, it will be sold
at Public Sale.
Application to be made in the meantime, to Mr.
HWuGit rose, onthe Estate, or to
Berbice, Jan. 16. ANGUS FRASER
View original MYNE gelicfde Eehtgenote, Manta Gauvez,
wierd my op heden in den bloeijende ouderdem van
24 jaren, na ene genoeglyke Lchtverb: van ruim 2
jaren, door den Dood in het Kraambed ontrukt, zy
verloste op den 24 Jan. na vele moecilykheid, vau een
welgeschapen Zoon, die benevens cen nog msc hul-
dig Dochtertje, van nog geen 2 | Jaren, my overblytt
het verlies van hanne ge lietde Mocde r te betre
MEET ES iS 2 73 a,
List of Run-a-way Negrocs, in the Colony Stocks of
Beasice, on the 25th of Feb. 1813.
Names. | Proprietor. | By whom brought.
- a
View original |
Namen. Ligenaren, Aanbrengers,
Betje | Morris \. Fraser.
Francis Waltz (Dem. ) Dehnert
Sarah Marchant i rauendorf
Rosa Pin. Ouverwagt |Dehnert.
Ilarcules Do. McCamon,
Picter vander Brock Dehnert,
Larose Pin. Weldaad Car.
Larose Pin. Mara (rouyerneur
Louis Pin. Welgelegen [idem
Bob Suderland rauendorf
J.A.DEMNERT, Onder Sherif
View original (DIED) Thursday last, Mr. J. F. Kummer,
View original Marshals Office.
First Proclamation.
By virtue of authority obtained from the Honor-
able Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated 25th
Jan. 1813, ona petition of Corin Douctas, in his
guality as substituted Attorney of ALrx. Simpson,
the general and special Attorney of the mercantile
house of Ynouis Evtice & Co., of London, the
present proprietors by transfer from J. T. & A. Dou
GLAs & Co., of Glasgow, of a certain mortgage vest-
ed on plantation East Lothian, the property of D.
Notice is hereby given, that I the undersigned,
#irst Marshal of the Courts of this colony, will sell
in presence of two Councellors Commissaries, and
their Secreéary, by public Execu-tion Sale, on Mon-
day the 3d of May, 1813.
The Cotton Plantation EAST LOTHIAN.
Situate on the east coast of this calony, with all the
Cultivation, Buildings, Slaves, and further Appurt-
enances and Dependencies thereto belonging, agree-
able to Inventory formed thereof, and which lays at
the Marshal's office for the inspection of those whom
it may concern.
Whoever should think to have any right, action,
or interest on the abovementioned plantation Lasé
Lothian, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution, let him or them address them-
selves to me the undersigned, declaring their reason
for so doing, ina legal manner in writing, as I here-
by give notice that J will receive opposition from all
intermediate person or persons, appoint thema day
to have theie claims heard before the Court, and fur-
ther act thereon according to law. !
AM persons being invited to attend at the day of
Sale on plantation Last Lothian, and make their pro-
fitot the same.
This first proclamation published by beat of drum
as cusloniary. Verbice, 2ist Veb. 1813.
IK Fraxcxen, First Marshal
Bivst Proclamation.
ee oe
BY virtue of an appointment, granted by His Ex-
cellency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Gevernor, of the colony Berbice, and its De-
pendencies, President of ail Court and Colleges
within the same, &e. &C. &c.
Upon a pelition pres nted by F. A. Ropenprork,
versus, W. Gorpbon, under date of 12 ..%n. ISIS.
J the undersigoed Virst Marshal of both the Hfon.
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and setl,at public
execution sale, in peosence of two Councellors Com-
missaries, and their Sceretary, atthe Court house of
this colony, on Weilnesday the 10th March, 1813,
at Jl o'clock in the Jovencon of that day:
Firstly, Aw Account, due by by 'Tuos. Rozsox,
to W. Gornoy, tor Medical Atteadance. delivered
fo said T. Robson ia the year 1909 and 1810, ams,
to f 770, (say sevon hindied and se tently gdéilders )
Second, An Account due by G. Munro to Wm.
Gordon, fer Medical Attendance and Medicines de-
Jivered for hisaccount to Pla. Alness, from the Ist
Keb. ISI], uatl the Stst Dee. ISI1, amounting per
balance [&12-6-0. ¢say cight hindrcd and twelve
guilders and six slivers).
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim ou the aforementioned two Accounts, and
wishes to oppose the sale thereof, let such person or
persons address himsclf to me the first Marshal, de-
claring his reason for such opposition, in due time
and form, as_ LI hereby give notice, that I will receive
opposition from every onc, hereunto qualified, ap-
point them a day to lave his or her claim heard be-
fore the Court, and further act: therein according to
style and law.
“This first proclamation made known to the public
by beat of drum, from the Courthouse of this colony,
and further dealt with as customary. :
Berbice, 2ist Feb 1813.
K. Fraecxen, First Marshal.
View original $$ ——__—
Third Prcciamation.
BY virtue of three Writs of Execution, granted
by His Excellency Rosertr Gornon, Governor
General in and over the Colony of Berbice and its
dependencies, Vice-Admiral, and President of all
Courts and Colleges within the same, &c. &c. &e.
Under date of 15th Feb. and 2d March, 1812, upon
three petitions presented for that purpose by G. Pau-
e/s, the other by G. Pauels, qq. J. & J. Saportas,
and the last oue by J. B. Rule, all versus J. W.
Be it therefore known that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in’ Execution, the Coffee Estate
called ? Esperance, situated in this river, with all
its Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings, and further Ap-
View original purtenances thercto belonging, the pro erty of said
J. W. Ifeytmeyer.
Which said coffee estate Esperance with all ils
cultivation, buildings, slaves, and other appurten-
ances and dependencies, all conformable to an In-
ventory forined thereof, and now lying at the Mar-
shal’s Office, for the inspection of those whom it may
{ the undersigned intend to sell, after the expira-
lion of one year and six weeks, from the J5th Octob.
IS12, conformable to the Regulations of the Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of the sale of said
l’state Esperance, such sums of money as whiere-
fore the same has been taken in execution.
- ‘This 3rd Proclamation published by beat of drum
according lo custum.
Berbice, 21st Feb. 1813.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
— >.
View original SALE py EXECUTION.
Third Proclamation
BY virtue ofa-Writ of Execution granted by His
Excellency Ronert Gorpnon, Goyerror General
of the colony Berbice and its Dependencies, Vice-
Admiral, and President in all Courts and Colleges
within the same, &e. &c. &c.
Upona petition of P. Sytiorr, as the general and
special Atlomney of W. Kina and Park Benga-
“in, in their capacity as Curators to the estate of
PF. Bysor, dee. versus, the Proprietor or Propriec-
tors, Representative or Representatives, of planta-
tion Best Bower, under date of 27th July, ISt1.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution, the abovenamed
estate Best Bower, with all its slaves, and further ap-
purtenances thereto belonging.
Which said estate Best Bower, cum anneris; and
conformable toan Inventory formed thereof and now
lying at the Marshal’s Oflice for the inspection of
those wdom it may concern.
I the undersigned intend to scll, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, trom the month No-
veinber 1812, conformable to the Regulations of the
Court of Civil Justice of this colony, dated Ist Ja-
nuary IS10, respecting the Sale of Estates by iexe-
cution in this colony, in order to recover trom the
proceeds of said sale such sum of money as where-
fore the said estate. Best Bower, cum annexis, Jias
been taken in Execution, cum expences.
This 3rd proclamation published by beat of dram
as customary. Berbice, Qis¢ Deb. IStS.
K. FRANCK LN, hirst Marshal.
Third Proclamation.
BY virtue ofa Writ of Execution, granted by ITis
Mxecllency Joun Murray, Brigadier General, and
Acting Governor in and oyer the colony of Berbice
aud its dependencies, Vice Admiral, and President’
in all Courts and Colleges within the saine,
Xe. &c., &c.
Granted upon a petition presented for that purpose
ley Wan. Lawson, versus, Geo. Baird, Th. White,
and Sam. files, under date of 10th Aug. IS 1y,
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned have
caused to be taken in Execution the Cotton Estate|
No. 25, situate on the Coreatyn coast, Berbice, witb
all its Cultivation, Builditys, Slaves, aud further!
Appurtenances, and Dependencies thereto belonging
the joint property of said G. Baird, Th. White, aad
S. Miles.
W hich said cotton estate No. 53, sttuate on the
Corentine coast, with all its cultivation, buildings,
slaves, and turther ap- and dependencies, conforn-
able to an Inventory thereof, lying at the Marshal's
Ollice for the inspection uot those whom it may con-
1 the undersigned intend to Sell, after the expira-
tion of one year and six weeks, from the 5th Dee.
IS12, conformable to the Regulations of dhe Court
of Civil Justice, dated Ist January 1810, respecting
the Sale of Estates by Execution in this colony, in
order to recover from the proceeds of said sale such
sum of money as whérefore the said plantation No.
35, Corentine, has been taken in execution.
This Srd_ proclamation published by beat of drum
as customary. Berbicey Qist Feb. 1813. —
Ik. Francken, First Marshal.
View original ——
Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Hon-
orable Court of Civil Justice of this colony, at their
Session of the 26th January 1813, upon a peiition of
W. Leacu and W. Fraser, in their capacity as
appointed Curators of the estate of J. Sronie, dec.
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Hon
Courts of this colony, and at the request of said W.
Leach and W. Fraser, in their aforesaid capacity.
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tate of John Stobie, deceased, to appear in person,
or by power of attorney, before the bar of the Court’
View original of Civil Justice of this colony, at their session to be
held inthe month of January, in the year one thou-
sand cight hundred and fourteen, (say 1814), there
to render their claims against said estate of J.J Stobie,
dec., to verify the same, and if need to hearkhe ob-
jections made against such claims, and further ta
proceed according to law in such cases.
This summons by edict is published by beat of
drum, as Customary. Berbice, lOth Feb.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an Appointment, given by the Court
Civil Judtice, under date of 26th Oct. 1812, granted
npon a petition presented by B. J. Schwiers and A.
Thornborrow, in their capacity as the two eldest Or-
phan Masters, (Weesmeesteren), and in that capa-
city Executors appointed by the Last Will of 7/. 17
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid LB. J.
Schwiers and A. Thornborrow, in said capacity.
Summon by Edict :
All known and unknown creditors against the es-
tate of If. M. Grau, dec. to appear in person or by
Representatives before the Court of Civil Justice,
at their Session which willbe held in the month Oc.
tober, 1813, there to give in their claims against said
estate, to verify the same, and further to proceed
according to law, on pain to all those who remain in
default, of being for ever debarred their right of
This summon by edict made known to the Publie
by beat of drum from the Court [ouseof this colony.
Berbice, Sth Feb. 1813.
KK. Franckry, First Marshal.
eo. ——— | = CC
—_—— a Se
View original FOR SALE.
A fine large Tent Boat (six oars) about 24 fect keel
by 6} feet beam, and built of the best materials, also
Mora Planks 2! & 1! inches thick, crab wood staves
&ce.—13 Feb. - PERES BONNEY & Co.
—_—— 1... —_—_- -—_ —-——_ -——__,.
ATT, persons having any claims or demands against
the Pstate of If. W. Branpes, dec., are hereby ree
quested to render the same, properly attested, to the
firgt undersigned ; and those indebted, to come for-
witd with payment, in order to close said estate as
soon as possible If. LUTILERS, and
13 eb M. FP. COSTENBADER, Cur.
crepe lg prety ogee
PROM the stclling of the Royal Hotel, two small
bots, the property of the undersigned; whoever
will give information of the same, that they may be
recovered, shall receive the usual reward from
A gang of 20 Negroes, being 16 men, 3 women,
and vue boy ; by the year. Apply to
J. VAN DEN Brock, qq.
© Feb. G. PAUEES, qq. and
B. J. SCH WIERS, qq.
The subscriber has the followmg articles remaine
ing of his importation by the An vA, fr. Lond:
NAILS from 6d. to 20d., shovels, hoes, cutlasses,
cotton knives, American felling axes, slay bars and
staples, hook, eye and ITL hiuges, brasswere coffee
scives insets, paint & oils, soap, candles, butter in
half firkins, loaf sugar, Negro hats, blankets, shirts,
and trowsers, Osnaburgls, cotton and coffee bagging
coffee bays, Gentlemens super fine beaver and Leg.
horn hats, and blue pantaloons, London made sad-
les and bridles, Irish linen, long lawn, cotton shirt.
ing, India white and yellow nankeens, striped ging.
hams, Russia sheeting, and a few pipes Ozp Lone
pon Particutar Maprira Wine.
Which he will sell very cheap, to close sales, and
will take coffee or cotton, atthe highest market price.
13 Feb. Cus. KY'TE.
View original GE RE RES SRE
A PREMIUM of One Hundred Pounds Sterling
will be pail by this Society, to the Inventor and
rector of a Ginning Machine, in workmanship and
durability satisfactory to a Committee of the said So-
ciety, and which shall Ginn One thousaud weight of
Cotton per day, and require only ‘len female Ne-
groecs, and two Mules for this purpose, and shall not
exceed the Expence of Three hundred pounds ster!., it completed on any Estate on this coast.
Berbice, 27th Jan.
Published every Saturday at 4 o’clock, p. m,

27 February 1813